Ashes to Ashes
- 3 years ago
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'Stupid Nocturnes.' Aromir thought. They felt comfortable in burning down a whole village until they realized that thatched roofing produces ashes. Winds from the sea take those ashes and lay them on the Forrest to the west, were a band of newly homeless villagers waits. Ashes cover everything; make everything the same color, until it rains ... and the rainy season had just passed. It was the perfect camouflage for an ambush, which was exactly what this lopsided fight needed. It was a sour reprieve, as the village men would look down at their hands and see the only thing left of their home covering them. Their wives dowry, their children's toys, the wood door they spent an entire season carving, the tools they had gathered for countless generations; it all covered them. Aromir didn't see that when he looked at his hands, he saw his parents.
They didn't have much. Aromir's father was a blade instructor at the academy until he broke both of his arms in a riding accident. He moved to D'mont when he healed. There he married the mayor's daughter Analee, and started testing various weapons for the smith's that forged there. It was a meager existence but they were happy. Aromir grew up as a well mannered boy, his father taught him history and how to read and write, hopping he would be a scholar at the academy. When he was denied admission, his father didn't raise a fuss. He merely signed Aromir on as an apprentice to the village's top smith. He was supposed to start two days ago, but that was when they came.
The Nocturnes. The Hand of the Council. Only the finest warriors to come from the academy were considered for the privilege to bare the black uniform with gold buttons and white cords, trademark of the Nocturnes. They came demanding the immediate surrender and arrest of the entire village. A village of smiths goes quietly? The fighting started that night, slow and bloody. The weapon workers knew how to fight with a blade and the rest of the men used the tools of their trade to cut, bash, tear and slaughter their way through the nocturnes. Aromir had wielded one of his father's practice blades, a long handled short sword. He had sparred with his father before, but he had never experienced anything like the confusion of battle. When the blood of the first man he killed slapped him in the face, warm and viscous, Aromir knew that not only was he defending his home, but his life. The fighting lasted until dawn. At first light, the body count was half the village, including Aromir's father, he dreaded telling his mother that they would be alone, that she would never see her husband again. "This was to be expected" the other men assured themselves, quietly grieving the loss of their friends and comrades.
When they made their way back to the village, they were stopped cold by a grotesque view of their homes. During the night a group of Nocturnes came to the houses and killed the women children in their sleep by burning their houses. They found the remains of their homes and families, almost everything consumed by the flames. Broken, they fled into the Forrest and slept in cover. When they awoke they found themselves covered in ashes, only to realize that it was their homes covering them. The Mayor devised a plan to use the cover to ambush the remaining Nocturnes and avenge the village. Every man agreed.
Aromir was perched in the branches of a tree watching for the enemy's advance, any sign of movement. For hours he sat and watched, and for hours nothing happened. When the sun hit its zenith Aromir leapt down from his perch, hitting the ground with a soft thud. He knew his replacement had been out in the tree line somewhere for the last hour and as to the plan they both watched for the soldiers. Aromir did as he was told by the mayor and headed west before cutting back south to the camp. It was two hour hike if you didn't dawdle; more than enough time for Aromir to miss his parents. Aromir's first thoughts were of his mother: the kindest lady you would ever meet. When Aromir found out he was rejected from the Academy, his mother took the money she had been saving for their new bedding and bought him an arm brace with the stars engraved on it. Aromir never knew that she did it, but that was the kind of lady she was. And his father, Kandir, always had something to teach Aromir about life. All of this came to Aromir and he found himself weeping at the base of an old oak. He didn't know how long he was there, just that he was cold and his face was wet. 'I'll never feel my mother's embrace again, or hear my father's instruction.' 'Even if we do kill all the soldiers, where will we go? I don't have any money, or skills, and I'm probably a fugitive from the entire nation.' Aromir thought. 'There's nothing left for me here, maybe I can go with Brigun to his family in Sadoc Min, or become a sailor in Samiel.' A deep sense of hopelessness washed over Aromir, sapping his will to live. He cried more and more, until his eyes were glued together with tears and his voice would no longer make sound. Exhausted from the last two days events, Aromir passed out on the oak and was covered in ashes.
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There is no explicit sex in this story. I wish to thank the people who helped contribute to and edit this story, per their wishes, they remain anonymous. No part of this story may be published at any other site without the express permission of the author. © October 2, 2006 ********** ‘Richard, we are there,’ Daryl informed his passenger as the limo pulled up in front of his favorite restaurant. Not surprisingly, as Richard leaned forward to retrieve his cane he was once again captivated...
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Aromir woke as if planted on the world. The time it normally takes to remember a dream in full comprehension and retention meant nothing to Aromir, as quick as his eyes opened he remembered everything his parents had told him. Within a second Aromir was at a full run with the agility no man ever knew. He ran towards the remnants of his village. Instead of running for hours, Aromir felt as if he was running for years, the cramps and aches never stopped because he never stopped. Some unseen...
Aromir woke familiar in a place that should never be familiar. People come to the Hall of Elysium when they die. Rarely are they ever drawn there, as he was now. "Hello, boy," the voice came to Aromir as thought he was being run over by a wagon, yet it was a soft as the air on the plains. "Who are you? Why have you brought me here?" Aromir demanded. "Hmm, I suppose you could say I brought you here after a sense. But if you'd like me to explain who I am you'd better still yourself...
The tower stood proudly higher than any building Aromir thought existed. It stood in defiance of nature with its shape consisting of a perfect cylinder that was wider on the top and bottom than in the very middle tapering in the ends. Where most would put a conical roof at the top of the tower was nothing. At the apparent front of the tower stood double doors, twice as tall as Aromir. All these things were exceptionally nonexistent in Moc Arden, but none of these things registered first with...
"Aromir, son of Kandir, son of Setham, I am Ac'el Terras. A millennium ago Izodir's father, Craftsmaster, found that if he combined copper, silver, nickel and tin, at various amounts and pressures that he could make different metals. He made the best weapons, armors, chests, and so on, because he knew which formula to use. He shared his art with no one, and soon became the head of his order. During his reign, he was presented with many gifts and queries in the field of metal, and the most...
"This is the home I built for my mind after my brothers and I completed our final endeavor. Since I communed with steel for the greater part of my life time, I decided to search for the quicksilver and make a nest for my mind. In this nest I built my version of Elysium, except that my abilities here are only limited to my imagination." Aromir pondered this. Kandir had always taught him that it was polite to ask relevant questions first, so as to increase the efficiency of the lesson. So...
Natalie shook her head, observing the atrocious conditions as they approached the remains of the abandoned VCU West Hospital. "Damn, I expected the treatments to be messy, but I wasn't expecting this!" Overwhelmed after the city's minimal social services collapsed, the hospital staff had struggled on, simply dumping the dead outside in the hope they could bury them in the future. The huge mass of limbs and lifeless eyes stood in a silent testament to the horrors of those final weeks,...
Opening the inner waiting room door, Debbie helped Wilber walk through. He exited the inner hallway slowly, shuffling his feet and fighting the temptation to clutch the wall. Emanuel rose from his seat. "Holy Shi... , you're back!" Debbie flashed them a triumphant but weary grin. "Yeah, Wilber's recovered enough to venture back into the land of the living." Nate, the only other person present, glanced behind them as Debbie pulled the door until it clicked shut with a resounding note...
"Hey girls, it's great finally hearing from you!" David's voice revealed just how relieved he was. Debbie and Natalie traveled together, in separate cars, until they'd hit the outskirts of the city where they needed to travel in different directions. Once there, they finally checked in with home, hoping they could speak a little freer than they could with others around. "Yeah, sorry for not checking in sooner, but we sort of had our hands full." "That's what I figured." "Man, I...
Alice and Mattie described their process while Thomas explained what happened in Washington. "We'd heard a sub surfaced in the Potomac, fired a single shot to demonstrate their nuclear subs were functional and President Daniels folded." Thomas smiled at the simplicity of Mattie's scenario. "Alas, it wasn't nearly so smooth." He glanced skyward at the scarred visage of the Washington Memorial overhead as the memories of the day came rolling back. "I wasn't near enough to witness the...
"How's Liz doing?" Mattie asked as she entered the van, closing the door behind her. Alice halted her singing, turning to answer her friend while clutching Liz's hand to maintain the physical connection. "She's showing symptoms of the other plagues and is in pain, but hasn't started losing consciousness yet. How did your meeting go?" "Antario doesn't have any symptoms. He insists he's careful and Lassie gave him the all-clear. He and Sandra are out collecting supplies at...
"Homebase, this is First daughter, come in. Over." There was no response, so Alice shrugged at Mattie and repeated her broadcast. As the radio remained silent, she prepared to try again when it crackled in response. "Homebase here. There's no need to repeat yourself. After all, there's not a lot of chatter on the line, it just takes us a while to reach the equipment." "Dad? It's terrific hearing your voice again." Alice's voice brightened and a smile crept across her face....
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