Mc Allister's RedemptionChapter 25 free porn video

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With a whispering sound, the epée blade carved a cone in the air, as its wielder's wrist and arm completed the circular blocking motion. The man wielding it and the demon watching were pleased to see the point had not described so much as an inch-wide circle during the whole parry.

"Good," Azer told Shan Hu. Sable took her blade back to the ready, willing to help ingrain the movement into Shan Hu's muscle memory, but the demon held up a hand, a faraway look in his eye.

Before the demon, a small black cloud formed. Perhaps it wasn't so much a cloud as a wavering, a small space where lines of the everyday world in the courtyard inside the house were interspersed with an arcane space. From the cloud came a voice, one Sable took an instant dislike to, forming the nearly-instant conclusion the world would be a better place without that voice in it. She noticed Shan Hu had pointed the epée at the small dark cloud hovering at chest-height before Azer.

"Young Master," the voice said, in Denarian. Azer stiffened, a look of distaste on his face.

"Karsu," he replied, lips twisted into a sneer. "I thought I had made it clear you might only contact me in this way if there were a disaster." Sable marveled to hear the change in the young demon's voice, from open and friendly with her and Shan Hu, to cold and domineering with the grotesque voice.

The voice took on an ingratiating tone, making Sable squirm. "My plan to subvert Savonne and besiege Marcelon worked flawlessly," the unknown Karsu said, the sibilant sounds in the words the man said drawing Sable's attention sharply.

"Why," Azer said, looking Sable directly in the eye, "do I sense that things did not go so well with your flawless plan when you flushed the man out?"

"Young Master, you do me injustice," the voice said, and Sable wondered if it were something about the owner of the voice or the means by which she heard the voice that made it so ... horrid. "I landed a blow on him with the instrument, the mace, though I could not invoke the magic in it."

Azer snorted then, every inch the aristocrat. "More likely you threw it at him and ran. If you had it in your hand, it should have triggered on the blow. Where is it now?" The demand was sharp, pointed.

"One of the others, those who had sworn before your arrival here, claimed it, and triggered the change upon himself," the voice from the small cloud returned.

"Willingly?" Azer said, with a tone of surprise, though Sable had reported the event the day before.

"I don't know," Karsu replied, and there was surprise carried in his words also, "I only have a report from an ally who was there. Young Master, this ally will be of great importance. Should you not send more charms of power so we may arm him?"

Sable caught Azer's eye, and pointed with her left hand at the small black cloud hovering between the three of them, then made a beckoning motion to it. When Azer's eyes widened, she made a stabbing motion toward the cloud with the sword in her right hand, and the demon smiled.

"Come to me, Karsu, and present this ally. I will not send you more of my family's gifts without discussing their misuse with you. I haven't felt any of the others be used, and I will demand an accounting. Yes, I think you'll need to discuss this need for more of my charms with me, face to face. So much is lost in this remote speech, don't you think?"

A long and liquid sigh sounded from the cloud then. "Very well, young Master. Can you send a healing-charm, then? I seem to have broken my hand."

Sable flashed a wicked grin at Azer, and with a quick upward slash of the sword showed him how McAllister broke Karsu's hand with his saber, and Azer nodded.

"Karsu," he said, "perhaps the pain of the hand during your journey here will remind you of your place. You've become disturbingly familiar with me in your speech and manner. Ponder this while you take sail. Leave the man McAllister alone for now. He goes to Saint-Raphael, and that place has devices and persons that exist solely to do those like you harm. The man McAllister will succeed there or not, but he must come to me to reclaim something he has lost." With a palms-up gesture, he shrugged an apology to Sable, who acknowledged it with a toss of her silvery-dark tresses.

"We come," Karsu said, after a lengthy pause while the edges of the black cloud hummed and skittered. "The ally I mention has something with him you will find of interest, Milord."

Azer regarded Sable above the space where the cloud had been. "Why don't we," he offered conversationally, "be done with the swords for now and return to our research into magecraft?"

Savonne and his troop had left their homes expecting only to conduct a siege, not to journey into the heart of Middle-Sea civilization. Pragmatically, the Duke departed without much coin on his person, and the troop with less. What little remained of Fondalk's gold bought the second floor of a solid-seeming inn, on an avenue which had little garbage in the sewers and actual cobbles down the middle. McAllister judged it similar to any avenue in the London or Madrid of his home world. Eight rooms were let for a week, and stabling for the horses also. He didn't appreciate the condition of the stables, though there was little choice.

McAllister had the men and horses out and about in the city, running many errands. Some were simple reconnaissance. Three of the Duke's men each left with a deacon to go count windows in the Basilica, rooflines, how many rooms must be under a roof, and in what pattern they must be laid out.

Other errands were more prosaic, such as the order for the man Savonne named Cook to procure foodstuffs for their meals. McAllister flatly refused to pay the innkeeper the exorbitant sum the man named for board. In turn, the man allowed McAllister the use of the kitchen rather than see McAllister's gold ride down the avenue and find another inn for the troop.

McAllister had Savonne name another man for a curious role the Duke did not have in his forces. "Sergeant," Savonne sounded the word, trying the feel of it.

"Subofficer," McAllister had responded, while drawing the pins he had a perplexed soldier buy from a tinker against his lodestone, "if you prefer that better. The Sergeant insures the welfare and fighting condition of the men and their gear, as well as the horses. Each man is still responsible for his horse and gear, but the Sergeant will inspect both and act to keep them ready for action." McAllister tested the pin he pulled along the lodestone, and when he saw it would pick up another pin, grunted in satisfaction. He ignored Savonne's pointed glance at the small pile of pins.

Savonne agreed with the need to name a sergeant, and now men searched the city for needles, coarse thread, leather, and fittings to replace personal gear and horse tack. Others were finding whetstones and oil, and one found crossbows and quarrels.

One man was tasked to search for used spectacles, eyeglasses. McAllister wanted a detailed watch of the men who left the Basilica proper to cross the grounds to the outbuildings in the walled area. The walls themselves meant the men detailed would need to be a distance away. Fortunately most of the buildings in the same area as the Basilica had roofs and chimneys more than twice as tall as the wall. McAllister gave the man the last of his silver to find clear lenses.

"Never buy more than two of any one thing in a single place," McAllister heard the deacons explaining to the men. "Don't give them a reason to remember your face. Pay with small coins, never pay them with too large a coin they cannot make smaller change for. Keep your faces down, don't act like a Duke's man. If anyone should ask, you're a sailor from Sudania, traveling inland to find dyes."

Reminded again the deacons came from the ranks of Marcelon's spies, McAllister simply left the men to it. "By the Mother," Savonne said, reverentially, in an aside to McAllister, "I could use men like those. It's no wonder I could never best her."

"McAllister," the Duke of Savonne said later that evening, "what is your plan?"

McAllister looked up from the pan of biscuit and pork. The cook had bought an onion and some clotted cream, and the resultant mash wasn't too terrible, in his opinion. The man promised bread in the morning, after muttering darkly about the innkeeper and his kitchen.

"Either an assault in strength where we expect the least resistance," McAllister replied after a moment, "or invasion by stealth, in small groups, dressed as the inhabitants do. It will depend on the report from the deacons."

"What have you to report, Héber?" McAllister said as he opened an eye. Though it was in the small hours of the morning, McAllister gave no sign of the man's arrival having woken him.

"Captain, this would be easier if we could speak to each other directly over a distance. It is much faster," the deacon McAllister had named complained.

Comprehension dawned, and McAllister tried voiceless speech with Héber's Gesele. "Gesele," though the memory of the woman was tenuous, shifting in a cottony and vague remembrance that was frustrating to McAllister. He'd only met the woman once, though he'd bedded her while traveling to Marcelon with Sable, and so he was gratified to feel her response.

"McAllister," she answered, though faintly, and as if having been awoken, "how may I be of service?"

"Héber. If he should need, in the next several days, to message me with urgency, he must first contact you, then you, me."

"I understand, McAllister. Hearing you in my dreams reminded me pleasantly of you in my bed. When you have finished what you are about, will you spend another evening with me?"

"Héber has named me Captain, Gesele. I would not abuse that trust."

"McAllister, you are a good man," she answered, and McAllister let the awareness of the faraway woman fade with no small sense of relief.

"It will be difficult if you are pressed," McAllister told Héber. "She can pass the message to me, if faintly. I may not understand her intent if I am pressed myself, this is an imperfect thing."

"It is the distance," Héber said flatly. "This is what I have learned," Héber began his report. McAllister listened intently.

The deacons' best guess at the floor plan to the Basilica was drawn on a piece of expensive paper tied to his wrist. McAllister, Savonne, and three others climbed the rope to the roof from the wall in the southwest corner. At other corners the other three groups of men, each with a Deacon, were doing the same.

This building was a stable, though it was horseless at the moment, housing as it did the various carriages and conveyances of the Prelacy. Still, it was under guard, and McAllister had given orders to render unconscious the men they encountered in the outbuildings. Killing was to be a last resort. McAllister had a fine appreciation for the injustice of murdering one when one was simply performing one's station in life. Damnation was a hard thing to escape, and McAllister would not chance subjecting another living soul to it without just cause.

Savonne's sharpest-eyed man had been invaluable, making detailed notes of the movements below from his vantage amongst the rooftops and chimneys. He used the awkward spyglass McAllister showed them how to construct from spectacle lenses, wire, and a dowel he had removed from the stair-banister at the inn. Thus, the plan was made.

At the midnight changing of the guard, McAllister and the other groups of men would steal into the Basilica grounds, and incapacitate the guards returning from duty. Tired and thinking only of their beds, they would be less alert, McAllister knew, and thus unwary. Men in the barracks would be asleep, and the returning guards were wont to move quietly so as to not awaken their fellows

Quickly, then the five made their way across the roof, and dropped down the rope again into the courtyard.

The first pair of guards returning to their beds were taken silently, only the sound of sand-filled bags striking the base of each head in rapid succession disturbed the night. McAllister dragged his target to the darker shadow under the eave of the Basilica proper, where the outlying rooms were only a story high.

Moments later, with another pair of dull sounds two more guards were dragged to the dark shadow under the building wall. McAllister and the others quickly bound and gagged their men, and tied them foot-to-another's-head to keep them from working and rolling around to someplace they could cause a commotion.

Leaving the bound guards, McAllister and the others found the shuttered window by the kitchen, and, with a pair of pliers, removed the pins, laying the wooden shutters down beside the window. Moments later, all five were inside.

"Gesele, I am inside," McAllister told the woman nearly three hundred miles away.

"Bide," came the curt response. Savonne and one of his men propped the shutters in the window to protect against the off chance a sentry or servant might notice the oddity of a window bare of its shutters in the winter night.

An interminable time later, Gesele reported "The priestesses report the other groups have entered."

"Proceed," he said, curtly.

The pin hanging from the coarse saddle-thread stopped swinging, and the man behind McAllister swore softly. "I thought that was north," he said sourly, pointing to the east.

McAllister nodded. "It's why I made them," he agreed, softly. Corridors and rooms in this place were ... hard to map. Only the rooms with windows had any relation to the best guess recorded on the paper McAllister and the other deacons in the other groups carried.

"That's useless," Savonne pointed at the paper, when McAllister could not retrace their path on the map the deacons spent so much time drafting. McAllister could only agree.

Somehow, the corridors and rooms subtly changed direction. After the third room they'd passed through between successive corridors, McAllister had the sense he was headed along the outer wall, and not inward to the heart of the massive building. Silently, he thanked his long history of training with map and compass for land assault for teasing him into magnetizing the pins and showing the others their use.

"Gesele," McAllister called, "tell the others the maps are useless, and to navigate to a point under or near the chimney we marked as the fifteenth on the map." The point was near the centerline of the building, drawn from the massive ornate entrance doors toward the golden dome at the center of the Basilica.

Five more minutes of furtive movement through darkened rooms, and McAllister swore silently. Knowing the others could not see, he created a dim ball of deep-red light. Mostly furnished, carpeted with rugs and hung with tapestry, many rooms had no function he could see. The lavish use of furniture and carpet, however, came with a cost, and McAllister was certain the poor of the world had supplied much of the opulence so openly displayed here.

"I've seen this place, somehow," McAllister muttered under his breath, and Savonne sucked air through his teeth.

"Where?" he asked softly, as McAllister swore again.

"If I knew..." McAllister began, but didn't finish.

Constantly now, McAllister slowed them, his unease clearly communicated to the others. They all watched his trick with the needle on the string. "That's the third time," one of the others whispered to his fellow, "the third time I've been wrong."

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We were away for a weekend in Puerto Banus in Spain and were going out for a special birthday, champagne and all the works. My wife, as usual, had dressed to please me in a white cotton dress that was tied gypsy style across her breasts. Although not overtly see-through, it gapped sufficiently showing she was not wearing a bra. Underneath, she was completely naked; she had shaved herself so that no shadows would show her missing clothing.I had been extremely turned on all evening as we dined in...

2 years ago
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Capitol BeatChapter 2

Across town another steamy encounter plays out between an influential congresswoman and a K Street power house. Jacqueline “Jackie” Sharp, a congresswoman from California and military veteran tapped by Underwood is to succeed him as Majority Whip when he is made Vice President. While she claims to work for herself and not be beholden to others, she sees her position constantly tested by her ties to Frank, Claire, and Remy Danton. Setting: The Watergate in a penthouse bedroom overlooking the...

3 years ago
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Angel Anjali 8211 touching after a break 8211 4

Hi guys, this is Raj Rambo. Back with the continuation to the third part, ‘Touching After A Break.’ This will be the last part of this story. Sorry for the delay in posting it. To enjoy more, please read it before this one. Without wasting time, I will go right into the story. Anjali and I were in 69 position. Naked. Rubbing our bodies against each other. Tongues were sucking on each other genitals. Our bodies had wet patches all over, either from the licking or from our previous...

4 years ago
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Bachapan Ki Yaadei 8211 Part IV

Ye meri pehali or sacchi kahanai hai agar apko pasand aaye toh plz jarroor repaly karna meri mail id hai Or unke boobs ki golai unke boluse mei se dikh rahi thi or meri nazar unke white colr k boluse par ruki thi shayad ye sab aaj unko maalum tha ki meri nazar kaha hai. Par unhone kuch aitraz nahi kiya or waise hi bathi rahi mei unke boobs ko dekh raha tha. Fir unhone mujese kha chair par se uthakar yaha aao. Or full story batao toh aaj fir mere dimag mei aag lag gyi thi kyonki unke uroz aaj...

3 years ago
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Mistress Cruel Love Chapter 2 Total Commitment

"Pookie, go fetch me a bag of apples." "Apples? What kind of apples?" "You know the kind. The good kind! Empire apples. None of those tasteless Cortland's or sour Granny Smiths. Good Empire apples from New York." "Baby, I don't even like apples." "Too bad, you're going to starting eating them. You're not a kid anymore. It's time to clean up your diet." *SMACK* Heather delivered a firm swat to his ass for his minor back-talk. She grinned deviously while pointing in the...

3 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 10 Tres Chic

"You're really a good actress," Mrs. Potter was wiping Mr. O'Conner's sperm from Kathy's tear-stained face. "Thanks, I guess," the girl sobbed. The session had gone so well that the patient had been allowed to repeat the exercise three times. "He's really making progress. Who knows, you may find him waiting for you after school before you know it," Mrs. Potter teased as she helped Kathy remove the last shreds of the school uniform. "That would be... great," Kathy stammered,...

3 years ago
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Her Fantasy

He was standing at her front door playing out the scenario in his mind one more time. This was her idea; her fantasy. Just thinking about what was about to happen was making his cock start to swell. He reached down, eased it over to one side, and hoped she wouldn't notice. Slowly his hand reached for the doorbell. The door opened almost immediately and they looked at each other for the first time. She looked directly at his crotch and a sly little smile crossed her lips. She was wearing a...

4 years ago
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My BFB 3

I was rudely awoken by the sounds of heavy petting and sloppy kisses. I rolled over quickly to see Megan and Sam, drunk and making out right next to me. “Oh my God guys.” I said, flinging the covers off of me. Megan flipped the table lamp on and said laughing, “Leigh, I’m sorry.” She covered her mouth to stifle her giggles. “We thought you were on the couch.” I had never seen her that drunk before, so I couldn’t help but laugh too. “Got you some liquid courage huh Meg?” I asked in a sarcastic...

Straight Sex
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Four Times a Year Complete

Four Times a Year - Part 1Submitted by: Michael Freemont "Andrew. I'm sorry that you had to find out this way." She laughed. "And just as Bob and I were both having an orgasm. But maybe it's just as well you did find out. Now we won't have to sneak around anymore." Andrew was upset. He had come home unexpectedly and found his wife in bed with his best friend Bob. It answered so many questions. Why his wife was out so much. Why she couldn't go with him to events he had to go to. Why she wouldn't...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 25

Cockatoo Part 25 I love feedback [email protected] Author's Note Apologies for the delay on posting this new chapter. I had some personal issues that took up my writing time. I hope you forgive me and enjoy the story. Alex grabbed my hands. "Please, James, it's the only way we could think of to get you over there as quickly as possible without Jandaeng being aware. You could be back here in two days and then fly to Bangkok as Jandaeng expects you to next week....

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Kiley Jay Man Milk Cookies And Tiny Pussies

Captain of tiny troop 69 is extremely pissed. Her number one cookie buyer has been refusing her boxes of scrumptious treats for days now. His excuse is that he buys them off another girl scout. Kiley cant believe it. She decides to camp outside of this guys house to wait and see what this other scout is doing different. As she sees the other girl go inside, she creeps around back to see whats going on, and was shocked! Turns out her regular has been buying cookies from the other scout because...

2 years ago
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After Work

My wife Claire, really knows how to blow my mind. I have no idea how she comes up with some of her ideas, but she’s so good at it. She keeps me on my toes wondering what she’s got planned next. It’s the exciting knowing that every time we fall into a comfortable pattern and the least I expect it, she will come up with some kind of sexy surprise on me, she’s a little minx but I love it.Take last night for example, I’ve had a long day at work really stressful so I’m expecting my usually warm...

3 years ago
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Sharing is Caring at Home

I dare you… turn on your cam.Looking at myself one last time in the mirror before setting down my phone. Nervous. That text message now out. He had called me a slut this morning, and tonight? I wanted to show him just how much of a slut I could be. I had on a red lacy demi cup push up bra with just a low cut white tank top over it and a pair of black lacy knickers, more of a thong than French cut though…and oh so very see through. That was it.My long auburn hair lay about my face in kinks...

2 years ago
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A Strange Invitation

The invitation was strange. Then again, she smiled to herself, he always did seem to do things a little different than everyone else. Her skin smelled faintly of lavender as she stepped from the shower. She toweled her hair dry. As she bent to wind the towel into a turban on her head, her face flushed at the memory of his strong hands blindfolding her in this very room. It was a night she still remembered fondly. His touch had been so tender, the kiss of the rose so perfect on her skin. She...

4 years ago
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Wardrobe for sale Wife not included

I answered the door to him, immediately offering him a handshake and a 'hello!' before beckoning him inside. I was just grateful he had agreed to help me manoeuvre the wardrobe downstairs and out of my house, let alone that he was going to pay for the privilege. The thing was too heavy and cumbersome for me to manage on my own, and although Ellen had offered to help, I think she was overestimating her strength. Luckily, Dan (I'm assuming that's his name, his eBay handle wasn't...

2 years ago
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A Mother in Need

It had been a very odd day, everything was not going the way I had planned, but I would never have believed how it would end. My life would be nearly turned upside down before the night was though. But the moment I got out of work, all I could think about was seeing my baby. Now an hour minutes late with no time for a shower or change, going out that night wasn't looking very likely. Tina was going to be pissed, and the last thing I needed was to get an anal reaming. I made it to her house...

2 years ago
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New Neighbour Fucked His Muh Boli Bhabhi Anjali

This is not a story , It’s true story which I m going to explain you through ISS, Before Starting the story I would like to pay thanks to ISS which provide us platform to explain situations of our life. My name is VIJJU not Khan , my mail id is and I live in NCR. , My height 5’9” and athletic body structure and my dick size 6.5”. Now not wasting more time I m coming to the story. I basically belongs to East UP for Job Now in NCR It happened when I changed my rental room to another location ,...

1 year ago
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SGT Brittin Part 2

This story is completely fictional. Let me start off by introducing myself. My name is Jason Britton and I am a Platoon Sergeant in the U.S. Army. I am in excellent shape, with a six pack and killer pecks; standing at a towering 6 foot 8 inches, I loom over all my soldiers, and I was also blessed with a very large penis, a 8 ½ inch monster that is very thick. A few days ago I had a sexual encounter with one of my soldiers who bribed me with sex, in return for not turning her in to her Platoon...

Group Sex
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Bestiality hardcore

It had been another successful day of fighting villainy for the justice league. They had all just come back from defeating and banishing Mongul from earth and, except for those on duty, were leaving for rest and relaxation at home. Noticeable of those leaving was Diana prince Aka Wonder woman. The beautiful Amazonian princess was getting ready for departure when she was stopped by the voice of her good friend Superman. ‘Hey Diana, you fixing to leave?’ He asked his friend only for...

1 year ago
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Laurens Office

Lauren liked sex. No, she LOVED sex. She loved every aspect of it – licking, eating, sucking, fucking – all of it. She works hard, and puts everything she has into making sure her job is done right. When her job is done, Lauren likes to play. One of her favorite games is locking herself up in her office and getting her friend, Connor, online for some virtual sex. In a lower drawer she keeps her toys and lube, all in preparation for some fun. Today was a slow day at the office so Lauren decides...

Erotic Fiction
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Full Circle From Beginning to Now Ch 1

I've never written about the tales with my wife. We are both now entering our 30s, and have been together since we were entering high at around 15. We have spent half our lives together -- albeit there have been some lengthy breaks before we got married.We love each other dearly, but since almost the very beginning one thing was clear. Even though I didn't know what a cuckold was, I was going to be a cuckold - whether with her, or someone else. She was always above what I should get, but we hit...

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A Handy Surprise At The USMC Ball

I've attended the ball numerous times – sometimes while on active duty, at times with dates, at times with friends – but today it is with someone special. Today, November 10th, is the 240th Birthday of the United States Marine Corps (USMC), and I am anxious.I've been planning this for weeks, and two days ago I visited my favorite spa at Nordstrom in preparations for today. I had a full body depilation and a body wrap as well. This morning I returned for a French manicure/pedicure and deep...

Love Stories
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How I Met My Master Ch 04

AN: Sorry for this update taking such a long time. I was abroad for two months doing a language study. Thankfully, however, I have a semester off and that means way more time to upload new chapters/audios! Yay! I hope you enjoy this chapter even though it’s pretty low on anything sexual. Chapter 5, however… **** Blaine always loved to tell me stories of her ‘mornings after.’ For her, it was almost as exciting the sex itself. ‘This great hazy feeling… the heaviness of your body…the excitement...

4 years ago
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The Sex Birthday Weekend Quickie Girl Part 6

This story actually falls in shortly after the original "wanna come over for a quickie" story. It was her birthday and we had decided to go out of town for the weekend. We had a couple of my buddies that were going to meet us on Saturday, but Friday night would be just us. We got a two bedroom motel room, fire place in one side, just bedroom in the other. It was separated by the bathroom and just a flimsy sliding door, not much privacy between rooms, but it worked. The whole two hour ride over,...

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Two Tarts In A Kitchen

Two Tarts in a Kitchenby oggbashan©From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:Two C's in a K (for "two cunts in a kitchen"), is slang used within the advertising industry for a type of television commercial and other advertising. Generally, the commercial shows two women in a domestic scene, discussing, using, or otherwise portraying the advertiser's product in a positive manner. This method has been typical for advertising targeted at women, such as commercials for household cleaning products,...

3 years ago
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The DigChapter 6

I sat outside my tent for over a week, making sure Don Sr. was asleep in case Carol went to see her brothers. Twice Carol waved to me as she went to the boy’s tent. I could not help but fantasize about what they were doing. The second night she went to the boy’s tent; I did not even bother to go into our tent to masturbate. I sat in the camp chair and unzipped my shorts. Then pushed them down enough to get my hand between my legs. I stared at the boy’s tent as I tried to imagine what they...

1 year ago
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Eventualities Allison RevisedChapter 10

'The Club' itself was elaborately furnished for both antique style and comfort; clearly it was the major local playground for the very kinky and very rich. We had been advised that some but not all members belonged to the "10,000", and since we didn't know the passwords we shouldn't try to force any acquitances. Most of the members cheerfully greeted us, everyone male and female admired our ladies, who wasted little time in downing a few quick glasses of excellent champagne (there was a...

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TandraChapter 74

Henry had no cause to sort through the small particles of ship that were sailing out at near the speed of light. He just turned back and got his boarding parties ready. The five newer type of Tandra ships were a real prize and he had all the important facts transferred to the New Hope. The boarding parties went in and found no active opposition. Most were dead but a few had made it to stasis when the computer sent them. Some Softay and Tandra techs were sedated and removed from the ships...

4 years ago
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Meri Classmate Jassu

Hi, I’m Maddy from Chandigarh main diploma kr rha ho information technology me mujhe sex ka bahut shonk hai. Meri body slim hai or mere cock ka size 7 inch hai chalo jayada boar na krte hoye story pe ate hai app apne comments mujhe mail kr skte hai my id is Meri ek classmate thi Jassu punjaban ladki bahut hi khubsurat thi woh ek ladka jo ek ladki mein chahta hai wo har chiz usme thi badi badi chuchiyan lambe lambe baal mast uthi uthi gand gulabi honth,jab chalti to lambe lambe baal uski gand...

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