Mc Allister's RedemptionChapter 25 free porn video

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With a whispering sound, the epée blade carved a cone in the air, as its wielder's wrist and arm completed the circular blocking motion. The man wielding it and the demon watching were pleased to see the point had not described so much as an inch-wide circle during the whole parry.

"Good," Azer told Shan Hu. Sable took her blade back to the ready, willing to help ingrain the movement into Shan Hu's muscle memory, but the demon held up a hand, a faraway look in his eye.

Before the demon, a small black cloud formed. Perhaps it wasn't so much a cloud as a wavering, a small space where lines of the everyday world in the courtyard inside the house were interspersed with an arcane space. From the cloud came a voice, one Sable took an instant dislike to, forming the nearly-instant conclusion the world would be a better place without that voice in it. She noticed Shan Hu had pointed the epée at the small dark cloud hovering at chest-height before Azer.

"Young Master," the voice said, in Denarian. Azer stiffened, a look of distaste on his face.

"Karsu," he replied, lips twisted into a sneer. "I thought I had made it clear you might only contact me in this way if there were a disaster." Sable marveled to hear the change in the young demon's voice, from open and friendly with her and Shan Hu, to cold and domineering with the grotesque voice.

The voice took on an ingratiating tone, making Sable squirm. "My plan to subvert Savonne and besiege Marcelon worked flawlessly," the unknown Karsu said, the sibilant sounds in the words the man said drawing Sable's attention sharply.

"Why," Azer said, looking Sable directly in the eye, "do I sense that things did not go so well with your flawless plan when you flushed the man out?"

"Young Master, you do me injustice," the voice said, and Sable wondered if it were something about the owner of the voice or the means by which she heard the voice that made it so ... horrid. "I landed a blow on him with the instrument, the mace, though I could not invoke the magic in it."

Azer snorted then, every inch the aristocrat. "More likely you threw it at him and ran. If you had it in your hand, it should have triggered on the blow. Where is it now?" The demand was sharp, pointed.

"One of the others, those who had sworn before your arrival here, claimed it, and triggered the change upon himself," the voice from the small cloud returned.

"Willingly?" Azer said, with a tone of surprise, though Sable had reported the event the day before.

"I don't know," Karsu replied, and there was surprise carried in his words also, "I only have a report from an ally who was there. Young Master, this ally will be of great importance. Should you not send more charms of power so we may arm him?"

Sable caught Azer's eye, and pointed with her left hand at the small black cloud hovering between the three of them, then made a beckoning motion to it. When Azer's eyes widened, she made a stabbing motion toward the cloud with the sword in her right hand, and the demon smiled.

"Come to me, Karsu, and present this ally. I will not send you more of my family's gifts without discussing their misuse with you. I haven't felt any of the others be used, and I will demand an accounting. Yes, I think you'll need to discuss this need for more of my charms with me, face to face. So much is lost in this remote speech, don't you think?"

A long and liquid sigh sounded from the cloud then. "Very well, young Master. Can you send a healing-charm, then? I seem to have broken my hand."

Sable flashed a wicked grin at Azer, and with a quick upward slash of the sword showed him how McAllister broke Karsu's hand with his saber, and Azer nodded.

"Karsu," he said, "perhaps the pain of the hand during your journey here will remind you of your place. You've become disturbingly familiar with me in your speech and manner. Ponder this while you take sail. Leave the man McAllister alone for now. He goes to Saint-Raphael, and that place has devices and persons that exist solely to do those like you harm. The man McAllister will succeed there or not, but he must come to me to reclaim something he has lost." With a palms-up gesture, he shrugged an apology to Sable, who acknowledged it with a toss of her silvery-dark tresses.

"We come," Karsu said, after a lengthy pause while the edges of the black cloud hummed and skittered. "The ally I mention has something with him you will find of interest, Milord."

Azer regarded Sable above the space where the cloud had been. "Why don't we," he offered conversationally, "be done with the swords for now and return to our research into magecraft?"

Savonne and his troop had left their homes expecting only to conduct a siege, not to journey into the heart of Middle-Sea civilization. Pragmatically, the Duke departed without much coin on his person, and the troop with less. What little remained of Fondalk's gold bought the second floor of a solid-seeming inn, on an avenue which had little garbage in the sewers and actual cobbles down the middle. McAllister judged it similar to any avenue in the London or Madrid of his home world. Eight rooms were let for a week, and stabling for the horses also. He didn't appreciate the condition of the stables, though there was little choice.

McAllister had the men and horses out and about in the city, running many errands. Some were simple reconnaissance. Three of the Duke's men each left with a deacon to go count windows in the Basilica, rooflines, how many rooms must be under a roof, and in what pattern they must be laid out.

Other errands were more prosaic, such as the order for the man Savonne named Cook to procure foodstuffs for their meals. McAllister flatly refused to pay the innkeeper the exorbitant sum the man named for board. In turn, the man allowed McAllister the use of the kitchen rather than see McAllister's gold ride down the avenue and find another inn for the troop.

McAllister had Savonne name another man for a curious role the Duke did not have in his forces. "Sergeant," Savonne sounded the word, trying the feel of it.

"Subofficer," McAllister had responded, while drawing the pins he had a perplexed soldier buy from a tinker against his lodestone, "if you prefer that better. The Sergeant insures the welfare and fighting condition of the men and their gear, as well as the horses. Each man is still responsible for his horse and gear, but the Sergeant will inspect both and act to keep them ready for action." McAllister tested the pin he pulled along the lodestone, and when he saw it would pick up another pin, grunted in satisfaction. He ignored Savonne's pointed glance at the small pile of pins.

Savonne agreed with the need to name a sergeant, and now men searched the city for needles, coarse thread, leather, and fittings to replace personal gear and horse tack. Others were finding whetstones and oil, and one found crossbows and quarrels.

One man was tasked to search for used spectacles, eyeglasses. McAllister wanted a detailed watch of the men who left the Basilica proper to cross the grounds to the outbuildings in the walled area. The walls themselves meant the men detailed would need to be a distance away. Fortunately most of the buildings in the same area as the Basilica had roofs and chimneys more than twice as tall as the wall. McAllister gave the man the last of his silver to find clear lenses.

"Never buy more than two of any one thing in a single place," McAllister heard the deacons explaining to the men. "Don't give them a reason to remember your face. Pay with small coins, never pay them with too large a coin they cannot make smaller change for. Keep your faces down, don't act like a Duke's man. If anyone should ask, you're a sailor from Sudania, traveling inland to find dyes."

Reminded again the deacons came from the ranks of Marcelon's spies, McAllister simply left the men to it. "By the Mother," Savonne said, reverentially, in an aside to McAllister, "I could use men like those. It's no wonder I could never best her."

"McAllister," the Duke of Savonne said later that evening, "what is your plan?"

McAllister looked up from the pan of biscuit and pork. The cook had bought an onion and some clotted cream, and the resultant mash wasn't too terrible, in his opinion. The man promised bread in the morning, after muttering darkly about the innkeeper and his kitchen.

"Either an assault in strength where we expect the least resistance," McAllister replied after a moment, "or invasion by stealth, in small groups, dressed as the inhabitants do. It will depend on the report from the deacons."

"What have you to report, Héber?" McAllister said as he opened an eye. Though it was in the small hours of the morning, McAllister gave no sign of the man's arrival having woken him.

"Captain, this would be easier if we could speak to each other directly over a distance. It is much faster," the deacon McAllister had named complained.

Comprehension dawned, and McAllister tried voiceless speech with Héber's Gesele. "Gesele," though the memory of the woman was tenuous, shifting in a cottony and vague remembrance that was frustrating to McAllister. He'd only met the woman once, though he'd bedded her while traveling to Marcelon with Sable, and so he was gratified to feel her response.

"McAllister," she answered, though faintly, and as if having been awoken, "how may I be of service?"

"Héber. If he should need, in the next several days, to message me with urgency, he must first contact you, then you, me."

"I understand, McAllister. Hearing you in my dreams reminded me pleasantly of you in my bed. When you have finished what you are about, will you spend another evening with me?"

"Héber has named me Captain, Gesele. I would not abuse that trust."

"McAllister, you are a good man," she answered, and McAllister let the awareness of the faraway woman fade with no small sense of relief.

"It will be difficult if you are pressed," McAllister told Héber. "She can pass the message to me, if faintly. I may not understand her intent if I am pressed myself, this is an imperfect thing."

"It is the distance," Héber said flatly. "This is what I have learned," Héber began his report. McAllister listened intently.

The deacons' best guess at the floor plan to the Basilica was drawn on a piece of expensive paper tied to his wrist. McAllister, Savonne, and three others climbed the rope to the roof from the wall in the southwest corner. At other corners the other three groups of men, each with a Deacon, were doing the same.

This building was a stable, though it was horseless at the moment, housing as it did the various carriages and conveyances of the Prelacy. Still, it was under guard, and McAllister had given orders to render unconscious the men they encountered in the outbuildings. Killing was to be a last resort. McAllister had a fine appreciation for the injustice of murdering one when one was simply performing one's station in life. Damnation was a hard thing to escape, and McAllister would not chance subjecting another living soul to it without just cause.

Savonne's sharpest-eyed man had been invaluable, making detailed notes of the movements below from his vantage amongst the rooftops and chimneys. He used the awkward spyglass McAllister showed them how to construct from spectacle lenses, wire, and a dowel he had removed from the stair-banister at the inn. Thus, the plan was made.

At the midnight changing of the guard, McAllister and the other groups of men would steal into the Basilica grounds, and incapacitate the guards returning from duty. Tired and thinking only of their beds, they would be less alert, McAllister knew, and thus unwary. Men in the barracks would be asleep, and the returning guards were wont to move quietly so as to not awaken their fellows

Quickly, then the five made their way across the roof, and dropped down the rope again into the courtyard.

The first pair of guards returning to their beds were taken silently, only the sound of sand-filled bags striking the base of each head in rapid succession disturbed the night. McAllister dragged his target to the darker shadow under the eave of the Basilica proper, where the outlying rooms were only a story high.

Moments later, with another pair of dull sounds two more guards were dragged to the dark shadow under the building wall. McAllister and the others quickly bound and gagged their men, and tied them foot-to-another's-head to keep them from working and rolling around to someplace they could cause a commotion.

Leaving the bound guards, McAllister and the others found the shuttered window by the kitchen, and, with a pair of pliers, removed the pins, laying the wooden shutters down beside the window. Moments later, all five were inside.

"Gesele, I am inside," McAllister told the woman nearly three hundred miles away.

"Bide," came the curt response. Savonne and one of his men propped the shutters in the window to protect against the off chance a sentry or servant might notice the oddity of a window bare of its shutters in the winter night.

An interminable time later, Gesele reported "The priestesses report the other groups have entered."

"Proceed," he said, curtly.

The pin hanging from the coarse saddle-thread stopped swinging, and the man behind McAllister swore softly. "I thought that was north," he said sourly, pointing to the east.

McAllister nodded. "It's why I made them," he agreed, softly. Corridors and rooms in this place were ... hard to map. Only the rooms with windows had any relation to the best guess recorded on the paper McAllister and the other deacons in the other groups carried.

"That's useless," Savonne pointed at the paper, when McAllister could not retrace their path on the map the deacons spent so much time drafting. McAllister could only agree.

Somehow, the corridors and rooms subtly changed direction. After the third room they'd passed through between successive corridors, McAllister had the sense he was headed along the outer wall, and not inward to the heart of the massive building. Silently, he thanked his long history of training with map and compass for land assault for teasing him into magnetizing the pins and showing the others their use.

"Gesele," McAllister called, "tell the others the maps are useless, and to navigate to a point under or near the chimney we marked as the fifteenth on the map." The point was near the centerline of the building, drawn from the massive ornate entrance doors toward the golden dome at the center of the Basilica.

Five more minutes of furtive movement through darkened rooms, and McAllister swore silently. Knowing the others could not see, he created a dim ball of deep-red light. Mostly furnished, carpeted with rugs and hung with tapestry, many rooms had no function he could see. The lavish use of furniture and carpet, however, came with a cost, and McAllister was certain the poor of the world had supplied much of the opulence so openly displayed here.

"I've seen this place, somehow," McAllister muttered under his breath, and Savonne sucked air through his teeth.

"Where?" he asked softly, as McAllister swore again.

"If I knew..." McAllister began, but didn't finish.

Constantly now, McAllister slowed them, his unease clearly communicated to the others. They all watched his trick with the needle on the string. "That's the third time," one of the others whispered to his fellow, "the third time I've been wrong."

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Hi friends its saif(anus) from mumbai am 29 year old married person dear freinds ajj mai jo story share karne jaraha hun woh darasal 1 sal purani hai ,bahut din se share karna cahraha tha per himmat nahi huwe actully par ajj maine irada kiya ki mai apni sachi kahani dusron ko sunao aur unku bhe maze dun jo maine aur meri gf ne liye hain .Meri shadi ko 4 sal hogaye hain mera 1 ladka bhe hai 2 sal ka mai apni zati zindagi me bahut ziyada khush hun khus isliye ke meri biwi bahut ziyada khubsurat...

2 years ago
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Jenny Eats Her Prey

As I picked up my morning coffee, I scoped out the place for possible prey. A new cock to suck from a suitable guy was on my breakfast menu. I made eye contact with a good-looking 30-something but quickly realized that he was a former conquest. As he approached to say hello, I raised my hand like a traffic cop and shook my head no. He stopped and retreated, obviously disappointed. I was looking for some fresh meat. However, I was so horny and hungry for cock and hot cum that if nothing new was...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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I Killed Myself To Go To Another World But Im Not Having A Particularly Good Time There

Chapter 1: The Introduction To Every Good Light Novel Is An Entire Chapter Explaining The Main Character’s Background “Again? That’s got to be the fifth time in a row,” he said, wiping his eyes with a roll of tissue paper. He grabbed it, ripped off a portion of it, and dabbed at the corner of his eyes as the accumulation of all the sweat he had garnered was wiped off. “Man, this game must suck or I’m just that unlucky.” ‘Probably the latter’, he thought. Sighing, he closed his PC, attempting,...

4 years ago
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A Virgin Paradise Part 2

A Virgin Paradise Part Two: Karen This is part two of the story that took place in the mid-eighties in the coastal city of Port Elizabeth, South Africa and it is based on actual events and not fictional. Only names have been changed to protect the privacy of those concerned. In part 1, I told you how I met Anita and the events that took place over that faithful weekend. If you read that and from that page landed here, I certainly hoped you enjoyed the story so far. oooOOOooo After that...

First Time
3 years ago
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Unexpected Pleasure Part 1

Unexpected Pleasure Part 1 By Ms. Jenny Ann I wrote the following story, it may be downloaded or shared at free site only. It starts as a retelling of events, however, then it is more how I wished it would have been. You may send comments to me [email protected] Chapter 1 Did not know Jimmy should have known that his asshole could be a source of pleasure, however, it was how he became aware of the delightful pleasure that gave him quite a shock. It was Jane his...

4 years ago
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My ex wife caught out by webcam

Me and my ex wife owned a couple of flats near the city center,one was taken but the other had been empty for weeks when i recieved a call from a young guy called Dedryk,he spoke in broken english and we arranged to meet up at the flat so i could show him round,i was taking Jen out for a meal and she,as usual looked sexy as hell when she came out to the car,short tight summer dress and white strappy heels,she was always on the sunbed and had a fantastic colour.We pulled up to the flats and i...

4 years ago
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Meeting A Strangerthe Sweet Seduction

Author's Note: This one's 100% true, (names are changed) so enjoy the ride.... As a professional type, (psychologist) continuing education is something you never escape. At least twice a year I'm doing seminars or short classes to keep up on the latest developments. I kind of envy my husband as he's a graphic artist who simply reads blogs and magazines to keep up on the latest info about his work. The latest program I needed to take was being offered in only a few places, none of them close to...

2 years ago
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South Carolina for the Summer pt 5

Pam and Ethan's sexploits continue... chapter 28Pam and Amy carried their Cokes to the row of benches and sat, facing the stores that lined the hallway."Did you see those shoes back there?" Amy asked. "Weren't they the best?""Oh I know. I loved those little bows on the back." Pam took a sip from her Coke just as two young men walked by. Pam, looking down at the floor, noticed a pair of snakeskin boots walking past in front of her and looked up to see who was wearing them. She looked right into...

2 years ago
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Dreams come true

Laying here in bed, I listen to my wife’s breathing. I know the sounds she makes as she drifts off to sleep. Each breath ends in a different sigh: hmm, hmm, hymm, hympt. The final note signals her departure from a conscious state. I am sure I will join her soon, but for the moment, my thoughts are on other bedroom activities. We have been married almost ten years; we have two boys; 3 and 7 years old. My wife and I each have jobs with different schedules, it's an effort to keep child care...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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My first experience with a guy part 1

At 18 I was popular with the ladies, good looking, good body and a a nice big cock that was constantly hard. I had a beautiful girlfriend and could have had any girl I wanted. Unbeknown to her and my friends, I was a closet crossdresser, a sissy who fantasised about dressing up and sleeping with guys. It was a confusing time for me, I was almost certain I was straight but part of me craved cock, especially when I was crossdressed. I would dress all sexy in my own underwear and sisters clothes...

2 years ago
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FORTUNATA (c) 2006 by Anthony Durrant. Frank Parr, the heir to the Parr estate, was sitting in his nice comfortable armchair reading a newspaper, when his eyes lit on an article describing the latest escapade of a costumed criminal called the Poet, a mysterious criminal mastermind whose true identity had eluded the police. "This last robbery of his took place on the dock near the seashore, and they made off with the payroll meant for the dockworkers there. I have no doubt that...

3 years ago
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A Shower with My Secretdesire

A Shower with my Secret Desire I check my watch, I know I am late, bloody trains, then the traffic. I know you’re going to be getting ready, and I wanted to see your transformation with my own eyes. From tracksuit to queen, ready to walk confidently on my arm. I get to the door and I know where you keep your spare key, so I simply get it and open the door. Once inside I can hear the shower running and your music playing. “Bugger!” I think. With that I hear you walking around. “Oh I’m not to...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Fun in the Park

I’ve suppose I don’t strike people as particularly sexual or lustful, my friends often tell me I seem quite innocent. However, there are more than a few occasions I know of that would change their minds. Nick and I had been together for a little over three months, and we couldn’t keep our hands off of each other. He had the broad shoulders of a linebacker and huge, strong arms he loved to wrap me in. He was the most beautiful shade of ebony, and I loved seeing his muscles ripple under his skin...

3 years ago
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Samanthas Strip PokerChapter 6 Down but not Out

I decided to change my strategy after narrowly escaping elimination. I couldn't afford to pay to see cards. I either had to go all in from my initial two cards, or drop immediately. Samantha didn't like this, and stopped betting to keep me in hands. On the fourth hand, she let me stay in with something I would have surely folding on if she had made any sort of bet, and I ended up with trip threes after the turn. I went all in, and for some reason, she did too. There was no way that she...

3 years ago
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Crisis at IshtarChapter 17 Negative Official Notice

The departure of Freya brought peace to Ishtar. Janice continued to lead rehearsals of the musical. We now had a complete show that lasted just over seventy minutes. It was almost ready, and we were becoming increasingly worried that the secret would be revealed. Janice insisted that conversations about our work be kept to the Concubine's Refuge to prevent accidentally revealing our plans. The citizens seemed rather distracted though. James and Yvette seemed to spend hours in the command...

3 years ago
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Pehli Chudai Janat Dikhai

Hi readers me arnav from odisha . Ye mera pehla story hai so galti hua to plz maf kardena. Jada boar na karte hue me story pe aata hun . Ye story un dino ki hai jab me naya naya engg kar raha tha 2010 ki bat hai . Mera ek dost thi uska name pinkey . Wo or me kafi ache dost ban gaye humari dosti facebook pe hue thi or hum ek hi collage me padhne lage . Humara collage uske ghar k pass hi tha so hum me bhot achhi dosti ho gae thi wo mera dost thi fiir v me use flurt karta tha wo mind nhi karti thi...

3 years ago
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What Will Happen Next

Would you let me kiss you, still tasting of your come? Would you still suck on my tongue, nibble on my lips, smile through our kisses in delirious afterglow? I hope so. As much as pleasure as I take from licking your sweet cunt, it does not compare to the joy that comes from the persistent passion of kissing. The feel of your tongue sliding against mine, the soft groans we can't help making, the sense of your happy hands pulling at my clothes -- obviously you want what I want: our flesh...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Teasing my DaddyChapter 4

Cathy thought about her last night discovery all day, images of her father rubbing his hard cock on her ass and peeking at her bosom never left her mind. The blonde was feeling a little guilty. She thought that dressing carelessly had got him in this state, but again, it was just a thing that happened yesterday or had him been getting the hots for her for a long time? Cathy decided to test his reactions, she would do her best to get him excited without making it too obvious. I was her...

3 years ago
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My Friend Wes

Mom and I moved a lot after she and dad got divorced. The first place we lived was the nicest but it turned out to be too expensive when my dad wouldn’t come up with any money for us to live on. That was back when a guy could move out of state and avoid paying child support. It was a huge apartment complex but there were some nice houses on the street further north from us where I was befriended by Wesley, an older kid who I think was eighteen or so at the time. He’d converted their basement...

First Time
1 year ago
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Sexy air hostess my lovely sister

My elder sister Nancy is an airhostess ,a 22 years gal with her sexy body as her illicit affairs are in my mind and so our physical affair evolved , it's a holiday as our home turned into a place of romance. It's a bitter truth that our family members have crossed their limits as our parents ,dad is in extramarital affairs with some ladies and so mom Lousie have given her sexy body to younger guys as my elder sister Nancy is a well mannered gal with her tall figure of 5'7 feet and I can see her...

3 years ago
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Related By Desire

Chapter 1 My mom died when I was three and my father married a woman quite a lot younger than he was, she was, actually, just out of college. Dad is a businessman, owns a company involved in designing and building new plants to make plastic containers, and we live in a very nice house in a gated neighborhood. We have a nice pool, a sauna and a hot tub along with a game room with pinball machines, a pool table, darts, you name it. So, it’s all pretty nice. The woman Dad married is Cassie, short...

2 years ago
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DirtyWivesClub Ariella Ferrera 22343

Ariella Ferrera is in for a treat! Her husband just closed a major deal, which means a massive celebration! Her hubby’s co-worker, Johnny, who helped him with sale, comes over to partake in the festivities, which means — SURPRISE — fucking Ariella! Yes, Ariella and her husband are in to hotwifing, which means Johnny gets her big tits in his face, and it’s totally ok with her husband. In fact, he gets off on his dirty wife sucking Johnny’s dick and fucking him until...

4 years ago
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SurpriseBeing only fifteen years old and just a sophomore in high school,Jake had never thought about boys wearing girl's clothes. So thatwas the farthest thing from his mind when he was running backinto the locker room two hours after practice. He had left his walletin his locker and his mother refused to give him a ride back toschool. So he rode his bike in the rain back to his high school,hopped off and bolted into the locker room. What he saw there hecouldn't believe...StephenStephen...

3 years ago
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Do Your Duty part five

It was always good weather in Hawaii. Except when the storms came. Private Lovall was out on a training mission when a tropical storm came in and disrupted the exercise. But, a little wind and rain wasn't going to stop a field exercise for the infantry troops out on the range. They hunkered down, kept the tents and camo netting in place, and waited it out. The unit had gone out to the range the week before. Bad weather had not been predicted, but that didn't matter. Training had to go on....

Office Sex
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MyDadsHotGirlfriend Elena Koshka 22557

Who knew Elena Koshka was a pool shark?! She did, that’s why she’s running the table against her boyfriend’s son, Justin. She’s sinking balls left and right while that fool’s just standing around with his big stick in his hand. Lucky for him, Elena’s horny for his balls after she’s done busting them! She juggles them in her mouth a while, then stiffens up his cue with a hearty blowjob! The leggy brunette hops up on the pool table and spreads her stems wide to get her hole filled with a hot load...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Ko Pata Ke Choda

Hello friends I’m Sunny from Pune aapne meri pahali story chachi meri wife padhi aur aap logo ko wo bahot pasand bhi aayi us liye thanks and mai aaj aapko mere aur meri gf ke bich hue sex ke baare me aapko batane ja raha hu. I hope tumhe ye pasand aayega aur tum log enjoy karoge agar aapko story pasand aaye to aap mujhe mail kar sakte hai my mail id is Aur koi bhi ladki ya aunty mujhse friendship karna chahati ho to most welcome ab mai story start karta hu aap sab log mere baare me to jante hi...

2 years ago
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Meine Cousine und Ich

Wieder so ein langweiliges Treffen, denke ich mir, als wir gerade bei der Verwandtschaft ankommen. Alle lächeln sich an und grüßen sich, doch im Grunde sind wir uns doch fremd. Alle paar Monate trifft man sich mal, doch da jeder von uns in einer anderen Stadt lebt, ist es immer wieder wie ein neues kennenlernen. Auch ich spiele den Lieben, lächle, begrüße alle schön, um mich dann zu meinem Cousin zu setzten. So läuft das meistens. Erst ein freundliches Hallo und dann setzten sich die älteren...

4 years ago
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Tales From the Leather Nun

With a soft whoosh, the screen in the confessional slid open. “I have sinned since my last confession of two days ago.” “Continue,” the faceless voice from the other side of the confessional screen intoned. “I have had impure thoughts -” there was a pause. “Of you.” The slightest sound of a person clearing their throat sounded like thunder in the silence. “And?” “Last night, I couldn’t help myself. I touched my sexual organ and became aroused.” I have sinned, there was the sound of regret...

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