The Boy Who Would Be Prom Queen - Chapter 16 - Prom Dress Shopping free porn video

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"So, what's wrong, Zoey?" Tyler asked. "You spent all of your money giving her a makeover and overnight popularity and you're just going to throw it away? When she's so cute and sexy." "No, it's not like that," she responded. "I actually like her." Olivia laughed and turned to Deanna. "See, I told you she was a lesbian." "You were right about everything," Dee cackled. "Including her falling in love." "Pay up, Dee." Dee handed over a wad of cash to Olivia. "It was so sweet," Simone chimed in. "The way she would swoon over me." "Of course she did," Olivia gloated. "So predictable." "No, wait, Simone," Zoey pleaded, trying to make sense of what was happening. "I do like you." "Whoa, whoa." Tyler interrupted, getting in between Zoey and Simone. "Easy there. You hurt her enough - doncha think?" "She actually thought I was a boy," Simone giggled. "She was putty in my hands. I knew I had her the moment she tried to kiss me after D&D." She turned to Zoey. "Hook. Line. Sinker." "I did warn you not to play with fire, Zo," Mack added. "I mean, you did look cute in that dress, Simone," Olivia said, moving closer to make out with her. "Dinner's ready!" A voice in the distance called. "Hey Zo," Tyler asked. "You gonna eat that?" "What?" she asked, confused. "Can I?" he grinned. Tyler joined Olvia and Simone and the threesome started kissing each other. She watched in horror as both Olivia and Tyler started to disrobe Simone. Simone moaned in ecstasy. Zoey woke up on her couch in front of the TV in a cold sweat. "Are you OK?" Zoey's mom asked. "You were mumbling and trembling like you were having a nightmare." "Yeah," she admitted, the fog slowly lifting from her mind. "Just a bad dream. I'm OK now." She picked up the remote and turned off the TV. "Well, dinner will be ready in a few minutes," she advised, walking to the kitchen. * * * The next morning, Deeana was leaning up against her car waiting for the first schoolbell of the day to ring. She watched as Zoey greeted Peggy. Neither of them looked for her and instead walked into the school together. "Bitches!" she yelled in their general direction. She then noticed "Simone" walk from around the back of the school. "Why does he come from the back of the school?" she wondered. "What is back there?" * * * Zoey and Lance crossed paths on the way to second period. "Good morning," Zoey said, giving Lance a once-over. "That's a cute outfit. Did you do more clothes shopping?" "Oh, uh. This is actually my sister's," Lance replied, looking down at his outfit. "Your sister's?" Zoey raised an eyebrow. "She sent some of her clothes here ahead of her, and I was putting them away for her last night. I thought maybe I'd borrow some. Hopefully she doesn't get upset." "Don't worry, sisters borrow clothes all of the time." Lance nodded and smiled. She's right. Simone would let him borrow her clothes right? Once the pleasantries were out of the way, they just stared awkwardly at each other. Finally, Zoey spoke up. "I'm sorry I didn't call. Something came up." "You left in such a hurry and I wanted to talk to you about..." Lance's thoughts flashed back to the almost kiss. "...prom." Zoey saw Peggy down the hallway and figured she could get out of this conversation with Lance. "I see Peggy down the hall," Zoey gestured, "and I need to talk to her before my next class. We can talk later on. I promise." She started walking away from Lance. Lance could tell Zoey was being evasive, but just then the warning bell rang. He had to get to class as well, so he turned and headed into his classroom. Later in the day during Chemistry class, Lance and Zoey shared a passing smile. He couldn't understand why she was avoiding him. Oliva had asked Lance to be her lab partner again. The chemistry teacher gave the students free reign to choose their own experiments to test and write about. She got her notebook ready, then smiled at Lance and nodded her head. "OK, go!" Lance added the yeast and foam began to erupt from the beaker. A lot of foam. "Oh, my gosh, it's going all over!" Olivia exclaimed. "Maybe I put in too much yeast," Lance said anxiously, as he struggled to contain the growing mess. "Hopefully the teacher won't see us." "Ahh!" Olivia giggled as the mess foamed over onto the lab table. "Sorry," Lance apologized. "I was distracted and didn't measure it right." Olivia grabbed a rag to prevent the foam from getting on the floor. "What's wrong, Simone? Why are you distracted?" "Umm," Lance whispered, looking at her, then glanced over to Zoey who had her back to him. "Am I kissable?" "Kissable?" Olivia tilted her head and gave him a surprised look. "Yeah. You're one of only two people who's ever kissed me. And I'd prefer to forget about the other one." "Simone, you're an amazing kisser!" "Thank you." Lance blushed. "Wait," Olivia whispered. "Was I your first kiss?" Lance realized he screwed up. His sister's first kiss was in eighth grade. "Oh. No. I just meant - first kiss here in New Jersey. Since I moved." "Oh, OK," Olivia nodded. "What brought this on? Is this about Zoey?" Secretly she was hoping it wasn't about her. "Yeah. I feel like she wants to. But wherever she gets close, she runs away." Olivia was relieved it wasn't about her. "Just give Zoey a chance. She'll come around." She smiled warmly and lifted Lance's chin up. "Keep your chin up, and your lips ready." "Thanks." * * * At lunchtime Lance got his tray of food and sat down with Francine. "Welcome back," Francine beamed. "We missed you yesterday." "Yeah, well, I was avoiding everyone after Saturday's party," Lance sheepishly replied. "Where's Mack?" "She said she had to talk to someone before Lunch." "Oh," Lance said, eyeing the potentially edible foods on his tray. A minute later, Mack joined them. "Sorry I was late." "It's OK," Lance said. "I'm sorry about bailing on you yesterday. I was embarrassed." "Simone, you have nothing to be ashamed of," Mack reassured Lance. "Zoey told me everything. Everyone knows what a jerk Tyler is, and Dee intentionally got you drunk to embarrass you. It wasn't your fault." "Well, I should have been more careful," Lance admitted. "I'd never drank alcohol before Saturday night." "Stop worrying about it," Mack advised. "Everyone has a bad experience sometime. You're lucky you didn't throw up." Lance looked at Mack, then down at his tray with a renewed sense of dismay. Sure, he didn't vomit Saturday night, but whatever the cafeteria passed off as food today might just do the trick. "I think I'll pass on this." "Congrats on getting nominated for prom queen!" Francine praised Lance. "That's so cool. I'm going to make sure every senior I know votes for you." "Thank you," Lance graciously replied, feeling better as he pushed a stray lock of wig hair behind his ear. "So, you're still going to go through with it?" Mack asked. "Going to prom, I mean." "Yeah, I think so," Lance replied with more confidence in his voice. "Then we're going to need to go dress shopping," she smiled. "Right. I forgot I still need a prom dress." "So, I already did some reconnaissance. The dress store in the mall has a few styles similar to your sister's dress that you shared with me. We should start there. And soon." "This is so exciting," Francine gushed. "I'm glad you think so, Fran," Mack said. "Because, we need a ride." "I have to ask to borrow the car first," Francine cautioned. "Do you have a date lined up yet?" Lance looked at Mack with a face full of worry, and replied, "No, not yet." Mack sensed Lance didn't want to talk about Zoey so she changed the subject. "Since we're talking about your prom dress..." She opened her backpack and pulled out a sketch pad. "Here's what I sketched." She opened the sketch pad to show Lance and Francine. "Pretty," Francine admired. Lance was blown away at seeing the line art drawing on the pad. She drew a figure with a dress, similar to the one Simone wore. It was adorned with a necklace, earrings, heeled sandals and styled hair. "Mack, that's beautiful!" "Thank you." "Can you really make me look like that?" "I hope so. It'll be a challenge, but I think I'm up to it." Lance beamed with excitement. "Um, Simone," Mack whispered. "What?" Mack tapped the drawing. Right around the figure's ears, to point out the sparkling earrings she had drawn on her. "Your sister wears earrings." Lance looked back up at Mack with fright. "I can't. I told Zoey no." Mack shrugged. "It's your choice." Lance was silent. Both Mack and Francine looked at Lance's blank expression, when a glimmer of a smile appeared. "This is so exciting!" Francine exclaimed. "We're going to get your ears pierced too!" Lance cringed at what he had just agreed to. "No, wait. What about my dad?" "Simone, you've worn nail polish around him and he's actually mistaken me for you. I'm sure he won't notice your ears." "If you say so," Lance trailed off. "Your dad thought Mack was you?" Francine asked. "I have got to hear this story!" * * * Between sixth and seventh period, Zoey ran into Olivia. Zoey gave her a smile of acknowledgement. They weren't really enemies anymore, but they certainly weren't friends, either. "Hey Zoey," Olivia called out. "Yeah?" she reluctantly responded. Olivia came over to Zoey so they could talk privately. "Have you settled things with Simone yet?" "No. I mean. I tried. I'm afraid I just made things worse." "How did you make things worse?" "I can't do this, Olivia. I can't date a girl. What will people think? My parents? The school?" "You're still hung up on this? If you like her, date her. Who cares what other people say." "I don't see you shouting you're gay from the rooftops either." "I would If I had a girlfriend." That stung. Zoey was silent. She didn't know what to say. "Do you want me to light a fire under your ass?" Olivia challenged. "I'm not in a rush. This isn't a race." "Yes, it is. Prom is almost here. Listen. Either you ask Simone to prom, or I will." "That's not fair." "To whom? To you? To Simone? What's not fair is to keep everyone waiting in limbo while you work your shit out. This isn't difficult, Zo. A girl is going to take Simone to the prom. Will it be you or me?" Zoey just stared at Olivia. She had no words. Olivia sensed the conversation was over. "I should get going." She walked a few paces, turned around and they looked at each other for a moment. Olivia sighed and kept walking. * * * After school, Lance and Mack waited outside of the school for Francine to get home and come back with her car. "Have you talked to your mom or sister recently?" Mack inquired. "Oh yeah," Lance replied. "A few times a week." "Have you talked to them about... any of this?" Mack gestured at Lance in his female attire. "No, not at all," Lance confessed. "I'm not sure Mom would understand." "And Simone?" "Well, I told her I've made friends. But I haven't told her how. It's actually kinda embarrassing to bring up to her. I mean, I let Zoey talk me into this." "Do you think she'd be understanding?" "About what? About the bet?" "No. About you pretending to be a girl at school." "Maybe. When we were young we used to dress in costumes all the time. I imagine, if she was here, she'd be helping with everything. Helping me pick out outfits. Doing my makeup and stuff. But, I bet she'd be upset that I'm using her name, though." "I could see that," Mack chuckled. "Just saying that out loud kinda makes me wish she was here." Just then Francine pulled up in her car and they stood up. Lance and Mack both got into Francine's car and they drove away. As Mack and Francine plotted over what stores they were going to, an excited Lance kept quiet and nervously went with the flow. First stop was the dress store. It was fancy, and had prom and wedding dresses in the window. They were beautiful. Lance thought stores like these were off limits to boys. But here he was being dragged into one. As the trio walked into the dress store, a little bell above the door announced their arrival. A saleswoman was busy with another customer but managed to wave hi to them and signaled she would be with them shortly. They slowly wandered the aisles, occasionally picking out one dress to examine more closely. Each choice was met with a chorus of oohs and aahs, before being put back to search for another. Lance was overwhelmed, both with the choices and with the fact he was getting to live out his childhood fantasy. "May I help you?" The saleswoman finally asked. "Yes," Mack said, taking the lead. "We spoke on the phone. I was trying to match a dress style for my friend here." She put her hand on Lance's shoulder. "Oh, that's right," the saleswoman recalled. "I found what you were looking for and put it aside for you." A few minutes later, the saleswoman returned with a lavender dress on a hanger. She looked at Lance. "Let's see how this looks on you, and then we can adjust it as necessary." Lance took the dress by the hanger and looked to his friends for direction. Mack smiled knowingly and said, "I can help." Lance nodded and he and Mack walked to the changing room with the dress. Mack closed the door behind her and pulled the corset out of her bag. "I'm wearing that now?" Lance asked. "We have to see if everything fits, don't we?" "Sure," Lance agreed, removing the light green skater dress he'd worn to school. Mack wrapped the corset around him and started tying it closed. Every time she pulled hard, Lance let out another breath. "That's getting tight," he wheezed. "That's the point of it," Mack laughed. "What did you call it over the weekend? A 'medieval torture device'?" Mack pulled harder on the laces. "It... def- in- itely... is," Lance grunted in between her tugs. "OK," Mack said. "That should be tight enough. Time for the dress." The both eventually came out of the changing room with Lance wearing the dress. He walked slowly as the dress swished around him. The saleswoman looked at him with a great big smile. "Oh, that's lovely. It looks perfect on you." Francine put her hand up to her face and gasped, "OMG!" Lance blushed at their praise, then looked to Mack to see her reaction. Mack smiled at him, grabbed him by his bare shoulders, and turned him around to face the mirror. In the mirror Lance saw a girl. Not a crossdressing boy. He moved his hips to swish the dress back and forth. "So this is a tulle A-line dress with a v-neck neckline," the saleswoman explained. She continued explaining the dress, but Lance was lost in his fantasy and he smiled at his reflection. "I always wanted to play a princess," he whispered. "You are a princess," Mack whispered back. He didn't realize Mack had heard him. He continued staring at himself in the mirror as he swished the dress side to side. Mack smiled and let Lance have his moment. "You and your date will love it." While Lance was lost in his own fantasy, Mack started searching through dresses on the rack. "Mack, are you going to Junior Prom?" Francine inquired. "No," she said with a smirk. "Maybe Senior Prom." "Oh? Did someone ask you? Is that where you were during lunch?" "Maybe. But I haven't said yes. I don't want to take this moment from Simone." Francine looked up at Lance. "Nothing is going to ruin this for her. Look at her. She's so beautiful now, and you haven't even worked your magic on her yet." Lance was unaware the girls were talking about him when he looked down to see a price tag sticking out of the bodice. He flipped it over and looked at the number. His eyeballs nearly jumped out of their sockets. "Mack, I can't afford this," he sighed. "Well, good thing you're still on Zoey's dime." She flashed a credit card, then turned to the saleswoman. "We'll take it." * * * They stopped in front of Claire's. As Mack and Francine were about to walk inside, Lance stood there mortified. "You got this girl," Francine said, holding his hand. "It'll be OK. Your dad will have to accept your true self at some point anyway." Lance wanted to resist and tell her, "But I'm not trans. I'm only pretending." However, his resistance was left at the door as Francine tugged him into the store. "We need to pick out a starter stud that will look good at prom in less than three weeks," Mack explained to Lance. "Whatever you pick has to remain in your ears for six straight weeks. If you had gotten your ears pierced earlier with Zoey, maybe they would've healed by prom." "Then, well, we don't have to do this." Lance suggested, hoping for a final reprieve. His half-hearted plea fell on deaf ears as both Mack and Francine were looking in a display case filled with earrings. "Can we see that set up close?" Mack asked a store employee. "Our friend here is going to get her ears pierced for the first time." The employee came back with a pair of small earrings to show Lance. "What do you think?" Mack asked Lance. "Those are pretty," he replied. "I guess," he added because that's what boys were conditioned to do. Not admit that anything was pretty. "Great," Mack said, seeing through Lance's conditioned response. Soon Lance found himself sitting down in a chair as a tattooed store employee cleaned his left ear with an alcohol swab. "Is this going to hurt?" Lance asked anxiously, closing his eyes and gripping the chair. "Earlobes don't hurt as much as other parts of the ears or body," the employee reassured him. "You'll barely feel it." He felt a pinch on his ear lobe and opened his eyes. "Is that it?" He started to feel silly for making a scene. "For that ear," she smiled. After the other ear was done, the employee handed him a mirror. His earlobes had a hard-to-miss sparkle. "See, that wasn't so bad," Francine giggled. "Mack, these are hard to miss," Lance fretted, full of worry. "You'll be fine," Mack said confidently. "If your dad notices, just say all of the boys are doing it." They left Claire's and continued walking through the mall. Lance had a large smile on his face despite his earlobes reddening and being sore. As they walked through the mall, they passed by another clothing store and Lance paused at the window to stare at one of the dresses on the mannequins. Mack realized Lance had stopped and she and Francine returned to him. She gave Francine a knowing nudge. She knew Lance wanted to go inside, but decided it would be best if she waited for him to ask her, rather than her inviting him. Lance's heart was racing. He'd stopped and looked at dresses before, but he never dared set foot in a women's clothing store alone. Only with his mother or Simone dragging him in while they shopped and he had no choice but to watch as they got to have all of the fun. Lance had remembered how beautiful the models and mannequins would look. He'd chalk it up to his male hormones being attracted to them. But there was something about the clothing itself. These stores were off limits to guys. But as he was dressed as a girl currently, this was a great opportunity to get a closer look. He didn't fully appreciate it when Zoey dragged him in earlier. He was too concerned with getting caught to really enjoy the experience. He wanted a closer look at that dress. Or maybe even try it on. Yes. He wanted to go in there. He wanted to try that dress on. It would look cute at school. What would Mack think of him? Mack and Francine were a safe space though, he recalled. Lance turned to Mack and slowly opened his mouth to speak. Mack raised her eyebrow and smiled. She thought quietly to herself, "Come on girl, say it." "Can we... um..." "Hmm?" Mack prompted. "Can we go in there?" he finally blurted out, before closing his eyes, afraid Mack would laugh at him. Instead, she was calm and affirming. "We can go wherever you want, Simone," she reassured him. "Our friend is going to the prom. This afternoon is all for her." Lance smiled and turned red. He wasn't used to the attention. Mack and Francine had been calling him 'she' all afternoon and it was starting to grow on him. He kept getting a weird feeling the more it happened and he kept pushing those feelings away just as quickly. He supposed if Francine wasn't around, however, Mack would treat him like Lance, not Simone. Lance stood in the middle of the dress store, unsure where he wanted to go. "I'm not sure what I'm doing." "It's OK," Mack assured him. "We're here for you. Let's start with the dress you were looking at in the display. Do you want to try that one on?" she asked gently. "Yes." When the girls left the store, Lance had bought an additional dress, two tops, and three skirts. As they continued walking Lance was looking down at his nails. He desperately wanted to pick at them. Instead, he had an idea. "Mack, do you have any nail polish at home? I took mine off over the weekend," he asked while waving his fingers at her. "What color?" "Oh, I don't know. I'm not sure what color I should get." "Would you rather we get our nails done together?" "Can we?" He then turned red when he realized he had shown too much excitement. "Of course. All three of us. Courtesy of my sister," Mack said with a sinister smile. They walked into the nail salon, and after a fifteen minute wait, they were all able to get seats. Lance's nails were buffed and cleaned up. He realized he'd spent a week wearing French tips and nobody noticed except for girls. He felt daring and more empowered to do something bolder. "That glittery one." Lance pointed at a bottle. "Maybe a pale pink?" When his nails were freshly painted, he couldn't even recognize his hand anymore. No trace of hair or rough skin. Just long, soft, feminine- looking fingers tipped by glittery nails. He wanted to thank Mack and Francine, but didn't want to come off as too excited. After all, this was only temporary. A few more weeks and then boring old Lance would be back. ===================== Thank you all for reading! As always, I write for you and appreciate the feedback. You can leave a comment here or reach out to me via email ([email protected]), follow me on Twitter (@tfes81) or my Discord Server ( Interested in reading ahead? My website ( has next week's chapter.

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Taking the Road TogetherChapter 10 The Prom Queen

What a day, Stephanie mused as she pulled into the driveway. Her students had been unruly. The dean pushed another class on her. Darren hadn't been at the office when she called. She wanted to meet him for lunch. "Oh, pooh," Stephanie growled when the garage door opener didn't work. She frowned and parked her car in the driveway. The kids would be home in three hours. Maybe I'll just take a long bubble bath, she thought. She pulled her briefcase and her purse out of the car and walked...

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The Prom Queen

At Mindy's suggestion I will try to add on, to, or embellish this story. (Prom.txt) Janet Stickney [email protected] The Prom Queen My name is Tim Grant, I'm 17. I live with my Grandmother now because my parents wanted to retire to another state, and since I still had my Senior year to go in high school, I wanted to stay here. Without my knowledge it was arranged that I would stay with my Grandmother. She is in her fifties, a slender, beautiful woman with blond hair...

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The Prom Queen

At Mindy's suggestion I will try to add on, to, or embellish this story. (Prom.txt) Janet Stickney [email protected] The Prom Queen My name is Tim Grant, I'm 17. I live with my Grandmother now because my parents wanted to retire to another state, and since I still had my Senior year to go in high school, I wanted to stay here. Without my knowledge it was arranged that I would stay with my Grandmother. She is in her fifties, a slender, beautiful woman with blond hair...

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Black the Prom Queen

Your name is Elisha van Neuren but everyone calls you Ellie. Your Dutch-German heritage has given you naturally blonde hair, fair skin and grey-green eyes. You are 5'8 with long legs and a slim build, which make your perky 'c' cup breasts look impressive. With your perfect physique and flawless face, you could aspire to be a model if you didn't come from a wealthy family who wouldn't approve. But regardless everyone at school follows your exquisite fashion sense. Everyone knows you are the...

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Prom king and queen

"You look beautiful Kate," Dylan said as he brought his girlfriend in closer. Kate blushed and felt as Dylan pulled her in closer as they slow danced. As Kate snuggled close to her man, feeling his strong arms around her waist she couldn't help but think how perfect tonight had been. It had been quite the few weeks for Kate, on top of a bad breakup she had to endure the stress of preparing and planning her senior prom. Despite the stress of the last few weeks everything had turned...

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Princess Night Part Three The Prom Queen Plan A

Princess Night Part Three - The Prom Queen: Plan A By Solon Plorry Getting the family ready for church is a to-do even in the crispest of clan's; for the Wallersons it was mayhem. The two youngsters didn't want to go to church, and Babs rarely took them. Over the years, she had 'binged' now and again on church going, usually at the 'Ruined Brigade, Church of My Total Redemption' out on the Fringe Road, because a few of her friends went there. Since the unhappy discovery of...

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Prom night with Miss Boyd

I closed in on her woman parts. I could smell her. I had never smelt a woman before and the scent drove me wild. I started to kiss and lick at her entry point, fast and furiously. “Slowly at first Trent. Like a lovely flower that needs to open in the morning light. Slowly.” It was prom night. I was all excited because after tonight school would be over and I would never have to go back and see the bloody jock that always made my life a nightmare I had built up the courage to ask Silvia Jackson,...

First Time
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Prince of Darkness vs Prom Queen 02

(c)2013 This is a continuation of Laci & Donovan’s story. It would probably help to first read part one, PRINCE OF DARKNESS vs PROM QUEEN ******* Chapter 1 The Devil Went Down to Georgia The first wisps of morning light were filtering into the room as Donovan opened his eyes. Turning his head slightly, he saw her sleeping next to him, and with her long blonde hair feathered on the pillow, his mostly dark room was suddenly filled with her special sunshine. Laci Grace was the most...

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I Knocked Up the Prom Queen

I was twenty-six when Cheryl called and acted like we were old friends. We were from the same small town, a thousand miles away, and I didn't think we had ever spoken. She was the most beautiful and popular girl in high school, the homecoming and prom queen her senior year. I was a popular athlete, but only a lowly freshman. When I began college, in 1966, I was surprised to see her on campus. I didn't know she was a student there, too. I started to say hello, but she stuck her cute little butt...

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The Red Prom Dress

The Red Prom Dress By Stats It was my destiny. I have been living full time as a girl for twenty months. I just finished my second year of college. To my complete surprise I achieved an A average. I am sitting on my bed with my legs folded in front of my breasts. My arms are on top of my knees and my mouth is resting on my arms. My hair falls loosely around my feet. My beautiful peach colored toenails are nestled in the waves of my hair are like pearls. I move so my forehead...

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Prom Queen

Prom Queen by Dani O'Neill Sam knew he needed help with his pitching. The Cornwell high school baseball team depended on him as their solid starter, good for 15 wins every season. But this year, he seemed to be in a slump, unable to concentrate. The tall lanky blonde hadn't won a game all season, and had been unable to pitch more than four innings in any game before the manager pulled him out of the game. Sam's girlfriend Carol had read about a...

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Promises and Secrets Tinas Prom Date

Promises and Secrets 3: Tina's Prom Date By Maria Ski Authors note: This story takes place before the events in 'Promises and Secrets'. Tina Grant, to know her is a pleasure; to look at her is to admire her, to fall in love with her... Because Tina Grant has a secret, a secret that she has kept from a very early age. Few people know, but those who do are sworn to not share the secret. Lest it harm Tina in any way. Who am I? I hear you ask, my name is Michael and I had the...

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Ethans Prom Dress

Ethan, like a lot of teenagers was subconscious about his body, although he did have more reasons than most boys as he suffered from a form of gynecomastia, a condition that gave him perfectly formed, feminine breasts. He also secretly wishes to wear skirts and dresses, which would be a perfect combination if he wasn't too embarrassed by both his body and his desire to follow through with this idea. So instead he bandages his chest flat each morning and desperately tries to hide all of...

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SRU The Prom Dress

I rarely do stories in which the narration is in the first- person view, but for some stories it's appropriate. For some it's not. And I thought this story would seem better with first-person narration so I did it. It has more vulgarity than my stories would usually have, but the main character (who narrates it) is a male jerk, and that's how people like him talk, so I did it to make it seem more real. I decided to do this story, because my other stories were talking a bit too...

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Prom Queen

My name is Michael Lynn Jefferson, but now I am Michele Lynn Jefferson. I have always thought that I was a girl, even before I could talk. Momma would at times either let my cousin Becky stay over, or I'd go and see her. Aunt Clara or Momma would get the idea of dressing us up as twin girls for fun at Meadowbrook United Methodist Church and to go and see Santa Claus. Whenever I was dressed like Becky, I felt more alive than whenever I dressed as myself. As I got older, I'd throw a...

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Fatherdaughter Date MothersonChapter 13 Prom

“Dad, did you ever go to a prom?” I was taken back, “Sure. I think I went to five or six of them in high school. They were fun. Why?” “Well, the Junior-Senior Prom is coming up in May, and underclassmen are allowed to attend if an upper-classman invites them. I think it’s a big deal. Our three other teen friends are coming over any minute to talk about it with the three of us.” Penny stated her case as Misty hung out beside her. I saw Doug at the doorway listening to our talk. I chuckled,...

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little sls chapter three before prom

All three of us damn near lost our minds those two weeks before prom night. It seemed like an eternity. It was so utterly strange we truly gave each other all a free pass to fuck who we wanted when we wanted to do it.Scott blamed his busted up face in a bar fight. I have to say I am a deviant little bitch but when I looked at that busted lip I nearly begged him to fuck me. Jason went on a fucking marathon that made town legend. He fucked the strawberry festival queen, two of her runner’s up. He...

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Young Life of White TigerChapter 41 Party Time Freshman Prom

Chapter 41: Party Time & Freshman Prom Although I had gone out with the rest of the team after the game, I still had a while to wait before going to Chloe’s birthday party, her birthday had been on Thursday, I had given her a card, but that was all, I hadn’t planned on a present, since I felt our friendship hadn’t reached that stage again. It was lucky that I had some time, since I received a surprising phone call. It wasn’t often that I had a call on the house phone, those I regularly...

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Caught in a Prom Dress

If you can remember the stories LUCK RAN OUT AND I GOT CAUGHT then good this has escalated from there if not please read it first. It was a few weeks before my G/f college prom and said had her prom dress all prepared and hung up in the spare bedroom where i stayed. (her folks where very strict) As you can probably guess by now i wanted to try it on, it was a gorgeous gold long dress with 7 layers of skirt from the outside it felt so good but i wanted to feel the inside, so there i was laying...

2 years ago
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Prom Week The Final Chapter

It was finally here. The night that every girl dreams about. But not this prom. This Prom wasn't the kind girls dreamed of. For if things worked out as Fred planned this prom would became their worst nightmare.This was the Prom dreamt of in every horny young man's deepest, darkest, part of their heart.For now those things were pretty much like every other prom in America. Lots of dancing and young women in beautiful dresses with there hair done. And the king and queen of the prom was soon to be...

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Prom Week The Final Chapter

It was finally here. The night that every girl dreams about. But not this prom. This Prom wasn't the kind girls dreamed of. For if things worked out as Fred planned this prom would became their worst nightmare.This was the Prom dreamt of in every horny young man's deepest, darkest, part of their heart.For now those things were pretty much like every other prom in America. Lots of dancing and young women in beautiful dresses with there hair done. And the king and queen of the prom was soon to be...

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Her Moms a Prom Whore

I thought my senior year would be a lot better. I was the starting quarterback for the football team. I only had a few classes this year. I was set to graduate with honors. I was still a virgin but things had to change. I was filling out in all the right places. I’d been seeing a new girl for the last two months. I was even looking forward to going to prom this year. But things can change in less than a week.I’m standing under the bleachers behind the school. Everyone was gone from...

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Prince of Darkness vs Prom Queen 05

Chapter 1 When Worlds Collide The calendar was staring again. At least this year it smiling at him. Donovan’s second wedding anniversary was rapidly approaching. When his first anniversary was on the horizon he wasn’t certain there would be a second but here it was and he was happier than he’d ever been. Collisions had happened everywhere. It wasn’t that many years ago when Donovan Corbett’s life was in control. Each day followed the order and routine of the previous day. The world was quiet...

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Prince of Darkness vs Prom Queen 03

coldhands_warmheart © 2013 The sequel to Prince of Darkness v Prom Queen 1 & 2 Chapter 1 Hooray for Hollywood The calendar was watching him. Every time he glanced up it was staring at him, reminding him of the date of his first wedding anniversary. It was like one of those paintings, the ones with the creepy eyes, following him around the room. He tried to focus on the file in front of him. It was important, one of the biggest deals he’d ever worked on, it needed his undivided attention...

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Prince of Darkness vs Prom Queen 07

Chapter 1 Ei Incumbit Probatio Qui Dicit, Non Qui Negat. English translation: The burden of proof is on he who declares, not on he who denies. True maybe in a court of law but not in Donovan Corbett’s world. No one in his world appeared at all familiar with the fundamental right of innocent until proven guilty. Two weeks had passed. Two very long weeks. 14 days. 336 hours. 20,160 minutes. 107,209 accusatory glares aimed directly at Donovan. Where was Virgil? The hunt had started almost...

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I Knocked Up the Prom Queen

I was twenty-six when Cheryl called and acted like we were old friends. We were from the same small town, a thousand miles away, and I didn’t think we had ever spoken. She was the most beautiful and popular girl in high school, the homecoming and prom queen her senior year. I was a popular athlete, but only a lowly freshman. When I began college, in 1966, I was surprised to see her on campus. I didn’t know she was a student there, too. I started to say hello, but she stuck her cute little...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 16 Prom Outcasts

May 22, 1981 Prom Night Many schools held their senior prom after final exams, a few days before graduation. St. James was different; the thinking was that getting the prom out of the way would allow us to focus more on our finals. I drove Eileen over to Dave's house in Mom's car. My kid sister was looking all grown up and lovely in a flowing light blue dress. She'd become somewhat of a celebrity among her peers. Not many tenth-graders get to attend the senior prom. After she stepped...

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The FavorChapter 41 The Prom

Prom time was here, and I wasn't sure what to expect. Surprisingly, Jeff had asked me to go to the prom with him. I think that he had been deluding himself to believe that others were not aware that he was the puppeteer with his hand up my ass, metaphorically speaking (although that was an interesting picture). When Brittany explained to him that everyone knew, his behavior towards me in public changed, albeit only marginally. He no longer hid his command of me, though neither did he revel...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 48 Two Proms Part II

April-May 1979 Saturday morning after the Prom, I was up at my usual time despite coming in so late. I swam, then ate breakfast with Stephanie. “What’s bothering you, Big Bro?” “Joyce. We said ‘goodbye’ last night.” “Goodbye like in you’re going away goodbye, or goodbye like you’re done with each other?” “The first one, for sure. The second one probably, if I’m honest.” “And you’re sad about that?” “Yeah, Squirt, about both.” “You have to make your own decision in the end. You said so...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 47 Two Proms Part I

April 1979 Spring break started on April 8th. It was a busy week. On Monday, I went to Melanie’s to see Michelle, who was visiting. She was dating someone, and they’d been going out for a few months. She seemed quite happy, and I was happy that she was happy. The other good news was that Melanie had been cleared to drive. Michelle and I shared a nice hug and a gentle kiss before I left. On Tuesday, Joyce and I had our dinner date. We went to the apartment, and she cooked. We talked about...

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An Officer and a GentlemanChapter 6 May Prom Night

Mitch arrived at Tory's late Friday night. On Saturday morning, he went with Trent to pick up his rented tux. Then, they both headed to the florist to pick up the corsages for their dates. Mitch felt a sense of pride when the florist referred to Mitch as Trent's father. The best part for Mitch was that Trent never corrected the salesman. "Mom!" Trent called from the front door. "The limo's here!" "Alright, you don't need to yell!" she scolded, while coming down the...

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Prom Night Promises

After months and months of waiting, the prom was finally here. Danny was as excited as his girlfriend, Allyson. Finally, his girlfriend was going to do more than just stroke his cock. She promised to finally go all the way with Danny. That was the plan. Danny knew that he had to go out of his way to make the prom part of the evening very memorable. Danny rented a limo for the evening. Nothing was too good for Allyson tonight. He bought her a lovely corsage and made sure there was champagne...

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Prom Night Promises

After months and months of waiting, the prom was finally here. Danny was as excited as his girlfriend, Allyson. Finally, his girlfriend was going to do more than just stroke his cock. She promised to finally go all the way with Danny. That was the plan. Danny knew that he had to go out of his way to make the prom part of the evening very memorable. Danny rented a limo for the evening. Nothing was too good for Allyson tonight. He bought her a lovely corsage and made sure there was champagne...

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First Swing Party in a Prom Dress

Cindy and Dennis stand outside the large mansion that has a swinger's party tonight. Dennis had called yesterday and got an enthusiastic invitation. Cindy was a cute blonde 18 year old recent high school grad. She is wearing her beautiful pink prom gown that barely holds in her full breasts and shows off her slim figure and firm small ass. Dennis told her to dress very nicely and Cindy had learned the hard way not to say no to Dennis. He had spanked her sweet ass until it was beet red when she...

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Getting Ready for PromChapter 5

Again, the next morning, Bob awoke to an empty bed, Cindy having gotten up and gone to school. That day was less troublesome than the previous one. Conditions had changed. They were lovers now, plain and simple. It might be taboo, but her consent and enthusiasm were established beyond any doubt. He did worry a bit about the sperm he’d deposited next to the opening to her womb, but hoped she was right, and that there was no egg available for his little swimmers to find. He got a lot of work...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 15 Prom

May 2002, Senior Year The last week and a half had been perfect. Allie's and my relationship had been re-energized and we'd been fucking like rabbits every chance we got, in every position possible. I found that having such a small and light girlfriend had its advantages. I could lift Allie and literally fuck her up the wall of my bedroom without getting too exhausted. I could fuck her wheelbarrow style without my arms giving out. And once we even had completely free-standing sex, without...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 60 Prom and Pomp and Circumstance Part I

April/May 1981 — Milford/Cincinnati, Ohio When I woke up on Sunday morning, I called Karin, then swam and ate breakfast with Stephanie. When Dad got up, I thanked him profusely for allowing the party and for keeping Mom away from us. He told me he was quite pleased with our behavior, and that, as he’d expected, there had been no fights, no booze or drugs, and that we’d left everything spotless. He warned me that Mom might say something to me about it and reminded me to just keep my cool. I...

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The Prom Dress Fitting by loyalsock

"I'd love to go," Fran said excitedly into the phone, "sure, sure, uh huh, okay, yeah, I'll see you tomorrow at school then, and thanks for asking me, bye!!!" "Yipeeeee," Fran shouted at the top of her lungs, "guess who just asked yours truly to the Prom!?!" "Let me guess," her mother replied thoughtfully, "I'll bet it was Stuart?!?" "Oh, mother," Fran replied in exasperation, "you know who it was, it was Jack!!!" "Jack," her mother asked playfully, "do I know him!?!" Fran playfully poked her...

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The Prom Dress Fitting

“I’d love to go,” Fran said excitedly into the phone, “sure, sure, uh huh, okay, yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow at school then, and thanks for asking me, bye!!!” “Yipeeeee,” Fran shouted at the top of her lungs, “guess who just asked yours truly to the Prom!?!” “Let me guess,” her mother replied thoughtfully, “I’ll bet it was Stuart?!?” “Oh, mother,” Fran replied in exasperation, “you know...

1 year ago
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The prom dress fitting

"I'd love to go," Fran said excitedly into the phone, "sure, sure, uh huh, okay, yeah, I'll see you tomorrow at school then, and thanks for asking me, bye!!!" "Yipeeeee," Fran shouted at the top of her lungs, "guess who just asked yours truly to the Prom!?!" "Let me guess," her mother replied thoughtfully, "I'll bet it was Stuart?!?" "Oh, mother," Fran replied in exasperation, "you know who it was, it was Jack!!!" "Jack," her mother asked playfully, "do I know him!?!" Fran playfully poked her...


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