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Synergy (A MORFS Universe Story) Part 13 This part is intertwined with OhnomoreHybrid 4, so a lot of things like events and things that are said are the same. But the viewpoints and thoughts of the narrators are very different between the two stories.. So please read both stories to see how each person thinks and their views of what happens in the connected events. *** The next morning I got up early again, fed Cyn and decided on a casual outfit for the day. I debated if I should wear some make up, but decided not to. I breezed into Isabel's room, while she was still sleeping. She had kicked her covers off, but I guess she doesn't need them much with her fur. "Isabel? I need you to do something for me!" She yawned, "Go away. Let me sleep." I tickled her side, which woke her up very quickly. "Unh... what do you want, Sis? You know I don't like that." "I'm sorry Isabel, but I have to go soon. I would like you to look after Cyn while I'm gone. Normally I would be back shortly after class, but today I also have a meeting with Gavin." Isabel sighed, "I knew that you would ask me to take care of the squog as well. Ok, I'll do it, but only because she's so cute." "Thanks Sis. Love you for helping me." I gave her some instructions and she groaned when she heard the feeding schedule. But she quickly said that I could count on her. A quick breakfast later I was on my way to the Community Center for my lesson today. I noticed Gabe from quite some distance and when he looked at me, he smiled. I smiled back at him and waved. As we got closer I started to say, "I'm sorry." But he beat me to it, "I'm sorry ..." then he motioned to me, "You go ahead." "I'm sorry that I shot you with my stun beam. I shouldn't do something like that. I hope you didn't get hurt?" We sat down on the bench outside the door, "I didn't mind that Maren. It kinda felt nice. You should know that I'm an Electricity Elemental. I had no problem absorbing what you shot at me." I looked at him with wide open eyes. 'He's an Elemental, too?' "Still I shouldn't have done it. I do have my power under control, but my emotions ran rampant yesterday. I should know better than to use my power. I can be quite dangerous you know. In fact my power blew up a mountain with the force of an atom bomb." Now he looked at me with his eyes wide open, "That was you that blew up that mountain near Yellowstone ?" I swallowed and screwed my eyes, "Yes I was, why do you ask?" "Because I wasn't too far from there myself. I saw the explosion. It happened only a day before I ..." He trailed off. I asked suspiciously, "Before what?" He swallowed, "Before I scared my pursuers away during the lightning storm that I made worse than normal." I looked at him, "That was you? There was a freak electrical storm in Montana just before I got back here." He nodded, "Yes that was me. But back to you, so everything you said as the reason for taking these lessons is true? You got kidnapped and blew apart a mountain?" I nodded, "And you then? How much is true about your story?" He gave a wry smile, "All of it. My enemies at school beat me almost to death, because I was a hybrid. As I was admitted to the hospital I went through MORFS again. It cured me of most of my hybrid aspects, and give me an Elemental power, but then my parents, who are both hybrids, rejected me. That's why I came here to live with my uncle." I looked at him with a look between respect and compassion. Then something in my mind clicked and I just had to ask, "What kind of hybrid were you?" He looked puzzled at me, "A canine hybrid. Why?" Now it all made sense to me. 'So I might be attracted to him because of his Electric power and feel strange and awkward around him because of his canine hybridism.' "I felt awkward around you. I have felt like that before with another Canine hybrid. My feline hybridism is reacting to it." He was about to say something when I saw Mr. Brands walk up to us. "Hi Maren! And you must be Gabe Kramer. I'm Mr. Brands, your teacher today." We got to our feet and followed him inside. There he said, "So how is my favorite student? Zap any students lately?" I felt mortified and looked sheepishly to the floor. He noticed and continued, "Hey I'm only kidding Maren." I looked up to him, "Well I happen to zap Gabe here with my stun beam yesterday." Gabe interrupted, "But she didn't know that I'm an Electricity Elemental. So it just fed my power." Now Mr. Brands looked perplexed. "So instead of one student with powers I have two? Well that is a surprise. I would like to know more about you. I already know quite a bit about the things Maren can do and I'm writing a scientific paper about such things. Don't worry I'll let you two read it first and will keep your names out of it." We talked a bit more about his plans and he asked Gabe if he could give a demonstration. I watched as he powered up and had lightning dance between his fingers. Then he kinda rubbed his hands like making a snowball and produced a lightning ball which he held in his hand. He quickly dissolved it and said, "I don't dare do more, as I can be quite dangerous with these lightning balls. But I can also detect electrical impulses and power any electrical device." Fortunately we didn't talk anymore about power levels in particular. Instead Mr. Brands discussed with us things about our powers for half an hour and then we started our physics and math lessons. These were my forte, so I found myself helping Gabe with it. After our lessons we walked out together and sat down on a bench. He surprised me with some sandwiches that he apparently made this morning for us to eat. Then I started again, "I'm really sorry for getting mad at you and for shooting you." He interrupted, "Don't be silly. I'm the one to blame. You always look good to me, but yesterday you looked sensational. I should've said something nice about it. It took some advice from my aunt to open my mind for telling you so." I looked at him, 'He thinks I'm good looking? Do I want to go further with that?' "You asked your aunt for advice? Who is your aunt?" Then I remembered that he had almost slipped up once. "Dean O'Dale is your aunt?" He gave a wry smile, "Yes, well not really my aunt. She's living with my Uncle Frank. They might get further into their relationship later in the future, but not just yet." I understood now and looked at him. 'He is a nice and handsome guy.' "Don't you have to go to work today?" He said calmly, "I've got a few days off. Andre, he's the owner, is changing something inside, so it's closed. Besides I have an appointment later this afternoon with Gavin." Excited, I exclaimed, "Oh I have an appointment with Gavin, too! When's yours?" "At 4 o'clock so I have a lot of time to kill before then." "I have mine at 3, so would you mind going there together with me?" He smiled, "No problem, Maren. But I want to ask you something else. What do you say we go to the beach with the other guys tomorrow? We can sunbathe, swim a little and have fun with the others." My mood went on a roller coaster. On one hand I would love to go to the beach with my friends. But on the other, I was afraid. it was something that I had never done. "Um ... I don't know if I can go. I mean if I should go." He cocked his head, "Why? What's wrong? Do you have some deformity, or are you too shy to show yourself? Please tell me, Maren." I felt so embarrassed, "It's not that. I just don't own a bathing suit or anything like that." I hesitated and Gabe looked expectantly at me to continue. "The truth is, I never learned how to swim." He looked amused at me, "That's it? Well I could teach you, I'm quite a good swimmer. Not that I can win races, but I can hold my own. Or is this a cat thing and are you afraid of water?" Now I was a bit miffed, "No, this is not a cat thing!. It's just that before my MORFS I had a serious disease. My life expectancy was measured in years instead of decades. So I never bothered to learn how to swim." He reacted, mocking indignantly, "Sorry, don't kill me!" I smiled at his words. 'He's so sweet.' Then my tail swished in front of him. He grabbed it and started stroking it. 'It feels so good!' I started purring and closed my eyes. When I opened them, my head suddenly was close to his and my lips were near his. He leaned in a little and lightly kissed my lips. I was both mortified and elated at the same time. 'How dare he? But it felt so good. But I don't kiss boys! But I'm a girl and should kiss boys. Argh! I'm so confused with this.' I pulled my head back quickly and startled him. He started stroking my tail again. This time I purred again, but kept looking at him. He blushed as he apologized, "Maren I'm so sorry. I should've remembered that you just experienced a gender change during your MORFS. I can't begin to understand what you're going through emotionally." Then I was embarrassed again, realizing he blamed himself for my confusion. "It's OK. It's not your fault, but mine. I've been steadily growing into being a girl, but still try to resist becoming one totally in my mind. I think it's time I resigned myself to being a girl both in body and mind." I leaned over and gave him a firm kiss on his lips, taking us both totally by surprise. I enjoyed it, but felt weird inside. But after his initial surprise, Gabe participated well enough though. I thought, 'He is a great kisser.' But then after a few seconds he broke it off. I felt a bit disappointed when he quit kissing, until he asked, "You said that you don't own a bathing suit?" When I nodded he suggested, "Well what do you say about us going to shop for one?" I hesitated, I should do the shopping with my girlfriends. But I didn't know where they were. I bit my lip before answering, "Okay then. Are you buying?" He laughed, "I guess I had that coming. Yeah, sure, I'll pay. I did ask you to go shopping for it with me, so the least I can do is buy it for you. Now, do you have any preference where to shop?" I got up quickly, "Sure, I know just the place and they have some lines of clothes especially for hybrids with a tail like me." We walked to the mall where I went straight to the store where I had been shopping earlier. It had lots of clothes that I liked. I knew just where to go and quickly found some bathing suits. I selected some suits with long sleeves and a bit of pant legs. Gabe shook his head, "Maren you can't wear that! It will look ridiculous." He picked up some very small bikinis that I was afraid of even trying on. I would be mortified to wear something like that. And he said, "Here, these are more suited for going to the beach." I snorted back to him, "No way I'm ever going to wear something like that." He laughed at me which made me even more bent on rejecting something like that. "Well, the one you picked out will make you the laughing stock of everyone on the beach." I took a good look at the ones I picked and had to agree with him on that. Those wouldn't do at all. A voice behind us said, "Maybe I can be of some help? I gather that you're not agreeing on what to wear to the beach?" We both turned to the saleswoman. Gabe said, "My friend here has never been to the beach, so she needs something to swim in, but which is fashionable and will not make her stand out too much with her friends." I was infuriated, 'I can search for myself and speak for myself. How dare he speak like that, even if he is totally correct with what he said!' The woman introduced herself as Anita. She searched in the racks of clothing and came back with three different bathing suits. "Here try these on. There is a changing booth right over there." She pointed to the left and back of me. I undressed while looking at the bathing suits that Anita had picked out for me. The first one I tried on was a light gray very revealing suit. It showed way too much of my curves and skin to my taste. It would look great, but I hesitated to go out and show it to Gabe. 'Well I'd better go do it before I lose my nerve all together.' I stepped out and saw Gabe gawking at me. I could tell that he liked it. I quickly said, "I'll try another one on." I quickly stepped out of the bathing suit and put on a shiny wet look black one. I stepped again out and showed it to both Gabe and Anita. Without a word I stepped back into the booth and put the last one on. This time it was almost a two piece. Like a bikini, but it was held together with a metal ring in front. I didn't like it but tried it on anyway. I stepped out again and Gabe nodded, though Anita shook her head slowly. I went back in and dressed in my own clothes. I was glad to put them back on, 'I really don't like how exposed they make me feel.' I started, "I don't think these are for me. Maybe I should look further?" But Gabe and Anita both protested. Gabe said, "Nonsense, Maren. I agree that the last two are not you. But the gray one really suits you. And your tail isn't bothered with it as well." Anita agreed with him and added, "I do know a lot about hybrids with tails, and neither of the others looked as good as you did with the gray bathing suit on." I wasn't happy with it, but it did fit me very well. And I had promised to buy a bathing suit, or rather, Gabe had promised to buy me one. Gabe added superfluously, "I know that you've never worn a bathing suit before. But there is a first time for everything. You do look great in that gray suit." I punched him in the shoulder, "No need to say it. I know it already. Just let me decide on my own, okay?" Anita softly said, "Well, what will it be?" I thought, 'Oh why not?' "Okay, I'll buy the gray one. I just hope I don't regret it." Anita took the garment for me to the register, "Oh you won't. This is one of the best we have. I'm sure you will like it." I followed her with Gabe and he stepped up to pay for it. The price was quite steep, but it was worth it. It was made with nano-tube fibers, meaning it is very sturdy and can take a lot of abuse. We got to the MORFS center a bit early while talking about the next day. Apparently Gabe came from a country with lots of waterways around. As we stepped up to reception, we saw Gavin walking by. He waved me over directly and looked a bit surprised that Gabe was already there. Gabe sat down in the lobby with a magazine while I followed Gavin to his office. I was glad that he didn't say anything about Gabe on the way to his office though once he had me seated that changed. He smiled at me, "So Maren, I'm glad to see that you are here with your fellow student." 'How did he know that we both had class? Don't be so stupid! He was there with his cousin to suggest these lessons for me. And Gabe is his client as well.' "Well he is a nice enough guy." "Just a nice enough guy? Maren, even without my telepathic ability I can see that you're friends. I think it is good for you to be friends with him. Now tell me, how are you feeling today?" I hesitated just slightly before answering, "I'm okay. Actually I'm doing a bit better now. My nightmares seem to go away. Lately I had some nice dreams." Gavin wrote something on his eCom, "Do you remember anything from those dreams? Care to tell me something about them?" I really didn't want to. "Just some nice dreams of peaceful things." "Don't hold out on me Maren! Are they about someone in particular? Like a boy?" I squirmed, "Can I please speak of something else? Aren't I allowed to keep my dreams private?" Gavin laughed, "Yes they are. It's just that I am picking up some happy and maybe romantic stray thoughts from you." Now I really was worried, 'Is it that obvious? I really need to control myself better!' I think Gavin picked that up as well, "Don't worry about that, Maren. You know that everything here is confidential. So who is it that you like?" I sighed, 'It is too obvious then.' "Ok, I'm kinda attracted to Gabe. Today we even kissed. But I'm still not too comfortable with the whole boy dating thing. So can we please stop?" Gavin smiled, "Well if you're not comfortable to talk about your dreams or feelings, how about talking about the control and level of your power. I'm still waiting for you to talk about how you blew up that mountain." I sighed again, he was right. I've been beating around the bush for a long time and putting it off. Maybe now it was time. "Fine, I'll tell you everything." I leaned back into the cushions of the sofa and closed my eyes remembering the horrors I had lived through. "I was tied to a bed in a chamber. They had put some wiring into my head which was connected to a controller. Whenever I tried to do something other than generate moderate heat or electricity, the controller would 'correct me'. I tried everything I could to get out, but nothing worked. Then some guy tried to rape me. He got shot or something and the woman in charge said that she was going to operate on me. She threatened to cut out my womb and everything and cut off my tail. She then said that I would be getting company soon from an electrical Elemental." A thought struck me. I opened my eyes and looked at Gavin. "Hey, do you suppose she meant Gabe? He was near there and he's an electric Elemental." Gavin nodded in agreement, but went on, "You might be right about that. So you were trapped, now how did you manage to escape the controller." I closed my eyes again thinking back to that horrible place and time. "As I was trying to come up with something and worrying about my near future, I remembered my physics lessons. Specifically about the weak and strong force within molecules and atoms. It took me a while, but I managed to annihilate the wires inside my head. It gave me a lot of energy, and confused the controller as well. I absorbed even more energy and screwed up their electrical system. When I couldn't hold my energy inside anymore, I released it all in one blast and in lots of frequencies. I just hope I didn't emit some dangerous ones." I stopped talking and opened my eyes which started leaking tears. Gavin just looked at me. "I understand how you must feel. Do you feel up to hearing what happened because of your release?" I looked frightened at Gavin. "You mean to say that there are other consequences of my release?" He nodded, "We already compiled a list of all the things, but I hesitated to tell you. But I think now is the time to do that as well." He looked on his eCom and read to me, "The EMP resulted in one crash of a plane taking off. The pilot only suffered a broken leg, though. Two other planes had to make emergency landings and some others had difficulties. All Satellites near the point of origin were knocked out. A dormant volcano in the Indian Ocean erupted violently, killing two researchers who were too close. Other volcanos showed signs of increased activity. Several gravitational disruptor MORFS survivors reported gravitational waves, and everywhere the seismic sensors went haywire. Fortunately the big volcano under Yellowstone Park wasn't affected. But every agency and military in the country was put on full alert for fear of a terrorist attack." I really started crying now. I had killed people with my blast, and caused lots of damage and unrest. I felt so bad now. I might get sued or put on display for what I did. Even worse, I might be put under close scrutiny for misusing my power. I was surprised that Gavin hadn't done so already. "Do people know that I did all that?" Gavin sat down next to me and held me, "No Maren. It is not publicly known. After some deliberation between various agencies of the government, we decided to leave your name out of every report. A cover story of an unknown group who blew themselves up was created. So only you and I know about it." I looked teary eyed at him, "I kinda told Gabe about it as well." Gavin smiled, "That's no problem. He will keep his mouth shut, as he has own problems with his power." I nodded and then asked, "How about Mom? I think she wants to know as well." He thought for a while, "If you can manage it, don't tell her. Else, tell her as little as possible please." Gavin looked surprised at the clock, "Darn, look at the time. It's already 4.25. I'm late for my session with Gabe. Now Maren I want you to make another appointment soon again. You should've told me that you got raped." I interrupted him, "I almost got raped. He didn't get far enough." "Still, every one of those things were traumatic events for you. You need to talk about it. The dreams you were having are an indication that you were suffering from Post Traumatic Stress disorder. I already surmised it, but hesitated to call you on it. If I stepped in too soon, you would use me as a crutch. And I think you're strong enough on your own to deal with a lot of what happened. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time, because I needed you to open up to me first before I really could start helping you." As Gavin was guiding me to the exit of his office I admitted, "I have been stubbornly closing myself, haven't I? I'm sorry for that, but I didn't feel like talking about it." He said comfortingly, "Don't sweat it, Maren, You are ready for it now, and I don't think you're too much the worse for wear. But I do want to talk to you again soon." When we exited the office Gabe was still sitting in the lobby reading some kind of magazine. He got up and pulled his brow up in an unspoken question. Gavin asked, "Gabe, do you want to do it quickly, or would you mind rescheduling? I'm running out of time here." He answered casually, "Oh there's not much to tell, really. I just helped out a demolition crew practicing my power. The site was quite secure, so I don't think that it is a problem, unless you see differently." Gavin cocked his head, "I will check it, but I don't think that it is a problem. What did the men say?" Gabe calmly said, "The foreman thanked me and said that I was welcome on their next job." Gavin laughed, "Well that's good to hear. I guess we're done here then?" He turned to me, "Now remember Maren, another appointment soon, okay?" I nodded to him and went over to his secretary to schedule another appointment. Gabe waited patiently till I was finished before taking me outside. We walked towards his home together when I suddenly knew I had forgotten something. "Gabe I can't go with you to the beach just like that. Yesterday I found a baby squog. She's dependent on me and requires lots of care. Isabel has taken over from me today, but I need to take care of her tomorrow." He frowned, "What do you have to do for ... what did you call it? A squog?" I smiled, "Yes it's a hybrid between a squirrel and a dog. I had one before, but he got killed trying to save me from getting kidnapped." "Oh okay, so what kind of care does this baby squog need?" I sighed, "Well she needs to be fed every 2 to 4 hours. And when she's awake, she needs to be kept busy. That's it really." He shrugged, "Well if you have a leash or something, why not take her to the beach? Maybe she'll like it as well?" 'I hadn't thought of that! How can I be so stupid? Of course I can take Cyn to the beach with me.' "Okay Gabe, I guess that would be okay. Now how are we going to get there?" He rubbed his chin, "Well I'm hoping to borrow my uncle's car. But I don't know yet if I can get it. Do you have a driver's license?" I gave him a wry look, "Sorry, didn't get around to it yet. But maybe I can borrow Mom's car if you can't borrow your uncle's car that is." He smiled back at me, "Okay thanks, but I'll try my uncle first. So we'll go straight from class to the beach then?" "Yes. Oh I hope Mr. Brands doesn't mind me taking Cyn with me to class." Gabe looked puzzled back at me, "Who is Cyn?" "Oh, that is my pet squog's name." He gave me a weird look, "Oh I see. Well I'm almost home Maren, so I'll see you tomorrow then." I nodded and went towards my own home, but not until I'd waved goodbye to Gabe, who waved back to me. 'I really like him. He's not as pushy as some other boy I know.' *** I was in a good mood walking home, but then remembered that Isabel would pick up on it. That put a damper on my mood. Still, I was feeling pretty good when I came home. I heard some laughter from the back of the house so I went there. Denise and Isabel were playing with Cyn, but as soon as she saw me, Cyn bounced towards me and jumped into my arms. I carried her over to Isabel and Denise. "Hi guys, did you have fun playing with Cyn?" Denise smiled brightly, "Sure we had, I love the little critter. Where ever did you get her?" I gave a wry smile, "We saved her from starvation in the park. I think that she's a descendant of my former squog Sammi." "Well I just adore her, she's so cute and a lot of fun to play with." "Yeah," said Isabel, "We just love Cyn. Once Denise came over I didn't even mind taking care of her today. Still, I won't do this everyday you know." Reassuringly I said, "Don't worry I will take care of her mostly." I paused and petted Cyn, but since the girls didn't say anything, I lightly continued, "Oh, I've got a question for you, are you going to the beach tomorrow?" Denise promptly said enthusiastically, "Yeah, we wouldn't want to miss tomorrow. Most of our friends will be there." Inward I groaned, 'Everyone will be there and will watch me take swimming lessons. I don't need that. But I did promise Gabe already.' "What would you say if I joined you there? " Isabel looked at me with confusion, "But you don't have a driver's license. How will you get there?" Hesitantly I said, "Well, the boy taking the extra lessons with me does have a license. He'll drive us there." Isabel said cheerfully, "Yay! We finally get to meet your boyfriend!" Denise stared alternately at me and Isabel, "What? You have a boyfriend Maren? Why didn't you tell us?" Miffed I replied, "No I don't have a boyfriend. He's just taking extra classes, like me." Isabel snorted, "Yeah, .... Ri ...ight. And I don't have a tail. So did you kiss him already?" Now I was mortified, 'How did she know that?' I stammered, "Uhm ... he... I ..." Isabel interrupted me, "Ha! I knew it. You've been kissing him. Tell me, how good is he?" Denise was watching this with growing interest and surprise. I screwed my eyes and glared at Isabel. 'Why does she have to be an empath? I will never have any privacy anymore.' "Isabel, for the last time, I don't date boys and I don't have a boyfriend." Isabel just laughed at me, "Just keep saying it, Sis, maybe you'll start believing it. But I won't." I got upset with it, and involuntarily started to power up. Even Cyn noticed and started squirming in my arms. 'Darn, I'm letting her get to me.' I slowly shed my energy and calmed myself before I sat down again to ask Denise, "Denise, did Isabel already invite you to the wedding?" "You mean your Mom's wedding? Yes, she did. So are you looking forward to it?" I smiled, "Yeah, it's not everyday you get to go to your Mom's wedding." I was glad that I had managed to change the subject. Now Isabel and Denise got into a heated discussion on weddings. I kept myself a bit out of the discussion, but gave my opinion a few times. Some time later Cyn demanded attention again, so I asked, "Isabel, when was the last feeding?" She looked at her watch, "Oops, already 3 hours ago. She's hungry again then?" I looked at her, "You tell me, you're the empath." Isabel concentrated for a moment. Then she said, "You're absolutely right, Sis. Cyn is hungry. Sorry I didn't notice. But I've been taking some painkillers to dampen my power. It bothers me sometimes." "That's okay, Sis, I'll go make her bottle then." I went to the kitchen and thought I heard Denise asking Isabel all about how she knew I had a boyfriend. I got upset again just thinking about it. Because though I didn't want to admit it, she might be right. Gabe might be considered a boyfriend. 'I do like him, but is he my boyfriend? I just want to be friends now. But he is nice though.' Later when Denise went back home, she said to me as goodbye, "See you tomorrow with your boyfriend Maren." I gave her a mock angry look and she laughed at me. Isabel laughed with her and again started teasing me. I couldn't get her to stop so I just went to my room and played with Cyn till Mom called me for dinner. I got up early, already put on my new bathing suit and picked out a nice pale blue sundress. It was easy to take off and put on. I did pack some other clothes with me, though. Then I made sure that I had enough bottles ready for Cyn for the whole day and fed her before I went out. As I walked up with my little squog asleep in my arms, I saw Gabe sitting down on the bench. I sat down next to him and showed him Cyn. Gabe smiled as he looked at my squog and looked more closely. Then Cyn woke up and got scared at a strange face looking at her I think. She tried to hide into my arms, but I held on tightly and calmed her down. Cyn still felt apprehensive, but then Gabe let her sniff his hands and she began to relax. Only then he started petting Cyn. She really liked that and before long she went over to Gabe to be held by him. I had a big bag with some cloth for her to sleep on and some of her toys, just so she wouldn't feel bored while waiting for me in class. Mr. Brands came quite soon and when he saw me holding Cyn once more, asked, "What do you have there Maren?" I showed him Cyn and said, "This is my pet squog, Mr. Brands. We found her starving next to her dying mother. She and her brother have been adopted by Cynthia and me." Mr. Brands took a closer look, "Real interesting, I would love to study her more closely. But why did you bring her to school?" Gabe replied before I could say anything, "That's my fault, Mr. Brands. I asked Maren to go to the beach with me this afternoon . She can't leave her pet at home all day, so I told her to bring her squog with her. I hope you don't mind?" Mr. Brands gave a thoughtful look, "Well, I don't know. I would have liked to be asked first." I started to pout at his words but then he laughed looking at me, "No, it's okay. Is it okay for me to study your squog while you're working, Maren?" "I guess, but she does need her rest sometimes. Maybe you can also feed her later? That is if you don't mind doing that." "Oh I don't mind at all. I do have some experience in that sort of thing. In my past I raised some bear cubs that were abandoned by their mothers or fell victim to poachers." I was elated that it worked out so well as we all went into our classroom and began our lesson. We worked quite hard on our lesson ,but sometimes I glanced at Mr. Brands either playing with Cyn or giving her a bottle. He seemed quite enraptured with studying her. But I was glad when the time arrived to get out. I really wanted to be outside today, it promised to be such a lovely day with sunshine and almost no wind. Gabe walked me over to a car and I really was surprised. He had managed to borrow a nice Toyota station wagon. He helped me to get settled in the passengers seat with Cyn in her bag between my legs. Gabe hurried to get in himself and after backing out of the parking lot, activated the navigation system and drove at a nice and easy speed along the road. I felt quite safe in the car, and just enjoyed the ride. Maybe I should've talked a bit to Gabe, but I didn't feel like starting a conversation. Then he asked, "Um, Maren? Would you like to go to a wedding with me a week from Saturday?" I barely managed to hold my laughter as I realized he was talking about Mom's wedding. Trying to hold a poker face, I answered him, "Sorry Gabe, but I can't. I already have to go to a wedding." At first I saw his disappointment, but then he asked, "What exactly did you say Maren?" I couldn't hold it anymore, I started laughing. "Whose marriage have you been invited to Gabe?" I could hear the suspicion in his voice as he said, "Uncle Frank said that the fire chief was getting married." I laughed even more. Gabe was getting upset by it, I could tell, so I hurried to say, "He's getting married to my Mom. So I can't go with you. I'll be there already." He visibly relaxed, "Oh, now I see. Well I'll see you there then." I giggled a bit after this funny situation and he asked, "How about going with me to the next wedding, then?" Now I was surprised and confused. "What next wedding? Who is going to marry next, then? I'm not ready for marriage, and I'm not sure that you're man enough for me." He laughed at me, making me more furious. Then he said, "Maren I wasn't talking about us, though I wouldn't mind taking you out on a date someday." I was elated and mad at him at the same time. 'He didn't mean us. But he does like me. Do I dare enough to like him?' I asked with barely held back fury, "So if not us, whose wedding do you mean?" Lightly he said, "My uncle asked Aunt Vanessa last night to marry him." Then he continued on an indignant tone, "Hey, what did you mean I'm not enough man for you? Want me to prove to you that I am?" I snickered, "And how are you going to prove that?" He thoughtfully said, "I can tickle you till you give up? Or zap you silly with my lightning." I giggled again, "You can zap me all you want, and I'll just absorb it with my power." He was about to answer, when someone on a bike shot in front of the car and he had to swerve like mad to avoid him. Gabe exclaimed something that I didn't understand at all. I looked at him saying, "What did you say? It sounded funny." He looked sheepish at me, "Sorry I cursed in my native language. Literally it meant: Damn, look out of your eyes." "Oh, well it sounded funny when you said it." We drove a few more minutes in silence till we reached the turn off to the beach. Gabe effortlessly pulled into the deserted road and then parked the car on the side of the road. He turned to me and said, "How about you trying to drive for a little while?" I was mortified, "I can't drive. And this is your uncle's car. Really I can't." He smiled, "Well actually it's my aunt's car, but the road's deserted here, so have a go." I hesitated, I really did want to practice again. "Okay then, but only a short drive, okay?" He agreed with me and we switched seats. I drove for a while till I saw cars and some building ahead. I stopped and told Gabe, "That's enough for now. Please take over, and you park it." We switched seats again and Gabe parked the car next to all the others already there. I got out carrying the bag with Cyn and then Gabe got out carrying a big container. I was curious so I asked inquisitively, "What's in there?" Nonchalantly, he said, "Lunch, snacks and drinks for us and the others." I gave him an appreciative look, I really appreciated that he had thought of that. We had to walk some distance to the beach, so on our way we went. As we neared the beach area, I remembered that I hadn't thanked him yet, so I stopped and said, "I haven't even thanked you yet for allowing me to drive, here," and kissed him on the cheek. Before he could say anything, I saw Denise, Mandy and Isabel, and I ran out to them waving and shouting greetings. The girls greeted me enthusiastically and spoke all through each other. Isabel asked, "Is that Cyn in there?" "Yes, I brought her with me. I hope she has a good time as well." Mandy was confused about our conversation and I explained my new squog to her. They all wanted to greet and pet her of course, but I got her out and warned them that too much attention at once would make her frightened. Then Denise said, "Oh, oh, I think I see trouble brewing." I looked up and I saw Batman ready to shout his sonic waves and Gabe standing there with his electric power visibly crackling around him. I already had a feeling what it was about, so I said "Oh shit! I should've seen this coming." I gave Cyn to Isabel and started to run towards the boys. End of part thirteen, to be continued

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oral masturbation

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COVID Drives Workplace Change for the Wife Pt 2

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A Kiss At The Party

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After The Movies Continued

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Tara 5 BoasChapter 7

Page ended up in their room. She whispered to Serpin she felt safer being with them if she was going to be staying with them, so they gave in and simply took her to their bedroom. Paige showed them there was a trundle bed for a servant under theirs and she was happy to sleep on it. They all slept well and after breakfast, they bought Paige some better clothes before they left the town. She also directed them to a shop where they could get a basket of travel food made up and Serpin and...

2 years ago
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Train K Bad Hotel Me Gand Marai 8211 Part 1

Humne hotel k liye cab kar li.Raste me maine uncle se pucha ki unhe kaisi ladki pasand h,wo thode surprise ho gaye,fir samjh gaye ki main driver k karan aisa puch raha hu. Fir humhone kaha ki mujhe traditional ladkiya pasand h,main samjh gaya ki aage kya karna h. Hotel pahcuh kar uncle bada se double bed room liya. Room k andar jate hi uncle ne mujhe hath pakad kar khicha aur bistar par daal kar mere upar chad gaye aur mujhe zor zor se lips par smooch karne lage,,main b unka sath de raha tha,...

Gay Male
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Watching my wife

It was last Saturday night when we meet up with Bob at his house in the woods. Bob was a single man in his late 60’s salt and pepper hair made him lok hot even for his age. We sat in Bob’s living,do I need to tell y’all that been wanting to watch another man fuck my 37 year old wife, my wife has a big sexy body with a nice hairy pussy. We had been dranking and doing some small talking, I could tell by the slur in Baby’s voice that she well into being tippies’ she never been known to hold her...

2 years ago
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Blowjob In A Bus Wonderful Experience

This is one of my encounters that I wanted to share with all of you wonderful people. I was travelling back from a workshop which was about 8 hours drive by bus to New Delhi and it was January and the winters were at its peak. I was horny as I was deprived of sex since last 8 days due to this workshop as I was just jerking myself off. It was a night bus which started at 9pm and was to reach Delhi at 5am. My seat was second last row and as the bus started the last row was empty and the other...

Gay Male
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Homebodies part 1

My name is Kevin Randle. Moving back home after several years was tough. I had set up a decent office job after I’d gotten out of college and had what I thought was a pretty happy life. I had money in the bank, a nice car, a decent condo and a girlfriend I thought I was madly in love with. It’s funny how things change. I just recently broke up with my girlfriend, Sarah. She’d be cheating on me with her personal trainer and had been doing so for almost six months. We’d...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 26

Laura didn't have sex with anybody for six months. Except for the same evening, after Karen left, when she had almost injured herself with the same, still-wet cucumber and banana she had used on Karen, trying to get rid of the sexual tension she had built up while fucking the girl, bringing herself to a brutal, painful, shockingly intense orgasm, she had not even masturbated. Getting over Rina's murder was even harder than she had thought it would be. She had dreams about the girl all the...

2 years ago
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How I want fucked

I show up to my apartment after too many to find my new neighbor had a few, as well. She is doing better than me, but clearly hornier.I bring her inside, light the candle, play some music and try and be sensual. Grab some drinks, and get ready for as little talking as possible. The lights in my room are off, and she says to keep them off. She wants a back rub.I don't even know her name yet, but I leap on without asking. Her shirt is off, her skirt is still on, as are her panties and bra. ...

1 year ago
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A Couples Play Day Part 4 Evolution2

A note about the story…I had a pretty clear vision for the initial chapter when I began writing. I found beginning with Part 2 that the character of Joanne began leaving the page at times and giving direction to the storyline. Since, she has taken me in directions and along paths I had not envisioned. Her influence has become stronger as the story unfolded. So, if you enjoy the story you can thank Joanne, if it’s not your cup of tea blame the writer for being so weak as to allow Joanne to...

4 years ago
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A Pleasurable Night

I was dusting and happened to come across this story my fiancé wrote. It was in a bondage book of mine. Some of what you about to read is true and actually happened. I wasn't aware of all that happened though-at the salon and at the mall. Just read for yourself. A Night Out...Of Pleasure Our day started by going to the salon. We are greeted by one of the stylists. She asks you what we are there for. I speak up: “Manicure and pedicure, shampoo and possible low lights...for her.” She smiles and...

3 years ago
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Mysteries of the Universe

So, I'm at this part with my friend Jim. It seemed a little stuffy and the girls seemed a bit up-tight."Hey, Jim," I say, "got any leads on a good hookup?""Well," he said, "there are a few nice girls. Do you know Taylor?""Not really. She's the tall girl, right? Brown hair, likes wearing plaid?""That's the one. She's great. We hookup 3-4 times. If I wasn't with Sandy now, I'd totally go for it again. Times like this that i wish i was single." I knew he wanted her bad."Think she's in my...

3 years ago
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cumming out party

sarah crawled on her hands and knees across my queensized bed. As she firmly nestled one of her kneesagainst my pussy and lowered her generous breasts tomine and began stroking her nipples back and forthacross mine she smiled and said, “How come I have todo all the work?”“Because it’s my bed,” I said, brushing my finger tipsalong her firm upper arms and onto her back. I raisedmy head a bit and was rewarded with a long and lovingkiss.Sarah lowered her wonderfully warm breasts againstmine and...

3 years ago
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The Girl With the Secret WeaponChapter 3

The innocent looking young girl called Cindy was actually a trained killer that knew how to kill her target in a hundred different ways and had been successful in the field many times before this assignment. Her partner in the operation was a new guy called Lennie and she had already talked to him but always in a group and never alone one on one. The guy had a pronounced limp that looked like he was suffering from having one leg a little shorter than the other. She was too embarrassed to ask...

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