Betrayed Chapter 1 free porn video

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Betrayed By Carol Collins Chapter 1 Thursday: My name is Dr. Steven R. Parker, MD. I'm thirty years old, six foot three inches tall, have black hair, blue eyes, an athletic build and I have been said to be somewhat handsome. I am also a medical doctor specializing in finding a cure for Muscular Dystrophy. Last year, I married a wonderful woman whom I love very much. I met Laura in college while attending med school at the state university. She was studying to be a medical office administrator. I fell in love with her at first sight. She was tall, about five foot nine inches, medium length blonde hair, blue eyes, firm athletic body and very pretty. After six months of dating, she consented to be my wife and we were married. Since then, I have graduated medical school and we have set up a private practice, along with Jim Morelli, a fellow med school graduate, in a clinic near the University Hospital. I parked in the Doctor's Parking area of the University Hospital. The sun had already gone down as I pressed the lock button on the remote for my newly purchased Land Rover Discovery. Even though I had inherited several million dollars when I turned twenty-one, I had been taught that it was wrong to squander money. Buying a new Land Rover every two or three years was my one personal indulgence. I entered the hospital Muscular Dystrophy ward to start the rounds of my patients. Stopping first at the nursing station, I downloaded all of the current patient statistics into my palm top. A few minutes later, I entered the room of Ben Jamison. It is sad to see the debilitating effects of Muscular Dystrophy, especially when the victim is another doctor and medical researcher. Dr. Jamison had been diagnosed with MD many years earlier. From that time onward, until he could no longer function, he had dedicated his life to research. Unfortunately, the disease was winning. For personal reasons, I had become interested in MD research three years earlier, had specialized in it after med school and Ben had passed all of his research data to me to continue his experiments. His shrunken body lay on the hospital bed and he no longer had any control over it. I knew that his mind was probably still functioning, but was imprisoned with in a deteriorating body. I spent ten minutes telling him of the current results of my research as I examined him. I wanted him to know that I was still working on finding a cure and that there was some glimmer of hope. I held his hand as I told him that I would see him Monday evening. I had found that the simple act of holding some one's hand, while they were desperately ill, would provide a little extra comfort, and did it to all of my patients that I felt needed it. I left to visit my other patients. I always visited an old friend last. Colleen Schaefer had been the office administrator for my father's doctor's office before he and mother were killed in an airplane crash. I remember how beautiful and vibrant she had always been and how I had an adolescent crush on her. When I first met my wife, Laura, she had reminded me of Colleen. Both were tall very pretty blue-eyed blondes who looked enough alike to be sisters. When I was seventeen, after an office Christmas party at our home, Colleen, because her husband was out of town on business, had come alone and had too much to drink. I offered to drive her home since I had just gotten my first new Land Rover for my birthday the month before. She had accepted with a tipsy little smile. I had escorted her into her apartment and mentioned that she had some mistletoe hanging from her light fixture in her living room. She had smiled at me with her bright blue eyes shining, wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me on the lips. What, under any other circumstances, might have been just a friendly kiss, because of the alcohol, soon became very passionate. We ended up on her living room sofa as we made love and I lost my virginity. It was a wonderful night that I will never forget. Unfortunately, the next morning, when she was sober, Colleen made me promise to never speak of what we had done and vowed to never be untrue to her husband again. She had kept her promise. Then, three years ago, I heard that she had been diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy. Before her disease had progressed to the point where she was in a wheel chair, her husband had deserted and divorced her for another woman. I moved to stand beside Colleen's hospital bed and gently spoke her name. Her eyes opened and she tried to smile up at me. I asked her how she felt today and she answered in a slurred way that was becoming more difficult to understand every month. MD had stolen the use of her body, and now, it was stealing her ability to talk. I held her hand as we talked for a while. I told her about the research just as I had told Ben Jamison. Colleen was receiving physical therapy each day and everything else currently known to help some one in her condition. It just was not helping very much. Finally, it was time to leave. I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek just as I always did as I told her bye. I saw tears forming in her eyes as I turned and left the room. When I got home, Laura had already gone to bed and was gently sleeping. I quietly removed my clothing, slipped under the covers and snuggled against her delicate back in a spooning position. It had been a long day. Five minutes later, I was sound asleep. Friday: I awoke before Laura and slipped out of bed to fix coffee. While it was perking, I took care of my bathroom duties and took a shower. I was wearing a robe as I sipped on a steaming cup of Columbian coffee as Laura staggered into the kitchen. I poured her a cup and passed it to her as I said, "Good morning, Sweetheart." She gave me one of her looks that signaled that she was not a morning person and needed a cup of coffee to jump-start her system before she could be civil. I checked the answering service while she took her shower. Since I did not need to go to the hospital this evening, we could go to work in the same vehicle. Fifty minutes later, we were on our way. We unlocked the clinic and turned on the lights. Jill Benson, the teenage office assistant that Laura had hired three months previously, should have been at work already. However, she was late this morning just as she had been for the last week. I had been surprised when Jill had hired such a young and unqualified office assistant, but both she and Jim, my fellow physician and partner, had insisted that Jill was perfect for the job. Jill Benson and Jim Morelli arrived together. Jill looked even younger than her age of eighteen. She was a combination of youthful innocence and very curvy sex kitten. She was only about five feet tall, had flaming red hair that reached to the middle of her back, emerald green eyes, cupid bow lips that looked soft and inviting even to a married man such as me. Jill also had huge breasts that defied gravity even when the girl obviously wore skimpy little brassieres under her uniform, a tiny wasp- like waist, shapely round hips, a bottom that stood out proudly, shapely legs that were much too long for such a short girl, tiny hands and dainty feet. This morning, she was wearing her green smock that followed the contours of her figure almost obscenely. Jill, as usual, wore four-inch high heel shoes to try to make up for being so short. Laura had employed her even though she had no office experience and despite my objections. Laura and Jim had out voted me when they hired the teenager. Jim Morelli had been my lab partner in medical school. We had met when we were assigned to work on a memory transfer machine research project at the state university. Steven Ramsey, Jim and I had done most of the labor while the university and the PhD's collected the Federal funding. The project was a failure and was cancelled after approximately a year. Jim and I went on to finish medical school while Steve Ramsey bought the surplus research equipment with his own money to continue the work in the basement of his home. Jim had laughingly said, "For a certified genius, Ramsey is far dumber that I ever would have thought. He is wasting time and money on a project that will never work." The last I heard of Ramsey, he was happily married to the younger sister of his ex-girlfriend and they now had a baby. Jim was in a cheerful mood this morning as he smiled and said, "Hello, Steve and Laura. How are you two this beautiful morning? Laura, you look especially sexy today!" Jim stood five feet eight inches tall, had black hair, black eyes, and a bristling moustache. He was only about one hundred fifty pounds and sometimes seemed to say the wrong things. Jim had grown up in a poor family and had to struggle for everything that he had gotten in life. Even though we did not always agree on everything, I had a great deal of respect for him. We had competed against one another for Jill's affection, that is until she had consented to marry me, but I considered Jim to be my best friend. We had asked him to go into business with us when Laura and I had decided to open our own medical practice. I specialized in MD cases and research while Jim handled the general practice. Becky Blair, our nurse, arrived right on time. Becky was twenty-two years old, five foot four inches tall, blonde, blue eyes, fair skin, very curvy figure and just out of Registered Nursing school. Judging from the matching figures of Jill and Becky, one would think that we could be running a nightclub for strippers rather than a doctor's office. Jim and Laura had insisted on hiring Becky instead of another nurse with far more job experience. Becky, unlike Jill, however, had been very professional in performing her duties and I had found no reason to complain about her job performance. The day was almost like any other. Jim saw patients that had high blood pressure, the flu, scrapes, cuts, bruises, etc. I specialized in the patients who had Muscular Dystrophy in the morning and worked in the laboratory in the back of the clinic in the afternoon. I was so absorbed in the results of a specimen that I had lost track of time until Laura came to tell me that it was time to go home. I finished the readings on the cultures that I was working on and put them back in the incubator. I would return in the morning to check on the results. Or, so I thought. Laura and I arrived at our apartment by six o'clock. We had picked up some Chinese take out food on the way home. I opened a bottle of wine as Laura put the food on a couple of plates. Laura seemed to be exceptionally quiet as we ate our evening meal. I attempted to start a conversation several times but she gave only very short answers. After the meal, I carried the dirty dishes to the kitchen and placed them in the dishwasher and turned it on as Laura cleaned the dinner table. Laura brought our wine glasses to the bedroom as we were preparing for bed. I had put on the blue silk set of pajamas that she had bought for my last birthday and was going to bed as she proposed a toast. "To a better future," she had said. I smiled at her as I repeated the toast and sipped the wine. Laura always treated our love making as a ritual and a glass of wine before bed was her way of letting me know that she was receptive. I knew that we would make love tonight as I took her in my arms. "Drink the rest of your wine before you spill it, Silly," she told me. I gulped it down, set the wine glass on the bedside table and drew my wife into my arms. We kissed a slow passionate kiss. Laura broke the kiss, backed away, turned her back to me and said, "Give me a few minutes to get ready." She went into the bathroom and closed the door. I switched off the ringer on the telephone, turned off most of the lights and put on some soft romantic music before getting into bed to await my wife's return. As I laid in bed, my eyelids began growing extremely heavy. I suddenly realized that I must be very sleepy as I laid my head on the pillow for a few moments while I waited for my wife to join me. I barely remembered closing my eyes. Saturday: Consciousness came slowly. I groggily raised my hand to brush away what felt like heavy cobwebs from my face as I attempted to open my eyes. My vision slowly focused. What I saw was a hand with long red fingernails brushing flaming red hair out of my face. I held my hand up and examined it carefully. 'I'm dreaming!' I thought as I rotated my hand to see that my hand appeared small and even dainty. I tried to sit up and found that my hand was not the only thing that had changed! I looked downward to see what the heavy shifting sensations were being caused by on my chest. The covers had fallen away and I saw that I had on a pink chiffon top covering a massive pair of female breasts! "This can't be," I softly muttered to myself. Even my voice sounded strangely as I sat there trying to clear the cobwebs from my mind. I slowly kicked the covers off and saw that my legs were smooth, hairless, shapely and bare. 'This is one hell of a dream,' I thought to myself as I shakily pulled the top of the pink baby doll nightgown out to peek at what was inside. Not only were these some of the biggest boobs that I had ever seen, but also the areoles and nipples were big, pink, thick and puffy. I looked around the bedroom and did not recognize it. I was in a white bed with a pink canopy and coverlet. The bedroom was obviously that of a female's. Almost everything was in white and pink. I was very confused and disoriented as I tried to get out of bed and stand up. I nearly fell on my face because my weight distribution was all wrong. Plus, I was very groggy. I held onto the furniture as I made my way to what appeared to be the bathroom doorway. I found the light switch and turned it on. The light was so bright that I had to shut my eyes for a moment as I held onto the doorframe to steady myself. Finally, I was able to gradually open them enough to look into the large mirror over the sink. I saw Jill Benson, standing there in a pink chiffon nightie, starring back at me with a shocked look on her young face! 'When we wake up in the morning,' I thought, 'I'll tell Laura about this dream and we will laugh about this.' However, as I stood there, seconds turned into minutes and I slowly began to realize that this was no dream. I turned on the water tap and splashed some cold water on my face. That got rid of some of the grogginess, but I still saw Jill Benson in the mirror. Only now, her face was wet! I gripped the edge of the sink as I realized that this was real! I, Steven Parker, was in Jill Benson's body! My legs folded and I collapsed onto the bathroom floor. My legs had become too weak to support even one hundred five pounds of weight. My mind was in shock as I struggled to imagine some logical explanation for what had occurred. Nothing in my experience, nothing in anything that I had even heard or read of, even in medical journals, could explain what had taken place. Eventually, I realized that the floor tiles were cold on my bottom. I held onto the sink as I pulled myself back to my feet. I looked into the mirror once more. I most assuredly was in Jill's body. The long red hair was tousled from sleep. The sheer pink chiffon baby doll top was nearly see through. Her figure was even better than I had imagined! I lifted the helm of the nightie to peek below and found out why the floor tiles had seemed so cold. Jill, or, rather, I, was not wearing any panties under the tiny nightgown. I also found out that Jill obviously shaved her pubic area. Where my penis and testicles had always been, since the day I was born, was now a small vertical slit. I had a vagina! I held onto the sink to keep from collapsing to the floor again as my knees trembled. In my mind was the screaming question, "What in Hell has happened to me?" 'Laura!' I thought. 'I'll call Laura. I'll tell my wife what has happened. Maybe she will know what to do.' I staggered back to the bedroom and found the Princess telephone on the bedside table. I dialed our home phone number but got the answering service instead. I hung up the phone. I remembered that I had turned off the ringer on the telephone as I had awaited Laura's return from the bathroom. "If I can't call, I'll have to go there," I mumbled as I stood up. I glanced down at the skimpily clad voluptuous female body and thought, 'Clothes, I have to put on some clothes,' and resolutely went to the bedroom closet. I opened it to find nothing but flimsy dresses, feminine blouses and short mini skirts. I wondered where Jill kept her pants as I searched through her dresser drawers. I found three drawers full of sexy ultra feminine silk and satin lingerie, but no jeans or pants. Finally, I gave up my search for a pair of pants and chosed a relatively modest black dress. Even it was of mini dress length, it seemed less feminine than most of the brightly colored clothes in Jill's closet. I pulled the chiffon baby doll nightie up over my head and felt my huge breasts jiggling as they danced on my chest. I thought about putting on a brassiere to support the gigantic mammary glands and a pair of panties but could not force my male mind to take such a step. Men did not wear such clothing and I could not accept the need for lingerie. I hoped that when I got home that Laura could help me change back and I wanted to get home as quickly as possible to my loving wife. I tentatively slipped the dress down over my head and found that my arms were much more nimble than they had been in my male body as I reached behind me and pulled the zipper up my back. Then, I had to pull all of the long red hair out of the back of the dress. I looked for shoes to put on and found nothing but high heels. Most of the heels were four inches tall! Evidently, Jill did not own a pair of low heels or running shoes. I decided to go bare foot. I was almost ready to leave when I realized that my bladder was full and was sending warning signals. I decided that I might not make it home without having an accident, so, I slowly walked to the bathroom. Being a doctor, at least I knew how women urinated. I carefully lifted the skirt of the dress and cautiously sat on the seat of the commode. I only had to wait for a few moments before I felt the urine leaving my body. It was very embarrassing for a guy to have to pee while sitting down. It was even more embarrassing waking up in a woman's body. I tore off some toilet paper and patted dry before getting up from the commode. I left the bedroom and ended up in the living room of what was obviously a very small apartment. 'I need car keys,' I thought as I scanned the room. A purse was sitting on the counter of the efficiency kitchenette. I opened it and found it brimming full of all sorts of female paraphernalia. I searched the purse and found a set of keys in the bottom. I took the purse and headed for the door. As I left the apartment, a breeze reminded me that I was naked under my dress as the cool morning air blew up under my skirt. I was also reminded that my breasts were braless as I tried to run down the steps to the parking lot. My boobs felt as if they were bouncing like a pair of basketballs under the thin black dress that I had hastily chosen. I now regretted not having chosen a brassiere to wear. I passed some guy who almost tripped over a curb because he was starring so intently at me as I ran to Jill's second hand Dodge Neon. The long nails made it difficult for me to get the key in the lock, but I finally managed. I opened the door and leapt inside the relative safety of Jill's small car. The hem of the black dress had almost ended up around my waist in the process. I tugged the dress back down as I glanced over at the guy who had stopped to watch my boobs bounce as I had ran to the car. His eyes were as big as saucers. 'The fool doesn't realize that I'm really a guy,' I thought to myself as I quickly closed the car door, put the key in the ignition, started the car engine, put the transmission in drive and started on my way toward the sanctuary of my home and loving wife. As I raced homeward, my mind could not find any reason for me being in a woman's body. Last night, Laura and I were to have made love. Then, I remembered falling asleep while waiting on her to return from the bathroom. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in what was obviously Jill Benson's apartment and buxom body. What, I wondered, had happened to Jill Benson? That is when the flashing blue lights of the police car behind me interrupted my thoughts. I nervously pulled over to the shoulder of the roadway, came to a stop and put the transmission into Park. The police car stopped behind me. I thought about telling him about what had happened and rejected the idea immediately. He would have me arrested and taken to the county hospital for psychiatric observation. I almost panicked as he walked up to the driver's window and motioned for me to roll it down. In a professional tone, he said, "You were doing fifty-eight in a fifty mile an hour zone. Also, you are not wearing your seat belt. I need to see your driver's license and auto registration, please." I did not know what else to do as I dug into Jill's purse and pulled out her wallet. I glanced up at the policeman and saw that he was studying my figure with much more than professional curiosity. I hoped that he would not give me a ticket. It might be difficult to explain to Jill just how she had gotten a speeding ticket when she was not even in her own body. I stammered, "I am so sorry, Officer. I work in a doctor's office, Dr. Parker and Dr. Morelli, and there is something of an emergency this morning." I decided not to tell him exactly what the emergency was. I handed him Jill's license and registration after I had found them in her wallet. It turned out that the officer was far more interested in my over-sized breasts and exposed thighs than in writing a ticket. "Well, since you say it is a medical emergency, I think we can let you off this morning." He glanced at the driver's license, "Jill, is it? I'm Officer Dan Dunn." He smiled broadly at me. "I have a couple of tickets for a ball game tonight. If you aren't doing anything later, how about joining me?" I told Officer Dunn, "This medical emergency will probably keep me busy all this weekend." I saw his smile fade. I felt that I had to say something encouraging to keep him from writing me a ticket. "Maybe next weekend?" I smiled up at the officer. I sincerely hoped that I would be back in my own body this morning and would never again have to worry about some guy giving me lecherous stares like this cop was now doing. He returned the license and registration, told me to buckle up, slow down and watched as I tried to figure out how to arrange the diagonal seat belt strap between the over sized boobs on my chest. He had a grin on his face as I pulled back into traffic. I drove more slowly and was still home in less than ten additional minutes. I parked in the driveway in front of the garage where my Discovery and Laura's red BMW Z3 convertible were parked just as they had been last night. The huge jiggling tits on my chest reminded me that they were still there as I hurried to the front door. I did not have a front door key, but we always kept a spare hidden under a rock in the flowerbed next to the front steps. I retrieved it and unlocked the door. I breathed a sigh of relief as I entered my townhouse and shut the front door behind me. I was home! Home, safe home! Everything looked familiar, even if a little taller. I realized that I was over a foot shorter than I was last night, so, naturally the furniture seemed taller. The relief that I felt was shattered when I heard loud moans coming from the master bedroom. I was worried that something was wrong with Laura. My tiny bare feet were silent on the thickly carpeted floor as I hurried down the hallway toward our bedroom. The door was standing open part way. What I saw almost made me go into shock. My fingers latched onto the doorframe as I stood there. Laura was nude, lying on her back and I, or someone in my body, who was also nude, was making love to her! I just stood there in complete amazement, with my mouth hanging open, as I watched my male body's flexing buttocks pile-driving a very large stiff erect penis in and out of my sweet wife's undulating body. I wanted to make them stop, but was paralyzed and powerless to interfere. His hands came up and began twisting her swollen pink nipples, gently at first, then more forcefully. Her cries of sexual excitement seemed far louder than when we had made love. It looked as if he was pinching her sensitive nipples entirely too hard as she started to climax. Her perspiration- coated body began to shake and shake as her sexy blue eyes rolled back. Laura screamed as she wrapped her legs tightly around his waist and her arms around his neck. Judging from her reactions, her orgasm lasted several minutes before he reached his own climax. Their bodies were glistening with a film of sweat as they both jerked and shuddered on the bed until their orgasms finally ended. Just watching my wife and whomever was in my male body had made the female body that I was in begin to tingle. I did not want to be in Jill's body. And, I certainly did not want anyone else making love to my wife! Even if they were in my body as they did so. And, most assuredly, I did not want to become sexually excited while watching some one in my body making love to my wife! It had been an automatic response of the body that I was in and I had no control over it. Just then, Laura opened her eyes and saw me standing in the doorway. "Steven!" she cried out as she franticly tried to reach for the sheets. Then, she added, "Jill is watching us!" She pulled the sheet up over them to hide their nakedness. The person that was in my body turned and looked at me. There wasn't as much shock in his eyes as there was in Laura's. "Jill, what are you doing here?" Laura asked as 'Steven' lifted himself off of her and stood up next to the bed. He just stood there, naked, with his still swollen, half erect penis dripping with their combined juices. I looked up into his face and he was smiling down at me. "Hello, Jill. Did you come to join in the fun?" The face that I had always seen in the bathroom mirror until this morning smirked at me with an evil facial expression that I had never seen before now. "I bet you were a little surprised waking up where and how you did this morning!" He laughed in an almost demonic manner as he pulled on the bottoms of the blue silk pajamas that Laura had given me for my last birthday. He looked at my wife and ordered her to go to the bathroom and get herself cleaned up so that she could fix him some breakfast. He grinned at me as she wrapped the sheet around her naked body and meekly followed his instructions. I was still speechless. When Laura had closed the bathroom door, the imposter in my body said, "How did it feel waking up in Jill's sexy little body? Did you play with yourself? Quite a kick! I know. I spent a week in her curvy little body before I swapped with you last night. I took you back to Jill's apartment before coming back here. Having a dick again, I couldn't wait to fuck your sexy wife. Laura's an incredible lay isn't she! Steve, you are a very lucky man. Wait! I should say that you were a very lucky man!" He laughed evilly as he casually lay back down on my marriage bed. I finally found my voice. "I don't know how you did this but I want my body back right now!" I had tried to sound forceful. However, Jill's unusually soft, high-pitched voice, sounded far more hysterical than forceful. The person in my body simply laughed at me again as he fished his wet penis out of the opening at the front of his pajama bottoms. He took his still moist penis in his hand, stroked it slowly, grinned and stated, "If you want this back, you'll have to be a good girl." He then laughed in an evil manner that I had never used in all the years I had been in that body. "Who are you?" I softly asked as a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach spread throughout my petite female body. He stopped laughing as he stated, "Steven, don't you recognize me? Of course not! It's your old buddy, Jim Morelli." I found it hard to believe that Jim, whom I had known for almost six years, was capable of doing this to Laura and me. He continued, "Remember Ramsey buying that memory transfer research equipment and how we thought that he was crazy? Well, it works! Last weekend, I used the equipment to swap bodies with Jill. I spent the entire week in her sexy little body. You were so wrapped up in your research that you never even noticed the change in either one of us. It was fun being a woman. Man, the orgasms were incredible! Let me tell you that if there had been a way to relieve you of your money and your wife while keeping Jill's sexy little body, I would have done it." Jim smiled broadly. "However, now that I am in your body, I have your wife and your bank accounts. Don't look so terrified, Steven, in exchange, you have Jill's sexy little slut body." At least now, I had an explanation of how I had come to be in Jill Benson's body. It was still unbelievable, but it was an explanation. I realized that my best friend and business partner had betrayed me! Jim continued to speak, "Amazingly, Jill had always wondered what it was like to be a man! She had a super sexy body like that but she wanted to be a guy. Hard to understand, isn't it? Anyway, she practically jumped at the chance to swap bodies with me." Jim tucked his semi-erect penis back into his pajamas, leaned back against the head of the bed, laced his fingers together and placed them behind his head. "I could have simply swapped bodies with you. That would have been easy. However, you would have still been a man. Not only that, but, in my body, you would still have been a doctor. Doctors are important people. Everyone respects doctors and you might have gotten some one to listen to you and could have caused me trouble. Now, however, you are a teenage girl without any family within a thousand miles, either yours or Jill's. Plus, you are now no longer a doctor. Jill never even finished high school and you don't even have a high school diploma. You had said that she was not qualified for her receptionist job at the clinic and you were absolutely correct. She is not qualified for any decent job. Jill has no money and her credit cards are maxxed out. She was even a month behind on her used car payment and rent. The only things Jill had of value were her job and her body." Jim smirked again, "And now, Old Buddy, you are Jill." I held onto a table beside the door as the seriousness of my situation sank in. "What's the matter, Steven? You look a little pale. But, then again, natural redheads always have pale skin." Jim swung his legs off from the bed and stood up. "Tell you what, old buddy, if you co-operate, I may, just may, swap bodies with you again. Of course, you will have to prove yourself worthy of being Doctor Steven Parker once again." My mind slowly began to comprehend what Jim, whom I had considered to be my friend, had done to me. Jim walked around the bed and stopped about two feet in front of me. I found myself having to look up at him. I had never before realized just how much taller I had been than Jill as I realized that there was over a foot difference in our heights. Jim reached out with both hands and ran his fingers through the long curly red hair that hung down on both sides of my face. I tried to push his hands away as he said, "Don't be unfriendly. Not if you ever want your own body back. Besides, Laura may suffer if you misbehave. You wouldn't want that to happen, would you?" I slowly lowered my hand and he grinned evilly. "Now, that is being a good little girl." Before I could react, he had placed his hands on both sides of my head and pulled me toward him as his lips descended onto mine. The kiss was quick and he held my head firmly in his large strong hands. I vainly tried to push him away but he was so much stronger than I was in Jill's petite little body. I felt helpless as the vile kiss continued despite my best efforts to break free. Jim released me when the bathroom door opened. Laura stood in the bathroom doorway with a look of surprise on her face. I wiped my lips with the back of my tiny hand as Jim said, "Laura, honey, why don't you call Jim Morelli and ask him to come over. Tell him that Jill is here. You can call him on the kitchen phone while you fix my breakfast. I want two scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, coffee and orange juice." He turned to me and winked. I started to speak but he shook his head as he grinned down at me. Since he held all of the cards, I was silent. It seemed obvious that Laura did not know that Jim had swapped bodies with Jill and me. And, yet, she meekly cast her gaze at the floor after she saw what she thought was her husband kissing another woman. I wanted to tell her that I was her faithful loving husband and that I would never kiss another woman, but, Jim was shaking his head again as he stared at me. I decided that now might not be the best time to try to explain the situation to Laura. Besides, she probably would not believe such a wild story anyway. I barely believed it myself even after everything that had happened. I was also very surprised to see that Laura followed Jim's orders without saying anything about finding Jim, who she obviously thought was me, kissing me, who she thought was Jill, in her bedroom. She went quietly to the kitchen. I was surprised. After Laura had left the room, Jim moved toward me again. This time, I backed out of his reach. "Steven, you are going to have to learn that you have to please me if you ever want your body back. That means that you have to accept your new role in life. You are now nothing more than a helpless little girl. Granted, a very sexy little girl. But a girl." He stepped forward again. This time, I was backed against the wall. I felt the solid wall against the two plump pillows that was now my bottom and could not retreat any farther. "I can see the outline of your nipples through the thin fabric of your dress. You're not wearing a brassiere are you?" His hands moved up and cupped my breasts. "That is so sexy! I love a big pair of tits and big succulent nipples!" I tried to push his hands away but, once again, he was too strong. He pinched my over sized and obviously very sensitive nipples between his forefingers and thumbs. I, in a redheaded teenage girl's body, was pinned against my bedroom wall by the person that I had thought was my best friend, who was in my own body. "I know, from personal experience, just how good this can feel," he whispered as he massaged my breasts even more as he lightly pinched my very responsive nipples. Electric shock like tingles coursed through out my new female body as I tried to push Jim's huge hands off of my gigantic breasts. My small delicate hands could barely even reach half way around Jim's powerful wrists as I struggled futilely. "Please, Jim, don't do this," I pleaded. He just grinned as his eyes gleamed down on me. "Jim, why are you doing this to me?" "Why? I'll tell you why. All my life, I was looked down upon. My dad never married my mother and she was a drunk. I had to work and scheme for everything I ever got. You were born wealthy. You, like most rich kids, never had it ruff. And, you were always so smart. In school, you almost never had to study and were on the Dean's List. I had to stay up late at night studying just to get passing grades. You were always the tall handsome guy that all of the girls were interested in everywhere we went. Remember when you hurt your hand while we were working on that research project? Your hand was bandaged up so much it looked like a giant Q-tip. All of the cute girls wanted to nurse you back to health while they ignored me! Well, Little Miss Jill Benson, now I am the smart good looking rich guy with a beautiful wife, and, you are nothing but a fuck toy!" I had never known that Jim felt this much resentment towards me. Several times, while we were in medical school, I had loaned him money to pay his tuition and had never asked to be repaid. I had known that he had a hard time financially. Evidently, he had far more emotional baggage than I had ever guessed. Jim's big fingers were still mauling my swollen nipples as he had spoken. Even though there was some pain as he pinched harder, there was also an unwanted tingling sensation that coursed through out my entire female body. I tried to fight it, but the body that I was in began to respond automatically. I was deeply embarrassed as female hormones that I had no learned defenses for began to take over control of Jill's female body. Jim let go of my right breast as his hand quickly dipped down under the front of the black mini dress that I had put on at Jill's apartment. I made a gasping sound as his middle finger found the now moist slit of my hairless vagina. "Oh, Baby! I love it when a slut runs around without panties!" I tried to squeeze my legs together in a futile effort to prevent Jim from gaining farther access to my new female genitalia. His long thick middle finger dipped into my moistened slit and began moving from side to side across a very sensitive clitoris. My nipples had been sending signals to my female brain every since Jim had began pinching them. Now, the assault on my senses was escalating as Jim expertly massaged my highly sensitive clitoris. "I spent a week in this body so I know what turns it on," he stated as he continued massaging my clit until I felt so weak that I could barely stand up. The expression on my face must have told Jim how affected I was because he added, "Feels good, doesn't it, you little slut?" I was about to try to say something in an attempt to deny my body's response when Jim's lips covered mine. After what he had done to me, I should have not been in the mood for sex. However, the female body that I was in had other ideas as it responded as Jim expertly massaged my stiffening clitoris. I had already begun to breathe heavily even before Jim began to kiss me again. I tried to pull away but he had me pinned against the wall. My mind wanted my own body back. My new body only wanted sexual satisfaction as Jim's middle finger slipped deep inside of my moist vagina and began to slowly stroke in and out. I had never imagined that a woman had such feelings as wave after wave of raw sexual heat passed through my tiny form. My delicate hands, which had previously gripped Jim's thick wrists in an effort to push them away, now involuntarily held them in place as a mighty orgasm approached. Even Jim's tongue penetrating my mouth did not stop the crashing of sexual waves as I experienced a mind bending female orgasm. It seemed to last for several minutes before the intensity began to taper off. I now realized that my relatively wide hips had been moving back and forth against Jim's probing fingers even as I had involuntarily accepted his kisses as I orgasmed. Jim pulled back slightly to gaze down on my flushed face. "See? It won't be so bad. You won't be a man, but there can be some nice trade offs." My entire body, as small as it now was, felt as if it was vibrating from the orgasm. He pulled his moist finger from my vagina as he let go of my left breast. "If you cooperate, in a few weeks, I may swap your mind back into this body." He stuck his wet finger to my soft lips. I turned my head to the side. He commanded, "Suck on my finger or else I will stay in this body. You will be stuck as a little girl and you will be fired from your job. Of course, a young uneducated girl with a sexy body like yours could always get a job as a stripper or a hooker. Now suck your cunt juice off my finger or get out of my house!" Jim's eyes were cold and serious. I did not know what else to do. I had to buy some time until I could find a way to force Jim to give me my male body back so that I could rescue Laura. I looked up at him in a vain search for compassion but found none. I wanted to punch him in the nose. Instead, I swallowed my pride, meekly wrapped my soft lips around his extended finger and sucked the vaginal juices from his large middle finger. I did not do it just to get my body back. I did it because of my innocent wife. I had to rescue her from my partner in my body. He smiled broadly as he whispered, "Yea, Baby! Maybe later, you can suck on something more substantial." I thought about biting his finger, but decided against it. The doorbell rang and he reluctantly pulled his wet finger from my lips. "Damn! That will be Jill. Well, I was thinking about breaking you in. You have given me a hard on! I guess that I can wait. Besides, after breakfast, I may want to sample your wife's enticing charms again." He released me. I was glad that I was leaning against the bedroom wall; otherwise, since my knees were shaking so badly, I might have collapsed to the floor. Jim grinned down at me as he added; "Jill will take you home and give you a crash course on being Jill. You had better be a quick study because you have to be at work bright and early on Monday morning." Jim took me by the arm and led me back to the living room so that he could let Jill, in Jim's male body, into my townhouse apartment. My legs were still shaking from the after effects of my orgasm and Jim's support was needed for me to walk. Jill seemed to be interested in how I was adapting to my new body, "How are you feeling this morning, Dr. Parker? I wish that I had been there when you woke up. I had other business or else I would have been." Jill's dark eyes roamed up and down my black mini dress and curves before she added, "Damn, girl, you look mighty sexy in that dress! And, the way your nipples are showing, it's a cinch that you aren't wearing a bra. Don't you know how sexy that is for a girl to go out in public that way? If you aren't careful, you might get yourself raped." I crossed my arms over my enormous breasts and wished that I had taken the time to put on a brassiere before hurriedly leaving Jill's apartment earlier this morning. Jim said, "Jill, if you are free today, how about taking Steven to his new home and give him some lessons on what it is like to be female? Just make sure that both of you are at the office Monday morning. And, Steve, now that you are just a lowly employee, be on time. I'll stay here and keep dear sweet Laura company. If you do as we say, we won't hurt Laura. Okay?" The thought of my innocent wife being at the mercy of this imposter almost made me shout out a warning to her. My wife was in the kitchen making Jim breakfast, thinking that he was her husband. "I'm not leaving Laura here with you!" I stated defiantly as I glared rebelliously up into Jim's eyes. "Don't worry your pretty little head over Laura. I promise she will not be hurt. Now, let me remind you that, while I am in this body, Laura is my wife and this is my home. You are just a little uneducated bimbo with no friends or family that we took pity on and hired to work in our office. Right now, you have no rights. Steven, if you cause any trouble, any trouble at all, we will kick you out on your well-padded ass. Do you understand? Do everything that we say, and you may be back in your body and have your wife back in about two weeks. Understand?" My mind rebelled, but there was no alternative. Until I could come up with a plan to get back into my own body, I had no choice but to cooperate. Jill told me to come with her as she opened the front door. I felt tears of frustration rolling down my cheeks as I reluctantly followed Jill out to Jim's Porsche, leaving behind the sanctity of my own home and wife. I felt terrible about abandoning Laura to be a victim to Jim's evil plan. I sat down in the passenger seat as Jill held the car door for me. I was so despondent about leaving Laura in Jim's evil clutches that I paid no attention to how my skirt was wound around my hips as I sat down in the low to the ground sports car and twisted around in the seat. Jill, now in Jim's male body, was grinning at me as her dark eyes studied my bare legs. I saw what she was looking at and tugged the mini dress down to cover more of my exposed thigh flesh. Jill was grinning so much that her mustache bristled as she closed my car door, walked around the Porsche, got into the driver's seat and said, "Now, I know why guys will hold the car door for a girl as she gets in and out of a car. They are hoping to get a peek under her dress. Probably, after they are married, the guy has already seen everything that a woman has to offer and no longer opens her car door." Then, Jill laughed as she started the Porsche's engine and pulled out of the driveway of my townhouse. Twenty minutes later, we arrived back at her old apartment. "My God, what a dump," Jill said as we entered her little efficiency apartment. "Of course, on the meager pay scale that you now have, this is all that you can afford. With the rent, the utilities, the car payment, the car insurance, food and a few new clothes once and a while, your money does not go very far." Jill flopped down on the small second hand sofa and propped her Gucci covered feet up on the coffee table. "When I was in that body I had considered becoming a stripper or a hooker to make ends meet, but I really didn't like men that much. Most of them are pretty slimy. I guess you could say that I had lesbian tendencies. Oh, sure, I have had sex with several men, including Jim when he was in this body that I have now. However, I usually preferred women. That's why I jumped at the chance to swap bodies with Jim. As Jim Morelli, I could be a medical doctor and fuck other women. Did you ever stop to think about all the women that find doctors sexy? Of course not! You were always so busy with your research." Jill smiled, leaned back on the sofa and added, "Steven, Honey, why don't you be a good little hostess and get me a cold beer from the refrigerator?" I had stood quietly in the middle of Jill's small living room as she had explained her reasons for swapping bodies. Now, she talked to me as if I were her inferior and even worse, her servant. She noticed my hesitation, "Steven, or, perhaps, I should start calling you Jill? Anyway, Jim gave you strict instructions that you were to do everything that I say if you want your own body back in two weeks. Right now, I want you to trot your cute ass into my kitchenette, no, make that your kitchenette, and fetch me a cold one from your refrigerator. In fact, get two beers. I know that you, as Steven, rarely drank beer. When I was in your body, I loved a cold beer. Unfortunately, because of my small body size, I could never drink more than one or two without getting drunk. We'll test that today to see if that still occurs." When Jill saw that I was still hesitating, "In thirty seconds, if I do not have a cold beer in my hand, I am walking out and calling Jim on the cell phone. You don't want that, do you, Sweetie?" I slowly shook my head no as I headed for the small kitchen. The refrigerator contained two bottles of wine, a half empty bottle of catsup, three oranges, three apples, some carrots, a half dozen eggs, an opened twelve pack of large size cans of beer and not much else. I retrieved two cans from the carton and carried them back to where Jill waited in the living room. "Good girl!" she exclaimed as I handed her a can. "Here, sit beside me on the sofa, open your can of beer and take a sip. Then, tell me if you like the taste." While at the university, I had once drunk a beer. I thought that it tasted terrible and I could not understand why anyone would drink such a foul tasting brew. I had never drunk another. Now, I attempted to open the flip top on the can but my long fingernails made it difficult. Jill took the can out of my hands, "Here, let me do that before you break a nail," she said as she popped the top on my beer. "Take a swig and tell me what you think." I cautiously sipped some beer from the can and was very surprised. It actually tasted pretty good! I sampled some more just to double check. "Well?" Jill laughed when I told her that it wasn't bad. "It may be your mind inside there, but I spent most of my life in that body. I know your new body's likes and dislikes much better than you do." Over the next hour, Jill talked about the mind-swapping machine that was in Steve Ramsey's basement. Jim had found the machine a month ago and it had taken him two weeks to figure out how to work it. I asked as many questions as I could about its operation. Jill did not know much, but was willing to brag about what she did know about the machine. If I could only get Jim alone with that machine, I might, just might, be able to swap back into my own body. Of course, Jill probably knew exactly why I was asking so many questions. However, now that she was in Jim's male body, she was so over confidant that she told me all that she knew. By the time that she had finished talking, we were half way through our second beer and I was most of the way to being very drunk. This was the first time that I had had this much alcohol to drink. I had never drunk more than a glass or two of wine at any time in my male life. The fact that I now weighed about half of my male weight also contributed to the inebriated state that I found myself in. I realized that I needed to relieve my full bladder. Jill saw that I was fidgeting and asked, "I bet that you need to go to the little girl's room. I could never hold much more than one tall beer without needing to pee, either. Do you need any help?" I told the smirking girl in Jim's male body that I could manage by myself. She chuckled as I unsteadily walked toward the bathroom. A moment later, I staggered past the unmade pink-canopied bed in which I had awoken a couple of hours earlier and entered the bathroom. Since I had not taken the time to put on a pair of panties when I had left for home, all I had to do was to raise the hem of my black mini dress and sit down on the seat of the commode. A couple of minutes later, my bladder was empty, I had wiped dry and stood up to study my reflection in the large mirror over the sink as I washed my hands. I had never seen Jill's female body from this angle. I guess that seeing someone else's reflection in a mirror would change anyone's perspective. My mind still had not accepted the fact that until Jim swapped me back into my own body; I would have to survive as a buxom girl. I reached up and brushed the red curls from around my slightly oval face. I had to admit that Jill's feminine face and body was certainly pretty as I studied my reflection in the large mirror. I was short and curvy. I turned slightly and saw just how huge my boobs were compared to my narrow waist. "Damn!" I mumbled softly as I turned sideways and studied my profile. "That body is all tits and ass!" Jill's deep toned male laughter startled me as I turned to see her standing in the doorway. I realized that I was so drunk that I had not even noticed that Jill was there until she spoke. I was so embarrassed that I turned back around to face the mirror. "Too bad you didn't get to go through puberty in that body. In a few short months, I went from being an ordinary tiny little carrot top girl to being the tiny little carrot top girl with big boobs that all the guys wanted to feel up. Even old men would look at me with lust in their eyes. A girl has to change her entire attitude toward males. Then, as if that were not enough to deal with, most of the other girls were so jealous of the attention that I got from their boyfriends, brothers and fathers that most of them stopped being my friend. That is why I jumped at the chance to be a man for a change." Jill moved to stand behind me as she looked over my shoulder to see our reflections in the bathroom mirror. She placed her hands on my shoulders as she said, "I grew up in that body and was the target of every horny guy around. Now, you are the one that guys will want to molest and play with." Jill's male hands moved down to my back, around my sides and under my arms as she cupped my huge breasts. She stated, "They'll want to play with these fun bags of yours." She pinched my instantly erect nipples between her thumbs and forefingers to add emphasis as I tried to push her hands away. Jill tightened her grip on my breasts as she added, "You may as well get used to the idea now. Your tits and ass are going to be squeezed more than a loaf of Wonder Bread. What I hated most was that my body was so weak that I learned to like it when men treated me like a slut." Jill had such a tight grip on my breasts that I could not pull her hands away from my overly sensitive and swollen nipples. I tried to back up to get away from her hands only to make contact with the front of her tented trousers with my rounded bottom. I immediately found myself being embraced by Jill as she leaned forward and her erect penis nestled itself in the vertical cleft of my well-padded bottom. Jill bent down to whisper in my ear, "Don't fight it. While you are in this body, you are a fuck toy. Face facts, you are helpless and weak. Sex is what your body was made for. I know. I was the biggest slut in town before I moved here." To add emphasis to what she was saying, Jill's thumbs and fingers continued their assault on my swollen and overly sensitive nipples. The sensations coursing through my petite body were causing my efforts to escape to be weak and ineffectual. In the mirror, I could see a short redhead with a look of sexual excitement in her big green eyes as a mustached dark haired man stood close behind her with his hands fondling her giant boobs. My knees trembled as he began to nibble on my delicate earlobe. The effects of the alcohol dulled my thinking ability as I felt Jill's erect penis moving in the cleft of my well-padded bottom. Her hips had pushed my pubic mound forward until it was pinned against the front of the bathroom sink counter. I watched the reflection of Jill's male hand as it slipped from my right breast and slithered it's way down the front of my nearly flat tummy to disappear from view as it wandered down my feminine body. I called out a whispered, "No! Please don't!" Jill ignored my weak protest as her fingers dipped under the hem of my black mini dress and began massaging my hairless mound. I lost sight of our reflections in the mirror as my eyes closed. Wave after wave of the sensations stronger than I had ever imagined coursed through my feminine body as Jill's experienced fingers rubbed my clitoris. 'That's right. Let the feelings wash over you. Enjoy them. Learn what it's like to be a hot little slut." If I had been completely sober, I might have been able to resist the sensations that Jill was generating in my newly acquired female body. As it was, it only took her a couple of minutes for her to make me have an orgasm. My tiny fingers gripped the sink counter as I came for Jill. What glimpses I got of our reflection in the mirror showed a sexy redhead, whose curly red hair was whipping through the air as her head tossed from side to side as the man standing behind her used one hand to massage her over sized breasts as his other hand was out of view under the hemline of her short dress. What was most embarrassing for me was the fact that I was actively rubbing my curved buttocks against Jill's stiff penis, as I was cumming. Even before my body had stopped shuddering, as wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure coursed through my female form, Jill swept me off my feet and up into her strong arms. She carried me, cradled like a small child, into the bedroom and to the four-poster bed. It all happened so suddenly that I did not have time to protest as I was laid on the unmade bed. Jill's big strong hands wrapped around my tiny ankles as she lifted and spread my legs. I yelped as she dropped her head to my moist crotch and almost buried her face in my hairless vagina. As her lips wrapped around my sensitive clitoris and began sucking on it, I squealed in amazement. Even though I could feel the stubble on her cheeks where she had not shaven this morning, it only took a few minutes for me to climax again. This time, I had my manicured fingers entwined in Jill's short black wavy hair, as I was cumming. I lay back on the bed, with my eyes closed, panting for each breath, totally drained of any ability to protest as I felt Jill climb up onto the bed. I opened my eyes to see a nude male Jill guiding what appeared to be a gigantic erection to what was now my vagina. I found myself fascinated by the sight in a detached way as Jill placed the large domed head into the wet folds of my female opening. My feminine body was awash in hormones and emotions as Jill put some of her weight behind her long stiff penis and it began to enter my trembling body. I could feel it penetrating deeper and deeper as it sank from sight. When it was completely buried inside of me, she looked down into my eyes and said, "How does that feel?" She punctuated her question with several grinding motions that rubbed her pubic bone against my already erect clitoris. My gasping for breath was evidently all the answer she needed as she grinned and began stroking her cock rapidly in and out of my expanded vagina. Sensations assaulted my consciousness as Jill pounded her immense tool in and out of my female body. I gripped her muscular arms with my tiny hands just to have something to hold onto. I could feel the build up of another orgasm and my shapely legs automatically wrapped themselves around Jill's undulating waist as it approached. I could see her grinning down at me as she watched my facial expressions. I really did not wish to give her the satisfaction of knowing that she had not only helped to steal my male body but had also stolen my male dignity by making me respond to the ultra feminine body that I was now trapped in. Unfortunately, the female body had a set of responses of its own and Jill understood them all too well as she pistoned her big cock in and out of me until I knew that I was about to climax yet again. Jill called out, "Tell me you like getting fucked." She continued to stroke in and out as my legs gripped her waist. When I did not answer she added, "You are trapped in the body of a slut, Dr. Parker. I could never say no when a man wanted to have sex with me when I was in that body. You probably won't either. You are now a slut!" I couldn't answer Jill. I was too busy cumming. To be continued...........

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Betrayed Chapter Four

Betrayed By Cherysse St. Claire (c) Chapter 4: Let The Games Begin I really wasn't surprised when Dianna directed me into the parking lot at Ringers. It was only a few blocks across town from my new home; a five-minute drive, if the traffic wasn't killing at the time. Consciously, it had not been a factor in my decision to take the new place. Sub-consciously... well, who knows? "Pop the trunk," she instructed as I shifted into Park. I complied. She didn't wait for me to get her...

4 years ago
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Betrayed Chapter Five

Betrayed Ch. 05 By Cherysse St. Claire (c) Chapter Five: All You Can Eat We slept until eleven Sunday Morning, made leisurely love, then showered. It was decided this would be a casual day for Dianna and Lisa; jeans, T-shirts, and athletic shoes. With Dianna's help, I still looked good enough to eat - at least, she thought so. Dianna looked... damn, no woman had a right to look so sexy in such a sexless outfit. She filled everything out to perfection, tying off the T-shirt...

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Betrayed Chapter Seven

Betrayed Chapter 07 By Cherysse St. Claire © Chapter Seven: The Eighth Level? Angie kept my arm locked in hers, preventing any attempt at escape. We caught a cab back to my place. She was even more appreciative of it than Dianna had been. "Girlfriend, you live like a queen!" she exuded. Realizing what she had just said, she giggled. "Oops! Well, you know what I mean." She made a beeline for the master bedroom. Her practiced eye did not miss the jewelry armoire or...

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Betrayed Chapter 2

Betrayed Chapter 2 By Carolyn Collins Sunday: I awoke to the pleasurable sensations of having my already swollen and very sensitive nipples being suckled, a long male finger stroking my moist vagina and a thumb massaged my clitoris. My female body was responding even before my mind had awoken. As Jill swung her male body up over my petite form, my legs opened of their own accord. She had no trouble settling between them and alining her stiff erection with my already lubricated...

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Betrayed by Wet Spots

Betrayed by Wet Spots Discovered ? Every morning for the last couple years or so I woke up with a throbbing boner like most guys my age used to do.? My mom and dad are religious fanatics so I am careful not to get caught.? Although I sleep nude,? I managed to convince my parents that his was healthier and so pleased God, I keep my socks in bed with me, I told my parents sometimes my feet get cold at night.? That fateful morning, I was enjoying rubbing my cock, balls, nipples and any other place...

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Betrayed Wifes Revenge

Betrayed Wife's RevengeJanet didn't know what to think. She was cleaning out the front seat of the car when she stuck her hand down between the seat and back and came out with the pair of panties. Not her panties. Not her scent on them. And Don had been the only other driver of the car. Suddenly she started to wonder about the car pool he had joined a month back.She had thought at the time it was odd that he had to drive most of the time, and it had played hob with the family schedule that he...

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Betrayed Wifes Revenge

Betrayed Wife's Revengeby Rajah Dodger {[email protected]} (c) 1997, 2009This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License (by-nc-sa). In jurisdictions where the Creative Commons license is not recognized, United States copyright and Berne Convention provisions apply; all rights reserved to Rajah Dodger except that electronic not-for-profit reproduction rights are explicitly granted with the stipulation that this authorship and...

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Betrayed By My Lover

Now don’t start thinking that John and I didn’t fuck. Oh, believe me, we fucked. I just feel that I should tell the story how it happened. There is no point glossing over details that really help to explain how and why things went the way they did. Maybe it’s true that the devil is in the details.John was thick. As a woman of colour, I’ve heard all the stories that say black men are the biggest, and whatever other stereotypes are out there. But John was one of those guys who carried what I like...

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Thank you, WolfGirl *Betrayed* At some point during the early morning hours, I felt Danny slid in behind me on the bed. I slowly turned around in his arms and faced him. Poor baby, he looked so tired. "Morning love." I whispered as I kissed his chin. "Goodnight, hmm morning.." He mumbled as he softly rubbed my back, pulling me closer into him. "You wen't on patrol didn't you?" I asked rubbing his neck softly. "Yes and I just got back." He whispered...

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Betrayed In Mexico

Author comments, this new story I started 2 months ago. I have written this piece with live characters in mind.1 Elizabeth Jack, looks like Meryl Streep2 Delia Sanchez, looks like Vanessa del Rio3, Anna Diaz look like Nautica Thorn4, Hugo is a dead ringer for Burt Reynolds.5, Mandingo Warrior ... Lexington SteelSister Delia Sanchez now 35years old, a catholic nun helps operate a small Catholic Church and orphanage in Tijuana Mexico. Delia has been a nun for 10 years. Her story was a successful...

2 years ago
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Betrayed in Mexico

Author comments, this new story I started 2 months ago. I have written this piece with live characters in mind. 1 Elizabeth Jack, looks like Meryl Streep 2 Delia Sanchez, looks like Vanessa del Rio 3, Anna Diaz look like Nautica Thorn 4, Hugo is a dead ringer for Burt Reynolds. 5, Mandingo Warrior ... Lexington Steel Sister Delia Sanchez now 35years old, a catholic nun helps operate a small Catholic Church and orphanage in Tijuana Mexico. Delia has been a nun for 10 years. Her story was a...

3 years ago
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BetrayedChapter 10 Everything That Has A Beginning

I would have loved to be waiting at the gate at O'Hare when Dianna de-planed from L.A. that Sunday night. I had to settle for the Baggage Claim Area. Those people working for the Transportation Security Administration have no sense of humor. I guess at eight dollars an hour, they can't afford one. Then again, the other passengers were treated to quite a show, right there in front of the carousel; the knock-out brunette and blonde hugging and kissing like something right out of a Vivid...

2 years ago
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BETRAYED Chapter 2

Chapter 2 By Randy MacAnus Copyright 2018. All rights reserved by the author. When my gang rape was over, a voice whispered in my ear, “Have a good time, pussy boy?” It was the same voice from when this began. I didn't know who it was, but I sure recognized that whisper. I shook my head 'no'. He whispered, “Well, you better get used to it, bitch.” Then he gave my butt a hard slap and the last two sets of boots walked out the door. I started struggling with my bonds in a panic. “You...

1 year ago
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By Randy MacAnus All rights reserved by the author. If you would like to see more chapters to this story, please indicate that in the comments below. If you have ideas about directions you might like the story to take, by all means include them in the comments. I have additional chapters outlined, but am open to modifying, if I get interesting feedback. I'm straight. I'm sure of that. But you'd never know it, with all the stuff I've been through! My name is Maximillian Marx....

4 years ago
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Betrayed pt 1

I looked into his eyes in search for any trace of sympathy. He paused in the doorway, light forming around his silhouette dimming the darkness in my cell. My heart beat and for a second I had hope, but he just smiled. Tears began forming around my eyes, his face is menacing, and all I can see in him is lust. He began making his approach, his shadow slowly encroaching on my own. Whimpering, I backed against the wall, lowered myself and closed my legs. It gave me a few seconds against the...

4 years ago
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Betrayed Over Conception Ch 02

Engineer Mike Giles and wife have been unable to start a family and neither will undergo tests, fearful of being identified as the problem party. Gloria takes a lover leading Mike to suspect her motive is pregnancy. The tip off came from his wife’s sister Liz. He sneakily identifies this bastard before deciding how to deal with it. FOUR Nancy had gone back to her cabin when I awoke to the alarm at five in the morning. She’d slept with me for most of the night and then left discretely. We...

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Betrayed Over Conception Ch 03

Engineer Mike Giles and wife Gloria have been unable to start a family and neither will undergo tests, fearful of being identified as the problem party. Gloria takes a lover leading Mike to suspect her motive is pregnancy. The tipoff came from his wife’s sister Liz. He sneakily identifies this bastard.. Now a young woman who befriends him sexually tells him what she thinks about his situation. SEVEN At the deli, I said to the assistant I was going to visit a fat lady who was dieting to loose...

2 years ago
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Betrayed Over Conception Ch 05

Engineer Mike Giles and wife were unable to start a family and neither would undergo tests, fearful of being identified as the problem party. Gloria took a lover leading Mike to suspect her motive was pregnancy. Then his girlfriend at his worksite 200 miles north becomes pregnant which answers the question about his alleged infertility problem. Gloria agrees to a divorce and Mike’s reunion with his girlfriend Nancy ends in disappointment so he’s back playing the field. THIRTEEN I arrived...

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Betrayed Over Conception Ch 04

Engineer Mike Giles and wife have been unable to start a family and neither will undergo tests, fearful of being identified as the problem party. Gloria takes a lover leading Mike to suspect her motive is pregnancy. The tip off came from his wife’s sister Liz. He sneakily identifies this bastard before deciding how to deal with it. Then he learns that his girlfriend on his worksite 200 miles north is pregnant which answers the question about his alleged infertility problem. Mike now follows...

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Betrayed Over Conception Ch 06

THE CONCLUSION: Engineer Mike Giles and wife were unable to start a family and neither would undergo tests, fearful of being identified as the problem party. Gloria took a lover leading Mike to suspect her motive was pregnancy. Then he learned that his girlfriend on his worksite 200 miles north was pregnant – so that answered the question about his alleged infertility problem. Mike and Gloria agree to divorce, Gloria remarried and is pregnant through IVF. Mike’s girlfriend graduated and went...

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Betrayed Bride

This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life. For the past year I felt the world was mine. My world exploded as if the end of time had come. Wham, I experienced a tragedy ending all I had planned and lived for from the time I met my husband in college. Only three days short of my first anniversary the man I married and my college sweetheart, Mr. Dudley Wilson, tore my heart apart. Now I’m setting in my kitchen, sipping my...

4 years ago
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Betrayed Ch 02

Rob and I couldn’t stop laughing as we ran across the car park of my Father’s church, just getting revenge for years of humiliation gave me a feeling of elation. Rob drove me back to my unit and I invited him in. ‘I wish that I could have seen the look on his face when he realised what was happening. My only concern is for my Mum, she will be the one that he will take his revenge on because she’s there, then he’ll take it out on Andrew, he’ll blame him for encouraging me to rebel against him,...

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My name is Brad, I am 24 years old, I have a good job at the Chevy dealership, Sherry is my girlfriend. She’s 22. She works at the dealership as a receptionist, we’ve been going together for about two years, and we are planning on getting married in June. It’s the 20 of May, a day I will never forget. Some of the girls were throwing a bridal shower for Sherry. We are planning on buying a house, as soon as we get back from our honeymoon in the Bahamas. We haven’t gone all the way. We were saving...

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Introduction: Siblings spot spouses together at a motel. Propped up on my pillows I watched my wife Angie slide the black thong up her slender toned legs. When the back of the thong disappeared between her round firm buttocks I couldnt help but wish it was me slipping between those magnificent cheeks. Casually I flipped the covers off my six-foot frame and began to fondle my semi erect penis. With her back still facing me I glanced into the dresser mirror in front of her and saw the look of...

2 years ago
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betrayed by the best friend

My name is Rosie and I'm 22 and untill recently, happily married. The events that changed everything for me started with Lynn visiting me and my husband Larry..... I stayed awake most of the night thinking about Lynn, my best girlfriend from times being a teen. I couldn't wait to see her, and late tomorrow afternoon I had to pick her up at the airport here in town. The day she arrived at the airport seemed to drag by so slowly. My best girlfriend of my entire life was coming to see me for a...

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Betrayed Groom Reveals This on His Wedding Day in

It's a famous line, one everyone knows when it comes to weddings. It's the line that solidifies the relationship and boldly asks guests to "speak now, or forever hold your peace." Usually this is accompanied by roaming eyes and snickers from the guests, but what would happen if someone did stand up to say something? Imagine if someone rose up to stake their claim on the bride or the groom. But what if it wasn't someone from the audience that spoke up, what if it was the groom?That is basically...

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Betrayed used and blackmailed part 1

I turn around and go back to his house, I sense something is going on and I’m right. I recognize a car that was at the bar when I left parked right in front of his condo. I think maybe I should just go, but why would he ask me to come back, to catch him fucking another girl. So I decide to go in and have it out with him and her, I deserve better. When he answers the door a get a surprise there she is just sitting on the couch and he answers just as nothing is wrong, in his mind. He invites me...

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Betrayed Wife introduces husband to her black sh

The party was going to be low key. My wife, Dianne, only wanted something small to celebrate her fortieth birthday. Knowing she wasn't happy about turning forty, I reluctantly agreed.A few months back, when she announced she wanted to join a gym I backed her up even though I assumed it wouldn't last. I'd been wrong. For the first month she had been keen and then she started finding reasons not to go. Somehow she made friends with a real gym-junkie called Gemma. Gemma's enthusiasm rubbed off and...

2 years ago
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Betrayed By Wife United With Didi

By : Huma Take your clothes off Vibha, I can’t wait to put my cock in your cunt. Conme on my darling look at my cock! I said as she bent over me to cover me with blanket. I pulled her warm body and kissed her full lips. My eyes were closed and I was dead drunk. She tried to pull away from me but I would not let her go. Gopi, why don’t you understand, Vibha has left you for ever. Bhabi won’t be back and so will not your jijju. Your jijju has taken your wife away understand? Why do you always...

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I followed the point man and tried to avoid the wait a minute vines. The thorns caught or snagged on everything and my arms and hands had more than a few scratches. There were only four of us instead of six and we did not have support. Most of the time we slipped into enemy areas at night and set up ambushes to kill them. We were one of many hunter killer teams that worked behind the enemy lines. If we were caught we would be killed. Besides command detonated mines the heaviest weapon was our...

1 year ago
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This was my fourth Jack Black in an hour and the pain was still there. I wondered how many more it would take until I didn't care and I didn't feel. The relentless air conditioning and attendant cold of the bar did nothing to numb the deep burning. I felt like a perfectly fine heart had been ripped out of my chest by the hands of my wife and to some extend that is exactly what had happened. This is my story and I am sticking to it. At the time, in the late1980's, I was the single most...

4 years ago
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Betrayed by Her Best Girlfriend

LeeAnn, Linda, and their husbands, Harry and Lloyd, were the best of friends and had been for several years. They visited in each others' homes and their kids played together a lot. They even took trips together, and it seemed the two families were the best friends that could be imagined. LeeAnn really liked Linda and after a period of months, it was obvious they had become best friends. LeeAnn thought Linda was an attractive woman, and there probably couldn't have been more difference in...

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My name is James Dalton. Marianne, my current wife, and I met twenty-one years ago at a small soiree for her date, Mr. Mel Calvo, a gentleman who had just been promoted from sales manager to VP of sales for Riley and Bozman Industries, that, upon the retirement of his predecessor. At the time I was twenty-four, and proud holder of an M.B.A. in business from Wharton. I had just been hired by RBI, who incidentally are makers of various electrical components and computer hardware; it was my first...

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Betrayed by HalloweenChapter 2

Right as Robby reached out for Doug's door, it flew inwards on its own and an impressively inebriated young man stumbled out. He took two steps and stopped, just before impacting the opposite wall. The wood paneling would have made a significant dent in his head, yet the man stood with no awareness of the near calamity. He mumbled incoherently and wandered off down the hall, clearly on a mission of some importance to him that involved counting doors and bouncing off walls. Near the end of...

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Betrayed by HalloweenChapter 3

Robby gently eased Doug's door closed, believing that no one would notice he'd left if he was quiet enough about it. Once the door was firmly engaged, he turned down the hallway towards his place, ruminating on his fascinating evening. He'd taken two steps in that direction when a quiet voice interrupted his musings. "I see we think alike, you and I." Caught off guard, Robby faltered, startled by Elaina's honeyed voice. He steadied himself with a hand placed on the wall beside him and...

2 years ago
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Betrayed by HalloweenChapter 4

Suddenly bashful, Robby set Elaina on her feet and stepped back, his arms hanging at his side, his hands clutching their clothing desperately. Elaina, who wasn't so bashful, turned to face him, crossing her arms beneath her breasts causing them to appear as if she had put them on a shelf for display. She tilted her head to the side and smiled a crooked smile, the corners of her eyes crinkling in silent laughter. She allowed her eyes to sweep up and down his naked torso, taking in the lightly...

1 year ago
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BetrayedChapter 2 Shop Til You Pop

The sex was torrid and went all night. I worshipped every inch of her magnificent body with my lips, tongue, and fingertips. She did the same to me. I took her from behind, entered her doggy-style. I fucked her pussy with long, languid strokes even as I was stroking her meaty clitty with one hand. I willed her to cum, dared her not to, challenged her to hold out against the sensual assault that always drove Susan crazy. Dianna did cum; loudly, passionately, and more than once. Throughout the...

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BetrayedChapter 3 The Players Take The Field

There are, perhaps, a half-dozen places in the city to get a really good "big piece of meat" — at least, of the gastronomic variety. Morton's on North State Street is one of those, and a great place to see and be seen by everyone who is anyone. We valet-ed the Mercedes, then made our way inside. There was a moment at the coat check when I thought I would need a crowbar to pry the fur from Dianna's grasp. I quietly reassured her: a) it was only for a little while, b) wearing it into the...

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BetrayedChapter 4 Let The Games Begin

I really wasn't surprised when Dianna directed me into the parking lot at Ringers. It was only a few blocks across town from my new home; a five-minute drive, if the traffic wasn't killing at the time. Consciously, it had not been a factor in my decision to take the new place. Sub-consciously... well, who knows? "Pop the trunk," she instructed as I shifted into Park. I complied. She didn't wait for me to get her door. She slid out, stepped to the rear of the car, fished her Capezio bag...

4 years ago
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BetrayedChapter 5 All You Can Eat

We slept until eleven Sunday Morning, made leisurely love, then showered. It was decided this would be a casual day for Dianna and Lisa; jeans, T-shirts, and athletic shoes. With Dianna's help, I still looked good enough to eat — at least, she thought so. Dianna looked... damn, no woman had a right to look so sexy in such a sexless outfit. She filled everything out to perfection, tying off the T-shirt below her boobs to show off her twenty-two-inch waistline and navel ring. Turnabout is fair...

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BetrayedChapter 6 The Seven Levels of Hell

Monday was the most vile, loathsome day of my life — for no earthly reason other than having to be me. The first thing I had to come to grips with was who 'me' was that particular morning. 'Lance' had to put in an appearance at the office. Back to the old routine, go out there and make the big bucks. F Troop back to normal, Sir! Simple, right? After the most mind-blowing weekend of my life — as 'Lisa' — it was anything but. Identity Crisis? Don't even go there! This wasn't the Monday...

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BetrayedChapter 7 The Eighth Level

Angie kept my arm locked in hers, preventing any attempt at escape. We caught a cab back to my place. She was even more appreciative of it than Dianna had been. "Girlfriend, you live like a queen!" she exuded. Realizing what she had just said, she giggled. "Oops! Well, you know what I mean." She made a beeline for the master bedroom. Her practiced eye did not miss the jewelry armoire or vanity. She nodded her approval, checking my dresser drawers, one by one, noting the lingerie and...

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BetrayedChapter 8 The Noose Tightens

Did I happen to mention everything was moving so fast? People weren't really surprised Lance Layton took his commission and ran for the door as fast as he could. There wasn't an employee in the firm who didn't wish they could produce the same results for themselves. The rumors ran rampant: he had purchased his own seat and started his own firm; he was trading through the Internet from his new home in Aruba; his marital problems had so devastated him, he had quit the business entirely and...

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