Betrayed Ch. 02 free porn video

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Rob and I couldn’t stop laughing as we ran across the car park of my Father’s church, just getting revenge for years of humiliation gave me a feeling of elation. Rob drove me back to my unit and I invited him in. ‘I wish that I could have seen the look on his face when he realised what was happening. My only concern is for my Mum, she will be the one that he will take his revenge on because she’s there, then he’ll take it out on Andrew, he’ll blame him for encouraging me to rebel against him, but then he’s a big boy and can handle it. He’ll save his most virulent anger for me, when and if our paths should cross. I’m not looking forward to going to work tomorrow, the up-side will be to hand in my resignation. Then I’m going to have to find another job quickly because I now have rent to pay.

I hadn’t asked him if he wanted anything to eat, I just assumed that he would. I was buttering bread ready to make sandwiches. ‘Look I can’t stay, I have to get home to my girlfriend or she’ll think all the wrong things, I did tell her what I was doing this morning.’

‘Oh, I’m sorry, I thought, you know, I owe you for your help and this was my way of repaying you.’ It was a feeble attempt at salvaging my embarrassment but it was the best that I could do.

‘Sorry, I should have told you that I’m spoken for.’

‘That’s alright, I’ll crawl into my hole and die.’

‘No you won’t, the new you is much stronger than that.’ He pecked me on the cheek and left.

After he’d gone I finished making the sandwiches because I had realised that I hadn’t had breakfast and suddenly I was hungry.

I had made myself a cup of coffee and just sat down to eat my lunch when there was a knock on my door. I opened it to be confronted by a battered Mum. ‘Oh Ruth, what am I going to do? Your Father was so. . . I’ve never seen him so angry. He shouted a lot of nasty things at me and his language, it was filthy the things that he called me. He hit me, several times and very hard. I don’t know what to do.’

‘Sit down Mum, can I get you something to eat, a cup of coffee maybe? When you’ve calmed down, we can talk this thing through. We need each other right now.’

‘Thank you for this, I have nowhere to go to and no-one to help me. I can’t use the church, I can’t go back there, and the thought of having to show my face there again is just too horrible to contemplate. I don’t know how your Father is going to explain that video, and, quite frankly I don’t care.’

‘But that’s the problem Mum, you do care. You may not think so right now but it’s in your nature to care. I bet that when I suggest that you go to the police you’ll tell me that you can’t do that to your father. Mum you have to stand up to him, you’ll be surprised how good it feels to eventually get up the courage to do it for the first time and after that it gets easier.’

‘But he’s a good man.’ Her tone, and the fact that she touched the bruise on her cheek, told me that even she doubted that statement but felt that she had to defend him. ‘He’s a good Christian.’

‘Mum, he’s not even a good Christian. If you were to look at what it means to be a good Christian you will realise that the supposed core of the Christian doctrine is all about love, unconditional love, and part of that is to respect people’s differences and not to impose your values on others. Father imposed his values on you for all of your married life, oh he told you often enough that his values were the only true values, and I have no doubt that he believed that, but not everyone agrees with him. You saw that video up there on the big screen, is that the behaviour of a man who should be followed, is that the behaviour of an awesome man of God. His actions in that video are reprehensible and I don’t know what the outcome will be, but whatever that is he deserves it.’

‘But this will destroy him, destroy his work, his church.’

‘Mum, he has destroyed himself, and if the church supports him it is worthy of destruction.’

‘But he’s your father.’

‘Mum, he stopped being my father when he failed to realise that the rules, his rules, that he imposed on me were destroying me as a person. Now that I’ve found the real me I’m not going back to what I was. I am a strong person now, can’t you see that?’

‘Yes, and I’m proud of what you have become, but Darling, don’t let your anger blind you to the good qualities that you’ve found in yourself, rise above your anger and be the person you are meant to be.’

I was just about to answer, there was a slight pause while I tried to think of my answer, when the phone rang. It was Andrew. ‘Ruth,’ That was as far as he got before I hung up. The phone rang again. ‘Ruth, please don’t hang up. Is your Mum there?’

‘Yes she is.’ My tone was meant to convey the message that I didn’t want to talk to him. It didn’t work.

‘That’s a relief. Your father has been on the phone, he’s in a real mess. I can’t get any sense out of him, he’s babbling about being ruined by me and sobbing that he can’t find your Mum and doesn’t know what to do. I was tempted to tell him to pray.’

‘Did he happen to tell you what happened in church this morning?’

‘No, what happened? Wait, don’t tell me, the whole church didn’t happen to see a certain porn video did it?’


‘Oh my God, no wonder he’s in a state.’

‘You’re lucky that you weren’t there.’

‘What do you mean? You don’t think that I had anything to do with the video do you?’

‘Andrew, I know what I saw.’

‘Do you? Look I’d like to come and see you, I need to clear the air about something.’

‘My Mum’s here, remember?’

‘I don’t care, in fact it will be better if she was there. I’ll be there in ten minutes and I’ll explain everything.’ Before I could tell not to bother he’d hung up.

‘Who was that?’

‘Andrew Hudson, he’s coming over to discuss that video that was shown at church this morning. Before he gets here I need to tell you that I was responsible for it being shown.’

‘I thought you might have had something to do with it, and I applaud you for it.’ I couldn’t believe my ears, she was supporting my destruction of her husband’s reputation. ‘He had it coming to him after what he said to you in church two weeks ago, oh he actually admitted to me that he directed that message at you. We had an argument about it and I told him the he would have to earn my respect all over again. To say that he wasn’t happy would be an understatement. He has blamed Andrew Hudson and he really must be upset to call him looking for your address in search of me.’

‘This is a new person sitting here, Mum, I never thought that you had it in you to stand up to him like that.’

‘Ruth, if you thought that what he did made you angry, it had nothing on my anger.’

‘But that night, you supported him.’

‘No I didn’t, I was just trying to calm you down and explain my position. I didn’t like my position any more than you did, but I had to think about how I’d approach the problem. I didn’t have your resources, if I had I’d probably done something similar. He needed to be taught that you can’t just ride roughshod over people’s feelings like that.’

‘What are we going to do?’

‘Would it be possible for me to stay here until everything settles down and we can talk some sense into your father?’

‘You can stay as long as you like. What will he do about the church, I don’t think that he’d want to be there now that this has happened, and he’s been doing it for so long he doesn’t have anything else to fall back on.’

‘He can always make a career out of porn, I hear it pays well.’


‘I know, I shouldn’t have said that and I’m sorry, I just had this moment of stupidity.’

‘What are we going to do about the fact that he has assaulted you? You just can’t let him get away with that, he needs help.’

There was a knock on the door and I let Andrew in. He kep
t his distance from me and made no attempt to show any kind of affection. ‘What was it that you wanted to say about that video, and don’t try to convince me that it wasn’t you I saw standing there playing with your cock?’

‘It wasn’t me and I can prove it.’

‘This had better be good.’

‘Okay, think back to the man that you claim is me.’

‘Y-e-s.’ I wasn’t sure where this was going but I let him continue.

‘Can you recall everything about his cock? Do you have a mental picture of it?’


‘Was it circumcised or not?’

‘Not I think, yes, I’m sure that it wasn’t’

‘Now remember back to the last time that we made love.’

‘Yes.’ I had a smile on my face because it had been a very pleasant moment.

‘My cock, you got up close and personal with it as I recall, is it circumcised?’

‘Yes, yes it is!’ He had a smile on his face as if a weight had been lifted from his mind.

‘Would you like another look to confirm this?’ He asked. I was shocked to see that Mum wasn’t at all shocked by this conversation.

‘No, I don’t think that will be necessary. But who was that I saw, he’s the spitting image of you?’

‘That is my cousin. The gene pool runs deep on the male side of the family and I have several cousins that could pass for my brother and this particular reprobate is one of them.’

‘But that was Celia in it too, wasn’t it?’

‘Yes, unfortunately. She doesn’t do that sort of thing anymore. That video was made several years ago when she needed money and my cousin talked her into making some porn videos. How your father came to be in it I didn’t know but I’ve spoken to her about it and she remembers it, she said that he wasn’t very good.’

‘He was on one of those evangelical conferences and there were rumours at the time that some of the pastors had a little extra-curricular fun. This fun has returned to jump up and bite him.’ Mum said. ‘I heard about it and he confessed and swore me to secrecy.’

‘Well it’s out in the open now. How do you think that he’ll handle it?’

‘Probably plead guilty as charged and explain that it was a moment of human frailty that saw him involved in it. He’ll probably claim that the video was shot without his knowledge or permission.’ Mum said. ‘But then he’ll be lying, you see when he came back from that conference he told me all about it, how he’d been seduced by a beautiful woman and had sex with her. He said that he was with a group from the conference at a restaurant and Celia was a waitress there. One of the local pastors knew her and introduced her to the others and when they had finished their meal your father had accompanied her back to an apartment where all of this took place. He was worried at first that she would blackmail him by threatening to tell the church about it, but the pastor that had introduced them told him that it was all taken care of. He was told later of the video and that it was destined for the overseas market and would not be released locally, and that was why I was so shocked when I saw it.’

‘That was of course before the Internet porn websites that make such videos freely available to download. He must have known of its existence because he got paid for his participation and he will have to rely on me not revealing the payments that he’s received over the following two years from this video.’ Andrew told us. ‘I noticed these payments when I was going through his old tax returns for him. At first he told me some tale about it being royalties from a book that he’d had published until I pointed out to him that the money was coming from a video production company and not a publisher or literary agent. He told me all about it.’

‘I don’t know what to think any more.’ I said to them. ‘Here was this man that I thought was the embodiment of an ultra conservative Christian pastor, and you’ve just revealed that he has had a human side to him all along. If he’d shown that to me earlier none of my revenge would have happened, and I would have thought him a better person for it.’

‘Yes but he didn’t show that to you, he acted just like many people who become ‘born again’, they take a position that is diametrically opposed to what they did before they changed. Only in his case his lapse occurred while he was a pastor and that made his new position even more conservative. When you’re heavily associated with a church like his you see it all the time, but in most cases the novelty wears off and the people return to something like their previous character. In his case, because of his position he had to maintain the rage so to speak, and he made it really hard on you.’ She told me. ‘For that I’m sorry, sorry that I didn’t have the guts to stand up to him. But you’ve turned out very well and we have Andrew to thank for that.’

My opinion of Andrew was swinging back to where it was on Thursday before I’d seen the fucking video. I was back to thinking that he was a good guy after all. ‘I disagree,’ Andrew said, ‘You laid the foundations for Ruth to become a very capable young lady, all that I’ve done is to put icing on the cake, to pretty it up, you deserve the credit.’

‘Look it’s getting late and we haven’t eaten, what do you say we order in a pizza?’ I interrupted before this got too soppy.

‘Sounds good to me,’ Mum said, ‘I don’t know when the last time I had a pizza was.’

Pizza ordered and a bottle of wine produced, we sat and waited. Mum took her first sip of wine. ‘This is nice, I don’t know why churches forbid us to drink wine, Jesus drank wine.’

‘The ban on wine has nothing to do with scripture, it is more to do with the Calvinistic attitudes that we have inherited from our ancestors and stemmed from the early King James Bible.’ I explained.

The pizza arrived and we sat at the kitchen table and ate it. Mum licked her fingers and looked at us. ‘Should we put him out of his misery or make him suffer a little while longer?’

‘I think that we should let him know that you’re safe and taking a time out from him for a day or so. I hope that he’ll progress through the blame stage and come to terms with why all of this has happened. If he presses the issue we should tell him that you’ve sought refuge at a Women’s Shelter, he’ll have visions of you being at the mercy of the hairy legged feminists that seem to run these places, and of you not being the same person when you return.’

‘You haven’t quite let go of your anger yet, have you?’ Mum asked.

‘Not quite, but I’m getting there.’

‘You will, it was never in your nature to stay angry for long, that’s one of the things that I love about you.’ Andrew said, bringing a swift glance from Mum.

‘When you say ‘love’ do you mean love?’ She asked.

‘Yes, I love her, and when she told me to get out of her room, and her life, I was devastated, believe me, I thought that my world had come to an end. I can’t compete against Mills and Boon’s heroes.’

‘You do a pretty good job.’ I reached for his hand. Another, this time slightly longer, glance from Mum.

We talked until the bottle of wine was empty and the question of whether Andrew was to stay the night was reached. ‘If Andrew stays, is he going to sleep on the sofa and you and I share your bed, or do I get the sofa?’ Mum asked.

‘I could always. . . .’

‘Don’t worry, I’ll take the sofa.’ She said. Andrew smiled at me and thanked Mum. ‘I realise that people today have no compunction about making love before marriage and I’m in favour of it.’ She caught my shocked look. ‘Don’t be so shocked, the marriage laws that the church adheres to have less to do with cementing a loving relationship between two people before they take the plunge, as they are to preserve some archaic property laws based on a marriage contract drawn up between both sets of parents. This involved dowries and a proof of virginity as evidence that the bride was not in breach of that contract, and a steady market in sacs of blood to fool the hus
band. Love has nothing to do with it, don’t get me wrong, I’m no advocate of wholesale fornication to test the sexual prowess of the other party. To me, making love is an integral part of the joining of the physical and spiritual relationship between two people.’ Andrew stayed.

We left Mum at my apartment to go to work. On arrival we were confronted by a mob of the voracious media, all vying to get the scoop. ‘Miss Williams, can you tell me, did you have anything to do with the video shown in your father’s church yesterday?’

‘Was I on it?’


‘Then why do you think that I had anything to do with it?’

‘What I meant was, were you responsible for the video being shown to the whole church?’

‘I was not responsible for the content of the video and neither was I responsible for it being shown.’

‘So you deny any involvement in it being shown?’

‘No.’ She was getting exasperated at my evasions, but then she hadn’t yet asked the one question that I couldn’t deny.

‘Were you involved in it being shown?’



‘You’ll have to ask my father that. Now if you’ll excuse me we have work to do.’ Andrew ran interference for me as we pushed through to the staff entrance.

‘You handled that extremely well.’ Andrew said as we entered his office. ‘If that had happened a month ago, you would have turned around and run, screaming, for the car park. You told them what they wanted to know but told them nothing, they were after a scandal and, while they have a whiff of one, you’ve not given them one.’

‘I was scared, if you hadn’t been there I would have run.’

‘I don’t think that you would have, you might not have handled it as well as you did, but you would have tried to respond because that’s who you are.’ All the time he told me this he had his hands on my shoulders and as he finished he kissed me, softly, gently and lovingly. He knew exactly what I needed to hear to calm me. I kissed him with a little more force just to let him know that I was grateful for his love and support.

Celia was angry on the phone. ‘Where the fuck did your little friend dredge up that video from?’

‘A friend gave it to her, apparently it is on one of those free porn sites under the title of ‘Old Dude Fucks MILF While Husband Watches’. He had made the same mistake that she had, that it was me playing to role of the husband instead of Cousin Tim. You weren’t to know when you enticed Pastor Williams into your studio that it would eventually find its way to his daughter at a time when she was less than happy with her father. She ran it for the church to get back at him for years of humiliation. It worked by the way.’

‘So what happens now between you and her?’

‘Everything’s fine between us.’

‘You’re kidding, how did you manage that?’

‘Just pointed out that it wasn’t me playing your husband.’

‘So what will happen to her father?’

‘We don’t know yet, we’re playing it by ear.’

It was Wednesday when we agreed to meet with Father in a neutral location, Andrew’s Lawyer provided his conference room for the occasion. Father began aggressively. ‘Whatever did I do to you that would make you do that to me?’

‘I can understand your anger with me because of the video, but in my defence, I was still angry with you for the humiliation that I suffered at your hands in church. Now we can sit here and yell and scream at each other and achieve nothing other than making each other even angrier, or we can calm down and talk this thing through like rational adults, which is it to be.’ This stopped him in his tracks. He had come to this meeting thinking that he would be able to browbeat me into submission and I’d shown him in a gentle and non-aggressive way that I would not let that happen.

He looked at me for a moment or two before he realised that he would have to change his approach. ‘I’m sorry, but I’ve been under a lot of strain over the past few days. Everything that I’ve ever worked for has come crashing down around my ears and I don’t know what to do.’

‘I have been thinking about this, and have discussed it with Mum and Andrew. It will require you to confess to making a huge mistake many years ago, to which you have repented to Mum and God, and from which you have moved on into a better place. You have devoted your life to the service of God and the church, and want to continue with that work.’

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My hot little sister part 2

Next day we were really close each other, I told her let go to the river near by, a was really solitaire area a was Friday so a was perfect to be alone an the middle of no where, I put my short en t-shirt an she ask me what do you want me to wear, I’m yours an I belong to you now, you orders are my command, I say, sis you don’t have to say that, and she say yes I’m all yours but please don’t never let me I feel lonely, is ok sis you will never be alone any more you have me, I kind I thought...

1 year ago
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Discovering Cath

My friend Cath and I have known each other for over 18 years and supported each other through a series of marriage and relationship breakups. Yet in all this time, there was a secret that I had never guessed. Cath called me a few days ago to say something I had ordered from her catalogue had arrived. I arranged to go over and collect that evening. Cath has recently started seeing someone new and I was keen to hear all the details about him. It was a fine summer evening and we sat out in the...

3 years ago
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Sexy teacher and her student

From the moment I entered high school I saw her. Mrs. Jaymes. She was a vision. Unfortunately I would have to wait until junior and senior year to possibly have her as my English teacher. All of the guys at school would talk about how good she looked, and of course she knew it. Not that she flirted with any of us or teased us in anyway. She was actually very strict in her class when she wanted to be, but also knew how to make you laugh. I would go home almost every day after school and think...

2 years ago
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He stood before her in his baggy, grey jogging bottoms, which hung loosely from his huge ass. There was no visible waist to help keep them up and folds of the material lay bunched around his hefty ankles. His feet were bare, revealing both the dry black skin that covered them and the dirty uncut toenails that were their end. The only other item of clothing he wore was a once white t-shirt, in desperate need of a clean. It covered his upper chest but failed to contain his obese stomach, which,...

4 years ago
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My First Time With A Friend

I have always been pretty shy. I open up among friends but even then I still hold things back. I am not sure if it’s a lack of confidence or if it comes from me not knowing what to say. Knowing this, I figured it would be quite some time before I let some completely see me, mind and body. I moved away from my hometown right after I graduated and hadn’t been back in a while. I missed my friends there so I took a weekend off from work and decided to go visit. I was excited to see everyone,...

2 years ago
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Helped A Reader To Take The Revenge

Hi ISS readers. I am Naresh Patil from Mumbai central suburbs and back with a new incident. I recently posted an incident in Couple section HAD SEX WITH COLLEGE FRIEND. The day this story got published on ISS I started receiving many emails complimenting my story. I was really happy as I was not expecting such a huge response. Thank you all who read it and appreciated me. I replied to each and every mail that I received. In this story I’ll narrate you how I satisfied one of my reader. I...

3 years ago
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Jaycees Jobs

Jaycee Peterson's charming chestnut eyes open to a beatiful summer morning. After using the two weeks following graduation to vacation with girlfriends, the brunette bombshell is about to embark on her first day in the working world. This prospect both excites and terrifies Jaycee; she is now a full-fledged adult who is solely responsible for supporting herself. Jaycee rolls out of bed, muttering aloud about how time flies. After a quick shower, she dresses herself for her new job.

1 year ago
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TeenCurves Cassidy Banks A Buxom St Paddys Bar Maiden

Does it get much hotter than Cassidy Banks? She is an incredibly sexy interracial chick with tits that look like they are ready to pop right out of her cute bar maiden top and an ass that could make the world stop spinning. She is trying to show us how lucky the Irish can get on St. Paddys day, so she spreads her long caramel legs open for a horny leprechaun to fuck her twat. She gasps as he eats her tight cloverleaf on the bar counter and cannot wait for him to slide inside her pussy. Finally,...

3 years ago
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Sophie and I have a great life. We compliment each other in every way, and are the envy of our circle of friends, who can’t believe that two so dissimilar personalities can co-exist in a harmonious relationship such as ours. Sophie is an artist of some note, having had works accepted into the Archibald (The most prestigious portrait prize in Australian art) for the past five years. While she hadn’t actually won the major prize, her works were very well received and chosen for display. I am a...

2 years ago
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My life changed for ever Part 2 The 1st evening

After the episode in the airport and then in the car on the way to the apartment, I was a little dazed and confused but had started to understand my position, or lack of position. I had hired an airbnb apartment, it wasn’t too expensive at all, and it was private, decent rooms, plenty of space, and clean. We walked in, looked around and he nodded his head in approval.‘Good choice slave, I like it, come with me.’I followed him and he lead me to the bathroom, he pushed me into the shower and...

1 year ago
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Making of My Sissy part one

I just wanted to share my sissy's and I adventure in turning my, once viral and strong husband, into a more comfortable life choice that he admits he was interested in at an early age and that is being a sissy.It started 11 yrs. ago, today, when I came home from food shopping, to find my husband in the garage with our neighbor, on his knees, wearing only a panty, and sucking a pretty good size black cock. Our neighbor is a younger Blackman, about 6' 1" and over 200 lbs. I have to admit seeing...

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My name is Sam. I’m a firefighter. As the city was in the grips of an arsonist, I found my destiny. I wasn’t looking for it, but I don’t think anyone ever is. I knew I was gay, really understood what it meant, when I was thirteen. I remember looking through the big holiday catalogs when I was younger than that, looking for toys and finding the men’s underwear section and staring, enjoying what I saw. I didn’t understand what I felt though. But when I was thirteen, it all changed. I was with a...

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Lost Days

I woke up with a fuzzy feeling that not everything was right or real. I sat up and realized that this room was strangely unfamiliar, there was nothing that I recognized about it at all. I climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom but it wasn’t where I expected it to be, but then I didn’t know where I expected it to be. When I found it I discovered an unfamiliar but used toothbrush and an almost depleted tube of toothpaste along with shaving gear that I didn’t recognize. I stripped off,...

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Asian Flower

It's been a while since I wrote about my asian flower, because she and I have not been together for a while, schedules, jobs, k**s, all the areas of life have been in full swing. Well let me tell you, I thought my Asian Flower didn't want any more loving from her black prince, but I was wrong. I was at her home while she worked, and she knows the things that turn me on! I love when she wears those very small shorts where you can see the ass cheeks hanging out, and she has the most gorgeous legs...

2 years ago
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Some Very Lovable NeighborsChapter 6

Adie sat with her head shamefully downcast now, unable to speak as Jack approached her. Now that the Mason's were gone, she felt total and complete humiliation over her own weakness, what she had willingly assented to do with Bob Mason no matter what the rationalization Mason or she had given the spectacle. Her legs were drawn tightly together, but still the cum ran stickily from its vaginal nest, and she could feel it secrete from the hair- covered lips and trickle down the backsides of her...

1 year ago
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She Loved Anal And Now Him Too

She Loved Anal And Now Him TooBy: Londebaaz Chohan Gloria and Hank were going steady for almost a year and slowly, she was getting used to visit him at his place. First she would come just for a few hours, then for one night and now she mostly came over for the whole weekend. It was Friday, late afternoon and she was here. Hank had cooked a nice meal and after the meals and the drinks they were ready to go to bed. Gloria was a gem in the bed because as compared to Hank, she was much more...

1 year ago
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Mucho Hentai is kind of an odd name for a website. It implies they’re going to have Japanese-style cartoon pornography with a certain Spanish or Mexican flair. It’s not something I would have imagined even existed, but some joint downtown is now offering sushi burritos. What the hell do I know, anyway? I feel like something of a porn expert, but these hentai fuckers are always surprising me.MuchoHentai does have some Hentai dubbed in Spanish, but the majority of the site is in English. In case...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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Isami x Maiko

The straps and buckles of the leather outfit coiled tightly around the curves of her body. No matter how Maiko sat, no matter how much she fidgeted she could not feel anything but restricted and confined in the ridiculous outfit Isami had made her wear. As the car sat stationary at the lights and she gazed out the window she was grateful for the long coat she wore, no one could see what she had on underneath. She felt her jaw clench and she ground her teeth. As far as she was concerned what she...

2 years ago
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The Prisoner Wore Panties Chapter Four

The Prisoner Wore Panties By Michele Nylons Chapter Four - Over The Wire "How did you get this Intelligence. You were in his bedroom? He fucked you didn't he?" Once again Steven could not control his petulance. Danielle had been summoned to present the intelligence she had gained at the Oberst's house during the dinner the previous night. Wing Commander Smyth-Waddington had been angry with her for taking the interlude with Oberst Wessel. He was not na?ve; he knew that Benny's ...

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My Master Became My Slave

My name is Ranjana. I am 35 and recently became a widow, when my husband died of cancer. I was the only daughter of my parents, who though not very well to do, put me to study in Queen Mary’s School in Mumbai, where I studied till 10th. My father, who had a fairly thriving taxi business, died of alcoholism, and before that, he got me married to one Patil, who literally bought me. Patil used to be rough with me, and would often beat me up. We had two girl children, whom we put to school.My story...

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Monica my ex and fun with her pt 3 Secobd come back

I stood in front of her ready, my cock standing rigid. She took the vibrator in her mouth, lubricated it, then slid it into her pussy. I moved closer to her mouth, she took the cock in her hand, pulled down the foreskin and sucked it greedily, drooling heavily, and in a moment she took it out of her mouth and said: now shake it off, while I watch. -What are you doing? -The communicator sounded -I’m in bed- -Show me your dick, I’m horny A quick photo of the dick, sent -It’s...

3 years ago
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Runaway DreamChapter 5 Lessons

She was weak now, but still alive four days later. I mean Audrey, of course, who'd become something of a pet to me. We'd brought her home, to our house in Klamath Falls. It was really Angela's place, but she'd made it mine as well. We were mated now, there really was nothing of mine that wasn't Angela's as well, and so the opposite was also true. And I'd been changing. Every hour, every minute, I was becoming something else. There were obvious things, like the way I talked, the way I...

2 years ago
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Me And My Mami

I looked at her eyes. The white in them was smeared with red, as if she was trying not to sleep. She was lying in her bed, eyes half open. She had a sari on. Her pallu was held crumbled in her fist and it was wet with her tears. I was sitting at the foot of her bed. She wasn’t looking at me; she was looking at the bedroom door. I know what she would be thinking. There was a strange look in the eyes, fear and anticipation. She was breathing very lightly. Her crying had ceased. It pained me! The...

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Teaching Her Girls How To FuckPart 1 The Mother

I was home on leave in late September, with nothing to do on a Friday night. So I headed down to the bowling center to visit some old school buddies, who were bowling on a Friday night league. We chatted for a while about old times, and I told them some war stories. I then told them I was heading into the bar to watch the baseball game that was on the TV. There were a few people in the bar, but I did not know any of them, so I grabbed a table by the TV, and order a beer, and settled back...

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Barb and her Brother

This is a story about my ex wife. I have changed the names in case someone in her family stumbles upon it. You know, plausible deniability. If one of her brothers (or even a sister) read this a couple of the details would let her brothers know who this is about. My ex wife is and was a complicated woman. I met her when I was 21 and she was just 17. She had a killer body. Great tits that could pass the pencil test and a nice firm ass. After a couple of dates we had sex. I was hooked...

1 year ago
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After work on a Friday

She was standing at the sink doing the few dishes that were left over from last night. I walked into the house by the back door into the kitchen. Heidi was wearing a T-shirt that was cut off just below her 34C breasts and a white pair of boy-pants panties. God was she sexy. My sister was about 5'2" 110 lbs with what I thought was a perfect shaped bubble butt. I would slap her on it every chance I got. I thought that at 19 she was about the most beautiful girl in the whole city, with her friend...

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Jakes Journal The Philippines JoyfullyChapter 4

The next day was the beginning of the long and arduous trip back to the States. The length of time it takes and the number of planes I had to ride was appalling and not worth retelling here. A day later I was home in the US and after a few hours rest, I had my work cut out for me. I had to do the following: sell off the part of my business which was involved with physical things and arrange for some services to be transferred to others. Notify clients that while I would be available for...

2 years ago
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The Crucible of ManChapter 5 I Walk Alone

I gently woke her by kissing her sweet lips. Her eyes opened and she smiled. When she sat up, she asked why I wouldn't sleep with her at night. "I do not sleep like humans do, dear one. I must also remain vigilant against those who would harm you." "Ok. But when this is over, please sleep with me, and hold me in your arms?" I smiled as my heart melted for her. "I will, my love." She gave me her most radiant smile at that. I was now able to distinguish the love for her from the love...

3 years ago
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My wife Sherry is a terrific woman and more than I could ever of asked for when I thought of someone to get married to. As far as sex goes Sherry is very active in that part even after 17years if marriage but until a year ago was limited in her outlook. By that I mean although satisfying she was missionary position as worst and a doggie fashion type of a girl at a push and more often than not the light was off but that said I loved her dearly. I'd known Margo almost as long as I knew Sherry...

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A meeting in Leather Part 14

"A lessen in Discipline and Love."#English translation- A sequel to: Or start at the beginning: The men drank some coffee and were enjoying the memories of that horny threesome that we just had. I went upstairs. Rinsed me clean and went to my bedroom to get dressed in Leather. I put on the Leather Chaps with the black zippers over my black jock strap. And put on the...

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Step mom teaches the finer points

My step mom Diane and I had not really gotten along very well, but as we were both very sad, mutual consolation had brought us much closer. It was probably 6 or seven months after the funeral when our relationship changed drastically. I had resumed my cross dressing habit. My weakness has always been pantyhose. For as early as I can remember (three years old), I have been sneaking hose out of the laundry and wearing them.Diane had the perfect closet to borrow from. She was 5'9”, 170lbs, and...

3 years ago
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I moan louder and louder as you kiss ,lick and nibble the strawberries,cream and chocolate sauce from my breasts " oh my god WILL ,please don't stop " I beg as you travel down my body... I am shaking with desire for you as you go down on me and lap up the whipped cream from my pussy ... So near to cumming yet wanting you so bad... Hear myself tell you " I want to taste you "... You walk on over to me and unzip ,looking at me somewhat nervously , * I smile and tell you I want you to... You place...

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DaughterSwap Grae Stoke Abby Adams Dad8217s Divide The Equation

Abby Adams and Grae Stroke are a couple of cute girls who are not too good at math. But their concerned dads think they just need a little extra attention and tutoring. The babes try to focus, but they cannot keep from touching each other under the table as their dads go over equations. The minute these dads leave their daughters alone, they start playing with each others pussies . But when their old men stumble in to see what the girls are up to, they are furious! The only way they will keep...

4 years ago
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I Dream of Tweenie The Queen of the Sluts AwakensChapter 16

Olivia sat down at her computer, still in her pajamas. It was early and the house was deathly quiet. Her mother was sound asleep and occasionally Olivia would hear a soft snort come from down the hallway. It had been over a week since her last update, and almost as much time since she'd given Carl reign over her email account. The man was a monster when it came to his greed and the demands it put on her body. He'd reached out to all the guys on the list and further categorized the guys...

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