Cruel Island A Mantok Story
- 2 years ago
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William Parnell's hotel is going wellbut his personal skills were atrocious. He refuses to pay his ex-wife, treatshis staff badly and, arrogantly, thinks he was always going to be on topbut Ryoko showed him what it was like to be on the bottom.
Before he met her, William would neverhave dreamed that a sweet thing like Ryoko could be so cruel, so very, verycruel. (F/m, NC, humiliation, Mind Control, Modification)
Part01: Sweet Ryoko
William Parnell slammed the telephone back into its cradle and glowered atit. How dare that fucking moron , he seethed, how darehe threaten him ? Lawyers, the scum of thefucking planet!
He picked the phone back up and dialled, fingers of his other hand angrilytapping on the desk top while he waited for it to be answered.
'Listen, you dumb cunt,' he snapped as, Daphne, his ex-wife answered, 'don'tthink you're getting anywhere with that stupid lawyer of yours!'
'I'm just following the process…'
'You just do what I say! You're getting fucking nothing! I'll tie you upin court for fucking forever!'
He slammed the phone back down and took a deep breath. Suddenly, he laughed,turned back to his computer screen and was happily examining the reservationlistings when there was a tentative knock on the door and Fiona, one of thehotel staff opened it. 'What is it?' he snapped, not even bothering to lookat her.
'A woman has come about the job,' Fiona said quickly, eager to get out ofthe office.
'What job?'
'The upstairs maid's job we advertised,' Fiona explained patiently. He wasfully aware, she knew, he just didn't want to spend money on another personif he could bully everyone into working extra shifts to cover the vacant position.
'We don't need…'
Fiona expected his resistance but took a deep breath. 'We do,' Fiona saidfirmly, surprising herself a little as all the staff knew what a ferocioustemper Mr Parnell had. 'Doris is going on holidays soon and we won't be ableto cope. Mr Parnell, we really need some one to help. She's outside and seemsnice, really nice...'
'Nice! I don't give a fuck how nice she is!
Fiona winced. 'I mean, I think she'll be easy to get along with. Please talkto her, Mr Parnell.'
'Ok, ok ,' he grumbled, 'I'll talk to her.' He turned around and looked outat the reception area through the open door. 'Fuck,' he said, 'she's a slanteye!'
Fiona flushed and glanced out to see if the young Japanese woman heard but,luckily, she didn't appear to as she was seated near the stairs, staring impassivelyinto space. 'Please, Mr Parnell, she may hear you,' Fiona urged in a whisper.
'I don't give a fuck if she hears me or not,' Parnell snapped. 'This is myhotel and I can say what I like!
'Yes, of course, Mr Parnell,' Fiona soothed.
'How fucking old is she?' Parnell demanded, looking out into the receptionarea again.
Fiona looked at the application form Ryoko had completed. 'She's twenty five…'
'She doesn't look it, she looks younger but they all do, don't they.' Iremember that whore in Tokyo… Parnell shook his headslightly to erase the memory.
Fiona silently rolled her eyes, waiting and finally, Parnell got to his feet.William Parnell was a big man and prided himself on keeping fit, working outwith weights three times a week and believed he was big enough and strong enoughto handle anyone, I don't take shit , he said to himselfoften, from anyone! I can handle anybody!
It was no surprise that he was a bully to everyone and that he had a constantturnover of staff. The hotel was the biggest employer in the small villageand which had recently undergone a tourist resurgence and. As a result, thehotel was constantly full with tourists and travelling salespeople.
Ryoko sat waiting patiently, showing nothing on her face although she hadheard the man clearly refer to her as slant eyes . Herface was blank as she would put up with anything to get this job, now she hadfound him after all this time.
This man had been the focus of her life for so long and she had almost givenup hope of ever finding him. Ryoko had been involved in a travelling magicshow, a small circus really without animals but had seen a photograph of Parnellin a newspaper advertisement for the hotel.
It was a shock to see his face after all this time. Leaving the magic troupein a hurry without a seconds thought, the train had taken her to the villageand Ryoko had furiously thought for the journey how she would get close toher target. Ryoko had been planning her next move when she saw the advertisementfor the position of hotel maid pinned on the community noticeboard in the village.
Walking back to the railway station, Ryoko had changed her clothes in theladies toilets and carefully redid her face so she appeared demure and innocent.It was something she could do quickly and was well practised.
And so William Parnell saw a sweet Japanese woman when he lumbered out,one who jumped respectfully to her feet and bowed to him, her eyes lowered.
That appealed directly to Parnell's ego and he smiled, looking around tosee if Fiona had noticed. I might hire a few slant eyes ,he thought, if they all do that, adds a bit of class.
'I'm Mr Parnell,' he said, towering over Ryoko. 'The boss,' he added meaningfully.
Ryoko bowed again, telling herself to be calm and nodded. 'I am pleased tomeet you, sir.' Her voice was soft and she exaggerated her accent just a little.'I am Ryoko Yuzuki.'
'Yuzuki, isn't that a motorbike?' He laughed at his own joke and Ryoko pretendedto be confused but said nothing. 'The job is to clean the rooms and I don'tbargain about money. You've seen the job description?'
Ryoko bowed again. 'Yes, thank you, sir. The kind lady showed it to me. Iam happy with it, sir.'
Parnell liked the way she called him sir and nodded.'There is a maid's room upstairs and you'll have to work long hours,' he warned.
'Of course sir, whatever is required.'
He smiled down at her. S uch a cute little thing and so sweet, hethought, and so respectful. She's nothing like the other clods I'vegot working here. 'Ok, when can you start?'
'I can start now, sir, if you wish.'
'Great. Fiona,' he bellowed and Fiona almost ran from the office. 'Show herthe ropes and get her started.'
'Thank you sir,' Ryoko said, bowing again. Parnell nodded and walked backinto his office with a swagger and a grin.
Ryoko watched him go through narrow eyes and then smiled at Fiona. 'The ropes?'
Fiona laughed and led Ryoko upstairs. 'This is your room,' she said openingthe door, 'it's not much but you've got a view.'
Ryoko put her suitcase on the bed. 'It's good. Do I have to wear a uniform?'
Fiona laughed. 'Could you see Parnell paying for uniforms? Not likely.'
Ryoko smiled. 'I can wear what I like?'
'Yes but be warned, Parnell is a sleaze.'
'Sleaze?' Ryoko played dumb and Fiona smiled.
'He's a groper and a bit of a sex fiend. I'm sure you've got them in Japan?'
'Ah yes, we have all manner of sex fiends in Japan,' Ryoko said enigmatically.
'I'm sure you do,' Fiona laughed. 'Let me show you what to do and where thecleaning stuff is.'
'Have you shown her everything?' Parnell quizzed Fiona later in the day.
'Yes Mr Parnell, she's a smart one.' Too smart for that job ,she thought to herself, and she wrapped you around her finger .
'She'll be ok tomorrow when the customers go, she'll know what to do?'
We call them guests , Fiona wanted to point out butjust shrugged. 'I think so.'
'You notice she called me sir ?' he said meaningfullyto Fiona who almost rolled her eyes, knowing he wanted her to call him that.
In your dreams , she thought viciously. 'Must be anAsian thing,' she said and quickly left the office.
Fiona was drawn upstairs, curious about the new maid, knocked softly on Ryoko'sdoor and she immediately heard Ryoko call, 'yes?'
'It's just me,' Fiona said, popping her head in and saw Ryoko putting clothesinto the drawers. 'Settled in?'
'Almost, thank you Fiona,' Ryoko said and Fiona picked up a piece of paperfrom the dresser top.
'What's this, a magic show?' It was a flyer advertising the show and Ryokosilently cursed herself for leaving it out.
'Yes, I was fortunate enough to work for a small while with them.'
'Roberto the Magician, The Montrose,' Fiona read with a smile, 'what werethe Montrose?'
'Acrobats, I think the word is?'
'Yes that's the word,' Fiona nodded and continued to read, 'the Great Akira,what was he?'
'Hypnotist,' Ryoko said carefully. 'I am finished.'
'Ok,' Fiona placed the flyer back down, 'I can show you the hotel groundsand where the staff eat?'
'Thank you,' Ryoko was tempted to bow but thought Fiona was too smart tofall for that and just smiled.
'What did you do in the magic show?'
'I was just the person who cleaned and fixed things,' she lied.
Fiona showed Ryoko the grounds including the tennis court and swimming pool.'Staff can swim in the morning or around lunch before the guests have settledin but the girls usually give it a miss.'
'The girls do not swim?' Ryoko frowned as if she was trying to understand.
'Not often. See that small house there with the hedge?' Ryoko nodded as Fionapointed. 'That's where Parnell the pervert lives and the pervert comes outthe moment we're in the water and fairly leers at us so we give it a miss.'
'Ah, I see, the sex fiend,' Ryoko said and giggled prettily with a smallhand covering her mouth.
'Yes, the sex fiend,' Fiona said, laughing with her.
'He is the, what do you call it, the manager?' Ryoko asked as they strolledpast the kitchen gardens.
'He's the owner.'
Ryoko stopped. 'He owns all of this?' she asked slowly.
'He won some money or so the rumour goes but Parnell never says where themoney came from. Hewalked out on his wife and bought this reasonably cheap.Then the tourists suddenly began to come here and it's now a gold mine,' shesaid a little bitterly.
Ryoko looked around and nodded. 'It is beautiful and it is his?'
'Yes, believe it or not.'
They walked on in silence until Ryoko asked, 'and why do the tourists nowcome?'
'The mineral baths in the next village were renovated and they discoveredsome prehistoric artefacts near here. It's really an excuse for people to drivehere and relax for a weekend. Travelling sales people pull off the motorwayand stay here as well so Parnell does very well, the lucky bugger!'
'Where did he get the money?'
Fiona shrugged. 'It's all a mystery and he won't say. Hungry?'
'I am, thank you.'
Fiona introduced Ryoko to Doris the cook and Peter and George who lookedafter the gardens and acted as porters. The other casual staff had gone home.'How did you get on with Bill?' Doris asked Ryoko?'
'I am sorry, Bill?'
'Parnell. His friends call him Bill, although we would never dare to,' Dorissaid with a grin and everyone nodded.
'He is fine, I think,' Ryoko said carefully.
'Yeah, well watch him, he is,' Doris said with a glance, 'he has a thingfor girls like you.'
Ryoko acted surprised. 'Like me? What do you mean?'
'Asian girls, he spent some time in Japan, I hear.'
'He did? I did not know that,' Ryoko lied and smiled.
'Ryoko used to work in a magic show,' Fiona volunteered.
'Really?' Doris asked interested.
'All sorts of people, hypnotists, acrobats and things like that,' Fiona wenton.
'That hypnotism stuff is bunkum,' Peter said sipping his tea, 'it's all rigged,isn't it?'
'Oh no,' Ryoko said, 'it is not rigged, it is real.'
'I saw the poster,' Fiona prattled on, 'what was his name, the hypnotist?'
'Akira,' Ryoko said softly.
'Was he your boyfriend?' Fiona asked suddenly.
'Yes but we broke up,' Ryoko improvised.
'Was he any good?' George asked and everyone laughed. 'I meant as a hypnotist!'
'Akira was the best in Japan and had studied for five years with the secretmasters.'
'Why did he come here?' Peter asked.
'Akira was searching for someone…'
'Another girl, eh?' Doris said shrewdly. 'And then dumped you, what a prick!'
'Men,' Fiona said emphatically and Peter and George shifted uncomfortablyand then poured another cup of tea.
End Part 1 of 15
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Two weeks passed before John Kelly stayed around cheerleading practice long enough to offer Kari a ride home again. His absence had certainly dimmed her enthusiasm for him. She was too uncertain of her position in his eyes to raise the question but after a few minutes in the car with him, his charm had completely overcome any discouragement she felt. More brusque in his approach than before, he pulled his car into her driveway, parked in the very same spot and turned to her, "Get those pants...
Helen picked up the phone with a tut of annoyance. How was she meant to work with these distractions? 'Yes?' she said abruptly, and then the mask of her irritation slipped away when she heard her boyfriend's voice. 'Baby!' she purred, 'how are you, how was the flight?'Yeah, I'm fine, it was fine, everything's fine.' Jamie's amusement was evident in his tone. 'I'm all alone, here in the hotel, and I was just... you know, thinking of you.' His voice dropped lower as he continued, 'And I was...
Stopping in at our favorite watering hole for a night of unadulerated drinking and fun. We strolled into the dimly lit crowded bar and took our favorite stools in the darkest cornor against the wall. Unknowing to my husband, I was totally naked underneath my sleek black leather coat that covered just a bit more than my sexy ass, and even less of my full rounded melons. He loves showing off my ass, as I love flaunting it in extremely short skirts. I love short pencil tight skirts, so short that...
Wife LoversThomas Dubois stood outside the Midway Motel office and watched the gray clouds rake across the jagged mountaintops. The leaves were gone from the trees, and with them the tourist season. Business was dead, and that left too much time to think. It had been a busy summer and autumn, the cabins were filled almost every night. Tom handled everything alone, which didn’t leave any time for self-pity. During the day, he forgot about Hannah Roundtree, but at night she haunted his dreams. A...
Hello everybody My Name Is kUmar maine sex se related bahoot se story padhe aur ise wjaha se mai is site ka diwana hoon .en sab kahaniyon ko pad kar mujhe bhi apne ek kahani yaad aa gai jo ki jindagi ki sachai hai.aap loog ese kitna sach manenge oo patanahi.khair ye mera pahla sex experience bhi ek sach kahani hai es liye mai ghar mohalla ka naam nahi de raha ye sirf confidentioal purpuse ke liya chhupa raha hoon. Ye un dino ki baat hai jab mai 10+2 Pas kar chuka tha . aur mere ghar ke...
Indian Sex StoryNote: ——I am NOT the author!I am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on hereI am Subhas, I live in Baroda India, I am a exporter of garments and woollen rugs. I got married to Nirmala (my wife) a year back. She is tall 5'5" dark hair, 34-24-36 and really fair. I have always fantasized of my wife pleasing another man until it really happened one day.Last year in June we decided to have a second honeymoon trip to Shimla, a hill station. When...
Zack glanced over the ship's sideboards and stared at the beach. From what he could see, there wasn't anyone stirring around the fires. It appeared everyone had gotten drunk and then passed out. As he prepared to leave the ship he turned to Ben and remarked, "I'll see you back at the clearing. Good luck." Ben stood there for a moment looking at Zack. He was obviously trying to decide if he wanted to share with the young first mate what was on his mind. Finally, he shrugged his shoulders...
Winter in northern Michigan gets cold, damn cold, every year. There is always enough snow on the ground to suit the most finicky snow lover. Hell, during the worst of the winter, we walk through tunnels of snow piled high along the sidewalks, higher than I can even reach in some cases. The college has some high powered sidewalk snow blowers that can send a solid column of snow about forty feet into the air. By January, every sidewalk has become a trough through the accumulated snow that can...
Hi,I am 25 years old very handsome & sexy man.Mine is joint family with mummy,papa,uncle,aunt & my cousin sister.She is 24th.As We brought up,We are friends more than brother & sis.We are that much bold & friendly that we even share sexy & adult jokes & sms with each other..One day our relative died,so except my cousin & me,all family went there for 3 days.We were alone that night.We both were like to see movies late night.We both were in naughty mood that time.At that we watching T.v.there was...
IncestIt had been quite an interesting day, and different than most Saturdays. I got home with about two hours of daylight left ... and discovered I had the place to myself. That suited me fine – for I had much to think about for the big week ahead ... there was the meeting with Mr. Rankin regarding my jump to 10th grade; I needed to hit the Manual again, to prepare to take the written & driving exams at DMV; and, I was kicking around thoughts about this new girl Kimberly ... I was fascinated...
“Be careful what you ask for”, my wife said as we had just finished having some of the best sex in our three year marriage and lay exhausted in bed. Isn’t that what they say, she asked. We had begun the festivities by watching my favorite porn and hot, older woman with a very well-endowed black man. Sharon would then relate a story about her and her previous boyfriend also black and also very well-endowed. She was a very good story teller with great detail and would cum hard while telling me...
100% fiction! So for about the last 4 years my mother has lived with me after she got divorced. I was widowed 3 years prior to her moving in. I never seen my mom sexually. Bit one night I was feeling horny. And thought it would be funny to expose my cock to my mom. So I went to bed on the couch and wore a pair of boxers and let my cock hang out the front door. I knew my mom would wake up and come out at some point during night. But before I could even fall asleep she came out. I pretended to be...
IncestYoung starlet Emily Willis poses and strips, smiling adorably through a sensual tease. The darling brunette stretches her wet slit, slides a butt plug into her sphincter, and eagerly says, ‘I’m going to get my asshole destroyed today!’ Emily chokes on Prince Yahshua’s big black cock while giving a nasty blowjob, and she whimpers when he drills her greased gash. Prince rims Emily’s bunghole, and then his thick, dark meat plumbs her rectum. Intense interracial sodomy...
xmoviesforyouHello my name is Anna I’m a 35 year old dance teacher, I’ve been teaching dance of all types since I was 28, I used to be a professional ballerina but various injuries put paid to my career and I was forced to retire, I have no regrets I had a long career spanning over 10 years and I travelled the world performing with Some of the greatest dancers male and female.I run my own dance school and teach all ages from 5 up to 18, ballet is still a passion of mine I made some good friends and also had...
Dan gave everyone a kiss and a hug, “Thank you, everyone, for understanding that my place is here tonight with Tina and our babies. I love you all.” Dan walked them to the elevator and returned to Tina. He sat down and Jenny was quick to make his lap her seat, placing his arms around her. Her legs on either side of his gave Tina a clear view under her nonexistent hem. “Gazing at Jenny’s bare pussy, I know that mine will be out of action for some time,” Tina commented. “I imagine once...
I am so ready to get my hands on Dana for this next episode of Filthy Massage, her tight body is ready to be covered in oiled. Her tan skin shines in the light, I slowly start to glide my hands all over her body. I can feel her pressing her body against my hands wanting more than just a massage. I can see her eyeing my dick, Dana slowly reaches out to grab it, she can feel how hard I am through my jeans. I pull out my cock and feed it deep into her mouth. I can feel her gagging on my cock and...
xmoviesforyouSo it was a usual boring Monday on a not so cold winter day and I was sitting in my car to school with my earplugs stuck in as usual listening to some AK rapping. I was just looking out the window at the trees and skyline arly this morning when my mum spoke,"Noah. why do you always have your earplugs in your know they wil get you hurt someday." She said this a matter of factly as if it will, little did I know that it was true. "Stop mum i just like listening to music," i sighed as I rolled...
I awoke the next morning at 5AM and rode the bike out of the drive and across the plank that was over the trench just to allow the bike across. I rode the two hours and felt better for it. I was sitting in Hardee's with a biscuit and coffee when my phone rang. I had a pretty good idea who would call me so early in the morning. "It raining here this morning, but very warm springtime is upon us," the man's voice said with just hint of a Latino accent. "Sounds nice, it's still chilly...