Brotherly Voyeurism free porn video

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Danny and older brother Max had never got on as kids, but by the time they reached their late teens they'd become firm friends. They partied together, and usually got on with each other's girlfriends - when they had them.

This summer, though, nineteen-year-old Danny was feeling a bit lost. Max had been dating eighteen-year-old Emma for several weeks, and he'd found himself at a loose end for a lot of the time while Max and Emma had been out enjoying themselves. Max was dating a much younger girl since. He himself was 23 years old. Tonight was no different. The town's summer ball was no place for a single man, so Danny stayed home watching movies while Max took Emma for a night out.

It must have been well after midnight when the couple returned home; Max heard their scraping the the lock of the front door, and giggling as they climbed the stairs. They'd clearly been drinking and enjoying the night. He heard as they crept past his room and into Max's

Danny lay silently on his bed and remembered the days when he too would come home with a girl and stagger back to his room. But his thoughts were disturbed by the noises coming from the next room. Although the rooms were next to each other, the house was well-built, so it was rare that noise would travel from one room to the next. But tonight was different. Within minutes of their return, Danny could hear the unmistakable sounds of a girl being pleasured.

At first, Danny tried to focus on his own thoughts, laying his head on his pillow, but soon the noise became too much. Climbing from his bed, he edged towards his own bedroom door and leant against it. The sound was unmistakable. Although he'd never heard the sound is his own house, he'd been at enough parties where couples had made out under tables or in corners of gardens. As he leant closer to the door he could hear the clear sound of Emma moaning lightly.

Hesitantly, Danny slowly lowered the door handle, ensuring not to make a sound. Gently, he pulled back the door, before slowly leaning out of the doorway, looking round to his brother's room. Suddenly matters became clearer: the noise was travelling because the bedroom door was ajar. In fact, ajar was probably an understatement. Danny could clearly see through a 6" gap into the corner of Max's room, and the sound was flooding towards him through the same gap.

At first, the thought of being aroused by such activity didn't cross Danny's mind. His only thought was to close the door to save the embarassment of his brother and Emma. But as he approached the door, even he was surprised by how quickly his view changed. Slowly creeping towards the door handle, he had every intention of silently closing the door, but as he moved closer to the doorway, his eye caught a glimpse of the source of the sound.

The first thing he saw were the large feet of his older brother, where he knelt on the floor. No sooner as he noticed that, were his eyes drawn upwards to where his brother's face was pressed firmly between the legs of the beautiful Emma. Her thong thrown on the floor, Danny stared as he saw her naked legs hitched up, he dress pushed up around her waste, and her mound barely visible behind his brother's head.

Moving closer to the door, Danny was in awe as he watched his brother's tongue brushing up against the neatly trimmed pussy of his girlfriend. No thoughts of Emma had ever crossed Danny's mind before, but now it was clear that his body was aroused. His cock stiffened in his shorts as he imagined the possibility of his own tongue tasting the young pussy on display before him.

"Fuck me."

The words echoed around Danny as he stepped back in shock. He had almost forgotten that he too could be seen through the gap if Max or Emma looked round. In his panic, he stepped away from the doorframe and leant back against the wall. Then, the voice came again from inside the room:

"Max, fuck me, now."

Danny knew the voice as Emma's, but somehow it sounded different. More earnest. More desperate.

Pinned against the wall, Danny listened with care as he heard his brother's response, and then the sound of unzipping trousers. Under normal circumstances, he would have no interest in seeing his brother's penis, but now the urge was unbearable. He knew what was about to happen, and he yearned to see that beautiful pussy penetrated. Slowly again he crept towards the door frame, leaning to see the lovers in the bedroom.

As his eyes reached the door, so his brother's cock reached the opening of his girlfriend's pussy. And as Danny watched, stunned, he saw the length of his brother's cock slide slowly inside the glistening cunt in front of him. Each inch of his length was met with an enthusiastic moan from Emma as she revelled in her penetration.

Danny watched, engrossed by each thrust of his brother's length into the beautiful girl on the bed, with each groan reflected by a twinge in his own burgeoning cock. As Max's pumping increased in speed, so Danny's hand slipped inside his own shorts where he began to mimic the action of his brother, imagining his own cock slipping inside the girl.

After several minutes, Danny knew that he would no longer be able to contain his orgasm. Silently, he crept away from the door, listening as he heard Emma's cries increasing in intensity and volume, her moaning more rapid and heavy now. As he re-entered his own room, he listened behind him as he heard the clear sound of Emma climaxing as she cried her pleasure. Then within seconds, the groans of his brother shedding his load inside her. Danny soon followed suit, his cum shooting across his bedroom as he too enjoyed the pleasure of sex between Max and Emma. Later that night Nineteen-year-old Danny lay awake in his bed. He remembered the thrill of seeing his older brother fucking his beautiful girlfriend, Emma. Danny had been single for too long, and so any jealousy of his brother had turned instantly to eroticism as he watched the couple that night.

Suddenly, as he lay in the darkness, he heard his doorknob turn. He froze in his bed as he watched the door push open. Then, to his surprise, as the door closed once more, he saw the face of eighteen-year-old Emma - his brother's girlfriend. Once again in darkness, he waited to see her intentions, without saying a word.

"Are you still up?" she asked

Danny struggled to find the words among his shock, before finally mumbling a distant 'yes'.

"Perhaps you should bring a camera next time," her comments continued?


"A camera - maybe film it for your later entertainment?"

"What do you mean?" Danny responded, panicking at her apparent knowledge of events.

"You heard," she whispered, "film what you see, then you can always enjoy it again later." Danny could almost sense the smile in her voice.

"Film what?" he asked, hesitantly.

"Oh, let's not pretend, Danny-boy. I saw you just as much as you saw me. Well, nearly as much anyway."

Danny said nothing. It was clear what she was referring to, but he had no idea how to respond. Silently, he lay, desperately searching for a response to absolve himself, but none came. Then, as unexpectedly as before, the door opened once more.

"Oh, but don't let Max know... I don't think he'd like it"

And with her final comment, she left, this time leaving his door slightly ajar. Danny didn't move as he contemplated what had gone on. Had she been giving him a warning to back of? If she had, then it could have been worse. But there was something in the way she'd spoken to him. As if... surely not? Could she have been inviting him?

If doubt had existed in his mind, it was soon put to rest by what happened in the next minutes. As he lay, pondering the sequence of events just passed, he heard the noise of his nighttime visitor returning to his brother's room. Once again, she left the door ajar, and no sooner had she returned than she started to talk once more.

"Max? Max, wake up... I need more"

Danny listened intently as he heard his brother stir.

"What is it babe?"

"You heard me," came Emma's reply, "I need more... inside me..."

A knowing smirk was clear in Max's voice as Danny heard his next response.

"Well, you'll have to get me ready, babe."

Danny knew very well what Max meant - it was a line he'd used himself. And so, it came as no surprise to him to hear movement on the bed, followed by the light sound of smacking lips.

For a moment he listened from his bed, before remembering what Emma had said. Surely she knew what she was doing? Slowly he crept from his own bed, grabbing his mobile phone from the bedside cabinet and sliding quietly out from his room.

This time his hesitation was much less as he stepped towards the open door. The final step took him towards the view that he had expected. Before him on the bed he saw his brother stretched out, his head just beyond the view of the doorway, while Emma slowly bounced her head up and down as her lips slid down his lengthening shaft.

Sure of what was expected of him, Danny swtiched his phone to the video camera and held it up to the dim light of the bedroom, zooming cloosely in on the action before him. Once again, he felt his own cock rise to attention as he watched through the screen of his phone the way Emma's lips slid down his brother's shaft.

What happened next was what surprised him most. As he stared, mesmerized at the screen, his mouth dropped as he saw Emma's face rise slightly from her task, look directly at the camera lens, and wink, before returning to sucking on Max's erect cock. Danny panicked, stepping back, before realising what had happened. Far from a warning, it was instantly clear that he was doing exactly what Emma had wanted.

Once again, he returned to his position, filming the blow job in the room before him. With renewed confidence, he let his hand wander once again to slide inside his shorts. This time, the reappearance of his camera led Emma to move things on a stage.

Slowly she lifted her head from Max's cock before looking up to Danny, and then towards Max.

"Ready?" she enquired, in all innocence.

Danny wasn't sure if the question was directed at him, or his brother, but he certainly new the answer. He watched, gripped as Emma lifted her night dress over her head, revealing her soft young breasts, before she lifted her leg to straddle her boyfriend.

As if to help Danny's view, Emma shifted her body such that her ass was pointing directly at the camera now. And then, without a further word, Danny watched as he saw her wet pussy move slowly towards the tip of Max's cock. Gently she held his shaft as she lowered herself down upon him, his helmet pushing past her moistened lips.

This time it was she who did the work as she rode Danny's brother's cock. And now, with Emma providing the perfect barrier, Danny had no worries about being spotted as he dropped his shorts and began to wank himself comfortably. All the while, the camera focussed on the girl fucking his brother before him.

It wasn't long this time before Danny heard his brother approaching orgasm, and he made no secret about it.

"Oh Emma, babe, I'm cumming... I'm cumming"

Encouraged by his cries, Emma quickened the pace of her movements as she slammed her naked body down upon him. Then, without warning, Max let out a cry, thrusting his hips into Emma as he orgasmed.

As Emma collapased upon her boyfriend, Danny quietly switched off his camera, and returned to his bedroom, ready to relive the footage once more. Danny took out his laptop immediately. He had just enjoyed watching his brother getting fucked by beautiful Emma, and he had perfect footage on his camera. All he needed to do now was see it on the full screen.

Hurriedly he attached the necessary cables to his camera and laptop and opened up the software.

Instantly on the screen before him he saw his brother's beautiful girlfriend, Emma, moving her mouth up and down his brother Max's cock. Again Danny felt his own cock stir in his pants as he watched her luscious lips sliding along his brother. He was engrossed.

So engrossed that he didn't notice the door push ajar. Emma stood for a moment in the doorway, this time completely naked. She watched Danny on his bed, his eyes transfixed by the action on the screen in front of him. After a few seconds, she spoke:

"Can I see?"

Danny panicked as he looked up, quickly slamming shut the screen of his laptop.

"Hey, don't panic," continued Emma, "I just want to see how I look." A smile spread across her face as she stepped forward into the room and sat down on the edge of Danny's bed. "So... can I see?"

Without saying a word, Emma began to lift the screen of the laptop. A few flickers and then the image returned to the screen just as Emma's eye caught the camera with a smile. Danny sat, awestruck as he watched Emma stare at the video of herself sucking off his older brother. He felt his cock straining to stretch out of his shorts, just as Emma glanced across at his bulge.

"Look good, don't I?" she smiled, as if to acknowledge the erection quite plainly in view. "Uh huh," was all that Danny could reply.

The pair watched the screen silently, each shifting occasionally as the excitement affected them in their own ways, Danny ever aware of his burgeoning cock. Then, as they watched on the screen, Danny couldn't help but cup his bulge as he watched his brother cumm inside Emma.

"He finished before I was ready," began Emma, with a tone of disappointment in her voice. Danny struggled to find the words. "Oh... sorry," he murmured.

At that point, Emma rose to her feet. She stood in front of Danny, her beautifully shaven pussy neatly on display for him. Then, she looked down where she had been sat.

"Oh, sorry," she started as her finger ran across the bed sheets, "I seem to have left some of Max's load on your bed." The tone in her voice was far from apologetic, being more taunting in her approach.

Danny looked with disgust at the mess left on his bedsheets. He grabbed for the Kleenex always at his bedside and began to gather several tissues to begin to wipe at the stains on the bed.

"Does it bother you?" Emma enquired, almost innocently.

"Of course it does," Danny remarked, "he's my brother!"

"Well... it was just an accident. I mean, if you want, you could... get your own back."

"What do you mean?" replied Danny, instantly drawn away from the task at hand.

Emma shrugged. "Well, I got some of his cumm on something that belongs to you, so... you could get some of yours," she nodded at his rampant cock pushing at his shorts, "on something that belongs to him." As she finished her sentence, Emma posed herself, as if for a photoshoot. If there was any confusion in her words, her stance made it quite clear that she intended to put herself forwards as the intended target.

"What, now?" Danny asked, nervously, fearing for the response.

"Well, I'm here, aren't I?" came the provocative response. As she replied, Emma leant forward and hit play on the video screen. Once again the screen lit up showing her head bouncing up and down the shaft of Danny's brother's cock while she stood naked in front of Danny. "Shall we?"

Nervously, Danny lifted himself from the bed and began to slide down his shorts, his cock bouncing from its cage with vigour. Instantly his 6½-inch length announced itself as it sprung into position. Emma lowered her eyes to his cock, then back to his face before returning her attention to the screen. Without taking her eyes from the video on the laptop, she began to lower herself to her knees, pushing Danny back onto the bed. Then, as they both stared at the images before them, she lowered her mouth to the tip of his dick and began to lick at him.

Danny watched in amazement as his eyes danced from the blow job on the screen, to the action taking place on his own cock. He stared as he saw his brother's girlfriend sliding first down the length of his brother's cock, and then down his own rigid shaft. Then, just as on the screen, he watched as Emma's eyes smiled up at him, and she winked before returning her attention to his stiffened cock.

Danny began to relax as he watched his brother's beautiful girlfriend sucking him off, running her lips up and down the length of his cock, sliding and wrapping her tongue round his helmet.

Just as Danny felt his body come close to orgasm, Emma slipped her lips from the end of his cock, and smiled. She stood up, and reached for Danny's hand, pulling him upright as well. Then, as he stood before her, his cock brushing gently against her leg, she turned herself to sit back on the bed. She lay back on her elbows, her soft white breasts resting pertly on her chest, her legs parted slightly revealing the fullsome lips of her pussy.

Inspired, Danny began slowly to stroke his cock, standing in front of her. Almost immediately Emma's hand reached for her pussy as she too began to touch herself, her fingers running along the opening to her cunt in time with Danny's strokes along the length of his penis. As she teased herself, Danny saw more of his brother's cum just between the lips of Emma's pussy. But this time, rather than disgust, he felt only excitement as he quickened the pace of his wanking.

As his eyes glanced back to the laptop, Danny watched as the girl whose pussy was now open before him slowly slid herself down the shaft of his brother. Again, his wanking picked up the pace as he looked to Emma in front of him, pleasuring herself as he masturbated over her. Then, as he cupped his own balls as he touched himself, he watched as her back began to arch. Her face crumpled as she muffled her own cries for fear of waking Max. He watched as she orgasmed in front of him, her cries dampened. Simultaneously, he watched as his brother unloaded himself inside her on the screen before him. It was too much, within seconds he watched as his own spunk shot from the tip of his cock, spraying glistening trails of cumm across Emma's breasts and stomach as his legs shuddered under the pressure of his orgasm.

As he relaxed, Emma stood slowly in front of him, his cumm still all over her. She stepped towards him before kneeling briefly in front of him. As he stood nervously, she ran her tongue over the helmet of his cock, tasting the last of the semen creeping from his cock. Then again she stood.

Smiling, Emma pecked Danny on the cheek. As she stepped back towards the door her only parting words before returning to Max were telling.

"You taste different. I like it."

It had been several weeks since Danny had last seen Emma, but the thought of how he had unloaded himself all over his brother's girlfriend's breasts was constantly on his mind.

At least once every day Danny would find himself opening up the video file where he watched Emma first sucking, then fucking his older brother Max. And each time, he would recall how later that night he'd watched as Emma had come into his own room and sucked his cock while his brother slept in the next room.

After a weekend away with friends from college, Danny returned home desperate to see the video once more. He'd thought about telling his college mates about his antics with his brother's girlfriend, but the risk was too high. He certainly wasn't going to risk letting them see the video, so his laptop was left safely at home.

Within hours of his return, he sat down on his bed, and lifted the laptop screen ready to open up the video. Only as the screen came to light did he notice anything different. There in the middle of the desktop was a new file. He clicked on it as he read the filename: "Something New"

He was keen to open up his own video, but intrigue wouldn't allow him to leave this file alone. He knew there was a risk of a virus, but at the same time couldn't help but wonder how it had come to be there on his desktop. He double-clicked the file, and waited the agonising seconds while the program opened on his screen.

Eventually, the program appeared, and in the centre of his screen he instantly recognised an image of his own bed. He glanced up at the desk across his room, from where the image was clearly taken, and there he saw his trusty digital camera. Looking back at the screen, he watched as the button moved across the foot of the screen. It suggested it was a video, and yet nothing changed in the picture.

Or at least, for a while. Then, from the corner of the screen a band of light first appeared, and then was shielded by the movement of bodies. It didn't take long for Danny's cock to start to rise as he recognised the shapely body of a naked Emma, quickly followed by his equally naked brother.

Emma jumped quickly onto the bed and knelt on all fours, shifting her body slightly so as to provide a perfect profile to the camera on the desk. Danny watched as, more casually, his brother strode in behind her and began to run his hands over her ass cheeks. Under any other circumstances Danny felt saw he would switch off any video containing such obvious footage of his brother's erection, but this time he only felt aroused as he watched Max's shaft pointing in the direction of Emma's pussy.

Danny began to rub his own cock through his shorts as he watched Emma gently stroking her clit while Max ran his hand along the opening to her cunt. Then, he watched with surprise as he saw Emma's fingers move directly from her own moistened clit, to the case of his pillow on the bed. Looking round, he noticed the same stain still on the pillow beside him where she had clearly deposited her own sticky juices that night.

He began to wank himself as he saw Max step up behind Emma and carefully guide the tip of his cock towards her waiting pussy. Watching, as his brother slowly slid forward until the entirety of his cock was buried inside her, Danny saw a smile emerge across Emma's face as she received him.

Almost immediately, Danny's own strokes fell in time with those of his brother as he watched the gentle fucking on the screen before him. Then, as the pace rose, so too did Danny's movements along his own shaft.

The rhythm was only broken - for both brothers - by the abrupt movement of Emma from her position on the bed. Without any warning, she pulled forward, leaving Max's cock in mid-air and began to step back to the floor. Dragging Max, she pushed him back onto the bed and swung his body round. This time she was in control.

Carefully she repositioned herself, making it completely clear that she was the camerawoman in the whole scenario. For a moment the screen was a blur as she brushed past the camera, and then almost instantly, the picture was aglow. While Max lay back on the bed, Emma leant forward to suck on his now wetted cock. And as she leant forward, so the camera focussed directly on her soaked pussy as she pushed her ass back towards the lens.

Danny could barely see his brother now, save for the occasional glimpse of his balls as the beautiful Emma lifted her head to the tip of his shaft. But his view of Emma was exquisite. His hand ran more quickly over his cock now as he watched Emma's fingers creep along the luscious wet lips of the beautiful pussy that was spread on the screen in front of him.

Danny imagined himself sharing in the scenario. He wanted so desperately to turn and see the whole thing being played out live in front of him, so that he might slide his own cock into that hole that had been filled by his brother just moments before. The thought of it filled him with excitement as his cock bulged between his hands, filled with the excitement of cumming inside her.

The tempo raised even further, Danny beating away furiously now, he watched as the pussy moved from the screen in front of him. Carefully Emma turned herself around to face the camera, and then gently backed herself towards Max on the bed. The lens refocussed as Danny saw her pussy lower itself carefully down onto the tip of his brother's cock, before sliding down his shaft, covering him completely.

Just as he thought he could take no more, Danny smiled at the screen as Emma's face came into view. He watched her bouncing breasts - breasts that just weeks ago had been covered in his own semen - as she rode his brother reverse cowgirl.

Then, a smile on the screen. A reaching arm. And with a knowing wink from Emma, the screen went black.

But Danny suspected, not for the final time.

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Brotherly Love

Chapter 1 Karen: I’ve heard lots of women talk about their horny husbands and that many of these wives are not as interested in sex nearly as much as their mates. It’s pretty rare when I’ve had a woman friend tell me that she wants more sex than what hubby is giving her. But, that’s me. That’s me to a tee. I love sex. Oh, I have some vibrators and dildos and, sure, my fingers. I started using them when, well, I must have been, well, young any way. Masturbating in a serious, regular way became...

4 years ago
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Brotherly Love

Chapter 1 Karen: I've heard lots of women talk about their horny husbands and that many of these wives are not as interested in sex nearly as much as their mates. It's pretty rare when I've had a woman friend tell me that she wants more sex than what hubby is giving her. But, that's me. That's me to a tee. I love sex. Oh, I have some vibrators and dildos and, sure, my fingers. I started using them when, well, I must have been, well, young any way. Masturbating in a serious, regular way became...

Wife Lovers
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Brotherly love part four

Following what I'd just witnessed; I was feeling hot and, hard. It was impossible to sleep. I kept seeing visions of Brian, sucking my wife's breasts and biting her nipples. I worked myself off two more times before I eventually fell asleep.Amanda called me just before seven o'clock, I was eager to hear what she had to say about her second night in bed with my brother."Good morning sweetheart," I said cheerfully, "Did you fuck him last night?""Good-morning, my fantastic husband," she...

2 years ago
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Brotherly Love Part Three

I hardly slept at all that night, visions of my wife, naked in bed with my brother kept flashing through my mind. Imagining her falling to sleep, holding his cock was so exciting to me. Knowing that he'd touched her tits and pussy, and even had his finger inside her; kept me hard all night.At five o'clock the following morning, I went up to check on my father, he was still sleeping like a baby. I listened at Brian's bedroom door and it was all silent, I went down and made a pot of coffee and...

2 years ago
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Brotherly Love

"Sam Sherman will be captain for the school team this year" announced Mr Smith the football coach at the end of the training session, it was late September and Sam had been performing well in all of the training sessions of the year so far and it seems his hard work had paid off. Turning round his best mate James was there ready to give him a congratulatory high five. Sam was considerably taller than James, and adolescence had dealt him a better hand too; James stood at only 5ft...

4 years ago
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Brotherly love part seven

My drive home was full of thoughts about the weekend. I couldn't get the salty taste out of my mouth. I stopped at several gas stations for coffee but the taste was with me still.I arrived home and got naked before calling my wife. She told me that as soon as I had left, Brian told her to get naked. She had been in the nude, ever since I left them at two fifteen."Wow," I giggled, "How many times have you been up to dad since I left?""Twice, I was nude when I took his lunch to him," she replied,...

1 year ago
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Brotherly Initiation

Note : This story is completely fictional! We were all out on the farm doing the daily chores, as six brothers have to do to keep things going around the house. It was summer in Texas, hot and all of my older brothers had returned from college. We had all been mowing and trimming the fence lines and getting over heated under the sweltering sun. As the day went on, I noticed my two oldest brothers had disappeared. Not giving it much thought I finished picking up the tree branches from the yard...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Love Part 5

 “Busted,” was all Benny could say as he opened his door and stepped out.  I, on the other hand, was frozen in my seat, not knowing what to do.  Benny strolled up to my Rose and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before turning towards me and waving me out. Rose looked a little puzzled at my reluctance, so I finally grabbed the door handle, opened the door, swung my legs out, and then stepped outside of the car.  I turned with my head tilted slightly down and looked in Rose’s direction...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Love Part 5

 “Busted,” was all Benny could say as he opened his door and stepped out.  I, on the other hand, was frozen in my seat, not knowing what to do.  Benny strolled up to my Rose and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before turning towards me and waving me out. Rose looked a little puzzled at my reluctance, so I finally grabbed the door handle, opened the door, swung my legs out, and then stepped outside of the car.  I turned with my head tilted slightly down and looked in Rose’s direction...

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Brotherly love part two

Amanda and I spent the day arranging my father's bedroom. We got it all ready for when he was allowed home. She did all of the laundry and cleaned the house from top to bottom. Throughout the day, we teased each other about her sleeping in the nude with my brother; we both found it very exciting and we had sex three times that day.Amanda commented about my excitement, "If I'd have known that me sleeping naked with your brother, would have made you want sex again; I'd have done it ages...

2 years ago
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Brotherly Love

Amanda and I had been married for almost three years when my father was taken ill.Amanda is twenty-nine years old, I am thirty-one. She is a very beautiful brunette, shoulder-length, wavy hair, thirty-four "B" cup breasts and a very firm, slim body. She stands at five-feet four-inches and weighs one hundred and twelve pounds. Her regular visits to the gym to keep herself looking sexy have certainly paid off, she turns heads wherever she goes.Our sex life was incredible when we first wed but,...

4 years ago
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Brotherly Love

I'm in my bed, under just a sheet, and naked. My bedroom curtains are drawn across so my room is mainly in darkness. Downstairs I can hear movement as mum readies breakfast but it's the movement in the next room to mine that has my attention. Soon, or soon I hope, he'll step out and head for the bathroom. My bedroom door is open just an inch or so and I can clearly see the illuminated landing. His door opens and my brother moves across to the bathroom and as he does my erect cock stiffens...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Dreams

I woke up with my hand between my thighs, I was very wet, and the memory of my dream was still fresh in my mind. Oh no I couldn't be dreaming of my big brother like that. I quickly got up and had a shower; my dream soon faded to an un-nerving shadow. I dressed and went downstairs for breakfast, my brother; Tom was there already tucking into his egg and soldiers. "Morning," I called out not looking Tom in the eye. I know I haven't seen Tom for months, him being at Uni. but that doesn't...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Love Part Five

Brian said that he would shower and get into bed. He asked Amanda not to be too long with her goodnight kisses with me.We kissed deeply, and she asked me, "Are you sure that you don't want me to sleep with you tonight?""No, I want you to sleep with Brian," I panted."You and I can have sex," she replied softly, "We haven't had sex in a long time. I'm sure that Brian would sleep down here and let us use his bed.""No, I want you to sleep with Brian," I repeated, "And have his cock."We kissed...

2 years ago
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Brotherly Love Part Eight

My wife's screams were even louder that night. Brian must have fucked her hard in every way.I did work myself off again before I fell asleep. As I shot my load into my hand, a couple of drops fell on my leg; I licked my hand clean before scooping the drops from my leg. I couldn't believe that I licked them as well.It was just after seven-thirty the following morning when I took my father a cup of coffee. As I passed Brian's bedroom door, I could hear my brother and my wife talking. I visited...

3 years ago
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brotherly love

Chelsea Williams. That’s me; I’m 16 and a brunette. I live with my mum and my 18 year old brother, Daniel. My dad was killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq when I was 5. Me and my mom aren’t very close, she’s never around and hardly has time for me or my brother. We often argued, to be honest, we can’t even be bothered to get annoyed anymore. Daniel is the only one who understands me, who respects me. My life is crap. Everything is so fucked up (ok, I’m exaggerating). Well that’s my amazing (liar,...

4 years ago
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Brotherly Love

Maggie’s brother, Bob, learned he had cancer during his physical examination while retiring from the Army. He was 47, a big, muscular, macho guy with a bluff manner and a confident air. Maggie was 42. Both had married young. Maggie had been divorced from her preacher husband for two years and was working in a refugee camp in Thailand. As adults, their paths had rarely crossed and Maggie didn’t see Bob for several months into his treatment and recovery. Their mother was staying with him in Los...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Love Part 2

After spending several days at my brother Benny’s place following our disastrous two-day vacation on an island that we got chased off due to a hurricane, I rekindled my love for cock, and, my love for my brother’s cock every day without my wife ever being the wiser.  Benny had asked my wife if it was ok if the two of us went on a fishing trip together and of course my wife eagerly said, “yes!” I know my wife would be happy to have the house to herself for a week and Benny, of course, would be...

2 years ago
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Brotherly Love Part 2

After spending several days at my brother Benny’s place following our disastrous two-day vacation on an island that we got chased off due to a hurricane, I rekindled my love for cock, and, my love for my brother’s cock every day without my wife ever being the wiser.  Benny had asked my wife if it was ok if the two of us went on a fishing trip together and of course my wife eagerly said, “yes!” I know my wife would be happy to have the house to herself for a week and Benny, of course, would be...

2 years ago
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Brotherly love

I had come home from a party early because I had a fight with my boyfriend, who I had caught kissing another girl. I was lying on my bed watching some porn, and just fingering my vagina and pubic hair. I wasn’t actually masturbating, just touching and feeling it. I was frustrated because my boyfriend and I usually had sex on the way home, and in view of the fight, I was not going to get any tonight. I loved sex and the feelings it gives me when the boy touches me. I have had a few boyfriends...

4 years ago
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brotherlysisterly Love

Hey everyone. This erotic story is about how my brother Dan and I found true love plus hot sex with each other. We had lost contact over the years but found each other again last year on the Internet. At first we started chatting sometimes romantically and sometimes erotically. Other times we would be watching each other masturbate on web cam. I loved to watch him jack off his big hard cock for me. It would turn me on so much that I would feel my pussy juices practically running down my legs. I...

2 years ago
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Brotherly Love

I often watched my brother.   I knew it was wrong, but I could not help it.   Why?   Because I did not see him as my brother.   He was a twenty year old freshman at the local college near our home.   I saw him more as a fresh college guy waiting to score.   We were close when we were growing up, but the older we got, we grew apart.   I guess that is because I was his sister and he was my brother.             Bryce was not like any guy that I had dated.   He was...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Love Part Six

My drive home was full of visions of what I'd witnessed over the weekend. I was happy that my wife had sucked me off before I left for home, I needed that. She called me three times during my drive home, to check on me and ask how I was doing?She told me that she was going to give my father another shower later. That got me hard, it filled the rest of my journey with erotic thoughts.I got home and unpacked my case, I went to the bathroom and jerked myself off. I stayed naked for the rest of the...

4 years ago
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Brotherly Help

She was at her wits end and didn't know which way to turn. He hadn't made any direct demands as yet but she knew it was only a matter of time before he did. She remembered nothing of that evening except having a quiet drink in the student's bar with a few friends then thinking about leaving after they had all gone. Oh she knew what had happened all right, the bastard had shown her the pictures he had taken and he said he would show her the video as well. Some how she had been drugged and...

4 years ago
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Brotherly Love Part 3

Day One of my fishing trip with my brother Benny couldn’t have gone any better even if I would have written the script. I got to give him some road head, dress in some very sexy femwear, and I lost my mancunt virginity all in one day!The second day started out just as good as the previous day, with me in silky camisole waking up spooning with my naked brother who was sporting some morning wood! I pressed up against it and wiggled my pantied-ass against it. I got even harder and I knew I had to...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Love Part 3

Day One of my fishing trip with my brother Benny couldn’t have gone any better even if I would have written the script. I got to give him some road head, dress in some very sexy femwear, and I lost my mancunt virginity all in one day!The second day started out just as good as the previous day, with me in silky camisole waking up spooning with my naked brother who was sporting some morning wood! I pressed up against it and wiggled my pantied-ass against it. I got even harder and I knew I had to...

3 years ago
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Jazz Bar Voyeurism

  It’s Thursday night, and time to play as per every Thursday for the last three months. Tonight we are meeting at a dark and smoky Jazz Bar, around the corner from his place. I’m finally ready to leave, I’m late as I was having trouble with what to wear. A short black skirt, a form fitting white blouse buttoned to just that right spot, where you see the voluptuous swell of hills and the start of a deep valley. You know just enough to show the black lace edge of my bra. And of course killer...

3 years ago
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My Masturbation Story And Incestuous Voyeurism

My name is Sagar and I am 32 years old now. I am working in an IT company and I have a good sexual life now and social life as well. I go for parties and I drink and have fun, yet I do my job. But when I was just a teenager things were not the same. I was very horny and I like to think perverted thoughts. This sex story is about some sexua experiences I had, mostly masturbation.. I have lived my life as a person having several odd sexual experiences and I wanna share my story. When I was in...

4 years ago
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Jazz Bar Voyeurism

  It’s Thursday night, and time to play as per every Thursday for the last three months. Tonight we are meeting at a dark and smoky Jazz Bar, around the corner from his place. I’m finally ready to leave, I’m late as I was having trouble with what to wear. A short black skirt, a form fitting white blouse buttoned to just that right spot, where you see the voluptuous swell of hills and the start of a deep valley. You know just enough to show the black lace edge of my bra. And of course killer...

3 years ago
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Narcotic Voyeurism

“Mom, can the Willis brothers come to my sleepover?” asked 14-year-old Jamie. Her mom began to laugh. “Honey, sleepovers are usually just for girls.” “But we’ve known those boys forever, and I really like Karl. He is SO cute!” “I like Karl too AND his older brothers . . . but do you think Katie and Erika would want them to sleep here . . . with you girls?” “Absolutely! They think Kevin and Dan are REAL hunks anyways and how cool would that be if they could stay overnight as well?” Shelley...

3 years ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 42 Various Incidents of Voyeurism

"Why don't you see if you can tease another erection out of me, my dear? Position yourself so you can see, and I can use my hands on you..." Armand murmured as he punched combinations on the video selector. Boris's bedchamber wasn't exactly a highlights site... Neither was Ed's sitting room, where he surprised Ed and Velma sitting on the couch sharing a blanket! "Whoa!" "Ohmigod!" Sharon gasped, looking up from her handful of Armand's cock as she settled in on hands and knees...

3 years ago
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BrotherlySister love

It was 10pm when she got in from her friends and she sighed lookign around when she noticed her brothers shoes. Remus looked up from the couch and grinned hearing his sister walk in and he chuckled ''So i dont even get a massive hug after coming back from University?'' he yelled. As he saw her step through the door his eyes went wide. What had happened to his little sis, she used to be flat chested with no curves and now.. now she had a massive rack on her chest, an hour glass figure and...

4 years ago
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Brotherly Love

I had been working my ass off lately and desperately in need of a vacation. We had planned a trip to the Carolina islands twice before but both times things came up and we had to postpone it. As they say, the third time is a charm, so I was certain this was going to be the vacation we so desperately needed!We headed out early and spent the next two days driving to our destination arriving around 5 pm on Saturday. We unpacked the car, threw our clothes in the dresser, food in the fridge, grabbed...

4 years ago
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Brotherly Love

I had been working my ass off lately and desperately in need of a vacation. We had planned a trip to the Carolina islands twice before but both times things came up and we had to postpone it. As they say, the third time is a charm, so I was certain this was going to be the vacation we so desperately needed!We headed out early and spent the next two days driving to our destination arriving around 5 pm on Saturday. We unpacked the car, threw our clothes in the dresser, food in the fridge, grabbed...

3 years ago
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brotherly love almost getting caught

So me and my brother had been fucking for a while now and our mum had no idea what was happenin, even though we had a bit of difficulty keeping quite when we were fucking each other hard at night. But by the morning of our first day on holiday she knew.We were staying in a villa in Turkey, we each had a room to ourselfs with our own bathrooms and a private pool. We arrived late the night before so we were all having a long lie, by the time i got up my mum was already up and sunbathing. Now i've...

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Brotherly Love2

Dustin has always been a huge dick and I’m not talking about the massive thing between his legs that he is so fond of. Ever since I can remember, Dusty has always been a jerk. Always trying to humiliate me or wrestle me to the ground just so he can rub his penis all over my face. He just loves to flaunt his big dick whenever he can, pointing out how much bigger it is than mine. Just like yesterday, I was showering and he just walks in, whips out his dick to take a piss in front of me. “God I...

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brotherly Love

I remember us bathing together as c***dren. He always made me feel so safe and this destructive path that I call my love life has lead me to believe that he is the only one I can trust. I was brought up to frown upon things like these but I cannot help how I feel and believe me I have tried. Is it wrong to feel that I want a real man inside me? I have to know if he is curious about this as well but how? Her brother was coming to visit her and he said he would be there shortly. She was expecting...

2 years ago
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Brotherly Love For His Married Elder Sister

Hi, this is a story about me and my elder sister which happened in May, 2014. This fascination for me regarding her started when I was very young. My elder sister is 7 years elder to me, and I am currently 24. She is my chacha’s daughter and one of the hottest girls I have seen. She is 5.4, white in complexion, dark long hairs, perky breasts and around 55 kgs in weight.. For an Indian society anything like this is considered to be something that is very incest, so getting her to allow me to do...

1 year ago
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Brotherly Love Alaina Morgan

Note : This story is completely fictional! Only two days until my eighteenth birthday. I ad never been so excited in my life, nor had I ever experienced such freedom. My brother, Aiden, had promised he would give me the best gift in the world, and I knew he would. He always gave me expensive, elaborate gifts. He was twenty thee, going on twenty four, and I had always looked up to him. HE wasn't the ordinary brother who ignores their little sister. He actually paid attention to me and hund out...

2 years ago
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Brotherly Love

When Leo came home from work, it was 1:30 in the afternoon. Due to a gas leak at his job, he had come back 4 1/2 hours early when nobody was usually home. He pulled the mail out of the mailbox and walked into the house. As he was sifting through the letters, he heard some noise coming from upstairs. As he crept up the flight, he realized he was hearing moaning.His sixteen-year-old sister. Isabelle's door was open just a bit. He looked in and there was Isabelle on the floor. Naked. Fucking...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Obsession

Every summer, my sister and I work as Counselors at our family’s youth camp. Camp Grace is one of the most respected Christian summer camps in the country. We offer teenagers a wholesome place where they can spend their summers and learn valuable life lessons.Camp Grace was founded by my grandfather over sixty years ago. Everyone in my family attended Camp Grace at some point; it’s where many of my family members met their spouses. These days, Camp Grace campers don’t know what monogamy...


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