Brotherly Love Exceeds To Fucking
- 4 years ago
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I'm in my bed, under just a sheet, and naked. My bedroom curtains are drawn across so my room is mainly in darkness. Downstairs I can hear movement as mum readies breakfast but it's the movement in the next room to mine that has my attention. Soon, or soon I hope, he'll step out and head for the bathroom. My bedroom door is open just an inch or so and I can clearly see the illuminated landing. His door opens and my brother moves across to the bathroom and as he does my erect cock stiffens even further.
Suzano, or Sue as I teasingly call him, is wearing just a baggy pair of Bermuda shorts, but loose as they are they cannot disguise the bulge of an erection inside them. When he moves into the bathroom he doesn't close the door fully and I can watch him in the big mirror on the bathroom wall. He tugs free the drawstrings on his shorts and they drop around his ankles and he steps out of them. Naked he is truly my dream boy.
He is not tall for his age and his body is slender and delicate. I suppose girlish or effeminate describe him best, apart from the rigid cock he's now pointing at the toilet bowl. He grunts slightly as a stream of urine splashes into the water. His chest is narrow and you can count his ribs, his belly is flat and his thighs and calves are lean. My eyes are locked onto his taut and olive skinned buttocks as my fingers play harder with my throbbing penis. Dress him in the right clothes and he could be a really pretty little girl!
He isn't my brother by blood. After she had me mum couldn't have any more kids so not so long ago her and dad decided to adopt and give them another son and me a brother. We don't look anything like brothers for certain. Sue's slender, dark, and pretty. I'm not ugly but I'm blond, fair skinned, blue eyed, and powerfully built.
Before we moved to this house we lived in a pretty rough part of the city and I had to get tough or have a miserable life. Being a street fighter builds muscle but when one day a friend of mine made a casual suggestion it worked out real well for me. I was a fighter at nine but he invited me to come to the dojo he attended and really learn to look after myself. I soon got into Karate and Aikido and the training hardened my body and taught me I could walk away from a fight if I wanted to. If I had to fight I could take out the opposition fast and clean.
In my bed now I writhe as my hand pumps hard, drawing my foreskin down to reveal the swollen deep red bulge of my cock's helmet. Sue's finished peeing and stretches his arms wide before turning to the wash bowl. Even now his cock looks semi hard as it dangles between his smooth thighs.
My brother's body is almost hairless. Apart from his short and silky dark hair the only other sign of his age are a few wisps of dark pubic hair. It's hard to believe he's only around two years younger than my sixteen! Watching him I let my imagination run wild.
Ever since I was old enough to raise an erection I've known I was gay and I found plenty of other schoolboys who shared my tastes. Now my fantasies revolve around images of Sue's rigid cock in my mouth or my own hard-on entering the tight pucker of his arse. As he lathers his face and hands, splashes warm water over his chest and belly, I can feel a white hot line rising in my throbbing cock. Fumbling under my pillow I drag out a crumpled handkerchief and as I convulse I shroud my spurting cock with it.
My face is buried in my pillows to muffle my groans of relief and massive pleasure. I jerk and buck as I pump out jets of what feels like burning hot cream in spasms from my still hard penis. Finally my bliss ends and I slump flat, wadding the soaked ball of cotton in my hand as my heart hammers and my breathing begins to slow.
In my shadowy room I drowse but still my thoughts, or are they dreams, still revolve around my brother's elfin body and how he would move sensually beneath me as we shared a boy's pleasures. I must have drifted off because I wake with a start at words from my doorway.
"I'm off to school Jimmy so I'll see you later."
My brother stands in the doorway back lit by the morning sun. Immaculate in his school uniform he seems as equally delectable fully clothed as when he was naked. Blinking I grin at him before replying.
"Hey little bro! Off to school again so have a good one Sue!"
I know this will get to him which is why I said it just to tease him. As always it works!
"My name's not Sue and I am a boy not a girl!"
He has got the idea that I don't like him. He must feel that I resent him taking mum and dad's attention away from me. In truth I like him fine but if I am a tad cool and reserved with him it's for another reason altogether. I like him way too much and I'm afraid that if we got too close my hands might wander and I might end up trying to make love to my own brother. What that would do to my family doesn't bear thinking about!
This time I smile at him.
"Sorry young 'un you get down there and let mum drop you at school and I really do mean have a good day."
He loosens up a bit when he hears my apology and sees I really mean it.
"Okay Jimmy bye till tonight!"
After he's gone a minute or two mum raps on my door and walks into my room.
"I've left you a bowl of cereal, milk's in the fridge, bread's under the grill to make yourself toast and there's fresh orange juice poured out. I'll be back around five after I've picked Suzano up from the school playing fields. Today's football practice and you know how he loves that! Your dad rang last night and he won't be home now till Friday at earliest. That job he's on is taking a lot longer than was expected."
She bends over and kisses me on my cheek.
"See you later love!"
After I hear the front door slam I yawn, stretch, and roll out of bed to amble naked to the bathroom. I debate showering but settle for, like my brother, washing face, hands, chest, and carefully around my somewhat sticky cock and ball sac. Unlike my smooth brother I have a lot of silvery blond pubic hairs and sponk drying on that lot is messy.
We're really unsure what my brother's origins are. He was abandoned as a child and all anyone knows is that unusual name of his. When my folks adopted him the assumption was that his parents were from somewhere maybe in South America? And his mum and dad had to be lookers judging by Sue's startling beauty. Wrenching my mind from thoughts of my brother's body I dress and head downstairs for the breakfast mum has set up for me.
Unlike my brother I have no school for the next couple of days and I decide on a morning in our back garden. I set up a deckchair under the gnarled cherry tree for shade. My brother tans a lovely coffee shade but I just go pink and peel. With a radio, a book, and my laptop, I pass the morning and then whip up a quick lunch. I'm relaxing again when our phone rings so I lope in and see the call display is showing as "unavailable" which mum and dad usually ignore. But what the heck I pick up anyway. It's mum calling from her work phone extension which explains it showing up as unavailable.
"Jimmy love can you do me a favour? Mary Evans has called in sick and the boss has asked me to work her evening shift. It's too good a thing to turn down. He's offered me double time and a day off in lieu as well. It means I won't get home till around midnight so can you go to the playing fields at Harrow Street and collect your brother after football this afternoon?"
Is that all? No problem at all I think and I'll give bro a treat by picking him up on my motor bike.
"Sure thing mum. I'll shower and get changed and pop down there to get him."
"Thanks love and if you're still up I'll see you much later and if not then tomorrow morning. But you make sure your brother's in bed before eleven. Bye love!"
"Bye mum!"
Showered and wearing jeans, a clean tee shirt, and a light leather jacket, I unlock the garage door and wheel out the bike my dad restored for me with my enthusiastic assistance. I leave the "L" plates in there and yeah I know I shouldn't be running my bro home on my bike but what are the chances with both of us wearing helmets of us being spotted by a passing cop car? Hanging the spare helmet on one pannier I buckle mine on and cruise off heading for Harrow Street.
Harrow Street used to be my football fields as well as bro's so I know it well and I roll up the gravelled path, cut the engine, and pull the bike up onto its stand. Hanging my own helmet on a handle bar I walk over to the changing rooms and push in through the swing doors and into a big area full of lockers and boys.
The bonus is that many of them are still naked or mainly so. Crossing towards where two boys are towelling off I stop before a dark wiry boy who is just wrapping a towel around his waist. I glance around then ask him a question.
"Where's Suzano Phillips?"
He looks shifty eyed and just shrugs so I turn to the boy next to him. He's built like I was at his age solid and stocky with pale skin but he's a redhead. He's also pretty casual about standing stark naked in front of a total stranger and my eyes, seemingly all on their own, drop to his heavy cock that dangles between his strong thighs. He's still beaded with water from the showers and my cock gets interested right away. He looks at me and he looks worried, not shifty like his buddy, genuinely worried.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Jimmy Phillips and Sue's my brother!"
He starts to speak and the dark boy tries to interrupt him.
"Say nothing Larry. You'll only get into trouble."
He shakes his head at the shifty kid and leaves him in no doubt at all how he feels.
"Shut up Kevin I can't let it happen."
Then he turns back to me.
"He's in Mr Arthur's office and you'd better get in there fast!"
He points to a door across the room, and his worry is transferred to me, so I hot foot it over there. I don't pause to knock and just twist the handle and stride in. What I see I do not like!
Sue's standing there and his shorts are around his ankles. His football shirt covers his rear and crotch but that is no protection. A beefy guy around my size has a tight grip on my bro's arm and his other hand is tugging a thick cock out of his track suit trousers. Sue looks scared stiff but as the guy spots me he goes red and looks just as scared as my bro. I'm not scared I'm fucking furious. Even furious my fighting mind is ice cold. As I walk towards them I've already weighed up a dozen ways of wrecking the guy fast.
"Let go of him!"
"Who are you and who let you in here?"
"I'm his brother now let go of him or I'll break your arm!"
He's as big as me and pretty fit looking but he takes one look at me and let's Sue loose before taking a step back.
"You don't understand. You've got the wrong idea."
I cut him off short and he's lucky I don't let him have a back fist or a spinning kick.
"You ever touch him again and I'll put you in hospital. And then when you get out you'll lose your job and end up in prison. If I hear about you touching him or any of the other kids I'll hurt you badly!"
I put my arm around my bro's shoulders; he's tugged up his shorts by now, and walk him towards the door.
"Go get your things Sue. Don't bother changing just take everything outside to my bike and I'll run you home in a minute. I've got someone to talk to first."
The redhead is now sitting on a bench near his locker, still naked, and rubbing his hair dry with his towel. He looks up as I get near him.
"He called you Larry so what's your full name?"
He's a serious kind of kid but I owe him and already I like him. Also I already have a bit of a hankering for him; always supposing he's into boys like I am.
"I'm Larry Adams. Is your brother okay?"
I reach out to squeeze his shoulder and then ruffle his already disarranged hair.
"Thanks to you he is Larry and both me and my bro owe you big time. If you ever need anything I can help you with tell Sue and he'll tell me. And if that bastard Arthur goes near my bro, you, or any other boy just let me know."
He grins up at me and at last relaxes a bit.
"I will and thanks Jimmy!"
Turning I head out of the changing rooms, uncomfortably aware of both my own erection and the fact that, even while I was talking to the red haired Larry, his cock was hardening as I watched. Outside Sue's waiting by my bike. I take his sports bag into which he's stuffed his school uniform and jam it into one of the bike's panniers whilst unhooking the spare helmet from the other.
"Has he ever done anything like that before bro? Tell me the truth cos' I'll know if you're lying!"
Brotherly Love By Katie Dale [email protected] ----- Preface and Disclaimer This is a story of a brother and a sister who are just beginning to embark on their journey to adulthood. Although these children are beginning to discover their sexuality, no inappropriate touching or other "restricted" acts are done. The kids simply learn to get along; that by virtue of their closeness that they can delight together in the beauty of adolescence. If closeness between siblings...
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IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! We were all out on the farm doing the daily chores, as six brothers have to do to keep things going around the house. It was summer in Texas, hot and all of my older brothers had returned from college. We had all been mowing and trimming the fence lines and getting over heated under the sweltering sun. As the day went on, I noticed my two oldest brothers had disappeared. Not giving it much thought I finished picking up the tree branches from the yard...
Incest“Busted,” was all Benny could say as he opened his door and stepped out. I, on the other hand, was frozen in my seat, not knowing what to do. Benny strolled up to my Rose and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before turning towards me and waving me out. Rose looked a little puzzled at my reluctance, so I finally grabbed the door handle, opened the door, swung my legs out, and then stepped outside of the car. I turned with my head tilted slightly down and looked in Rose’s direction...
Incest“Busted,” was all Benny could say as he opened his door and stepped out. I, on the other hand, was frozen in my seat, not knowing what to do. Benny strolled up to my Rose and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before turning towards me and waving me out. Rose looked a little puzzled at my reluctance, so I finally grabbed the door handle, opened the door, swung my legs out, and then stepped outside of the car. I turned with my head tilted slightly down and looked in Rose’s direction...
IncestAmanda and I spent the day arranging my father's bedroom. We got it all ready for when he was allowed home. She did all of the laundry and cleaned the house from top to bottom. Throughout the day, we teased each other about her sleeping in the nude with my brother; we both found it very exciting and we had sex three times that day.Amanda commented about my excitement, "If I'd have known that me sleeping naked with your brother, would have made you want sex again; I'd have done it ages...
SeductionI woke up with my hand between my thighs, I was very wet, and the memory of my dream was still fresh in my mind. Oh no I couldn't be dreaming of my big brother like that. I quickly got up and had a shower; my dream soon faded to an un-nerving shadow. I dressed and went downstairs for breakfast, my brother; Tom was there already tucking into his egg and soldiers. "Morning," I called out not looking Tom in the eye. I know I haven't seen Tom for months, him being at Uni. but that doesn't...
Brian said that he would shower and get into bed. He asked Amanda not to be too long with her goodnight kisses with me.We kissed deeply, and she asked me, "Are you sure that you don't want me to sleep with you tonight?""No, I want you to sleep with Brian," I panted."You and I can have sex," she replied softly, "We haven't had sex in a long time. I'm sure that Brian would sleep down here and let us use his bed.""No, I want you to sleep with Brian," I repeated, "And have his cock."We kissed...
SeductionMy wife's screams were even louder that night. Brian must have fucked her hard in every way.I did work myself off again before I fell asleep. As I shot my load into my hand, a couple of drops fell on my leg; I licked my hand clean before scooping the drops from my leg. I couldn't believe that I licked them as well.It was just after seven-thirty the following morning when I took my father a cup of coffee. As I passed Brian's bedroom door, I could hear my brother and my wife talking. I visited...
IncestAfter spending several days at my brother Benny’s place following our disastrous two-day vacation on an island that we got chased off due to a hurricane, I rekindled my love for cock, and, my love for my brother’s cock every day without my wife ever being the wiser. Benny had asked my wife if it was ok if the two of us went on a fishing trip together and of course my wife eagerly said, “yes!” I know my wife would be happy to have the house to herself for a week and Benny, of course, would be...
IncestAfter spending several days at my brother Benny’s place following our disastrous two-day vacation on an island that we got chased off due to a hurricane, I rekindled my love for cock, and, my love for my brother’s cock every day without my wife ever being the wiser. Benny had asked my wife if it was ok if the two of us went on a fishing trip together and of course my wife eagerly said, “yes!” I know my wife would be happy to have the house to herself for a week and Benny, of course, would be...
IncestMy drive home was full of visions of what I'd witnessed over the weekend. I was happy that my wife had sucked me off before I left for home, I needed that. She called me three times during my drive home, to check on me and ask how I was doing?She told me that she was going to give my father another shower later. That got me hard, it filled the rest of my journey with erotic thoughts.I got home and unpacked my case, I went to the bathroom and jerked myself off. I stayed naked for the rest of the...
IncestShe was at her wits end and didn't know which way to turn. He hadn't made any direct demands as yet but she knew it was only a matter of time before he did. She remembered nothing of that evening except having a quiet drink in the student's bar with a few friends then thinking about leaving after they had all gone. Oh she knew what had happened all right, the bastard had shown her the pictures he had taken and he said he would show her the video as well. Some how she had been drugged and...
After 8 years i finally divorced my wife. we agreed to have an open relationship even before we married. we are both kinky and thats what kept ustogether for so long. I liked hearing about her sexual exploits and she likedmine. she was very forthcoming and so were her friends. 2 of her friends weresisters and had made porn films. i friend was a stripper and had a biker boyfriend. all of them hadgreat stories to tell. i fucked most of them andheard about what they had done on a caribbean...
Day One of my fishing trip with my brother Benny couldn’t have gone any better even if I would have written the script. I got to give him some road head, dress in some very sexy femwear, and I lost my mancunt virginity all in one day!The second day started out just as good as the previous day, with me in silky camisole waking up spooning with my naked brother who was sporting some morning wood! I pressed up against it and wiggled my pantied-ass against it. I got even harder and I knew I had to...
IncestDay One of my fishing trip with my brother Benny couldn’t have gone any better even if I would have written the script. I got to give him some road head, dress in some very sexy femwear, and I lost my mancunt virginity all in one day!The second day started out just as good as the previous day, with me in silky camisole waking up spooning with my naked brother who was sporting some morning wood! I pressed up against it and wiggled my pantied-ass against it. I got even harder and I knew I had to...
IncestSo me and my brother had been fucking for a while now and our mum had no idea what was happenin, even though we had a bit of difficulty keeping quite when we were fucking each other hard at night. But by the morning of our first day on holiday she knew.We were staying in a villa in Turkey, we each had a room to ourselfs with our own bathrooms and a private pool. We arrived late the night before so we were all having a long lie, by the time i got up my mum was already up and sunbathing. Now i've...
Dustin has always been a huge dick and I’m not talking about the massive thing between his legs that he is so fond of. Ever since I can remember, Dusty has always been a jerk. Always trying to humiliate me or wrestle me to the ground just so he can rub his penis all over my face. He just loves to flaunt his big dick whenever he can, pointing out how much bigger it is than mine. Just like yesterday, I was showering and he just walks in, whips out his dick to take a piss in front of me. “God I...
Hi, this is a story about me and my elder sister which happened in May, 2014. This fascination for me regarding her started when I was very young. My elder sister is 7 years elder to me, and I am currently 24. She is my chacha’s daughter and one of the hottest girls I have seen. She is 5.4, white in complexion, dark long hairs, perky breasts and around 55 kgs in weight.. For an Indian society anything like this is considered to be something that is very incest, so getting her to allow me to do...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! Only two days until my eighteenth birthday. I ad never been so excited in my life, nor had I ever experienced such freedom. My brother, Aiden, had promised he would give me the best gift in the world, and I knew he would. He always gave me expensive, elaborate gifts. He was twenty thee, going on twenty four, and I had always looked up to him. HE wasn't the ordinary brother who ignores their little sister. He actually paid attention to me and hund out...
IncestEvery summer, my sister and I work as Counselors at our family’s youth camp. Camp Grace is one of the most respected Christian summer camps in the country. We offer teenagers a wholesome place where they can spend their summers and learn valuable life lessons.Camp Grace was founded by my grandfather over sixty years ago. Everyone in my family attended Camp Grace at some point; it’s where many of my family members met their spouses. These days, Camp Grace campers don’t know what monogamy...
IncestAnyway, I was just getting done with my shift at the store when I noticed him. A man in his late twenties, short brown hair, and brown eyes. He was smoking outside the door, but he was walking me very closely. I turned to look at him and he gave me this weird smile. Pervert. I ignored him and continued walking to my car. It was about twelve at night and it was hard to see. The store parking lot had only one lamp post, which didn't give off enough light. But I managed to make my way to my...
The next morning i woke up before him and he was still on his back naked. My mum had left for work already so i went and had a shower. When i came back into our room he was awake and rubbing his cock with a smile on his face. I felt my cock twitch.Being young and stupid i said "sorry" and went to leave. just as i got to the door he told me to "stop". With a smile on his faace he said "i know what you did last night."Once again i said "sorry" and felt my face gettin red."don't be" he said "have...
Part Two "RACHEL" My twin sister, and sometime brother, and I had been experimenting sexually with each other and crossdressing together for around a month, growing to love and to perfect our new feminine personas until they became the ones we thought of as our true selves. Whenever our parents were away from the house, we would sneak into our sister Charlotte or our mother's closets and take and wear their sexiest underwear and clothing and become completely our female selves....
The spray from the shower-head was warm, and I basked in it, reaching my hands above my head in a spasmodic, wonderful stretch as I stood under the water. My voice only faltered a moment as the stretch took over my body; I was singing, ‘Look Down,’ from Les Miserables at the top of my lungs, only recently having seen the film when we took it out of the public library and immediately falling in love with the story and songs. Now, Jason was subjected to, ‘Who am I,’ and, ‘Master of the House,’...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Working on her lower back and still merely gracing her ass, I decided to move around her hips, now gently brushing her inner thigh. Another thing that had always enticed me was her beautiful legs, and when I tired of massaging her hips, I formulated a plan to nonchalantly work my way into feeling her thighs up. I leaned over and started rubbing her feet. Over time, I worked my way up and onto her calves, and eventually I passed the knee line. I was...
IncestDay Three found me waking up with Benny’s morning wood firmly pressed between my ass cheeks with his arm over mine and his head behind mine. He was obviously sleeping by the sound of his breath and given that we both had already agreed to being able to wake the other with just about any kind of sexual activity, I reached for a little dab of lube on the nightstand and then smeared that lube at the entrance of my love channel. Then I gently positioning his cock at my opening and slowly pushed...
IncestDay Three found me waking up with Benny’s morning wood firmly pressed between my ass cheeks with his arm over mine and his head behind mine. He was obviously sleeping by the sound of his breath and given that we both had already agreed to being able to wake the other with just about any kind of sexual activity, I reached for a little dab of lube on the nightstand and then smeared that lube at the entrance of my love channel. Then I gently positioning his cock at my opening and slowly pushed...