Brotherly Love Exceeds To Fucking
- 4 years ago
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“Busted,” was all Benny could say as he opened his door and stepped out. I, on the other hand, was frozen in my seat, not knowing what to do. Benny strolled up to my Rose and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before turning towards me and waving me out.
Rose looked a little puzzled at my reluctance, so I finally grabbed the door handle, opened the door, swung my legs out, and then stepped outside of the car. I turned with my head tilted slightly down and looked in Rose’s direction to see her reaction.
That look of puzzlement turned to shock turned to puzzlement again before she turned to Benny and asked him what the fuck I was doing. Benny laughed and just told her that I just wanted to play dress-ups and who was he to argue. Rose came stomping over to where I stood frozen in place and looked me up and down before asking me what I was doing. I couldn’t find the words to explain what exactly was going on because I was too embarrassed to tell her the truth.
I thought about lying but I knew that would never fly so I finally decided to tell her the truth.
“I’m sorry, I can explain. When Benny accidentally left my clothes bag in the driveway, I needed something to change into after a hot day on the lake and this was all he had in the cabin, so instead of walking around naked, I decided to wear this,” I said.
Damn, it sounded a lot more believable in my head but hearing the words roll off my tongue only made me sound more like a lying idiot. My face must have been fifty shades of red because I could feel it burning with embarrassment and my femcock quickly became an innie instead of a tiny outie.
“And you expect me to believe that bullshit, Marti? No self-respecting man would ever do that but then I guess you’re proving what I suspected all along. You’re not really a man, you’re a fucking sissy through and through. It’s no wonder you can’t get it up in the bedroom anymore. You don’t have an ounce of manhood left in you. Hell, you didn’t have that much from the very beginning,” Rose shouted with a good deal of anger and disgust in her voice.
“And Benny, you think this is ok? It’s ok to see your brother prance around like a little fem sissy queer and ruin the family name?” she asked Benny with her hands on her hips.
“Sweetheart, your husband was a queer long before he met you and long after the two of you were married. I haven’t been with a woman since my wife died, and you have to admit, your husband does make a pretty sexy woman with the little bit of stuff he had to work with,” Benny chimed back with a little smile on his face.
“I can’t believe my ears. I’ve got a husband dressed up like a streetwalker and his brother getting all sweet over how sexy he looks. What the fuck is going on in this world? Am I the only sane one here?” Rose shouted.
“Now hold on, missy. This all started decades ago when your husband, my brother, made midnight visits to my bedside and filled his hunger for dick and cream on almost a nightly basis. I never did anything in return. Just made my cock available to him and let him do his thing,” Benny said.
He pretty much tossed me under the bus right there and then. I thought Rose was going to pass out. She turned and looked at me with her mouth wide open and then asked me if it was true. I didn’t say anything, which was response enough for her.
She immediately turned and ran to her car, closed the door and broke down in tears. Benny suggested that I go inside and stay out of sight until he could get her calmed down. I did just that and buried myself in my room.
Benny eventually got Rose to let him sit in the car with her and explained that a lot of sixteen-year-olds explore same-sex activities when they are that age, so it was no big deal. But in my case, I seemed to do a lot more than explore as it appeared to him that I was addicted to dick and who was he to say no? Every guy loves to have his dick sucked and it was hard to get a girl to do it back then. A blowjob is a blowjob to most guys even if the person giving it is another guy.
Rose told Benny that she felt like a complete fool and while she knew youth will explore, the fact that I did more than just explore made her wonder if the love between us was real. Benny reassured her that it was but that I also had needs that most men didn’t, and those needs are sometimes hard to explain to a spouse. He convinced her to come into the cabin and have a drink and maybe find a way to work things out. She agreed and followed him into the cabin.
I heard them talking in the living room and I heard Benny pouring them both drinks. As I’ve said before Rose isn’t much of a drinker but by the sound of the pour, Benny gave her more than she’s used to drinking. Benny explained everything about our teenage years together, how I got started sucking his dick, how long it lasted, how it stopped, and admitted that he never saw me dress in women’s clothes until now. He happened to have some of his deceased wife’s garments and having me wear them brought back fond memories to him.
He apologized for encouraging me to try them on and wear them while we were on this fishing trip. It was totally selfish of him and unfair to Rose. She asked him if that’s all I did – just wear the clothes Benny had given me or did I do something else.
“What do you mean, something else?” asked Benny.
“You know what I mean Benny. Did Marti do more than just wear the clothes? Did he play the part while wearing the clothes?” Rose asked.
“Well, he did wiggle around and act kind of girly while he was dressed, if that’s what you mean,” responded Benny.
“That’s not what I mean, and you know it, Benny. Let me a little more direct. Did he suck your dick like a good girl should?” Rose said sarcastically.
Benny took a deep swig of his whiskey searching for the right words to formulate his response. He took a second sip as Rose patiently waited, and then placed his glass on the table.
“Honey, I’d be lying if I said he was a good girl while he was dressed. Truth be told, he’s a helluva lot better at sucking cock than he was when we were in high school and he was pretty damn good then too,” Benny said matter-of-factly.
“He sucked your dick dressed as a woman while the two of you were up here in this cabin fishing?” Rose shouted back.
“Several times and that’s not all he did,” responded Benny.
I couldn’t believe that he was telling her everything I wish I could without batting an eye. He'd just dug my grave and was steps away from throwing me in it. I couldn’t shrink any smaller than I already felt tucked in the corner of my bedroom.
“Several times? Several times?” my Rose asked repeatedly.
“Yep, your husband apparently had separation anxiety from my cock and when he finally got it back in his mouth, that’s just about all he was interested,” Benny said taking another sip of his drink.
I think my brother was enjoying this confession session. Most likely because I was always the successful one, the one that everyone looked up to and turned to for assistance and guidance and he was just another brother.
“You said that’s not all he did. What did you mean by that Benny?” asked Rose.
“Well here honey, let me show you something,” replied Benny as he reached for his phone and surfed to his video collection.
“Just press play and watch sweetheart,” Benny said handing her his phone.
Rose gave Benny another puzzled look before focusing on the phone in her hand. She pressed the play button and couldn’t believe her eyes. She quickly hit the pause button before turning the display towards Benny.
“Well, I know this isn’t my husband’s cock. His isn’t half as big as this one. Whose cock is this?” she demanded referring to the nice thick cock filling the screen.
“That would be mine,” Benny said proudly with a smile taking another sip from his glass.
“Oh my god, Benny! Why in the fuck are you showing me porn movies of your cock in use?” Rose asked in disbelief.
“Keep watching honey, you’ll understand,” said Benny.
Surprisingly, instead of closing the video, my wife pressed the pause button again to allow the video to play on. I’m guessing the size of Benny’s cock was enough to peak her interest, plus she was curious who this “Connie” girl was and what this had to do with me. That is, until she heard “Connie’s” voice and then saw my face when I turned to tell Benny to, “fuck me good”.
“Motherfucker! You’re not only letting my husband suck your dick but you’re fucking the little queer behind my back. You’ve even given him a girl’s name. Fuck you, Benny! Fuck you! And fuck your little sissy brother Connie too,” she yelled before tossing Benny’s phone back at him.
“Hey, I have needs too and I didn’t seduce your husband. He came on to me just like he did years and years ago,” Benny shouted back.
“Well, you can have the little queer. Fuck him. Let him suck you. Take him out to dinner and a date. Buy him pretty girly clothes because I am done with that little cocksucker!” Rose shouted back before picking up her drink and guzzling the entire thing down.
“Rosey, I know you’re upset but don’t do anything rash right now. Let things settle down and then we’ll talk about what we should do next,” Benny suggested.
“Fuck that, Benny! I’m done with the little fem queen. He never was much in bed and his cock is more like a boy’s than a man’s. Hell, it’s not much bigger than an oversized clit,” my wife said pouring herself another glass of whiskey.
She took a nice swig and sat there pondering everything that just went down while swinging her foot in anger.
“Connie! Get your fucking ass out here right now!” she shouted with a commanding voice.
I got up and walked out to the living room where they both sat trying my best to not make eye contact with either of them.
“Get your ass out of those clothes, you fucking sissy! You don’t deserve to wear women’s clothes because you’re nothing more than a little closet queer. Do it now, I said!” my wife commanded.
I knew she meant business, so I slipped off my heels, pulled off my stockings, undid my daisy dukes and let them fall to the ground. I heard her gasp as she saw the white lace thong I was wearing, and the white triangular patch left behind from sunbathing in my bikini the other day. I didn’t look up but continued by pulling my thong down and off and then untying my halter top. Again, another gasp as the outline of my bikini top was more than obvious.
She stood up and walked over to me and examined me front and back before slapping me across the face.
“Get the fuck out of my space. You disgust me, you pathetic excuse for a man,” she said.
“Can I have the clothes you brought me?” I asked timidly.
“Absolutely not! You’re not man enough to wear boy-clothes, so say goodbye to them forever,” she said turning and walking back to her glass of whiskey.
I quickly left the room in order to avoid pissing her off any more than she already was. I figured she’d settle down once she got over the initial shock of learning my secret. I sat naked on my bed waiting for this to all blow over. I could hear her belittling me as she talked to Benny and guzzled down her glass of whisky. She asked Benny to pour her another and Benny obliged but reminded her that she wasn’t very good a holding her liquor.
“I’m not good at holding my liquor and my wimpy excuse of a husband isn’t good at satisfying me."
Obviously, the liquor was started to take effect. Benny poured her another shot and she swallowed it without hesitation, putting the glass on the table and moving closer to my brother who was sitting on a bar stool facing her. She stepped between his legs and placed her hands on his crotch.
“Tell me, Benny, how did manage to get a cock like this while my husband got stuck with a little boy’s penis?” she asked rubbing his cock through his pants then she buried her tongue in his mouth and frenched kissed him before he pulled away.
“Settle down, Rose, or you’re going to take this to places you might regret later,” my brother warned her.
“My brother-in-law telling me to settle down after spending the last three days sticking his dick my husband’s ass and mouth while my husband is dressed like a streetwalker and I’m the one to settle down?” Rose asked sarcastically. “Why don’t you settle this big fat dick of yours in your sister-in-law’s married pussy so I can feel once and for all what’s it’s like to be fucked with a man-sized cock,” Rose said grinding her drunk wet pussy up against Benny’s rising cock.
Benny didn’t have to be told twice. Sex is sex to him whether it was with his wife, his sissified brother, or his brother’s wife. He stood up, picked Rose up by the waist, placed her on the table, unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them off like a magician pulling a tablecloth off a set table. Rose’s legs were over his shoulders in no time, and Benny was rubbing the head of dick on the very wet opening of my wife.
“Fuck me, Benny! Fuck me like I’m an eighteen-year-old virgin being fucked for the very first time,” Rose said wrapping her arms around Benny’s head.
With that, Benny pushed his cock half-way in before stopping.
“Damn, Rose! Your pussy feels like a virgin. It’s so damn tight,” exclaimed Benny.
“That’s because my husband’s dick is so fucking small. Now give me all you’ve got, Benny. I want to know you were in my tomorrow and the next and the next day. Shove that big fucking dick of yours in my tiny tight cunt,” said Rose.
I’ve never heard her talk like this before but I have to be honest, it was turning me on. My femcock was actually as hard as it was when I suck Benny off. I started to slowly jerk it, listening to the two of them going at it.
“Rose, honey, if I knew you were so dick-deprived, I would have offered my services years ago,” said Benny.
“Benny, if I would have known your dick was this big, I would have been sucking and fucking you instead of my husband. Hell, I would have married you and left that little dick husband of mine to find someone else dumb enough to marry him,” Rose replied.
That one stung but when it comes to a man and woman in heat, size matters and they’re capable of saying just about anything. I listened to Benny’s dick slide in and out of my wife and walked over to the bedroom door where I could get a bird’s eye view. Rose’s tits were bouncing up and down with Benny’s in and out rhythm. I jerked a little harder as Benny gave her what he had given me just yesterday. I was both happy for my wife and a little jealous at the same time.
“Damn, Rose, you’re milking my cock with that tight little pussy of yours so well, that I’m having a hard time holding back,” declared my brother.
“Keep fucking me you until you can’t fuck me anymore, you big fucking stud, and then fill my tight cunt with your cream,” Rose shouted back.
I think Rose’s crudeness and the milking action of her unused pussy was just a little too much for Benny because she shouted out that he was getting ready to cum before he bellowed a bear-like growl as he buried his cock as deep as it would go and unloaded his cream in my wife’s pussy. I came the same time he came in Rose.
Rose kept humping his cock and came shortly thereafter.
“Oh my god, I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m finally having a real orgasm from a real man’s cock. Don’t you dare pull out until I’m done here!” she shouted.
Her body went in spasms a moment later and I knew that she too was coming like she’s never done before. My femcock went limp as I watch Rose come down from her earth-shattering climax.
“Motherfucker! That was the first climax I’ve had since I married your brother,” said Rose.
Benny leaned over and kiss her on the lips. Rose pulled in closer and buried her tongue in his mouth. Benny slow fucked her and as he did, his cream started to leak out of Rose’s pussy. They finally broke their kiss and then Rose shouted out.
“Connie! Get in here right now,” she demanded.
I stepped out of the bedroom and found my wife sitting on the table, leaning back on her elbows with her legs splayed open and her engorged pussy lips leaking cum for all to see. Benny was standing next to her with a smile on his face and a semi-erect cum-covered cock dangling between his legs.
“Get your sissy lips over her and clean the cock that just gave me the first real fuck of my life,” my wife said pointing to Benny’s cummy cock.
I really didn’t have to be told twice but I also didn’t want 'to seem too eager. Who the fuck am I trying to fool? She already knows that I’m a total sissy for cock!' I walked over to Benny, dropped to my knees, licked some cum off his cock before taking his entire cum-covered cock down my throat. I not only wanted to get Benny hard again, I also wanted to show my wife just how good I was at sucking cock. Much better than she’ll ever be!
“Oh my god, Benny, I just fucked the hell out of your cock and you’re getting hard again in my husband’s mouth! My limp-dick husband has always been a one and out. I obviously married the wrong brother,” Rose exclaimed.
“I can go three or four times a night,” Benny responded grabbing my head and face fucking me in front of my wife.
“Well, then I definitely married the wrong brother,” Rose quickly responded.
Benny slowed his pace a bit and then pulled out, much to my surprise. He moved back and then took a seat on the bar bench. His cock was too high for me to get on my knees so I stood and got between his legs and buried my lips on his cock again. Rose stepped over and grabbed some of the cum Benny had deposited in her pussy and rubbed it on my opening. Then she inserted one, and then another, and then another cum-covered finger and started to finger-fuck me from behind.
“Never in a million years did I ever think that I’d see my husband blowing his brother while being finger-fucked by his wife with the cum his brother just deposited in her! I obviously have been living a puritan lifestyle but that stops right here and now! This little sissy’s gone to be my bitch and I’m alreadyTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.
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Chelsea Williams. That’s me; I’m 16 and a brunette. I live with my mum and my 18 year old brother, Daniel. My dad was killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq when I was 5. Me and my mom aren’t very close, she’s never around and hardly has time for me or my brother. We often argued, to be honest, we can’t even be bothered to get annoyed anymore. Daniel is the only one who understands me, who respects me. My life is crap. Everything is so fucked up (ok, I’m exaggerating). Well that’s my amazing (liar,...
IncestAfter spending several days at my brother Benny’s place following our disastrous two-day vacation on an island that we got chased off due to a hurricane, I rekindled my love for cock, and, my love for my brother’s cock every day without my wife ever being the wiser. Benny had asked my wife if it was ok if the two of us went on a fishing trip together and of course my wife eagerly said, “yes!” I know my wife would be happy to have the house to herself for a week and Benny, of course, would be...
IncestAfter spending several days at my brother Benny’s place following our disastrous two-day vacation on an island that we got chased off due to a hurricane, I rekindled my love for cock, and, my love for my brother’s cock every day without my wife ever being the wiser. Benny had asked my wife if it was ok if the two of us went on a fishing trip together and of course my wife eagerly said, “yes!” I know my wife would be happy to have the house to herself for a week and Benny, of course, would be...
IncestHi, this is a story about me and my elder sister which happened in May, 2014. This fascination for me regarding her started when I was very young. My elder sister is 7 years elder to me, and I am currently 24. She is my chacha’s daughter and one of the hottest girls I have seen. She is 5.4, white in complexion, dark long hairs, perky breasts and around 55 kgs in weight.. For an Indian society anything like this is considered to be something that is very incest, so getting her to allow me to do...
Incest“Busted,” was all Benny could say as he opened his door and stepped out. I, on the other hand, was frozen in my seat, not knowing what to do. Benny strolled up to my Rose and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before turning towards me and waving me out. Rose looked a little puzzled at my reluctance, so I finally grabbed the door handle, opened the door, swung my legs out, and then stepped outside of the car. I turned with my head tilted slightly down and looked in Rose’s direction...
IncestDay One of my fishing trip with my brother Benny couldn’t have gone any better even if I would have written the script. I got to give him some road head, dress in some very sexy femwear, and I lost my mancunt virginity all in one day!The second day started out just as good as the previous day, with me in silky camisole waking up spooning with my naked brother who was sporting some morning wood! I pressed up against it and wiggled my pantied-ass against it. I got even harder and I knew I had to...
IncestDay One of my fishing trip with my brother Benny couldn’t have gone any better even if I would have written the script. I got to give him some road head, dress in some very sexy femwear, and I lost my mancunt virginity all in one day!The second day started out just as good as the previous day, with me in silky camisole waking up spooning with my naked brother who was sporting some morning wood! I pressed up against it and wiggled my pantied-ass against it. I got even harder and I knew I had to...
IncestI had been working my ass off lately and desperately in need of a vacation. We had planned a trip to the Carolina islands twice before but both times things came up and we had to postpone it. As they say, the third time is a charm, so I was certain this was going to be the vacation we so desperately needed!We headed out early and spent the next two days driving to our destination arriving around 5 pm on Saturday. We unpacked the car, threw our clothes in the dresser, food in the fridge, grabbed...
IncestI had been working my ass off lately and desperately in need of a vacation. We had planned a trip to the Carolina islands twice before but both times things came up and we had to postpone it. As they say, the third time is a charm, so I was certain this was going to be the vacation we so desperately needed!We headed out early and spent the next two days driving to our destination arriving around 5 pm on Saturday. We unpacked the car, threw our clothes in the dresser, food in the fridge, grabbed...
IncestPart Two "RACHEL" My twin sister, and sometime brother, and I had been experimenting sexually with each other and crossdressing together for around a month, growing to love and to perfect our new feminine personas until they became the ones we thought of as our true selves. Whenever our parents were away from the house, we would sneak into our sister Charlotte or our mother's closets and take and wear their sexiest underwear and clothing and become completely our female selves....
I often watched my brother. I knew it was wrong, but I could not help it. Why? Because I did not see him as my brother. He was a twenty year old freshman at the local college near our home. I saw him more as a fresh college guy waiting to score. We were close when we were growing up, but the older we got, we grew apart. I guess that is because I was his sister and he was my brother. Bryce was not like any guy that I had dated. He was...
IncestMaggie’s brother, Bob, learned he had cancer during his physical examination while retiring from the Army. He was 47, a big, muscular, macho guy with a bluff manner and a confident air. Maggie was 42. Both had married young. Maggie had been divorced from her preacher husband for two years and was working in a refugee camp in Thailand. As adults, their paths had rarely crossed and Maggie didn’t see Bob for several months into his treatment and recovery. Their mother was staying with him in Los...
Stretching luxuriously, I moved my hair off my neck and arched it, allowing better access to the soft lips planting small kisses there. ‘Mm,’ I murmured, eyes shut tight. This was a wonderful dream, and I didn’t want to ever wake from it. Surely it was a dream, because Jason couldn’t have woken up beside me and be caressing me awake... Then I felt the hot hardness, pressed through the material of his shorts and my nightgown, and my body bent toward him, pressing myself back against my...
The spray from the shower-head was warm, and I basked in it, reaching my hands above my head in a spasmodic, wonderful stretch as I stood under the water. My voice only faltered a moment as the stretch took over my body; I was singing, ‘Look Down,’ from Les Miserables at the top of my lungs, only recently having seen the film when we took it out of the public library and immediately falling in love with the story and songs. Now, Jason was subjected to, ‘Who am I,’ and, ‘Master of the House,’...
I remember us bathing together as c***dren. He always made me feel so safe and this destructive path that I call my love life has lead me to believe that he is the only one I can trust. I was brought up to frown upon things like these but I cannot help how I feel and believe me I have tried. Is it wrong to feel that I want a real man inside me? I have to know if he is curious about this as well but how? Her brother was coming to visit her and he said he would be there shortly. She was expecting...
So me and my brother had been fucking for a while now and our mum had no idea what was happenin, even though we had a bit of difficulty keeping quite when we were fucking each other hard at night. But by the morning of our first day on holiday she knew.We were staying in a villa in Turkey, we each had a room to ourselfs with our own bathrooms and a private pool. We arrived late the night before so we were all having a long lie, by the time i got up my mum was already up and sunbathing. Now i've...
I awoke fairly late the next day, moaning in protest at the sunlight streaming through my open curtains and turning over onto my belly to bury my face in the pillow. ‘Who opened the curtains?’ I complained into the pillow, muffling my voice. However more mature I was compared to my peers, I’m still not a morning person. ‘I did, ‘ said a voice behind me. The bed heaved and bounced as a heavy body climbed on behind me and straddled my legs. I didn’t have enough time to sum up the energy to...
By Blackdawn Chray Yanu couldn’t help it, groaning in lust, he secretly shifted his steadily growing groin from the pocket on his pants suit as he trailed their new Sales Rep. across the floor level of their 32-story building. She was a fine piece of ass – young - looking to be in her 20s her file said she just got out of college, her brunet hair dyed blonde that was pulled back into a fashionable bun, a few strands of stray hair falling out against her long neck, blue eyes shined brightly...
Day Three found me waking up with Benny’s morning wood firmly pressed between my ass cheeks with his arm over mine and his head behind mine. He was obviously sleeping by the sound of his breath and given that we both had already agreed to being able to wake the other with just about any kind of sexual activity, I reached for a little dab of lube on the nightstand and then smeared that lube at the entrance of my love channel. Then I gently positioning his cock at my opening and slowly pushed...
IncestDay Three found me waking up with Benny’s morning wood firmly pressed between my ass cheeks with his arm over mine and his head behind mine. He was obviously sleeping by the sound of his breath and given that we both had already agreed to being able to wake the other with just about any kind of sexual activity, I reached for a little dab of lube on the nightstand and then smeared that lube at the entrance of my love channel. Then I gently positioning his cock at my opening and slowly pushed...
IncestHi everyone, This is not a story but incidents occurred that changed me for the best. I’m now 26 years old guy doing my M.S. contact me at So have fun while i take a trip down the memory lane. Story is a bit long as it involves several years of us being together. For privacy reasons no names will be mentioned. This happened when I was back in India and doing my engineering degree. I was a hopeless romantic who liked girls but never dared to go express my feelings, But if a girl is my friend i...
Incest‘Oh, fuuuck,’ I moaned, my breath coming in short little wisps. One arm came up from the pillows, where they’d both been splayed above my head, and my small fingers twirled themselves firmly in the auburn mass of Jason’s curls. I pushed his face harder between my legs with the butt of my hand. He made a little noise of surprise at my active enthusiasm but kept at it, his hot tongue swirling in circles around the little nub of my pleasure and lapping down to my pussy entrance. When he teased...
Sweetgrass was a sleepy town. In total, I’d say there were about 2 000 people living there. It had its own school, though, a nice looking big brick building with one of those old playgrounds that are actually fun. It went from K-12, too, and I’d always wondered what it would be like to go to a school like that. Sweetgrass had a town hall too, a few restaurants, and your run-of-the-mill stores. It was just as good as a big city, I thought, but quieter. During the day few cars went on the...
It was 10pm when she got in from her friends and she sighed lookign around when she noticed her brothers shoes. Remus looked up from the couch and grinned hearing his sister walk in and he chuckled ''So i dont even get a massive hug after coming back from University?'' he yelled. As he saw her step through the door his eyes went wide. What had happened to his little sis, she used to be flat chested with no curves and now.. now she had a massive rack on her chest, an hour glass figure and...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Only two days until my eighteenth birthday. I ad never been so excited in my life, nor had I ever experienced such freedom. My brother, Aiden, had promised he would give me the best gift in the world, and I knew he would. He always gave me expensive, elaborate gifts. He was twenty thee, going on twenty four, and I had always looked up to him. HE wasn't the ordinary brother who ignores their little sister. He actually paid attention to me and hund out...
IncestIt had been 4 years since I‘d seen my br0ther. He’d moved overseas for work and his visits back home had coincided with me being away also. Nevertheless we had always been close and he’d been the perfect big br0ther to me while we were growing up, being 6 years older. I was only 16 when he left home and was at University when he moved overseas. He was always protective of me and I always loved being near him and had often fantasized that he would be my protector and lover. He had a great...
Jason enjoyed my pregnancy. He deeply loved the fact that I was pregnant, and the fact that he was the one to have been responsible for the swelling of my belly. Already he loved my breasts, but when they eventually became swollen to twice their original size with milk, he loved to play with them and touch them even more. But that was later--now, there was barely the slight soreness that signalled their impending growth. His appetite to love my body increased after we discovered my...
Looking back, 1993 was one of the best years of my life. Nirvana, Radiohead and Pearl Jam all released fantastic new albums. Jurassic Park was at the theaters and The X Files began running on TV. The Cowboys, after winning only one game in the 1990 season, won their division in 1992 and went on to blow out the Bills in the Super Bowl in 1993. My Rangers looked like they were going to be killer in the NL West, with Pudge, Juan Gonzalez, Jose Cansceco and Raffy Palmeiro poised to destroy opposing...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! Working on her lower back and still merely gracing her ass, I decided to move around her hips, now gently brushing her inner thigh. Another thing that had always enticed me was her beautiful legs, and when I tired of massaging her hips, I formulated a plan to nonchalantly work my way into feeling her thighs up. I leaned over and started rubbing her feet. Over time, I worked my way up and onto her calves, and eventually I passed the knee line. I was...
IncestWhen Leo came home from work, it was 1:30 in the afternoon. Due to a gas leak at his job, he had come back 4 1/2 hours early when nobody was usually home. He pulled the mail out of the mailbox and walked into the house. As he was sifting through the letters, he heard some noise coming from upstairs. As he crept up the flight, he realized he was hearing moaning.His sixteen-year-old sister. Isabelle's door was open just a bit. He looked in and there was Isabelle on the floor. Naked. Fucking...
IncestI was eighteen and was sunbathing in our garden with my girlfriend, Kathy. We were lying on large towels on the lawn, wearing just tiny bikinis, enjoying the feel of the warm sun on our bodies. As I turned over onto my back, I caught a glimpse of something, a reflection maybe, from the window of my brother Mark's room. He was sixteen and had recently started spying on me, especially when I had friends over.Telling Kathy I was going to get drinks for us, I went into the house. Creeping upstairs...
Incest‘There. It’s all looking good.’ The gel on my tummy was still chilly, but I forgot all about it as the screen flickered and changed, showing Jason and I our child inside me. ‘Baby’s getting in position,’ the ultrasound technician told us, ‘getting ready for delivery.’ ‘Locked and loaded,’ Jason whispered, in a voice as if an epic battle were about to ensue, his eyes narrowed intently at the screen. He was holding my hand, but let go and went to the screen and pointed. ‘See! I tell you,...
this story is from a boys perspective I remember it like was yesterday it was the best year ever! FLASHBACK I was 18 going on 19 and I was finally returning home from college. Letting my parents know this over the phone they did'int seem to happy "hey mom and dad im going to be home soon!" I say over the phone grinning "Aiden you know me and your father are not going to be there! can't you just come once we come back from your father's business? you know what as long as you make sure your...
IncestI was chatting with a fellow member talking about various things when I mentioned I used to expose myself to the sisters of my friends and even to my own sisters. He then asked if either of my sisters ever touched my exposed cock and I had answered that yes, one sister did touch my hard cock. Then I thought this can be another true story in my somewhat perverted life.Back when I was younger and not really up on anything sexual, even though it was the 1960s, the sexual revolution decade, I...
The next morning i woke up before him and he was still on his back naked. My mum had left for work already so i went and had a shower. When i came back into our room he was awake and rubbing his cock with a smile on his face. I felt my cock twitch.Being young and stupid i said "sorry" and went to leave. just as i got to the door he told me to "stop". With a smile on his faace he said "i know what you did last night."Once again i said "sorry" and felt my face gettin red."don't be" he said "have...
‘I hope you’re sufficiently warmed up, ‘ Jason husked lowly, ‘because I might be a little rough this time.’ ‘I am, ‘ I whispered back, lost in the big green orbs of his eyes. They darkened as I watched, the primitive hunger in them easy to see. It made me shiver, my pussy wetting further with anticipation. ‘Let’s try something, ‘ Jason said. ‘Lay on your tummy, and I’ll mount you that way, like I said earlier.’ Gulping, I did as he told me. I looked back over my shoulder to see Jason fist...