Exhibitionism And Voyeurism
- 3 years ago
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"Why don't you see if you can tease another erection out of me, my dear? Position yourself so you can see, and I can use my hands on you..." Armand murmured as he punched combinations on the video selector. Boris's bedchamber wasn't exactly a highlights site... Neither was Ed's sitting room, where he surprised Ed and Velma sitting on the couch sharing a blanket! "Whoa!"
"Ohmigod!" Sharon gasped, looking up from her handful of Armand's cock as she settled in on hands and knees beside him. "When did THAT happen?"
Armand chuckled. "Within the last week -- I guarantee it! I said something to Ed the other day after eavesdropping on Velma. I'd no idea that she was frustrated..."
"Ed's a little old for her, isn't he?"
"Beggars can't be choosers, on either end," Armand chuckled. "Velma's horizons are EXTREMELY limited by her weight and shyness, and Ed's social skills are similarly limited. Let's roll this back and see how they got there..." Armand rewound the take to the point where Ed answered his door and rolled it forward from there, being sure to catch the dialog. "You getting this?"
"Mmmm," Sharon released Armand's now solid erection with a pop. "This isn't their first time."
"Right -- but it looks like the second. IF it comes off..."
"It will," Sharon posited. "Let's see how they get under that blanket." Armand scrolled along, slowing for dialog. Sharon tittered. "They're hilarious!"
"I guess he visited her a couple of days ago. Maybe we can find THAT later..." Armand hit the big beer spill and slowed down for the whole show.
Sharon cracked up. "That was ingenious! I didn't know Velma had it in her!" Armand scrolled through to her return. "Oh, my! That's just as good!"
"Okay, we'll come back for the whole show," Armand chuckled, "But I bet we're missing Boris and Leticia..."
"Mmmmm, Boris and Natasha?" Sharon quipped, and returned her oral attentions to Armand's erection.
Armand chuckled, and went back to hunting among the cameras. In a moment, after a couple more false starts, he got it...
Boris was already at work between Leticia's splayed thighs. He'd lost no time at all; Leticia was in full submissive mode, and had herself in place, waiting, when he entered the room. Instead of crawling immediately between her thighs, though, Boris had grunted, "Play with yourself, little one! I have nothing here to get you wet." In the meantime, he'd knelt up on the bed beside her head and presented his cock for more sucking.
Leticia was beside herself. Masturbation in front of the big man was embarrassing, to say the least, but the reasoning behind it made good sense. Boris kept controlling her, this time by sliding his big, hard paw under head, cradling it, but driving her onto his erection. "Da. You suck good, little slut! But Boris fill your pussy, this time, nyet?" He started mauling her right nipple with his other hand, sending mixed flashes of pleasure and pain shooting though her. "Push in two fingers, little one -- open yourself up for Boris..." Leticia moaned, and wet, sloppy sounds began issuing from her crotch. "Do not cum! You cum on Boris, little slut, or you do not cum at all!" He looked toward her crotch to gauge her progress, "You are ready, then?"
Leticia thought so! She'd been damp, anyway -- getting two fingers going hadn't been hard, and something about his jamming her head onto his chubby cock kept bringing rushes of wetness... "Mmmm hmmm!" she agreed, augmenting her gurgle with eye contact.
Boris knew better. When the Boss brought in women, Boris usually settled for sloppy seconds, because his thick length was difficult for a woman to take in unprepared. Leticia's two slim fingers wouldn't prepare her fully for something with more normal girth, never mind HIS cudgel -- but then, he wanted her to know he'd been there, anyway. "Make it very wet!" he admonished.
Leticia made every effort to soak it with saliva, but she wasn't exactly practiced. Boris extracted himself from her mouth and circled to between her legs, threading his forearms under her shoulders and lifting her legs. "Now you take Boris! Now you feel a man!"
Boris positioned his blunt glans at her opening. It was puffy, and there was a lot of pink showing in the groove between the dark lips, but... Leticia's eyes widened; what was that thing, a baseball bat? The spongy tip wedged in place and Boris began to force it -- and Leticia knew pain! "Aaahhh!"
"Da. You are surprised, eh? Skinny little slut -- this thing is not for men, nyet? Only for women? Only for fingers and tongues?"
"No!" Leticia gasped. "I have... men..."
"Huh," Boris grunted. "Not many. Not often. This pussy -- no stretch! No problem -- Boris stretch it for you..." He was, too! The blunt head was mostly in and he was rocking back and forth, taking advantage of his foreskin to slide the hard flesh beneath back and forth in small increments, slowly defeating the nibbling muscles of her opening. For Leticia, the pain was already easing as her vaginal muscles lost the contest and began to admit his thick girth -- but there were still several inches worth of territory to be fought over... If she wasn't watching the whole thing, she'd have sworn that he was jamming his fist into her! She'd had longer -- Mr. Wilson topped Boris by at least two inches, and she'd had a couple of boyfriends with some length -- but she'd never seen anything so thick, let alone FELT it... Boris sawed back and forth, slowly claiming more territory, and as the pain dropped away, she became aware of every nerve ending in her lower vagina as Boris's thick club stretched and ironed her inner walls.
Meanwhile, Boris was grunting and grumbling, "Skinny little bitch! Boris should lie on his back and screw you onto him like light bulb! Why you not use this thing? You are frigid, maybe, eh?"
"N-no..." Leticia liked her sex, but since Mr. Wilson there hadn't been a whole lot of it in her life. Being on call six days a week, twenty- four hours a day didn't leave her much time to hunt men -- or, more accurately, for men to hunt her. Mr. Wilson demanded sex, but on an infrequent basis, and usually, he wanted a blowjob -- something about choking her while feeling her soft mouth -- not vaginal sex. In fact... Now that she thought about it, Mr. Wilson had done her the 'normal' way about three times -- and there had always been something else going on -- something that made it NOT normal. Things like retaining a two quart soapy enema with the help of an inflatable butt plug, or simultaneously sucking the cock of some complete stranger -- or worse, sucking the cock of someone she'd known in the old days... No, aside from the identity of the beefy, balding, bearded bear that was in the process of wedging his thick cock into her, this was about the closest to 'normal' sex that she'd been in over a year...
"Hmph. I am not convinced. This fit like a vise, a virgin -- not like woman who likes sex! Boris has to open you up..." Boris grunted.
"It's... been a while, I admit it. Mr. Wilson had the right, but he seldom exercised it. And I was... saving myself..."
"For the Boss, eh?" Boris grunted a laugh. "Loyalty is a good thing, but there are too many women in the dacha -- the Boss does not have time to service them all. And you -- you are perhaps not the favorite?"
"No." The accusation stung; the admission stung worse. However things may have started -- whatever dreams existed in her head -- to Mr. Wilson, she was JUST a maid now. The fact that he used her, very occasionally, was irrelevant -- he did that to literally every woman he came into contact with. The fact that he owned her, lock, stock, and barrel did not make her special -- that was why she was here, doing penance for the belief that she was special and could pass judgment on others...
"You fuck Boris, then. You make it good for Boris, eh?"
Resolution firmed her, "Yes, I'll make it as good as I know how..." The fact that the big bastard's heavy cock was stretching and exposing every nerve in her vagina made it easy to let go, to embrace the situation that found her there, being ridden by him. Leticia arched her back and wriggled her ass, inviting him in deep. As a side-effect, pleasure erupted, and began to build, "Oh, God!"
"Da." Boris was puffing a bit, but he was hitting his mark. "Is good, yes?"
"Yessss..." Boris's pubic bone was now, finally, bashing hers on his jackhammer down-stroke; movements that had started out deliberate for both of them were going on automatic as the rewards started rolling in. Leticia's hips rolled as she rose to meet him.
That's where Armand and Sharon found them, just getting their rhythm... From Sharon's perspective, Boris's big belly should have gotten in the way, perhaps, but it seemed smaller, somehow, despite his position atop Leticia. The side view that the bedroom camera afforded showed Boris driving himself into Leticia like a machine, at a measured pace that was nonetheless probably twice a second. Leticia reached up and grasped his shoulders, obviously using the leverage to arch herself and provide him with better penetration. Armand murmured "Hmmmm," and punched a couple of buttons, and the display shifted to a dead-on view of the actual coupling taken from somewhere beyond the foot of the bed. Armand zoomed it some, but the whole thing was pretty anonymous; you couldn't really see Boris's cock, just his heavy balls slapping Leticia's ass. You could see that ass rising, though, the thigh muscles flexing... Sharon started waving her hand, and Armand sighed, rolling his eyes. "Just use your hands, then, so you can talk..." She'd either have to spit regularly to maintain lubrication or let it dry, but her commentary WAS contributing to his enjoyment...
"Back it off a little, please," she asked through puffy lips. Armand exercised the control and the frame began to widen. "There! See that? See how her toes point and her hips flex? She's enjoying it! If he thinks he's hurting her, he's wrong..."
"I don't think he does," opined Armand. "I think he's just... mastering her. If she enjoys it -- especially if it is against her will -- that's a powerful tool. Another shot?"
"Mmmm, please. This one isn't any too revealing." Sharon had the presence of mind to be VERY careful with her ex-husband; irritating him was counter-productive, and this evening, here, in this bed, was their closest approach to equality in decades. This moment was very special, and she would do whatever she must to preserve it.
Armand shifted to an overhead shot from the vicinity of the head of the bed; apparently, he had mastered the list of assets available. Leticia's head was going back and forth every few strokes, her eyes glassy, her nostrils flaring to her hoarse breathing. Her nipples were elongated spikes protruding above crumpled areolae, their bittersweet chocolate color heightened by their tension. Her hands clutched Boris's hairy shoulders rhythmically. As they watched, her lips drew back in a rictus, and she rotated her head to the front. As she tilted it back, her eyelids began to flutter as her eyes rolled up, "Oooooooohhhhhh!!"
"Yeah, she's enjoying it, all right," Armand chuckled.
On screen, Boris puffed, "You like? You must... be the... real woman... now! The bull rises... and you must... take... his charge..." Boris was losing it -- it had been years since he'd let himself go fully with a woman -- even whores, whom he considered unworthy of his seed, usually got it, but not the full release of his inner tension that went with it. That, he held back -- they didn't deserve it, and he didn't trust them; besides the power of his full release might cause them fear or injury, and he'd be vulnerable while he recovered, afterward. Boris had a bit of berserker in him, and this was where it released itself. He pretty much figured that he could let go here, now, with the little negress, and not only fulfill his own needs, but those of the Boss, too...
Intelligent response was impossible for Leticia; she was there, triggered, surging and clutching, her eyes rolled up while the shock waves tore through her, "Ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgod..." She was just beginning to come down off the peak when Boris shifted gears.
Leticia's completion stripped all control from Boris; the rumble in his throat matched the roaring in his ears as he suddenly almost doubled the power of his strokes, hammering Leticia at an incredible rate! Keeping up with him was starkly impossible, so Leticia clutched herself to him, tensing and lifting her hips to provide him the best angle while his hands seemed to be everywhere at once. He was no longer leaning on them, but was using them to pull her nipples and drive stubby fingers into her hair at the sides of her head -- then they were gone and tracing her flanks. Leticia tried to lace her fingers behind his neck, but he was too broad, and the effort got in the way of his hands -- and all the time his cock kept pounding, pounding, pistoning in then igniting the spark from her clitoris as his pubic bone hammered it and driving the outstroke. They were a crazy engine, revving higher and higher... Then he PICKED HER UP in his big hands and held her there, above the bed, while her battered her and she clutched his head. The next thing she knew, they were kissing, his thick tongue invading her mouth, his teeth shifting to chew at her puffy lower lip... It hurt and there was blood, but she didn't care; he sucked it and his tongue returned, and...
Boris threw his head back, "Da! Da! DAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" He crushed Leticia against his crotch like she was an inflatable doll, and his heavy balls drew up nearly inside of him before the release of the first pulse of his mighty orgasm.
Leticia hung there, impaled, but her eyes rolled up and she screamed, "AAIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!" as the first jet of several of Boris's seed splashed into her quaking vagina.
Boris came to himself kneeling upright on the bed, holding the little negress in his arms while she pulsed and clutched him, semi- conscious, moaning "Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" in sync with the clutch of her pussy on his still rampant cock. Boris was done, though, washed out, muscle lock the only thing holding him upright. He lowered her gently and covered her, then rolled them both over so that she lay atop him, still linked by the juncture of her tight sheath and his still-engorged cock. It was time to sleep; she would be there when he awoke...
It was true; Leticia wasn't going anywhere. She was only semi- conscious, and her only imperative was to clutch herself to the mountain of muscle slowly relaxing under her. She bored her face into his neck and began to snore, blood from her split lower lip dripping onto his neck, unheeded.
Sharon and Armand lay transfixed. "WOW!" Sharon gasped. Armand's cock was blued steel in her hand and she wanted it, BAD! "That was..."
"I ought to sell that to a porn production company -- it would make a mint!" Armand grunted, gasping as Sharon's hand moved on a cock suddenly oversensitive. "Climb on that -- if I don't last, I'll think of something else to do for you, after..."
Sharon did as she was told, gladly, riding cowgirl. Armand fit her like a hand in a glove and she was just as over-stimulated as he was; the feel of him sinking into her that first time was ecstasy, and his practiced hands on her breasts only made it better. They were both too over- stimulated to last; two dozen strokes found Sharon trying to continue while grunting out her orgasm -- but then Armand, triggered, began blasting in her, and they matched pulses while Armand squeezed her sensitive nipples to the rhythm of their mutual completion.
"Oh, God!" Sharon swayed in place, the aftermath of their completion having washed her out.
Armand pulled her down to him, "Lay down here, beside me, you silly bitch, while you get your breath..." She rolled off him and plastered herself to his left side. "Want to see how Ed and Velma are doing?"
"Forgive me -- I can't do any more for a while," Sharon gasped.
"I don't think I can, either, after that -- but Ed and Velma are likely to be comic relief..." Armand switched scenes.
The pair in question hadn't done much in the interim. Ed was playing with Velma's neck and ears, but anything more demonstrative required that he do something overt. Velma's heavy breasts were effectively in her lap, unreachable around her broad shoulders, and Ed could move that hand on her neck and try to burrow between her legs to get at her pussy, but that, too would take a major effort and be impossible to ignore.
On TV, some hooker was playing a john like a violin, getting him worked up enough to select her from her colleagues, and in the process exciting him to the point that when they got down to business, he wouldn't last long. Watching, knowing that Ed was there beside her had her hot -- literally hot -- throwing off waves of body heat, sweating... "We shoulda done a sheet -- dis thing is hotter'n Hell, thin as it is..."
"So I gotta strip my whole fuckin' bed?" Ed grunted, but a glance told Velma he was grinning. He eyed her, challengingly, "You wanna sheet, then?"
"Well..." What was he grinning about?
"I'll go get it." Ed made a show of martyred patience, but both of them knew better. In a moment, he was back, holding a sheet -- but not offering it. "So gimme the blanket..."
"Y'all gimme da sheet, then."
"Not'll I get the blanket..."
"Ah'm nekkid under here!"
"Yah." Ed was grinning from ear to ear.
"What? You're parked on my couch, waitin' fer me to do somethin'. This is it!" Ed announced, a malicious gleam in his eye.
A half our earlier, that would have been the end of it, but Velma had all but chugged two beers and she wasn't really that tolerant of alcohol. She was giddy and flustered, and hot... "Awright, it's yoah funeral..." She flipped back the blanket. "Dat what y'all wanna see, ya perverted bastid?"
"Yah." God, she was big, all right. Fuckin' jugs were the size of watermelons and rested on her bulging belly. Her pudenda was invisible, hidden in a triangular indentation between the roll of her belly and her huge thighs -- Ed couldn't even see fur. Velma was NOT sitting with her knees together -- but she'd have to splay herself widely to grant anyone access to her cunt... Ed's eyes kind of bulged, but he maintained a poker face. Slowly he teased her with the sheet, making her grab for it and snatching it back a couple of times before finally allowing her to grab it. Grinning, he collected the blanket and moved off.
Velma busied herself with draping the sheet, covering her humiliation with, "Now you embarrassed da shit outta me an' made yo'self sick, Ah need 'nothah bottle o' dat dog piss..."
"Awright." Ed folded the blanket and tossed it on the bed, listening to mumbled complaints from Velma about not even providing decent materials to ply a woman with liquor. The woman was godawful huge -- why was she still there? Why the fuck hadn't he put her ass out? Ed pondered this as he returned to the sitting room to raid the refrigerator. Shit, only two more beers... He headed for the closet to uncover his three- quarters full case and snatch out a six-pack. Well, lessee... Despite the fact that they ranted at each other constantly, (fuck, he didn't know how to talk to no woman!), neither one of them managed to take offense and they seemed to, well, communicate... Ed opened the refrigerator and fished out the two cold ones, setting them on the floor while he loaded the six-pack. Then there was them humongous jugs -- they was fuckin' miraculous! How in fuck did she carry them around? Ed didn't really think of himself as a fan of big, floppy tits, but they were an eye-magnet, no denying it! He snatched the bottle opener from where it hung magnetically from the refrigerator door and absently popped the caps, despite the fact that they were twist-off, still ruminating. The last thing wasn't visible right now, kinda like the first; he'd been in that cunt -- twice -- and it worked just fine. Better'n fine, actually... He tossed the caps in the trash and turned, to come face to face with Velma's most visible attractors!
Velma had gone for the original below the shoulders drape she'd used with the blanket -- but she was tipsy -- okay, she was looped, since alcohol hit her metabolism like a ton of bricks -- and the ole bastid was foolin' with her -- playin' with her neck for twenty fookin' minutes, then playin' blanket games and oglin' her ass while she sat there, buck nekkid... What did a gal hafta do ta git her itch scratched, fer shit's sake? Very deliberately, she rearranged the sheet so that it rode under her breasts, rucking it up to the point that it was pinned under the big hanging orbs. 'Now, by damn, he'll shit or get offa the fookin' pot!' she thought, nodding to herself.
Ed nearly dropped the bottles! Ho lee shit! The plain white sheet under them made her monster melons look even bigger, and her huge nipples begged to be suckled. Ed didn't really want beer, any more...
"Whatchew lookin' at?" Velma asked calmly, "Ah figgered Ah'd turn down da sheet -- y'all seen it all, anyways..."
"Uh, yeah..." Ed's brain wasn't working. Why were they so hot? The woman was deformed...
"Y'all are blockin' da TV..."
"Right." Ed had no comeback; he handed Velma her beer, still mapping her jugs with his eyes, and returned to his seat on her left, flipping the sheet over himself. He draped the arm again -- technically, he had more territory -- but at this point, he was URGENTLY unhappy that he couldn't find an excuse to play with a monster melon. His beer was forgotten, hanging out there on the end of his arm, tying up a hand he could be using... Wups! Everything seemed to circle back to Velma's giant-sized chest. TV was TOTALLY forgotten; Ed was staring...
"Uh, Ed?"
"Ah, uh, shouldn'ta axed for dis beer. Ah get drunk real quick."
"I oughta make ya chug it."
"Ah figger y'all'd probly rather Ah was awake..."
Ed snorted. "That bad?"
"Yeh. Ah cain't really tolerate it."
"That why ya hung out the hooters?"
"Uh huh. Stupid, huh?" Velma made to cover herself.
"Leave 'em. I like 'em."
"Ah guess! Y'all ain't took yoah eyes off 'em!" Velma chuckled.
"Wasn't that the idea?"
"Well, yeah..."
"Gimme the beer." Ed got up and took it, carrying it over to the counter. He eyed his, but it had gotten in the way, too, so it followed its mate. What he had to do was get a clear invitation -- like those tits weren't? Fuck it. Ed plopped back down on the couch, sliding back under the sheet. "Whew! Even this is hot!"
"Sorry." Velma eyed him a moment to see if follow-up was warranted, then went back to pretending to watch TV.
"I'm gonna shuck these sweats..." Ed took advantage of the sheet to slide them off and toss them aside, then plastered his leg against Velma's.
"Y'all got hairy laigs," Velma murmured, dropping a hand on his thigh.
"Ya think?" Ed grinned. "I'm a man -- I don't shave 'em." He dropped a hand onto Velma's heavy thigh and began sliding it around. "Pretty smooth. You like that all the time?"
"Uh," Velma grunted, embarrassed. How did HE know she'd shaved for him? "Not alla time... I, uh, done it a coupla days ago."
Ed just looked at her. A couple of days ago, he'd busted into her room -- and the fur on her legs had been long enough to be soft...
"Okay, well, yestiddy." Velma allowed.
'Probably a couple of hours ago... ' Ed figured, but he let her off the hook, nodding. Meanwhile, he had a handful of surprisingly dense flesh. He moved the hand around, testing his limits, drifting into the hot inner thigh area. Velma would have to open up for him to cover more ground, but he could tease her, at least.
Velma let her hand wander, too -- but Ed wasn't as well-protected. "Hey, ain't you wearin' nothin under there?"
"Oh, sure. Briefs," Ed lied.
"Ah doan..." Ed's cock was tenting the sheet -- no way was he wearing underwear! "Whazzat, den?" Her hand encountered his stiffness, "Ain't no..." Oh, Lordy, she had a handful of his tallywhacker! Part of her wanted to snatch her hand away -- but the other part wouldn't let her. "Y'all lied ta me!"
"You didn't believe me anyway..."
"Yeah, but..." Velma thought about it; it didn't seem to matter, now. Now she had a handful of it, maybe they could quit foolin' around... It was hot and hard and silky-smooth, but she could feel the ropy veins under the skin... Her hand slid up and down the shaft automatically.
Ed grunted. Velma's hand wasn't no soft thing, but it seemed to be actually better for jerking him off than a soft one would have been! He started digging in her lap to return the favor, but, "Damn, I can't get at it! Spread 'em!"
"Awright." A big thigh lifted and draped itself over his, pinning him, but the other leg shifted a bit, too, and she was open to his hand. Ed remembered the territory from a couple of nights before; wiping his hand up and down over it caused her lips to pop open and wetness to spring up in her slot while a pretty good-sized clit reared against his fingers. "Ahhhh," Velma moaned, "Howcum dat's so much better when yo' do it?"
"Talent," Ed grinned. He reached around with his left hand and started mauling Velma's fat left nipple with three fingers.
"Agghh!!" Velma moaned, and took advantage of Ed's cramped position to press her lips to his neck and suck.
"Wo!" Ed's neck lit up like a Christmas tree, the sensations growing goose-bumps all over his body! "Jeezus, Woman! You want me to pop in your hand?"
"Uh uh," Velma moaned, "Ah want it buried deep down dere where it belongs!"
"Mebbe we oughta quit fuckin' around and fu..." Ed shut up. How in Hell did the woman bring out the idiot in him? 'Quit fuckin' around and fuck' Duh!
"Uh kay," Velma grunted, but she didn't move. Ed had two fingers in her and his thumb on her nubbin; that drained all of her willpower. She went back to neck-sucking. Besides, she was gonna pop any second... "Ngoooooo!" she moaned into his neck as the flash of a small orgasm rolled over her.
Ed grinned. Nothing like knowing your efforts were effective! "You want fingers, or you want a dick?"
"Ah wanna dick!" Velma husked.
"Then quit usin' me for a prop, and head for the bedroom!"
Ed withdrew the hand doing wonderful things in Velma's cooze, leaving an immediate feeling of emptiness. "Awright. Gimme da sheet!" Velma began to scrabble up out of the couch.
"Leave them jugs showin'. If you want me to poke somethin' it better be showin', too, when I get in there!" Ed killed the TV and the lights, eyeing Velma's broad back over the bed sheet as she waddled out of the room.
The lights took no time, so Ed arrived while Velma was still trying to figure out how to arrange herself on the bed without exposing any more than necessary. "Damn, you're slow!"
"Ah don' want y'all seein'..."
"Life sucks, don't it? I gotta think for ya? Come 'round here to the foot and back onto the bed..." It almost didn't work; Velma plopped on the foot of the bed and the head end popped up. "Get up there, before the damned thing falls apart!" Velma gingerly backed on one hand, the other clutching the sheet. Finally, she dropped her head on the pillow, still holding the sheet under her melons, tenting it with her raised spread knees. "What am I fuckin'?" Ed grunted. Cain't see anything..."
"Oh!" Velma started scrabbling; the result was a strip of sheet bunched to obscure her ample middle while basically everything else was exposed. "Howzat?"
FINALLY, Ed could see Velma's pussy! The dark chocolate exterior sure set off the shocking pink insides... Ed crawled up on the bed and hunkered down for a closer look. "Nice! Juicy!" Velma's clit had some size to it, like everything else -- nothing monstrous, but you could find it REAL easy... Puffy outer lips over thin inner ones were topped by the kinky pubes that forested her chubby mound.
"Aww, Ed! Why you got to embarrass me?" Velma covered her face.
"Dunno," Ed replied absently. "Fun I guess..." He raised himself and plopped his hands on Velma's spread knees, "So, you want some dick?"
"Whatchew think? Goddam it, Ed, quit... Aaaaaahhhh!!" Ed's glans passed her opening, and the time for talk was over.
It was every bit as good as the first time; Ed just couldn't believe it. Description -- aside from the word 'perfect' -- wasn't possible! He sank into her slowly, as her tunnel opened for him, flowering open around the blunt head of his cock. How on Earth could a woman this big have such a tiny cunt? Goddamn, it was good, though... The look on Velma's face said that her whole attention was centered on the invasion. "How's that?"
"Oooooohhhhh gaaaaawwwdddd, uuuuuuuhhhhh!" Velma moaned eyes glassy.
"Yeah, me, too..." Ed reached down and collected a couple of stiff nipples, eliciting another groan, then started to hunch and drive, slowly.
Velma decided that Ed could talk nasty all he wanted, as long as he kept sinkin' that pole of his in her cooze! That first night had been a real eye-opener, but she figured that once she knew what she was up to and developed expectations, the wonder of the thing would drop off. Not so! The bastid just lit her up with dat thing! After only three or four strokes, Velma was already transfixed, watching her first orgasm come rolling in, "Ooohhh, gawd! Ah'm gonna... NNNNNNNGGGGGHHHHH!!!!"
Dear All, Here I m narrating my true experience which you hard to believe. Incidents & Location is real but names are fake. I am married marwari women age: 26 yrs. from Mumbai, accountant. My husband names is Prakash. Our marriage is arrange and no child yet since we get married before 2 yrs. He is as an accountant but he quiet his job and open a Super Kirana Shopee near our house. I have lots of chapters about my life stories. Whenever I get proper response and comments from you all friends, I...
My first introduction to voyeurism was about 20 years ago on holiday, I was in my early thirties. I had always enjoyed watching women on the beach topless. In the hotel pool changing room I noticed two small holes had been strategically drilled into a cubicle wall. One was at chest height, the other just below waist level. I was curious and took a look, both spy holes provided a surprisingly wide view of the next cubicle. I decided to wait and see if anyone came to use it. After a few minutes I...
You arrive at your school maybe ten minutes early for class. Parking the car and shifting into park, you exit, anxious to begin the day. At this school, every day is an adventure, whether it be in the classes or the people in them, something's always happening. Add on your little 'fetish' and each day makes for a good time, there's never a reason not to come. You're a senior, well into the school year and at the ripe age of 18, along with most of your fellow outgoing alumni. The year has been...
Naughty voyeurismA couple of weeks ago I was on the beach with a very horny friend. She is early 30s, very trim, petite, 32a, completely shaved cunt. She is a very very horny girl. She seems to like sex anywhere and anytime and is always looking for more places to fuck! I am heavily into risky sex, but even I am sometimes wary of her desires because I like my freedom and my job and don’t want to get arrested for public indecency!Well, on the day in question we sat on a sandy bit of beach a...
My first introduction to voyeurism was about 20 years ago on holiday; I was in my early thirties. I had always enjoyed watching women on the beach topless. In the hotel pool changing room I noticed two small holes had been strategically drilled into a cubicle wall. One was at chest height, the other just below waist level. I was curious and took a look, both spy holes provided a surprisingly wide view of the next cubicle. I decided to wait and see if anyone came to use it. After a few...
Dear All, Here I m narrating my true experience which you hard to believe. Incidents & Location is real but names are fake. I am married marwari women age: 26 yrs. from Mumbai, accountant. My husband name is Prakash. Our marriage is arrange and no child yet since we get married before 2 yrs. He is as an accountant but he quiet his job and open a Super Kirana Shopee near our house. I have lots of chapters about my life stories. Whenever I get proper response and comments from you all friends, I...
Dear All, Here I m narrating my true experience which you hard to believe. Incidents & Location is real but names is fake. I am married marwari women age: 26 yrs. from Mumbai, accountant. My husband names is Prakash. Our marriage is arrange and no child yet since we get married before 2 yrs. He is as an accountant but he quiet his job and open a Super Kirana Shopee near our house. I have lots of chapters about my life stories. Whenever I get proper response and comments from you all friends, I...
Hello, my dear Indian Sex Stories dot net readers, this is my real sex story. I am Keshav. I am from Mysore. I am 26 years old. I am working as a lecturer in a reputed college. I started working here 3 years back after completing my masters. About me, I am a good looking person with 6 feet height. I am medium built but I keep myself fit. I am going to share my experience here. This is a real experience. In fact still, I am having this & enjoying every bit of it. This is an experience which I am...
Its not a story, real incidents put together and wrote for sharing with others. Hi everyone. Let me introduce myself first, I live in Hyderabad. I have been to this site long back and read many of the incest stories, since I like them most when compared to all other sections. Though I have many encounters in my past 15 years of adult age (after my 19th Birthday), I decided to write my incest story. Well, I got married to beautiful girl at my 26th year and she was at her 22nd. I love her much,...
IncestHi!! Let me introduce myself to you. I am Vatsal from Gujrat and I am here to share my life incidents. I always wanted to share my incidents with you. And I found this amazing site indiansexstories2.net. I am happy that finally, I got a platform to share with you my feelings in the exact way as I felt. Life was going on smoothly. But yes, the constant sex deprivation was affecting my mind and body. I am a regular college guy but I am really good at sports rather than academics. I had to travel...
Incest“Incidents #6” Hit the ShowerThe continuing escapades of Buddy, Sarah, and me with other diverse players. Sarah asked for a ride home from school. As a policy, I never, ever, drive a student home! Even though I knew Sarah intimately…. The risk of the rumors that I was driving a student home was just too risky to my job. It was late and the only person left in the school was the janitor and he was in the basement drunk as usual. I relented. I told her to call her mom to let her know she was...
The following is a fantasy (as in porn fantasy) story about an abnormally well hung teenager and a MILF. The major theme here is mother/boy. Contrary to my older written works, this is not a xxx story filled with fucking, this is more sensual and erotic. Romantic even. It does start off with rather younger characters, but will move forward through time. INCIDENT #6 - Rinse and Repeat One week passed, and the incident was still fresh in Nicole’s mind. It was now Saturday morning and...
First off, I haven’t written anything in years, something possessed me this last week and all I did was work on this. Very strange behavior, don’t expect anything else for a while, if ever. The following is a fantasy (as in porn fantasy) story about an abnormally well hung teenager and a MILF. The major theme here is mother/boy. Contrary to my older written works, this is not a xxx story filled with fucking, this is more sensual and erotic. Romantic even. ******* Nicole the MILF and...
Tabitha started swimming toward consciousness around five-thirty. It was slow going, at first because of the sedative, and after because her mind shrank away from the wall of agony that being fully awake brought with it. Dumbjohn had kept her clothing; he'd tied her wrists behind her with a plastic cable tie, but left her legs unfettered. Also present was her wooden brassiere -- her breasts were still nailed to the plywood and her nipples were still pierced and stretched by the rubber bands....
Tammy was a work mate. We sold real estate, mainly condominium projects. and we often attended seminars together. I hadn't really paid much attention to Tammy, although she was a beautiful lady in her late thirties. A few months back, our boss decided to send us to Austin, Texas, to open up a new condominium project. I didn’t relish the assignment because I’d be gone from home for several days each week. Fortunately, I had a very understanding wife who knew my absence was a part of the job. I...
VoyeurMF, MMF, FF, Masturbation, Voyeur)Last Wednesday...This little adventure began six months after I'd arrived in Los Angeles.I'd finished up my undergrad work at Tulane the spring before anddecided I needed a major change in my life. I was twenty-one and feelingmore or less directionless. On a whim I packed up everything I owned atthe time and headed off to parts unknown. I think maybe I had always beenheading for Los Angeles in the back of my mind. New Orleans, the citywhere I was born and...
Ava was an intensely grounded woman for being so beautiful. Her allure never siphoned her charm, never left her hollow. Piercing blue eyes told you she was constantly thinking a million things but wouldn’t dare say what. On the occasions she did, pleasure was far too tame a word to say what it gave me.On that particular Thursday, her long, mahogany curls draped the shoulders of her thigh-length coat, full skirt complemented by lace, black tights silhouetting her curvy legs. As she entered the...
VoyeurIncidents in a Crossdressers Life: Part 5After our last escapade, Sarah (a boy who grew up as a girl) went home and left her soiled Smurf printed panties behind and I snatched them up before I headed home. Buddy smiled as I sniffed the crotch. She demanded I lick the crust. I was being too playful so she walked up and forced them into my mouth. I guess I was not done for the night no matter how exhausted and cumless I felt. The panties in my mouth instantly got my eraser nipples hard and up...
Hi readers, this is Vatsal back again from Gujarat. It is great to see that you are loving my experiences. Thanks for the patience you all kept. Without any further delay, let’s move further. My aunt Neelam and I were sleeping on the bed, caressing each other. After all her domination over me and my dick, she was a little soft. But all her softness was the sign of something more ‘dangerous’. Though she was comforting herself in my arms with her nipples poking my side chest, something more was...
IncestIncidentsRon and Mack had a feeling they had met before but could not remember where or when. They were at a mall where their teenage daughters had decided to go shopping. The girls had met on a previous “Dad’s turn weekend.” Their Dads had mostly just nodded and said hello each time they found themselves at the same place until that day. Neither would remember where they had met for years.Time passed and they became friends. After each had attended the other’s daughters wedding they did not...
IncidentsRon and Mack had a feeling they had met before but could not remember where or when. They were at a mall where their teenage daughters had decided to go shopping. The girls had met on a previous “Dad’s turn weekend.” Their Dads had mostly just nodded and said hello each time they found themselves at the same place until that day. Neither would remember where they had met for years.Time passed and they became friends. After each had attended the other’s daughters wedding they did not...
Madi Chitoor District Andhra Pradesh. Madi oka joint family.maa intlo Tataiah, bamma , Peddananna,pedamma,Muguru attalu,mugguru mamamlu ,Amma,nanna,babaiah ,pinni,Inka valla Pillalamu Peddananna ku Iddaru Maga pillalu,Oka ada pilla. Maa amma,nanna ku nenu okkadine. Maa pedda atta ku oka maga pilladu iddaru ada pilllalu. Rendo attaiah ku iiddaru ada pillalu.Mudo attaiah inka pillalu leru .Inka maa amma Thammudu ki okka iddaru ada pillalu Nenu chala amayakudini Nannu andaru edipinche varu Intlo...
Dear All, Here I m narrating my true experience which you hard to believe. Incidents & Location is real but names is fake. I am married marwari women age: 26 yrs. from Mumbai, accountant. My husband names is Prakash. Our marriage is arrange and no child yet since we get married before 2 yrs. He is as an accountant but he quiet his job and open a Super Kirana Shopee near our house. I have lots of chapters about my life stories. Whenever I get proper response and comments from you all friends, I...
Caitlin McGrath had her knees up around her ears, pressed there by Howard Silverman's hands while he leaned on them to support himself as he jackhammered her twat. Her breasts wobbled like jello, but fortunately they weren't big enough to damage anything, so she just let 'em go, rubbing Howard's upper arms while he made like the Energizer Bunny! Howard was wishing he could get his lips on the pinkish brown, thick nubs that stuck bullet-like up from the center of Caitlin's wrinkled...
It’s Thursday night, and time to play as per every Thursday for the last three months. Tonight we are meeting at a dark and smoky Jazz Bar, around the corner from his place. I’m finally ready to leave, I’m late as I was having trouble with what to wear. A short black skirt, a form fitting white blouse buttoned to just that right spot, where you see the voluptuous swell of hills and the start of a deep valley. You know just enough to show the black lace edge of my bra. And of course killer...
Danny and older brother Max had never got on as kids, but by the time they reached their late teens they'd become firm friends. They partied together, and usually got on with each other's girlfriends - when they had them. This summer, though, nineteen-year-old Danny was feeling a bit lost. Max had been dating eighteen-year-old Emma for several weeks, and he'd found himself at a loose end for a lot of the time while Max and Emma had been out enjoying themselves. Max was dating a much younger...
My name is Sagar and I am 32 years old now. I am working in an IT company and I have a good sexual life now and social life as well. I go for parties and I drink and have fun, yet I do my job. But when I was just a teenager things were not the same. I was very horny and I like to think perverted thoughts. This sex story is about some sexua experiences I had, mostly masturbation.. I have lived my life as a person having several odd sexual experiences and I wanna share my story. When I was in...
IncestIt’s Thursday night, and time to play as per every Thursday for the last three months. Tonight we are meeting at a dark and smoky Jazz Bar, around the corner from his place. I’m finally ready to leave, I’m late as I was having trouble with what to wear. A short black skirt, a form fitting white blouse buttoned to just that right spot, where you see the voluptuous swell of hills and the start of a deep valley. You know just enough to show the black lace edge of my bra. And of course killer...
Exhibitionism“Mom, can the Willis brothers come to my sleepover?” asked 14-year-old Jamie. Her mom began to laugh. “Honey, sleepovers are usually just for girls.” “But we’ve known those boys forever, and I really like Karl. He is SO cute!” “I like Karl too AND his older brothers . . . but do you think Katie and Erika would want them to sleep here . . . with you girls?” “Absolutely! They think Kevin and Dan are REAL hunks anyways and how cool would that be if they could stay overnight as well?” Shelley...
"Matheson," the investigator murmured into his cell phone. "This is Scott. There seems to be a second team setting up at the Adams place." "How many?" "Three, I think. Unless they're smarter than they look." "Any idea who?" "Not sure, but at a guess, they're Pinkham's boys. I think that Flood is placing them." "Okay, I'll alert the support team." Matheson hung up and called Davis, who had the security team for Nora at this time of the day. "Davis." "Matheson....
Hi, Friends this is sangeeta again. Hope you must have enjoyed my previous stories. This is third incident in series. Frankly speaking this is half true and half fantasy. I ll tell in end how much is truth and how much is fantasy at the end, first enjoy. This incident occurred with one of my close friend, Sukriti. She is nice gorgeous girl and my college classmate. We used to discuss boys during our college days and have fun together. She is about 5’6″ and about 25 yrs old. She is having...
Hi, this is Vatsal back again from Gujarat. Thank you for such a lovely response. Without any further delay, let’s move ahead. Please do read the previous part. My aunt Neelam left the room giving me the hard-on of my life. I shagged my dick a lot after that incident. It was revolving around my mind the whole night. Well, I never had such an experience or never even imagined something like that. I was just lost in the thoughts of that scene, “Fingering of my aunt in front of me!” I did not...
IncestMark I was blind. I couldn’t see a thing, but I sure could smell and taste the pussy that had nestled onto my face and that was rocking back and forth to achieve maximum stimulation. I didn’t mind in the least, and to the contrary I’d become high aroused all over again. Elsa’s muscular legs supported some of her weight, but she wanted the hard contact of my tongue on her clit and searching out the inner reaches of her vagina so she pushed into my lower face often and with accompanying sounds...
Felicia (a.k.a. the Wench) knocked on the door to Armand's suite, "Master?" "Enter!" Sharon called out. Felicia entered and immediately knelt. "You called?" "I did," Armand agreed. He was fast-forwarding through some video of Leticia giving Boris head. "I haven't quite decided what use I have for you as yet, but a continuation of Sharon's education is in order." He turned to face Felicia, "What did you think of the phone call to Bianca, Wench?" "Master, if Mistress was...
There was a knock on Mary Nally's bedroom door. Mary levered herself up on the couch, "Come in!" "Hi, Punkin." "Hi, Pop." "Your mother's all proud of herself for her meddling." "Yeah, I know." Mary had stayed upstairs when she detected the roaring fight her parents were having at dinnertime. "How bad is it?" "Bad. I let it all hang out, since she was. Let her know that things weren't peachy and that I wasn't a monk." Arthur settled in the recliner and started polishing...
Dinner at the Hansen's was delayed by the chaos of Louise's settling in; Donna insisted that she move in with Becky, which meant finding an old bed and chest in the cellar and setting it up in Becky's room -- which cramped Becky's style, she insisted quite loudly. Dwayne would sleep on the couch in the den, for now; theoretically, his mother would let up at some point in the near future, when he had proven trustworthy -- but Dwayne wasn't holding his breath. Dinner was rushed, too --...
Ed slammed his door then stood in the middle of the room rubbing the shoulder he'd nearly jerked out of it's socket propelling Velma into the room. "Awright, so, where were we? Oh, yeah What the fuck you doin' makin' itty bitty taps on my door at this hour in a nightie?" "Ah already tol' ya -- Ah wanna know if'n yo' goin' be bustin' inta mah rooms agin' any time soon!" "So, are ya beggin' or complainin'? You was takin' your time answerin'..." Velma manufactured outrage,...
"Mama's sure actin' weird," Nate observed. "Well, she's had a tough week," Nora replied. The couple had returned to the Media Room to watch TV, with Leticia in tow. Nate gave Leticia the eye and grunted, "You've had a tough morning." "Yes, Sir," Leticia agreed. "This isn't the end of it, either, Sir. Mr. Wilson has punished me in other ways, and I expect that it will go on for a while." "Well, we're done with ya, for now, anyway. I guess you can go do whatever else y'all...
Now what to do with Terry?She is out of the closet like a meteorite slamming into Mexico! Her mom is a nympho and Terry wants it all "right now." We also have to deal with her father! OH Fuck!!!! He is an automotive engineer. Strait and does not care or ignores his wife's liaisons. He has ignored Terry's fem proclivities. AND Terry has decided that she want to be a woman! What the Fuck! Panic time! And Terry is having sex with me on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. Her mom is OK with having...
How I wish I knew more about cross-dressing when I was young and attractive.I had an Auntie James who cross dressed with his friends but I was way too shy to ask about it. It was not until I was home on leave from the Marines that I had my first experience with dressing. I went to Rocky Horror Picture Show with James and his friends who were all dressed up. Some of them were very hot. We went to a coffee shop where all the Gays go after the bars close. A lot of Gurls where hitting on me. I have...
My first "outing" was with a female fuck buddy. She loved sex. Any time, place, or person. Damn she was a great fuck buddy! She asked about any fantasies I had. I mentioned I always wanted to cross dress in pantyhose, panties, bra, and a great wig. We spent the afternoon shopping and found all of my needs and a great wig that matched my natural hair color. There is a nice pic of me labeled "first pic." in the gallery. My nipples and cock were rock hard the whole time, especially while she...
Hi, this is Vatsal back again from Gujarat. Thank you for showing such love to my writing. I really appreciate it. Without any further delay, let’s get started with the next part. Do give a read to the previous part. As Neelam aunt was satisfied with the pleasure I gave to her, she was hugging me tightly in satisfaction. Her mind was constantly running on how to squeeze me in every possible manner. But as she was happy and it was her birthday, she thought to give me a return gift. She loosened...
IncestHi everyone! This is Vatsal back again with the continuation of my feelings and adventures with my aunt Neelam. Do give a read to the previous part of this story. Let’s move further without any delay. I was on the urge of releasing and my aunt Neelam was satisfied with an orgasm laying still on her bed in front of me slowly rubbing her cum dripping cunt. With a little louder “ahh”, I came furiously. My dick was pointing toward my aunt and I was almost near to her bed. The fucking cum came out...
IncestMark I sat in the jump seat behind Cindy Conners, one of my ‘wives, ‘ and John Morris, the senior captain for all the aircraft in my private and corporate fleet. I’d passed up the luxury at the rear of the Cessna Citation in order to follow the entire flight halfway across the continent ending at Teterboro Airport in Bergen County, New Jersey, a short limousine ride from Manhattan and Wall Street. Cindy was flying left seat as John checked her relevant skills. When our trip ended, he’d sign...
Fred looked around the hotel room, then tossed the bags on the floor. Walking over to the single queen sized bed, he fell over onto his face, bouncing twice before coming to a stop. A loud snoring sound was soon heard, which got him a laugh and a light swat on the butt. He turned over to see Taylor standing next to him with a tired expression on her face. "Is air travel always that bad?" She sat down next to him with a plop, and as Fred sat up she leaned against his large frame. It had...
He had a family. That's the only way Fred could describe the feelings he had as the three of them made their way through the streets of Merida. Well, five, although two weren't doing much walking and one of those really couldn't see all that much from where they were. They had slept late, partly due to being awoken at various points by Violet and partly due to the resulting time up together leading to sex. He didn't know how common that was among new parents, but this wasn't a common...
------------------------------------------------------------- SEXUAL intercourse can be compared to a quarrel, on account of the contrarieties of love and its tendency to dispute. The place of striking with passion is the body, and on the body the special places are: The shoulders The head The space between the breasts The back The jaghana, or middle part of the body The sides Striking is of four kinds: Striking with the back of the hand Striking with...
AUTHOR'S NOTE: The story you are about to read is an adaption of, "Strange Brothers," From Mashiro's Castle. It is not a direct translation of the original story, rather a retelling of it adapted for an English audience. If you already know of the Strange Brothers, I apologize in advance. I know only certain parts of the story that have been translated to English, and as such I have had to add my own content to create an ending. Also, I made other changes to make it more of a...
STRANGE MEETING LEADS TO SEX TORTURE TERROR FOR SAVANNA... Since loosing my job suddenly a few months ago and being down on my luck I decided it was about time I made some money out of my favourite hobby, being a sexy t-girl. Well where was the harm? I loved getting dolled up in my sexy outfits and showing off my feminised figure in tight rubber, leather or PVC outfits. I had been told I was quite convincing with my enhanced boobs, long shapely legs and tight ass and I thought, well...
Author's Note: I would like to thank Elrod for the use of his characters, and words of encouragement, as well as his time helping me dispose of the worst of my grammatical and spelling errors. I would also like to thank Ellen Heyes for helping me with my writing. She tirelessly hammered me until I corrected some of the more implausible passages in the story. I enjoyed her frank and pitiless critiques as well as her words of encouragement. Thanks to her as well for allowing...
STRANGE FANTASIES? by J R D IN THE SECOND DECADE OF THE 21ST CENTURY... Lee Adams was waiting in the receptionist's area of the personnel department of Drasberg's, a multi-national company that had recently opened up an office building in his city. Lee wasn't very hopeful. Over the last year, he had gone after many jobs, but he was turned down time after time. It was always the same reason, "No experience". At least that was the official reason. Whenever he talked to the...
I posted this god knows how many years back on Literotica under an old nick. Thought I had lost this until I was going through some old disks and found it. Having just reread it, and given it a bit of an edit, I though I might as well as post it. A Strange Romance. Although I was over qualified for such job's after I graduated, I could not resist accepting a post as an Internet operations officer for one of the high street retailers. With my qualifications I was offered better...
STRANGE WORLD by Geneva A dissolute English nobleman incurs the anger of an Italian Contessa and is changed to a woman by her book of spells. Through suffering and war a new life is made and love is found. The secondary character of Anna in this story is the main character in my earlier story, "Nun so Lovely". At least the wine and the food had been good. Inwardly fretting at the boredom and Conte Roberto's dronings, I watched as my wife Catherine and my sister Ophelia talked...
Strange Woman In My Shower I came home from a two-day hunting trip in the Montana Mountains. I had shot a good size elk, gutted it, and managed to drag it out of the forest on a plastic tarp. It was all I could do to drag it while taking several rest breaks. It would go a long way to filling my freezer for the winter. I was very tire, I was dirty as usual, and I smelled like a dead skunk. Sweat, campfires, and that damn awful smelling stuff that covers up my human scent does not do...
Author’s note: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. If you feel offended by the subject, please skip to another story. Karen McAllister was furious. She had just received a phone call from the detective agency that she hired to spy upon her husband. An agent from Paris just informed her that for the last two nights a girl had been visiting her husband in his hotel’s room. This night as well she was there…for more than two hours....
IncestAlso, I've got a plea for my female readers: Please, Please PLEASE, let me know if I overstepped or got it wrong. I'm a guy, through and through. I have no right to claim that any of the ideas or the sensations in this story are true or or even close to the mark. I'm just assuming, and everyone knows where that will get me. So do me a favor. If you're reading this and you have a problem, or maybe if you just want to help me out, then leave a message or PM me. I'd love to get your take on...