Change of Status
- 3 years ago
- 19
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"Mama's sure actin' weird," Nate observed.
"Well, she's had a tough week," Nora replied.
The couple had returned to the Media Room to watch TV, with Leticia in tow. Nate gave Leticia the eye and grunted, "You've had a tough morning."
"Yes, Sir," Leticia agreed. "This isn't the end of it, either, Sir. Mr. Wilson has punished me in other ways, and I expect that it will go on for a while."
"Well, we're done with ya, for now, anyway. I guess you can go do whatever else y'all oughta be doing." Nate waved her away and Leticia backed out of the couple's presence.
"Oooo, Mister Magnanimous!" Nora giggled.
"Yeh, well, I'll harrass her ass when your Daddy seems to want it, but it ain't a full time job, or even a whole lot of fun," Nate replied. "Let's cuddle up and watch the tube."
Elsewhere, another couple was 'watching the tube'. Toby had arrived at Erin's and the pair were on the couch, channel-surfing while they awaited Erin's mother's departure for work. Caitlin kept an eye on them whenever possible, but they were keeping things pretty innocuous. Finally, she had to leave -- but Toby and Erin suddenly didn't seem to require heavy petting; Erin merely snuggled up tight to Toby on the couch while they watched whatever suited them.
The seed Toby planted with his mother bore odd fruit for Randall. The phone rang at the Braithewaite home, and Jean answered it, "Hello? Oh, hi, Penny. What's new?"
"Toby seeing girls, apparently," Penny Brillstein replied. "Has Randall mentioned it?"
"No, Randall hasn't mentioned Toby and girls in the same sentence in some time," Jean replied -- but then Peter got her attention. "Hang on a second, will you?"
Peter looked up. "What's this about Toby and girls?" he asked.
"I'm not sure yet," Jean replied. "Toby claims to have a girlfriend, I guess."
"Well, I gather that the Astronomy Club is suddenly co-ed," Peter replied, "and if Toby is sporting a girlfriend, he's not the only one."
"Oh? Who else?" Jean asked. Peter just eyed her until the light dawned. "Oh! Penny, I'll get back to you -- apparently, there may be some truth to the tale. I'll let you know..." There were hurried goodbyes, and Jean cradled the phone. "Randall is seeing a girl? I need to talk to him -- the games some of them play are just evil..." Jean headed for the stairs. Boys like Randall -- well, girls had little use for them, in general, except as a butt of humor. The fact that she'd dated Peter on a bet with a sorority sister was a guilty secret that she carried with her always. Poor Randall -- obviously, he was being set up in some manner... Bursting into his room, Jean found her son stretched out on his bed in his underwear. "What's this I hear that you're seeing a girl?"
"Mom!" Randall snatched a corner of the comforter over his underclothes, then gathered his wits for a reply. "It's about time, isn't it?"
"Well, maybe, but people can be cruel. How long has this been going on?"
Randall thought about it. "About a week."
"Is there some event coming up? I know you've seen all of those movies where somebody gets dumped on by somebody out to win a bet or something..." Jean pressed.
"No. No events. I'm pretty sure this is on the up and up," Randall replied carefully.
"Well, I'm just concerned that some girl might lead you on and then hurt you -- or make big promises -- you know."
Randall shrugged. "Thus far, things are pretty good. No one has made any commitments they couldn't back up. This thing is new to both of us, so we're being careful..." '... Even if we're NOT going slow, ' he added mentally.
Jean was skeptical. "So, do I know this person?"
"Yeah. Actually, you do. It's Darla Jean."
"The Nevins girl? She's quite a tomboy..." Not tremendous looking, either, as Jean remembered. A scrawny redhead who dressed in boys' clothes -- Jean remembered her from several years before, when the division between male and female was primarily an issue of childish silliness. She'd been a partner for intellectual pursuits, at that point, and the female thing had been largely ignored, since she'd basically presented herself as one of the boys. That had been pre-puberty, though -- Darla Jean had drifted out of sight when the boys had started noticing girls as something other than a nuisance; she could have drifted in any direction in the years since... Still, what were the chances that she was really up to Randall's standard? Not that finding a girl who was both willing to date him AND worthy of him was going to be easy...
Randall grinned. "She's filled out a little, and discovered that she's a girl. It'll be all right. Actually, we're pretty well matched."
"Well, maybe. But there's more to life than chess, you know. Or astronomy."
"Uh huh. I'm aware. We both are," Randall insisted.
Jean knew that Randall was; she'd been discovering the evidence of his autoerotic stress relief for years, despite his careful efforts at cleanup. But Darla Jean hadn't ever presented herself as anything resembling a sexual being, never mind something of a class that could handle Randall, if he was anything like his father. "Well, I'd hate for you to settle for someone who might be a disappointment in some areas, just because."
"That's, uh, not an issue," Randall replied, then abruptly shut up when his mother blinked in surprise. 'Oh, shit!' he thought.
"Does that mean what I THINK it means?" Jean asked.
"Uuh, yeah, I guess it does," Randall admitted.
Jean pondered this development. Earlier fears that he might be being used gave way to new fears over promiscuity, diseases, pregnancy... Was this a good thing, or a bad one? She started cautiously, "Are you using protection?"
Randall's answer wasn't encouraging. "Well, Darla Jean is on the Pill..." of course, she'd only been on it for a couple of days, and they were having sex like they knew it was already fully effective -- which was NOT the case.
"What about diseases?" Jean pressed.
"Um, we're each other's first," Randall temporized. Unfortunately, they were neither the last nor the only, in either case...
"You're sure?"
Well, it was easier to tell, with a girl... Still... "Even if you consider this to be a committed relationship, it may not stay that way."
"Mom, neither of us is a COMPLETE idiot," Randall groused. "We've discussed... contingencies. Open communication is big."
"What does THAT mean?"
"We promised to be honest with each other if... something else... came along," Randall said carefully.
"That's very... adult... of you," Jean replied, "but what about hurt feelings?"
"Um, there's kind of a 'hold blameless' clause," Randall replied.
"So is this a relationship, or something else?" Jean asked skeptically.
"We're being real careful," Randall replied. "Neither of us is the 'put all of your eggs in one basket' type. But things are off to a great start."
"I guess," Jean grunted, "if you're having sex."
"There are other dimensions," Randall said defensively. "Darla Jean is VERY sharp -- a great partner. She isn't some dumb bimbo who doesn't understand what I'm up to and couldn't care less."
"Well, okay," Jean grunted, thinking, 'Like I have a choice... ' "Is Toby suddenly collecting girls, too?"
"Very suddenly," Randall grinned. "We sicced Erin McGrath on him yesterday afternoon so he'd get tied up and be unable to go to the astronomy Club meeting. Things went pretty well, apparently."
"Isn't Erin, um, 'loose'?"
Randall thought about it. "I don't think it's as bad as advertised. She's a little slow, and it got her one high-profile run-in, and she's been stuck with the reputation ever since. While she's not above having sex on the first date, it would be because she thought things were going well, not because she's a... slut." He eyed his mother to see how THAT word went over. Jean flinched, but took it without comment. "Toby says they didn't get any further than heavy petting last night -- and he was good with that."
"Apparently they're seeing each other today," Jean revealed. "What do you figure is going to happen?"
"Mom, what are you asking me?" Randall exclaimed. "Do I think they'll have sex? Yeah. Soon, if Toby doesn't get stupid and Erin is comfortable with things. After that, anything can happen; if it's good, they'll probably be a couple for a while. If not, it'll be over." He eyed his mother, then added, "Both of them have sex on their minds -- and they're both old enough that interference from Toby's mom will just drive them underground."
Jean smiled grimly. "Pandora's box is already open, isn't it?"
"Yes, it is," Randall agreed -- and the emphasis that went with it said that the statement applied as much to himself as to Toby.
"So what are your plans for the day?" Jean asked.
"Nothing solid. I need a nap."
"Busy night?" Jean needled.
"Mom, do you REALLY want to know?" Randall pushed back.
"I guess not," she temporized. "I'll wake you in a couple of hours." She let herself out. Time to make a phone call...
Phone calls and parental interference were apparently the order of the day; Frieda Frick got a very unsettling dose when HER phone rang. "Hello?"
"Mrs. Frick? This is Irma Nally, Mary's mother."
Irma leapt right in, "I'm calling to inform you that your son is having sex with my daughter!"
"Oh, my!" Teddy was doing 'that'? Already? But he was only -- what -- almost eighteen?
"Oh, my, is right!" Irma pressed. "That's not the half of it! Twice, I've caught him in bed with her with another boy present!"
"My goodness!" Frieda felt faint! That sounded distinctly wild -- not her little boy at all! "Are you sure it's Teddy?"
Given a moment to regroup, Frieda asked, "What are you doing about it?"
"For a start, I'm calling you!" Irma retorted.
"Why?" Frieda shot back. "From the sound of things, your daughter..." Frieda let that trail off before she said something specifically insulting and tried again, "My Teddy wouldn't take an active role in such a thing -- he'd have to have been... encouraged..."
THIS wasn't going well. The real irritation was that Irma knew that Teddy's mother was right -- having met Teddy, Irma would've been willing to bet that the only way Mary was going to have sex with him was if she held him down, undressed him, got him erect somehow despite his fear, and mounted him! But her eyes had taken in different... "Be that as it may, I felt you should know, so you can take appropriate action," Irma huffed.
"Thank you," Frieda said faintly.
"My real concern is the other boy," Irma related. "He's... black..."
"Oh, my!" Frieda considered herself to be a twenty-first century woman, but this kind of direct challenge to her belief structure took her aback.
"Uh huh," Irma grunted fatuously, pleased at the success of the attack. "God knows how HE figures in things! He's probably directing these... perversions!"
Frieda frowned. Anyone who talked with her for more than a minute knew that Mary was 'worldly' -- and, frankly, that was the only type of woman Frieda saw her son ever entering into a relationship with. The black boy was an oddity, something that Frieda couldn't quite make fit into the puzzle, but her initial shock had dissipated. Besides, Mary was unfortunately heavy, and you saw her type with black men all of the time! Once again, the only person apparently indicted for anything was Mary. "I'll... speak to him about it."
"See that you do!" Irma hung up, satisfied that she'd undoubtedly rocked the boat for Mary and her pervert boyfriends.
"Theodore!" Teddy's name was Teddy, not Theodore -- but an early childhood convention had set the precedent -- when his mother called him Theodore, he was in trouble! Teddy, who'd arrived from Mary's after dropping off Stick (in broad daylight) had crashed for a nap after his bout of sexual Olympics the night before. Now, he struggled up, rubbing his face, "Ma?"
"That Nally girl's mother just called -- and she says you're having sex! What do you have to say for yourself?" Ma was standing there with her hands on her hips, glowering down at him.
"I--I, we--" Teddy was in no shape for an inquisition. Mary's mother had called Ma? God, what ELSE was out? "Yeah." Teddy hung his head.
"Whatever were you thinking? The girl's own mother admits she's a slut -- why can't you date nice girls?"
Ma's idea of a nice girl was this vague image of someone who wouldn't compete with her and didn't know what sex was -- some idealized creature who would let him live at home... "Ma, I don't think there are any girls out there who would meet your standards -- and if there WERE, they wouldn't want anything to do with me! Besides, Mary isn't a slut!"
"Why wouldn't they? You're a wonderful boy! Or at least you were..." Ma gave him the fish eye. "And of course she's a slut -- I hear she was taking on another boy with you there!"
"Ma! You don't know anything about it!"
"Irma Nally does, and she says her daughter is having sex with you and another boy! That isn't being a slut? What about that other girl, Nora something?"
"Nora has a boyfriend, Ma. Girls don't take me seriously. Heck, I have trouble getting BOYS to take me seriously!" Teddy grumbled.
"Well, I guess this other boy doesn't take you seriously if he's having sex with Mary while you're there!" Frieda exclaimed.
"Actually, he takes me VERY seriously!" Teddy shot back. "More seriously than just about anybody -- except Mary!"
"Right." Her poor boy; he was so small, so fragile. "It's really considerate of him to try to take your girls away..."
"That isn't how it is! We SHARE Mary! And Stick is considerate in... other ways..." Holy shit! Better watch the mouth!
Too late! Frieda pounced. "What other ways? What on Earth can a young black boy do for YOU?"
"We're... friends..." Teddy got out.
"Since when? How come I've never seen him? Is he in the Chess Club? The Astronomy Club? And by the way, WAS there an Astronomy Club meeting last night?"
Oh, boy -- THIS was going downhill FAST! "Umm, since the Prom. It's a new thing. No, he's not in the clubs -- but he went with me last night -- and there WAS a meeting!"
"So, no clubs. So what do you have in common? What does he do for you that is so worthwhile that you SHARE a girl? What did he do at the Prom that made you such fast friends?"
"Ummm, he sorta protects me from people. Sticks up for me. Prom Night, he sorta protected me from Mary -- she can be kinda overwhelming..."
"So, he's your bodyguard? And you pay him off in sex with Mary?"
"No, no, it's not like that!" Teddy protested. "We all have a relationship! We each get something from the others!"
"And what do you get from this... Dick?"
"Stick, Ma. Stick Williams."
"Stick? That's his real name?"
"It's all anybody ever calls him..."
"Sounds like some kind of hood," Frieda grunted. "So, what do you get from him? What do the two of you have in common except sex?"
Teddy got mad. "Nothing, I guess."
"So what do you two do when you're not having sex with Mary?"
"What a lot of Mama's boys do, I guess," Teddy rasped.
Frieda blanched. Teddy didn't take that tone with her; he was a good boy! And the 'mama's boy' comment had something ugly sticking to the underside; if she took it up, God knew what would surface! "You're not a mama's boy!"
"Yes, Ma, I'm a mama's boy!" Teddy returned. The cat was out of the bag; he might as well go for broke! "And girls ignore mama's boys -- or treat them as one of the girls -- unless they're looking for someone to control! And guys do the same thing, after their fashion -- either they beat the snot out of you or they ignore you -- or they treat you like one of the girls..."
There it was again, that ugly thing, lurking. Teddy was totally out of control; whatever it was that was eating him she was going to hear it, now! "So..."
"So we have SEX, Ma! Stick and I have sex!" Teddy shrieked.
"You... Oh, God!" Frieda's face collapsed. "You're gay?" The worst of it was the complete lack of surprise, once she got past the denial...
"What?" Teddy was deep in the sway of pent-up emotion. "I dunno! I THOUGHT I was -- but it's good with Mary..."
"Then you're not!" It's all a bad dream, then...
"Well, it's good with Stick, too!"
"Oh." Frieda sat down -- or maybe collapsed -- in the only chair in the room. She sat there, silent, while Teddy wound down.
After a bit, Teddy took in his mother's slumped state in her chair. Obviously, she was blaming herself. "It's okay, really."
"Maybe you're just confused," Frieda offered. "You probably haven't tried... everything..."
"Maybe not everything," Teddy agreed. "Some things I don't seem to be built to do."
"Sorry?" Frieda looked up, puzzled.
"I'm... built funny." Teddy cocked his head. This, finally, was the 'sex talk'; it'd never come up before -- Ma couldn't seem to approach it. She hadn't seen him naked since he was ten, probably. "Are you sure you want to get into this?"
"It seems like we're too late, but I can try." Built funny? He was probably embarrassed because it was little... "Just because you're not huge... It grows, you know." Frieda's late husband hadn't been gifted in that department, but they made due with what he had. Besides, it had worked just fine; the boy standing before her was living proof.
"Yeah, I know. Mine's... different, though. I've seen a few, and mine... Well, it makes some things hard to do."
Frieda's face got quizzical. "Like what?"
"Like normal sex with girls. And some other things."
"I don't understand, Honey. It gets stiff, right?" 'God, I can't believe we're having this conversation... '
"Yeah, it gets stiff -- and it gets thick, too -- too thick, maybe."
Frieda shook her head. "I don't see how it could be anything too abnormal..."
"Well, it is. Everybody says so!" Teddy insisted.
"Well everyone who's seen it. Girls are nice about it, but they don't exactly line up to get it..."
Frieda shook her head. What were other kids filling poor Teddy's head with? "Well, Mary does, right?" She couldn't believe that she was bringing THAT up! Given the alternatives, though...
"Well, yeah, but she needs a warm up." Teddy grinned despite himself. "That's one of the things Stick helps with."
"I don't understand. You're not making a lot of sense."
"Look, I don't know of any good way to explain it -- look, can I show you?"
Was this going too far? Given the fact that Teddy already apparently thought he was gay, maybe it wasn't far enough... "If you think it'll help, Sweetheart." Frieda couldn't imagine what kind of issue Teddy thought he had.
"Okay, I've got to get it to grow -- you wouldn't notice it like this..." Teddy spun around and began rummaging around in his sweats, thinking, 'IF I can get it up with Ma sitting there... '
It turned out that it wasn't a problem, after all; like most boys, Teddy had filled the occasional masturbation session with maternal fantasies -- in fact, given his limited access to females and the fact that her matronly form included a pair of sizeable breasts that weren't always adequately fettered, he'd spent a lot of time dreaming of a situation with at least some similarity to this one. In any case, his little soldier went right to attention. "Okay, THIS is the problem," he announced, turning to face his mother and lowering his sweatpants.
Frieda's eyes bulged. "Oh, my!" The mushroom head of Teddy's... thing... was the size of half a tennis ball! "That's... amazing!"
"Well, maybe, but it's tough to get in a girl," Teddy replied. "Stick says I'll never get a virgin with it."
"Well, girls DO stretch..." Frieda hazarded.
"Yeah. Mary does, but we have to work at it."
"So," Frieda gingerly took up the challenge, "if normal sex with a girl is difficult, what isn't?"
Teddy eyed his mother for a moment. She really wasn't going to want to hear what was coming, but she was giving him a chance to get it out, anyway... How to put this, so it didn't offend Ma's ears too much? "Well, oral sex seems to work pretty well, all around." That went over okay, so he added, "Stick isn't really into it, but he'll do it -- and it doesn't seem to bother Mary, except that I cum a lot."
"Oh." Frieda shifted her attention to the pair of fat, heavy- looking balls hanging below Teddy's odd penis. "We should probably get you roomier underwear -- don't your briefs bind you?"
"Yeah, sometimes."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"I couldn't really talk about it, either."
Frieda eyed the exposed display. "Now that I think about it, you probably got some of your equipment from your Grandpa Peterman." 'That would explain some of the comments Mama used to make about being able to give birth to twins and the smile she always had whenever the conversation approached the subject of sex, however obliquely -- and maybe that weird reference to 'fisting', whatever THAT was... ' Frieda mused. Her mother had been 'robust', too -- and had pumped out four girls (including the twins) and a boy before Papa did something and the baby making stopped. Certainly, Teddy's father, God rest his soul, didn't contribute much to that display; he'd been, well, small -- but very hard... Frieda, who had never had anyone else, had always been a bit confused as to why everybody went on and on about sex... "I've only seen your father, and he wasn't... big. How odd is this?" She waved a hand at Teddy's equipment.
"Well, usually, they're longer," Teddy replied, embarrassed. "An inch or so, anyway, sometimes by several inches. And usually they're thicker through here..." He fingered his shaft.
"That's your father's contribution, I'm afraid," Frieda murmured.
"But the head is oversize," Teddy staggered on, "Maybe twice as big as normal -- from what I've seen."
Frieda gathered herself. "So, Mary... sucks you. And Stick does, too..." She waved for him to pull up his pants.
Teddy saw where she was going, "And I do them. Both. In fact, that's how Stick and I got together -- I sucked him off at a glory hole."
Frieda's pinched expression said she'd gotten too much information, but she gamely asked, "Glory hole?"
"Um, yeah. It's a waist-high hole, usually in the wall between two stalls in a public Men's Room or sometimes between two little video viewing rooms in adult book stores called peep booths -- no, I've never been in one, I've just heard of them. Anyway, you stick... yourself... through the hole and the person on the other side sucks you. You don't see each other, so it's anonymous sex."
"Oh." Frieda absorbed this for a moment. "If it's anonymous, how did Stick find you?"
Teddy grinned. "That's where Mary enters the story. She caught us both coming out of the Men's Room with funny looks on our faces, added two and two, and blackmailed us into going to her place."
"So, you weren't drunk Prom night? It was just an excuse?" Frieda frowned.
"I was drunk all right -- on one beer. I was scared sh--, uh, stiff, so Mary gave me a beer. I took it to the bathroom and drank it, real fast. I was loopy when I came out, but my worst fears were realized, anyway -- Mary had outed me to Stick. But she'd covered me, too, threatening to out Stick if he did anything stupid."
"Okaaaay..." Frieda pondered a moment. "What did Mary get out of it?"
"Well, I was off and on scared of Mary, because she had an agenda. She wanted a boyfriend, and she knew too much. She's invited a couple of guys up to her room, and then tried to tie them down afterward -- and she ALREADY had blackmail material on me..." He sighed. "Anyway, what Mary wanted was a tryout, preferably more than once, by each of us. She figured that if we both were with her a few times, one of us might get interested -- and since there were two of us, we could kind of keep her from getting all grabby over one of us." He grinned fondly. "It worked, too -- on both of us. Neither of us had ever had a girl, and Stick's experience with gay stuff was limited to that one time with me, so it was a chance for everybody to compare..."
Frieda picked up on what hadn't been said, "Stick wasn't your first."
"No," Teddy agreed, eyeing his feet. "There were a couple of others. Enough for me to know that I liked it."
Frieda gathered herself. "What else have you done?"
Teddy looked up. "The other thing. I've done the behind thing a couple of times, with Stick."
Frieda shuddered. "You on him? Or..."
"Him on me. That's another thing I can't do. Besides, Stick is REALLY skinny -- that's why they call him Stick. He couldn't take it, even if he wanted to, which he doesn't. But I can -- and I like it."
"What about Mary?"
"What about... ? Oh, there? Well, it's possible, I guess -- and she might be willing, but it's quite a stretch. But the regular way is pretty good, once we get going."
Tears were streaming down Frieda's face, but she stood and gathered her son in for a hug. "I know enough to realize that you can't just wish this kind of thing away, so I'll learn to live with it. Is everything okay?"
"Yes, Ma -- it's good, actually. We're like a couple, only there are three of us. The worst part is the embarrassing explanations."
"I imagine so!"
"Well, I think the worst one is behind me, now..."
"Who else knows?" Frieda asked. Was Teddy exposed? Was he taking a lot of abuse?
"Well, most of my close friends, and Mary's -- and a couple of Stick's closest friends that are in our group. Most of Stick's friends wouldn't be forgiving, so we pretend that he's pimping Mary to me for favors like rides to school. It keeps most people from asking embarrassing questions..."
"It can't be pleasant for you or Mary..."
"We don't mind. Our friends all know and understand, but Sticks wouldn't. Still, it's gonna come out, sooner or later. It's a storm we'll have to weather."
"Well, I'm here if you need me. Perhaps I should meet Stick..."
"If you want." Teddy was surprised; he didn't expect Ma to take it all very well.
"I need to learn to deal with reality, Sweetheart, and if this is how it is..." Frieda squeezed her son.
"Thanks, Ma." Teddy squeezed back. Then he leaned back, "What about Mary?"
"She's welcome, too, of course -- but I've met her, at least." She frowned. "Why do you think her mother is going to such lengths to slander her?"
"She wants to break us up," Teddy replied. "Mary's dad is cool, but her mom is up in arms."
"Well, partly, it's the threesome thing -- but mostly, it's Stick. She has this racist thing..."
"Oh. Bad."
"The good news is that Stick's folks already have a slanted version of the story, so if she were to call them, it wouldn't do any good." Teddy grinned.
"They think he's pimping Mary to me."
"Ah. Well, you all can at least meet here. I don't know if I'm comfortable about sex, but I won't harass you."
"Thanks, Ma."
This, of course, led to another phone call... "Mary?"
"Teddy? Hi, Hon. Forget something?"
"No. We've got trouble. Your Ma called my Ma and told her we were sleeping together -- and she mentioned Stick."
"Oh, shit! Are you okay?"
"Well, it kind of cleared the air, actually. I told Ma. Everything."
"Everything?" Mary was aghast.
"Everything. Well, I left out some details, but she pretty much has it all."
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. She wasn't thrilled, but I don't think she was THAT surprised, either. We're cool. We're ALL cool, at my house -- although I don't think Ma is gonna want to put up with us doing stuff..."
"Well, I'm grounded, anyway, at least until Pop gets home. Mom probably hit me up right after she lit into your Ma." Mary grumbled. "Better call Stick and warn him."
"Okay. I figure, though, it won't be a problem -- his folks already know the slanted version, and your Mom doesn't know the parts that would get him into trouble."
"Yeah, that's right. I'd warn him, anyway, Hon."
"Okay. Let me know when you've been freed!"
"Sure. Bye, Hon."
"Bye, Mary."
On to the next call:
"Stick, you gotta phone call!" Rose Williams yelled down the hallway.
"Awright!" Stick clambered up off the couch; he wasn't sleeping well, anyway, with the twins raising Hell. "Yeh?"
"Uh huh. Look, I'm calling to tell you that Mary's Ma called mine and tried to get me in trouble -- so she might try you, too."
"Yeah. Mary's grounded, too, although she expects that her Dad is gonna overrule her Mom."
"That's gonna make life fun 'round her place."
"Yeah, but we've got a fall-back. My place."
"Huh? What's yo' Mama gonna say 'bout that?" Stick was amazed!
"Well, you can pretty much figure that we had a looooong talk... In fact, we had THE talk -- and Ma's... cool with the whole thing."
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Mom always let me sleep late on her days off. Dad on the other hand, always had me get up early. When she sat down, I saw her robe was open, nearly exposing her hereditarily firm 44L boobs. I tried to resist staring and tried to eat faster so I could get out of the house. ”Slow down Kyle.” She said soothingly as she touched my arm, “Take time to eat and tell me about life.” We had often had these conversations when she would pick me up from school talking about politics and science. She...
A New Secretary A Change In Simon's Status. By Trish. A big thank you to Robyn Hoode for the edit. It was my wife's infidelity that finally motivated me to quit the London business scene. Fortunately I work mostly behind a computer, and can work anywhere with a high-speed data line. The idea of quitting London and going self-employed was not a new one and I had been toying with the idea ever since I inherited my grandparent's house in Dorset but until I found out about my wife's...
Hi.. Readers.. This is my first story.. I may seem a bit in a hurry but trust me you’ll get what you will be looking for.. I assure you that..!! So.. Here goes the story..!! My name is Rishabh Rajput.. It started when I was in my 11th standard and i got my first computer. I was pretty excited about it as we belonged to a middle class family and hence wasn’t such privleged to get anything unless it serves a good purpose. Along with the computer came the internet as well.. My parents thought...
IncestFrom poor Midwest boy to motherly Arab woman My name is Amira, and this is my story! As I introduce myself, I must say that things have changed a lot for me from being a regular teenage boy growing up in the suburbia of Chicago. But then met with a series of fascinating life events, which took everything I had from me and changed me into this voluptuous woman in her 30s and developed me into this Arab carpet weaving matron. I was a 19-year-old skinny boy called Jim, with blonde hair...
I arrived at home after a long day at school but I was happy to see my mother. I stripped naked as soon as I got home and Mom's eyes lit up seeing my throbbing pole, happy to be free from its prison. "I'm happy you're home Kyle. It's almost time for dinner." She stroked my cock to full length as I sucked one hard tit. "It'll just me and you tonight," she whispered softly in my ear, "Your father won't be back until tomorrow. So it's just me, you and your glorious cock..." I...
I arrived at home after a long day at school but I was happy to see my mother. I stripped naked as soon as I got home and Mom's eyes lit up seeing my throbbing pole, happy to be free from its prison. "I'm happy you're home Kyle. It's almost time for dinner." She stroked my cock to full length as I sucked one hard tit. "It'll just me and you tonight," she whispered softly in my ear, "Your father won't be back until tomorrow. So it's just me, you and your glorious cock..."I nearly came at just...
RISHABH…!!! Open the door… I woke up suddenly all scared.. It was my father banging on my door.. don’t know for how long… I turned to face the watch.. it was 7:45 in the evening.. I hadn’t slept over for this long in a long long time..!! after the afternoon episode with mom.. I guess my body was pretty exhausted..!! I still couldn’t believe it.. it still seemed to me like a dream.. but then I could still make out the smell of her body from my hands..!! Rishabh..!! what are you doing…!! I...
IncestMotherly Switch ---------------- ---------------- Chapter 2 ---------------- Many months passed; Dale, now Hannah, had dropped out of school a while back and was now working as a part time waitress, living off of her meager pay and the leftover loan money. Marcus would have left long ago, were it not for the emphatic blowjobs from Mikey and the amount of sex he got to have with Hannah. "Fuck me! Fuck me!" Hannah screamed as Marcus rammed the new lady from behind, bed creaking...
Skeletons in my Closet Part 6 Motherly love found and one lostAfter becoming engaged to John we moved into his house just before New Years. Our new year was spent at home that year. Michelle and I awoke at the same time on New Year’s Eve. We met in the hallway as we both asked “Where is John,” then laughed as we walked hand in hand to the kitchen. Michelle and I had that mother-daughter bond I never had with her when running the bar.All because of John I thought as we walked into the kitchen....
The following is a work of fiction. It does not reflect the author’s beliefs. Any similarities to any person, living or deceased, is purely coincidental.Motherly Love By Razor7826?Yes, I’ll be there sometime around eleven tomorrow morning.? ?Are you sure you can’t come sooner?? Silence on the other line. ?No, Mom, the pre-trial hearing is this afternoon and I want to be there. I swear, I’ll stay home longer for Christmas.? ?Do you give me your word?? I pressed, knowing that the answer...
A New Secretary A Change In Robbie's Status. By Trish Edited by Robyn Hoode When I met Alan through my mum I was just getting over splitting up with Alex. He was offered a post-graduate course at University College London and we split on good terms. I had known from the moment we started seeing each other that he wanted to pursue an academic career, and would be moving away once he graduated. It was...
I was born in a well to do family. It was me, dad, mom & my elder sister. My elder sister was married when I was in 11th standard. Since dad & mom wanted to get me onto the grade A colleges I was sent to a “result oriented” school and since mom cared for me too much, instead of putting me in the hostel, we took a house and mom stayed with me to take care of my needs. She helped me all through the 2 years of hard study and at last I got a seat in a well reputed engineering college in...
Hi ISS readers. This is Rasigan and here is my first story on ISS. If you people love it, I have plans to write more. I was born in a well to do family. It was me, dad, mom & my elder sister. My elder sister was married when I was in 11th standard. Since dad & mom wanted to get me onto the grade A colleges I was sent to a “result oriented” school and since mom cared for me too much, instead of putting me in the hostel, we took a house and mom stayed with me to take care of my needs. She helped...
IncestThanks as always to editor supreme Steven Zink! AF: Change in Status By Eric Based on two captions by Don, Mom and son 11,112 Fifteen-year-old Scott Peterson sure could see why his dad married the beautiful Karen. She was a tall, gorgeous blonde with enough charm for a dozen women. She also was sweet to his dad and kind to him, and treated their servants well. She was much closer to his age being 24 than his dad's 45, but she hardly seemed like a gold digger even though his...
‘Dreams of My Son… A Spiritual Tale of Motherly Love’by DizzyDThis is a fictional biography intended for adults 18+ only It’s never easy… and some days are even harder than others. There are those particularly rough ones when I have to say to myself, “Marie… you need to get out of bed.” But when things aren’t going so well in your life, depression can sometimes set in and destroy your will to go on. And today had been one of those days. Then again, here I was, a single woman in her 40’s who was...
Hi, this is Rasika again and before I proceed onto this part, a big thanks to all my fans for flooding my inbox with comments. I haven’t even opened my pants in the first part and yet it got so many comments. Thank you again. Here is the continuation. It starts right from where Part I ended. For those who missed out the first part here it is… I wasn’t sure how long I was asleep, but when I woke up I was still wrapped over my...
IncestThis story had taken place during my summer vacation; I was back home from my boarding school to meet my family. My dad is a doc and my mom is a school teacher and I am their only son.I am around 18years and doing my secondary school. I am avid sportsperson and have a athletic body. Both my parents have a very hectic work life and are busy with their professional career. We stay in a small city in north india.we have moved to our new house. My parents have built this house with lot of passion;...
Incest"Matheson," the investigator murmured into his cell phone. "This is Scott. There seems to be a second team setting up at the Adams place." "How many?" "Three, I think. Unless they're smarter than they look." "Any idea who?" "Not sure, but at a guess, they're Pinkham's boys. I think that Flood is placing them." "Okay, I'll alert the support team." Matheson hung up and called Davis, who had the security team for Nora at this time of the day. "Davis." "Matheson....
Wish Shift: Chapter Seven Reactions Year 1 A.S. Day 45 Kira saw Jenny's big black truck pull up outside the restaurant. Bob's Country Kitchen was a small local chain that specialized in quick lunches, but served breakfast and dinner as well. The menu was a regular rotation of specials with a standard menu that didn't vary much. Between the prices and the general quality it had been a successful enterprise for the family that owned it. They had decided that they would meet there...
Growing up, I didn't think about having a big cock. I always thought mine was average, but it wasn't until I had a few instances where I began to think otherwise. Here are the encounters in my life that led to my realization of my big cock and its reactions in rough chronological order:- J, from the other story I posted, staring at my hard cock when I was taking a piss with his jaw dropped- First love, Angel. Showed her my cock and successfully seduced her even though she had a boyfriend. She...
Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. I would like to offer special thanks to several helpful editors whose feedback and questions prompted this revision, most notably Mare Vir, Fran, and Patrick. The timeline has been cleaned up, many grammar mistakes...
Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgendered or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Changes in Paradise By Patricia "Damn it's hot," Patrick said to no one in particular. He stretched out his back, stiff from bending over the mess of electronic parts spread out on the tarp in front of...
In the medical world, it got called the Hormone-Oriented Sexual Transmutative Disease. The disease was transmittable through sexual activity and, as its symptoms and causes became more well-known, it got classified as an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) very quickly. Many people were fearful of the disease. They were never sure if they'd catch it, nor how severe its effects would be, except that they could catch it through unprotected sex. They'd avoid any irresponsible activity whatsoever,...
FetishDoc's Complex 13 - 23 - CutePatti's Big Changes Revisited by Lee Most Based on "Big Changes" by CutePatti Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis Chapters 13 - 23 of "Doc's Complex," is fan fiction in honor of CutePatti's story "Big Changes." The story is about a teenage boy living with his older and younger sisters and his mother. He gets to be so nasty to them and to all other women (except his girlfriend) that...
This is a bit of a strange one. I had originally planned on it being rather short, but somehow it grew just a little bigger than I had intended. Still, I hope you enjoy. Any one who wishes to archive this story may do so, under the provisions that they notify me of doing so and that there is no charge for it. SRU: Going Through Some Changes By Morpheus Sitting around my dorm room was getting old real fast. Lately I'd been feeling a mixture of stress and boredom, both broken...
Big Changes, Part II: Friendly Reward Author's Notes: Thanks for all the positive feedback on the first story, everyone (for those interested, it's Big Changes: Swelling with Pride. I'd definitely suggest reading it before reading these parts). In return for your kind words, I've moved as quickly as I could on the next chapters, and, as a special belated holiday gift, I've packaged parts two and three together! Don't say I never gave you anything nice! I wrote these out over the last...
Disclaimer: If you're underage, stop reading. If you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading; and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. This story is adult material. Finally, if mermaids aren't your "thing," read this story anyway; it might change your mind. Please read "Changes in Paradise, Parts 1 - 15," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment to the site on which this story appeared, or send an...
ChangesKatie: Beginnings By Lacey_Katie My cousin Lisa met me at the airport. She reminded me of Nicole Kidman, just not quite as tall and as pencil-thin. Lisa was, and is, a natural redhead, 26 years old, and she wore a royal blue blazer, matching skirt which reached her mid-thigh, and navy stockings. She highlighted that with small gold earrings and a matching bracelet. She was 5'8" tall, around 125 pounds which made a great figure. I later learned it was 36D, 24, 36. Lisa...
It had been a vigorous end of the morning in Jessica’s room, with the three women using and abusing Bill for various ‘deviant sexual purposes.’ So said Molly, in any case, just after Bill had dramatically clutched his chest and feigned a heart attack. The three had taken pity on him at that point and climbed off the bed. Bill had staggered off to Toby’s room and collapsed onto the bed without even bothering to wash up. Not so for Jessica, Molly, and Sarah. After sending Bill off for a nap,...
A Plague of Changes By Morpheus Chaos exploded around me and the horrendous noise rolled over me like thunder, threatening to deafen me from the raw force of it. Everywhere I looked, there were wild and ferocious creatures that could end my life... or worse. I shuddered slightly as I looked around the complete madhouse that I was trapped within. The zoo known as high school. I took another look around and shook my head, glancing back to the drivers ed pamphlet in my hands. I was...
Legends of the Sky Hurricane Viral Changes Part 2: Hell Cometh "A Soviet pessimist is someone who thinks things can't get any worse than they already are. A Soviet optimist believes that, yes, they can." March 2008 Los Angeles, CA Lights hurt her eyes. A lot of things hurt nowadays. Wires were strapped to her chest, arms, legs and genitals. Her joints hurt from being beaten by two-by-fours. She sat in her own filth; being strapped to a chair for weeks was torture in...
Big Changes: Swelling with Pride Today was going to be a typical day. My alarm buzzed the time I had set it for, 6:30 am. I knew I'd have to get up this early if I was going to get my morning jog, a new tradition of mine, in, and it was pretty important that I make it to the campus bookstore in time for it's opening. A new feeling washed over me, though; I was still very sleepy. I had spent the previous night cramming for finals, finishing papers, and generally killing myself over...
I sat on the grass while the adults busied themselves laying out the food, feeling annoyed that I had to sit on the floor with the kids while the adults got to sit on the purposely placed logs in the picnic area. I looked up from the brochure I was pretending to read as something in my peripheral vision caught my attention; the pale skin of slightly open thighs. I realised that from my lowly position, I was able to see up under the skirt and allowed my gaze to wonder higher until it reached...
"They'll Be A Change in the Weather" By Higgins and Overstreet (based on 1927 Bessie Smith recording) They say don't change the old for the new, But I've found that this will never do. When you grow old, you don't last long. You're just here, my Honey, then you're gone. I've loved a man for many years gone by. I thought his love for me would never die He made a change and said I would not do. So now, I'm gonna make some changes, too. Why, there's a change in the weather, a...
Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission to post on any free site. Changes in Paradise: Part Three, A Mermaid's "Tale" By Patricia While it isn't necessary to have read "Changes In Paradise, parts one and two" it might help. Thank you (to...
This is the story I was working on just before I began the Parallelalities set. It bogged down and I didn't know where to go with it. There are spots that will probably seem very similar to Parallelalities - I guess that should be expected - but this story was written in first person as opposed to third person. The standard disclaimers apply to this work. It is a work of fiction copyrighted by the author. Permission is granted to repost these stories on free sites,...
PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 7A Wendy's Changes Hours and days of feeling the vibrations through your clit, the soaking of your panties and the pool of juices that had formed on the blanket of the bed you finally hear your release commanded from the other room and you are all too happy to comply with her wishes. "Cum for me now!" Wendy demands. You scream out into the ball gag as loud as you can. The explosion that happens inside of you is as physical as the mental...
The next few days passed as if nothing had happened. My mother didn’t betray any emotion and behaved perfectly normal with me and served me as she always served me. I also didn’t gather the courage to follow it up because i knew my mother wouldn’t like it. The only game i indulged in is to see my mother every morning from behind the curtain of my window while she hung clothes from the clothesline wearing her wet cotton sari without the blouse. It became a daily morning ritual and i masturbated...
IncestI was 16 when my father who was 44 and a widower married again under the pressure of family members. My new mom was 28 years old and a beauty. She was a divorcee whose husband had left her for another woman. I could not take her as my mother for two reasons; firstly my own mother had died just two years ago and her memory was still vivid in my mind; and the second reason was that my new mother was too young and beautiful, attributes that I could hardly attach to a real mom. She was an alien to...
IncestCock and moving up and down my cock, but she just moved just her ass when she fucked me like that, her big ass jerking like a huge piece of jelly. It was a delightful sight to see her ass move and sway like that as if it was independent of her body. I still remember the first day I fucked my mother in the ass. As I had written earlier, she had the habit of scratching her armpits and ass, oblivious of my presence. Now that I had shaved her armpits, she rarely scratched there, but continued to...
IncestThis is Rocky akka Legend Moderator of Kamasutra Groups. I belong to a very good and open family with good financial status. It was one of the summer vacation day when I was 18 years old. I”m still not sure how it all happened. It started off as just another summer vacation All servents were on leave. My mother had kept me busy all day moving furniture and cleaning up around the house. While dressed only in an old pair of jean shorts. I worked laboriously in the stifling heat. Mom was wearing...
IncestThis is an inspired project that I think can be fun. The following links are what inspired my direction, but please feel free to own your own direction for this story. The Game that Changes is fluid, and the game master can change play of the game on a whim i.e. if a master feels the player needs a Sims like game then the mode will feel like the Sims, but this player needs a fighting game, an adventure game, sports game, etc then the game shifts to manipulate the player, so the player will...
FantasyChanges in Paradise By Patricia Time Line & Pod Trees - as of July 2007 Posted in deep appreciation for "Dan_from_warm_Los_Angeles" thoughtful comments! Thanks to Fran(k) for invaluable work done on the first time- line (I didn't use an outline until Chapter 07, when ... yes, Dan, you can smile ... I was getting people mixed up in my own head). Chapter 01: Patrick and John arrive on 399 (Mermaid Island) - A Radio repairs -A + 2...
Felicia (a.k.a. the Wench) knocked on the door to Armand's suite, "Master?" "Enter!" Sharon called out. Felicia entered and immediately knelt. "You called?" "I did," Armand agreed. He was fast-forwarding through some video of Leticia giving Boris head. "I haven't quite decided what use I have for you as yet, but a continuation of Sharon's education is in order." He turned to face Felicia, "What did you think of the phone call to Bianca, Wench?" "Master, if Mistress was...
There was a knock on Mary Nally's bedroom door. Mary levered herself up on the couch, "Come in!" "Hi, Punkin." "Hi, Pop." "Your mother's all proud of herself for her meddling." "Yeah, I know." Mary had stayed upstairs when she detected the roaring fight her parents were having at dinnertime. "How bad is it?" "Bad. I let it all hang out, since she was. Let her know that things weren't peachy and that I wasn't a monk." Arthur settled in the recliner and started polishing...
Dinner at the Hansen's was delayed by the chaos of Louise's settling in; Donna insisted that she move in with Becky, which meant finding an old bed and chest in the cellar and setting it up in Becky's room -- which cramped Becky's style, she insisted quite loudly. Dwayne would sleep on the couch in the den, for now; theoretically, his mother would let up at some point in the near future, when he had proven trustworthy -- but Dwayne wasn't holding his breath. Dinner was rushed, too --...
Ed slammed his door then stood in the middle of the room rubbing the shoulder he'd nearly jerked out of it's socket propelling Velma into the room. "Awright, so, where were we? Oh, yeah What the fuck you doin' makin' itty bitty taps on my door at this hour in a nightie?" "Ah already tol' ya -- Ah wanna know if'n yo' goin' be bustin' inta mah rooms agin' any time soon!" "So, are ya beggin' or complainin'? You was takin' your time answerin'..." Velma manufactured outrage,...
"Why don't you see if you can tease another erection out of me, my dear? Position yourself so you can see, and I can use my hands on you..." Armand murmured as he punched combinations on the video selector. Boris's bedchamber wasn't exactly a highlights site... Neither was Ed's sitting room, where he surprised Ed and Velma sitting on the couch sharing a blanket! "Whoa!" "Ohmigod!" Sharon gasped, looking up from her handful of Armand's cock as she settled in on hands and knees...
Ch...Ch...Ch...Changes (Part 1) Hey everyone, the Island man is back! At the request (encouragement they would tell you) of my employer I went back to school to complete an additional degree so I had to take a little hiatus from writing - but I'm done (at least for now). It's been quite a while since I have contributed to the community and felt it was time to give back again. It's been a very busy time - I'm sure you all understand how it goes ... family, career and life happens....
The next few days we fucked like rabbits – me and my mother. We fucked all over the house – inside the bathroom, kitchen, the courtyard and the roof. There was no inhibition between us and we engaged in wild experimentations. She was using me as her sex tool to get back on my father who treated her badly, and I didn’t mind. My father as usual came back home late, dead drunk and treated my mother badly but she never protested. She got her revenge by fucking me next day. I loved the arrangement....
IncestAfter some time I rolled down from her body and we held each other gently and went off to sleep, my head resting on her naked breasts. It was such a nice experience and I felt grateful to my fair and lovely mother for giving me the chance to fuck her. I don’t know how long we slept like that, in each other’s arms, but I slowly woke up with a pleasurable sensation around my groin. I opened my eyes to see that my mother was running her fingers around my penis and scrotum. I looked at her and she...
IncestMy name is Rishabh Rajput.. It started when I was in my 11th standard and i got my first computer. I was pretty excited about it as we belonged to a middle class family and hence wasn’t such privleged to get anything unless it serves a good purpose. Along with the computer came the internet as well.. My parents thought it’ll help me learn many a good things.. In fact it did..!!I learned a way too many things during the whole day but at night’s i learned even better things..!!That’s the point of...
The cold Chicago wind of the winter of 1948 blew through the grand entrance doors when opened, bringing a chill to the grandiose yet austere municipal building. He dropped to his knees before her in the hall outside the divorce court, and pleaded with her not to go through with it. She stood regal and pompous in her fur coat, enjoying seeing him squirm, and also thoroughly enjoying the looks of utter contempt he received from men and women alike as he humiliated himself. He had noted an...
I'm still not sure how it all happened. It started off as just another summer weekend. My mother had kept me busy all day moving furniture and cleaning up around the house. It was the end of a long hot summer and I wouldn't have to go back to school for another six weeks. I was starting my senior year in high school that year. While dressed only in an old pair of cut-off jean shorts, I worked laboriously in the stifling heat. Mom was wearing navy-blue shorts and a white blouse tied off at her...