Narisa 1: A Life Changing EventChapter 3 free porn video

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... All he said to me was, "It's time."

It's time...

Those two words had such a tone of foreboding and doom. Just the way he said it seemed to fuel my suspicions that I was being led to the hangman. With a deep sigh of resignation, I slowly rose and exited the cell. He grabbed me by the arm and briskly walked me through a series of corridors to where I had begun my incarceration. I was told to strip, shower and shave what little beard I had after which my street clothes were handed to me. They'd been cleaned and my torn shirt been replaced with a new one.

After completing my ablutions and dressing, I had shackles placed on my ankles connected with a chain about two feet long limiting my stride. My hands were handcuffed in front of me then I was led outside and put into a waiting vehicle where we left for the location of my trial.

On the way to court, I began to feel hopelessness slip in and began to cry. Clenching my jaw and squeezing my eyes shut tightly as I fought to regain my composure. I swallowed hard and resolved not to give my accusers the satisfaction of seeing me fall apart.

I gave a silent, ironic chuckle to myself thinking that if I was to have a lawyer, he had never even visited me to formulate my defense. Some defense! It seemed the verdict was already in...

Well, there's nothing I can do about it now, just steel myself and accept it.

When we pulled up to the building of justice, there was a noisy throng of people outside the courthouse all abuzz, seemingly waiting for the infidel to be tried. I was led into an anteroom next to the actual courtroom from a side door and was instructed to sit and wait to be called.

I could hear many people talking in the other room, but couldn't make out anything being said. I heard a gavel drop three times, the door opened up and a uniformed guard took me by the arm to escort me into the courtroom.

In the front of the courtroom sat a panel of three mullahs with the presiding judge in the center and, I assumed, a clerk and court reporter sat adjacent to the bench. The trial judge, I was soon to find out, was also the prosecutor. I learned (and experienced) that Iran has what's called an inquisitional type of justice system.

As I was led to my place, I saw my parents, our guides, my friends, Rafi and his father behind where I was to sit. I even saw Doe Eyes as she sat a few seats behind Omar crying. My mother was sobbing as quietly as she could, but it could be heard easily over the murmurs of the audience. My Dad had tears in his eyes as he saw me shackled and led into the courtroom. In the front row of the gallery I saw my assailants sitting smugly with arms across their chests.

My lawyer immediately introduced himself as Samir Bashira. He hurriedly told me that he felt something was up and this didn't appear to be a normal trial. The mood of the court and the unheard of presence of officials from the Special Clerical Court were also in attendance were indicators that this was an unusual trial. Shaking his head, he said in a low voice, "This could be bad: very, very bad."

His English was good and Samir said that he'd translate for me as quickly as he could so that I was fully aware of what was going on and could answer when directed to.

The trial judge banged his gavel three times again, and all eyes followed his to the opposite side of the room as a side door slowly opened. The crowd gasped as a woman dressed in traditional garb led a small, young girl towards the table next to me on my left. I recognized her as the girl I'd tried to save by the cut on her forehead above her left eye. It had been closed with several stitches and she was dressed in an all black abaya and hajib and was handcuffed in the front as I was.

Our eyes met for the first time as she approached the table. She stood about four feet nine or so, very slender build (from my recollection of her nude form that fateful day) with large, brilliant blue eyes. She was weeping and the tears rolled down her cheeks as she silently walked to her seat. Even through her tears and our fleeting glance, I saw a glimmer of a smile of appreciation directed at me for my efforts. Her face was symmetrical with high cheekbones, a small mouth with pink lips and a small, straight nose. Even in painful distress she was absolutely lovely. From looking at her, I raised my estimation of her age to about eleven, maybe twelve.

As soon as I saw her, my heart was overwhelmed with joy that she was alive but that feeling was soon replaced with an ominous feeling of dread. I knew they were going to torment each of us as the other was tried, convicted and sentenced.

My lawyer leaned over and said, "They will try you both together. This isn't normally done and it's probably the work of the Special Clerical Court. The world is watching this case and its outcome. Somehow word got out that an American is being charged with a capital offense. It is rumored that a plot was averted to frame the girl to destroy her father and they didn't anticipate a foreigner intervening. I will help you all I can, but things look very, very bad."

I turned to him and said in an almost sardonic tone, "You've already said that once."

He just looked at me and shrugged.

They did get the story out! I wonder if Hasan had anything to do with it?

The courtroom was abuzz with the murmurings of the spectators for several minutes as the mullahs shuffled papers between them. Once ready, the trial judge banged his gavel three times and said in Farsi, "Quite, this court will now come to order. We are here to prosecute these two accused of crimes against Islam and the state."

"Narisa Assad, step forward." ordered the judge.

The young girl stood with her escort and proceeded to slowly walk towards the bench and stopped, standing about four feet in front of the quorum.

Narisa ... now I knew her name. It's ironic that she's the first Iranian I've seen with blue eyes.

"You have been charged," the prosecutor/judge began, "with offending the public morality and committing acts incompatible with public chastity. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty, your holiness," Narisa answered meekly.

"On July twelfth," he continued, "were you not standing outside an open doorway on a public street, in full view of the public displaying yourself like a prostitute peddling her wares?"

"No your holiness," she answered. "I was outside the doorway looking for my brother who was coming to take me home. I was not displaying myself."

"Was an adult with you, watching with you for your brother?" the judge asked.

"No your holiness," Narisa responded. "I stepped outside to check and see if he was approaching."

"So," he said as if having already proven his case, "you were standing outside an open doorway, near the street, alone, in full view of anyone walking down the street as a prostitute would show herself to be available to any man on the street."

"But I wasn't displaying myself. I was just looking for my brother!" Narisa pleaded.

"Enough!" he shouted, "By your own admission you were standing alone by the edge of a public street in full view of the public — is this not the truth?"

"Yes, your holiness," she replied. "I was standing by the roadside outside my friend's door looking for my brother."

"By your own testimony," he said with finality, "you have convicted yourself and we find you guilty of the charges of prostitution and acts incompatible with public chastity. You are hereby sentenced to fifteen lashes and death by hanging as is prescribed under Islamic law."

Being held steady by her female escort, Narisa let out a heart-rending cry, started shaking and lost control of her bladder. As the puddle of wetness formed and widened around her feet, her knees buckled but she was caught and held fast by the matron. Narisa began sobbing and pleading, "Repentance, please I beg repentance!"

Pointing to the floor, "Your actions today only confirm what you have convicted yourself to be." mocked the judge. "Only a prostitute would relieve herself in such a public display."

I vowed not to let them see me cry, but the humiliation of the scene before me was too much to bear and I began to cry as I covered my face with my hands. Even a district police chief's daughter received no mercy here today. It seemed that dirty politics and corruption would cost Narisa her life. I knew then that my parent's reputation would be of no help to me and I would meet the same fate as the girl I'd tried to save.

"On the twentieth of July, three days hence," the judge said as he finished, "at six a.m. you will be hanged in the public square until you are dead."

The women in the courtroom wailed as if all were her mother. The matron had to practically drag Narisa back to her seat like a limp rag doll because she didn't have the volition to stand on her own. She'd stopped crying but she now stared blankly into space as if cataleptic.

After Narisa was seated, the court was called back to order after the floor was cleaned. The prosecutor/judge shuffled some papers as he whispered to the other two mullahs. When he was ready to begin again, he banged his gavel three times and called my name (or what I understood to be my name).

I wiped my eyes and with a composing sniffle, slowly stood erect and moved to stand where Narisa had stood in front of the bench with my lawyer. He stared at me with a venomous, evil look and said, "You are charged with obstructing officers of the Islamic Republic of Iran while discharging their duties in accordance with Islamic law, and interfering in the internal affairs of our sovereign nation. You are also charged with grievous sexual assault and defilement of a virginal, unmarried Muslim girl by lying upon and touching her nakedness as a man would with his wife, bringing shame upon her and her family. How do you plead?"

Samir raised his hand and objected saying, "I must object, your holiness. My client is a citizen of the United States and has no knowledge of Islamic law or the workings of the police in our country. It was not his intention to sexually assault or defile this young girl, only to protect her as would a fireman or a policeman in an emergency. As to the charges of obstruction, my client didn't know those men were officers of the court."

"Objection denied!" the judge ruled with a bang of his gavel. "Ignorance is no excuse of the law. If a blind man touches an electrical wire and knows nothing of electricity, does he not still get electrocuted?"

"Joshua Williams," the judge said directing his stare at me, "In your American passport, does it not say to acquaint oneself with the laws of the countries you visit? And doesn't it also state that while you are in a foreign country you are subject to its laws?"

"Yes, your honor," I answered, "my passport does so caution its citizens."

"How do you plead?" he asked leaning forward on his elbows.

"Not guilty. I stopped a murder, your honor, not an arrest." I answered. "I did not sexually assault the girl; I only shielded her from further injury."

"Do you know for an unequivocal fact that she was being murdered? Do you have any factual evidence of this perceived murder in progress to make such an accusation?" the judge goaded me.

"I have no concrete proof that she was being murdered, but it looked like she was being stoned to death, your honor." I answered.

"Was she breathing when you laid upon her naked body and grabbed her by her bare, uncovered shoulders and writhed upon her naked, virginal body?" he asked sarcastically.

"I did not writhe upon her your honor and yes, she was breathing."

"So," he said like he was springing the trap, "in your expert opinion, knowing Islamic law and justice, she was being murdered and you were assisting this country by preventing a crime. Is that correct? Does the court understand this to be your testimony?"

"In my own humble opinion, your honor," I qualified, "not from any expert knowledge of Islamic law. I truly believed in my heart that her life was in mortal danger. I was not the one to defile her person, your honor. I saw a girl defiled by a group of men by forcibly stripping her naked in public then assaulting her with stones."

"Well," he taunted, "if you felt this girl was being defiled, why did you aid in her defilement by accosting her, lying on and grinding yourself upon her. And another thing, the girl you defiled is sitting right here in the courtroom. Did she not walk into this courtroom unaided and under her own power? Does she appear to have any broken bones or life threatening injuries that can be seen?"

"No, your honor, she doesn't;" I agreed, "but she does have a gash on her forehead that required stitches and if I hadn't shielded her body and taken the majority of the blows intended for her, she might not be sitting here today."

"Hmmm." he muttered looking at some papers, "The evidence shows that she received her head injury as a result of you pouncing on top of her and the bruises unseen under her clothing are a result of you grinding her body into the ground as you lasciviously moved on top of her."

"Someone must have been mistaken." I replied. "Her head wound was a result of being struck in the forehead with a rock. I committed no lascivious acts or movements upon her, your honor."

"Enough!" he said gruffly, "You offer no proof for your suppositions and your defense is contrived yet you admit to laying upon and holding a naked virginal Muslim girl by her bare shoulders. Did you or did you not lie upon a naked Muslim girl and hold her by her bare shoulders — answer yes or no?"

"Yes I did," I admitted.

"And did you or did you not interfere with the officers of this court based on the immature, unknowledgeable and fabricated mental ramblings of a fourteen-year-old boy without any substantial evidence as a basis for your defense — yes or no?"

"Yes I did your honor. I believed with all my heart her life was in mortal danger."

"By your own admission," he said victoriously, "You have convicted yourself of the charges against you. You have just openly admitted to lying upon a naked girl in public while holding her by her bare shoulders and interfering with officers of the court in the course of their duties. You are hereby sentenced to ten years in prison and thirty lashes for obstruction of justice and interfering in the internal affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran. After your prison term is served, you shall be hanged until you are dead for crimes against public morality and for the sexual assault and defilement of a virginal Muslim girl."

I stood with my jaw locked tight, fighting back the tears and stood erect and motionless with my cuffed hands clinched tightly together in front of me as the verdict sunk in. Throughout the courtroom could be heard my mother's deep guttural cry "Oh my God no! Please have mercy on him!"

I glanced around the courtroom and caught my parent's painful, shocked gaze. I saw the pained expressions on the faces of my friends, Narisa's family and spectators in attendance. I looked at our assailants who sat with leering, victorious grins. I then turned and looked over at Narisa and she had her head down, hands over her face sobbing. I took a deep sigh and turned to look the judge squarely in the eye as the corner of his tight, pursed lips just perceptibly curled upward.

I remained standing erect, not knowing what to do: should I turn and return to my seat? Should I remain standing here, or will I be led away to serve my prison term while Narisa is led to her death? My mind was in total shutdown.

In the background I could hear the room filled with the painful cries and tears of Narisa, my parents, our friends and sympathetic citizens. The judge just seemed to let this wailing continue and relished in his victory as he looked around the courtroom.

The presiding mullah: our prosecutor, judge and jury banged his gavel numerous times to quell the mournful cries of those present and although the crying subsided it didn't stop completely.

He began, what I thought was his summation...

"Today, all present in this courtroom have borne witness to the conviction of those guilty of crimes against morality and chastity, of sexual assault and interference in the internal affairs of our country. They have been fairly tried and convicted by their own admissions and have been sentenced to the fullest extent of Islamic law."

He paused for effect and continued, "But as we all know, Allah, all power and glory unto Him, is a great and merciful God. Being true believers of the faith, the execution of justice in Iran can also praise Him by being merciful."

As I listened to the word "merciful," my blank mind snapped back to reality thinking that our lives might yet possibly be spared.

"As a result of the interference by a foreign national into the internal affairs of our Republic and one of the accused is relative to an esteemed officer of the court, the Special Clerical Court has taken it upon itself and considered this case in conjunction with the Revolutionary Court using the holy precepts of Shana (Islamic law) as their guide."

"Will the convicted prostitute Narisa Assad, step forward and stand before the court."

We glanced at each other momentarily as she stood and moved to stand before the bench and came to a stop next to me about three feet to my left. The judge began to speak.

"Narisa Assad, you have been convicted of prostitution and crimes incompatible with public chastity. You have begged for repentance and will now be given an opportunity to repent. This court will grant you leniency, with conditions, if your act of repentance is deemed to be genuine and accepted. Do you now accept these conditions, regardless of what they may be to receive clemency?" he offered.

"Yes, your holiness," she replied. "I accept the leniency of the court and its conditions and am thankful for the opportunity to repent."

The judge nodded for her to proceed.

Narisa's body visibly relaxed and she fell to her knees with her head bowed to the floor and began sobbing out her prayer, "Oh please merciful and loving Allah, I beseech you, please hear the heartfelt pleas of this wretched sinner's supplications. Forgive me my sins, cleanse me of shame and grant forgiveness to your humble servant. All praise, honor and glory is yours oh merciful Allah, spare the life you have so graciously given me and I shall praise and worship thy name all the days of my life."

Narisa remained on the floor sitting with her legs under her and her head bowed forward touching the floor in front of her sobbing.

The judge banged his gavel once and ordered, "Stand woman, your heartfelt repentance has been heard which this court believes to be sincere. Just remember the words of your supplication and fulfill them all the days of your life."

"Joshua Williams," he said as he turned and looked at me, "You have been convicted of interfering in the internal affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran and defiling an Iranian Muslim woman. Allah extends His mercy to all the creatures of the earth, including infidels so that His presence is known in all mens' hearts. If you will make a taped, public and heartfelt acknowledgment of your crimes, stating the fairness of your treatment and trial and profess genuine remorse for wrongdoing, you too will be granted leniency with certain conditions. Do you now accept the clemency of this court and its conditions regardless of what they may be? Do you wish to make your profession of guilt and remorse at this time?"

I stood silent for a few moments thinking this wasn't the end of it, there had to be a catch: something more he was holding back. What real choice did I have? I was facing ten years in prison only to be hanged...

I looked at Samir and he was shaking his head begging me to accept. I started to look back at my parents but the judge stopped me saying, "Stop! In this country, you are considered an adult man. Make your decision and make it alone with the conviction of a man without any outside influence. Let your decision be yours and yours alone."

I took a deep breath, exhaled slowly and replied, "I accept the promise of this court for clemency with all its conditions. By accepting the good faith offer of leniency by this court, I am willing to now make a public statement and profess my guilt and remorse for my crimes."

There were murmurs and whispers from the gallery as a video camera was set up behind the bench to record me full face while I made my taped confession. While this was taking place, I thought about what I'd say. I remembered taped confessions shown of TV of downed American pilots or captured soldiers and civilians in Muslim countries. Most of us in the west took them for what they were: coerced statements made only to save one's life. It didn't matter if what was said was heartfelt or not. The world knows that a person will make such statements to preserve his or her life.

When they were ready, the judge nodded for me to begin.

"I, Joshua Williams, a citizen of the Unites States of America, have committed and been convicted of interfering in the internal affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran and defiling and shaming a female Iranian citizen and her family by a fair and just court under Islamic principles. In return for the fair treatment during my detention and trial along with leniency promised by this court, I wish to express my heartfelt sorrow for my crimes and I ask for the court's forgiveness along with that of the girl, her family and also of the people of Iran."

When I was finished, there was silence throughout the entire courtroom. The judge waved his hand and the camera was turned off.

"Now for your fates, according to all the conditions both of you have agreed to," the judge said solemnly.

Narisa and I stood facing forward and I think we were both waiting for the hammer to drop.

"Under Islamic law," the judge began, "there is only one means to absolve the defilement and shame inflicted on a virgin and her family by the perpetrator and one and only one by which that shame may be absolved."

He leaned forward with his hands on the bench and continued, "Narisa Assad, the absolution of your shame that you've brought upon yourself, that same shame you prayed fervently for Allah to forgive can only be removed by one means."

"Joshua Williams," he continued as he looked at me, "that same shameful act of defilement that you seek forgiveness and absolution for from her, her family and this court can only be obtained by a man resolved to do what's right and just to show his repentant desire to restore that girl's dignity. You have lain upon her nakedness as a husband would and touched her bare body. The only fitting and right way to remove her shame is for you to marry the prostitute you have committed fornication with."

Same as Narisa 1: A Life Changing Event
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A Life Ever Changing Part 22

Hello, Darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again. - Simon and Garfunkel A Life Ever Changing #22 Hello, Darkness by Angel Just then the doorbell rang! OH! FRIPSY! Everyone sprang into action. Here I am naked from the waist with only an ice bag and an empty sanitary belt as cover! Some cover! Aunt Harriet went to answer the door as I got up and went into the bathroom closing the door behind me. My pulse pounding and increasing by the second! Grace ran upstairs...

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A Life Ever Changing 24

I have heard you calling in the night. - Hymn Be my everlasting. Be my hearts desire. - Chris Cullum ...playing with those memories again, And just when I thought time had set me free. - Air Supply Like a little voice inside my heart. - No Secrets ...have you ever felt a memory pulling at your insides? - One Dollar Short I only wanted all that's best for you. - No Authority And my pride was stronger when I was younger. - Patty Loveless Let's listen to...

2 years ago
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A Life Ever Changing 15

"Now I'm looking at a flashback Sunday, Zoom lens feeling just won't disappear..." - J. Geils Band A Life Ever Changing #15 Freeze Frame By Angel ...Margie reached up and took out my ponytail. WOW! Mrs. Benning and I forgot about that! (Or did she?)... My mother, smiling with a very motherly look on her face asked me, "So, Rachel was born over seven years ago. Ricky, you were transformed from a boy to a girl in less than a few hours. It did not take much, either, did...

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Tracey the Lifeguard

Tracey the LifeguardBy: Jake OliveNote: As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. [email protected] had finally come to England and Tracey was very happy to be working as a pool lifeguard. At 22 Tracey was probably a bit too old to still be holding temporary summer employment but she had spent the last four summers working as a lifeguard and she couldn’t think of any reason to stop now! Tracey’s wasn‘t always the brightest or most mature girl in the world and unfortunately she had...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 28 Live at the Lifesaver

“So, how should we do these Stone’s songs?” Phil asked at our rehearsal session. “I think we all know the music, we just need to come up with a pretty awesome arrangement; we don’t want to sound like yet another cheap cover band.” “I had some ideas, if it’s okay for me to make some suggestions,” Allison said. “Of course it is,” Phil said. “Everyone can have a say, there’s no rule that says you can’t participate in the discussion.” “Thanks, Phil, I guess being the newest here, I’m a bit...

2 years ago
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The Changing of my Life 3

The Changing of my life --- part 3 Well a few days have passed since I got my new breasts. What a difference there is, they are bigger and heavier, they throw my balance off, but most of all it's the feel, by that I mean I can feel them, I can feel them moving about, I can feel them when I put my bra on, or even when they're in my bra, they move, they bounce when I walk. There tender, I never thought in a million years that this is how breasts feel. Miss Lucy loves them, she...

4 years ago
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Life Changing Fortune 8211 Part 2

First of all thank you everyone for suggestion for my previous story. This story is the part of my previous story “My Life Changing Fortune”. Those who don’t know about me I am Virat but everyone calls me Andy(nick name). I live in Delhi and doing MBA 2nd year. Basically I am from Surat. I live with my long distance cousin bhaiya(Rahul) in his 3 storage house. I stand 5’11” tall with a fair skin. I am a football player. So i have a great physic. My tool is about 7.5 inch tall with a thickness...

3 years ago
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A Life Ever Changing 11

"Prepare yourself, you know it's a must... Gonna recommend you to the Spirit in the sky." -- Norman Greenbaum A Life Ever Changing #11 Spirit in the Sky By Angel I looked around the room and I had a million questions none of which I could put into words just then. Aunt Harriet said, "I know what you are thinking Ricky, we set up a full length mirror in the kitchen. Why don't you come with us and we will show you something that might surprise you." (OH FRAPST!) I raised...

2 years ago
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A changing Life Chapter 2

The woman, Sandra almost dragged me down the corridor into a treatment room, everything was white and clinically clean, a heady perfume of some sort filling the air. "Undress and climb onto the table." She had a thick Germanic accent leaving no room for discussion. "And if there is any funny business I will use this." She picked a bar like object up from the stainless steel trolley table beside her, it looked to me like a sort of cattle prod from pictures I had seen in books....

3 years ago
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A life changing discovery

With the remaining strenght left in my arms I pushed as hard as I could. The hinges finally gave up and the wooden doors opened before me, revealing a path leading deep underground. A cold gust of wind blew directly in my face which was giving me a small relief from the heat outside. But I wasn't here for shelter from the sun. Right at the moment, I was standing in front of a great discovery. Here in Egypt, a few hundred meters from an average hotel, I found a temple unknown to...

4 years ago
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Life Changing Road Trip

Stacy and I had finished all the paperwork.  Renting a motor home for two weeks took a lot of signing and agreeing.  It was late July and we were heading north where we didn't have a plan or care.  We were looking forward to a fun adventure in the southwest.  The vehicle was big;  a nice bedroom in the back with a queen-size bed, a dresser and a TV.  Then forward of the bedroom was a fairly nice bathroom with a shower that looked like it could hold two people... which I was hoping it would...

Wife Lovers
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After hours with the lifeguard

“That’s one pound fifty change, and your band. Pool closes in twenty-five minutes.” “Do I need to wear this?” The receptionist had given me a blue band such as one would receive at a gig. “Yes, the lifeguard will need to see it,” she replied. The receptionist was a petite girl, blonde hair sitting on her shoulders, wearing the supplied blue polo shirt all the staff wore. For a petite girl she had an impressive cleavage, pushing at the buttons on her shirt. I thought I’ll just show it to the...

2 years ago
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A Life Ever Changing 23

I feel the earth move under my feet, I feel the sky... -- Carole King A Life Ever Changing #23 Tumbling Down By Angel What? What is that? I hear a faint sound so far away outside somewhere. What? What is that? A feeling outside stinging and sharp! What? What? Sleep, I am so tired. I feel adrift in space. It is getting darker. Where is the light I seek? I had seen it only moments ago! Darker, darker, blackness and sleep... Deep, deep sleep, dreamless and dark, no comfort...

4 years ago
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A Changing Life Chapter 1

Thank you all for your kind responses to the resume for this story, I originally wrote it in 20 short chapters, but I have condensed the first 3 into this first chapter for you. Again many parts of this story are based on experience and I've tried to convey my feelings and emotions throughout. All the characters are real and their names are true. Like many of my stories, this story goes through an almost daily description of the things that occurred, I hope you like it. I do love reading...

4 years ago
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Lifeguard Blows His Mate and Me

Last night I went to the pool late and ended up having a threesome in the showers.Usually, I go to the pool during the day.  It feels warmer, I get some work on my speedo tan, and in the middle of the day, the pool is generally quiet.  Yesterday (Friday) I was busy with work all day and time just got away from me.  The pool closes at nine pm and just before eight pm, I decided to go for a late-night swim.  I really wanted to get out of the house and had nothing else planned.The pool was quiet...

Gay Male
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19yo Hotel Lifeguard Likes My Speedos

Eric was in town for business. He hated having to take trips for business, but always made sure to book a room at an upscale hotel with fitness facilities, a hot tub, sauna and a pool. It was late when he arrived and got settled in his room. Figuring that he had just enough time to swim a few quick laps before the pool closed, and maybe take a short soak in a hot tub, he stripped off his street clothes and slipped into a black lycra speedo with a colorful print pattern on the front, one of his...

3 years ago
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A Life Ever Changing 29

...we all lose our charms in the end. But...Diamonds are a girl's best friend. - Monroe/Styne & Robin A Life Ever Changing #29 Diamonds By Angel Everybody was very happy as we each got into the cars and left for Harriet's house. I felt tired and I had to pee again! Oh brother! I sat in front again with auntie my mommy and Cindy sitting in the back. Cindy said, "Harriet we need to stop at Helen's place. Since Angel is up we could finish the gown alterations tonight...

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A life changing sample

At the age of thirty, Bull worked a special kind of job in Las Vegas with great pay. Being a six-feet tall muscular black man who had the build of a professional linebacker while having the face of actor Henry Simmons, he worked for a co-ed escort company. Bull's job was to be a male escort to women that needed one, but the company he worked for was one of the best in the business. Working as a male escort, Bull pleased women who wrote great reviews about him, and this led to him having a nice...

4 years ago
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My Changing Life The Diary V

Bobby left and I stripped the bed, trying to get the house cleaned before the girls got home. It was a really wonderful weekend with Bobby, bu I was kind of glad that he left early. I am missing my girls! I'm sure they will be full of questions, and I have a few for them. So many things going through my mind.I grabbed a quick shower, well as quick as I can, then dressed. I decided to wear the Capri pants that Glenda picked out for me and a t shirt type top. I brushed my hair back, Thank...

2 years ago
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A Changing Life Chapter 8

A Changing Life Chapter 8 When I awoke the daylight lit the room, the film had stopped, the wires were gone, somehow it all seemed like a dream, a nightmare, except the dress I was wearing and the panties too were all stiff with the soaked in semen, as was the sheet on which I lay with sticky patches. Kohitto had come in through the door, he looked at me and turned up his nose. "You will have to wash, you dirty little girl Leanne." He undid the side of the cot and then the...

3 years ago
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A Life Ever Changing 13

"But the thing-a-ma-bob that does the job is..." -- Walt Disney's Cinderella A Life Ever Changing #13 Bippity Boppity Boo By Angel Finally I was able to crawl into bed... I walked out of the room with my mind in a place I have never experienced before. All the new information and physical sensations I experienced; had it really only been since that morning! Fourteen hours of one single day! Everything that happened that day swirling and twirling at light speed, each...

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A Life Ever Changing 37 Strike a Pose

"It makes no difference... If you're a boy or a girl... You're a superstar, yes, that's what you are, you know it, Come on, Vogue" -- Madonna/Madonna and S.Pettibone A Life Ever Changing #37: Strike a Pose By Angel We went into the jewelry room and my aunties were there waiting for me. Their eyes were huge and they both were smiling real big when they saw me... I could not believe the attention I was getting! Everyone there was staring and pointing at me. My aunties came...

4 years ago
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Life Changing Road Trip Part III The End

Rick had just left to go hang out with my wife Stacy at the creek. I was in the motor home making dinner.  Five minutes earlier, I just had my mouth around Rick's enormous cock.  I sucked him until he came in my mouth and on my face.  As he stepped out of the RV to go see Stacy, he casually told me to make dinner.  I'm not sure who I hated more at that moment, Rick, for telling me to suck his cock and then make him dinner, or me, for sucking him and now standing here making dinner for Stacy,...

Wife Lovers
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A changing life chapter 5

A Changing Life Chapter 5 God what was wrong with me. What the hell was I doing, what had I been thinking doing that? Christ I had to sort myself out, but still I skipped along through the old farm gate and down the long lane to the house, home at last, I was even getting better at walking in these heels. I went up the steps to the front door and rang the bell, my heart suddenly sinking when I realised again what I looked like. Donna opened the door "Oh, so you're back at last."...

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A Life Ever Changing Part 18

"Strange fascination, fascinating me..." -- David Bowie A Life Ever Changing #18 Ch-Ch-Changes By Angel I was ready to go home... I walked out with Grace's help and waddled my way to her car. Anyone who saw me now would see Rachel and not Ricky! No, Ricky only existed within me and for all other purposes Ricky was shelved for now. A new beginning was here. I was a sixteen-year-old infant girl. I needed to learn and learn quickly. I would do so at a pace I could handle though...

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A Life Ever Changing Part 21

Someone's knocking at the door, somebody's ringing the bell, do me a favor, open the door and let 'em in. -- Wings/McCartney A Life Ever Changing #21 Ringing the Bell By Angel It had been over three hours and I needed to call Barbara. I knew she was waiting for my call restless and fidgety! I could just picture her sitting next to the phone very anxiously... Home was just 10 minutes away. Lost in thought those few minutes can stretch on for an eternity. I was sitting in...

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A Life Ever Changing 38 What Happiness Was

"Memory - all alone in the moonlight. I can smile at the old days, I was beautiful then. I remember the time I knew what happiness was. Let the memory live again." -- Andrew Lloyd Weber/"Cats" A Life Ever Changing #38 What Happiness Was By Angel Once again we were on our way back to Auntie Helen's house. I curled up on the seat and laid my head on Auntie Helen's lap and closed my eyes. A short while later they must have thought I was sleeping because they started talking and...

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The New Lifeguard Part II

“Tim, we have got to talk!” Leslie said in a strange tone the moment I showed up for work the next day.  I assumed I was either in trouble or getting fired or both.“What’s up Les,” I asked nervously.“The ladies don’t want Ellen back as their lifeguard.  They want you,” she said.  “You made such a nice impression on them that they want you to be their regular lifeguard.  And obviously naked, of course,” she grinned.   “Did you ever think that you would be paid for walking around nude?”“I don’t...

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A Life Ever Changing The Final Chapter

A Life Ever Changing: The Final Chapter By Angel O'Hare We drove through, and passed several huge homes and a few where you only saw a gate and driveway. It took us another five minutes to get to Betty's estate. When we pulled up to a set of beautifully carved, solid wooden gates, Harry stopped and pressed a button in a box attached to his sun visor. The gates slid open slowly, and I entered a different world. This world I now entered greeted me as a servant and not a guest. I...

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A Life Ever Changing 27

A part of me has just been ripped, the pages of my mind are stripped... -- J. Geils Band A Life Ever Changing #27 - Stripped! - by: Angel "How about joining us for a bedtime snack ok?" I said ok so down stairs we went... Everybody smiled when we came in and Helen said, "Angel, do you have any questions for me? You looked like you had a few by the expressions I saw on your sweet face." I said, "I have a million questions but I think I need to know why I have so much...

2 years ago
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Changing my life

I had lived in the city all my life, I didn’t want to anymore. I had grown up, married and had children in the city. After my kids had married and my husband passed away, I had nothing holding me back. The stench of fumes and the noise was another reason to go. I wanted the clean air and the quiet life.I researched and researched where I should go and found a small village with big parks and walks in the vicinity. I didn’t really research the community. As far as I could tell it was all a...

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A Life Changing Experience

I was in a well-settled life, good and steady job, nice family, etc. If at all there was anything I was missing, it was the frequency of sex with my wife. We were in our 50s and after menopause, her interest in sex had somewhat gone down. I accepted that change and tried to get involved in few other activities which will keep me busy and occupied. Then something unimaginable happened which was truly life changing. As part of my duties in office, we had to hold training and orientation programs...

2 years ago
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Life changing crime Part 1

Hello everyone! I will tell you a story that changed my life. It happend about an year ago, I was 21 years old, young man with dreams, nice family and a bright future. Everything was going perfecty. In fact my whole life until that moment was going perfectly.One day a friend of mine called me. He needed money to pay his semester in university. The money his parents gave him I was sure he lost gambling, but he was my friend so I wanted to help him. When we met I had the money to give him but he...

3 years ago
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My Life Changing Fortune 8211 Part 4

First of all thank you everyone for suggestion for my previous story. This story is the part of series “My life changing fortune”. Those who don’t know about me I am virat but everyone calls me andy(nikname). I live in delhi and doing mba 2nd year. Basically I am from surat. I live with my long distance cousin bhaiya(rahul) in his 3 storage house. I stand 5’11” tall with a fair skin. I am a football player. So I have a great physic. My tool is about 7.5 inch tall.For more details read my...

3 years ago
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A Life Ever Changing 42 Scattered Pictures

"Memories light the corner of my mind. Misty water color memories Of the way we were." - Barbra Streisand A Life Ever Changing #42 Scattered Pictures By Angel Oh, memories, we relive them each and every day. If only we were more aware! Barbara was getting more excited by the second! She was squirming in her seat and tapping her toes so much that Rita said, "Barb, STOP THAT!" Barbara instantly froze, causing us all to start laughing. Auntie Helen, still chuckling said,...

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A life Changing Summer

The summer that I had my radical life changing experience,Heather had just turned 19 and was home after her freshman year at college. I did not see her much,as she was working at a Preschool -Daycare in the Arvida complex off Yamato Road. Phillip was 17,and away at computer camp for a month, before going off USC to study computer science. I have been online for about ten years,so email and all its eccentricities are part of my life.One day,however,I received an email that came in on...

2 years ago
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A Life Ever Changing 34 There You Are

"Like an angel standing guard, There you are..." -- Martina McBride "Give me a reason now that I can understand, ...I close my eyes and there, There you are..." -- Goo Goo Dolls "There you are - when my heart is doubting..." -- Carolyn Arends A Life Ever Changing #34: There You Are By Angel Shortly after that I felt the car move and we were on our way... I sat there in this huge car and asked my Auntie Helen what kind of car it was she told me it was called a...

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Life Changing Encounter

My name is Tony and I want to relate my story about a recent change in my sexual attitudes and preferences. When I was small my parents were divorced and my father never came back to visit me or even write a letter so I grew up with my working single mom. During most of my life I was heterosexual. When I was twelve I came by some Playboy magazines, given to me by a friend, that displayed impossibly beautiful women in various suggestive positions. I had not had an orgasm yet but during the last...

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The New Lifeguard Part I

I just turned 16 and my parents strongly encouraged me to find a job.  I say “strongly encouraged” because they were cutting off my allowance now that I was old enough to work.  Fair enough.I checked the want ads in the local paper and didn’t see anything that sounded remotely interesting.  This was going to be harder than I thought.  But then on Monday, I went to PE class and saw a help wanted ad on the locker room bulletin board.  A new local health club was opening and needed a lifeguard for...


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