Detention With Miss Downey: Miss Downey's Story Chapter Four free porn video

Seventeen-year-old sixth former, Debbie Griffin couldn’t take her eyes off the clothes brush that sat on her Form Mistress’ desk. She tried her best to return her concentration to her History homework – the reason why she was sitting in detention that Tuesday afternoon. Debbie looked across the classroom at her fellow detainee, Leah Ellis, who was busily writing away. Debbie Griffin looked briefly at her Form Mistress, Helen Downey, before trying to return her full focus to her essay, but it was no good. She knew what was going to happen to her in the next few minutes.
Helen Downey paid no attention to the two girls. Instead, she busied herself replying to emails and also filling in the details of the two girls’ detention with her on the school’s behaviour database. She was shocked that a straight A-grade student like Debbie had found her way into detention, but Helen had a no-nonsense approach to her form class and the girls knew it. Ever since that first day back in September when she had punished mouthy Heidi Owen for swearing in front of the other girls, Helen Downey had dished out spankings when required and for any breach of the school rules or if any of her girls had failed to meet her own very high standards.
The young History teacher had been surprised when the usually reliable and studious Debbie Griffin had failed to submit her History essay. However, she was not surprised by the other girl, Leah Ellis, who had already been punished by her two other subject teachers as well as her Head of Year, Mrs. McNamara. They were both going to feel her displeasure during that hour. Perhaps the over-the-knee spanking with Helen’s bare hand and the clothes brush would not change Leah, but the young teacher was certain that it would have the desired effect on the slim Debbie Griffin.
Once she had finished entering the details why the girls had been given a detention, Helen closed down the computer and got to her feet, standing and watching the two girls frantically scribbling away at their essays. The young History teacher pulled her leather-backed swivel chair into the space between her desk and the first row of student desks in her classroom and took a deep breath. It was time for her to show Leah Ellis her displeasure and also to show poor, sweet Debbie Griffin that she would be treated like everyone else in the form, even if Miss Downey did believe that the girl had genuinely forgotten her homework and that it was lying on her bedside table as Debbie had promised it was. Helen was sure that it would be handed to her first thing that following morning. She smiled. Sweet and innocent Debbie would hand it in, but she’d be doing it while nursing a very sore bottom.
Helen Downey focused on Leah Ellis. She would be spanked first. Partly due to the fact that she had openly admitted that she had not done the piece of work, and also because Debbie Griffin could witness what would be coming her way.
“Leah. Stop writing and come here.” Miss Downey turned back to her desk and picked up her ebony-backed clothes brush in her right hand.
Eighteen-year-old sixth former, Leah Ellis placed her pen down on her desk and pushed her chair out to give her enough space to stand up. She looked at her Form Mistress before walking slowly to the front of the classroom, stopping as she reached where Helen’s chair was positioned. She knew what was coming her way and had decided that it would be better to be punished by Helen than being sent to her Head of Year, Nicola McNamara, or worse still, the Deputy Head Mistress in charge of student behaviour, Ms. Jasmine Storey.
The young History teacher walked the short distance from her desk to the chair, not taking her eyes from the small but well-built schoolgirl who stood facing her. Leah Ellis was approximately the same height as Helen, had long, blonde hair tied up in a long pony-tail which ran the length of her back. She was a little overweight, but this undoubtedly helped her to carry her large, perfectly formed breasts, which stood out proudly under her short-sleeved, white school blouse. Leah had piercing green eyes and showed no emotion as she awaited what was coming her way.
Miss Downey sat down carefully on her chair, ironing the creases from her knee-length black skirt. She continued to focus totally on Leah, who had begun to fidget with her hands. Helen took a deep breath and rolled up the sleeves of her dark blue blouse before placing the clothes brush down on the floor beside her right foot.
“You know the routine, Leah. Over my knee you go, and we’ll get your punishment done, young lady,” Helen said softly as she sat back in her chair.
Leah Ellis definitely knew how the punishment routine worked at St. Katherine’s Girls’ School. In her six and a half years there, she had been spanked a total of seven times for various misdemeanours. She knew all too well how to take a punishment from one of her teachers. Without a word, she walked over to Helen’s left-hand side and lowered herself softly over her Form Mistress’ lap, placing her hand flat on the floor before her.
The young teacher waited for a moment as the sixth former made herself comfortable, before she placed her small hands on the girl’s lower back.
“Now, Leah. You know the routine so you know that I’ll be lifting your skirt and that you will be punished across your underwear.” Helen had already moved her hands and was slowly raising Leah Ellis’ skirt.
“You will then receive six smacks with the clothes brush on your bottom. Is that understood, young lady?” she continued.
Helen gently folded the girl’s navy pleated school skirt out of the way, exposing her tight white school knickers and once satisfied, placed her hands back on the girl’s lower back.
“Yes, Miss Downey.” Leah looked back at Helen before returning her focus to the carpeted floor in front of her.
“Very well, young lady. We shall begin. No fuss or I will have to ask Mrs. McNamara to come in and help me. Are we clear, Leah Ellis?” Helen raised her voice slightly and began rubbing the chubby set of buttocks lying in front of her.
“Yes, Miss Downey. Please don’t tell Miss. Please,” she replied almost pleading with her Form Mistress.
Out of Leah’s view, Helen smiled. She continued to rub the girl’s bottom and thighs gently with her right hand until she was satisfied. She moved her left hand from the schoolgirl’s back and slipped it under Leah’s hips. This would ensure that she was held securely in place allowing the young teacher to hit hard and for as long as she deemed necessary in order to show the seventeen-year-old how displeased she was. Miss Downey looked down at the bottom lying over her lap, then across at Debbie, who was watching her with a worried look on her face, before she raised her small right hand. This landed with a loud but muffled “smack!” a second later across the centre of Leah Ellis’ fleshy buttocks, which seemed to wobble with the impact.
The eighteen-year-old showed no reaction. She had been spanked before and unfortunately for her, two of those occasions had been at the hands of two of the hardest teachers in the school – Miss MacKintosh, the Head of PE and also by Ms. Storey, the Deputy Head Mistress. Helen’s spanking would be nowhere as severe as what she had taken before. She continued to lie still across the young female teacher’s lap and take her punishment, showing hardly any reaction as the slaps rained down on her bottom.
“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” Helen Downey slowly, and solidly, slapped the girl’s right bum cheek.
She paused for a moment and looked over at Debbie Griffin, before returning her focus to Leah’s sizeable bottom.
“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” Leah Ellis’ left buttock received its share.
“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” The young Miss hit hard and slow across the centre of the bottom draped across her knees.
“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” More treatment for Leah’s right buttock.
“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!”
“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!”
“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!”
“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!”
Miss Downey rapped out a frantic series of slaps across the girl’s bottom, gripping her tightly so that she could not squirm or move around. Leah Ellis bit her lip and tried to stay as still as possible. She was determined to show her Form Mistress that she was tough and no matter how long, or how hard, she spanked her, that the schoolgirl wouldn’t burst out crying.
After just over five minutes, Helen Downey stopped and placed her right hand on Leah’s covered bottom. She could feel the heat emanating from her buttocks and smiled. She looked up at Debbie Griffin, who looked worried and as if she would start crying at any moment. Helen smiled at her before returning her full attention to Leah.
“Right, young lady. I want you to pass my clothes brush to me and then we’ll complete your punishment.” The twenty-two-year-old Miss looked down and waited as the schoolgirl reached over with her right hand, took hold of the brush and handed it behind her to Helen.
The teacher re-tightened her grip on Leah and pulled her close into her skirt and blouse. She was tempted to pull the girl’s knickers down and punish her on the bare bottom, as she was entitled to do, but decided against it. She measured her small, oval-shaped clothes brush against the large, fleshy buttocks before her and paused.
“Leah. I will finish your punishment with six smacks with the clothes brush. You will count each one. Do you understand me, girl?” she asked sternly.
Leah Ellis shuffled about on Helen’s knees until she was comfortable and considered what was coming her way. It took her a few moments before she replied.
“Yes, Miss Downey.” She could feel herself becoming tearful, but also could feel herself becoming wet between her legs too.
Helen smiled. She tapped the brush gently against the large bottom lying before her. She raised the brush in the air and brought it down with a satisfyingly loud “thump!” a few moments later.
Leah squirmed but was held securely in place by Helen’s left hand. She took a moment to reply.
“One, Miss Downey.”
Helen was determined to waste no time in dealing with the repeatedly naughty sixth former and rapped out the remaining strokes quickly.
“Thump!” The ebony-backed brush landed in the dead centre of Leah Ellis’ bottom.
“Two, Miss Downey,” the girl replied
“Thump!” Helen put all her strength into the stroke, landing it on Leah’s right bum cheek.
Leah Ellis took a while to reply. Her resistance had been broken and she was beginning to sniff and sob as tears formed in her eyes.
“Three. I’m sorry, Miss Downey.”
Helen smiled and lined up her next stroke.
“Thump!” Her left buttock took a full-force blow with the brush.
Leah began to struggle but Helen Downey had her locked down in position, simply waiting for the squirming girl to stop. Eventually, the eighteen-year-old replied.
“Four, Miss Downey.” The tears were flowing freely by this point.
“Thump!” The nasty clothes brush bit deep into the crease between Leah’s right buttock and thigh.
“Five, Miss Downey.” The reply came after the struggling and through the tears.
“Thump!” Helen repeated the treatment to the girl’s left bum cheek.
It took her what seemed like an age for her to calm herself enough to reply.
“Six, Miss Downey!” she yelled and cried uncontrollably.
Helen Downey sat back in her chair with Leah Ellis lying across her lap. She brought her left hand out from under the girl’s hips and placed both hands on Leah’s back, allowing her to calm herself down. This took some time and Miss Downey turned her attention to Debbie Griffin. The young Form Mistress smiled to herself. She could see that the quiet sixth former was scared by what she had just witnessed and what was now coming her way. After a few moments, she touched Leah gently on her knickers and carefully unfolded her skirt until it covered the girl’s bottom once again.
“Up you get, Leah. Go and get on with your essay," she said softly.
Carefully, the schoolgirl got to her feet and rubbed the tears from her eyes and wiped her nose with the back of her hand. She adjusted her skirt and blouse and tried to straighten her school tie. Eventually, she turned and headed back to her desk, rubbing her bottom through her skirt, before gently sitting down behind her desk.
“Debbie. Get up and come here. It’s your turn now, young lady.” Helen Downey shifted her attention to the small, mixed-race girl, who looked terrified.
Debbie Griffin slowly and quietly moved her chair back and away from under her desk until she had just enough space to stand up. Carefully, she got to her feet and lifted the chair, placing it under the desk before walking nervously to the front of the class where her teacher was sitting watching her. Her focus was on the nasty little clothes brush that Helen had in her lap. In what seemed like no time at all, the short schoolgirl with the long, flowing black hair was standing facing her Form Mistress. Helen smiled, but Debbie Griffin was not fooled. This was going to be an unpleasant experience for her. At that moment, fear got the best of her and she began to plead with Helen Downey.
“Please, Miss. I promise that you’ll get the work first thing tomorrow morning!” she began.
Helen simply stared up at her and picked the brush from her lap with her right hand.
“Please, Miss. I don’t want my bottom spanked!” the seventeen-year-old continued to plead.
Miss Downey shook her head.
“But Miss, I’ve done the work – I’ve just forgotten it. It's at home. Please, Miss Downey!” she almost shouted.
The young teacher decided that she had listened long enough and took a deep breath, adjusted her skirt and her sternest look appeared across her face.
“Debbie. You are going to be spanked to teach you a lesson. That lesson is to come to school prepared each day and not to forget things.” Helen paused.
Miss Downey looked apologetically at the dark-skinned girl. She really liked Debbie. She was one of the nicest girls in the whole school, never mind her Form class. Did she really want to punish her? Unintentionally, she looked at Leah Ellis, who was staring at the scene that was unfolding at the front of the classroom and not writing her essay.
“Leah, I don’t remember saying that you can take a break. Perhaps you need another dose of the clothes brush?” the young History teacher snapped, smiling inside as the girl immediately returned to what she was supposed to be doing.
Helen looked at Debbie and smiled at the girl.
“You know the rules, young lady and if I let you off without a punishment, that doesn’t look good and it just wouldn’t be right, now would it, Debbie?” Helen Downey spread her legs ever so slightly.
“No, Miss. But it's my first time, and I just don’t think it's fair.” The seventeen-year-old girl was on the brink of tears.
“Well, young lady. I can give you a choice. Be punished by me or I’ll have to go and find Ms. Storey and tell her that you have refused to take your punishment – and you know what that will mean.” Helen saw the tears rolling down Debbie’s cheeks at the mere mention of Jasmine Storey, the Deputy Head Mistress.
“No, Miss! Please don’t do that!” Debbie Griffin frantically tried to stop the tears.
“Then put yourself over my knee and let’s get this over with, Debbie.” Helen Downey sat back in the chair and waited.
The small girl composed herself and after a few moments tentatively lowered herself over her teacher’s lap. She placed her hands flat on the floor before her and waited, the only sound in the room being her occasional sniffs and sobs. The young History teacher placed her hands on Debbie’s navy school skirt and raised it slowly, revealing the girl’s white school knickers. Miss Downey carefully folded the skirt out of the way and studied the small bottom lying in front of her.
Moments later, Helen placed her left arm under Debbie’s waist and pulled her tightly into her dark blue blouse. Miss Downey placed her clothes brush on the floor next to her right foot and her small right hand began to rub the bottom that was lying vulnerably over her knees. She took a few deep breaths and thought about how she would deal with the usually reliable young lady who was about to experience her first-ever dose of corporal punishment. Debbie Griffin’s sniffing and sobbing were becoming louder as she realised that there was no way out and that she really was going to have her bottom smacked by her usually sweet and lovely Form Mistress. One final rub of the light brown coloured thighs in front of her before Helen Downey raised her small right hand in the air and brought it down moments later with a muffled “smack!”
Debbie Griffin felt it immediately. She began to wriggle and squirm on Helen’s lap, but she couldn’t go anywhere. Miss Downey tightened her grip around the seventeen-year-old’s waist and waited for her to settle.
“Come on, young lady. We need to get this done quickly, don’t we?” she said soothingly and watched as the girl settled.
“Smack!” Helen laid out half a dozen spanks alternately on Debbie’s buttocks.
The young girl was crying loudly, and Miss Downey could see that her tears had dripped onto the carpet below. She held onto the sixth former and over the next five minutes she slapped the girl’s bottom and thighs relatively gently. She looked over at Leah Ellis, who was ignoring what was happening at the front of the room, instead trying to concentrate on her essay.
'Good,' Helen Downey thought to herself. 'Hopefully, she won’t realise that I’m not being as hard on Debbie.'
Helen Downey paused for a moment and ran her hands over the white knickers that were offering Debbie’s bottom some slight protection. The younger girl’s bottom was nowhere near as hot as she had made Leah’s only a short while before. The young teacher decided to conclude the punishment as quickly as she could and reached down and retrieved the clothes brush from the floor with her right hand, immediately placing it against the small bottom lying across her knees. Debbie Griffin’s sniffs and sobs became louder as she realised what was coming her way.
“Now, young lady, I’m going to finish off with six smacks with the clothes brush, and like Leah, you need to count each one. Is that understood, sw--” The young teacher paused as she realised what she was about to say and corrected herself.
“Debbie?” Helen began tapping the brush against the seventeen-year-old’s bottom and awaited her reply.
Debbie Griffin was scared. She had not enjoyed being spanked with Helen’s hand, so the brush would be worse. She shuffled around once more, but Helen Downey simply pushed her down further into her lap. She sniffed and sobbed, and her breath came in gasps. It took her a few moments to answer.
“Yes, M..Miss Downey,” the young lady replied and bit into her lip to stop her sobbing.
Helen wasted no time in bringing that first smack with the ebony-backed clothes brush right in the centre of the small, but perfectly formed bottom lying in front of her with a gentle “thud!”
A few moments, and sobs later, Debbie Griffin replied.
“One, Miss.”
Helen took aim against the sixth former’s right bum cheek and landed her stroke seconds later with a second, gentle “thud!”
Debbie Griffin squirmed and brought her right hand up from the floor, placing it over her burning bottom to try and protect it from any further punishment. Her Form Mistress smiled and simply knocked it away with a gentle tap of the wooden brush.
“No, Debbie. Move your hand right now or I’ll give you extra!” she barked and watched as the hand was immediately returned to the floor, snivels and sobs becoming even louder.
“Two, Miss Downey!” the young lady eventually replied.
“Thud!” Helen almost tapped the brush against the girl’s left thigh.
Another few moments passed before Debbie had enough composure to answer.
“Three, Miss Downey.”
As soon as the reply had come, Helen tapped the sixth former’s right thigh, as gently as she could.
Again. Another lengthy pause as Debbie cried, snivelled and sobbed.
“Four, Miss Downey,” she answered almost inaudibly.
“Thud!” “Thud!” Helen Downey rapped the last two strokes out almost as one and threw the brush on the floor so that Debbie could see that her punishment was over.
The young Form Mistress immediately released her grip on the girl and began rubbing her bottom with both hands. It was warm to the touch, but Debbie Griffin had got away lightly compared to what Leah Ellis had received. No one would have guessed that at the noise that the humiliated sixth form girl was making. Helen continued to rub and soothe Debbie’s bottom and thighs, listening as she regathered her composure and as the girl’s breathing returned to normal. After a few more moments, Debbie Griffin finally replied to her teacher.
“Five. Six, Miss Downey.” She shook her head, trying to shake her long, dark hair out of her eyes.
Miss Downey sat rubbing the girl’s bottom over her white knickers for a few minutes before smiling as the seventeen-year-old turned her head and looked up at her. She unintentionally pushed her crotch into Helen’s lap and the young teacher felt it. She was very turned on and aroused too and needed to get herself home in order to deal with that. Miss Downey tapped Debbie’s bottom gently and sat back in her leather chair, moving her arms out of the way.
“Up you get, young lady. Sort your appearance out and return to your work.” She continued to smile sweetly as the girl obeyed her instruction.
Ten minutes later and Helen Downey dismissed her two detainees. Once she had recorded their punishment in Ms. Storey’s punishment register at the school’s main reception, Helen made her way home. Within moments of her taking off her jacket, placing her school bag in the hallway and kicking off her shoes, the young History teacher was heading to her bedroom to masturbate. She was so turned on by punishing the girls and knew that she needed to see someone to help her deal with her feelings.
The next day, as expected, Debbie Griffin arrived at Helen’s classroom early, essay in hand. Her Form Mistress smiled at her knowing that the punishment that the girl had received would be the only one she would ever receive. During registration that morning, Leah Ellis also handed in her late homework, Helen smiling to herself as she saw the obvious discomfort the girl showed when trying to sit down. Her smile widened as her computer beeped as an email arrived. It was from Leonie MacKintosh, the Head of Girl’s PE at St. Katherine’s School and was entitled: “Girls I need to see this morning regarding unauthorised absence from PE.”
Miss Downey knew that this would mean a very severe punishment with the PE Mistresses' plimsolls in the sports hall that morning. Helen laughed quietly to herself as she saw the names of two members of her form class on the list.
“Girls. I’ve just got an email from Miss Mackintosh. She needs to see the following girls at break time…”

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