Detention Ch. 03 free porn video

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First chapter:

Second chapter:


As Kelly had instructed I booked a hotel room as soon as I got home from school on Monday. I would have done it AT school if I could have found a way for it to sound inconspicuous. But I could already hear the questions. ‘John, why do you need a hotel room in the middle of the week?’

‘Is there something wrong?’ On and on and on they would go. Gossip travels fast around this place and I was going to try to keep this as hush-hush as possible.

I was glad we were taking this off campus. Both the girls are eighteen and perfectly legal, not to mention great in bed. But also there’s the risk involved when you get a blow job or fuck a girl in the ass while in a classroom. Although being IN the school sure did make it more exciting. I’m sure there will still be a place and time for that in the future.

I told Kelly on Tuesday during school that I had the room booked at the Holiday Inn for Wednesday night. Check in was at 1:00pm and check out was on Thursday morning at 11:00am. We would all, hopefully, be back at school by then. If not, I was in deep shit. But I think I still might enjoy it even if it cost me my job. Maybe. Actually, yes I probably would still enjoy it.

Kelly and I went over our plan once more during our meeting. There really wasn’t much to it, we were just going to grab Marsha as she came out of the door from the locker room after her soccer game. Hopefully no one else would be around and her parents wouldn’t notice. We’d let her call them from the car as we were on our way to the hotel. Then we’d be on our way to a wild and crazy night.

I almost wanted to tell Marsha in class on Wednesday. I felt bad but then seeing her in her usual sexy, tight clothes made me realize how much fun it was going to be. I had to sit at my desk more than usual on Wednesday because I didn’t want the whole class to get a view of my hard on. That one would have been hard to explain. ‘Well ya see, Marsha and I are going to be fucking in a hotel room tonight …’

After school was finally over I headed over to the hotel to check in to our room. I had booked it for two people because I figured at least Kelly would be coming, in one way or another. If we got to bring Marsha we could sneak her in the side door. Nevertheless I checked in as just one to avoid any confusion of having one of my eighteen year old students with me. I got my room key and saw we were in luck when the clerk told me our room was right near a side entrance.

I brought my car around and found the room was the second one in on the right from the side door. This was almost as perfect as you can get and I didn’t see a Do Not Disturb sign on the first door so maybe it was vacant. Let’s hope that’s the side the beds are on then. Who knows how loud we’d be or much the bed is going to hit the wall later.

I brought my overnight bag and some other stuff I’d purchased the night before into the room. I opened the shades and saw the view was nothing much except if you like parking lots. Since we were on the first floor we’d have to be careful to keep the shades closed at all times. That is, unless we wanted to give a stranger or two a free show. You never know what might happen with Kelly.

I locked the room and took both keys with me as I headed for home. I still had a few more hours until the game started. It was time to get some food in me and get the alcohol for later. I had flip-flopped on whether to bring any tonight, as I was the one that would take the heat if we were caught with it. But I decided to try to make the night the best one possible and so I figured I’d go for it. You only live once right?

Of course, before last Friday I thought you’d only have a threesome once. Maybe I was a few hours from proving myself wrong, again. I got home and took a quick nap on the couch before heading out for supplies. I made myself a quick pasta dinner and watched some TV until around 6:30. The game was going to start in a thirty minutes.

Kelly had given me her cell phone number earlier and I gave her a call to touch base with her. She confirmed everything was in order and she was already at the school hanging out by the fence on the sidelines. I was going to be roaming around shooting the breeze with everyone until the last minutes of the game. Then Kelly and I would get together underneath the bleachers and get ready to strike.

I got to the field right at the starting whistle and quickly worked my way up to the front row of the bleachers. Kelly had obviously had Mrs. Brown in on the plan because there was a seat waiting for me immediately to her right. I smiled, waved and came over a sat down.

‘Hi Helen, how are you? So nice to see you here.’

‘Hi John, nice seeing you here too,’ she said with a wink.

‘Its almost like your waiting for me,’ I said with a smile.

‘Oh, you could say that,’ she replied.

We watched the first half of the game while chit chatting and school stuff and the joys and thrills of being a teacher. Some are more apparent than others. Mrs. Brown actually is a nice lady once you get to know her, even with all the Kelly stuff taken out. I was glad this whole thing had made me a pretty important friend in the school community. You can never have enough contacts in your business, whatever that may be.

Nearing the end of the game I noticed Marsha as she scored two goals for the East team. They were now winning 3-2 over the West team with 83 minutes played in the game. She was in all her glory here in front of our side of town’s cheering fans. She was giving everyone high fives as she jogged back to the other side of the field, her gold colored jersey and shorts rippling a bit as she ran. They weren’t as tight as her regular clothes but I’m sure no boys were complaining.

Looking at her I saw a different Marsha and I felt a lot closer to her. If I had been an impartial observer, as I was before, I probably would have seen the cocky bitch would strode into my detention last week. Now, I saw a beautiful young girl out on the soccer field having fun. It was amazing what a blow job could do.

Her best friend was standing with her on the field, a girl by the name of Jamie Belmonte. She was another beautiful blonde soccer player who inhabited our hallways. I didn’t have the pleasure of having her in any of my classes this year, but I had seen around with Marsha a few times and she was a real looker. She was taller than Marsha by a few inches and because of this her legs were probably her greatest feature, although the rest of the body wasn’t bad either. I tried to imagine a way to get this girl in the game with us, but I thought I should leave that to Kelly. And maybe Mrs. Brown?

‘It’s a shame that I won’t be able to be with you guys tonight. You really should make a video or take some pictures for me sometime. I know that might sound weird to you but I really would like to see.’

‘Well I can understand why you’d want to see,’ I said with a chuckle, ‘but yes it does sound a little bit strange. Although I wouldn’t be against it, that’s for sure. I just think we should wait until after they graduate.’

‘You probably right John. But hey, hopefully spring will come and you’ll still be close to both of them. Then when summer comes, all new opportunities!’

I smiled. ‘This is true, and I hope so too!’

Mrs. Brown was about to say something else when she touched my shoulder and motioned with her to the left. I followed her motion and found Kelly standing on the stairs at the other side of the bleachers. She was smiling and waving at us and I knew this was my cue. We waved back and then I excused myself from Mrs. Brown and walked off the bleachers the opposite way from Kelly.

We met at our prearranged spot beneath the bleachers.

‘Are you ready?’ she sai
d to me with a grin on her face. She was wearing usual Kelly clothes with a dark blue v neck t-shirt and blue jeans. I wondered what she had on underneath.

‘Yup, I’m ready. Funny how Mrs. Brown ended up there huh?’ I winked at her.

She smiled and said, ‘Yea I figured it’d be easier if you were had a spot to sit where I knew you’d be. I didn’t want you wandering all over, we can’t be late!’

This was true so we headed back towards the school where the locker rooms were for both squads. We milled around while the fans left and the teams came back to take showers and get dressed. We talked to a few students and faculty members who attended the game. We kept our small talk to a minimum and explained that we were discussing Kelly’s options for a college major. I didn’t mention sexual education, but I should have.

We saw Marsha go into the locker room and waited about ten to fifteen minutes before moving over closer to where the players were coming out. I could see why Kelly would like this spot as it was fairly secluded. I was surprised there wasn’t a gaggle of parents waiting outside the door but they were all around the front of school still. The exit door was around a corner on a side of the school rarely used. We were a few steps between the door and the corner, waiting.

After a few minutes more our mark finally came out. She wearing her sandals again, ripped blue jeans and a pink tank top. Her blonde hair was still wet and she looked a bit tired after the game. She was probably about to go home for dinner and then maybe over to a friend’s house. We had different plans.

Kelly didn’t waste any time and approached Marsha, grabbing her by the arm.

‘Hey there hot stuff. Why don’t you come with us?’

Marsha looked a bit shocked to see us there but she maintained her composure.

‘I can’t now, my parents are waiting and I have to go home and eat. Also I have a test on Friday I need to study for.’

‘When’s the last time you studied?’ Kelly wondered. Before Marsha could respond though Kelly pulled Marsha close and started to kiss her. Marsha immediately pulled herself away.

‘What are you doing? I told you not to do anything in public!’

Kelly smiled. ‘Well, if you come with us peacefully, then there won’t be any problems. If not, I’m sure I could convince a few people here just what a dyke you’ve turned out to be.’

‘I’m not a dyke, Kelly. I really need to go home though guys. I’m hungry and tired.’

‘Well that’s too bad, because we’re kidnapping you whether you like it or not.’

At this point Kelly grabbed Marsha’s arm again and I joined in and took her other arm. We whisked her away towards my car, which was strategically parked in the first parking spot near the door where we were. We didn’t meet anyone on our way as they were all still around front. Marsha looked a bit scared but wasn’t protesting that much.

‘We’ll let you call your parents when we’re in the car. You’ll tell them you met up with some friends and are going out to eat with them. I’m sure they’re used to you not being home and being with your friends instead.’

‘You guys are nuts,’ Marsha said as we got to the car and put her in the back.

As Kelly and I got in the front she turned around with a grin and said, ‘Nah, we’re just horny.’


We got to the hotel about fifteen minutes later and I pulled into the same spot I had before, right outside the entrance. Kelly and I got out and led Marsha inside to our room. My stuff was already on the second bed near the window and Kelly put her stuff there as well. Marsha had her soccer stuff and just set it down near the door.

‘Well, this is where we’ll be spending our evening. Hope you brought some clothes for school tomorrow Marsha, we’re staying here tonight.’ We both smiled at her, knowing that she didn’t have any other clean clothes.

‘Um, I have to go home tonight. My parents will kill me if I don’t come home. My mom will flip out!’

Kelly spoke up. ‘Well why don’t you call them again in a little bit and tell them you want to sleep over at a friend’s house?’

‘Uggh, I don’t remember the last time I actually slept over a friend’s house, plus it’s a school night!’

‘Marsha,’ I said, ‘I thought you were more of a rebel. I didn’t think your parents would have such sway over you. That’s not the image you portray in school at least.’

‘Yeah well, my dad can be pretty tough. If he knew I was here with you he’d kill me, or you.’

‘We don’t have to worry about that though do we? Just tell them you want to sleep over a friend’s house. But, we’ll get to that in a little bit. Since you’re going to be spending the night and don’t have clothes for school tomorrow, you might as well not get them dirty now. You should probably take them off.’

Kelly and I looked at her with a mischievous look on our faces. Marsha sighed, looked at both of us and then relented and pulled her tank top over her head. She was wearing a red silky bra that looked very sexy on her. She unbuttoned her jeans and pulled those down as well revealing matching red panties. It didn’t take long for me to start feeling a bulge in my groin.

‘That’ll do for now Marsha, you look great like that. We can lose the rest later.’ I looked over towards Kelly, ‘I suppose we should be gracious hosts and join Marsha so she doesn’t feel too uncomfortable?’

‘That sounds like a great idea John!’

We exchanged smiles and quickly disrobed. I had made sure to buy some sexy underwear for myself for this occasion. I had bought some men’s sports briefs, which showed off a bit more while, hopefully, still holding my raging hard on in. Also I thought they made my ass look pretty good as well. They seemed to make a good impression right away.

‘Those look great John,’ said Kelly.

‘I can’t believe you’re wearing those!’ Marsha said, although I thought I could tell she enjoyed it too.

Kelly was wearing some sexy black thong underwear and a white push up bra. Her breasts didn’t really need that much help but they did look tremendous in that bra. My bulge was now fully visible in my briefs and I didn’t do much to hide it. Heck I couldn’t wait to use it.

First, I figured a little drink was in order to start off the night. I went and pulled out the bottle of vodka I’d bought and poured us all a round of vodka and cokes. I could tell the girls had drunk before as it didn’t phase them as much to drink vodka as it should have. We chit chatted a little bit about the game and made small talk while we drank. We both congratulated Marsha on her two goals, including the game winner. She actually seemed touched by it and gave us a shy smile that I’m sure would break some hearts in the future.

After we had our second drink I could tell things had gotten a little looser in the room. I had gotten my bulge back my looking at Marsha’s body decked out in red skivvies and Kelly’s push up bra. I also had had more Coke than vodka because I wasn’t getting any whisky dick tonight, that was for sure. I figured now was the time. I moved over to the bed closer to the door and laid on it facing Marsha who was sitting near the foot of the bed. I called Kelly over and then announced my plan.

‘Kelly, I’d like you to take my cock out and start stroking it. Marsha, why don’t you stand up and pull down those panties a little bit and let us see your nice little butt.’

Kelly cooed a bit and quickly came over and laid down next to me on the bed, putting her hand on my bulge. We both looked up at Marsha as Kelly’s hand stroked my cock. She was about to protest again but then rolled her eyes and turned around. She pulled down her pants and showed us what we wanted. Her ass looked even better tonight than it did last Friday. Maybe it was the soccer game.

Kelly pulled my cock out of my briefs and started stroking it while we looked at Marsha.

‘You have the nicest ass in school, I love when you wear those black
pants. Oh god I want to touch you all day.’ Kelly stroked my cock a bit harder as she said this and I could feel her getting just as horny as I was.

‘Why don’t you do a little strip tease for us Marsha?’ I ventured. I was happy just to stare at her but I wanted to see her dance with her ass out.

‘Yeah! Come on baby, do it!’ shouted Kelly. ‘I’ll make it worth your while baby, I swear.’

I didn’t think this would work but apparently it did, or the vodka kicked in, as Marsha started dancing. Maybe she had been thinking about how good it felt when Kelly was licking her pussy in detention. When she started dancing I almost lost it right there. She started moving her hips and slowly pushing her panties down even farther.

As she started bending over she turned her head around and looked at us with a look on her face that I hadn’t seen before out of her. Maybe she liked to be the sub. That was something I never would have guessed. Either way she was bending over more now, showing us her nice ass in motion. When she got her panties off she throw them behind us and they landed on the bed near my cock.

Kelly yelled some encouragement and Marsha moved her hands up to her bra and started taking that off while still moving her ass. She clasped her hands around her breasts as the straps came loose and she slowly lowered them and let her bra hit the floor. Then she turned around and showed us the front of her beautiful body. She had gone tanning over the weekend and it made her look stunning.

Kelly now was stroking my cock fast and hard and I was about to burst. I was moaning hard now while looking over Marsha’s naked dancing body. Kelly looked back at me and saw that I was about to cum. Before I could even say anything she moved her mouth to my cock and started sucking on the head.

I couldn’t hold it any longer and let my cock erupt into Kelly’s mouth. She moaned louder and took all of my cum down her throat while Marsha watched. I had my eyes closed and my head tilted back as my body was in the throes of orgasm. Kelly kept my cock in her mouth until I was done and then licked up and down until it went limp.

‘Mmm, I still love your cum John. I hope that’s not the only load you’ve got for us tonight,’ she said while looking back to me.

The look on her face was enough for me to ensure her that it was not. ‘No way, not a chance in hell.’

She gave me a half smile and said, ‘Good. Now I have to go tend to Marsha. When you feel … up to it, please come and join us. Until then just lay back and watch.’

With that she moved over to Marsha and took her in an embrace and gave her a deep kiss. Her hands roamed over Marsh’s body and Marsha started to return the favor after a few seconds. This was going to be some show and I could already feel myself gathering steam again. I didn’t want to be out of this game for too long.

Kelly pulled away from their kiss and told Marsha to lie down on the other bed. She did while Kelly went to her backpack and reached inside. When she came back she had a big purple double-ended dildo, which looked new. Marsha’s eyes got a bit wider when she saw this but Kelly reassured her.

I sat and watched on the other bed as Kelly sat across from Marsha with both spread eagled and pushed the dildo into her pussy. Once she got it in, Marsha followed suit and put her end in. Then after a few adjustments they were both moaning as they fucked themselves with the dildo. Kelly’s face was of pure pleasure as she watched Marsha fuck herself with her end. She moved her finger to her pussy and started to finger herself, moving to her clit.

Marsha seemed also to be letting herself go and enjoying herself. Her face was contorted and her breaths were short as she continued to move the dildo in and out of her pussy. This sight made my cock hard again quickly. It would have gotten hard for way less than this. I decided it was time for Marsha to taste my cock again. I got up off the bed and moved over to the other bed.

I stood up on the bed and moved in between the two girls. I turned towards Marsha and let my hard cock dangle in front of her face. Her eyes were closed in pleasure but I moved my cock to her face and let it touch her lips. She opened her eyes and saw my cock was in her face and looked up at me. I took her head in my hands and kept my cock in front of her lips. She looked down at it and opened her mouth. I pushed it inside her mouth.

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By all aspects to most people Kelly Marie Munson was an enormous success. She had inherited the fur shop from her parents as a young woman. She had sold enormously expensive fur coats to every celebrity anybody had ever heard of. She was one of the town leaders in fundraising for many of the charity events in town and the surrounding areas. She knew so many celebrities that she was constantly including them on the guest lists of high profile events for fund raising. Kelly had returned home...

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Fall From GraceChapter 2

The plantation used to be richly furnished and the tables were set with solid silver tableware, gold-banded china, and imported linens. However, the Yankees and the Confederates had completely ransacked our valuables. It was better that then they take our virtues though and Madame had appealing to their sense of horror and through her force of will. That evening when I prepared dinner, Abigail regarded her Grandmother with a kiss on the cheek. Madame doted on Abigail and tried to spoil her...

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The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 2

"All right," Candace Carpenter grunted, flopping into a chair at Jean's table at the coffee shop. "What is this urgent issue with the boys?" She was hung over -- usually, she waited until the weekend to tear one up, but she'd met and enticed this tow-headed kid at the grocer, and one thing had led to another ... Instead of PRETENDING to get drunk so he could take advantage of her, she'd GOTTEN drunk -- and as a result, it hadn't been as good. This morning, she was literally paying for...

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Borders Crossed Part One

******************************************************************************************************************** Borders Crossed Part One ******************************************************************************************************************** On the southern Japanese island of Kyushu is a small village in the Miyazaki prefecture. Life there is simple and quiet. The area is a beautiful, lush green mix of semi-tropical forest, small farms and a stone’s throw from...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 36 Five in One

Chapter Thirty-Six – Five in One Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, mf, mmf, mmf, x-mast, anal, cream pie, grope, magic, oral, spank, unif As the month of June rolled around, things at Hogwarts had started to become extremely hectic. Harry and the rest of the Triwizard Champions were hard at work practicing for the final task, exams were fast approaching...

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Submit by Caitlyn Masked Jenny and I were best friends. Most people couldn't understand how a guy and a girl could get along as well as we did without falling in love... or at least falling into bed. But Jenny and I both subscribed to the same belief. We both wanted to have a perfect, long term, romantic relationship and we believed that the best relationships were with people who were different from each other. And while Jenny and I weren't necessarily twins, we both loved many...

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SaraChapter 5

Mark recovered first, allowing Sara to slip off his sated cock. He held her against himself as he turned the rapidly cooling water off and reached up to release her wrists. Stepping out of the shower with her, he led her back through the bathroom to sit on the edge of the bed while he retrieved towels from the linen closet. Sara shivered as cool air crossed her damp skin and puckered her sensitized nipples, drawing her attention to the nipple clamps. She looked down, fascinated by the sight...

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cum again

My pussy had been dripping wet all day, I had been so horny and played with myself several times. Yet I was still not satisfied. I missed you so much. My door buzzer rang I heard your voice, I instantly felt even more aroused, I opened my door to see you standing there. You were tall and wearing a plain black t shirt and jeans. I looked down at your cock bulge and my pussy started to ache for your cock. I could tell that you were horny to. You grabbed me and pushed me gently against the wall...

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Vennoa the Halfelf SorcererChapter 19

From the far side of the cavern, a kobold face appeared. It peered into the cavern for a second, and then withdrew out of sight. Loud chattering could be heard from that direction, and Vennoa understood that the kobold was yelling to other kobolds about the party’s location. Pua took a deep breath, drew his swords, and walked calmly towards the tunnel where the kobold had disappeared into. Pua looked a little better now after being out of the sun for some time. Agate also took out his dagger...

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Barrack Room Betty Chapter Ten

Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Ten - Sea Daddies and Sea Mommies Seaman Michael Nyland graduated from Recruit School in March 1974 and was immediately posted to HMS Raleigh to commence training as a Writer; a sailor specialising in pay, personnel matters and administration. He was glad to see the back of HMS Chelmsford; Spike and the three other Leading Recruits had passed out at the end of January and had posted off to other establishments to undertake their...

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The Motorcycle Diaries Couples Ride

Opening scene:Wide-angle helicopter view of low rolling hills ablaze with full autumn colors. The helicopter pans right and we see a majestic bridge crossing a large river. Those in the know will recognize it as the Tappan Zee Bridge crossing the Hudson River in New York State. The sun dances on the dying leaves, bringing out their full and dazzling hues. But thunderclouds are closing in from the west, lightning bolts rippling through them. The helicopter zooms in slowly and we see two...

Wife Lovers
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Corporate Merger

---- Corporate Merger by Mushrambo ---- It all started when the firms brought in that "efficiency expert" in order to help with the merger. One really couldn't blame them for it, bringing together two companies which had been rivals for their entire existance was no easy feat. But with corporate mergers, there always came layoffs. Which is why Aaron was sitting in this board room now, opposite his counterpart from Croft Global. The two companies boards were reviewing every...

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A Flame in the Night Ch 06

THE STORY RETOLD Sometime later, you (female) are reminiscing about the arousing story I recited to you. And the narrative of that tale went something like this: After their night of passion and sex, they go their various ways and return back to their separate homes. During the following day, both lovers reflect on the precious memories they made. And while they’re apart, their feelings stir and grow fondly as they wait, hoping to hear again from their new partner. How did she like it? he...

1 year ago
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Maa Chudi Soote Hue

Hi. Friends. This is a story friend. This is an my incest story with my mother. My mother is 45 year old lady. Her height is 5,5 ft and she is fat and black in color. This story takes u back 6 months when it was a wild summer in mumbai. All my family members had gone to work and school. I layed on the bed on a afternoon with my mother besides.3 pm baj rahe the. Mein ek sapna dek raha tha. Achanak meri aankh khula. Maine dekha meri maa bagal mein soyi hai. Maa mere oposit kamar de ke so rahi...

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Intro This is a first/ and second person story about "you" James/Jenny , depending on you. Are u James (Guy) or Jenny (Girl) or someone else Everyone starts with the same background story

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A Day Out In Birmingham

Day Out in Birmingham  It was the weekend and we woke up to a beautiful sunny Saturday morning. Jay and I had planned a day out in Birmingham shopping and as it was so nice we decided to have some fun on the way. We have a convertible and Jay just loves to show off in it when we are out driving. Today was no exception as she dressed in a very short, light green summer dress, complimented with a pair of matching high heels. The effect was stunning as the combination of heels and her short...

Group Sex
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Kaise 4 Sal Friend Se Net Pai Bat

Hello dosto it’s Garry m from Punjab but now I live in a USA California.Mai is site ka 10 class se reader huan. Maine ispe bahut sari stories padi hai abb mai app sabko apni life ki ghatna batana chahta huan I hope you guys like it. This is a story about me and my net friend how I make her my girlfriend. Meri umar takreeban 20 sal hai aur mujhe sex krna bahut pasand hai agar koi wi ladki mere se chudwana chahti hoa to mujhe contact kar sakti hai meri email id hai Mai india aksar ata jata...

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You are naked except for a slinky thong and high heels. Very high heels. You can barely walk in them. I have made you wear the thong to keep it inside you. You don't know what it is, except it's something. Is it a dildo? It vibrates... continuously. But there's another feeling too. Some kind of irritant has obviously been applied before I inserted it. You didn't notice it at first but the itch is maddening. You'd like to scratch it, but your hands are tied behind your back. You totter to...

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Man Maid 2

Friday morning I awoke with less of a hangover than I deserved. Glancing at the clock I saw that I had awoken at my normal time without the aid of the alarm just like any other day. The beer can next to the clock told me that I should feel much worse than I did. My room mate Todd and I having no real social life, generally drink six or seven beers after work, but a can in the bedroom was proof that I had probably had more than usual. Spotting the bags from Frederick?s of Hollywood on...

2 years ago
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Erotic Sunday

Hi friends I am Mr.x from deep down in south Tamilnadu….I am back with another new story…enjoyhere I go again. This an interesting story.I am Vinu. I am from a very rich family. My father, Vikram is a big business man and mother, Rekha is a housewife. My dad is 40 years old now and mother 36. Theirs was a love marriage. Happened when mom was only 16 and in an year she delivered me. So now I am 20. This is my family and we lived in a big mansion in the city.Dad will be busy all day and mom used...

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The Bus Ride and Meeting My New Client

I took a final look at myself in the mirror. My name’s Joanna, I stand 5’6 tall, have long dark curly hair, which I’d tied back into a ponytail and have blue eyes. I had on, a white, almost see threw, vest top with narrow shoulder straps. With 34b breasts, I never wore a bra and that day was no different. I straightened my yellow/gold wrap round skirt, with no undies underneath, put on my navy blue jacket, fastened the middle button and slipped on my toeless shoes. I was ready to go, so picked...

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StupidChapter 3

So, I was the chosen one. I didn't want a wife as much as our parents wanted one for me. I took her to our first date, she was cute, seemed happy, and made appropriate noises. She enjoyed our day out; we did the conventional routine of dating. I thought maybe she was the one and put of my mask for a while, and the usual result. She was shocked to see me. Unemotional, unassuming, but stupid man behind the mask. Didn't I expect this? Well if I had to try it with someone. I chose to put her...

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Hot Retreat with my Nephew Part 2 Even hotter

Shortly after my nephew and I had had hours of intense sex for the very first time, I again began to wonder to myself what this meant; after all, I had fucked and sucked my 19 year old nephew to high heaven and there was no looking back. The question became, do we write this off as a glorious and incredibly hot mistake…or do we give in to our desires and continue in secret, as my brother would kill us both if he ever found out that we were fucking. We lied naked in bed together, and as my...

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Hormones Players: John Little as Mary Ann Little; Rose (Little) Tweed, John's mother; Mark Tweed, John's step father; Katie and Kathy Tweed, Johns older step sisters; Ms. Helen Ash, Owner of Fem Pharmaceuticals; Tracy Broaden, Manufacturing Supervisor at Fem Pharmaceuticals; Nurse Sally Mason of Fem Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Carol Madden, Member of the Board at Fem Pharmaceuticals and John's doctor; Dr. Julie Hawthorn, head psychologist and founder of the Hawthorn Clinic for male to...

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An Officer and a Gentleman1777 Ch 09

So the Army sat and waited. It waited for some word or sign that General Clinton was coming closer. Instead what it got was signs that Fall was here in all its splendor. The leaves turned bright yellows and reds and the nights were cooler. It also meant winter was coming with all the horrors it would bring if this Army were forced to winter where it was. There were other signs. Signs that the American Army was growing in size and strength. Across the Hudson bands of men could be seen gathering...

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Whatever It CostsChapter 15

The following short school week suited me fine. The schooldays just rolled by, and before we noticed, it was Thanksgiving. Sara didn't need to work as the family filled the restaurant during the holidays. When I had tried to make some arrangements for Thanksgiving, I was told that everything had already been taken care of, and I just should come to my aunty's. I decided to play safe and come in early, willing to help - and with a huge bunch of flowers. It turned out that my help was not...

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NuruMassage Penny Pax Kiarra Kai Kept After Class

Penny Pax, a masseuse, is just finishing up with teaching a class of future masseuses and masseurs. However, as the students file out, she asks Kiarra Kai and Robby Echo to stay behind. She insists that NEITHER of them is going to graduate from the course any time soon since they still don’t have the basics down! Although Kiarra and Robby are dismayed, Penny assures them that they CAN still pass… as long as they do ANYTHING she says… After they eagerly agree, grateful for...

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My Mom And Servant Raj

Hii ISS readers, I am Savi a 19 year old boy. I am a big fan of ISS and like to read stories here. I especially like to read stories on gay sex and lesbian sex. I am here to narrate a real life incident which happened with me a month ago. I live with my mother Kavita who is a divorcee. About her, she is a very good looking woman and is in her early forties. She has a figure of 36-30-38. She still looks younger than her age and is a modern day woman. Raj is our servant and is just 20 years of...

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Dad8217s New Friend A SexCrazy Woman 8211 Part 1

Every family has their little or big secrets, and so does our family. Our small family consists of me and my dad. My mom was selfish money sucking bitch who abandoned me and my dad for her rich boss. After this incident, my kind dad was heartbroken, maybe my mom was a nasty woman and doesn’t deserve love but my dad still loved her. In my entire life, I never saw her giving the man some love or respect. As they say, God shows kindness to those who show kindness to others. Summer of 2020, the...

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The IfrinnChapter 5 Zach

"I've gotta stop by the hotel gift shop," Zach said as the air conditioning chilled his too warm body. He hadn't brought condoms on the trip because he never really expected to score with anyone. Standing in the hallway, Jillian gave him an appraising squint and hummed to herself. "Make sure you get enough." Zach coughed out a laugh at her insight and covered his face with his palm. "And how many is that exactly?" She counted on her fingers while staring up and mumbling, "The easy...

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A night of many firsts

I was a horny but shy guy in school and I never had the guts to ask girls out. After getting out of high school I finally had to shed my virginity. I was a regular at the local adult bookstore and I decided to get a swingers magazine. I still lived at home so I had to try to find someone to host After sending several letters out I got a reply back from Joe and Patty, they were in their mid 40’s. Patty was a tiny blond with a nice body. Joe was a taller guy 6’3” about 250 with a slight beer gut....

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Ffions ENF Disasters

Ffion is a 19 year-old girl originally from South Wales, but now lives with her mother, father and younger brother Lloyd in England. Her older sister Nerys is at university, but occssionally returns to the family home. In her final year of secondary school, Ffion is one of the most well-known girls in the school. Her favourite features are her light blue eyes and flawless long blonde hair. Standing at 5' 1", she may be short for her age, but with 34C breasts and a cute behind, she has already...

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Marys story Part 37

The doorbell rang, and Jaqueline went to answer it. “Hello Vicar, what seems to be the trouble?” “She’s through here, Doctor. I think that she might have an infection.” Mary nearly died of embarrassment when the Doctor appeared in the doorway. She was a large lady with grey hair and dressed in a tweed suit. Doctor Ruth Smith. Oh, why did this have to happen when her own GP was doing the on call? “Now what seems to be the trouble?” “Umm. I have a pain down there. I’ve been taking antibiotics but...

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My Fortieth Birthday

My Fortieth Birthday My daughter thinks that she has me wrapped around her little finger but that is only because I let her think that. I let my wife think that too. So when my thirteen-year-old daughter Suzie asked me for my credit card to make an Internet purchase, but wouldn’t tell me why, I let her coax it out of me. I played twenty questions with her but didn’t get much of an answer to any of them. She was quite resistant to telling me anything directly related to what she...

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The Descent

I have no idea why anyone would WANT this, but it’s mine. Don’t go plagiarizing it. Initially, I thought that this started a lot later, but on second thought ... it was a gloryhole. I was, oh, eighteen, nineteen. No, I wasn’t fascinated with cocks from age eight or anything. We’ll get into this, but I think my story is more real than stereotypical. I’m not gay — I’m bisexual, and I lean — HARD — toward women. So how come I’m a cum slut? I think the primary answer is ‘desperation.’ You decide —...

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my wife and I on this profile she was not sure on putting a picture of her self or a picture of me on here so we just put a picture of my dick...I m 30 years old and my wife is 23 we have been together for many years now and are thinking of trying something new..we trust each other 100% and are looking for a couple that are 100% trusting in each other too to have some fun with..We are not wanting to rush in to anything but will see how things go..We are thinking of just bringing a women in to...

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