Detention free porn video

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Mr. Graham was one of those antiquated teachers who believed that today's school students lacked discipline. His desk always had an ample supply of detention slips and he had no reservations in using them to send an errant student to detention.

He missed "the good old days" when a teacher was allowed to spank a deserving student and he felt that the new way of thinking, of letting a student express himself, was in his words balderdash. The irony of it all was that Mr. Graham was a high school history teacher - a fact that was not lost on him either.

Cathy McMillan was one of those students. A high-spirited, irrepressible young woman, she was a typical boy-crazy giggling high school sophomore. Older than her fellow classmates because she had been kept back a year, the seventeen year old was still just as giddy and immature.

It was a bright sunny spring day, one of those days when young minds find it near impossible to concentrate on something so mundane as classroom school work. Cathy wanted to be anywhere but stuck in a classroom, learning about something that happened hundreds of years before she was born and which she could see no value in knowing.

She tried to pay attention, she really did. But her mind tended to wander to her favorite subject, boys. Her best friend sitting in the desk across the aisle didn't help by passing notes back and forth to her, either. It was one of these notes that began her troubles that day.

"Miss McMillan, is that note important to the class?" Mr. Graham said as he caught her as she passed it to her girlfriend as he tried to lecture the class.

"No Sir," she said, and tried to hide the note in her hand.

"Well perhaps the class would like to hear what's on this note then. Would you like to share the note with the class?"

"No Sir."

"Come up here, Miss McMillan," he said as he walked over to his desk from the chalkboard. Cathy got up from her desk and walked to the front of the class. She stood at his desk in front of the class as Mr. Graham wrote out one of his famous detention slips.

"I guess you will be keeping me company for a couple hours after school today, Miss McMillan," he said, and handed her the slip of paper. "Now return to your seat so we can finish class before the bell rings."

"Yes, Sir," she said. "Shit!" she muttered to herself as she walked back to her seat. The class resumed and in a short time, the bell rang and class was dismissed. As everyone filed out of the classroom Cathy's girlfriend caught her arm.

"I'm sorry I got you in trouble Cathy," she said.

"It's okay Anna," Cathy said, "It's nothing I'm not used to. I'm just glad old man Graham didn't make me read the note. I would have died of embarrassment!"

"Yeah, I guess if we are going to pass notes, we should be more careful what we write." Anna said.

"Yeah," Cathy said. The girls hugged each other and then split up to go to their last classes of the day. After school was out, Cathy went to her locker to get her things and then headed off to Mr. Graham's class for her detention.

Cathy reached the classroom, and paused at the door. She hated detention and especially on such a nice day. But she knew if she just blew it off, it would only be worse when she came back the next day. So after taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door.

"Come in, Miss McMillan," he said, as she peeked around the partially open door.

"Yes Sir," she said meekly, as she came in and walked up to his desk where he sat grading some papers.

"Now young lady, you are here because you interrupted my class earlier today by passing a note back and forth with Miss Reynolds. You thought it was only the one note that I caught you two trading, but in reality I saw you two swap notes a number of times. And this wasn't the first time I have seen you two communicating like this while I am trying to teach."

"Yes Sir," she said, looking down at her feet.

"How are you going to pass my class if you are so busy gossiping and giggling with your friends that you miss the information that I give you?"

"I'm sorry, Sir."

"Well you can start by reading the assignment that the rest of the class had today - one I am sure you were too busy to do yourself during class time. After you have done that, I want you to write 'I will not pass notes in class' on the blackboard fifty times. Maybe then the lesson will stick."

"Yes Sir," she sighed. She took her book and belongings to her desk and sat down dejected. She opened the book and began reading. But Cathy found the information just as dry and boring after school as it was during class.

Cathy stared out the window of her classroom as she watched the school bus that normally would take her home pull away without her. She looked longingly at the bus as it reached the end of the school parking lot and turned the corner headed to drop the other kids off at their homes. Then she turned her attention back to her books and tried to absorb some of the dates and facts that she would be tested on tomorrow.

Cathy had already taken this test once before and failed it so Mr. Graham offered her the chance to make up the test at the end of the week. If she failed again, however, she would not pass and would have to repeat the class in summer school while all her friends were enjoying their summer break.

Cathy McMillan was a pretty girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes. She had a very voluptuous figure and her large breasts made her stand out among her classmates. She had long legs and a perfectly round, plump ass that was hard not to notice. She was fairly popular in school because of her looks and outgoing personality.

She had been asked to join the cheerleading squad, but turned it down, wanting to have her after school time free for her own interests. Her focus these days was on boys and she had one particular boy in mind. This was the subject of the notes that Cathy and Anna had been passing back and forth when she was caught.

"Sir why do we have to know American history anyway, it's just a bunch of stories about dead guys, why should I care what they did?"

Mr. Graham answered her impatiently, "Two reasons Miss McMillan. First, it's important for students to know where this country has been and the sacrifices of those before us, so you will know why you are where you are today."

"In fucking detention?" she retorted sarcastically.

"I'm going to ignore your foul language, this time. But I could give you another week detention for that," Mr. Graham snapped back at her. "And secondly, if you don't care about passing your test, you will fail this class and be here for summer school. While all your friends are out having a great summer, you'll be in class. Now I suggest you stop talking and start studying young lady, you also have to write on the board for me, don't forget that assignment. I've been telling you all year that you need to talk less and pay attention in class more, now you are seeing what happens when you don't."

"Yes Sir," she said, lowering her head. Try as she might, though, Cathy could not help but ask more questions.

"Gosh Sir, it sure is hot in here. Do you mind if I unbutton my blouse a little?" she asked, reached for the top button of her white blouse and unbuttoned the top button.

Mr. Graham replied, "Well it is after normal school hours, I suppose it's alright open one or two buttons."

"Or three buttons Sir, it's really warm in here," she said, undoing two and then three buttons, pulled her blouse apart and showed her ample cleavage. Then she smiled up at him in a teasing manner, knew she had made him uncomfortable.

"Y... yes that's fine, but no more," Mr. Graham said, stumbling over his words. He thought of his wife, his family, and his job, and tried not to think of this young vixen who was obviously playing him. He tried to ignore the swelling in his pants as his cock began to grow.

As he sat behind his desk, he tried to concentrate on the tests that he was grading, and not the student who sat at her desk in front of him crossing and uncrossing her legs, giving him a flash of her pale blue panties under her short skirt each time she would uncross her legs.

Cathy could not help but to keep asking questions even though that was part of the reason she was in detention in the first place. "Do you have a family, Sir? I know you're married because I see your ring, but you never mentioned if you have children."

"Yes" he answered rather impatiently and a little offended at the intrusion, "I have a daughter about your age." He went back to grading the tests hoping there were no more questions, Between her unbuttoned blouse and crossing and uncrossing her legs, it was getting hard for him to concentrate on grading papers.

He just hoped she would not ask any more questions so he wouldn't have to look up at her to answer. It was hard for him to look at her and not look down at her young firm ample breasts and he was trying his best to remain professional, after all he had a family and a career to worry about and this young vixen was not going to take that from him.

Cathy was enjoying herself now and decided to ask another question, "Your daughter is my age what do you do to punish her when she gets in trouble, do you send her to detention?"

Mr. Graham set his pen down and looked at her squarely in her soft brown eyes. "I do what I always did when she misbehaves, I give her a spanking."

"Really?" Cathy answered, "She's my age and you still spank her?" Well, she'll never leave home! Cathy thought to herself. "Just a little pat on the bottom through her clothes though I'm sure, Sir."

"No," Mr. Graham replied, "A spanking should only be applied one way, open hand on a bare bottom. I cannot understand why my daughter continues to misbehave even at her age. You would think she would want to avoid having her bottom spanked by now. It almost seems like she gets in trouble just so I'll spank her, but I know that can't be true."

Cathy listened to the story of Mr. Graham's daughter getting spanked and could feel her panties getting wet. She decided it was time to stand up.

"Sir, do you want me to write on the board?" she asked, "I can study for my test tonight."

"That's fine come write on the board fifty times I will not pass notes in class."

Cathy walked up to the chalkboard picked up the chalk and looked at the top of the board "I will have to stretch a long way to get to the top, Sir."

She reached way up to the top of the board to write as she did she flashed her panties from under her short skirt. Mr. Graham tried to pretend he did not notice but he did, and he tried to cover the swelling in his pants with his hand.

Then she got to the bottom of the board and bent over to write the phrase for the last time. As she bent over writing, her panties were practically sticking in Mr. Graham's face. He tried to act like he was ignoring it, but he could not. He could even see that her soft blue cotton panties were now damp. He could smell the scent of her young sex as he watched her wriggle her ass as she wrote.

He tried again to think of his wife of many years and his daughter who he loved so much and his career which he stood to lose if he acted on what he was thinking. He could not get the sight of her panty-clad ass out of his mind and couldn't get the swelling in his pants to go down.

Cathy finished writing at the bottom of the board and then turned and looked at him. "All done," she smiled at him, then looked down and saw the bulge in his pants between his legs.

"Oh my sir, did I do that? My brother gets like that too. I can help you relieve it."

Before he could even say anything, she dropped to her knees in front of him and quickly unzipped his pants, and pulled out his throbbing cock which was pulsating and already dripping precum. She took his purple head into her mouth and began to lick and to suck.

She ran her tongue up and down his shaft, then licked his pee hole to get every drop of precum. Her head bobbed up and down as she hungrily devoured her teacher's aching cock. He gently reached his hand out and stroked her soft brown hair. He no longer thought of his wife or his daughter or his career of many years.

Instead, he only thought of this beauty that was giving him the best blowjob he had ever had.

She unbuttoned the remaining buttons on her blouse and dropped the blouse on the floor, then reached behind her back and unhooked her bra dropping it on the floor also. Now with her large firm breasts freed, she continued to work on Mr. Graham's cock, sucking and slurping and licking. He moaned loudly, his pulsing, swollen cock throbbing as this vixen bounced up and down on it with her mouth.

She grabbed her breasts and placed his cock between them making him titty-fuck her, and he bounced up and down in his chair fucking her tits wildly. Cathy's panties were drenched now, and Mr. Graham was about to explode. She wrapped her mouth around his cock again and began to suck hard.

Just then the door in the back of the classroom opened and Miss Johnson, the English teacher looked in. She could only see Mr. Graham sitting at his desk, she did not see Cathy. On hearing the door, Cathy took his cock out of her mouth and froze for a second as did Mr. Graham.

Miss Johnson, who had a bit of an attraction to Mr. Graham herself, addressed him from the doorway. "Just reminding you of the staff meeting at 4:00. You'll be there right Mr. Graham?"

"Yes, Miss Johnson, I'll be coming soon," he replied, as he tried very hard to calm his voice.

"Okay, I'll save you a seat... right next to me!" she said, as she smiled at him and closed the door.

Cathy smiled and looked up at him, "Oh yes Sir, you'll be cumming soon, I'll see to that." He smiled back at her as she placed his pulsating member back in her mouth and continued to suck, slurp, and slobber. Cathy was enjoying her work, feeling his cock slide in and out of her mouth, tasting him and running her tongue over the velvety surface.

Suddenly, Mr. Graham pushed her off him and stood up. He didn't say anything but picked Cathy up and sat her on the edge of his desk. With a sweep of his arm, he cleared a spot for her and laid her back on the desktop so her legs hung off the edge. He sat back down in his chair and pushed her skirt up. Grabbing hold of her pale blue panties, he quickly removed them, spread her legs and placed her feet on the arms of his chair as he leaned forward and began kissing her young pussy and licking it.

This time, it was Cathy's turn to moan but she tried to do so quietly. She could feel his warm tongue as he licked and sucked on her soaking pussy lips. Cathy gripped the edges of the desk and squeezed them tightly, making her knuckles white as she reveled in his tongues work on her smoldering pussy. Her body moved up and down with the rhythm of his tongue and shook as he ate her pussy out expertly. Cathy had ever felt anything so glorious.

Then he stood up and grabbed Cathy's thighs pulling her closer and spreading them wide. Cathy reached out and took hold of his large cock and guided the missile towards her core as he positioned himself in front of her and started sliding his cock into her.

Cathy let out a long, low moan as he very slowly slid his cock onto her shaking body. He reached up and grabbed Cathy's large tits. He sunk his fingers into the tender young flesh and marveled at the suppleness and softness in his hands.

He pinched and tugged on her hard, erect nipples as he thrust his cock into her. Cathy had a hard grasp on the desk as it began to shake with her thrashing around. She moaned louder and louder until she felt herself cum. Her body arched and froze in place on the desk as she let out a scream and he quickly covered her mouth. He smiled at her and thrust as hard as he could.

He flipped her over and began fucking her doggie style on the desk. He grabbed hold of Cathy's long brown hair and pulled it back hard towards him as he thrust harder and harder into her until she felt herself cumming a second time.

Cathy moaned as her trembling legs gave out, and he grabbed her hips and pulled her back up and began to thrust faster and faster until she heard him let out a loud grunt as he flipped her over like she was a rag doll and began to jerk his cock as his cum shot into her open mouth and all over her face and tits. Cathy collapsed onto the floor by the desk and laid there on the cold tile floor, exhausted as he got dressed and grabbed some paper towels from the class room so she could clean up.

Finally strong enough to get up, Mr. Graham reached down to help Cathy stand, steadied by the desk. He picked up her bra and panties, putting the panties to his nose and inhaling her scent deeply before handing them to her. Cathy wiped the extra cum from her breasts with her finger and placed it in her mouth. She put her panties and bra on and then picked up her blouse and put it on. Then she grabbed her books as they both made their way toward the classroom door.

They stood in the hallway headed in opposite directions. "Same time tomorrow, Sir?" she asked.

"Yes we can discuss your grade then. Um, Miss McMillan," Mr. Graham said, "You might stop by the girls room and wash your face before going home." She smiled and went in the girls room. Looking in the mirror. she spotted some white right by her lower lip, licking it and swallowing she washed her face and then went to the office to call her mother t come pick her up.

On the way home, her mother asked her why she had to stay after school this time.

"Oh no, Mom," Cathy said, "It's nothing like that. I think I have finally figured out how to get better grades. I think this school thing is starting to click. I know my history grades will be getting a lot better and that was one of my hardest classes!" she said with a smile. If Mom only knew how I am getting my grades up! Cathy thought to herself, happy that she didn't have to worry about Mr. Graham's class any more.

And sure enough, because of Cathy's "extra credit work", she had no problem passing Mr. Graham's class and graduating on time!

The above story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events in it are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over sixteen (16) years of age.

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How The Big City Changed Me Part 1

All those things that should go here do go here: This is fiction. It is not real people. If you think it is you, you are wrong. You can put this story on any free sites. You can not charge anyone for it. I hope you enjoy! "How the Big City Changed Me" by Chiara My friend Paul and I had planned on moving out together and being a couple of crazy guys without supervision since at least back when we were 13 years old. Oh, I'm Kelly by the...

2 years ago
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Treasure in the attic

The entrance was hidden in the in wardrobe of her parents room, a latched staircase that could be pulled down from the ceiling. Eloise reached up and pulled the cord down to unleash the ladder, disturbing long settled dust and sneezing as some landed on her. It was obvious that even her parents had not been up there for years. With careful steps she climbed the ladder entering the dimly lit and stuffy room. It was quite spacious with a high ceiling, where little streaks of light cut through...

3 years ago
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Emily and Mark It had to happen

Mark drove home after work, singing to himself. He was so happy that Emily had moved into his home while awaiting the birth of her baby. He knew that she had suffered at the hands of her former partner and was ready to support her as much as he could until she had the baby and was ready to sort out her life.  She had given birth about six weeks ago and everything seemed to be going along well. Little did he know that she had been in love with him for a long time and feared that the love would...

3 years ago
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Fixing Grannys Pool

Well if you have been following my stories about my 66 year old lover Dawn you know that we had a great time in Las Vegas and both regretted returning to our hum-drum lives in Tucson. I am a forty-three year old stud with the thirty-four year old girlfriend, but it was my 66 year old granny Dawn who kept staying in the back of my mind. We kept in touch via sexy E-Mails and about a month went by without us meeting. I was worried what would happen if my younger lover would find out about our...

2 years ago
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The Sales Trip

It was typical Monday morning, the traffic was terrible and I was late for work again. I work in the sales department of a large international company. Even though I work in sales I never get to go on any of the sales trips. I was number three person in the sales dept. and only the top two went on the trips. Jim was the top salesman, he was in his mid thirties and handsome but he was a real asshole in the office. Susan was the number two sales person; she was an attractive Asian...

1 year ago
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Ranu Enjoyed With Me In The Absence Of Her Husband

Greetings to all readers of this site. I am a big fan of this Indian sex stories site and read almost all stories of it. I have been attached to this site for last many years and posted many experiences of mine. Let me introduce myself: I am Aryan from Delhi NCR and currently shifted to Noida to a good society where my expedition started again. I have been living a normal life since last incident long time back.Office to home and home to office but two months back I have been approached by a...

4 years ago
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Curious Pt1

Let's just get one thing straight right now, I am not gay. I like women I've always liked women. Well I used to before I became one.But i'm skipping ahead. My name is/was David Smith, 20 years old a college student not good looking like the guys from every teen soap ever, but i have a few keyword "few" good looking qualities about myself. I'm in a word average looking. I'm attending the local law school in corporate law, It's always made me smile when the corporate criminal gets...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotGirl Quinn Wilde 23795

Why the hell is Quinn Wylde acting so flirty with her boyfriend’s buddy, Johnny? He’s over helping to put the finishing touches on her guy’s man cave that Johnny has helped to build, and he knows something up when Quinn starts leering at him, flaunting her diamond-pointed nipples and big round ass popping out of her skirt. And when he asks her about it, Quinn confesses that she knows her man got to fuck Johnny’s wife back in their wild college days, and now she feels left out. Johnny laughs it...

1 year ago
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His Proud Pig

......i feel that long desired warmth...that sweet yet salty and soooo yummy.....He has decided to reward His whore with a treat....i want so bad to suck every last drop and quickly swallow as if to secure my prize....but i know better....i keep every drop in my mouth, i look up, longing for Him to allow me to finish the treat in my mouth. "Hmm open up slut"...i open and show my prize. "Okay...go ahead greedy bitch.....i quickly swallow and lick my lips, wishing there was more. "Don't you worry...

1 year ago
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Secret Voyeurs

Marnie Jenkins closed her eyes while rotating her head as she tried to work the kinks out of her tired neck and shoulders. It had been a long day, and now here it was almost ten thirty at night and she still had a pile of reports to go over before tomorrow's big meeting!!! Deciding to take a five minute break, she stood up and stretched, and for some reason, she cupped her full chest through her blouse and tweaked her rapidly hardening nipples!!! All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to...

3 years ago
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A Lost Day Dream

Gazing off into the distance out the big picture window into a wintry cold frozen world my mind wondered into fantasies of him. I would feel that warmth spreading throughout my body and my mind would see his handsome face. Feeling my hands caressing his jaw line I held his face looking into his sparkling brown eyes his aura glowed in my palms. I was drawn to his lips like a moth to a flame and I lost myself in all the sweet kisses I took from him. Soft and light at first barely touching,...

3 years ago
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Bitchin Betty Ch 03

Darbe led the grinning assassin down a winding labyrinth of corridors, access shafts and more corridors. He finally stopped at a non-descript doorway with the same faint outline as the bridge’s door. He looked over his shoulder at Diego who returned the gaze with one of cherubic innocence. ‘What?’ said Diego, struggling to keep the impish grin from returning without much success. A few moments passed and Darbe couldn’t take it anymore, he burst out laughing. ‘I suspect you’re a bit cross...

3 years ago
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19 Year Old Shanaya Seducing Her Uncle

Hi Friends, This is Rajesh and thanks for your comments for my earlier stories. This is the sex story of how I became the new husband of my young niece and father of her baby. I am a married man of 38 years ago, with a lovely wife who had moved to the US for project works along with our son, leaving me all alone here in Bangalore. My wife’s elder sister and her hubby had died in a car crash recently and their only daughter Shanaya was staying with me as my wife had ordered me to look after...

4 years ago
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The Heatwave Back to nature

Back to nature It was a baking hot afternoon in early August. For the past week the south of England had been enjoying a ridge of high pressure which showed no sign of moving and temperatures had soared way above the seasonal average, causing the grass to wilt and yellow, and stimulating the local insects into furious buzzing action. Around the ancient earthworks of the Iron Age hill-fort the air shimmered with the heat, the sun so fierce that this normally crowded beauty spot was almost...

1 year ago
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Night at the Gym sequel to Confronting John

John and I were also work out buddies and we often went there together now that we fooled around together it was going to be much more fun going there. John and I decided to go to the gym rather late because we wanted privacy in the steam room after the work out. We got to the weight room and it was 10:00 p.m. so there was plenty of time. However to my amazement there was one of the hottest women I have ever seen. I decided to go over and talk to her because John and I had agreed the things we...

1 year ago
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Black Mailing the Teenage Neighbour

moved in 4 years ago, but now she has a certain maturity and confidence in her presence. she is about 5'2'' and of average build with brown hair and eyes. now, i say average as she normally dresses down, but as we've lived next to each other, i have noticed that she has one kick-ass rack. for someone so short, she has, i am guessing, a big C or D chest and combined with some of the slim-fit jeans she has been wearing, her body is developing into quite the fuck magnet. needless to...

1 year ago
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Daddys secret

By the age of twelve I had C tits. At sixteen they were a firm D. My dad was interested in my body when I began to develop. Mom didn't care if dad seduced me or not. She knew at my young age he was coming into my bed at night. He was always naked and then stripped my gown from me to see and touch my tits. It started with him just sucking my nipples but soon he began to finger my pussy. I liked how it felt as he touched my naked body. I loved his fingers twisting my clit and entering my fuck...

2 years ago
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Fun With Fairies

"This is the last time I go camping, I swear," Toby grumbled as he hiked through the thick undergrowth around his legs. His weekend hadn't been going quite the way he had intended. It all started early Friday morning upon arriving at his girlfriend Martha's house, where he found her cooking breakfast for his friend Paul. Naked. The three of them and Paul's fiance had been planning this camping trip for weeks. Needless to say, Toby was shocked and furious. His first reaction was to kill Paul. Or...

3 years ago
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4 My Sisters KeeperChapter 2

Officer McConnell's "accident" finding made it possible for me to collect the money from Mom's life insurance policy. I used it to bury her and pay off the mortgage and credit cards. That left the monthly bills, stuff like property taxes, insurance, utilities, clothes, food... I forged Mom's signature and deposited the checks that came from our bastard dad by mail, then wrote checks or withdrew money from the joint account in my own name to pay the bills. It paid nearly all of them. We...

1 year ago
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First Time With My Mother ap

First Time With My MotherHi,my name is sramik(24),let me have my introduction first.iam a btech final year student in Hyderabad osmania university campus, and was the only son to my parents rani(41) and anil(46) we live in Vijayawada and my dad is Andhra bank manager ,I came to Hyderabad 3years back to pursue my graduation(btech)as I got good rank in eamcet and for 3 years I lived in the campus hostel but due to some regional discriminates(telangana issue) my dad made me to leave the hostel and...

2 years ago
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Fantasies Fulfilled Ch 01

I playfully wrestled on the bed with my wife, Monica, late one night. I had one of her hands pinned above her head while I stretched with my other arm to reach the lamp on our bedside table. Just as my fingertips had barely touched the light switch, she bit me on the shoulder, causing me to recoil."Ow!" I yelped. "That hurt!""Don't be such a baby," she teased."Baby? You're the baby! Why won't you ever let me turn on the light?""Shhh," she whispered. "You'll wake up Kaitlyn."Our daughter had...

Wife Lovers
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A Servant of WisdomChapter 12

Alice was an amazing dancer. It helped, naturally, that she was nude, breasts bouncing in time to the beat. Tom had always felt that was an important part of any artistic performance, much to his financial detriment. Strip clubs were not cheap. His mind was not on tattooed, bored, shaven girls on a stage, however. The beauties before him far outstripped those girls. Memory of life outside was fading as it was, with that part of his life the first to go. Replaced with recent yesterdays of...

4 years ago
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Fucked Twinkling star 8211 Twinkle

Hello, guys, I m Sam coming with my second sex story for all the Indian Sex Stories dot net readers. Thanks for the feedbacks for my first sex story. If any aunties or young girls want to enjoy an oral sex or sex on cams or any sort of pleasures then pls do comment or email me at Coming to the sex story, this happened just a couple of months ago. When it was a heavy cyclone which had hit Chennai drastically called the Varaha cyclone. I stay in Chennai at reputed apartments and I also work for...

4 years ago
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Trying Out The Cruise Spot

There's a park that I see is written up on a local gay cruising website that gets a lot of attention on that page. I've noticed lots of guys posting how they got lucky back on the heavily wooded trails pretty much all day. I had always fantasied about hooking up in a place like that and wondered how risky it would be not to get caught and or arrested which is what's kept me from going to places like that. It was sunny and unseasonably warm one Saturday afternoon and I decided to drive over...

4 years ago
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The Id and the EgoChapter 2

Two very frustrating days later I received a phone call from Jen, "Harry, this is Jen Watson, would you mind if Mum and I came and visited you this afternoon?" "I'm looking forward to it Jen, what time can I expect you, perhaps you would like to join me for lunch?" "That would be nice Harry, eleven thirty alright with you?" "That will be fine love, see you then." Shortly before eleven thirty I heard their car coming up the drive way. I had prepared a cold collation and was just...

3 years ago
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A Weekend at the Cabin Ch 2

How can I ever thank you but to continue the story in part 3? **kiss** my darling Amanda ‘May I have this dance?’ I ask. Your eyes smile as you reach up and take my hand. The electricity of our fingers touching causes jolts to run up my arm. Oh how much I love this man. I hear the music you’ve picked, a salsa, and my hips begin to sway seductively. I see your expression change to one of surprise and pleasure. ‘Dance for me, darling,’ you tell me. With a smile in my eyes and my heart pounding,...

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Priya Ko Uske Kamre Mai Choda

Hi frnds Myself vishu frm jammu. Meri age 21yr. Height- 5″2in. Dikhene mai thoda sawla hu… Lund ka size 7 inch hai..   Kisi b ladki ya aurat ko aaram se satisfaction de skta hu… Mujhe bchpan se hi sex karne ka bahout shauk tha.. Magar yh shauk kbhii kabhi hi pura hua school tym mai meri ek gf thi jisse mai.. Kiss vagera karta tha magar zayda kuch karnebka tym hi nahii lagta tha… Magar jab clg mai pouncha toh fir apni toh nikl padi.. Idhr toh har tarraf mall hi mall tha.. Maine bahout ladkio...

2 years ago
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Another ChanceChapter 85

La Fé, in Pinar del Rio, Bahía de Guadiana, close to the Guanahacabibes peninsula and its national park, it is one of the westernmost places in Cuba, 62 miles from the lighthouse at Punta de San Antonio, the island's western end. The Bay of Guadiana is long and the town is ... at the foot ... if the sea is the head. Roads start and end at La Fé, perhaps its only claim to fame. The marines left the boat offshore of La Fé. Grace and I had no idea. We were both on deck and never saw them...

3 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 4 Kathys Quiet Afternoon

The class field trip to the sex toy factory ended early and Kathy was home at least an hour ahead of normal. No being late for dinner tonight, she thought. She just hoped she could slip up to her room and try out her free samples before the family knew she was there. She saw the bicycles of the neighbourhood boys in the front yard, so she knew Mommy and brother Billy were busy upstairs. She slipped off her high heels as she came through the front door and tiptoed in on stocking feet. Kathy...

2 years ago
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Re Bridal pregnancy

Re: Bridal pregnancyMon, September 13, 2010 - 10:03 PMA few years ago, I was a Chauffeur for a limo company. After a long night of bar-hopping, my bachelor party gang was Perkin's eating breakfast. I was waiting out by the Limo to make sure nothing happened to it.I was not standing by the car long, when a pretty young girl came over to me, almost in tears. She was wearing white shorts & a pink t shirt & a veil. She told me she was supposed to get married the next morning, but didn't...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveBlackCocks Zelda Morrison She Likes Them Big

Zelda gets a call from her boyfriend who she really misses. Turns out hes been grounded, but supposedly has the house all to himself for now, so he invites Zelda over. Shes a bit timid and doesnt wanna get in trouble. She says she will only go if he agrees to take the wrap if somehow she gets caught. He agrees. Zelda makes her way upstairs to her bfs room, only to be caught by his dad! He proceeds to question her. Why did she come out when she knew Billy was not allowed visitors? She needed...

4 years ago
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College is Never Easy

“Every year, many, many stupid people graduate from college. And if they can do it, so can you.” ― John Green You decided to take that statement to heart when you applied six months ago for Charleston Haven University, a college you had been certain had better things to do then admit average students like yourself. However, one acceptance letter later and you now find yourself here on campus, ready to 'Crape Diem' as it were. (Cr... Crape? Carpet? Carpe? Car part? Karma?) Anyway, you waved a...

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Second ChanceChapter 17

Jessica took care of forwarding everything that MI6 had on Evie’s disappearance to a blind mail box set up by Jack’s people. She also handled notifying Chief Younger that I was taking ‘extraordinary’ measures to find and rescue Evie. He wanted to kick up a fuss about it, but he was in a tough spot because they really weren’t supposed to be working in the states without bringing the feds into it, and we all knew how that would end up. Almost before we could get started, the FBI would claim...

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