Detention free porn video

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I sat on a wooden bench outside the principal's office fidgeting and waiting for my audience with the principal of Wilson Elementary School. I think that because I knew that I was guilty the bench seemed even harder than it really was, even so it reminded me of a pew in the church where my parents worshiped before they were divorced. My big mouth had gotten me in trouble with Mrs. Chance, my homeroom teacher and I assumed that our iron-fisted principal, Jan Hunter, would hand out some type of punishment, probably after school detention. The longer I waited the harder the bench seemed to become then finally the principal's door opened and there stood Jan Hunter, her hands on hips, her eyes boring holes through me and I felt myself begin to tremble.

"Good afternoon Mr. Valentine" she said in a harsh voice, "would you please come into my office and have a seat. I think that we need to have a little chat about your recent classroom behavior."

I walked inside her huge office and slid down in an arm chair and tried to shrink into the material. I sheepishly looked up and saw the stern face staring back at me and I began to mutter an apology. "Look Mrs. Hunter, I'm sorry that I acted up in class and I promise that I'll never do it again."

Her left elbow was on the desk and chin was poised on top of her fingers as she stared at me. "I see." She said that like she knew what I meant but wasn't quite convinced. She sat back in her chair for a moment then leaned forward again. "Well John I appreciate you apologizing but then that's not the point is it? You see, the issue is that you're a ninth grader and you should be setting an example for other students but your not. Next year you'll be in senior high school and you can't go around being disruptive or they'll toss you out of school. Twice in the last two weeks you've been sent to my office because Mrs. Chance is fed up with your sarcastic behavior. I think what we need to do is find something that will get your attention, something that will instill the importance of behaving properly in school. What do you think that might be John?"

Oh this is just great; she's going to make me stay after school. Well as long as she doesn't tell my mom I'll be okay. "Uh... I don't know Mrs. Hunter; I guess that maybe some sort of detention would be the right thing."

"Detention... ah yes. Well that seems fair enough John. Tell me, what do you do on weekends?"

Weekends? Please tell me that she isn't thinking about having me serve detention on the weekend? Weekends were my favorite days of the week, no school and a lot of time to play pickup basketball and goof around with the guys. My mom being a single parent and having to work on weekends made my time my own without adult supervision. "Uh, nothing special... I usually just play with my friends."

She smiled at me. "I see. Well then here's the deal John, for the next three Saturdays you'll be here at school from eight to three and working under my direct supervision. You are to go home and tell your parents what has transpired today and ask their permission to be here on Saturdays. Do you understand me John?"

"Yes ma'am."

Of course I didn't tell my mom, I just couldn't. When Saturday finally rolled around I had already told most of my friends that I was serving detention and wouldn't be able to play basketball or do anything else for the next three Saturdays. Of course I took a lot of good natured ribbing from the gang, after all how many times does a fourteen year old have to go to school on the weekend and work for the principal? Anyway I arrived at school at the prescribed eight o'clock and Mrs. Hunter immediately put me to work. She showed me to a desk and pointed to a huge stack of student records and told me to sort the alphabetically then file them in a file cabinet. When I finished that task she had me clean out a storage closet in the rear of administration offices. I finished that by 1:30 and walked back to her office and knocked on her door. "Mrs. Hunter, I'm done cleaning the closet, what do you want me to do next?"

"Well let's go and see how good of a job you did." She stood up and we walked across the room and she inspected the closet.

"Wow, that's a very nice job John, very nice indeed." She looked down at her watch then back to me. "Look honey it's past lunch time and you've done such a good job why don't you take the rest of the day off. I'll see you at school on Monday."

"Gee thanks Mrs. Hunter, thanks a lot." I left the office, grabbed my bike and rode down to the recreation center and joined my friends playing basketball. Overall it hadn't been all that bad and Mrs. Hunter actually seemed like she was a nice person, not the ogre everyone made her out to be.

The following Saturday morning I was sitting at the breakfast table eating a bowl of cereal when mom asked, "So honey, what are you going to do today?"

I've always hated lying to her but I just couldn't tell her that I was in trouble so I stretched the truth a little bit. "Well Mrs. Hunter, you know our principal, asked if I would come to school and help her straighten out a storage area." Mom looked up at me with a pleased smile.

"Wow that's great honey. It never hurts to have friends in high places as they say. I mean I know you'll be transferring to high school next year but I'm sure that Mrs. Hunter would be glad to let your new school know how helpful you've been."

Yea sure, I can just hear her now. John has been a very disruptive young man and you'll have to watch him every minute. "I'm sure she will mom. Say what time do you think you'll get home?"

"I should be home around six honey... how about we have some spaghetti for dinner?"

"That would be great mom." She left for work and I was at school by 8:00 and Mrs. Hunter took me down to the textbook storage room and had me stack and re-shelve several boxes of textbooks. I worked hard trying to get everything right and was just finishing the last box when Mrs. Hunter came back into the room.

"That looks very nice John... good job!"

I blushed a little at her compliment. "Thanks Mrs. Hunter. Actually it was fun." I looked at her standing in the doorway staring at me. "Is there anything wrong Mrs. Hunter?"

"Oh... oh no... no nothing at all John. Look honey I was thinking that you've been so helpful the past couple of Saturdays that maybe I could do something nice for you. How about we go over to my home and I'll fix you a nice lunch? How does that sound?"

Wow, invited to the principals' house! "Gosh Mrs. Hunter that would be great."

"Good. Now how about you call your mom and dad and let them know you'll be at my house. Oh, what time will you need to be home?"

I looked sheepishly at the floor. "Well I don't have a dad and mom works on the weekends so I really don't need to be home much before six."

She stared at me for a long time. "You didn't tell your mother that you were serving detention — did you?"

I shook my head no and could feel the tears starting to run down my cheeks. "I... I just couldn't... my mom thinks I'm such a good student and I didn't want to disappoint her." Mrs. Hunter pulled me into her arms and hugged me and I could feel her breasts pressing into my chest as she rubbed my back.

"It's okay honey, I understand. Sit down and lets get those tears wiped away and then we can go to my house."

I sat down on a box of books and Mrs. Hunter pulled out the tail of her blouse and wiped my eyes. When she lifted her blouse to dry my eyes I could just barely see the bottom of her bra and for the first time ever I thought about Mrs. Hunter as a woman, not a principal or a teacher.

As we drove to her house I turned sideways in my seat and looked at her and saw an older but nice looking woman. The way her tits poked out on her blouse I figured they had to be pretty big and I wondered what they looked like. Did they sag? Were her nipples big or small? We drove across town and into a real nice gated community and up to a house that had to be twice the size of the one I lived in. We parked and she let me inside the side door and when I looked out through the living room sliding glass doors and saw a swimming pool I was in awe. "Geeze Mrs. Hunter you've got a swimming pool!"

She walked over and put her arm across my shoulder and pulled me close to her. "Yup, I sure do, maybe you would you like to go for a swim after lunch?"

I looked up into her face. "Oh can I? I mean I would love to but..." Obviously I didn't have a suit. "uh... I don't have a swim suit."

She just smiled. "That's okay we'll work out something honey but for now let's just start with lunch.

We went into the kitchen and I sat at the table while she fixed some tuna fish sandwiches. We sat there for almost an hour eating sandwiches and drinking sodas and talking about school and teachers and what I wanted to do with my life. By the time we finished eating I had already forgotten about her offer to go swimming.

"So John, are you ready to go out to the pool?"

"Uh... sure but what about a suit?"

"Well I've been thinking about that little problem and I think that I have a solution... I think that you can just wear you underwear... after all it's made to look just like a swimsuit so why not. What do you think?"

I wasn't sure about being around the principal in just my underwear but then it dawned on me that I ran around the house in nothing but my shorts and mom didn't seem to care so why couldn't I go swimming in them too? "Sure I guess that would be okay."

"Good, then let's go and get changed."

She led me down the hallway and into her bedroom. "Look honey you go ahead and get changed here and I'll change into my suit in the bathroom." She rummaged through her dresser and pulled out a suit and went into the bathroom and pulled the door closed. I sat down on a chair and untied my tennis shoes and slipped them and my socks off then pulled my tee shirt up over my head. I was just about to take of my pants when a movement to my right caught my eye and when I looked I noticed that the bathroom door wasn't completely shut. I stood up and quietly moved across the room and could see Mrs. Hunter's reflection in the mirror. She was naked from the waist up having just taken off her blouse and bra. When she reached across to the counter and picked up the top of her suit her breasts swung back and forth and I could feel my cock getting hard. It was the first time I had ever seen a real pair of tits and I was mesmerized. When she slipped her jeans and panties down I could see her butt and when she bent over to put on the bottom of her suit I saw the darkness between her legs and I guessed that it was her pussy. Suddenly, afraid of getting caught spying, I quickly moved back to my chair and took off my jeans.

"You about ready honey?" When I turned and looked she had finished dressing and was coming out of the bathroom. She was wearing a pretty old fashioned two piece swimsuit that covered most of her body.

"Uh, yea almost." I finished slipping off my jeans and stood up even knowing that my cock was pressing out on the front of my shorts. She didn't seem to notice my erection as she tossed me a towel and led me out to the patio.

"First the rules John... there's no swimming until at least an hour after we finished eating so why don't we lie down and get some sun then we can swim."

"Okay Mrs. Hunter." I watched as she spread out her towel on a wooden chase lounge and I followed suit. She grabbed a bottle of sunscreen and walked towards me.

"How about I spread a little sunscreen on your back and legs and then you can do mine. I wouldn't do to send you home with sunburn now would it?"

"No I definitely don't want to get burned." I lay on my stomach with my arms under my chin and when her hands first touched my shoulders I jumped then quickly settled into a comfortable position as her fingers began to caress my shoulders then started moving down to my back and so came close to my butt. I laid there day-dreaming about her and wondered if she would let me touch her that far down on her back. Just when I thought she might actually touch my butt she stopped and started in on my legs. Her fingers touched my calves then she made her way up my thighs and even closer to my ass. I could feel the Goosebumps on my skin as her fingers lightly touched the bottom of my butt cheeks... then she slapped my ass.

"Okay mister," She said playfully, "your turn to do my back."

When she lay down I got up and took the sunscreen and walked over to her lounge chair and squirted some into my hands. My eyes bugged out a little when she reached behind her and untied the top to her suit. She turned her head and looked at me and smiled.

"I don't like tan lines... I hope this doesn't bother you John."

Bother me? Fuck no, I thought! "Me? Uh, no... not at all." I rubbed my hands together spreading the sunscreen around and then started on her shoulders just like she had done to me. I was massaging her very slowly and was trying to make it last as long as I possibly could. I had never touched a girl much less a woman so intimately before and was enjoying the feeling of her naked skin and I took the opportunity to peek down her sides and at the fleshy mounds bulging out from underneath her chest. As my fingers moved lower and lower she squirmed a little then moaned,

"Muuuuuummmmm, that really feels real nice John. Would you please put some on my sides too?"

"Sure Mrs. Hunter." I was thrilled that she had asked... maybe if I was real casual about it I could actually touch a tit! My fingers started their journey down her sides and I looked and I could see her breasts squished out a bit because of the way she was laying. My fingers slid lower and lower and I was wondering if I should try and touch her breast and try and make it look like an accident when she reached back and adjusted the bottom of her suit which caused her to lift her arm an inch or two and I could actually see an areola. My God what a sight, her creamy white breast peeking out and a brown areola! I felt my cock responding to what my eyes were seeing and I quickly moved my hands back up to her back.

She turned her head and smiled at me. "Don't forget my legs honey."

"Okay." I started in on her calves as she had done mine and when I looked up I could see the crack of her ass just above her suit and then she spread her legs apart I noticed another 'crack' one in the crotch of her suit and realized that had to be her pussy lips! Jesus Christ, her fucking pussy! When I finally finished with her legs she reached behind her and tied her top and thanked me and I went back over to my lounger and lay down. We laid there and talked for what seemed like a long time and eventually the conversation turned more sexual in nature. She seemed to be really interest in whether or not I had a girlfriend and if I had been intimate but for the life of me I didn't know why she was asking such personal questions so I asked and she explained.

"Well John you're getting ready to start senior high school and with your looks I would have thought that you would have already had a lot of girls chasing you... you know trying to be your girlfriend or whatever. One of my duties, the duties of a principal, is to teach students about real life and I wouldn't want you going off to high school and being exposed to STD's or getting a girl pregnant or anything like that so I just wanted to be helpful, that's all."

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Alicias destiny

It all started 10 years ago.  I was 14 and a young girl in a medium sized city in Belgium.  Not the most popular girl, looking quite innocent (what I was at that age), athletic and doing the girlish things girls of that age do.  I had quite some girlfriends at school and as school was mixed, I also got my first kisses at that age.  I said athletic, because back then, I was the top sports girl of my class.   After school I trained athletics in a local club.  I was especially well trained in...

1 year ago
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Shy wife 1st time part 1

This story happened years back when my wife Kelly was 48 years old we had been married for over 25 years. she was a virgin when we married she knew I had sex once and it kind of upsether because she said she had thought I was as pure as she was.when our k**s were young teensI had asked my wife if she ever thought about what it would be like to have sex with another man she replied by telling me to shut up and said I was crazy. I had been reading about otherhusbands who had watched their wife...

3 years ago
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She learns what is a Bukkake Girl

I was studying in my dorm room late into my freshman year at USC. My jeep was in the shop and even my part-time job had cut my hours in honor of my request. I was in need of some money and my parents would help me when they could but just didn't have much extra, after paying my tuition and living expenses. That was the deal, they would pay for those two things while it was my responsibility to pay for the rest. While in pre-pharmacy, I was trying to keep my grades very high so I spent much of...

2 years ago
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To Be The Best Part 1

To Be The Best By The Scotsman PART 1 Chapter 1, Strength Chapter 2, Fortitude Chapter 3, Adaptability Chapter 1, Strength Dwell not upon thy weariness, thy strength shall be according to the measure of thy desire Alex surveyed the barren winter landscape spread out bellow the ridge line. His years of training kept him flat on his stomach as he peered over the rise in the shadow of some tall vegetation. Although he could see no sign of movement in the farm...

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i drop to my knees to taste your cockwhich is steel-hard & pulsating rhythmicallyas it drips long glistening strings of i open my mouth i can smell the aromaof your copious silver-clear pre-cum ooze& it makes me drool like a bitch in heatas my asshole puckers in anticipation& i am completely & totally groan" suck that big fucking cock !! "my lips stretch around your huge glansas my tongue slithers around your crown& i bathe it with my dripping...

4 years ago
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on the ladder

Donna had gone to work and I’d been sitting on my computer looking around xhamster for around ten minutes when there was a knock on the door. As I opened it there stood Geraldine, Donna’s friend, obviously she hadn’t known my wife was at work. In she came as I put the kettle on and as she sat down and lit a cigarette she was talking of her non existing sex life.Anyway after a good half hour she mentioned that she was thinking of having a loft conversion done similar to ours and could she look...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 86

Up in Sandra's room, Veronique stopped Sandra and turned her around. Wrapping her arms around that lovely naked body, she pulled Sandra closer and then gave her a toe curling kiss. Sandra kissed her back with the same ferocity. Veronique tried to push Sandra backwards towards the bed, but this was when Sandra stopped her. "Um ... Could we just talk? For now." Sandra asked her lover. "Sure," Veronique answered while pinching Sandra's bum, but not trying anything else. Sandra walked to...

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Pinup girl

I’ve never had to come this far south before, but when you have the potential of getting that big contract, you do what you have to. It’s been hours behind the wheel of this rental, my eyes are getting heavy, and there is just so far to go. Knowing I need a break, I watch as the interstate signs go by, each one telling me what little cafes and eateries I can choose to take my rest. Pulling off the road, the sign for the city goes by, in my half-awake stupor I remember it being some name to do...

2 years ago
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Ebony and Ivory

© 1994 Ashley had a troubled night. Sleep just wouldn't come. It was rare that she wasn't out like a light as soon as she hit the sheets. After eight months of the grueling schedule here at the Northbridge Nursing Academy, she was usually exhausted long before the midnight chimes, of which if she was lucky heralded bedtime. Last night had been different, last night she had gotten into a late night study session with Misty Jackson. If you had to pick two woman on this campus further...

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Mother Mistress

It had been almost a year since David had last taken his mother out for lunch. A divorce and work ate up his time. "Since your father's away, I thought we could have a quiet lunch."He was waiting for the usual mother-son fights that he remembered having for the last—no, all of his life. Usually it was around the third glass of wine, David smiled, there was time, they were only on their first. They made small talk, the divorce was over almost five months now, no he wasn't dating, his dad was...

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It was a stormy night and Rachel got out of her car in a downpour. It was a Friday night and she had been working back late to try to get through the backlog of paperwork that seemed to be never ending.She was glad to be almost home however wasn’t pleased as she didn’t have an umbrella to stop her from getting drenched, well it was now or sit around for goodness knows how long to wait for a break in the weather. As she was tired from a long day at work she decided to make a run for it up to...

1 year ago
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Sex Clones Are People Too

“No. Just tastes warm.” Every other employee was a bombshell in Sierra’s eyes. It made sense; if you weren’t attractive, no one would want a clone of you. Though she thought of herself as the plainest of the sperm bank employees, it was the only self-esteem boost she could cling to in these dark days. The gorgeous blonde girl leaned back in her chair, her breasts virtually exploding out of her undersized white nursing dress. With her legs crossed, it looked like she had forgotten to wear pants...

1 year ago
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Helping Sister In Law Getting Pregnant 8211 Part 2

Hi Friends, this is Rajesh, presently 38 years working as an Engineer in an MNC, and settled in Bangalore now. I am fair in colour, well built with a gym body and most important with an 8-inch dick. My wife had been to the US on a project work with our son and I was living all alone in my house right now. My younger brother Ramu and his wife Rajini used to come to my house to have dinner with me sometimes. They were a happy couple with no kids even after 2 years of marriage and it was found...

4 years ago
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Perfect mature tits

I work outdoors cutting grass for local housing estates and so one day there i was cutting the grass on a ride on mower out on my own a head of the rest of the crew and as I was mowing a big area of grass as I am sat up high on my mower I couldn’t help but see over the top of peoples fences and noticed this beautiful lady sun bathing out in her garden, she had the biggest and most perfect breasts i have ever seen laying out in her garden wearing nothing but shorts and a bikini top. She had the...

2 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 15

Despite, or perhaps because of her hurts, Celeste slept a deep revitalising sleep that night. She awoke very early the next morning, to feel Terence lying by her side. She turned to look at him in the faint light of pre-dawn, resting her chin on a hand. How changed he had been the previous day! She shuddered in pleasure, felt her cunt suddenly wet as she quickened with excitement, replaying both her beating and the subsequent buggering in delicious detail. Her first thought after that was to...

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It was a five year stint of keeping my ass to the wall and never dropping the soap. It was five years of greasy guys giving me the once over - five years of learning to have eyes in the back of my head. Five little years for selling blotter acid to the wrong person. Five years I would never get back. When they let me out, I was 26 and the only place to go was my grandmother's house. Things could have been a lot worse. Grandma was happy to have me. She was happy to see me out, to see me getting...

1 year ago
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Tokyo Toshokan

TokyoToshokan! Whenever you see a domain ending with .info at the end there are two possibilities in total. Either it’s a retarded site that nobody really wants to visit and the domain was literally a dollar for a year or something… OR it’s an amazing site that you’ll just never get enough of and they just use a shitty domain name and look of their site to hide their true intentions. Here’s the thing guys, is definitely the latter of the two. What you need to know about...

Porn Torrent Sites
3 years ago
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Muslim wife gets white bull to take over household

This all started when my now muslim friend applied for a job at my firm. Im a white dominant bull and I own a credit company. This muslim friend of mine whos real name is muhammed is a 45 year old skinny muslim who is 5'4 in height applied for a job as my personal assistant. I was actually looking for a female to fill that position but since his speech during his application was good and since he looked and sounded like a real submissive muslim I gave him the benefit of the doubt and hired...

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Pleasure Boat

Pleasure boat It had been six months in the planning, and Brian had everything in place just waiting for the instruction to proceed. The time had been spent befriending an assortment of females all of whom for one reason or another needed to change their circumstances. All had one thing in common; they were all extremely attractive in their own way. There were blondes and brunettes, some less than five feet a few nearly six feet. They varied from dress size 6 to 16, and all had been well bedded...

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I Married A Hooker

Another poem originally posted under the screen name BrianDamage...and not a true story, btw...I Married A HookerI met a girl who walked the street,I have to say she really looked sweet,Tight skirt of leather and lace,Long hair framed a pretty face,Didn't take much more than a glance,To realize I wanted to get into her pants,Next time I saw her walking by,I chugged my beer and went over to say 'Hi,'She asked me if I wanted to go out,What she did for a living, there was no doubt,Just to make...

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Inside Pandoras Box

On a normal day, Pandora was a successful woman that ruled her life and not the other way around. She controlled her basic urges by keeping busy with her day to day interests. Not wanting to deal with the drama that comes with a relationship, she chose to remain single. Although she was satisfied with her calm existence, there were times that she couldn’t hold back the need for the pleasures of the flesh. She had a number of male friends that she could turn to in times of need, but tonight was...

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Loving Lista

Lista and I started dating when she was 14 and I was 19, of course it started out with a lot of hand holding and kissing, and after a couple of weeks it evolved into simple making out and petting which we did all the time, at the beach, walking through the mall, at the movies, hanging out in one of our rooms, or sitting in the car after our dates. but things didn't get really physical between us till about 6 months into the relationship, about a week after her 15th birthday, We were hanging...

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Caught by My Stepbrother

After years of trouble within our family, my parents finally got divorced. I came to live with my mother for a while. But that didn't go well. So at my request, I moved into my fathers' beach home six months later. In the meantime, he had found a new friend. And seemed to be very happy with the new arrangement. His new boyfriend had two sons from a previous marriage. They were quite a few years older than me. But we actually got along quite well. One of the boys still lived at home. The other...

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Introduction: BOY/BOY EXPERIENCES My first time with a boy. {A true story} must be 18 and over to read this story. This is my story. Well I was 12 at the time I had my first encounter with another boy my age. My name is Jackson, He was my best friend, his name is Conner and has dark brown hair and a firm body, 5 foot 1 inch, hes 12 as well. I have blonde hair and blue eyes and just have a little baby fat left on me. Im 5 foot 2 inches. We are both circumcised and have a purple scar around our...

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Revenge Sex with my Ex Bosss Wife

I light the joint and inhale slowly, I lean back on the couch and wait for Rebecca. Smoke surrounds me, the smell of fresh marijuana is intoxicating.This morning my plan will come together, three months of conversation, planning, and waiting. I consider myself a good man, I care, love and respect people. However, if you fuck with me, I have an evil side. This side tends to stay hidden, suppressed, and does not see the light of day often.Tim was able to get my evil side to show, to come out. Tim...

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JulesJordan Angela White Autumn Falls Big Boob Heaven Angela White Teen Autumn Falls Have Squirting Orgasms

Angela White and Autumn Falls soak Markus Dupree with SQUIRT! Angela & Autumn are dressed in matching pink bikini’s with raincoats and umbrellas as they jump up and down so we can see their massive tits bounce up and down. They make their way up to the balcony where Angela pulls out Autumn’s amazing rack and starts sucking and playing with them before heading back down to the pool so they can oil each other up. Using squirt bottles, the girls lather themselves up with oil as their skin...

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The Cheating Husband

You are David Grayson, a married man for 21 years. And in those years, you discover that you are not into women but into men. And after you discover your sexuality, you caught yourself in an affair with a man who shares the same lust and desire you have. It's wrong, you say to yourself. But everytime you are near him, you lost all your sanity and want to be him. The question is, how long will the affair last? (Note: Your sexual position depends on the love interest that you choose.)


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