Advisors' DelightsPart 2: Chercher La Femme free porn video

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At the regular weekly meeting of the advisors, head of security, and the Chief Eunuch, the Head of Protocol, Kamal Qumsiyeh opened the meeting by saying, “The Emir, may he live for ever, asked me today if he has enough sons yet.”

“How did you answer that?” inquired the new Diplomatic Adviser, Ghada Baroud, “I assume we don’t want another problem like finding him and getting him on to the throne.”

“Naturally I could not advise him one way or the other, but it really does not matter as he just wants to go off acquiring some new slaves for his harem.”

“Where from? The only working slave markets are here, the island of Rab, off the Croatian coast, and those in Saudi Arabia which are forbidden to foreigners.”

“I think he just wants to go round some of the capitals of Europe to see what he can find. Be fair he can dazzle anyone with his wallet and he can play the gentleman with the best of them. Once the women are in Kobekistan it is his choice what happens to them. I explained he could send someone else, or have dossiers prepared by the embassies, but I think he really wants a break from here. I went into some detail about his grandfather’s methods, but he is determined to go himself.”

Ghada Baroud then said, “I’ll let the embassies know when he is coming, and they can report back on his activities. Not checking up on him, you understand, merely making sure we know what we need to know. As an afterthought we might do well to send Maktum with him as bodyguard cum chauffeur, he can keep us notified also.”

Chapter 19: Paris

The details of the journey were booked by Kamal Qumsiyeh as usual, and much to his surprise the Emir, may he live for ever, as the advisor hoped after the problems of the last three and a half years, made no objection to the detailed arrangement that he would stay in the embassy and have a chauffeur from the royal bodyguard. “I suppose that is how you will find out what I am up to? OK, assign a spy to watch me.”

The bodyguard’s first report was studied carefully by the small group of Advisors in Kobekistan as it was the first time since his accession he had gone anywhere outside the country on his own.

It read:

It is difficult to know what to put in this report as I do not wish to write anything the inclusion or omission of which you advisors will disapprove, nor yet anything likely to anger His Magnificence, may he live for ever.

I am less in His Magnificence, may he live for ever’s confidence than you perhaps imagine. After our arrival at the Paris Embassy I know nothing of what passed between His Magnificence, may he live for ever, and the staff here until I was told that His Magnificence, may he live for ever, proposed to go for a walk out of the Embassy and in the spring sunshine. As he walked along, I fell into step behind him.

After an hour walking apparently at random, His Magnificence, may he live for ever, entered a restaurant called La Potinière, closely followed by myself. We were seated, naturally at different tables, but I managed to get one with a good view of His Magnificence, may he live for ever’s situation and had detected no untoward incidents. Naturally the French Service De La Protection followed us, but did not enter the restaurant.

His Magnificence, may he live for ever, seemed to enjoy his meal, as I did. He ate caviar followed by lobster. I deduce that he had either visited the establishment before, or at least knew its reputation. He was clearly not recognised by the staff, nor made himself known to them. He entered into conversation with the waitress.

We returned to the Embassy, where we separated.

I was later informed that His Magnificence, may he live for ever, wished to dine at the same restaurant tomorrow and I will attend the security meeting with the French authorities, the Surété and the French SDLP to agree the seating. His Magnificence, may he live for ever, made it very clear to me that he wished to be served by the same waitress as today, which may be significant.

This report was the subject of much discussion and two orders were despatched to Maktum, the first was that reports were to include the abbreviation HM as code for “His Magnificence, may he live for ever” and second that details of what HM ate was not important, but that he, Maktum, was to act as food taster to HM.

In his acknowledgement Maktum did not explain that in a visit such as this one, incognito, there was minimal risk and so there would be no food tasting as it would be difficult to arrange and very cumbersome to execute. It would also prevent any hope of anonymity.

On his return to the Embassy, the Emir, may he live for ever, asked the French Embassy Head of Security to investigate the waitress. When he indicated that his interest in her was sexual, the man conferred with Maktum for a moment and then recommended to the Emir that if he wanted her shipped to Kobekistan, abduction would be much easier and more certain than wooing her.

“Would that be possible?” asked the Emir.

“As the Master wishes,” replied Maktum.

“But would it cause trouble?”

“We will inquire about the woman my Master wants. The Europeans have odd ideas about women and there may be a husband or father who objects. Strangling him might cause some small stir,” said the bodyguard and the Emir could scarcely keep a straight face when he realised that the man was totally serious.

As events progressed Maktum reported to the advisors:

HM seems to be serious about wooing this waitress. He has invited her to the opera and supper. I am to take him to collect her and then he intends to go shopping with her. We have asked the Sûreté for her file but they have nothing against her on file.

Later he reported:

The shopping expedition was apparently a success. Three evening gowns were purchased and some jewellery. She spent the night in the embassy, presumably with HM.

On reading this report Hajji Darwish Dosmukhamedov remarked, “Three gowns, it seems he intends to display her in western company, and with the ‘some jewellery’ costing the best part of a million euros.”

“We must be careful not to provoke him by complaining about the cost, or he may examine some of our expenditures a little too closely,” cautioned Kamal Qumsiyeh.

Shortly after this conversation the Chief Eunuch was informed that the Emir, may he live for ever, was returning later that day with a new concubine. The Chief Eunuch reported the next significant event to the advisors’ group as, “HM has brought in a new female to the harem but I am unsure of her position. She arrived wearing the costume of two years ago but I do not think she was ever in the harem under either of the HMs I have served. She is to be a full time servant to the new one HM brought back from France and I think she was the filthy brothel female HM brought in with his idea for the latest harem dress to show me. It appears that she is to help the French one to settle in. Personally I think the whip would achieve the same result much quicker. Add to that he has actually bought this latest one, and it is all so unnecessary.”

The other advisors murmurs their sympathy but as they all agreed, “If His Magnificence, may he live for ever, wants it so, then it must be so.”

Chapter 20: Ireland

The visit to Ireland by His Magnificence Mahmoud Abdullah may he live for ever, in search of a wife or concubine was initially somewhat fraught. Dublin had no Kobekistani Embassy, so Hajji Darwish Dosmukhamedov booked a number of rooms at the Shelbourne Hotel on St. Stephen’s Green. There was a suite of sitting room, bathroom and double bedroom with views over the Park for the Emir. Three other double bedrooms were booked for female members of the party, since it was unthinkable that the Emir would be without female company; on this occasion the stewardesses of the Royal aircraft were to provide this service. Other rooms were reserved for his security staff, headed by Maktum who would double as a chauffeur. A conference room was also booked for discussions with the Garda Siochana when necessary, and for any dinners the Emir might wish to give. All these were booked in the name of David Ransome, and the hotel was given to understand that he was an oil magnate who was in Dublin for business reasons, though of course the higher echelons of the Gardai knew exactly who he was.

This led to the first little difficulties; when the party arrived, the Assistant Manager on duty first insisted on seeing David Ransome’s passport, which turned out to be British, and then insisted on going into detail as to how the bills would be paid. David Ransome produced a Royal Bank of Kobekistan Visa card and it was duly debited with two weeks advance rental for the rooms. This led to David ordering Hajji Darwish Dosmukhamedov to smooth his way, and so the advisor spoke to the oil importing part of the Eirean government.

An hour later the hotel’s own bank manager was on the telephone saying that a letter of credit for two hundred thousand euros had been deposited with them, and that he had solid assurances that more could be obtained in minutes if necessary. What had made the bank, and so the hotel, nervous was that this had come direct from the Irish Foreign Ministry; it seemed that this visitor was so important that the Irish Government was guaranteeing his financial status.

The first outing into Dublin was that evening when the Emir climbed into the Rolls and said, “Take me to the Celt, please.”

Maktum turned and looked at his Master and said, “As the Master pleases, but your servant does not understand.”

The Emir went wild with glee, “Got you. For the first time ever, I’ve asked for somewhere you don’t know. Go across Butt Bridge, turn left into Gardiner Street and left again into Talbot Street. Then you’ll see it.”

Maktum drove off without comment. He made a mental note to ask if anyone else in the party knew anything about the Emir’s previous visit to Dublin years earlier.

When they reached the Celt, the Emir got out of the car and said, “Now vanish for three hours. I’ll be perfectly safe here. I promise not to go anywhere else.”

Inside the bar, the Emir found all was pretty well as he remembered it from his student days. The left wall was covered with what looked to be small drawers in a wooden chest of drawers, each with an abbreviated Latin name on it, which had come from an old fashioned chemist’s shop. To his right was the high bar where pints were being served.

Maktum parked the Rolls and followed him into the bar, later reporting:

It wasn’t long before HM was deep in conversation with some of the locals, mostly with an older couple called Tom and Dee who seemed to live on Social Security payments and free drinks. The following evening he was even more popular when he went with them for a meal in an improbable little Italian Restaurant run by an Iranian further along Talbot Street. He stayed quite late in the Celt each night, apparently because he enjoyed the cosmopolitan atmosphere combined with the local live bands who played there every night.

It was on his fourth successive evening in the Celt that he saw Kaitlin for the first time. She was singing with the band and he bought them all a drink, as had become his habit. During the interval he struck up a conversation with her about the band and the songs she sang. She has that unique look about her that comes with a pale complexion and the light red hair that is seen to perfection only in parts of Ireland.

He spent so much time with her that they were quickly regarded as an accepted pair when she started to use the Celt on evenings when she wasn’t singing there.

Hajji Darwish Dosmukhamedov was asked to arrange for her to visit Kobekistan with the Emir, but she did not stay long and it appeared that his visit to Dublin had not found a new concubine.

Chapter 21: New Zealand

In the June of 2010 New Zealand were to play rugby matches, one against Ireland and two against Wales and so it was decided that watching rugby was the cover story for his visit to New Zealand. Davina was an English concubine of his grandfather’s, whom he had allowed retire to Auckland shortly after his accession, so a visit to her was also arranged. She was told, in confidence, why he was visiting and she promised to arrange for him to meet some suitable candidates.

Her matchmaking efforts foundered over the public attempt to humiliate His Magnificence Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live for ever, by one candidate and he decided to spare no effort to respond in kind, preferably by enslaving the girl.

Chapter 22: Invitation

The Kobekistani Ambassador to New Zealand reported to Ghada Baroud, the abduction of Miss Browne-with-an-e in exact detail, thanks to a recording take routinely as a cautious approach to an absolute monarch.

“I insist,” thundered the Emir, “If you are saying that she cannot be put aboard my private aircraft without anyone in New Zealand knowing it has been done, then I will get a new Head of Security in this embassy.”

“Master, it can be done, but it is illegal,” protested the unfortunate staff member.

“Under the Vienna Conventions, in what country are we now standing?” demanded the Emir.

“Master, the Kobekistani Embassy and its grounds are in Kobekistan, but...”

“But nothing. In Kobekistan who decrees what is the law?”

“You, Master.”

“Fine, persuade her to come into the Embassy without breaking New Zealand law. Drug her here, because I say that is legal. Put her in a crate and move it to the plane as a Diplomatic Bag. Would that not be entirely legal?” the Emir was really angry now.

“But...” the protest continued.

“Maktum, how long would it take to strangle this one?” asked the Emir.

Maktum moved forwards slowly, eyeing up the other Security guard.

“Perhaps five minutes, Master, if I did not hurry.”

The Emir turned back to the unfortunate embassy official, “Your choice.”

The man fell to the floor in obeisance, “As the Master wishes.”

“Good,” said the Emir cheering up, “And if it is done in the next twenty-four hours you can keep your job as well as your life.”

Twenty-two hours later the aircraft of the Air Kobekistani Royal Flight took off bearing the Emir home, and carrying a large crate of diplomatic material. The New Zealand customs officials were not in the least perturbed by the unusual size of the crate, assuming that the visiting head of state had been shopping, and was using the diplomatic bag privilege simply as a means of avoiding departure delays. Kobekistan, after all, was a good friend of New Zealand, buying substantial quantities of meat and wool from their huge sheep farms and paying for it in crude oil.

On the ground in Kobekistan, Bridget was transferred, still sedated, to the Golden Palace where her own clothing was replaced and she was allowed to recover consciousness. There she found herself lying on an uncomfortable narrow bed in a small windowless room which looked to be some sort of school storeroom. Light was provided by a single bulb set into the ceiling well out of reach. The door had no handle on the inside and although she screamed and hammered on it for a while nobody came. After a quarter of an hour of fruitless effort, she sat on the bed and tried to gather her thoughts. She had accepted an invitation to visit the apartment of the young English expatriate girl rugby fanatic whom she had just met in a bar and her last memory was of accepting a delicious drink of fruit juice from her. Clearly she had been drugged and was now being held, presumably for ransom, though who they thought would pay any large sum of money for her, she did not know.

Chapter 23: Now It’s My Turn, Slave-with-one-e

It was contrary to the advisors’ unanimous wish that His Magnificence Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live for ever, persisted with his plans for the immediate future of Miss Browne-with-an-e, but he overruled them, something he seldom did. He also arranged for her interview to be relayed to them on closed circuit TV.

The first Bridget heard was a key being turned in the lock and the man she only knew as David Ransome came in with four huge men carrying wicked looking scimitars.

“Now, Miss Bridget Browne-with-an-e, as was. Henceforward you are known as Akilah, which means clever. You are far too clever for your own good. A couple of days ago you saw fit to humiliate me in public. Now it is my turn, though these men are the only public available. Remove your clothes,” he ordered.

“I’ll do no such thing,” she said, “Release me at once!”

The Emir nodded and one of the men held her effortlessly while a second slit her clothes from neck to hem with the tip of his sword. It went through everything like a hot knife through butter, but such was the skill of the swordsman that her skin was not broken anywhere. Her clothes fell away to the side, baring her legs, belly and most of both breasts.

“Apart from needing a shave, you don’t have a bad body,” remarked the Emir, “If he lets you loose will you remove what’s left of your clothes, or shall I have these men do it for you?”

“I’ll see you in jail for this,” she snarled.

“I seriously doubt that,” said the Emir, “You are in my country, under my law, and are an indentured slave. Strip her.”

Three strokes of the sword tip were all that were necessary to free the remains of the clothing from the rest of her body. As she was held there almost apoplectic with anger, the Emir slowly walked round her and then looked her up and down.

“Yes, not a bad body at all, Akilah. I like the creamy skin colouring that a soupcon of Maori blood introduces; it takes whip marks so very well, I find.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” she spluttered.

“I will tell you once more, and only once more. You are Akilah, a slave in my country, and are my property, and should address me as Master.”

“I am not Akilah, I am nobody’s property, and I am a citizen of New Zealand, and you can’t...”

Her protestations were cut off as she was pushed face down on to what she thought looked like a school gymnasium vaulting horse. Her wrists and ankles were securely fastened by padded cuffs to the sides of the horse leaving her back level and her buttocks hanging just over the end of the padding at the top. She was acutely aware that in this undignified position her most private parts were spread and displayed for the men to see. Moments later all thoughts of dignity fled as a hand was trailed through her vaginal cleft and up over her anus.

“When we have had all this shaved, I might even try these pleasure entrances myself,” said the Emir, “Of course, no civilised man would enter you at the moment for you have all the appeal of a hairy dog. However, there are lessons you must learn. I told you of your status and of the manners expected of you. You denied the truth of what I said, and you failed to show the respect due to your Master. For those offences I think three strokes will suffice at this time. I will show that leniency because you are newly indentured; later offences will not be treated so lightly. After each stroke you will count it, lest I apply too many or too few. Any you do not count, will not count. Is that clear?”

Bridget could not, or would not, reply. The Emir sighed.

“I asked you if the matter of counting the strokes was clear? You will now have six strokes; the extra three for not replying. Now, is that clear?”

“Yes,” she mumbled.

“Yes what?”

“Yes I understand,” she snapped.

“Very well, nine strokes it is then. Three more for lack of respect in your answer, which should have been ‘yes, Master’.”


“But nothing. A slave does not say ‘but’ to her Master. Do you want to continue incur more strokes? I think not. Now, may we continue without further argument?”

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sweet as sugar

fictional story of lust.I was a girl of 16yrs old and was into the usual stuff make-up, fashion, glossy mags and of cause guys. My parents both worked and went out for a drink at weekends, I often heard my parents having sex, mum wasnt very quiet and their bedroom was next to mine, I didn't really mind as I knew it was natural to do it.I often lay on the bed playing with myself and learnt to squirt that felt totaly unreal, I had a part time job and saved my money. My cousin who was older and...

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Geschwister halten immer zusammen

Hey Kumpel. Als erstes ein Wort der Warnung. Ich habe mir in dieser Geschichte viel Raum für die Charakterentwicklung gelassen. Es geht in den ersten Kapiteln nicht wirklich heiß zur Sache und wenn du es lieber schnell und wild magst, kein Problem. Kann ich total nachvollziehen. Nur erwarte dir bitte von dieser Geschichte nicht so viel in der Richtung. Jedenfalls am Anfang nicht. Sex spielt hier eine große Rolle, aber erst, nachdem man die handelnden Personen etwas besser kennengelernt hat....

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Unexpected I was therapist for her

Unexpected:  I was therapist for her!I knew Laura since a few weeks and we passed good moments, nights and week-end together. One evening she was talking about het 19 year old daughter Julie who would be home during the week-end. She explained that she was problematic since her father raped her violently when she was 18. She closed herself to others.  Laura was in contact with the psy of Julie and the only way to open her view again was to give her a chance to exhort her selves. When I asked...

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The Neighbors Daughter

Adam had been walking his dog around the same block every night at 10:00pm sharp for years now. It was to the point where Max would walk himself, leash in mouth if Adam stopped to talk to a neighbor. On tonight’s walk he was surprised to see a new car parked in a blind spot on the road. As he approached the car he was equally surprised to see his neighbor Tom’s teenage daughter naked in the car getting her pussy eaten by an equally naked guy. Adam did not know the girl’s name or much about her...

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Chachi ki kunwari boor ko choda

Hi ISS Reader this is Dev from jamshedpur, this is my 5th story in ISS. Well who dosen’t know about me for them I am 31 year old married health person. My email ID :- and hai. Meri dilchaspi hamesha shadishuda aurato pe hoti hai jo saari pahanti hai . Kyonki saari me aurat kafi sexy aur khubsurat lagti hai jise chodne me bhi kafi maza aata hai . Whenever I make sexual relation with any ladies my first ambition is to make her satisfied with my cock. Till now I have fucked around 50 ladies (...

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My gay pimp and the dean

Very soon Robbi and I were called to the dean’s home. This experience is the next one from “my gay pimp” in this site. Robbi was a smooth plump guy. The dean was slim and around 40. On the way to his house Robbi briefed me. If we get him happy, our grades are going to be tops. I’ll tell you what to do the dean is a horny guy but even when he is horny his penis is half hard so he is unable to penetrate but he loves getting sucked and fucked. It was evening, the dean opened the door he was slim...

Gay Male
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My Survival guide

My First Time survival guide By Jordan Lee Hennessy so here goes i was here thinking one day why not make a survival guide for people who are well not me, bear grylls or well anyone with theSkills or knowlage. And i thank the One and only Bear Grylls for helping me pick up thoes skills needed to pass through the hardest times i have been stuck in and out of.Bear Grylls i have watched your shows beacuse your the best i like out ofthe other lot i have seen through out these...

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Magic FingersChapter 6

"Yes? Are you here for Melody?" the woman asked. Caught off guard, I stumbled out, "Um, er, yeah, I am, is she in?" "Come right in, let's go back to the kitchen," and I followed her mother back and we sat at the table. "She's not here right now. Are you the boy they call 'Fingers?' She said you were coming." I figured the name was innocent enough to get by most moms so I told her I was. "Well, it seems that you have quite a reputation." I just sat there, a little stunned...

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Loving Wife Becomes a Slut Ch 02

With a wave to the crowd we left the beach as she purred, "I want you to fuck me all night!" The walk back was fast and breathless as I started to digest what had happened. My gorgeous wife had turned into the exhibitionist slut of my dreams. She had gone further than I had ever imagined and I was in heaven. All I could think of was fucking her as soon as possible. Conversation was impossible until we slowed down and I got my breath back. Soon we were in the car where she immediately sat in the...

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Camping at the beach

Steven and I went to the shower block after a surf, just after lunch. While I was in my shower, I could see on the roof, the reflexion of Steven in his. I didn't think much, until I saw his hand start to stroke his cock. Steven and I went to the shower block after a surf, just after lunch. While I was in my shower, I could see on the roof, the reflexion of Steven in his. I didn't think much, until I saw his hand start to stroke his cock. I watched for a minute or so, and then told Steven to...

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American Milf in the UK

“ Jack this is Helen’s address she has moved into a huge old farmhouse and she is getting it ready before her family move down in a couple of week, her hubby is going to be my new boss so I need you to help me here,... Jack are you listening ?”I was flicking through Sky Sports and half listening “ Yes yes gardening yada yada” “ She is expecting you around noon don’t be late”I was late but arn't all students.........“ We are renting it for 12 months always wanted to live in the country so we...

2 years ago
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Our First Threesome

My wife Teresa and myself have been married for 7 years and have an average sex life. My wife is quite shy about sex but when she is really in the mood, she can be quite adventurous. As we lay in bed one night we started talking about our fantasies. I told her that I have always fantasised about sharing her with another man as the thought of watching her being fucked by another man has always really turned me on. She was quite shocked at first but as we spoke about it I could tell that she was...

1 year ago
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Human ManChapter 12

Summer classes were something he'd always enjoyed, at least he thought he had. The condensed schedule, semesters measured in weeks rather than months should have been perfect for him. Instead, he felt restless. Things he would have let ride in the past bothered him. The little things, the bullshit, he didn't have the patience for it. Scott could feel anger, like a pressure building within him. Workouts helped, but the student athletic facilities didn't have a heavy bag. A million dollar...

4 years ago
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Monica MechanicChapter 1 Monty

Sometimes a solution turns out to have unintended consequences, and so it was with Pēteris. He and his Companions had created what amounted to a honey trap to lure ‘bad guys’ who had Damsels. Unfortunately, as part of their scheme they left behind too much honey, and Hastert made a connection. Fortunately, not the connection, but while his wound was healing and he was regaining strength, he decided that his year’s supply of potions could be used to resupply himself with Damsels. It wouldn’t...

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Bride Wore White

"You're so grown up, I can hardly believe it," Mom said, almost crying ... again. "I know." I smiled at her reflection in the mirror, sitting at the small vanity. "I'm so nervous." "Hold still, Kylie!" My best friend Janisha wanted to fix my make-up. It was my big day, my wedding day, and I wasn't really all that nervous. My mom wanted to hear that kind of stuff though, so I gave it to her. It wasn't everyday her daughter got married, after all, and she only had two of us. My...

3 years ago
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My Name is Annika

Part I I grew up with a secret. For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a girl. When I was very little, I would pray at bedtime that God would turn me into a girl overnight. When I put on my bath robe, I would imagine it was a pretty dress. In the neighborhood, when the boys would go off to play "war", I was always the spy that went with the girls as they played house. I was a chubby little kid but that was just my family genes. My dad, John, was 5'10 and was of slight build....

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Through a Glass Dimly Book 2Chapter 4

We went back to our office for lunch and to get to know Melody better. She’s a nice young woman who has had a limited upbringing though not as limited as Pam’s had been. Pam admitted that she reveled in the physical aspect of being married as much as any other part. Melody was admittedly a little jealous of Lisa and Pam. I could tell she wanted a connection. Lisa talked to her about being choosy. She explained that she waited for me and is glad she did. “I have to admit that I thought I...

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MyDirtyMaid Misha Maver Extra Cash Extra Freaky Anal

Misha is here today to clean Albertos home, but when he notices how sexy she is, he knew he had to try to see more. He offers her some money for her to take off her clothes and finish cleaning the house naked. She takes the money and has some fun. She shows off her perfect body and then when she sees his huge dick, she wants a taste. He pays her some more money to help him take care of his hard on. He face fucks her and she gives him an amazing blowjob before getting fucked in the ass in...

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Roses Video Chapter 5 Maria Catches Her Mom

POV: Maria.I went up to the front door and opened it. "I wonder what mom is doing," I said, walking towards the living room.I peeked in there. 'On the laptop again, she has been in love that lately,' I thought before I strolled in there with her. "How was your night without me, Mom?" I pondered, sitting next to her."Fine, Maria, I did miss you," she replied before she smooched my cheek. "How are Wade and Tracy? Are the sparks still flying for them?""Yes," I answered, leaning back. "I'm happy...

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oh my god

It all started when I was surfing online one day while the k**s were at school and I was home sick. I came across a website where people can create their own blogs and post pictures anonymously. As you might suspect, it has devolved into mostly porn. I was feeling a little horny, which was unusual for me at the time, so I decided to explore. I came across a blog (I won't name it) which focused on humiliating women sexually. The women were called fuckpigs or sows. There were pictures and videos...

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Fucking A Friends Mother

Some years ago now, when I was 23. I’d been visiting a friend’s house, who lived at his mother’s. My friend and I had had a disagreement previously, because I’d been fucking his sister. However that was in the past and we were friends again.On this particular night, we decided we would spend the night drinking beer and watching a DVD. That was until his girlfriend showed up. After the film had finished, the two of them had got a little frisky with each other and with me being too drunk to drive...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 84

At work Laura did not see Sholandra until the afternoon, when they ran into one another in the corridor. Sholandra pulled her aside. It was almost shocking to Laura to see the warm, murky, affectionate, frankly sensual look in Sholandra's eyes, since she had got used to the hostile glare that had been there formerly. "I got my period," Sholandra whispered to her. "I think it was all that wild pumping and... coming, it just started it." She couldn't suppress a grin of happiness. Laura...

3 years ago
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Become The Group Bitch 8211 Part II

Hello everyone. It’s me again. Hope you enjoyed the first part of the story where my worker colleagues turned me into their group bitch. I got few comments from people asking me if the story is real. So I want to clarify, my stories are part real and lots of fantasy. They are inspired by my real life incidents. So with that said here we continue the story. Things only went downhill since that first day.I had no free time anymore. Whenever the guys had little free time I got fucked. I never did...

Gay Male
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First time in a strip club VIP room

The ocean breeze blew softly filling the air with a briny smell as I walked down the street, it was April,2,2014 and I was on vacation sort of. My parents being in there golden years had decided to buy an apartment in Florida on the beach, Cocoa beach to be exact and there I was painting and basically fixing it up. But between doing those thing I had free time so off I went on a walk avoiding the touristy areas ,I had had enough of the same idiots blabbing to each other about crap and the same...

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Getting MedievalChapter 4

I rather vigorously pounded young Guaedret from behind, just a dozen minutes after I had taken a young monk who submitted to my advances. Since both happened in the presence of Bishop Heinz and Brother Luis, the Prior, the latter would naturally assume that I was simply a bugger. I would have to correct that in time. The former, of course, knew better as I had confessed to adultery with Derwa already. In any case, I made a point of buggering Guaedret in front of everyone as another...

4 years ago
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Basic slave Rules1. i will serve, obey and please my Master.2. Above all else my primary focus shall be to please my Master, hoping that He finds me pleasing in all that I do, whether i am in His presence or not. my Master knows of my potential, learning more about me in each day i am with Him. He trusts that i will act in accordance with what He perceives of my potential - He knows what is best for me and how important it is that i set a good example for other females who may be present around...

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How can I be mad at him and love him so deeply at the same time? One minute, I’m arguing with him and walking out of the door, and the next minute, I’m in his arms, kissing his sinfully sweet lips. I don’t get it! I’ve had too much of him to want anyone else…that’s what it comes down to. I was driving around town, red hot with anger, just having had another famous argument with him. Twice while driving I have stopped and tried to go back to that house, but I have resisted well. But how long...

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Vanessa screamed her orgasm, her body squeezing around Tom in every sense. They held each other close as he pumped those streams of cum she so loved deep into her body. They rode the waves together, merging their unholy union. Then he groaned, and slowly pulled his length from his sister's soiled pussy. She raised her hips and stuck in two fingers, as if trying to push all that cum further inside her body, trying to make sure none of it was wasted. "I can feel it inside me," she said. "You're...

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Blood Bonds Pt 04

Hey, everyone. Sorry this took ages. I have not abandoned the story. Life is annoying sometimes. Thanks to my Canadian fan for letting me bounce ideas off him and for great suggestions. I think I have my plot down, I just have to put out now. As always, let me know, any comments or suggestions. Love, pphair. ++++++++++++++ Jobias’ eyes flicked over to the door as it slowly opened, a young Hunter poking his head into the office cautiously from the dimly lit hallway. ‘I’m sorry to interrupt,...

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Why Are You Here

John walked into the doctor’s office and sat down. ‘So…Mr. Evans…tell me about your problem.’ Susan said. ‘Well I’m not exactly sure that the problem is mine doctor.’ John said. ‘Then whose problem is it?’ Susan asked. ‘I’m pretty sure that the problem is my wife’s…or rather her friends’.’ John said. ‘Then why are you here instead of them?’ Susan asked. ‘I’m here because my wife wants me to be here right now.’ John said. ‘Why does your wife want you to be here?’ Susan asked. ‘Well she...

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Adventure Time

Introduction: Innocent love… Gone wrong It was the first time I had been out in a long time&hellip, Just needing to get away from mommy hood for awhile and have some fun. I show up dressed in my usual, tight jeans and a black tight tee. As Im In my car, I check my make up one for time, making sure I look acceptable, then I hope out and walk as cute as I can to the door, as I notice youre standing there to greet me. I give a flirty smile and follow you into the living room. We sit, bullshit and...

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