The Black Seas Ch. 11-12 free porn video

Parrot Cay, 1705
Robert Maynard stood at the helm and gave the signal for both his crew and the crew of the Radiant Discord to cast off. Davis had to give Maynard the excuse of Jack’s absence because of his drinking too much and was currently feeling under the weather. Maynard accepted it with a smirk saying, ‘Not much of a captain if he can’t even hold his grog.’
Davis didn’t argue with the man. There was no sense in starting an argument that would result in Maynard demanding to see Jack because of his first mate’s insubordination against him.
The one thing that did surprise Davis was that instead of heading south, Maynard had said there was a change of plans and they were to head north. Maynard had a rather large smile on his face that Davis could only attribute to an I told you so.
Davis didn’t push that matter either, though he was beginning to dislike not being able to defend his captain and friend. Instead, he asked Maynard why the change in plans so that he could notify Jack when he came around. What he was told surprised him.
‘It appears my informant from last night had more news for me this morning. Of course he insisted on lightening my purse a little more. But interestingly enough the Hades’ Whore was seen in these very waters just mere hours ago.’
‘And we are going to give it chase?’ Davis asked adding excitement to his question as to not throw invite question from the man.
‘In a sense,’ he said. ‘According to the information, Rusalka is heading to San Salvador to make repairs and upgrades, where she apparently has done in the past.
‘Rather than follow her, hoping to catch up and thus giving her knowledge of our pursuit, we are going to head the opposite direction around Acklins Island and effectively cut her off, where we will sink her ship and her with it if need be.’
‘Jack ye couldn’t have left at a worse time,’ Davis said to himself when he was alone.

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