High Adventure On The High Seas free porn video

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An odd, short term romance many years ago in post-war China. Quite an adventure for a young man.


Right after World War Two, the Pacific was awash with surplus of every description. Boats, ships, aircraft and weapons were everywhere. It was mind boggling in the enormity. What an opportunity for enterprising young men.

I’m Chick, a nickname because my last name is hard to pronounce properly, and I was a crewman on board a submarine in the South Pacific. We were patrolling off the south tip of Japan when the surrender was signed. After that happened, we were assigned to accompany the carrier Boxer, along with some other ships as escorts for a trip around the coast of China.

We all traveled up to Tsingtao, China, for the first stop. North China, politically, at that time with factions of the North Chinese surrounding the area which was in the shaky hands of the Kuomintang, or Chiang Kai-shek forces. We couldn’t go outside the city limits because of the shooting but we could explore the city somewhat. Conditions were beyond deplorable. We were all shocked at what we had seen. The group didn’t stay long and we sailed down the coast to some other port, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Macao, before going back to Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

We had seen the problem caused by the two factions in china. Of course, the US endorsed Chiang against the Japanese, who had invaded China in 1935. Now, a group of Chinese, in the north of the country, had challenged Chiang’s weak and corrupt government. This group would later be led by Mao Tse Tung who would become chairman and head of a powerful Communist regime. At the time period I’m speaking of, the Northern Chinese only controlled a portion of the country and the fighting was bitter.

The escort group split up and we went to the sub base in Pearl. Our boat had some work done in a drydock. I know, a boat is a craft that can be hoisted aboard a ship, however, in the history of subs, up to that time, they were called boats. At times even called ‘pig boats’, but by the time the fleet type sub had been created, there were so many improvements that nickname was no longer fitting.

Some of the men were about due for discharge by this time. You see, some signed an enlistment for a definite period of time, but during wartime so many men were needed, the services came up with a program that a man could sign up for the duration of the war, plus six months. I was in the latter group, as were many.

Since China, several of us had been talking about what we had seen, all over the Pacific, as well as what we experienced in China. All of us had a lot of back pay coming as well as a discharge bonus. You see, when you are at sea, in a sub especially, there is no place to spend any money, so we didn’t make a full draw on the monthly pay coming to us. We were paid at the level of our rank, the 50% extra for hazardous sub duty, plus a small percent for overseas pay. We might be at sea for about 3 months, then pull into, say Australia for fuel, torpedoes, ammunition and food, for a week or two, then go out again. After the Philippines were freed, we would go into the old sub base at Subic Bay.

It was at some of those freed areas that we had seen hundreds, if not thousands of boats and ships parked, destined to rot there, possibly. For a modest sum you could buy an LST, for instance. These were large, long distance cargo carriers, capable of carrying trucks, jeeps and tanks.

Another background fact was that when an island was invaded by the allies, the outer ring of ships were subs. They could control their depth in the water and could also control their height on the surface. If they chose, they could sail with the deck just awash. Pilots were told that if their aircraft became disabled to head for the outer ring and the subs could pick them up with ease, not having to hoist them up 20, or so feet to the deck. Wounded pilots could be floated right onto the deck. After the island was secured we were sometimes allowed to venture ashore to look around. It was like a reward to get to go ashore after 3 months at sea. We looked at the sights and devastation. It was interesting.

With that background, seven of us decided to get our discharge in Hawaii. We had a mix of talents. A couple of men were engineers, or diesel operators. A couple were electricians and yet another man was boatswain. Boatswains can navigate and take star sightings for location. I was trained as a torpedo man and the last was a cook-baker. We had a crew of sorts. It meant very hard work for all of us. In subs, we were cross trained in each job on the ship. In case someone got hurt, any of us could fill in temporarily. Now to get a ship.

We pooled our money and traveled to the Philippine area and bought an LST. That was an interesting tale in itself. They, some Navy guys, just asked for a small sum and went on their way. To this day, I’m sure that they pocketed the money and wrote the ship off as damaged and destroyed. I don’t remember any paperwork changing hands. It was one of a thousand ships and boats parked there. We tried to pick the cleanest one. First we checked the fuel. Pretty good but not full. We started scrounging hoses and pumped fuel from some of the others tied up next to us until we had a full tank. No one stopped us, no one cared. We picked up anything we thought would be of use to us later and loaded it aboard. I remember painting over the ship name and number, but don’t remember what it was. We didn’t care. An LST, in wartime, had a crew of about 145- 150. We had a lot of work to do to sail it where we wanted to go with just the seven of us. We didn’t sleep much enroute.

We finally set sail and went to a couple of small islands we knew about that had been fought over. Going ashore, we combed the areas for any type of explosives and weapons we could find. We didn’t care whose- Japanese or allied. If it would go ‘boom’ we took it. If it drove, we took it. We cleaned up thousands of rifles, tons of ammunition, trucks, jeeps and amphibious vehicles until we had a good load. An LST can shove right up onto a shore, open it’s doors and lower a ramp for vehicles to drive right on board. That’s how we got the cargo aboard. We drove trucks around to various depots, loaded them up and drove the trucks on board- and left them there. For the next load, we would get another truck from the, now defunct, motor pool on the abandoned island. It was something else.

By this time, Chiang’s popularity had waned, the American public finally realized that he was just a greedy warlord, out for himself. His contacts got scarce so supplies were difficult to obtain. He had money. After all, he had looted a large portion of South China, the wealthier area, he just couldn’t get countries to give him war materials anymore.

Here we came. Loaded. Ship and all. We pulled into Guang-Zhou, a port and industrial area near Hong Kong and negotiated a deal with one of Chiangs generals who was in charge of the region. We were paid off in gold. I’ll never forget that color. The whole operation had only taken a few weeks of very intensive labor on our part. We got an escort into Hong Kong and deposited our gold in an international bank that was back in operation again under the British. We were rich. We looked around Hong Kong for a while, about a week and decided to go to Portuguese Macao and see it a little better. Why there? It was one big gambling area. Sure, Vegas has more lights now, but you must remember that Vegas didn’t hardly exist until a few years later than the time I’m describing. The Chinese have gambling in their genes and Macao was an outlet that was unbelievable.

It was a wet, wild and wooly time, especially for someone that was 20. I was the youngest of the seven and one or another of the group had tried to get me drunk and tattooed several times. I don’t know, to this day, why they weren’t successful, but it didn’t happen. None of us had lost much money gambling, but we did have a good time observing all
the sights. Then we went back to Shanghai.

Given the semi-wartime conditions that existed in all of China, following the crushing control of Japan, the country as a whole, was broke. Conditions were horrible many places that we had visited on the cruise and they certainly hadn’t improved any since. Whole populations were starving. We had seen water dipped up from a river to cook with that would have killed a horse. It was said that if you fell into the Whangpo, or Huangpu river, near Shanghai, you would die. Not from the current, the water was so contaminated, even then, that it was deadly. I’m told nothing has changed.

We lacked entertainment of the female persuasion. Horny doesn’t describe it, yet we couldn’t trust the whores that were everywhere. Dear God, they had diseases that the world knew nothing about. Then an idea occurred to one of us. I don’t remember which one right now, but it had merit when explained. Families were desperate. Boys were valuable, for they could work and earn money to buy food for the family.

Girls were worthless. Some families even killed their female infants at birth because they couldn’t feed them. In fact, that tradition was practiced in a small way until recently, when the chairman declared that couples could only have one child, under penalty of punishment. Now that’s created another problem, but not of this story.

A girl, about 11 or 12 could be purchased for $15 at that time. They were good for house servants, cleaning and drudgery chores. At the next level, 13 to 18, they were good for heavier work and commanded a higher price, about $20. Over that, the price went down, as the families really wanted to get rid of the older ones. They were bigger and ate more. We checked around and found that about 10 to 12 dollars, American, a half ounce of gold, or a few British pounds would buy a girl of 18. You owned her. The family had sold her. It was final. She wasn’t rented, leased or borrowed. Cruel? Inhuman? Wrong? I couldn’t agree more, but those were the times, the customs and the climate then. It just was.

We became rather proud owners. Now, this was a totally new process to us, even eldest of our group. You can’t just go walking around and kicking the tires, so’s to speak. We hired an interpreter to handle the negotiations for us. He rounded up several likely prospects in the 18 to 20 year old range and had us inspect the merchandise. I’ll tell you, that was an experience for a young kid who had little knowledge beyond that which he had gained in the backseat of a 1940 Chevy. All of the girls were scrawny, dirty and in rags. Some were homely, some so-so and a few were really rather pretty. After all, we were in a country where most of the populace looked similar to us. The close look was an awakening, of sorts. There were differences. We each picked out one we liked and the talks began. Finally, all seven of us had a girl. It was just a handshake agreement. No title papers involved. The families just walked away.

Oh my God. What do we do now? Through the interpreter, we found rooms for our small family, as it were, and went shopping. We needed everything. Clothes for the girls, cooking utensils, food, everything. And we couldn’t speak Chinese. Not Mandarin or any other dialect. Each of us learned the name of our purchase, mine was Sue Fawn, or a close approximation to that. Sign language was the only communication we really had.

We all went ‘home’ to our respective rooms and then tried our best to cope with the situation we had created. First order, of course, was to get the girls cleaned up. Vigorous scrubbing was involved. Some required several treatments. A couple of the girls had never seen running water. We were starting from scratch, if you will. Still today, I can’t begin to fathom what went on in the girls minds. They were now owned by these huge, and probably to them ugly ‘guan-jo’ creatures. They must have feared for their lives. For all they knew, we may have bought them to put into soup. They would never see their families again, just like that. Sold. They were property and they knew it. Some trembled with each touch. The fear was palpable. We suddenly had a lot to overcome.

Dear god, what had we done. We were planning to go back home soon and here we had Bought a girl. We Owned her! Given the immigration laws of the time, it would have taken a year or more to get her into the states. Maybe longer, as Chinese have had a very low quota since the railroads imported a huge number to build the first US trans continental railroad in the 1800s. Would any of our families accept them if we did get them in? None, probably, as interracial marriages were illegal in many states then. Jim Crow was alive and well in the south and honored under the counter most everywhere else.

Well, we’ve done it, now what the Hell do we do? Okay, we can eat from restaurants and street vendors until we can get this shopping and cooking thing figured out. I can’t speak for the others, but I tried holding a bowl and chopsticks and making motions of eating. I put our small wok by the stove and made motions of stirring. Sue Fawn nodded. Damn, we’ve made progress, of sorts. I took her hand and we went out into the street, looking for a market. I heard, and smelled, one a couple of blocks away. Ohboy, now we see how good I am at communication.

All I could think of was to turn my right hand palm up and make a broad sweeping gesture, pretty well covering the whole area. I saw a glimmer. Good. We moved along slowly until we got to a vegetable stand, where I pointed to the produce. She nodded and spoke to the vendor. Then more rapid fire speech which I presumed was bartering for a better price. Shortly, she turned to me and held out her hand. I dug out some national currency and gave it to her. We now had some groceries. I smiled. She now led me through the maze of carts and stalls to some other vendors. We quickly acquired some oil, spices, a bit of fish, some noodles and more vegetables. Wow, she’s bright, too.

We took our purchases back to our room where she started cooking our food. It turned out very good. Wow! I went to the rooms of the others and told them what had happened to me and they said that about the same things had happened to them also. Sue Fawn and I went out again and this time I was looking for more clothes for her as she only had the one outfit so far. I had thrown out the clothing she had worn when we met. I was chilly that time of the year so I bought her a nice warm jacket and some more dresses. Some socks, shoes and sandals went into a bag, also. I didn’t have a clue about what Chinese women wore for undergarments. Of course, I knew what US girls wore, but this was a whole different world.

I tried touching her breasts, then patting her on the crotch. I had another thought. I pulled up my shirt and the pulled my underwear shorts waistband up into view. After pointing a couple of times, she got the idea and led me off to another dealer where she negotiated another deal for underpants and bras for herself. Hey, we’re getting across to one another.

Sue Fawn fixed an evening meal and then I’m sure we both wondered what was next. I did. The first night was different as she was just newly owned, scrubbed and scared. I made sure I didn’t touch her. The next night was a little different as she knew I wouldn’t hurt her and that I cared for her welfare. We went to bed together, but I just hugged her and gently held her close. She relaxed, snuggled and went to sleep. The next several days, and nights, went on like this for us. She kept the place clean, washed our clothes, shopped and cooked. In one weird moment, I caught myself thinking, ‘what a Helluva a bargain.’

As time progressed, I became bolder with her, especially in bed. When she understood what I was doing, she returned the caresses, kisses and affection. During the day, she was the lowly servant by her actions, no matter what I tried to sign to her that she was an equal. That notion did not exist among female Chinese at that time.
I found a change in bed, though. In a very short time she didn’t just lay there frozen and take whatever I chose to do with her. She slowly became a participant. A very willing participant. Life was getting better.

During the daytime we had lessons- she in English, me in Mandarin. I still remember a few words today, even after all this time. In a short time, we were making love and enjoying it very much each evening. It was quiet, gentle, slow and deeply felt. Oh god, it was wonderful.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to a close. Eventually, we all had had our fill of China with it’s smells, noise, poverty and corruption. We all decided to go home, now a few months after our discharge from the service. Fine, we were all agreed. BUT. What about the girls? We certainly couldn’t take them back with us. We, just as certainly, couldn’t dump them on the street and walk away, either. This discussion totally consumed a couple of days.

We finally came to the conclusion that we would get an interpreter to tell them exactly what was going on, and why. We weren’t disgusted with them, just homesick. We wanted them to have good joss spirits and go on with their lives. We arranged this and gave each of the girls several hundred pounds Sterling, a fortune in that place, in those days. They were now well fed, well clothed and had enough money to last a long time.

We felt we had done the best we could for them, but it was still hard to leave them. Leaving China was easy but we had found friends in the girls, like adopting a lost puppy, only to turn it out, later, into the world again. It was done, though and three days later, we were back in Honolulu on our way to the States. We separated in California and haven’t kept in touch. I went home to mid America, continued schooling and never looked back. Later, when I married, I told my wife part of the adventure, but never the whole story. I used to have a few snapshots of some of the girls and Sue Fawn. We’ve moved a lot in the many years we were married and I haven’t seen them for thirty years. This is the first time the entire story has been told by me. I’m not worried what the kids will say as I’m sure they will accept it and go on. It didn’t, and doesn’t have anything to do with them. I might even get an ‘atta boy’ from a couple of them. Who knows. I’m sure all the others are dead now as I’m an old man but once in while I wonder what ever happened to the girls.

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Being bisexual is truly awsome! The best of both worlds, I have a great man (Matt) who knows just how to make me feelfantastic like only a man can do. Heather on the other had was the perfect woman, sexy red head open minded bisexual who knew how to keep both men and women extremely happy. After we had out 3rd three some with Matt, Heather decided to finally introduce me to her Girlfriend "Nicole" whom she ducked twice a week. We had gay night twice a week, where we would spend time...

2 years ago
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Heather Matt and IA bisexual adventure

Ever since Matt came into our lives, his big cock has been busy fucking Heather one night.and me the next, but it took a couple weeks and all three of us were full fucking hard.... Matt and I arrived home and planned on sucking each others dicks and fucking till we fell asleep, but Heather had other plans...She was sitting on the couch in the basement wearing nothing but a smile....As we entered and looked at her she spread her muscular legs flexing her thigh muscles and running her hands...

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Kiss Of Love And Sex 8211 First Adventure In The Theatre

Hey guys and girls. It’s good to meet you all after a long time. I apologize for the delay in the second part of my story. Thank you to all the guys and girls who contacted me to appreciate the story and also shared their desires and fantasies with me. This is the second part of the series ‘Kiss of Love & Sex’. For the new readers, I request you to read the first part of the story to get a better understanding and description of my story. A quick re-introduction about myself, I am Harish (name...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Adventures in Aether

You stand in the town of Aether, a small town in the countryside. The streets are cobblestone with grass growing in strips on either side of the roads. You can see a few horse drawn carts, they look like they're carrying stock for the local market. You stand in the middle of the town square, it's busy with activity today as the townsfolk explore and mingle around town. The town hall stands proudly at the end of the square, buildings branch off either side to create the rest of the square. It's...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

1 year ago
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POV Adventure

Who’s up for a POV Adventure? Just to be clear, ThePornDude ain’t a video game site, so I ain’t talking about first-person shooters. Then again, there will probably be some projectiles flying away from the camera and towards the other characters on the screen, but nobody’s going to get maimed or killed. Nah, any pretty girls who get shot around here are simply going to end up a bit stickier, a tad creamier, and perhaps a little less hungry than they’d been moments earlier. If they pull off the...

Premium POV Porn Sites
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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

2 years ago
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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

4 years ago
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Futanari Pokemorph Adventure

Part one: The Adventure Begins. -Vanville Town- World renowned Rhyhorn rider Grace and her teenage daughter Leona had spent much of the last few days moving into their new home in the Kalos region. It was exhausting work but that didn't mean that Grace could let Leona sleep in till noon. “Would you go wake that lazy child of mine up Fletchling?” Grace asked a bird Pokemorph. Sitting on top of Grace's dinning table was a creature that looked like a harpy. It's body was...

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Rose Mountain Adventure Park

Rose Mountain Adventure Park Mom has a friend named Rose, she is a year or two younger than my mother is, and she is the most sex woman that I know. At thirty-three she is in her sexual peak, as she keeps telling my mother. I’m fourteen and apparently I’m fast approaching my sexual peak. They often get together to sun bathe in our backyard. I get to watch from my bedroom window or from the backyard if I wish to join them. Lately Rose has gotten more and more sexual around me. I see...

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The Island Adventure 2

The Island Adventure The Island AdventurePart 1The young husband burst into their trailer home that was parked behind the hanger at an outlying grass field airport, where his business as a commercial crop dusting pilot was located and he shouted for his young wife. ?Honey, Baby Doll!? There was no answer until a few moments later. His wife, a petite little blonde of five feet and she couldn?t be over one hundred five pounds appeared from the very back of the long trailer, wearing nothing....

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The AdventureChapter 7

It was several days later that Gwen finally heard from Andre. Her dreams had been vivid since her encounter with P.J. and Brad and she had actually orgasmed in her sleep on more than one occasion. “Are you alone?” asked the now familiar voice on the phone. “Yes, Daniel is at school and Robert is at work.” “I hope you found your adventure satisfying.” “Oh my! Satisfying is not the word for it. I simply can’t describe...” “Then don’t try. It was one of many such experiences which await...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Ameiliees Stories The Founding of the Adventurer Guild

Timeline: About 400 years before beginning of "Luvirini's Journey" Today the adventurers are a mostly trusted group, that most people see as useful to have. Of course all groups have their bad apples, but the organization and training of the guild has kept those to a minimum. However it was not always like that. Less than 500 years ago the word adventurer was a mixed bag, as were the people calling themselves adventurers. They ranged from the good to the really bad. While there were many...

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Highschool Adventure Chapter 1

--- This is purely fantasy. I do not condone doing anything with anyone u******e. Once again, this is fantasy ---Notes: This is an ongoing story. Expect many more chapters overtime. I have a lot more characters I want to introduce and to expand the story. This is my first story, so hopefully I improve over time. Feel free to comment, etc-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**Rinnnnnnnngggggg**It’s the...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site Motherless.com? You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Forest Army Camp Adventure 8211 Part 3

Sunita says: The Colonel and my husband’s way of love making was different. The Colonel seemed far more sensitive to my pleasure and needs. He knew how to turn me on. He knew where to touch, what to speak, where and how to caress and where and how to use pressure or brute force to make me crave for more. You may well ask, “Why did I let a person other than my husband fuck me?” Well for one, for the past few months my husband constantly expressed his fantasy that he wanted to see me being...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on motherless.com likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Our Adventure Wedding and Honeymoon

Six Months Later… It’s our first night as an official married couple. It’s been a tiring day of sightseeing, exploring and shopping. We rounded it out with one of our good hard fucks that we like so much. Gavin is fast asleep, curled into me, as I stroke his hair. He looks so peaceful, even though I’m tired, I can’t shut my mind off. The last few days keep repeating in my head. When he asked me to marry him six months ago, I didn’t think he was truly serious. I mean, we just moved in...

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Evelynns strange adventure Part 4

Evelynn's strange adventure --------------------------- part 4, by Mr.G The previous part of this story ended after a terrible night out for our poor Evelynn. When her friends Tamara and Keith first changed her into a black man using an elaborate and realistic disguise and renamed her Adam, almost two weeks ago, she hated this new form and felt awkward, but as the days had gone by the vain Evelynn had slowly but steadily warmed up to the idea and she had accepted her new male...

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Highacre Dragon Breeders 5 Damn Lizard

Introduction: A new-comer really does make everyone cum. Viktoria sat quietly at her desk, a pile of application forms for a Dragon Handler position in front of her. One of her prize studs, Stallion, needed a new handler because his last had recently retired. Viktoria didnt want to hire a woman for the position, knowing Stallions temperment and demeaner he would not listen to a female handler. Sadly so far all the applicants had been young boys fresh out of college with no real experience. She...

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Highwaymen Ch 13

It was well past sunrise when Terence awoke. He lay with his eyes still closed. Already he could feel the warmth of the sun as it filtered between the leaves and branches overhead, and against his side the warmth of the young woman, his companion. He mused how good it was to wake with her at his side. In such a very few nights it had become a habit he would not willingly forgo. He opened his eyes and turned towards her, and almost jumped when he was met by her wide open, clear blue eyes staring...

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Highwaymen Ch 14

As she scurried after him, Celeste’s mind was in turmoil. What had prompted her to offer herself to him so unconditionally? Yet … it had come to her naturally, driven by the power of his action and her reaction to it. Yes, she had meant it, she would be his slave. She wanted him to use her in whatever manner he saw fit. Although in the back of her mind she was aware that this feeling would not last, right now it was where she had arrived. She was his, and it felt right to be possessed. She...

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Highwaymen Ch 06

It was an hour or so later that the two companions led their steeds out onto the road. Once mounted, Jamie urged his mare into a walk, heading west, where he had originally been headed what now seemed so long ago. Only last night! Joanna held her stallion in check as she watched, and called out to him ‘Jamie! Not that way!’ He pulled up, and turned to face her, but did not retrace his steps. ‘Why not?’ His tone betrayed some impatience. ‘That way is to take the hot route. It would be wiser...

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Highwaymen Ch 08

The next morning, after they had breakfasted simply but well, Joanna turned to Terence. ‘Sir, I think we’ve had enough of luxury for now. I don’t wish to spend my money, earned at such risk, on these unnecessary things.’ Her dismissive gesture took in all the room and its contents. Terence frowned. He did not wish to admit his current lack of funds after having promised to pay for their stay, and he played for time. ‘Let us spend one more night here before we quit it, Joanna. This is not an...

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Highwaymen Ch 12

It was around noon when they finally awoke. Joanna stretched her arms and legs like a cat, flexing wrists and ankles. As she moved from the bed the others stirred. Rosie looked aghast as she realised how late in the day it was already, but Joanna quickly assured the girl she would see her right with the landlord, and Terence added his own reassurance. Very hastily they dressed. Terence fished out a gold coin from his pouch as he and Joanna escorted Rosie, who now looked flushed and flustered...

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Highwaymen Ch 02

‘So it pleases you to have been bested by a woman then Sir?’ ‘Oh God!’ He winced to think of it. What ignominy! ‘Oh no’ he groaned. The highwaywoman smiled wide, her white teeth flashing in the gloom. ‘Make up your mind Sir! Are you more pleased that you were responding to a woman? Or more chagrined that you were beaten by one?’ Though her tone was playful, she awaited his reply intently. For a moment he pondered the idea of stubbornly refusing to answer, even whilst thinking his feelings...

1 year ago
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Highwaymen Ch 16

Later that morning Celeste was once more dressed in her male garb as Terence addressed her. ‘We still have funds for a week or two, perhaps we need not look to our trade for a while.’ Celeste retorted hotly ‘We need money for our own purposes also. Remember that I at least don’t intend to remain in this profession all my life!’ His relaxed, to her eyes lazy, attitude provoked her to her old independence. She would not be told how to conduct their affairs if it was so clearly ill-considered....

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