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When he looked back over the carcass of what he had, wrongly, as it had transpired, presumed was a happy marriage, he realised that the connubial deathwatch beetle that had done for the marriage had its genesis some six months previously when his wife, his ex-wife, as he supposed was the correct way to think of her, had pointed out an article in the English language version of an Italian publication she liked to read called, “Donna Cattiva.”
The article was titled “Swinging the 21st Century Way.” It had been an interesting article, for what it was. It gave a potted history of swinging down through the ages, and pointed out that, following a downswing (and yes, the author actually did use that somewhat clunky pun in the article) during the AIDS crisis, it had recently received a boost, especially after a couple of Hollywood stars had come out as swingers. Or rather, had been outed as swingers, which wasn’t quite the same deal, now was it?
“Have you ever thought of swinging, Mike?” she had asked, casually. Oh, how casually she had asked.
He looked at her and responded carefully, fearing a trap of some kind. “No, Carol, love. I haven’t. Why would I want to eat hamburger when I have the primest of prime steaks at home? I really think that you are the only woman that I could ever possibly want, or need.
“Maybe I’m an unusual man, though I doubt that, somehow, but all I want is my wife. I feel certain that I might well have problems differentiating between sex, lust and love, should I try swinging.
“I’m afraid that if we started swinging that one of us would fall for someone else and really mess up our marriage.”
They had discussed the concept of swinging long into the evening, she had posited the upside, he had posited the down side.
Eventually she had smiled at him, she had nodded and said: “I hear what you say, honey.”
It was only afterwards, a long time afterwards, when he realised that she had used the oldest trick in the book. “I hear what you say” is not the same as saying: “I agree with you” or even “I am listening to what you say.”
They had made love that evening. Mike had had a good, loving time and so had Carol. At least as much as he could tell.
The next six months were crazy busy for the two of them. Carol worked as an editorial director at a publishing company in Chester City Centre, not far from their home.
The company was called Anglo Welsh Publications, whilst Mike worked in Liverpool City Centre as a director of a multinational software house, San Frantechmatics. The HQ was in Silicon Valley, but the Liverpool office was based on The Strand, near to Liverpool Docks.
The first few times after he’d started working there, he’d driven on the M53 and A59, which was supposed to take roughly 40 minutes but he hated driving through the Mersey Tunnel, with congestion it sometimes took an hour or more.
Then there was the hassle of finding a parking place, so he took the advice of a Scouse colleague called Rob, who was something of an expert on all matters transport, and Mike started using the electric Merseyrail train from Chester station to Liverpool James Street that formed part of Liverpool’s underground rail system.
They were both working silly hours; sometimes Mike wouldn’t get back until 9PM, but Carol had told him she didn’t mind as she was also busy with a new project at work, a new Welsh-English language teaching pack that would be a real winner for her company. Sometimes she was out working until after 9PM herself.
Nearly six months later, both of their projects had wound down so that their roles had diminished and Carol sprung a surprise on Mike. “Mike, you know that my company had really put all that it had into the teaching pack?” He had nodded.
“Well, it’s worked out even better than we had thought possible. The Senedd Cymru have agreed to use our Welsh-English language teaching pack in all of the schools in Wales, even those that aren’t specifically Welsh language schools, so we’ll make at least quadruple what we thought we would.”
“Wow! That’s really good news, Carol.”
“It’s even better for us: you and me, I mean, because it was my suggestion to our board that brought that idea to fruition, so I have earned an absolutely massive bonus. And because of this, I have been able to book us a cabin on a Round Britain and Scandinavia Adventure Cruise. I’ll show you the brochure. Here it is.”
He looked through the brochure and was immediately captivated by the types of adventures that the Wingless Roving Adventure Holiday Company offered in its brochure.
The cruise started from Liverpool Docks, crossed the Irish Sea and travelled round the coast of Ireland, via the Celtic Sea and the Atlantic.
It then crossed over the tip of Ireland, visited the Western Isles and Scotland, then visited the Orkneys and travelled via the Atlantic and the Norwgian Sea, then over the North Sea to Norway and Denmark, then back across the North Sea to the Scottish port of Greenock, where the cruise ended, and flights home would be arranged from Glasgow International Airport, or back home by First Class Sleeper Trains, if required.
As he looked through the brochure, it was all things that he loved. There was the opportunity to visit an archaeological dig in the Dublin Bay area (he had a degree in archaeology but hadn’t been able to find work due to lack of funding for archaeology), and then all the way round the Irish coast to County Mayo in Western Ireland.
They would then visit ancient sites on the Scottish Islands, including the Hebrides and Orkneys, plus visits to a Viking site in Norway where the more adventurous cruise passengers could watch, or even participate, in Viking reenactments, covering village life including cooking, craftworks, living overnight in a reconstruction of a Viking home and watching or participating in a Viking military reenactment.
On the ship there was plenty to do. There were photography classes led by a former Fleet Street photographer, ideal if you wanted to develop or refresh your photography skills before visiting the archaeological dig, the islands of Scotland or the Viking settlement reenactment and snapping away to your heart’s content.
There was also a member of the Royal Academy of Arts who would be taking art classes as the cruise-liner made its way round the British Isles and over to Scandinavia.
People who were interested in cooking would be able to learn how to cook under the tutelage of an Irish Television Chef who was taking a break from his hit RTE 1 Food Show, “West Coast Chef.”
Before the ship returned home to Britain there would be the opportunity to see the Northern Lights, weather permitting.
There were tears in his eyes as he hugged Carol to him. “Oh, Carol. This is amazing. How much is this costing you?”
She smiled back at him and shushed him. “That’s not something you need worry about, Mike. The crazy bonus we all got was tax paid, so I have money left over, so really, please don’t worry, Okay?”
The photographs in the brochure made everything look splendid, and the ship, the Maighdeann na mara (Scots Gaelic for Maiden of the Sea) was one of the smaller cruise ships, being able to provide accommodation for approximately 130 passengers.
He looked at Carol and said, with concern in his voice, “But this is all stuff that I am interested in. You are not interested in archaeology, photography, history and that type of thing, so what will you do, Carol?”
She nodded and smiled, “Whilst that’s true, this cruise is about you and what you want, for a change. I’ll be sure to find something to do. After all, there are art classes and who knows? Perhaps I’ll take up an interest in art whilst we sail round the coasts of Britain and Ireland and Scandinavia?”
“Thanks, Carol. This means a great deal to me. We’ll have a great adventure.”
She grinned, “We will, that!”
They had both booked two weeks off from their jobs, and on the day of the start of the cruise they took a £40 taxi ride from their home in Chester to the Liverpool Cruise Terminal, Gate 2, Princes Parade, Liverpool.
Their luggage was dealt with by crewmembers, but as they walked up to the ship on the modern equivalent of the gangplank, Mike was puzzled to see that the ship they were boarding was not the Maighdeann na Mara but a different ship called The Spòrs inbheach.
“Why the different ship?” he asked Carol. She answered coolly, “Oh, I don’t know why. It’s very similar to the other ship, same size, same colours, same cruise company, so perhaps the other ship is out of commission?”
They were met on the deck by crew members who, rather incongruously, were dressed in tropical ship’s whites. It reminded him of something, but he couldn’t think of what.
A smiling young female purser presented each of them with the electronic passkeys to their cabin. She said to Mike and Carol: “There is an orientation party in the Ballroom on the B Deck at 5PM. Everyone is expected to attend the orientation party and there will be drinks and nibbles provided.”
They noticed that all passengers boarding the ship did so under the watchful eye of the Captain, a tall and imposing man in his white uniform. He was reminiscent in looks of a younger Captain Smith of the Titanic.
Their cabin was actually on the same deck as the entry gangway, so they soon walked to their cabin. The other passengers seemed to know each other and there was much hugging and kissing. Mike thought it a little bit strange, but as he’d never been on a cruise-liner before he wasn’t sure if that was normal behaviour.
Their luggage was already in their room and they quickly transferred their clothing into the chests of drawers and the wardrobe.
As they did Mike said: “Carol, everyone seems very friendly with each other. It’s almost as if they already know each other?”
She paused for a second before replying. “Perhaps some of them do, Mike? After all, cruising is a lifestyle for some people, so maybe you get to know people on the ships if you make regular cruises?”
“Yes, I expect that’s it,” replied Mike. “Maybe we can get used to cruising, too?”
“Oh, ‘‘ said Carol, breathily, “I’d like that very much.”
“How long do we have before the orientation session?” asked Mike.
“We have an hour,” said Carol, it’s just before 4PM, now. I tell you what, as this is our first cruise, let’s start it off properly, yes?”
She pulled four small bottles out of her handbag and opened two of them. “What’s that?” Mike was intrigued.
“Just some pre-mixed shots I picked up in the off-licence round the corner from our house. I think we need to celebrate our first ever cruise.”
They said “cheers” touched the lips of the bottles and downed their shots in one. Then they had the second shot each, “just for good measure,” Carol had laughingly said.
Soon, Mike had started to feel unusual. He staggered and Carol, who had suddenly appeared at his side, said: “Are you okay, Mike?”
“I don’t know. I feel really tired, really, really sleepy.”
“Lie down on the bed,” Carol had said, steering him toward the king-sized bed in their cabin.
“Maybe it’s the sea air that’s affecting you? Just have a doze and I will wake you up before we need to leave for the orientation session.”
He had allowed her to help him lay on the bed. Before he could speak to her again, he was unconscious.
She looked down at him. “I’m so sorry it came to this, Mike, but you only have yourself to blame for all of this.
“If only you’d have agreed to my suggestion of having a swinging lifestyle, you’d have been having an adventure on this cruise, too. But I am going to have an adventure, no matter what. And it will be the fucking adventure of my fucking lifetime.” She sounded kind of manic as she spoke at him.
She kissed him on his forehead. “Sleep well, Mike. I deserve this.”
She walked out of the cabin, closing the door behind her.
When Mike awoke, he felt bewildered as he was unsure of where he was, at first.
Realisation came quickly as he looked at the clock in the cabin and noticed that it was eight o’clock. He panicked. “Shit! I was supposed to go with Carol to the orientation session at 5PM,” he thought.
He sat up and felt dizzy and disorientated. From outside the cabin he heard two women talking. “What did you think of our breakfast?” “Oh, I loved it. I think the chef is even better on this cruise than the last cruise we were on.” “Yes, I agree with you. He’s really good, isn’t he?”
Their voices faded away as they walked on. But why were they talking about breakfast? Which must mean that Mike had slept for 16 hours. How was that possible? He looked at the bottles containing the drinks he and Carol had consumed. Something was bothering him, but he couldn’t work out what.
Then he began to worry. He hadn’t seen his wife since the previous afternoon, and they were on a cruise ship. Where the hell was she? Had she fallen overboard?
He stood up and stumbled, reaching for the support of a chair by the bed. He looked at the dresser and saw his key card. He picked it up and went out onto the walkway beyond the cabin. He noticed a fairly short, young and attractive woman in ship’s uniform who seemed to be an officer. He decided to ask her what he should do about his apparently missing wife.
“Hello ... Miss. I’m worried about my wife. I seem to have lost her. She never came back to our cabin last night.”
“Hello, Sir. My name is Aileen McDonald. Amongst my other duties, I am the Passenger Liaison Officer of the ship. What is your name? What cabin are you in?” She had an attractive Scots Highland lilt to her voice.
“My name is Mike Jones, my wife is Carol. We are on this deck in cabin C 15.”
“Well, let’s go to your cabin. I’m quite sure there’s a simple explanation as to what has happened to your wife. And I’m certain that she is perfectly safe and that no harm has befallen her.”
“Thank you, Aileen; it’s just that I was worried that she might have fallen overboard, or something.”
As they entered the cabin Aileen’s eyes opened wide when she saw the brochure on the table in the room. “Where did you get that brochure, Mr. Jones?”
“Oh, please call me Mike. It’s the brochure for this cruise, isn’t it? My wife gave it to me a couple of weeks ago to show me what’s going to happen during the next two weeks.”
Aileen looked distressed. She chose her words carefully. “Mike, I’m afraid to tell you that I think your wife might have misled you. That cruise brochure is for our sister ship the Maighdeann na mara.”
Mike shrugged. “Well, what cruise are we on?”
“As you may be aware, the ship we are on is the Spòrs inbheach. It’s actually a cruise for sexually adventurous adults. It’s basically a cruise for swingers. The name of the ship is Scots Gaelic for adult fun.”
Mike gasped. “What the fuck? Swingers? But we aren’t swingers.”
Then his mind went back to the conversation about that bloody magazine article just six months previously. “My wife asked me what I thought about the swinging lifestyle about six months ago.”
Aileen spoke gently to him. “And I guess that you said no to her, but you think she might have gone ahead with it anyway?”
“Yeah, something like that. But if only one partner swings, then that’s cheating, not swinging?”
“I suppose so, Mike. I think you have a good point, there. Look, you obviously have a lot to think over now that you have found out what your wife has done. As far as your wife is concerned, I will make discrete enquiries about what she has been doing. And Mike, I didn’t see you at the orientation session yesterday, so how come you didn’t attend the orientation session?”
“I was going to, but Carol decided we should have a couple of shots that she provided and soon after I began to feel really sleepy. Carol made me lie down on the bed for a nap. She told me she’d wake me up in time for the orientation session, but she never did.”
Aileen glanced at the cabin’s table and looked at the four bottles that were still on it. “So, what time did you take those shots and when did you wake up this morning?”
“I think it was 4PM, yes, about that, because Carol said we had an hour until the 5PM session, and I awoke at 8AM this morning.”
Aileen gathered up the bottles. “Mike, I’m very worried. That means you must have slept right through for a total of 16 to 17 hours; that’s almost an entire day. I believe it’s probable that your wife gave you a drug to knock you out. Do you mind if I take these with me?” He gave his permission.
“Why would she do that?” Mike was beginning to sound distressed. He’d already suspected that Carol had drugged him, but the confirmation of that by someone independent had really struck home.
“Because, Mike, the orientation session is a very important part of the cruise. People attending it are reminded what type of cruise they’ll be on, in part to stop situations like yours. Though we have only ever had one other case similar to yours over the ten years we have been running these adult adventure cruises.
“Everyone attending the orientation session gets a safe sex kit and there’s an opportunity for anyone who has changed their minds about being on a sexually liberated two-week cruise to take a boat back to the docks. It’s my guess that this is why your wife knocked you out.
“What she did is not only illegal, it’s also against the rules of the cruise company, and we will certainly be looking at taking action against her. We simply cannot have innocent spouses being drugged by their partners. It’s just not right. And it’s very dangerous.”
She asked him if she could take the bottles with her as she left, Mike thanked her. He slumped into one of the easy chairs in the cabin.
About ten minutes later, a somewhat chastened Carol walked into the cabin. “Hello, Mike. I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up.”
“Where the hell were you, Carol? What were you doing?”
She ignored his question, looked at him and said: “I think we need to have a chat.”
He looked back at her. “Bit too late for that, I’d have said?”
She flushed. Perhaps she was even a little bit embarrassed? Probably not, he thought.
“The thing is, Mike, this isn’t the cruise I told you it was. It is an adventure cruise, but it’s an adult adventure cruise, specially designed for sexually liberated adults. I know this will sound cruel and dismissive of you, not that I intend it that way, but this is actually my adventure cruise and not your adventure cruise. I spent last night having sex with two couples, two men and two women, in their suite.
“I had intended to be here for you when you awoke, but things kind of got away from me today.
“I wanted to explain to you what was happening early this morning. I’m truly sorry that I didn’t manage that.
“And before you ask, I intend to carry on having sex with them and with other partners throughout the next two weeks of the cruise.”
“And just what am I supposed to do on this fuckfest of a boat while you repeatedly smash your wedding vows?” he asked.
She sounded irritated. “Oh, get over it, Mike! Nobody gives a stuff about wedding vows, these days! Look, I know you’re upset, but it’s your fault for not wanting to join me in swinging when I asked you six months ago.”
“But I am quite happy and satisfied with having only one sexual partner: you, the woman I chose to get married to. I don’t need multiple partners. I don’t want multiple sexual partners.”
She took a deep breath before she continued. “But that’s the difference between you and me, Mike. You are satisfied with our sex life; you are satisfied with only one sexual partner. But I am not. I really do need sexual variety, it’s no slight on you, I need more than one sex partner. But sex isn’t all that important to you. Is it?”
She looked at the expression on his face and she realised that she had seriously wounded her husband, the man she loved. Loved? Yes. Loved. She still loved him. At least she thought she did.
“Shit! I’m sorry Mike, I realise that what I said is upsetting and that it has severely hurt you, wounded you, even, but I thought that the time for total honesty was here.”
“If you don’t love me anymore, why didn’t you just ask me for a divorce?”
She shook her head vigorously. “Because that’s not true, Mike. I know you probably don’t have any reason to believe this at the moment, but I do love you and only you. There’s a massive, major difference between lots of sport bonking and the loving love-making that we do as a loving, committed couple.”
Mike thought that her over use of the word “loving” was over-egging the pudding, and probably her way of trying to convince herself that she still thought of him in that way. And her idea of “committal” didn’t ring true with him, now.
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bdsm, anal, group, exhibionistI invite you to my house – where I have screwed four rings into a wall. I give you a sheer silk dress, that covers you from your neck to your thighs. You put on the dress, it's so tight on you so that it accentuates every curve of your body. Your butt especially looks so alluring. I love that butt.I have some hoops, and I attach one to each of your arms and ankles. Then I attach you to the four wall rings. You have very little room for movement.I cover your eyes...
I invite you to my house – where I have screwed four rings into a wall. I give you a sheer silk dress, that covers you from your neck to your thighs. You put on the dress, it's so tight on you so that it accentuates every curve of your body. Your butt especially looks so alluring. I love that butt.I have some hoops, and I attach one to each of your arms and ankles. Then I attach you to the four wall rings. You have very little room for movement.I cover your eyes with a silk scarf. You can’t see...
AnalHermione still had a souvenir from her last visit to the doc. The long brown-haired coed was still quite sore which became apparent when her panties rubbed against her blotchy swollen red blood blistered and purple bruises that adorned her hurting bottom. She did manage a tense smile as she put on her schoolgirl scratchy wool black dress and left. She had no choice but to keep her office appointment Monday because she had failed to obtain the physical certificate which could not attend Brown...
Adventures being Tied and Edged by Guys. Adventure #1, Scott in Atlanta. Authors note: I am a straight guy with a lifelong love of bondage. I have had a special love for edging ever since I saw my big sister’s ?Joy of Sex? with the picture the guy tied spread eagle while the girl sat on him and teased his cock. I have tied and been tied by women many times, and enjoyed it thoroughly. However, when they took the dom role, I never felt like they were enjoying it. A few years ago, after...
Gator Note: The title says it all as the action shiftsfrom attention to Hermione and given to her friend Harry. An opportunity to set a story back in a place and time where ones creativity will make this a fantastic read. It had all started with a hurtful act by a suprisingly nice boy who was rude in an unfashionable way and that was his bottom watching or more more specifically visible panty lined butts. That had been the catalyst for a lonely eighteen year-old shy boy who did not have a...
Ron’s Point Of View POV Things really started to change when my lovely domme said the following, “Ron put on my panties!” That indeed as hard as it may seem to accept is what a feisty Hermione said to me. It was with those words my current events teacher in private held in her hot hand the trump card. While it may sound insane it once I put on her panties the die was set for me to do whatever she may say because this, woman who happened to be my teacher held my life and future class room...
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ok this is a story where you create your own ninja or kunoichi or you could change the lives of naruto characters that already exist you could even change their gender just make sure to follow chyoa guidelines so go ahead and create your stories because I won't contribute much reason being because I want y'all to make y'alls fantasies to come true they have to be in the naruto universe but other anime characters can make a crossover so get Ready. Set. Write my fellow perverts
You are a young vibrant girl amidst the turbulent times of the this fantasy world. You are very attractive by most races' standards, even some of the more beautiful and picky races would admit. You have the most color vibrant brunette hair as well as deep green eyes to compliment. Traveling further down you sport a pair of pert d cup breasts all held in by your cotton tunic and low-cut leather vest. Your slim stomach curves perfectly into your wide hips that your skirt skirt hangs onto for dear...
FantasyMy family took a vacation to Minnesota every summer. In 1990, we went during the first two weeks of June because, during the second week we were having a family reunion with my whole family except my oldest uncle. I met Lisa during that first week. My family usually stayed in the largest cabin on the lake, however, because of timing, that cabin was rented by Lisa's family. We first met during check in. I was standing at the counter waiting for all the paperwork to be finished when she walked in...
My white wife is, 42DD-35-41, all natural, curvy, large clearly visible pussy lips, long blonde hair, blue eyed gorgeous mature woman. Her best friend is Elaine, she's white, roughly 38DD-32-38, all natural, curvy, brown eyed beautiful brunette. Both ladies have a full bush, breasts (my wife's breast veins show through, catches most guys attention) hang down with nipples facing straight down. Wife and I have been visiting an adult nude campsite for years. My wife likes to hook up with a man...
Infantile Misadventures My little misadventure started a year ago when I first happened to see an advertisement on the Internet, for a special kind of mistress in Thailand. For many years I had had secret fantasies about being treated like a baby girl or rather a toddler girl. In her add, Kwailin proclaimed that for only $100 a day she would guarantee to fulfil whatever infantile dreams a person may have and claimed to have had many special boyfriends who had loved the regressed...
Copyright © 1996 A few years ago, my sister invited me to join her family for a trip to Orlando and the Disney World complex. They live in Chicago, and I hardly ever get a chance to see them. So I said yes, despite my preference for traveling to more exotic and adventurous destinations. Judy's kids are 5 and 8 years old, so I knew that it would be fun to watch them enjoy the wonderland of children's pleasures. Her husband Jake and I don't normally get along too well-I guess he thinks...
Rasa stepped out from under the arch, and she allowed herself a moment to take a breath. With this step, she was finally within the bounds of Novelus! It was the biggest city she'd ever seen...Of course, she'd heard that it was small compared to the truly great cities further toward the center of the empire. But it was still a city! There were buildings with more than two floors! The streets were all paved! There were dozens of people! There was scarcely a tree in sight! Reviewing the...
FantasyCheryl hadn't seen Lacy in some time. Her and Jeff had gotten married nearly two years ago and she began playing the role of wife. It was only a few years agothat Lacy, Cheryl, and the rest of their high school girlfriends were out partying until dawn. Now Lacy was pregnant and expecting in just a month. Cheryl felt bad that none of the others cared to visit and that Lacy was pretty much house bound. So one day she decided to pay her a visit. The two women sat on the couch chatting."So what's...
Hello amigos…..I am Neha and I am back with a bang…..I mean literally. Sorry for taking a long break. I got married recently so could not get time for my new adventure. This happen a few weeks back. Naughty boys and girls spread the love as usual and do give me your feedback to Well, I got married and moved to a new place. Everything was new and my husband was very sweet and good in bed. Every night we had an adventure and were enjoying it through the core. To be practical, as time progressed,...
Hermione was literally exhausted as she left Brown. The college coed was nearly asleep before her head it the pillow. Tomorrow would be ‘Brown Day’ and she along with other pretty coeds of note would move into the apartments on the outskirts of Brown. The Emma Ale a local hearty drink selection put her in dreamland fantasy suitable for such a girl of magical trains, castles and dragons. As Hermione drifted farther into a world of wonderment her pseudo-conscious took shape in the form of a...
Sherry confessed to me that she knew the owner of a strip bar in a town about 90 minutes south of where we lived. She said that on occasion in the past few past years she would go down there and dance some weekends. I guess she never got stripping out of her system. She had told me about her dancing for private parties when she turned eighteen, and I thought she was done with all that. Apparently not, but I didn’t mind. I knew this bar and the fact that it was an all nude bar made it even more...
ExhibitionismFor those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...
For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...
Therapy, Part 1It was my medical doctor who suggested that I should speak to a counsellor, or ther****t about my sexual fantasies, and how they had started to overwhelm my life. At first, I was not particularly interested in talking to anyone about this, but obviously my doctor felt that a counsellor could help me, and that not seeing one could eventually harm me.I booked an appointment for two weeks ahead, thinking that this would give me some time to get my shit together, and I could call...
Jennie, her blue eyes crinkled as she smiled out into a sea of apprehensive little faces. She knew how her ninth grade class hated ‘pop quizzes. ‘Everyone, take a copy of the test, then pass the others back.’ A collective groan could be heard throughout the room ‘Okay,’ you have 20 minutes to complete the Quiz. You can start now.’ ‘Ah,’ she thought to herself, as she pushed back a strand of her beautiful long blonde hair, ‘I can have a few minutes rest,’ With the classroom deathly quiet,...
Jennie, her blue eyes crinkled as she smiled out into a sea of apprehensive little faces. She knew how her ninth grade class hated 'pop quizzes. "Everyone, take a copy of the test, then pass the others back." A collective groan could be heard throughout the room "Okay," you have 20 minutes to complete the Quiz. You can start now." 'Ah,' she thought to herself, as she pushed back a strand of her beautiful long blonde hair, 'I can have a few minutes rest,' With the classroom deathly quiet, within...
Pam, the MILF preachers wife did as I ordered her. She did give me those panties from her cunt at church as ordered and when I called the Preacher's house the week after I first fucked her, I asked if her husband was home. Yes she said, very well, tell him you are going shopping at the mall and Christian book store. Go buy things at the book store first, then meet me at the pet store in the mall. You are to go into the bathroom at the Christian bookstore and remove your panties, and have them...
Adventurous Sheryl The day dawned in a splash of color and clouds. Warm sunlight glinting off the river bounced rays of color along glass canyons. It would be a hot day. The brisk walk down Wacker Drive already caused a trickle of sweat to run down his back as he hurried along. He was heading to his office and work, but his mind was far from there. It had been several months since he and Sheryl had seen each other. She lived in another city, traveled occasionally to Chicago. They met while he...
Adventurous Sheryl The day dawned in a splash of color and clouds. Warm sunlight glinting off the river bounced rays of color along glass canyons. It would be a hot day. The brisk walk down Wacker Drive already caused a trickle of sweat to run down his back as he hurried along. He was heading to his office and work, but his mind was far from there. It had been several months since he and Sheryl had seen each other. She lived in another city, traveled occasionally to Chicago. They met while he...
Straight SexCara stepped onto the packed subway carriage and was immediately enveloped in the cram of bodies pressing into her from every angle. She reached down and readjusted her skirt, a tiny purple number which hinted at the bottom of her perky ass cheek. Underneath she was wearing a white thong, already damp in anticipation. She scanned the carriage discretely and looked for her companion. She had no idea what he looked like, with only vague descriptions to go by. She'd wanted it that way, wanted the...
AnalAfter our encounter with Tara and Charlene, I had a feeling Sheri was going to keep exploring. We were getting on the bus to go home the following morning. I was up early, so I went down to the beach one last time. Sheri saw me from her balcony and blew me a kiss. I did the same and headed back to my room to get my stuff. I got on the bus and found my seat near the back. I watched out the window as Sheri, Charlene, Tara, and a junior named Heather were headed to the bus together. That was odd...
Wife LoversNicole on her knees sucking my 7 inch cock , slurping and gulping giving me a wet and sloppy blow job, when Heather comes out her big hard round tips bouncing ever so slightly ad she walked and I gasped when I seen her wearing her 8 inch thick she cock.... Heathers cock (she didn't like it to be called a dildo) was vieny and thick with a big mushroom head...very life like, even felt like a real cock.. With a sey little walk and a command tone in her voice she ordered "let him show you how...
Being bisexual is truly awsome! The best of both worlds, I have a great man (Matt) who knows just how to make me feelfantastic like only a man can do. Heather on the other had was the perfect woman, sexy red head open minded bisexual who knew how to keep both men and women extremely happy. After we had out 3rd three some with Matt, Heather decided to finally introduce me to her Girlfriend "Nicole" whom she ducked twice a week. We had gay night twice a week, where we would spend time...
Hello, Indian Sex Stories dot net readers, this is Vishnu back with another post but this time it’s not my sex story. It’s one of my reader’s sex story which is as follows in his words. My name is Ryan from Goa. I am 20 years old. I am a decent looking boy with a 7inch tool and 2 inches girth. I am quite handsome with brown eyes. I originally come from a family of four people but now it’s just my mom, sister and myself. My dad left us when I was younger for another woman. The queen of this true...
IncestThe Adventure of Captain FeatherSword! Just a silly tale that came to me from a nick name of a coworker. It is a pity that I can't draw. Hi everyone. My name is Ed King. I awoke one day to start my new role in life. That role was to be a super hero. I worked out every day and took karate classes. I had a night job so my days were free. It was the start of my two week vacation so patrol factors can be set up with out problems. My outfit looked like the NBA team mascot from...
Ever since Matt came into our lives, his big cock has been busy fucking Heather one night.and me the next, but it took a couple weeks and all three of us were full fucking hard.... Matt and I arrived home and planned on sucking each others dicks and fucking till we fell asleep, but Heather had other plans...She was sitting on the couch in the basement wearing nothing but a smile....As we entered and looked at her she spread her muscular legs flexing her thigh muscles and running her hands...
“Okay, it's pizza time!” Rachel excitedly called out to the group. The other four girls all squealed with delight. Everyone knew what it meant to order pizza. It meant it was time for the pizza game.The game was really simple but extremely fun and exciting. First, the girls would decide on a game game to play; usually spin the bottle or poker or something easy like that. They didn't play for money, but for the clothes they wore. The first girl nude was the loser and had to order and pay for the...
Howlaween It was Halloween night and the house was still. I settled in with a bourbon boiling brew and chocolate bars. Finally alone downstairs I had a chance to go through a large orange plastic jack-o-lantern found after scores of years in the attic. I poured out the contents inside my eyes lit up as bundles of vanished photos wrapped in orange and black ribbons like presents from decades fell to the coffee table. They had been mislaid decades earlier and found after my wife, Hermione,...
Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...
The truck crawled across the hard packed dirt path toward the foothills on this high plateau. All three women had been quiet since we left the motel. It was an uneasy silence. Perhaps I should have missed the enjoyable banter or sweet sounds they normally emitted, but my mind had only one focus: the formula. They had dressed that morning to please me, as they always should. Each wore a thin, plain white T-shirt with a scoop neck. It was more sexy than if they were naked with their breasts...
You stand in the town of Aether, a small town in the countryside. The streets are cobblestone with grass growing in strips on either side of the roads. You can see a few horse drawn carts, they look like they're carrying stock for the local market. You stand in the middle of the town square, it's busy with activity today as the townsfolk explore and mingle around town. The town hall stands proudly at the end of the square, buildings branch off either side to create the rest of the square. It's...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
Here we are with a newer version of the embarrassing adventures of our favorite bookworm witch. She will have an humiliating time full of exposure either by accident or deliberate.
They always say that new experiences happen on Freshers week. When I left my rural town to go to Manchester Uni I knew I was in for a life changing experience, just not the path it took me.My names Ashleigh and I went off to Manchester to study Maths. It was daunting going in on the first day not really knowing anyone. Plucking up the courage I chatted to a few people on the bus in, in the halls and in my first lecture. I really began to settle. I settled so much that in my first week I...