Infantile Missadventure free porn video

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Infantile Misadventures My little misadventure started a year ago when I first happened to see an advertisement on the Internet, for a special kind of mistress in Thailand. For many years I had had secret fantasies about being treated like a baby girl or rather a toddler girl. In her add, Kwailin proclaimed that for only $100 a day she would guarantee to fulfil whatever infantile dreams a person may have and claimed to have had many special boyfriends who had loved the regressed lifestyle she could offer. I almost salivated over descriptions of her specially made nursery room, and her enforcement of diaper discipline with her charges. Coincidentally I was heading to Thailand on a business trip and had some surplus leave owing. Rather recklessly I decided to give her a try, telling myself that the worse that may happen is some embarrassment and some wasted dollars. The former would be overseas and therefore unnoticed and the latter I could well afford. Naturally I didn't choose to tell anyone of my secret side destination aside from the fact that I would take a small holiday before the business part of the trip. I even packed a normal suitcase to avoid any problems with customs. As prearranged Kwailin meet me at the airport and took me straight to her car in the adjoining underground car park. Once at the car she insisted that I remove my underwear and let her put a diaper on me before I even got in the car. This request was somewhat embarrassing and problematic to me as the car park was a very public area. I naturally therefore asked, "Can't we wait until we get back to your place before we start role playing?? This however just seemed to anger her and she declared, "I am the mother or nanny when you are with me and must be obeyed, you will be punished when you get home for being slow to comply? Seeing my shocked expression, more calmly she added "It is however your choice dear, without these on you may not get in my car and if you don't get in my car I will also not take you to my place and you will never be my baby. Whilst this is a test of your sincerity I also have pragmatic reasons for so insisting. In the past many of my overseas boyfriends have regressed on the way home and I do not wish to have the seats in my new car spoilt in that way? Reluctantly I could see her point and even though I wouldn't have messed her car, I could not deny that the idea had not crossed my mind and that I hadn't been just a little bit tempted. After I shame facedly agreed she was very quick and professional in her diapering of me in the back of her car. I am also sure very few people would have noticed what she was doing. When she had finished, she simply pulled my pants back up and taped me on the bottom. "Good boy, so that wasn't too bad was it? she then said with a smile, then added "Now sit up properly so that mummy can put the seatbelt on you?. I quickly obliged, was buckled in and soon on our way to her apartment. It felt very strange to actually be sitting in a car wearing a disposable diaper. Although it had been a long standing fantasy I had never lived it out before and had never even donned a diaper. The bulk felt strangely reassuring and exciting at the same time. Very little was said on the way home, except for Kwailin highlighting a few landmarks. Nothing more was made of my diapered status. She only enquired about what special ways I might want to be treated when we got back to her rather small apartment. At some length I then began to elaborate on my fantasies. In particular I explained my strong fantasy to be treated as a baby girl or more precisely a toddler and be dressed in the prettiest of little girl clothes. She smiled patiently as I told my desires and frowned a few times as I described my girlish wishes. After I had described my most intimate fantasies to her she then elaborated on her ground rules. How for instance she was the Mummy and therefore the boss and would discipline me if I were at all naughty. She reminded me I had a punishment coming for being slow to comply earlier. She also made it clear that only she could take of my nappies even if it was to use the potty. Efforts to remove the diapers on my own would not be tolerated and if caught doing so would be prevented in future by the use of rather drastic restraints. This both excited and scared me at the same time. She then got me to take of my Western clothes. She put a pair of plain plastic panties over the still dry diapers but promised something prettier latter in the week. She then got me to put on a very babyish jumpsuit with a cute little brown bear on the front of it. After that she stuck a dummy in my mouth and put a bonnet on my head. For a little while we sat in the lounge together and watched children's videos, and she gave me a large teddy bear to play with. It was soon dinnertime and I was taken to the kitchen and locked into an oversized highchair. The chair immobilised my arms as well as locking me in tight and after a little wriggling I also realised I would be stuck in it until she released me. She grinned at me when she realized my locked in state had dawned on me "Yes sweetie once in that chair there is no way out until mummy decides to let you out, so it doubles as a punishment chair. Given your naughtiness at the airport you will be spending some time in it after dinner whilst I go and have a good time. Now lets give you your din- dins precious? She then put a large bib on me and started to hand feed me. Large amounts of the rather unpleasant dish landed on that bib and also smeared over my face. In fact I wondered if more finished outside of my mouth rather than in it. She then gave me a large bottle of warm milk to finish off with. It didn't taste quite right and left my tummy feeling rather queasy. When I had finished she whipped my face clean then grinned at me and said "Good boy, I know it didn't taste the nicest but you did finish it and it did contain some special herbs to make you more regular? Before I could reply that I didn't need to be more regular she stuck the dummy back in my mouth and tied it secularly in place. She then placed a baby monitor on the high chair and said "Sweetie this will make sure you are safe when I'm with my friends, you may cry for mummy if you either need to be changed or something dangerous is happening. I will come very quickly if I hear you. However if I do come and it is neither of those situations mummy will be very cross and you will get a good spanking. Remember you are in the chair as a punishment so behave yourself.? She then patted me on the head, quickly picked up her handbag and monitor and left for her friends place. I can assure you I need not enjoy being left alone in that chair, feeling as helpless as a baby. After awhile the pressure in my bladder started to build up Eventually I couldn't hold out any more and finally I was forced to release my bladder in-situ and thereby wet my nappy. This happened less than an hour after my dinner so I'm not sure if they put something in the food to make me pee. After doing so I immediately tried to get Kwailin's attention, which wasn't easy given the dummy still stuck in my mouth and my hands still stuck by my side. I remembered her advice to cry and managed to get out some stifled groans and cries. When Kwailin finally noticed and returned to her apartment she stood at the door with a couple of friends and loudly said, "It looks like our precious one is letting us all no he has been a good boy and wet his nappy, but we don't have to worry as those diapers are very absorbent? The friends burst out laughing at that. Whilst this humiliating development seemed to please her, she made no effort to remedy the situation. Instead I was left in the wet diapers for another couple of hours. As time progressed these got more and more uncomfortable and also wetter as I relieved myself a couple of more times. Whilst I had been mortified the first time I became somewhat fatalistic with latter wettings. There wasn't much I could do about the situation and further wetting an already wet diaper made more sense than the pain from attempting to hold it in. After she came back again the fact that I was so obviously wet was major source of amusement for her and her friends. She quickly changed me, giving my bottom and privates a quick wipe between nappies. Over the nappy she put on some plastic panties with a locking waist chain. "This dear? she started to explain "is so you do not try and use the toilet without Mummies permission during the night.? She then took my hand and led me into the nursery and said "Into your cot dear? Once I was in it she pulled up the sides and gave me another bottle of that slightly off milk. When I had finished that she tapped me on the top of my head and said " Good boy nice to see you drink up your nightcap without a fuss, that should make you nice and regular? She then closed the top of the cot locking me in with a large padlock, closed the door and turned off the light. Shortly after her leaving the nursery my stomach started to rumble as that milk concoction started to do its evil job. I was scared, as I didn't know what it would do to me. Fairly soon I noticed a pressure building up inside my tummy and a growing need to defecate. Desperately I tried to find someway out of the cot, as soiling myself was the last thing I wanted to happen. But I quickly realised I was very securely locked in. As the pain built up I started squirming to try and keep from soiling. I could handle a wet diaper but not a soiled one I strongly reasoned. I felt I just had to resist that possibility as long as possible. I kept hoping the pain would simply pass. After half an hour the pain and effort to retain my waste started to become unbearable. At that point another part of me started saying that there was no point resisting and I should just relax and let it happen. For another half-hour I however defiantly tried to resist but of course the spasms became worse and worse over that time. Much to my disgust, I eventually had to give up the battle and soon felt my diaper fill with a hot sticky and very smelly load. When my bowels were finally empty I lay exhausted in my own mess. I felt so dirty and humiliated by losing the battle against that foul milk. I also soon realized that it was also going to be very uncomfortable for the rest of the night stuck lying in the cot with a soiled nappy. Kwailin of course did not come until early the next morning, by which time the squishy load in my diaper had become very smelly and even more uncomfortable than I imagined possible. My ordeal was worsened by having to pee again. I quickly realised that as well as a laxative the foul drink had also contained some form of diuretic. "What a smell? she declared on entering "you obviously have made quite a mess haven't you dear. Now what am I to do with you?? I was extremely relieved when she cleaned me up and emphatically declared that I never ever wanted to have to mess a diaper again. She rather reluctantly agreed to exclude such methods in the future, but seemed somehow disappointed. The next day she took me to a friend's flat, still wearing my diapers but over them clothes that at first site could be adult. The flat was vacant when we visited, but our purpose in going was to see a delightful little girl's bedroom, which had belonged to her friend's daughter. To one side of the room was a white wardrobe with a pink tutu glad ballerina painted on it. Its contents however were even more exciting; it contained some of the most magnificent little girl dresses I had either seen. As I stood admiring those she said, "My friend is a very good dressmaker is she not?? I nodded agreement and said, "The dresses are beautiful? Opening the draws she added "and these rumba plastic panties aren't they divine? I almost drooled when I saw the beautiful garments covered in layers of lace and silk "magnificent? was all I could manage to say. "And to think her daughter never particularly liked them, but you would love to wear them wouldn't you?? "Oh yes, can your friend make clothes like this for me? "I'm sure she would love too, she so misses her little girl and would love to have someone else to lavish such attention on. Particularly someone who would love the beautiful things she makes? I smiled back at her it was like I was in heaven. "Spend some time picking out your favourites, so she will know what to make in future for you? I was like a pig in clover, as I spent the next hour picking through the magnificent dresses looking for possible favourites. Unfortunately I loved nearly all of them so this wasn't at all an easy task. Not everything in Sasha's clothing collection meet my approval however. Amongst the plastic panties were some plain ones with a light chain in their waste band. "What are these for?? I asked Kwailin, as they looked suspiciously like the ones I had warn the night before. "Oh those? she laughed "they were for Sasha when she was naughty. Sometimes she would take her panties of and play with herself in an unladylike fashion or take of her diapers and make a horrible mess on the floor through her lack of control. The chain in those locked so she couldn't remove them. Unless you plan to be naughty again you wouldn't need to make any more of that sort of panties? after pausing "? unless you would like to be naughty that is, in them you would be completely at mummies mercy for your comfort? she grinned back at me. I shivered then grinned back at her cheekily "Sorry but no mummy?. There was also a large cot in the room that had the usual cot rails and looking top, I also noticed some fur lined ankle and wrist restraints lying on the mattress in its bottom. "These are a little extreme aren't they?? I asked as I examined one closely "Not at? she snapped back rather sharply "Poor Sasha was a troubled girl, this kept her from getting into more trouble after her mother had put her to bed? I gasped and then in a more conciliatory voice she further explained, "With these on she couldn't sleep walk or go wandering whilst her mummy was sleeping? The locking cot and its restraints sent a shiver down my spine. When I had my collection sorted she asked "so are you happy with your little collection there?? "Oh very much these are my fantasy clothes, they are just so beautiful. I would never get sick of wearing them? I beamed back. "I'd just love to take home a copy of each one? She looked closely at my little pile of favourites "You obviously like the very feminine ones? she concluded with just a hint of amusement. She put them all into a bag and left a note with them for her friend. Turing to me she added, "Before you know it you'll be able to wear those pretty things? " ? or at least copies of them? I added with a grin "Whatever, doesn't make much difference? she briefly responded That night Kwalin drew me aside and said "sit down on the sofa with mummy she has a special treat for you for being such a good boy? Sitting next to me, with one hand she showed me a photo of her friends' daughter Sasha and with the other started to rub the front of my plastic pants and asked "How much would like to be this pretty little girl?? "Very much? I answered not even bothering to hide my excitement "Good answer,? she said as she continued to rub the plastic pants and my obvious physical response "You like her pretty dress don't you?? "Yes? I agreed, as I noticed a growing bulge in my pants "She had very pretty clothes and you would like to be able to wear them or ones like them wouldn't you?? she continued to question. "Yes very much? I agreed. The dress she had on was a very pretty floral dress with heaps of lace and a big bow at the back. She was also wearing matching Rumba panties, which covered her obviously large nappy. "You're even a bit jealous of her aren't you? You'd love to be in her shoes and have such pretty things to wear wouldn't you? Rather than just pretend? I simply nodded this time being to excited to further comment. "Well for being such a good boy today, Mummy's going to make your wish come true? She paused then continued "My friend as you know is a very good tailor and made all her daughters clothes, including her plastic panties. She is very sad about her daughters death and would love someone just like you to fill the gap and is happy to not only make lots of new clothes for you but to treat you as her very special baby girl? "Would you like to be her baby girl for awhile, instead of my little boy?? Whilst I was keen on the clothes I wasn't sure about going to her friend as she had seemed very stern and harsh from Kwai-lin's descriptions, so asked "Do I have to change mummies to be a little girl?? "Yes sweetie, I really prefer boy babies, little girls aren't particularly my scene, and so if you want to dress up in pretty things and be treated as a girl you have to go elsewhere. But don't worry I'm sure my friend will make just as good a mummy as me. She even said to me she would love to have you as her little girl forever, whilst I can only keep you for a week. I'm sure she's very keen. If you are worried just think of all those pretty things you'll get to wear when you're with her? "Do I get to set some of the rules at least then?? "No silly, as you know from your time with me babies don't set the rules here only grown-ups can do that, she will be no different from me in that regard. Its a total package you get with her which you can choose to accept or reject, but not to alter? "So what rules would I have as her baby girl then?? "Well dear, she is much firmer than I am, so you can expect a lot more spankings if you are naughty. Generally she wants you to behave just as her daughter did even down to speaking in Thai rather than English. In spite of being 4 her daughter didn't say much and I can easily teach you all the words she knew before you go across to her. Besides having to speak a foreign language will make you feel so much more like a baby wont it. Her daughter was also a complete potty pants as well so there will be no sneaking off to the toilet for numbers two's with her. You will have to mess as well as wet.? "I don't think I'll like that, can we at least compromise on that?? I tried to hedge "Don't think so, but you can always try to argue with her that you're ready to start using a potty. I think she wants the whole package however and wont let you. I personally would prefer not to have to change messy diapers but each to their own. So what do you think?? "I'm still not sure, particularly the potty pants bit, you know how much I hate that,? I answered hesitantly. "Well it is up to you, what is the worst that can happen dear? Maybe you will find you don't like it, but then you will at least know that you wont want to be a girl next time round. What is there to really lose, would you be happy knowing you had given up this chance to be a little toddler girl? Think of all those pretty things you'll never get to wear if you say no? "But having to mess? I said giving a horrible face She laughed at that "Silly what is so different you don't seem to mind wetting yourself and diapers are obviously made for both. It would be a chance to push your limits? I thought about her earlier questions and her last response, and whilst not fully convinced I tentatively said, "OK, I'll give her a try? She was obviously very pleased with that hugged me and declared "Excellent, I'll teach you all the Thai Sasha knew, so you are ready for your new role tomorrow night. I will also get you all prettied up for your knew mummy before dropping you off, would you like that?? "I'm not sure if I actually want to walk to you friend's house all dressed up,? I answered She looked sad and said "but sweetie, don't you want mummy to dress you up at least once?? "Pretty please? she added looking very coy. "Alright yes then? I concluded not wishing to upset her. No one knows me her anyway I reasoned, so I could manage a little embarrassment. The rest of the night and the next day she extended my rather poor grasp of Thai teaching me things like how to say hello "sawadeeka?, thank you "kawp khun? and no "mai?. By the evening of the next day she was satisfied that my vocabulary was as good as Daiva's daughter had been, if not my comprehension. She assured me that I would be able to pick up meaning by body language and the like. I was of course a bit apprehensive about how that would go, but then it was a role-play only and I reasoned to myself that I could just up and leave if things got too hairy. Daiva also only lived a couple of blocks away from Kwailin, so I could just run to her for safety. As the special prearranged time approached Kwailin asked, "Do you still want to go ahead with this? It's not to late to change your mind you know and I will miss you? "Thanks Mummy, I'm scared and not to sure about this, especially the bit about having to go to Daiva's flat in a dress, but you only live once, so I'm still going to give it a shot? "Good boy or should I say girl know? Better yet me start calling you Sasha, that was her daughters name you know? "Sasha it is then, but are you sure she wants me to have the same name as her daughter? Wouldn't that be a little creepy and open up old wounds?? "No she insists, don't worry her reasons will become clear soon? "Okay now let me help you out of your boy clothes? Before I knew I stood before her in nothing but my diaper and plastic pants. She then through me a bag full of clothes and said "I'll let you pick your first dress? Very excitedly I open the bag and started to rummage through its contents. To my dismay the bag only contained real little girl clothes and nothing in my adult size. The only thing I could put on was a rather ugly looking medallion. I lifted this up with one of the prettier dresses and asked rather dispiritedly "What's Going on, there is nothing in here I can wear?? "You're wrong honey, you can wear any of those dresses in the bag including the pretty on in your hand? "No I can't? I said rather exasperated and I proved it by demonstrating that it wouldn't stretch over my head. "It wont yet but give it time and you'll be able to fit in it without any problem? "How do you mean?? "Well very soon the clothes will be the right size for you and that dress will slip over your head without any problems? "What the dress is going to grow or something?? I asked rather confused. "No silly you're going to shrink? "What? That can't be possible? I said very alarmed. "It is dear, very soon you are going to be as small as Sasha was and what's more the spitting image of her? As she said that I noticed that she and other things in the room had started to get bigger. Very scared I begged, "Please stop this I don't want to be a real baby? "Sorry but that's not what you said yesterday, I asked you repeatedly how much you would like to be that little girl in the picture. Anyway I'm afraid its to late to stop the process now. That medal you are holding transforms the bearer into the exact copy of the clothes of the person you happen to hold and all those clothes in the bag happened to be Sasha's. It is reversible of course, but not for at least 24 hours. You can see now why she wanted you called Sasha don't you dear?? I was terrified and instead of answering shouted back "How could you do this to me I'm a grown man?. "Really? she said with mock sincerity "lets face it dear, all the time I've known you, you have been in diapers, so what is the fuss all about. This is what you really have always wanted to happen deep down, now isn't it?? "No it isn't? I squeaked back as my voice started cracking in reverse "It was only a game before and not for real. I can't handle this situation? I concluded and started to cry. By that stage I realized I had shrunk to Sasha's size and with some slight wriggling the dress slipped easily over my head. The diaper I had been wearing was now way to large and the same movements made it fall to the floor. I also noticed to my horror that my hair had gone black and was now down to my shoulders and still growing. I lifted the dress and to my even greater horror quickly confirmed that my penis had gone to be replaced with a little girls slit. Gingerly I placed by fingers between my legs to confirm what I saw and even placed one finger into my moist cavity. Kwailin angrily responded to this action and shouted in a disgusted voice "Stop that immediately Sasha. Little girls shouldn't touch down there, your mummy would be very angry if she saw you doing that again and probably beat you? As I reflexively removed my hand in shock Kwailin tone changed and became more conciliatory, she even came up and hugged me and said "Now don't fret Sasha, aunty will just put a fresh diaper on you so you can't touch there anymore and get into trouble?anyway dear you do also need that diaper before you loss control again and make a mess of my floor or furniture. We both know that poor little Sasha can't help herself in that regard don't we? She looked at me and I realised she expected me to nod my head and as soon as I did she patted me on the head and simply said "Good girl you know what aunty wants? She then matter of factly lifted me up and carried me to the change table where she carefully and quickly put a very thick disposable toddlers diaper in place and then pulled some frilly plastic pants up my legs to cover it. "That's better, you're all nice and safe now and in some pretty panties to match your lovely dress; aren't you the lucky one,? she declared on completing the task. I of course felt anything but lucky. She then lifted me off the table and carried me to a toddlers pusher where she strapped me in "You look adorable sweetie and to think you were worried about going out in public in that pretty dress. You aren't the only four year old girl who is a potty pants you know, so there is nothing to be ashamed of? she nonchalantly stated as she pushed me out the door. "Mummy is going to be so pleased to see you coming home and to think those bad people in welfare thought she had killed you and hid the body, when all the time you had just been staying with me. Oh well things should be sorted out quickly once they see you are alive and well. Now mummy would not be very happy if she thought you wanted to leave again so soon after coming home so I don't suggest you ask her to be changed back or to come back to me to soon, even if your Thai was good enough. She has a fowl temper you know and would probably hit you badly if you tried it would do no good if she killed you as well as it would be a real bother to have to find another Sasha for her. As well as being a potty pants I probably should remind you that you have always been a bit slow, so don't start acting smart or talking in English if you know what's good for you. If anyone thinks you aren't the old Sasha mummy may also get very mad. After I drop you off I wont come and see you again for a while just so you can settle in and when I do come back I wont speak English with you or treat you, as other than the little backward girl you appear to be. Is that clear? Her little speech made me very scared. "Please mummy? I pleaded "you can't do this to me. I've got friends and family who will miss me and I'm a grown man? "Now Sasha I'm not your Mummy anymore and you have a new family who need you just as much as your old family, and dear you are anything but a man now. That hole you nearly put your finger in before was obviously not a male organ was it dear? At that moment my heart sunk as I got a bad feeling that this experience was going to be much longer lasting than I had even initially feared and much worse. With dread I started to wonder if I was ever going to be able to escape this looming childhood hell? Unfortunately it didn't take long for us to reach my new home, and Kwailin didn't say anything else until we got there. After she pushed the doorbell and we waited for the door to open she unfastened me from the chair and told me "Now be a good girl and let mummy know how much you missed her and how glad you are to be home? My heart was in my throat when that door opened, but I did as I had been prompted and run to my new mummy not wishing to start on the wrong foot. She was clearly pleased by my response and swept me up in her arms and gave me a big hug. Then in Thai she asked, "Do you love mummy?? I guessed what she meant and was able to answer in Thai "Yes?. This clearly pleased her even more but then I forgot myself and was foolish enough to add in English "I do love you? That mistake made her very angry. In broken English she said, "I never wish to hear another English word from you. From you I see them as bad as swear words and every time you use them I will wash your mouth out with soap and give you a severe spanking, commencing this time as a lesson. Tonight is also the very last time I will speak English to you. I do not ever wish again to be reminded that you were once a man rather than my pretty daughter come home to me? She then placed me over her knee, drew down my diaper and whacked my bare bottom 10 times, counting each stroke in Thai. I was amazed how much the whacks hurt and after the first one started crying out in pain, this of course only seemed to encourage her more. By ten strokes my poor bottom was very red and quite sore. Consequently I had been made quite terrified of the prospect of further such spankings at her hand and realised my probable need to constantly appease her. The washing out of my mouth was equally horrible. I had heard of such things being done to children but had never had to experience it myself. The taste was revolting and it took ages to wash the bubbles out. For being so naughty I was then taken to my cot without supper. Given the lingering soap taste this was probably not that bad, as any food would have undoubtedly tasted terrible. I also had a dummy tied in my mouth to prevent any further possibility of making further undesirable utterances. I was stuck in that cot that had a locking lid as well as the normal rails. Before that was locked the restraints were connected to my wrists and ankles so I was told that I could not interfere with my diapers or try and get out of the cot. With the locking lid however I couldn't see how the second could be possible anyway. When the rails were raised and the lid closed it felt very much like I had been locked in a little cage. Shortly after being secured the two ladies turned off the light and exited the room. In darkness, I lay quietly and listened. In the next room my old and new mummy started speaking grown up talk in Thai and I'm afraid I couldn't understand a word of it, in spite trying very hard. Kwailin then came back to the room and in English said "I'm leaving now honey and I won't see you for a week. Enjoy being back with your mummy now wont you dear. I look forward to seeing the new you when I do come back ? she grinned and my obvious tears only seemed to increase her delight. The next morning my new mummy came in and let me out of the cot, she spoke continuously in Thai to me so I didn't have a clue what she was saying which was very unsettling. As she spoke she expertly removed my wet diapers and replaced them with some dry ones. Before sealing them she however placed something in my rear passage with a rather wicked grin. She also expertly insured I was dry and put some baby powder on my private areas After the diaper was properly sealed I was placed into some plain plastic pants and then had the punishment dress placed on me, for being naughty the night before I suppose. Mother ensured that the crouch belt was very tight and that I had very limited arm movement as well. She then got out the mittens to secure my hands and put soft baby shoes on my feet. On my head was placed a bonnet and into my mouth a fresh dummy, which she tied it in place, so I could not spit it out. Finally, she put the harness onto me. I was very embarrassed by the whole layout I was forced to wear and meekly let her lead me out to the lounge room. Again I felt there was very little else I could do. Mother then lead me onto the pusher and locked me into it with a loud click She pushed me from the house to the nearby playground. On the way a number of children teased and pointed at my diapered condition. At the park Mother simply pulled the pusher up near a bench and just sat down. Shortly after getting there my stomach started to rumble. As the pain built up Mother could see me squirming and trying to keep it in. Defiantly I tried to resist but the spasms became worse and worse. Mother could see my increasingly pained efforts to hold it in and seemed to be quietly gleeful. She finally said in Thai, "let go dear? or at least that was the meaning I guessed. Much to my disgust, shortly after that comment I had to give up the battle and felt my diaper fill with its hot sticky load. The tight belt made it both hard to force out my waste and to get comfortable with it in the full diaper. Mother watched all this in wrapped silence but when the motion had clearly finished, then to my horror lifted me from the pusher and placed me over her knee and then proceeded to spank me until my bottom hurt. This also spread the mess further around my diaper and to my further embarrassment; it frightened me so much that I ended up peeing in my nappies. She then just put me back in the pusher. Once in it I found that my bottom hurt so much that I had to try and position myself to relief my poor tush. This was no easy task given I was wearing the punishment dress. It all became too much and I started crying. Unfortunately I got no sympathy from Mother. If anything she seemed to delight further in my discomfort. She then took him home and plonked me in the playpen. She then left me alone there for a good hour to contemplate my ever-worsening fate. When she finally came, it was such a relief to be changed that I felt like I had been transported to heaven. Whilst being aired I noticed that I had already acquired first signs of nappy rash. A new nappy was put on me and the straps of the punishment dress were reapplied. I did not see why they were needed given the other restraints on my wrist. She then dumped me back in the playpen. Given the restraints there was absolutely nothing I could do except sit there and get increasingly bored. I spent some time trying to loosen the mittens or the wrist restraints but to no avail. The punishment dress had been to well designed. I did however manage to get the dummy out of my mouth. A couple of hours latter I felt a growing need to pee. I called out to mother seeking an opportunity to use the potty. She just laughed at that and simply pointed to my diapered bottom. She also put the dummy back in my mouth so I couldn't make anymore fuss. After another half hour I gave in to the bladder pressure and used the diaper. It was a very humiliating defeat and one I had to repeat a couple of times that afternoon. I felt just like a baby having no choice about using her diaper. During the remainder of the day I was lifted out of the playpen twice and put into the highchair. Due to the restraints she had placed on me I had to be hand feed. Before doing so mother paced a bib on me. It was very like my earlier experience with Kwai-lin. She also removed my pacifier but warned with a stern look that I was not allowed to talk. It was humiliating to once more be feed like a baby and mother seemed to delight in making a mess of it. Almost as much seemed to get on my face and bib as in my mouth. Given how bland it was I didn't object too much to not having to eat all of it. How was I going to stand this for a whole week I seriously wondered, particularly given I was now so little an unable to walk out of it. Late that afternoon I was taken to see a special doctor. She was a very stern looking and somewhat intimidating Thai lady. After my mother left the room, the doctor however smiled at me and in English said "You're not Sasha are you?? I was dumbfounded but far to scared of mother to answer in the affirmative. "Cat got your tongue did it?? she persisted "now sweetie if you aren't Sasha, please let me know I'm sure I will be able to help you a great deal if you are honest? Still I sat silent, although I noticed my guard was slipping. "Stop pretending I can see you are not the real Sasha, please tell me who you are?? she continued to needle me. Her eyes were very compelling and I found them very hard to resist as I became more and more lost in them. She seemed to be some how drawing me in and undermining my remaining resistance Against my better judgement I found myself complying and saying, "Yes I am not Sasha, I am a poor business man who has been trapped in this form? "Delightful? she declared "so you were once a man after all. Who is now stuck as a baby girl and none to happy about it either?? "No? I simply answered and shock my head "I love it? she laughed "I'm sorry but I find your sad fate delicious, you see I actually hate all men and wish I could do the same to all of them. Such a glorious and appropriate fate? She saw my terrified reaction and more gently said "However in spite you having once been a man, as promised I will help you and your poor mother, as you are such a pretty little girl now and I just can't resist a pretty face. So for now just relax and keep looking into my eyes and against my better judgement I will still make you very happy after all? In spite her reassuring words she scared me badly and I tried with all my will to resist. She however was clearly the Master of this game so I found myself disappearing into the dark and mysterious pools that where her beautiful eyes. Then suddenly I lost all awareness of both time and space. Suddenly however I found myself wide awake again "Sessions almost over now? she smiled at me " and little one all I have to do now is trigger those powerful suggestions I've permanently put in your sweet head and you can go home. I promise you that after I've done them one by one and you will be much happier and that silly story about you being a man will be gone for ever? Very scared I asked, "What are you talking about?? "One? she simply toned in reply and moments latter I found myself flooding my diaper In shock I looked up at her, terrified about what the flooding meant "from now on sweetie you will flood without awareness or control? she stated confirming my worst fears. "Please stop.? I begged frantically "No silly I've only just began, I can't stop until I get to five. It wouldn't do to leave those suggestions un-triggered now would it?? "Two? she then toned I then found myself making a large farting sound and then found myself releasing a very embarrassing and smelly load into my already wet diaper. "Well everyone in the block probably heard that? she grinned evilly at me "I suppose you can guess what that command blocked can't you? she then focused closely on my face seeming to relish my look of absolute despair and waited for me to answer. "I can't help messing any more,? I reluctantly answered "That's right dear, you no longer will be aware when you are about to mess yourself either, wont that be nice? Crying I pleaded "No it isn't, please stop, this is unbearable cruel why are you doing this to me?? She then gave me a surprisingly sweet smile and answered sympathetically "Now I know this may seem cruel, but dear this is really for your own good. Without these little changes you might slip up in pretending to be Sasha and your mother would be very unhappy with you and the consequences of course could be tragic. Also your mother clearly is not going to let you become a man again any time soon if ever and you are one unhappy puppy at present. After my little changes I can promise you that you will at least be happy? "But your destroying who I am, so how could I be? I sobbed back "Sweet, you will still exist I am only making things consistent with your current form. At the moment you are a man stuck in a little girls body, when I am finished you will be that little girl, so no longer out of place, so stop crying and keep that chin? I scowled back at her "Suit yourself then. Let's see before I do the next stage can you read this?? She held up at card with a simple sentence stating "the cat sat on the mat?, which I read back to her as requested. For some reason I just couldn't avoid answering any question she made. "Three? she toned then asked, "Can you read it again?? I looked at the card again and this time all I could see was a strange set of odd symbols "No? I cried back when I realised that I could no longer read. "Very good dear, only two more to go now and it will be all over and then their will be no more silly thoughts about have having once been a man ? She paused whilst she took in my look of dread "this next one will make you happy to be a little girl who still needs diapers and thinks she's called Sasha. Now tell me who you are?? "I'm an important businessman, who doesn't want to disappear. Whilst I had fantasies about being a little girl, I hate the reality and don't want this so please don't destroy me!? I pleaded one last time. She simply shock her head then toned "4?. I felt different but I wasn't sure how. "What's your name sweetie?? the kind doctor asked "Sasha? I proudly answered back "And are you happy being a little girl?? What a strange question I thought, obviously I liked being a girl what else was there to be so smiling I answered "Yes Miss? She seemed very happy with my answer for some reason and then came up to me and gently tapped my obviously full diaper, further spreading their messy load "and dear you don't mind wearing these do you?? I thought carefully for a moment then said "No Miss, whilst I wish didn't have to wear them I know that without them that terrible mess in my didies would be all over my pretty dress and that would be very yucky? "Very true sweetie? she beamed back at me "it would be nice if you didn't have to wear them but with your little accidents you don't have much choice do you, maybe one day Mummy might be able to toilet train you? "That would be nice? I smiled back "Now dear I've got one last thing to do are you ready?? I wasn't at all sure what she was talking about so simply nodded my head. She then toned "5? After that she talked in a strange language other than Thai so I didn't have a clue what she said. I had some vague sense I should know what she was saying but just brushed it off. I was very happy to be taken outside to Mummy.

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camping first circle jerk

IT started on the bus ride home from school. I was 13 tall for my age, also a boy scout. Five of the boys on the bus were talking about a camping trip. I asked if I could join. They said it would be fine. " do you know any thing about tents?"S*b asked. 'Yah I know all about camping." They all said great,what do we need. I gave them a list, and said I'd bring the tent. So I packed up end went to meet s*b. He said the guys would be here in an hour. How about checking the sight out. " ok" I said....

2 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 7

When I got home, there was a message from Robert. "You've got an outstanding speeding ticket in Omaha, Ivan." He chuckled. "That's the only place you even register." "See? I told you I was a saint." He laughed. "Send me a copy. I'll pay it off." I heard a couple computer clicks. "Done. Hey, Missy's having a barbeque next weekend. You in?" Missy was the mistress. "Sure. Ok if I bring the boys?" "Hell if I care. Sure." "See you there." I hung up and leaned back. No...

3 years ago
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Seduction leads to sex

Hello everyone at Iss.Its so nice to see such a wonderful Indian site. It was accidentally I came across it.Ok here’s my first story hope that u all readers will like it.Ok let me introduce myself to you all.Im terry and I’m from the beautiful Goa.Heres my experience with my mom’s friend sister. Her name is Monika (name changed).Monika’s family is very close with mine coz her mom is my best friend. This happened few days back. Monika and her mom had come for 2 days stay at our place coz it was...

3 years ago
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How I Made My Nerdy Brother Popular

I graduated high school a couple of years ago and haven't done a whole lot since. Once I'd graduated, I realized that all I had was my looks to rely on. With my perky tits, skinny waist and round ass, I got myself a respectable job as an assistant. I blow my boss twice a week and he gives me Fridays off and passes my work on to his secretary. All I have to do at the job is get him coffee and look good, but I get pretty bored. My brother Jon is a complete nerd. He only has two friends, and...

4 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 17

Present – Zarika – At the cabin I can not believe what Yasmeen the very annoying did! I must tell and show the nice Jens lady immediately. I dash down the hallway and call, "Jens lady help! Jens lady help!" Present – Jens – At the cabin That sneaky little bitch came into my room, threw all my clothes on the floor and even stole my picture of Ben from the nightstand. I am losing my patience with her and if she keeps this up she's not going to survive... Zarika is yelling about needing...

4 years ago
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Mai bani Rand Part 3

Hi friends. Thank you so much for liking my story. Aap sab ke mails padh ke bada maza aata hai mujhe. Aise hi likhte rahiye mujhe. Mujhse jitna ban sakta hai utna reply deti hu. Lekin sach mein aapke mails bohut khush karte hai mujhe. Anyway let me start with the continuation of my story. Hum sab pure talli ho chuke the. Maine jaan bujh ke bohut zyada pi li thi. Mujhe chakkar aane lage the aur wapas garam bhi ho rahi thi. Maine nashe mein hi un logo se kaha. “Please chodo mujhe.” Ye sunke...

4 years ago
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The Fringes of Twilight

When I held my mother’s corpse in my arms, I knew I was next. I hadn’t felt much emotion since. I didn’t need to. Just had to work. There was nothing, no point to my life but that. As I did every night, I thought of her when I stretched the obituaries out over the stained and shredding carpet. Newspapers had become smaller, the articles and photographs more compact since she’d been alive. But searching the paper was better than the alternative. My mother had worked in a morgue. The dead were...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Setting up LucyConclusion

Introduction: It had to end somewhere When Howard got home that afternoon, he found Lucy, just finishing up her cleaning in the bedroom. She had fell asleep in the tub, had she slept for another thirty minutes, she definitely would have been caught. When she began cleaning the bedroom up, she had stripped the bed, because the sheets were stained with cum. As she cleaned the bedroom, she spread a pine disinfectant several times to mask the strong odor of sex that was prevalent in the air. She...

1 year ago
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Chris was in the audience. He made sure to get to the strip club after her that way no one would know the two of them were together. It was Carrie's idea to dance during amateur night at Jiggly's, a local strip club. She felt wet and slutty being on display in front of so many men. In her wilder days in school she had been gang fucked at parties on a couple of occasions, but for some reason this was different. Fucking came natural to everyone, just let your genitals do the talking. ...

3 years ago
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Ms Beale and Donna

Ms. Beale and Donnaby AbeMs. Beale, recently divorced, trolled the bars looking for Mr. Rightuntil, after too many drinks, a bar tender called a cab for her.  The cab dropped her off across the street from her small ranch-style house.  As she paid the driver, she saw a young man walk down the front walk, turn at the sidewalk, and disappear into the night.Ms. Beale made her way across the street and up the walk to her front door.  She fumbled with the key for several seconds, before she got the...

2 years ago
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Tara 4 AntsChapter 5

Gazza woke when a little hand pressed on his chest. He opened his eyes to the pre-dawn light to see a slightly confused look on Bette’s face as she tried to work out just where she was. She looked at him blankly for a moment and then the most beautiful smile appeared on her face. “Wow, you are in big trouble mister,” she said. Gazza tried to say sorry but she shushed him and put her fingers over his lips as she sat up, on him. “I’ve heard lots of stories about why magical people love sex....

3 years ago
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A sharp start to the holidays

Our girls have just passed their exams and are waiting for results. And since the time of the exams is an extremely stressful time, both Julka and Daria needed a strong dose of emotions of a different kind, and it could even be said that they needed some spicy adventures that would make them relaxed. And as I wrote, our girls love all sorts of caresses and even really brutal sex. A great opportunity has just arrived. Tired, Julka and Daria agreed that someday there would be some slack, they...

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My favourite niece

I work some weekends which can get a bit boring! Bonus is I can work from home which isn't too bad I suppose and rarely have to leave the house to visit sites. But, as I said, it can get a bit boring! So the wife usually heads off to her mother's with the k**s and I am home alone!A few weeks ago I was on call so the wife did the usual and left early on Saturday morning! Around 10am I got a telephone call from Lucy, my wife's brother's daughter. She goes to uni not far from us and lives in...

4 years ago
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My Second ChanceChapter 15 Aftermath of Revealing Who I Am

Monday, I ride to school with Dahlia as usual, but before the first class is over, Gran has pulled me out of school, and we are in a meeting with the patent lawyer. As usual, the asshole treats me with nothing but disrespect. After that, we see another lawyer about corporate law. The easiest and obvious solution is to buy Rachel out. It will give Rachel enough money to graduate High School and start university, but then she will be on her own. I still do not know if she will try to screw me...

2 years ago
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Gay Son

When I was fourteen years old, my mother passed away due to complications of cervical cancer. Her doctors would never give my father an estimate of how much time she had to live. When asked, her Oncologist would only say to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.After her passing, the Oncologist admitted he and the other doctors expected mom to live three to five months after she was diagnosed. She, however, confounded them by living fourteen months. Later my father said it was both a...

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Mona Ke Friend Balwinder Ki Kahani

Hello dosto mai pir sa hazir hu nahi story la ke app mera bare ma to janta hi hai app na meri pichli teen story pari hai 1 Meri Suhagarat 2 Meri suhagrat mera honey moon 3 Mera honey moon and meri gand Ab mai app ko nai story batane ja rahi hu jo ki meri story nahi hai ya story mar friend balwinder ki hai jo ki undergarments ka kam karta hai mai apna sara undergarments and nightwear usi sa purchace karti hu jab meri shadi the to balwinder na hi muj ko bohat seleted and sexy bra and panty...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 65 Graduation

June 1, 1991, Iron Mountain, Michigan “And then what?” Elyse smirked. “She offered you a ride?” “You know, the way you three are giving me grief about this, I SHOULD have taken her up to the hayloft and fucked her silly, consequences be damned!” “That would have been a supremely bad idea, Tiger.” “No kidding,” I said flatly. “In point of fact, she didn’t really flirt. I mean, sure, she was nice, and talked sweet, but honestly I didn’t get the vibe from her that she was looking for a roll...

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The Christmas Wish

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- The Christmas Wish By AngelJedi (Megan Campbell) (Released: December 24, 2020) My mom was screaming - again. It was like the third time today or something. She clearly wasn't enjoying Christmas break as much as I was. Thankfully, she wasn't screaming at me...this time....

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