Bound To Serve free porn video

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Amelia opened her mouth to provoke Kamarrah, but soft lips pressed against hers. Warmth spread through Amelia. She kissed her partner back, sliding her hands along her smooth, curvy body. The queen caught Amelia by the wrists and lifted them up and away. A dissatisfied noise reverberated in Amelia’s throat, but Kamarrah didn’t let go.

Fingers danced and twisted, and something lashed Amelia’s wrists together above her head. Instead of panicking, she let out a soft moan. If Kamarrah desired to tie her up, she couldn’t say no. The thought of being helpless sent fire through her. As much as she wanted to touch and caress, being made a plaything drove her wild.

Anticipation and desire arched Amelia’s back. She frenched Kamarrah with fervent passion, testing her new bonds. Her arms didn’t move. Fingers traced down over her armpits, across her collar bone, and she squirmed. Urgent noises eked out of her, and Kamarrah broke their sloppy kiss.

“Do you enjoy being tied up that much, my dear?” Kamarrah cupped Amelia’s cheek and stroked with her thumb.

Amelia rubbed her thigh against Kamarrah’s. “Only if the person doing the tying is a gorgeous, skilled woman such as yourself.”

A flicker of excitement danced in Kamarrah’s expression, and she sighed. Her right hand drifted down Amelia’s abdomen to her backside and ran up along the back of her leg. “You’re exceptionally good with flattery. I must say,” the queen’s eyes strayed from Amelia’s and wandered her naked body, “you’re ticking all my boxes.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” Amelia grinned and spread her legs, inviting Kamarrah to continue her work.

“You’re also such a naughty girl.” Pleasure shook Amelia’s limbs as Kamarrah rubbed their intimate bits together. “It seems I’ll have to punish you.”

Amelia’s heart pounded in her chest. “I’m sorry for my indecency, your majesty. I accept whatever punishment you see fit.”

Kamarrah gripped Amelia by both ankles and pushed until her pelvis curled. Thin ribbons of gold formed around each ankle, stretching up to the canopy rods. Amelia attempted to move, to lower herself out of the vulnerable position, but none of her binds budged. Her short, heavy breaths echoed in her ears as she lay back awaiting Kamarrah’s next action.

Leaning forward, Kamarrah rested her body against Amelia. She twisted her torso, and their nipples poked and prodded the others

. An impish grin spread across Kamarrah’s face as Amelia attempt to lock lips. Kamarrah’s hand slipped down and parted slick folds.

“You’re so wet. I guess you’re good and ready.” Two fingers curled inside to punctuate Kamarrah’s statement, and Amelia moaned.

“Yes, your majesty, fill this naughty girl up. I’m all yours.”

Kamarrah shifted and took Amelia’s tender nipple into her mouth. Long digits pumped in and out of her needy womanhood in a slow, steady rhythm. Amelia bucked and squirmed—as much as possible while bound—with each ongoing sensation. She gasped Kamarrah’s name, and a flash of light burst to life.

In Kamarrah’s hand, a crystalline toy formed. Her grip closed around the shaft, with a small gap, and its length continued to grow. Despite the incessant rubbing of her g-spot, Amelia became transfixed by the display. Having a partner who performed such feats sent her mind spinning. Oh, what sinful things one could do.

“Shove that in my—”

An uncontrollable moan escaped Amelia, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. Kamarrah palmed her swollen clit and traced ponderous circles as her fingers worked faster. The familiar precursors of an orgasm built within Amelia: flushed chest, shallow breathing, tingling limbs, rapid heartbeat. Her partner pushed her closer and closer.

“Cum for me,” Kamarrah whispered, caressing Amelia’s ear with her lips and hot breath.

Amelia couldn’t refuse.

Ecstasy rippled through Amelia, and she clamped down on Kamarrah’s fingers. She froze for a moment, trapped in bliss—toes curled, and eyes shut tight. The doting, relentless force delving deeper inside her continued. A shrill whimper escaped her.

Warm, soft lips pecked up and down Amelia’s neck, a gentle scrape of teeth following. “I want to”—Kamarrah moaned, unable to control herself—“hear you beg and squirm and call my name.”

Hearing Kamarrah lose herself to her desires pushed Amelia deeper into her own. She let out a little squeak and turned her head to the right. Kamarrah met her, their lips mashing together in passion. The tingles worked their way out of Amelia’s limbs as the queen slipped out of her quivering pussy.

Amelia tried to comply and plead for more, but Kamarrah stuffed her tongue in her mouth. Verbal cues wouldn’t work, so she resorted to the next best thing. She wiggled her tight, bound body, reaching for something, anything, to touch her. Heat tickled her skin, yet nothing closed the gap below.

Frustrated, Amelia groaned against Kamarrah. More of the other woman’s weight rested down on Amelia, breasts enveloping her upper torso. The invasive tongue withdrew. Air rushed into her lungs as her partner broke their sloppy kiss. An erect nipple brushed her lips, and she opened wide to accept her treat.

Something stiff teased Amelia’s slick folds. She gasped and suckled harder on the ample breast. Excitement sent shivers through her body, causing her to buck her hips. Her womanhood parted. Kamarrah’s toy invaded, slow yet firm, and spread her as an inch and then another penetrated her.

Amelia moaned and strained against her bonds. Fingers were pleasant and hit all her spots, but she craved something bigger, something that would fill her. Kamarrah recognized what she wanted and took pleasure in teasing her. Half the length probed her before retreating. She let out a dissatisfied noise.

“Such an impatient, greedy girl.” Kamarrah worked the tip of the dildo in and out of Amelia’s entrance. “Maybe I should leave you tied up for now. I am a busy woman with other things to attend to.”

Amelia attempted to turn away, to beg, but Kamarrah smothered her. The light sensations from her partner’s teasing, and the frustration building up inside, drove her elation. She struggled, dying to be satisfied. However, the only thing she could do was lavish the queen with licks and sucks and wait.

“Careful,” Kamarrah cooed as Amelia brushed the nipple with her teeth. “I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you’ve made it very sensitive.” A shiver of delight disrupted her stoic demeanor.

Amelia worked harder to crack her host’s façade. Her tongue caressed the swollen nub in apology for her roughness. Wet smacking sounds echoed with each of her sloppy kisses, worshiping Kamarrah. She remembered the sweet tang of her womanhood, the sensual sound of her moans. Once freed, she would ravage the queen’s body.

Sharp, hot breaths rustled Amelia’s hair and blew across her ankle. Kamarrah leaned into her, and her empty hand shifted to Amelia’s back. She twirled the phallus in her other hand. Bumps graced the younger woman’s walls and lips. A shuddering moan escaped her as her name seeped out of her partner.

Slickness brushed Amelia’s thigh, vanishing in an instant. She whimpered. “Would you like some more wine, my dear?”

Despite her desperate need for Kamarrah’s body and her own gratification, Amelia let the hanging breast go with a soft kiss. “That would be wonderful, your majesty."

Kamarrah stood, but the dildo kept pumping, edging the slightest bit deeper. She flourished her fingers. Amelia moaned and curled up to glance down the front of herself. A tiny fraction of the toy peeked out of her needy pussy. She shivered as the glistening length pulled out of her, only to thrust back inside on its own.

Footsteps grew quieter the father Kamarrah traveled in search of wine. “While I’m up, we should invite that girl that’s with you to join us. She looked stressed at dinner.”

“Harper?” The thought of Harper seeing her like this sent her heartbeat sky-high. In excitement or panic, she couldn’t be sure. “I don’t think she’s into this.”

“Men, then?” Kamarrah asked without hesitation.

“I honestly don’t know what she’s into.” Amelia tried to focus on the wonders of Kamarrah’s magic, but something stuck in the back of her mind.

Kamarrah reappeared, bottle in hand. She locked eyes with Amelia, slowing her hands-off ministrations. “The way she looks at you would suggest she’s into you.”

“If she is,” Amelia squirmed, her breaths heavy, “she hasn’t said anything.”

“Do you really think she would tell her beloved princess she wants to get in her pants?” Wine sloshed, and Kamarrah took a sip. Her gaze remained fixed on Amelia, challenging her to deny the statement.

A shiver ran down her spine, and Amelia chewed her lip. “I don’t know, but if she’s interested, she has to make the first move. I’m not going to force her into anything.”

“I was hoping for two little pets, but,” the bed creaked as Kamarrah sat beside Amelia, “I’ll make do with one.”

Before Amelia could respond, Kamarrah leaned over her. The queen tipped her glass and poured a small bit of wine over her right breast. Liquid flowed to her nipple, dripping off. Amelia opened wide and stuck out her tongue. Warmth flushed over the surface, and she drank down the offered nectar.

Kamarrah repeated her actions, but, this time, she dipped down. Sticky sweet, her tit entered Amelia’s mouth. She licked and sucked. A tingling sensation spread between her legs as the dildo began to piston faster and deeper. Deft fingers grazed her little button. Shudders worked their way through her oversensitive body, eliciting a soft moan.

“Since you’ve been such a good girl,” Kamarrah said and emptied her wine glass. “Maybe I’ll give you a little treat.”

Amelia let out muffled, urgent noises. Anything Kamarrah figured would be a treat, Amelia craved. She wiggled under the older woman’s ministrations. Her teeth scraped against the stiff nub, and Kamarrah exhaled a sharp breath. Circles traced Amelia’s clit, rubbing and grinding and tweaking.

The crystalline phallus hilted inside Amelia, and she gasped. Kamarrah took the opportunity to pull away from her plaything and righted herself. Her fingers withdrew, leaving Amelia once again on the edge of another climax. Amelia bucked her hips to fuck herself faster, but her efforts proved futile.

“Ah, why are you so cruel?” Amelia asked, unable to hold back her exasperation.

“Cruel?” Kamarrah raised beside Amelia on the bed, standing on her knees. “I’m just playing with my toy. Besides,” with a bit of shifting, she worked her way over and straddled her guest’s head, “I believe you like being teased and denied.”

Wetness dripped on Amelia’s cheek from Kamarrah’s drenched womanhood. Amelia craned her neck, stretching, and failing, to reach. Anticipation gripped her, and her body tensed up. Ridges stroked her g-spot. Her legs trembled. How much longer must she endure this torture?

Kamarrah lowered herself, much to Amelia’s delight. Slick folds greeted her nose and mouth. She flicked her tongue, running along her partner’s delicious slit and catching copious amounts of love juices. The queen shuddered atop her, and she grinned. She couldn’t wait for a second helping.

Force pushed Amelia’s head back as Kamarrah sat on her face. A musky scent filled her, and she licked. Kamarrah shivered and tipped forward, resting her hands against Amelia’s thighs. Slickness worked back and forth over her chin and nose. Her heart pounded in her chest.

“You’re very eager,” Kamarrah breathed, rubbing her pussy against Amelia. “I suppose I’ll repay your attentiveness.”

Warmth enveloped Amelia’s body. Kamarrah melted against her torso, sinking lower. Soft lips traveled down from her navel, sending shuddering waves of anticipation through her. With each loving kiss, the dildo plunged into her sensitive depths. She moaned into Kamarrah’s cunt between probing and sucking.

Kamarrah teased Amelia’s swollen clit, and an electric sensation danced across her receptive bits. Her hair stood on end before her legs began to quiver. She sucked in a harsh breath. More of the new phenomenon spread from the slightest touch. Whatever Kamarrah was doing, she didn’t want her to stop.

A wet pop echoed in the room as Kamarrah withdrew her toy from Amelia’s drenched womanhood. Any protest that sprung to mind wilted—her little button sucked into the skillful mouth of her partner. The rod rubbed up and down her folds, twirling. She wanted it back inside, but she couldn’t bring herself to do more than penetrate Kamarrah with her tongue.

Lower Kamarrah’s hand slipped. Amelia’s own juices smeared down her taint to her rear entrance. The tip prodded her, threatening to slip in. Her breath caught in her throat. While she far and away preferred getting her pussy pounded, she never shied away from getting plugged.

Kamarrah leaned forward and kissed Amelia’s lower lips. “I’ve been giving too much attention to this needy hole up front. Time to give the patient one in the back some love.”

The dildo, lubed up with copious amounts of fluids, slipped into Amelia’s ass with ease. She gasped at the intrusion. Her body bloated as each inch sank into her. Kamarrah didn’t hold any back, yet she worked at a steady, relaxed pace. They both understood the entire thing would fit; she enjoyed stringing Amelia along.

“You’re such a naughty girl.” Kamarrah purred, pressing the last bit inside with a playful finger. “You ate it right up.”

“I’ve had”—Amelia gasped and quivered as more magic titillated her womanhood—“a lot of experience.”

“A princess shouldn’t give everything away.” Despite Kamarrah’s stern words, she twisted the toy and kissed Amelia’s drenched folds.

A wave of excitement washed through Amelia, and her heart pounded in her chest. “I thought you liked naughty girls.”

“Oh, I do.” Hot air rushed between Amelia’s legs. “And you, my dear, have been a real treat.” The queen slid her dildo partway out and a yearning took its place.

“You’ve been quite lovely yourself.” Amelia grazed Kamarrah’s little button with her teeth, drawing a soft moan out of her. She kissed the sensitive nub. “You really know how to work me up.”

Kamarrah pressed her pussy down against Amelia, grinding. A quick thrust split Amelia’s ass, and she moaned against wet flesh. “Your praises make me want to fuck you harder.”

“Oh, yes.” Amelia struggled against her bonds, lapping at her partner’s juicy cunt, desperate for release. “Be rough with me, your majesty. Fuck this dirty girl up.”

“Don’t stop licking.”

Kamarrah spread Amelia’s lower lips and plunged deep inside as she pumped her asshole. Her body swayed with every motion, the queen pounding her hard. She gasped and tried to rock counter to each thrust. What little of her goal she achieved heightened her enjoyment.

As much as she wanted to follow Kamarrah’s command, Amelia fought to keep enough focus to pleasure her partner. Between the queen’s tongue delving into her silky canal and the dildo fucking her ass, she could do little more than mewl and shake. Kamarrah owned her slutty body.

A wet smacking sound filled the room as Kamarrah serviced Amelia’s folds. She tugged and released, letting them snap back into place. Amelia grimaced. Her lady bits stung, but, before she squirmed away, three fingers penetrated her. She tightened up at the sudden intrusion, stopping herself shy of climaxing.

Warmth encompassed Amelia’s swollen clit. She buried her face in Kamarrah’s womanhood and moaned, unashamed. Her tongue licked, flicked, and scooped as her self-control slipped. She couldn’t hold back anymore. One more little thing would push her over the edge. Kamarrah sucked, and Amelia exploded.

Amelia shrieked and clamped down hard on the sublime fingers in her pussy and magnificent toy in her bottom. Her body locked up, toes curling, and she squirted all over Kamarrah’s face. The queen let out a quiet noise in surprise and switched from sucking to lapping up her plaything’s love juices.

Tingles danced across Amelia’s skin and down her limbs, accentuated by each lash of Kamarrah’s mischievous tongue. Amelia lavished her partner in gentle, sporadic kisses, thankful for her orgasm. She sighed, shuddering. While things slowed down due to her abrupt tightness, Kamarrah didn’t relent.

“Oh, your majesty,” Amelia whined as Kamarrah pistoned in and out of both her sloppy holes. “Harder.”

Kamarrah plunged deeper into Amelia’s depths, stealing her breath away. The dildo swelled. Her insides spread to accept the new girth and length. Pressure began to rise, and she strained against the rhythmic assault. The toy stopped growing, pushing her to her limits.

Every time Kamarrah hilted in Amelia’s ass, her fingers rubbed her g-spot. Moans filled the room. Wetness graced her nose and cheek, but Amelia could no longer do anything but lay back and be used like the bound slut she was. She tossed her head from side-to-side as the stimulation, the pleasure, overwhelmed her.

Kisses teased Amelia’s little button and tickled her inner thigh. Her legs trembled, lashed overhead. They wanted out, to thrash, to squeeze. The bonds only grew tighter the more she desired to be free. A hum reverberated in her womanhood, traveling up her torso. She gasped. Kamarrah had her on the verge of another orgasm.

“My, oh, my. Are you going to cum again already?” Kamarrah teased while she fingered and fucked away.

Amelia sucked in a sharp breath, her lip quivering. “Y-yes.”

“That’s very unbecoming of a princess.” The pace of Kamarrah’s fingers and toy increased, and her tone darkened. “Cum for me, my little slut.”

Hearing Kamarrah’s degrading words set Amelia off. Her pussy and ass contracted around the objects of her ecstasy. Juices shot out of her, drenching the queen’s hand, arm, and lips. The excess ran down, pooling at her rear entrance. Her muscles were tight as anything, yet she felt exhausted. How could they still tense up so much?

Air rushed out of Amelia’s lungs as she relaxed. However, Kamarrah’s assault continued unabated. A moan eked out of the queen, and she rocked her hips with urgency. Her excitement flowed into Amelia’s mouth, dribbling down her chin. It appeared her partner was ready for another climax of her own.

Amelia’s tongue worked faster despite her jaw trying to lock up on her. The rapture Kamarrah inflicted wreaked havoc on her overestimated holes. She curled up and moved against Kamarrah’s thrusts. Deeper she penetrated Amelia, and she trembled. Was she about to cum again in such a short amount of time?

“Just like that,” Kamarrah said, urging Amelia on. “I’m going to cum, my pet.”

With a brief pause, Amelia sucked in a breath. “Me, too, your majesty.” She dove back in, licking and sucking away.

Desperation overtook Amelia. At any moment, Kamarrah would send her over, and she would lose control. Her wonderful, beautiful partner quivered atop her. She only needed a couple more seconds to break down the tenuous resistance. Her fingers would have helped, but she delved as deep as possible.

Kamarrah convulsed. Love juices flooded Amelia’s mouth, spilling over her face and running down her neck. Her victory made her explode. The world vanished, the only sensation she felt the driving force of the queen’s ministrations. She moaned and cried out. Overstimulated, she fell back, consciousness hanging on by a thread.

A few tremors shook Kamarrah’s body. Her pussy dripped more fluids on Amelia’s neck and breasts. The queen stopped toying with her clit and, while the dildo remained inside, she no longer moved it. Amelia let out a loud, satisfied sigh. Her heart still hammered in her chest, and numbness permeated her limbs.

“That was so good. I can’t feel my legs or arms,” Amelia muttered, half-conscious and basking in the afterglow of her several rapid-fire orgasms.

Soft lips kissed Amelia’s folds, traveling up to her little button, and across her lower abdomen. “I’m glad you enjoyed it so much. You’re quite excitable, and I love that.”

“I love how easily you can push me over the edge. You know just what to do to me.” No matter how hard she tried, Amelia’s eyes refused to open.

“Years of practice, my dear.” Kamarrah lowered herself until she rested on Amelia like a body pillow, upside-down.

Amelia twitched, and her body shoved the toy partway out of her ass. “That thing you did with the dildo was cheating. Gods, you nearly broke me.”

The length Amelia pushed out slipped right back into her stretched hole. “I should place a seal on you and send you back to your chambers with it still inside. You’ll have to hide it from your friends.” Throaty laughter filled the room. “Maybe I accidentally let the spell slip, and it comes out in front of Gods know who.”

Amelia tightened up at the thought, and her eyes opened to the magnificent sight of Kamarrah’s ample ass. “You’re devious, you know that?”

“I’m sorry, my dear.” Kamarrah placed one more kiss on Amelia’s stomach and shifted off her. The queen stood, legs wobbling. “You really got me going, and I can be a little…overbearing when I’m running hot in the moment.”

“No need to apologize.” Amelia grinned. “I like it.”

A smirk graced Kamarrah’s face. “Good. I would like to do this again.”

“We’re not done yet,” Amelia said, staring into Kamarrah’s beautiful brown eyes.

“Is that so?” With slow, deliberate motions, Kamarrah glided her fingertips around the edges of both of Amelia’s overused holes. “How much more do you think you can take?”

Shivers ran through Amelia’s body, but she reined herself in. “I was so distracted with what you were doing to me, that I barely touched you. I’m sure you’d like to be repaid.”

“Perhaps.” A long moment of silence hung in the room before Kamarrah moved. She stepped beside the bed, her fingers running up Amelia’s right thigh, calf, and ankle. “But what is a bound little toy going to do to me?”

“Untie me, and I’ll show you.” While her body might have been exhausted of receiving, Amelia wanted to give as good as she got or better.

“I think you earned the privilege.” The bind around Amelia dissolved, releasing half of her from bondage.

Pins and needles ran rampant in Amelia’s leg and arm as they flopped down. She grimaced at the discomfort, but she was happy to be free. The other side followed suit. She felt weak and limp despite the desires swelling inside her. A minute would be all she needed, and she would ravish Kamarrah.

“I supposed we don’t need this anymore.” Kamarrah gripped what little of her magic toy protruded from Amelia. “That is, if you’ll let it go.”

“Don’t get rid of it. I want to use it on you.” Amelia managed to prop herself up on her elbow and catch Kamarrah’s gaze.

Slow and steady, Kamarrah withdrew. A pop echoed in the chamber, and Amelia’s abused hole spasmed. Amelia shifted herself to the edge and shot upright. She swayed, her legs still weak and tingling. Kamarrah stared down at her, a mere inch away. Amelia stood on her tiptoes. Their lips locked. She closed the gap, wrapping her arms around her partner.

As they kissed, the tip slid down Amelia’s side. She pulled her one arm free and took control. A quick nudge saw the queen move to her will. She spun her around. Forceful, Amelia pushed Kamarrah down. No resistance stood in her way.

They collapsed on the bed, Amelia on top. She forced her tongue into Kamarrah’s mouth as she captured one leg between hers. Her wetness spread across smooth skin. She pressed her chest against Kamarrah’s, their erect nipples teasing the other’s. Quiet moans escaped them both—immersed in their warmth, softness, and lust.

Amelia grinded and slipped her right, dildo-wielding hand between Kamarrah’s legs. The older woman flinched as Amelia parted her drenched folds. She kissed deeper, penetrating her partner. Kamarrah gasped. Her mouth broke away from Amelia’s and found her ear. Hot breath and sultry moans invaded.

“Fill this queen’s indecent pussy,” Kamarrah breathed, gripping Amelia’s head and pulling her close.

Blood rushed between Amelia’s legs, and her fingers entwined in Kamarrah’s long hair. She yanked, and her partner yelped. Hunger danced in her eyes, and Amelia drank it in. She plunged the toy deeper. Every faint reaction—the reluctant gasps, the clench of her jaw, the narrowing of her eyes—turned her on.

Kamarrah bucked her hips. More of the length slid inside, and her thigh teased Amelia’s pussy. She moaned and squeezed the queen’s leg between hers. The pressure only made Kamarrah tremble, increasing the stimulation Amelia sought to ease. She gave in and rubbed herself as she stuffed the rest of the lovely dildo in.

Between moans, a grin formed on Kamarrah’s face. “I thought you had enough and wanted to fuck me, yet here you are, getting off on my thigh.”

“You’re so heartless.” Amelia pumped her arm, but she didn’t stop riding Kamarrah’s leg. “I love it. Every inch of your body is perfect.”

“Show me your appreciation for the privilege to use it.” Kamarrah’s back arched, and she craned her head to the side.

Amelia threw herself at Kamarrah, planting frantic kisses up and down her exposed neck. She thrust inside faster. Soft mewling seeped out of the queen. She changed the angle upward. Tremors wracked Kamarrah’s body as Amelia struck her g-spot with the rigid tip.

Sinking her teeth into supple flesh, Amelia nipped Kamarrah. A huff of air escaped her. Amelia licked her little love bite and kissed it. The mark grew brighter as she admired her handiwork. Urgent noises spurred her on, and she dipped lower. Her lips brushed Kamarrah’s collar bone.

Something bumped Amelia’s chin, and she smiled. She finished smooching Kamarrah’s chest, working her way between the soft, ample mounds of her breasts. Warmth surrounded her face. She shifted her attention back and forth. Her saliva smeared against her cheeks as she went, but she carried on without a care.

Smacks sounded in the room. Amelia grew more passionate—wilder—with her ministrations. She chose one of the titillating tits and slathered it in affection. The stiff nipple poked her, and she sucked the needy nub into her mouth. Sweetness, the wine from before, lingered.

Kamarrah arched her back, their stomachs pressing flat together and giving Amelia easier access to her breast. Amelia’s name gushed out, which sent a debauched thrill down her spine. She pumped harder, faster, all while sucking. Any inkling to slow down, to savor the moment, never crossed her mind.

Amelia scrapped Kamarrah’s nipple with her teeth and pulled back, stretching. A loud pop sounded. She lifted her gaze, and the queen’s lust-filled eyes met hers. Her heartbeat accelerated. She leaned forward, planted a kiss on her lips, and found Kamarrah’s hand with hers.

Fingers intertwined. Amelia squeezed, and nails dug into the back of her hand. Sheets bunched up and shifted as they writhed around in bliss. One more deep kiss, and Amelia slithered back down. Kamarrah’s other tit required attention—attention which Amelia refused to neglect.

Before Amelia reached the peak with her kisses, Kamarrah tightened up. “Don’t stop. I’m going to cum.”

Even if she wanted to, Amelia couldn’t refuse. Her arm worked, frantic, splattering arousal on her hand, forearm, leg, and all over Kamarrah’s spread body. She suckled on her breast and listened to the cute little, desperate, breathless noises the queen made. Her eyes flicked up, but Kamarrah’s shut tight.

The contractions of Kamarrah’s muscles as she neared climax strengthened, slowing Amelia’s assault down. However, she pressed on. She would make Kamarrah cum with her own toy, which had coaxed so many orgasms out of her a few moments earlier. The thought caused her swollen clit to throb with the rock of her hips.

“I’m cuming,” Kamarrah cried, squeezing Amelia’s hand as her body seized up.

Amelia thought to slip down between the queen’s legs to catch her juices, but she didn’t have time. Instead, she plugged away. Pain flared on her hand. Kamarrah’s nails bit enough to draw blood, and Amelia squeezed back. Convulsions overtook her partner, gasps and shrieks seeping out of her.

Pressure built in Amelia’s lower abdomen. Seeing, feeling, and hearing Kamarrah explode beneath, and because of, her took her to the edge herself. She thought to stop, but she continued their rhythmic motion. Her folds parted with each sway, leaning more and more on her little button. She couldn’t cum, though. Not until she finished Kamarrah.

Determined, Amelia twisted and worked the dildo in alternating thrusts. Since she had Kamarrah right where she wanted her, teasing out another orgasm shouldn’t take too long. She devoured as much of her partner’s luscious breast as her little mouth allowed. If only she controlled magic like Kamarrah did, she could stimulate her more.

“Are you”—Kamarrah moaned, tossing her head back—“paying me back for,” she sucked in a breath, “being relentless with you?”

Amelia gulped down some air, allowing the ravished nipple a brief respite. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”

“Oh, Gods, yes.” Kamarrah’s eyes opened. “I hope you’re close, too, because I would like to cum together this time.”

Amelia bit her lip hard. Sharing one final climax with Kamarrah would be a fitting, delightful end for the night. She needed to hold herself off for a moment.

Squelches filled the air as Amelia’s concentration and grip slipped. Her thighs flexed, squeezing Kamarrah to try and offset her own rising need. The queen stared back at her; face twisted in pleasure. Amelia’s breath caught in her throat. She gave in.

Soft, sweet lips met hers as Amelia pounced on Kamarrah. Her tongue, arm, and hips went wild. She worked herself, and her partner, up and up and up. Gasps, groans, and moans filled her ears—hers and Kamarrah’s mixing into an indiscernible medley of sin. Kamarrah twitched, and Amelia lost her self-control.

Amelia buried the dildo deep inside Kamarrah as she shuddered in rapture. She let out a cry against her mouth and bucked into her. Juices, from them both, squirted out. The bed was going to be a soaked mess after they were through, but she didn’t care. She collapsed atop Kamarrah.

Their untamed kisses slowed to tenderness. Amelia withdrew and savored the queen’s flavor. Her fingers slipped from the toy, and she drew her hand up Kamarrah’s sweaty, delectable body. As she caressed her breast, she lowered her leg and shifted.

Amelia slid off Kamarrah’s hip, falling flat between her legs. The older woman’s warmth flooded her exhausted, satisfied body. She breathed out a content sigh through her nose as they continued to be infatuated with the other’s lips. The tension holding Kamarrah melted.

Movement broke their kiss, and Amelia uttered a disappointed little murmur. However, the space allowed her to stare into Kamarrah’s gorgeous eyes. “That was wonderful, my dear. I’m glad you weren’t done.”

“Me, too.” A little laugh bubbled out of Amelia. “For a moment, I thought you’d keep me tied up for the rest of the night.”

“You would have liked that too much.” Kamarrah smirked, and her left hand found Amelia’s bottom.

Amelia cocked her hips, filling Kamarrah’s hand. “Maybe, but I think you enjoyed doing it anyway.”

“Denial and teasing are surefire ways to get anyone as riled up as you want them.” Amelia yelped as the queen pinched her backside. “Including yourself.”

A tingle of excitement fluttered through Amelia, but she put on a disapproving face. Well, an attempt at one. “You keep calling me naughty, but you’re here edging yourself.”

“Don’t be surprised.” Fingers teased and looped around Amelia’s own. “I’ve had plenty of time to discover and indulge in my kinks.”

“Well, I’m glad to have such a knowledgeable and skilled partner.” Amelia planted a short trail of kisses from Kamarrah’s chin to the hollow of her throat.

“So am I.” Kamarrah smiled. “You’re welcome in my bed anytime, Amelia.”

“Thank you, your—Kamarrah.” Closing her eyes, Amelia slipped to the right. She cuddled up next to the queen and rested her head in the crook of her neck. “I hope you don’t mind if I crash here. I don’t think I can make it out of bed let alone to my room.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Kamarrah tilted her head and kissed Amelia’s forehead.

Amelia giggled and shifted around. Her foot touched something cold and wet, and she glanced over at Kamarrah. “Sorry about the mess.”

“It’s my fault, too.” Mischievousness overtook Kamarrah’s welcoming expression. “I certainly wasn’t dry.”

“No, you weren’t.” Fever-hot skin greeted Amelia’s fingertips as she dipped down Kamarrah’s stomach to tease her. She licked her lips. “I can still taste you on my lips.”

Kamarrah’s eyebrow raised. “Is that so? Come here.” She pulled Amelia into a long, deep kiss. “Delicious.”

“Me or you?” Amelia asked, smirking as her heart beat in her ears.

A pink tongue flicked out before a smile spread across Kamarrah’s face. “Both. I could kiss you all night.”

“As much as I would like that,” Amelia let out a yawn, unable to ignore her exhaustion any longer, “sleep’s calling me.”

Kamarrah yawned in agreement, her eyes drifting shut. She leaned back and exhaled. “I suppose you’re right. There will be plenty of time in the morning.”

“Goodnight, Kamarrah.” Amelia nuzzled the queen and closed her eyes. She inhaled through her nose and sighed.

“Sleep well, Amelia. I know I will.” A smirk quirked Amelia’s mouth as she drifted off.

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The thrill of it all eventually won out over trust. She did trust him but; there just seemed to be an undertone of helplessness within her. Helpless to ward of being subdued; especially as an alpha female that exuded sexual confidence. Sex was always mutually enjoyed but; to be bound to his whims only, would be very different. Straining against her bonds she knew she was secured. Tight enough that she could flex her arms and legs a bit without being uncomfortable. She watched his face as he...

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Pig learns to serve

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The Unspoken Arrangement Ch 3 Trained to Serve

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A close relative of yours has recently passed. To nobody's surprise, they left everything to you: A massive apartment in a metropolitan area, all of the affluence gained from their advertising company, and you are declared as the new CEO. Due to the influx of your responsibilities, you have found yourself pressed for time. One night, while going through your relatives stuff, you find a letter addressed to you: "Dear Blank, if you are reading this, it means I have passed on, and you now control...

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Recently I was watching a movie with my wife in which a girl was having fun with 2 boys. I asked in joke to my wife should we try something like that. She just gave a naughty smile a said if people we come to know then our reputation will be finished in no time. But the answer encouraged me to see my wife being fucked by others. So regularly I started teasing my wife about similar topic and ask her to have fun with others. After about one month my wife agreed but asked me to be careful. One...

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Bound but not gagged very true story images and

BOUND BUT NOT GAGGEDI’m bent over a cold object but I cannot state what as the blindfold presses my eyes obscuring them to the sight and bringing abnormal levels of assertion to my other senses, I'm merely obeying the master’s commands. His coarse hands roughly stroking the firm buttocks I possess, I bite my lip as he smacks my arse in one motion a subtle burning sensation gathers on my right cheek, my eyes flinched shut which seems a task made pointlessly as the blindfold sits securely....

1 year ago
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Bound Part One

Bound Part One By: Light Clark Author's note: Hey everyone, normally I do this kind of thing at the end of the story, but I'm just too eager to get to this announcement to wait that long. My first properly published book, The Demon King of Gen'ric, is finally out! Written in the light novel style with lovely art by the talented Tony Kuusisto, it tells the tale of the great and terrible Kxyzvalendarizandun. Except, after a bumbling summoner botches his resurrection - she's - not...

2 years ago
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Jams Pickles and Preserves

Lower Pidlington Women’s Institute was unique. It had far more members than most rural WIs, numbers having swelled from fourteen to four hundred after Lucy Warner (a village newcomer) took over as Entertainment Coordinator. LPWI was also ‘independent’ having been expelled from the British WI Federation when the Chair of the National Committee, Clarissa Hunt (who nobody liked), spotted her surname spelt with a C in LPWI’s monthly newsletter; a mistake no one admitted to or apologised for.The...

3 years ago
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Bound And Bound Again

You get out of the shower and dry yourself off. You walk into our bedroom naked, looking forward to doing all the things you fantasized about while showering. Suddenly you feel someone grab you from behind. Before you can make a sound a hand is over your mouth. You start to panic but then your eyes adjust to the dark. You notice that I'm not in the bed and you feel the body pressed hard against you. You feel a hard cock pressed between your butt cheeks. You realize it is me holding you. ...

2 years ago
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Bound Heart

In the middle of the woods Masa stumbled around. She tripped over roots and ran into trees. ‘Damn, where is the village? It should be around here somewhere.’ Lost and confused she continued to stumble around looking for the village. After a while she stopped to take a breather. She pushed her blonde short cut hair out of her hazel eyes using a tree to support her. The bindings on her chest weren’t helping any, but she refused to take them off. She hated her breasts. As she caught her breath...

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