Detention 9_(1) free porn video

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The bus ride to school was quiet and boring for the first ten minutes or so. I was sitting in the very back row of the bus, looking out the window, when I heard a boy call my name. At first I figured that he was talking to someone else, because obviously I wasn’t the only person named Brandon in the world, and also because I really don’t know too many people--who knew my name. So I ignored it, and then the guy said, “Hey, Brandon.” I turned and so Scott Howard making his way toward the rear of the bus with me. Looking at Scott, it was really difficult to believe that he was only a fifteen-year-old freshman. He had such incredible, mature good-looks, and such a self-assuredness about him that made him seem at least five years older. Scott sat across from me on the bus. He was smiling a whole lot. I had really never talked to Scott Howard at all in life, so I really felt uneasy sitting across from him, just looking at him without saying anything.

“Hey,” I said.

Scott kept smiling. He had a really nice smile, but I wanted to know what he was thinking. “So what did you do this weekend?” he asked.

Obviously Scott had talked to Chris and Chris had told him what had gone down over the weekend. “Just kinda hung around,” I told him.

Raising an eyebrow, Scott asked, “That all you do? What happened with you and Chris when me and Billy and me left Friday night?” There wasn’t that many people on the bus, especially in the back, so I think Scott that it was alright if he talked really loud, so that the few people who were on the bus could hear everything he said.

“Same thing we always do,” I said.

“Which is...?” Scott persisted.

“You know what I’m talkin about Scott. Don’t play dumb.”

Scott shrugged. “That dude...what’s his name...Jason? He looked extra pissed off when you told us to get outta your house and Chris stayed.”

“It was just too many people and too much going on,” I said. “I just really wanted to be alone.”

“With Chris,” Scott stated.


The smile on Scott’s face faded away. He turned his head to the side so that I only saw the profile of his face. I was ‘almost’ amazed at how beautiful his face looked when it was turned to the side. There was a few moments of silence between us. The bus stopped at a traffic signal. Looking down the narrow bus aisle, I saw a small Mexican girl staring at me with large dark eyes. For some reason her eyes reminded me of Chris’: the kind of eyes that can see right through a person, directly into their mind. The little girl was staring at me like she knew me without ever seeing me before. Finally she turned back around in her seat and began saying something to her mother in whispered Spanish. The bus moved forward, and Scott said to me, suddenly, out of nowhere, “He really likes you.” He turned his face back toward my direction. His eyes were really light-colored and piercing.

“Huh?” I asked, confused.

“Chris. He really likes you.”

My heart skipped. I looked at Scott in disbelief. “How do you know?”

Scott shrugged. “I dunno. I just do.” That pensive expression returned to his face, as though he were thinking about something really deep and complex. I just looked at him without saying anything for a while. And then after a few minutes, a question came to my mind.

“Is Billy your boyfriend?” I asked.

Scott gazed at me like I was crazy. “No. What made you think that?”

“I don’t you have a boyfriend?”

“No,” Scott said firmly. “Had one once and then that shit got fucked up. So I said never again.”

“Why? What happened?”

“I liked him more than he liked me.” Scott shrugged. “When I was fourteen. I was stupid back then,” he said. “I thought that if you really liked somebody, then they would like you back the same way. It really didn’t make sense to me back then that someone could like you one day and then all of a sudden not like you the next and move on to someone else just like it meant nothing. I thought if you liked somebody it would just go on forever, but...guess not. So I don’t even bother with the idea of being in a relationship.”

Forever. I hated the concept of that word. Nothing lasts forever, does it? Even when you really try hard at making something work out, at the end it just fades away doesn’t it? You can’t really love someone forever can you? I wondered if I could love Chris forever. I was still getting used to the idea of admitting to myself that I loved Chris. But I didn’t know how long I would feel that way, or how long he would feel that way about me--hopefully it would be a really long time. But I don’t know.

Scott and I got off the bus together and made our way toward the school. As we were walking, I told him, “You don’t gotta walk with me if you don’t want to. I don’t want to embarrass you in front of your friends or somethin.”

“Why would I care if somebody sees you walking with me?” Scott asked.

“I don’t know. People might be like ‘Why were you walkin with that gay dude’ or somethin stupid like that.”

“I thought you didn’t care what people thought of you,” Scott said.

“I don’t. But you might.”

“No, I don’t,” Scott said. And then Scott said something that really surprised me. He said, “Brandon, people don’t see you the way you think they see you.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“More people like you than they would like to admit. A lotta dudes at this school--especially just a lot of ‘jocks’ or whatever you wanna call `em would love to get at you. They’re just too afraid. Chris was just the only one that had enough balls to go for you.”

All of that sounded unbelievable and unrealistic to me. “Scott, I don’t believe you.”

We made our way inside the school gates where there was a lot of students hanging around. “You don’t have to believe it if you don’t want to, Brandon. But it’s true.” Scott started to walk off in the direction of his friends. “I’ll talk to you later,” he said.

As I went into the school building, making my way down the ultra crowded hallway to my locker, I saw Jason walking in my direction. I got super nervous and tried to look at everybody except for him as he passed by. I wasn’t sure if he saw me or not. I hope he didn’t.

Chris was already in his desk when I entered Algebra class. He turned and looked at me as I walked through into the classroom. His lips were closed gently, and his face showed no general emotion, but I could tell by his eyes, the way that he looked at me, that he was happy to see me. I sat a couple of seats away from him, close enough, but not too close. I didn’t wanna be the type that clings on to someone like a leech; I wanted to at least pretend that I wasn’t jumping out of my skin with excitement when looking at Chris. Occasionally, throughout the class period, Chris would turn around and look at me with that same placid expression on his handsome face, and that same look of thinly disguised desire in his eyes. Every time he looked at me, my heart beat skipped. I was becoming more captivated by this boy by the second. It was almost frightening.

During our break between classes, Chris and I spent the entire fifteen minutes kissing each other, rubbing our hard dicks through our jeans, reaching into the backs of each others’ jeans and squeezing each others’ ass in the isolated aisles of the library. When the bell rang for class to resume, I didn’t want to stop kissing and touching Chris, I didn’t want to sit through another boring lecture when I could be doing something - someone - much better instead. “Let’s just skip class,” I said to him. I had never missed one class throughout my entire senior year, but at that moment, as Chris tongue slid down the length of my neck, I really didn’t give a fuck about perfect attendance.

“We’ll get detention again,” Chris whispered, grinding his large, thick hard dick against mine. But even though he said that, Chris didn’t seem interested in stopping. Unzipping my pants, he reached inside the opening and pulled out my hard, throbbing dick, which was waiting impatiently for him to handle.

“That’s nothin new,” I said. “We always have detention.”

“Cool with me,” Chris responded. And our lips met, hard. Chris pried my mouth open with his tongue, pressing me up against the book stack behind me, causing a thick hardcover book to fall off the shelf. With one hand Chris played with my dick and balls, and with the other hand he placed it beneath my chin, pressing his fingers gently into my skin. Chris slid the waistband of my underwear down more, and his hand reached around behind me to find my ass. He opened my crack with a couple of fingers and then found my asshole with his middle finger, his longest finger. I knew he was about to finger fuck me, but I didn’t want him. If he started, then I would want him to fuck me for real, and I wanted to be able to shout loudly, without the risk of being heard, when Chris shoved his eleven inch dick into my ass.

“Don’t put it in,” I said softly. Chris did what I asked without complaint. He continued to rub my naked butt as we kissed passionately. about fifteen minutes later, I knew we had really had to stop and go back to class. I didn’t want to, but I figured that at some point in time, someone was going to find us in the aisles and we would get into a lot of trouble. “We can finish this later,” I told him. But Chris wasn’t ready to let go of me, and I really didn’t want him to either.

“Just a little bit more,” Chris said. He licked around my earlobe and his warm breath traveled into my ear, sending pleasant chills throughout me. My hard dick leaked against Chris’ jean-covered thigh. I was close to shooting but I forced myself not to. It was hard, but I managed. Again I pulled away from Chris. “We gotta go,” I told him.

Chris took my hand and placed it against his ultra hard crotch. “You gonna leave me like this, B? C’mon, just a little...” I unzipped his jeans and pulled out his massive, beautiful cock. It felt so warm and hard against my palm. I pushed Chris against the opposite book stack, went to my knees and brought his dick to my mouth.

* * *
I showed up to my AP English class about fifteen minutes late, and surprisingly, my teacher, Ms. Giamatti, didn’t make me go to the office to get a pink slip for detention. I wondered if Chris had gotten away so easily. I could still taste his dick in my mouth, and also his sweet cum. As I was going to my seat, I expected to sit behind Jason Coleman as I always had before, but instead I saw Billy Anderson sitting in my desk behind Jason, and they were talking softly to each other about something I couldn’t hear. When I passed by, they both looked up at for me. Billy had an amused look in his dark brown eyes and there was a look of resentment in Jason’s eyes. So I walked to the rear of the classroom, sitting across from Luke Block, a great-looking, tall, muscular guy with a chill personality. I noticed that everyone in the classroom seemed to be paired up with someone and working on an assignment.

“What’s everybody doin?” I asked Luke.

“I don’t know,” he answered. “Some Shakespeare bullshit. Interpret the themes and symbolisms. I wasn’t payin attention so I don’t know.”

I pulled out my copy of MacBeth and turned to the third act. As I flipped through the pages, Luke asked me, in a very secretive whisper, “Are you fuckin Chris Green?” The question stunned me like a tranquilizer to the chest. For a moment I couldn’t breathe. Why is that everybody in the whole fuckin school knew about me and Chris? Did somebody announce it over the loudspeakers or post flyers on everyone’s locker. I didn’t even know how to respond to that question, so I didn’t say anything at all. But Luke wouldn’t take my silence as an answer. He was annoyingly persistent. “Is it true?” he demanded.

“Why is it so important that you know?” I questioned back.

“Is he your boyfriend?” Luke was trying to keep his voice down, but at the same time, he wasn’t being too successful at whispering.

“Let’s not talk about this right now and do the goddamn assignment,” I said sharply.
“I’m just sayin,” Luke said, quietly, “if he’s not your boyfriend, and you’re just fuckin around, maybe me and you could chill one day, you know.” Luke smiled, a really charming and seductive smile. But I wasn’t too impressed. I was bewildered. Thinking back to what Scott had told me earlier, about how a lot of guys at this school were interested in me and I just didn’t know it, perhaps he was right. But damn, it was really difficult for me to believe that hot-ass ‘straight’ guys like Luke Block were suddenly interested in me. Three weeks ago nobody knew I existed, or if they did know that I existed they treated me as though I was some fucked up mutant thing, and now all these dudes, dudes I never even thought would know my name, wanted to get at me. Being my usual paranoid and distrustful self, I was just suspecting that Luke was just fuckin around with me, I wouldn’t allow myself to believe that he was actually being serious with me. Dudes that hot don’t take interest in me--well, except for Chris...and Billy... and Jason...Mr. Wilson...and I think Scott. But other than that, nobody.

Trying to sound calm and all, I told Luke, “No, I don’t think that’s a cool idea. Thanks though.”

“I mean you know what I’m sayin,” Luke said, “if you and Chris ever need an extra person when you’re doin what your doin I wouldn’t mind gettin in. You know.” He took out a pen and wrote his phone number on the margin of one of the pages in my book.

“Who told you I was with Chris?” I asked. “I’m not mad or anything, I just wanna know.”

Luke nodded in Billy’s direction. I don’t know why I didn’t guess that Billy had told on me. Looking over at him, I saw him talking to Jason. They were whispering something to each other. It was weird, because they were talking and smiling at each other as though they had been friends for years. Their feet were rubbing up against each others’ underneath their desks. Billy felt my eyes on him and turned and looked at me. He gave me a wink and turned back to look at Jason. I wanted to punch his face in. I gazed over at Jason, at his handsome face. I watched as he smiled at Billy and how his eyes lit up. It seemed strange that only three days ago, Jason was so interested in me, and now he had sharply cut off all his attraction to me and from the looks of it, had redirected it toward Billy. I couldn’t see Billy and Jason being together, they had such opposite personalities - but then, so did me and Chris - well at least in the beginning. Even though I had gotten over Jason, I honestly didn’t expect him to get over me so quickly. I couldn’t help but to feel a little jealous watching Billy and Jason together.

Billy’s locker is kinda close to mine, so I made sure I pass in his direction as I made my way to my own locker after English class. Billy was stuffing books into his locker. He turned around just as I approached him, as though he were expecting me to come talk to. “Brandon,” he said. It was kinda weird the way he said my name, I don’t really know why. “I don’t know where Chris is.”

“I’m not really looking for Chris right now,” I told him.

“Then who are you looking for?”

Billy closed his locker, pressed his back against the wall, with his muscular arms crossed and a large smirk on his face. “Now what do you need to see me for? More fun in the gym? What would Chris think?” There was a bit of resentment in Billy’s voice with that last statement.

“This isn’t about Chris,” I said, “it’s about Jason.”

“You mean the dude you fucked over?”

“I didn’ wasn’t like that, Billy.”

Shrugging, Billy said, “Looks that way to me, B.”

“Don’t call me that.”

Billy’s taunting smile faded a little bit. “Right. I forgot. That’s only for Chris...he told me that the two of you had an interesting weekend.”

My silence was his answer.

“So what did you wanna come talk to me about, Brandon?” Billy asked, already knowing the answer. “I mean if you came over here to tell me that you want me to stay away from Jason, then I would have to tell you to kiss my fuckin ass...well, you’ve already done then I would tell you to piss the fuck off. But...maybe I’m wrong. Maybe you’re interested in knowin what kinda day I had today. So what is it, Brandon, what did you want to talk to me about?” There was the ultimate look of victory on Billy’s ruggedly good-looking face. When I didn’t answer, he said, “Thought so. Go run along to your little boyfriend and leave me alone.” Billy walked off, mixing in with the giant crowd.

* * *

I felt pretty upset for the rest of the day. And to make things worst, I forgot that I had a test in Ms. Navarro’s Spanish class, which I didn’t get to study for, because I was too busy having Chris’ big dick rammed up my ass. Chris sat next to me. I stared blankly at the test sheet in front of me, having no idea what the fuck I was supposed to do. There were a lot of parts of the test where I had to translate words and sentences from English to Spanish and vice-versa. It made my head hurt just thinking about it. Trying to be as discreet as possible, I looked over at Chris’ test. I had figured that Chris would be just as stuck as I was, but that was true. He was breezing through those questions so fast I thought his paper would catch on fire. I hate cheating, and I’ve never ever cheated on a test, but for some reason I felt like I needed to at that moment. I kept taking sneak glances at Chris’ test. I don’t think Chris was aware of it at first, but then I think he began to feel my eyes watching him. He turned and looked at me, noticed that my test was pretty much blank, and slid his paper over in my direction a little bit so that I could see his answers better. Being the dumbass I am, I just copied down all his answers - I really didn’t care if they were wrong or not, I just didn’t want to leave anything blank. The stupidity of it all, was that Chris and I sit in the second row, where it’s very possible for Ms. Navarro to see us. I didn’t think about that at all until I was on the last page and looked up at her desk to see Ms. Navarro glaring at me with the most angriest look I think I person could give. At that moment I just knew it was over. My heart just kinda sank down to my stomach and I put my pencil down. The bell rang and everyone placed their tests on Ms. Navarro’s desk.

“Brandon Newman and Christopher Green, I need to talk to the two of you.” Of course she said it super loud so everybody could hear. As people were leaving the classroom, they took little glances at me, snickering as they left. I felt so embarrassed, guilty, and dumb. When the classroom was clear, Ms. Navarro sat down at the edge of her desk and looked at Chris and I with fire in her eyes. “What the hell is wrong with the both of you?” she asked. “Do you love being in trouble that much?”

Chris laughed a little bit.

“There’s nothing funny about it all. The both of you know that cheating is not acceptable in this class, and it’s not acceptable in this school. I could probably have the both of you expelled right now for doing this.” That word ‘expelled’ sent unpleasant tremors throughout my body. Chris didn’t seem affected by it all. “But I’m not. Instead, both of you will be getting zeros on the test, and since the two of you like it so much, a week of detention. And I will be sending phone calls to both of your parents.”

“Don’t even bother with that,” Chris said, “my parents don’t care.”

Very cruelly, Ms. Navarro replied, “I see why.”

Chris didn’t respond. His face just went really blank and emotionless, which meant he was super angry. I wasn’t bothered by Ms. Navarro calling my mother, because my mother was at work most of the time, and I could just erase the message on the answer machine before she came home.

“Your detention will start tomorrow after, in Mr. Wilson’s classroom. He’s here until seven every evening, so I’m going to tell him to keep you for as long as possible. Your last day of detention will be Saturday morning, all day.” She held up our tests. “And if anything like this happens again, I will personally make sure that both of you are out of this school. Now get out of my classroom.”

I was pretty much numb as I left the classroom. It just proves my theory that every good day of my life is followed by a really fucked up one. Detention for a week, with Mr. Wilson, I just knew it was going to be the worst fuckin nightmare in the world. As me and Chris made our way to the parking lot to his truck, Chris noticed the concerned look on my face and he told me, “Don’t stress, B. It’s not that bad.”
“Chris, what do you mean it’s not that bad: we flunked our test, got detention from Mr. Sexual Harassment Man for a whole week. How is that not bad to you?”

I was really upset as Chris drove me home. I was mad at Billy Anderson, mad at Ms. Navarro, and mad at myself for being so stupid.

“It’ll be okay, B.” Chris said.

“Nothin is ever just ‘okay’. There’s always gotta be some bullshit behind everything.”

As Chris pulled up into my driveway he asked me, “Do you want me to come inside?” I didn’t know if meant my house or my ass.

“Yeah. I do.”

Chris shut off the engine and we both got out of the car. As I unlocked the front door, Chris came up behind me, kissing the back of my neck, rubbing his crotch against my ass. Even when I felt my worst, Chris always knew how to make me feel better. I unlocked the door and we both went in. As soon as we got inside, we were all over each other, kissing and about to rip off each other’s clothes, and that’s when I felt another presence in the room. I pulled away from Chris, and turned to see my mother sitting on the couch, arms crossed, a grim expression on her face. I first I thought it was an illusion, that my mind was just fucking with me. But then she said, looking at me and Chris fiercely. “We need to talk.”

To Be Continued...


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It had been quite a day. Within twelve hours I had had two beautiful women with world class figures practically worshipping my cock, and doing their best to drain my balls. Then, in the next twelve hours, I lost both of them. Kate went to Alaska with Parker. She would have been a fool not to of course, and I certainly didn't blame her. I had high hopes for Ms. Brooks though. I could see me and her getting it on ... frequently. But that wasn't going to happen. She cornered me the next day at...

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Arians Pool Ch 04

It was all beginning to get terribly real now, and I knew that my chances of getting home to deliver was zero. I thought about my options. In the box in front of the squashed shelter Mike had built I knew was a whole mess of stuff, including a thermal blanket and I hoped desperately his cooker and pans would be there, I was bound to need hot water after all. If not there would be matches or a lighter and I’d make the best of it. But before I considered the long term, I had just to get over...

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Blackmailed and Dominated by My Boss Leanne

I started working at this company when I was just out of school. It's a family owned accountancy firm. Since then I have married and have three kids with my lovely wife Tina. I'm secure in my job and also am perfectly aware this is as far as I go. A few years ago the owner's daughter joined the company and was fast tracked to the top and I really don't mind. I went into this job with my eyes open. It’s a family business and family comes first. Leanne is a pretty woman although she is...

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NubileFilms Diane Crystal Sharon White The Best Laid Plans

Sharon White and Diane Crystal are having some hot girl time. The two blondes have each chosen some sexy lingerie to wind up the other. Climbing on top of Sharon, Diane gets to work kissing and loving on her girlfriend. She starts at Sharon’s neck and then begins working her way down. Sharon has just been relieved of her thong with Diane face deep in her pussy when they hear a noise. Sharon has just enough time to grab her thong and listen to the plan Diane whispers in her ear before...

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Jack and JillChapter 77

Miss Beevers asked Sara to stay a minute after class, so I went out into the hallway to wait for her. Sally Faragon came up to me. Sally is known for her mouth. She's one of the two girls who was talking to Sara when I put my arm around her. And the one who was spreading the word at the beginning of English. "Gee, Jack, that was some essay. Did you really do all that stuff?" "Yeah, I guess. Sometimes Sara makes things seem more important than they really are." "Did she really have a...

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DDFBusty Amber Jayne Victoria June Lesbian Secretaries Gone Wild

Two busty bombshells. One double dong. What do you think is going to happen? Get ready for Amber Jayne and her absolutely mouth-watering 32DD / 70F tits! This sexy bombshell from Great Britain meets epic American stunner Victoria June and her mind-blowing 32DDD/E / 70G boobs at the office. These two ever-horny lesbians can’t wait to get down on each other and you get to witness what happens if you leave them alone at the office… The two busty goddesses start squeezing their big...

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Bev my horny girlfriend at the nightclu

My g/f is some 12 years younger than me and has an extremely high sex drive. We do swing when we are in the main city which is 10hrs drive away from were we are in the country. She is a bi girl and has put up some really horny shows for me at these venues. The most erotic one to date was when she took on 5 men and 1 woman in a private room. There was slurping, groaning and orgasms everywhere, I wasn’t allowed to join in ,as it was my first time swinging. I was instructed to sit naked in...

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Daughters Slut Training 4 Daughters Anal Training

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Daughter's Anal Training By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah I shuddered as my hunky, older brother Faizel fondled my ass. He squeezed my butt-cheek hard, digging strong fingers into my naked flesh, making my breasts quiver in the hallway outside our bedrooms. I shivered, my deflowered pussy growing so hot and wet. Juices trickled out of my shaved cunt like the whore I was. I...

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How it started

Hi, We are Liz and Pete. We have been married for 20 years I'm forty and Liz my wife is now thirty nine. By most people's standards around here we are quiet and sedate and some would say naive and boring. They would be wrong because we have a secret. It's a secret that is shared with certain others. Confused? I'll explain.It started one day, some time ago now, when I came home from work and as we ate and talked Liz told me about her day.I went up the road for a coffee today the man who Sarah...

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Inviting the new neighbors to a BBQ

I had divorced about 5 years ago; my ex having chosen to move to another city in the name of a significant career advancement, before ending up having an affair with a colleague. I blamed myself partly, because I had been reluctant to relocate and uproot myself from the lifestyle and friends. Moreover, being a humble, self-employed central heating technician, I had built up a fairly regular and sufficient client base to afford our home and was not enthusiastic about having to start over in a...

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An Unfortunate New Law Adding to the Family

Forward In a future in which the World Community Government (WCG) exists, the world has shifted to a socialistic society like the one in which Star Trek is set. People do what they love to do and what they’re suited to do - generally what they’re naturally good at. As with any society, there are square pegs that are shoved into round holes. Square pegs just don’t fit in, but they do their best to get by. Some people are only good at drinking, or gossiping, or fighting, or sex. There’s a name...

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Working Vacation

  Chapter 1 He was having a deep, dreamless sleep, warm and cozy under the covers of the large four poster bed with its thick, soft mattress. From somewhere in the depths of his slumber, he felt a stirring, very pleasant, enticing and familiar. As he slowly emerged from the foggy depths of his sleep, he became more aware of his surroundings. He was lying on his back and could feel soft fingers trailing across the skin of his bare stomach, tickling his flesh gently. But that wasn’t the cause of...

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The AccidentChapter 4

Elizabeth looked exactly the same, that was when I found out that time isn’t a universal truth. Elizabeth would live to be three hundred and fifty earth years old. When she died on Cassandra it was a day of mourning, Elizabeth was a national treasure who ‘died too young.’ She was waiting ... actually expecting ... for me. “Find everything, alright?” she asked. “I’m here, ain’t I?” “Well then, shall we?” “I suppose,” I said. She opened a drawer and took out three folders, thumbed through...

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A Fresh StartChapter 57 The Anabasis of Xenophon

I don’t think I was out very long. My right knee made me want to scream, but I couldn’t feel anything broken. I dug out a chemlight stick and broke it, and in the green glow I looked around. I was on a slope, with my chute fouled in a tree above me and to the side. I hit the quick release and shucked off my chute, and then straightened my leg. I didn’t scream, quite, and I was able to move it and maneuver it a bit. I couldn’t feel anything broken, and I couldn’t see any blood. Whatever was...

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The demise of s happy marriage part 2

Sylvia felt like she was on an operating table and was being woken up after anaesthetic, she felt so woozy. She felt something underneath her bottom, someone was moving her leg. She opened her eyes, her mouth felt salty. She looked down and saw her friend Mr Jackson. Her memory came flooding back. His cock in her mouth, his tounge in her pussy. She looked down at him and wondered what he was doing. My Jackson mare you ok she asked groggily. Her body did not feel her own. "Oh hello Sylvia I...

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Mischiefs With Naughty SisterInLaws

Hi this is selva!!! contact me at: ITS A COMPLETE WORK OF FICTION This story throwbacks some years ago, One summer when i completed my school and was just 18. During holidays i used to stay in my grandparents home but since this is long leave my mom sent me to my cousin brothers home in kerala. Both my cousin brothers stay together for business purposes. Train reached Cochin at 5am, my younger brother was there to pickup me and we reached the home. Elder sister in law opened the door with...

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Wednesday to Saturday

Wednesday In the garden of the house we share there is a small bower of trees which encloses a seat. When she needs to think it is to that seat that she goes; for the quiet and the lack of diversion. I am not allowed there unless she takes me with her. It is her space. I sat in the room overlooking the garden and watched as she walked to her seat in the late evening sun. She is tall, lithe and graceful. Her dark hair is thick and shines in the sunlight. I watched as she turned and smoothed...

2 years ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Chelsea 01292018

20 year old waitress and all-around cutie Chelsea left her live-in girlfriend (!) at home today to explore her job prospects in the porn industry. Chelsea enjoys watching porn so she is pretty aware of what will be expected of her (she didn’t figure it would be expected TODAY, however…). Our blonde is bubbly, funny, and outgoing, but once Mr Vince unleashes his sex magic on Chelsea, all she can say is how big his dick is and that she’s his “dirty bitch”. Clearly...

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A Perverts World

*This is a story of a ameture writer trying to live his/her fantasy through the help of stories.* 'Ok that's pretty hard'. Rick sighed while he pushed his bike around. Today was not particularly a lucky day for Rick as he was facing some hard time. First thing in the morning he got a mail regarding his entrance test result for a reputed school in the city and despite giving his best he didn't qualify for it. And although none in his immediate family will blame him for it but now Rick was in a...

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Bait and Switch Ch 05

============================== Standing in the cool white light, in the featureless room, I examined the alien in front of me. Her eyes looked white tonight, with a hint of blue around the edges, and light seemed to ripple around her nude frame while her fingers pressed invisible buttons in the air. I wondered briefly how she made the light do that. It actually looked like the light covered her in places, but didn’t actually touch her, as it flickered and shifted around her curves. I...

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Am I Really Teachers Pet

Were lay on the sofa cuddling when I suddenly get up and say, “I have a special surprise for you… Wanna follow me to the bedroom?''You get this wide grin on your face and follow without a word. I push you into sitting on the bed then grab my bag and look back at you, “I’ll be right back hun…”,and all you do and nod with a cheesy sort of smile. I slink into the bathroom to change. When I come out you see me in a short black skirt, crisp,white, cotton shirt, my old school tie, white knee high...

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“Give me that ass.” He slapped her flank hard, a bolt of pain flashing across her senses as she lifted her hips for him. It dissipated into a tingle as it spread out beautifully. “Higher,” he growled, the press of his palm between her shoulder blades pushed her chest down into the mattress. He yanked at her hip, tilting her up to the place he wanted until her rosebud winked and her cunt gaped. So lewd, her display so wanton. “Wet already?” The trail of a thick finger along her slit made...

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Caribean Fun Part1

My wife had persuaded me to take her to Jamaica for a holiday. Bev always gets what she wants, and I love to make her happy. I had to work a lot of extra hours to pay for it as she always expects the best.We arrived late in the evening and was shown to our room I could see why it was so expensive as it was a huge suite. Bev was pleased and just flipped back on the bed. ‘I’m horny babe’ she said and I knew exactly what she wanted I pushed her dress up pulled her thong to one side and started...

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Flash Flood

Now "Now, Jerry, Now!" "Yes, darling. Oh, you are so warm ... and so smooth." "Oh my darling." "Does it feel as good to you as it does to me?" "Yes! You fill me. You complete me. And when you move like that ... Oh!" "Are you all right?" "Wonderful! Oh, yes. Oh yes." "Darling, I can't stop. I can't hold back!" "Don't. Oh!" "Unh. Unh. Unh." "Ooooh." "I love you." "You too. Stay here." Always "Just stay like this." "It won't go in." "See? And...

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Right as Rain

Legal Disclaimer: The following story may contain things that, while perfectly legal, might not exactly be suitable for Family Web Night. If you are too young to vote (i.e. a minor), too old to breathe (i.e. dead), a religious fundamentalist (you know who you are), or just like suing people (I'm not being paid, and neither will you), hold down the "Alt" button ("Apple" for Mac users) and press the Left arrow key now. Those of you who were not singled out are free to read on at your...

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FirstClassPOV Natalia Nix Petite Babe Natalia Nix Messy Facial After Intense Banging

The beautiful babe, Natalia Nix, is all wet and ready to have her tight pussy filled up by a huge cock. She shows off her newly-bought laced lingerie to Alex Jett. Her perky tits and round ass look amazing as she seductively sways her hips. Watching Natalia play with her pussy made Alex hard and horny in an instant. Not able to resist the urge any longer, he bends Natalia over on the couch and starts banging her from behind. Natalia licks her pussy juice off Alex’s big cock before lying...

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Step Daughter 3 Part 1

We started with a mostly liquid lunch, and then hit the luxury brands for our day. We started off in this unique dress shop, friendly and served wine. I sat in the chair just outside the change room, and she was already feeling tipsy, and a couple times opened the door mid change. I looked on her tanned slender body, pierced flat belly, only covered in black thong and bra, as she asked me for another size. She was not disrupted at all by my presence, and she asked me to zip her a few times....

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One Strange Week

Hello everyone. This Bobbie again. This is a very unusal tale. I just got of work and was beat. When I went into my house and my husband Barry gave me a big hug and a dozen roses. After that a large glass of LemonAde. I said, "Barry can you put some vodka in this or give me a beer?" Barry said, "Sorry my love, but you have a game tonight. But after that a Spa Fest." I said, "Barry, we don't have a spa." Barry just laughed and said, "We do have that oversized bathtub. It will...

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Paying Up

Paying UpBy WVNE-mail ideas / comments to [email protected] I found out by accident what she had been up to with the company accounts and had quietly approached her about it. Give her her due she admitted over £10,000 worth of fraud and even offered to share it with me I didn’t shop her. I left her crying, Wednesday at 08:30 I would visit her house, after hubby had gone to work and daughter to school to show her how she would pay up. On the Tuesday at work I slipped her a note, meet me at your...

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That Purple TwoPiece

I spend most of my summer days at Tammy's house. It's easier for Mother, and I enjoy Miss Johnson and Tammy's company. I've tried a couple of times to go out and do 'boy' things with some of the guys in the neighborhood, but never really enjoy myself. Boys like to explore and play army in the woods near our house. I enjoy reading with Tammy. We sit and chat and play games. And her house is air conditioned. Mother says we'll do that to our house some year, but I just can't imagine...

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Joy of Their YouthChapter 14

It was another two months "down the road" when this incident occurred between the "Fucking Foursome" and both Cindy and Sue were rapidly approaching "full-term" in their preganancies. They both looked it too -- Cindy and Sue were each so big in their advanced state of pregnancy that they looked like they were about ready to pop. But their sexual ardor and desires for sex were as high as ever -- just that their mobility and flexibility was somewhat limited from when they'd first gotten...

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“Here at Atlust, our main goal is creating solutions to help the betterment of society. At Atlust we believe a healthy society is a happy one that’s why we dedicate so much money into our pharmaceuticals” the video spokesperson said in a tone that was eerily cheerily. You had always hated these things they always felt cheap and disingenuous. While the video droned on about minor successes and cosmetics you tried to relax and focus on other things.

Mind Control
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I Seduced My Junior At Office

Hi naughty boys and girls….I am Neha and I am back with another true and pretty interesting story. For people who don’t know me please read story “My experience as nudist part 1 and part 2”. After a few encounters, this incident happened when I was working in a firm. I was promoted in senior position. After a fresh intake in our company, there were five fresher in my team and my PM wanted me to give them training. One of those five was a hot guy. He has muscular body and rest was girls. As...

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SISSYTOWN by Throne "This place is SO dull," Jerry complained histrionically, shaking his head and clenching his fists, as if the banality of Blandings Landing had driven him to the edge of rage. "Tell me about it," his buddy Hank said in angry agreement. "I would go along with ANYTHING if we could just have a little excitement." The two teens were sitting on a bench in the idyllic town square, where the grass was the perfect length and neatly planted flower beds had bloomed into...

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The Sea Lion

Memories of Alaska: The Sea Lion I have never been an exceptionally happy person. Since my too-serious childhood, this pattern has persisted into my adult life. I noticed that I was different at a young age, others seemed give themselves freely to the feral abandon of delight while I watched, nervously chewing at my fingertips and smiling when they did. It was not for a lack of trying that I was unhappy, indeed my attempts at contentment seemed so consuming that I ended most days exhausted and...

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The House Husband

by BrettJ © 2013 Simon Canavan was preparing a lovely meal for his family. He quite liked being a house husband. He was a neat freak, so cleaning and doing laundry wasn’t an issue. He was very organized, so everything in his home was precisely where it should be. He had been a chef for nearly 5 years, so he quite liked cooking for his family and their friends. He even had time to read or watch television or play music, because he was always so ahead of schedule. As far as Simon was concerned,...

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Porn Wis! I don’t have to tell you that there is a fuck load of porn out there just waiting for you to explore and jerk off to. Seriously, there is so much fucking porn to be watched on the internet that you can’t see it all. And that includes porn created and produced by the biggest companies in the industry.Now, even though places like OnlyFans and more amateur porn seem to steal the spotlight these days, don’t think that AAA porn is done. It’s still hot as fuck, and the production values...

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Swinger Vacation Day OnePart One

**Day One - Part One** I don't know about you other dads out there, but I’m a sucker when it comes to my daughter (Sofia). She has me wrapped around her little finger.I'm a successful man and have my own business with numerous staff. I hire, fire, and make important decisions on a daily basis, yet, I'm such a soft touch when it comes to my baby girl. She knows exactly how to play me to get what she wants, especially when it comes to spending my money!Take the other day for instance. She...


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