Inviting The New Neighbors To A BBQ free porn video

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I had divorced about 5 years ago; my ex having chosen to move to another city in the name of a significant career advancement, before ending up having an affair with a colleague. I blamed myself partly, because I had been reluctant to relocate and uproot myself from the lifestyle and friends. Moreover, being a humble, self-employed central heating technician, I had built up a fairly regular and sufficient client base to afford our home and was not enthusiastic about having to start over in a new city. Fortunately, I managed to keep the house, parting instead with one of my pension funds. Our daughter at 21 being away in university was upset by the divorce but seemed to accept the new future.

At first, being alone, I felt like a fish out of water and lost interest in socializing, but my friends rallied around, and I was soon back, a 45-year-old divorcee, taking my turn at being the social neighbor, hosting the occasional weekend BBQ. Despite the divorce, I regularly worked out to keep in shape, having weights at home and a membership at the local gym, going there whenever time and responsibilities permitted.

The house opposite mine had been up for sale for a while as the family had come into some money following the tragic death of their son in a car accident and had decided to start over in a new part of town; new owners moved in about a month back. They were a young couple in their early 20’s; he was usually a smartly dressed young man, fairly average in his looks in my humble opinion, the kind of guy you’d pass in the aisle at Walmart without a second look. His wife though was quite noticeable, they were clearly a mixed couple, she was slightly younger, I gauged about 22, a petite, lighter-skinned African American, but was distinctive in that she had a really pretty face, framed by long dark hair that hung below her shoulders, with a cute bang, and a slim figure with smallish breasts. She would often wear skirts and a t-shirt for work, so gauging by the bulge in her t-shirts, no more than a 34B with a slender waist and a cute little bubble butt. They both seemed to work and it seemed that he must already be on a decent salary from the car he drove, a late model BWM 3 series, his wife opting for a more modest, pre-owned Ford Fiesta. Invariably they both would leave early on their daily schedule, his wife arriving home around 6 each day, yet he would often return much later and on occasion, would be noticeably absent for several days.

One day, the doorbell rang; it was early, around 8am, so I went to see who had come to the door. The first I saw through the glass was a shadowy figure in a suit. “Mormons”, I thought to myself, ready to tell them it was way too early to be knocking at my door and besides, I wasn’t interested so leave me alone. As it happened, the guy in the suit turned out to be the young man from across the street. Apparently, he had seen my pickup parked outside and seeing that I was a heating engineer. He introduced himself as Dave Robinson and after the usual round of polite exchanges, he explained that his hot water, for some reason, had stopped working and asked me to take a look at it. He told me that his wife, Denise, or rather, he suggested that since we were neighbors, I call her Deni and not Mrs. Robinson, and that she would be staying home all day so he hoped I would find time to take a look. Keen to get a closer look at the young lady, I of course agreed. The whole conversation was somewhat brief, and he sped off to work. He seemed to be a reasonable young man.

I went back and had another cup of coffee, but since I actually had no appointments that day, I decided to call over the road and see what the problem was. I grabbed my tool bag from the truck and on arriving at the front door, duly rang the bell.

A few moments later, Deni opened the door, dressed in a pair of athletic shorts and simple, white t-shirt.

“Good morning Mrs. Robinson, I’m Gary Stevenson from across the street, how are you today?... your husband Dave told me you are having a problem with your hot water, so I came to take a look. How are you today?”

“Oh, call me Deni, all my friends call me that. I’m fine thanks. You?” She seemed a little nervous, no doubt still unfamiliar without really having the chance to get to know each other.

She opened the door wider and invited me in.

Up close, she looked adorably cute, a petite little thing, maybe only 5’ 4”, deep brown eyes, an endearing smile, and a somewhat bouncy personality. Her voice soft and almost childlike. I instantly took a liking to her. I couldn’t help but glance down to check out her t-shirt. Her bra clearly visible, I reconfirmed in my mind that she was at most a 32B, perfect given her small proportions. As she made her way down the passage to show me the way to the basement, not that I needed her to, I glanced her little bubble butt swaying and almost got an erection at the thought of tapping that. The soft scent of her perfume lingered in the air. Her husband sure was a lucky guy.

“Thanks, I’ll take it from here” I volunteered and descended the stairs.

The water heater was quite an old but popular model in these houses, so I was familiar with it and immediately sensed the problem. The thermocouple for the pilot light had gone. I went back upstairs and called out to Deni.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes, need to get a part, ‘think I have one in my truck”

A voice from upstairs filtered through the thin walls, “ok, leave the door open, and let yourself back in Mr. Stevenson, I’m just changing”.

“Call me Gary” I shouted back, stepping out to go to my truck. I searched through the various parts and brick-a-brac that cluttered the back of my truck and found what I was looking for. Returning moments later I made my way back down to the basement and soon had it the replacement part in place. Deni appeared at the top of the stairs and came down to see how I was doing. I smiled. She was wearing a pale whitish pink colored summer dress adorned with a small white floral print and little puffy short sleeves. The hemline came down to mid-thigh.

“All done” I said with a smile.

“Wow! That was fast” she replied.

I suggested to her that she go up to the kitchen and run some hot water to test that it was all working. She scampered off and up the stairs, the skirt part of her dress flopping up and down with each step. I couldn’t help but glance at her slender brown legs contrasting against the light color of the dress and as the skirt puffed out and bounced up; it afforded me a view of the little white panties she was wearing, albeit for only a few seconds but long enough for me to get instantly hard.

I stayed in the basement long enough to check that the burner fired up correctly and made my way up to the kitchen. She was smiling happily and reached on the countertop for her purse.

“What do I owe you?” she asked politely

“Not a thing… what are neighbors for, if not to lend a hand when needed?” I responded rhetorically. Actually, getting to see her up close and those slender legs of hers going up to those little white panties was payment enough for the short amount of time that it took me.

“How about a coffee?” she asked.

I accepted her invitation and she busied herself making a new brew. I took a seat at the kitchen table and we started casually chatting. She was quite the little chatterbox. I learned that she was only 21 and her husband Dave was 25. She worked at a nearby primary school and her husband worked for a software development company. After the coffee, which had been most welcome, I headed back over the road to my home.

That evening around 7:30pm the doorbell chimed again and when I went to check, there was Dave again, a bottle of wine in hand.

“Hi Mr Stevenson, I just wanted to say thank you for fixing the water heater… I hope you drink wine”.

“You’re both very welcome” I said accepting the bottle

“Care to join me in a glass?”

“No, I better get back, Deni has got dinner ready”

“Nice young lady”, I commented

“Yes, she’s very sweet… great with kids but usually shy with people she doesn’t know” he volunteered somewhat unnecessarily.

“Hey, I’m hosting a BBQ this weekend, we get together alternate weekends and this coming weekend it’s my turn… just people from the community and friends from down the street ‘will be a great chance for you both to get to know everyone”. I mentally crossed my fingers hoping he’d drag his little wife with him and pondered over the idea of her in a bikini.

“That would be great… sure thing… thanks for the invitation”

“See you Saturday night then”

I could tell he was edging to get home, so we said our goodbyes and I closed the door behind me.

The rest of the week passed by smoothly, after making responding to several repair calls, I set about getting in some supplies for the upcoming BBQ, steaks, ground beef to make burgers, hot dogs, several cases of beer, wine for the ladies, and sodas for the youngsters, and some extra spirits.

Saturday came around, and as usual, whenever it was my turn, I got busy with my BBQ routine, setting out extra tables and chairs around the pool. People slowly started to arrive, the women invariably bringing along some extra supplies, kids already in their swimsuits entertained themselves in the pool. The neighbors were mostly around my age, give or take five to ten years mostly with grown kids away in university or old enough to not be interested in hanging with the adult scene. That meant most of the kids were youngish teens and although I felt some guilt, I admit that I enjoyed voyeuristically watching the girls frolicking in the pool wearing nothing but skimpy bikinis. Invariably though, we enjoyed our get-togethers and the warm summer months were ideal, the sun not going down until 8, leaving behind a warm evening glow.

The guys had already cracked a few beers open, and I was busy cooking by the time Dave and Deni arrived. Dave was more casual than I was used to seeing him, wearing a pair of tan shorts and a white polo shirt, but my eyes were drawn mostly to Deni; she looked absolutely gorgeous. She had a light pink flowy skirt that hung to her calf, trimmed with white lace on the hem, and a figure hugging white, round-necked t-shirt that clung to her small breasts. Her hair was down and evidently freshly washed from the shiny appearance. There was something different and distinctive about Deni’s fresh look and I found myself becoming increasingly attracted to her. I greeted them warmly and handed Dave a beer, while the wives huddled around Deni, to welcome her into our group, immediately handing her a glass of white wine. Deni seemed a little uncomfortable being the sudden center of attention but seemed to be coping with it.

The party progressed through the evening, the food flying off my grill as fast as I could cook it, the kids consuming an abundant quantity of hot dogs, shivering slightly as they lined up dripping wet from the pool before devouring the food and jumping back in. The guys kept the drinks flowing, as did the wives and before long everyone was well lubricated. Even demure Deni was giggly. Dave had certainly lost his initially perceived stuffiness after consuming more than a few beers and Deni seemed have lost track of what she had drunk as the wives kept her glass topped up.

It was common during these get-togethers for people to bring along a contribution to the supplies and this occasion was no exception. Bowls of potato salad, mac and cheese, a bottle of wine, and even the odd bottle of high-strength tequila was not uncommon. This occasion was no exception and after everyone had eaten their fill, we relaxed, lounging around to chat.

After eating, it was common for a joint to be lit up and passed around, and today was no exception. One of the guys, Brian, along with his wife Anne, who always had been a bit of a pothead couple, had brought along a couple of trays of chocolate brownies, one of which was immediately demolished by the kids. The other, he kept a more protective eye over. Not surprisingly, I suspected these were laced with pot. He lit up a tote and passed it around, most of us taking a drag. Dave was more than willing to join in, but Deni absolutely refused. She seemed to be edging to get home when surprisingly, Anne cajoled her into eating one of her private brownies. Deni innocently accepted and munched her way through it, only to further surprise everyone by asking for a second.

After a couple of hours of jokes and friendly banter, those with kids made their excuses and left early, eventually dwindling down to Me, Brian, Anne, Dave, Deni, and two other couples sitting around in a small circle. Dave was quietly dozing, on the brink of falling fully asleep, presumably resulting from his excess of beer, good food, and his increasingly relaxed mood from the joints, while Deni seemed to be just starting to experience the effect of the brownies, manifested in spontaneous bouts of giggles for no apparent reason. A short while later, Brian and Anne decided it was time to go too and were saying their goodbyes, which prompted the other two couples to get ready to leave too.

Perhaps it was the effect of the joint, but as I returned to my chair, I impulsively picked up a rather large water gun that one of the kids presumably had inadvertently left behind. It was full of water and aiming it directly at Deni, squeezed the trigger. A long jet of water arced through the air and splattered Deni in the chest. She shrieked, her arms flailing wildly, trying to defend herself against the unexpected assault, followed almost immediately by uncontrolled hysterical laughter. I squeezed the trigger a second time, scoring a direct hit on her tits. As she continued to laugh, I couldn’t help but notice that her wet t-shirt had become quite transparent, revealing a small white bra, but even more noticeable were her dark, erect nipples that I could quite clearly make out. I was instantly hard. Deni was oblivious to this, so encouraged by her laughter, I hit her several more times. In the end, the front of her t-shirt was completely soaked.

Having satisfied by childish urge, I decided it was time and probably best that i got them safely home too. Neither of them could hold it together, Dave was quite wobbly on his legs and Deni had significant trouble even staying upright. After several failed attempts, I managed to get both on their feet and supported them with an arm around each, with Dave’s arm around my neck. Dave was quite heavy but was better able to walk than poor Deni. Fortunately, she was a lightweight in comparison. As I wrapped my arm around her back, my hand cupped one of her breasts. I could definitely feel her hard nipple in the palm of my hand. Rather haphazardly, we worked our way to the front and across the street to her front door. Deni fumbled for her keys, laughing each time as she tried to insert it into the lock. I couldn’t help because both hands were fully occupied, and I was not about to let go of her tit as by now my finger was working on her nipple through her t-shirt and bra.

Eventually, after several failed attempts, she somehow managed to unlock the door and we more or less stumbled inside.

“Come on, I’ll help you get Dave up to bed”, I offered, still being the mostly sober one.

Getting the two of them safely up the stairs was a challenge, but we made it and I dumped Dave the pair of them on top of the bed. Dave was mumbling his thanks, while Deni lay on the bed giggling, but seemed to swiftly to fall into a deep sleep. I slipped his shoes off and turned my attention to Deni. She was still awake, but her eyes were quite glazed.

Sometimes I think that weed really does lower our inhibitions because I impulsively said to her “let me help you out of those wet things”, to which she did her best to sit up and held her arms up over her head.

I couldn’t resist and grabbing the base of her shirt pulled it up over her head and arms, tossing it to the floor. I took her hand and pulled her to her feet, embracing her, I unhooked her little white bra behind her back and lowered the straps off her shoulders, letting it slip to the floor. I pulled her tightly against me and kissed her deeply, my tongue penetrating her lips, searching hers. She pushed against my chest, resisting, but she was definitely in no state to put up much of a fight. My hand reached for her exposed tits and I marveled at how firm but soft they were and how hard her nipples were. In that moment, all rational thought left. She punched at my chest, but in her intoxicated state she neither had the strength, nor wherewithal to do much. I continued to kiss her, squeezing her breasts and as I pinched her nipples, I sensed a slight moan.

Still holding her tightly to me, I started to kiss her neck, she had goosebumps on her arms and her breathing deepened slightly.

“no, Gary, no, please don’t”

“Stop, please Gary, please… Mr Stevenson, please no, stop”

Her voice soft, quiet, but serious.

I kept a firm grip on her back, holding her torso tightly against me, kissing her as I lowered my hand and my fingers worked to ruffle up the fabric of her skirt. As soon as it was far enough up her legs, I slipped my arm under the skirt and rubbed her pubic area through her panties, her pussy and clitoris easy to discern. Feeling my fingers on her pussy, she pushed back harder, albeit in a futile attempt to dissuade me; I could tell she was getting increasingly horny.

Again, she pushed against me, her hand gripping my forearm, trying to press it down away from her pussy. Between breaths she kept repeating “no, stop, please Gary, I don’t… I can’t… I’m married… stop… don’t do this”. Tears were in her eyes and one trickled down her cheeks.

I slipped my fingers inside her panties and was surprised to find her pubic area had only the thinnest whisp of pubic hair. I found her clitoris and played with it tenderly, circling, flicking it gently, rubbing it. Deni’s moans became more discernible, her pussy lips noticeably wetter as I inserted a finger inside her. She was tight, even for my finger, but her wetness enabled me to slide in easily. Her body was on fire and craving sex.

I turned her to face the bed and forced her down firmly, so that her knees were on the floor and her torso was flat against the bed, one hand sufficient to hold her small body in place. With my spare hand I lifted her skirt up over her exposed back, revealing her cute little bubble butt, now covered only by a thin pair of soft white cotton panties that contrasted against her naturally darker skin, the front of her skirt hanging over the bed to the floor. I held her in place with one hand firmly gripping the back of her neck, before lowering my zipper and unfastening my pants, enabling them to slide down my legs to my ankles. I released my raging cock through the opening in my boxer shorts and it immediately sprang to attention. I wrapped my fingers around the shaft and pumped it steadily until frothy white pre-cum built up on the tip, a glob hung down, starting to form a strand. Deni was twisting her head, wriggling, her hands grasping at the bed covers, trying desperately to claw herself away from me, but I had a tight hold of her. She grabbed hold of Dave’s shoulder and shook him vigorously.

“Dave, Dave, wake up, for god’s sake wake up” she called out futilely; He managed a murmur but Dave was well out of it.

With one hand holding down the back of her neck, my other pulled the gusset of her panties to the side and moved so I could rub the tip of my cock against her pussy lips, lubricating both with a mixture of her own wetness and my pre-cum.

I pushed forward trying to get the engorged swollen head inside her; the entrance to her pussy was almost virginally tight. I pushed harder with my hips and I heard Deni take a large gasp of air as the head parted her opening and popped inside. Another firm push and a couple of inches managed to force their way inside. She was incredibly tight, but our fluids helped me stretch her open. Deni started to cry. I pulled back slightly and pushed my hips forward again, sinking in still further. Bit by bit I eased myself inside her, the walls of her pussy gripping my cock like an undersized glove.

I bottomed out, still leaving an inch outside, and started to gently stroke in and out, her lubrication flowing faster. The feeling of being inside her was incredible. It had been too long since I had been inside a woman, and Deni’s petite frame and youthfulness just felt like nothing else. I figured that Dave was probably the only guy she’d ever been with and I wanted a piece of her, needed a piece of her. Rational thought had left for the evening.

I continued to fuck her, my strokes getting faster and felt her starting to stretch to accommodate my full size. As ridiculous as it seems, for a brief moment, my mind pondered the absurd notion of whether I could fuck her so deep that I could get a blow job at the same time, but this was just a fleeting fantasy.

My imagination returned to a minimum of normality when I realized Deni was no longer crying and struggling. Instead, she was whimpering and moaning. I eased the pressure of my hand on the back of her neck and instead of trying to escape, she remained there, her hands in tight fists, tightly grasping the bed cover. Her back was heaving, her breathing deepened, and suddenly I felt her pussy spasming around my cock, clenching it tighter as she orgasmed; fluids flooded out of her pussy. To feel her orgasm on my cock was a sensation like nothing I had ever felt before.

I decided to take a risk and rolled her onto her back. She lay there looking up at me with bewilderment in her eyes, her hair now matted hung either side, tear stains streaked her cheeks, but her face was so different than i had expected; not angry, not detached, her mouth partly open. Far from detaching herself from the nightmare of being forced, she was engaged, staring dreamily into my eyes.

Her little tits were so perfect, small but perfectly shaped and proportioned to her body, the skin slightly paler than the rest of her face and neck, dark brown nipples, surprisingly large were swollen and erect, rose and fell with her breathing. Her skinny little abdomen, with her flat, almost concave stomach, made me think that I could wrap my two large hands around it and get them to meet in the middle.

I kept fucking her, slowly, deliberately, steadily, with long strokes. Each time that I pushed in her eyes would widen, gazing into mine, her whimpering becoming more intense. She gasped and closed her eyes as another orgasm swept over her. She remained there, twitching, with her eyes closed for several moments. She turned her head, briefly glancing at her husband’s sleeping form before returning her gaze to me, laying there almost in innocence, compliant, accepting me being inside her.

I bent lower and took one of her perfect nipples into my lips, sucking it, nibbling, suckling on her, causing yet another whimper to escape from her lips. I turned my attention to her other breast, and then took almost her entire breast into my mouth, my tongue flicking and massaging her nipple. I pushed in deep and she whimpered loudly.

She started saying things quietly, almost indiscernible, “oh my god, oh my god”

I pulled back and took hold of her ankles with both hands, raising them over my shoulders before leaning forward again, bending her almost in two, letting me sink even deeper into her.

Deni cried out, her head rocking from side to side before gasping for air. I pushed into her hard, making sure she felt every inch of my cock as yet another orgasm overwhelmed her body, leaving her shaking.

Her hand reached up and she entwined her fingers in my hair as if to silently signal enough, but I kept going. Instead, I picked up the pace, my strokes becoming more urgent, when suddenly she must have realized that I was about to cum. She started saying stuff to me.

“No… stop, please don’t cum in me… please… please, not inside”

A look of fear was in her face and I knew the risk, but I was desperate for release. I pounded her pussy hard, trying not to shake the bed so hard that I woke her husband from his intoxicated slumber, but to be honest, by that point, he was the least of my concerns. My balls were full and it had been years since I had felt the joy of being inside a woman and many more since I had felt someone as young and tight as Deni. The instinctual call of nature overwhelmed reason. The hard pounding her pussy was receiving was clearly overwhelming for Deni and she erupted into an intensely powerful orgasm, her juices squirting, soaking her panties and skirt, spraying my thighs. The way her tight little pussy clamped down and milked my cock was too much for me and despite her pleas, I pushed inside hard and erupted inside her. Seemingly endless pulses of cum shot inside, squelching out around the lips of her pussy. I was shuddering, almost completely out of breath, my cock buried deep inside her, pulsing, twitching, emptying whatever few drops remained in my shaft. The intensity of my own orgasm left my legs shaking, my breathing hard; I collapsed on top of her, my semi-erect cock remaining inside.

We remained locked together in complete silence for several minutes, except for the sound of our breathing, although to me, it felt like an eternity. I raised myself up on my arms and looked into her face. She gazed back at me, silent, her eyes blinking, her face set in a look that conveyed a mix of fear and bewilderment, like a deer caught in the bright glow of car headlights. Her only movement being as her arms went to cover her exposed breasts.

I felt myself soften and as I withdrew, I looked down to see her partly gaping pussy, her panties sliding partially back across half covering her pussy. A trickle of cum seeped out, wetting the edge of the gusset before trickling down her ass and dripping onto the back of her skirt. Rational thought started to find its way back into my mind, replacing intoxication and lust with the reality that I had just fucked my neighbor’s young wife. The guilt, ramifications, and all the possible consequences that were no doubt, soon about to follow, became a constant internal dialog inside my mind.

Deni remained there on her back, motionless, speechless, eyes still blinking as I tucked myself back in my boxer shorts and pulled up my pants. I headed for the bedroom door and was just about to flick the light off when I looked back at her semi naked body lying on the bed. She was staring at the ceiling, her mind clearly elsewhere. She still had the most perfect body in my eyes.

I flicked off the bedroom light and headed back across the street to my own home. I finally lay in bed that night, but it was impossible to sleep; my mind continued to debate what had happened and pondered how soon I should expect the police at my door.


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guy nails hot busty babe at summer BBQ

Invited to a summer BBQ at my friend Suzy’s house, I probably would have taken a pass if not for an inkling that a voluptuous woman, whom I briefly met a year and a half ago, would be there. Randi and I flirted a bit and made meaningful eye contact, but she lived out of town. However, I created an indelible picture of her in my mind, and she also had a very wonderful and soft scent. I got horny just thinking about Randi, and I whacked off many a time with visions of her huge tits smothering my...

3 years ago
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I’d been to a friends BBQ in the afternoon & we was all drinking. I had a little to much & felt unwell. I went and lay down on their bed and woke @ 7:30pm.I was a little startled to where I was at first, I began to walk downstairs and I could hear my husband chatting still. I went and found him and apologised for sleeping so long. I was handed a drink and we all continued drinking. It got to about 10 and the guest started to go home. My husband made the suggestion that we do to. I went...

3 years ago
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4 of July BBQ

It was the forth of July and I was with my husband. We had been invited to a BBQ by one of hubby's co workers. I had never met Rick or his wife. My husband Jay drove and at this point I had no idea of how the day would end.We arrived at a nice house and walked around the side. We were the last to arrive and the party had already started. Jay  introduced me to Rick, and he reminded me alot of hubby. Ricks wife Angie walked up and introduced herself. The weather was hot so I was dressed in a cute...

3 years ago
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sister In Laws BBQ

so my sister in law is getting divorced cause her husband cheats all the timedude is a prick, teri my sister in law is 48 long dirty blonde hair, blue eyesamazing 44DD tits nice curvy ass, just a banging body she wears glasses tooso fucking hot, but she is born again and sex with her would be out of the question, or so i thoughtthe bbq is awesome having a blast drinking it up getting horny as hell but im always so, so on this day my s*s is wearing tight little blue jeans shortsand a tight...

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As the weather was okay we decided to have an afternoon / early evening bbq and invited a few friends.Two couples and two of my mates i used to work with were invited,drinks were sorted,food was prepared and all in the world was fine.The afternoon became the evening and we were all just sat around merrily chatting.One couple(friends of my Mrs)had to leave early to visit a relative and they gave one of my mates a lift to the station as they went.At around 9.00pm Karen and Mick our other couple...

2 years ago
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family BBQ

one more time with my cousin well its your boy tommy here, so i go to our big family bbq this past weekend, had a good time, good food,cold beer,hot sex.i have not seen my cousin in a long time, she was my first fuck and it was good. now my cousin moved away and was married with k**s, i saw her and her husband come to the party and man she looked amazing, long brown curly hair,green eyes,big titties,fine ass,she about 5'6 thin, just hot man so hot. ...

1 year ago
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Being a student isn't the easiest thing in the world. Most of the days it's classes then studying and sleeping. But having a car is in some ways the saving grace. I can pick up some extra pocket money by giving rides to the stores, malls, or clubs. When I want to go home for a visit I put up a note in the student union and I get a couple of riders. On a good trip I make gas money plus some extra. There is one trip I would like to tell you about. This trip I only got one rider but she gave...

1 year ago
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New neighbors

About 18 months ago, the Campbell's, our neighbors since we moved to the neighborhood three years ago, put their house up for sale. My wife Brooke and I were anxious about who might move in as the new next door neighbors. Sam and his wife Donna were a little older than us and both of their k**s had left the home.Donna had wanted to downsize now that the k**s were gone and informed Brooke and I that they were moving. We had grown extremely close to both of them and they practically treated us...

4 years ago
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New Neighbors

Another favorite!-----------------------------------------by watchdwagAbout 18 months ago, the Campbell's, our neighbors since we moved to the neighborhood three years ago, put their house up for sale. My wife Brooke and I were anxious about who might move in as the new next door neighbors. Sam and his wife Donna were a little older than us and both of their k**s had left the home.Donna had wanted to downsize now that the k**s were gone and informed Brooke and I that they were moving. We had...

3 years ago
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A normal suburban family of three gets new neighbors

Bonnie entered the house from the garage carrying two bags of groceries. “There’s a sold sign on the Mitchell’s house,” she told me, excited. “Really! That was fast.” The Mitchells had lived next door for about three years. They were great neighbors. I really liked Stan. It seemed like he had two of everything. Anything I ever needed around the house he always had it. I’d miss good old Stan. Carrie was okay, too. Kind of plain though....

4 years ago
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New Neighbors

unknown authorMy wife Vicky is a little shy and naive, but if a fantasy takes seed in her mind she will probably lose herself in it. That is exactly what happened when our new neighbors wife got in her head. Our sex life was anything but boring. But this time it wasn't just a fantasy that stayed in our bedroom for in the weekend, this one changed everything. We had our share of fantasy but she had never show interest in other men, even though there were plenty of men interested in her. She...

2 years ago
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Brookes New Neighbors

White BBW dominates sexy Black couple. The air was palpable with a thick, heavy heat. It dripped off of Brooke’s sweet mocha colored skin like warm honey. She stretched her long limbs in the lounge chair and rolled onto her stomach, day dreaming about what the summer might hold for her. Nothing of notable interest had presented itself as of yet, but Brooke knew. Something was coming. Her thick black hair fell across her face and stuck to the thin sheen of sweat there. She brushed it away with...

3 years ago
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Inviting the new neighbors to a BBQ 2

Sunday dragged by; it felt more like a week than a day. Not even an emergency call to fix someone’s heating or air conditioning, which in one way was a good thing because I was in no fit state to concentrate on fixing anything let alone drive somewhere… I couldn’t possibly have concentrated. I wanted to apologize to her, but that would have been crazy; no way I could just knock at their door and say “Im sorry I raped you last night”. I was convinced that either the police would come to arrest...

1 year ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

3 years ago
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A past summer day and our neighbors younger brothe

My wife and I had only been married a couple years. It was a summer day and I was at work. I got a call from my wife which was very rare because I had to be paged and walk to a small office to take the call. She told me; I just had an encounter with the next door neighbor’s brother. I remember seeing him before coming and going since our driveways parallel each other. I asked her what happened. She said; I saw the neighbor outside so I put on my yellow and white striped mini dress. (I had...

2 years ago
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Our New Neighbors

Our old neighbors had finally sold their house and moved south to enjoy their retirement.One day when I arrived home from work, my wife told me that the new neighbors had moved in. "What do they looked like?" I asked."They are about our age, and it doesn't look like they have any kids," she replied. "They are average looking, and I'd say that the wife is pretty. She does have a nice body; you'll probably like that. Her husband is about a medium build.""That's nice. Have you met them yet?" "I...

Wife Lovers
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My New Neighbors Chapter 4 Summer School

My New Neighbors - Ch. 4: Summer SchoolThe summer went on and my infatuations became inflamed. To say I was friendly with the neighbors was the understatement of the century. Yet it wasn’t just sexually based. I actually got to know the whole family and I ended up spending a lot of time with them, whether it was outings to the beach, dinners on their back patio, or an amazing trip to the amusement park where I ended up getting a blowjob from Jesse while riding the Ferris wheel. The view was...

2 years ago
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Inviting the new neighbors to a BBQ 3

Deni was quickly swept away by the wives and I settled down back into a chair to continue my already open beer. I have to admit that it was a somewhat surreal feeling, to be sitting around with Dave, sharing a beer, knowing that I had impregnated his wife. The BBQ followed it’s usual pattern, eating and drinking too much while the various guests exchanged banter. Dave appeared unusually cheerful and was enjoying a liberal quantity of beer, having downed several already. Deni however had...

2 years ago
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Our New Neighbors Ch04 Maxines Liberation

Introduction: We finally meet Mom. Boy do we ever… This is my favorite chapter so far. I love writing from (Mom) Maxines perspective. She is one of the hottest characters Ive ever written, as youll learn in coming chapters. The best stuff this time might not be the sex as much as the tension and the open discussion of taboo. I hope it gets you off! If this one is too slow, just wait for Ch5, which is pure hardcore. When I pulled into the driveway after a long, hard day at work, I knew no one...

1 year ago
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Spied On By The New Neighbors

Cody: The Allerton’s home sold two months ago. We missed their step-siblings, Frank and Kate, with whom we had discovered the joys of of swinging. We kept looking for chances to engage in sexual relations when we knew somebody could be watching.The house was purchased by a youthful African-American married couple. He was tall and muscular while his wife was a petite light-skinned woman. One look at them and we entertained hopes of luring them to join us in carnal activities.After they had...

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Spied On By The New Neighbors

Cody: The Allerton’s home sold two months ago. We missed their step-siblings, Frank and Kate, with whom we had discovered the joys of of swinging. We kept looking for chances to engage in sexual relations when we knew somebody could be watching.The house was purchased by a youthful African-American married couple. He was tall and muscular while his wife was a petite light-skinned woman. One look at them and we entertained hopes of luring them to join us in carnal activities.After they had...

2 years ago
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New Neighbors Awaken Passions Volcano

"I wonder if they sold the house next door," Eileen said, half to herself. Seated at the breakfast table, she and I were enjoying that leisurely extra cup of coffee. Since it was Saturday, neither of us had to go to work. "There were some people looking at it when I came home from work last evening," I said. "Who knows, maybe we'll be lucky and get some nice neighbors. I wonder what they'll be like? " "I have no idea, "I said. "But, it will be nice, to have neighbors again." At...

1 year ago
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Tasty New Neighbors

Paul and Natalie had been married for 17 years. He was 44 and she was 42. He still loved looking at his wife's body even after 3 kids. She was tall, blonde, long smooth legs and amazing 36c breasts with long thick nipples from nursing the children. He watched her getting ready for bed. In the mirror he could see her thick bushy pubic hair. He loved how it covered her across her low stomach and got fuller as it disappeared between her legs. Her ass was perfectly shaped for rear entry. Everything...

3 years ago
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Captain Janeway Captains Slave

Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ???    ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...

4 years ago
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New Neighbors

Linda and I were spending a quiet Saturday night at home watching TV together. My eyelids were starting to get heavy and I wasn't very interested in what we were watching. At one point I looked over at Linda, she was smiling and I could tell whatever she was smiling about wasn't what was on TV. What are you thinking I ask her? Oh nothing was her reply. Then after a few minutes she said I wonder whatever happened to Dave and Sandy? Dave and Sandy now those were folks I hadn't thought about in...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

2 years ago
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New Wife New Neighbors

Ok, Here it goes. The sex was good healthy and normal. Maybe we were doing it three or four times a week and at least twice a day. Hey, we were newly weds. This is what sex should be like. I was taking my shower before bed and noticed the neighbors window was right in my view. I pulled the shade down, I didn't want him or her to see me naked. I pulled the shade over maybe an inch, just enough for me to see what they were doing. my husband knocked at the bathroom door and I got...

1 year ago
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New Wife New Neighbors

Introduction: I dont even know why I am here. All you guys want is a hard on and trust me I am belittleing myself replying to you. I feel silly even writing this. I just got married a few months ago. I am so in love with him. We have sex all the time like we should. i just dont know what happened but if you can tell me after I tell you be my guest. Ok, Here it goes. The sex was good healthy and normal. Maybe we were doing it three or four times a week and at least twice a day. Hey, we were...

4 years ago
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The New Neighbors

The New Neighbors August 11-18,1999 Written by Erica Wright The date above is correct. I thought this file was long lost but came across it when going through some old zip disks. Enjoy! *** This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! If you're not an adult please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content, if you proceed I will not be held responsible. *** Chapter 1 My wife and I wondered who bought the small house...

3 years ago
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Inviting the new neighbors to a BBQ 4 Repost

“I don’t even want him to touch me anymore” said Deni, breaking the silence, a somewhat random thought escaping her lips, “but I can’t not let him”. “I know honey, I understand” I said, trying my best to be understanding, not that I could stand the thought of him fucking her either. “and we’re going to have a baby”, she added, “I’m so happy it’s your baby and not his” I kissed her lovingly, holding her tight to me and she kissed me back, a tear running down her cheek, soaking into the...

2 years ago
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Inviting the new neighbors to a BBQ 4

“I don’t even want him to touch me anymore” said Deni, breaking the silence, a somewhat random thought escaping her lips, “but I can’t not let him”. “I know honey, I understand” I said, trying my best to be understanding, not that I could stand the thought of him fucking her either. “and we’re going to have a baby”, she added, “I’m so happy it’s your baby and not his” I kissed her lovingly, holding her tight to me and she kissed me back, a tear running down her cheek, soaking into the...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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New neighbors

My name is raj i was 30 and i live with my girlfriend meeta and her best friend sweta. Meeta and i had been dating for 4 years. She is 34-24-36, 5’5” and had straight black hair. Sweta was 5’3” had shorter black hair measured 34-26-32. Meeta and i shared a very openly sexual relationship. We loved to experiment in all possible scenarios. Meeta had a fetish for other women and so we had enjoyed many group sex encounters. Our roommate sweta loved to join us in this regularly and we all were...

1 year ago
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New Neighbors

My name is Josh I was 20 and I live with my girlfriend Ashley and her best friend Pamela. Ashley and I had been dating for 4 years. She is 34-24-36, 5’5” and had straight black hair. Pamela was 5’3” had shorter black hair measured 34-26-32. Ashley and I shared a very openly sexual relationship. We loved to experiment in all possible scenarios. Ashley had a fetish for other women and so we had enjoyed many group sex encounters. Our roommate Pamela loved to join us in this regularly and we all...

Group Sex
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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

3 years ago
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The New Neighbors

  It was late summer and all of my buddies were either on holidays or working at crappy low paying jobs. I had just turned eighteen and felt every hormone tingle in my body. I had been a small boy growing up, not attracting attention from girls, but over the last year or two I had developed, in more ways than one. I had sprouted to above six feet and, with the help of my father's weight machine, put some muscle on formally thin frame. After football practise the guys would tease me in the...

4 years ago
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Maggie a New LifestyleChapter 4 The Daughterrsquos Neighbors

Pam and Jim had, of course, met their next-door neighbors, a couple about five years older than themselves. They had developed into “intimate” neighbors not too long after the “training” which had opened up Pam and Jim to the richness of a polyamorous lifestyle. Peggy was a stay-at-home mom with two kids in school so was looking for activity to keep her occupied. One afternoon she was in the back yard and heard unmistakable fucking sounds from the other side of the fence. She found a crack...

3 years ago
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Our New Neighbors Ch04 Maxines Liberation

When I pulled into the driveway after a long, hard day at work, I knew no one was expecting me home, since even I had forgotten that I had traded my second shift with another nurse who needed a day off later in the week. Delighted by the surprise, I headed home to enjoy some relaxing time off. It wasn’t unusual for my husband’s car to be in the driveway even while he was at work, since he often carpooled with a neighbor, but I was horny and I privately hoped he might actually be home. When I...

1 year ago
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The New Neighborshellip

I watched the movers bringing things in all day trying to get a peek at who would be moving in next door, but just couldn’t seem to catch a glimpse. The truck came and went and that was that, so I moved on with my day. As I was busying myself tidying up the house a bit I suddenly heard a knock on the door. Opening it I see a beautiful sweet new face staring back at me a bit shy, but welcoming. She explains that she and her husband just moved in and she just wanted to introduce herself. Ecstatic...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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New Neighbors 1

Mike Miller woke up that first day of summer and two things happened at the same time. First he was excited to not have to get up right away and second he had a massive morning woody. So like any teen boy he started to stroke his cock and loved the feeling of his balls tingling as his mind began to think of different women that he would love to fuck.There were the usual ones that he went to school with or that lived in the neighborhood. Then for some reason his mind went to some of his mom's of...

3 years ago
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Our New Neighbors Ch02 Claras Introduction

Introduction: The saga continues. This time we meet Alyssas dad and Trevors daughter, Clara. The next several chapters only get hotter and hotter, but this one is hot enough to burn, I promise. The next day was Sunday, which meant my wife Maxine was working a 12-hour shift at the hospital and I was home ostensibly keeping an eye on Clara, who basically came and went as she chose all that summer. My son Matt was off at the skate park again, as usual, and I was back in the garage, finishing...

2 years ago
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New Neighbors

After living in a small town for around 30 years my wife took a job an hour away in the city. I was ready to move anyway so we bought a house about 10 miles from her work and we moved. We have been here a year and we have great neighbors everyone kept to themselves for the most part. Chat when we saw each other outside and things like that. Tom, my neighbor on the right side of our home caught me outside and told me that he was going to be moving. He found a smaller place where he wouldn't...

4 years ago
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New Neighborspt1

After living in a small town for around 30 years my wife took a job an hour away in the city. I was ready to move anyway so we bought a house about 10 miles from her work and we moved. We have been here a year and we have great neighbors everyone kept to themselves for the most part. Chat when we saw each other outside and things like that. Tom, my neighbor on the right side of our home caught me outside and told me that he was going to be moving. He found a smaller place where he wouldn't...

2 years ago
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Good Neighbors Chapter 5

Todd walked out to get his mail and happened to meet Zach, who was walking up and down his sidewalk without the aid of a cane or crutches. Todd walked over to him, greeted him and walked along with him as they caught up with each other. Todd knew that Zach was making steady progress, but didn't realize that he was now getting around without assistance."Life is getting better every day, every week," Zach said, sounding encouraged. "I gave up the crutches and cane about two weeks ago and today is...

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