How It Started free porn video

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Hi, We are Liz and Pete. We have been married for 20 years I'm forty and Liz my wife is now thirty nine. By most people's standards around here we are quiet and sedate and some would say naive and boring. They would be wrong because we have a secret. It's a secret that is shared with certain others. Confused? I'll explain.

It started one day, some time ago now, when I came home from work and as we ate and talked Liz told me about her day.

I went up the road for a coffee today the man who Sarah used to clean house for.

Oh? said I

He doesn't have a wife, she replied, He's been divorced a while.

Right, I said wondering about this, So was it just you and he?

Well yes! answered my wife looking perplexed.

She didn't understand why I might be a little alarmed maybe thats why some people think we are naive. I didn't enlighten her and asked how she had got to know him.

Sarah cleans for him, and he comes into the office and we got chatting. I have talked to him several times so he asked me round for coffee.

Well I didn't question her further or make any comment but I started to get pictures and thoughts in my head. Was the man just friendly or would he look at my wife in a sexual way?

For the next two days it prayed on my mind and I found to my surprise I began to get an erection when I wondered if she could be tempted by this man. The thought of her in the house alone with him caused me to have weird feelings. Although I felt jealous that she may have grown to like him too much and scared she might let him make a pass at her, at the same time it turned me on in a funny way. My heart pounded with fear but also excitement at the same time.

On the third evening I asked her the obvious question.

Have you seen Rob lately? I said trying my best to sound chilled out and casual.

Oh yes! she answered, I met him for a drink in the pub when I came out of the slimming club!

My stomach turned with anxiety, You never mentioned it!

Well, I didn't think I needed to , I told you I go to Robs for an hour when I can.

To avoid a row and chew over what she had said I kept quiet. Surely she wouldn't tell me she went on a regular basis if she had something to hide - by bedtime though I had to talk about it. We lay in bed and I lay facing her while she had her back to me.

I bet this Rob is a bit of a flirt with you sometimes isn't he? I asked in what I thought was a light hearted way.

Not really, she said quietly laughing softly. Sometimes he compliments me on how I look, and he's very caring and friendly towards me.

My heart thumped there it was again jealousy and excitement mixed together. My penis immediately went very hard and I had to move away from her slightly to avoid her noticing.

What do you mean what does he say? I asked nervously.

Well he says I look good if he likes my clothes he thinks I'm a fool for letting you and the k**s treat me the way you do.

Pictures came into my mind and I pressed for more information.

"How do you mean he's caring?"

"Well" she said,Me and Sarah were talking about you and how you don't help out like her husband does, y'know, doing housework and sharing jobs - and he said why do I stand for that, he wouldn't treat me like that"

What else do you both talk about?

She said just everyday topics and I was becoming bored and impatient.

He must flirt with you more than you say if not at the office, then when alone with you. Do you sit next to him or across from him?

Why on earth are you asking me that? she demanded loudly but grinning as she spoke.

There was an embarrassing silence then she told me her voice had lowered and I wondered whether she could read my thoughts.

Mostly I sit across from him sometimes next to him. He sometimes puts his arm around me.

The picture came into my head and I imagined how close they must have been.

She turned toward me and kissed me,Are you jealous?

She laughed and moved against my cock I could sense her surprise on how hard it was. She made a noise and putting her hand down under the covers she guided it to her pussy. I was certainly happy to fuck her but she hadn't answered me.

So whats your answer then? I demanded as she wriggled her hips.

I could feel her breath on my cheek then she whispered in my ear.

Yes - He has been married after all and he's just like most other men..

As I fucked her I answered her, Yes but this one you're alone with you know he has sexual thoughts about you and you don't mind.

Neither of us knew whether that was a statement or a question so I asked.

Does it excite you when men look at you like that?

Yes, she answered,Why shouldn't it?

I was lost for words and the effect it had on me was tremendous. I fucked her like there was no tomorrow and she responded in the best way. It was probably one of the best fucks we had ever had like - made the top of the charts! Number one!

We eventually dozed off but it wasn't long before I had recovered and those images appeared once again. I saw her sitting there showing herself off in the mans house and my dick rose and arousal grew. It was as though she was waiting, ready for another fuck as she put her arms round me and kissed my neck. This wasn't something that normally happened. Then, unexpectedly she spoke to me again.

You're not mad are you because I meet Rob for a coffee?

I wasn't sure to be honest, my feelings were a little mixed up but I said not.

Not if you are honest with me - I'm a bit scared you'll do something behind my back.

I never said just what but later her answer would give me lots to think about.

I promise I won't and I'll tell you if you ask me what we talk about. I'll tell you everything.

I couldn't resist asking her the next question.

Everything even if I ask you if he has been looking up your skirt? Or what top you had on?

I'll tell you everything,I like going I admit that but I wouldn't run off with him or anything.

Then she added to her admission and spoke quietly and slowly knowing it could be explosive!

I do enjoy the way he admires me it makes me feel good. Don't stop me going,I won't tell you any lies ,I promise!

Do you sometimes wear stuff especially for him , low cut tops?, I was becoming quite turned on by now.

She answered thoughtfully as though such a thing had never occurred to her but wished it had, No I've never done that.

Somehow the conversation came to an end and was replaced by simple and straightforward sexual intercourse , though it was the images in my mind that made this all the more enjoyable. Something too was going on in Liz's thoughts as she was far more passionate and intense than usual , perhaps it was thoughts of what she might do with the neighbour.

She seemed to have gotten into a habit of visiting this guy's house for a coffee about twice a week , either morning or evenings after work, when she went shopping, It was when she said they sat in the house that being alone with him that got me to thinking. He was a presentable guy from what she had said, and I figured he must have normal urges so the temptation would be there to make a pass at my wife.

It was after a couple of weeks of me finding out about her visiting and asking her about it usually in bed when she put a certain question to me that left me stunned.

Would you be annoyed if I told you I had dressed to please Rob ,to tease him a little?

I caught my breath and tried to keep calm, Why is that what you have been doing?

Well you are always asking me what I wore you seem more interested in that than knowing what we talked about sometimes.

She turned to face me and lay looking into my eyes ,then she asked me, You get aroused thinking about me in Rob's house don't you? You like to think I flash my tits a bit for him.

I felt quite bashful and was scared to answer at first wondering if it was wise to admit she was right.

I suppose I do in a way it's hearing you almost admit to me things that well sexy things. Yeah I wonder what you do in his house and if he makes a pass at you and whether you try to tease him.

So does it turn you on thinking about me being naughty not as though I have?

She gave me lots of little kisses on my lips and cheek then let her tongue tickle my neck.

I decided to tell her the truth and confess my kink

Yes it does sometimes , I sometimes imagine what you might get up to. What would you do if he did make a pass at you?

Now the ball was in her court and I would be able to tell if she lied or held back would she be as honest?

I'm not sure,- she was stalling then she said, I suppose if he tried to kiss me I would be tempted to let him. If he just lunged at me in a clumsy fashion then it would turn me off! If I teased him purposely then came home and told you would you be mad or would it excite you?

As she asked the question her hand went under the covers to my cock and she found it very hard.

I think you have your answer!I told her in a loud whisper.

She became very passionate indeed and was all over me,the admission had certainly turned her on! Many pictures ran through my mind as we kissed and she pulled on my foreskin then I just simply came out with it.

Why don't you do it next time you go round?

She never answered at first then she whispered,Are you sure about it?

The implication of what we were about to agree on was to both us quite mind boggling ,and it was very clear indeed how much we were aroused!

We never actually mentioned it again for a day or two. That night we had gone on to enjoy amazingly satisfying sex enhanced by our thoughts of doing something that was quite daring. The following morning we seemed to have both needed time to think and chew over the things we had said and admitted. As each day passed the feelings of excitement grew stronger and each evening when I asked if she'd seen Rob that day my spirits deflated a little when she told me no.

Then one evening her answer was a yes ,she had told me she had been shopping, and had met him in Tescos coffee shop.

What, arranged or bumped into him? I asked

Arranged she said ,will you shave my fanny for me?

I was dumbfounded, just like that! Will you shave my fanny for me? and for the rest of the evening I was unsettled � and a little aroused too. By ten thirty she asked if I was OK and I grabbed her and held her close. We went up stairs and she had a shower while I got the shaving gear ready.

We talked about it while I shaved her, then I fucked her hard, it was the best sex we'd had for a long time!

The next night, I picked her up from work as usual, and she told me it was on. She had a meeting, but was going to leave early to go to Robs.

She prepared dinner, then went for a shower and to get changed. She went off for her meeting and was gone for about 2 hours. I was like a cat on a hot tin roof! Pacing up and down, the minutes felt like hours!

When she came home, it was apparent I was anxious, she said are you ok?

yes I said, It's just that I feel a bit nervous about what you told me , going to meet Rob like that.

She calmed me down and stroked my head then said, Shall we go to bed and I'll tell you what happened?

I lay in bed having many thoughts while she showered again, then when she slipped in beside me I could tell she was in the mood for sex.

I decided to try your suggestion, she said in a low husky voice, You said why didn't I tease Rob and try to turn him on so I have.

I began to breathe heavily and she gently told me to stay calm as she sexily kissed and caressed me then her hand went to find my cock as though to check if it was hard it was.

I wore clothes especially for that purpose to turn him on.

So you did turn him on how much did you show?

I sounded nervous and almost frantic but she just kept calmly kissing and stroking me. She put her mouth to my ear and whispered her story slowly for maximum effect.

When I went into his house and he told me to take off my coat and sit down his eyeballs nearly popped out. I have seen him look at me in a sexual way more times than I admitted to you. He does make lots of comments about my body and sometimes we do talk about sex quite a bit.

So has he ever made a pass at you then? I asked demandingly my heart was now thumping hard wondering if she had already betrayed me.

Once well a couple of times to be honest but only to give me a peck and a little squeeze. A few times I have let him keep his arm around my waist while he talks to me and he gives me lots of little kisses on my cheek. Just once did he suddenly kiss me on the lips but it was only a short one.

My mind spun at this revelation,So you didn't stop him or complain?

No, she said simply.

I take it then that things have gone a little further after he saw you this morning? I asked slowly and calmly.

Yes, she answered, A bit more happened today.

She cuddled up to me and slowly stroked my cock letting the head touch her skin at its most sensitive spot.

I teased him terribly sitting across from him and letting my knees accidentally fall open or swinging one leg quite wide. We talked normally about things and drank our coffee but I could tell his mind was on other matters.

Her voice always changed and became more husky when she was about to say something that she thought would excite me more.

I leaned over the arm of the chair sideways to pick up a magazine from the floor and it made my skirt ride up showing most of my bottom.

He did nothing but when it was time to go and I stood up he grabbed hold of me not hard or violently but he was so turned on. I could feel his cock pressing against me.

What did he do? I demanded urgently.

He kissed me really passionately on the lips and I hope you don't get mad when I tell you this ,he slipped his hand inside my top , he touched my tits.

My breathing was erratic and her movements on my cock were more measured and purposeful her voice dropped even lower to a barely audible whisper.

I let him play with my nipples for a while while he kissed me. He had his hands inside my bra - tweaking my tits!

What else did he do? I stammered.

Nothing I gently stopped him then and reminded him I was a married woman. But I did let him kiss me again before I left.

She played with my cock and responded to my kisses and seemed pleased that I hadn't gone ballistic. I was silent for a while but there was no pretending how turned on her revelations had caused me to be. It was a few minutes before either of us spoke and she put forward a proposition.

It really does make you excited doesn't it , me telling you how naughty I have been?

I saw no point in denying the fact but still felt embarrassed hearing myself admit it, Yes I don't know why but it does.

What about if I do it more often then we can both get pleasure from talking about it? When I'm alone with him something takes over I get an urge to be sexy. It's knowing that we are safe away from prying eyes and no one else will get to know , I wouldn't dare do that anywhere else let my skirt ride up. I even wear a coat over my sexy clothes to walk to his house because I don't want to be seen in the street wearing such revealing garments. But when I'm in his house I get turned on , but I have been too scared to let it go much further.

If you enjoy it when I tell you about me making him excited and I like to do it why don't we agree for me to do more , if it turns us both on?

Now my heart was really racing,How far would you go? I asked in measured tones.

I'm not sure , I didn't object when he touched my bare nipples , I'm not sure.

Were you turned on when you felt his hands under your bra?

Yeah! she breathed.

Would you have objected if he had put your hand on his cock?

The thought of this really got me panting.

Probably not! she whispered, Theres one way to find out though isn't there if I let him kiss me like that again?

Nothing else was said and we fucked passionately and hard for a long time. It was later when the urge is satisfied and people tend to return to rational thought that just before we slept she asked me again.

What do you think shall we try a little adventure , why don,t we both admit just how much the thought turns us on. If it excites us both why not be honest about it , use it to increase our pleasure?

I was stunned by her cold reasoning and unexpected train of thought but I found myself answering in the affirmative , even though the thought scared and disturbed me! To my added surprise, in the cold light of the morning she asked for confirmation of my commitment to her unusual proposal. Once again with nerves tingling I nodded and uttered a very apprehensive yes.

Tingling nerves was an apt description of my feelings for the entire day. Luckily my work allowed me to isolate myself while I tried to get my head round things. It occurred to me that if I spent several days like this waiting for her to tell me she had misbehaved that I would be quite out of my head and a basket case. I didn't have to wait so long though , only until that very same evening!

This time there was no, Wait until we go to bed and I'll tell you a sexy story, sort of attitude. This time it was her grabbing hold of me before we had even eaten and making it clear she was very aroused. In what was almost a comical way I asked her to keep things on hold until I had, had dinner and settled down for the evening though settled was certainly not how I was feeling. I was scared of what she was about to tell me but under it all was a strange sense of arousal. I kept repeating to myself that my wife was about to tell me how she had been unfaithful with another man and how she had behaved like a slut , and it was with the intention of giving us both pleasure , how weird was that?

After eating I sat with a drink then just to get away from her for a while I disappeared to have a shower. Dressed in my bathrobe I was almost shaking as I returned to join her and we sat on the sofa together. The silly thought that it was a good idea to remove my tight underwear so my expected erection would not cause discomfort made me laugh inwardly. It hadn't escaped my notice that my wife had left signs that she too had showered and changed just before I arrived home ,was it to clean away the effects of her rampant sexual games? My heart pounded at the thought, all this was becoming almost surreal and beyond my ability to cope.

She had poured a large gin and tonic for herself which was highly unusual so early in the evening. The expression on her face was like a cat that had got the cream , really self satisfied. I had to break the silence and get things started and know the worst.

So did you indulge in naughty games with Rob today while I was at work?

Without any sign of reluctance or shyness she answered me calmly.

Yes , I hope you haven't changed your mind about trying out our new hobby because today I was very naughty.

I gulped in a breath and quietly asked her to tell me the details. Her hand dropped to her lap and the hem of the thin summer dress she was wearing was pulled up while she slowly ran her fingers up and down her thighs. I could see that she was wearing her hold up stockings and reasoned that it was all part of creating the desired effect.

While I looked at the actions of her hand I asked, Is that what you wore that dress?

No,she answered, It was a much shorter one , but I wore stockings like these and he did with his hands what my hands are doing now.

And did his go as high up your thigh as what yours are doing now? I asked resenting her teasing but playing along.

Higher, she told me calmly.

I was still looking down at her lap and saw how her fingers stopped just below the crease where legs join hips. I could already see a hint of her pussy so the word echoed in my head , higher! He went higher!

I tried not to make it too obvious that I was going to let him go further. I wore a little summer dress that was easy to let ride up my thighs. I looked round his garden first knowing the breeze would blow my clothes up and when it did I didn't rush to hold my dress down. At one point I bent low pretending to be looking at a flower and my skirt blew above my waist.

Every word was spoken in calm and measured tones just like the night before. She stared at me all the time as though looking for signs that I was deriving pleasure from her admissions.

Relax, she told me, You don't need to feel embarrassed about being turned on by listening to your wifes exploits with another man. I'm not embarrassed to tell you , let it go it's kinky , but we both enjoy the experience.

She waited a second for a reaction but I was still trying to control my shaking and gather my thoughts.

By the time we went back into the house Rob was very excited and flustered. It felt like having an older uncle or one of my dads friends get sexually excited over me. I think it's because of the age difference that I feel excited by him. If it was a young man grabbing at me I wouldn't be interested or turned on. You see I could never fall in love with him or feel romantic toward him it's a sexual thing , forbidden sex , young wife and older man ,father figure. Theres something sexy about showing myself to this much older man ' letting him touch me!

Her voice had adopted that husky sexy tone and she was clearly turning herself on if not me , not yet , I was still scared and confused. Maybe her last statement was meant to reassure me , no deep feelings toward him , just sex! I swallowed hard and waited for her to continue.

He had trouble staying calm and when we eventually sat down me opposite him as usual he tried to keep the conversation normal. Then he mentioned how sexy I looked today I think he was still a little nervous about whether I thought he had come on too strong the day before.

He said my skirt blowing up had reminded him of his youth , when all women wore stockings. Making it sound light-hearted and a joke he said it was a pity that women no longer wore suspenders or garters. I asked him what he liked about stockings and he told me it was the knowing there wasn't much else to protect a womans modesty , meaning just her knickers , and how sexy it was to see that patch of bare flesh above stocking tops.

I laughed and put on a sexy voice then told him I would maybe give him a little treat before I left. I swear that I saw him begin to shake a little with excitement.

My wife, while speaking had rose to pour herself another drink and without asking brought me a large scotch , and did I need it! My penis was now hard and though I didn't realise it my wife knew and gave it a little squeeze after handing me the drink.

You don't need to be bashful you know! she said laughing. Play with it while I tell you what I did!

The last sentence was said very sexily and she really meant she would love to see me do just that, however I was still a little unsure.

Anyway when he went to the kitchen to pour me another coffee I followed him in. I knew if I stood close to him that he would be tempted to grab me and he did.

Now my cock was bursting through my robe and my wifes eyes lit up.

He kissed me but was a bit clumsy so I had to tell him to take it easy. He was surprised that I didn't actually push him away but was willing to let him carry on as long as he wasn't too rough. He was finding it hard to control his passion and you should have seen his face when I took hold of his wandering hand and moved it away from the buttons of my dress , only to undo them for him! He couldn't believe it when I took hold of his hand again and slipped it inside my clothes on my tits.

That was it -my reservations disappeared , my hand went to my cock and began to tug firmly but slowly! There was a danger I would erupt too soon picturing my wife with this man and fought to keep control , just like Rob had tried to! Liz smiled and her eyes narrowed she was glad that I wasn't about to have a change of heart , her own hand crept close to her pussy lips.

I let him play with my tits for a while and said naughty things to turn him on. I reminded him that I was married and how old he was , old enough to be my daddy. I whispered to him that he shouldn't be playing with my nipples , and how wicked I was for letting him. Then I pretended he was being too rough and hurting me and told him to stop. He was almost frightened of what he might have done and was about to apologise. I told him that it was uncomfortable having his hand pushed deep inside my bra , and he might tear my clothes. He was really scared and confused I think because he thought I was about to make a scene.

What a picture his face was when instead of refastening my dress I undid even more buttons and pulled my bra up over my breasts. I let him feast his eyes on my bare tits then I took his hand and placed it over my left nipple.

I said, There thats better , you were getting far too excited!

He couldn't believe it , I put my arm around his neck and let him play with my tits. He was even more amazed when he got carried away and dropped his head to suck on me , and I never stopped him.

Liz played with her cunt as I pulled on my dick openly. Now there was no way I wanted her to stop this tale. As though waiting for my imagination to digest the mental pictures she was creating she stayed silent for a minute smiling and letting her eyes dwell on the sight of my hand masturbating my penis. I wondered if Rob had wanked while she watched , or whether she had done it for him - but decided not to pre-empt the rest of her story she would tell me in her own time.

My wife continued,I let him play and suck on my tits he held my breasts in his hands and kissed and licked them. Then he would just look at them while he weighed them in the flat of his hands. After a few minutes I told him I would have to go soon and then I said to him that if he behaved himself I would give him the little treat I promised him before I left.

Come on! I said giving a little laugh,Lets sit down on the couch and I'll bring back memories for you.

When we walked to the seat I got a thrill seeing how his trousers bulged at the front. He was panting for breath a bit with excitement wondering what I was going to do. As he sat next to me I pulled my skirt up to the top of my thighs to show my stocking tops.

There, I asked him, Is that what you like to see?

It was almost too much for him but he managed to control his urge to grab at me and gazed at my legs taking in the sight then he caressed my thighs letting his fingers feel the silky material of the stockings before running onto the bare flesh of my legs He kept climbing higher, until he was touching the edge of my pussy lips.

You have to promise not to tell anyone I let you do this to me, I told him.

He went to extremes to reassure me he could be trusted then he asked , well almost begged me to allow him to kiss my legs. I said I wasn't sure I should go any farther then when he had begged a little more I agreed he could. He knelt down in between my legs and kissed my legs then let his tongue creep round to my inner thigh. Now he was shaking because his eyes and mouth were so close to my pussy that was hardly covered by my lacy thong had almost folded into my crack. I could tell at one point that his head was still as he just looked at my vagina. When his tongue got dangerously close to my slit I told him he would have to stop.

Please! I shouldn't be letting you do this , it's wicked what would happen if my husband found out? You're old enough to be my father.

I let him lick and kiss the front of my thong for just a little minute then I gently pulled his head up. He was disappointed and tried hard to persuade me everything was OK and no one would find out. I kept telling him it was wrong and I shouldn't be doing this but all the time we talked I allowed him to kiss me and his hands went from my tits to stroke the inside of my thigh. He wriggled about on top of me as though he was masturbating himself against me. I could tell he was getting very frustrated and was about to explode so I teased him a bit more before it ended.

Are you sure you won't tell anyone that I let you touch me?

He tried every thing to convince me then I delivered my final shock for the day.

I can't let you go all the way but I'll let you do it to yourself against me.

I spoke very quietly and said it like I had never had sex before. What an effect it had on him! It took a second or two for him to realise what I had just said then he fumbled with his pants trying to get his dick out. To be honest when I first felt it touch my bare skin I think I was more turned on than he was. I wanted to see and hold it but it would have spoilt my little game.

I kept telling him how naughty it all was as he masturbated against my thigh , then when he shifted so it could touch my pussy I pretended not to notice and let him carry on. I cradled his head as he kissed my tits and neck whilst his hands worked on his cock to bring himself off. I don't think he had ever been so excited and aroused , he attempted to push his cock just that bit farther hoping it would slip inside my pussy. When I kissed him back on the lips it made him explode and I felt his cum all over my tummy.

After he got his breath back and pulled away I kept my skirt held up so he could see his spunk on my belly. My cunt was naked and I let him look at my exposed body.

Look! I said holding my skirt right up to my tummy,I'm all wet now , will you wipe it off for me then it won't stain my skirt?

That was his last treat as I let him use a tissue to clean my belly and he actually got to touch my pussy as he wiped his mess up. I could tell by his face that he was sad that it was all over with. We made awkward conversation and when I was about to leave he grabbed me and kissed me then he thanked me!

I laughed at him then told him,Don't forget your promise it's a secret between us.

I whispered to him that if I agreed to let him touch my body and be naughty with him that he would have to let me decide how far to go and not try to force me. He was speechless at the thought that he may get to do all this again , that I was willing to let him! He kissed me so hard that I had to gently push him away and tell him to calm down.

Back in reality I fought to stop my climax spoiling the end of the story. As though Liz realised I was about to burst forth any second she leapt over and straddled my cock pushing it deep inside her. The fuck was a short one we were both on the edge but in no time at all we had both recovered and indulged in a very passionate bout of sexual acts for the remainder of the evening. It was quite late before we were finally satiated and spent and just lay resting on top of the bed.

Now you've experienced the feeling , what do you feel like doing , smashing the furniture in a fit of jealous rage or are you looking forward to my next visit to Robs?

Her question sounded like it demanded an immediate answer.

I'll mention it when I think you should stop , but I'm not sure I can decide at the moment. No to the first part though , I don't feel like smashing the furniture.

I was still too scared to admit - or even to understand , the mixed emotions I was experiencing. The images were there again , and my cock was already beginning to twitch and stiffen!

I was surprised when I was told that Rob had gone away for a while. Not because he was having a holiday but surprised at my sense of disappointment - disappointment that my wife would no longer be visiting him for coffee while I was at work.

Many times she had asked me if I was OK after listening to her tale , and many times she had tried to reassure me that the game could only be played if both of us were in agreement and would end if I was not happy. While she could speak openly about it in the cold light of day I was more reserved and bashful. However, at night and while in the right mood her recanting of the story caused me to feel amazing arousal and excitement. Often I would masturbate while she sat with me or across from me playing with her pussy while she told me every detail again. It wasn't long before I was yearning to hear a new story.

Robs back from holiday, she announced one day.I heard someone mention it down at the office he came back yesterday.

Fear, excitement , lots of feelings passed through me , I didn't even try to analyse or rationalise them.

Are you going round for a coffee? I asked.

Yes , unless you tell me I shouldn't, she said simply.

I took a bite from my sandwich and avoided her eyes,Fine go for a coffee!

Nothing else was said and I went through the rest of the day going through the motions but feeling like a zombie - my mind was not where my body was!

She never went the next day or the day after it wasn't convenient or appropriate for various reasons. When on the third day I arrived home from work we sat down to dinner and then she told me.

I went round to Robs just after lunch , he told me all about his holiday I stayed for about two hours.

She made small talk telling me the barest details of his trip then later as we withdrew to the lounge I grabbed hold of my wife. Why I lost control I don't know but thats what I did , I slobbered over her and kissed her and rubbed my body against her. I wanted her to tell me , tell me if she had let Rob touch her. All pretence and doubt was now gone I was making it very clear that I was a willing participant in her game. I was letting her know just how much she aroused me by her unfaithfulness and her outrageous behaviour.

Tell me! I begged her, Tell me what you did with him. Have you been doing things you shouldn't have been doing?

Oh yes! she breathed, Yes!

I slobbered over her my excitement building up until she quietly asked whether I would like to sit on the couch while she told me or would I prefer to lie on the bed with her. To savour the moment I suggested we should both shower then in only our bathrobes we could enjoy a drink while she told me every detail of her days adventures. This was a new story and I was like a k** in a sweet shop!

You really like doing this as much as I do don't you? she asked.

When I nodded she whispered,Good I'm glad because I don't want to stop now.

We showered and dried each other and all the time I looked at my wife reminding myself how the woman I had married and thought I knew had changed so much. I tried to look at her as though through the eyes of other men , my - how I had taken her for granted! By the time we were both seated with a drink the sexual tension and arousal was reaching overload. My robe had fallen apart to expose my erect and swollen cock but now there was no need to try and hide it or hold back my true feelings. In a very lewd way , one that only last week would have shocked me , my wife let her legs spread and bending her knee to rest her calf on the seat displayed her open vagina to me. With a glass in one hand while her fingers rested on her inner thigh she looked every part the slut wife.

Tell me , did you let things go even further this time? I asked smiling.

She smiled back but didn't answer , she slowly took a sip from her glass then pulled open both halfs of her robe exposing her tits before returning her hand to rest near her cunt.

We stood in his kitchen and while he made coffee he told me all about his holiday. All was normal and friendly until, as he handed me my cup he said he had missed me. I told him I hoped he wasn't getting romantic notions and he laughed and said no , that he meant our little chats. Then his face became serious and he added that also he meant he wished he had been able to touch my sexy body again. He said that he wondered if I had regretted letting him do what he did.

Well he was obviously waiting for me to say yeah or nay so I told him that I hadn't had any second thoughts about it. Right away I could see him becoming excited expecting to be able to have a little more sexy fun. I put on a sexy voice and told him that if I had regretted it or felt guilty that I wouldn't have come round for a coffee as soon as he'd returned. It took him about a minute to realise that this was an invitation and I was willing to let him touch me again.

For a while he talked to me about it and admitted he couldn't believe his luck that I'd let someone his age do what he did. He didn't want to come back and find that our friendship was ruined or I'd had an attack of guilt. I told him that as long as he didn't try to get too attached or start to think it was an affair and get heavy then I would be willing to have some fun with him.

Rob stood there in disbelief and slowly I unfastened my dress for him. I had put on some very sexy stuff , basque with stockings and suspenders. I had no knickers on as usual so he was looking at my completely naked pussy. I whispered to him and asked if he wanted to carry on from where he left off before going away. He walked me to the couch and sat me down then he knelt between my legs , but this time I didn't stop him when he went too high. He put his lips to my pussy , and I opened my legs for him and let him lick!

My wife and I were both masturbating wildly and had to take a minute to calm down. I went to her to kiss her and tell her how turned on I was listening to her and picturing how she must have looked. Stopping just long enough to refill our glasses I begged her to carry on.

Rob made me feel really aroused and I held open my pussy for him. I started to buck my hips against his face. It was great but after a few minutes he straightened up and started to kiss my neck and tits. He asked me if I would let him wank himself on me , I answered by unzipping his pants for him. I wanted to see his cock so when he took it out I spent ages just looking at it and pulling the foreskin. I got too carried away , I put it against my pussy and pushed it in!

Are you saying you let him fuck you? I gasped.

Liz nodded unsure about admitting to crossing this line.

I was flabbergasted and my head spun , but what did I expect? Of course it would eventually lead to this. With one hand on my cock and the other quickly holding the glass to my mouth I downed my drink in one and told her to come to me. Reluctantly she did and she breathed a sigh of relief when my spare arm went round her shoulders and I pulled close to me to kiss her.

Tell me how he fucked you!I demanded of her.

She did she held nothing back as she related how big he felt inside her and the slow movements that gradually built up to be harder and faster. Liz admitted how she began to moan with joy when he nibbled her tits and held her arse cheeks. She was surprised to hear him talk dirty and tell her what a lovely fuck she was. He had been a complete gentleman up to that point and now she was seeing his baser character coming out. She said it caused her to get even more aroused and getting carried away she begged him to fuck her harder.

With more than a little trepidation she confessed that when he had finally come inside her that she had the most amazing urge to do something really dirty, she lowered her head and licked the shaft of his cock. My wife described the taste of her juices mixed with his sperm and the smell of sex. Liz said how she glanced up at Rob to see the amazement on his face as he watched her lewd act. She climbed on my lap and straddled me knocking my hand from my dick.

Give me your cock! she cried, Fuck me I want cock!

It was hard to believe that this was my wife talking.

So this went on for weeks before she left him that first time he fucked her she made it clear that he could have more as long as he was discrete and didn't make demands , she would be his secret sex toy.

I knew it was wrong to let my wife do this but our own sex life was fantastic and intense. Sometimes I would lick her pussy while she told me the details or I would have my cock inside her as she whispered the story to me.

I would hear how they fucked in his bed or on the floor. It seemed they worked their way around his house fucking and sucking. She had grown to love having his dick in her mouth and wasn't shy at all of telling me how she let his sperm spill into her and how she opened her mouth for him to watch it shoot on her tongue. One thing she would never do before was swallow sperm now she would both mine and his.

Our sex life has jumped in leaps and bounds since that time, and now we are regular Doggers, even meeting at peoples houses for wild sex!

Look out for us in the car parks around Bournemouth! And watch this site for more of our exploits!

Same as How it started Videos

2 years ago
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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 7

"It seems that I end up in the hospital with something major a lot. I get forced to think about things," he said. "There are better ways to do that. Hopefully, you won't keep this up or your mother is going to be old before her time," she said. "Nobody loves you like your mother. I never thought that I worried you. I feel much safer in Oklahoma than Baltimore," he said. "I feel much safer when you are home with me in Pennsylvania," she said. "Mom, I think I am going to law...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 5

Howie decided to go the southern route. He liked the drive through the Virginia mountains. And he wanted to show Brooke where the Cherokee lived before they were marched to Oklahoma. Howie put a cover over the truck bed. With a cover over the bed, he didn't worry about a place to sleep. The cover was level with the top of the truck cab. Brooke had never been to the University of Virginia or been through the Roanoke Valley. And she wanted to see Charlottesville, where Dorothy was going to...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 6

Dorothy called Howie. "We were afraid you weren't going to make it back. How is Brooke?" "I imagine Brooke is fine. We broke up," Howie said. "Are you serious?" "Yes." "Howie. I'm sorry. Mike's family rented Professor Trevale's house. You know, the big house just down from the dorm. Come over." Howie said, "I know where Amy lives. I am an art major remember. You are too busy to bother with this now." Dorothy said, "Howie, get your butt over here, now." "Yes maam. Who...

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Howie RandolphChapter 6

His mother said, "Howie, I am worried about you. You are getting mixed up with too many older women. I am sorry that Wanda moved and you had problems with Becky. You are juggling to many things for a boy your age." "My luck with women for the long term is not good," he said. When Howie started back to school and the new semester, he noticed that Becky wasn't in any of his classes. There usually was only one section of Advanced Placement in a subject area, so Howie was surprised that...

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Howie RandolphChapter 7

It was called the Pledge Leadout. At the first of the dance, the room was darkened. Each pledge came to the spotlight. The girl and her escort were introduced. "Howie, this is the A group. I wouldn't have been asked to join any group before I worked out with you and lost weight. It helps that mom has a high level job at this college too." Howie responded, "You dieted and you exercised. You did it and you deserve the credit. And we are going to have a good time tonight." "Thank you...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 2

Howie was given two years of science credits for his paramedic license. He entered as a freshman. When he signed up for the fourth course, his status changed from special to full time student. Wednesday, he went to the Phi Gamma Delta house for his pledging ceremony. His father was invited and pinned Howie's pledge star on him. Howie listened to the words of the pledge ceremony. Dad was right. It is very much like the Kiowa. Of course, the Kiowa never spoke of Robert E. Lee or the southern...

4 years ago
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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 4

Howie was up at daybreak and out running on the road. By seven he was in the Fitness Center. Brooke joined him everyday there. She used the Nordic track. Brooke studied after she exercised. Howie only had one final, and that was in Investments. He had an A average as did Dorothy. They both didn't need to study. Howie was so interested, because of the Kiowa trust, that he went way beyond what was required. Dorothy hung on for the ride. Dorothy was one of the few women in the business major...

1 year ago
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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 8

Howie got home about four a.m. on New Year's Day. He slept until nine then ate breakfast with his parents and children. After they ate, Howie washed dishes with his mother. She asked, "How was the dance?" "Very fancy, but I wasn't able to dance much. It is a high society club. Did you have a good time on the cruise and at the country club?" he asked. "The cruise was wonderful and very romantic. I recommend it for any old married couple. Actually the country club was very nice. They...

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Howe and Watson

“Her name was Kelly Simpson. She was a producer for a TV series that was shown on three different cable networks,” the tiny redhead informed Sally Howe. “Maze, how did you make the ID?” I asked. “Her ID card,” Sally said pointing to it hanging from her jacket. “I’m surprised you missed your chance to say ‘elementary, my dear Watson’,” I said. You do that at least once every shift. “The Shift has just started Marion,” Sally said. “She is such a smart ass,” I said to Maze the forensic lab...

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Sideshow Bobs Revenge

SIDESHOW BOB'S REVENGE Bart Simpson screamed. He was tied to a table, and the baleful figure of Sideshow Bob loomed over him, wielding a surgeon's scalpel. How had it come to this? At 23 Bart thought he had finally escaped from Bob, but no, here he was, kidnapped and about to die. "Don't worry, Bart, I'm not going to kill you. Death would be too easy. My revenge will be much longer lasting. Something humorous, and lingering. I believe you know Dr Nick?" "Hi, Bart." Dr Nick waved...

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Howe Watson 7th Heaven

The call came from Big Mac the next morning. “Watson, how about you and Howe meeting me in Queen City. Come down tomorrow and be prepared to stay a week at least.” “That’s a long time to stay if we don’t know what we will be doing,” I said. “You can always leave, if you don’t like what you hear,” Mac said. “I’ll talk to Sally and call you back,” I suggested. “Watson, I’ll just hold for you,” He said. “Did you hear?” I asked Howe. “Yes, what have we got to lose?” she asked. “You still...

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Howard Colleen Ch 07

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Showoff All Day

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4 years ago
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Howe Watson 3sum

“So Watson, where the hell is Howe?” the Lt asked. “She called me this morning. She said she was stopping by the personnel office. Before you ask I have no idea why.” I said. “So, you haven’t seen her since the shooting,” he asked. “I carried her Eclairs the morning after. She has been calling me every day since. I think it’s so I won’t stop by again. I knew she put in for an extension of her days off,” I explained. “So did I Marion, I had to approve it. She looked pretty rough when she...

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Howe Watson 5th Ave

Mary Ann had a large crowd at her memorial service. I went for Sally, not Mary Ann. She was a stupid bitch, as far as I was concerned. She didn’t deserve to die, but she had to know that what she did was dangerous. Any half smart individual, knowing what she knew, would never have agreed to meet up with that jihadist asshole. “I won’t speak ill of he dead, just know my sympathy is for baby Sparrow.” I whispered to Maze. Maze sat between me and Sally, since Sally was still really pissed at me....

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Showroom Girl

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Showtime for Teri

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Howard an Early High Schoo Suck Buddy

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Howie Returns to the KiowaChapter 2

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Howe Watson 4qs

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Showtime Part 3

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Showtime Part 5

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Showtime 2

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‘So how may I help you today?’ I asked. ‘I’m not sure you can’ she replied. Her voice was very quiet, self assured. ‘Try me’ I said giving her my best smile. She paused and looked around before looking up at me as if contemplating her next words. ‘I’m looking for some advice for a project’. She stated very matter of fact. ‘Ok, why not tell me what it is that you are looking for and I will see if I can help?’ ‘Maybe’ she replied and turned away and started to read some display material. Her...

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Howards Sister

By Gail Holmes Howard glumly sat at the kitchen table taking note of his Mothers advice she was always good at giving it out, He could but pay attention; he knew she wouldn’t resign until she’d had her say. “Well, don’t just sit there! Am I right or wrong” She turned Howard’s father with a fierce look that could have killed him. If anyone was under the thumb, it was poor old Ray he had more than suffered the wrath of...

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Howd that happen 6

I pulled my horse up up aside of the wagon, leaned over and said “Well, ladies, we’re going to make it into Sante Fe in a couple of hours, but you both look a little trail worn. We should pull over by that stream there, rest the horses so they look perky, and maybe spruce up a little. I could use a wash and shave myself.” “ Horse, that’s one of the better suggestions you’ve made lately. I feel like I’ve been rode hard and put up wet,” Sandra retorted. I kind’a snickered at the rode hard bit,...

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Howd that happen 11

When I left Sara’s place it was still fairly early morning and as I walked down the street I received a few small smile, and nods, but none of the wary looks I had received yesterday. Seems that word had gotten around that I wasn’t the enemy, even though I couldn’t figure out how it had spread so fast. Smoke signals, maybe? I guess it’s just that no matter how fierce a people can be in war, they’re just people, nevertheless. Not that these people didn’t have a reason to be distrustful of the...

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Howd that happen 4

These stories are meant to be read serially. I woke with every intention of following my last thought last night to get things organized and re-start our journey. And I would have too, but I looked next to me on the bed at the gorgeous naked lady and thought “Well, it is still real early, and I don’t want to rush into anything. And it looks a little rainy outside. Besides, I don’t hear Tom and Sandra rustling around yet. They probably need more rest, so I think I’ll just lay down aside of...

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howd this happen 8

When we woke in the morning Jack and I almost were caught sneakin’ out the back door but I think we got away clean. We got our horses, I told Jack I’d see him later, and I left for home. When I entered the gate Pablo urgently motioned for me to pull into the stable without waiting to get off the horse. After I entered and did get down he said, “Senor Sam, I think someone is spying on you. I don’t know if they want to hurt you, but I thought, to be safe, you should not pause in the yard.”

3 years ago
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Howd that happen

“What the hell is the screaming about” I thought as I pulled my horse up. Another sharp yelp split the air, but this one sounded like a different voice but was definitely female as was the first. I was almighty curious as you don’t ordinarily hear such some days away from “civilization”. Dismounting and tying my horses, I pulled my rifle from the boot and snuck through thru the trees ’til I could see into a clearing. There was a small wagon off to the side with two draft horses ground staked...

3 years ago
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Howd that happen 9

When I awoke I discovered that Naomi must have silently slipped away sometime during the night. Damn! I guess I shouldn’t be greedy, she is living here too, so that’s a good thing, and I had plenty to do today anyway, what with moving the girls here from the hotel. While I was dressing there was a knock on the door and I rushed over to open it. Maybe Naomi just left for a few minutes. Damn again! It’s not her. Instead there stood a tall, middle aged, gray haired lady with a long all black...

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Howd that happen 10

I had set my internal clock and woke well before dawn. I wanted to check on Pablo to see if he was alright and how much damage had been done to the house. After checking on the guards around Sadie’s house I hurried to mine. I almost silently approached, only softly whispering, “Pablo….Pablo,” when he answered from the stable. “Here, senor. I have been sleeping and watching from here. They can’t get a clear shot at me here. All the windows have been shot out except here in the back where the...

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Howd that happen 2

I woke up startled. I couldn’t figure out why I was naked as a baby. Then I looked around. When what to my wondering eyes should appear. Was this Christmas? What the hell did I do to deserve two gorgeous, naked, sleeping, girls lying aside of me. Then my memory cells started firing. WOW, did that really happen? And if it did, could I repeat it? Taking stock of myself I realized that, yes, maybe I could, but not right now. I was goin’ to have to recuperate a while first. I cleared my throat...

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Howd that happen conclusion

When I awoke the next morning and got off the bed I was greeted by a sight I’ll never forget. There before me were three puffy pussies, six bountiful breasts, and seemingly uncountable shapely arms and legs, all entwined in such a combination that it was hard to be certain which body part belonged to which body. If I had only a modicum of artistic talent and the right equipment I would have put such amateurs as Rubens to shame. Unfortunately, although it was an extra large bed, with one small,...

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Howd that happen3

Comments/criticisms are welcomed by me. These stories are meant to be read serially. The next morning I was barely able to get off the ground. It seems something else did come up and I was able to cope with it. Barely. Those ladies almost did me in. This morning I felt like I might not make it so Sante Fe if this kept up. After thinking about that for a while I smiled to myself and figured, what the hell, if it happens I don’t make it I can’t think of a better way to go. But we really had to...

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Howd that happen 7

I woke up feeling pretty chipper, The sun had just come in the window and it looked like a real nice day. My houseboy and all around caretaker, Pablo, must have heard me stirring around and getting up and dressing, ’cause he showed up with another damn cup of hot chocolate. “ Damn it, Pablo, I’ve told you I like coffee, not chocolate, in the morning.” “ No, Senor Sam, chocolate is best in the morning.” This is the same argument I’d had with him every damn morning since I hired him. I know,...

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Howd that happen 5

How’d that happen 5 These stories are meant to be read serially. The first ones can be found on my profile We got up the next morning pretty late as the sun was already above the hills on the horizon. We were determined to make good time so for the next days we really hustled with only a few invigorating interludes. What with hard driving from almost dawn to dark, we were pretty exhausted at the end of the day. I was becoming especially burned out as the girls could alternate when it came to...

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The rain: that's how it all began. Hannelore was standing in the breakroom, staring out the window with an increasingly grim expression. The disproportionate enormity of the window made her look smaller than she actually was, shrinking into nothingness in the shimmering void of the rain. She'd already changed, so she was wearing her street clothes -- nothing special, just a pullover hoodie and jeans. The front pocket of her sweatshirt tightened in her balled fists. "Shit," she muttered,...

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Chowdhary ne choda bagh me

A few years back when I was 19 years old, I was a college student studying tourism. I never really had girlfriends because I was too busy studying, working out, and hanging out with my friends.I was also freaked out by the fact I was physically attracted to a few guys in college. Not knowing how to deal with this situation, I certainly didn’t want to talk about it with them, because I knew they would laugh and probably reject me.Everyday was the same old routine; take the bus, being surrounded...

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Howwee And His Mother

CHAPTER ONEMom caught me masturbating for the first time when I was twelve. "IT" was a terrible sin. She was going to have my dad give me the big talk but he never did and I continued to play with myself. Of course I got caught again, and at some point didn't care if she caught me anymore. I found myself wanting her to see me because it was her that I thought about most of the time when I was playing with my dick. Think Karen Fisher after she put on some weight. Full bodied. Mom and dad...

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showa sex

U tha showa i ya grippin yo body rub yo towel dwn. Nd up yo chest afta every lick kiss.and bite i.wipe and massage yo neck nibble sofly on yo ear rubbn washin yo kitty sofly ass rubbin all on me u grip my dic sofly i rub tha slit.of yo pussy and press on.yo clit rubb it slow up n down givin yo breast a hug and a grip iflip u round and lean u under the showa head ifings uslow as i french.kiss yo.kitty easy slobbin deeply til u grip my head...

4 years ago
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Howv We Met Part 2

While we were greeting each other the bags had been filling the carousel and claimed by their owners. Mine was the lonely black two wheeler left circling on the belt. I grabbed it and extended the handle, placing my carry-on on top and rolling them both behind me in my left hand while I took Laurie's hand in my right and followed the signs to the rental car counters. At the rental desk I produced my corporate credit card and Massachusetts license for the agent, a rather sour woman that whose...

3 years ago
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Howi Fucked My Unsatisfied Colleague

Hello friends I am hot sunny iam from delhi ncr Any unsatisfied ladies can contact me full privacy will be maintained This is my first story koi galtia ho to plz maaf karna Haan to dosto bina aapka time waste kiye kahani pe aata hu Baat kuch 1 saal purani hai oh maine apne bare me batana to bhool hi gaya im sunny with average muscular body with a tool which can satisfy any women I dont want to fake ki mera 10 inxh ka hai ya 12 inch ka Is story ki heroine riya hai name changed Riya aur main ek...

2 years ago
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Peepshow Surprise

Peepshow Surprise By Petal The following is a true story. I am a member of that silent majority of cross-dressers, the ones who wear panties from time to time. We wear panties in a growing state of excitement until we ejaculate into them. Usually by masturbating when we can't hold it off any longer. Then you put them away until the next time the "urge" strikes. So do you recognize yourself!! A little bit of imagination and you can make that final explosion something...

3 years ago
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Howies Fate

Howie's Fate Howard Hessman has a fight with Nicole and he is given a lesson on life. Nicole was in a foul mood. She had a fight with Howie the night before that ended with the both of them splitting up. She thought she could get it out of her system by doing a workout on the unarmed combat course. Needless to say, it failed to do anything. Except to give her a sore arm. The nightstick drills also failed to do make her feel better. She wanted to talk to Bobbie, but Bobbie was in...

2 years ago
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I'm in the shower washing myself from the long humid day. I remember the time you went down on me and how i felt as though i had to repay you. I remember your tongue diving into my hot wet cavern. How it danced around the outside. The gentle pressure of your skilled muscle. I lean back on the cold tiles. I roll my nipples between my fingertips. My other hand sliding down my slick body. I close my eyes and imagine you doing the same. Your hand sliding down your creamy flesh grabbing yourself....

4 years ago
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Showstopper Mark "the magnificent" smiled and hummed a cheery tune as he went back to his dressing room after his latest show. He was a hypnotist, and tonight, he literally had the crowd in the palm of his hand, getting the audience to do some pretty silly stuff while "under". Not only that, the volunteers had been perfect, doing stuff they were likely gonna be blushing about for weeks after, especially the two prim and proper ladies he got to do a make-out session together...

2 years ago
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Waking up in the van with my arms and legs secured to the walls wearing thick boots, a thick black leather collar and a tight leather posing pouch. Opposite three sleeping girls chained spreadeagled with black knee high leather boots, black collars and black rubber thongs. Either side of me, two men shackled to the wire grid via the clips on our leather cuffs and leather belts round our boots. The light in our moving cell came from a screen showing femdom porn where slaves of both sexes were...

3 years ago
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?But it is a show, dear, you must realise yourself that the people are amused when they watch horrible scenes The show of death. ?But it is a show, dear, you must realise yourself that the people are eager to watch horrible scenes. As long they is no personal complication, at least?.?But for me it is very personal?,? Richa protested, ?It is my life that is endangered. I want out. This is not what Brenda and I were promised when we were invited to this holiday. We were to have a very good...

4 years ago
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Chowkidar ki biwi

Doston yeh mera pehla story hai ,sayad apko pasand aye.ab kahani shuru karta hun.Main ek civil engineer hun.Mere company wale ek project ke silsile main mujhe chattisgarh ke ek gaon mein bheja tha.Wahan muhje rehne ke liye ek guest house diya gaya tha auur khana banane wali ek bai ,auur ek chowkidar jo ki guest howse ka dekhbhal krta tha.Mein 25yr ka ek hansome ladka hun jo ki kisi bhi ladki ko apne jaal mein phans sakta hai.Par mein pyar wyar mein believe nahi karta tha.Mein ne abhi tak shadi...

1 year ago
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HowI became a married slut

My name is Amber. I am a Indian woman but now settled in USA. I am a teacher by profession. Like many women, I’m bored with my marriage Don’t get me wrong, my husband is a wonderful man and I still consider myself very much in love with him. But like most men, he’s under a lot of stress to perform at work, and that, with a lot of travel, has taken its toll on our sex life. Even before the job became so stressful, we weren’t what you would call adventuresome in bed. The other morning I was...

2 years ago
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1. Casey Rodgers waited back stage at the Civic Center, his tummy fluttering with excitement. It was shownight for his dancing school, and everyone was rushing about frantically preparing for their numbers. Very soon, he'd be out on stage dancing before a large audience, the culmination of months of exhausting rehearsals. The long period of training had left him as tense as a tightly strung bow. The murmuring crowds he'd seen out in the theatre had added considerably to his last...

1 year ago
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Cam Show Download! We all love cam shows. Live sex cams have become so popular in recent times, that there’s a new website for them popping up every few days or so. But, what if you just wanted to download the cam shows and watch them in your spare time? Usually, people get enthralled by the live aspect of the cam shows, but some people want to enjoy it offline as well. Well, today we’re looking at a unique site that allows you to do just that and it’s called premium site...

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