Detention 9_(0) free porn video

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By: Robert Jimenez

Typically I hated going to school, but after spending time with Chris for the majority of the weekend, I was actually excited about seeing his face in class. I had fallen asleep smiling Sunday night, and had woke up smiling Monday morning. My happiness almost disturbed me. I wasn't used to being happy for more than one day-more than one hour actually. But I felt relaxed and anxious all at once; relaxed because for once things were going smoothly, with no excessive complications, and anxious because I couldn't wait to see Chris again. I couldn't believe I was so excited to see him. I had just seen him the day before, and the day before that, and the day before-but it seemed like every time I saw him I was seeing him for the first time. Ironically, Chris was the first, and currently only boy who had maintained my interest for such a long period of time (and three weeks is long for me) and I believed that Chris felt the same way about me. I hoped he felt the same way about me.
The bus ride to school was quiet and boring for the first ten minutes or so. I was sitting in the very back row of the bus, looking out the window, when I heard a boy call my name. At first I figured that he was talking to someone else, because obviously I wasn't the only person named Brandon in the world, and also because I really don't know too many people-who knew my name. So I ignored it, and then the guy said, "Hey, Brandon." I turned and so Scott Howard making his way toward the rear of the bus with me. Looking at Scott, it was really difficult to believe that he was only a fifteen-year-old freshman. He had such incredible, mature good-looks, and such a self-assuredness about him that made him seem at least five years older. Scott sat across from me on the bus. He was smiling a whole lot. I had really never talked to Scott Howard at all in life, so I really felt uneasy sitting across from him, just looking at him without saying anything.

"Hey," I said.

Scott kept smiling. He had a really nice smile, but I wanted to know what he was thinking. "So what did you do this weekend?" he asked.

Obviously Scott had talked to Chris and Chris had told him what had gone down over the weekend. "Just kinda hung around," I told him.

Raising an eyebrow, Scott asked, "That all you do? What happened with you and Chris when Billy and me left Friday night?" There wasn't that many people on the bus, especially in the back, so I think Scott that it was alright if he talked really loud, so that the few people who were on the bus could hear everything he said.
"Same thing we always do," I said.

"Which is...?" Scott persisted.
"You know what I'm talking about Scott. Don't play dumb."
Scott shrugged. "That dude...what's his name...Jason? He looked extra pissed off when you told us to get outta your house and Chris stayed."

"It was just too many people and too much going on," I say. "I just really wanted to be alone."

"With Chris," Scott stated.


The smile on Scott's face faded away. He turned his head to the side so that I only saw the profile of his face. I was almost amazed at how beautiful his face looked when it was turned to the side. There was a few moments of silence between us. The bus stopped at a traffic signal. Looking down the narrow bus aisle, I saw a small Mexican girl staring at me with large dark eyes. For some reason her eyes reminded me of Chris': the kind of eyes that can see right through a person, directly into their mind. The little girl was staring at me like she knew me without ever seeing me before. Finally she turned back around in her seat and began saying something to her mother in whispered Spanish. The bus moved forward, and Scott said to me, suddenly, out of nowhere, "He really likes you." He turned his face back toward my direction. His eyes were really light-colored and piercing.

"Huh?" I asked, confused.

"Chris. He really likes you."

My heart skipped. I looked at Scott in disbelief. "How do you know?"

Scott shrugged. "I dunno. I just do." That pensive expression returned to his face, as though he were thinking about something really deep and complex. I just looked at him without saying anything for a while. And then after a few minutes, a question came to my mind.

"Is Billy your boyfriend?" I asked.

Scott gazed at me like I was crazy. "No. What made you think that?"

"I don't you have a boyfriend?"

"No," Scott said firmly. "Had one once and then that shit got fucked up. So I said never again."

"Why? What happened?"

"I liked him more than he liked me." Scott shrugged. "When I was fourteen. I was stupid back then," he said. "I thought that if you really liked somebody, then they would like you back the same way. It really didn't make sense to me back then that someone could like you one day and then all of a sudden not like you the next and move on to someone else just like it meant nothing. I thought if you liked somebody it would just go on forever, but...guess not. So I don't even bother with the idea of being in a relationship."

Forever. I hated the concept of that word. Nothing lasts forever, does it? Even when you really try hard at making something work out, at the end it just fades away doesn't it? You can't really love someone forever can you? I wondered if I could love Chris forever. I was still getting used to the idea of admitting to myself that I loved Chris. But I didn't know how long I would feel that way, or how long he would feel that way about me-hopefully it would be a really long time. But I don't know.

Scott and I got off the bus together and made our way toward the school. As we were walking, I told him, "You don't have to walk with me if you don't want to. I don't want to embarrass you in front of your friends."

"Why would I care if somebody sees you walking with me?" Scott asked.

"I don't know. People might be like 'Why were you walking with that gay dude' or something stupid like that."

"I thought you didn't care what people thought of you," Scott said.

"I don't. But you might."

"No, I don't," Scott said. And then Scott said something that really surprised me. He said, "Brandon, people don't see you the way you think they see you."

"What do you mean by that?"

"More people like you than they would like to admit. A lotta dudes at this school-especially just a lot of 'jocks' or whatever you wanna call em would love to get at you. They're just too afraid. Chris was just the only one that
had enough balls to go for you."

All of that sounded unbelievable and unrealistic to me. "Scott, I don't believe you."

We made our way inside the school gates where there was a lot of students hanging around. "You don't have to believe it if you don't want to, Brandon. But it's true." Scott started to walk off in the direction of his friends. "I'll
talk to you later," he said.

As I went into the school building, making my way down the crowded hallway to my locker, I saw Jason walking in my direction. I got super nervous and tried to look at everybody except for him as he passed by. I wasn't sure if he saw me or not. I hope he didn't.

Chris was already in his desk when I entered Algebra class. He turned and looked at me as I walked through into the classroom. His lips were closed gently, and his face showed no general emotion, but I could tell by his eyes, the way that he looked at me, that he was happy to see me. I sat a couple of seats away from him, close enough, but not too close. I didn't wanna be the type that clings on to someone like a leech, I wanted to at least pretend that I wasn't jumping out of my skin with excitement when looking at Chris. Occasionally, throughout the class period, Chris would turn around and look at me with that same placid expression on his handsome face, and that same look of thinly disguised desire in his eyes. Every time he looked at me, my heart beat skipped. I was becoming more captivated by this boy by the second. It was almost frightening.

During our break between classes, Chris and I spent the entire fifteen minutes kissing each other, rubbing our hard dicks through our jeans, reaching into the backs of each others' jeans and squeezing each others' ass in the isolated aisles of the library. When the bell rang for class to resume, I didn't want to stop kissing and touching Chris, I didn't want to sit through another boring lecture when I could be doing something - someone - much better instead. "Let's just skip class," I said to him. I had never missed one class throughout my entire senior year, but at that moment, as Chris tongue slid down the length of my neck, I really didn't give a fuck about perfect attendance.

"We'll get detention again," Chris whispered, grinding his large, thick hard dick against mine. But even though he said that, Chris didn't seem interested in stopping. Unzipping my pants, he reached inside the opening and pulled out my hard, throbbing dick, which was waiting impatiently for him to handle.

"That's nothing new," I said. "We always have detention."

"Cool with me," Chris responded. And our lips met, hard. Chris pried my mouth open with his tongue, pressing me up against the book stack behind me, causing a thick hardcover book to fall off the shelf. With one hand Chris played with my dick and balls, and with the other hand he placed it beneath my chin, pressing his fingers gently into my skin. Chris slid the waistband of my underwear down more, and his hand reached around behind me to find my ass. He opened my crack with a couple of fingers and then found my asshole with his middle finger, his longest finger. I knew he was about to finger fuck me, but I didn't want him. If he started, then I would want him to fuck me for real, and I wanted to be able to shout loudly, without the risk of being heard, when Chris shoved his eleven inch dick into my ass.

"Don't put it in," I said softly. Chris did what I asked without complaint. He continued to rub my naked butt as we kissed passionately. about fifteen minutes later, I knew we had really had to stop and go back to class. I didn't want to, but I figured that at some point in time, someone was going to find us in the aisles and we would get into a lot of trouble. "We can finish this later," I told him. But Chris wasn't ready to let go of me, and I really didn't want him to either.

"Just a little bit more," Chris said. He licked around my earlobe and his warm breath traveled into my ear, sending pleasant chills throughout me. My hard dick leaked against Chris' jean-covered thigh. I was close to shooting but I forced myself not to. It was hard, but I managed. Again I pulled away from Chris. "We gotta go," I told him.

Chris took my hand and placed it against his hard crotch. "You gonna leave me like this, B? C'mon, just a little..." I unzipped his jeans and pulled out his massive, beautiful cock. It felt so warm and hard against my palm. I pushed Chris against the opposite book stack, went to my knees and brought his dick to my mouth.
I showed up to my AP English class about fifteen minutes late, and surprisingly, my teacher, Ms. Giamatti, didn't make me go to the office to get a pink slip for detention. I wondered if Chris had gotten away so easily. I could still taste his dick in my mouth, and also his sweet cum. As I was going to my seat, I expected to sit behind Jason Coleman as I always had before, but instead I saw Billy Anderson sitting in my desk behind Jason, and they were talking softly to each other about something I couldn't hear. When I passed by, they both looked up at for me. Billy had an amused look in his dark brown eyes and there was a look of resentment in Jason's eyes. So I walked to the rear of the classroom, sitting across from Luke Block, a great-looking, tall, muscular guy with a chill personality. I noticed that everyone in the classroom seemed to be paired up with someone and working on an assignment.

"What's everybody doing?" I asked Luke.

"I don't know," he answered. "Some Shakespeare bullshit. Interpret the themes and symbolisms. I wasn't payin’ attention so I don't know."

I pulled out my copy of MacBeth and turned to the third act. As I flipped through the pages, Luke asked me, in a very secretive whisper, "Are you fuckin’ Chris Green?" The question stunned me like a tranquilizer to the chest. For a moment I couldn't breathe. Why is that everybody in the whole fucking school knew about me and Chris? Did somebody announce it over the loudspeakers or post flyers on everyone's locker. I didn't even know how to respond to that question, so I didn't say anything at all. But Luke wouldn't take my silence as an answer. He was annoyingly persistent. "Is it true?" he demanded.

"Why is it so important that you know?" I questioned back.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Luke was trying to keep his voice down, but at the same time, he wasn't being too successful at whispering.

"Let's not talk about this right now and do the goddamn assignment," I said sharply.
"I'm just sayin," Luke said, quietly, "if he's not your boyfriend, and you're just fuckin around, maybe me and you could chill one day, you know." Luke smiled, a really charming and seductive smile. But I wasn't too impressed. I was bewildered. Thinking back to what Scott had told me earlier, about how a lot of guys at this school were interested in me and I just didn't know it, perhaps he was right. But damn, it was really difficult for me to believe that hot-ass 'straight' guys like Luke Block were suddenly interested in me. Three weeks ago nobody knew I existed, or if they did know that I existed they treated me as though I was some fucked up mutant thing, and now all these dudes, dudes I’ve never even thought would know my name, wanted to get at me. Being my usual paranoid and distrustful self, I was just suspecting that Luke was just fucking around with me, I wouldn't allow myself to believe that he was actually being serious with me. Dudes that hot don't take interest in me-well, except for Chris...and Billy... and Jason...Mr. Wilson...and I think Scott. But other than that, nobody.

Trying to sound calm and all, I told Luke, "No, I don't think that's a cool idea. Thanks though."

"I mean you know what I'm sayin," Luke said, "if you and Chris ever need an extra person when you're doin’ what your doin’ I wouldn't mind gettin’ in, you know." He took out a pen and wrote his phone number on the
margin of one of the pages in my book.

"Who told you I was with Chris?" I asked. "I'm not mad or anything, I just wanna know."

Luke nodded in Billy's direction. I don't know why I didn't guess that Billy had told on me. Looking over at him, I saw him talking to Jason. They were whispering something to each other. It was weird, because they were talking and smiling at each other as though they had been friends for years. Their feet were rubbing up against each others' underneath their desks. Billy felt my eyes on him and turned and looked at me. He gave me a wink and turned back to look at Jason. I wanted to punch his face in. I gazed over at Jason, at his handsome face. I watched as he smiled at Billy and how his eyes lit up. It seemed strange that only three days ago, Jason was so interested in me, and now he had sharply cut off all his attraction to me and from the looks of it, had redirected it toward Billy. I couldn't see Billy and Jason being together, they had such opposite personalities - but then, so did me and Chris - well at least in the beginning. Even though I had gotten over Jason, I honestly didn't expect him to get over me so quickly. I couldn't help but to feel a little jealous watching Billy and Jason together.
Billy's locker is kinda close to mine, so I made sure I pass in his direction as I made my way to my own locker after English class. Billy was stuffing books into his locker. He turned around just as I approached him, as though he were expecting me to come talk to him.

"Brandon," he said. It was kinda weird the way he said my name, I don't really know why. "I don't know where Chris is."

"I'm not really looking for Chris right now," I told him.

"Then who are you looking for?"

Billy closed his locker, pressed his back against the wall, with his muscular arms crossed and a large smirk on his face. "Now what do you need to see me for? More fun in the gym? What would Chris think?" There was a bit of resentment in Billy's voice with that last statement.

"This isn't about Chris," I said, "it's about Jason."

"You mean the dude you fucked over?"

"I didn' wasn't like that, Billy."

Shrugging, Billy said, "Looks that way to me, B."

"Don't call me that."

Billy's taunting smile faded a little bit. "Right. I forgot. That's only for Chris...he told me that the two of you had an interesting weekend."

My silence was his answer.

"So what did you wanna come talk to me about, Brandon?" Billy asked, already knowing the answer. "I mean if you came over here to tell me that you want me to stay away from Jason, then I would have to tell you to kiss my fuckin' ass...well, you've already done then I would tell you to piss the fuck off. But...maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you're interested in knowin’ what kinda day I had today. So what is it, Brandon, what did you want to talk to me about?" There was the ultimate look of victory on Billy's ruggedly good-looking face. When I didn't answer, he said, "Thought so. Go run along to your little boyfriend and leave me alone." Billy walked off, mixing in with the giant crowd.

I felt pretty upset for the rest of the day. And to make things worst, I forgot that I had a test in Ms. Navarro's Spanish class, which I didn't get to study for, because I was too busy having Chris' big dick rammed up my ass.
Chris sat next to me. I stared blankly at the test sheet in front of me, having no idea what the fuck I was supposed to do. There were a lot of parts of the test where I had to translate words and sentences from English to Spanish and vice-versa. It made my head hurt just thinking about it. Trying to be as discreet as possible, I looked over at Chris' test. I had figured that Chris would be just as stuck as I was, but that wasn’t true. He was breezing through those questions so fast I thought his paper would catch on fire. I hate cheating, and I've never ever cheated on a test, but for some reason I felt like I needed to at that moment. I kept taking sneak glances at Chris' test. I don't think Chris was aware of it at first, but then I think he began to feel my eyes watching him. He turned and looked at me, noticed that my test was pretty much blank, and slid his paper over in my direction a little bit so that I could see his answers better. Being the dumb ass I am, I just copied down all his answers - I really didn't care if they were wrong or not, I just didn't want to leave anything blank. The stupidity of it all, was that Chris and I sit in the second row, where it's very possible for Ms. Navarro to see us. I didn't think about that at all until I was on the last page and looked up at her desk to see Ms. Navarro glaring at me with the most angriest look I think I person could give. At that moment I just knew it was over. My heart just kinda sank down to my stomach and I put my pencil down. The bell rang and everyone placed their tests on Ms. Navarro's desk.

"Brandon Newman and Christopher Green, I need to talk to the two of you." Of course she said it super loud so everybody could hear. As people were leaving the classroom, they took little glances at me, snickering as they left. I felt so embarrassed, guilty, and dumb. When the classroom was clear, Ms. Navarro sat down at the edge of her desk and looked at Chris and I with fire in her eyes. "What is wrong with the both of you?" she asked. "Do you love being in trouble that much?"

Chris laughed a little bit.

"There's nothing funny about this at all. The both of you know that cheating is not acceptable in this class, and it's not acceptable in this school. I could probably have the both of you suspended right now for doing this."

That word 'suspended' sent unpleasant tremors throughout my body. Chris didn't seem affected by it at all.

"But I'm not. Instead, both of you will be getting zeros on the test, and since the two of you like it so much, a week of detention. And I will be sending phone calls to both of your parents."

"Don't even bother with that," Chris said, "my parents don't care."

Very cruelly, Ms. Navarro replied, "I see why."
Chris didn't respond. His face just went really blank and emotionless, which meant he was super angry. I wasn't bothered by Ms. Navarro calling my mother, because my mother was at work most of the time, and I could just erase the message on the answer machine before she came home.

"Your detention will start tomorrow after school, in Mr. Wilson's classroom. He's here until seven every evening, so I'm going to tell him to keep you for as long as possible. Your last day of detention will be Saturday morning." She held up our tests. "And if anything like this happens again, I will personally make sure that both of you are out of this school. Now get out of my classroom."

I was pretty much numb as I left the classroom. It just proves my theory that every good day of my life is followed by a really fucked up one. Detention for a week, with Mr. Wilson, I just knew it was going to be the worst fucking nightmare in the world. As me and Chris made our way to the parking lot to his truck, Chris noticed the concerned look on my face and he told me, "Don't stress, B. It's not that bad."
"Chris, what do you mean it's not that bad: we flunked our test, got detention from Mr. Sexual Harassment Man for a whole week. How is that not bad to you?"

I was really upset as Chris drove me home. I was mad at Billy Anderson, mad at Ms. Navarro, and mad at myself for being so stupid.

"It'll be okay, B." Chris said.

"Nothin is never just 'okay'. There's always gotta be some bullshit behind everything."

As Chris pulled up into my driveway he asked me, "Do you want me to come inside?" I didn't know if meant my house or my ass.

"Yeah. I do."

Chris turned off the engine and we both got out of the car. As I unlocked the front door, Chris came up behind me, kissing the back of my neck, rubbing his crotch against my ass. Even when I felt my worst, Chris always knew how to make me feel better. I unlocked the door and we both went in. As soon as we got inside, we were all over each other, kissing and about to rip off each other's clothes, and that's when I felt another presence in the room. I pulled away from Chris, and turned to see my mother sitting on the couch, arms crossed, a grim expression on her face. I first I thought it was an illusion, that my mind was just fucking with me.

But then she said, looking at Chris and I fiercely, "We need to talk."

To Be Continued...


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Ok you are a naked male or female. You are either seen naked in the bathroom showering, lost a bet, lost a strip game whatever the case my be. You could be naked and some one is bound to see you and your privates rather it be a male or female. There can be only cfnf,cfnm,cmnf and cmnm allowed in the story. So have fun with adding your story. No lesbian or gay sex allowed in the stories please.

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EMails To My MasterChapter 21

TO - Master FROM - Night Nurse Dear Daddy, I'm sorry to tell you this, but I've gotten myself into a little trouble here at school. After lights out the other night, one of the other girls and me snuck out of the Convent and thumbed a lift to town where we bought some tickets at the cinema to see "The Knight's Tale". Both Fiona and I enjoyed the film but we knew that we'd be lucky to get a lift back and that it would be a long, cold walk. Little did we know just how wrong we'd be...

4 years ago
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Lucky Opportunity to Peep

Beverly and I grew up together on the same street in the 1960s and 70s. Neither one of us had siblings. We had known each other since we were small c***dren. We played with the other k**s in our lower middle class suburb. The summers were always the best because we were out of school, it stayed light so late, and we could stay out after dark. Beverly was about 18 months younger than I, but it was obvious when we hit puberty that she was "growing up" a lot faster than I was. By the time we...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Spencer Bradley Andi Rose Word Of Mouth Special

Spencer Bradley arrives at a wellness center where she has an appointment with a masseuse, Andi Rose. Spencer hints that she’s interested in the ‘Word of Mouth Special’, and Andi says that she’s happy to give Spencer special attention in any area where she’s tense. After Spencer disrobes and lies down on the massage table, Andi starts to give her a massage that focuses on her lower back, buttocks, and thighs, since that’s where Spencer seems to be the most...

2 years ago
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Andy 3

Meine f?nfzigste Geschichte. Ich h?tte nie geglaubt, dass es so viele werden k?nnten. ---------- Montagmorgen. Grrr. Muss man noch mehr sagen? Wenigstens hatte ich eine Hose an. Obwohl sie sich merkw?rdig anf?hlte, ohne Haare an den Beinen. Und dieser Pulli kratzte tats?chlich. Oder war zumindest rau. Die Satinbluse von gestern war da etwas v?llig anderes gewesen. So soft. Ich sch?ttelte den Kopf. Ich musste diese Gedanken loswerden. Wie sollte alles je wieder normal werden, w...

1 year ago
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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 37 The Final Conditioning

THE FINAL CONDITIONING Laura's time at the Mayim Clinic, Amy told her, was approaching its end. Even as Laura approached her graduation, her friends were starting their own path of conditioning. Amy had arranged for Taylor and Erica to join Laura at the clinic and begin having training sessions to make them into good little hetero fuckdolls at a more fundamental level. Shortly thereafter, Alistair added his own harem of sluts, by invitation of the clinic, and Candy and Hayley and Katy,...

2 years ago
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Kate monday evening

Kate turned to sally , what time are you leaving,I'm being picked up at tenI stood up and rinsed my mouth out The girls were talking, Sally gigglingthe Kate said Christine call Paul ask him to come roundWhy ?I want to film the pair of youWhat no Kate please I respondedChristine do as your told, you just cum watching sally and me, so why don't you want us to have the fun of watching you twoI had no answer and I didn't want to upset KateI phoned Paul' his dad answered the phone and told me he...

2 years ago
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My 18th Birthday

Hi everyone.. I’m Deepika Malhotra of Class 11. I’m here to narrate a true story about my 18th birthday. 7th November 2010 – I woke up to the sound of the alarm. I had set it too early (it was 4:00am) out of excitement for my birthday. My parents were away for two days so I decided to host an early morning party for the day. Within few hours the place was filled with boys and girls. I was hanging out with all my close friends Neha, Ananya, Rahul and Deepak. Slowly the crowd trickled out. Only...

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Der kleine groe Tod big small death

GAUNTLET Chapter OneI had just turned 16 and was half way through college. So far I had led a very sheltered life. My parents had wrapped me in cotton wool. I was there lovely blond blue eyed boy and they were determined that no harm should come to me. College was so different from secondary school. It was a lot more relaxed and of course the students were a lot older. I was a shy boy and was still to find my sexual feet as it were. Girls seemed like strange creatures to me but I liked them...

2 years ago
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Mae Aur Meri Reader Friend

Hello everyone mae rahul ranchi se… Thanks sabhi ko jinho ne meri pichli kahani-‘meri friend aur uski mom’ ko pasand kiya aur muje bohat saari mails bhi aayi… Yae kahani esi mae se ek reader aur mere bich ki hai… Hope aap sabhi enjoy karege.. Apne feedback jarur de meri mail id aap muje hangout mae bhi mere msg kae through baat kar skte.. Jyada bor nhi karte hue mae kahani pae aata hu… Mera naam rahul hai aur mae ranchi se hu. Height -5’9″ hai dikhta sweet sa aur handsome bhi hu jo mere dost...

1 year ago
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Spanked For Free Again

Life for Scott had settled down to a routine of whenever the 22 year old fell foul of his Mum’s new rules or if after a warning he still failed to comply then he would receive yet another bare bottom spanking. Sheila was quite happy with the new arrangement. To her there was something therapeutic about giving a good hard spanking when it is deserved, therapeutic and stress relieving. She wondered though how come Scott wasn’t better behaved. During the first few months she found reason to spank...

4 years ago
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With My Tuition Teacher

This is the incident that took place last year. Mai science ki tution ke liye apne ghar ke pass ek sexy, hot teacher ke pass jata tha. Meri tuition teacher bohut sundar, sexy, aur hot hai jinki age kuch 22-23 hogi. Ek bar ki baat hai jab mere exams chal rahe the to main tution gya wha ma’am ne kaha ki abhi unhe khi jana that ha to mai raat ko 8 baje aau. Mai ghar chala gya aur raat ko 8 baje ghar se nikla tutions ke liye. Mai ma’am ke ghar gya aur ander unke bedroom mai chala gya jaha vo mujhe...

1 year ago
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Witch SwitchChapter 4

“He was right,” Penelope says as she steps out of the forest into a clearing. Directly before her is the town they had been looking for, for two days. I still have a bad feeling about the guy. “Well never came back, so that’s a plus for you,” the witch remarks. It’s true he never showed back up later last night and he wasn’t there this morning. Fortunate for me and unfortunate for you... score one for the cat. “I’m not sure I like it when you gloat.” Everything was going good until you...

1 year ago
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The Rendevous

The Rendezvous   He called Saturday night just after ten. His wife was being admitted and they may induce her labor. He told me how much he missed me and how needy he was for my warm, wet mouth. I told him to be patient. His responsibility was to take good care of business. He told me that his wife was fine and that he hoped to see me on Sunday. We hung up.   I hadn't meant for it to happen, but it did. I'd been drunk and tired and that night at the party when the hot stud...

2 years ago
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Absence makes the cock grow stronger part two

I’m sitting on my hotel bed looking at a blank screen that seconds earlier had been displaying my wife’s freshly shaved and fucked pussy. I was massively aroused and outrageously jealous at the same time. She had betrayed me by being unfaithful and breaking every rule we had agreed on before I took this overseas assignment. One night stands only. No anal sex and no sex in our marital bed. She wasn't showing any signs of remorse as she revealed the previous night’s sexcapades, even wearing the...

4 years ago
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Elanas Tail

Elana’s TailElana’s TailNine P.M. and another hard day at the Sunset Funeral Home is ending. At the front entrance, Sam the undertaker is bidding farewell to the last guests from the dinner in honor of the late Cathy Briggs, late guest in the undertaker’s basement prep room and, incidentally, the main course (in the guise of barbeque spare ribs, rump roast, pork loin, pork shoulder, etc.) at her own funeral.?Sam, you have really outdone yourself this time, this was the finest, albeit saddest,...

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The White Squaw

In writing my 50th story, 'The White Squaw', I wanted to add a bit of authentic flavor of the actual Osage language. The names and words used, are the actual Osage words I have found in various websites on the internet. This story is a slight variance of most of mine, I hope you enjoy it! Thanks, Anon. ****************** The White Squaw By Anon Allsop At the bottom of a hill, the young man stopped his motorcycle and waited for his beautiful new bride to climb from the...

2 years ago
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Andi Chapter 3

Andi - chapter 3 I woke the next morning feeling refreshed and ready for the day. When I realised it was still early, I thought the day could wait an hour and decided to watch some TV. I turned the TV on, but no matter what channel I turned to, they we're all aimed towards young girls or women. I thought at least I might catch up on the news, as so many times in the past, major world events had happened and I'd missed them. I know that might sound morbid of me considering some...

3 years ago
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Reluctantly Yours

The ride home from Rockport was going to be a long one. I could tell by the way she was scraping her fingers along the clasp of her purse. I decided to engage my talent for saying exactly the wrong thing at any given moment. "She's just trying to get a reaction..." And she got one. Kelly was just itching to begin her tirade, but was waiting until I was on the highway so that she could rant without interruption. Yes, this was going to be one very fucking long ride home, and here came the...

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Addisons World

I knelt on the branch and looked back at the cleared fields. They said it was suicide for anyone to be outside the sonic barrier, a lot of the animals out here were predators. My mom and dad had been killed when they made one of the plasma bombs for the southern colony to large. I was ten then and left on my own. I turned and stood as I started for the tree trunk. I was seventeen now and made my living bringing animals and plants back for the zoologists. I slipped around the tree and headed...

4 years ago
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Weekend in New Hampshire Part 3

Weekend in New Hampshire Part 3 Sam woke up and found that it was still dark. He needed a few minutes to figure out where he was and what he was doing. The first thing that he realized was that he wearing a nightie; then, that he was lying in bed next to his friend; and finally, that his friend had thoroughly fucked him a few hours ago. He actually thought for a minute that he had had some sort of dream, but the mild soreness of his asshole convinced him of the reality of the...

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The RescuedChapter 88 SM03Tau Day 29

For a change, when Steve woke, it was Priya and Sarah who were draped over him, while Lorraine and Anna were in each other's arms. The usual suspects were kneeling at the foot of the bed, Theresa and Jane nude and collared, Erica and Alexandra actually clothed, but figuratively just as naked. Steve looked Alexandra in the eyes, and mouthed, "Today. Baby." Alexandra's eyes shone through her tears as she nodded, and mouthed, "Yes, please." Steve considered his tasks today. In addition...

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Sex With Dear One On My Lucky Day

I am mano and this incident happened when I was 18 years old. At that time I completed my 12 standard and enjoying summer holidays. This is the first incident happened in my life that to a very cute incident and a long one. This relationship went on for more than 6 years. Let me introduce you the cause of this story. Her name is lavanya. She was 22 and completed her graduation at that time. She is very cute and has perfect boobs and all the other stuff. We studied in the same college and also...

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Girlfriend won Queen Slut competition

I was introduced to a cute Asian girl at a party 2 years ago.  At the time I didn't know anything about her apart from that night I was aware she hooked up with a guy at the party. I had just finished talking to her for 5 minutes but I was with another girl at the time, so the next I heard, a friend was talking about how she was in the bathroom hooking up with one of his mates.  Then I saw them walk out together.  The last I saw her that night she was leaving the party, but with a different...

Quickie Sex
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Marrying Poor

Rajesh couldn’t wait for the customs formalities to finish 6 days outside India and he was horny as hell. For a man used to regular and dominating sex, this was a real hardship. His 25 year old sexy wife was at home waiting to serve him in every way. Rajesh’s fascination with big tits meant that he was very specific in his ‘wish list’. He wanted young, good looking and big boobs. As a success story from a small village in MP, Rajesh was a hot catch. Having come to Mumbai when he was 17, Rajesh...

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My Brothers WifeChapter 3

“Woah, what a nice place! Much better than mine!” Moriah exclaimed as she rushed into my arms, just seconds before Lizzie and Reggie arrived, “so, let me see if I get this right. I’m to be your ... wife, right? But you’ll also fuck your brother’s wife here and some old flame of yours? Hell, yeah, sign me up!” “You’re totally cool with an unfaithful husband from the outset ... and with having to service my brother, his wife, my old flame, and her hubby, too?” I stipulated carefully, even as I...

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Persona 5 Lust

You aren't sure how you got this new app, or how it's taken you to a new world. Or really well - anything about it at all. But there is one thing you are sure of --- Your life is about to change forever. Today was another average and ordinary day at Shujin Academy. You arrived, you sat by yourself, talked to barely anyone, and stared at the beauties of this school like they were the last fruit in the entire world. You aren't sure what it is ( the uniforms? ) but anytime you stare at one of the...

Mind Control
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Git Er Wet Fer Me

“Hey there Randy Joe, alles nahce yew visits us sew regler. Yer auntie lahks it tew. Kin Ah git yew some shine? Got me a new jug just yesterday.” They sipped out on the porch, watchin Ole Yeller havin fun chasin chickens and small pigs round the yard. Uncle Cletus aways liked these visits which happened at least once a week. He and Auntie Ollie was gittin older but “weren’t daid yet”, as he put it. They scrabbled out a livin way back in the hills where generations of ancestors had done the...

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Adams ApplesChapter 22 Die Hard with a Vengeance

THE COLONEL’S NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY drew more people to our house than the Christmas party had. I constantly expected protesters to show up in front of the house because so many people knew Jack, Evelyn, and Lily were in residence there. But while it was common knowledge in the neighborhood, it seemed to be a tacit secret elsewhere. By the end of the party, there was another stack of gifts for Lily under the Christmas tree. It was like the entire community was bringing gifts to the manger...

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TeenCurves Demi Lowe Help Me Clean Papi

When football is on, Logan can not be bothered. Demi gets home and sees the disgusting mess he made. She likes the house clean, and asks him to tidy up. He tells her to go do it her damn self. Wrong answer. Latin women go from 0 to 100 real quick, especially when they get an attitude. Demi returns in some of the hottest lingerie ever, and asks Logan very seductively to help her clean. One look at those tantalizing curves and he couldnt say no. Demi didnt actually even clean, she just served as...

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My First Time Sex With Uncle Part 2

Hi Friends, My name is Sagar. This is second part of the story so if you have not read first (My First Time Sex With Uncle – Part1 ) part you can read that first so you can understand it better. Next day when I meet uncle he told me that he has new porn movie. My heart beat was raised when the movie started and uncle sit near me. As usual after few minutes we both were sucking each other’s cock one by one. It was amazing feeling. He asked me if I want some more fun. I asked what kind of fun. He...

Gay Male
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Sharis WeddingChapter 5 Thirty days to Wedding

Sharileen was too busy looking at clock and getting anxious that her father may have had second thoughts and was not going to come. Shanaz was also aware that they were supposed to join the family guests for dinner at nine. Sharileen absentmindedly cleaned her brush of loose hair and bend down to drop them in the bathroom bin. She nearly screamed as her naked ass brushed against her father's legs. He had entered silently. Sharileen gave a suppressed whoop of glee filled 'DADDEEE' as her...

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Erotic tennis

Madeline liked to play tennis but she wasn't very good at it, when she would hit the ball it would go all over the place even though she loved it so much . It was hard for her to find players because she was not good at it she loved her tennis racket she loved the way it looked and she loved to see the balls fly over the net. She thought it was fun to play tennis . but one day as she was playing her tennis she saw this very sexy guy and she got turned on , she couldn't keep the racket in her...

3 years ago
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Restoration complexity

The company is quite small, only like 4 employees and myself as an apprentice. Conservation is something that can be learned fairly easily, it needs basic engineering skills and understanding how erosion happens... most of time. Restoration is skill that not only needs fairly advanced understanding regarding conservation but one also needs to master one or more arts. To give a crude example, if you cannot handle the brush, why would you try to restore priceless painting from sixteen hundreds....

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My girlsorry its Googles translation

Talent to blowjob - purely natural, good and fast sponge naughty tongue ... My dear girl, with a gentle face, often naively went out in my black shirt for my friends and drinking fresh coffee, forcing us to think of her ass and ask her to dress ..That evening I was returning as usual from Mila. Entering the market bought a pack of Chesterfields, and chocolate for my girl.It was not just. I loved her, and she loved to be mine. I knew nothing about who she is, her parents, where she lives, but I...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 667

At the Castle Six weeks earlier continued. ...”It seems to be just what we are thinking of, but not for the first trip. We need to get back into everything before we go that far,” Dessie replied. “Well, if we can help, just let us know,” Karl said as both he and Glenda came to their feet. When they had gone, Phillip looked over at his wife, both seeming to realize that they had just made friends, probably good friends, and sex wasn’t even part of it. “I like them,” Dessie said...

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Amazing Grace Part Three Chapters 912

Chapter NineMarcus Stewart sat at the head of his dining room table. It had been eons since both of his children, McKinley and Aislyn, had been present at this table, and now, they were joined by his son’s new wife, Grace. He couldn’t help but be impressed that McKinley had chosen a woman who was not only gorgeous and intelligent but one who seemed to be able to hold her own even in this dysfunctional house. He was only mildly embarrassed that his cock was stiffening at the thought of how...

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Randi Ko Buri Tarah Chod Kar Rakhail Banaya

Please if you like the story email me at the given email waiting eagerly for your response . Hi Friends aaj mein ap sabhi meri life ki ek true story batane wala hun. Mera naam Suresh hai aur mein 24 sal ka hun mughe shuru se hi strong aur mascular dikhna pasand hai aur mein roz workout karta hun aur meri body bhi bahut mascular aur sudoul hai meri lambai 6ft 4″ hai aur mera lund 8″ lamba aur 2″ mota hai. Mein ek MNC mein job karta hun aur Jaipur mein ek flat mein akela rehta hun. Ek din mein...

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The Dark Stone

By RawlyRawls This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain. If you want to read more of my stuff, please visit: Also, all characters are 18 years or older. Enjoy. Chapter 1 Sam skipped out of the alley behind the 7-11 and turned onto the old train tracks. Weeds scraped along his ankles. The faint scent of creosote rose up from the weathered wood beneath him. He hopped from one tie to the next. His brown eyes scanned the ground. The weight of his...

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Bike Trips

By BjS Being a bike fanatic, I have the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors on many a motorcycle and due to my dad’s untimely passing away (bless his soul), left me as a rich man well looked after. Being free to roam the roads of beautiful countries when ever I want to, led me to many places where I could pitch my tent for a night or two, depending on what the next day would bring. That also brought me to the West Coast of South Africa to a small town where I decided to unpack my bike and...

Straight Sex

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