Detention Sux free porn video

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I was not usually a naughty girl at school, but there was something about Miss Wilton that made me act badly around her. Although she was comparatively young, she was one of the strictest and most authoritarian of our teachers, and she always seemed to have a particular down on me – criticising my work, and pulling me up sharply for little things like running in the corridor between classes, the sort of things that everyone did and were nothing out of the ordinary. I was not sure of her age: she had been teaching at our school for several years, and was either in her late 20s or perhaps a little over 30. She was always dressed very smartly in a rather severe style – trouser suits, or jackets and matching skirts, in a dark colour; generally black, but sometimes navy blue or a charcoal grey, with a faint pinstripe. She favoured pencil-cut skirts which suited her slender waist, trim ass and slim legs, and which were long enough to just overlap the top of the boots that she liked to wear. Under her suit jackets she usually had a high-neck buttoned blouse in white, and when she walked or turned round there was just the hinted outline of a dark-coloured bra and a fuller figure than her austere style of ‘professional’ clothes would suggest. She had dark hair kept fairly short in a neat cut that shaped her face, which would be attractive if she smiled instead of looking so stern and sharp all of the time.

At the time this happened, I was almost halfway between my fifteenth and sixteenth birthdays. Our school was co-ed but I hadn’t felt very attracted to any of the boys or had a regular boyfriend, just messed around a bit at parties as we all did, allowing some heavy petting but nothing further. I was one of a little clique of female friends and spent most of my free time with them, in and out of school; we weren’t quite the coolest set, but were not far behind and quite ‘in’, and we were all good-looking and up with the fashions. At this time I was about 5 feet 5 inches, and my figure was coming in nicely – well-shaped breasts that were starting really to need the support of a bra and, if I say so myself, a really pert ass and good legs. My hair is naturally brownish, but I had it dyed blonde in a layered cut that made it quite thick and bouncy. The school was old-fashioned in many ways, and one of these was its strict uniform rules. So on this day I was dressed as usual like the all other girls, in black shoes, white ankle socks (no tights or stockings allowed), a plain grey knee-length pleated skirt, white shirt and school tie, and a matching grey jacket with the school badge on the left breast.

Miss Wilton was our maths teacher, and it didn’t help that I have never been good at maths. On this warm afternoon in late spring my concentration wandered more than usual, and she had already reprimanded me for inattention a couple of times. The next time she was quite sarcastic about my ‘wool-gathering’ and remarked that I must have ‘cotton wool for brains’, and some of the other pupils smirked which got me cross. I glared at her and muttered under my breath ‘dyke bitch’ – I still have no idea why that expression came to mind, but I hadn’t been careful enough because she must have heard it (I don’t think anyone else did, as she had come to stand near my desk while she was telling me off). She went stiff and quite white, I thought with anger, and immediately gave me a detention, telling me to report to her classroom fifteen minutes after the end of the school day, which finished at 3.30 p.m.

My friends commiserated with my bad luck, and left as the school quickly emptied of both pupils and staff on this bright and sunny afternoon. Feeling victimised, I trailed grumpily along to Miss Wilton’s classroom, deliberately arriving about five minutes late. Her room was the last one on the right in the upper corridor of the science and maths block, which was now quiet and deserted. When I arrived at Miss Wilton’s room I saw that she was the only other person there. Although it was warm weather, today she was wearing her usual black boots and a closely tailored black skirt; she had taken off the matching jacket and hung it over the back of her chair. She was standing beside her desk, and seemed a little pre-occupied. When I came in, she swung towards me and – before I could trot out some lame excuse for being tardy – she asked me sharply why I had used those words in the classroom.

There was something about her demeanour and tone of voice that was a little bit off – just a hint of nervousness in her normally steely authority, and somehow I picked up on it. Instead of humbly apologising, it was like a little voice in my head told me what to do. I looked at her coolly and drew out the moment, shrugging my shoulders and saying suggestively: ‘Well .... you know why ...’

My instinct was right, because she slightly blenched, and put one hand against the desk as if to steady herself for a moment. She rushed ahead, demanding ‘Who has been saying things?’, and then revealingly adding: ‘What has she been telling you?’

Well, well, I thought; on target – a bull’s eye, or rather a dyke’s eye! I began to see some possibilities here, a way of getting my own back on the haughty and aloof teacher. I felt excited and even a bit aroused, with a sensation of warmth in my lower stomach and the start of wetness between my legs.

‘Oh, I know plenty.’ I said, still keeping carefully non-specific and leading her on. Then, before she had the chance to demand any facts, I took my bluff further and attacked. ‘What would the School Board say if they knew?’ I challenged her. And then I had a moment of blinding revelation: if she thought a girl had been spilling secrets, it was likely to be someone I knew, someone in my class – and that meant almost certainly someone u******e, as hardly any of us were yet sixteen. This insight took only a split second, and acting upon it, I added the rider: ‘or the police?’

Miss Wilton looked pole axed and staggered back against her desk, mumbling ‘No! ... Carla wouldn’t ...’

Oh, ho! I thought, that explains a lot. Carla was in my class, though not in my close group of friends; she was a very pretty dark-haired girl, with one of best figures in our year, and a demure manner that just radiated subliminal signals that she was really hot stuff underneath. No wonder the cool Miss Wilton had been tempted to take such a dangerous risk – if anyone was hot pussy on legs, it was Carla Viatelli.

I gave the bossy teacher a cruel smile, and replied ‘She might not tell ... but maybe I will.’ Then inspiration took me a leap further, and I pointed out: ‘if it all comes out, she’ll have to say that you made her do it.’

Miss Wilton was horrified by the realisation of the danger she was in, and stretched a hand out to me pleadingly. ‘Janey, no, please ... no, don’t’, she beseeched. This was such fun, such a turn around and a chance for payback – I was going to savour every minute of it. I pretended to look doubtful, and told her ‘Why shouldn’t I? You’re always such a bitch to me, even more than to everyone else.’

The teacher looked at the floor for a moment, and then she looked straight at me, biting her lower lip. I wasn’t ready for what came next, as she candidly admitted: ‘It’s because you girls turn me on so much that I have to keep a distance, keep everything professional – and I’m sharp with you, Janey, because you really excite me ... that tight ass of yours flouncing along the corridors, I have to say something strict to stop myself putting a hand up your skirt and pulling down your panties.’

And then the little voice in my head made me say something that took my own breath away: ‘Well, why don’t you now? There’s no one else here ...’

She gasped, and her mood instantly changed, with the reaction from her fear adding to a surge of lust. I realised just how sexy I thought she was – a feeling that I had been suppressing until now – as she stalked to the door of the room, turned the key in the lock, and pulled down the blind so that no one could see in. Miss Wilton returned to stand directly in front of me, looked me searchingly in face, and then cupped my chin in her hand. She leaned forward, brushing her lips along mine, and I parted them to let her tongue flick into my mouth. Her hands went behind my shoulders, and I could feel the firm swell of her breasts as she pulled me against her in a long and passionate kiss. The wetness between my legs had soaked my panties and I felt weak at the knees, but after a minute I pulled back and recovered control of the situation.

At my instruction, with an eager look in her eyes, Miss Wilton unbuttoned her blouse and dropped it on her chair. I admired what was revealed: two quite full round breasts, deliciously uplifted in a firm black underwired bra. I reached out to trace their outline through the silky black fabric, as Miss Wilton gave a slight shudder. I slipped my hand into the cup that was holding her left breast, easing it upwards and outwards. Her jutting nipple was firm and hard, showing her arousal. I had never done, and hardly even ever thought, about anything like this before, but somehow it seemed so obvious what to do. I bent my head, the fringe of my hair brushing tantalisingly across the flesh of her upper breast, and took the nipple into my mouth. At first I licked and sucked it, and then encouraged by her soft moans I got bolder, nibbling gently with my teeth to pull it forwards.

I jumped slightly as her hand came up under my skirt, feeling for the join of my legs and the gusset of my panties. ‘Mmm,’ she said appreciatively as her fingers found their target and she discovered how wet and open I had become, and she stroked my slit firmly through the damp cloth. I was now so turned on, and realising that I very much wanted this to go further – now, and in the future. Her hands deftly pulled my uniform skirt up to my waist, and then slipped the panties down my legs to my ankles. I stepped out of them with alacrity, and my new tutor in love steered me backwards to one of the chairs. I sat down, and she spread my legs apart and knelt between my thighs. Her hands sought my breasts, cupping and squeezing them through my uniform shirt and plain cotton bra. At once I swiftly unbuttoned the shirt and shrugged it off my shoulders, and she reached behind my back and uncoupled the bra’s fasteners. For a second I felt young and shy as she sat back slightly on her haunches to look at my youthful bust. But then her hands touched my nipples, and the feel of her skin against them was unbelievably erotic, causing me to put my head back and spread my legs even wider.

Miss Wilton applied her expert tongue to my swollen tits, whilst dextrously sliding her right hand up between my thighs, the forefinger pushing into the spread lips of my labia. My back arched, and I thrust my pelvis forward against her, bucking my hips. She stroked up and down my vagina, easing further inwards until she encountered my hymen. She paused for a moment, taking her mouth away from my breast. ‘Please ... don’t stop’, I said in a strangled whisper, but she shook her head and said I was still a virgin. Recklessly, I told her that I wanted her to take me. She said ‘not here, not like this’, but I made her promise that she would take me home with her and do it there.

By now all tension between us had evaporated, and we were regarding each other with pleasure and the anticipation of many joys to come. She stood up, and I reached for the fastening of her stylish skirt, loving the sensation of disrobing this stunning adult woman. As the skirt tumbled to the ground, it revealed that she was wearing sheer black hold-up stockings and a naughtily skimpy pair of panties in black lace which matched her bra. With practiced movements she simultaneously kicked the skirt away and discarded the bra, setting her full breasts swinging free.

Then came the most wonderful part of all, as she knelt back down between my legs, and brought her mouth to my sweet pussy, licking it, teasing it, nibbling it, and questing for the hotspot of my clitoris. It swept me away in waves of lust, as I happily accepted my bisexuality – or, probably, lesbianism – and I clutched at the back of her head, running my fingers through her hair and pressing her face into my cunt. Her expert tongue flicked along my slit, caressing and sucking on my nub, as I was brought to my first-ever orgasm by another person. She held me on the crest of that, her fingers reaching up to tweak and pull on my nipples as my body shuddered under her attentions, and then she tongued me to a second bone-shaking, sweat-drenched climax.

Miss Wilton pulled back, licking her lips in satisfaction, and then we shared a long lingering kiss. We put our clothes back on, and I followed her out to the car park. She drove me back to the quiet flat that she lived in alone, and after I reassured her that I wanted to go ‘all the way’ and for her to be the one to take my virginity, she gently undressed me and I lay down on her bed, my hips resting on a towel that she had spread on top of the sheet. As I watched avidly, she stood at the foot of the bed and slowly disrobed, until she was naked apart from her boots and hold-up stockings. She bent to unzip the boots, but I caught my breath – she looked so stunning with them on, so I told her not to take them off. She smiled and said ‘that’s my girl’, and then from a drawer she selected a medium-sized strap-on dildo. Miss Wilton told me call her Sandra when we here, and came to lie beside me on the bed. For a while she caressed and kissed various parts of my body, having the effect of both relaxing and exciting me, until without haste she eased my legs apart and positioned herself between them.

‘Janey, are you quite sure about this?’, she asked for the sixth or seventh time. I answered without hesitation: ‘Sandra, please, I want it and I want you most of all – take me, do it now!’ She slid forwards until the knob of the plastic cock was stroking against my pussy lips, and then gently but firmly eased it inwards. When it encountered my hymen she paused briefly to give lascivious oral attention to my throbbing breasts, which resulted in my cunt becoming even wetter and looser. Suddenly she pushed forward again, breaking into me with a swift movement – there was a moment of jolting pain, over almost as soon as it had registered, and then I was lost in the sensations as my once-cool teacher began to stroke the dildo in an out in with ever faster and deeper thrusts. I think I must have been almost shouting in my unbounded pleasure, as she took me to the third, biggest and best climax of that wonderful afternoon.

After I came, I lay limp and breathless on my older lover’s bed for several minutes. Then I roused myself, for I could see that Sandra was gently massaging her own breasts. ‘Let me do that’, I said softly, and I took her fullness into my mouth – it felt so good, so right. Sandra unbuckled the strap-on to give my tongue access to her cunt, and for the first time ever I tasted the sex juices of another woman and feel of her pubes and the muscles of her vagina and cervix. Gasping from my eager and enthusiastic attentions, Sandra reached to the drawer of the bedside table and produced a long blue plastic vibrator. She switched it on and handed it to me, saying ‘babe, do me, please.’ I knelt on the bed, my breasts almost brushing the sheet, and pushed the vibrator into my teacher’s cunt. The whole situation was such a turn on – aloof and snotty Miss Wilton had become my total lesbian bedroom whore, with my sweet young body driving her wild with desire. I had a sudden feeling of confidence and even of mastery over the older woman, and began to piston the vibrator in and out of her with vigour and relentless determination. She looked at me wide-eyed, hardly believing her luck, and began to gasp: ‘Oh migod! do me, oh! do me hard, do it harder, harder!’ I repositioned myself for a better angle, looked her straight in the eye, and to her further arousal I said: ‘I’m gonna do you, you fucking snotty bitch, I’m gonna make you cum, cum for me, you cunt, you slut!’ My hot words and the shafting with the vibrator, which was making wet slapping sounds as I drove it in and out of her gaping pussy, took her to the heights of ecstasy. Her back arched off the bed, her hips spread as wide as they could, and her whole body jerked in waves of orgasm before she collapsed down again, her eyes closed. I withdrew the vibrator, and then gently and tenderly I licked her slit clean and kissed each of her breasts. She drew me into her arms, and for the next half hour we just lay close, cuddling and caressing. We spoke for a while, and I assured her that I would never let anyone know about what we had done – and I confessed that Carla had not breathed a word of her secret, and it had been just a lucky guess. She was relieved at this, and playfully slapped me lightly on the bottom, saying I was a very naughty girl – and that she was glad that I was.

Then she took me to her bathroom and we showered together, laughing and joking in the confined space. She was a completely different person from the severe authoritarian schoolteacher, and I fell in love with the sweet body, impish smile and tender affection which she hid beneath her professional mask when at work. It was now nearly six o’clock and I would be expected home for the evening meal, so she gave me a lift in her car and dropped me at the end of the street, out of sight of my house. Before I got out of the car, I kissed her on the lips, and made her promise that we would make love again soon. She said it was too risky at school – we must act there as if nothing had happened, so she would be cool and I would tell my friends what a bitch I thought she was. However, I could come to her house sometimes after school and at the weekend. Then she said that Carla would be there on Saturday afternoon, and why not come along then get to know her better. That prospect nearly made me come on the spot, and I said I would. So within a week I went from inexperienced virgin to my first lesbian threesome – which certainly proved that when it’s us girls in bed, three definitely isn’t a crowd.

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Detention with Mr Nile

It was 4:30pm and school was out, for everyone but me. I had a detention to go to for chewing gum in class. Bullshit. Everyone chews gum in class and it's me who gets caught? At least it's with Mr Nile though, he's one of the younger teachers, well i say younger, he's 38 and married with k**s but he is some good looking teacher. So i walk in watching as fellow students and teachers go home for the day. A couple of cleaners walking out too, leaving early because it was the weekend. This made me...

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I was not usually a naughty girl at school, but there was something about Miss Wilton that made me act badly around her. Although she was comparatively young, she was one of the strictest and most authoritarian of our teachers, and she always seemed to have a particular down on me – criticising my work, and pulling me up sharply for little things like running in the corridor between classes, the sort of things that everyone did and were nothing out of the ordinary. I was not sure of her...

2 years ago
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Detention Ms Donry

"What's your name?" you ask from across the room. "Isn't that a little inappropriate?" she questions sternly. It's obvious she wants to fuck you more than teach you at this point, but she's playing it safe. You're playing it risky though, and so far, it's working perfectly. The teacher, Ms. Donry, is a gorgeous brunette, with hair that runs down to her shoulders, but has been put into a ponytail. Her blue eyes and careful gaze pierce into your soul, and have been secretly studying...

3 years ago
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Detention 7

“...Thank-you...” I answered awkwardly. I didn’t move from my spot next to the door. Jason sat down on my couch and looked at me. “You gonna come sit down?” Jason asked. He smiled, a very seductive smile that caused excitement to ripple along my skin. Slowly and nervously, I made my way over to the very opposite end of the couch and sat. I wanted to look at Jason, to stare at his incredibly handsome face: his smooth, flawless skin, the sparkling hazel-colored eyes, and beautiful soft...

2 years ago
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Detention Ch 02

First chapter is here: * It was Monday morning, time to go back to school. I had had the weekend to reflect on what had happened last Friday afternoon. I also got in a few good jerk off sessions over it. I woke up on Saturday still wondering if it was a dream. But no, I had actually had my dick sucked by Marsha Callaghan while she had her pussy eaten by Kelly Johnson. Then I fucked Kelly Johnson in the ass. Amazing. I wondered what...

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She wrapped her fingers around the handle, turned around and said, ‘Just don’t let them get to you and I’ll see you at lunch.’ My first day at school. Don’t think I’d ever felt so nervous in my whole life before. I could feel every single pair of eyes watch me as i walked to the middle of the class room, barely able to look up. ‘…My name is Mr. Wilson and I’ll be teaching you about Religious Education this year.’ That’s right. I’d sold out, given up and gone against everything i used to stand...

2 years ago
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Detention with Miss Chasterty

Hi, my name is Megan Tuck and I’m studying my A-levels at college. Last week was my eighteenth birthday and, until then, I had been a virgin. However, I loved to masturbate and would often do it three or four times a day. Anyway, my story begins on the day after my birthday. It was a Monday and I was back at college. My first lesson was double biology. I’ve always enjoyed biology, especially the reproductive organs, but the subject really started to grab my attention when we got a new teacher...

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Ms. Robinson was the only teacher at Mickinly High School that all the boys wanted to fuck. She was perfect, with voluptuous breasts and a nice firm ass. Her clothes were always tighter than they should be and she loved the attention it got her. But someone had found out that she wasn’t looking for a man in her life, rather a woman. This didn’t stop the boys from watching her hips dance as she crossed the room, her long brown hair flowing along behind her. I, on the other hand, found it rather...

4 years ago
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An hour, a whole hour! For what? You weren't being "inattentive", you were paying a LOT of attention. OK, so maybe ogling the teachers breasts wasn't the right kind of attention, but it's still unfair. Now you're stuck here with her for an hour, and only 5 minutes have passed. The teacher you were staring at was Miss Locke. She wasn't what you would typically consider hot. For a start she was much older than you, maybe 50? Yet sometimes you struggled to keep your eyes off her. Her large milky...

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Detention pt 2

Susie Johnson had a sip of her chilled white wine as she got ready for a night out with a couple of her friends. She'd finished her makeup and had chosen her sexiest black underwear with black hold up stockings. She had decided to wear her favourite little black dress. She remembered the last time she wore it. She would never forget the day when she was ravished by her son's headmaster and the school secretary. She was also forced to fuck her own son which thought sent a shiver down her spine...

4 years ago
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Detention pt1

Adam Jones had just finished screwing the school secretary over his desk. Adam was the headmaster at a prestigious boys school in London He was in his mid fifties, tall, slim and handsome in a boyish type of way.Cheryl Smith was in her early forties, also tall and quite curvaceous. She was married with no c***dren and had been fucking her boss for over a year.As they dressed they made polite conversation. 'Did you hear about young Johnson?' she asked the headmaster. 'No, who is he and what's it...

1 year ago
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Detention Time

I feel the moisture seeping into my panties as I look down to where Tommy is casually fingering Sammy's sweet little pussy beneath the desk. She's sitting back in her chair with a rapt expression on her face, legs spread wide apart and her panties in her hand, "Sammy what on earth are you doing?" I say gently to her and reach down to take the panties from her hand, "And Tommy, please take your fingers out of Sammy's pussy" "Sorry mummy" he says and smiles at me as he licks them...

1 year ago
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Detention a Young Mans Best Friend

She stood at the chalkboard, writing the next day's lesson plan. If she had to be here, she might as well be productive. Andrew was never one to get in trouble, and it was definitely odd. She had felt him staring at her all day. It made her kind of uneasy. Now that she thought of it, it seemed that he almost wanted to get in trouble. She felt him staring at her again. She turned slightly, and caught him staring at her ass. She had to admit that she did have feminine wiles. Nothing pronounced,...

3 years ago
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"Paris Geller, Rory Gilmore, I can scarcely believe it. Of all people I would expect to be standing here in front of me for misbehaving you two are the very last ones. And this close to graduation!" The Chilton Headmaster shook his head sadly and lifted the report from his desk. "Mr. Medina says the pair of you acted like, well he doesn't use the word but 'hooligans' is what comes to MY mind. I have no idea what set you both off but acting like you did." The man slid his glasses down...

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John Batchelor hated School. From the boring lessons, to the morons he had to attend class with; and the useless Teachers. In fact the only teacher he did like was his form tutor; Miss Lewis. He could still remmember his first day of Secondary School. He'd been put in a class whose form tutor was an old Battle-axe; Mrs Cooper, all she did was yell all the time. But as he progressed through School he kept noticing Miss Lewis aroung the building, always very well dressed, and made up nicely. The...

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Master PC Suxnet

He and his sister, Tammy, stood in the center of the shot, framed by his parents, who wore forced smiles. Tom had forgotten how rocky their relationship had been then, or that his father had lost so much hair, or that pullover top his mother used to wear all the time. His mother's laughter from the kitchen underscored the change; Tom knew without looking that his dad had hugged her from behind, palming the generous breasts that didn't exist in the image in front of him, and kissing the...

2 years ago
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I enter the room and there's Mr. Embrey. Honestly, I feel bad for the guy. He has to run detention and he's a nice guy. And kinda cute. He's a little bigger than most guys but he's still cute. Like a teddy bear. He's got auburn curly hair I've always loved and blue green eyes that are just amazing. I say "hey" to him and he answers "Aimee? Never thought I'd see you here. What are you in for?" I sit down on a desk and part my legs a little, just enough to give him a small glance...

3 years ago
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A New Life for my Mother

I was expecting the big gates of the prison to swing open, but they didn’t. Instead on the dot of eight, the little Judas door opened, and she walked out carrying a little parcel under her arm.“Mrs. Greene?” she looked at me briefly but carried on walking, so I tried again.“Mum?”She stopped and slowly turned round.“I’m no one's mother,” she looked at me defiantly, daring me to say otherwise, so I obliged.“You’re my mother, you know you are.”“I’m sorry, but you must be mistaken.” but she made no...

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Puppy Love

Greeting me at the door, wagging your tail sitting as you hear your master walking down the hall.The door opens, and you clench your teeth together but your cheerful yips of excitement escape you - knowing full well you will be entertaining a spank or two for the exciting yips.He bends down "how is my pet today, did you miss me?"You move closer, dragging your excited wagging tail - all you want is your masters full attention, to love him, to do as he desires."Where is your toy girl, go get your...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 20 Payment

Zax pondered on the possibility of trading the Solar Basil Leaf for Yurnal’s Black Core. Regardless of the chain’s Second Leader’s thoughts on the bizarre Earth’s Core and wanting to keep it for his son, without the remaining three, it will only limit his cultivation path. In contrast, the Solar Basil Leaf will reconstruct his physique and improve his affinity, make it tremendously a lot easier to understand the fiery attribute. “You- You- already used the Diluted Element?” The shock on Gid...

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Mummy Ne Diya Zindagi Ka Tohfa 8211 Part 4

Hello everyone. Kaise hai aap sab? Meri story ke pichle 3 parts mein aap logo ne padha ki kaise Jaya ne apne bete Vivek ki padhai ke liye apna jism uske friend Karan ko becha. Lekin fir Vivek ko pata chal gaya aur usne Karan se badla lene ka faisla kiya. Isi beech Jaya ka apne kirayedar talakshuda Rahul se affair shuru ho gaya. Ab aage ki story Vivek ki jubani. Maine pure hardwork se Ria ki company mein kaam shuru kiya. Main pure din bahut mehnat karta taaki kisi tarah uska dhyan apni taraf kar...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 64 All Hell Broke Loose

June 8, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “That was fast,” I said. “They have to act fast,” Jamie said. “They can’t afford to let this go.” “I didn’t know you could type up a filing that quickly!” “You’d be amazed what you can do if you’re motivated enough.” “So, what do we do?” “Sit tight for now. How many of your offers were accepted?” “Two of the developers, the ones we really wanted, the support rep, and three sales reps. The cease and desist can’t be retroactive, can it?” “No. You made...

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Everyone in this story is over eighteen. It is far and away my most ambitious work to date, tracing the metamorphosis of a young married woman from being a downtrodden wife, through a chance encounter, eventually into a spiral leading her into a world she had never dreamt of. I hope someone bothers to read it. My story begins in the following way, but that is really only a ‘preface.’ ‘Where’s my dinner then?’ was my greeting when Gerry, my husband of some eight years, walked in from work,...

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Kendras Way Part I

Kendra arched her back and grabbed a handful of Daniel's thick blond hair, lifting his head as they made eye contact. "Deep Baby," she purred, "I'm so sore. Moisten and clean me deep." He returned to her tender and swollen labia, hot with irritation from the nearly constant and determined thrusts of her lover over the past three hours. Doing as she asked he gently parted her lips and pushed his tongue deep into her vagina, and then rolling into the form a straw, softly began slurping out the...

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SimoneChapter 2

"What exactly are you telling me, Simone?" Monica asked her friend. "I'm just telling you what happened with Kevin the other day," Simone replied, trying to sound nonchalant. "It was really no big deal. I wouldn't have told you if I thought it was going to upset you." "Honey, I don't know if I'm upset yet. I'm still not quite sure I understand what it was that happened." "I told you ... Kevin came over like he often does, right after school, to help me out with the...

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No panties at work

Yesterday, I went to work without underwear. I wore hold-up stockings and left my knickers and bra in the draw. The dress I chose was a nice smart one and I wore my favourite high heeled shoes. The dress comes to a couple of inches above my knee and is nice and tight. Although the dress was quite tight and a total lack of VPL might be a giveaway, I don’t think people would easily be able to tell I wasn’t wearing knickers, I think it was probably quite clear I was braless. But I knew that if I...

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Sending My Friend Pictures of My Wife

My wife Kacie and I have been married for five years, although we have been together as a couple for the last ten years. A while ago we found that while we were still very sexually active, the "magic" wasn't there any more, and we decided to do something out of the ordinary to try and recapture it. Don't get me wrong, the sex has been great and has provided many interesting nights over the course of our relationship!In the meantime we've been content to experiment with a bit of role-playing and...

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Public back seat wank

So it was late, dark and I was driving home with my girlfriend and her sister. Her sister was driving, my girlfriend was in the passenger seat and I was in the back, on my own. We were all chatting when suddenly it dawned on me that if I took my dick out, nobody would even notice, so I put this to the test. At this point it was just for the sake of my own humour and so my dick wasn't hard or anything. I slowly pulled my trousers and boxers down slightly and let my cock and balls hang out. ...

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Spizoo Adira Allure Blonde Slut Fucks Her PornLoving Man

Blonde Adira Allure catches Donny Mountain while he is watching porn on the bed. Instead of getting mad, the naughty slut decides to give her man something to fantasize about. Adira takes off her clothes, leaving only her white lingerie and stockings, before entering the room. Donny tries to explain himself, but Adira quickly kisses him on the lips and goes on top of him. She gives her man a blowjob while sitting on her face. The 69 oral made Adira and her partner hornier. They can’t...

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Son loves father2

I looked at the price tag and objected, "Brit, I can't afford these boots.""Don't worry about it. If I'm going to dress you, I'm going to pay for it. Actually, I'm putting it on my father's credit card, so he's paying for it. Consider it an early Christmas present from me."I shrugged and followed Britney to the next store, a lingerie store.She took me back to the fitting room saying, "Nothing makes a woman feel sexier than her lingerie. Choose your lingerie with the man in mind, it's part of...

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Marooned in the Snow

It was one day in early January, when the north wind blew strongly, and you just knew there was snow on the way. I was away from home on business in London, and was looking forward to being back at home. Hotels are all very well, but the comforts of home are hard to beat. I’d been single for about three years, after my wife, Rowena, and I had divorced after 15 years together. It had been amicable, and as she was a successful career woman herself, we parted on equal terms. We had had no...

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