Fish Out Of Water Ch. 01 free porn video

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Nailing a job at the big fishery in town was a good way to start off the summer of 2010. I didn’t know much about the fish, but that wasn’t my job. My job was the chemistry of the business, and that’s the way I liked it to be. Throughout high school, my chemistry and physics teachers would make jokes about the other side of the science wing, where the biologists kept what one of my teachers called ‘bullshit.’ I guess I kept that thinking, and throughout college I took the biology classes but chemistry was my thing. It made sense. It was for the most part black and white. Ecology, from what wafted to my office while I was at work, was not black and white.

Regardless of whether I was a biology person or not, that summer I made a huge decision. Very unlike me. I decided to get a goldfish. This was totally out of line for me, since in the past I was unable to keep various plants alive. I shared a lizard with my roommate for a short while in college—that is, until he escaped.

I was lonely I guess. I think some part of me thought it would be very ‘urban.’ Very ‘vogue.’ My apartment was cluttered for the most part, but I thought getting a goldfish would help my feng shui, or what little of it was present at least. I went to a local IKEA and sifted through the large vases they had. I came across one about two feet tall, rectangular, pretty narrow.

‘Feng shui, here I come,’ I thought.

I carted it up my apartment, filled it with water and went to bed that night with a smile on my face. My toes, the pink chipping off on my toenails, wiggled under the sheets. Tomorrow would be the day I finally went to the local pet store. Noah’s Ark. Noah was big time friends with my crazy lesbian aunt. She had more cats then were probably considered normal, and spent a lot of time there. Unlike me, she went to college to study zoology. I didn’t go there often (like I said, I avoid living things, that aren’t able to take care of themselves, as much as possible) but I was dreading running across her there. As far as I was concerned, she had become a cat.

Walking in, I was already uncomfortable. The place smelled like litter and animals. Noah’s employees, in their green uniforms, milled around with big smiles, approaching customers who looked lost. I tried my best not to look lost, but much to my dismay, a young woman handling a gecko swooped down.

‘Hi! My name is Claire! Can I do my best to help you find something?’ The gecko eyed me, and obviously sensed I wasn’t a living things type of gal.

‘Uh. Um. Fish?’ I stuttered.

‘Sure thing! The fish section is in the back. Big sign that says aquatic. Look for a tiny guy named Dean, he should be able to help you. Hard to miss, red hair, loud personality.’

‘Um. Okay thanks.’

I found my way to the fish section, but this guy Dean wasn’t anywhere to be found. I thought that seemed fishy, pardon my pun, but until then I hadn’t been at such a shortage of employee help. I wandered around the deserted section.

‘Aquatic plants, nope. Saltwater, nope. Tropical Fish, nope.’ At the end were pond fish, and I certainly didn’t want a twelve inch koi fish. That definitely screamed bad feng shui. I passed several tanks of frilly looking goldfish. They were stunning but the first thing that came to mind was ‘high maintenance.’ At the very corner of the room was the tank of comets. Feeder fish. I knew that much.


A deep voice coughed behind me and I jumped in place. Turning around I faced what couldn’t be Dean and reading the name tag pinned to the same green polo shirt as all the others, read ‘Jack,’ affirming my assumptions. He was a good foot and a half taller than me, maybe a few years older too. Broad linebacker shoulders. This Jack guy wasn’t awkwardly muscly as far as I could tell, but the kind of lumberjack type who’s good at giving hugs. That is, if his body language allowed him to be intimate. He stood stiff in front of me. His dark, curly hair was pulled in a short, loose ponytail and his beard needed a good trimming. His eyes were dark, almost black and light freckles dusted the tops of his high cheekbones. His arms were covered in tattoos, maybe tribal—

Shit. I was staring. Shit. He waved his hand in front of my glazed eyes.

‘Hey. You stoned or something lady? I was just checking to see if you, uh—’

‘Needed help?’ I squeaked.

‘Yeah. Do you need help?’

‘Uh. Feeder fish. Do you have feeder fish?’

‘Right in front of you.’ He rubbed the back of his head with his hand, and a tattoo of the Sydney opera house on his wrist peeked out from under his watch.

‘Yeah. I was thinking of getting one.’

‘We sell them in bulk.’ He was getting irritated, I could tell.

‘Um,’ my lip quivered, ‘I just want one.’

‘Lady, you’re not one of those chicks who buys a feeder fish in hopes of saving it, are you? Let me tell you, that’s a bad idea. Most of these guys aren’t bred to live long and you’ll be disappointed. If not for bad genes, they’ve got some sort of illness or ailment.’ His eyelids fluttered, he looked tired. This weakness gave me courage. I wasn’t good with animals, but I could work with people.

‘This isn’t your only job, is it… Jack?’

His eyes popped opened and he smirked, ‘No, actually. I work construction on the weekends to make up for the lack of money in the… domesticated animal retail business.’

Even I laughed at that.

‘So what’ll it be then if not a comet… uh…’

‘Ruth. Ruth’s the name. And I’m not sure, I’m not too great with—’

‘Living things?’

‘Yeah, actually. I’m a chemist.’

‘I could tell a mile away.’ His deadpan expression was killing me but I could live with his all too appealing body. He led me back to the tanks of what I had labeled ‘high maintenance fish.’ The orange and white beauties fluttered around the tank. Jack pressed one set of fingertips against the glass and sighed.

‘Love these guys.’

‘Um. Yeah. They’re cool.’ I wiped my palm against my face, wicking up the sweat that was a product of this whole experience.

‘What kind of setup do you have, Ruthie?’

‘Uh, Ruth, actually. I have an, um, glass thing.’

‘A what, sorry?’ His hand dropped from the tank.

‘Well, it’s kind of like a vase, but it’s like a floor vase. Very urban.’


‘Yeah.’ I detected anger and that was all I needed in this interaction.

‘Ruthie, let me tell you something. Goldfish need a lot of space,’ shit, ‘Some experts say twenty gallons for the first and ten for each fish after that. Some say a gallon per inch’ at this point I eyed the fish. Shit. These guys were at least two inches. I definitely didn’t have room for any growth. Jack saw me thinking and paused.

‘You follow?’ he resumed. I blinked a couple times and focused on his lips. They were pink like all lips, but he had a freckle on his lower lip that I found extremely distracting.

‘I mean,’ He went on, ‘You could play it safe and go with ten gallons for each fish.’

‘I don’t know. That seems like a lot of money.’

‘We have a sale. Fifty percent off. Noah’s switching to a new supply company and has to sell all the old tanks.’ He waggled his eyebrows and elbowed me, ‘How about it?’

I sighed, ‘I’m gonna sleep on it.’ He looked deflated, but his only response was a shrug.

‘Suit yourself.’

I went home and that night I had awful dreams. When I say awful, I mean naughty. Now let me preface by saying I’m not your regular dollface. I don’t normally let myself get whisked away by fantasies, but that night I did. I dreamed about Jack. I dreamed that I was in a massive tank, and it had only a couple inches of water at the bottom. Jack was standing at one end, completely naked. He had tattoos even on skin I hadn’t seen, but that wasn’t what made my jaw drop. It was what was under the ink. His light skin stretched ag
ainst his frame, and dark hair accentuated his chest, and his pelvic area, trailing down to his crotch. His cock was stiff, jutting from the dark hair, dark with erection. His nipples popped from the spans of his chest and he teased them, looking at me. Slowly he sloshed across the tank until he was close enough to touch me. I was naked too, and he soaked me in with his eyes. He grazed his hands across my arms, and moved closer. He licked his lips, winked at me, and moved closer until—

It was then that I woke up. ‘Shit,’ I muttered. Was that really how I saw him? ‘He was too gay,’ I whispered, ‘Definitely.’ And with that cooling down my arousal, I drifted back to sleep. I couldn’t let the snarky pet store guy get to me, no sir.

A call from my brother awoke me in the morning.

‘Hey, Ruth, it’s David.’

‘What’s up?’

‘Listen, have you checked your mail recently?’

‘Ugh.’ I had to roll out of bed for this one. I padded to my kitchen and went through the pile on the table.

‘Dad sent something and he was worried you hadn’t gotten it.’

‘Well, actually, I only check my mail once a week, David.’

His laugh had a tone of nervousness, ‘This is kinda big, Ru.’

I found the envelope just as he stopped. Ruth Henderson. That’s me. I tore open the envelope. A check fell out with a note, reading,

‘Ru, you’ve worked so hard since you’ve been out of school. Do something new and exciting. Love, Dad.’ There was no return address.

‘Ruth. Ruth you there?’


‘You find it?’

‘Yeah. You get $1000 too?’

‘Yeah. Know what you’re going to do with it?’

‘Shit. What are you doing?’

‘Jenna and I are going to Peru to do some hiking.’

I let out a huge breath. I was definitely awake now.

‘Back for more of me?’ Even in his monotone voice, Jack was flirty today and I tried to push last night’s dream out of my mind.

‘I’m here to learn today.’

‘Yeah?’ He raised an eyebrow and elbowed me. He really liked doing that, as far as I was concerned.

‘I’m here to pick up a tank.’

‘Hmph. Change your mind?’

‘Actually yeah.’

‘You don’t know much more about tanks than you do about living things, do you?’


And that was the beginning of the end. Jack didn’t talk much but he didn’t do well to hide his excitement. He led me to the tanks, and at the end of the whole ordeal, I settled on a 200 gallon. Sure you’re probably thinking I’m crazy, and this is a rash decision, but it’s what my dad’s note said and I wasn’t gonna screw around. To be honest, I wouldn’t have done it if Jack hadn’t made me a promise.

Toward the end of the figuring, we sat in the back of the aquatic room on a couple of bar stools. He was quietly calculating, and legs swinging above the ground, I gazed at his tattoos. He stopped fiddling with his notes and looked at me.

‘Ruthie, listen, this isn’t outside of what my normal job is here, but I can help you situate this bade boy. Noah made it clear when he hired me that if a customer bought a tank of this size, I was to help them establish the ecosystem.’

I was suddenly more interested in the loose string on my shorts than what he was saying. His normal tone was replaced by one that seemed concerned.

‘It’s a pain in the ass, I put on of these bad chads in my parents living room. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’d be willing to help. Worst of all, the stand that comes with the tank isn’t preassembled.’

‘I can do that.’ I was annoyed. He was degrading me. As if a woman couldn’t handle assembling instructions.

‘Oh.’ He sighed.

I felt bad. He really seemed like he wanted to help but our nearness was making me antsy. He smelled like sweat, and tank water, and a sweet musky smell that was doing terrifying things to my stomach.

‘I don’t have the tools though.’

I couldn’t believe it. Saturday Jack was coming over to help me set up the stand. Ugh. What was wrong with me? He was obviously too biology-y and unpredictable. I slowly came to the realization that maybe I really wasn’t the best with humans.

That afternoon I emptied the ‘glass thing’ and returned it. Jack told me to find a place in my apartment for the stand. It wasn’t something that could be unassembled or moved, so I really had to think. I cleaned through my mail to avoid confronting the issue. Then cleaned my bathroom. And my kitchen. I even vacuumed.

Come Saturday I was ready. Or at least I thought. I stood by my apartment door to buzz in Jack. Seconds later he knocked.

Lord Almighty. Before me he wasn’t in his normal green polo. He was wearing jeans instead of khakis and a cut off hung loosely from his shoulders. His hair was pulled back like normal and in less eerie lighting I memorized his features. His nose was sharp, with a bump at the bridge. He trimmed his beard, I thought. His eyes were lighter than usual.

‘Sup Ruthie.’ He scratched his jaw.

Ruthie this, Ruthie that. I might as well be a cat or some 1950’s character.

‘I got some buddies from my weekend job to help me haul this stuff—’ He had barely started explaining before three guys appeared at the top of the stairs. Grunting, they pushed us out of the doorway. Jack shrugged.

‘My tools are in my truck if you want to bare your arms.’ I wasn’t paying attention to him and I could tell it was driving him nuts.

‘The guys will be back to help lift the tank on the stand. It’s pretty rigorous, and um, we have these belts…’ His attention drifted as his eyes wandered around the room.

‘Is that the place?’ I nodded. Earlier in the week I had found a place in the living room. He seemed pleased and nodded his head, ‘Good spot. Not too much natural light.’ In my head I was dancing. Feng shui here I come.

That night I went to bed smiling again. The stand and tank were up and running. Jack wanted the tank to cycle for a week before introducing the goldfish. I wasn’t sure how he was able to contain his excitement. I was excited.

‘How aren’t you excited?’ I was talking to air, but I knew Jack was behind me.

‘Oh, Ruthie, I’m excited.’ I turned to his voice and found him standing behind me. Naked and covered in water like he had just showered. It was my turn to touch him and I traced the droplets, watching them skim down his body. He stretched his arms, and smiled at me.

‘You get me real excited.’

I woke up. This needed to stop once and for all. I was tired of having wet dreams, literally wet dreams of Jack. Pretty soon he’d be a goldfish. There had to be some psychological problem to it all.

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Six days after my birthday Ffion and I were sat together at a table in the opulent surroundings of the Officers Mess dining room in Trenchard Barracks. We had met on every one of the intervening six days, taking foolhardy risks of discovery as we made love where ever and whenever we could. We had even made love in Ffion's house, when Gareth and Geraint were away for the night at some motor cycle rally. I had crept into the house through the garden, after Ffion had left the gate in the panel...

2 years ago
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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 1 Seven Hole Washout

Gary's Golf "Outing" Chapter One -- Seven Hole Washout My wife's mother called to tell her she wasn't feeling well and she wanted my wife, Kay, to come up to Chicago to be with her. She is a hypochondriac and it's not unusual for her to interrupt our vacation, or whatever we're doing, with her demands. I was hoping to play golf this day but it was getting cloudy as I drove my wife to the Fort Lauderdale Airport. As I kissed her goodbye, I told her to give my love to her mother....

3 years ago
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Fishing in Heaven

I admit it, I was nervous. I know a guy isn't supposed to get nervous, but I'd had feelings growing for Natasha for quite a while and this was the first opportunity to be alone with her for an extended period of time. What was going to happen? Anything? Were any of my fantasies and dreams going to come true or were we going to enjoy a platonic weekend together? My fantasies and dreams had been rather explicit from time to time. Generally, they were just overall feelings of happiness every...

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Fishing with Cassie

The sky was clearing and the sun was coming out nicely. It had been a dull trip but now the sky was blue and there was a nice glint of sun coming off the water below. I recognized where we were and knew we were only about fifteen minutes away. The drone of the single engine Otter float plane would put you to sleep. The pilot George Freeman was an old family friend of ours and flew charters into the secluded fishing lodges. One of many in the Queen Charlotte Islands and is owned by my family and...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e21 The Portsmouth Womens Institute

Series 6, Episode 20 The Portsmouth Women’s Institute (ages 50-60), from Portsmouth We open with a very simple and idyllic establishing shot of the front of an unobtrusive building with a little square of grass around it. A sign reads, “PORTSMOUTH WOMEN’S INSTITUTE” A small car park is half filled with sensible middle-class cars a Volvo, an Audi, a nice VW, etc. Trees rustle as the wind blows through them. Very safe violin music plays on the soundtrack and then The needle on the record...

2 years ago
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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 22 Outposts

I learnt a new form of love the day my daughter was born. When Tory had started her next group of girls incubating, I found myself gravitating to one of them in particular. I knew she was very special. I knew she was a true sister to me and that I would need to raise her as my daughter. Call it a premonition if you wish, but the certainty was there all the same. She wouldn’t take the place of my precious lost daughter, yet I knew this little girl was very special to me. I was glad that one...

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Gramp Wilcox was quite the large landowner. His holdings comprised a square mile of mostly unproductive mountain land. It was left to my father, James Wilcox. Pop willed it equally to me, Bill, and my brother Mark. My brother wasn't interested in the land, so when Dad's estate was settled, he took a minimal inheritance out of the other assets and moved out to Wyoming. Mark was fair and equitable and didn't demand too much, for he knew the property wouldn't pay for itself and I would be...

3 years ago
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Give Me Some Sugar Part 1 Rochelles Tryout

Introduction: A man goes from an obscure loser to a wealthy writer, and reaps more benefits than just money. ​ Life sure is funny is how it plays out. I have never been a religious man, still am not, but I did listen to the Joel Olsteen guy when the times were bad. He was so positive, that helped, but he also talked about how God could make up for decades of crap, in just a few years through super natural increase. Like I said, I am no Christian and am agnostic about the existence of a deity,...

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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 1

PROPERTY OF DEVIL’S OUTLAWS Chapter 1: Taken As the sun began quickly setting behind the beautiful mountain ranges far away, Hannah could feel her frustration growing larger by the second. She should have known better than to rely solely on her navigation system and not bring a map with her on this trip. She was on her way to join some friends in Cabo for a few days of summer fun and relaxation. She had just a couple more hours of driving, but her normally dependable navigation tool...

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Property of Devils Outlaws

PROPERTY OF DEVIL’S OUTLAWSChapter 1: Taken        As the sun began quickly setting behind the beautiful mountain ranges far away, Hannah could feel her frustration growing larger by the second.  She should have known better than to rely solely on her navigation system and not bring a map with her on this trip.  She was on her way to join some friends in Cabo for a few days of summer fun and relaxation.  She had just a couple more hours of driving, but her normally dependable navigation tool...

2 years ago
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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 4 Summer Camp Initiation

The newly appointed Boy Scoutmaster Rebecca Anderson made her nightly check of all her teenaged charges and made certain they were all wearing regulation nightwear because the tents were coed and embarrassing situations could arise unintentionally if some young lady or young lad accidently went to answer a call of nature without proper attire. Rebecca felt a bit hypocritical about her actions because she usually slept in the raw loving the feel of smooth sheets on her hot female skin. When...

3 years ago
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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 9

The beautiful Boy Scout Scoutmaster Rebecca sat daydreaming in the snake cabin right in the middle of mostly non-poisonous reptiles slithering passively in their glass cages that separated them from the always curious and often reckless young boys and even some of the more adventurous girls more for their own safety than the rambunctious youngsters. She was not one of those persons that felt comfortable in close proximity to snakes. It was probably some ancient genetic trait that kept her...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 12

Right at the beginning of the final two week session of the summer camp, Rebecca was tasked with leading the Eagle Scout prospects out on a long two night hike that would take them completely around the long narrow lake that was far better to canoe or rowboat rather than hike in the dense underbrush surrounding the lush shorelines. She found that there were four male Boy Scouts and three female Boy Scouts in the pool of applicants and it worked out just fine for four two person tents to...

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Wanna Makeout

Dave and Kim had dated early in their life, before they actually new what dating was and after their breakup became close friends. It was after Kim’s boyfriend, John, who was also Dave’s best friend, left for Germany to study there for a year that the jokes began. It started small, jokes with John before he left that Dave and Kim would hookup while he was gone. These jokes always would upset John and make Dave and Kim chuckle. The jokes continued after John left, and even after Kim and John...

4 years ago
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Fish TankChapter 3

Champagne was flowing freely back at the studio as the producers celebrated. Jon would be a perfect winner, all set to step onto talk shows, sitcom cameos, even -- dared they dream? -- movies. And every appearance, every article would have to note that he got his start on "The Fish Tank." Janelle would lose in the finals, of course. She was even more vapid than Jon. But she'd guarantee them two more weeks of sex appeal and tons of diversity points. One producer -- an androgynous being...

3 years ago
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Girl RefurbishedChapter 10 Clearwater

Joe When we exited the terminal of the airport in Missoula I saw the Jorgensens immediately. I found myself in her father’s bear hug almost immediately while Lori and her mother tried to squeeze each other to death. Then it was out to the truck. Lori and her mother sat in the rear of the crew cabin and I got to sit on the passenger seat up front. Her father eyed me for a while before he spoke up. “Lori tells us you shot the pervert who tried to force her back into those movies?” “I shot...

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Mark smiled down at his daughter as they stepped into the local bait and tackle shop. He was dressed for the day, a pair of torn and faded formerly black jeans and a long sleeved flannel shirt. Beneath he wore a fishing tee shirt baring a bikini-clad model with a bass. His wide brimmed hat was covered in various different lures and bobbers looking more funny than professional as he started walking slowly down the aisles. "First thing we gotta do honey is get us the right bait. You won't catch...

4 years ago
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Fishing with Grandpa

Her 38 year old father Paul was one of the best local preachers at the newest church in town. Her 57 year old grandpa Warren was a building contractor and recently widowed when her grandmother passed away unexpectedly with a massive heart attack 5 months ago. Tossing the last of her clothes in her duffel bag, Tessa sat on the edge of her bed, thinking of the great 10 days of fishing ahead of her with her two favorite men in the world. A light tapping on her bedroom door...

1 year ago
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Fishing with worms

I picked a lake near my home that had a lot of open space as well as a lot of secluded coves concealed by canyon walls: which I had found in the past were great for bass fishing. With my cooler stocked and fishing poles and tackle loaded, I headed out across the lake. I drove for about twenty minutes just loosening up the engine and then headed for one of the coves a way back from the main lake which I had a lot of luck fishing in the past. As I pulled into the cove and slowed down, I saw a...

3 years ago
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Fishing for Trouble

This chapter starts out in the early spring. Kim has moved away to live with her aunt in another state where she will have her baby that she gives up for adoption. It is spring break for John and me both. John is going away with his dad on a week long fishing trip. He and I stood in the driveway waiting for his dad to come out. “Janet you do know I would rather spend my spring break with you.” “But I could not tell my dad no on going on this fishing trip,” John explained as he stood there...

2 years ago
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Cat and Mouse The Tryout

Cat and Mouse: The Tryout by Bluto "Good afternoon, this is Della Delargio reporting live for WNBC from the financial district. The Protectors, NYC's newest superhero team, has just foiled a bold daylight robbery attempt by The Destroyers, a gang of supervillains who have been increasingly active in recent months. "The Destroyers staged a lightning raid on the Federal Reserve Bank and were about to make a rooftop getaway when The Protectors came charging to the rescue. Here...

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Fishing in Canada

Since my husband and I both enjoy fishing, we checked the WEB for somewhere to go this summer.  North Carolina has some nice lakes but decided we wanted something more exciting where a person can catch fish in clean waters.  A friend of my husband who belongs to a sportsman club suggested we check into fishing in Canada where many lakes are loaded with fish.  He suggested an area in upper Ontario where they will fly people into a lake for a week.  We checked their website and decided that was...

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The Dugout

Cherie is a lovely Asian woman. She seems like a typical wife and mother. But there is a dark side to her. Cherie is one of those fiery tiger moms who thinks her son can do no wrong and that she deserves to be in control. Not always. Cherie was watching her son play little league baseball with the other moms. The game was intense, and Cherie was really animated and vocal about what was going on in the field. Her son was at bat and had two strikes against him. Both were questionable calls, in...

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Cheerleader Tryouts

From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Cheerleading (what else?) Hey Em, it's your very-best-friend-in-the-world, but I guess you knew that when you saw the "from" line, right? Duh, my blond is showing again. Anyway, how are you holding up in godawful Cleveland... I still CANNOT believe that your parents could just up and move from beautiful SoCal to the midwest for gods sake... and break up the dynamic duo of Smithfield High cheereleading... but anyway, I still...

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Fishing For Fun

I love getting away from all the city stresses mainly by going for walks in the deep countryside. Away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Away from the noise and the pressure. As a family we would walk for miles but now, as the kids have grown and moved on, it’s just my wife and me out on these rambles. Normally that is, but this time she was shopping with her sister in the city so I was alone. I’d left the car in the car park, map in hand, and headed into the hills. After a couple of...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Fishing For Fun

I love getting away from all the city stresses mainly by going for walks in the deep countryside. Away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Away from the noise and the pressure. As a family we would walk for miles but now, as the k**s have grown and moved on, it’s just my wife and me out on these rambles. Normally that is, but this time she was shopping with her sister in the city so I was alone. I’d left the car in the car park, map in hand, and headed into the hills. After a couple of...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS12 E16 Tamara Cooper 32 from Southampton

We start this week’s show with an establishing shot of St Mary’s Stadium, home of Southampton Football Club ... Then spinning around to look over the River Solent, zooming in on a large, gray-green structure with little round windows ... Then we cut to that building – on a dusty industrial estate - with the river and St Mary’s Stadium in the background. A sign on the front of the building reads “MAIN AGGREGATES”. Our host steps into frame from the side, immediately making the scene better to...

1 year ago
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A while ago, my son asked if he could go fishing with his friend Laurie and her mother. I had met Laurie before, a very cute blonde haired girl the same age as my son. I thought it was odd going fishing with her and her mom and I asked him about that. He told me that Laurie’s mom was a real outdoorsy type. She loved camping, hiking and fishing.  The day after his fishing trip, he told me more about their fishing adventure and about Stephanie and how “cool” he thought she was. He went on and on...

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