Fish Story
- 4 years ago
- 30
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Champagne was flowing freely back at the studio as the producers celebrated.
Jon would be a perfect winner, all set to step onto talk shows, sitcom cameos, even -- dared they dream? -- movies. And every appearance, every article would have to note that he got his start on "The Fish Tank."
Janelle would lose in the finals, of course. She was even more vapid than Jon. But she'd guarantee them two more weeks of sex appeal and tons of diversity points.
One producer -- an androgynous being in a silver jumpsuit -- noted cheerfully that they were even squeezing a little extra drama out of Pete and Des. The others nodded politely and got refills.
Though the living room of the Tank was spacious, Jon and Janelle cuddled together in one corner of the white leather couch.
Janelle had a special gleam whose source was no secret. Night-vision binoculars were very popular with the crowd, so everyone knew the couple had been celebrating their success every night with a sexual display that looked like ghostly gymnastics in the greenish screens.
Pete perched on the edge of a small hassock, hands drumming on his knees.
As far from him as possible, Des sprawled in a plaid recliner, feet not touching the floor. She ignored the host during the intro, staring only at Pete with naked fury.
As the floor director counted down to air, Pete bounced up. "It's too damn hot in here with all those lights," he said, and he ran around the room flinging windows open. He just got back to his seat when the count reached zero.
Once the host's smarmy introduction was over, the cameras swung to Jon. Before he could even open his mouth, though, Pete was talking. When the cameras refused to seek him out, he marched over and planted himself in front of them.
Up to that point all he had been saying was that he wanted to be heard. But then Jon tugged on Pete's sleeve and quietly said it was his turn first. "We drew lots, you know. Fair is fair."
Pete's hands flew out from his sides. "Fair? You're telling me about fair? Ha! There was no 'we' drawing lots. The producers told us they did. And we all believe them, don't we? Because the producers would never lie.
"No, not them. Not the same producers who fixed every contest so Pretty Boy would win. Not the producers who edit all the shows to make the audience hate the people they want them to hate.
"And since when are you such a stickler for the rules, Pretty Boy? You weren't so ethical when you told me you'd give me a free pass if I made nice with the Ice Queen."
Des had been staring in shock like everyone else, but Pete's last comment snapped her out of it.
"Ice Queen? You think any woman who doesn't fall all over you is frigid? Then the whole world must be frozen, because I didn't see anyone trying to jump your bones. Not even that airhead slut over there!"
"Hey!" Janelle simpered. "That's not nice. Tell them, Jon."
"Yeah," Jon said, cuddling closer. "Be nice. Look, we're all friends, right? It's been a long time in here, and the pressure and all. We're all bound to be a little cranky. But there's no reason to be nasty. I'm sure Pete's sorry he suggested those things about the producers -- right, Pete? You know the show's on the level."
Pete smacked Jon with the back of his hand. "Shut up, you obsequious moron. A six-year-old could see the show's rigged. The whole thing's a crooked game. Like those tours they sell. Jack up the prices for fleabag hotels. Charge $25 for a T-shirt that fades in five days. It's all a rook. Des knows. Ask her -- she was talking about it last week. And is she getting a penny from those 'Des the Destroyer' nutcrackers? Not a damn cent! It's all a rip-off!"
"Stop it," Jon said. "Stop it this instant!" As he said it while cowering on the couch, it wasn't very impressive.
Des took a more forceful approach, leaping into the air and landing on Pete's back. "You're a lunatic," she yelled, hands around his neck. "Shut up or they'll throw us out and we won't get anything! You may not care, but I need that money."
Pete pried her off and advanced on the cameras. He grabbed the lens of the one with the glowing red light and stuck his face just inches away.
"Hear me, America! The only thing more unbelievable than how phony this is, is how you nitwits swallow it. Why are you watching this? Don't you people have anything better to do? What, is wrestling too real for you?"
In the background, Des had been tugging on Jon and then the host, trying to get them to take on Pete. When they refused, she clouted both of them on their heads and ran over to the cameras, desperately unplugging cables while shrieking at Pete.
As the light above the camera he'd commandeered went dark, he abandoned the lens and strode to the closest window.
Pete leaned out and shook his fist.
"You people are even bigger saps than the home audience," he said. "What are you doing? Go home and get a life!"
As he turned away, the last of the glowing lights on the electronic gear winked out. Des held up the last cable, wiping sweat from her brow.
A noise made her turn. They all looked -- players, crew, the lot. The noise sounded like a tornado, or a freight train. It grew and smothered them. Everyone looked past the transparent walls.
As far as the eye could see, people were applauding.
The studio had cut off the live feed before Pete even began. No one watching on TV saw any part of the melee.
That meant they could not understand what had happened when the final live shot showed Jon and Janelle being voted out of the house almost unanimously.
The studio conference room was just two eye gouges and a knuckle flick away from a Three Stooges scene. Two producers were slugging it out atop the table until one of them skinned his/her knuckles on the other's chin. He/she fell back in pain while she/he staggered in the opposite direction. They both fell off opposite ends of the table onto pileups of other producers. There have been mosh pits with fewer tumbles.
From the tumult, occasional bits of coherent speech emerged: "How could they do that?" "Who fucked up the polling?" "All the money we got, couldn't we have gotten Janelle a damn personality implant?"
In time, they were able to discuss things calmly. The polling had been accurate, as far as it went, said a producer who either had long sideburns or a seriously bad beautician. What the survey had missed was a last-minute stampede to Pete and Des based on a belief that they would rip each other's guts out if caged up in the house for two more weeks.
"And ours," someone in the back said.
"Exit polls indicate the crowd bought Pete's accusations of us. In short, they think we're cheating, and they wanted to shove it up our ass."
The director groaned. "What's their problem? Did we get every conspiracy nut in America? What else do they believe? That Oswald didn't act alone and Elvis is alive?"
The room burst into laughter. One producer curled up a lip in a sneer.
It was traditional -- if anything can become traditional in four years -- for the big glass house to get a thorough cleaning the morning after the final two players were chosen. That part went according to plan.
It was also traditional for the cleaning to be followed by a series of photo shoots as every magazine and news service vied to be the overkill straw which broke the smelly camel that is public fascination with a celebrity.
That tradition, however, did not survive. Pete flew into a rage when the photographers arrived. As it would have been impossible to hide from them in the Tank, he didn't try. And as the shooters would have been quite happy to get close-ups of him biffing a fellow photographer, he didn't act out his anger. He simply sat. For hours. Staring blankly, coldly. Most definitely unphotogenically.
This caused the frustrated legions to descend on Des. She wasn't camera-shy -- no one could survive the Tank if they were -- but she quickly grew tired of the attention. She had cameras following her whatever she did, drawing them like a dead bird does flies. This metaphor, in fact, was one she herself uttered when flashes greeted the successful conclusion of a trip to the bathroom.
Hey! Here’s my latest update, I know it’s a short chapter, but I was too excited to wait. Thanks to everyone who’s keeping up with my story! _______________________________________________ I went back after a week. Crossing my fingers, I tiptoed into Noah’s, trying to make it to the fish section before Gecko Girl had the chance to spot me. When I reached the dark, flickering fish room I had to catch my breath. It was humid today and my shirt clung to the rise and fall of my chest as I leaned...
"The Fish in the Desert" Story by Liam Slade For more please visit --- When I was a kid, my grandmother lived with us. As far as I knew, she had always been on her own, but I never knew why. I knew I had a Nanna and Papa on my Dad's side, but I only saw them once a year because they lived in Florida. So one day when I was very young I asked her where my other Grampa was. "That's a hard story to tell," she only said. Gram was a fun lady. She was smart,...
The astute reader, not easily fooled, will have noted that the beginning of the story has not yet been reached. Have faith; it draws near. By the time the fourth season of "The Fish Tank" arrived, its origins in a tender young sociologist's dreams were but a distant memory. Tank mania had swept the nation. Every network was trying to rip off the concept, but the original kept topping itself and hogging the ratings -- celebrity versions, blooper shows, the holiday special, "I Fish You a...
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A while ago, my son asked if he could go fishing with his friend Laurie and her mother. I had met Laurie before, a very cute blonde haired girl the same age as my son. I thought it was odd going fishing with her and her mom and I asked him about that. He told me that Laurie’s mom was a real outdoorsy type. She loved camping, hiking and fishing. The day after his fishing trip, he told me more about their fishing adventure and about Stephanie and how “cool” he thought she was. He went on and on...
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The sky was clearing and the sun was coming out nicely. It had been a dull trip but now the sky was blue and there was a nice glint of sun coming off the water below. I recognized where we were and knew we were only about fifteen minutes away. The drone of the single engine Otter float plane would put you to sleep. The pilot George Freeman was an old family friend of ours and flew charters into the secluded fishing lodges. One of many in the Queen Charlotte Islands and is owned by my family and...
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Her 38 year old father Paul was one of the best local preachers at the newest church in town. Her 57 year old grandpa Warren was a building contractor and recently widowed when her grandmother passed away unexpectedly with a massive heart attack 5 months ago. Tossing the last of her clothes in her duffel bag, Tessa sat on the edge of her bed, thinking of the great 10 days of fishing ahead of her with her two favorite men in the world. A light tapping on her bedroom door...
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This chapter starts out in the early spring. Kim has moved away to live with her aunt in another state where she will have her baby that she gives up for adoption. It is spring break for John and me both. John is going away with his dad on a week long fishing trip. He and I stood in the driveway waiting for his dad to come out. “Janet you do know I would rather spend my spring break with you.” “But I could not tell my dad no on going on this fishing trip,” John explained as he stood there...
Since my husband and I both enjoy fishing, we checked the WEB for somewhere to go this summer. North Carolina has some nice lakes but decided we wanted something more exciting where a person can catch fish in clean waters. A friend of my husband who belongs to a sportsman club suggested we check into fishing in Canada where many lakes are loaded with fish. He suggested an area in upper Ontario where they will fly people into a lake for a week. We checked their website and decided that was...
ExhibitionismI love getting away from all the city stresses mainly by going for walks in the deep countryside. Away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Away from the noise and the pressure. As a family we would walk for miles but now, as the kids have grown and moved on, it’s just my wife and me out on these rambles. Normally that is, but this time she was shopping with her sister in the city so I was alone. I’d left the car in the car park, map in hand, and headed into the hills. After a couple of...
Gay MaleI love getting away from all the city stresses mainly by going for walks in the deep countryside. Away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Away from the noise and the pressure. As a family we would walk for miles but now, as the k**s have grown and moved on, it’s just my wife and me out on these rambles. Normally that is, but this time she was shopping with her sister in the city so I was alone. I’d left the car in the car park, map in hand, and headed into the hills. After a couple of...
A while ago, my son asked if he could go fishing with his friend Laurie and her mother. I had met Laurie before, a very cute blonde haired girl the same age as my son. I thought it was odd going fishing with her and her mom and I asked him about that. He told me that Laurie’s mom was a real outdoorsy type. She loved camping, hiking and fishing. The day after his fishing trip, he told me more about their fishing adventure and about Stephanie and how “cool” he thought she was. He went on and on...
I was born into a family that loved fishing. To be more specific, my older brother Drake and father Alvin were crazy about fishing. They tried everything in their power to get me hooked on this terrible hobby, but I simply hated it. Fortunately, my mother Rose was my protector in this regard, and although small of stature she was not to be messed with.Much to Alvin’s regret, I was a real ‘indoors’ kind of guy, something he and Drake found very hard to understand. I also think my smaller...
Gay MaleI got out of work at lunchtime and wife works til 6 so I hurried home lifted the fishing rod and went for a few hours fishing to my usual secret spot over at a small river 1 across fields behind my house, its a bend on river then enters a forest which is overgrown noone goes there so very private, I was fishing away and heard someone talking I went to see and could only see a dog so never worried and continued, I fished for around 10 minutes at that spot then moved down into forest part when I...
My son has a cock that measures seven and three quarters in girth and ten and a half inches in length. I know. I measured it one evening as I playfully sucked his cock. Chris isn't actually my son. He is my husband's son. But, he has always called me mom.Today Chris is twenty-four and I'm forty-seven.Chris and I don't date. We are more like each other's booty call. We have an agreement that fits us well. I'm not saying we don't sneak off on occasions for a weekend getaway or something like...
CheatingWe both live in the same suburb so I stopped by his place early in the morning on the way to the boat ramp, Dane his 17 year old son had decided to come with me so he got in my car and off we went. When we got on the water it was cool in the early morning sun, I had shorts on under track pants and a jacket on over a T shirt so I was okay but Dane had on jeans and only a T shirt so I lent him one of my spare jackets to keep warm. As normal we headed out to slightly different spots on the bay...
I am 18 , just turn last week, I work at National park for the whole weekendits a ice job, i go around in my golf cart helping people aroundI was lucky enought to be a fishing guide this summer so i get to fish and dont need to deal with garbage and cleaning of the parkthe group of older mixed guys in their 50s were so cool with me , I spent the day driking beer and fishing with themuntil it was dawn and all 4 were getting a bit drunk and weird with meslapping my little ass in my swimsuit...
We had just moved house,my mum nad dad and me and my younger brother,we had moved to a little village in the north of england 7miles from the nearest town.the first few weeks my brother and i were on school holidays so we went exploring our new surrondings.i was fifteen at the time and he was 13 and we were very keen fisherman which was lucky for us as we found we were very close to the river.after we had been there a week or so we decided to go fishing and as usual we got up at 5oclock the...
Its barely light and you pull up to my apartment I yell bye to my sister, and I run out to your truck and climb in. You look at me and my clothes - say nothing and off we go to the dock. We grab a few things and walk to the boat, you then tell me to get the rest of the shit loaded as you head for the office. Theres a dozen different rods , and what seems like 20 pounds of stinky bait, tackle, followed by bags of ice, sandwiches & your beer. For me, I brought salad , fruit and water. ...
When I was younger, Mac my step dad use to take me and my sister Helen fishing. We would go for a weekend and come back with stories and no fish. As I got older he stop taking us and now it was something in the past.Now I’m 17 and graduating from school, Mac decided after all these years asked me if I want to go fishing like the good old days. I said sure and planed a weekend to go.So that weekend came, we went to the spot were we fish and got the same hotel we stay at. Mac’s friend, Tom was...
"do you fancy doing a spot of night fishing with me tonight?" As a 18 hot blooded male i would be out with my mates drinking looking for some young slut to fuck. " i think i'm out with the boys dad" "oh son come on we use to go fishing all the time. I found this great spot it's so quite. I will supply some beer" Its true what dad said we use to go fishing all the time but then i found beer and loose girls. "ok dad sounds fun but it's beer and vodka"Later that night my dad had taken me with all...
The next morning as I poured his coffee I asked him “Did you have a bad dream last night? You were banging around on the bed and making hard noises.” My father snapped his eyes up to my face from the cup then his cheeks started to glow under his week old beard “Yeah, I was dreaming” he muttered hesitantly. “What about, it sounded bad?” He stood up abruptly “Doesn't matter, it's done and over.” He left the cabin to work on the boat. My father and I were living, existing more...
The day is sunny, warm with a few s**ttered clouds floating by, otherwise calm waters await us, as you push off from the pier. Our boat is an open bow, I am sure you've seen a typical speed boat about 18 ft long with seating for 3 in the front. A split windshield allows passengers to pass from bow to back where there is more seating. As we troll throught the breakwater, I reach into the cooler looking for a tall cool drink, and also find other edibles that I cant wait to have.Now out on the...
I’d worked with Tom for three years. He was hired the year after I was. We found a common interest in fishing early on and when the season rolled around we could usually be found on some stream, river or lake feeding our bait to intelligent trout. Often enough we would bring home enough of a catch to encourage us so we didn’t quit. My wife Wendy and Tom’s wife, Vanessa met at the first company get together after Tom hired on and became ‘fishing widows’ some weekends. They went shopping and to...
I couldn,t believe I was shafting a classy beauty like Maria Schroeder. I knew it wouldn’t, go on much longer as I was due at Maguire Air Base, New Jersey in late September to be flown to the base in Chateauroux in France, But was enjoyimg every moment of every fuck session and a few mornings later she was sitting almost in my lap as I manoeuvred my old 51 Chevy along the dusty country road as we approached one of my secret fishing spots where we were most unlikely to be disturbed and could be...
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Just then she heard the door open, her brother comes out with his fishing gear and wearing the smallest shorts she had seen him wear “Where are you going?” She asked him. “I thought I would take the boat out and do a little fishing, why do you want to go along?” ‘I don’t know, the way you are dressed, I thought maybe you were going after something else besides fish,” then she laughs. He looks at his sister and grins, “well you never know what you’ll find when you’re out...
I arrived at my spot around noon. It was 82 degrees, perfect for cat fishing. I set up my little camp with my blanket, folding chair and cooler with sandwiches and beer. I baited and casted my pole, set in the Y stick and kicked back soaking up the sun. I must have dozed off for awhile. I awoke to the bell on the end of my pole dinging, for when I get bites. I grabbed the pole, but the fish was not hooked. Dang, I'll wait for another bite. I got myself a beer and relaxed. I...
The mountains were a rich pine green. The air was cooled by the breezesweeping across the river. Father and son had waded into the cool water atcalf deep. Rods were swung as the line was cast, the sinker at the end ofthe line giving it purpose. Each of them wore a fair brimmed soft hatdecorated at the band with feathered fish hooks. Each wore a utility vestpocketed with sinkers, pen knives and the necessities of fly fishing. Eachwas otherwise naked. Peter at 36 was a strong hirsute man,...
Having been married for over ten years, our sex life had gotten a bit boring. My wife liked sex, but didn't always feel like having sex. I guess that she had to think about it for a bit to get warmed up, and life being what it is, she just didn't think about it too often. I, on the other hand, always wanted sex. Some of our biggest fights had been over sex and her not being available or wanting it more often than she did. My frustration had been growing for the last two years. It seemed that...
Jerry asked Roland if he wanted to go fishing with the boys. He said, “Seymour has a nice boat docked on the Jersey shore and every so often they take it out to fish for Blue Fish. Roland told him he didn’t like boats, because he gets sea sick. I told him “If you don’t mind I’d love to go out on the boat, it sounds like a lot of fun and I can work on my tan.” Jerry looked at Roland and asked “Is it Ok with you if your wife is alone miles off shore with a bunch of old men? He said “I’m sure...
I got to the river to meet fred at about 6 oclock.he was not there so i waited and he turned up about 5mins later.hello there ian how are you this morning,very well thanks i replied.are you coming for a swim he asked,ive got no trunks i replied,thats ok young man we are all friends here.i was unsure but intrigued ,so with out giving it to much thought i got naked .fred seemed pleased with this and he did the same .he looked me up and down and said how old are you ian nearly 16 i
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IncestSince my husband and I both enjoy fishing, we checked the WEB for somewhere to go this summer. North Carolina has some nice lakes but decided we wanted something more exciting where a person can catch fish in clean waters. A friend of my husband who belongs to a sportsman club suggested we check into fishing in Canada where many lakes are loaded with fish. He suggested an area in upper Ontario where they will fly people into a lake for a week. We checked their website and decided that was...
Well I only got one day off a week from my driving job. So to unwind in the peace and quiet use to go fishing at a Lake, but on this day the Lake was so busy that I thought I would go up the near by river for a change. I had fished hear a few times before, but had never had much luck there. I put up my equipment and as it was a bit over cast and rain was forcast I put up the bivvy tent to shelter in if the weather got to bad. I had been fishing for a couple of hours and had a lot of fish at...
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This is a story of me and my friend fishing our Bengali housemaid. Let me introduce first, I am Anand and my friend’s name is Animesh. We are working in private sector. I was posted in Delhi and my friend was posted in Kolkata. Almost 6 months back I got transferred to Kolkata. My friend offered me to stay with him as he was staying alone in 4 BHK flat and I joined him. A maid (named Rucksana) use to come for cleaning (dishes and clothes) and cooking food for him. After 2 weeks she asked for...
Britain in the summer can on occasions be sunny and hot, contrary to popular opinion. It was on one such day, shortly after my 13th birthday that I had my first, and as I later found out illegal sexual encounter, although at the time I was unaware of technicalities like that. I had gone fishing down by a local river, and, like most young boys boredom had set in after half an hour of lack of bites. Pondering over whether or not to find some other activity on this sunny day, I was joined by a man...
MasturbationThe chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Teresa’s Summer Race, The Trilogy series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act...
The chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Teresa’s Summer Race, The Trilogy series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act...
Tom inherited the Fisherman’s Point cottage from Polly, his great aunt. At the time, Tom and Karen were living in a small garden flat in Shepherd’s Bush. Karen was working as a marketing executive for a package holiday company. Tom was working as a freelance journalist, although what he really wanted to do was try his hand at writing a novel. The cottage was not large. It had probably started life as a fisherman’s cottage sometime in the early part of the 18th century. Polly had given it a new...
SEEING EYE TO EYE We telescope both ways, From large to small (And small to large), From male to female (And female to shemale), Losing breasts to bellies, (Bellies to breasts), Groins to genitals (Genitals to groins), Cunts to cocks and balls, (Cocks and balls to cunts), Until all is lost at last In legs that lose themselves In feet or heads That lose themselves in clouds. In between, we are the dust of stars, Faeries, all, who frame ourselves In shadowboxes too large or...
Catfished By Dana Parks Chapter 1- Morning of the ceremony Friday morning Daddy arrives home after a hard day on the graveyard shift, his week finished. He unlocks the door, removes his jacket and shoes and drops his hat on the hook in the mudroom. He slowly walks to the bedroom where I am curled up in a rather comfortable pet bed in front of his bed. I am also chained to a well-secured eyebolt mounted in the floor. I feel him grab the chain and give it a small tug. This is my...
Jasper Jasper Jensen's pet peeve was size-queen women. Ordinary men with a five-and-half-inch cock shouldn't have to put up with the laughter and embarrassment from self-entitled women. As a champion of the cause, Jasper decided to do something about the ridicule he and others like him received. He would make those women pay for their insults and taunting! His simple plan utilized fake profiles on numerous dating sites. Thanks to the handsome image of someone else's photo and details, Jasper's...
Wife LoversWater dripped off Jasper's wet hair as he stood in the middle of the hotel room. He turned and admired Rose's tight young body as she toweled off in the bathroom. Jasper assumed she was just another catfish, another size-queen wanna-be. Instead, she turned out to be the perfect woman for him.With his cell phone pressed to his ear, Jasper pretended to be talking to 'Oscar,' his fake internet alter-ego. As part of Jasper's ruse, he used 'Oscar' to trick Rose into having sex with him. The...
ExhibitionismJasper Jasper Jensen's pet peeve was size-queen women. Ordinary men with a five-and-half-inch cock shouldn't have to put up with the laughter and embarrassment from self-entitled women. As a champion of the cause, Jasper decided to do something about the ridicule he and others like him received. He would make those women pay for their insults and taunting! His simple plan utilized fake profiles on numerous dating sites. Thanks to the handsome image of someone else's photo and...
Hi. I'm John Noble. I used to own Noble Electrical Supply out of Schenectady, New York. I'd expanded what my father left me until the banks and the economy combined to make me realize that my days of running a quiet little profitable business were numbered. I'd expanded to six shops, employing quite a few people. I sold the whole thing to one of my competitors, Beard's Electric out of Albany for a very nice figure--more than what I'd expected, quite frankly. I was well-educated. I had my...
(No seafood was harmed in the making of this story.) Had it been one of those small, gentle urges she probably would never have awakened. Instead of being a tiny, "you-know-a-good-fuck-would-be-nice-right-now" kind of urge it was a "fuck-me-now-or-I-might-explode" craving. Needless to say, she was through sleeping for the night. She stretched out her arm, expecting the familiar warmth of his body next to hers in bed. "Damn," she muttered under her breath. The Alaskan sun was glowing...
Escort Fish! Some folks think that as The Porn Dude, I spend my days isolated from the rest of the world, never interacting with another soul as I jerk my way around the web with a raging hard-on and bucket of lube. That just isn’t true, folks! I have plenty of exchanges with live humans, usually involving sticking my ding-a-ling in one or more of her orifices. An escort site like EscortFish can go a long way in helping line that up.I know what you’re thinking. “Porn Dude, you’re such a fucking...
Escort SitesIts barley light and we meet at the dock and carry down a dozen different rods , and what seems like 20 pounds of the stinkiest bait .... And then there's the ice, sandwiches & beer (for you) dam salad , fruit and water for me. You look at me in my raggedy tee shirt and cut offs and your eyes say "really - that's it?" I go about stowing stuff neatly as you fire up the engines and soon we are out the inlet into the glaring, and already hot sun. A 25 minute run dead east and we are...
it was a nice warm day, i had just gotten up and decided to hit the lake for fishing and skinny dipping, as i got out the door, Sean the the delivery boy from the grocery store came up to me, and said what are you doing, going fishing i said, kool can i come, now Sean was really nice for a boy heading into collage, he was about two inches taller, but slim build like me, i said u off today he yeah for the weekend, mom says i can spend the weekend with you if it's okay, sure why not i said and...
I stepped out of the shower and began drying off. My wife, Linda, was still asleep in our bed. That’s one big advantage of being retired; you can get up whenever you wake up. We hadn’t used an alarm clock in nearly a year. As I combed my hair, I unashamedly admired my body. At age 56, I looked like an Olympic gymnast, except that I was too tall and few gymnasts were as healthy and injury-free as I was. My body wasn’t the result of hours working out, although I did hit the gym three times a...