Silverfish Ch. 02 free porn video

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The chronological order of my stories is as follows:

Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Teresa’s Summer Race, The Trilogy series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act series, Case of the Murdered Bride series, The Credit Card Caper series, The Hot Wives Investment Club series, Seriously Inconvenienced series, Case of the Paper Trail series, Christmas Mystery Theater, The Porno Set Mystery series, The Medical Murder Mystery series, The Eightfold Fence series, Pale Morning Light series.

Silverfish, Ch. 01-02

Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.

This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.


Part 9 – The Correlation

‘This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!’ shouted the lovely redhead reporterette as she stood in front of the local branch of County Regional Bank on the morning of Wednesday, March 11th. ‘Channel Two News is following up on the story of the bank robbery at the County Regional Bank branch in Coltrane County. Despite the cooperation with detectives from this County’s Police Force, there are no new leads in the case. However, Channel Two News has learned that the bank robber may have been someone known to the FBI in the past as ‘The Silverfish’, who would leave a silver Christian Fish symbol at the scenes of his crimes.’

‘I’m beginning to feel like Chief Griswold.’ said Daniel Allgood, who was sipping coffee behind me and Cindy and the rest of the MCD team. ‘How the fuck did she get that information?’ I shrugged, knowing I wasn’t the leak, idly wondering who was.

‘In other news,’ shouted Bettina, ‘The Reverend Robert Patterson has confirmed that he will be the guest speaker at First Baptist Church this Sunday! People in the Town and County are excited, as this is the first big appearance by the protégé of the Reverend Jonas Oldeeds in our County. Of course the murder of Reverend Oldeeds here nearly two years ago still remains unsolved by the Town & County Police!’

‘Geez, nice little shot at us, there.’ said Joanne Cummings. ‘Commander, think you’ll ever solve that one?’

‘My red crowbar suggests that I will never get a conviction for that crime.’ I said. Joanne missed Cindy’s pointed, almost glaring look at me, as Cindy knew the real meaning of my words and knew just where the metal of my first red crowbar had come from: the melted-down rifle that had been used to exterminate the late Evangelist.

I continued: ‘Okay, everyone will be coming to Classroom ‘E’ when our FBI friends arrive. I have some new information for you.’

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I swept Classroom ‘E’ for bugs, then allowed everyone to come in at 8:15am. I also had the device working that prevented I.A. and any other recording devices from working properly.

Present were the same persons as the meeting the afternoon before, with the addition of Vice Detective Julie Newton. The doughnuts disappeared quickly as Myron set up his laptop to make a presentation on the screen.

‘Okay,’ I said as everyone settled in with their coffee and doughnuts, ‘here are the Silverfish bank heists, not including the one yesterday.’ Red discs filled the screen on the wall, which showed a projection of a map of the United States.

‘Okay, Myron, have those dots appear in order of the crimes.’ I said. Myron had already prepared, and red dots began popping up one by one until they were all there.’

‘Okay, Myron, show the blue dots in chronological order.’ I said, intentionally cryptically. The map cleared, and then a series of blue discs began popping up.

‘Virtually the same.’ Cindy observed. ‘What gives?’

I smiled as I said ‘Okay, Myron, have the blue and red dots appear together, chronological order.’ A blue dot and then a red dot appeared, very close together, followed by another blue dot then red dot next to each other, then another and another until 28 blue dots were there, and 30 red dots.

‘The two extra red dots,’ I said, ‘are the two heists where cash was not stolen but the safe deposit boxes were burgled, and there was no correlating blue-dot event for them. I have to give Joanne and Myron a great deal of credit for this map, as what they said yesterday triggered some thoughts in my head, leading to these correlated red and blue dots.’

‘Okay, Don,’ said Cindy, ‘you’re going to be seeing red and blue crowbars swinging at you if you don’t tell us what this means.’ Everyone laughed.

‘Okay, okay.’ I said. ‘Apologies for the dramatics. The blue dots… are appearances by the Reverend Jonas Oldeeds at large religious events and rallies during the three year time period of the bank heists. The money was the offerings given and collected at the events, which were stored in the banks that were robbed.’

‘Oh my God! you got it!’ Tanya Perlman exclaimed. Applause followed, which candor compels me to admit that I enjoyed, indeed, I’d nailed this one to the wall.

‘Thank you.’ I said. ‘Again, Myron saying that no bulk money deposits nor sequential bill numbers were on hand showed that the deposits were likely cash gathered at some big event, and Joanne mentioning rock concerts got me to thinking about just what events might be correlated. Joanne and Martin also mentioned about the Silverfish name, and that despite the insect name the silver fish symbol might indeed be Christianity-related. And that led me to thinking about the late Reverend Jonas Oldeeds.’

I continued: ‘Oldeeds would go on speaking tours in bites at a time, and he did them more often in the days of the Silverfish crimes than he did in his last few years. In fact, when he came here that time he was shot dead, that was more of an exception than the norm for him, he’d not been touring nearly as much during the last five years of his life.’

‘Oldeeds would appear at events, and of course they took up offerings.’ I said. ‘If you think about it… fifteen thousand people at an event, which is about the average Oldeeds would get, giving an average of twenty dollars each… would yield about $300,000, give or take.’

‘The average amount of the bank heists.’ said Lindy, awe and admiration in her voice.

‘Yes.’ I said. ‘And while sometimes Oldeeds spoke at sports arenas or stadiums that could handle that kind of cash, he also spoke at places that couldn’t… so they had to deposit that much cash in a local bank’s safe, then they’d have some mechanism to transfer the deposits to their own bank accounts. But during these three years, those banks would be burgled the very night after the rally offerings were counted and deposited, before the banks could get the cash to a more secure location.’

‘Four hundred years ago, you’d have been burned at the stake.’ said Jack Muscone, in the form of a quotation. ‘Why do I keep having cause to say that over and over? God, that’s good work, Don! So you think this is someone within the Oldeeds organization?’

‘Quite possibly.’ I replied. ‘In each case, the Oldeeds people never lost their money, they usually had a cashier’s check beforehand, or a wire transfer. In the cases they hadn’t been secured by the completion of the deposit, they were made whole by the banks, who were then made whole by their insurance and/or the FDIC. Ultimately, neither the bank nor the Old
eeds Group were harmed, the insurance or the taxpayer footed the bill.

‘It is possible that the Oldeeds Group never knew that someone was following them around, but knowing what we know about them, I suspect that someone within the organization, if not the full organization itself, knew full well what was happening.’ I said with a slight amount of sarcasm in my voice.

Cindy patted me on the shoulder. ‘No crowbar beatdowns today.’ she said. ‘Wow.’

‘So where do we go from here?’ asked Martin Nash. ‘I have a feeling the Oldeeds people might not be very forthcoming with who worked for them at the time.’

‘True.’ I said. ‘We also need to know how the mechanism worked. Obviously the Oldeeds people had to arrange with a bank to count and deposit the cash.

‘Sir,’ said Julie Newton, ‘I can get that information within a few hours, or at least a place to ask. I’ll check and see who the financial officers of the Oldeeds Group were from their corporate filings and tax filings, and also see how they worked their cash offerings.’

’They’re still likely not going to cooperate with us nor the FBI.’ said Tanya Perlman.

‘Let’s burn that bridge when we get to it.’ I said. ‘Do the research Julie, and let me or Lt. Ross know what you find- yes, Sergeant?’

The Duty Desk sergeant had just knocked on the door then peeked inside. ‘Sorry to disturb your meeting, sir, but we just got an urgent call from Second National Bank. They’re saying that one of their bank officers may be missing.’

‘One Mr. Harkins, the assistant manager?’ I asked.

‘Uh, yes sir.’ the Sergeant said, gaping. ‘How did you know?’

‘Not much gets by this man, Sergeant.’ Cindy Ross said as we all started getting up. ‘Not much at all.’

‘Not all that hard, Crowbar 2.’ I said. ‘I suspect he’s connected to the leak leading to this latest Silverfish heist. Funny how that happened after our Detectives interviewed Mr. Harkins…’

‘Four hundred years ago, Don…’ Jack Muscone said, awe in his voice. ‘Four hundred years ago…’

Part 10 – Disappearing Banksters

I arrived at Second National Bank with Detectives Parker and Cummings. The president of the bank, one Mr. Wilson, met us in the lobby and brought us to his office.

‘Mr. Harkins left Monday morning.’ said the bank president. ‘Not very long after you police officers interviewed him about the previous robberies. He told his assistant that he had an appointment with the dentist that he’d forgotten to tell her about, and she didn’t think much of it when he didn’t return for the day. Yesterday morning, his assistant had a phone message for him, barely intelligible, saying he was still recovering from the dental surgery and would not be in for the whole day.

This morning, he didn’t come in, so we called his cell phone and to his home, no answer on either line. I sent a teller over there, but no one answered her knock, and she peeked into the garage and found that his car was not inside the garage.’

A quick interview of Mr. Harkins’ assistant showed that Mr. Harkins had left almost as soon as my Detectives had left the bank. We listened to the tape of his voice message, and it sounded like a guy who could hardly talk as he said he wouldn’t be coming into the office.

Obtaining Harkins’ cell number, I called Myron and had him run a check on the number, a lack of a warrant notwithstanding. Myron said that the number had been used only once Tuesday morning, pinging from a tower near where his home was, and the number that was called was his own office number, which went to the assistant’s recorder. I told Myron to research hard and get the information of any vehicles Harkins owned, and the GPS and other tracking devices therein.

I then called Paulina to get a warrant to enter Harkins’ home, based upon his disappearance and my assertion that his life might be in danger.

The warrant met us, along with Sergeant Rudistan and Sr. Patrolmen Morton and Hicks, at the banker’s townhouse, a new development northwest of Town near the road that led to the bypass and also near the River. All the doors were locked, but my red crowbar pried open the garage window on the side of the home, and I scrambled inside. As I’d hoped, the door to the house from the garage was unlocked. I opened the garage door, letting the other officers inside.

The uniformed officers made the first sweep of the house, clearing the rooms. ‘It’s empty, Commander!’ Rudistan finally called out. ‘Looks like our boy left in a hurry.’

Indeed. The bedroom was torn up, clothes everywhere as Harkins had obviously packed in a hurry. Papers were scattered around his desk in the side room, and if he had a personal computer, it was nowhere to be found in the residence.

‘No clean underwear anywhere.’ I said as I searched through the chest of drawers and the bedroom closets. ‘That suggests he left on purpose with the intent of not coming back for a while.’

‘He packed his razor, toothbrush, and any medicines in the cabinets, too.’ said Joanne Cummings as she surveyed the bathroom, her words confirming my theory. ‘Nothing left in there.’

‘No blood, no signs of struggle: no furniture displaced, no broken lamps.’ said Teddy Parker.

‘Here’s his cell phone.’ I said as I went into his office room, seeing the device mounted on a small square block that was some electronic device. ‘What is this thing? Speakers?’

‘No sir.’ said Parker. ‘Some kind of clock timer.’ He pressed a button on it. The cellphone suddenly came to life, dialed a number, and then we heard the same garbled message that had been left on his assistant’s phone at the bank.

‘Wow.’ I said. ‘Call Barry Oliver and asked him to consult with us as an Auxiliary Crime Lab Officer on this piece of equipment.’ Parker got out his cell phone to make the call.

‘Something’s bothering me…’ I said, trying to make my memory work. ‘Oh, that’s it. Come this way, Cummings!’ I led her back to the garage. ‘Yes, there’s a trickle charger there against the back wall, not being used. What’s important is the clean spot amidst the collected dust on the floor next to it. You see that? What do you think that means?’

‘He recently took something that was next to the trickle charger?’ said Joanne. I nodded. She then said ‘Rectangular shape. A box, maybe?’

‘C’mon, Joanne,’ I said, trying to sound humorous, ‘what do trickle chargers charge?’

‘Oh, a battery!’ Joanne said, her voice almost a squeal. ‘He took a battery with him!’

‘Absolutely.’ I said. ‘All right, guys… call in a Crime Lab team, though I suspect you won’t find anything to go on. Put out APBs on Mr. Harkins at the local, State and Federal levels, emphasize that he might have crossed State lines and that he’s in extreme danger.’

‘You think he’s in trouble, sir?’ asked Sergeant Rudistan.

‘Worse.’ I think. ‘If we don’t find him quickly, I fear for his life.’

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

‘Unbelievable.’ said the Deputy Director of the FBI as we sat in the FBI’s offices in the Federal Building off the Courthouse Square in Town, with Jack Muscone, Lindy Linares and Cindy Ross sitting in the room with us.

I had just showed him the graphics of the correlations I’d found between the Silverfish bank heists and the Oldeeds Group tours. I’d emailed him earlier this morning with my findings. What I did not know was that he was in the City, and had helicoptered to Town while I was meeting with my Team and investigating the Harkins disappearance.

‘So,’ said the Deputy Director, whose aura of power and competency I could still feel, ‘I gave this to you thinking you might find a connection to your ‘real Moriarty’, who I think is Henry Wargrave and that you might find something to connect this to him. I also thought you might get a connection to the industrial espionage. But now it’s the Oldeeds Group, eh?’

‘Well, sir,’ I said, ‘I’m not ready to count out anyone just yet. We’ve
just asked the FBI to help us look for the Second National Bank assistant manager that disappeared. I suspect that it is no coincidence that he decided to leave just as soon as my officers talked to him about the Silverfish crimes.’

‘And even I can see that he had an exit strategy planned for some time.’ said the Director, whose self-deprecation fooled no one present. ‘Jack, anything on his car?’

‘Yes sir.’ said Muscone. ‘Mr. Milton of the TCPD got us the information on the car and the tracking devices. Harkins went west, crossing State lines, so now the Bureau is the lead in the case. The car is pinging from Hammondsville, the county seat of the county in the next State west of us. We’re sending agents to it now.’ Just then Muscone’s cell phone rang, and he left the room to take the call.

‘Well, Commander,’ said the Deputy Director, ‘I know what you think about coincidences. The Coltrane County burglary, and now Harkins disappears. Can’t be a coincidence, can it?’ I knew he was asking just to get me talking and share my thoughts, and I was okay with doing so:

‘Actually, sir, it is a coincidence.’ I replied. ‘Harkins left yesterday, immediately after my Detectives interviewed him. He ran west immediately. I think your agents are going to find his car in a parking garage in Hammondsville, and another car, an older car without tracing devices, will have left shortly after Harkins’s car arrived, having in it a battery that was kept charged by a trickle charger at Harkins’ home. He’s been on the run for nearly 48 hours now, and he could be anywhere. And as a corollary to that, I do not think he burgled the County Regional Bank, nor is he The Silverfish.’

I continued: ‘And that is why I think Silverfish is more than just the Oldeeds Group. Sure they’re involved in some way, or at least someone within them is involved, but this recent Coltrane County job suggests to me that the ‘real Moriarty’ is indeed involved in some way… and was back then.’

‘Why is that?’ the Director asked.

‘He did this last crime just to tweak me.’ I said. ‘And in doing so, he may have made a tiny slip.’

The Deputy Director nodded as he considered my words. Just then Jack Muscone came back in the room. ‘They found Harkins’ car in Hammondsville, on the top deck of a three-story parking garage next to their Farmer’s Market complex. The garage did not have a camera covering the entrance and exit, and a street camera a couple of blocks down caught his car being driven in yesterday. A few minutes later a black car exited, but it’s too fuzzy to get a good idea of the make and model. It’s an old car, though.’

‘If he’s not part of this Silverfish gang,’ said Lindy Linares, ‘why is he running away?’

‘Oh, I never said he was not part of any of this.’ I said. ‘In fact, his actions suggest a most very guilty conscience on his part. But let me suggest that he may be more involved in the recent robbery, where Luisa Gomez was abducted, than the Silverfish burglary years ago. And I doubt he’s part of the Coltrane County job, though he may have alerted someone of police interest in the old heists, which led to the recent crime.’

‘He’s part of your Moriarty’s gang?’ Lindy asked.

‘Yes, possibly… except I don’t think my Moriarty has a ‘gang’, as we use the word. He’s somewhere in the shadows, directing a few people such as Wargrave, who then do the real work for him.’

‘So you say. And now you think this Moriarty is evacuating Harkins?’ asked the Director. I saw a gleam in Cindy’s eye.

‘Lieutenant Ross?’ I asked. ‘What’s your take on that?’ Cindy met my look.

‘Sir, I suspect Harkins is running from Moriarty as much as anything else.’ Cindy said. ‘He was Moriarty’s ‘boy’ in the Second National Bank, probably helped with both crimes nearly a decade apart. But he always knew the shit might hit the fan, and that he might be made the fall guy. At the least, he’s taking no chances. So he’s long prepared an exit strategy, and we’re seeing that exit strategy now. We just happened to stumble on it, our officers just happened to interview him, but he not believing in coincidences either. He panicked and has taken off.’

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SxyPrn Teen (formerly YourPorn) is quite a mouthful for a porn site, don’t you think? I mean, of all the site names they could have picked, these fuckers decided to do away with the vowels from Sexy Porn to give you a porn site whose name you can’t even pronounce! Anyway, I think you are here because your horny little prick knows that I can direct you to a great source of smut to rub your schlong too. Well, your small porn-addicted brain is spot-on on that one.Don’t let the name deceive you;...

Teen Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Bad Teacher Ch 04

Chapter 04: Carmen got game... Next day my good fortune continued. As I got up my phone rang. It was my mother and she told me, my father had to be away on business for two more weeks and she would like to be with him. I told her no problem as I didn't think it would be a problem for me continuing staying at the Grants. In a good mood I went to the kitchen. Both Peter and Carmen were up, Carmen wore a white turtleneck sweater that fitted her gorgeous form like a glove, and tight black pants. I...

4 years ago
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Hello Sweetie 2

HELLO SWEETIE (2) by Sallyjo I felt myself being shook and pushed, but still felt sleepy, as I recalled vaguely seeing people, hearing noises lights etc, but this I had dreamed before, so back to sleep I thought.The pushing continued and I opened my eyes, all I could see was the blured outline of a female. Come on sleepy head, time to wake Am I ill everything is blurred and I don, t feel too good. Silly girl, put your glasses on, why ! I don, t wear glass--, then things began...

2 years ago
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BlendersChapter 38

George Matthews lay on his back in bed with sky blue satin sheets as Katie was giving him a great blowjob. Julie hardly ever agreed to give him oral sex but it didn't seem to bother Katie. Her long silky, sweet smelling, hair tickled his thighs as she bobbed her head up and down. She'd deep throat him, take his penis out of her mouth, lick it like an ice cream cone, then deep throated him once more. He was really enjoying her ministrations as she cupped his balls rolling them in her one...

1 year ago
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Desi BP! Do you want to see a fuck ton of amazing Indian babes? Hungry for some of that Indian pussy? That hairy tight wet Indian snatch?Mother fucker, so am I! And that is why I am pleased as fuck to tell you that Desi BP has what you need! It is here that you will find a whole host of content that only delivers the Indian content that your cock is waiting for.So what in the fuck are you waiting for? When you need a tube site that has the Indian sex videos that you are horny for, this is where...

Indian Porn Sites
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He Remembers Tracey Ch 091

In late March and early April in Texas, the bluebonnets and other wildflowers come in bloom across the state. The highway department has seeded the roadsides and the blooming flowers attract people just like the changing leaves of New England. It seems that every house has at least one picture of a family member taken in a field of bluebonnets. Tracey caught the bluebonnet bug one day and asked me to go with her to take some pictures. She was wearing a denim mini-skirt and a white shirt with...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Friends Girl Outdoors

This story takes place in North Carolina. While on vacation with some of my family and friends in North Carolina, I started to notice something. My friend Bailey was very hot. About 5 foot nothing. Nice ass. And a set of small, perky tits. There was only one problem, she had a boyfriend. His name is Bart and I’m not going to lie, he’s a nice guy. Very polite and in shape. We were good friends and he thought of me the same way. Now, I’m about 6 foot 6 and 225 pounds and very muscular. And I’m...

3 years ago
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Life Redone Part 6 of 100

That was the halfway point. The most incredible device in the world only had five marks remaining. I knew from this point forward I would have to make sure that I did the most regrettable moments. If I didn’t do something during this opportunity, I would regret things even more, knowing I had the perfect chance to live out anything right here. I had a couple of girls that I was definitely going to include, perhaps even saving them for the end. I really only had one or two chances left that...

1 year ago
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Cougar wishes

Many a time have I thought about the cougar next door, short choppy but funky red and purple hair.9.00 am is our rendezvous time, I have work- as does she, pencil skirt and boobs on show, not too much to be real slutty just enough so you catch one quick glimpse and nothing more, any more revealed it would spoil the fantasy on what can be found underneath I guess.'Morning' is about all I get. Then she steps, left heel first into her black BMW, only to do the same again the next day.Ive been...

3 years ago
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Shaded Mirror

Shaded Mirror By Radioactive Loner Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999 My eyes fluttered open. I yawned, stretched out in the bed, and then realized instantly something was wrong. First, I was wearing a T-shirt and sweatpants, not the nightgown I had gone to sleep in... and this T-shirt was one I had never seen before. Secondly, my whole room had changed around me! It looked completely different. I got up in shock, first walking over to the wall and seeing...

1 year ago
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O god! Her hand was creeping up towards my groin and I couldn't do a thing about it! I mean our parents were there for gods sake, what did she think she was doing!? I stifled a groan as her fingers started tracing the outline of my cock. We are sitting (my girlfriend and I) at a table for six in one of the classiest restaurants in town. You see, it's my parents wedding anniversary and so both our parents and us are out having a meal to celebrate. Our mothers are at either end of the...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Scarlett Sage Jessie Lee Peeping Wifey

Jessy (Scarlett Sage) is coming back home early. When she get home, her wife Zoe (Jessie Lee) is not there. She calls her on the phone and tries to find out when she’s coming home. She’s a few blocks away from home, so Jessy decides to pretend that she stuck in traffic and hides in the closet waiting for her wife to get home. The two women will talk on the phone and Jessy spies on her wife while she gets undress and eventually, she will watch her masturbating on the phone. Jessy...

3 years ago
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Lets Give This a Try Then

Noel was walking in the downtown square, glancing into the windows of the various stores; “Carl’s Crafts”, “Silver City Candy”… The gazelle was getting close to the alleyway where Quadre, and his friend Ra were waiting. “She’s the one?” Ra asked nervously, giving the gazelle a good look; she was wearing a simple red tank top that covered her light tan fur, and a frilly green skirt lifted slightly by her short perky tail with slight black marks on its tip. Her eyes were a bright green, and...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 78 Priorities

November, 1985, Chicago, Illinois Cancer! The words hit me like a thunderbolt. An anguished ‘No!’ had been all I could utter. “She has a consultation tomorrow to discuss options, but it looks like surgery and chemotherapy.” “Jesus,” I breathed as Kara, Kathy, and Bethany appeared at the door of my office. “Do you know any more?” I asked apprehensively. “They said it was, and I’m not totally sure I’m saying this right, cystadenocarcinoma, and it’s classified as...

2 years ago
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Mule Balls

An American couple on vacation with some friends in Mexico were shopping at the market to bring back a few souvenirs to their family and friends. Time passed, and the couple realized that neither of them was wearing a watch. They noticed this little Mexican man taking a siesta next to this mule, which had the largest set of mule nuts they had ever seen. Trying not to stare at the huge mule nuts, they asked the little Mexican man, "Excuse us, but could you tell us what time it is?" The little...

4 years ago
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Swimming with My Cousin

Swimming with My CousinIt was a hot summer day. I was about 18 at the time. My younger cousin had just turned 19. He was the spending the day with me, just hanging out at my house, while his mom was at work. Being a hot day, we were both sweaty from being outside most of the day. I asked him if he wanted to go swimming in the creek behind my house. He said sure, but that his swim trunks were at his house. He and his mom only lived three doors away, so we walked to his house. He had a key, and...

2 years ago
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Chula Vista Dreaming part one

It was a time when people were looking to the future. The war was over and now peace would reign forever. Progress and prosperity for all. Or so we imagined. California was The Golden State. San Diego was the birthplace of California. It was 1953, and the world was opening up in wonderful ways. It was for me as well.  My father was an engineer at a company called Convair. It built aircraft. We lived in the San Diego area. Chula Vista, to be exact. I had turned eighteen years old in January. My...

3 years ago
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A Bitch Gets Revenge

This story is written for the enjoyment of adults only   ???? This story is written for the enjoyment of adults only.? It is a work of fiction from the twisted folds of my brain.? Please send any comments to [email protected].? I love hearing from you.   ? A Bitch Gets Revenge Written by 4Play  ???? My wife Pat and I had been active swingers for almost 5 years and both enjoyed sex with other partners very much as well as sex with each other.? She is a good looking woman in the prime of...

3 years ago
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BlendersChapter 22

Erin gave birth to a boy. Kent, Junior. They called him Junior, of course. He was a cat napper. He didn't sleep for more than an hour often much less. Erin stayed up all night and day with him pretending to be tired. But not too tired to make love to her husband daily. She waited for a decent interval before as she pretended to heal before resuming sexual relations with Kent. He was happy that it was a boy albeit a crying one. Erin moved herself and her son into another bedroom so the bread...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Amirah Adara Second Appearance

You’re about to witness Dogfart’s Invasion of Europe! This is our third trip out, and this time, things are going to get crazier than ever! We sent two of our biggest, most bad-ass studs — Prince Yashua and Jax Slayer — over to the “Porn Valley” of Europe, Budapest! In our initial episode, who’s waiting for our crew? One of Europe’s biggest porn stars, Amirah Adara! Amirah knows all the hottest sluts in Europe, and with her help, Prince and Jax...

1 year ago
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The Pussy Train IV

“Dude.” “Hey Will. Did you find Amy last night?” “Yeah, man. And Elly was there, too.” Robin said nothing for a few seconds. “You’re shittin’ me.” “No, seriously. She was there.” “Okay, I hope you’re comfy ‘cuz you’re giving me all the gories.” For the next five minutes I recalled the night in vivid detail to my best friend. “I can’t believe how lucky you are, man. This is the kind of thing EVERY guy fantasizes about. I honestly never thought this happened to...

3 years ago
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Meri Biwi Chudi mere dost se aur uski biwi

Mera naam Kiran hai. Mere pati Ajay, ek chemical Company me achchhi pad par haim. Hum log waise to Bihar ke rahane wale haim par pichhale 4 salon se haryana main rah rahe haim. Ajay ki umar 36 sal ke hain par 33 se jyada nahin dikate. 5’10” kad hai, halke se mote hain, gore aur sundar haim. Mera umar 33 saal hai, par 30 saal ki dikhtee hum, 5’3″ kad hai, jism 36-27-36 hai. Humane apani is jindagi ki suruat kaise ki ab mai maim ye batana cahumgi. Mujhe lumbe arse se yaha shak tha ki ajay dusaree...

2 years ago
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Grandfathers Busty InternChapter 4

Shannon sidled across her bedroom, undoing the buttons on her blouse, thinking about what the night ahead had in store for her. She'd sucked her grandfather's huge cock a couple of times now, and tonight, he'd promised to fuck her with it. She couldn't wait. She stepped across to the bed and saw two large boxes lying on top of the covers, each one done up with a big colorful ribbon tied into a bow. One had a tag attached that said: "FOR DINNER TONIGHT" and the other said: "FOR...

3 years ago
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Moral Climate Chapter 6

Thank you to all who have stayed with me. You may want to read the previous chapters before reading this one. The story has been edited by Estragon, who made it a much better read. My life has been as good as it's ever been. Tina was my girlfriend and her daughters liked me. I was in my new position and was quite comfortable in it. I made new friends and saw some of my old ones like Jenny and Mark. Yes, life was good. All I needed now was to find a nice apartment or condo. It was the end...

3 years ago
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The Sun I Cant See CH 03

“Kill me!”“No... I won’t kill you. Come on. Stop acting like a baby.”I pressed the button on my talking watch for the tenth time.“The time is 8:38 am.”Last night at the Fox & Spice, everything was going fantastically well until... the kissing slave girl. I've been crying my life out since that moment. Immediately after what happened, I changed back in my regular clothes, and we went straight home; it, unfortunately, shortened our evening. This morning, Miles tried to make me feel better, but...

1 year ago
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Suzettes Norma

Suzette's Norma - By Norma Grace .....I untie your ankles and wrists from the bed posts, tie your wrists together and tell you to get on the bed with your ass in the air. You are on your forearms and knees and I stand behind you. I ightly brush fingers across your ass and spread your legs a little further. Your pussy is quite wet, glistening with sticky moisture. I touch your pussy lips and trace their outline lightly with my fingers. It feels wonderfully slick. I take some of...

4 years ago
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My Hot Little Sister

Hi, my name is Vikas, I am from Bangalore. Let me introduce to my sis. We shared natural relations. Her name is Preeti. I was unknown to the world of Indian Sex Story. My friend Sujith had given a cd to me of songs and in that cd, my html files of Indian Sex Story were saved. I opened one by one. Started reading, I was shocked. I closed the folder. The whole cd I have copied to my pc. Next day I returned the cd to him and directly told him what is all this stuff. He said his friend’s cd and...

4 years ago
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They Fucked A Cop part 1

It was the summer of 1976. Most people remember it as one of the hottest summers in living memory here in the UK. I remember it for other reasons.I was a recently qualified probationer police constable in London, miles away from home and all my friends, especially my girlfriend. As a probationer, I got all the really naff jobs. I was suck on point duty when the traffic lights broke down due to the heat. Standing in the middle of the busy junction with the sweat dripping down my young, well...

3 years ago
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The Nightingale

DING DONG! The hideously loud noise sounded again, renewing an attempt to crushing his skull. Ronald tried to sit up, but his stomach was cramped. After another night on a twenty-year-old mattress that sagged in the middle like a meteor crater, he found his back was also a mess. DING DONG! DING DONG! He finally managed to log roll to the edge of the bed and get his feet under him. He slipped his ratty bathrobe on over his pasty white body, before valiantly pushing himself erect. His pushed his...

3 years ago
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Some Very Lovable NeighborsChapter 4

The drive from Seattle was beautiful and relaxing, and Adie sat next to Bob Mason with pleasure. She talked continually, usually about nothing in particular or especially important. Things were finally going well for her, for Jack, and she felt the need to talk, to release some of her bubbling enthusiasm. Mason smiled and drove the Continental with one ear cocked toward the young, beautiful woman. Occasionally Mason would add something, but only to praise Jack, and this made Adie all the...

1 year ago
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My first night

Making love to a stranger First time I pick up a hitch hiker and it was a torrential downpour. She was soaking wet and shivering with cold. I offered her a lift and we checked in to a b and b for the night. She was glad to get into a warm shower. I hung her clothes to dry and popped my head in the bathroom to ask her if she wanted a bite to eat. That's when I saw her beautiful naked body rubbing against the shower door. What perfect breasts she had.She saw me staring at her and winked at me....

Sex With Stranger
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StepSiblingsCaught Kylie Page Dumped Again

Kylie Page can’t believe it, but she’s been dumped again! She can’t understand why the boys keep leaving her high and dry, so she turns to the one man she knows won’t lie to her: her stepbrother. Approaching Tony wearing just a bra and underwear, Kylie asks if he can tell her what’s wrong with her body. Tony offers to give an unbiased opinion, but first he must feel Kylie’s breasts and ass so he can give the best assessment possible. Finding herself...

2 years ago
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Beyond Mile High the DreamChapter 2 The Dream

When I got to my house in the mountains overlooking San Diego I made sure that the address, phone number and all other vital statistics about Janice were copied, and copied again and put in very safe places. I didn't want to lose track of that lady. She had written down her work schedule for the next few weeks which is as far ahead as she knew. They rotated flights every week so that the trips didn't become boring or too routine. They were "sharper" that way. Seemed pretty silly to me,...

2 years ago
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The Scotch Bonnet

Let's talk about sex and drugs. Two drugs in particular: amphetamines and opiates. Not the dodgy kind you buy from a guy who "knows someone" - no, the natural kind, the drugs that are made inside our own bodies. When we first fall in love with someone - and we're in that passionate maelstrom - we can't eat, we're distracted, we blush, get butterflies in our stomach, our libido goes through the roof. This is all down to a particularly sexy sounding chemical called Phenethylamine - which, when...

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Note: as much as I wish this were a true story, it is not. It is a fantasy about a massage. EnjoyI just read a hot story online in one of the Flickr groups. It inspired me to write one also. Although I have written one before and some that I have written have been integrated with a massage, I will attempt to make this story all about being rubbed the right way. So here we go!Massage Masters is the name of a business in a town in the northern US, I will not name the town, but it's fictional...

4 years ago
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A Weird OneChapter 16

As I watched the flashing red lights in my mirror I wondered what I had to look forward to. It wasn't, at least to me, natural that Andrea's husband would tell me to get out of there. He was the wronged husband and he was supposed to want to do me bodily harm and God knows that was his intent before Andrea put him down with the table lamp. Why did he tell me to get out instead of giving me up to the authorities when they showed up? Could it be that it was because he felt he could get at me...

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