Hunters Prey
- 3 years ago
- 28
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A/N: Hello everyone, this is something I’ve been putting together for a long time and now, finally, have decided to write. This is going to be a very long story and hopefully I have the skills, ideas and story to keep you interested all the way to the end.
**** Scene Change ****
Hunters Advent
={ Book 1: Birth }=
Chapter 1: =§ Hunters of Darkness §=
= The Underworld… when you hear the word, it makes you think about a society of crime without law, or a different world beyond our own.
Both are correct descriptions, but there is a third one as well.
One that only those who cannot find a place in the light would know about,
The Underworld, that is in front of us, but never seen. =
He was running for his life, in the dark of the night he was running from a predator he could not believe existed.
Why had it targeted him? Where had it come from? Only an hour ago he was about to leave his apartment and meet with a woman, one whom he had tried to get together with for the better part of the month, when… ‘It’ had appeared out of nowhere, looked him in the eyes and said,
‘Mr Garth, I have come to kill you.’
Garth had simply thought it was some kind of a sick joke, I mean, it had to be have been one, because who comes up to you and says something like that, especially with such an innocent smile?!
Yet, it had attacked him right in front of his home! It had cut him in the left arm with… something, he had never felt anything like it, the pain, the burning, the bleeding… He had panicked and ran out of the apartment building using the fire-escape, and had almost escaped into the street but out of nowhere it had appeared in front him, blocking his way out.
So now, Garth was running in the alleyways of his own neighbourhood, arm still bleeding and all his senses and instincts screaming at him not to stop for his predator was closing in fast.
And then, he ran into a dead end.
He looked around him, desperately looking for some way, any way out of this death trap: ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck…!! Come on, there has to be a w-‘
He suddenly cried out in pain as he felt something sharp hitting the back of his thigh, forcing him to fall onto his back. He rolled onto his side as quickly as he could to get a look at what had hit him, It was a sharp but small knife, and whatever threw it had used enough force to make it embed itself all the way in.
It made Garth feel the same pain as whatever he had been cut with earlier, and it took all his strength not to pass out from the agonising pain when he pulled it out. He then forced himself to stand up, but soon found himself leaning against the alley wall for support, his leg radiating with burning pain.
As he struggled to stay up, he looked towards the dark alleyway where he had come from, hearing footsteps coming closer, slowly but surely. It was only now that Garth began to figure out what had been happening, this wasn’t just an attempt to kill him, it was a hunt.
His predator had pressed him into panicking, made sure he ran into this dead end and finally, the knife had immobilised his leg. Effectively crippling his way of fighting back and making sure he couldn’t run anymore.
And now, the predator was intentionally taking its time coming closer, making sure that he heard every footstep… it was driving him up the wall! Every second began to feel like an eternity, each footstep began to echo harder and louder in his ears, until finally he couldn’t take it anymore and began to shout at his attacker:
‘You fucker! Why are you doing this?! Do you enjoy cutting people and chasing them like they are animals?! Why… why are you doing this to me?! I haven’t done anything to you!!’ Garths’ breathing was on the verge of hyperventilating, and it didn’t help matters that he still couldn’t see his attacker at all, which made no sense!
He was looking directly at the only way that led into this dead end, yet there was no one there, even the footsteps had stopped and it made him even more afraid of his pursuer.
Then, at the precise moment when he blinked, Garth was startled when IT appeared in front of him, which caused him to loose his support and fall sideways onto the ground. He couldn’t understand it, he had literally appeared from nowhere! He hadn’t heard or even felt anything, and no one, NO ONE can move like that!
Garth was slowly getting up and attempting to escape but with his leg hurt, it was useless. His predator didn’t give him a chance either, firmly grabbing him by his arm right arm and left shoulder he found himself violently spun before being tossed towards the dead end wall, face first. By all that made sense, he should be losing consciousness at this point, yet he wasn’t. All he felt was pain, with no relief in sight.
Falling onto his back from the force of the impact, Garth gave it all he had to roll onto his side, looking down onto the concrete ground beneath him, his blood dripping from both his mouth and nose. While groaning from the pain, he kept talking to IT:
‘Why?! Just tell me already!! Enough with these sadistic games you sick son of a bitch!!’
And then it finally began to talk, but not before snickering with mirth: ‘Why Mr Garth… I told you earlier, I’m here to kill you. Is the why really that important to you? No, that’s not fair, so here is why.’
In a single instant, all the mirth was gone, replaced by a lethal, smooth, cold tone:
‘Because among other things, it is what I do. Someone you know… or rather, probably have never even met, asked me to rid this earth of your miserable existence.’
Garth then slowly tried to lift himself up, but his head was still throbbing from the impact with the wall, while asking in a WTF voice: ‘So, what you’re a hitman or something? And you are supposed to hunt me like an animal and kill me?! Who, who the fuck asked you to do this?!?!’
He managed to lift his head up enough to look at his pursuer in the face, but all he could really focus on through the haze of disorientation were its eyes, those bright, sky blue eyes that made him feel a cold shiver run up and down his spine.
It then replied with that same tone, eyes narrowing dangerously: ‘It doesn’t matter to you now, for this is the place where you will die, Mr Garth.’ Then, after starting to take steps closer to him, it continued: ‘And as for hunting you like an animal. Well, what can I say? I’m a hunter. But… this time, I’m not hunting an animal-‘
At that instant, much faster than a human eye could see or follow, Garth had somehow gotten up and had charged towards his predator… but in the next instant, his right arm was flying through the air, bleeding, severed and before Garths brain could register the pain of having his arm cut off, he felt himself being stabbed through his chest with something long, sharp and beyond painful.
Then, he found himself being impaled onto the dead end wall, the sharp object sinking deeper through his chest, back and even onto the brick wall behind him. Garth then realised that this is what the hunter had used cut him with, that had caused the burning pain, a medieval looking sword with arcane looking parts that blended together with the medieval ones.
The pain the sword had been causing was beyond agonising at first, but, as he could feel his heartbeat slowing down, his arms, chest and back bleeding faster and faster, he couldn’t feel anything at all anymore.
The hunter then let go of the hilt, taking a step back as the moonlight that had until now been shrouded by clouds began to shine through, illuminating this dark scene. The hunter was in fact, a human, a man in his late twenties, taller than an average man with white skinned and rough, almost wild looking black hair.
He wore a black trench coat with a black shirt underneath, in fact, all his cloth
ing articles were black, making his movements harder to see in the darkness of the alley.
As his features became clearer, he finally finished his sentence with a firm voice:
‘… I’m hunting a Monster.’
As Garth felt his life ebbing away, the grinned at the hunter, who he refused to admit was a human being, revealing his two razor sharp fangs and glowing red eyes. He then barely managed to utter: ‘So you knew what I was, a vampire… I have… superhuman speed, strength… senses… and… healing…’
He then coughed a burst of blood from his mouth, before continuing:
‘… You are… without a… doubt… a Night Hunter. I have faced… many things… in my life… even other hunters, like… you. Not once… have I feared… any of them…’
Garth then felt his consciousness beginning to fade, as crimson and black coloured, ethereal looking light began to leave his body, before finally finishing:
‘But you… I fear you more… than death…you cannot… be human, you hunted me… killed me… and yet… I feel nothing… from you. Who… What… are… y…’
He could not finish, for after the ethereal light was gone, his body ceased functioning and began to decay at a rapid rate. In under half a minute, the vampire known as Garth was gone, leaving behind nothing but withered, mummified husk that turned to ash as the hunter pulled the sword out of the wall. Even the blood Garth bled had already coagulated, and was now in the process of decomposing, until nothing was left.
The hunter then said to no one: ‘I am Vincent Zacrias, a Night Hunter…’
Then as he was walking away, the sword in his hand made a crackling, digital like sound, followed by a light greed and white light before it seemed to transform from a blade into a wristwatch within the blink of an eye, he finished:
‘… Nothing more, nothing less.’
As Vincent continued to walk out of the alley, his clothes emitted the same sound and colours as his sword had, before transforming from dark, hunters articles into his civilian clothes, a brown aviator jacket with a grey shirt underneath, dark blue jeans and a pair of black sneakers.
He then reached into his inside pocket and pulled out a cell phone, pressing one of the quick dial buttons and waited for a person on the other end to pick up. When he heard the person picking up, he started:
Vincent: ‘Hey Rosie, it’s me, Vincent.’
Rosie: ‘Ah, about time Vinny. What took you?’
Vincent: ‘Heh, you know what.’
Rosie: (Sigh) ‘Vinny, I know you are good… hell, probably even the best there is at hunting, but you really need to tone it down with the cat and mouse routine. Was the target a…?’
Vincent: ‘Nah, he wasn’t, just another Fallen… like always these days.’
Rosie: ‘See, that’s exactly what I mean. If it’s a Fallen you just need to kill it, not chase it to a corner and push it into attacking you!’
Vincent: (Meh) ‘Say what you want, if undertake a job like this I have to do something to make hunting the prey more interesting.’
Rosie: ‘… and did it work?’
Vincent: ‘Not really.’
Rosie: ‘See? If anyone else tried to pull what you do, they’d risk breaking their bones or losing limbs, hell, even their life… but you-‘
Vincent: (Angry) ‘Yes, yes, I take some twisted pleasure from risking my life when I hunt. Heard this song and dance before, its how I am and it’s probably the only thing that keeps me from-‘
Rosie: ‘Alright, Vincent, I’m sorry… I really am, it’s just, you know.’
Vincent took a deep breath and exhaled, whenever Rosie used his full name he knew she was being sincere and serious with her words. He knew full well these weren’t easy times for her. She was going through a divorce, and it was a messy one.
Vincent: ‘Yeah, I know, I’m sorry too… Haven’t had decent hunts in a while, its making me restless.’
Rosie: ‘True…’
There was a moment of silence between them, until he decided to continue.
Vincent: ‘Anyway, I caught Garth just in the nick of time, he was about to go meet his latest victim.
He wasn’t much of an opponent, but he was elusive as hell but then again for a Fallen to have survived for over 30 or so years, he had to be.’
Rosie: ‘Garth, no known last name. Estimated to have become a Vampire 30 years ago, but was soon confirmed to be a Fallen and was hence given the green light to terminate by the Night Hunters Guild.
A playboy, combined with the nature of a sociopath.
Eluded termination several times, even critically injured two other Hunters. Last known victims’ father had connections with The Underworld.’
Vincent: ‘Heh, he made a fatal mistake there.’
Rosie: (Smiling) ‘Yes he did. Using his old connections, the request to ‘Tear out the heart of the motherless fuck who killed my granddaughter’ came to my desk, and after checking the information and details of the job, I recommended it to you and you accepted.’
Vincent: ‘Yeah…’
He then stayed silent for a moment, before continuing.
Vincent: ‘It isn’t much, but tell the client that it is done.’
Rosie: (Sadly) ‘Yes… Vinny, tell me something.’
Vincent: ‘What is it?’
Rosie: ‘Why do people choose to walk away from The Light? Why embrace The Underworld?’
Vincent: (Looking at the moon) ‘… Because we sought in the dark, what we could not find in The Light.’
With that, Vincent closed the phone, before disappearing into the crowded street. The voices of the people and the noises of the city drowning out all that had transpired only moments ago, no more than a stones throw away from them.
= Vampires, Werewolves, Monsters, Mutants, Night Hunters…
This is The Underworld that we do not see.
It is right there, in the corner of our eye.
It is around us, in the sounds we ignore.
It is in the shadows, which follow us all.
This is the story of a Night Hunter, a human who has chosen to hunt those that live in the night.
This is the story of his life,
… And Curse. =
To Be Continued…
A/N: Okay, here is the first chapter. The second one might take some time, since I’m currently working on another story as well.
Hate it? Like it? Let me know, and if you see how it can be improved, point it out. I am always looking for constructive criticism, or positive feedback.
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FantasyLacrima picked her way through the rubble and debris of the broken town. Barely a few months before, this had been a bustling stronghold, a last outpost of the dwindling human race. Now it lay decimated, open to the bleak skies like an eviscerated corpse. The half-elf scouted the area alone, checking for signs of life or, more importantly, signs of demonic infestation. Her sharp eyes scanned the ruins of each building intently, the deep green of her irises glittering in the fading light...
Beepbeepbeep…beepbeepbeep. Hunter opened his eyes from his doze and carefully reached up to retrieve his watch from his forehead. His heart started accelerating in anticipation. Pressing the light button on the watch, he checked the time, he had 4 minutes, forty seconds to go. The altimeter gave the altitude at 34,000 feet. Putting on the watch and slipping the GPS from its strap, Hunter verified that they were still on track. Replacing the GPS, he quickly reached in an inside pocket and...
“Go inside, do as I say, don’t make a sound, and you don’t die. Got it?” Hunter growled into her ear and Paige lifted her hands in compliance. Forcing her inside he pulled a zip tie from his pocket and zipped her hands together. Dropping her bag on the floor Hunter found her bedroom and forced her inside throwing her onto her bed. He looked at her, face down, and admired her ass in her yoga pants and he could see the outline of her underwear through it. He heard her crying into her pillow, and...
Shadow waved Hunter and Mirage toward the chairs that sat in front of his desk. Mirage sat, glancing over and meeting Hunter's eyes. He shrugged and then his gaze went to Shadow as the director of ASP sank down in the chair behind the desk. "Have either of you ever seen one of the shells acting like that?" Mirage shuddered. "No. I hate the damn things anyway." "I can understand that. I just need to know if we're going to have a problem with a new strain of Vampire poison." "Well,...
"Protection?" Hunter mumbled, staring down and into her face. "Yes, you know, to keep women from having babies? Condoms?" "You can't get pregnant..." he began then heard her laugh. "Yeah, I thought that same thing before Lineal and I got married. I was already three months along when we finally spoke our vows. After that, we were very careful." Hunter's hand slid down from her shoulder, slicking across her breasts before ending against her flat, muscled stomach. "Y-you could be...
Mira followed Hunter into the ASP Building, veering off to the side of the main lobby. Down a long hallway there was three investigation room and a hallway that led to a wide set of stairs. They turned to go up the stairs, barely glancing at the other agents they passed. Down another hall were the team leaders and Shadow's office. They stopped at his shut door, Hunter letting Mira catch up before they pounded on Shadow's door. "Come!" "Oh hell, he sounds grumpy." "Mira, honey, do me...
The house was almost overly quiet as Dianna and her team entered. They could see the door that Kit had busted in, and they used the same entrance, trying to be as quiet as possible. Mirage's head was up, her eyes constantly moving. She was in the lead, which was usual for her since when anyone found out who she was, they wouldn't come near her. They went through every room on the first floor and then Hunter and Beast peeled away to check out the second floor. They were back fairly...
Mirage rose to fill his glass after he drained it then returned to her seat, crossing her legs uncomfortably. She wasn't used to being dressed like this in front of anyone but Lineal and Lynette and she was feeling a bit naked in front of Hunter. It might have helped if he wasn't looking at her the way he was, as if she were sitting here in that extreme state of undress. She drank more of her whiskey, clearing her throat. "Okay, anytime you want to start. I don't have all night...
Hunter's heart was beating too hard. His eyes were swollen from his tears and he couldn't look away from Mirage's dead face. She was beautiful even in death, incredibly lovely almost as if she were sleeping. He could feel his fellow ASP members around them and knew they wanted him to give up her body, to let her go back to the ASP office for internment. But he couldn't do it. He couldn't let them take her from him or think of letting her go into the cold dark of the burial floor at ASP....
Mira woke easily when her alarm went off at six a.m. Even the late night and the amount of alcohol she drank last night couldn't dispel the good mood she woke up in. Hunter thought he'd beaten her. He'd thought she would trot her little ass over to his house and scrub his floors and clean out his refrigerator while his briefs were drying in the dryer. He had a lot of thinks coming if he thought she'd be the dutiful little maid service and fluff and fold. A giggle escaped her as she...
Harsh cries came from his mouth as the terrible agony flooded his body. It was growing worse by the minute, and he rolled, fighting the straps that held him to the bed. Blood ran thick in his veins, too thick. He needed to feed, he needed the release but every movement he made seemed to trap him worse. "Braxton!" he screamed, throwing his head back. His voice was guttural, almost as thick sounding as his blood that flowed heavily through his veins. Then he calmed, his eyes resting upon the...
I COULD SMELL SALT in the air when we stepped off the train in Nice. The sun was slipping towards the horizon. I was antsy, not having moved enough during the long trip down. Callie, despite being lost in thought at what she’d learned, appeared to be okay, flashing me easy smiles every time she caught me studying her. A cab dropped us at another mid-level yet expensive hotel two blocks from the waterfront. I wanted to walk, to burn off nervous energy. After depositing our bags in the nicely...
Montreal was a real contrast. The outskirts, from the commercial port where we’d docked to the center city, was an industrial wasteland mixed with depressing, drab homes in characterless neighborhoods. The city center was charming and full of character, old buildings mixed with modern office blocks, broad avenues and quaint side streets, café, bistros, and restaurants giving the city a European feel. We had time for a delectable lunch of Nova Scotia lobster before catching the Greyhound bus....
Hunter and the Beast (Based on Beauty and the Beast) One upon a time, in a faraway land, a young lad, Gaston, lived in a small village. Although he was the greatest hunter and the best looks in the village, he could not win the heart of his desire. The maiden, Belle, rejected all of his offers for marriage. To impress Belle and make her his wife, he went deep into the forest in search of the legendary Beast. The lad believed that if he could bring back the body of the Beast,...
Mira's screams could be heard from the hallway by Shadow and his party. They sounded horrified and as if she was in pain. Shadow glanced over at Angel and Marcus, nodding at the door, then he disappeared into the wall. Marcus wrestled open the door, tearing it almost off of its hinges. He ran in first, his recently reworked blaster leading the way. In front of him there was nothing but splotches of an orange colored goop. But he could still hear the shrieks of the other teams echoing...
THE ROAD WAS SINUOUS, winding through a canopy of trees. This part of San Sebastián was beautiful, bucolic. Around a bend Pedro Margules’ estate appeared; a tall stone wall topped with nasty-looking spikes, and a double solid wooden gate. There must have been a sensor. As I pulled up, a small door inset into the left gate opened and a simply dressed young man emerged. I noticed the loose cotton shirt and how it draped, hiding a pistol. “Sí?” “Estoy aquí para ver Señor Margules. Me llamo...
Mirage waited, knowing that the buzz of the insanity was coming, that she'd just ruined Hunter's life. She kept her eyes tightly closed, her wrist still pressed against his face. "Mira?" His voice, still soft and completely sane had her opening her eyes and staring up at him in shock. "You're not..." She couldn't even finish the question. "You're..." "No, I'm not," he said, just as shocked as she was. He lifted his hand, his fingers trembling just a bit as he unfastened the...
Callie watched the countryside pass in a blur, the TGV, France’s high-speed train racing at over three hundred kilometers an hour. Across from her Hunter was absorbed in the laptop. “You promised to tell me what the microdot contained,” she reminded him. He shut the laptop, pushed it aside, leaned back, and looked out the window. “You’ve heard about the Israeli-Palestinian peace accord?” “Sure,” Callie nodded. Everyone knew about it; the single biggest achievement in the past fifty years,...
Karen ran from the house to greet Mike when he pulled up in his bass boat at Sanjay’s dock. She was now thirteen years old and thoroughly Texan. She stood at the end of the dock waving to him and shouting, “Unk!” “Hello, Sweetie. How’s my favorite niece doing today?” Mike called back as he brought the boat up to the dock. “I’m fine,” Karen answered as she caught the rope he tossed to her. She tied the boat to the dock with practiced ease. She said, “Daddy will be here in a minute. He’s...