Hunters Ch. 04 free porn video

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**This is a direct continuation of Session #3. If it’s been a while since you’ve read it or haven’t read it yet, everything will make a lot more sense if you take the 5 minutes to read it now. Thanks. Don’t forget to vote!**

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Max was taken back by the sight in front of him. Anders was not only a girl, but a good-looking girl. She looked like she’d been in the same clothes for about two weeks, she had no make up at all, but there was just something about her short messy blonde hair or the sexy athleticism that her body seemed to drool. Maybe it was the way her eyes were beginning to dull from captivity but there was still the shine of a predator in the blue-gray pools that were looking him over as hard as his eyes were examining her.

‘Quit staring at her, you’re still in deep shit,’ a voice said to Max. It took him a second to realize that it was his own thoughts trying to snap him back to the situation at hand.

‘Corporal Anders?’ Max asked, turning around and covering the hallway as best he could. He noticed his arm wasn’t just numb now, but it was getting cold. He could hear the blood dripping on to the floor, sounding like a metronome keeping slow, but steady time.

‘Yes sir,’ she said.

‘I’m Major Morgan, and we’re gonna get the fuck out of here,’ Max said and walked forward. Anders was right behind him, ready to go after being cooped up in a room for half a month Max walked down to the munitions room and motioned to it with his head. Anders ducked inside and Morgan followed her in, covering the door.

‘So you’re Morgan, huh?’ Anders said and started grabbing pistols. She tucked two into the waste band of what looked like Special Forces BDU pants and grabbed a couple clips of ammunition. She picked up an HK and three extra clips of ammunition for it. All the while, she kept talking. ‘Martian Medal of Honor, 5 purple hearts, two silver stars, and two accommodations for bravery. Went AWOL in 70,’ she finished. Anders cocked all of her weapons and looked at Max. ‘How the hell did they get you to come get me?’

‘Same way they do everything, bribes and lies,’ Max said and swung out the door, gun first. Anders followed him close, covering the stairwell with her HK. They both heard voices down below, but no Germans were on the stairs. Max reached in to his coveralls and tore off a finger sized lump of the explosive and wrapped a detonator around it after setting it to ’01.’ He twisted the master to the same number and put it in his injured hand. He concentrated and made his fist contract around the device. ‘What’s in here?’ Max gestured to the door straight across from the stairs going down to the first floor. It had been blown in by Max’s first gift for the Fourth Reich after leaving the munitions room, but it was still standing.

‘Large room, goes to the end of the building. I saw it when they brought me here, but I didn’t get a good look,’ Anders said still covering the stairs. Max knelt down by the handrail for the stairs and stuck the lump of explosive on the edge of the ceiling of the first floor. No one down there seemed to see him do it, and returned his hand with all of his fingers happily attached.

‘That’s our exit, transport is right outside,’ Max said and kicked in the cratered and heat stressed door. His HK was ready and his thumb was on the top of the control for the detonator. Max went in the room and was semi relieved to find it void of people. The room itself had a large picture window that over looked what Max hadn’t realized before to be a scenic view of the heart of Rotterdam, with her steel and glass towers still gleaming through the grime of the city. A very small part of Max appreciated that, and it would return to him later, now was not the time for sight seeing or hesitation. Anders followed behind him, guarding the door and keeping a close eye on the stairs. The room itself had a large table running down the center of it, and that would be a problem.

‘Major, the windows are bullet proof,’ Anders said calmly. Max kept striding across the room, but dropped its his gun to be supported by the sling and got another wad of the high explosive out of his pocket. He stretched it into a thin ‘X’ on the window and pushed a detonator into it, turning it to ’01.’

‘Corporal, I need this table moved clear of the window,’ Max said as he pulled another wad of explosive out of his pocket and stuck a third detonator into it, turning it also to ’01.’ Max threw it against the wall of the stairs, and he watched it stick Anders looked at the table and sized it up. It appeared to be one long table, made of solid oak. It ran almost 50 feet, virtually the length of the room. She went to the side of the table and looked under it. Her HK came up and she pointed it at the first of the strong legs holding the table up. She opened fire and Max saw chunks of wood shoot out from under the table. Anders raked the underside, chewing the wooden legs apart. She had to reload twice, but after 25 seconds of work, the table creaked loudly over the jingling of hot brass on the floor and the table collapsed under its own weight.

‘Clear,’ Max said loudly and crisply. Anders moved quickly to the wall of the boardroom, putting 15 feet between her and the table. Max stood against in the corner against the other wall and pushed the plunger down on the switch.

The three explosions went off simultaneously. The men down stairs were no doubt killed instantly, and if any survived there wouldn’t be enough stairs left to get to the second floor. The open stairway helped channel the explosive force to the second floor and the boardroom door blew off its hinges amid a column of flame. The explosion on the window weakened it and broke most of the glass, and the flying steel door finished the job nicely as it crashed through. Anders was on the way to the window before the door even hit the street. Max joined her a split second later.

It was quite a jump to the laundry truck below the window, but both managed it nicely. They jumped off the top of the truck and piled inside with Max behind the wheel. He turned the engine over and the pitter-patter of machine gun fire sounded behind them. Max heard the box of the truck getting chewed up.

‘Put your head down,’ Max said. Anders ducked immediately, her shoulders touching her knees.

‘Limber little minx,’ Max thought to himself as he broke the window out with his machine gun. Max hit the gas and turned right, exposing the passenger side. The machineguns from the building fired again and Max opened up with his, sending the guards scattering. Max put the gun down and put both hands on the wheel. The feeling was rapidly leaving his left hand again, and his entire arm was becoming washed with red.

‘Sit up, Anders. We’re not out of this yet,’ Max said as the truck lumbered down the street. Max remembered the way to the Twilight exactly. First he was going to go get his ship, and then he was going to get his gun back. They arrived relatively unmolested at the hanger, and Max plowed through the security check at the entry. The guards inside the shack shouted something at Max in German and waved his fist in the air angrily. Max didn’t need to know German to understand the string of profanity streaming from the guard. Max whipped the van around inside the garage in front of the Twilight and killed the engine.

‘Upton said you’re a pilot. I was lied to about everything else on this little trip, did he lie about that, to?’ Max asked getting out of the truck. Anders jumped out.

‘No sir!’ Anders said energetically and jumped in the pilot’s seat in of the Twilight. Max tried to hurry, but it was feeling like his feet were made of lead and as if he were swimming through the air instead of walking through it. He drug himself up into the co-pilot’s seat and shut the door behind him. Anders already had the computer fired up and was turning on the engines.

‘Seat belt,’ Anders half sung in a worried little melody. More men in
blue uniforms were streaming into the garage. Anders brought the Twilight up off the ground and spun her to face the incoming enemy and opened fire with the twin vulcans. She only hit one of them, and the rest scattered. Anders flipped more switches fastened her own harness. She pulled the stirrups on the control pedals and the ship shot up through the roof of the hanger. Max felt like she left his stomach back on the ground. He loved that feeling. ‘Where to, sir?’ she said, the craft hovering in the air over the hanger.

‘Über Sauber,’ he said slowly. Max started taking his coveralls off and looked at his arm. The main artery hadn’t been severed, but he was still losing a lot of blood. He ripped the sleeve off the suit and tied it around the wound. Max found that he was forcing himself to stay conscious as the craft moved the few blocks to the building. ‘Set it down in the street,’ Max said. Anders responded immediately, dropping the craft quickly, but pulling up just before the landing gear connected. ‘Make me a door,’ Max said. Anders fired a burst from the machineguns and the front windows of the laundromat blew inward. The bullets hit something inside the laundromat and the glass exploded back out into the street, as well as formerly clean clothes, machine parts, and even a few random workers, or what was left of them.

Max jumped out after the fire sucked back into the building. He still heard metal clanging inside, and excited shouts in German that he couldn’t make out over the other noises of the shop. He went in, arm bandaged, HK pointing ahead, with the explosive still in his coveralls and detonators clinking lightly in his pocket.

He walked in and there were a few workers tying to figure out what had happened. Most of them were missing hair or covered in suit. A few of them had clothes that had burned away in patches. Max counted 6 and possibly 7 of them moving around. He fired a short burst from the HK into the ceiling and whistled loudly. All of the workers’ faces shot toward him, looks of fear and panic on them.

‘Get out,’ Max said loudly, clearly, and slowly. Most of them ran out into the brightness of the street only to see the Twilight sitting in the street, gun barrels still smoking. They scattered like cockroaches in the sunlight and Max started moving slowly through the shattered shop.

Small fires were still burning in the front of the store, consuming what was left of the clothing and of a few random workers. He made his way to the back, keeping an eye open for any remaining in workers. He was almost back to where the lockers were and he heard the sound of clanging metal across the main stretch of the building. Max spun around and felt something land solidly on his back between his shoulders. He lurched forward but managed to keep his feet. He spun around and pulled the trigger on the HK, but the only noise was a loud click as the bolt slammed forward into the empty chamber. The big German, the first one Max spoke to in Über Sauber not even an hour ago was standing there with a chunk of pipe, smiling broadly.

‘Gutten Tag, bischen Mann,’ the German said and took a stepped to Max. Max hit the release on his HK’s sling and threw it aside. The German swung with the pipe and Max dropped to one knee before the swing connected and punched his opponent square in the solar plexus, moving him back, but not affecting him much more than that. He reacted by swinging the pipe in a low arc, still aiming at Max’s head. Max threw himself backward to the floor and kicked the German solidly in the groin. Max felt a squishing crunch and the man spun around with his momentum, collapsing into the burning machine wreckage with a crunch. Max stood up and tightened his bandage. He grabbed the pipe and kept walking back to the lockers. They were locked, but badly damaged from the explosion.

Max wound up with the pipe and smashed into the door of the locker where his things had been put. The locker shuddered and the door rattled open. He saw his boots inside, and thankfully, his gun. He pulled off Otto’s boots and put his own back on, lacing them quickly and strapping the armor plates into place. He grabbed his flight suit and went back out to the Twilight, checking to see if his gun was loaded. He saw brass and let the slide slam back forward. He hurried as best he could back to the Twilight. By the time he was outside, he could hear sirens over the shouting people. Max barely registered the gathering crowds as he climbed in.

‘Sir?’ Anders said and lifted up.

‘American West, Desert Brigade H.Q.’ Max said slowly. He felt like he was coming out of a dream, his body felt weighed down by heavy blankets, the air was cold, and he wasn’t sure if he was awake or not. The Twilight took off and headed for the setting sun. Max passed out before they lost sight of Europe and drifted into a black, dreamless sleep.

He was shaken awake what felt like seconds later. Max’s hands immediately shot to where the controls should have been and tried to straighten up in his seat. He found that he’d been strapped into the passenger seat of a two-seater fighter and it took him almost a full second to remember everything that had happened.

‘Anders?’ Max asked as the Twilight skimmed along the desert floor. Another explosion off the port side of the ship knocked it sideways a little, and Anders was quick to correct for it. She didn’t answer right away and Max looked down at the radar. There were three dots chasing them, and they looked to be about 500 meters behind them.

‘Sir, there are three ships chasing us, they’ve been doing so since Texas. They aren’t answering their radios and they aren’t very good shots.’

‘Why aren’t we at the Brigade?’ Max asked, still groggy. His eyes wouldn’t quite focus on anything outside of the cockpit. The ground was a blur of brown and the sky was an open field of blue.

‘I didn’t think that they’d much appreciate us bringing in three hostiles, sir,’ Anders responded. Max nodded his head. It still felt like his skull was made out of stone and he discovered he had a headache ‘Sir?’ Anders questioned.

‘Corporal?’ Max asked. His senses were slowly returning to him.

‘You might want to strap yourself in tighter, sir. I’m gonna shake ’em,’ Anders said quietly and checked the straps on her harness. Max did as she suggested and sat up. He didn’t see how they were going to shake them, he could start to make out some rises and buttes, but nothing maneuver worthy. Then the whole world rose up before Max. He slammed up into his harness and his stomach felt like it was in his throat. Max could feel himself trying to pass out again, but he fought it back and kept his vision from going completely blank. The small dot of light that he could see re-expanded and he realized that they were in a canyon. It was plenty wide, but he saw that it must have been terribly curvy, it looked like Anders was speeding toward a wall.

Max’s eyebrows arched and he stole a sideways glance at his pilot. Anders was biting her lower lip in concentration, moving the craft as close to the walls as she could and twisting the Twilight through the bending canyon with the touch of an expert. Max looked down t the instrument panel and saw that their relative ground speed was fluctuating between 1700 and 1720 kilometers per hour.

‘Corporal, are you. . .’ Max started to say. The gravity of what was going on hit Max and it snapped him back to crisp, clear reality.

‘Yes sir. Shut up,’ Anders said. Max looked down on the display and saw that one of the dots had fallen off radar, but the other two were still on them. Max turned and looked out the back of the pod and saw that they were above them, easily keeping pace. An alarm started to beep and Max looked down at the display. ‘Missile’ started flashing in red over the top of the radar and Anders pulled back hard on the control sticks and Max saw her twist her feet in opposite directions. They had slowed down some, but now they were up out of the canyon and flying ba
ckwards. Max was impressed that the Twilight was holding together, and even more impressed with Anders’ flying. At least he wasn’t lied to about that.

Anders didn’t even hesitate. As soon as they were pointed at the incoming fighters, she opened up with the machine guns until the ‘Radar Lock’ light came on over the display and she launched 2 missiles at the craft straight ahead of them. Not half a second later did that craft explode in a white ball of light and flame. Anders banked hard to port and used the drag of the Twilight to slow them down just enough for her to get a bead on the second ship and she cut it in half with the 40mm vulcans.

Max was in awe. He’d never done anything like this in recon before, not with the skill and finesse that Anders just displayed. The radar showed the third blip appear on its edge and Anders took off for it immediately. She had acquired a missile lock on the target and was prepared to fire when a panicked voice came over the radio.

‘Don’t shoot!’ the voice pleaded. Anders looked to Max and Max shook his head no.

‘Who is this? Identify yourself,’ Max said with a strength that he didn’t even know he had.

‘This is Xio Lin,’ the voice said, still shaking.

‘Who are you working for? Black Dragons? Consortium?’ Max asked. Silence answered him. ‘You’d better start talking. You might just live through this if you do. If you don’t, you won’t live to hit the desert floor,’ Max said with anger joining the strength in his voice. Still there was nothing. Max waited a second and started laughing. Anders looked over at him a confused look on her face.

‘You have to be Black Dragon. The Consortium doesn’t have power on Earth yet and if you were Red Dragons, there wouldn’t have been 3 fighters, there would have been 10. Hope it’s been a good life,’ Max said and flipped the radio off. Max pushed the thumb switch for the missile himself. Max watched as the twin trails of smoke shot out from the Twilight. A few seconds later there was an explosion a little over 4 kilometers from them, Max simply shook his head.

‘We need to get to the Brigade,’ Max said.

‘Where are they located, sir?’ Anders asked obediently.

‘An old airfield in New Mexico. We can’t be far from there now,’ Max answered and turned the radio on. He turned it to 300.780 and cleared his voice. ‘Lt. Dire, Sgt. Greene, anyone there?’

‘Yeah, Dire here, what do you want?’ sounded a familiar voice to Max’s ears.

‘Dire, it’s Morgan. I’m in a pretty big hurt and I need some emergency work. If you got the time I got the cash,’ Max said.

‘Morgan, eh? Yeah, I can see what I can do. The old man’s at the coast picking up a delivery,’ Dire said back. The sound of ice clinking in a glass could be heard through the radio.

‘I really appreciate it, Lieutenant. We’ll be there in about 5 minutes. Morgan, out,’ Max said and switched off the radio. Max punched the coordinates into the navigation system and leaned back. His arm started throbbing painfully. The harness was uncomfortable and he unbuckled it. After slouching in his seat, Max closed both his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the speed as they cruised above the desert. ‘That was some superior flying back there, Corporal Anders.’

‘Thank you, sir,’ Anders said proudly.

‘You don’t have to call me ‘sir,’ Anders,’ Max said, opening one eye and rolling it over to look at her. ‘I left the military a long time ago and left all that behind me.’ Anders nodded.

‘Why did you leave?’ she asked after a long pause. Max found himself suddenly wanting a cigarette. He licked his lips only to find that his mouth had gone dry and he forced himself to salivate.

‘I left the military because I was tired of being used. You’re a tool, Corporal. You let yourself be marginalized and you let yourself be used because someone with more brass on their lapel or a bigger patch on their shoulder says you have to,’ Max said, closing his eye again. ‘It’s all bullshit, and it’s all for nothing,’ he added with a sigh.

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A handsome man with salt and pepper hair greeted Devon at the entrance. His posture and strong handshake gave the impression he was very important. "Devon! How are you? It is great to see you again." The man said in a loud booming voice. "Sir Gregory! You look wonderful." The men embraced, patting each other on the back then released the hug and fell comfortably into a handshake. "Devon, you don't have to call me Sir anymore, remember?" Sir Gregory laughed. "Old habits die hard I...

1 year ago
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Building a DreamChapter 5

Sam took a ship from DC to Port Arthur, TX. He was going to buy a horse and ride the few miles back to his home from Port Arthur. He didn't know what to do with himself. Every since his arrival downtime he had been busy. The trip home had only lasted part of one day so far and Sam was bored. He knew he could find a card game in the main passenger lounge but wasn't interested in that. He went topside and walked to the bow to watch the sunset. Sam walked around some canvass covered cargo and...

2 years ago
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I was about halfway to my first orgasm when I noticed my Dad, out of the corner of my eye, standing there watching me eat out my own pussy with a shocked look on his face. No, shocked isn’t the right word. The right word doesn’t exist… His expression was shock, awe, amazement, arousal, disbelief, all rolled into one. Being in a seriously sexual frame of mind, as I obviously was at the moment, I shamelessly checked my own Dad’s package and found his loose pajama’s outrageously tented. Wow, I...

2 years ago
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Mama Ke Ladke Ne Gaandu Banaya

Ye tab ki baat hai jab mai garmi ki holidays mnane ke liye apne mama ke ghar jata tha..Mai us waqat kaksha me padta tha. Patang udaane ka shonk to sab ko hota hai.Mujhe bi tha. Mujhe patangbaji ka bohat junoon tha. Mai parents se chori apne dosto ke sath. Patang udata tha.:jab class ki summer holidays hui to mai hamesha ki trah apne mama ke pass holidays bitane chla geya.Mere mama ke do ladke the ek 30 saal ka aur doosra 19 aur 20 ke beech ka tha. Mama g ka bda ldka videsh chla gaya tha..Aur...

1 year ago
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Barbarian Queen in Captivity

Titus Severus, Imperial Legate and Commander of the XXVII Legion, sat on a stool under an awning listening to the reports of his sub-commanders and smiling tightly. There was no question that he had won a mighty victory, his legion routing the ferocious but over-matched and disorganised Celts after he finally trapped them and forced them to battle. The enemy dead littered the battlefield, and reports of fleeing bands being chased down and slaughtered were coming in with every new dispatch...

1 year ago
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Dogfart Network

The Dog Fart Network! Fuck, I love watching slutty babes get absolutely wrecked by some big black cock in interracial porn. Or watching a smoking hot Latino chick bounce up and down on a dick while she sucks off the five other dudes in the room. Interracial porn brings the good shit. And it’s not just the same old scenes every time. Are you as tired as I am of watching a plain ass white couple have lame, uninteresting missionary sex? It fucking sucks. It’s time to branch out. Help break down...

Top Premium Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Memories of Daddy Pt 3

As I sat on the trunk of my car in the dark parking lot, I knew I'd done the right thing. I finally had my father right where I wanted him; here and alone with me in the dark. He was staring at my naked tits and pussy. He had only two choices and they were fuck me or don't fuck me. We had spent weeks playing this game every Tuesday and Thursday morning a silent, naked game of Peek-a-Boo. On those mornings, my father would walk in on me while I was in the shower. He would pretend to not be there...

2 years ago
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Leroy the Custodian

Pure fantasyI know it shouldn’t have happened, but it did. I was 18 year old white guy, 6’ 150 pounds. I had got into trouble and was sent to the principal’s office. He told me that I was to help the custodian out each day until the custodian said it was time for me leave. As soon as the last bell sounded ending the day, I went down to the boiler room and the custodian’s office. The head custodian was an older black man tall 6”3 and 200 pounds and gray headed in his late 50s or early 60s. His...

3 years ago
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Seducing Stephen Chapter 7 Cindys double date

Jim’s demeanor was noticeably different. In the weeks following watching Stephen fuck me, as Jim hid in our closet, my husband was more ‘energized’, almost slightly ‘hyper’.Before actually watching these events, Jim enjoyed my verbal retelling of my daily activities with my teenage lover; however, it seemed that his vicarious enjoyment had been somewhat ‘indistinct’, or perhaps ‘surreal’. These verbal descriptions, and the fantasies that they induced, were more dreamlike than real.But now,...

Wife Lovers
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First Time Was By A Homeless Guy In The Woods

My first time was just after I turned 16, I was born a boy, but always had a girly type build, that caused me to get lots of razzing at school. Just after I turned 16 my grampa wasn’t feeling good, and needed some fire wood, the neighbor had a logging crew on his place a year ago, and told me I could cut all the wood I wanted over there. It was good seasoned oak wood, so Saturday afternoon I took gramps truck over there with the saw to get him a load, I liked cutting wood and was glad to do it...

3 years ago
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Good Morning

I lie there awake with the sun peaking through the window. It was early morning and I hardly slept that night. I was highly aroused laying next to my man, pondering weather or not to wake him so early on a Saturday after a horribly long work week. I could wait… I could hear him breathing softly next to me and feel the heat of his body radiating towards mine, luring me in. My panties were damp from my arousal, my clit throbbing for attention. I wanted him and I wanted him fast and hard. I slowly...

1 year ago
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Cum To My Office

V. and I had shaved her pussy the night before, and it had been a wildly erotic night. We had a little wine, made out a little, and when we got particularly horny, she smiled her dirtiest smile and said she was going to take a shower. I joined her there. She fell to her knees immediately and sucked my cock, taking me right to the brink of orgasm before suddenly stopping. She stood up and moved my hand down to her pussy while the other gripped the shaft of my cock. While my cock throbbed I...

Quickie Sex
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A piece of art

Let me introduce myself, my name is Brandy. I'm 26 years old and married with two beautiful kids. At the tender age of 26, I work for one of the biggest law firms in the United States. You would think I was living the American dream — a great job and two wonderful kids, a big beautiful house and the car of my dreams. I hate to tell you this but everything isn't what it seems. Things at home really aren't all that great. You see my husband is a great guy with a great job and does everything he...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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La Cascina 1

Questo ? un racconto di fantasia. Mescola elementi realmente accaduti e fatti del tutto inventati. Se sei una persona fantasiosa e hai delle nuove e perverse idee da proporre, contattami a [email protected]!Sabato 19 marzo 2005, mattina. Punto di vista di Daniele- Una mezz'ora di auto e siamo arrivati.Sono appena sceso dal treno, A. ? venuto a prendermi alla stazione.- Tutto bene il viaggio?- Tutto bene, grazie!Sorrido.- Il posto ? una vecchia cascina, ereditata pochi anni fa. Ho sistemato una buon...

3 years ago
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Seduced My Mami And Fucked Her 8211 Part 2

Hi readers I am back with my second story since you have read about my first story seduced my mami and fucked her this is the continuation of my story… So new ones must read my first story then read this.. I am Kunal and having 7″ tool and my mami stats 34-30-36 it will be more fun… So coming back to the story To us din sham ko jab unka beta aaya hamne noraml behave kia.. Aur ham sab tv dekne lage.. V dekte samay meine mami ke boobs ko pakad rakaha tha unke sari ke under se aur unka beta mere...

1 year ago
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Kathrines Tanga Problem

Katherine Hillard Morphs into battle as the Pink Ninja Ranger sense it was nothing but Tanga Warriors she didn't think she would need to go full Ranger Mode. The Fight goes of the Normal way but sense this is in the middle of Angel Grove it is attracting a major crowd watching from afar. Katharine had just took over as the Pink Ranger from Kimberly so she still isn't used to the crowds so this puts her off her game. While she is Distracted some Tanga Warriors come up and Rip her Cloth Face...

3 years ago
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Spanking School 9 All Alphabet

Sexy Shae is a pilot in public, in private a personal fine friend from long love at long distance of ten hours.Sexy Shae is sometimes at Schphol for a short stop-over, but never ever came at coffee meeting me there.Sexy Shae is aware I am in Amsterdam, but prefers privacy above all. She does not want to risk her juicy job.Sexy Shae is commuting up and down in her hot long hauls across the Atlantic Ocean to me in Amsterdam.Sexy Shae shares her looks with me, "real time":...

2 years ago
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Gang of FiveChapter 23

The next day after school, Sarah drove herself and Jess to a fast food place where they sat and talked. This time, Jess was far from speechless. "Sarah, I don't need to go through what you did. I don't care if I'm not like Cinderella. I don't care if I don't date a lot of different guys. Remember, you caught more grief than I did just because you look so young." "Yeah, you've never had that problem," Sarah acknowledged. "OK, Jess, what do you want to happen? What do you want to...

1 year ago
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Am I gay or what Part2

It's sunday morning and I'm still on a high from last night. although it was the worst party I've ever been a party to, it was the best night i've had in years. my wife is off somewhere. with her dope head friends no doubt. since my experience with Greg, I really didn't care anymore. there's a video in my mind that's playing that over and over. the feel of our mouths pressed together. our tongues in and out of each others mouths. that's still fresh in my mind. so what happened to me? one minute...

2 years ago
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Tailor and Jothi

Due to my fascination and attraction with female body, I became a ladies tailor and opened a shop in a garage in a upper middle class society in south Delhi. First few days, I was very gentleman like with all my customers. As I was new, most of the time young ladies and girls were accompanied by their husbands or mothers or other relatives. I used to take measurements in hurry without making any bold moves. Very soon I won over the confidence of the society there. All these days, I was really...

4 years ago
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Highland Magic Ch 22

The keep was quiet for the better part of the day. I sat after Inna and Grace left, listening to the sounds of the keep. It was either that or slowly drive myself insane with escape plans that would never work. I voted for the latter. There was a sudden commotion buzzing around the keep. It was louder and the energy level jumped up to a sudden level high above what it was only moments before. I stood and looked out the small window. I didn’t see anything at first, but then I saw it. A small...

2 years ago
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The Toy Box Ch 06

Taggart stepped aside and ushered Ben and Karen back into the sex den. An odor wafted from the room, a deliciously erotic fragrance that could only be produced by mortal loins producing buckets of fluid, semen, vaginal secretions. Even with the sheets changed, the room smelled like sex. Ben felt himself hardening again, much to his astonishment. When would he reach his limit? Hopefully not before the end of the last act, Act Ten. Ben and Karen entered the room, where one of the two beds was...

3 years ago
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SS NerdChapter 5

I was finally on my way by ten. I didn't get a full night's sleep, but I was feeling pretty damn good. I was amazed by the way cars were passing me, so I stepped it up and kept pace with the other cars, never overtaking the fast movers. Around one, my time, my phone rang, "Feeny." "Hi, Dr. Feeny. Do have you have any idea of where you might want to stay over tonight and did you enjoy the accommodations last night? I found out you won a lot of money, congratulations." I had been giving...

3 years ago
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Had to spy

In June of last year, I was in an adult movie/gallery store. I was browsing; when the door chime went off... A serious Sinfully Seductive piece of work walked in... alone!? Even the security guy was panting! Long legs, mid-back hair, full supple breast... straining against a Halter top that tied at the neck. Auburn tinted Brunette...The A/C did me and the other guys justice; her nipples were those swollen puffy erect types... My mouth got wet watching...She went to the counter; she asked for...

2 years ago
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The Stroke of Midnight

Blending in with the shadows of a tall spruce tree as if born from their substance, he observed the building across the street and the dwindling line of guests entering. The clouds, thick and stagnant, shrouded the moon's glow and lent the night an air of mystery. A soft blanket of new snow covered the ground and helped to muffle footsteps. He smiled to himself; the perfect night for a heist. Nymphenburg Castle was bathed in muted light, from outside as well as within. No loud and raucous...

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SusanChapter 28

As they moved south down the river, Caitlin Fitzpatrick realized that the entire event had taken no more than about an hour from the time they left the Collins' apartment. For some reason, she had a premonition. Now with time to think she realized that Sheila was a foreign national and, in all likelihood, someone would have to authorize treatment for her. The craft settled towards its landing at the Bellevue Hospital Heliport on the East River at 23rd Street. Looking out the window Caitie...

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Julie Ch 02

Tuesday morning at work, Julie was scrambling around getting ready for an important meeting. A potential new customer was visiting today and her boss had been hounding her to make sure everything went perfectly. Julie would be managing the account if this customer decided to give them their business. It would be the biggest account she had yet been given, so she felt as much self-imposed pressure as she did from her boss to get things right. Once the customers arrived, the top brass was going...

4 years ago
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Cataclysm Part 1

Down hearted and depressed he walked back to his house. When he opened the door to his 2 story home in Elywnn Forest, he saw the biggest, most beautiful surprise of his life. Jennifer, his wife was standing on the stairway. Her naked body glistening on her light purple skin. Jennifer is a Night Elf Druid. Arcturius ran to meet his wife, his big bulky armor clanking as he ran. He scooped her into his arms and kissed her deeply. He carried her up the stairs to their bedroom and gently laid her...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 139

Thursday morning Patti and I were at the college at 7. I had an 8 AM meeting with the board to finalize the budget. They wanted to expand our armed security for our sports team trips to cover more trips next year. There had been several problems at other colleges with gangs attacking busses carrying out of the area athletes to the local college events. One bus had been boarded with thugs carrying iron pipes and baseball bats. The board didn't want people killed but they also did not want our...

1 year ago
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My Girlfriend Virgin Fucking

Hi ISS readers, this is my first submission, so please ignore if there are any errors. I have been reading ISS foe about 4 years now and the stories mentioned here gave me the courage to share with you my own debut sex experience. About me: I am 20 years old, living in Chandigarh and currently studying in Panjab University. I have a good body, not very athletic or slim, but good 6 feet and a 7 inch+ organ. In this story i will call myself Casanova About my girl: She is dark complectioned,...

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Billy and Wili Wound Too Tight 5 in STOPWATCHChapter 34 Bad Dreams or Premonitions

A camera moving in a forest. Deep green all around. The deep green of a temperate rainforest. Hot ... sweltering ... thick ... deep ... late summer evening, nearly night. A path ... mist rising in the green, nearly black borders ... not billowing fog, not yet. Soon ... with the moon. On the path before the camera ... or is it me and no camera? am I following? ... a hurrying figure. Frogs croaking ... peeps and cheeps ... the sound of silent slippers or bare feet on packed earth. A long...

4 years ago
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sexy soph

they are all cute girls who will all grow up to be attractive but sophia is a little stunner, having known her since she was so young i had never thought of her in this way and spent most of my time with them acting like a loving uncle and 'father figure' but then lately soph as been acting more and more adult like. after watching mature tv programmes she's been taking about people having sex with each other and looking sexy, not really taking much attention until the other day when the...

3 years ago
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Hot Sis Hotter MomChapter 2

Now that her feelings had been proven correct, Joann no longer wondered what they had been doing. She had seen her daughter jacking off her son, watched his come juice spurt into the air. She had seen her son's thick cock, his young balls... and the image of them remained in her mind. She was puzzled by her pleasure at watching them. She knew about the desires of some people, people who loved to watch others fucking. She had not known she possessed such a desire, yet she had come while...

1 year ago
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The Girls of BrazilChapter 7 Back to Nurnberg

I reiterate (Chapter 6): “I climbed into Herman and they kissed him on the spare tire waving goodbye as I drove off heading back up north to Nurnberg. Wow ... No one would ever believe me about my time driving in Europe with so many girls.” And now, this being a true story other than most of the girls, and having arrived at this point in the story, it has fallen away clumsily. True, I had to return to Nurnberg to give Herman to my partner in ownership. I would be leaving Europe and he,...

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