Hunters Ch. 05 free porn video

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**If this is your first brush with this series, please go back and read the first 4 chapters. Enjoy, and don’t forget to vote!**

Max sat alone in the darkness. The only light coming into the tiny room was dimmed by cloth over a finely cut panel, the odd mixture casting eerie shadows on Max’s face. Max heard a noise next to the small room he was in and a small panel next to his head slid open, revealing a working of cloth and wood similar to the one letting light into the booth. Someone on the other side of the panel cleared their throat, and it was a deep sound, Max guessed that the person next to him was a man.

‘Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned,’ Max said lowly. He paused briefly before continuing. He hadn’t been in a confessional since before he had been in the service, when he was still living on Io. That has been right after Max’s 18th birthday, and right before he was going to propose to Cindy. He had wanted to go into that after being forgiven for his sins, but not before. ‘It’s been 8 years since my last confession.’

‘Tell me of your sins, my son,’ the priest said. There was an air of both compassion and boredom in his voice. The combination struck Max as odd, but extremely understandable. The priest was probably used to hearing all kinds of lame sins, and he went home thinking that people aren’t really all that bad, petty larceny at best in a community like this. Today, he would go home with a different feeling in his heart. Max almost smiled and thought ‘Let’s test that faith, Father.’

‘I have sinned, and I have broken the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth, ninth, and tenth commandments, Father. I have sinned against God in thought, word, and deed,’ Max said, his brow knitting as he recalled exactly what he had done in the name of the Marines.

The priest in the other booth coughed slightly. Max could hear him shift in his seat as he cleared his throat. ‘How have you done this, my son?’ the priest asked, his voice cracking sharply.

‘I have taken the Lord’s name in vain on countless occasions and I felt it in my heart on many of those occasions. I have not observed the Sabbath in over 5 years, and on some I was acting in a less than pious manner. I dishonored my parents by specifically disrespecting their wishes for my future and by refusing to speak with them on the subject. I have killed countless hundreds of men, and through my action and inaction I have caused the death of still more men, women, and children. I have stolen property from individuals, many of whom were unaware of the theft, some tried to recover their property only to meet death at my hands. I have lied and cheated in order to protect my own self-interests. I have coveted property on many occasions, and often blatantly, with no intention of returning it, and I have often destroyed the items I’ve coveted so the owner can never get them back,’ Max said slowly. As he spoke, memories flooded into his mind, and most prominent of those memories was his first mission.

Max and his squad had been sent to Titan to clean up the remaining pockets of dissidents left after the war. There were still small pockets of soldiers fighting each other, regardless of the fact that their main forces had pulled off the planet. Some of these groups were separated from their armies and didn’t know the war was over, others knew only fighting and the prospect of peace scared them. Others enjoyed the blood shed and the carnage and were busily trying to declare their own governments. The main reason that Max and his squad had been sent was to take care of a small group of Syndicate members that had been recruiting some of the marooned soldiers. The main objective of their strike was a particularly violent new Syndicate recruit with the name of Gillian.

Gillian and a few of her freshly found soldiers were held up in an old military compound. Max’s team’s orders were to go in and remove them. The mission had been planned for only a few short days, and it was known that Gillian and all of her closest circle would be at the compound. When Max and his team arrived, they launched mortars into the compound from all angles and each of them slipped inside. In the confusion, it was pretty easy to do, the Syndicate’s newest soldiers were busy trying to look for the invading force while the Special Forces team slipped through the shadows. Max was supposed to get into the main compound, and he did that extremely quietly. His mind hazed and he couldn’t recall all of what happened, but he knew that by the time he got to his objective he had been wounded.

The main barracks area had an office suite, the planning room, the communications center, and the administrative office were all the areas where Gillian was supposed to be. Max forced his way inside the barracks and dealt with the Syndicate members in there. Four hand grenades took care of most of the opposition, and what was left was easy to pick off. Max charged into the office, not fully knowing what to expect, but it certainly wasn’t what he saw. The administrative office was virtually empty. A file drawer hung half open, its contents had been pulled in a hurry, judging from the papers scattered on the floor. The other files had been pulled similarly, and even the desk chair was missing from the room. The desk, however, was there and on it was a computer with a camera set up beside it. On the screen was a smiling, young and wicked looking woman with long red hair. Max recognized her immediately as Gillian.

‘You were wrong to come, Lieutenant. But instead of killing you, I think you should have to watch the rest of your squad die,’ she said with a giggle. A fan of red hit the camera and it panned down to show Max the headless body of one of his troops. He thought it was Collin, but he wasn’t sure until he saw the head roll into the camera, Collin’s eyes looking up vacantly. One by one, the rest of Max’s squad met with a similar fate, each of them silent in their death. Max watched on in anger, unable to turn away.

‘You just made a big mistake, Gillian. I’ll find you,’ Morgan spat.

Vicious just smiled widely and turned off the view screen. Morgan snapped back to reality and the sounding of the priest’s voice.

‘You sound like a man with a heavy heart and a heavy conscious, my son. Did you commit these acts joyously?’ the priest asked.

‘Some of them, yes Father. Most I did because of duty,’ Morgan said wearily.

‘Then you are a soldier?’ the priest asked.

‘I was,’ Max said after a short pause. ‘I was a soldier for almost 6 years.’

‘No longer?’

‘No, Father. No longer,’ Max said with a touch of remorse in his voice.

‘Why is that?’ the priest asked. ‘Did you no longer feel your purpose in life was soldiering?’

Max laughed a little. ‘No, Father, I think I will be a soldier for the rest of my days in some means or another. I was tired of being used as an instrument of unguided destruction. I felt as if my actions only incurred other further wrongs and injustices to be committed.’

‘Mmmm,’ the priest said in consideration. ‘I believe that all soldiers think this at some point, many that I’ve spoken with have discussed a similar dilemma of their religious beliefs conflicting with their orders. On the one hand, they have to deal with the thought of living in shame and facing punishment from their superiors. On the other, they have to worry about how they are seen by the Eyes of God.’

Max’s thoughts drifted to his family. He had brothers, a sister, and two loving parents back on Io. His girlfriend was there, and as soon as Max was done with the military, as soon as his 8-year tour in the Special Forces was up, he was going to go home and get married to that girl. Max still remembered Cynthia’s scent, the feel of her silken hair, the warmth of her breath, and the little flecks of silver in her eyes. The military helped in taking all that from Max as well.

After the missing Gillian on Titan, it was discovered that there had b
een a Syndicate spy in the Marines. It made sense, and it was a constant risk, which is why only officers were given information, and usually only hours before a strike force was assembled and shipped out. This particular informant had told the Syndicate of the mission to Titian to try to eliminate Gillian. Among the information given was the name and rank of all the members of Max’s team. It had all been a set up to try to turn Max against the Marines, and while he would never actively join the Syndicate, having an easily accessible family made him easy to control.

First there were the threats, things like ‘we know who you are and further missions against us will become actionable.’ Max told his superiors and they said that they would not give in to terrorist threats from any organization. However, they did offer to move his family to the base on Mars. Max talked about it with his parents, they still were angry that he left, but understood the urgency of the situation at hand. Cynthia agreed at once and said she would help his parents out. Max’s brothers and sister took the news about the same. The move was set up and they got loaded on to the transport.

Unfortunately, the whole process involved Captain Tao who proved to be the Syndicate spy. Max received a letter, hand delivered by a Marine courier, that was from Vicious. He said that it would have been better if things had worked out differently, and that Max should have stayed locked in his cage. It wasn’t two minutes later that Max’s commanding officer, then Major Upton, came into Max’s office. He said there was something of a mutiny on the military transport and it was apparent that they Syndicate was behind it. Max’s entire family was killed in the incident and there was to be a full investigation. It wasn’t long after the investigation began that they had traced the leak back to Captain Tao. He committed suicide over the matter, and in a way, a very large part of Max did too.

After that, Max was the soulless killing machine that the military had trained him to be. His reputation in the Corp soared, even for a person that was, after a few years, not even officially recognized by the Martian government. His almost legendary exploits were carried out with an efficient lethality that most war heroes dare not dream of. As the Syndicate closed in on the Martian government, the Martian Special Forces closed in on the Syndicate. Their outposts on Earth were destroyed. Their power on Venus was disrupted and natural entropy of power took place there. It wasn’t only that, but it was other missions, too. Defusing difficult situations was Max’s specialty, and it wasn’t because of his subtlety with his tongue, it was because he had nothing else to live for except for the Corps as far as he was concerned.

‘You left out when the soldier has to justify his actions to himself?’ Max asked quietly. He wasn’t aware of how much time he had been sitting in silence, the thoughts flashing through his head. His internal clock wanted to say it had only been a few seconds. His mind wanted to tell him an eternity had been spent.

‘Ethical dilemmas stem from both obligation to duty and reverence for God. All ethics ultimately come from religion for either their justification or their enforcement. Even heeding the authority of a single person or a group of people can be traced in its roots back to the very fundamentals of religion, so in truth, all things concerning a hierarchy are religious in nature,’ the priest said.

Max understood this extremely well. Power was only gained through control, fear, and the person being controlled allowing for that power to be lorded over them. Religion was fundamentally no different, it was a simple choice of following and believing, or not following at all and having no purpose in anything. Without God, all things are random chance and causality, but with God a plan can be seen, because an innate hierarchy is formed.

‘That would mean that God plans for us to fill certain rolls in life,’ Max said cautiously. ‘If all society is patterned through fear and acceptance of control and power, and all societies are based from psychology and philosophy, and all philosophy is grounded in religion and all psychology is grounded in man, then there is no escape from the hierarchy, because God is fundamental to it all,’ Max said and sighed deeply. ‘Which would mean,’ Max thought to himself, ‘that God wanted me to do those things, that God wanted for my family to die, because in the end, there is only God.’ Max couldn’t remember a time when he felt more angry and lonely all at the same time than that one, empty moment.

‘God allows for opportunity to happen, and in that opportunity, we are given choice. Do we turn left, or do we turn right? God ultimately has a place for us, my son, and I’m not speaking of the end where he accepts us to him in Heaven. Each of us has a place that we must get to, and sometimes the road is trying. Sometimes the road is wracked with dilemma and conflict. Some give themselves to God and deny all temptation. Some try to live life as best they can and help others become better people. Others simply live life, only to rectify the wrongs they have done later, but all three types of people have one thing in common. That thing is reverence and respect for God and acceptance that they are not perfect, that they have made mistakes, and through God they can have those mistakes forgiven, but still have learned the lessons that those mistakes taught them,’ the priest said. Max noted that the boredom was gone from his voice, and it was being rapidly replaced by an excitement that a person feels when doing what is right for them.

‘What of those who don’t forgive themselves?’ Max asked, his voice sounding very small to his ears. ‘What about those who can’t?’ he asked even quieter.

‘God will forgive you is you ask, my son. His love for you is unconditional, but you must want it in your heart for it to exist in your heart. As for you forgiving yourself, only time will allow for that to happen. As you said, God is the fundamental for all things. You sound as if you suffer from a broken heart of sorts, as if you have fallen out of favor with yourself. God allows the healing of your heart to take place, but you must chose to let it be healed, not even God can force that on you. What we do in life is all we have of ourselves, and we have to live with our actions. It takes a strong person to make it through all that you have said that you have done. It takes a stronger person still to accept the wrongness of their actions and to want God back into our lives.’

‘How can I even consider that after everything I’ve done in service of my government? I knew the things I was doing were wrong, but I did them anyway, and I even enjoyed them. How does that wound heal, Father?’

‘A man with a conscious as far-reaching and as memorable as yours can take a life time to answer that question alone. The only thing I can suggest is a passage from Timothy, chapter 1: ‘Be not ashamed therefore of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but suffer hardship with the gospel according to the power of God, who saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before times eternal, but hath now been manifested by the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel, whereunto I was appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher.’ A soldier with a heart as wounded as yours must have done a great many things that he considered wrong. However, if you were true in your duties, as I am presuming you were, you fulfilled the role that God appointed you to. How can an appointment be a sin if it is God who appointed you?’

Max sighed deeply and he thought of his life after blasting his way out of the military base in Alva City with the Mako. He vividly remembered the tracers cutting through the air like stars rising
up into the heavens. The explosions of the missiles around his rapidly degrading ship started falling off as Max out maneuvered and eventually out ran his pursuers. He knew then, or at least he thought he knew, that they would be there directly, and he thought long and hard about turning himself in. For the first time in 6 years he had been truly free. There was no morning drill, there was no paperwork, no desk, and no covert operations. There was only Max.

It hadn’t stayed like that for long. It wasn’t too long after that had happened that Max had been picked up by Robinson. Robinson was going to turn Max in for the little bounty that the Martian government had placed on him, standard procedure for soldiers who go AWOL and steal government equipment in the process, especially a 5 million dollar ship. Max convinced Robinson to hire him, though, Max could be a bounty hunter for Robinson and Robinson could turn in the bounties. It kept Max in money, repaired, and out of jail, and it kept Robinson armed and gave him extra money when he needed it, which was pretty much all the time.

‘Maybe the sin isn’t the appointment, but the path we take in getting there,’ Max said silently. He knew what the priest was going to say before he said it.

‘Then once again, offer your sin and yourself to God and he shall cast your sin away and take you into Him.’

Max nodded. He had been taking steps. Up until a week ago, he had been very careful to avoid killing anyone. There had been enough lives taken by his hands to satiate an entire brigade’s blood lust. It had all been working so well, too. Up until Captain Gillian Vallemara of the Consortium. When the Syndicate collapsed, she was in the Consortium’s corner and rapidly climbed to the top of the organization. She was known for her ruthlessness and had caught Max three times now, and he had escaped all three times. She had a habit of turning his non-lethal beatings into blood baths, killing her wounded men or forcing Max into a situation that put it down to three or four of her officers dying, or Max letting himself get killed.

Then there was the business he took care of trying to get the military to clear his name he tried in the beginning to not kill the guards, he really did. The first two, they should have made it, if the explosions and the fire didn’t kill him. The next guard probably died, and from there on, every single guard he saw in the place lost his life at the hands of Max. There was no mercy, no quarter, not even any concern for their safety. It was all too easy for Max to do it, too, to just slip back into the mode where there are not people, to where everything is simply a target, an objective, or a non-combatant. How many men died in that building? 10? 50? Did it even matter after the first?

The simple matter is no. One wrongful, intentional death is just as bad as 1000, the only difference is how history sees you. The difference between hero and murderer lies in the body count. If a man fights bravely for his home and kills an intruder, he goes to prison. If a man fights bravely and kills 100 men because they wear different colors than he does, he’s given a medal and a seat of honor in a parade.

Then there was the stealing, the cheating, and the lying. These were all bad of course, but they could be made up for. Stolen objects can be returned, cheats can be uncheated, lies can be retracted and apologized for. Extermination of another life is permanent. That person is dead. All those that the person knew are diminished in some way and that person will never get to know many of lives great joys and triumphs. The rest of it seemed almost petty to Max. So what, so he coveted the Mako. The Martian Marine Corp got her back, and in markedly better condition than what she left in.

‘Why would God put appoint someone to a position that they question for the rest of their lives?’ Max asked, some strength returning to his voice.

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August – Year 1 And so began the path towards daddydom, again. My daughter was 26, married and had two little girls. My son was 24 and not married. I had no relations with them at all for the first few years after my first wife divorced me. It was nothing she did or I did, it was just that every time I saw the kids, I realized what I had lost by being a workaholic. Seeing them broke my heart and sent me into such a depression that sometimes I could not function for days. Now our...

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In The Ass

She was so hot. I just loved to look at her as she left her apartment. No matter when or for what reason she look very sexy. She had the kind of body that just screamed 'fuck me'. And that is what I wanted to do. She was kind of short but had those perfect legs that gave the illusion of going on for ever. She had that long, thick hair that was just perfect to nuzzle in too. I watched her everyday, and I knew her habits. On weekdays morning she dressed in a short dress type suit. All stiff and...

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Daddys New Wife

Hello! My name is Tristan Wood, or Triss as my friends and family like to call me. I'm 22 years year old, recent college graduate, and unemployed. Right now I'm living with my old man Harry Wood, he's a thickset man in his late 40s. Though, pops has been living in constant sadness since mom passed away seven years ago. At first, he barely bothered to do anything besides work. Recently, he has been getting by, saying that he has found a new hobby. Right now, I just woke up. Getting ready for...

3 years ago
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Conclusion White Cougar n The Black Bull 1st I

TRUE STORY - The Cougar seduces her new young Black BullHelene plants a wett French kiss on me , as she crawls across the long seat on her hands and knees. Helene breaks our mouths from embrace as she has unbuckled my belt and unzipped pants and she inserts her hand into my linen pants, as she draws her open mouth and lips toward my thick raging Big Black Cock which is in full view for her to see . "Yes baby, mama has been waiting to free your cock .. I mean my Big Black Cock...

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Frigid to Slut

This is entirely fictional. It is an adult story about sex, cheating, exhibitionsism and cuckolding, so if you don’t want or like reading about such stories, then I suggest you close this and move along to something else. Like all of my stories, it starts a little slowly, setting the mood but, or so they tell me, my stories are well worth the time it takes to read them. This is fictional, and as such, I can write it however I like. If it doesn’t make sense to you, then we simply don’t think...

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Am I a pervert

I might be thrown in jail for what I have done. I pray I never get found out. My career would be ruined.I'm a 41 year old criminal defense attorney. I love what I do. Most of my work is in the criminal world where I meet people of all types. It can get a bit seedy at times-you might say I've become tainted-but I love helping people out of tight jams, and sticking it to the man. Nothing pleases me more than getting charges reduced for someone facing serious jail time or better yet, the thrill of...

1 year ago
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Sometimes Its Just Not Worth It

My name is Michael, I’m 27, about average in every department you could think of, black hair, hazel eyes. I’m not ashamed of anything about myself, I don’t wish anything was bigger, smaller, more muscular… anything like that. I’m happy with who I am. I was also happy in my relationship with Dani, my partner of just over twelve months. I could lie about how she looked, ‘oh she had a slim as hell waist, her boobs are 44dd’ etcetera, etcetera, but that would make me a liar now wouldn’t it? I...

3 years ago
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Law of the Raw part I II fea the Doughboys

I hate drinking rum when there’s no vacant pussy about. I get crazy horny. Precum dripping, cock twitching, aching, and throbbing horny. When I’m like this, by default I seek the next available hole to fill and that’s my roommate Diggs. West Germany, timeline, doesn’t matter, military base, fort, or camp, doesn’t matter. There’s only one damn thing that matters this particular night, and that was the raw hunger that grips a Black Lion before he goes on the prowl. I’d been watching Diggs from...

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Cousin Sex Steven and I

All through out my life I have always been close to my cousins. But the one that I used to hang out with the most, was my cousin Steven. He is a year younger then me, but used to do everything together. My family was the family with the money and Steven lived with my grandmother. So he used to always stay the night and always be at our house. I dont know what it is, but i always had a short of crush on Steven. We were both about 15 yrs almost 16. When we found a pile of my step-dad's playboy...

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Strawberries and Old Cream

“Speed it up, old man!”The spiral staircase ahead of me was pissing me off for a couple of reasons. First, it was narrow and long, and I was getting dizzy climbing it. Second, I didn’t know how many flights of stairs it actually constituted, being a spiral. The pamphlet from the hospital said I could resume sexual activity when I could walk up two flights of stairs comfortably.And mostly, it was because the voice calling me an old man was my own, inside my head. I felt like an old man, and at...

Love Stories
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BandittiChapter 9

When the FBI Special Agents with the Evidence Response Team arrived at the hotel, they notified Special Agent, Elliott. He took Jackie’s pass card and left to meet them and escort them up. Once they were inside the suite, the new Agents took possession of the duffel bag. Transferring the money, they concealed their evidence in unmarked bags and left through the emergency exit after notifying hotel security who they were and why they wanted to remain unseen. Special Agents, Elliott and McCage...

2 years ago
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One HOT Summer Party

One HOT Summer Party It was that time of the year that most people enjoyed looking forward to summer was here. We'd had quite a few new neighbours move in our street, and one of our best neighbours (Sherry) had a brilliant idea to welcome them to the street with a summer night party but with a twist. Everyone who came would have to dress up in costume and have masks, that way no one would feel an outsider. We had no idea if anyone was up for it, but hey it was summer! So we both went to the...

Straight Sex
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BitchChapter 5

For the next few days, things kind of settled into a routine. For me it was comfortable. Bitch must have been pretty bored, but that was her problem. One night I woke up with an urgent need to piss. I was halfway out of the bed to go to the bathroom, when I looked over at the sleeping form of the Bitch and got a different idea. Standing over her, I took out my dick and let loose. She woke up with a start and trashed around a bit, but once she realized where she was and what was happening,...

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I Was Going To Do It

I was going to do it. I was going to try something I had never tried before, and I was sure it was going to work. It all seemed so simple at first, so easy and so freeing. The idea, given to me by one of my friends, was so intriguing at the time I could not stop myself from thinking about it. It had been a solid three days since the idea lodged itself in my brain and as soon as I heard it, I knew it was something I wanted to try. The thought had sat in the back of my mind, festering and...

1 year ago
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Family LettersChapter 125

Dear Marissa, Ouch, I remember how I got when Erica and I were assigned to Darling Downs. If I had been alone rather than with the sister and spouse of my heart, I would have been climbing the walls with how horny I would have become. It seems like surviving a fight always leaves me needing an orgasm or three, but I would have wanted someone I love to share the moment with me. Of course, it got worse once Erica was arrested and I had to sail home alone. That month was torture. I had no...

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Skin Deep The Dance Chapter 0

Chapter 0 Introduction - The Roadies Set Up William was not one for remembering his dreams. They came and went with the passage of sleep, ghosts of some half-remembered somewhere that no longer existed shortly after the cobwebs were cleared from the corners of his mind. The last few weeks had been a nasty exception. An observer watching him sleep would clearly have been able to delineate the span of time when the dreams began and ended. They would start, and William would begin...

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chapter one the newspaper

the train arrives at 4 this afternoon. so excited for the day, you hardly slept last night. delicious thoughts and images raced through your head: would he be as excited to see you as you are to see him? how much has he changed? will he be pleased with the outfit you've chosen? you try to think of what tasks he might ask you to perform that you would say "no" to. several jump to the front of your mind, but none you would deny. the more thought you give each one, the more excited you...

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Extra Fun

Last Saturday, my husband and I went to our favorite swingers party location. We go there a few times a month. It's not a huge party, but it's one where we know the host couple and it's not too far from home. I always enjoy this party, but always hope to meet somebody new. My man prefers to play with a small group of regulars. We arrived early and were told there were several new couples from the same website we use for contacts. I was hoping for a new couple that we would want to play with. As...

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Secretary Satisfy My Hunger

I’d been running my own publishing company for some time now and had also made a lot of money from the release of my first couple of novels, so I suppose you could call me semi famous, definitely rich and now with the publishing company definitely in a position of power. I had asked an employment agency to send me a personal assistant to work closely with me and because of the amount of work I had, I needed someone who would follow my instructions carefully. The agency had sent me a young woman...

3 years ago
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Welcome to the Building

Bang bang bang! Dan rolled his eyes and reached for the TV remote and turned the volume down. The knocking was coming from the opposite wall of his apartment. Dan had just moved in a month ago. The rent was lower than the other apartments he was considering, but the agent warned him that the reason was that the building was cheaply built and had very thin walls. Dan wasn’t bothered by that. He lived alone and thought he was pretty quiet. The neighbor who had done the knocking just now was the...

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Martinas Story Chapter Two

Martina's Story - Chapter 2 List of Characters: Myself: Martina, a sexually dysphoric child whose sexuality has not yet been ascertained but who chooses to present as a girl; Beverly: My adoptive 'aunt' who is a mature shemale and my most supportive adult friend; Chenille: My older half sister; Jennifer: Aunt Beverly's adopted daughter; Beatrice: Aunt Beverly's second adopted daughter and Jennifer's younger sister; Sian: My lesbian...

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No Contest Book 1 Learning the Rules the Early 80sChapter 14

“Want me to go?” Moira asked, stepping in front of Nigella. Afraid of Joe’s answer. As she stood in the hotel room unexpectedly. With Cheryl sitting behind him at their impromptu desk. Cheryl, whom he fucked to soreness, in both holes, not long before. And Joanna, his other woman lounging in bed. “Why would I want that?” he asked sincerely. “I’m sorry for being a complete dickhead.” “Apology accepted,” she smiled. And relaxed. A little. “And in case it makes any difference, I still love...

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ProdigyChapter 14

The next week was was torture for Helen. Glen remained in the spare bedroom and his communications with her were little more than grunts, most of them in disapproval. She made several overtures but Glen let her know in no uncertain terms that he wasn't interested. The wife and mother felt her marriage slipping away and now felt powerless to stop the growing alienation between them. Katy had begun spending more time away from the house, probably because she did not want to contend with what...

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My Aunt Is My Secret Wife

Hi friends thanks for your valuable feedback for my previous story now I am going to narrate you the story where it happened 5 years back, let me introduced my name Kiran I am 27 years of age one day it happened when my neighbor aunt her name is Punya very fair complexion with stats of 36 28 36 later I came to know having two kids which is 8 years & 5 years her husband is a factory where it was lockout & they were facing huge financial crisis, Let me directly come to the story she was treating...

2 years ago
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UnbelievableTurn In My Sex Life

This is happened 13 days ago from the date of this post. I am posting this to ISS just to show my happiness I am right now and my daddy is into business in partnership with a firm in Delhi. I have completed my MBA and came to Delhi to stay with my dad as my family stays in Bhopal. This story has started 5 months ago when my mother, brother and sister came to Delhi for vacations my father invited his partner’s family for lunch to my house and when they came to my house and I have seen someone...

4 years ago
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A Secretary Changed Ch 18

Hello dear readers. If you’ve been keeping up, enjoy this chapter. If not, you may want to read from the first chapter. Enjoy and remember, it’s complete fiction and any similarities to real people is complete coincidence. All characters are adults. ***** Ashley put her phone down. The appointment was set. She was a bit surprised Jane Kessler could see her on such short notice. Smiling to herself she couldn’t help but think how her husband would love the results of her hypnotherapy....

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My first sexual adventure outside of marriage in o

Bhavna's Sexual Awakening1.Encounter with a StrangerHiWanted to start a blog, of all things sexy I have done recently and will do in the future. So here goes my first post. Bit more about me first, I’m 53 heading for 54, been faithfully married 20 years, also with the same guy 25 years. Have 2 practically grown up boys, and never been with another guy since met hubby. Started feeling I missed out, so took some selfies and posted here see what a reaction I got. Was amazing, really great...

1 year ago
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Losing My Boxers

A tale about how I gave a woman my boxer shorts and ended up being the entertainment for she and her friends that night ... a night I'll always remember and, after you read it, you will, too. About two months before this all happened, another thing happened to me ... my fiancee, Anna, told me she'd found someone new that she loved more: Michelle. If you have't been told by your lover that they're leaving you for someone of their same sex, well, consider yourself lucky. It is even worse...

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Horsewoman Felicity gets saddlesore

‘Felicity Benson-Smith’ I recalled my House Mistress Miss Fenton, at the Ladies College shrieking. ‘You girls should always remember just two simple rules; keep your knees firmly together and your thoughts pure.’ She had just caught me in my dorm, naked on top of my bed with my trusty ‘battery boy’ firmly between my thighs, I was only 16 and sex was always on my mind. With no boys around we had to use the next best thing. I got detention and some loss of privileges but in another era I would...

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He Came In My Pussy Again

Hello there,So, this time I will tell the continuation of what happened with the same guy from the office i meet at end of week.On Sunday morning he send me email telling me dirty things and say he want to meet me again. I respond and tell him he tell me a good time for him because he is married and cannot be anytime or at his house.In afternoon, he send me text message to meet him in a place at 16:00 and I say yes. The place we meet was very strange. It was not distant from my house but it was...

1 year ago
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The Beginning Of My Incestuous Sex Life

Hi, my name is Sabrina and am 48 years old. I am a working woman in a reputed MNC and a single mother. I lost my husband in a road accident 15 years ago. I have a son Richard (20) doing his Engineering degree now. About me: I am an open-minded and easy-going mother. As a woman, I am very jovial to everyone around me. I wear a modern dress as well as sarees to the office and used to wear skirts and leggings tops while am home. Though I am 48 I look like 30 because of my daily workouts and...

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Bating By Neighbors Pool While Housesitting

The cool water of the pool dripped from my hair into my eyes on a hot Texas summer afternoon in July as I brought the towel up to my face and dabbed. My neighbors let me use their pool when I house sit. It's a perfect break after school and before homework. "House sit" is really an over statement. I come by once a day to check mail, water plants, feed their pets, and turn lights on and off. They leave snacks and soft drinks in the kitchen for me, which is fun. The house is nice. Sometimes I...

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Seduced by Neighbors Son Pt 4

After Jerry went to work on Friday, I went into his office at home. He always leaves his computer on as it is connected to the servers at his company. I found the security folder for his new surveillance cameras and verified that they had just recently been installed. What did surprise me was to discover that he had placed 3 cameras out back by the pool instead of 1. I pulled up the file of my session with Otto from yesterday and didn’t realize just how hot and arousing it was. No wonder Jerry...

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