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POSING By M. L. Powers My social life since the divorce hadn't exactly been stellar. I guess that's probably due to the same reasons my wife dumped me in the first place. At 46 years old, and I'd frankly let my body go to hell. I'm was overweight, and my hair was thinning and getting gray. A far cry from the way I looked when I was 26 and fresh out of law school. Back then I was athletic and trim and had thick medium length dark hair. When we met, my then future wife Nina, thought I was the most handsome man she'd eve seen. At the divorce proceeding, she told me I was a pathetic sorry man. I had to admit, as the years had gone by I'd let too many long nights, numerous rough cases, thousands of client lunches and dinners take their toll on my physique. In an effort to get ahead I had worked long hours and eventually ended up neglecting Nina. She satisfied herself by taking an occasional lover on the side. I kind of figured she had, but I never really paid any mind to it. We had fallen into a pattern and I was comfortable. The beginning of the end was when I was offered a partnership with a young firm in Chicago, whose senior partner was a brash 32 year old named Michael Carpenter. He had made a name for himself by winning an "impossible to win" murder trial of a high profile socialite. His style and self confidence, not to mention his rugged good looks, made him a popular guest on all the local talk shows and even a couple of national ones. Michael's firm was in demand and he wanted only the best people in Chicago working for him. I had made a name for myself as one of the top corporate attorneys in the Chicagoland area, and so Michael approached me about coming to work for him. I accepted the position and was told that if my six month trial period went well, the partnership was mine. To celebrate my joining his firm, Michael asked Nina and I out to dinner. Little did I know at the time, but Michael and Nina had been instantly attracted to each other. I never even noticed it. Nina was a very attractive woman. Her five foot five inch tall, 119 pound, 36-25-36, body looked ten years younger than her 39 years. It was topped by a full thick mane of auburn hair which didn't show the slightest bit of gray. She still wore the same dress size as when we were married. If anything the years had been very good to Nina. The more I worked the richer we got. The richer we got the more elegant Nina became. She was a homespun girl when I met her but as the years went by and the money flowed in Nina gradually took on an aristocratic elegance. She wore only the finest clothes, her hair, nails, and make up were always perfect and she always had on some type of jewelry. None of it was ever costume. Nina only bought the best. I guess I should have gotten suspicious when Nina began to drop in on me at the office. She explained to me that since my new office was so near her favorite shops, she figured she may as well get to see me more often since I worked so much. I never realized that after Nina's brief 5 minute visits, Michael would leave to take his lunch. What in fact was happening was that Michael and Nina would meet down the street at the Excelsior Hotel where Michael kept a company suite. As their affair progressed, Nina told Michael that she was in love with him. Michael admitted the same to Nina. There was only one obstacle to their happiness, Jack Harriman. Me. Nina told Michael how I had made her miserable for the entire 18 years of our marriage. She made me out to be such a villain that Michael vowed that not only would he get her a divorce so that they could be married, but in the process he'd ruin the man who had caused her such misery. Nina agreed to help in any way she could and they sealed the deal by making love the rest of the afternoon and night. The next day when Nina finally returned home she didn't care that I had been worried sick about her all night. All she said was "It's over Jack." As she handed me a paper. Reading it I discovered that it was a formal writ of separation and I was ordered by the court to remove myself from the house immediately. I tried to speak to her but she just told me to pack and leave or she'd call the police and have me arrested for violating the order. I told her it was my house and she could kiss my fucking ass before I was going to leave it. She just stared at me with those hazel eyes that used to be so warm but were now so cold. "Fine, have it your way." she said as she turned and went into the bedroom locking the door behind her. I pounded on the door. "NINA!" I shouted. "What's this all about. Talk to me!" I pounded some more. "NIIIIINAAAAAA!" Before I knew it the police had arrived and I was being arrested for violating a court order. I was booked and held on 10,000 dollars bail. Nina refused to take my call. My friend Marty wasn't home. Not knowing who to turn to I called Michael. All he said was that it looked bad for the firm to have one of it's prominent attorney's land in jail, and that I should come in and clean out my office as soon as I was released. "I'm sorry Jack, it just isn't going to work out." was the last thing I heard before the phone went dead on me. So there I was. Kicked out of my home and fired on the same day. It just went down hill from there. Michael acted as Nina's attorney for the divorce and managed to get her everything. I was lucky he let me keep my clothes. He had put out the word to all the other major firms in the city so I was effectively blackballed from practicing law in Chicago. After months of searching I was finally able to get a position at a small law firm in Peoria. After 20 years of practicing law and dealing with major corporate cases I was now nothing more than a glorified ambulance chaser. It took a while but I finally began to adjust to my new lifestyle. I had rented a small house and bought myself a used Nissan. Thank god Nina hadn't demanded alimony since my new income was substantially less than my old one. Not that she needed alimony anyway. A month after the divorce became final she and Michael Carpenter were married. She became richer than she ever could have been with me. I didn't know anyone in Peoria and so I had no one to spend my free time with. In itself, free time was a foreign concept to me. I never had any before. I was always working on a case and never had time for idle pursuits. Now I had plenty of time on my hands. My computer was the closest thing to a hobby that I had ever had so I naturally ended up gravitating to it as a form of entertainment and companionship. I began to hang out in internet chat rooms and became a regular visitor to a couple of them. Soon however, my interest would wan and I would move on to another room. One night I discovered a bi female's chat room. I was curious to see what that was about so I entered. Within minutes I was kicked out by the channel operators, or Ops as they're known. I rejoined and was once again kicked. On my third attempt to enter I was again kicked out and banned from the channel by an Op. Not understanding why I kept getting kicked I sent a private message to the channel Op who had banned me. (LAWMAN) hello? (BiBiBaby) yes? (LAWMAN) may I ask what I did to get banned? (BiBiBaby) you were banned because of your nickname (LAWMAN) why is that? it isn't offensive (BiBiBaby) you're a man I assume? (LAWMAN) yes, as a matter of fact I am (BiBiBaby) you should have checked the channel rules hun,"bigirls" is a (hannel for females only (LAWMAN) oh, I see Sorry to bother you then (BiBiBaby) no prob bye "Hmmmmm.' I thought to myself, `I wonder what's so special in there that they won't let me in. I guess I'll never know." I returned to one of my usual cyber haunts the cybersex room. These days it seemed that was the only type of sexual encounter I was able to find. The tough part was finding a cybersex partner who was willing to satisfy your needs and not just out to have you satisfy theirs. Many a night after "pleasuring" some female chat partner with sensual words and sexy thoughts I'd get ready to get myself off to her words and thoughts only to find that my partner had vanished from the chat server without even a thank you. I'd end up stuck there with my hand on my hardening penis and no one to help me reach climax. I had discovered a new level of sexual frustration. One particular night, I wasn't feeling too chatty so I opted to just watch the "channel chatter" After about 20 minutes of this I was getting bored and figured I'd have another beer and hit the sack. I was just emptying the last of the bottle, and getting ready to shut down when I noticed a bit of a commotion was happening in the channel. I watched and discovered that some guy named SuperStud9 was complaining to the channel Ops that another chatter named SexySadie was indeed a "poser". He was typing all in capital letters or caps as chatters call them. Caps are considered shouting and generally only used when you are being rude or when you wish to present the chat room equivalent of yelling. The Ops told SuperStud9 to calm down and stop shouting in the channel or he would be kicked out. He turned off his caps and asked the channel Op to investigate the poser. I was curious to find out what was going on so I sent a private message to SuperStud9 to see if I could find out. (LAWMAN) hi, can I bother you a sec? (SuperStud9) what can I do for ya (LAWMAN) I was just wondering why you were so upset before (SuperStud9) fucking stupid poser, man (LAWMAN) I'm a little new to this. what's a poser? (SuperStud9) a poser is somebody that pretends to be the opposite sex of what they really are This jerkoff faggot tried to pass himself off as a woman so he could cyber with me (LAWMAN) how did you know he was a fake? (SuperStud9) lawman huh. you a cop? (LAWMAN) no, I'm a lawyer (SuperStud9) oh, one of them (LAWMAN) so, tell me, how did you know he was a fake? (SuperStud9) cause he said something about being hard and then quickly came back with he didn't mean hard, he meant wet. I checked his ID and saw he listed his real name as steven ward (LAWMAN) his ID? (SuperStud9) yeah, ya right click on a persons name and ya get a list, ya chose whois and ya get their info (LAWMAN) I see. thanks for your time (SuperStud9) no problemo pal, watch out for them fag posers (LAWMAN) thanks, I sure will I looked at the occupant list for the room and found my nick. I right clicked on it and sure enough a list of choices appeared. I clicked on whois and on the chat status screen appeared all the information I entered into the chat program when I first setup my nick. Thinking about this, I figured that the poser was pretty stupid. If he'd have changed his personal info rather than just his nickname he probably would have fooled old Superstud. Then it hit me. I could do that to gain access to the male forbidden bigirls room. I disconnected from the chat server and went about setting up a new nick. It would have to be a female gender specific one so that I wouldn't call attention to myself. I thought of using a non gender specific nick, but figured that might cause the channel Ops to notice me quicker. I thought about it and decided to use my ex-secretary's name, Katelin. I'd always like that name. I didn't want to use her last name cause I didn't think that was a safe idea for the real Katelin. As I tried to think of a last name I looked around the room for a clue as to what I should choose. I spied my empty bottle of St. Paulie Girl beer sitting next to my mouse pad. It was inspired. Paulie, girl. I chuckled to myself as I entered Katelin Paulie in the name box. The next line was email address. I certainly wasn't going to put my real email address in so I made up one. After all I was only going to do this the one time so why did I need another email address? I entered my nickname as KatelinP and my alternate nick as KatieP. I was ready so I reconnected to the server. After I was connected I joined the "bigirls" chat room. I waited. Thirty seconds, a minute, two minutes. I had been kicked by this time on my earlier attempts. Then a message appeared on the channel screen. (BiBiBaby) hi katelin (KatelinP) hello (BiBiBaby) welcome to bigirls (KatelinP) thanks I was in. A few other messages went by between other chatters then BiBiBaby asked if I was new to the channel. I replied yes, it was my first time on the channel. She told me to type !rules in the channel to get a list of the channel's rules of conduct. I did. This mainly was so I'd know what pitfalls to avoid. The rules were fairly simple most regarding proper behavior. No sex talk in the channel, no picture requests, but the major rule was NO MEN allowed. It seemed that I'd already broken that one. For the most part I just observed the chatting going on in the main channel. Occasionally a private message would pop up requesting my A/S/L which stands for Age, Sex, and Location. I ignored these requests since I was only observing. The girls on this channel seemed to be a very warm and friendly group. Soon I felt myself tempted to join in their conversations. I resisted on the premise that if given the rope of chatting with these women I'd end up hanging myself, and thus be exposed as a man. Over the next several days I was tempted to once again pose as Katelin and visit the bigirls channel, but I resisted. Finally on that next Saturday, after three beers, and yet another disappointing cybersex session, I got brave, or stupid as the case may be, and logged on to the chat server as Katelin. I don't know what possessed me that night, probably the beer, but I began to chat with the girls in the channel. Finding that I needed answers to the basic questions I decided to use my real life and Katelin's as a baseline, altering the answers to suit the situation. I kept my profession as a lawyer but altered it for Katelin so that she was a 26 year old attorney recently out of law school and passed the bar. I used my real location of Peoria since how could there be any harm in a general location. Since I lived alone in a rented house, so did she. Smaller details I figured I'd make up as I went along. I watched the channel and interjected when I felt I could get away with it. All in all, this wasn't much better than my normal chat. That is of course until I received a private message from luvbird. From the moment I began to chat with her I knew luvbird was special. The way she expressed herself, her sense of humor, her outlook on things. All of these held my attention to her words. After chatting for some time on just about every subject we could think of she asked if I had a pic. Pic, I had found out, was chat speak for picture. I fibbed and told her I hadn't had any scanned yet since I was new to chatting. Then she asked if I could describe myself to her so that she could get a mental image of me. I hesitated a minute. How was I going to get out of this one. "Gee I'm sorry, I have no mirrors so I don't know what I look like." Yeah, that would go over well. I briefly considered telling the truth, but thought better of it. I had to think fast cause on the screen new lines appeared in the chat box. (luvbird) kate, you still there? (luvbird) hello? (luvbird) katelin, have I offended you? please answer.. I needed to buy a little time so I wrote back to her. (KatelinP) sorry lb, phone rang I need to take this can you wait? I was hoping she'd say no so I'd be off the hook. My luck was running true to form as usual. (luvbird) sure, I can wait for you (luvbird) I'm really enjoying talking with you Thanks. I wrote back. "Now what do I do." I thought. I remembered that some of the women I had cybered with previously had sent me pics so I checked those files to see if I could use one of them as a basis for Katelin's description. "No too young. too ethnic.. No, not her. too old. ooh. I forgot about her." The "her" in question was a lovely redhead from Florida I had chatted with a couple of months earlier. She was young and lovely and perfect for Katelin's body. I had suspected at the time that these pics might not have actually been the girl I was chatting with but I didn't care. To me, they were her, and now they would be Katelin. Keeping the picture on the screen I typed the description to luvbird approximating the measurements and sizes the best I could. (KatelinP) I'm 5'6", 122 pounds, long red hair, green eyes, 36c 25 35, welltoned body (luvbird) wow, you sound beautiful (KatelinP) thank you (luvbird) are you a "natural" red head? (KatelinP) uh huh * luvbird smiles broadly (luvbird) hmmmmm.. I'd love to verify that (grin) The conversation took a definite turn towards the hot side from that point on and soon I found myself engaging in cybersex with luvbird, whose name I found out later was Gretchen. Gretchen was very giving and seemed almost to be more interested in my pleasure than in her own. I had to keep aware that when mentioning my body parts it was necessary to translate them into female terms, but otherwise, it was the most satisfying cybersex session I'd ever had. It seemed Gretchen had felt the same, because she asked if we could meet online again sometime soon. Caught up in the moment I agreed and set a "date" with her to meet again. As time went on it I began to chat privately with not only Gretchen but with other bi women. I don't know if this was true or if I imagined it, but women seemed to treat me better when I was Katelin. I liked the feelings I got from chatting with these women and so I began to spend more and more time chatting as Katelin. I began to send out the pics I had of the redhead from Florida when I received a pic trade request, so now to others, Katelin had a face. It became necessary to create an email account under Katelin's name because a few of the girls wanted to correspond with her. I used one of those free email sites to accomplish this. My education on female specific language terms was swift. I learned what a speculum was, how pantyhose sizes ran in the alphabet rather than numbers, and that panty sizes definitely did not correspond to waist sizes. I found that I had a talent for making up convincing life experience stories for Katelin at the spur of the moment. In many cases I used my own life experiences and just reworked them to be from a woman's point of view. I even decided to show her wilder side, by giving Katelin a pierced navel. On a few rare occasions I chatted with men while posing as Katelin. Rest assured it wasn't due to any latent homosexual feelings I was experiencing, but more from the rush I got at pulling off the masquerade. I even fooled old SuperStud9! To myself I began referring to that feat as my "crowning achievement" And so it went. I'd spend my days working on mundane legal work such as wills, accident suits, bankruptcies and the like. At night I'd pick up the my evening take-out dinner, head home, strip to my underwear, and park myself in front of the PC and chat as Katelin. Which brings me to the fateful Friday night that I got caught. I had stayed at work late to finish up Mr. Murphy's will so that he could sign it the first thing Monday. I picked up some Kentucky Fried Chicken on my way home, and when I got there I undressed, took my chicken and a couple of beers and headed for the computer. Eating as I watched the chatting scroll by and sipping my beer as usual. I didn't chat much when I first logged on, but after I finished the food I began to join in the conversations. It wasn't long before I was involved in a few conversations both on the channel and in private. Then a box popped up requesting private conversation. The chatter's nick was WillowWitch. I clicked on the box. (WillowWitch) Hello (KatelinP) hi (WillowWitch) How are you this evening? (KatelinP) I'm fine thank you, and yourself? (WillowWitch) I'm quite well thanks. (KatelinP) that's an interesting nick you have there, does it mean anything special? (WillowWitch) My name is Willow and I'm a witch. Thus the name. (KatelinP) I see (WillowWitch) Please tell me about yourself. I thought to myself that she was a bit of a kook but what the heck. If she wanted to pretend to be a witch why not. After all I was pretending to be a woman. I proceeded to tell Willow all about Katelin. She seemed very interested and asked many questions. In turn I asked a few of her like was she born a witch or did she become one later in life. She told me that she had been an orphan and was adopted by a witch who later taught her magic and her vested her with some powers. She told me that over the years her powers had grown quite strong and that she was now a very powerful witch. Willow asked me all kinds of questions as if she were trying to get Katelin's life history. I didn't for a second believe her witch tales and gave up asking her questions, but I continued to answer hers. Curious, I asked Willow why she was asking so many questions. She told me after many, many years of thought, she had decided to try a sexual encounter with another woman and was trying to determine if I would be the right one to have it with. Referring to the fact that she said "many, many years" I asked her how many years she'd been thinking it over. Willow replied that she had been mulling it over for about 60 years or so. (KatelinP) 60 years? don't you mean 6 years? (WillowWitch) No, I meant 60. (KatelinP) just how old are you anyway? (WillowWitch) I was born in 1738. (KatelinP) that would make you, um. 261 years old.. (KatelinP) you're putting me on right? (WillowWitch) Certainly not. My witchly powers cause me to age very slowly. My mother is over 500. (KatelinP) OK. right (KatelinP) I better be going. bye (WillowWitch) You don't believe me, do you? (KatelinP) well willow, you have to admit it does sound a bit crazy (KatelinP) so long. (WillowWitch) WAIT! I can prove it! My curiosity getting the better of me I responded back. Looking back, it wasn't the brightest thing I could have done. (KatelinP) ok, I'll bite. how can you prove it? (WillowWitch) Think of something that you have not yet told me. Make it hard, something I could never be able to guess. Then put your palm on the screen. (KatelinP) you're gonna read my mind through the computer? (WillowWitch) It's a bit more complicated than that, but that sums it up in a simple phrase. I thought. I needed something obscure. Then I thought of the dog I had as a child, Dillard. Part of me kept saying I was nuts to even be playing along with this. After all there are no such things as witches. But I did. I thought of Dillard, typed that I was ready, and put my palm to the monitor screen. I waited. For a brief second the monitor flashed a light blue. "Oh great' I thought, `Now my monitor is going" Then it flashed again and again. Longer each time. I almost imagined I felt an electric tingle in my palm and fingers when it happened. Then Willow typed back. (WillowWitch) You liar! (KatelinP) what? (WillowWitch) Everything you told me was a lie. I can't believe I fell for it. I can't believe I didn't sense it. (KatelinP) willow what are you babbling about? (WillowWitch) I'm not babbling. I'm angry. (KatelinP) at who? (WillowWitch) At you Katelin. Or should I say Jack Harriman. My heart skipped a beat. How! How could she possibly know my real name. I could understand her possibly figuring out I was a poser, but to actually know my true name. I felt very frightened all of a sudden. Willow continued to tell me how upset I'd made her and that she had believed that I was really Katelin. She couldn't believe she hadn't sensed my deception pervious to "scanning" me. She started to tell me all about myself. My real self. She knew everything. She knew about Dillard, the dog from my youth, about Nina, about my former position in the legal field, about my current situation of disgrace. Willow had started out yelling at me but as she went on with the details of my life she seemed to soften. It was almost like she was beginning to feel sorry for me. (WillowWitch) You understand Jack, that you betrayed a witch. Because of that you MUST be punished. However, since I'm the witch you lied to I get to dispense your punishment. (KatelinP) I don't understand (WillowWitch) Jack, I realize that the unfairness of your life has caused you to commit your crime against me. In a way you were not fully responsible for your actions. So, in effecting your punishment I will also give you a second chance to do things better. I was really starting to be afraid now. I pleaded with Willow to forgive me and leave me alone. I told her I'd never pose as Katelin again. In that simple statement, it seems I had inadvertently given Willow the exact form of my punishment. (WillowWitch) Hmmmmm. never posing as Katelin again. You have something there Jack. Yes. I love it. Poetic justice. (KatelinP) what do you mean! what are you going to do? (WillowWitch) It's simple Jack, I'm going to fix it so that you'll never be able to "pose" as Katelin ever again. Good luck in your new life Jack Harriman. Or should I say Katelin Paulie. Hahahahahahaha. (KatelinP) WAIT!!! Willow!!! The way she had typed pose with those quotation marks around it made me very nervous. What did she mean by that, and by saying "Or should I say Katelin Paulie." What was Willow going to do. I was panicked. Then suddenly my screen flashed a bright white. It was so intense it seemed to fill the room. The whole room seemed to glow white. Then it stopped. I typed back to Willow. (KatelinP) Willow.. Hello? All I got back was: "WillowWitch No such nick/channel" in my chat status box. Willow was gone and I had no way to find her. I waited. After a minute or so I started to think what an idiot I was to get so worked up. Witch huh, poo on that. Probably just some super hacker out to scare me. Despite my self assurances I had a sick sensation in my stomach. Not butterflies, an actual nausea feeling. It was getting stronger and it felt like it was spreading. Then it began to get painful. It was like my insides were shifting around. There was a tickling sensation on my cheek so I reached up and brushed my hair back out of my face. Suddenly what I had just done hit me. "What the hell!!" I reached back and grabbed a hand full of hair. My hair was getting longer. In fact it was growing even as I held it. Not only that but the gray was all gone, and it seemed to be changing color. Once dark brown mixed with gray it seemed to be dark red and getting lighter as it grew thicker and longer. I felt a tingling sensation replace the nausea, as by body began to change. My stomach began to flatten and firm. It felt like the room was getting larger but in fact I was getting smaller. My 6 foot 1 inch frame was compacting. The hair on my legs began to fall out as my legs lengthened and took on a shapely appearance. A similar feeling on my chest told me that my thick chest hair was rapidly becoming a memory too. Not only that but my nipples ached. I rubbed them and felt them grow larger. I could also feel the slight puffing behind the nipples which told me I was starting to grow breasts. My hands were now smaller more dainty with slender fingers whose nails grew longer until they stuck out a little over a quarter of an inch past the ends of each finger. My underwear hung loosely on me as my body became smaller. Even though I felt my hips widening and my ass filling out into a shapely feminine ass, my jockey shorts were still way too big on me. My undershirt too was baggy since I didn't have my beer belly anymore and my broad shoulders and chest had definitely taken on the softness and roundness of a woman's. If I had any doubt that I was changing into a woman it was quickly dispelled as my breasts began to rapidly inflate. At the same time I felt myself getting an erection like I'd never experienced before. I was harder and larger than I had ever been before. When I was fully erect, my member began to shrink. It never lost its hardness, it just got smaller, and smaller, and smaller. My testicles and scrotal sack pulled inward as they changed into my new female sex organs. Leaving behind my newly forming labia. My penis was now tiny and took its place in the folds of flesh as my clitoris. I began to feel my underwear changing. My boxers shrank and changed, becoming a satin thong covering the triangular patch of red hair between my legs. I had become a natural redhead. My undershirt not only tightened but lengthened. The once cotton tee was becoming a tight spandex mini dress with a low cut neckline and openings all around the middle that showed of my slim waist and belly button. There was an itching at my earlobes just before the gold hoops began to grow out of the bottom most hole of my three ear piercings. A pair of diamond and a pair of ruby studs emerged from the other two holes in each lobe. The same itching feeling occurred just before the emergence of the rings, bracelets, necklace, and anklet I now wore. Each like the earrings, they seemed to grow out right through my skin, yet it didn't hurt. Then, without even the "itch" to warn me, a beautiful diamond studded navel ring popped out of my newly pierced navel. With the emergence of the navel ring it suddenly occurred to me that Willow hadn't just turned me into any woman. She turned me into Katelin. That was what she meant when she said I'd never be able to pose as Katelin again. It would be impossible to pose as her, if I was her. As the sensations of the transformation began to subside, I looked around the room. It was the same room but somehow different. The furnishings were more feminine. There were frilly curtains on the windows where before there were only shades. It was a very tasteful room. As my gaze returned to the area by my computer desk I noticed my law school diploma hanging right above the desk as it had since I moved in. The only thing was that it was dated last May and it read Katelin Alicia Paulie. I got up and walked around the house. There was a purse now where my wallet had been. I looked inside and found cosmetics, a ladies wallet, keys, and a brush with red hairs on it. Opening the wallet I found all my ID, credit cards and even my social security card were now in the name of Katelin Paulie. The birth date on my driver's license put me about two months short of my twenty-seventh birthday. I examined the keys and noticed one with a VW stamped on it where my Nissan key should have been. I looked out the window facing the driveway and saw a new Volkswagen Jetta. It was the exact one I had claimed Katelin owned. The license plate read KAP ESQ. Katelin A Paulie, esquire. Moving on to the bedroom I found it too looked like it was decorated by a woman. I found myself liking all the styles and colors. They were ones I would have picked. I realized somehow, I probably had picked them. There was a full length mirror in the corner. I walked towards it trying to keep from seeing myself until I was right up to it. I stepped in front of the mirror. I gasped at the person reflected back at me. It was a variation on the girl from Florida whose pictures I had based Katelin's, now my, looks on. I wasn't exactly her but I was similar. I was a bit taller and I definitely had bigger breasts. Where I figured she was a c cup I was without a doubt a d. My eyes were green like hers but my hair was a deeper red and it looked longer. My waist was slimmer and the face was different too. I looked myself over for the first time and came to a realization. "I'm gorgeous." I said in my new soft feminine voice. I found myself getting excited at hearing my voice. I started to talk to myself, verbalizing my thoughts just so I could hear my new voice. I thought how great I looked in my dress except that I had no shoes. Opening my closet I found it filled with beautiful dresses, business suits, skits, blouses and dozens of pairs of shoes. Most of which were high heels. I pulled out a pair of black pumps with a 3 inch heel that I thought would go well with the beige spandex number I was sheathed in. I slipped into them and noticed how good they made my legs look. I began to walk around. I was a tiny bit unsteady at first but after a minute or two I was walking like I had always worn heels. It dawned on me that I was thinking and reacting differently. Like a woman. Willow must have altered my mind so I would feel natural as a woman. Searching further I found my drawers filled with bras, panties, swimwear, stockings, pantyhose, and nighties. I noticed I now had a vanity filled with cosmetics and perfumes. My briefcase was now a more feminine style. I opened it and found my business cards which showed that I still worked at the same firm, but as Katelin. It was getting very late and I was getting sleepy. I decided to get some rest and worry about the rest of my life in the morning. I turned down the bed, took of the dress, the pumps, and the thong and slipped between the sheets. Before I knew it I was fast asleep As I awoke the next morning I thought to myself what a realistic dream I'd had. Opening my eyes and seeing my femininely decorated bedroom told me it wasn't a dream. My hands began a quick inventory of my body to confirm that fact. As soon as my fingers touched flesh I knew I hadn't dreamed any of it. My soft skin, my breasts, and my womanhood proved it. Taking inventory soon tuned onto a session of self discovery and self pleasure. I spent the rest of the morning learning where all my pleasure zones were and then utilizing them. I was glad it was Saturday so I didn't have to work. After I had exhausted myself from my many orgasms I fell asleep again. The next time I awoke. I slipped on my robe, which I noted was now silk, I had some breakfast, and headed for the computer. I spent the next several hours staring at the bigirls channel. Not chatting, just watching, and waiting. I spent Saturday night and most of Sunday the same way. Willow never returned. When I turned off the PC on Sunday night I knew in my heart I'd never see her online again. I set my alarm and went to bed. The next day was my first time facing the world in my new body. The alarm went off, I got up, showered, applied my makeup, and dressed like I'd been doing it as a girl all my life. I had some cereal and went to the office. Arriving at the office I hesitated before opening the door. I wondered if anyone would recognize me. I was very nervous but remembered that so far everything had seemed so normal. Why should this be any different. I opened the door and stepped inside. "Good morning Ms. Paulie." Jennifer our receptionist greeted me. "How was your weekend?" "Just great Jen." I replied, and started for my office. I stopped and turned back to Jennifer. "Jen, do I look any different to you?" "Not that I notice Ms. Paulie. Is that a new suit?" she responded. "Yes, thank you for noticing." I turned and walked to my office. I sat at my desk and went through my messages. They seemed to all be related to cases I was currently working on, including a confirmation of Mr. Miller's appointment to sign his will this morning. There was one exception. I read the message and then I reread it. Picking up the phone I dialed Jennifer's extension. "Jen, when did this message come in from Carpenter, Kaplan, & Mitchell?" I asked. "At around 9 this morning Ms. Paulie. Is there something wrong?" she said. "Not at all Jen. I was just curious. Please get Mr. Carpenter in the line for me as soon as you can." I requested. "Yes Ms. Paulie." replied Jennifer. I couldn't believe it. A message from Michael Carpenter. I read it over yet again. PLEASE CALL ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. WE HAVE MUCH TO DISCUSS. MIKE CARPENTER, CARPENTER, KAPLAN, & MITCHELL 312-773-5648. The reason Michael had called was in reference to the resume "I" had submitted to his firm. He was very impressed with my record and was in need of a new associate. He asked if I would like to come to Chicago to interview for the job. I of course realizing the sheer irony of the situation, made an appointment and interviewed for the position. The interview went so well, I was hired on the spot. I returned to Peoria, submitted my resignation, packed up and moved back to Chicago. It's been three years now. I turn 30 in two weeks. I made junior partner 3 months ago and should make senior partner in two more years. Michael it seems, was taken with more than just my work. We've been having an affair for over two and a half years. Michael's wife, my lovely ex wife Nina, turned out to be quite attracted to me as well. I took it upon myself to introduce her to the world of bisexual lovemaking. She and I have also been having an affair. It'll be two years on my birthday. Neither Michael nor Nina know that I sleep with both of them. I do see other people too. Both men, and woman. Some of the women including my "luvbird" Gretchen, I've met in the bigirls chat room where I'm now a channel Op. I've never ever seen WillowWitch's nick online since the night she dealt her punishment to me. Willow's punishment to me for posing was to turn me into the girl I posed as. I have adjusted to it and actually am enjoying my new life as she had wished me to. But in her punishment Willow, that wise 261 year old witch, graciously gave me a new chance at life, a partnership in Michael's firm, and something I never expected. Something I had wanted since that night I spent in jail for violating the court order. She gave me to opportunity to screw Michael and Nina. I just never expected them to enjoy it so much! The End

Same as Posing Videos

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Repurposing. by Writer345© If you are looking for a story the drips raw, pointless sex and violence from every paragraph please go and read something else. Alternatively just watch 'Game of Thrones'! The story is set in the UK and is written in British English by an insane author who suffers from dyslexia. Spelling and grammar may therefore differ from that of whatever dialect you happened to have been educate in or indeed from reality. Although the story is original it was...

4 years ago
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Every week I watched her. Just one hour a week! How my eyes feasted on her form. I was allowed to look: she was teacher. She stood at the front of the class, twisting herself into a series of crazy postures, which we all struggled vainly, flabbily, to copy. She was perfect. We trembled before her perfection – three old ladies, a skeletal teenager, and me. She didn’t seem to notice us: it was as if we were viewing her own private ritual. I stood at the back of the class and stared unashamedly....

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Every week I watched her. Just one hour a week! How my eyes feasted on her form. I was allowed to look: she was teacher. She stood at the front of the class, twisting herself into a series of crazy postures, which we all struggled vainly, flabbily, to copy. She was perfect. We trembled before her perfection – three old ladies, a skeletal teenager, and me. She didn't seem to notice us: it was as if we were viewing her own private ritual. I stood at the back of the class and stared unashamedly....

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The Poker Game

It was a Friday night in late October and Melanie and I were preparing snacks for that night's poker game. Jake and I had been playing poker regularly with three of our closest buddies since we were all in college together. We were all married now, but we would still meet once or twice a month on a Friday or Saturday night to play cards and drink beer while catching up and ragging on each other. For some reason, our house had become the regular venue, probably simply because Mel and I had been...

Group Sex
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Guys asking ME to write a story about one of our

Jay and I went to a movie one night, and I wore a miniskirt and a low cut pull over top. Yes I had panties on, but no bra. At the show, Jay had his hand up my skirt, and under my panties for most of the movie. There were times that Jay pulled his hand out as the movie was a good one that we both wanted to see. After a while, I reached up under my skirt, and pulled my panties down and off. I thought I would make it easier for Jay to get at my pussy. At one point Jay had to pull his hand out...

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Bus Crash

Dakota Hastings boarded the bus and sat near the back. She hated riding the bus, but it was the only form of long-distance transportation she could afford to get back her parents’ house. She knew she would be given the I told you so lecture from her parents, but it didn’t matter. They said she could come back and that was all that cared about her now.Dakota called her parents with a heavy heart and told them the whole story. They told her she was welcome home anytime, but they weren’t able to...

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MommysGirl Jenna J Ross Jelena Jensen My Moms Tits

After a bad day at cheer practice, Jenna J Ross rummages through her step mother Jelena Jensen’s lingerie drawer, fantasizing about what it would be like to have big boobs like Jelena. She bets it would get her father’s attention. And she would probably still be head cheerleader. Jenna holds up an oversized bra belonging to Jelena, and mutters to herself that her stepmother’s tits are so big, they’re clownish. Maybe that’s why Jelena’s too lazy to pick up...

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Sandies First Swing Part 3

I was woken early the following morning by a band of sunlight streaming through a gap in the curtains. For a few moments I was confused by my strange surroundings but as my brain cleared, the events of the previous evening filled my mind. For the second time in my life I had woken naked in bed next to our long-time fried Paul after a night of passionate sex. Paul, the man who was now sleeping deeply alongside me, his handsome face towards mine, his eyes closed like a child’s. A warm glow came...

Wife Lovers
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Up in the Tree house

"Into my life on waves of electrical sound, and flashing light she came..." Yeah, just a Country Joe and the Fish song but it will always remind me of the sixties and my brief fling with, you guessed it, Janice. I met her when we were both just teenagers but I knew she liked to smoke pot which most girls back then were just not ready to indulge in.So I got up my nerve and asked her to go to a Jefferson Airplane concert happening that Friday night at the Shrine downtown. She was a big fan and...

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The Math Teacher

Miss Emerson was the prettiest teacher in our school and the youngest one too. This was her very first teaching assignment. She was fresh out of college and had a Master Degree in Mathematics at age twenty-five. She was about five feet six inches tall and simply beautiful. Every boy in the school was in love with her. Everything was fine until Halloween. My two buddies and I knew where she lived and went by to check her out. We put on some old costumes that we used to wear and knocked on...

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My homeless stepdaughter Part 5

Tiara's mouth opened but no noise came out. George shoved his tongue deep into her virgin cunt and began eating her like a starving man. Ronnie slowed down her grinding to watch what was going on. She smiled and leaned in, kissing Tiara as they both enjoyed her daddy. Chelsea leaned in and joined in the kiss, her tongue playfully wrestling with two teenage tongues. Chelsea couldn't believe she was a part of this. Her cunt was on fire. She needed something and Ronnie noticed it. "Stand up...

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Cliteckas Seduction Part 1 NEW

Clitecka’s Seduction - 1 Hello. My name is Clitecka. I’m seventeen and I’m a black girl, living just outside the small town of Fuggledix, in Alabama. I live with my mother, and sometimes my father comes down from Chicago to visit. They’re divorced. I only been doing sex for only a few months, even though I’m seventeen. Lots of my friends have been jacking off much longer, but I never got those “feelings” down in my pussy until after I turned sixteen. In a few days, I was masturbating three or...

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Succumbing to Their Lust

Alex walked up the hill towards his older sister's house. He and Heather had always been close, even though they didn't see each other that often, but it had recently gotten awkward for him. He'd started to remember when he was sixteen, and he would peep on her. It definitely wasn't curiosity; he felt a sexual attraction toward her. He now realized these feelings had never really died, but it was more than that. Heather had basically become his image of female perfection. Everything he found...

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Sex with my teacher

It had been a long day, I was dying to go home and definitely didn’t want to have to stay back after school, but I knew that Mr Fields burg would probably keep my back again. The bell rang and I got up in a hurry, hoping that I could slip out the door without him seeing me. “Wait” he said, as I stopped among a crowd of people. “I really need to get home early tonight” I said, feeling extremely angry. Mr Fields burg stood up and walked to the door, closing it and turning back to...

Straight Sex
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Aunt Cathys Gigolo II

I’ve been overwhelmed by the comments on the first chapter of Aunt Cathy’s Gigolo. Since I started writing it over a month ago (college students, and gigolos, have busy schedules). I was sitting in class when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I checked the text and it was from Aunt Cathy. It read, “Have an interesting client here for you. When will you be home?” I texted back I’d be home in forty minutes. When I arrived there was a woman sitting in the livingroom of the house. She stood as I...

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sister gets to know her brother better

I spent the hottest day of the summer sitting by my pool with my friend Stacey. We spent the afternoon working on our tans and talking about nothing in particular. At some point, I had noticed the curtains in one of the windows was pulled back slightly.“Don’t look now Stace, but I think my brother is watching you.”She raised her eyebrows slightly and peered up at the window.“Oh my God! What’s with him? Not only is he weird, but he’s a total perv!”“Hey that’s my brother! He’s not a perv, and...

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Back to the Beginning

Joe was angry, very angry: so were Ben, Sean, Luke and Isobel. Although they were angry for very different reasons, they were all angry with the same person – Ephraim. At that particular point they were all hunting for him, baying for blood. He couldn’t have cared less. He was letting himself in through the back door of the house as everyone else was converging on the front. Isobel was angry with Ephraim because he had stood her up. They were supposed to have met for dinner and then a movie...

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The Truth About Claire

We had been having a steady sex life since out first six months together. For the most part I was satisfied, yet as I grew older I found myself getting bored. While I liked teh standard missionary repetitive style sex, my inner desires which were heavily influence by porn began to takes its toll. I am sexually attracted to most everything and most taboo ideas turn me on. Courtesy of the internet I have found outlets and find myself jerking off to everything from bi-porn and she-males to hand...

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In The Back

I don't remember when the Hills moved into the house across the street from my parents' house. It just seemed like they were there forever. In fact, I was only four when my family moved into our house and I was so preoccupied with checking out every nook and cranny of the new house and the massive back yard that I didn't pay any attention to anything outside of our immediate area for most of the next two years. By then, I was starting school. I might not have noticed Janie Hill even then...

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Girl From Ipanema

© Copyright 2003 My first time in Rio! I just HAD to check out the beaches at Ipanema. I strolled down Rua Vinícius de Morais, stopping to have drink at the bar where the street's namesake had written the lyrics to the song that had tugged at the heartstrings of every lovesick young man in my high school. I know there were other versions, but the only one I ever listened to was by Stan Getz and Astrid Gilberto. Who could resist that softly accented voice that sounded like it...

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The Commuter Days 1718

That was a close call I said to myself. That could have turned out so much worse I laughed. My emotions seemed trapped between revenge and relief. I rubbed the red marks on my wrists as I thought about my next move. The train jerking to a stop reminded me this was my stop. As I stood to exit the train, the slow moving parade of chattering Sisters moved ahead of me through the door. The beautiful young Sister that had helped me, lagged behind her group a few steps. She stepped directly in front...

3 years ago
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Instructions for Marge and Paul

First I want Paul to slowly take all four items out of the package and feel first Marge pink panties and her tan tights and then slowly take out the little pink rabbit remove it from the box and wrapper and put a battery in it. Then place your black Panties in readiness on the bed.Next I want Paul on his knees with Marge sitting on the bed you are both naked, now Paul I want you to show me Marge’s pink panties then slowly slip them over Marges feet then get her to stand while you slowly work...

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Love on the Overnights Ch 02

For three and a half months Stew and Sherry were an item. They’d managed a date here and there and were really hitting it off. The ‘occasional’ rendezvous at work was happening as well but whereas the first couple of times no one had cared, first several times actually. As long as Stew answered his calls and didn’t sneak off TOO often, everyone was cool with it. One night however he and Jim were sitting, side by side when Jim started talking about Sherry. ‘You two getting pretty serious, huh?’...

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The Anniversary

The bedroom was bathed in the soft flickering light of candles, she could not see them but she could smell the powerful aromatic and intoxicating scent of vanilla. Lying on the bed her eyes covered by the blindfold she could hear him walking around to the stereo to put on some soft mood music. He moved slowly and deliberately, every step had her trembling in anticipation. Soon the haunting sound of chanting filled the room and her head. Her favourite CD. He had something special planned for...

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Beauty and the Vampire part 3

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Hayley the Tease

I didn’t really even like her all that much. We only knew each other through a few mutual friends, and it’s not that I disliked her, but something about Hayley bugged me. She was always nice enough to me whenever we talked. But she carried herself with a certain demeanor that was just a little too haughty for me. She always seemed to act as though she had a better pot to piss in, which was kind of ironic considering the crappy part of town she grew up and lived in. So when a few of my friends...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Vanessas Island Chapter Ten

"Does it feel good when I do this?" Vanessa asked, briefly clenching her pussy muscles around my cock as she pumped up and down on it. "It feels like your pussy is wanking me off," I cried. "My pussy is wanking you off and sucking you off and fucking you all at the same time. Isn't she a naughty, clever little pussy," she explained, her voice quavering and breaking in the ecstacy of the fuck. I grasped the cheeks of her bottom, wet as they were with freely running sweat, and rolled her over on...

4 years ago
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Enjoying webcam girl

Well last week I was at Singapore and I found a girl on net i.e. On chat. She was so desperate for sex that whatever I said she did. I had my best to write the story in different ways so that every reader enjoys this. Any comment pls writes me on my email You are on line with me and I tell you to go stand in your window naked and finger your pretty pussy for me. You do so and you come back and tell me that an older guy was watching you and, of course, you let him watch as your fingers fucked...

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Love Is Never BlindChapter 3

Alex led Gianna back to her bedroom. Azee led me to theirs. Mr. and Mrs. Andreas went to their bedroom too. The Azees stripped naked in front of me, just so damned nonchalantly, so I did too. One of them bent over, bare butt toward me, balls showing between his spread legs, and rummaged through a drawer, found something, kept one, handed one to the other Azee, rummaged again, handed one to me. I looked at it and it was a Speedo and I wasn’t used to wearing one. Both of them stretched theirs...

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My white boy was now lying on the floor at my mercy

I hate men, fuck them all, but I love their dicks. I love the way their dicks feel pounding in me, making me go crazy with lust. Black brothers fuck better, but white boys are more willing and eager. There was this time when I picked up a white boy at a bar on the south side of town. He wanted to fuck a black chick and could pay and I was willing to let it be me. You know the type, young pimply, horny and unloved. I think the boy was a virgin and wanted to get that behind him. If he had only...

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OkChapter 14

Carol had put everything into explaining to their friends that she and John had been the victim of a mistaken interpretation of the photographs though something in her inhibited her from implicating Liam, saying that it was simply her mistake. In reality she knew what the ‘something’ was. She had fancied Liam, he was a good looking man, and she had fallen for him as he ‘helped’ her through the divorce. Her love for John kept him at arm’s length, but once she was told John was out of reach,...

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The Flyer

The Flyer By MadQuill While traveling recently I watched a beautiful Flight Attendant moving about the cabin of the Airbus and devised a plot to remember her by. All of the characters are fictional as is the action. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. Thank you for your comments. The Flyer The Airbus taxied to the small terminal with about thirty passengers aboard. I had completed the pre-landing checks and was belted into...

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Times are Changing Part Seven

Six months had passed since their early summer move to the new state and home, and each month seemed to improve Nathan and his daughter’s lives.Ever since the day of their arrival Nicole and her father’s relationship had gone from strength to strength. Unofficially they were now romantically attached. A couple. To everyone else they were just a dad and his little girl enjoying life together, and rebuilding what Nathan’s ex had demolished on her way out.Everything seemed to bring them closer....

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Diane a new Beginning

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05 The Chico Tales

**************** Sarah tried to shield her eyes against the strong Mexican sun as she walked down the steps at Mexico City airport, wondering if this was such a good idea. Here she was, a few months into the swinging nineties, and just a few weeks before she was due to get married to the man of her dreams, in the middle of a foreign city, all at the whim of someone she hadn't seen in four years. 'I must be mad' she thought to herself, as she remembered how the conversation had gone with...

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Introducing a New Wife

I’m Karen and if you know me than you are aware that I’m a white slut housewife for black cock and there is nothing I like to do better than introduce another hot wife to black cock. My good friend which I call the New Jersey Slut because she has always had an interest in meeting black men.We had one problem we had to take care of before we could find her a black lover and that was to convince her husband to allow his wife to fuck a black man. I made a suggestion for her to play a few of my...

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Happy Birthday

TWO NIGHTS AGO I was fifteen. I was a virgin. By the morning of the next day, neither of those statements was true any longer. The first statement became untrue due to the unstoppable progression of the earth around the sun as measured by the Gregorian calendar. As in 'Time and Tide wait for no one.' The actual quotation as I remember it said 'no man' but I changed it to avoid having you think that I'm a male. The second statement lost its validity when I finally gave in to the equally...

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Big SkyChapter 7

Nancy and Irma chatted away in very low voices so no one could hear them. They traded life stories. Once they got to the Cascades the bus started to inch its way up the mountain of I-90/94. It was snowing outside and each mile up the incline it seemed to be snowing harder. Nancy shared a granola bar with Irma. "Might as well break this out," Irma said in dark, pulling out a bottle of wine and two plastic cups. She poured each a half and put the cap back on the neck of the bottle. "Thank...

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Naruto KoRn Koncert In Konoha Part 4

Naruto was at Ichiraku’s chowing down on some ramen while the girls were at home redecorating. He’d wanted to help them but Hinata had only kissed him and told him she wanted it to be a surprise. He had just finished his third bowl of ramen and had gotten up to leave when he heard his voice shouted from behind him. He turned just in time to be tackled to the ground in a hug. “Tsunami, what are you doing here?” The way she was laying on top of him wasn’t doing him any favors. His erection...

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Emily in the DarkChapter 12 Trouble Finds Us Again

We snuggled again, drifting back to sleep. I heartily recommend Emily’s treatment for insomnia: I slept as if I were in my own bed and had just, well, just been sucked off. And, so I awakened well rested, it appeared to be shortly after sunset. I threaded my way out of the hootch, laced up my boots and armed up again, and tiptoed away to drain my bladder. I returned, and started to clear a patch of bare earth for our breakfast. I had just set up the stove, and set some water to boil, when...

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Nothing Different

The machined road stretched into the distance until disappearing at the bend. Jake's perspective reduced the post and wire fences on either verge, to a vanishing point, reflective of the last ten months of his life. It was as if he had vanished, faded from notice. Army life had taken his individuality from him until he became nothing more than a bit part in a greater machine. The hay fields were just turning brown. June was flitting away. What green was left, would soon be uniform yellow...

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Meri Teen Mastani Betia 8211 Part 2

Aapne pahle part mey padha kee meri badi beti mamta bilkul nangi hokar parents ke bed par masti kee aahen bhar rahi thee. Mai sirf ek towel lapete uss ke bagal mey khada ho gaya…. 2-3 minat gujre , shayad ussey kisee ka presence feel hua. Usne aankhe kholi, hamari nazar mili aur wo jor-jor se roney lagi. Neelam ne apne dono legs ko sameta aur ghutno ke beech face chhipa kar roney lagi.Ghar mey sirf mai thaa aur meri badi beti mamta thee. Kisee aur ke aane kaa chance nahi thaa… “Arrey beti, kya...

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My Wonderful Obsession 34

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My Therapist pt 3

"if you like, we can decompress this way," she said to me, smiling. "you can be the cuddler this time." I didn't wait too long. I hopped over the back of the couch like some parkour junkie, plopping down behind her. She laughed, popping up into the air for a second. I put my arm around her, feeling a little confident in myself. I did sweet, little things like kiss her shoulder and her neck a few times. Patch looked back at me, giggled, and nuzzled with me. "we're being sweet,...

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Learning to Let Go Part III When Two Become One

They say ignorance is bliss, but that is a lie.Bliss was the sensation of total surrender to passion as he slid his manhood into me and we became one.The Background:Once the barriers of kissing and oral sex broke between Josh and myself, things began to change between us and I no longer had to wonder if I was just a means to an end for him. Up until that point, it seemed like intimate attention was primarily one direction: from me toward him, with him simply accepting it as it was given. After...

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my favorite hookup

i met a girl online, we made plans to meet, face to face..i suggest a local car wash, safe, and in public, right?she agrees, and if she's up for some playing, she'll give my the "go" signal...i get there about 15 mins. early, and wait, and wait, slowing getting hard, thinking about what might happen...i see the yellow truck she said to look for, and eagerly approach the stall...i see she's wearing a loose top, and a skimpy pleated skirt...i catch her eyes, and smile, she's smiles back, and...

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Taking One for the Team Part Ten

I re-read the email for the fifth time. Again my heart sank, no matter how many times I read it, no matter how I tried to make it sound better than it was, the truth was I didn't get picked for the management position. Instead, Jennifer Hacobstein got the job, I was supposed to be her second, which was a massive jump for me in the company, but I wanted the management position.Jennifer was old school. She was going to go in there like she had done many times over her career and do the same thing...

4 years ago
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Pajama Party

About a month ago, a local woman’s group sent Vicki a letter, asking her to speak at one of their upcoming meetings. Since my wife is an accredited counselor, they requested that she talk about, ‘How to handle sexual harassment in the workplace,’ and then host a question and answer session afterwards. Vicki was quick to reply, saying that she would be happy to help. Truth be known, my wife is well qualified to speak on the subject of ‘sexual harassment.’ When she was young she had a well paying...

4 years ago
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Young sister older brother1

Emma shot Alex, her brother, for the fourth time in a row on the video game they were playing. He sighed. "How are you so good at this?" She shot him again. "Because I'm me, I'm perfect." Those words stayed with Alex. The word 'perfect' triggered some sort of reminder, and he started looking his little sister up and down. Since he was 13, he remembered feeling sexual attractions for his sister. Now that he was 17, and she was 13, those hormones had caused him to become horny...

2 years ago
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Fresh Cookies

When she waved a hand in front of her face. The midsection of the man dissipated like he was made of light dust. Only his cock remained, and it continued to spew ancient semen with a hundred times the normal sperm count down her gullet. If only the jizz was as easy to disperse, she wouldn’t be constantly digesting a bloated stomachful. But at least, until the white dust reformed into a prehistoric, hip-thrusting Neanderthal, she had her answer: the room was bright. It was morning. And she...

2 years ago
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AssParade Rose Monroe Fucking a Big Ass for Revenge

Rose Monroe had been looking for her boyfriend, she saw him cheating on her and she wants a reckoning, when she found him at the barbershop, immediately stormed in and started beating him outrageously until she threw him out of the shop. She was so angry and disappointed that needed to sit down for a moment to recover. The Barber got worried about her and tried to comfort her, he told her not to worry, she is beautiful and his boyfriend is a jerk, at that moment Rose decided to avenge her...

4 years ago
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The HillsideChapter 9

The Dunleavy family started back to the Double-M that morning. The trip in reverse was as uneventful as the way down. This section of road was lightly traveled and didn't seem to sprout highwaymen the way the stagecoach lines did. The biggest threat was from Indians but the Calvary had pretty much pushed the hostile ones farther west. The family made it only 25 miles before stopping for the night. Marnie and Susan slept beneath the buckboard while Jacob sat and napped nearby. He had picked...

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Jill My Sexy Lactating Secretary

The perks of being the boss are everybody listens to you. The fun part about being a boss is all the secretaries who suck at their jobs offer their bodies for trade. Not a bad place to be in. Over the years, I have had sex with several of my secretarial staff. The funny thing is, they all know that so and so is banging the boss. All the little nymphs are in competition to woo the boss to like them. I’ve had my share of little sluts. I’ve had the kind of secretaries that wear very revealing...

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[I actually wrote this story back in the 1980's on a typewriter. I rewrote it on PC in 1992] Many years ago when we were first married and struggling to buy our first home, a modest 2 up and 2 down, the only means of having hot water was a small electric boiler that was mounted on the wall over the kitchen sink. At that time we didn't even have a bathroom. One day just before setting off for work, the heater broke down. When I returned that evening it was working again but something was...

4 years ago
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Callie Gade The Fuck of a Lifetime

One day Calli Gade from the King of Random was walking through the streets in the city. It was a warm day and she wore a spring dress, which didn’t even go past her knees. As she passed an alleyway, a man grabbed her and pulled her out of the street. She was about to scream for help, but a hand was clapped over her mouth. Calli kicked and struggled but it was no use, her captor was much stronger than she was. He proceeded to drag her farther down the alley, then went into one of the buildings...

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Wifey catches me sucking cock

I am bisexual, married man in my early 50s. When I met my wife, I had a regular guy and we’d exchange blow jobs every week or two.. I told her about it and said my sexual adventures are part of the relationship. She accepted it and after a couple years she and I and my guy had a couple threesomes that I’ve written about elsewhere. But several years ago, we moved away and I didn’t have a regular guy. When I did find one, wifey was resistant to it.So he and I met on the wide, once every 2 to 3...

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Private Subil Arch Explosive MILF And Private Babe

The blonde and sexy legend Subil Arch has come to www.private.com gracing our screens in Private Specials, Off Duty Therapist and when the lucky Totti Massive arrives at her store with his flies open he’s in for real surprise. Watch the big titted Subil in action as she gets down on her knees for a cock sucking masterclass before having the favour returned as Totti is treated to the taste of her sweet pussy. Then watch this busty Russian star put that incredible body to work as she takes it...

3 years ago
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Nicht rausgezogen

Es ist schon einige Jahre her, es war auf meinem 18. Geburtstag.Ich hatte eine Party für meine Freunde und Freundinnen gegeben.Wir hatte alle reichlich getrunken und irgendwie kamen wir auf die Idee uns alle auszuziehen.Als wir so nackend waren floss noch mehr Alkohol und die Stimmung wurde immer heißer.Wir machten nun das Spiel Flaschen drehen.Die Mädchen setzten sich in einen Kreis und die Jungens setzten sich in einen Kreis.Nun drehten wir Mädchen eine Flasche und das Mädchen auf den der...

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