Fishing Season
- 3 years ago
- 27
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I admit it, I was nervous. I know a guy isn't supposed to get nervous, but I'd had feelings growing for Natasha for quite a while and this was the first opportunity to be alone with her for an extended period of time.
What was going to happen? Anything? Were any of my fantasies and dreams going to come true or were we going to enjoy a platonic weekend together?
My fantasies and dreams had been rather explicit from time to time. Generally, they were just overall feelings of happiness every time we talked. There was a definite connection between us.
Several years before that weekend, she joined the firm where I worked. My first thought was that when she smiled, she looked very pretty and I had hoped that we'd get along really well. At first, we didn't have much time to get together because I was stationed at a remote work site. After that job finished, I was pulled back into the main office and found the opportunity to get to know her better.
And I liked what I saw.
Not only was she very pretty with black hair and dark eyes, a shapely figure with large breasts, and a very engaging smile, but she also had a terrific sense of humor and a wonderful head on her shoulders. I found myself looking for chances to make myself stand out from the rest of the guys in the office.
I think it worked, too. She seemed to like me and we built a rather nice friendship.
Unfortunately for me, she was married. I know that some women didn't mind fooling around behind their husband's back, but she wasn't one of them. She seemed rather dedicated to her marriage and the vows she took when she married her husband. I had to respect her for that. My thoughts of her were relegated to the fantasy world in my mind.
Then, one day, another coworker asked me for the web link to my erotic stories. I thought she was interested in reading them, herself, but it turned out that she wanted to share them with Natasha. I was a little surprised to hear that Natasha might be interested in reading my stuff, but was actually rather pleased to hear it. I really enjoyed sharing my thoughts and hearing the positive feedback I'd received. Every time someone new read my stuff, I would get an erotic thrill. I began to imagine Natasha reading my stories and having her body respond with increased breath, hardened nipples, and her pussy moistening as she imagined my stories occurring with her in them.
After that, I started to wonder just how far I could push Natasha toward naughty thoughts and instances. I wondered what she would be willing to do; I hoped she would want to explore sexual ideas with me.
When the firm let me go, I wondered just how much I'd be able to maintain my friendship with my friends. I figured it wouldn't be too hard if I was still in the Valley. There were a lot of people there, though, that lost their jobs so it became really tough to find a job. I did get one offer, though. It was 700 miles away, though. That would definitely cut into lunch meetings with my friends! It was my only offer, however, so I took it and moved away from the place I'd lived for the last dozen years.
The new place was perfect for fishing and I soon found myself catching the fishing bug. I would go fishing after work or on the weekends and started to post pictures online for my friends to see. I wanted them to see some of the benefits I had with my new location.
To my pleasant surprise, I received an e-mail from Natasha to rebuild our friendship. We realized just how much we'd missed each other and wanted to reconnect. Since I was fishing so much, it became part of my regular narrative. Because of that, I learned that she liked to fish a lot; it brought back a lot of fond memories from her childhood. We would often share our fishing stories and how much we would like to go fishing together, all the time realizing that it wouldn't likely happen.
Adding to the fact that she liked fishing was the fact that she'd spent much of her youth in the area near where I was born. We knew some of the same places and had enjoyed some of the same things. We both really enjoyed that area of the country, though neither one of us lived there any more.
Along with our fishing stories, we started to share more of our sexual ideas and I realized just how deliciously sexual she was. She was very interested in sex and had tried many things, some of which I'd only imagined. She loved to please her man and really enjoyed receiving her own pleasure. As we talked, I learned more about her and what she looked like and some of her likes and dislikes, and I realized just how compatible our tastes were.
I started to imagine trips with her, reliving some of the fantasies from the past and adding new details from our more recent conversations. I also started to seriously imagine going out camping and fishing with her. It became one of my favorite fantasies. Making love to a beautiful woman out in the wilderness had been a fantasy for a long time and finding out that she enjoyed that, too, just intensified those feelings.
Imagine my surprise when she told me that she needed to get away from the Valley and wanted to enjoy the coming Memorial Day weekend with me! It felt like a dream-come-true, but I was also really unsure just how to proceed. I knew some of the things I definitely wanted to do, but also didn't want to destroy our friendship. However, there was no way I was not going to take her up on the idea. I hadn't seen her in almost two years, except in my mind, and really wanted to spend time with her.
We agreed that fishing was the best way to spend that weekend. Not only would we get to spend some time together, but we'd be doing something we both really enjoyed and we'd be removed from other people enough that we could relax and let the World disappear into the background.
As it turned out, the area in which we'd enjoyed our youth was about halfway between our two locations, so it was the perfect place for us to spend the weekend. We'd get to enjoy the absolutely beautiful scenery and the wonderful fishing there, without either having to drive an extra long way.
We spent some time online coordinating things and deciding on the perfect location. There was a reservoir up in the mountains near there that held a lot of good memories for her and about which I'd heard wonderful fishing tales. We figured that would be one of the places we would definitely have to go. There was a campground not too far from there that was also within easy driving distance of a few rivers and streams, so multiple fishing types were going to be available to us. We purchased our fishing licenses online for that weekend and also made reservations for the campground, both of us lamenting the lost time when nobody made reservations, but just enjoyed the camping. I owned a two-bedroom tent, so we figured that would work well for sleeping arrangements and we had a mixture of cooking equipment that we'd be able to share. We each had our sleeping bags and air mattresses, along with other personal items we might want. I had plenty of fishing gear for both of us, but she had a bit that she would bring, as well. We figured out a good menu and split up the shopping duties so we could both have some things that we knew we liked.
Everything seemed to be in order.
That's when the nerves hit. I started to realize just how real this was getting and that's when I started to wonder just what she had in mind. I was afraid to ask for fear that she'd back out if she knew I was considering sexual options. I definitely didn't want her to back out.
As the weekend approached, I took care of my shopping list and pulled my camping gear out and made sure it was clean and in good, working order. Having those things to do helped get my mind off my worries and helped me look forward to the weekend with anticipation more than nerves. My nerves dissipated as I realized that it wouldn't matter what she had in mind aside from the fishing and camping. We were going to have a good time and enjoy the company, the surroundings, and the fishing. I was happy enough with that to not worry about anything sexual that might or might not happen.
By the time the day came for me to head out, I was almost giddy with excitement. It had been too long since I had time to go camping and I was ready for it. I put everything in the car, double-checking to make sure I had everything there that I'd promised to bring with me. I locked the house and climbed into the car, ready to go. I had filled the gas tank the previous night so didn't have to stop anywhere on my way out of town.
As music blared from my stereo, I drove down the road with a smile on my face. I sang along to the best songs and thoroughly enjoyed the feeling of going on a trip, the wind blowing in through the open window sending feelings of pure life coursing through my veins. I was in heaven.
Of course, had I known how the weekend would turn out, I would have realized that I was only on my way to heaven, that though it was wonderful, I wasn't there, yet!
My trip went very well and I pulled into the campground with an easy smile on my face. I drove around until I found the campsite that was ours for the weekend. I saw my name on the post and took a quick look at the arrangement. It was going to be perfect. The site wasn't in the middle of everything, but on the edge, which would afford us some privacy. There was plenty of parking for both of our cars. The site seemed fairly large and had a tent pad that looked large enough for the tent I'd brought so it would be easy to set up camp. The restrooms were close enough that it would be easy to get there, but not so close that we'd have people walking around near our site all the time. There was also a water faucet nearby, which would make cooking and cleanup a lot easier.
I backed into the parking area, leaving enough room for her car, and started to unload my gear. Since she hadn't arrived yet, I wasn't sure how she liked camp set up so I didn't worry too much about the cooking area, but I did put a tablecloth on the table and put much of my cleaner items on that. I also decided it was a good idea to set up the tent and took it over to the tent area.
As I unrolled the tent, I noticed that it would just fit within the tent pad. I had forgotten how big the tent was, having grown up with smaller, three-man tents. Still, it fit well so I placed the stakes in the base and put the poles in place. Once the poles were securely in place, the tent stood up proudly and looked good. I was just attaching the tent fly when Natasha pulled up to the site.
She looked a little tired from her drive, but the smile she gave me when she saw me erased any of that from her face and her eyes shown with complete happiness. I dropped the mallet I'd been using on the tent stakes and went over to her to give her a big hug. She felt so very good within my arms, her arms wrapped tightly around me. I felt absolutely wonderful to be there with her.
"It feels so good to be here," she said with a huge smile, looking around at the beauty of the forest around the campground.
"It really does, doesn't it?" I agreed. "I just love the feeling up here!"
I showed her how close the restroom was and where the water faucet was located. Then I started to help her unload the gear from her car. As we worked, we discussed how we would set up the campsite and found out that we had the same feelings and ideas about how things should be. That just added to the bond we'd created. Everybody tends to like things there way, but to find out that our ways were so similar just made it that much better.
Once we had the main campsite area set up, we went over to the tent and I showed her how it was divided by a hanging curtain. I grabbed my air mattress and put it in my side of the tent, getting ready to inflate it, as she put her own bedding into her side of the tent. I had a foot pump that filled up my mattress pretty quickly. When Natasha looked in to check my progress, she saw that it was a queen-sized mattress and raised her eyebrow at me.
"I like my space," I said with a grin.
She laughed at that and then winked and asked, "Always?"
"Of course! It's just that sometimes I want others in my space with me!"
We laughed at that and she went out to finalize the cooking area. It was getting later in the afternoon and would soon be time for dinner.
I watched her work a bit, thinking about her comments and wondered, again, just what she had in mind for the trip. I also realized that the relationship that we'd been building over the last year or so was still pretty solid and included jokes about sexuality, which I really enjoyed.
It was going to be a very good weekend!
I finished inflating my air mattress and then put my blankets and pillow in place. I figured I didn't need my sleeping bag since it felt like it'd be fairly warm. Once that was all organized, I went out to see what I could do to help with dinner.
We had decided that hobo dinners would be perfect for that first night. They're easy to fix and don't have a lot of dishes. We didn't want to start the weekend with a lot of cleanup chores.
Natasha had the potatoes out and was peeling them. The meat was there, though she preferred a turkey burger to the beef that I liked. I gathered some wood and proceeded to start a fire. We'd need some good coals in order to be able to cook the dinners well, so I built a fast-burning fire that would create plenty of hot coals in a hurry. The wood in the area was rather dry, which helped, but also had me watching for errant sparks to be sure we didn't cause any problems.
Once the fire was going, I went back to the table to help cut up the onions. Once the various goodies were ready, we pulled out the foil and made up the dinners. There was a little time before the coals would be ready, so we cleaned up a little bit and then pulled out the folding chairs to sit by the fire and chat while it burned down.
We soon realized that our relationship was solid. Though it had been almost two years since we'd last seen each other, face to face, our chats online had been so vivid and truthful that it was as if we'd just seen each other last week. We both felt very comfortable with each other and were able to be open and to share things easily. In our "real" lives, we were both a little shy about sharing our feelings and being too open, but I guess our time online had destroyed any of that shy feeling between us, so we were able to just be there together as our true selves. And it felt terrific!
Before too long, the fire was dying down and the coals looked perfect. I spread the coals out a bit so as not to burn the food then put the dinners where they'd cook best. It looked like we'd have our meals ready in about twenty minutes.
Our chat continued and I learned that she and her husband were having a tough go of things. Life had just taken a turn for them that made things very different from what they had expected and she was finding it more and more difficult to spend time with him. The guy she'd married turned out to be someone different from the guy he became once they'd said their vows. For the most part, she could handle his new persona, but the latest changes he was making were extremely difficult for her to be able to overlook. That was a big reason she needed to get away that weekend.
Of course, I had an internal battle going on at that point. My friend was hurting from her marriage and that made me want to comfort her and help her find a way through the quagmire in which she'd found herself to a happy future with her husband. I wanted to be able to find the key that would make her new life more palatable. The other side of me was hoping that the change in her marriage would lead to something between the two of us. I chuckled at the thought of the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other.
"What's so funny?" she asked, afraid that I was laughing at her troubles.
I couldn't lie to her, so I said, "Oh, I was just listening to the angel and devil sitting on my shoulders."
She seemed to know what was on my mind and smiled at me. Then she looked into my eyes, a mischievous twinkle in her own, and asked, "Which one is winning?"
"To be honest," I said, "I'm not really sure. They've got a definite battle going on here! I guess I would say, if either one had any sort of edge, it'd be the devil."
That brought a grin to her beautiful face and that really helped push the devil ahead.
"Do you suppose they're done?" she asked.
At first, I thought she was talking about the angel and devil, but then I noticed that she was looking at the dinners on the coals and so I did a little mental check on the timing and decided they might be. I got my gloves on and a fork to test the tenderness of the potatoes then pulled a dinner from the coals. I opened it and checked the vegetables. The food smelled so good that my stomach started to rumble a bit. Luckily, the vegetables felt soft enough and I pronounced them ready to eat.
She got her utensils as I pulled the other meal from the fire. I put them on the plates she brought over and then added a couple of smaller logs to the coal bed and placed a larger log over the top of them. I knew the heat from the coals would catch the smaller logs on fire and that they'd feed to the larger, giving us a nice campfire to enjoy while we ate.
With a little salt and pepper, along with some ketchup, I found the meal to be outstanding. I love hobo dinners anyway, but eating them while camping in the mountains is a special sort of something.
While we ate, we got to talking about the fishing we'd planned to do the following day. We discussed various methods we'd use, whether using bait or lures. I'd brought some Velveeta and worms along with the usual power bait and salmon eggs. Of course, I had my lures and various other items we could try. She didn't have as much tackle, but it sounded like we'd be pretty set to cover a number of options. We were both pretty excited at the prospect of catching some nice trout.
After we'd finished eating, we quickly cleaned up the few dishes that were dirty and then went back to sit by the fire. We enjoyed some of those comfortable silences that good friends and family can enjoy while staring at a fire.
I've long enjoyed fire. It's so beautiful and is incredibly mesmerizing for me. I just sat there watching it for a while, getting lost in the flickering flames.
Suddenly, I felt a little chilled and looked up from the flames to notice that the sun was just going down. I could feel a bit of a breeze come up that was making me feel cool. I'd forgotten how often that happened in the mountains.
"I need to get a sweatshirt," I said, rising from my chair.
"That sounds like a really good idea," agreed Natasha, also getting up to follow me toward the tent.
When I unzipped the door to the tent, she was standing close to me, even closer than I expected. I must admit, I felt a stirring in my jeans as I noticed how close she was. Once the door to the tent was open, we went inside and separated to our sides of the tent. I quickly grabbed my sweatshirt and pulled it on. I then turned and started to leave the tent. As I passed the partition, I looked over to Natasha's side of the tent and saw that she had a few items from her bag out and was reaching further in to get her sweatshirt. My eyes became riveted on what my mind quickly determined was a silky nighty lying on her bedding. My mind most certainly liked the idea of seeing her in something like that!
She turned and looked when she sensed that I was standing there. When she saw where my eyes were looking, she blushed a little and then chuckled.
"I thought it'd be nice to sleep in something like that while I was up here," she said, picking up the nighty and putting it back in her bag.
"Sounds like a good idea to me," I said with a big smile.
We walked back out to the fire and sat down again, enjoying the flames some more. That time, we didn't get caught up in watching the flames, but found ourselves talking some more. It was as though we wanted to feel that togetherness of being with someone else and not just lost in our own minds. We talked about a lot of different topics; nothing seemed to be off-topic or beyond us.
After what seemed like about an hour, I looked at my watch and was startled to see that we'd been talking for three hours. It had been a long time since I'd been with someone and talked that much without noticing the passing of time. It actually warmed my heart to learn that she was someone with whom I could share a night like that.
I looked up at the stars and realized that I couldn't see any.
"Uh oh, it's looking cloudy," I said. "I hope it doesn't rain too much, if it does. I've got the fly on the tent to keep us dry and we've put everything away that might be a problem, but I don't want it to get too muddy."
Of course, at that moment, lightning struck a little ways away and I automatically started to count the seconds until we heard thunder. It took about 7 seconds for the thunder to rumble, letting me know that the lightning had struck almost a mile and a half away.
"I want to get some wood gathered and put away before rain hits so we've got something for the morning," I said, standing again.
Natasha got up and went with me out into the forest to collect some wood. We wandered around, picking up what we could see and carrying it in our arms back to the campsite. We put the wood under the table, hoping it'd be protected from any rain that might come. It seemed higher than the surrounding ground, so any runoff wouldn't go through our wood pile.
Just as we put the last of our wood under the table, it started to rain. I looked at the fire and realized that it was just about out, anyway, and figured the rain would get anything that we left. We hustled over to the tent and ducked inside just before the rain started to seriously come down.
"Well, so much for not much rain," I said, chuckling at our luck. "Make sure you don't have anything leaning against the side of the tent or it'll let the rain through and get it wet."
Natasha went over to quickly check her stuff and I heard her moving some things away from the edge. Then she came over to my side of the tent.
"Do you mind if I join you for a bit? The thunder kind of bothers me. I'm not really scared, I just prefer not being alone when it's rumbling so close!"
"I don't mind at all!" I responded.
She sat down on my air mattress and commented on how nice it felt. I took off my shoes and climbed on the bed, too. Of course, that led to me bouncing a bit because it made her bounce up and down. I certainly liked the way her body responded to the bouncing. She couldn't let me get away with that, though, and had to bounce back.
Soon we were laughing and rolling around. I couldn't help it, but had to reach over and tickle her a little bit when the opportunity presented itself. I didn't know she was that ticklish! She jumped and squealed, which prompted me to do more right away, which led to a tickle fight and lots of laughter.
As always seemed to happen when I was tickling and wrestling with a woman I found attractive, I was soon rather hard. The angel on my shoulder tried to get me to move in such a way that it wasn't obvious how turned on I was at the game we'd been playing. The devil, though, was trying to move me in just the right way so she was more likely to touch me and notice just how hard she'd made me.
The devil won.
She reached across to tickle me on the far side and her forearm rested against my erection. I saw her eyes get big and she kind of paused in her tickling. She looked at me and I could see a few different emotions pass across her face. She was embarrassed, shy, and nervous and then I saw the look of hunger settle into place. She started to pull her hand back, but didn't pull it further than my throbbing cock, which she quickly squeezed, causing intense pleasure to immediately shoot throughout my body and a soft moan to escape my lips.
Slowly, she squeezed and released my cock, massaging it through my pants. I watched her face, enjoying each and every play of emotion as they crossed her face. I loved the feelings she was creating within me and wanted very much to return the favor. However, I also feared that I would scare her if I moved too much, too quickly.
Her eyes left my groin and looked into mine. I knew she was seeing hunger in my eyes and was thrilled to see it mirrored in hers. Leaning forward slowly, I moved closer to her. I kept eye contact, watching for any change of mind in hers.
I absolutely love anticipation, so I moved really slowly and savored the tension between us. Soon, I was quite close to her, our breath mingling between us, teasing our skin and making us breathe even faster and more shallowly. Then I closed the gap between us, pressing my lips softly against hers. At first, she tensed, then quickly opened her lips and pressed hard back against me. I brought my hands up to caress her neck, my fingers tracing back along the back of her neck to lightly massage her while we kissed.
As our kiss intensified, I felt her hand squeeze my cock even harder, then start to massage me through my jeans. I was becoming extremely turned on at that point and feared that I would cum too soon, so I softly held her hand and pulled it up to put her arms around my neck. She reached around me with both arms at that point and pulled me more tightly against her.
At that point, I wanted to lie down with her so started to lean over towards the bed, happily noting that she was following me down. I rolled over onto my back, pulling her on top of me as I did so. I loved the feeling of her body pressing down on mine as our lips dueled together. I let my tongue slide out from between my lips to tease hers. She quickly opened her mouth and started to suck my tongue, which drove me even further along the path of bliss.
I let my hands wander up and down her back, trying to touch and feel every curve that I could reach. She felt absolutely wonderful. She was definitely all woman and I loved how good she felt in my arms.
She broke our kiss and started to kiss down my cheek to my neck, and was really driving me wild with desire. I couldn't believe how much she made me want her. The way she moved on me and kissed me was so erotic and was driving my mind crazy. She started to caress me as she moved down my body, kissing me through my clothes and touching me all over.
Before I quite realized what she was doing, she had my belt open, the button undone on my pants and the zipper down. She purred a bit as she pulled my pants open and saw just how hard I was. She quickly grabbed my underwear and pulled it away from my body so she could pull it down, freeing my throbbing member. As it came into her view, she cried out in pleasure and that sent even more chills up and down my spine.
Then she wrapped her fingers around my cock and started to stroke me. I couldn't believe how very good it felt. It had been a long time since I had been with a woman, but it was even better knowing that it was Natasha that was stroking me. She pushed my shirt up my chest to touch my skin and caress my chest. She then lowered her mouth and wrapped her lips around the head of my cock.
I was in heaven!
She started to suck my cock deeper and deeper into her mouth, her lips and tongue doing amazing things to me. Each time she'd pull back with her mouth, she'd suck in harder to provide amazing sensations all up and down my cock. She used her hand whenever her mouth wasn't there, but slid it down toward the base each time she'd suck me back inside.
Soon, she picked up a quick rhythm and seemed anxious to get my cum. As soon as that idea crossed my mind, I could feel an orgasm building up within me. From the depths of my balls, the tingling spread throughout my body and quickly built.
"Unh," I groaned. "You're going to make me cum!"
She pressed at the base of my cock and held her hand there, easing the sensations and allowing me to come back down from the impending orgasm. Once I had calmed enough, she started to suck on me again and I very quickly built back up.
My moans alerted her to how fast I was back on the verge of cumming. This time, she pulled her mouth from me and started to stroke me quickly with her hand.
"Oh, yes!" she cried as the first spurt shot from the head of my cock.
Her eyes lit up and she stroked me fast and hard, watching each and every rope of my seed shoot out onto my chest and stomach.
When my mind could start to think again, I opened my eyes and looked at her. She seemed really hungry and yet with a strong sense of satisfaction at the pleasure she'd obviously been able to create within me. When I had stopped shooting, she stroked me softly, urging each and every drop she could to come out of me.
Then she giggled a bit and stood, saying, "I'll get something to clean this up."
Soon, she was back with a small box of Kleenex, which she used to clean up her hand and to wipe me clean.
"That was fun," she said with a grin.
"Ain't that the truth?" I asked with a grin of my own.
I then reached forward and pulled her into my arms, kissing her again. Within seconds, she was again kissing me with desire. The more she kissed me and the increase in her passion soon had me wanting to experience even more of her. I rolled us over so that she was lying on her back and started to return the favor.
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I love getting away from all the city stresses mainly by going for walks in the deep countryside. Away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Away from the noise and the pressure. As a family we would walk for miles but now, as the kids have grown and moved on, it’s just my wife and me out on these rambles. Normally that is, but this time she was shopping with her sister in the city so I was alone. I’d left the car in the car park, map in hand, and headed into the hills. After a couple of...
Gay MaleI love getting away from all the city stresses mainly by going for walks in the deep countryside. Away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Away from the noise and the pressure. As a family we would walk for miles but now, as the k**s have grown and moved on, it’s just my wife and me out on these rambles. Normally that is, but this time she was shopping with her sister in the city so I was alone. I’d left the car in the car park, map in hand, and headed into the hills. After a couple of...
I was born into a family that loved fishing. To be more specific, my older brother Drake and father Alvin were crazy about fishing. They tried everything in their power to get me hooked on this terrible hobby, but I simply hated it. Fortunately, my mother Rose was my protector in this regard, and although small of stature she was not to be messed with.Much to Alvin’s regret, I was a real ‘indoors’ kind of guy, something he and Drake found very hard to understand. I also think my smaller...
Gay MaleI got out of work at lunchtime and wife works til 6 so I hurried home lifted the fishing rod and went for a few hours fishing to my usual secret spot over at a small river 1 across fields behind my house, its a bend on river then enters a forest which is overgrown noone goes there so very private, I was fishing away and heard someone talking I went to see and could only see a dog so never worried and continued, I fished for around 10 minutes at that spot then moved down into forest part when I...
My son has a cock that measures seven and three quarters in girth and ten and a half inches in length. I know. I measured it one evening as I playfully sucked his cock. Chris isn't actually my son. He is my husband's son. But, he has always called me mom.Today Chris is twenty-four and I'm forty-seven.Chris and I don't date. We are more like each other's booty call. We have an agreement that fits us well. I'm not saying we don't sneak off on occasions for a weekend getaway or something like...
CheatingWe had just moved house,my mum nad dad and me and my younger brother,we had moved to a little village in the north of england 7miles from the nearest town.the first few weeks my brother and i were on school holidays so we went exploring our new surrondings.i was fifteen at the time and he was 13 and we were very keen fisherman which was lucky for us as we found we were very close to the river.after we had been there a week or so we decided to go fishing and as usual we got up at 5oclock the...
We both live in the same suburb so I stopped by his place early in the morning on the way to the boat ramp, Dane his 17 year old son had decided to come with me so he got in my car and off we went. When we got on the water it was cool in the early morning sun, I had shorts on under track pants and a jacket on over a T shirt so I was okay but Dane had on jeans and only a T shirt so I lent him one of my spare jackets to keep warm. As normal we headed out to slightly different spots on the bay...
I am 18 , just turn last week, I work at National park for the whole weekendits a ice job, i go around in my golf cart helping people aroundI was lucky enought to be a fishing guide this summer so i get to fish and dont need to deal with garbage and cleaning of the parkthe group of older mixed guys in their 50s were so cool with me , I spent the day driking beer and fishing with themuntil it was dawn and all 4 were getting a bit drunk and weird with meslapping my little ass in my swimsuit...
"do you fancy doing a spot of night fishing with me tonight?" As a 18 hot blooded male i would be out with my mates drinking looking for some young slut to fuck. " i think i'm out with the boys dad" "oh son come on we use to go fishing all the time. I found this great spot it's so quite. I will supply some beer" Its true what dad said we use to go fishing all the time but then i found beer and loose girls. "ok dad sounds fun but it's beer and vodka"Later that night my dad had taken me with all...
Its barely light and you pull up to my apartment I yell bye to my sister, and I run out to your truck and climb in. You look at me and my clothes - say nothing and off we go to the dock. We grab a few things and walk to the boat, you then tell me to get the rest of the shit loaded as you head for the office. Theres a dozen different rods , and what seems like 20 pounds of stinky bait, tackle, followed by bags of ice, sandwiches & your beer. For me, I brought salad , fruit and water. ...
The day is sunny, warm with a few s**ttered clouds floating by, otherwise calm waters await us, as you push off from the pier. Our boat is an open bow, I am sure you've seen a typical speed boat about 18 ft long with seating for 3 in the front. A split windshield allows passengers to pass from bow to back where there is more seating. As we troll throught the breakwater, I reach into the cooler looking for a tall cool drink, and also find other edibles that I cant wait to have.Now out on the...
When I was younger, Mac my step dad use to take me and my sister Helen fishing. We would go for a weekend and come back with stories and no fish. As I got older he stop taking us and now it was something in the past.Now I’m 17 and graduating from school, Mac decided after all these years asked me if I want to go fishing like the good old days. I said sure and planed a weekend to go.So that weekend came, we went to the spot were we fish and got the same hotel we stay at. Mac’s friend, Tom was...
The next morning as I poured his coffee I asked him “Did you have a bad dream last night? You were banging around on the bed and making hard noises.” My father snapped his eyes up to my face from the cup then his cheeks started to glow under his week old beard “Yeah, I was dreaming” he muttered hesitantly. “What about, it sounded bad?” He stood up abruptly “Doesn't matter, it's done and over.” He left the cabin to work on the boat. My father and I were living, existing more...
I’d worked with Tom for three years. He was hired the year after I was. We found a common interest in fishing early on and when the season rolled around we could usually be found on some stream, river or lake feeding our bait to intelligent trout. Often enough we would bring home enough of a catch to encourage us so we didn’t quit. My wife Wendy and Tom’s wife, Vanessa met at the first company get together after Tom hired on and became ‘fishing widows’ some weekends. They went shopping and to...
Just then she heard the door open, her brother comes out with his fishing gear and wearing the smallest shorts she had seen him wear “Where are you going?” She asked him. “I thought I would take the boat out and do a little fishing, why do you want to go along?” ‘I don’t know, the way you are dressed, I thought maybe you were going after something else besides fish,” then she laughs. He looks at his sister and grins, “well you never know what you’ll find when you’re out...
I arrived at my spot around noon. It was 82 degrees, perfect for cat fishing. I set up my little camp with my blanket, folding chair and cooler with sandwiches and beer. I baited and casted my pole, set in the Y stick and kicked back soaking up the sun. I must have dozed off for awhile. I awoke to the bell on the end of my pole dinging, for when I get bites. I grabbed the pole, but the fish was not hooked. Dang, I'll wait for another bite. I got myself a beer and relaxed. I...
The mountains were a rich pine green. The air was cooled by the breezesweeping across the river. Father and son had waded into the cool water atcalf deep. Rods were swung as the line was cast, the sinker at the end ofthe line giving it purpose. Each of them wore a fair brimmed soft hatdecorated at the band with feathered fish hooks. Each wore a utility vestpocketed with sinkers, pen knives and the necessities of fly fishing. Eachwas otherwise naked. Peter at 36 was a strong hirsute man,...
Having been married for over ten years, our sex life had gotten a bit boring. My wife liked sex, but didn't always feel like having sex. I guess that she had to think about it for a bit to get warmed up, and life being what it is, she just didn't think about it too often. I, on the other hand, always wanted sex. Some of our biggest fights had been over sex and her not being available or wanting it more often than she did. My frustration had been growing for the last two years. It seemed that...
I got to the river to meet fred at about 6 oclock.he was not there so i waited and he turned up about 5mins later.hello there ian how are you this morning,very well thanks i replied.are you coming for a swim he asked,ive got no trunks i replied,thats ok young man we are all friends here.i was unsure but intrigued ,so with out giving it to much thought i got naked .fred seemed pleased with this and he did the same .he looked me up and down and said how old are you ian nearly 16 i
100% fiction! My name is Mike and when I was 38, I returned to my hometown in Tennessee and stayed with my widowed mom. She was 55 but still looked pretty good with a slightly plump ass and nice tits. She had always been attractive to me, even when I was young. When I was boy, I drilled a small hole from my closet through to the bathroom so I could see her. I would watch her take a bath and sometimes she would play with herself. Her tits were very nice with big brown nipples and her pussy was...
IncestI couldn,t believe I was shafting a classy beauty like Maria Schroeder. I knew it wouldn’t, go on much longer as I was due at Maguire Air Base, New Jersey in late September to be flown to the base in Chateauroux in France, But was enjoyimg every moment of every fuck session and a few mornings later she was sitting almost in my lap as I manoeuvred my old 51 Chevy along the dusty country road as we approached one of my secret fishing spots where we were most unlikely to be disturbed and could be...
June, 1969 found me a twenty four year old three stripe sergeant working remote Minuteman Missile Sites security near Lakota, North Dakota attached to Grand Forks Air Base. Shifts worked were three days or nights on and three off alternating between nights and days 7am to pm or vice versa. With commuting to and from our three days off usually ended up as only two full days. Part of our task was to patrol the ten separate missile silos our Launch Control Facility was responsible for when not...
Jerry asked Roland if he wanted to go fishing with the boys. He said, “Seymour has a nice boat docked on the Jersey shore and every so often they take it out to fish for Blue Fish. Roland told him he didn’t like boats, because he gets sea sick. I told him “If you don’t mind I’d love to go out on the boat, it sounds like a lot of fun and I can work on my tan.” Jerry looked at Roland and asked “Is it Ok with you if your wife is alone miles off shore with a bunch of old men? He said “I’m sure...
Since my husband and I both enjoy fishing, we checked the WEB for somewhere to go this summer. North Carolina has some nice lakes but decided we wanted something more exciting where a person can catch fish in clean waters. A friend of my husband who belongs to a sportsman club suggested we check into fishing in Canada where many lakes are loaded with fish. He suggested an area in upper Ontario where they will fly people into a lake for a week. We checked their website and decided that was...
Well I only got one day off a week from my driving job. So to unwind in the peace and quiet use to go fishing at a Lake, but on this day the Lake was so busy that I thought I would go up the near by river for a change. I had fished hear a few times before, but had never had much luck there. I put up my equipment and as it was a bit over cast and rain was forcast I put up the bivvy tent to shelter in if the weather got to bad. I had been fishing for a couple of hours and had a lot of fish at...
This is a story of me and my friend fishing our Bengali housemaid. Let me introduce first, I am Anand and my friend’s name is Animesh. We are working in private sector. I was posted in Delhi and my friend was posted in Kolkata. Almost 6 months back I got transferred to Kolkata. My friend offered me to stay with him as he was staying alone in 4 BHK flat and I joined him. A maid (named Rucksana) use to come for cleaning (dishes and clothes) and cooking food for him. After 2 weeks she asked for...
Britain in the summer can on occasions be sunny and hot, contrary to popular opinion. It was on one such day, shortly after my 13th birthday that I had my first, and as I later found out illegal sexual encounter, although at the time I was unaware of technicalities like that. I had gone fishing down by a local river, and, like most young boys boredom had set in after half an hour of lack of bites. Pondering over whether or not to find some other activity on this sunny day, I was joined by a man...
Masturbationit was a nice warm day, i had just gotten up and decided to hit the lake for fishing and skinny dipping, as i got out the door, Sean the the delivery boy from the grocery store came up to me, and said what are you doing, going fishing i said, kool can i come, now Sean was really nice for a boy heading into collage, he was about two inches taller, but slim build like me, i said u off today he yeah for the weekend, mom says i can spend the weekend with you if it's okay, sure why not i said and...
Its barley light and we meet at the dock and carry down a dozen different rods , and what seems like 20 pounds of the stinkiest bait .... And then there's the ice, sandwiches & beer (for you) dam salad , fruit and water for me. You look at me in my raggedy tee shirt and cut offs and your eyes say "really - that's it?" I go about stowing stuff neatly as you fire up the engines and soon we are out the inlet into the glaring, and already hot sun. A 25 minute run dead east and we are...
I stepped out of the shower and began drying off. My wife, Linda, was still asleep in our bed. That’s one big advantage of being retired; you can get up whenever you wake up. We hadn’t used an alarm clock in nearly a year. As I combed my hair, I unashamedly admired my body. At age 56, I looked like an Olympic gymnast, except that I was too tall and few gymnasts were as healthy and injury-free as I was. My body wasn’t the result of hours working out, although I did hit the gym three times a...
I closed the door to my camper pick up and hurried back inside the house. It was July in Missoula, but summer nights in Montana can still get pretty cold. I had jeans on but just a light shirt, so I was shivering. Inside, the aroma of coffee drifted to me. ‘Shit!’ I thought, ‘She must have heard me.’ I was sorry I’d awakened my wife, Jan, but I was grateful for the hot coffee awaiting me on the table. I kissed Jan’s deliciously night scented neck and apologized. “I guess you heard me closing...
I have always wondered what it would be like to suck on a cock, but I live in a small community where everyone knows your business. It all happened one day while out fishing with my long time friend Kevin. We were out in his boat drinking beer and wishing we were catching fish. After some time of no action we went back to shore and to the local tittie bar for a few drinks and a game of pool, then we decided it was time to hit the water again. An hour had gone by since the tittie bar and I was...
As dinner cooked, we drank freely and talked about our lives back in civilization. Turned out we were both sports nuts, had a passion for fine wine, and had attended the same college. Jake owned a sporting goods store in Colorado Springs that specialized in rock climbing and mountaineering equipment.As the booze took effect and we filled our bellies with the bounty of the land, the talk turned again to sex.“So your wife doesn’t fulfill you sexual needs?” Jake asked. “What’s that all about? You...
Stratton is a town of about 17,000 founded in 1893, and growing more andmore as subdivisions were being developed fast. The street that once wasconsidered "The Main Highway" in town, was now one of 3 that come in andout, only this road saw maybe 6-7 cars travel on it within the week and thesame amount over the weekends. Back in the early days, it was the mainhighway that town's people travelled, to get to and from the neighboringcity - just a short two hours drive away. The road was your...
I have always wondered what it would be like to suck on a cock, but I live in a small community where everyone knows your business. It all happened one day while out fishing with my long time friend Kevin. We were out in his boat drinking beer and wishing we were catching fish. After some time of no action we went back to shore and to the local tittie bar for a few drinks and a game of pool, then we decided it was time to hit the water again. An hour had gone by since the tittie bar and I was...
BisexualJesse was on just another fishing trip at the family cabin or at least that was what he thought on first impressions going with his friend Billy, “Uncle” Jack and his rather feminine friend he called Jasmine. He and Jasmine had often been romantically involved but she had most recently been dating his friend Billy and they were becoming very serious so he had no plans on changing that situation during this trip, which left him feeling the way he did.On the drive to the cabin, they stopped...
My wife and I enjoyed solcializing with friends from work and other activities around town. We were pretty happy with our friend situation. About 5 years ago my wife got a new co-worked Amy. Amy was married to Kevin around our age and no k**s. We invited them over got to know them a little better over dinner. Kevin and I talked about sports, cars, and work. We had a great evening. Just as we were finishing the night Kevin wanted to show me his companies web site. He put his thumb drive...
(My apologies, Dear Readers. What once went by this title is now incorporated into SEVEN SEAS FOR FOUR, a family story (but not what rate it “family” in theaters). What follows is entirely a different story, one about a teacher. Unfortunately, however, I can’t update the genre codings on some websites that include me.) Let me establish one thing up front, no innuendo intended. Girls don’t care to talk about penises. Sure, we’ll beat around the bush -- whoops, no word play intended there either...
I had fun with the moms of pregnant girls. Anna 'Darling' and Nona 'Love' attended as Doug's and Doreen's moms. Theresa talked her mother and Larry's mother into joining them for the show. Doris Trane and Regina Evars were there with Sugar. ME: Sugar? Are you making an announcement today? SUGAR: No, Chef Brian. But it isn't for lack of trying. I thought by rubbing elbows ... or bellies ... with Doreen and Theresa, it might rub off on me. My mother is putting the pressure...
Big thanks to gwensational and panting4urhose, whose kind comments, messages and good stories inspired me to write this story, I'm sure you're able to see your helpful influences throughout!Also a special thank you goes to gwensational for allowing me to feature your wonderful creation of Agent 78, I'm very much honoured by your permission to use her in this story, I hope I've done her a real good justice and are pleased and satisfied with my take on her :)For those of you who haven't read...
John was exhausted when he sat in his big Lazy Boy to sleep. In what seemed like no time his alarm was ringing and when he reached for it, pain flooded his mind. He was not used to moving that much the day before. His muscles and joints were screaming at him. John turned his head and reached for his glasses, it was all he could do to bend and stretch to lift them off the table next to him. He had tears in his eyes. He heard in his mind; John heal yourself. John said the Lord’s Prayer. He...
Let me introduce myself, my name is Tom, and this is my introduction to sex in the 60s in a small town. My dad was killed in the Viet Nam War and Mom was left to raise me all alone. Mom and I were very close. We lived by ourselves, and she was a nurse at the local hospital, in the small town where we lived. Our house was located on the edge of town, surrounded by 50 acres of woods. By the time I was 13, I was a tall boy for my age; rather on the lean side with long thin fingers narrow...
I wake up but keep my eyes closed; the bed is too soft and comfy to get out of. I have had such a good night's sleep, I don't want it to end. I eventually open my eyes and see the sun shining brightly through the gap at the top of my curtains, it seems like a nice warm Saturday morning. My boyfriend, Charlie, must have already got up and left me to sleep in. I get out of bed, quickly make it and walk into my en-suite bathroom to take a quick shower. I finish, and wrap a big, soft, fluffy, pink...
First TimeHILLBILLY HEAVEN From where I stood on the mountaintop overlook I could see hills and hollers far off to the horizon. A ‘smoky’ haze blanketed the early morning hilltops. This ethereal haze gave its name to these Great Smoky Mountains. The tranquility and beauty before me masked the tumultuous times rocking the outside world. Newspapers had labeled these years as ‘The Great Depression’. I’d just reached my 17th birthday and I knew damn-well that times were hard. Even back...
‘I remember the way you used to walk, the swing in your hips, your long straight jet-black hair shielding your face as you walked from that old red brick classroom building over toward that old stone dorm that looked like a fortress. You know, the one you lived in your freshman year. You were in your black phase, remember? The old black cable knit sweater that hung down to your thighs, the dark olive corduroy skirt, the black tights. That sweater’s still in the closet, you know? Did you know I...
The Consultant and the Hounds of Heaven Author Note: Magic has always existed and it is now openly acknowledged. 10% of the population is magically sensitive and 5% can actually be taught to cast spells. Only about 1% have the ability to earn a Magic-User 3rd Class license. In a country of 300 million that means there are potentially 3 million professional practitioners. However, it takes hard work and training to develop that raw talent. There are currently, in the United...
TRIUMPH by enduringshades This is the third and final Act. ______ TRIUMPH (THE COMPLETE STORY) PROLOGUE ACT 1 ROAD TO HELL Our hero borrows a classic sports car and our heroine discovers her new life. Chapter 1 TR3 Chapter 2 Housekeeper Chapter 3 The Plan Chapter 4 Reality ACT 2 HELL Our heroine experiences the good, the bad and the ugly. Chapter 5 Training Chapter 6 Dressing up Chapter 7 Room service Chapter 8 Heaven and Hell ACT 3 ROAD TO HEAVEN Our heroine goes from the worst in her...
Four Minutes In Heaven The three of us were standing in the hallway against one wall as the rest of the students changed classes. Jimmy and I had our backs against the wall and Mary was between us and she was facing us. She was closer to me so no one could see that my hand was up under her miniskirt. Jimmy was blocking the view from the other side so no one could see what I was up to. Mary was standing there with her feet about shoulder width apart. Her panties were in my pocket and...
My sister and I are fraternal twins. I guess that’s why we’ve always been close. Came out of the same womb together and all. In school we hung around with the same circle of friends, and were fairly popular. There were about fifteen people in our group, and on weekends we always went out together, either to the movies, or to the local diner, or to a house party. It was good having my sister in the bunch. She was my little spy, telling me which girls liked me and which ones didn’t. I did the...