- 4 years ago
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Gramp Wilcox was quite the large landowner. His holdings comprised a square mile of mostly unproductive mountain land. It was left to my father, James Wilcox. Pop willed it equally to me, Bill, and my brother Mark. My brother wasn't interested in the land, so when Dad's estate was settled, he took a minimal inheritance out of the other assets and moved out to Wyoming. Mark was fair and equitable and didn't demand too much, for he knew the property wouldn't pay for itself and I would be paying the taxes. He did reserve the right to vacation there from time to time.
The land had two things that I cherished. There was a great trout brook on the western side of the property that bordered the boundary. The waters rose from a good-sized swamp that was on state land to the north. On the eastern side there was a cabin. Gramp had built this cabin when he came home from the great war. It was built near the top of a bare ridge that ranged north to south the length of the property.
This ridge was high and steep-sided to the west, falling sharply down to the brook and the level valley beyond. This side of the mountain was tree covered with hemlock and spruce and an occasional hardwood. The very top of the ridge was barren of trees, except for low-lying brush here and there. There were huge boulders strewn on top of the ledges. It was a gentle slope to the east from the pinnacle for about 250 yards. Then there was a precipice that fell away a quarter mile to a jumbled cut below. Gramp lost a buckboard over it one time when the wheels weren't blocked and it broke loose.
Gramp Wilcox had rolled and blasted some of the huge boulders that were scattered around and tipped them over the cliff making room for a dwelling. There was some soil in the cracks and indentations in the rock ledge. Gramp had seen the horrors of war and he claimed he needed beauty. He had traveled the woods and transplanted wild flowers around the cabin. He spent much time at the site, mostly alone until Pop was old enough to hang out with him.
Pop was raised by his father, for his own mother had run off with a salesman when he was four years old. I wasn't sure if Gramp was ever married. I never saw Pop's birth certificate so I don't know if he was legitimate or not. It didn't matter, for Gramp seemed to be able to always have a woman around to care for both his needs and his son. He'd keep a woman until he was sick of her or until she was sick of him. This was an understood agreement by both parties before a woman moved in with him.
Pop told me Gramp treated all of these women well. Some stayed years and some left after a few months. The two I remembered were sad to leave, but did as per agreement. The one thing that stood out from all of this was the distrust Gramp had for salesmen. Pop said he figured that Gramp had really loved his mother. It must have been a man selling something he didn't figure he needed but that she did.
The road up to the cabin was steep and winding, utilizing the lay of the land with switchbacks and turns. Gramp maintained it with a two wheeled dump wagon, filling in gullies where water washed away the gravel. It was pulled by a team of horses. Pop used a doodlebug made out of an old tractor and a truck body. For me, I had an old deuce and a half army truck that was built before automatic transmissions. This was stored in a lean-to down on the level land at the foot of the mountain.
There was always work to do on the road in the spring and after a particularly heavy storm. We all swore keeping access wasn't worth it. When the road was passable, and you sat on the deck seeing the sun come up of a morning in the east, you forgot what a chore it was. The same glory was in the setting sun to the west from the top of the mountain.
The biggest difficulty for me was that if you were at the cabin, you weren't near enough to fish in the brook. If you were fishing in the brook, it was a long way up the mountain to the cabin. There was a narrow deer trail that commenced at the brook and wandered up the other side, but it was a difficult trip and in some places you were just hanging on with your fingernails. Not really, but it wasn't a trail you wanted to travel at night.
Mine was the typical family, or so I thought. I had Debbie for a wife, two kids and a job at a feed mill. Debbie worked at a real estate agency and figured her job had just a little more class than mine. I had been working at the mill job for twenty years, and I ran a hammer mill that crushed the grain. The grain went to the mixer where various ingredients were incorporated before going to the pellet machine. We bagged grain for horses and cattle. Not so much for cattle anymore as times changed. That lack was picked up now by small bags of pet food as the country moved from rural to more suburban.
Debbie and I had our twenty-fifth anniversary party last year, put on by our two children. Linda was twenty-three and Bill Junior was twenty-one. I guess you could say Linda was mine and Junior belonged to Debbie. I had looked forward to our first child being a boy, but within a few days of the baby coming home I changed my mind and welcomed the tiny little girl babe into my heart.
Two years later the boy arrived, but I couldn't transfer the affection from Linda to Junior. My fault, I could concede, and maybe I didn't have enough love for both. He didn't lack for love as Debbie made up for it by smothering him. Don't get me wrong, I didn't neglect him. I played catch and went to all of his school functions, but at home he looked to his mother for love.
When I took Junior fishing, which was my passion, he wouldn't put a worm on a hook. When he was older and I thought we might go hunting, his mother took up for him and said it was too dangerous. But Linda--Linda shot an eight point buck two days after she turned fourteen. She even had her picture in the paper. I had the photo blown up to a two by four foot framed picture for a Christmas present to hang in her room.
The two kids developed differently too. Linda was tall and athletic, the same as me. Junior was short and pudgy. I thought maybe this was from the sweets his mother plied him with. He was intelligent though, as he had a vocabulary that wouldn't quit and math was his baby. Two different people with different interests. Maybe a little odd, but the two kids got along fabulously together.
Debbie and I got along fine up until Junior and Linda were old enough to take care of themselves. Debbie then went back to work. She took a real estate refresher course and from then on we started drifting apart. She was out many evenings showing property. She took on an air of thinking she was just a little better than me. I'll admit she kept herself looking fine. Maybe she didn't attract every man, but there certainly were some that turned for a second look.
I supposed this was because her co-workers dressed for work better than I did. I would put on good clothes and take her out either on Friday night or Saturday--sometimes both. We usually came home feeling frisky. As we reached our forties, things slowed down as they do and once a week satisfied me. I assumed Debbie was okay with this as she never seemed to require more.
Our life evolved where I would come home from the mill, take a shower and start preparing the evening meal. If Debbie didn't have a property to show, after dinner she usually went to the phone and talked for hours to some of her friends. I did yard work or messed around in the garage doing a little woodworking. Linda often joined me and we kept up a running conversation about whatever had caught our interest during the day. She and I still were out fishing when our schedules were so that we could.
I had my friends. One was Pete Shackle. He was pushing seventy-five and had been my father's buddy during the Korean conflict. When I was younger, if I wasn't fishing with Pop, I was fishing with him, Linda joining us as she got older. He lived just west and not far from our property and the brook. Often though, Pete, me and Linda just wandered around my land, even up on the steep hillsides. We discovered where a big old sow bear denned up, and when she had a cub we watched her play and teach her little one. The bear hung around for years. I haven't seen her for five or more seasons now. Maybe some hunter shot her.
I had other friends too. Jim and Sarah Fenton, brother and sister, operated a detective agency. They both had partners. Jim was married to a woman named Judy and Sarah was married--sort of. She had a life-time partner, Millie. Jim was a small indiscriminate looking man and Millie was much like him, so they often worked together. Sarah was a striking redhead with a goddess's body to match. She seldom went out of the office on a case, for she was one to be spotted and remembered.
Jim's wife Judy, and I had been in the same class in school. Sarah was a year behind us and we often dated until she decided that men weren't for her. This wasn't until she and Millie, both new police officers, were on stakeout and found each other. Caught in the act, they were given the choice of resigning or being terminated. Jim had gone to work for a detective agency and the owner made room for the two women. When the owner retired he sold the agency to the Fentons, Jim, Sarah and Millie.
Sometimes when I had time off and Debbie or the kids weren't around, I would stop in and bullshit with Sarah and whoever else was in the office. Did I ever think I would need the services of my friends? Not hardly, but you never know.
Debbie and I had our own lives and our own sets of friends. Her friends were work related, whereas mine dated back to my younger days. It seemed if I made a friend, we were that forever. Did I ever distrust her? Not really, but knowing life as it was, I knew it could happen. I didn't even think about any other woman but Debbie. I remembered my grandfather and how women passed easily through his life. There was always a measure of sadness in it somewhere. I didn't want that for myself.
The year Linda was twenty-three, she was living in her own apartment and Junior had moved in with a friend. Debbie and I mailed our federal tax papers in the first of February. The refund came back on the 27th day of March. We sat around discussing what we would do with the money. We decided we would trade our six-year-old Buick in and buy a smaller car for Debbie to drive to work. My truck was newer, so that wasn't considered for a trade-in. Between the Buick and the refund we would only have to finance $6,000 for the model we agreed on, which was well within our budget.
We went over to the Chevy dealership and wandered around. All of the cars were lined up according to price. What we were looking for was way down on the far end of the lot.
"Debbie would you go in and find a salesman? I think this is what we want." I waited a long time before I started looking for Debbie when she didn't return. I found her sitting in a Cadillac Escalade up near the front of the lot.
The salesman jumped down leaving Debbie in the SUV. "Bill, this is the car I want. It's big and beautiful. Rich says we can swing it."
"Hi there. My name is Rich Portnoy. I've been talking to your wife. Look, this is your lucky day, pal. We'll give you $2500 off if you take a test drive in this baby. Even if you don't buy it today, you still get the $2500 off when you do buy."
"No, it is way too much. Can't afford it."
"Take the test drive anyway. You never know. It is like money in the bank."
"How about your wife? Let her go. She is the one that would be driving it." I looked at Debbie. She really wanted to drive that thing.
"No chance we'll ever buy it, but go ahead. I'll wait in the Buick."
"Thank you Bill."
I watched from my car as the salesman instructed Debbie in the Caddies operation. She slowly drove out of the lot with the salesman right beside her. After they had been gone a half hour, I became concerned and anxious. It was more than an hour before they returned. I was pissed. I practically yanked my wife out of the car. Debbie's face was flushed.
"Bill, we have to buy this. It's wonderful." I glanced at Rich. His face was flushed and he was sweating just a little.
"No, it is way too much. Christ, it must cost $50,000."
"A bit more. This one retails for $66,390."
"No Debbie, we're going home. We'll get along with the Buick." Debbie wouldn't speak and pouted until we arrived home. She slammed into the house. I got supper and ate alone. As I lay in bed next to my frigid wife, the thought crossed my mind that Portnoy was trying to sell my wife more than a car. Or--and I shuddered at the thought--maybe he was buying instead. They had been gone way too long. He must have known there was going to be no sale on the car.
The thought persisted and I couldn't get it out of my mind. I dropped in to see Sarah Fenton. She could see that something was troubling me. Sarah was in a way more than my friend. I was the one that had taken her virginity back so long ago in high school. I was also the one that talked to her and held her when she became conflicted over her attraction for the same sex. She fought it until I said that she should at least explore that proclivity. It took awhile, but then as young police officers, she found Millie.
They say that lesbians jump from one lover to another as often as gay men change partners. In Sarah's case this was not true. It was Millie that she tested the waters with. It is unknown to most here, but Sarah and Millie were among the first to eventually travel to Vermont to have a ceremony binding them together in a civil union. I went with them and was there supporting them in this as well.
"So Bill, you wouldn't mind if one of us looked into this Rich Portnoy? I'm curious about what your wife was doing for that hour. We'll never be able to find out unless he does some bragging, but we can at least find out about him."
"It seems like a lot to ask."
"Not too busy and we need to keep our hand in." This brought a laugh, for the Fenton agency was rated as the best and very effective.
I called Sarah sometime later, telling her that Debbie said Portnoy had called ready to sell us anything we wanted to buy. I was concerned, for my wife hadn't looked me in the eye when she told me this. Jim jumped in. "Why don't we go ahead and tap your phone? Then you will know if he calls again and what they say."
"Okay Jim, but is that legal?"
"It is if you hire us to. You are the registered homeowner."
"Okay, go ahead and do it. Do I have to do anything?"
"No, but do be careful what you say to your girlfriend." This brought another laugh.
I heard nothing more. It was a busy time for me. I had to get the army truck running so I could repair the road to the cabin. I should have a tractor with a bucket but I loved that old truck and shoveling the gravel on and off kept me lean. Mark and his family were coming after school let out and wanted a mini-vacation on the mountain. Three days up there and three in town with friends should get accomplished all he wanted.
What the Fenton agency had proposed slipped my mind. I had been busy with the road. I found it in the worst shape it had been in years. I had a lot of little holes and gullies to fill in. Unfortunately, when I got some gravel on the truck, I had to back up the road and unload. I had a mile of this, so it took most of three weekends. When May came, I worked some evenings. I had it completed by Memorial Day and informed Debbie I never wanted to do that again and didn't even want to go up there myself.
Our holidays were mixed this year. I had to work on Friday before the holiday and Debbie had it off. She was to work on Monday and I had it off. I did have a lot of comp time built up so I took Friday to give me four days instead of three. I didn't say anything because I had plans to fish my heart out. All of the pools would be deep and dark with fresh water this early in the year. It hadn't rained for a week and those rainbows should be hungry.
The road I had been fixing to the cabin, came in from town on the east end of the property. The road to the brook was farther north and came in from the west side several miles away. Friday morning was a perfect day for fishing. It was cloudy and it looked to be coming on to rain. I stopped at the grocery store and bought a pound of salt pork to fry my fish in. I stopped at Pete's and got a can of worms and said I would be back before noon with fish.
Nope, he wasn't going to be there. Going to town to see the parade. He would be back about four in the afternoon. I can eat fish anytime by myself. I drove to the property and parked my truck. I caught nothing in the first two holes and I was getting discouraged. A half mile down the brook I caught a nice rainbow. After I got through a long open stretch, I was in the woods again and I hit the mother lode. Five more beauties came to bait, the best I had ever taken, and were soon flopping around in my basket.
I sat down and opened my backpack. Shit, Linda had borrowed my mess kit a couple of weeks ago when she had been out fishing and hadn't returned it. It was a mile back to my truck. It was only a quarter-mile ahead to where the deer trail started here at the brook and ended near the cabin. It was unbelievably steep, but I could make it. There were skillets in the cabin and they were the closest.
I started up the trail and ran into one obstacle after another. There were several trees down across the path. The deer could jump them easily coming down the trail, but I had to crawl out and around them on the way up. Topping out at the high point behind the cabin, I paused to admire the view. I looked down on the cabin and could see a vehicle partially hidden on the far side of it nearest the road.
Damn, I hoped I wouldn't have to share my fish. I eased down and came in behind the building and could hear noises coming from inside. When I came around to the front I knew just who it was. Parked in front was the Cadillac Escalade with dealer plates that Debbie had taken a test drive in months before. From the sounds from the interior of the cabin I knew just what was going on. I recognized her voice urging whoever was screwing her to keep going and not stop. Hell, I had heard her say these same words enough times in the last twenty-five years.
I did pause to take stock of the situation. The vehicle was pointed right for the precipice a hundred and fifty yards away. A pair of men's dress shoes were on the deck just outside the door. I walked over and looked in the car. Debbie's shoes were on the floor in the front. Also her panties were on the seat crumpled into a ball. There were two cell phones on the dash. I debated on how to get even. Did I want them to go over the cliff in that shiny new Caddie?
In the cabin Debbie was quickly reaching a climax. Maybe I should cause both her and who was with her some pain. I picked his shoes off the deck and put them on the front seat. I retrieved Debbie's shoes and panties, putting them in my backpack. I found a baseball-sized stone and wedged it under the back tire for a chock. I reached in and pulled the gear selector into neutral and let the brake off. I knew where Debbie was. She was about two minutes away from what sounded like a wonderful peak.
I kicked the stone away and watched as that big shiny, new Escalade gathered speed. I wondered if it would get going fast enough to fly--nah, I don't think so! I didn't hear it when it went off the precipice. I was moving right along and was almost to the top of the hill behind the cabin when I heard it crash way down below. I was sure it happened too far away for the sound to disrupt Debbie and what was happening. I turned and headed down the deer trail. I might have been at the cabin fifteen minutes, but I doubted it.
I decided to go wait for Pete to come back from the parade in town. I didn't have to wait. He was home. "You know damned well I ain't much for parades. I thought you might be coming around with a fish or two. Took you long enough."
"I got fish and if anybody asks, I've been here since before noon. Can you do that?"
"Sure. Whatcha' been up to, boy?"
"Don't know if I should tell you."
"Suit yourself, but it must be funny the way you're grinning."
"It is kinda. I tried to make a $66,000 Caddie fly. Didn't work."
"Gimme why and what for?"
I sat down and explained what I knew and what I suspected. I knew Debbie was screwing me over and I suspected it was with a salesman named Rich Portnoy. Boy was he going to have some explaining to do when he got back to the dealership. Debbie and asshole were going to have sore feet too. It was three miles before they were going to find a telephone. That gravel I had just finish laying down on much of the road was going to chew their feet all to hell.
"What's your next move?"
"Eat fish and get drunk is in order. I got the fish and the salt pork to fry them in. I hope you got the beer."
"Sounds like a fair trade."
I roused enough at midnight to hear Pete on the phone. "Linda wants to speak to you. She's had a terrible time tracking you down. You sober enough to talk to her?"
"Linda? What does she want?"
"I don't know."
"Hi kid. What's up?"
"Pop, I had an awful time finding you. Mom is in the hospital."
"What happened? She all right?"
"She will be. She's cut both feet walking barefoot. She's going to have to be off them for a few days."
"That doesn't sound like your mother."
"I know. She won't give me any details. She wants you to move a single bed into the spare room downstairs. The ambulance will bring her home by noon. I'll come by and make it up. You sound as if you're still drunk. You sober up before you try to drive."
"Sure. Shit there goes the holiday."
"I know Honey. Make coffee and have it black. I'll catch a couple more hours of shuteye and then come home."
Linda and I were ready for Debbie when she arrived in the ambulance. Junior was with her and was going to stay the weekend. That was nice of him, but I suspected he was there to keep me from asking too many questions of his mother.
That was okay, I wasn't going to tackle her with both kids here. I had to see Sarah Fenton anyway before I did that. She had called twice on Thursday saying she had some reports on Portnoy. Something I should know about Debbie as well. I had put Sarah off and had gone fishing instead.
To keep up the charade of a happy loving family, I kept making comments on how wonderful it was to have everyone home for the holiday. Just like things were before the kids moved away. I was so solicitous of Debbie, I almost made myself sick I was so sweet.
The kids had enough of it by Sunday evening and left me in charge of caring for her. She urged the kids to stay, especially Junior, but they wanted one day of the holiday for themselves. "Pop is so good at caring for you, there is no need for us to stay."
As soon as they left, Debbie called to me to come sit with her. "You haven't asked what happened. Aren't you interested?"
"Of course I'm interested. I'm also interested in the fact that there was a Rich Portnoy that came into the hospital with his feet in the same shape as yours. I think you have some answers. It's just that I don't know what questions to ask and if when you answer, can I believe that you are telling me the truth."
"Of course you can. Ask anything."
"Just one question for tonight. Were you screwing him?"
"No. How can you think that? I know when you find out where I was you may doubt me, but I wasn't doing him."
"Debbie, I don't believe you. I know I can't prove you were screwing him, but I don't trust you anymore and that is just as bad. I'm going to bed. Sweet dreams." Debbie was shouting after me as I went up to our bedroom.
When I came down in the morning, Debbie looked like hell. She was very subdued and as I cared for her needs she didn't have much to say. Some of the more personal things I did embarrassed her, and brought forth a mumbled thank you.
"Debbie, I'm going to see if I can find a wheelchair for you. At least you can move around downstairs. We may even figure how you can get from the chair to the toilet. I'll be gone a couple of hours. Is there anything I can get you? I will be back to get lunch for us."
She called me back as I was almost to the front door. "Bill, I love you. I'll make you trust me again."
"That would be nice. We've been together a long time. I'll be back soon." I headed over to Sarah's house. She and Millie were in their backyard preparing a barbecue.
"Hi Sarah. You said you had something for me?"
"Yes, but not today. Holiday, you know. I heard your wife had some trouble with her feet. She going to be okay?"
"Yeah, eventually. Can I steal a beer? I can use one."
Millie opened one and handed it to me. "Hell, tell him Sarah. He needs to know."
"Not easy telling a friend his wife is screwing around on him."
"Give me the highlights, anyway. I don't need details."
"The devil is in the details. Okay first off, Portnoy isn't the only one porking your wife. One of the other real estate salesmen has lunch once a week at Motel Six. According to the guy at the desk they come in on Tuesdays and stay for two hours. He is always worried he will get in trouble renting a room short time, so he charges for all day. I don't have any pictures except them going in and coming out.
"Portnoy--I have more details on him. He has been to your house several times and twice they were in the bedroom where we have the camera. You can guess the rest. The phone sex they have makes even me blush. I've made transcripts of some of the things that will tip the scales in your favor if a judge hears them. What are you going to do?"
"Nothing until after my brother and his family comes from Wyoming and leaves again. He doesn't need to know about this."
"She may still keep doing this to you."
"Can't be helped. That's the way I want it. Can't be any worse than what she has already done. I'll just keep a lid on things. Different subject. May I borrow your father's wheelchair if you still have it?"
"Sure, you can keep it. I'll get it. It's in the cellar. Come into the office sometime after work and I'll give you what I have on Debbie. You know we haven't spent much time on this. Your wife is a creature of habit. If she did one thing this week, then all we had to do was to be in position and she would show up the next week with the same person at the same place."
"Unless she finds someone new."
"There is that. She can do it pretty quickly too. Just to fill you in on something they have mentioned several times and think is a big joke. It goes like this: The day she went for the test drive, she was excited about driving the Escalade and worried she would scratch it. Portnoy saw this and while she was concentrating on keeping the vehicle on the road, he leaned over and ran his hand up her leg underneath her skirt.
"He went right for the gold and got her going with his fingers so much she had to pull over beside the road and open her legs. I think right then is when you definitely lost your wife. She wanted to thank him for such a tremendous orgasm so she went oral in the car and right beside the road. He went home with her panties in his pocket. I guess you aren't doing the job Bill, as she is seeing him and her other lover as well."
"How often has she been seeing Portnoy?"
"Twice a week at least. It is recorded that she saves Saturday night for you, which is generous of her. Bill, come back and join us for the barbecue this afternoon. Millie's cousin will be here. You might as well start looking around and she would be a nice person to start with."
Debbie was pissed because I had been longer than the two hours. "Where have you been? I thought you were coming right back. Is that the wheelchair I'm supposed to get into? It looks a hundred years old."
"Maybe it is. It is the only one I could find on a holiday. Let's see if you can navigate in and out of the bathroom. I have to work tomorrow. I took Friday off to go fishing."
"Yes and got falling down drunk too. I needed you when I got hurt."
"You could have called."
"I couldn't."
"Oh, that's right. Your cell was in the Escalade that went off the cliff up at the cabin."
"How did you know about the accident?"
"Come on. The whole town knows. Linda knows. Junior isn't saying anything, but he must have heard that his mother had to walk miles barefoot with a sleazy car salesman for company. A salesman that forgot to set the brake in a $66,000 car he was trying to sell to a married woman that doesn't have enough money to buy one."
"Oh no!"
"Just where were your shoes anyway? That's a big vehicle. Were you two playing in it when it started to roll?"
"No, no, nothing like that. It was hot and we did have our shoes off. We had the back open and were swinging our feet to cool them. In five minutes we were thinking of heading back to town. We heard a snap and the car lurched forward. We jumped out and all we could do was watch it roll down and over the cliff."
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Wife LoversAs I passed through the guard gate I can only imagine the look on her face when I knock on her door. What will she say when she sees me at her door in a black leather trench coat and nothing on up under it. I have fantized about this moment for months since we first met a few years ago. I can no longer hide the sexual passion I feel for her inside of me anymore. I know we are friends and things may change if we cross that line. But what do i do? People say a man and woman can’t be friends, I...
The door is unlocked so I open it and the entire space of the hotel room reveals in front of my eyes. The large bed is visible from the entrance and on it, bended on the edge, is Mel. She is humping the furniture. Her hard cock is rubbing against the soft white sheet. She is completely naked and moaning. I close the door behind me. ‘What is this, Mel?’ ‘This… is one… fiery erection I… am dealing with…’ I can see her ass muscles to clench and move with every hump she is making on the bed. I see...
Charlie was rough and gripped me by the throat and pulled my head up and back as he tried to kiss my mouth. Trying to remove his hands from my throat, allowed him to sink more of his huge cock into my anal opening. Charlie alternated between hunching and grinding into my butt as he sunk more of his cock into my butt hole, that was now well lubed by the spunk Bruce had deposited there. Chocking from his vise like grip on my throat and his persistent churning into my ruptured rectum, I accepted...
There is no mercy in the American night. Uncle Gregory used to drink a lot and oftentimes he’d talk a good deal when he drank and he was that singer of the honky tonks and bars and road houses. His life was where lonely men puked up lost souls in the carnage and vapor and steam and the neon of another shattered series of nonchalant and broken encounters of consciousness. He meandered through the wastelands, like some carnivorous dragon, bellowing and harping great lashes of fire and might,...
The smell of rain danced near his nose, as Alex sat by the window. It had been raining for two hours now, with no sign of stopping. The clouds were ever so gray and the wind gave the trees reason to dance.“I guess I know what will make this afternoon cozier,” he said, making for his wardrobe. Passing his mirror, he caught sight of himself again, 5 foot 8, 62 kilos, with long brown hair,dark eyes and a slightly freckled face. Just a bit of weight around his butt area, but no one really would...
CrossdressingI, like many men(most men actually), have a fetish for fat chicks. Chubby matures, especially mature latina bbw’s, just have that extra something that totally does it for me. The jiggling and wiggling is a major turn on. Big girls can take a pounding like no other and give the best head. I am married to a mature latina bbw slut. Lets call her Yozetty. 27 years now. Got with her when she was almost 15, but she told me she was almost 18. I had just turned 20 and didn’t blink an eye...
When Joyce was in high school, she looked much different. She never wore a skirt, a bra, or heels. She had short hair and a bad complexion. At that period in time, Joyce did not shave her legs or her underarms, and no one she knew saw it as at all unusual. This is not to say that Joyce was a slob; as a matter of fact, she often showered at least three times a day. Once in the morning before school, once after football practice, and once after her evening workout. Yes, Joyce played...
Dosto…Ab me apni story pe aata hu…Motte boobe wali mere bhabhi ka name najmin (name changed) hai….Wo lucknow ki hai or unke boobs 38 or unki gaand 40 ki hai….Unki mar laghbhag 25 ki saal ki hai or unka ek 3 saal ka bacha bhi hai…. Najmin ki chudai karne me uske pati ahmed ni mere madad kit hi…..Mere purani story padh kar usne mujhe mail kiya or apni biwi ke sath chudwane ke bat ki…..Najmin bhut hi sundar or sexy aurat hai….Ahmed ni mujhe najmin ki bhut saree nangi tasveere bheje….Or phir humne...
GROWING UP IN A HOUSE FULL OF WOMENThis story is a little different than other stories I have written and submitted. Some of you may like it…Some of you won’t. (I suppose that is the norm with every story on this forum).This is part of my real life experiences. Yes. They are true.The main characters are as follows: Billy (Me), Aunt Judy (Thelma's sister), Grandma Thelma, Cousin Kelly (Judy’s daughter), and my s!ster, Michelle. We all live in a very matriarchal household. I am the only boy in 5...
She looked at the rear view mirror inside her car. Alex, her son, was peacefully playing with his portable video game. He was so innocent, oblivious to what his mother was about to do. Unaware his mother intended to corrupt him. Audrey remembered Carl's proposition and shivered again. Was she really willing to go that far? Her life, and her son's too, certainly improved in the last 10 months, thanks to Carl's “generosity”. It seemed like ages passed since she was just one of his...
And that’s exactly what I did for the first semester of school, though the pussy was weak. I only had sex twice, and it was pretty bad both times. The chicks were drunk, I was drunk. It was just a waste of time, pretty typical frat party sluts. However, at the fall football games I had noticed Abby, one of the cheerleaders. She was small (the flyer for the squad) and blonde, with a nice build. Large B to Small C rack but the ass is really what got my attention. In the cheerleader...
Let me tell you about my wife and me. Nikki and I are both 28 years old. We met in high school and married our second year of college. We are both in the banking business with great jobs and big salaries. My wife is a great looking woman with short blonde hair and 36C size breast. She has a wonderful figure and keeps herself in shape. Her true talent is her skill at sucking cock. She loves to suck cock. She is the best cocksucker I have ever had the pleasure of being serviced by. She could suck...
A couple of days later, I swung by said Fed Ex store, presented my ID, and squirreled my purchases in my trunk. Off to work! After a couple of night shifts, I had a string of days off. Since Annie worked days, she had the 9-to-five, Monday-to-Friday thing going on. I slept quickly, and then set about my home projects. The clock-radio got changed out, with a Best Buy box prominently in the trash. I drilled a small hole in the ceiling of our bedroom, and placed the camera so it had a ringside...
So there i was on my knees, sucking a rock hard cock, something i had only seen in porns, but usually watching porn my cock grew big, but actually being on my knees and sucking a real cock was soo very differnt. My heart was thumping so load and i had never felt more horny in my life!! i would and was willing to do anything at all. Anything!'Okay move over David, let him taste mine' i heard Ben say. With that he push off my knees on got me to lie on the floor. David came near to my head and...
"I sure hope this plan of Kitty's works," Kim told Nina as she nervously adjusted her uniform. It was midmorning the next day and the two attractive women were about to implement Kitty's plan for getting her husband interested in sex again. Nina had agreed immediately, but it wasn't until Kitty promised Kim she could fuck Don any time she wanted that the young maid agreed to go along. Stopping outside of Don's and Kitty's room, Kim and Nina paused to collect themselves. Both were...
Chapter 1 "Let's do something different, Mike. Seems like we do the same old things, suck and fuck, and yes, it's nice, but I really want us to try something that will make my pussy just go wild. Like when I was first having sex. I couldn't get enough, I just had a buzz in my pussy all the time. I wanna feel that buzz again. I mean, I'm twenty-six, not seventy-six. I want that buzz again." "Sounds like you need a new vibrator, Gina." "No, I didn't mean, buzz, exactly like that, I...
“You want to have some fun, babygirl?” he asked me.I nodded, couldn’t even speak. He had no idea!“You remember the night you let me tie you to the bed?”I smiled, how could I not remember the fun we had that night!“You and your husband ever do anything like that?”We hadn’t. I’d been almost afraid to suggest it after we married. Now, with how our sex life had expanded so much, I was regretting that I hadn't. But that’s an issue for another time. Now…“You used to be kind of kinky, liked doing...
Wife LoversFRIDAY, May 20, 2016 When Carly and Becca got on the bus that morning Layla was with them, cheerfully interacting with her former best friends. But as the other girls went to the back of the bus, Layla veered off and sat down next to Rachael. "I hope Mikki won't mind me sitting here just this once," Layla said. "I want to thank you for yesterday. I felt so terrible, all alone and sad. And it was the one person who I thought I hated who came to me, who reached out and made everything...
Daisy Stone and Vina Sky are hanging out in the kitchen as Daisy shares information about her husband, Tyler Nixon. As soon as Tyler walks over to shake Daisy’s hand, Daisy knows that Vina will be sharing her man whether she likes it or not. Tyler leaves to take a shower and Daisy bides her time before sneaking into the bedroom while Tyler is drying off. Stealing a kiss from her friend’s husband, Daisy lets her hand slide down to the obvious desire that’s poking out from the...
xmoviesforyouSo I got my girlfriend Anna to suck another man's cock, which is outlined in a previous story of mine. She enjoyed it and I loved it. Watching her on her knees sucking another man's cock was the hottest thing I'd ever seen. She met up several times with Jim and would come home and tell me about it and it seemed to enhance our relationship and we both loved it. One day when she had been really wanting to try something new she started talking to me about trying to find new guys. I had just the...
I thought about waking them up for another round but I knew the kids would be up soon. I threw on my robe and made my way to the coffee. As I walked down the hall I noticed the only one of the kid’s bedroom doors that was closed was Stephs. I checked the other rooms real quick and noticed they were both empty. I knew most likely Danny and Sarah were downstairs but something told me to check Stephs room. As I looked in I was both shocked and instantly hard. There were my three kids, all fast...
The morning after Jim and Vicky's wedding Ann woke lying across her bed. She was still dressed in the same clothes she had worn to their surprise reception. It had killed her to sit outside in her cold car all alone and listen to the party within the VFW hall. That she had brought all this loneliness and ostracism on herself was almost too heavy a burden for her to bear. Many times over the past months she had considered just packing up and moving away in disgrace like Brice had done. She...
During the last months I had experienced an increasing difficult to become lubricated when I was fucked by my beloved hubby. My cunt stood dry and sex was painful and with no orgasms at all.It felt really strange to me, since I had never experienced this before…Then I finally decided to seek out for some professional assistance. I booked an appointment with a well known gynecologist genius.When we entered the surgery, a receptionist asked me to sit in the waiting room, while the Doctor spoke to...
Introduction: This isnt something I ever thought Id write out, let alone let anyone else read, but it never really occurred to me that anyone would want to, or that there was anyone else like me. Hell, I didnt even know I was like this before Monty. This isnt something I ever thought Id write out, let alone let anyone else read, but it never really occurred to me that anyone would want to, or that there was anyone else like me. Hell, I didnt even know I was like this before Monty. Ive been dog...
Daizy has needs and even though her loving Boyfriend is a good lay and very attentive, he can be a little too clingy. Daizy also needs to get out and get some extra dick from time to time so she has become a regular at the local Glory Hole. So here we find her strutting into her favorite place and just getting down to her favorite cock sucking when here calls her BF asking where she is. She is just not having it and berates him loudly for all to hear that she will be home when she feels like...
xmoviesforyou.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 55Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
Nora my hot neighbor stepped out of her car in the parking lot of our luxury condo community in North Brunswick, NJ. I was picking up my mail from the mailbox near the parking lot. This happened so recently that its still fresh in my memory. First I saw her car door swing open, then her legs came out…they were so clean and silky…she was wearing a short black skirt and a blue top with a thin gold necklace and had her hair tied in a bun and black high heeled shoes. Now Nora is the sexy wife of...
Hello friends, this is Sam and I am back with another part of the story. I received much positive feedback for my previous stories and I truly appreciate your responses. Please continue to send your valuable feedback/suggestions to I am eagerly waiting for suggestions. The previous night was amazing and I had the best sleep. Since it was Sunday and being tired of work, I woke up late. Rani was up early and I could hear her humming in the kitchen. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and...
Namstey sab readers nu . Mera naam preeto hai te mein punjab wich jalandhar de kol ik pind di rehn wali haan. Meri umar 30 saal di hai . Te mere ik munda hai jis di umar 6 saal di hai. Mein apni eeh story punjabi wich hi likh rahi aa kio ki menu punjabi bolna te likha hi pasand hai . Hun mein apni story wal jandi aa . Mein ik housewife haan te mere gharwala farmer hai . Menu shuru toh hi fuddi maran da bhut shonk hai , is leyi mera gharwale de naal sarda nahi te mein hor lun bhi labhdi rehdi...
Silly Rabbit part 10 by Vonya Lee I'm slowly roused from a deep and wonderful sleep. All my sleep is deep and wonderful these days. I nudge my bed companion awake and soon he's sitting up ready for breakfast. Sissy has been trained to wake me in a very specific manner. The whole thing takes about a half an hour and is a series of gradually increasing both light and soft music, dusting the room with gentle perfumes, until I am ready to take my breakfast...
Draft Dodger ? Chapter Two by: Jan Armstrong The war was not going well. The Axis forces seemed to hold all the cards and had been able to successfully hide their activities by using the infrastructures of the countries they attacked. Very publicized arrests had been made in Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Australia. Despite these arrests they still managed to maintain steady pressure as more government buildings and cultural sites were attacked. Washington, D.C.,...
After I left the hotel following my evening with Hope, I hurried home to get showered, shaved and organized. I only had a few hours before I was to meet Patricia and Ramona for our big Saturday night date. I needed to catch a few winks as well, for these two would push me to my limits of endurance. A lot of guys dream of having a threesome with two other women but, to be honest, it's a lot of work. Multiply everything you do with one woman by two and it's easy to see that you need a lot of...
Group SexPerhaps it was because we both knew that she would be leaving soon, and that we had missed some time last night when she had to sleep in another room, but the "massage" didn't last long. Only seconds after her hands began making oily, circular swipes across my bottom, Raquel let her fingers slide sensually between the fissure of my buttocks, and tease the flesh within. I let her explore me that way for a short while, and then turned onto my back. "Get out of those clothes," I said to...
As the weeks gone by, Lisa and Sam’s friends started to notice they were getting closer. Lisa and Sam started to walk around the university holding hands, they would always go out together and would rarely be seen apart. One day out shopping Sam thought it would be a fun idea, to do some photographs with Lisa, taking it in turn to pose for the camera, whilst the other one would be snapping away. Sam’s first problem would be to get Lisa to agree to this. Sam started to think how it...
Maid for the Job Prologue It all started when I read an advert in a paper asking for home help. I applied for the job and was offered an interview. I found the house and turned up the long drive. Parking up in front of the large house I was met by the lady of the house. After the basic introductions she explained the situation; only she and her husband lived in the house full time as their two daughters and son were at university. As the children had all left home, albeit on a...
Ed Kilpatrick'sAccording to the Law of KumarBackground:As I completed the second edition of "Veiled Justice," a new idea came to light, based upon my fictitious Arabian country in the gulf (Kumar), where females are forced to veil under the laws of strictest Purdah. In this short (single I think) story, we follow Sam Jones, a lecturer at the London school of law as he travels on a working assignment to Kumar and finds himself in a relationship of a very different kind.This story was originally...
Author’s NoteThis story is part of a mini-series that started with a little girl called Grace going shopping with her Dad for a new black bikini in Episode 83.No characters in this episode are real except for Alia (sorry babe – only a brief mention) and Lola G-spot (who might be able to read it if she ever gets her PC working properly).All events are purely the result of my warped imagination.At the time of writing, I believe that no SexBots are quite as advanced as Suchi – we wait in...
You are about to embark on an adventure to fulfill your wildest fantasies on Fantasy Island however there are rules that must be followed of course. The first being there are five levels to each guest starting from the lowest where all of your fantasies must be approved by the other. Failure to follow such rules and attempting to force yourself upon another would result in your immediate removal from the island. This is known as the Base Line where often our clients brings their significant...
*Knock Knock Knock* Sounded on the quiet suburban street as the young man shifted his heavy bags from his shoulder and onto the front balcony. Walking up the few steps to the pristine, white house in the richer neighbourhood had been a bit of a task for the knocker as despite playing football (soccer to you disgraceful americans) making him toned and fit, it didn’t exactly lend itself to heavy lifting. As he waited, he looked around to the nearby homes as the afternoon sun shone down on their...
BisexualThere was a button for the prescribed rest "stop" on the dashboard. What it did was put the reindeer into an irregularly shaped holding pattern out over the Atlantic, south of the common airline routes. To get to the sleeper, they had to climb over the bag of presents, which had exactly the same shape and bulk as when they had started, despite being relieved of millions of gifts. There was a trap door on the back deck of the sleigh which opened into the sleeper. The sleeper had been...
Author’s note: This story is completely fiction and is bases on a story line supplied by a reader. I took the basic story line and embellished it. This story will contain vaginal, oral, anal, group and bi-sexual sex. All characters are at least 18 years of age. The story got a little long so I will submit it in chapters. In this chapter Andy will return to the nurse’s office to receive more of Millie’s special treatment. We will also meet some of the faculty and other students and learn what...
Alexia The gel felt cold when she squeezed it on my belly. I watched intently at the flickering monitor as she moved the scanner around my abdomen, searching. When the flickering screen stabilized, I viewed what appeared to be undefinable images of my innards. She continued shifting it around, pressing down with increased firmness. Some movement appeared but I couldn’t discern what I was looking at.“Ms. Hunter, if you look in the center of the monitor you can see the head—and that is the leg...
Love StoriesThe New Girl In The Band Chapter 1 By Princess Edited By Stanman63 "I have taken all your attitude I'm going to take now, little brother," my sister screamed at me as she stormed toward me angrily. I was backing up slowly, afraid. I didn't mean anything. She got to me as I backed into the far corner. She grabbed my shirt pulled me toward her. Her face twisted in an angry expression as she bent down toward me, her nose nearly touching mine. Her friends standing back watched her...
It was 4 am and I was walking back home from a drunken night out. I was pretty tipsy and horny. I haven’t been fucked or sucked a cock for 4 months. I needed it badly, I kept teasing the guys in the clubs, dancing with them and feeling their hard cocks through their pants and rubbing my arse onto it. But my brother came with me, this meant that I couldn’t have sex with any guy. I was wearing a tight black mini skirt which barely covered my arse and a tight top. I didn’t wear a bra and you could...
"You've got to be kidding?" That was Ben questioning what I was showing him. Hope had moved us south and to the west of our last location. We were now in what could be considered the deepest, darkest part of Africa. We were to the west of a large body of water that I knew as Lake Victoria and we were looking down towards it from high up on a jungle covered mountainside, using binoculars to actually see what was happening down on it. We were there for three reasons. The first was because...
The Circle jerk Club 4- The Big FinishIt was a Futanari Gang Bang. I was at the center of a total CD Tranny Gay Bukakke. The last time I saw this much cum juice flying around was right after my operation. I swear they must have super charged my balls.Right before I went off to college my school insisted that everyone get a complete physical before being admitted on campus. They left no stone unturned including what was between my legs. That's when my doctor told me my balls were too...
I gazed excitedly out the tiny square window as the airplane banked towards McCarran airport and started its final descent. At night, Las Vegas was a seemingly endless sea of glittering lights rising up from below. I’d read somewhere that the lights of Vegas are visible to astronauts in space. I was skeptical at the time, but what I saw below me over the shadowy outline of the wing turned me into a believer. I’d wanted to visit Las Vegas ever since I got my first job out of law school and had...
My sexual fantasies have indeed widened, in fact it has become dirty. But then, sex is all about being dirty and experimenting with new things. Hello ISS Readers I am Ravi (name changed) sharing with you all, my first sexual encounter. I am 22 years of age and sex is definitely one of the things that go on my mind most of the time. I don’t have a girlfriend in fact i haven’t had one and definitely want one (please contact me if you are a girl :p). So this had led to my fantasies becoming wild...
My wife was right. She had trouble walking for awhile after her encounter. I could tell she was sore for about a week. She had never had a cock that big in her and she wore the guy out. Even though she walked funny she seemed happier then she had in a long time. I was still recovering from watching my wife fuck another guy. Not only did I watch her fuck his big cock, I saw him shoot his sperm in her unprotected. That wasn't planned but happened anyway. I had posted the pics on the...
Wife LoversThe next day I get another call from Dr. Cole's office; Shannon said that it wasn't an emergency this time but Dr. Cole would still like to see me if possible. I told her I had a couple of hours free at lunch time and would be there around eleven, eleven thirty. Shannon gave me a queer look when I entered, so I asked her if everything was alright, she hesitated before stating that Dr. Cole religiously took her lunch with her husband from eleven thirty to one but today she made an excuse to...