Fishing free porn video

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Stratton is a town of about 17,000 founded in 1893, and growing more and
more as subdivisions were being developed fast. The street that once was
considered "The Main Highway" in town, was now one of 3 that come in and
out, only this road saw maybe 6-7 cars travel on it within the week and the
same amount over the weekends. Back in the early days, it was the main
highway that town's people travelled, to get to and from the neighboring
city - just a short two hours drive away. The road was your typical 2 lane
and beginning to crack and chip away due to age. Closer to the town the
road was surrounded and covered by the massive forestry, leaves and odd
small branches. When taking the road out of town and entering into the
forest area, the road wound itself around the trees and hugged against the
many tiny hills. Approaching the biggest hill that lead back out into the
clearing, it dropped down a 45 degree angle 100 meters to its left, and at
the bottom a set of traintracks. The road continued on, passing a bridge,
and once over it would take you 15 minutes until you veered to the right
and up a slight hill, vanishing into the forest and hills on your way
towards the city.

Once out into the open and looking to your left you saw a lake the size
of a stadium, with edges swampy and dried up. Just past the traintracks and
about 500 meters was a bridge. Back in the day the water was as high as 5
feet and along the banks you would always see fathers and sons and others
fishing. The river travelled a far distance into the woods as it narrowed
from a river, to a creek and then opened up 20 miles away into a lake. Now
though, all these years later the water had dried up and under the bridge
in the centre near the pillars the water was just a foot deep and as
wide. Teenagers used it for drinking parties, d**gs and sex orgies. On a
good rainfall and over a few days, the water would reach under the bridge,
but only leave a good thick coating of mud.

Adam was 10 years old and lived on the older and quieter side of town,
furthest away from the new highways that went in 2 years ago, the malls and
plazas. He lived on a short dead-end street that had 8 homes on it around
the one million price range. See, Adam's parents were into boring
government stuff. Mom was the town's treasurer working at the Mayor's
office, while dad was a lawyer working within the courthouse. The street he
lived on was called Eagle Lane and was just feet away from where the main
street disappeared into the forest. Adam loved riding his bike around town
and it was Saturday morning when he left for one of his rides. Adam left
his driveway and went along his road seeing Mr. Whithers washing his car
and Mrs. Gibbons taking her daughter to dance lessons. He exited his street
and turned right to take the scenic route through the forest along the
quiet and deserted country road.

It was hot out, even for that early in the morning, but riding along the
road surrounded by the thick forest and overhanging trees, gave off a
gentle breeze that was cooling. Adam took his time and enjoyed the scenery,
with a rabbit that crossed just infront of him, a small creek bed and many
birds singing their tunes. About 20 minutes later Adam came to the clearing
and took his feet off the pedals and coasted down the hill crossing over
the tracks. He pedalled along until coming to the bridge where he stopped
to the left side of it (lake side) and looked out into the water for maybe
a deer or moose and then upto the glare of the sun closing his eyes to feel
the heat on his face. Adam walked his bike down the dirt path that lead to
the edge of the river and under the bridge. As he walked down he glanced
over to see the low lying water in the centre of the dried up riverbed,
along with some frogs...and to his surprise, something he wasn't expecting
to see this early in the morning.

The bridge itself was wide enough for two cars to pass eachother and for
people to stand near the railings to fish over it...back in the day when
there was enough water. There are two pillars in the centre to hold it up
and the walls are on a 45 degree slant that goes down into the ground and
upto the underside of the bridge. There, leaned up against the wall where
Adam was, was a bike. It wasn't the bike being there that brought an oddly
confused look to Adam's face. It was the fact, that beside the bike on the
ground were a pair of shoes and piled ontop a pair of shorts, underwear and
a shirt. Adam looked around and saw no one along or up the wall, and
looking back behind him out into the lake, there was no one swimming. It
wasn't until Adam took a step forward past one of the pillars and looked
over to the other side, that he became frozen in his tracks.

Adam saw his 12yo best friend, Kevin - Kevin had dirty blonde long hair
and hazel eyes, an earing in his right ear, a toned and tanned body. He had
his feet buried into the cool mud and was laying against the slanted
wall. Adam was seeing his friend in a way that he had never before. There
in front of him was Kevin, totally naked, his eyes shut, and using his one
hand to play with or do things to his erect, 4 inch cut little prick. Adam
really didn't know what to make of it, nor did he understand why he was
doing what he was. Adam - without realizing it - was beginning to take
small steps forward watching his friend play with, rub and stroke his
penis. Closer and closer he was getting....until a snap of a branch he
stepped on broke the mesmerizing trance he was in, as well startled Kevin
who had opened his eyes and sat up quickly.

"Hey Adam! Don't be scared, come over here," said Kevin.

Adam hesitated a moment and then slowly made his way over as he stepped
over the water in the centre. Now standing very close,

Adam was able to see much more of what his friend Kevin's nude body
looked like - letting his eyes wander. Adam found himself constantly
looking down and somewhat mesmerized by what Kevin was still doing to
himself, and the look of his boyhood.

"Don't you do this to your prick Adam, when you are in bed or the bath?"
panted Kevin, as his breathing was getting faster.

"Umm - ME! no no, I don't do that thing that you're doing," said Adam, as
his face was becoming bright red.

While the two talked, Kevin noticed how Adam fixed his eyes upon his 12yo
naked body and fully erect 4 inches. Kevin moved over to the slanted wall
and laid back down.

"It's called masturbation by the way and everybody does it," explained
Kevin. "Take your clothes off and lay beside me and I can show you and then
you can try it." Adam didn't move a muscle, maybe he feared that they may
get caught, that he possibly didn't hear what was just asked of him, or
that...maybe he would like it. Kevin patted his hand on the concrete to
indicate to Adam to come sit beside him...and slowly he moved. Adam sat
down and was moving his eyes and head around like he was being some
detective and was looking for some clue...or in this case - for watching
eyes. He was sooo nervous that he could feel his stomach grumble inside and
his body gently shake and quiver. The one thing that Adam could not stop
himself from doing while looking around, was peek a glance down at Kevin,
still rubbing away at his very very stiff boyhood standing straight out at

"Well, you gonna take your clothes off, or do you want me to help you?"
questioned Kevin

Adam slowly slipped his sandles off and grabbed onto the bottom of his
shirt to lift it up and off. But, not before, he made a quick glance at all
4 corners to see if someone was to come down.

"Adam! It's early Saturday morning and the fair is on at the other end of
the town, and also the only people to use this road at this time are the
old people going berry picking at WestMinnister Farms," said Kevin, now
stroking a bit faster.

Adam raised his shirt up over his head, which allowed for Kevin to take
in the visuals of a toned and tanned stomach and chest, of this beautiful
10yo in front of him. Again Adam hesitated when placing his hands to the
waistband of his shorts, taking one more quick look around...then. He stood
up and Kevin sat up, watching as Adam slowly began to lower his
shorts...actually his swim trunks, with the built-in underwear. Lowering
them down, the waistband rested on top Adam's penis, which was now
beginning to harden and could be seen just resting below the elastic. Adam
paused for a brief moment, which allowed for Kevin to reach over and grab
onto the bottom part of the shorts at the legs. With one steady pull, Adam
looked down and watched, as did Kevin, whose eyes were widening with
delight and anticipation of something sensually stunning. The shorts slid
down Adam's 2 1/2 inches of boyhood, and once the band reached the
end...out sprung Adam's semi-erect penis, moving up and down like a

What seemed like hours but was just seconds. Kevin was in pure delight,
staring passionately all over this amazing desire in his view. Kevin
motioned for Adam to turn around - and so he did, as Kevin took in every
curve, dimple and crevis of his young friend's small, tight,
marshmellowy-white and soft bum. Kevin then took Adam by the arm and
motioned for him to sit down, and they sat down side-by-side, with legs
bent, feet flat on the wall and leaning back onto their elbows. Kevin with
his left hand was still working away at his very stiff and throbbing
erection. Kevin then laid flat out as Adam followed and then he watched for
a bit as Kevin rubbed and stroked his own penis.

"Just watch me and do what I do, it'll be fun and you will like it a lot,"
mentioned Kevin

Adam took his thumb and pointing finger and placed them onto the shaft of
his hardening boyhood. The very second that he moved his fingers along
it...up and down, a jolt of erotic sensation shot through him from head to
toe. Adam saw that everything around him had just stopped or slowed down,
like the birds wings moving in slow motion. Kevin had frozen and it was
just Adam alone in his new `Erotic PleasureDome'. Reality snapped back, and
just in time too, as Adam's ecstasy became heightened. Kevin had reached
over and taken Adams penis into his hand, wrapping it around the entire
shaft and stroked it faster and faster. All Adam could do was enjoy this
new found sensualness, feeling his back begin to arch, his heart race fast
- as if it were coming out of his chest.

Kevin reached over and took Adam's hand placing it at his penis and got
Adam to, with his full hand, stroke away at Kevin's erection. Some time had
passed and Kevin was feeling the passion get to its releasing point. For
Adam, he didn't know what this burning new feeling was on his face and over
his body, why he was breathing so heavily and letting noises out - like a
soft moan. All he knew was that he actually liked it and was getting the
thrill, enjoyment and pleasure from his friend he may have dreamed and
desired of for so long. He felt as if he needed to let out a huge pee - not
knowing what was actually to be the climax to his orgasm and eventually

Kevin knew he and Adam were getting close and he needed his own hand to
finish it off, so he took his hand off of Adams penis and onto his
own. Adam followed and both boys were working harder and faster. Because of
the intense pleasure the boys were in, along with the extreme heat of the
sun shinning in on them, the boys' bodies were drenched with sweat, filling
every part of their bodies, armpits, inner thighs, butt cracks and pouring
down their faces. Adam, within seconds, arched his back more, head tilted
back, eyes rolling in behind the eye lids. Adam let out a very loud grunt
and out squirted for the first time, Adam's pre-cum, fulfilling the erotic,
sensual and elation of his first orgasm. Adam was just 10yo so he hadn't
fully matured yet to let out what 12yo Kevin was just seconds away from

Adam allowed himself time to relax and take in and enjoy the pleasures he
experienced. He was very much still panting heavily, staring down at the
stuff that was all over his hand and dripping from his now soft little
prick. Kevin was ready, and his moans were intensified with each stroke as
he curled his toes, arched his back and shouted. Adam looked over to watch
as Kevin shot his load up onto his stomach and chest as far up as to his
chin-right cheek. Adam looked at it with total wonderment, questioning to
himself why his didn't look like Kevin's. The boys laid there for a bit
letting their boy juices sit where it fell - although due to the heat,
drying and becoming sticky fast.

Adam looked over to Kevin.

"Hey Kevin! Why doesn't my stuff look like yours does?"

"First of all it is called SPERM or CUM, and because you are only 10yo
and you are young, you haven't gone through puberty yet", explained
Kevin. Not really knowing the proper reason, but it just sounded cool and
smart. "So! What do you think, wasn't it fun and it didn't even hurt or
nothin to be scared of," added Kevin

"Yeah! It was way cool and I want to do more of it," said Adam, with the
biggest smile on his face. "Do you do this...I mean masturbation a lot
under this bridge Kevin? I really would like to come here and do it again,
if you come here too."

"Yep! I mostly do it in my room, but I come here almost every Saturday
and Sunday, if you want to as well you can."

"A.B.S.O.L.U.T.E.L.Y!" shouted Adam

"You know Adam! There is more stuff we can do at another time that I can
show you if you want....If you're not scared."

"There is more? .....I want to, and I won't be scared, I promise."

Kevin looked over to Adam and smiled, then in a split second Kevin had
turned over and was now laying on top of Adam. They weren't all that
different in height although 2 years difference in age. Matching their
bodies together, penis to penis, shoulder to shoulder and glancing in one
anothers eyes. Both boys love juices were now mixed together and sticky as
hell, as Kevin slowly moved his hip around allowing for both boys penises
to rub and caress. Kevin then moved in and placed his lips to Adam's and
they kissed for a while, until Kevin used his tongue to seperate Adam's
lips and stuck it in finding Adam's tongue. They rubbed tongues and kissed,
as both boys could feel their soft dicks becoming hard again. Kevin all of
a sudden got this crazy idea and got up, off of Adam, feeling the
stickiness rip away from his body like pulling tape or a band-aid.

The boys stood up and Adam followed Kevin over to the bit of water that
rested beneath the bridge. The two of them squated down and laid the front
of their bodies into the water to wash and clean up. Once finished, Kevin
motioned Adam to follow him and not to be scared, as they went over and
gathered up their clothes and bikes. Kevin lead the way as they walked
together, still nude, up the path and onto the side of the road.

"What are we doing, aren't we going to get dressed first?" said Adam, as
he looked around embarassingly for someone who may see him.

"Nope! We are going to walk from here to the small building by the
traintracks....nude," said Kevin

With their clothes resting onto the handlebars of their bikes, they began
to walk down the centre of the road towards the tracks. Adam kept looking
forward and back for any cars coming....Kevin just laughed quietly
inside. The building was the size of your typical one car garage that the
roads and railway people use for supplies and communications. For Kevin it
wasn't all that difficult for him to feel the sunlight upon his bare skin
and for his prick to become semi-erect again. Adam found himself in full
erection and with the sunlight and faintness of a gentle breeze, as well
the freedom of being naked in public, allowed for him to be aroused very

Behind the shed the two of them got dressed, Adam completely, while Kevin
just put his shirt and bikini style briefs on.

"You're not going to ride back to town like that are you Kevin?" asked
Adam, a bit stunned and confused.

"My underwear looks like a bathingsuit and if someone drives by they are
not really going to see it," answered Kevin.

They began to ride, heading over the tracks and up the hill entering into
the forest. A few moments into their ride a car came towards them and
passed by honking, as it was the old folks the Gibsons, heading out for
their raspberry picking. The opening was coming near as Adam could see
where his street was, and turning to look back, he saw that Kevin had taken
his shirt off and was riding in just his underwear. Adam was about to ask
if they were going to stop, when Kevin sped up and raced passed him to now
be out into the open and where any and all people could see him.

Adam had caught up to Kevin who had stopped at the beginning of Eagle
Lane waiting for him. As the two were beside each other a man and woman
walking their dog stopped to chat with them about the day and the fair
going on. Adam just stood there dumb-founded by how these people could not
see that a 12yo boy was just in his underwear. Were they that blind as to
not see or was it true what Kevin had said earlier. His underwear looked
more like a bikini swimsuit. Adam ignored the conversation taking place and
just kept looking around for anyone else that had noticed and was enjoying
the view. The man cutting his grass at the corner of Main St. and Birch,
the woman and her 2yo on her tricycle on the other side of the street.

Bewildered and totally confused as to what was going on in front of him,
Adam brushed the sweat away from his forehead. He looked around once more
and feeling the painful burn on his face from the now mid-day heat, Adam
looked up to the sun and closed his eyes for a brief moment. Adam, then
opened his eyes and allowed them to focus - on what he wasn't quite sure of
what he was looking at. He looked around, a bit scared, confused and
paralyzed in thought.

Adam, was on his bike - stopped, on the left side on the road (lake side)
by the bridge and was now fully engulfed in sweat, shaking all over, a hint
of tears in the corner of his eyes. He slowly got off his bike and made his
way to the edge where the path leads down to the water. He hesitated,
feeling nausiated inside. Ever so slowly he walked down and stopped before
wanting to look under the bridge - then, nothing. There was no bike, no
clothes...and no Kevin.

"Could this have all been a dream?" Adam, really didn't know what to
think anymore, as his stomach was churning enough that he felt as if he
were going to be sick.

Minutes later Adam was on the road and riding back home taking his time,
still very confused and feeling some kind of sensation moving through-out
his body. It was when Adam got to his street that that sensation grew to a
huge erection, for coming towards him on his bike was Kevin.

"Hey Buddy! Going for a bike ride. Want to join me?" asked Kevin.

Adam just stood there with eyes wide, his jaw down to the ground and a
look that resembled that of a zombie...he was speechless and said nothing.

"Well! If you should change your mind, I will be down by the bridge, and
we can maybe do stuff together." yelled Kevin as he was riding away.

Adam slowly turned his head in the direction of Kevin, with eyes even
wider than before.....



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I regained consciousness without opening my eyes. I knew it was daytime, and I also knew that someone was watching me intently from very close. I cranked one eye open. Carrie broke into a huge smile. She was next to me and nude. "Can you make love to me again, please?" Her voice was eager and intense, showing her need for our act of passion. "I can, and I will after I go to the bathroom." "I already went. You didn't wake up. I've been watching you. You are so handsome. I...

2 years ago
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Broken WitchChapter 4

The following new characters appears in this chapter and others: Kennith Sweeney Ley Line Wizard, 6’-0’’ tall, 175 pounds, 28 years old, brown hair and dark eyes, very handsome Bob Minor demon, short at 4’-6’’ tall, red skin and horns on his head, gray beard and hair, Seventeenth century clothing, buckles on his shoes Over the next several days, I spent a lot of time studying the Books. I had finished the first Book by the end of the fourth day and had practiced a number of the spells...

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Time Scope Part 2Chapter 3 Life as a Couple

The day after we returned home, one of the first things I did was to type a Letter of Resignation addressed to the software company where I worked. Later that day, I went in to work and cleaned out my office cubicle and desk. After saying goodbye to my coworkers, at least those I was friends with, I delivered my resignation to my boss. He was upset with me for not giving the traditional two-week notice. I let him know that I would have given him more notice, but I had no intention of putting...

4 years ago
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Hey Peaches

HEY, PEACHES by Throne "Hey, Peanut!" How I dreaded to hear my wife's boyfriend, Frank, call me. He's big and rough and loves to see me feminized and cuckolded. My wife Tyra takes care of the former and he's always grabbing and pawing her, which leads to lots of the latter. In the year since they met my life has changed drastically and it doesn't look like anything can reverse that. When he hollers I'm quick to respond. I set aside his work boots, which I had been cleaning,...

2 years ago
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Horny Couples Bi Times

Introduction: My wife, my friend asnd his girl… Bi Fun My wife Wanda looked up and wiped her face… we pretended not to notice Jays bisexual gf Angie watching – she pretended to be asleep… but as Wanda started to cum I watched Angie shiver and heard her moan… then I let her watch me explode on ws face… Angie rolled over and shoved her hand into herself… next we left the room to clean up… Jay was sitting outside with a hard on – he almost came at the site of Wanda naked… she smiled, got wet and...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 348

More from mihickman Two Aussies were out hunting in the outback and came upon a huge hole in the ground. They approached it and were amazed at its size. The first said, “Wow, that’s some hole. I can’t even see the bottom. I wonder how deep it is.” The second said, “There’s an old gear box over there. Let’s throw it in and see how long it takes to hit bottom.” So they picked up the gear box, carried it over to the hole, counted one-two-three, and heaved it in. As they were standing there...

2 years ago
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11 October 2008Chapter 6

“You two were gone long enough,” Tina commented as Alex and Brenda returned with the drinks and popcorn. As Brenda made her way along the row of people, men in the area appreciated the view of her slender body in her low cut top and short skirt. “You should have seen the lineup! It seemed everyone wanted something to snack on,” Brenda replied leaning to pass them their drinks. Men seated behind enjoyed the view down her top at her bare breasts. “And the only thing Brenda wanted was to snack...

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Apartment Fun Hot

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Most convenient places for sex for men or women are the type of apartment complexes which have come upon large scale everywhere. Two, three or four or five multistoried blocks in one complex gives ample opportunity for illicit sex for everybody. I have seen even married women playing hide and seek with their lovers. Cheating the husband is common, but cheating the lovers is even astonishing. Many have multiple lovers and enjoy...

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The ProtectorChapter 53

When I got outside, Koma was sitting at the patio table talking to Quanta and his wife. Myrna was listening with wide eyes at whatever they were saying. I sat down and poured another cup of coffee, waiting to see if there was something in the works I didn't know about. There wasn't, but Koma told Quanta to meet us in the village in about an hour and got up, motioning for me to follow him. Myrna smiled at me when I got up and walked off with Koma. When we got away from the patio, he led me...

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Tom and Mary

Tom and MaryI was on vacation staying at a very nice hotel. I was lounging by the pool getting some sun and watching all the hot women. This one particular woman walked by and caught my eye because she was an older woman. Her hair was very short and totally grey. She was wearing a one piece bathing suit and she looked amazing in it. Her face was tanned and weathered and I figured her to be at least in her early sixties although her body looked much younger. I was watching her walk by and she...

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Is Porn Rewind worth your time? Well, you should be embarrassed if you’re still watching shitty low-quality porn this late in the game. In a world full of free 4k, HD, VR porn why would you ever choose otherwise? It’s time to ditch those shitty sites once and for all. Trust me, you won’t miss it once you get a taste of what’s on the other side. You’ll be busting the best nuts of your goddam life without having to put up a single cent. Try not to get too addicted to this next site, or do, who am...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Giulia hatte ich über ein Soziales Netzwerk kennengelernt. Über eine gemeinsame „Freundin“ war ich auf ihr Profil gestoßen. Auf meine Freundesanfrage hin hatte sie mich „geaddet“. Schon ihre öffentlichen Profilfotos machten mir Appetit - eine gut ausgestattete rassige Italienerin, 18 Jahre jung, sportliche Figur mit weiblichen Kurven an den richtigen Stellen. Wir konnten problemlos auf Deutsch chatten, sie lebte schon seit einigen Jahren in der Nähe von Stuttgart. Ihre schwarze Lockenmähne und...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 2 Reunion

It seemed late when we finished dinner. There was a Welcome Aboard talk in the ship’s theater and after that we did a bit more exploring. There were all sorts of stuff on the boat, including a shopping center with incredibly overpriced stuff, a casino, and a bunch more bars, restaurants, and lounges. We walked around the deck and then went back to our cabin, where we discovered it had been made up, the bed turned down, and an odd animal formed out of some folded towels. Kelly decided she...

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The Trap 8211 Part III

Dear friends, once again I remind you all that as I was not having so much fun in sex from my husband I was on the lookout for a good sex partner. It’s just a chance one takes as there is no bio data of a person which describes as to how good a person is in sex, so you have to take a chance and importantly he got be a trust worthy person. One such experience was with Rameshas friend, Kamlesh, who was a regular guest at home for drinks on Saturdays and was a bachelor. I observed his behavior for...

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Joe and Alexis Together at Last

It had been a long day at work and as soon as I got home I poured some Scotch into a glass stripped of my clothes and headed for the hot tub on the balcony. Alexis would be here in about a half hour to spend the night, after running home to get clothes for the next day as well as her makeup. Today at work when I asked her to spend the night I thought she was going to jump out of her skin she was so excited. I gave her the key to my apartment and told her I would be waiting for her out on the...

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How I lost my virginity to an older man Pt 12

My life changed completely during this time and i liked the changes. i was no longer as shy. Being shy had always been painful for me. Like i said before, i thought it was the reason behind my getting zooted so much. i found it wasn’t really the reason though. i just like getting sloshed. Frank showed me that i was really more submissive than shy by pointing out facts like how i loved it when he would dirty talk me and call me names and how following orders turned me on. Another change was my...

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Milk vs Piss

I have a married sister aged 28 now. She is living in Chennai 50kms from our place. Last month my sister had given birth to a baby girl. I haven't seen the baby, since it was my exam period. I had my summer vacation and my mom asked me to go to my Elder sister house to see the baby.My sister was very beautiful after her c***dbirth. She was very big now. She was looking plump and looking like Kate Winslet of Hollywood. It was when I went my sister's husband was going for a business Tour. He told...

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Cousins a Tale of Teenage Incest Part 3

Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered "Fiction" although it has its basis in "Fact". This is not to be considered a true tale of underage sex, statutory rape, or molestation, as these events...

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All That Glitters

I was freezing. A bitter gust of wind whipped up the freshly fallen snow into whirling eddies and stung my cheeks. I braced against the blast then, in a lull, gazed at the skies. It didn’t look stormy. Virtually cloudless, the inky sky glistened with countless winking stars, a bright half-moon watching over them.All along the street, the neon glow of bar fronts and hotel lobbies spilled across the frosty pavements and cobbled road. Strains of jazz and drumming dance beats swelled then ebbed as...

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The Ice Storm

It was a cold February that year. However, the events of that one weekend were very hot. It was the weekend of the big ice storm. No one knew it was coming until it was too late. If we had of known, the wonderful events of that weekend wouldn’t have happened, and I wouldn’t have had the best time of my life. It was a simple plan we had. We would go to a nice cabin in the woods and spend a weekend partying. Far enough away from everyone else that we could do anything we wanted out there....

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Im a Morning Person

I've always been a morning person. My girlfriend on the other hand is not. She sleeps late while I walk around the corner to an all-night donut shop for a coffee. There's a perky little redhead who works there named Sandy. She's a morning person too, bright eyed, bushy tailed and frisky. We joke around while sipping our coffees. Since we're usually the people around, we sometimes read the paper and discuss the news. One morning, not long ago, Sandy was in a peculiar mood, "How are you feeling...

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NubileFilms Leana Lovings JOI Roommate

Jay Romero and Leana Lovings are roommates, but Leana thinks Jay doesn’t know about her secret career as a joi cam girl. Jay’s cover is blown when Leana barges into his room while he’s watching one of her vids. He tries to cover his tracks, but Leana heard what he was doing. Now that Jay has been outed as thinking his roommate is really, really hot, Leana has plans for him. She struts up to him and instructs him to take his dick out. Telling him how to manhandle his dick, Leana pops...

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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 45

The Hyundai was rattling a little more and it still looked like hell. I didn’t care when I pulled out of the car wash headed for Danville Virginia. That hadn’t been the plan when I went to bed with Mikah laying on her dog bed beside me. At that time the plan had been to wake up, dress for our walk, eat our breakfast, and take our walk. I no longer carried the war club. Owning Mikah had made a few changes around the place. After her arrival, we renamed her Mikah. It was supposed to avoid any...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 56 Friday Night Orgy

After a long, slow and fun walk to Robin and Sarah's place the first song we heard playing as an unexpectedly fully clothed Robin let us in was Tracy Chapman's 'Talkin' Bout A Revolution'. Without saying a word Robin took Vikki, Maddy, Gerry and Maria into wherever the party was happening while telling me to stay where I was. I heard introductions being made, heard the noise of what seemed to be an extra large gathering of people and what I thought was the passionate swapping of kisses...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 223 Dreams Reality Phantoms

(Men surround Tsubame at the entrance to Rakuninmura.) Men: I told you to go home! You deaf, little girl? This is no place for outsiders. Tsubame (thinking): I'm so scared. (aloud, barely managing to get the words out) Ken... shin... Men: Ken... You mean the new guy? You wasted a trip. There's nothing left of him. He's hollow-- Tsubame (finding her tongue): That's not true! The Kenshin I know is a kind, strong person! (running forward) Kenshin! Man: Hey, watch it! (He puts out a...

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The Word Of Mouth Lounge Katie And Laurel

"Welcome back, ladies. I'll be with you in a moment. You can get changed straight away." I released the intercom button, glad to be invisible behind the Lounge's black mirrored walls when Katie and Laurel sauntered through the studio below.It was a frantic scramble to make myself presentable again. Fighting the post-orgasmic euphoria which spread like a sedative through my limbs, and under pressure from a double deadline, I mopped spillage, spritzed cologne, freshened lip gloss and smoothed...

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Slutwife Terry Webb Has Sex in Risky Places

If you have read about my many different adventures you already know risky is normal for me. One of my all time favorite places for public sex is public beaches and public swimming pools. I can't tell you how many times I've included water (beaches, pools, lakes, etc) in our sexual play in public. Ive enjoyed sex in public bars on the pool table, pinball machine, or even on the bar by as many willing partners as time allowed. I still enjoy being naked while riding in a vehicle even when going...

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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 27

Jason threw the book-bag onto his bed and wondered if someone else should take up the mantel of responsibility of guarding the Book. With a look of disgust he yanked the book-bag open and grasped the Book in both hands. He drew it from its confines as he stepped back from the bed. Soft light bathed his face in golden radiance. The glowing inlaid symbol on the cover reflected in his wide and shocked eyes. He threw the Book down on the bed, but the glow remained. Jason stared at the Book and...

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Lust for Bareback

I was introduced to a lot of new things when I was in my late teens, many of them through my girlfriend at the time. I had led a largely sheltered life until I met Amber. She was a spunky little blonde that appeared innocent, but was really a naughty girl. She was about 154 cm with shoulder length blonde hair, a thin waist, and 34B tits.We were very much opposites in a lot of ways, she also hung out with a different crowd than I did. Till that point I had abstained from most all the vices...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 265 Boring

(out of story note: Thought you might find it interesting that this site will have 50K hits by 9pm. The sol site has over 68k hits. The Maxine soap opera has over a 110k hits. Of course I wanted to say thank you) (Also the orthopedic guy said I was good to go finally) The weekend came and went with nothing of interest happening. Monday I attended the meeting with the savings and loan officer. He made me an offer and I made him a counter offer based on the cost and amount of work to renovate...

2 years ago
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My Submission into Latex

My Submission into Latex This is my first attempt at a please let me know if you would like me to continue it! ([email protected]) "I'm an adult! This is how I want to look! Just leave me alone!" Lisa screamed at me and walked out of the living room. I heard the front door slam, then the squealing of tires as she sped off from the driveway. I looked after her, my mouth hanging open, my retort stopping before it began. I was flabbergasted. My daughter was barely...

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Caveworms 2 Things Get Even Weirder

The urge to find a cool, open space slowly came to me, and before I'd even made a conscious decision, I found myself up and drifting towards the basement. I stripped out of my shorts and tank top as I descended the stairs. The air down there was nice and cool, and I felt a little refreshed. I sat in the middle of the room, the cool cement floor feeling really nice against my skin. I again started tracing my fingers across my engorged belly as that strange feeling of arousal I remembered from...

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First time through the scars

My hand run down to her womanhood as my mouth found her nipples. I rolled them around in my mouth and tenderly sucked on each of them. I entered her soft pussy with two fingers and worked then gently in and out of her. With my thumb I stroked her clit bringing it to attention and ready for action. “Scott.” she said pulling my face up. “I love you. Please make love to me.” she pleaded gently. To start this story you must know about the truth about me - what happened to me and how it shaped my...

First Time
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They fucked my girlfriend and made me watch Ch1

Prologue:I was sat on the couch, a boy of only s*******n, drinking whiskey with my dad's two friends. There was Ian, a tall, stocky guy in his early fifties, with broad shoulders, grey hair and a face that only a mother could love. The other was Martin, forty-eight years old, with black hair that carried streaks of grey already and thick glasses. He was shorter than Ian and much slimmer but he had a handsome face, I could tell he had once been very good looking. I'd just had my third shot of...

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The Cuckolding of Neil Dodds Part 7

Claire awoke at six o’clock next morning. The bedside alarm was set early and pulled her away from Karl’s warm body. It also took her away from his huge erection that pressed against her bottom. She was used to waking next to a male with an erection pressing into her but nothing compared to Karl’s size. She rolled back to him after turning off the alarm and kissed him. She took hold of his cock and gave him a gentle squeeze. She so longed for his cock again; she longed for him to roll her over...

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The Training of EmilyChapter 5

"Is she ready to be approached?" he asked impatiently. "Yes, Master, I believe so. Her divorce was finalized a week ago and she shows signs of depression. She spends much time alone and a great deal of that is spent crying. She is full of pain, alone and vulnerable." "You have done very well in your surveillance, Vivian. In fact, how would you like to help train her?" "If it pleases you Master." "Perhaps one day you may even move from slave to trainer. You have a penchant for...

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Playground of GodsChapter 5

Townsend Vacca parks his car in the parking garage belonging to New Eden Enterprises. He has no trouble getting through security, because he is expected. When his editor threw this assignment his way, Townsend had a hard time hiding his excitement. An interview like this could give him a leg up in his career. As he takes the elevator up to the recreation floor, his nervousness begins to set in. Or it could break his career. Since the assignment was on short notice, much like the interview...

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