AssassinChapter 6 free porn video

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It is said that the first casualty of battle is the battle plan itself. I didn't have any such catastrophes because I go in with an objective and a set of procedures to help me get closer to that goal.

To get onto Mark and Kyra's horizon I set up no less than three different paths before making my first approach and accomplished that milestone swiftly and without undue consequences.

However, in any situation where you use people like pawns you are apt to discover, like in Chess, that having moved them you find they've reached the eighth row and become queens -- able to move in paths you weren't intending, able to go further than you wanted, and suddenly powerful enough to threaten the king.

Anna was my first Queen; promoted by carelessness on my part and an unexpected attentiveness on hers.

She didn't realise the power she held and I had successfully curbed that for the present at least. It wasn't that she had power over me, though I enjoyed her lustful demands while they didn't interfere with my duties.

No, the power Anna held would manifest if she was careless about our extra-curricular activities. That would cause a variety of consequences that would severely curtail my freedom to work without interruption.

The next pawn was Rosalee.

Rosalee's mother had heard I'd accompanied Elsie to soccer so she called Elsie up and discussed me -- though I wasn't supposed to know that; Anna overheard them. I think Rosalee would have been mortified.

She was apparently reassured though as she dropped Rosalee off outside the pool hall where we had arranged to meet.

"Mom, this is Roger. Roger, my mother."

"Hello Roger."


"I'll be back at 10:30. Is that okay?"

The way she said it made it obvious that it would be. It was what she was willing to allow on a first date for a sixteen year old and if the other sixteen year olds thought it ridiculous they didn't have to deal with her as their mother. I was sure that Rosalee and her mother had negotiated the time well before Rosalee was dropped off and I agreed to the restriction.

As soon as the car was gone Rosalee grabbed my hand and giggled girlishly. "I've been thinking of you ever since we drove home."

I wondered what I had let myself in for!

We went inside and I contrasted her behaviour with Anna's as she sat and listened to me make a date with Hailey for the following night. I think she might have been anticipating watching Hailey bring Rosalee down a peg or two.

Actually, once inside, Rosalee seemed much more mature. I guess it might have been nervousness earlier rather than excessively high spirits. I introduced her and we started out playing doubles against some of the others. She proved to have an adequate eye if no other great skill with a cue.

Mark offered to show Rosalee how to improve her game and I bowed her away, deferring to the expert. He and she occupied one table for a while and I partnered Kyra for a game. It was natural enough for me to stand behind her and whisper strategies in her ear but if I had been overheard people would have found me making lewd suggestions instead.

At the end I got Rosalee back and played her one-on-one. The tuition had helped. Now she only needed practise, but at least she had an idea of what she was doing wrong.

Afterwards we stood back and watched the others play. I was standing behind Rosalee and she wrapped my hands around her waist. We were out the way between the end wall of the room and a table. Rosalee chose the moment when the play was focussed at the holes down the other end of the table.

She must have recalled the liberties we had taken in the car after soccer and decided I wasn't one to object if she misbehaved.

A hand, nominally hanging down beside her, moved between our bodies and rubbed over my crotch. The faithless thing responded and she squeezed it.

Well two could play that game and I made her shuffle forward a little bit so we were almost at the table. Now it was my hand that dropped to the hem of her not-so-long skirt and lifted it so I could rest my fingers against her panties-covered crotch.

I took it slowly, waiting for a "Don't!" -- verbal or physical. It never came. Rosalee didn't mind me rubbing her up the right way at all. I nibbled at her ear and blew in it and on her neck. Matters got too much for her and she suggested a walk.

Hand held hand as we excused ourselves and I only hoped my erection wasn't noticeable as such. It would have been an aid in the disguise I had proposed but that was in itself only a story and I could do without the stirring that would arise, and perhaps the harm that might occur to my relationship with Kyra if not Mark.

Rosalee wasn't particularly looking for a dark corner; her only requirement was solitude and I believe even that might have been negotiable.

"Don't you want to kiss me?"

"No," I said to stir her.

"Then what do you want to do to me?" The leer meant Rosalee trumped my bid.

"I want to hold your body against mine while I kiss you." It was as innocuous a statement as I could manage.

"And who is stopping you?"


Rosalee was a messy kisser. Her saliva glands seemed to go into overdrive and though it didn't really matter that you swapped some spit when kissing, you didn't really want to drown in it. I took control and encouraged her to keep her tongue in her mouth not mine.

Of course then it seemed like I was excited by the events and she turned into a vacuum cleaner that tore at the very roots of my tongue. Did this girl have no experience -- or merely no control?

It might have been interesting to get a blowjob from her but I doubted there would be much other than that to her technique.

As a matter of self-protection I attacked her neck instead.

"Don't leave any marks. Mom would kill me!"

I hadn't intended to but maybe now I should get careless.

No. Inexperience and over-enthusiasm were no justification for revenge; even one so mild. Instead I rewarded her, stirring her emotions, stimulating her body. We found a darker corner and ignored the smell of stale urine -- there are worse smells and I could bury my nose against the remains of a liberal splash of inexpensive perfume.

Rosalee had not complained about my touching her through her panties. I turned her and pulled her back against me as I leaned against the wall. Now we could see any who came near while being only shadows ourselves if we remained still.

I cupped a bra-coated breast and kissed Rosalee's neck from behind. She responded as Anna had done, though more vocally.

"Shhh," I chided gently. "See what we can get away with without anyone finding out."

That might have scared some girls into moving back inside but I think Rosalee might have been ready for that sort of thing before she had even left home.

I slipped my free hand up the side of her skirt this time and then moved it across the waist band of her panties. With no pantyhose to restrict my movements it was simple to wrap my palm over and under her mound and pussy. Nicely wet! Much more than simply "damp" and her panties should be solidly starched when collected for the laundry. Let her discuss that with her mother if she wasn't smart enough to do something about them herself.

Rosalee shifted her feet apart and her knees buckled a little. My hand on her breast changed its grip to better support her weight and with the extra area for my lower hand I went exploring.

One finger checked the way was clear; two allowed me to support her weight from another spot.

I scissored my fingers inside her and Rosalee squirmed. I brought them out and used the coating to rub down either side of her prominent hood.

Rosalee gasped, "Yes, that's beautiful."

I continued.

With Anna I had tried to prolong her pleasure. With Rosalee I made no such attempt. It was an all out assault and I doubted that Rosalee would know any different. She came quickly and hard. Her body shook violently and still I worked her pussy.

With the crook of my elbow under her armpit to keep her upright, I covered my mouth lightly with her palm. I wasn't trying to suffocate her, merely muffle the cries somewhat. I was very careful to keep away from her teeth.

I sensed matters had peaked and slackened off the pace. A gentle warm down; caressing her outer lips, knuckling her muff, avoiding all the now super-sensitive spots.

As Rosalee resumed control of her legs I slipped my hand out of her panties and hugged her.

She turned around and I put up with the pain in my tongue. I moved a wisp of hair from beside her face and sneaked a sniff at my fingers. The scent was spicy fresh, not sweaty stale. It wouldn't be a punishment.

I ended the kiss and pressed my fingers to her lips -- just past the first knuckle so I offered a flat surface rather than the tips. Rosalee puckered and gave them a kiss.

I moved them back across that little bow and scraped some of the coating where her tongue would lick it off her lips. Fingertips now pressed against the opening to her mouth and she opened, not really thinking of where they had been.

I popped them in and even in the darkness could see Rosalee's eyes open wide.

"Do you taste nice?"

It was a far more personal question than she had ever had to answer and I could feel her gulp. Her tongue rubbed against the pads and forced my fingers against the roof of her mouth. She nodded with my fingers still in her mouth.

"Will you get some juices for me to try too?"

I was mean, taking advantage of her when she was willing to do almost anything -- and perhaps actually anything -- for me.

Her hand left my back and worked inside both skirt and panties waist bands.

"Get them coated all over -- nice and deep," I commanded. Rosalee bent her knees again and had to wriggle her arm a little further in but I could tell when she accidentally brushed her clit and when she pushed her fingers up inside herself.

"Wait!" I whispered urgently. "I think someone's coming. Don't move."

Really mean! Rosalee couldn't see, couldn't know I was bluffing. She stood there with my fingers still in her mouth and hers in her cunt and her heart pounding not only from her release but now from the adrenalin that fear sent spreading through her bloodstream.

Had her pussy contracted around her fingers? Did they rub inside her as I leaned her sideways to supposedly look past her?

"I was mistaken, they went the other way."

Rosalee had her hand out in an instant.

Getting caught with a boy in the shadows would have earned her a lecture on being safe at all times. Getting caught with her hand down her own pants probably would have added an extended grounding.

She raised her hand hesitantly and I copied her. Kissing the middle of the raised fingers, then swallowing them and cleaning them thoroughly with my tongue. My third distinct taste of pussy in a week -- fortunately all quite enjoyable.

"What about you?"

"Not now. I think we'd better go inside before they wonder where we've gone."

"But I won't have a chance later."

"Perhaps we can go somewhere else next week."

Asking for a second date while still on the first one could be considered a sign of insecurity -- or extreme self-assuredness.

To Rosalee it was a sign that I wasn't just fooling around -- no love 'em and leave 'em apparently.

If I'd wanted to get into her pants for my own pleasure I wouldn't have worried if the others were missing us. I certainly wouldn't have rejected her willingness to look after me.


"You know the town better than I do. Have a think about it and let me know in time for next Friday. Not too expensive but don't worry if it costs a bit. I haven't been spending my money on much recently, except for my car."

"You have a car?" Visions of back seat romps swam past her eyes.

"Not quite what you think." I held my hands apart, moving them around to show the dimensions.

"It is remote controlled. A hobby of mine."

"Oh!" Disappointment.

"Let's see how you look. All tidy? No adjustments needed?"

Rosalee considered and then did reach under to move some part of her panties.

"Good. Come on then." I pressed my lips briefly to hers and took my place beside her with my arm around her waist. No-one gave any sign as we rejoined them but later I got secretive grins from the other guys and a raised eyebrow from Kyra. Even Mark grinned at how easily I had covered my, or rather "Roger's", homosexuality. It would surely only be a matter of time before Mark went on a date -- with a girl!

I imagined him trying to cope with Rosalee's suction. I'm sure she wouldn't be getting fingered by him.

We didn't play any more eight ball; just standing together cosily watching the others until it was time to go outside satisfied us both.

Rosalee made sure we were ready before her mother came. She put her arms around my neck and kissed me, thanking me for a W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L night. Could she have drawn out the word any longer?

It was an insight into teenage girls and how two, at approximately the same age, could have vastly different levels of maturity. I was a bit sorry I'd gone as far as I had now. Rosalee might fall for me a bit harder than I had expected.

I accepted a lift home and Rosalee sat close beside me in the back, telling her mother about the Parental Version of the evening.

She thanked me for the night out and let her mother witness a very chaste kiss as she moved to the front seat. I hoped her mother had a cold or else that Rosalee's skirt had allowed the scent of her pussy to dissipate. Since no-one had turned to look in her direction or had sniffed I had to assume she was safe.

When I went in and found Anna waiting up I wasn't so sure that I was.

She wanted a report!

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!

How the hell did I get myself into this shit? I haven't had this sort of problems before. Of course I hadn't used a foster-family with a horny sister as a long-term cover before. Generally I had the job finished within a week.

I exaggerate a little though.

Anna wasn't furious with me; I think "disappointed" better describes her state of mind.

I had given her a rundown -- on the strict understanding my kiss and tell would be between just we two. It didn't really matter if she didn't hold her tongue though. Being considered a sleaze by my peers wasn't going to matter and I could always convince Mark and Kyra that I now didn't have to worry about dating other girls as none were likely to give me the time of day.

The ground rules established, I gave Anna a simple dot point review of the evening as we sat together in the kitchen -- well away from her parents in the lounge.

We met outside the Pool Hall.

We played a few games.

Rosalee groped me as we stood watching so I did the same to her where we couldn't be seen.

(Anna frowned)

We went outside where I found out how much better a kisser Anna is.

(Frown fades to be replaced with a little smile)

We found a quiet spot where some tonsil hockey ended in my fingering her to a come.

(Serious frown now)

I made Rosalee taste herself and then got her to finger herself and let me taste her fingers.

We went inside until her mother came and I got a couple more kisses from her and suggested she work out somewhere nice for next Friday night.

There was quite a period of silence and Anna left to tell her parents she was going to bed. She gave me no clue that I was wanted in her room.

It was an easy enough decision on my part though. I had behaved in a manner where it might be construed that I had a low regard for Anna and the services that she had performed for me. If I didn't go to her room it might be further considered that the matter was confirmed.

If I did go to her room, Anna might reject me -- in which case she was rating my worth after I had lessened the insult. Or, hopefully, Anna would decide to forgive me -- once again it being her decision not mine.

I said my goodnights as well and advised Doug and Ma when they asked that my date had gone well and that Rosalee was a nice girl. Then I took a long hot shower (cold might have been better), wasting the water but enjoying the sharp needles turning my flesh lobster pink. It gave my foster-parents time to head into their own room.

Anna's window was closed and she ignored my scratching on the glass. There was no light and she could have gone to sleep or...

I tapped lightly three times. Still no activity. I tapped again, one every second, not stopping at three. If she was awake I was risking making her even more annoyed. It worked.

The window slid up.

"What do you want!?"

"Always you, Sweetheart."

"Don't sweetheart me! I'm angry with you."

"Can I come in and hear why?"

"Maybe you should stay out there and figure it out for yourself!" Still she moved away and didn't complain when I disconnected the screen mesh.

Anna sat on the side of the bed and watched me climb into her room. There was enough light for me to see she hadn't been crying; a good sign. Glistening wet eyes would have indicated she was as upset as she pretended.

"I guess you're unhappy I got into Rosalee's pants, or is it because I made her come?"

"You said you'd only kiss!" Anna still had the good sense to whisper. Another good sign! A truly angry girl might not have been so concerned with the consequences.

"I didn't go out intending any more. It was really as a result of not kissing her that it happened."

"Not kissing? But you said you did kiss."

"Come here; stand with me."

"I don't know if I want to fool around with you."

"You won't be. I'm going to be Rosalee and you're going to be me. I'm going to give you a lesson in what it is like to kiss another girl, or at least Rosalee."

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She was stretched out stark naked on the bed, and knew well what she was doing. She closed her eyes, let her head roll back on the pillows, and surrendered to her fantasy. She needed to come too badly. She had to stop but she just couldn’t. With the tip of her index finger she began to circle her clit, the most sensitive spot of all. She felt delicious rushes of pleasure as she rimmed the throbbing lump, and her hot cuntal juices began to seep out and run down the crack of her ass. She...

4 years ago
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Ramyaranis Honeymoon With 3 Men

Hi All Readers, I am Ramya Rani, back again with a bang to you all. This story is full of my imagination and the way how I imagined my honeymoon to be. In reality, my honeymoon was so awesome and loved my hubby a lot. Ramya – 24 aged cute married girl from Chennai Hubby – 27 aged smart handsome guy with a nice shaft – Specially made for me. I always imagined my hubby to have a nice long shaft that can satisfy my hunger. Location: Coorg – An excellent hotel with bar facilities. I used to dress...

4 years ago
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Private School

Private school  (ch. 1-10)ArrivalThe buildings looked stayed and full of tradition. Anne liked them and the park surrounding them at first sight and was even happier she had taken this job at the small 6th form boarding school rather than the one at the state school she had been offered, too. She followed the driveway round the building until she found the staff parking lot. Although it was the last day before the start of the new term there were only half a dozen other cars and she found space...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 465

Golf Thoughts: The Law of Physics States it's easier to get up at 6:00 AM to play golf than at 10:00 to mow the yard. A good drive on the 18th hole has stopped many a golfer from giving up the game. A good golf partner is one who's always slightly worse than you are. That's why I get so many calls to play with friends. A pro-shop gets its name from the fact that you have to have the income of a professional golfer to buy anything in there. If your opponent has trouble remembering...

2 years ago
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Lakshmis First MateChapter 11

The soft chimes of Stephanie’s phone awoke her at 6am. She was due to lead the meditation with their guests at 6.30am, and she needed to get moving. The soft chimes had awakened the captain too, and he pulled her into his arms, his half-hard morning wood pushing in between the cheeks of Stephanie’s taut ass and rubbing over her anus. His arms wrapped around her cupping her breasts, and her head tucked under his chin. Stephanie luxuriated in the intimate feeling of just being held by her...

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Janes Furry Adventure

Jane was going to the woods. She was going to the woods because she wanted to be fucked by wolves. She was very attracted to canine penises. One time she sucked her friend’s Brown Lab’s dick. He shot his dog semen down her throat, and she loved it! Jane wanted to see what it was like to by fucked by a wild wolf. She got on her bike, and rode to the forest. When she got to the woods, and got off her bike. She leaned it against a tree. Then, she took off all of her clothing, exposing her young...

4 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 2 Music and LyricsChapter 24

"Nobody out, man on first!" I shouted, then tossed the baseball in the air and smacked it toward Elvis Carson, who was playing first. The freshman snagged it on one bounce, spun, and raced toward first, tagging it easily. He looked at me, tossing the baseball up and down and grinning like he'd just been named Rookie of the Year in the American League. "Great play," I yelled. Impossibly, his grin got bigger. "We now have a man in scoring position with only one out." His face fell. "I...

3 years ago
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PE Department Punishment Miss Downeys Story Chapter Five

Neither Lindsay Pinkham nor Laura Galley were shocked when their Form Mistress, Helen Downey had read out their names from the list that morning. Both eighteen-year-old sixth formers knew that they were due a punishment for not having their PE kit the previous day.Both girls had deliberately “forgotten” their kit as they hated what they were doing in PE. Gymnastics just wasn’t their thing. Laura Galley, the short, quiet girl who had missed out on being Head Girl to Kim Campbell wanted to be a...

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Alex Teaches Eva the Importance of Sharing Part IV

I don't know how long Alex was gone and from the excitement of the day's events I was slowly falling asleep.  I could still feel an ache in my pussy that longed for the relief that only Alex could give me. I heard the door open but I felt powerless as I was still blindfolded and tied up at the wrists and ankles to my bed.  I suddenly heard more then one voice and I was alarmed to realize that Alex was not alone.  I started to panic because I did not want anyone to see me like this.  I felt a...

First Time
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Ammu Getting Fucked By Two Men

Hi readers, this is Ammu, 28 years old, unmarried. I’m here to share my last night’s experience when I got fucked by 2 men. I work for an MNC and due to privacy concerns am not telling you my city and work place name. My body stats are 34 32 38. I always wear a formal outfit to work and at times sarees. Yesterday was Friday and I had worn a sexy black saree with golden outlines to work. The blouse was a backless and I had worn my saree such a way that my hip line was visible. I knew I was...

3 years ago
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My First EverythingChapter 41

Clara went to her first appointment with the Doctor. She didn't like it. She said he kept asking her to tell him about how she felt about Kate and those boys. He asked her how she felt about her mom and dad getting a divorce too. He told her that she could talk about anything she wanted to, so she said she had mostly talked about school. He had just sat there, letting her waste most of the time for that first session. I spoke with her on Thursday day night, right after I finished eating...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 453

From Uther Pendragon 2 Real old ones:???? “A B C D Goldfish?” “L M N O Goldfish.” “O S A R.” A jolly old fellow from Lyme Married three wives at a time. When asked, “Why the third?” He said, “One is absurd, And bigamy, sir, is a crime.”???? Growing old is obligatory. Growing up is optional. “Mommy, why can we land a helicopter on Mars, and we can’t turn on a light in Texas?” “Because Mars is run by scientists, and Texas is run by Republicans.” Her first-year teaching, Miss Smith is...

3 years ago
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It was a cold November night in Squall’s End. Samantha could see her breath as soon as she stepped outside. With a sigh she tucked herself further into her coat, trying to avoid the light snowfall as she fumbled with her keys. She had been given them as soon as she was promoted to Denny's general manager, (a position that paid adequately but had absolutely shit hours), but in the month that followed she had only figured out what two of them were for. She had no idea what the other ten did,...

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GenerationsChapter 29 Dinner And Dessert

Peter pulled his new Jeep Grand Cherokee up to the curb outside Lauren’s house just as the door to the house opened. Just weeks ago, he had taken her over to the Jeep dealership to pick out his new company car. He told her that once they were married, she would be allowed to drive it; right now, the insurance wouldn’t cover her properly, since they weren’t married. She picked out a nice metallic blue model. Peter soon enough had his doubts about the wisdom of this. The next day, Lauren snuck...

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The park part one

ParkI had heard that one of the local parks was a good cruising site but had never been there before.  I was in bad need of some cock so I thought I would check it out.   I am in my late fifties but am still in pretty good shape. I have a seven inch cock and I keep my balls and ass shaved clean. I'm told I have a nice cock and anytime I pull it out someone wants to suck it.   Today I needed my ass fucked though. The thought of a stranger fucking my ass bareback and shooting his load up my ass...

2 years ago
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Owning a Dominant Bitch Complete

Introduction:Ultra long, slow story, set in high school, about a humiliated girl, an intelligent girl, a dominant girl, and a heck of a nice guy.Owning a Dominant Bitchgenre- Fiction, Anal, Ass to mouth, Bi-sexual, Bondage and restriction, Coercion, Domination/submission, Exhibitionism, First Time, Humiliation, ****, Romance, School, Teen Female/Teen Female, Teen Male/Teen Females, VirginityChapter 1My first three year of high school could have been better. I was a pudgy boy and only five foot...

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The Games Ultimate Prize Chapter 3

Communication is the key. I have heard that from so many people. Grandparents, parents, siblings, clergy, and friends. Communication is the key to a successful marriage. It must be true because so many people say it is true. When we started playing our games, the communication between Ashley and I vastly improved. We began to share more intimate thoughts, desires, and behaviors that we liked and disliked. Our topics began with sexual fantasies, but progressed to non-sexual topics as well. We...

4 years ago
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Ravishing Katie

Even after the divorce i was still quite well off! I had recently been made the vice president of the advertising company i worked for. Katie was the daughter of my friend Harry from work, she was 16 years old and baby-sat Alex for me. She Was amazingly beautiful, with perfectly formed breats, i'd guess about a 36 D, she had long red hair and she always dressed rather provocatively. Anyway, as i said i had finally gotten over my wife and was taking new women out to dinner, but none of...

2 years ago
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GotMylf Brooklyn Chase Ariana Marie Stocking Cock Stuffers

Ariana Marie and Brooklyn Chase are a couple of stunners as they show up in their sexy black dresses and black heels. They sit down on the couch together and Ariana helps Brooklyn get the top of her dress down, exposing her perfect, luscious frontal lobes. Then they put on some full body stockings that show off their incredible tits. These suits have holes in all the right places. As they walk over to meet our stud, their pussies are practically pouring out juice. Our lucky stud has his cock...

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A Ride to Remember Chap 4

Natalie and I fell back into a deep sleep, after our early morning lovemaking.  I woke again Just before 7:00 am.  I lay mulling over my night, and what had woken me.  Then I heard the click of the bathroom door shutting, and realised I needed to pee.I gently pulled myself away from Natalie and got up, she never moved, dead to the world.  I stood watching her for a minute, taking in her beauty.  Then my piss hard cock twitched, letting me know it needed relief.  Quietly I tiptoed out of our...

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Meeting Anna

I heard a joke once, “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him you have a plan.” Well, I can vouch for that one. After three months at sea, working on a Norwegian freighter, I finally signed off in Alicante, Spain and made my way to Copenhagen, my original destination three months earlier. My plan was to go to Paris and the Left Bank where my favorite expatriate writers lived in the twenties and then to Copenhagen. After waiting at the Scandinavian Seaman’s Office in Brooklyn for several weeks,...

Straight Sex
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The Retirees Club 13

I kept up with my gym habit, though the weather was getting chillier so I didn't run outdoors so much. And for the next couple of days after my good times with Andie, I hung around the café longer than usual to enjoy her company. I wondered if Bill and Molly had reached any conclusion about their relationship. Since Molly had gotten me to fuck her in front of Bill, would he let that slide? I asked Andie to let me know if any rumors floated around. I hoped that they'd go the route of...

2 years ago
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Family Holiday

Andrea’s kids were picked up by their dad and taken off for a two week holiday with him and his parents.While they were going to Spain, we were heading to Cornwall for a week with Andrea’s family. Our first stop was at her parents’ house and her mother, Rachel came out to greet us.“The Jeep’s loaded and we’re ready to go,” she said and then surprised me by adding, “Men in the Jeep, girls in your car.”“Oh, right,” I said, handing my car keys to Andrea.I had just enough time to give her a quick...

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Disobedient Submissive

As 7 o’clock neared I took a look at myself in my full length mirror. I’m not a petite girl, but have curves in all the right places. My long brown hair hung in soft curls with my bangs pinned back, my green eyes were glistening from the light make up I wore, my 38c boobs looked nicely in my v-neck top showing off enough cleavage that was sure to turn a few heads, and the shorts I wore showed off my long tanned legs. As I bent down to put on my sandals I felt something wrap around my waist.

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Nurses Training

It seemed to be expected of a registered nurse who attends Emanuel Methodist. Our youth need physicals for Camp John Wesley physicals, but a doc signing off would cost more than the registration. An RN, on the other hand -- one who’s a member, that is, and thus works for free -- can pronounce them fit for archery and swimming, and what we save can go to Bread for the World. The Parish Nurse ministry, they call it, like nursery ministry for the gals who do toddler care. We Methodists don’t use...

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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 4

After having a very late dinner with some of her students, Lois wandered about the village in the cool of the night. She still wasn't quite used to how many people would take the time to smile and wave a greeting at her as she passed, even people she'd never met. "Gosh," she thought. "It sure is pleasant to be accepted like this. So friendly, relaxing, no crime, nobody locks their doors... Wait, what am I thinking? None of the doors here even have locks!" It was beginning of the third...

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Sister Sarahs mom Alec and Others

She was suddenly smiling and also in a mood where she felt…revitalized…as if she was a new woman who had needs she’d never known before in her life. Thank you Alec, she thought. She pictured his face and also his body too as she sat recalling how he laid there with her while stirring up hormones she hadn’t felt in ages. She felt like a woman should feel again. At least that’s how it felt to her. She stood there, in the bathroom once Sarah and Alec left, and she was cleaning off cum from her...

5 years ago
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Way Out Of The Depression

Copyright 2003, 2007 A certain young sheik of Algiers Said to his harem, “My dears, Though you may think it odd of me, I’m tired of just sodomy Let’s try straight fucking.” (loud cheers!) License: Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 The handsome young man left the semi-private room holding the hand of a pretty little co-ed. Josephine saw the boy’s mother make an unconscious look of displeasure as she watched the two slowly disappear down the hallway. The young man was...

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Mind Phone

//Hey guys! So I had this idea and I was curious to see where we could take it. This thread is fully open, so feel free to add your chapters. The only rules are to specify the name of the character and some details about them in your first chapter, and to follow the basic idea written below. Everything else is fair game, so have fun!// Every message sent, every call made, resonates inside our heads and leaves deep traces, whether we are aware of it or not. Of course, sending a meme to your...

Mind Control
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PART IHenry opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. Morning sunlight filtered into the room through the sheer curtains on the double doors. He glanced at them and blinked. The doors led to a balcony with stone balustrades, which overlooked a yard that made him think of a Roman villa.The house—Henry wouldn't call it a "mansion"—had been built by some idiot movie star in the Seventies. It was a cross between the Playboy mansion and Caesar's Palace, complete with cypress trees, a marble...

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