AssassinChapter 6 free porn video

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It is said that the first casualty of battle is the battle plan itself. I didn't have any such catastrophes because I go in with an objective and a set of procedures to help me get closer to that goal.

To get onto Mark and Kyra's horizon I set up no less than three different paths before making my first approach and accomplished that milestone swiftly and without undue consequences.

However, in any situation where you use people like pawns you are apt to discover, like in Chess, that having moved them you find they've reached the eighth row and become queens -- able to move in paths you weren't intending, able to go further than you wanted, and suddenly powerful enough to threaten the king.

Anna was my first Queen; promoted by carelessness on my part and an unexpected attentiveness on hers.

She didn't realise the power she held and I had successfully curbed that for the present at least. It wasn't that she had power over me, though I enjoyed her lustful demands while they didn't interfere with my duties.

No, the power Anna held would manifest if she was careless about our extra-curricular activities. That would cause a variety of consequences that would severely curtail my freedom to work without interruption.

The next pawn was Rosalee.

Rosalee's mother had heard I'd accompanied Elsie to soccer so she called Elsie up and discussed me -- though I wasn't supposed to know that; Anna overheard them. I think Rosalee would have been mortified.

She was apparently reassured though as she dropped Rosalee off outside the pool hall where we had arranged to meet.

"Mom, this is Roger. Roger, my mother."

"Hello Roger."


"I'll be back at 10:30. Is that okay?"

The way she said it made it obvious that it would be. It was what she was willing to allow on a first date for a sixteen year old and if the other sixteen year olds thought it ridiculous they didn't have to deal with her as their mother. I was sure that Rosalee and her mother had negotiated the time well before Rosalee was dropped off and I agreed to the restriction.

As soon as the car was gone Rosalee grabbed my hand and giggled girlishly. "I've been thinking of you ever since we drove home."

I wondered what I had let myself in for!

We went inside and I contrasted her behaviour with Anna's as she sat and listened to me make a date with Hailey for the following night. I think she might have been anticipating watching Hailey bring Rosalee down a peg or two.

Actually, once inside, Rosalee seemed much more mature. I guess it might have been nervousness earlier rather than excessively high spirits. I introduced her and we started out playing doubles against some of the others. She proved to have an adequate eye if no other great skill with a cue.

Mark offered to show Rosalee how to improve her game and I bowed her away, deferring to the expert. He and she occupied one table for a while and I partnered Kyra for a game. It was natural enough for me to stand behind her and whisper strategies in her ear but if I had been overheard people would have found me making lewd suggestions instead.

At the end I got Rosalee back and played her one-on-one. The tuition had helped. Now she only needed practise, but at least she had an idea of what she was doing wrong.

Afterwards we stood back and watched the others play. I was standing behind Rosalee and she wrapped my hands around her waist. We were out the way between the end wall of the room and a table. Rosalee chose the moment when the play was focussed at the holes down the other end of the table.

She must have recalled the liberties we had taken in the car after soccer and decided I wasn't one to object if she misbehaved.

A hand, nominally hanging down beside her, moved between our bodies and rubbed over my crotch. The faithless thing responded and she squeezed it.

Well two could play that game and I made her shuffle forward a little bit so we were almost at the table. Now it was my hand that dropped to the hem of her not-so-long skirt and lifted it so I could rest my fingers against her panties-covered crotch.

I took it slowly, waiting for a "Don't!" -- verbal or physical. It never came. Rosalee didn't mind me rubbing her up the right way at all. I nibbled at her ear and blew in it and on her neck. Matters got too much for her and she suggested a walk.

Hand held hand as we excused ourselves and I only hoped my erection wasn't noticeable as such. It would have been an aid in the disguise I had proposed but that was in itself only a story and I could do without the stirring that would arise, and perhaps the harm that might occur to my relationship with Kyra if not Mark.

Rosalee wasn't particularly looking for a dark corner; her only requirement was solitude and I believe even that might have been negotiable.

"Don't you want to kiss me?"

"No," I said to stir her.

"Then what do you want to do to me?" The leer meant Rosalee trumped my bid.

"I want to hold your body against mine while I kiss you." It was as innocuous a statement as I could manage.

"And who is stopping you?"


Rosalee was a messy kisser. Her saliva glands seemed to go into overdrive and though it didn't really matter that you swapped some spit when kissing, you didn't really want to drown in it. I took control and encouraged her to keep her tongue in her mouth not mine.

Of course then it seemed like I was excited by the events and she turned into a vacuum cleaner that tore at the very roots of my tongue. Did this girl have no experience -- or merely no control?

It might have been interesting to get a blowjob from her but I doubted there would be much other than that to her technique.

As a matter of self-protection I attacked her neck instead.

"Don't leave any marks. Mom would kill me!"

I hadn't intended to but maybe now I should get careless.

No. Inexperience and over-enthusiasm were no justification for revenge; even one so mild. Instead I rewarded her, stirring her emotions, stimulating her body. We found a darker corner and ignored the smell of stale urine -- there are worse smells and I could bury my nose against the remains of a liberal splash of inexpensive perfume.

Rosalee had not complained about my touching her through her panties. I turned her and pulled her back against me as I leaned against the wall. Now we could see any who came near while being only shadows ourselves if we remained still.

I cupped a bra-coated breast and kissed Rosalee's neck from behind. She responded as Anna had done, though more vocally.

"Shhh," I chided gently. "See what we can get away with without anyone finding out."

That might have scared some girls into moving back inside but I think Rosalee might have been ready for that sort of thing before she had even left home.

I slipped my free hand up the side of her skirt this time and then moved it across the waist band of her panties. With no pantyhose to restrict my movements it was simple to wrap my palm over and under her mound and pussy. Nicely wet! Much more than simply "damp" and her panties should be solidly starched when collected for the laundry. Let her discuss that with her mother if she wasn't smart enough to do something about them herself.

Rosalee shifted her feet apart and her knees buckled a little. My hand on her breast changed its grip to better support her weight and with the extra area for my lower hand I went exploring.

One finger checked the way was clear; two allowed me to support her weight from another spot.

I scissored my fingers inside her and Rosalee squirmed. I brought them out and used the coating to rub down either side of her prominent hood.

Rosalee gasped, "Yes, that's beautiful."

I continued.

With Anna I had tried to prolong her pleasure. With Rosalee I made no such attempt. It was an all out assault and I doubted that Rosalee would know any different. She came quickly and hard. Her body shook violently and still I worked her pussy.

With the crook of my elbow under her armpit to keep her upright, I covered my mouth lightly with her palm. I wasn't trying to suffocate her, merely muffle the cries somewhat. I was very careful to keep away from her teeth.

I sensed matters had peaked and slackened off the pace. A gentle warm down; caressing her outer lips, knuckling her muff, avoiding all the now super-sensitive spots.

As Rosalee resumed control of her legs I slipped my hand out of her panties and hugged her.

She turned around and I put up with the pain in my tongue. I moved a wisp of hair from beside her face and sneaked a sniff at my fingers. The scent was spicy fresh, not sweaty stale. It wouldn't be a punishment.

I ended the kiss and pressed my fingers to her lips -- just past the first knuckle so I offered a flat surface rather than the tips. Rosalee puckered and gave them a kiss.

I moved them back across that little bow and scraped some of the coating where her tongue would lick it off her lips. Fingertips now pressed against the opening to her mouth and she opened, not really thinking of where they had been.

I popped them in and even in the darkness could see Rosalee's eyes open wide.

"Do you taste nice?"

It was a far more personal question than she had ever had to answer and I could feel her gulp. Her tongue rubbed against the pads and forced my fingers against the roof of her mouth. She nodded with my fingers still in her mouth.

"Will you get some juices for me to try too?"

I was mean, taking advantage of her when she was willing to do almost anything -- and perhaps actually anything -- for me.

Her hand left my back and worked inside both skirt and panties waist bands.

"Get them coated all over -- nice and deep," I commanded. Rosalee bent her knees again and had to wriggle her arm a little further in but I could tell when she accidentally brushed her clit and when she pushed her fingers up inside herself.

"Wait!" I whispered urgently. "I think someone's coming. Don't move."

Really mean! Rosalee couldn't see, couldn't know I was bluffing. She stood there with my fingers still in her mouth and hers in her cunt and her heart pounding not only from her release but now from the adrenalin that fear sent spreading through her bloodstream.

Had her pussy contracted around her fingers? Did they rub inside her as I leaned her sideways to supposedly look past her?

"I was mistaken, they went the other way."

Rosalee had her hand out in an instant.

Getting caught with a boy in the shadows would have earned her a lecture on being safe at all times. Getting caught with her hand down her own pants probably would have added an extended grounding.

She raised her hand hesitantly and I copied her. Kissing the middle of the raised fingers, then swallowing them and cleaning them thoroughly with my tongue. My third distinct taste of pussy in a week -- fortunately all quite enjoyable.

"What about you?"

"Not now. I think we'd better go inside before they wonder where we've gone."

"But I won't have a chance later."

"Perhaps we can go somewhere else next week."

Asking for a second date while still on the first one could be considered a sign of insecurity -- or extreme self-assuredness.

To Rosalee it was a sign that I wasn't just fooling around -- no love 'em and leave 'em apparently.

If I'd wanted to get into her pants for my own pleasure I wouldn't have worried if the others were missing us. I certainly wouldn't have rejected her willingness to look after me.


"You know the town better than I do. Have a think about it and let me know in time for next Friday. Not too expensive but don't worry if it costs a bit. I haven't been spending my money on much recently, except for my car."

"You have a car?" Visions of back seat romps swam past her eyes.

"Not quite what you think." I held my hands apart, moving them around to show the dimensions.

"It is remote controlled. A hobby of mine."

"Oh!" Disappointment.

"Let's see how you look. All tidy? No adjustments needed?"

Rosalee considered and then did reach under to move some part of her panties.

"Good. Come on then." I pressed my lips briefly to hers and took my place beside her with my arm around her waist. No-one gave any sign as we rejoined them but later I got secretive grins from the other guys and a raised eyebrow from Kyra. Even Mark grinned at how easily I had covered my, or rather "Roger's", homosexuality. It would surely only be a matter of time before Mark went on a date -- with a girl!

I imagined him trying to cope with Rosalee's suction. I'm sure she wouldn't be getting fingered by him.

We didn't play any more eight ball; just standing together cosily watching the others until it was time to go outside satisfied us both.

Rosalee made sure we were ready before her mother came. She put her arms around my neck and kissed me, thanking me for a W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L night. Could she have drawn out the word any longer?

It was an insight into teenage girls and how two, at approximately the same age, could have vastly different levels of maturity. I was a bit sorry I'd gone as far as I had now. Rosalee might fall for me a bit harder than I had expected.

I accepted a lift home and Rosalee sat close beside me in the back, telling her mother about the Parental Version of the evening.

She thanked me for the night out and let her mother witness a very chaste kiss as she moved to the front seat. I hoped her mother had a cold or else that Rosalee's skirt had allowed the scent of her pussy to dissipate. Since no-one had turned to look in her direction or had sniffed I had to assume she was safe.

When I went in and found Anna waiting up I wasn't so sure that I was.

She wanted a report!

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!

How the hell did I get myself into this shit? I haven't had this sort of problems before. Of course I hadn't used a foster-family with a horny sister as a long-term cover before. Generally I had the job finished within a week.

I exaggerate a little though.

Anna wasn't furious with me; I think "disappointed" better describes her state of mind.

I had given her a rundown -- on the strict understanding my kiss and tell would be between just we two. It didn't really matter if she didn't hold her tongue though. Being considered a sleaze by my peers wasn't going to matter and I could always convince Mark and Kyra that I now didn't have to worry about dating other girls as none were likely to give me the time of day.

The ground rules established, I gave Anna a simple dot point review of the evening as we sat together in the kitchen -- well away from her parents in the lounge.

We met outside the Pool Hall.

We played a few games.

Rosalee groped me as we stood watching so I did the same to her where we couldn't be seen.

(Anna frowned)

We went outside where I found out how much better a kisser Anna is.

(Frown fades to be replaced with a little smile)

We found a quiet spot where some tonsil hockey ended in my fingering her to a come.

(Serious frown now)

I made Rosalee taste herself and then got her to finger herself and let me taste her fingers.

We went inside until her mother came and I got a couple more kisses from her and suggested she work out somewhere nice for next Friday night.

There was quite a period of silence and Anna left to tell her parents she was going to bed. She gave me no clue that I was wanted in her room.

It was an easy enough decision on my part though. I had behaved in a manner where it might be construed that I had a low regard for Anna and the services that she had performed for me. If I didn't go to her room it might be further considered that the matter was confirmed.

If I did go to her room, Anna might reject me -- in which case she was rating my worth after I had lessened the insult. Or, hopefully, Anna would decide to forgive me -- once again it being her decision not mine.

I said my goodnights as well and advised Doug and Ma when they asked that my date had gone well and that Rosalee was a nice girl. Then I took a long hot shower (cold might have been better), wasting the water but enjoying the sharp needles turning my flesh lobster pink. It gave my foster-parents time to head into their own room.

Anna's window was closed and she ignored my scratching on the glass. There was no light and she could have gone to sleep or...

I tapped lightly three times. Still no activity. I tapped again, one every second, not stopping at three. If she was awake I was risking making her even more annoyed. It worked.

The window slid up.

"What do you want!?"

"Always you, Sweetheart."

"Don't sweetheart me! I'm angry with you."

"Can I come in and hear why?"

"Maybe you should stay out there and figure it out for yourself!" Still she moved away and didn't complain when I disconnected the screen mesh.

Anna sat on the side of the bed and watched me climb into her room. There was enough light for me to see she hadn't been crying; a good sign. Glistening wet eyes would have indicated she was as upset as she pretended.

"I guess you're unhappy I got into Rosalee's pants, or is it because I made her come?"

"You said you'd only kiss!" Anna still had the good sense to whisper. Another good sign! A truly angry girl might not have been so concerned with the consequences.

"I didn't go out intending any more. It was really as a result of not kissing her that it happened."

"Not kissing? But you said you did kiss."

"Come here; stand with me."

"I don't know if I want to fool around with you."

"You won't be. I'm going to be Rosalee and you're going to be me. I'm going to give you a lesson in what it is like to kiss another girl, or at least Rosalee."

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Yes my Darling Daughter

“Mu-um! I’m Home”“In the kitchen, Darling!”Callie hung her coat on the hallway hook and walked into the kitchen. Suzanna looked up from the table where she was finishing off some paperwork as she prepared the evening meal and smiled at her daughter.“How was school?” she asked.“I can’t wait until these exams are over and get to Uni,” the girl replied and slumped down on a chair opposite her mother. Callie laughed, her face lighting up as she did so and Callie smiled back at her. She loved...

2 years ago
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I had a surprise last night

I was down in my office watching some porn on my computer my girlfriend was upstairs with one of her girlfriends talking about girl stuff and making plains for the weekend. So I just figured that they would be talking and drinking wine and I could hear them laughing a way. So thought that it would be safe to get conferrable and masturbate to some good porn. I was watching three girls are doing this guy. The guy had his cock in this one girl’s pussy and the other was licking his balls and a...

3 years ago
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The Mind Control Device Chapter 16 MindControlling the Kinky Lesbians

Chapter Sixteen: Mind-Controlling the Kinky Lesbians By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Kimberly “Kimmie” Michael I pulled my car into the parking lot before the Pink Pussycat. The sex shop didn't look too sleazy. It had a bright, neon sign with a cat perched on the end of the sweeping cursive words. There was something bold and suggestive about the pose of the mascot. “I can't believe we're going in there,” Natalie said. My friend was a more...

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Last Nights Dream

I'd never give you a menu because you'd order the same thing.  “Chef firehouse special”. I think he only made this for you because you two were neighbors! Today was different. Today you came in with a beautiful woman and two boys who definitely looked like you.  I was 99% sure this was your wife and kids.    The owner/chef came out and gave your wife a big hug and said hello to your boys.  He then looked at me and told me to seat you by the window. I took you guys over and gave you menus. ...

2 years ago
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Lick Me

Beth lay back in the warm soapy water relaxing after a hectic week at work. The water gently swirled round her soft breasts as she lay back to soak and clean her body. She had been thinking that her sex life with her husband had been a little mundane lately and had decided to liven it up a little. After much thought she had decided that to spice things up a bit she was going to try something new and be a bit more dominant and take charge of things in the bedroom for her own pleasure. However...

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The Break In0

“What the hell was that,” Cindy whispered before nudging him. “Go check honey.” Mark crept down the long dark hallway. It was difficult to see at three in the morning without any of the lights being on. He peered into the bathroom to find nobody there. The spare bedroom had the same result. His heart raced as he looked left then turned right. A blunt object smacked him in the face. When Mark came to, he was staring at two very large black men. One had a hold of his wife by her...

3 years ago
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Short Stay with My Aunts

I was in transit back the states after my most recent tour in Afghanistan and all expenses had been paid by the Army. I had been there for a year and frankly I was looking forward to getting stateside. I missed many things while deployed; food, professional sports, cars but most of all I missed women!My travel took me to Atlanta before going on to my base. While passing through Atlanta I was to have a one day layover. Normal I would get a voucher for a hotel but since my aunts lived in the area...

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The Letter

The LetterThis seemed to be a typical Saturday, with Mr. Dawson mowing his lawn and the boys playing basketball in the driveway. I loved the way the sun warmed my face as I stepped beyond the shadows of the house. I thought how this was a perfect day to celebrate our fifteenth wedding anniversary. Well, it would have been except for the fact that Dave had been called away at the last minute to settle a labor problem in their east coast branch—something about a pending strike. It was unusual for...

Wife Lovers
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SaraChapter 3

Mark arrived home to find his mother heading out the door. She was walking to her car, still dressed in her work outfit and moving in a brisk pace. "Mark, there you are." His mother said as she threw her purse into the car and across the seat. "What's up, Mom?" Mark asked. "I'm was supposed to have met your father over twenty minutes ago for dinner, so I'm running late." She said, busily starting the car. "Oh." "Now listen, I left some money on the kitchen table for you and...

3 years ago
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My College Story

Hi, readers, my name is Reshma.My boob size is 38. This incident happened in my college . I had a boy friend but he is not much interested in enjoying me . But his friend will meet me often as we took same department. So we will meet during exam times for a group study. Starting days we use to study then that boy has interested in my boobs. He said I want to suck ur boobs as it is nice in a text. First I felt awkward and then I want to give out try as no one sucked my boobs. The next day his...

1 year ago
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The downfall of saw the rise of from its ashes. Sure, Bulletin boards have always been around, but think of this one as a place where you meet up with thousands of other equally perverted individuals and talk about all the shit that makes you all tick. There are plenty of reasons why you would want to be on a bulletin board, especially if it allows you to watch and share all kind of adult content with total strangers. This translates to quite a nasty forum with loads of...

Indian Porn Sites
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Me tits big

xHamster – Free Porn Videos Search in 179,993 stories... mrslideitinVideosLive SexPornstarsChannelsPhotosDatingPremiumAll storiesThe best season :-PIt's during the best season that you peek always with a little more attention, especially if you have the sis very good, like in my case :-P. It was a nice day of summer, august end august i remember, when i and my sis were at home with an our cousin (young like us :-P), my sis and our cousin are sitting on the bed and started to joking with the...

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My Romantic Story

Hello to all my dear friends, bhabhies and Anties. I am regular reader of ISS and I like very much of the ISS stories. Without wasting of time, first I introduced myself. I am Mehul Panchal from Gujarat, 24 Years Old. After reading lots of stories, I am also interested to write my real story and share with you guys. Ab main apni story pe aata hu. Yeh kissa almost 1 year purana hai, jo mere aur meri girlfriend ke bich hua tha. Meri girlfriend ka naam “Kajal” hai and she is looking very hot and...

1 year ago
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A Deceitful DaughterChapter 6

Jessica: With the death of my father, mother gave in to my longing for a dog. I was so thrilled I felt it was almost worth my father dying for! At the dog kennels on the outskirts of town, mother was charmed with some cute and cuddly pedigree pooches but I was unmoved by them. I was attracted to a handsome two-year-old brown mongrel and as soon as I stroked him, he was wagging his tail and trying to lick my snatch! I looked into his eyes and was captivated. “Oh Mom look! Isn’t he simply...

4 years ago
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That Girl I Met Online Turned Into Romance

Hey! Guys. I am writing a new story after 2 years now. I was amazed by the response i got earlier specially from girls too. I never thought that i will make friends through this site. Comments /suggestions always welcome please email So this story is of initial college days, i didn’t like my college people much more specifically any girl. I was still more involved with my friends in school but they were too gradually getting engaged with their new friends. I guess it was me who was not able to...

2 years ago
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The Resistance

He pushed the peddle down a littler further, hoping to reach a suitable camping spot before darkness fell. He was never too sure when he would come across a Reign checkpoint and there was an ordered curfew for this area. If he was spotted or heard after dark, they would hunt him down and find him. He scanned the edge of the forest on his right and looked for a break in the trees. Finally, he saw one. About a hundred feet ahead of him, a dirt road curved into the trees and seemed to disappear....

2 years ago
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Lost in Lesbian Lust

My neighbor Jan is thirty-seven, married with two teenage daughters. Her body is in excellent shape and I have always found her to be exceptionally attractive. Yet there was something much more about the way she affected me. I would find myself glued to my windows at times when I knew she would be going to or coming home from work, just to catch a glimpse of her. I knew this was weird but I thought about her nearly all the time. I was becoming obsessed with the thoughts of her letting me get...

3 years ago
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League of Legends Worlds 2019 Chrissy Costanza and

This story happened back at Worlds 2019 (League of Legends Championship) in France. I’ve worked a long time for Riot and then mostly for the light and sound at big events like Worlds and MSI (Mid –Season Invitational) but I was still just 24. Today had to lead the technics for the song Phoenix (The theme song of Worlds 2019) by League of Legends, Cailin Russo and Chrissy Costanza. That morning I drank coffee with the teams if the songs Awaken and True Giants. After the coffee I went to the...

4 years ago
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Bhabhi Ko Patake Unko Khub Choda Aur Maje Liye

Meara naam rahul kumar he .Mein odisha ka rehne wala hun.Meri age 21 saal hai. Meri height 5’5” hai mere lund ka size 6 inch hai aur 3 inch mota hai. Koi bhi ladki ya bhabhi bhubneswar ya odisha ki koi aur jagah ki agr mujhse chudwani chahti ho to mujhe email kr skti hai aur email mein apna contact number bej de, main us ke number pr call kr lunga.Main 12th class se iss padh rha hun. Yahan pr maine bahut saari stories padhi hain. Aaj main yahan pr apni real story likh rha hun.Yeh meri pehli...

1 year ago
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Completed The Desires After 4 Years

Hello indian sex stories dot net readers, I am Nisarg from Ahmedabad. My height is 5’11”, my skin is fair, I have an athletic body and my cock is 8.5” (lucky me). I also have good looks up my sleeve. This is the story about how I fucked my college senior after 1 year of completing the college. The lead of the story is Shreya. Her height would be around 5’9” and her skin colour is white. Her figures are somewhat 34-28-32 most likely, which are almost perfect. She has got a nice cute face too....

3 years ago
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Life Without Women is Hell

Hi guys I am Cartic from Tamil nadu. I am a fair guy, 5’11” with a good athletic physique. The story I am going to narrate is about one of our maids. This is a true fantasy which goes back about 15 years when I was newly married. Just after a few months of our marriage, my wife had to go to my native place to be with my parents. There was some function and I could not go as I did not get leave from my work. Everybody had to go to the function so I was alone at home. This maid of ours was asked...

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How Big Are You Anyway Pt2

Thinking back, I realize now how my life has changed since that business trip just three weeks ago. My husband was pleasantly surprised at my increased interest in our lovemaking when I returned, especially my eagerness to give him head. He joked that my extended trips away from home were tough on him, but if this was his reward he felt he could 'muster up the strength to deal with it.'After a particularly energetic blowjob, he was surprised when I didn't remove his penis from my mouth when he...

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A day at the office Part 2

After she cleaned me up she signed the paperwork, she gave me a big hug and whispered in my ear, “Until I see you again.” I never did see her after that, I sent the crew out to move her and she called to thank me for the excellent service we provided.  It has been a couple of months since Ellen moved with our help. We’ve been keeping in contact through email and chat. One morning, I was chatting with her and the chat came to the point where I told her I wished she were here. Right at that...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Lily Larimar Sweetheart Hottie Lily Larimar Getting Wild LIVE

Anyone that knows Cherry Pimps knows that when a model becomes Cherry of the Month that one of the added treats is to get the model in for a LIVE show with all of you during her designated month. Lily Larimar made an absolutely fantastic March 2021 Cherry of the Month too. We felt LUCKY and privileged to have such a sweetheart and an overall wonderful girl to take the award. Lily truly does shine and makes everyone feel welcome with her fun loving attitude and huge sex drive to boot. Now…...

1 year ago
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Auto Driver Seduces Beautiful Housewife

I am Sneha from Noida. I am married with a four year old son. I am 29 years old. I stay with my husband in our flat. We have hired an auto driver to drop our son to school. I don’t leave him alone. I go with him and come back alone in the auto. The driver is very nice man. Previous auto driver was slutty and used to stare at my boobs. After he passed some dirty comments, my husband asked him to quit. My breast size has increased after pregnancy. I am very modern. I wear jeans pant and tight top...

1 year ago
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Everyone Needs A Break

I’m studying for a competitive exam that happens in June. A part of that exam is Math, which I absolutely hate. After completing most of my education my avoiding Math, I had to sit down and learn all that I missed, and hence, sat in the library of my tuition class, at half past 1 in the morning. I sat confused, and struggling with each problem for half an hour, that all the people around me were solving in a minute. It was frustrating. “You should take a break.” Said a voice behind me. “You’ve...

3 years ago
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Something For The Lady

I couldn’t wait to meet her. It felt like I had waited for this for so long and at last my fantasies were about to come true.We had met over the net and immediately both knew we had found exactly what we had both been looking for such a long time. To me she sounded like the hottest older lady imaginable who I had long dreamed of to teach me all she knew. To her I sounded like the young hot stud she had been desperate for to fulfill her in ways she almost daren’t imagine. We had sent the hottest...

2 years ago
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Tinas Wedding

“Tina and Barry are getting married and I’m a bridesmaid, well, matron of honor. You're invited and their kids are bridesmaid and pageboy.” This was the most buoyant I had heard my wife Liz in ages. Normally, I was treated to the day's digest of what the kids had done in nursery, how bad the shops were and trivia of the day that doesn't affect me.There was much excitement in the weeks preceding the wedding. Barry stayed with his parents for six weeks before the big day to heighten the pleasure....

Quickie Sex
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Londons BurningChapter 4 The Truth Comes Out

Lady Sheila Radcliffe was waiting for them at the station and was obviously particularly pleased to see Tony, but less pleased to see Kate although she was scrupulously polite and welcoming to her. Tony knew from the vision of the baby being placed on the doorstep that lady Sheila was almost certainly his mother of that he had no doubt. Lady Sheilas excuse of interest in him because he had served with, and been with the captain who was his father when he died was to cover her ingrained fears...

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High School Truths

Kaylyn Sullivan is "the girl" that every high school girl wants to be. She's "hot" as the guys call it, a natural blonde with big breasts, 34Ds to be exact, and a large ass. Her curves definitely drew attention, boys stared as she walked, girls mumbled it wasn't real. On top of that, she had the ultimate status position, Head Cheerleader. She also kept in shape by being in her 4th year of varsity soccer, where she was a Captain, but her running around always drew a crowd that girls high school...

4 years ago
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Hot Hard Sex With Nris Wife

Hi ,Friends, Gals,bhabhi n aunty aoor sabhi ko meri oor se hello n very 2 thanks , jin hone meri last story (Hot manju sharma ka hoot 1st real hard sex experience) ko bhut zabardast response diya, mere pass kaafi e mail, aoor phone call aaye, jiskie karan main iss main meri 9th story present karne jaa raha hu , I hope yah bhi aap sabhi ko pahle se bhi jayada jarur pasand aaye gi. Ek baar main aap ko wapas apna introduction de dena chata hu , mera naam manoj hai . hight 6 feet, body fit n fine...

3 years ago
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A Nightmare Reborn Ch 02

A NIGHTMARE REBORN: FREDDY VS. JASON 2 CHAPTER 02 BASED UPON CHARACTERS CREATED BY: WES CRAVEN: A Nightmare on Elm Street VICTOR MILLER: Friday the 13th JOHN CARPENTER: Halloween STEPHEN KING: It VICTOR SALVA: Jeepers Creepers KEVIN WILLIAMSON: Scream CLIVE BARKER: Candyman ALFRED HITCHCOCK: Psycho CREATIVE CONSULTANTS: Sean Renaud, Tessa Alexander and Miriam Belle EDITOR: Miriam Belle AUTHOR’S NOTE: -‘There have been a few questions regarding the fate of Dr. Loomis at the end...

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