Coming Clean. Part 1 free porn video

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It was our 5-year wedding anniversary and I was on the verge of doing something very selfish and stupid. I love my wife, I really do. We are a perfect match and have a lot of fun together. We are fortunate to have a couple kids, which we absolutely adore and would do anything for them as all parents do and want for their kids. From the outside looking in, we were the couple that generally got all the laughs; to translate, I would always do stupid shit (in a harmless way) and the comments would be like, "God, how to you deal with him," or "Amy, you a true saint." We also fought, like all the good couples do over all the typical stuff, but we always got past it. In hindsight, most, if not all the fighting was just a result of me being angry, not at her, but at life for being a sissy. One elephant in the room that was never discussed amongst ourselves was our lack of any sexual relationship. We would go months without so much a hug, let alone sex. This was purely my fault because I was disinterested. Not because I wasn't attractive to my wife or that I didn't love Her, but because I was a full-fledged sissy and just wanted to worship Her around the clock and frankly I was embarrassed by my inability to satisfy Her. My sissyness, was totally consuming me. It is all I thought about, minute by minute, day by day. It haunted me, and I had no control over the fact that I was a sissy. The more I fought the urge to accept my sissyness the more I fell deeper and deeper into the sissy vortex. I constantly fantasized about living the life of a sissy maid and sissy baby for my Mistress, and in my fantasies, that was my Wife. As a result, I was grumpy...really grumpy. It sucked. I wanted nothing more than to be a sissy, but at the same time I wish I could just be a normal guy. Anyways, in bed I was terrible. Nine out of 10 times I lasted maybe 5 seconds if I was fortunate to even get it up. Sure, that one time I would be able to go for say 30 seconds and felt like a champ, but I just got lucky and 30 seconds?, please! As I fell further and further into the sissy hole, it only got worse. To add to that, I am also small. When hard, I am average, maybe 5-6 inches. I swear, I've never measured. When not hard my clitty is maybe an inch. I truly feel it has gotten smaller as my sissyness grows. Now my little clitty barely pops out and just the little tip rests on my tessies. It is quite pathetic and might I add, cute...for a sissy. To Her credit, She was a great sport and never said boo, but I know She was frustrated as She should've been. It's safe to say I was never successful in getting her to orgasm with my sissy stick. Oral, on the other hand I was great at, as most sissies are. I often wondered if I was gay, and I'm sure most readers would immediately say, "YES." The thing is, I never had any fantasies about being with a man. I will admit I do have fantasies about my Mistress bending me over and giving me a good fucking, or totally emasculating me and forcing me to suck a dildo. This of course is sissy heaven...until I cum, then the dreaded sissy regret would kick in. I've dealt with this forever, as I'm sure most sissies have, which was also a reason I would put off any intimate contact with my Wife. In my mind, if I didn't cum I was still a sissy constantly fantasizing. Something had to give. I chat on all the popular sites and made a few friends over the years. I was even friendly with some Dom/Dommes. I attended a few events, but was always the shy sissy in the corner, but I always looked cute, lol. I was starting to get serious with a Mistress I knew. We had met for coffee a few times and W/we got along well. W/we started making plans to have me serve part time as Her diapered maid. I wanted to be Her sissy in the worst way, to have an outlet to be myself. The problem was I would always flake out because of the guilt that would surely follow. I hated the idea of cheating, even though there was never discussion of sex. That is like emotional cheating if there is such a thing, and I was already way guilty of constantly fantasizing about my sissyness. In my mind, the karma that would come with being someone else's sissy would surely bite me in the ass. I decided I needed to come clean and save my marriage. Yay, me. One last thing, and probably an important piece to all of this. She knew I was a sissy. She knew I pretty much wore panties daily, She always caught me on sissy sites, etc. She had seen me dressed before, but it did nothing for Her. She looked the other way and kind of let me do my thing. She just expected me to be honest and not lie to Her. I needed to come clean before shit got bad. I'm going to try to replay to the best of my ability what follows O/our talk. I'm also going to summarize and obviously, this was a lot more in-depth, so forgive my fast-forwarding if you find it to be rushed. .......................................................................... "Aim, we need to talk," I said to Her one evening when the kids were in bed and we were trying to find something to watch. " About?" "I love you," I said with a nervous smile. "mhmmmm, where is this going?" she said looking slightly alarmed. "I think W/we could both agree we get along great, but there is zero sex life," I said. "Yes, I mean it's fine," she said with a shrug. "Look, I know I'm bad and that is the reason I show no interest. But also, I just want more than anything to be your sissy." I stammered. "I know that," she replied. "Yes, but I'm afraid I'm going to do something stupid and I don't want too. I'm begging you to try this out, just see if You like it." "But, I'm not dominant. I don't know what you want me to do. I'm not a mean person." "I know, I know, and I'm not asking You too." "Then, what do you want?" "I don't know, it's hard to say." "Do you want to be a woman." "No, no. I just want to be a sissy every day." "But what does that mean, how do you want to dress every day and not want to be a woman?" "It's just different. It is, I know it doesn't make sense, but it's about catering to You." "Then why do You have to dress, why can't you just do that. I have no problem with you doing those things." "It is part of the humiliation, I don't know. It just feels right. I'm sorry, I never should have asked." "Do you want to be with men? I'm not a lesbian." "No, and I know you're not. It's just...I don't know." "What do you want? Are you going to transition?" "No, no, no. That's not what I want. I just want to wait on you hand and foot. I want punishments and constant humiliation, which includes the dressing. Like forced feminization, but obviously, this isn't forced. I know it's hard with the kids, but there should be a way around it." "How can you dress like you want with them around?" "I know, it's hard. I don't know the answer and I'm just asking to try it. We can figure out the ins and out of how it will work as we go." "Fine, let's do it. You sure you don't want to be a woman or are gay?" "No." "Fine, tell me what to do?" Obviously, this conversation was a lot longer and there were a lot more questions, but that was the gist of it. It also did not go that smoothly, but I can't remember yesterday let alone repeating an entire dialogue from a year back. I didn't like the idea of telling her what to do, as I don't think a sissy should ever top from the bottom, but I had to guide Her is some ways. She started demanding more of me and having me do all the household chores, cooking, etc. Things were good, for me at least. I think She was enjoying the new me as well. I was certainly happier and She was probably thrilled to not be dealing with my grumpy ass. One day, W/we sat down and I showed Her all my sissy attire. I didn't hold back, I put everything out in the open including dildo's, vibrators, diapers, bondage toys, etc. As you'd expect She was taken aback. Most of Her questions were around the dildo's and vibrators and why I had them. I explained, ideally, they were for Her and that they have never been used. This was true, believe it or not. She was also surprised by the diapers and stuff, but it didn't really seem to bother Her. Her reaction was more like, "I don't care anymore." She was also skeptical as to why I needed so much stuff and how or when I could wear it. Some of my things She laughed at and told me try it on. "Who wears this stuff," she would say. My reply was simple. "Sissies." She would let me dress occasionally for Her, but that seemed to die after some time. Mostly because W/we both struggled to inject this into O/our relationship without scarring our kids forever. There were minimal punishments regardless of my screw ups and mostly just some yelling. Regardless, things were going good and W/we both seemed happy. Over the next couple months' things started to go back to the way they were previously, due to the difficulty of finding the time to implement this lifestyle as mentioned above. She started noticing I was going back to my old ways, as did I. I was getting grumpy again. Things went on this way for a while and it seemed the dream was coming to an end. What I didn't realize, was She was enjoying my waiting on her hand and foot and taking care of the chores. She was not happy that I was reverting to my old ways. After a couple more weeks of this type of relationship going stale, She asked me to do a chore. I was being lazy and not interested in doing anything. I made a stupid comment, like can't You just do it and was just being difficult. This is when things took a turn for the better...or worse. She marched over to me and got in my face and sternly said, "Get up those stairs and do what you are told, NOW." Taken aback, I simply murmured, "Okay," and with my tail tucked between my legs went upstairs to start folding and putting away the laundry. My head was spinning with a million thoughts. About twenty minutes later She came upstairs and told me to get the paddle. I got the paddle and She bent me over the bed and pulled my pants down exposing my hairless pantied butt. She gently rubbed the paddle over my butt a few moments and then came the first blow. "SMACK!" I lunged forward. "Stay Still," She barked. "Aren't You forgetting something?," she asked. "Thank You Mistress?," I said, not really sure if that is what She meant. SMACK! "After each stroke, you will count and say thank you, understood?" SMACK! Two more quick strokes followed. "Yes Mistress," I said. "WRONG," She yelled and delivered another stroke. "One Mistress, thank You Mistress," I said as my sore ass was starting to throb. "Good boy or should I say girl? What are you?" "A sissy, Mistress." "mhmmm and whose sissy are you? "Yours Mistress." "Do sissies like you follow their Mistress orders?" "Yes Mistress." "Then why did you groan like a little bitch when I told you to fold the laundry." "I, I, I, I don't know, I didn't think W/we were still doing this." "mhmmm well its seems you are no longer interested, is that the case?" "No Mistress." "Well you better shape up fast and for being such a bad sissy You are getting 10 strokes with the paddle, is that clear?" "Yes Mistress." "How many do you have left?" "9." "Good boi, you can count." SMACK! "Two Mistress, thank You Mistress." SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK!!!! After each smack, I obediently counted and thanked my Mistress as instructed. I was in a lot of pain and on the verge of tearing up. I was doing my best to hold it in. She then got close to my ear and whispers, "Don't you ever, EVER, disobey me again sissy. Now go kneel in the corner, nose to the wall, and I don't want to hear a peep out of you." "Yes Mistress." I went to pull my panties and pants up. "No, I want that cute red ass exposed, so I can see my handy work." "Yes Mistress." I knelt in the corner with my nose to the wall with my panties around my ankles. After what seemed an eternity, although only 20 minutes she told me finish my chores. I obediently went ahead and finished my chores and my tiny clitty was getting hard at the thought of what just happened. I couldn't believe that happened, and as excited as I was, I was also a bit nervous about this new personality She just displayed. I returned downstairs after finishing my chores upstairs and asked Mistress if there is anything else She needed done. She rattled off a few things, which I went ahead and did. By this time there was chaos downstairs with the kids running around and what not. Nothing was said about what just happened until after all the kids were in bed. I was downstairs watching TV, when Mistress emerged. "You're going to bed at 9 tonight as part of your punishment. You will be in bed by 9, not going upstairs at 9," she stated. I started arguing a little and She just looked at me and said, "It can be now if you want?" I shut up immediately, even though I only had about 30 minutes. I liked to stay up late and watch my shows or games or what have you, so I was trying to figure out how to get out of this predicament. I realize I didn't want to upset Her anymore and simply thought, no biggie I'll just watch tv in bed like I normally would. At around 8:50 I grabbed some water and headed upstairs to brush my teeth. I hopped in bed in just my panties. I put on the TV and was watching TV for a few minutes when She walked in. She grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. "You are being punished, you don't get to watch tv." I started to whine and argue and She turned and said, "well that's too bad isn't it. Who is in charge here?" "You are." "Excuse me?" "You are Mistress," I meekly responded. "Better. If you want this You better get used to the new changes and address me properly always. Remember sissy, you asked for this, didn't you?2 "Yes Mistress." "Good." With that, she was in the closet sifting through my sissy stuff. She had previously seen all my sissy wardrobe, toys, etc. She pulled out a diaper, plastic panties, and a onesie. "Now, take those panties off." "Oh please, You don't have to do this Mistress." "Oh yes I do, you wouldn't have these if you didn't want me too. Stop the foolishness. Isn't, that right?" "Yes Mistress." "Besides, if you are going to disobey and act like a baby, well that's how we will treat you." I removed my panties and lay there on the bed. She opened the diaper. "Up." I lifted my bum and she slid the diaper under me. Immediately my sissy clitty stood tall, well not that tall. "Awe, isn't that cute, my little sissy is excited about wearing her diapers." I just blushed. She smacked my clitty and said "maybe another time sweetie, but I wouldn't hold your breath." She then lifted the front of the diaper and taped it shut. I was in sissy heaven, my wife of 5 years just diapered me as punishment and was taking real control and constantly teasing me. She stopped and just looked at my diaper with a smirk. "It's kind of cute," and then patted my diaper. My face was beat red. Then she grabbed the plastic panties and slid them up my legs and once again demanded me to lift my bum, which I did. "Turn over." I turned so now I was lying on my stomach and she locked the plastic panties. "Ok turn back. Just need to make sure we don't have any bad smells or accidents during the night." I just blushed and was in too much shock to really reply. She then grabbed the prissy pink onesie and put it over my head. I lifted my arms and my arms fell through, while she pulled at the bottom. I lifted my bum again and then she snapped the onesie shut. She then grabbed the blindfold and slip it over my head. "There, that should help you sleep and think about your punishment. Do not get out of this bed under any circumstances. Do not turn on the tv and do not remove your blindfold. Understood?" "Yes Mistress." "Good take a sip of water." I sipped. "Good boi, sweet dreams," she said. With that She left the room and closed the lights on the way out. I tossed and turned for what seemed like hours that night with both excitement and nervousness about what was to come. At some point in the middle of the night, I had the urge to go to the bathroom. I fought it as best as possible, but eventually was overcome and wet my diaper. I lay in bed thinking of the humiliation that awaited me in the morning until I drifted off to sleep with some sweet sissy dreams. Early the next morning I was awoken by Mistress gently rubbing my diaper. "Morning sweetie, how did you sleep?" "Fine, Mistress." "Mhmmm, it feels like you had an accident, is that the case?" "No, i mean yes," i stammered. "Good sissy, I guess we will need to use these more often if you can't control yourself, yes?" "er, i guess so." "you guess, so? did you wet your diaper?" "Yes Mistress." "mhmmm so that settles it, i can't have a sissy wetting the bed at night." "Yes Mistress." "Good boi." "Now let's get you out of that wet diaper and get ready for the day. Do you have anything to say?" "I'm sorry Mistress for disobeying yesterday, I will do better." "You better, now kneel and kiss my feet and ass." "I knelt and immediately kissed both her feet and bum lovingly." She unlocked my plastic panties and I was allowed to remove my diaper and jump in the shower. After my shower I saw a pair on panties on the bed and knew I had to wear these for the day. This was also exciting as I always just picked my own panties to wear and She had never really taken much interest in it. After dressing I went downstairs and helped her get the kids ready for the day. She told me to do a few tasks, which of course I did willingly. At some point when we were alone for a quick second, She pulled the back of my jeans to check I was wearing the panties She picked out and gave me a approving pat on my bum. After making lunches, getting the kids Breakfast and throwing a load of laundry in I set out for work. It was a long-distracted day at work as I wait to wonder what was in store for me when I got home. We exchanged a few texts and calls throughout the day, but nothing kinky. Not that I was expecting that. I got home later that day and like usual walked into chaos with the kids running rampant and my Wife annoyed by all their doings. She quickly told me to get them out of Her hair and rattled off a bunch of tasks for me. I did my best to keep them preoccupied, so She could relax and do whatever She needed to do. After dinner and things settled down a bit I went ahead with my tasks. There were a couple times I needed to be reminded to do something, and I could tell She was taking a mental note of these minor hiccups. She also started to tell me things that I always needed to be on the lookout for, such as Her always having a full drink. I started to write these down to ensure I kept up with all these tasks. Later that evening after all the kids were in bed I sat downstairs on the couch and She came down holding a diaper, plastic panties, and a onesie. She told me to remove my clothes so She could put me in my pajamas. I stripped and tried to resist being diapered again, but She just kind of laughed and told me to stop being foolish. She promptly diapered me and slid my plasitc panties up and slid the onesie over me. She then pointed to the floor and I eagerly knelt. "I want a foot massage, but first you will worship my feet." I lowered my head and started to gently kiss Her feet. She then lifted Her leg a bit and put Her feet towards my mouth. I opened my mouth and started to worship Her gorgeous feet as instructed, licking and kissing them until She was satisfied. After about 10 minutes on both feet She instructed me get the oil and start massaging Her feet. I went and got the massage oil and returned to Her and kneeled while She took control of the remote and started watching Her shows, while I started to massage Her feet. After Her fist show was done, She told me that was enough. I went to get up and She told me stay down there and get on all fours. With that She placed her Legs on my back and I was being used as Her ottoman. My head was spinning again, who was this new Woman taking control of me. I was Her furniture for the duration of the show and after She shut the TV and said bedtime sissy. I noticed Her water was running low, so quickly went to refill it and followed Her up the stairs. I was excited, but also a bit bummed as I was looking forward to my turn with the TV. Once in bed, She handed me the strapon and told me to put it on. I couldn't believe it, could there be anything more humiliating than having to wear a strapon to have sex with my wife! My clitty immediately jumped to attention, but was being restrained by my diaper. I grabbed the waist of my plastic panties to pull them down and She immediately told me stop. "No need for that, put it on over your diaper." Okay, so it just got more humiliating, I was about to make love to wife while being diapered and wearing a strapon! After the strapon was on, I rolled over on to Her and She pushed me down. I knew what I had to do. I slowly started working my way down kissing and worshipping Her body until I was face to face with Her most precious area. She pushed the back of my head forward and I went about my task, doing what I do best. It didn't take long for her to start moaning and moving around, and this time She was a bit more forceful with Her hands and She guided the back of my head. She was in total control and it was hot. She was also more verbal, which is something She is not normally. "Mhmmm good sissy bitch," "Good boi, work it," "You slut." After a while She eased up on my head and told me to put the cock in Her. "At least we know this will last, don't we bitch?" "Yes Mistress." "Go on then." I slowly worked it in and started to go about having sex with Her with this strapon. As a typical sissy after about 2 pumps of this humiliation I came in my diaper and I wanted to retreat....abort mission I thought, but knew I had to keep at it. Does it get any worse than cumming in a diaper without even using your clitty? One She was fully satisfied I pulled out. After a few moments of silence, She said, "Well that was nice....and long." "Yes Mistress." "Did you have any accidents." "No Mistress." "So if I check there won't be anything in your diaper." "Mmm No Mistress." "Ok let me see." I quickly put my hand to Hers to stop Her from checking. "Excuse you?" "I did okay," sounding defeated. "You did what?" "I had an accident." She smiled and said, "Cute....also pathetic." I was so ashamed and yet so very excited once again. "We will need to work on that. I don't want you cumming without my permission every again, do You understand?" "Yes Mistress." "If you do, even while W/we are playing you will be punished accordingly." "Yes Mistress." "If I find out you came and didn't notify me, well kiss your ass goodbye." "Yes Mistress." "Good, good night then." With that she rolled over and went to bed. "Can I take the diaper off or at least put on a new one?" "Not necessary, good night." The next few days was more of the same. She was constantly setting early bed times for me and keeping me diapered at night. Some nights there would be some play either with a vibrator, oral, strapon, or some combination. She completely ignored my clitty, which left me frustrated, but also satisfied. Other nights, just massages and some nights nothing. Every day before and after work there would be a list of tasks around the house I had to complete. She also started setting some ground rules and administering daily panty checks, something which She never previously did. With the kids W/we obviously didn't have the time to administer punishments or have me fully dressed as a sissy on a daily basis, so during the week it mostly consisted of me handling all the chores and helping Her with the kids. At night, there would be some sort of reminder of our relationship, primarily with Her setting curfew and having me dressed for bed appropriately, and anything She may have been in the mood for. I must admit I was hating the early bed times, but I couldn't really fight it as I requested all of this. At the same time, I also loved it. The biggest difference from when we first started this and things went south till now is that She was much more confident in Her controlling of me. When we were around others She was still very much in charge, all She would have to do was give me a look. I guess my lazyness with being Her sissy had gotten to Her and She was starting to truly take advantage of the submissive husband She married. The following Sunday, Mistress called me upstairs while things were relatively quiet. "You've been a relatively good boi the last couple weeks, but there are some things that need to be corrected, would you agree?" "Yes Mistress." "Bend over, sissy." "Yes Mistress." In her hand she held the paddle. "You are getting 20 swats of the paddle today." Gulp. "Twenty!!!?" "not enough?" "no, no," I said. "Good, let's get started. The first two are a reminder to always address me as your Mistress. There were times you got lazy, didn't you?" "Yes Mistress." "Yes of course, that will not be tolerated. I am your Superior and will be shown the proper respect I deserve." A swift harsh blow to my cheek "Sorry Mistress." "Excuse me!" followed by another swat. "Forgetting something." "One Mistress, Thank You Mistress." "Better, for that those first 2 don't count. My my, you still have lots to learn." Two more quick smacks and I was already feeling the stinging. She rubbed my cheeks with the back of the paddle while I counted and thanked Her for my corrections. "The next 6 are for me having to remind You the simplest of things. Is it so hard to remember to always have my drink replenished, to clean up the house every night, too put away my clothes on the floor, to make the bed, to leave the toilet seat down, to always have toilet paper on the holder. Why am I having to tell you these things?" "I'm sorry Mistress, I'll do better." "You had better if you want this to continue. We are going to create a chore chart for you sissy." "Yes Mistress." "At the same time we will have weekly punishments for anything I deem inappropriate. You will be required to keep track of all your punishments. If I tell you something, you write it down. If you forget to do something and don't tell me about it, you will be punished severely. We will also have a list of all things I expect outside of chores, such as how to address me, when to curtsey, when small tasks should be done without my saying such as, cleaning up the bathroom after I am done using it. Understood?" "Yes Mistress." "Good boi." With that she delivered 6 hard strokes of the paddle alternating cheeks. I counted and thanked Her as required and was trying my hardest to let the stinging not get too me. She then slowly rubbed my red bum to help soothe the pain. "Now, the next 10 are for you cumming without my permission, not once, but twice during play. You need to learn to keep that lil dick of yours under control. I realize that is extremely difficult for you, but you will learn. This is about my pleasure not yours, isn't that right?" "Yes Mistress." "What real men has an orgasm while wearing a strapon?" "Hello, I'm asking you a question," She said. "I don't know Mistress." "no, you don't b/c you are a sissy, aren't you? not a real man." "yes Mistress." "Good boi." With that, She delivered 6 more hard strokes and I was in some serious pain. Tears started to well, but I was doing my hardest to hold them back. It hurt like hell and as I was counting and thanking Her for my corrections I was trying to sound as steady as possible. I was dreading the final 6. "it's okay, almost done.," she rubbed my sore red ass some more as i was trying to prepare myself for the final blows. 4 more hard blows were delivered and the tears started to stream. after counting and thanking Her yet again, She started to explain the final two. "Just two more sweetie, you're doing so good." "Thank You Mistress." "This next one is for talking back or arguing about something i tell you to do. Now, you've gotten better at this, so this is more of just a friendly reminder to always obey me and do so with a smile. Yes, sissy?" "Yes Mistress." She then gave me a stroke, but not nearly as hard. "Finally, this last one is a love tap for being mine. You are mine aren't you?" "Yes Mistress." "And you love when I spank you don't you?" "Yes Mistress." "Yes, you do," and She delivered the last blow, again not that hard, but with the stinging already in place in hurt. She rubbed my ass some more and then told me to stand. I stood and faced Her and She could see I had a few tears on my face. "Are you okay?," She asked in a concerned manner. One of Her concerns early on in all this was that She didn't want to hurt me or didn't think She had it in Her to deliver a punishment like this. It seemed She found it and needed reassurance from me that it is what I wanted. I was completely humiliated to be standing in front of Her with tears in my eyes from the spanking She just handed down. It just got real, very real, but I was in total awe of Her. Never did I feel so submissive and so under Her control. I would have done anything for Her at that point. I was so deeply in love. "Yes Mistress." "Good, because to be honest I really enjoyed that," She then hugged me. "Now go kneel in the corner, same as last time. Oh and by the way I setup a nice little camera to make sure you aren't cheating on your corner time." I looked and She pointed to the camera and pulled up the app on Her phone. "See, now while you are in the corner I can go downstairs and do what I need to do and watch the kids and still monitor you! Isn't that great!," She smiled, and left the room. About 30 minutes later She returned and could still see my ass was really red. "Oh, it looks so cute and shiny... Ok up you go. Kneel and kiss my feet fist." "Yes Mistress, thank You for punishing me." I lowered my head and kissed Her feet. "Your welcome, sissy," She turned, "and now my booty," She said with a chuckle. "Yes Mistress," i loved having to worship Her feet and butt. It really was a great reminder of what I was. "Now, downstairs and watch them for a bit. I need a break. You also need to make sure you finish all your chores today, i don't care when or how you do, but needs to be done. Also start thinking about what you're making for dinner. ." "Yes Mistress." "Go." I turned and did a pretend curtsey as if I was in a skirt. "Oh, what a good boi. You were listening. That is a new rule, whenever You are called and dismissed and W/we are alone You will curtsey." "Yes Mistress." "Good Boi." It was at this point in our new found femdom relationship You could see Her confidence and Her willingness to want to control me and take full of advantage of what I brought to the table. I was nervous, but also extremely excited about what was ahead. A week or so later I was at work and received a message from my Mistress instructing me to pick-up some pads on my way home. "Call me when you get to the store." "Yes Mistress." Upon arrival at the store I nervously went to the appropriate aisle and phoned Mistress. "Hi Mistress, I'm here, what am I looking for exactly?" "Always Maxi Pads with Wings." "Ok I see them, the small or big bag?" "The big pack." "Ok, now you also need to get the maxi overnight pads with wings, also a big bag." "Yes Mistress, anything else. No that is it, make sure you go a cashier, not self checkout," she said with a chuckle. "Yes Mistress." I did as instructed and nervously walked to the cashier trying to hide my packages. Luckily the line wasn't that long and there was an older woman in front of me. Fortunately, when it was my turn, the girl didn't seem to notice what She was ringing up and I escaped with minimal humiliation. Once home, She instructed me to go to the bathroom and pull my pants down. I did as told. "So sissy unfortunately for us, Aunt Flo has arrived, which means W/we need to be properly protected." "err okay, what does that have to do with me though?" "Well, you wear panties don't you?" "yes, but.." "Well when you wear panties and it is your time of the month, which in this case is the same time as me you will be protected. Why should I be the one to only to wear these? After all you want to be a girl and this is part of it." With that, she opened the overnight bag and said, "these are yours, I don't need anything that thick, but much more suitable for a sissy. " She then gave me lessons on how to apply the pad to the gusset of my panties. After the pad was in She pulled my panties back up and said, "now you will wear these for the next few days until I tell you W/we are in the clear. You will also change the pad at lunch, which means you will have to carry an extra with you. Got it?" "Yes, Mistress." With that She rubbed the front of my panties seeing my little clitty was standing at attention in its panties. "Good boy, of course at night before bed you won't need them." One day I just wasn't in the mood to be the sissy that I am. I tried acting ultra manly and was knowingly disobeying Her orders. At one point I even talked back to Her knowing I would pay the price. Mistress was annoyed, but generally seemed to let it slide. Later in the evening, She came downstairs after everyone was asleep and was giving me the cold shoulder. She didn't say anything about my disobedience and simply sat down and watched tv. After about 30 minutes of awkwardness I finally caved in and said sorry. "It's fine, it's obvious you don't want this." "What do you mean?" "You know exactly what I mean, you only want this type of relationship when it's convenient for you." "That's not true, I'm sorry I just had an off day." "So what do you want then?" "I want what W/we have been doing." "Well it certainly doesn't seem like it." "I'm not allowed an off day?" "Frankly, no you're not. You completely disrespected me today and I won't deal with it. Either your all in or not. And if you're not feeling it on a particular day you deal with it. If need be W/we will give you reminders through punishments and such, but don't ever disrespect me like that again. Remember you wanted this, so make a up your mind. "I'm sorry it won't happen again." "We will see." With that she went bed. That night there was no diapering or early bed or anything of the sorts. During the week, there were no panty checks or any or subtle reminders of O/our femdom relationship. I could tell She was still really pissed. She was giving me tasks and telling me things She wanted done and I was doing everything without question, but it was cold. I knew I had to earn Her loving Domme-ness back. It was a relatively kink free week, outside of cleaning and chores etc. I was doing my best to please Her and that Saturday I finally broken down and pleaded for Her to go back to the way things were. "Mistress, what do I need to do to have You forgive me?" "Nothing, I'm over it." "Well, doesn't seem that way." "I'm just not in the mood this week, just like you weren't in the mood last weekend." "I'm sorry, please can W/we move past this." "We'll see, I need to see you want it." The remainder of the day was more of the same, but I was trying extra hard to kiss Her ass in all sorts of ways. The next day to my surprise after I got out of the shower there was a pair of panties sitting on the bed with a note that read, "this is your last chance, don't fuck it up." I put on my panties and went downstairs to get my day started. At some point while I was pouring coffee She gave me a panty check and said, "remember this is your last chance, this is not something that happens when it's convenient for you. If for whatever reason your having a bad day as you say, tell me and we will work through it and by that, I mean MY WAY. Don't ever talk back or ignore me like that again or I'll take all your shit and throw it out and we will never speak of this again. Understood? "Yes Mistress." "Good Boi." Later that day as I was upstairs doing my chores Mistress came in and told me to get the paddle. I knew it was just a matter of time and I was nervous as hell. "You're getting 20 strokes, and I don't think I need to explain why. Do I?" "No Mistress." "Tell me, why." "B/C of my disobedience and my disrespect to You last week." "Mhmm, and that won't happen again, correct?" "Yes Mistress." "Well, we will find out over the next week for sure." With that, She gave me 20 hard blows and I was tearing up by 10. I tried so hard to hold them back, it's very humbling and humiliating to be spanked by your wife and to be spanked in such a manner that you tear up. I was sure to thank her properly after each smack and she took her time which was both good and bad. After the paddling, She walked to the bathroom and returned holding a bar of soap. "Open," she instructed. She then placed a bar of dove in my mouth. "Hopefully that will be a good reminder to not talk back or disrespect me again. Now go to the corner. I'll come get you when your time is up. Don't you dare take that soap out." I waddled off to the corner with my panties around my ankles and my ass beat red. The soap was disgusting and I was tearing up from that. An hour later, yes an hour in the corner with a throbbing ass and soap in my mouth She came back up with a glass of water. I could barely move, my legs were aching and numb from kneeling for that long and my back was killing me. "Go rinse your mouth sissy." She wasn't apologetic or showing any sympathy for me. She was getting revenge and ensuring I knew who called the shots. After washing my mouth I went back into the bedroom. "Now get dressed and go see the kids for a few minutes. I'm taking them to my moms for a couple hours." I went downstairs and talked to them casually for a bit and She came down and said, "okay let's go." We piled them in the car and then She said, "shoot I forgot my phone." I'll get it, I said. "No, just follow me inside." We went inside and She went back upstairs. "Now hear is pen and paper, you have some punishment lines to write. You will write 200 times in perfect penmanship, the following, "I will be a good sissy and do as Mistress orders all the time, with no days off. I am Her property, Her sissy bitch and She has full control of me." "If I'm not happy with the penmanship you will redo it, so take your time. Your also not allowed to leave this room until you are done. Lay down on the bed." She then diapered me and said, "I mean it you can't leave this room until you are done. The only way you leave is if this house is on fire. You have your diaper in case you need to use the bathroom. She then slid on plastic panties and then gave me one of my sissy dresses to wear. "Put this on, and get to work. Remember I can see you. I'll call you later before we are about to leave, so you can change. No TV either." With that She left. I stood there completely dumbfounded and dreading my new assignment. Eventually, I snapped out of it and started to get to work. After about 10 lines my hand was already in pain. I hadn't written anything in years, everything is done on the computer. I could tell my handwriting was already starting to get sloppy after only 10 lines. I was in serious trouble. I realized I need to go a lot slower and not rush through it as painful as that sounded. I started to write in big bubbly letters, taking up about 4 rows per line. I did not want to have to repeat this assignment. I also had to take frequent breaks as my hand was in so much pain and I was nowhere close to being done. After about 30 minutes I had the urge to pee and knowing I had no other options but to wet my diaper. Here I was sitting in a wet diaper and a sissy dress writing punishment lines. I kind of dazed out wondering what happened. It is everything I wanted, but was it ever humiliating. That's the life of a sissy I thought and was snapped out of it by my phone going off telling me I had a new text. "How are you making out?" "I have about 40 lines done." "That's it?!!!! You better speed this up. We don't have all day over here." "I'm trying to keep it neat and takes awhile." "Not my problem, speed it up. Are you wet?" "Yes Mistress." "LOL, cute....and pathetic." "Get back to work. You have an hour." "Yes Mistress." Panic set it and I knew I was screwed. I quickly got back to work and painstakingly wrote all my lines. I couldn't worry about penmanship and simply just hoped for the best. I was also cursing myself for being such a dick and getting myself into this predicament. An hour later I got the following text. "Done?" "Just about Mistress." "Good, change your cloths, but do not remove your diaper and plastic pants." "Yes Mistress." "Be home in a bit." I quickly scrambled to finished the last remaining lines and all hope of nice penmanship was out the window. My hand was aching and I couldn't wait to finish. 10 minutes later I was done and just had to hope for the best. In total, it took me about 3 hours, and my hand was in agony. I quickly glanced over my lines and hoped for the best. I placed my lines on Mistress' pillow and quickly got dressed and ran downstairs. I started tidying up the house and was constantly looking in the mirror to see if my diaper was noticeable. I thought for sure it was, but there wasn't much I could do. They finally arrived home and I went outside to help Mistress with the things. She grabbed my ass as we walked backed into the house and gave a sarcastic comment about how wet I was. I was listening to the kids tell me all about their day at Grandma's and was playing with them for a bit while Mistress snuck upstairs to review my lines. After 20 minutes or so She called me upstairs. "Where are Your manners sissy?" "Sorry Mistress?" "How quickly you forget. curtsey sissy... NOW." "Sorry Mistress." And I quickly dipped into a fake curtsey. "Now not bad, sissy. You got sloppy the last few pages, so You will need to redo those, but I'm being generous in that I won't have You redo it all." "Yes Mistress." "Where's my thank You for not making you redo it all, or is that what you want?" "No no Mistress, please don't...thank You for just letting me redo the sloppy lines." "I'll think about it, I'm not sure you're telling the truth." "I promise Mistress, I'm sorry, I'll do anything but that, please," I begged "Good, I'll think about it. Now you are going to bed." "Mistress it's only 6." "Your point?" "It's so early..." "Not my problem, I'm not the one who misbehaved, am I?" "No Mistress...but I mean I haven't eaten, what about the kids...?" "I'm telling them you aren't feeling well. If you're lucky I'll bring some food up later." "Please Mistress, don't do this." "oh yes I do Missy, W/we need to get it in that sissy head of yours who is in charge here. Clearly you need lots of reminding." "Yes Mistress." "Up on the bed." I climbed up onto the bed and was a bit relieved to see She was going to change my wet diaper. She tugged at my plastic panties and pulled them down to my ankles. She briefly walked away and went into the closet and came back with two diapers. She unfolded the first and told me to lift my bum. "Wait, we need to remove this one," I said. "No, we don't. Lift." "What?" "Lift." I did as told and She proceeded to put 2 more diapers over my already wet diaper. She then slipped my plastic panties back up and it was so thick my legs didn't come close to touching. It was so humiliating, yet so perfect for a sissy! She then handed me a bra and pink nightshirt. After dressed She put the blindfold on me and told me She would be back in a bit. About 10 minutes later She came back in and told me to open my mouth. She then put a baby bottle of water in my mouth. "I want this finished by the time I return," and She quickly left the room. I already had the urge to pee and knew this bottle would do me in. I went about blindly sucking on the bottle and finished it relatively quickly. I tossed and turned trying to get comfy with all the extra padding. After a while I dozed off and was awoken when I heard all the kids climbing the stairs. I could hear Mistress starting to run the bath and telling them not to go in the bedroom as Daddy had a fever and needed to sleep. At that point I really needed to go and tried to get in a position where I could go. It's hard to just wet a diaper in any position, your body is not trained to just let it happen. After a few minutes, it finally broke and I wet again. After things started to die down a little and the kids were in bed She came in to check on me. She got the bottle and left returning a short while later with a new one. "Did you wet yet?" "Yes Mistress." "Good make sure this is finished when I get back. I'm going to make you some dinner." I blindly grabbed the bottle yet again as She left and too my surprise it was not water. It was milk, warm disgusting milk. I couldn't drink this, it was disgusting, but I knew I wasn't in a position to not do so. I tried to get it over with as quickly as possible. A short while later She returned and saw my bottle was finished. "Good girl, how did you like your formula?" "Formula?" "Yes, formula I made it especially for you." "I, I, I, didn't really enjoy it." "Well that's too bad. Sit up, so you can eat." I sat up and was just about to remove my blindfold when She said keep it on. Before I knew it, She was spoon feeding me moosh. "Mmmm eat it all need your baby food." I tried spitting it out but She held my nose and kept my mouth shut forcing me to swallow. It was awful and I was trying not to gag. She continuously teased me and fed me 2 jars of disgusting food. After it was finally over She wiped my face and handed me a bottle and told me to drink. To my relief, it was water and I happily drank it to get rid of that horrible taste in my mouth. "Good baby, you'll be happy to know I'm starting to enjoy having a baby girl to take care of. You know one who I can mold and dress as my own personal doll...does that excite you sissy?" "Yes Mistress." "mhmm, of course it does and with that She felt my diaper and could feel my lil clitty was hard." "Your lil princess certainly seems to think so." She kept talking and I could hear her rummaging around in the closet. She came back over and told me to lay on my side. I did and She proceeded to fasten my wrist cuffs and then my ankle cuffs. She then proceeded to connect them and I was hogtied. "Are you enjoying your punishment sweety?" "Yes Mistress." "Is this what you dreamed of?" "Yes Mistress." "mmm very good, I'm starting to enjoy it as well. Let's see if your princess feels the same after she releases her gooey cum. I know you like to be all manly afterwards, don't you?" "Yes Mistress, please don't." "ohhh, why baby?" "b/c I'll hate myself." "oh poor thing, it's okay...well you will just have to get used to it." With that she proceeded to rub my plastic panties and diaper. "Well it looks like your princess is certainly excited." "Mhmmm," I managed to mumble. She rubbed some more and to no surprise it was all over, I made another mess in my diaper. My body pretty much went limp and I could feel the dread start to pour in and the self hate. The sweat started to form and I was thinking of how I quickly I could end this. "wow that was quicker than I thought. you really are a sissy." "Can you let me out?" "What, why." "I don't want to do this anymore, please." "Oh that's just too bad isn't it." As I started to talk, she shoved panties in my mouth. "I don't want to hear it, you will get passed this and love being my sissy regardless of what your princess is saying, I was nice enough to let you taste my panties, so lay there and be appreciative of what I'm doing. It's for your own good." I started mumbling and she just told me to be quiet. "I'm going to watch some tv, be back later, sweet dreams sweetie." She left me there completely humiliated and I struggled trying to free myself in some capacity. I couldn't believe that just happened, but wanted it to end in the worst way. I was mortified and completely disgusted with myself. I kept thinking once I was out of this mess, that would be the last time. I was done being a sissy. About an hour or so later, She returned an was teasing me by calling me girly names, asking if my diaper was wet and how I was feeling etc. I had calmed down and was slowly getting back to sissy mode, but was still completely humiliated. I couldn't really respond b/c Her panties were still in my mouth. "Is my girly girl ready for round 2?" I tried mumbling no no, please don't. She started rubbing my diaper and teasing me by calling me names and saying how cute I looked etc. It didn't take long for my princess to get hard once again and shortly thereafter it was all over. She didn't even have to ask, She just chuckled and said, "so pathetic, but I love you." "Are you my sissy baby?" She asked. I wanted to scream no, but knew She was trying to break me. I meekly mumbled, "I guess." "You guess?....well its progress isn't it sissy?" "yes." "excuse me." "yes Mistress." "good girl." "Roll over on your back the best you can." That proved to be difficult but I managed to somewhat get on my back. I could sense Her moving around and taking off Her pants. I felt Her prescense above me and She removed the panties from my mouth. "Now it's my turn sissy girl, get to work." With that She lowered herself onto my face. She was completely smothering me and I could tell She was really excited. I eagerly went about task and brought Her to orgasm. She had never sat on my face before, but it was the best thing ever. She was in complete control riding my face back and forth for what seemed like forever. "mmmmm wow that was great, sissy. I can get used to this, night sweetie. Oh and by the way your grounded all week, so expect more of the same. After work, you will come home immediately. From now on, you need permission to do anything. Understand?" "Yes Mistress." "Good." To be continued....

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Homecoming Themes

This story took a while and numerous rewrites to get where I wanted it to be. Yes, it is somewhat long, but I believe that it's a good demonstration of how a character can easily change without even noticing it him/herself. There was a lot of effort to build the characters in an easily accessible way. Let me know what you think. This story is inspired by the story Changes by Trick over at Go ahead and read that story as well....

2 years ago
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Homecoming week pt 1

After my encounter with Andrea in our local gym, the rest of my weekend was pretty uneventful. Besides me replaying that amazing night in my head over and over, and going on my morning runs, it was a pretty long weekend. The weekend seemed to drag out forever, simply because I was waiting to see Andrea again on Monday. That Monday was the first day I was ever excited to go to school and not just because it was Homecoming. After my first 2 hours were through I could hardly contain my...

3 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 1 iCarly One Night Part1

ProfNigma Stories #1 iCarly: One Night Part1 iCarly: One Night Part 1It was a late night in the iCarly studio as Carly, Sam, and Freddie cleaned up the mess from one of their skits. The gag revolved around Gibby diving into a k*ddie pool full of chicken salad while dressed a chicken suit, but as humorous as it had seemed in the planning stages, the stench, hours later, was certainly not funny."Whose dumb idea was this in the first place!?" Sam yelled as she cleaned up the car prop on the far...

1 year ago
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Neha Became Whore 8211 Part1

This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...

1 year ago
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Neighbor Bhabhi My Dream Girl 8211 Part1

Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...

3 years ago
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Doctor Doctor Dirty Doctor Part1

Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part1I (Ashley) was a hot blonde 18year old girl, Had big breasts almost a 36D, I was tall, Had long hair, Long legs, Had perfect curves, Perfect round ass, A bald tight pussy and lovely pink sensitive nipples with a perfect size areola.I was a horny girl, Always had the many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral.I was popular and famous in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends.I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my high school. The...

4 years ago
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bookworm woman encounter part1

I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...

2 years ago
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Big Valley Cleaners

....The next day... It was close to 9am. I closed my front door. I pointed down the hall. I then walked upstairs to take a shower and get ready for my cleaning lady. An hour later. I had just got out of the shower. I slipped on some tan cargo shorts. A black Ac/Dc shirt. I put on some flip flops. I left my underwear in my dresser. I combed my short hair. "Knock! Knock!" I turned my head. I then walked down my spiral staircase. "Knock! Knock!" "Coming!" I said. I slowly turned the...

2 years ago
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Big Valley Cleaners

Introduction: Two came to clean my house – 1 husband watched t had been a few weeks since I got a break from work. It had been even longer since I got laid. Being single and not going out, does not help. A few months ago a friend recommend a cleaning company, that comes to your house. The maid, will go topless and clean one room in your house for certain amount of cash. I was not really expecting to be so horny when I saw the maid. But she was very voluptuous. I adore women with curves. One...

2 years ago
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Big Cleavage Cleaners BBBBTS

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....It had been a few weeks since I got a break from work. It had been even longer since I got laid. Being single and not going out, does not help. A few months ago a friend recommend a cleaning company, that comes to your house. The maid, will go topless and clean one room in your house for certain amount of cash. I was not really expecting to be so horny when I saw the maid. But she was very voluptuous. I adore women with curves. One thing lead to another and...

2 years ago
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Office Cleaners

Chapter 1 In the late 90's I worked in an Insurance company office in South London. My work was as a computer systems programmer and my duties meant I was often in the office late in the day. Most of my colleagues would normally have left the building by 17.30 and I would normally depart sometime between 18.30 and 19.00 hrs. The reason I write this story is to tell readers of my experiences I had with the office cleaners who would arrive at 17.30 each day to generally tidy up, empty the trash...

2 years ago
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Katie Lusts Her Father PART2


3 years ago
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Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2

Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2As Sarah, Kevin & myself laid spent on the huge king size bed in my casino hotel room I learned that they really were in trouble. They had lost a lot of money. They had no way home, no money for food and no place to stay for the night. Since I had just won a large amount of money I decided to help them out. Turned out they lived only 20 minutes away from my house (which was 2 hours from the casino). I told them they were welcome to stay the night with me and I...

2 years ago
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My Boss Mr Paul Cooper Part2

My Boss, Mr. Paul Cooper: Part2I walked towards the couch to start my strip tease for Charles, Paul played a little slutty music in the background for Charles to have a good show. I got in the camera view and winked at charles and bent forward jiggling my boobs for him on cam.. "Hey there Charles, Why don't you screen this in your conference room, Only the strip tease part, on the projector and get a few of your members to join you in this show too? Then we'll give you a pvt screen of our...

4 years ago
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Hubbyrsquos fantasy turns into his nightmare Part2

Part2"Is this naughty enough for you?" I ask. His cum all over my face. He's nodding, and as he's doing so I get my index finger and sc**** up the cum on my chin and suck it off my finger. I do the same with the cum on my cheek."Now come over here and give me yours!" I demand. Jeremy walks over, his hard cock bouncing as he walks. I reach up and grab it firmly, giving it a good squeeze as I pull it into my mouth. I'm working his cock good for about a minute when I feel Jeron's hands on my...

2 years ago
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Becoming a cuckold part2

Part 2“Things are going to change around here”A few days past before Tish and i talked about what happened in bed. i spent those days in a bit of a horny fog. i couldn’t keep my hands off of Tish or my cock for that matter i must have cum a half dozen times. Each time i did all i could remember was Tish smearing my cum on my face and licking it all up. I was starting to enjoy the taste of my own cum.“So what do you think about what happened the last time we fucked?’i was surprised Tish had used...

3 years ago
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It is a beautiful autumn day a week before the big game with the homecoming dance afterward.Rebecca is a freshman at this college who is cute as a button but, oh, so shy. She is five feet tall with long red hair and bright green eyes. She is curvy and could stop traffic if she really wanted to. But she dresses for comfort not to impress anyone. There are enough other girls that dress to get attention.She has decided to go ahead and invest in a sexy off the shoulder red dress for Homecoming. She...

Love Stories
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South of Bikini 4 Departures

With Clemson slipping away once again, Alex and company decide some 'R and R' might be good for morale, but is 1944 Hartford ready for the Empress and her entourage? How could a young girl, killed in 1942 Burma, possibly make one of Emily's hometown neighbor's life complete? Episode 5 "Departures" 1050hrs, Pearl Harbor, August 20th, 1944 "Cap, Admiral Demmit and Mrs. Scott just appeared on the bridge," Jack informed...

1 year ago
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Patchwork People XXVIII Departures

XXVIII. Departures. It was one of those mornings that seem unable to decide what it wants to be. Halfway to the airport, a fine rain blew up against the windshield of the pick-up. A few miles later, the sun unexpectedly broke out from a temporary gap in the impregnable line of gray clouds massed like battleships laying siege on the horizon It had finally been agreed that Phoebe would return to New Jersey and sign in to an outpatient rehab clinic. At the same time, she would take...

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 25 Two Sudden Departures

One aspect of these sex sessions that Jessie Harper found herself noting and being really intrigued about was the way she always seemed to have a much better singing voice the next day at a choir practice or even at a church performance as a result. Somehow all the naked, sexual fun of the night before seemed to enhance her auditory awareness and her ability to find perfect pitch when she was about to perform. And it was one such sex session at the Terrence’s house the day before the final...

3 years ago
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Manufacturing a Partnership

Manufacturing a Partnership Part One By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers JUST BEFORE MIDNIGHT "Hey, you ok?" said Greg seeing Blake looking wiped as rummaged through the red pocketbook on the vanity. "I'm fine," shivered Blake as he stood staring at his reflection. "But I need a minute. This has all been just too much to handle!" He took a deep breath standing in front of the bathroom vanity clutching the ends with his hands quickly becoming mindful of his sharp long...

2 years ago
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Rodger the Cleaners

Damn those cleaners! Why do they have to make so much noise on a Saturday morning?! Rodge thought irritably as he rubbed his eyes and sat up in bed. And why did Mum insist on bringing the cleaners in when she and Dad were away for the next two weeks?! Like he cared if the house was slightly dusty! And Rodge would be the only one to see it.. Well he and his college friends when they would party the night away next weekend! Grumbling to himself he got up. Feeling a little fragile from...

3 years ago
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The window cleaners take Dee by surprise

Dee and I had taken a day off work. We fancied a day in bed together. I had suggested a bit of bondage and Dee was very keen on the idea.I could hardly sleep the night before, it was very hot, so with the window wide open and traffic rushing by was also quite noisy, but eventually slept and awoke early. I crept downstairs and opened a bottle of bubbly, poured two glasses and went back upstairs. I woke Dee with her surprise and we toasted the morning ahead. Dee then went off for a shower. I...

3 years ago
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The Cleansing

She knows she is a dirty whore. She takes pride in it. She loves being used and abused as an object for sex by almost any man that wants to take it from her. She will fuck just about any man who is man enough to take her. She enjoys it most when they fuck her in the ass while she resists. Yes she loves to be raped up the ass. Got friends? She will eagerly be fuck meat for you all. Fuck her face, fuck her ass or pussy. Hell you can even fuck her with a variety of household object&hellip,...

3 years ago
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Unbecoming A Princess

Note, this is technically a Star Wars fan-fic but to avoid any legal issues all characters are unnamed or their true identities are left vague and unclear. It can be considered a prequel of sorts to Return of the Jedi. Unbecoming A Princess I was torn up inside. The love of my life had been taken from me by the most villainous crime lord in the galaxy. My friends and I were plotting a way to break into the 'palace' and rescue him. My friend, a holy knight of a long-dead...

2 years ago
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Becoming a cuckold part7

Part 7“Yes i want you to cuckold me watching you Jerk Rod off has me so turned on i just have to see you making love to someone else”Tish whispered into my ears“I will only make love to you. You are My true love My heart My soul and My world”Tish kissed my cheek and said loudly“But I will allow My Slutty Cunt to be fucked by anyone I choose”With that she took the camera pressed the button again and the vid continued Panning out it was Rods cock in Sam’s hand and not Tish’s same shaped hand same...

1 year ago
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Becoming a cuckold part6

Part 6Synopsis parts 1-5my path down the cuckold lifestyle started about 2 maybe 3 months ago. my Girlfriend Tish found my stash of cuckold porn and started teasing me to no end so much to say in the past few months i have cum more times from just the words she has spoken. Kept me hard by discussing our sex life with random sales girls. Then there was learning how to suck Her dildo. So if you’re just joining the story there you go.To say that we returned to a normal life would be a lie. Quite...

1 year ago
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Becoming a cuckold part5

Part5Things went back to normal the cumming only once a day rule was still in effect but i didn’t need to worry about it Tish was fucking me every day some days twice we talked about everything but the cuckolding. Then I got a surprise “you know I’ve been thinking a lot about letting you take Me analy more than your finger or tongue that is”“wow are you sure about that…. i mean….”Tish cut me off “Well if you don’t want to then How about I do you?”“No that’s not what i meant”Note to self:...

3 years ago
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Becoming a cuckold part4

Part 4Our afternoon carried on we walked down to the all wandered around until we stumbled across le Vie En Rose a cute lingerie store when we walked in it was almost empty we wandered around one of the sales girls came by and said hello “Did you guys need any help?”Maybe in a bit Tish said“Well if you need anything”Tish stopped me cold in the store “I want you to pick out 3 outfits 3 really sexy outfits for me I mean mind numbing balls exploding out fits 3 out fits you would be proud to send...

3 years ago
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Becoming a cuckold part3

Part3To say things got interesting would be a lie Tish in all manners and methods teased the fuck out of me it was torture i was hard anytime i was around Her. When we were out Tish would stopped and bit my ear lightly and then whisper “How about Him should I go and fuck Him I bet He would love to fill My pussy full of cum. Better yet why don’t you go over and ask Him to fuck Me!” I had to squeeze my cock so i wouldn’t cum in my pants. It had been nearly a week since i had last cum Tish had...

2 years ago
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Homecoming Ch 08

Homecoming Ch. 08 Edited by Frinkles© 2007 This chapter was edited to correct a date discrepancy/error that was driving me crazy — no more, no less. Everything else in the story is exactly the same. Alright, alright…UNCLE! For those of you who are disappointed in Daniel’s actions, believe me so am I. The guy is human. He’s a bit of an idiot at times. He’s letting his little head do the thinking rather than the ‘big’ head. He knows he screwed up which is why he’s in the dang farmhouse praying...

1 year ago
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Homecoming week pt 2

The rest of the week was pretty frustrating as Megan’s and Christie took every chance they could to tease me around school. I managed to survive the week of football practice with Christie and the squad practicing around in short shorts and sports bras. Christie was a huge tease as she would often talk dirty to me during our nightly calls and even email some naughty photos. She told me not to jack off all week because she wanted me to save it for Homecoming. Through it all, I received good...

4 years ago
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Becoming a cuckold part1

“Shhhhhh” was all Tish said to me as i was pushed down by the head towards my Girlfriends pussy. I was balking at this because we had just finished making love. “Baby you always said you’d do anything for Me, well I want you to eat My pussy”“But i just came in you”“I know but I’m still horny. I could masturbate instead BUT if I do I’m cutting you off for a month. never mind I’ll do it myself.”Within the seconds of hearing that i was down between Her legs staring at Tish’s pussy swollen red and...

2 years ago
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Becoming a submissive slutpart1

Browsing a fetish gay site , I found a mature handsome man , a top with special interests in fetish. I send him a like , and the next day he replied, and the usual conversation started... "how are you ","where are you ?" After this we agreed that I go to his place , I drove up to lisbon , into the centre ,a very prestigious avenue, he waited outside for me , handsome ! Classical longer haircut , salt and pepper , we went upto his luxurious flat , wich was ful of art , statues , modern...

1 year ago
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Vacuum Cleaner Shopping

Yesterday, my vacuum cleaner died. I was devastated when I found out. I'd had terrible day at work and really needed it. But when I turned it on, it gave off the most horrible rattling sound I'd ever heard. I turned it off straightaway, but it was already too late. It squealed once before it started belching black smoke. I cradled it in my arms as it gave a final wheezy whine. It's not much to look at. It's one of those old Eastern European models: bakelite brown, chunky and with a brand...

2 years ago
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The Cleaners

The cleanersSeveral years ago when we were both working full time, my wife and I decided to get a cleaner for our house. The first one we got was a bit crazy so we weren’t sorry when she decided to stop working for us. Then a neighbour recommended their cleaners to us. They were two sisters that did domestic cleaning as well as some other jobs. So we gave them a try and they’ve been coming to us every Wednesday ever since. Their names are Sandra and Julie.When I worked full time we hardly ever...

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