Silverfish Ch. 03 free porn video

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The chronological order of my stories is as follows:

Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Teresa’s Summer Race, The Trilogy series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act series, Case of the Murdered Bride series, The Credit Card Caper series, The Hot Wives Investment Club series, Seriously Inconvenienced series, Case of the Paper Trail series, Christmas Mystery Theater, The Porno Set Mystery series, The Medical Murder Mystery series, The Eightfold Fence series, Pale Morning Light series.

Silverfish, Ch. 01-03

Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.

This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.


Part 15 – The Net

2:00am, Monday morning, March 16th. The previous day had been the Ides of March, the day Julius Caesar was assassinated. It was on March 15th one year before that there was an attempt to assassinate me in the street. As always, I remembered how I was able to do what I do:

I think of Laura. The rest is easy.

And it was going to be easy tonight, I hoped. We were waiting inside the bank vault for the criminal ‘Silverfish’ to arrive and take the proceeds of the Reverend Robert Patterson’s ‘love offering’, collected after his moving sermon at First Baptist Church. The church’s main auditorium could hold more than 2000 people, and it was an overflow capacity in the chamber to hear the Reverend Patterson.

The police entourage had carried the money to the bank. On the way to Second National Bank, everyone had been especially watchful. A few police cars stopped at the bank, where people with a bag of money were admitted before the doors were closed and the blinds drawn. The rest of the entourage took the Reverend Patterson and his group back to the Hyatt Hotel. Police details covered the parking lot, lobby and the floor where the Oldeeds Group’s rooms were.

No one seemed to take notice the small, two-car entourage that left First Baptist about 30 minutes after the larger contingent. Inside the front car was Pastor Bundy and an assistant, along with a police driver. In the second car was myself and Cindy, with a police driver.

After counting and depositing the money, Pastor Bundy and the bank official left, securing the bank in pitch darkness.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

‘I don’t like this.’ said Henry R. Wargrave as he watched from the back of a black car parked a distance from the County Regional Bank. His bodyguard was in the front passenger seat. ‘Something’s not right.’

Two car door opened. The car driver got in behind the wheel, and a man dressed in all black got in back and sat by Wargrave. He was The Silverfish. ‘It’s secure, sir. We used thermal imaging. Nobody’s hiding inside. I got word from Second National, they’ve got three people hiding in a back office there, they lit up the thermal imagers like Christmas trees.’

‘All right.’ said Wargrave. ‘Something’s not right, but damned if I can see what it is. See that black car parked next to the Depot building?’ He pointed at a black car in the distance. ‘The keys are in the ignition. Get to the bypass, curl up and go west out of State. Park behind the empty farmhouse at the location I gave you, and relax until the morning. Plan to meet my agent at 8:00am at the Country Breakfast Diner on the west side of Town. You’ll swap keys while eating and take each other’s cars. Keep the money that’ll be in your getaway car, it’s yours. Drive to California and lose yourself in the Bay Area. I’ll be in touch in the next couple of months, standard contact method.’

‘Yes sir.’ said Silverfish. ‘By the way, I’m just enormously curious: why are you doing this? It’s not like you need the money, sir.’

‘For the same reason you are, my friend.’ said Wargrave. ‘Because these are my instructions. Okay, at your leisure, go. Once you get out of the car, I’m pulling out. Good luck.’

‘On my way.’ said Silverfish. He got out of the car, hearing the engine crank, and seconds later he was watching the car’s taillights disappear down the road.

One more check with the thermal imaging device, seeing nothing. Then he put on the silk, full-face ski mask, only his eyes showing. He walked swiftly to the back door of the bank and used the code to turn off the alarm. To be sure, he activated a switch that caused the phone system to go down. Residents shouldn’t notice until the morning, and it would ensure any unknown secondary alarm systems couldn’t notify the Town & County Police of his presence at the bank. He needed the Iron Crowbar and his fellow officers sitting at Second National Back to continue to wait for him there. Alerting them to his presence here would make it a most very bad day for him.

The key he’d been given worked perfectly, he unlocked the back door and walked in. Locking the outer door from the inside, he moved to the next set of doors, which also opened with the same key. He moved into the dark lobby.

Night vision goggles got him to the vault door, but he’d need a small light to see the numbers and dial the combination to open the large vault door. Crouching at the door, he sat on his knees, immobile, listening intently for the least sound. He could hear light traffic in the distance, but no car came up the road that led directly to the bank.

Finally, he dialed the combination, and at the last number he heard a sharp, loud click. He turned the big wheel, which began moving the large steel rods out of their slots. Round and round and round and round the wheel went. When it stopped, he pulled hard on the huge steel door. It was so well balanced that he alone could pull it open with a bit of effort.

Just as he stepped into the vault, he turned on his flashlight-

‘UUHK!’ he gasped. Hands had grabbed him and hurled him to the floor! He was on his belly, his hands being pulled behind him, a huge weight on his back. He heard as well as felt handcuffs being snapped onto his wrists.

‘Okay, come on in.’ he heard a voice say into a radio. Seconds later the entire parking lot was bathed in the blinding blue and white LED lights of police vehicles. Officers poured in as the lights came on. Silverfish was grabbed and dragged into the lobby, and put in a sitting position on the floor as the indoor lights of the bank were turned on.

He looked up at the tall, broad-shouldered man in the Tilley Hat with Airborne wings and a police badge affixed, a light trenchcoat covering his black-clad body, a red crowbar in his hands. Next to him was a platinum blonde woman in all black, a blue crowbar… and the silver Sharpie she had removed from his pocket.

‘Mr. Silverfish, I presume.’ said the man. ‘My name is Commander Donald Troy. It was so kind of you to visit us tonight… Mr. Jesse Keynes, Chief Accounting Officer of Acme Consolidated, Inc.’

Only after saying his name did I reach down and remove the perp’s mask. Indeed it was the face of Jesse Keynes that looked up at us.

‘What the hell is this?’ Keynes asked, clearly shocked.

‘This… is the Iron Crowbar at work, Mr. Keynes.’ said Cindy. ‘Not much gets by this man, and it was stupid, very very stupid, of you to draw his attention to yourself like you did.’

‘Sergeant, read the man his rights, and make sure to videotape yourself doing so.’
I said. This was done rapidly, then I squatted down next to the still-stunned Keynes.

‘What this is, Mr. Keynes, is that you are under arrest for burgling this bank. My partner and I were inside the vault itself, where your thermal imaging device did not detect us. We were expecting a visit from you tonight, Mr. Keynes… a.k.a. Silverfish. Okay, guys, take him to Headquarters and book him, then take him to Interrogation-1…’

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The powerful lawyer from Gresham & Mason, P.C. had appeared at Headquarters almost at the same time I did, insisting on being Keynes’ legal counsel. I had him escorted to Interrogation-1, and told him to confer with his client within the fifteen minutes it would take me to get in there.

Cindy and I changed clothes, into Police Uniforms with light blue shirts, darker blue soft shoulderboards with our ranks, darker blue pants with piping (Cindy’s light blue, mine yellow).

We entered Interrogation-1 and sat down. Keynes and his lawyer opposite us. Sergeant Rudistan was standing in the corner behind them, he always volunteered to do this for the big interrogations, I noted with some internal amusement.

‘So what will you offer for my client’s truthful testimony?’ asked the lawyer.

‘Come on, Counselor,’ I replied, ‘it’s three o’clock in the morning, but I am not asleep at the wheel here. Your client gets no deals at all. He knows, as you do, that his only chance to live is to tell everything he knows before the Big Man comes for him.’

‘You’ve got nothing.’ said Keynes. ‘You caught me in one little country bank. So what?’ I pointed my pen towards the door. Into the room from the anteroom bounded Detective Joanne Cummings, wearing light blue shirt with darker blue shoulderboards of rank, and a blue skirt and medium black pumps.

‘Why Mr. Keynes, what a surprise to see you here!’ Joanne gushed as she handed me a piece of paper. ‘I guess I won’t have a chance to talk with you about accounting, after all.’ Keynes’ face fell a bit as Joanne turned to go, a bright smile on her pretty face.

‘As you can tell, Mr. Keynes,’ I said, ‘It’s been pretty obvious to us who the Silverfish is for quite a while. Detective ‘Carnes’ there got a good piece of information from you… about how you made sure the deposits were in, so that when you stole them it was like doubling your money at the roulette wheel.’

I continued: ‘All I needed to do was set a trap for the Silverfish, who thought he could really humiliate me by hitting the bank he thought I was not at, while I sat at the bank he thought I was sitting at… a trap which we effectively sprang upon you tonight.’ I leaned forward. ‘Now why don’t you come correct and talk. I’ll get you the best deal I can, and maybe I can keep you alive long enough to do your time and get out.’

‘Plead the Fifth now, don’t say anything more.’ said the lawyer. ‘That’s truly your only hope here.’

‘I waive my right to counsel.’ said Keynes. ‘This man does not represent me. I’ll cooperate with you.’ Surprisingly, the expensive lawyer did not argue, he simply stood up to go.

‘Counselor,’ I said as the lawyer moved to the door, ‘I’m getting real tired of seeing Gresham & Mason legal beagles in my Interrogation rooms.’ I said. ‘You’d-‘

‘We’ll be in here when we damn well need to, in order to protect our clients from your abuse!’ the lawyer thundered, menace in his voice. I held up my hand.

‘You didn’t let me finish.’ I said, looking the lawyer squarely in the eyes. ‘I know you’re here to protect your client’s… your real client’s… interests much more than the people I have brought in here. Tell your boss that my patience is wearing thin… and that I’m coming after him.’

The lawyer glared at me, but I could see that he was trying to gauge if I was bluffing, and how much I really did know. After a moment, he left.

‘Okay, Mr. Keynes,’ I said, ‘you were saying? Or shall I tell you, and you just fill in the gaps, okay?’

‘Why do I get the feeling you really could do that?’ Keynes said, a half-smile on his ruggedly handsome face. Cindy could not hide a smile, either.

‘You were in a high position with the Oldeeds Ministries empire.’ I said. ‘Inside the Accounting Group. You and others, including Oldeeds himself if I don’t miss my guess, came up with the idea to steal the money that you deposited in the banks after the generous donations of Oldeeds’ followers. You bragged to Joanne that you personally made the arrangements with the banks. So you knew which bank it was, and all you needed was some information about the banks.’ Jesse’s eyes again showed defeat when I mentioned Joanne’s visit to him.

‘So, you worked with someone, a friend of Jonas Oldeeds, who had resources to get the information of any bank you needed. Maybe you were told which bank to use beforehand, but in any case you obtained the security codes or means to disable the security, as well as the vault combinations themselves.’

‘You then went in and, perhaps with a confederate or two, took all the cash. Since it wasn’t sequentially numbered or delivered by the Federal Reserve, it was virtually untraceable. And if Oldeeds got $300,000 in donations, they were getting $300,000 in stolen money, effectively doubling their money. The legal money went to the Ministries, the stolen money to the international human trafficking operations-‘

‘Let me tell you right now: I had nothing to do with human trafficking, and I never touched an underaged girl. I never needed that shit.’ Keynes said. I could tell in his eyes that he was being sincere.

‘What do you know about that?’ I asked.

‘Not enough to help the FBI get a conviction of anyone, if that’s what you’re asking for.’ said Keynes. ‘Jonas never let people inside his legitimate Ministries, which included me, work for or with the dark side of that business. He always kept the two separated, like the ‘A’ and ‘B’ sections of the Coca-Cola factory. He’s dead, so you’ll never arrest him, and I simply don’t have the evidence nor the knowledge of those operations for you to get anyone else.’

‘Okay, but I’m right that the money went to that stuff?’

‘Some of it.’ Keynes replied. ‘I kept some off the top for doing the jobs. A tenth. I banked a million in addition to the generous salary Jonas paid me. Jonas also stuffed some political pockets with the dirty money, and gave some bonuses to his top people.’

‘Why did you stop at ten million?’ Cindy asked.

‘The initial idea was to take the offerings, steal the cash from the bank, and we’d have double for nothing, so to speak, as you said a minute ago.’ said Keynes. ‘Jonas used the money for seed money for some of his international smuggling schemes. We knew those would pay off for many tens of millions over time. As we neared ten million, Jonas and I discussed stopping at that point. I knew my luck had been more than good and that it would run out if I pushed it. Jonas didn’t need the money any more. So after the last haul, I posted a farewell message and retired. I didn’t rob a bank again until this past week.’

‘And why did you do that job?’ I asked. ‘To tweak me?’

‘I did it because my boss told me to.’ Keynes said with alacrity. ‘And that included writing messages about ‘Hello Iron Crowbar’ and then drawing crowbars. I didn’t even know who you were until you were standing over me with that red crowbar at the bank a few hours ago.’

‘See, partner?’ I said, addressing Cindy. ‘I’m not nearly as famous as you think I am.’

‘So you say.’ said Cindy. ‘Mr. Keynes, is your boss Henry R. Wargrave?’ The question took me by surprise. Why did Cindy ask that so directly? I wondered. Gears started turning in my head.

‘He’s my boss at Acme, if that’s what you mean.’ said Keynes. ‘But he’s not the guy who helped me with the bank jobs, nor told me to do the ones this past week. And before you ask, I don’t know for sure who my boss is. He’s known as the Shadow Man
to us, and possibly other names to others. He tries to keep the left hand from knowing what the right hand is doing, to quote a Biblical phrase.’

That struck me, and set more gears in motion in my head. I realized that I had just heard something very, very important. But I continued with my line of questioning as I said as if musing: ‘So he could be standing next to you, and you’d never know who he is.’

‘Yeah, essentially.’ Keynes said. ‘He gave orders by telephone or email, sometimes through Mr. Wargrave.’

‘Did Wargrave ever have you do anything illegal?’ Cindy asked. She was really pushing the Wargrave angle, I noted as Keynes smiled.

‘Not until tonight.’ answered Keynes. ‘I was too public a figure, I was listed on his tax and corporate papers. He only had me do legit stuff until these last four bank jobs the past few days.’

‘That may technically be correct.’ I said. ‘And up to this point, Mr. Keynes, you’ve been telling the truth, at least I believe you have. But you’re not telling the truth about Wargrave. I think you know a lot more.’

‘Best of luck with that.’ Keynes said. And then I had the insight. I understood what Keynes was doing. I had nothing personally against him, so I felt the need to give him a warning.

I looked the man dead in the eye and said ‘Mr. Keynes, you need to be much more careful. This is a dangerous game you are playing here. Both ends against the middle. It can easily get you killed.’

Keynes peered hard at me, as did Cindy. Keynes’s eyes showed me that he understood, fully understood, what I had meant. He knew that I knew.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door from the anteroom, and Jack Muscone peeked his head in. I rose and came into the anteroom.

‘He’s yours.’ I said. ‘He needs to be in Federal custody. Protective custody, too, or he’s going to come over all dead. We have the bank burglary charge, but he’s admitted to the Silverfish crime spree, and the U.S. Attorneys can overcome the Statue of Limitations problem.’

‘I heard the last bit of it.’ Muscone said. ‘Not much on Wargrave?’

‘Not yet. But I suspect he’s going to sing, though he’ll pretend to make you force it out of him after your best interrogators spend hours with him.’ I said. ‘But in the end, he’ll sing like a bird about Wargrave, and he’ll likely give you what you need to bring down Wargrave, or at least get on the right path.’

‘Oh really?’ Muscone said, surprised. ‘How do you know?’

‘I don’t know,’ I replied, ‘but I’m guessing that Silverfish here is being used, and will follow the script he’s been given. He may come to realize it, so act fast.’

‘Thanks, Don.’ said Jack Muscone. ‘Okay, we’ll take him.’

‘Let me just ask one more question.’ I said. I went inside the Interrogation Room again. ‘Mr. Keynes, do you know a Mr. Harkins of the Second National Bank here in Town?’

‘No sir, never heard of him.’ said Keynes.

‘So you wouldn’t know where he is?’ I asked. ‘Think about it, it’s important.’

‘No, sorry, I have no idea.’ said Keynes. I knew he was telling the truth.

An opportunity missed.

Part 16 – Solution

‘This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!’ yelled the lovely redhead reporterette from in front of County Regional Bank at 7:00am Monday, March 16th. ‘Channel Two News is bringing you live coverage from County Regional Bank, where a burglary was detected and defeated by Commander Donald Troy of the Town & County Police Department last night!’

‘And my Team, Bettina, and my Team.’ I said to the TV screen in MCD.

Bettina continued: ‘Channel Two News has learned that the bank robber was a man known to the FBI as The Silverfish, who committed a string of bank heists across the nation about a decade ago. His real name is Jesse Keynes, a high-level accountant at Acme Consolidated in the City. Acme Consolidated issued a statement this morning that they were not aware of any of Keynes’s crimes, and will make a further statement when they learn more themselves. The FBI said in a statement that it is not known why someone in Keynes’ position would resort to robbing banks, but Keynes was caught in the act as he tried to take the love offering collected for the Reverend Robert Patterson after his rousing revival sermon at First Baptist Church last night…’

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The SmithChapter 36 Borisrsquos New Home

Friday afternoon, I found Cat and Boris out by the range arguing, as much as he was able to argue with his ‘Mother’. “I should accompany you, Mother.” “You are too big. It’s not like we can take you with us in the Car.” “Then make me a new body. Or make a new car.” “You say that too easily.” Sigh. “Give me time. I need to find a way to make a new power pack for you.” “Acknowledged, Mother.” “I’m giving you full access to the internet. I want you to watch some TV shows, news and a sample...

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27 JAGed PillsChapter 2

The next night, Rory and I consulted. “Mom, these pills are crap!” “Rory Bollinger! you will take your birth control like an adult.” “Not those. Pantyflash isn’t working, I gained a whole pound since yesterday!” She meant Pannusflush, but I didn’t correct her. “So did I, but if we stop taking them, we won’t have given them enough of a chance.” “I’ll make dinner, then.” She declared. Frankly, I was getting a bit tired of super rich and sweet meals. After a three fourths pound of prime...

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Amys Betrayal

It had been a hectic day and everything that could go wrong for Amy did, just when things couldn’t feel any worse the phone rang and startled her out of her deep thoughts of Brad, the man she always felt was the one until she came home early and found him in bed with her best friend. She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach as her thoughts went back to that dreaded day and quickly forgot the phone ringing. She remembered that day like it was yesterday, it was their two year anniversary...

Group Sex
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Absolutely Anything

When you sit on the couch watching whatever craps playing on the tv a loud bang comes from outside and a blue light fills the room. You Look out the window to see smoke pouring from the centre of the garden. You go to investigate. After putting on your shoes, coat and grabbing your flash light you walk outside. You cough when the smoke hits you but you push through it until you see a little black box with a red liquid pouring from the top. “What the...” you say You kneel before this mystery...

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My First Mermaid

Fiction, Blowjob, Body modification, Consensual Sex, Erotica, First Time, Monster, Romance, School, Teen Male/Teen FemaleIntroduction:Unable to sleep, a young man goes for a walk. Along the way, he stumbles onto the impossible. It's like a dream come true...I woke up in the middle of the night sweating. Considering it was winter and I’d left the window open, I couldn’t really figure out why I was sweating. After a half hour of tossing and turning, I couldn’t get back to sleep. I threw on some...

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The Priest and I

So anway it all started when my parents invited him out to dinner at our place as a way of saying thank you for all he had done for me, helping me settle into school, being new and all. My parents really liked him and trusted him because they are such devout catholics, they think nothing wrong of priests, thats why mum was all keen to let mike take me out for a driving lesson that night. It was pitch black out side and it was a muggy evening still in the summer time, i drove to the top of a...

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Devlins StoryChapter 23

Devlin leaned forward, nestling her breasts into her bra. Then she reached back, hooking the strap into place. She ran her fingers under the shoulder straps until they felt right. After a toss of her hair she picked up the t-shirt from the chair where she'd thrown it and pulled it on. "I really should be leaving in a couple of minutes," Danny said, looking at his watch. "I'm sorry I'm taking too long," Devlin replied, "but I thought you wanted this to look realistic." They hadn't...

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Brookdale Chapter 4

CHAPTER FOUR"I am aware that you will find the change in your status in life strange and somewhat disconcerting as you try to adjust to the various regimes that I will introduce into our relationship." James informed Becca. "However, adjust you will. It will be expected by me, your Master that you will soon be able to immerse yourself in the lifestyle that you have sought."With a hard swallow, Becca nodded slightly to what James informed her. His words were absolute with their meaning....

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Tinas Boyfriend

My best friend growing up was Tina, anyone who has read my stories already knows that but if you haven’t, now you know. Her first love was Mark. Mark was also the first guy I was interested in, mainly because Tina was. It wasn’t like I wanted to do what you are about to read, but I wanted what Tina wanted. Here is that story.I woke up Saturday morning and trudged my way into the kitchen to get some juice. Not expecting anyone to be home since my Mom was over at some guys house the night before,...

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Ass Training Fun

Some year ago I was doing a lot of cross-dressing, I had all the gear. I slowly collected everything - buying it all over the internet. I had some lovely dresses, glorious underwear, stockings, wigs, shoes and a big pile of make-up. I was feeling like such a girl and the yearning for cock was getting very strong. I was so hungry for it, wanting to suck a nice big meaty cock, but most of all wanting to fuck one - yeah well up for it. The idea of being shafted by a nice big joyous cock was so...

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Naked Day part 6

"Oh, um dearest Cindy, permission to fuck your sister?" "Hmm, I'm guessing from the looks of things this is an after the fact request?" "Well, yes. You were barely conscious when the opportunity arose." "Given the circumstances, permission granted. Also, if I may say so, you are the best, greatest, most wonderful husband ever. Who else would let his wife screw her little brother. Even if he was far from little." "One, we're young, we've got a whole life of you and me and...

4 years ago
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Waif the Continued AdventuresChapter 3

August drifted into September and the football team the Bayside Screaming Gulls was three victories into their season. Paul Wilcox, senior player, team co-captain and recruiting prospect of several universities strutted in the halls of the school gleaning adoring looks and hopeful ones from most of the senior and junior girls. Those same girls were hissy fitting over the fact the one girl Paul seemed to concentrate on was the new junior with the eleven year old body, the confirmed nudist, the...

3 years ago
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In the Shower

There were six of us on the trip, my daughter Beth and four of her best girlfriends. I had rented a beach cottage for the weekend for Beth's eighteenth birthday and told her she could bring whomever she wanted just as long as they were all girls. The cottage was a two-hour drive from our house and after the long drive and listening to 18 and 19 year old girls talking about school and their boyfriends I was bushed as we pulled into the sandy driveway of the rental cottage. After everyone had...

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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 5

It looks like the weather is going to be good for the Michigan 400 this weekend. John's fighting off a cold but says he going to MIS with me even if I gotta carry him. I bought a new pair of sunglasses, the kind that reduce glare. At last year's race, I was one of those poor suckers who had to buy a souvenir sun visor for $35.00 so I didn't go blind. We were on the south side of the track so the sun was in our eyes all day. I had to make my own breakfast this morning. The frozen...

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The Locket

What is it…?" He asks for probably the 12th time. "Just open it!" You tell him impatiently "It's a booby trap isn't it?" He says accusingly "It's a prank" "No!" You insist. "Now friggin open it!" You're sitting on the floor of Dr. Robotnik's garage, the never ending mess of genius strewn about the two of you. He has a neatly wrapped Christmas gift on his lap and he keeps looking from it to you, and back again. He turns it over in his hands one last time before quietly huffing to himself. He...

1 year ago
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MyDaughtersHotFriend Skye Mae 31623

Skye Mae was planning on going to Europe with her friend, but a car accident meant that Skye had to spend her Europe money on car repairs. Not wanting to miss a trip of a life time she heads over to her friend’s house and explains her situation to her friend’s dad in hopes that he could lend her money to go on the trip. It’s a lot of money and her friend’s dad doesn’t think he could lend her that kind of money…that is unless Skye does some work around his...

2 years ago
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Lost EmpireChapter 27

Hartwell had all the men assembled in a huge room within Shelby, confused all of them had waited to see what was going on. A few minutes later Derrick stepped into the room and motioned to Hartwell to start. “I know all of you are wondering why we are here, the emperor and I thought it would be most prudent for us to have this meeting. All of you are the first of those that graduated from the advance classes that were started two weeks ago. At present you are the best that the rangers have...

1 year ago
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My Gay Initiation

This happened around 40 years ago when I was in my mid-twenties. My girlfriend had thrown me out over my drinking and I found myself sleeping on friends’ sofas but I was quickly running out of sympathetic friends. One evening I was in the local pub (drinking as usual) when Edward sidled up to me and asked if he could buy me a drink. Now Edward was a local businessman who everyone knew to be gay but was without a partner and at fifty+ was struggling to find one even though he was considered to...

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Watching Porn With My Friend Part 2

Jeff and I were still silent from what had transpired. I was still lying on my stomach nude and the wind from the ceiling fan was making me chilly due to the sweat on my back and Jeff's load that appeared to be slowly leaking out of my worn hole. My heart was still pumping pretty fast even though it had slowed down from its previous pace. I glimpsed over at Jeff and he was still nude lying on his back, his limp penis was now about 3 inches long and the tip was wet as could be. I stared at it...

1 year ago
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Back to the Rest Stop

So its been over a month since I first discovered a fairly local rest stop off a main highway here in CT. I pulled in better prepared this time, no underwear and zipper down and cock out so I could amuse myself while waiting and watching just after lunch time. I parked across from the trucks and down at the end so no other people could see me. I sat for a half hour or so, on purpose to get myself worked up enough to go for this. I then zipped up and headed to the bathroom to take a leak. I went...

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Herr Oberhauser notierte die anwesenden Schüler auf seiner Liste. Er hatte eigentlich keine Lust auf diese Fahrt. Der 35 Jährige Sportlehrer hasste es mit den gerade Erwachsenen Schülern zu verreisen aber Herr Wietzky war eine Tage zuvor erkrankt und so hatte er keine Wahl. Als der Letzte Spätzügler erschienen war stieg auch Philip Oberhauser in den Bus und gab das Signal zur Abfahrt. Er setzte sich hinter den Busfahrer und nickte Frau Valeria Nikitin zu. Frau Nikitin war 46 und...

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Summer of 1999

I am Chandran from Kerala and now I am 23 and working as a Chartered Accountant. My age was around 18 at that time when this beautiful incident occurred. Now I am completing my MCA also and I used to surf daily and I used to read the erotic stories also. Recently I read some stories related to actresses of Indian films like Manisha, Shilpa of Indian films. Some of those stories were fantasies. But here I am narrating a real incident so that I can't disclose the name of that actress to whom I...

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The Best ThingsChapter 2

The next few days found Darren wrapping up things. Arranging to rent out his place (he expected that housing prices have no place to go but up in the next few years, energy crisis or no energy crisis), packing up his personal belongings, finishing up current engagements--all the pre-move stuff one needs to do. Aside from the Porsche (which he will have shipped over), he was taking very little in the way of actual belongings with him; most of it was going into storage. Kilmeny had made that...

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Size Matters

It's been said that necessity is the mother of invention. That may be true, but in a lot of cases, it's just plain dumb luck, as in this case. I have, I think, inadvertently stumbled upon a new way to get laid. Granted it will never be one-hundred-per-cent effective but at least it worked once, and that's a hell of a lot higher success rate than most of things I`ve tried over the years. But first let me bore you with some background. The millions of dollars the government spent on AIDS...

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Im Her CockSucking Slave Pegged

I have been married for 11 years. For the last 10 I have had fantasies of serving my beautiful wife Heather as a sex slave, to be dominated, humiliated and controlled by her. A few times she has tried to indulge my fantasies, but she really could never get into it, that all changed a few nights ago.I was watching the sports on ESPN before going to bed. I heard my wife enter the family room. I didn’t look at her immediately, but when I did was I surprised. She was wearing a black teddy, with...

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Landlady Ko Pataya Part 8211 1

Hi meri ras bhari aunty, bhabhi aur bade boobs wali aur salam sabhi ko jo apna khada lund hath me liye bethe he aur bhabhiya aur auntiya jo apni chooto me hath dal kar bhethi he. Mujhse sexchat ya kahani feedback dena ho toh par aap mail kar skte he. Mera naam akash he aur aaj fir ek aur kahani aapse share karne ko aaya hu. Ye kahani meri last story “aunty ne mujhe hilate huve pakada” ke baad ki he. Meri last story padna mat bhulna. Meri umar abhi 22 he aur lund 7 inch ka body average he. Is...

2 years ago
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A Paladins TrainingChapter 13 Rescue

all characters are over the age of eighteen ***ARAN*** Aran had spent the majority of his morning learning about Maralon largely by chatting to her citizens, most of whom were friendly enough, or were at least willing to have a conversation. He had learned much thus far, about the Council, the Heralds of Dawn, and the general feel of the people. Maralon was ruled by a Council of five, elected by the people to govern the city. Currently, the Council consisted of three women and two men, all...

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The French Student Ch1

Introduction: Hi guys, I made a new account after I forgot the password to my old one (slpher5050). Not a copypasta. Chapter 2 will be coming soon! Emile had gotten off the plane a couple of hours ago, but was already quite exhausted from his long flight to an unfamiliar country. Just seven hours ago, he was sitting comfortably in his bedroom in Marseille, France. Typically he was a laid-back and casual type of guy, but traveling across the country as part of a foreign exchange program had...

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Runaway TrainChapter 80

The 10 days prior to the Dallas show were hectic. We bounced from San Diego to Dallas to Nashville in the space of 16 hours. Liz had rented a large warehouse outside of Nashville where a new stage was being constructed. She had decided to put on an entirely new show since she was extending it another hour and bringing in several special guests. The group of people I had conscripted to drive ticket sales had spotted early on that they couldn’t wait until 7 p.m. to start buying. They launched...

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The Greedy Prince

THE GREEDY PRINCE by Throne Once there was a Prince who possessed great wealth. Even so, he was not satisfied. Instead, he longed for even greater riches. As it happened, he heard about a valley where special flowers grew that allowed magic to be performed. So Prince Stefan decided to travel to that valley and cause a magician to create fabulous treasures for him. The Prince did not wish to pay anyone to accompany him, so the only person he brought along was a humble servant,...

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Peter Is 18 My First Trip Away From Home BeijingChapter 2

At the hotel, there is a very large sign in the lobby announcing that due to a computer glitch, some reservations made online were over-booked and some guests were being re-routed to hotels nearby. Not athletes. Not Beth and Alex. Everyone in line is cranky with jet lag — most of us would be happy to sleep where we are standing. At the desk, Beth asks the clerk, "You know, I only booked my own room because my mother worries but would it be helpful if my boyfriend and I shared a room?" Beth...

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A Surprise Turns WonderfulChapter 4

I had not let myself even think about Alex in terms of sex, of intercourse. I knew her history and I respected it even though the past two days had been extremely arousing, she kept me erect the whole time but I also knew I mustn't push or press for it to go further. "Is it safe? Are you protected? I wouldn't want anything to happen, Alex." In the darkness, I felt her body shift as her lips sought out mine for a kiss, a gentle kiss. "I've just finished my period and I'm regular as...

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A World FoundEpilogue

"Hey Dani can I see you for a quick moment?" yelled Sandra from Dani's office where she was cleaning up the desk. She had found two envelopes, unopened that were from Dani's father and mother. Dani was brining the last of her luggage down to be placed in the car, so she and Mike could leave for their honeymoon. She turned and looked in the office when she heard her name called. "Ya Sandra, what is it? We don't have that much time." "Well I found some letters addressed to you that...

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Dani and the Bull Ch 13

Author’s Note: I just want to thank everyone who has sent me feedback and all the great comments over my time away. I meant to do it sooner but to be honest, since the dam had broken on my writer’s block, I have been working like a fiend, not only to get pages ready to submit but on new stories and hope nothing comes along to plug the hole of creative energy I seem to be experiencing. I have also been working on my grammar and punctuation that seems to bother a lot of folks, but I don’t think...

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Hotel Handyman gets a surprise TRUE STORY

I was staying in (and escorting from) a ‘mainstream’ hotel in Norwich, Norfolk UK.I checked in (in male mode) and made my way to the room.It was quite a big suite I had booked, as I like bit of freedom and was booked in for a week. The reason I quite like this particular hotel, is the windows open quite a way, and discreet smoking is possible. Anyone who knows me or anything about me will understand that this is of paramount importance for me.As I had a ‘concrete’ booking for 2 hours time I...

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Paulas Story

CHAPTER 1 - DESIRES EXPOSED We were driving home from another stupid client entertainment dinner. I was getting fed up with being eye candy on my husband's arm. After all, I was a Phi Beta Kappa in Psychology at State before being wooed and wedded by advertising guru Paul James. Paul was a master at selling. I swear--Paul could sell shit to hog farmers who usually had more shit than they could ever possibly use. I sat back in the thick luxurious seat of Paul's Mercedes CLS 550. ...

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Pasayten PeteChapter 26 Vitellis End

Marilee came through the front door with Graydon right behind her. They stopped in the kitchen doorway. Her parents sat at the table with Fr. Ambrose, his back to the two young people. When he saw Frank's eyes lift toward the doorway, Fr. Ambrose rose from his chair and strode forward, extending his hand. "Good evening, Marilee. It is good to see you again. Who is this young man with you?" Marilee blushed shyly. She turned to bring Graydon alongside. "This is Graydon Williams, our...

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