The Barbecue
- 2 years ago
- 25
- 0
We slept in the next morning, and I informed Kelly that she needed to pass an audition like I had done with her. How was I to know that she wasn’t a demanding wife? What if she was only interested in me for my body, and not my mind? That got me a smart-ass comment from her, “Really? You want to go there? Grim, you need to stick with your body! Your mind ain’t going to cut it!” That earned her a sharp smack on the ass, and I tickled her until she shrieked and begged me to stop. That led to her being a lot kinder for a bit, after which she smacked me and ran to the bathroom, which she locked behind her.
By the time we were both fully awake, my grandparents had gone to church. We made some bacon and eggs and then left, going over to my house. By now I had a key, so I wasn’t going to be arrested again. We let ourselves in and sat down. My folks and Bobbie Joe were at church, and we’d see everybody later. Until then I started browsing through the Help Wanted ads in the Matucket Times-Dispatch, though Kelly also suggested I go online and Google for local jobs. That was going to be trickier, since I didn’t own a computer - yet another thing to add to the Things To Do list.
The first one home was Jack, who drove in shortly after Kelly and I arrived. Kelly noticed him first, as she glanced out the picture window. “Looks like Jack is here.”
I looked up and saw a small blue Toyota Corolla parking. “Is that what he got?” I tossed the paper aside.
“Mmm, hmmm.”
“How’s he fit into it? Has he stopped growing yet?”
Kelly laughed at that, and then said, “He’s got his girlfriend with him. You’ll like her.”
“You’ve met her?” I asked.
A small Latin-looking girl got out of the passenger seat. Compared to my brother she looked like a midget. Damn cute, though. She was wearing tight jeans and a tank top and seemed to have some nice curves. Kelly waved at them through the window and the girl smiled and waved back. “That’s Teresa. Now, behave. Your brother has been dating her since the start of the semester. Longer, since the start of training.”
“What’s that, seven weeks, eight?”
“No, I am sure you are mistaken. My brother has never dated anybody longer than two weeks. He has an attention span shorter than Rex’s,” I answered. “She must have clones and you’re being confused by them.”
Jack led the way inside, followed by Teresa, and it was obvious he had fallen hard for this girl. More than once I looked over at Kelly and rolled my eyes. Kelly had already met her at a football team party she had been invited to. Teresa Hispano was Cuban-American from Miami, and a junior like Jack, only studying marketing. My primary comment to them was, “What in the world does she see in you?” Teresa blushed and Jack flipped me off.
The rest of the family came home about a half hour later. Rex climbed off Teresa’s lap to welcome them and do his business outside. Everybody greeted Teresa by name, which simply confirmed what Kelly had told me. Jack must have introduced her to them already, which was something new and mysterious in his relations with women. He had rarely, if ever, brought girlfriends home when he was in high school. I was further astonished when Grandma and Grandpa showed up, and they had met her already!
“I still have to ask - what in the world is a nice girl like Teresa doing with you?” I said loudly.
Jack laughed again, as did Teresa, but Jack subtly held his hands about a foot apart. It wasn’t subtle enough, though, because she whirled around and started in on him, sputtering out some rapid-fire Spanish and shaking a finger in his face. I caught some of it and turned to Kelly, a smile on my face.
“Don’t get me started on you!” she warned.
“No, I don’t think so. She’s speaking pretty fast, so I’m just catching bits and pieces, but she’s really laying into him!” I laughed.
“Let’s just say that this...” I held my hands apart like Jack had. “ ... is about to become this!” I brought my hands together, so they were almost touching.
“When did you learn Spanish?” asked Jack after Teresa had run out of steam.
I shrugged. “I had some from high school, but more in the Army. Lots of Latinos in the service. I had two in my fire team and a third in my rifle squad. For some of the guys it was their primary language growing up.” Teresa was looking at me curiously as I said that. “I suspect that some of the recruiting sergeants weren’t all that picky about legal documentation. Besides, when we were around the Iraqis and didn’t trust them to overhear us, a lot of the guys would speak Spanish.”
“You were in the Army?” asked Teresa.
I nodded. “Two tours in Iraq, and if I never go back there again, it will still be too soon!”
“Huh. I knew some guys back home who went into the Army, but I don’t know where they are serving.”
“If it’s not Iraq, it’s probably Afghanistan. From everything I’ve heard, it’s just as miserable.”
Throughout the afternoon the rest of my family showed up. Aunt Laurie and Uncle Dave showed up in the early afternoon, but not my cousins Dave and Jerry. They were both off at college and couldn’t get home. They promised to call, though. Uncle Joe and his family spent the day driving up from Savannah, which was nice. That was about a five-hour trip, so they were staying the night at a hotel. Uncle Bob and crew came over also.
Nana and Papa, Mom’s parents, came by also though something seemed a bit off about them. They lived in Buckhead, north of Atlanta, so they didn’t get down here to West Georgia all that often. I hadn’t seen most of these folks in a couple of years, but Nana really seemed out of it. She didn’t say much, but twice she asked me who Kelly was, and then replied, “Oh, yes, I remember now.”
It was enough to make me wonder. I cornered Dad in the kitchen the second time and quietly asked, “What’s with Nana? Is something wrong?”
He glanced around to see if anybody could hear, but nobody was in earshot. Still, he kept his voice low. “Don’t say anything. Your grandmother is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s. She’s getting pretty forgetful.”
My eyes popped open at that. “Oh, shit!” I cursed quietly. “How bad?”
He shrugged. “It’s still early, but it’s not good. She can still take care of herself, mostly, but your grandfather has to watch over her constantly. She’s not in a home, not yet anyway.”
“Don’t say anything to her. She knows, but she starts crying. Don’t let on that you know.”
“I’ll let Kelly know,” I told him.
He nodded and I went back to the living room.
The big topic of the day was yours truly - was I back for good, how bad was it over there, and what was I going to do now? (“ Yes, really bad, no idea!”) Uncle Dave suggested there might be an opening on the line at the mill, but he would have to think about it some more. If I really wanted to work there, I should look him up during the week. I thanked him but told him I wasn’t sure yet.
The most interesting conversation occurred late in the afternoon, sitting outside on the deck as Dad began to work on the grill. It was mostly Dad, Grandpa, Uncle Dave, and me, with Mom, Grandma, Aunt Laurie, and Kelly flitting in and out. Most of the others were out in the yard playing whiffle ball and getting chased by Rex. Uncle Dave started it, simply saying, “So let me get this straight. First the cops arrest you and beat you up, and then they gave you a job offer? Do I have that right?”
“Pretty much. Crazy, huh? Hey, what’s this I hear about a riot? When was that?”
He nodded. “A couple of years ago. It was probably right after you went back to Iraq. It made the national news, but you must have been out of touch.”
“We didn’t really get a lot of television out on the front lines, Uncle Dave. Mostly it was whatever AFN put out.”
“Well, it wasn’t good. A white cop shot and killed an unarmed black teenager down on Bleecker Street and then tried to cover it up. Another couple of cops helped, and then arrested a black mother who was videotaping it. Mind you, this was all being taped by a second person, so the whole thing ended up being played on the news,” he explained.
“Ouch! No, never heard about this,” I commented. “Is that what caused the riot?”
He shook his head. Dad answered, saying, “No, there were a couple of days of protest marches, but they were fairly peaceful. Your grandmother was marching. That was something to see!”
I looked over at Grandpa, who looked very sheepish. I remembered him telling me that Grandma used to be a protester when she was young. “Please, please, tell me we have photos!”
“Smart ass!” he replied.
“Anyway, the cops tried to bury it all under a rug, but the protests made the District Attorney take it to a Grand Jury, who refused to indict. That’s what led to the riot!”
“Oh, shit!”
“It got better. It was so outrageous that the Justice Department got involved. The Feds started digging and they dug up a lot! They started handing down federal indictments over civil rights violations and other stuff. A lot of stuff got leaked to the press, too, nasty stuff.”
“Oh?” This didn’t sound at all like the Matucket I had grown up in.
Uncle Dave chimed in. “They had all sorts of statistics about how African-Americans were being arrested and jailed way above the level they should have. It even extended to simple things like traffic violations and parking fines. Then they ripped through the emails at the police department. It was pretty disgusting, too. Don’t mention it around your grandmother because she’ll just go off on a tirade.”
“Hey! Watch it. We’re talking about your mother,” protested Grandpa.
Uncle Dave just held his hands up. “I’m just saying, she gets real sensitive about this. You had a whole bunch of police officers, the high-ranking ones, calling the blacks names you don’t use in polite society, or even impolite society. Meanwhile, they found a bunch of emails out of the County Executive’s office praising the police for the aggressive fund raising going on and saying how it was helping to fund the county government.”
I didn’t understand that. “I’m not following you. Fund raising? What’s that?”
Grandpa answered that. “In some ways that was the most disgusting part of it all. African-Americans, all minorities actually, were being specifically targeted for aggressive ticketing and fines. For instance, if a white guy got pulled over for a speeding ticket, he got a ticket and was let go. The fine might be at the low end of the range, and maybe he could get his lawyer to bargain it down to something else. A black guy, however, not only gets the ticket, but the cop does a vehicle safety inspection, and then writes up the driver for as many items as possible. The white guy gets away with a fifty-dollar ticket and the black guy gets nailed for three or four hundred. It was basically considered a tax by the county government, who shared the money with the police department.”
“Oh, brother!” I mumbled.
“You didn’t mention the best part,” said my father. We all looked at him. “You ever heard of civil forfeiture?”
“Oh, shit!” mumbled Grandpa.
“I forgot about that,” tossed in my uncle.
“No, what’s that?”
“When the Feds declared a war on drugs, they wanted a way to seize the assets of drug lords. You know, not just arrest the drug lord, but take away everything he bought with his drug money. Confiscate the boats and sports cars and fancy houses, all that stuff.”
I nodded and shrugged. “I’m following you.”
“Well, these programs raked in a lot of cash, a lot! It got to the point where simply being caught with a lot of cash meant that you were buying drugs, because everything else was going on credit cards or checks that the banks could follow. So, the Matucket Police Department began seizing cash, mostly from minorities, but occasionally from out-of-staters they pulled over. If they did a search and you had over five hundred bucks in cash, they would haul you in on a drug warrant. The warrant was bogus, but it allowed them to file civil forfeiture proceedings and keep the cash.”
“Wait a minute! You mean the cops can just arrest you and take your money because you carry cash and not a credit card?” I asked. “They can steal from you?”
“The legal theory is that even if you aren’t committing a crime, your possessions are. You’re right, though, it’s legal stealing.”
“Grim, after 9-11 the government and the courts have gone overboard. All they have to do is say the magic words ‘national security’ and they can do pretty much anything they want to,” said Grandpa.
“Again, they found a lot of this stuff in the emails. Worse, the County Executive’s office knew about it and used the money, which they split with the police department, as part of their budget process. They gave the police chief goals for the money to be confiscated.”
“All of this came out from about the time you went overseas to when you came back,” explained Uncle Dave.
“Well, forget that job! I’ll run the idiot stick first!” No way did I want to become a thief with a badge!
The others all laughed at this, since Grandpa owned the idiot stick and both Dad and Uncle Dave had operated it at one time or another. “It all came out in the wash,” said my grandfather. “The Justice Department hammered the MPD and the county. The County Exec and the Police Chief were forced to resign, and some of the Captains and Lieutenants took early retirement. The county and the police had to enter a federal consent decree. They hired a new chief and have been trying to clean up their act. Your buddy, Captain Crowley, is one of the guys who got promoted to replace one of the previous captains.”
“Huh.” I shrugged. “Does the Matucket Police Department handle just the city or the entire county? Just curious.”
“They’re the same thing,” answered my father.
“The city and the county are the same?”
He nodded. “Yeah. You didn’t know that?” I shook my head, but before I could answer, he asked, “Don’t they teach you any local history in school?”
I laughed at that. “Sure, they do! Way back at Matucket Plains we all learned how the mighty Captain Matthew Matucket led a group of intrepid and courageous pioneers on a trailblazing and pathfinding journey into the Godforsaken wilderness of West Georgia, bringing civilization with them. It wasn’t until many years later that we learned that none of this was done with any sort of consent from the locals who were already living here.”
Uncle Dave snorted. “You mean the Cherokee?”
“Yeah, we’re pretty close to where the Trail of Tears started. It wasn’t exactly a monument to multicultural diversity.”
Grandpa added, “That’s a very sanitized history. If you start looking into it, you’ll find most of those intrepid pioneers, including Captain Matucket, were simply trying to stay one step ahead of the law. A bunch of scalawags and crooks, mostly. Civilization was the last thing they wanted to bring to the wilderness!” That got us all to laughing.
“What’s that got to do with anything?” I asked my father.
“Just curious how much you knew. In any case, this was the end of the line for them, and civilization eventually caught up. By the early 1800s, Matucket was both a county and a city in the county. The borders were a bit fluid in those days, with land being traded around between Matucket, Haralson, and Carroll Counties. That pretty much ended after the Civil War. The borders were fixed, and everybody was too busy rebuilding and too poor to take it to court anyway.”
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Hank called me later that evening, laughing about the three chuckleheads, as he called them, and told me that he had told them some more stories. Of course, he kept their glasses full, so it was a profitable conversation for him. He told me that he had told a bunch of war stories about ‘the old days’ and how we did things ‘back then.’ I laughed and invited him and his wife over some night, and to just call me or Kelly to schedule it. Over the weekend Kelly and I goofed off while driving the...
Chief Crowley called the meeting to an end. He told Captain Abernathy to light a fire under the detectives and see if anybody had seen any African-American strangers recently. At best we had maybe a day or two before something might happen. Captain Bullfinch and Lieutenant Roscoe were told to give whatever support possible, including moving watch schedules around. Hank was told to assist me and dial up TRT. As far as I was concerned, Priority One was taking care of my family. What was even...
Saturday, June 21, 2008 I continued riding with Hank Jenkins for two weeks, and he signed off on turning me loose on the public on my own. During our time he taught me about the night and graveyard shifts, much like Jerry had taught me about the day shift and general police work. We also brought in a number of bad guys on various warrants, taking criminals off the street and otherwise making Matucket safer for all. It seemed like every shift would start with Hank handing me a stack of...
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April 2005 - May 2005 A few days later I had to leave. I was due back at Fort Drum on Thursday, so Tuesday Kelly and I loaded up the back of the Outback with all my stuff. This time we added all my personal stuff that I had shipped home when I first deployed to Iraq in 2003. Jack was none too amused when I took the television set with me, since he had set it up in the bedroom, but I wasn’t impressed. “You want to keep it? Fine with me. Just buy me a new one,” I told him. “I don’t have the...
June to August 2002 The following week we had finals, and that was it. Seniors had to go through graduation, but the rest of us were out for a couple of months for the summer. For me that meant I had about a week of goof-off time before I had to go back to the mill full time. That would take me through all of June and into July, at which time it was back to practice for the football season, running twice-a-days and sweating off about ten pounds under the July sun. Somewhere during that...
Summer 2023 The job in Sullivan Springs was a larger project than most of those I had already worked on. The spreadsheets were smoking by the time I got through with them. When I contacted Ballantine in two weeks, it was only to tell him I was still working the project. Unlike some of my other jobs, in this one I didn’t have a single answer already packaged. In my other jobs the chief or sheriff already knew what he wanted to do and simply needed an outsider to give him a third-party...
January 2007 Mom was very upset that I wasn’t going to come home on my leave. She just wasn’t buying my explanation about losing my squad. She wanted me to come home, squad or no squad. I think Dad understood, and he told me that his father understood, but Mom was very unhappy. I had been in the Army now for four Christmases, and three had been spent in Iraq. I didn’t even bother telling her about the incident at Yankee North. One of her latest kicks was, “Are you the only soldier in Iraq?...
It seemed late when we finished dinner. There was a Welcome Aboard talk in the ship’s theater and after that we did a bit more exploring. There were all sorts of stuff on the boat, including a shopping center with incredibly overpriced stuff, a casino, and a bunch more bars, restaurants, and lounges. We walked around the deck and then went back to our cabin, where we discovered it had been made up, the bed turned down, and an odd animal formed out of some folded towels. Kelly decided she...
I was able to get in to see Captain Crowley on Thursday morning. Another young officer, African-American this time, was the one who escorted me in, and this time Crowley had some paperwork on his desk. I got the impression that after this meeting it would be time to shit or get off the pot. Crowley outlined the procedure to apply, and then reviewed the pay and benefits. “Grim, as an Administrative Assistant you make a bit more than minimum wage, but it’s a full-time job and it qualifies you...
Dad didn’t say anything to me the next day, so we must have covered our tracks. At least the back seat in the SuperCrew was wide enough for us to lay semi-flat on. We still drove around in the cold air with the windows down. Monday at school I saw Coach Summers and gave him the news. I was out for a week, and would be reevaluated afterwards, so I might be able to play if we won next week and went to State. “I won’t let you back on the field until you bring me a release from the doctor,” he...
June 2004 - August 2004 Word came down from Battalion that the rest of Second Brigade would be deploying to Iraq soon. It was expected that they would show up sometime in July, but no dates were available. What they would do then was not known, or at least not known to us down at Camp Custer. Where exactly they would be positioned wasn’t known or might change before they got here. However, one interesting tidbit came out. Fourth of the Fourth was going to get some leave. Over the next few...
For the last few days President Trump had been on a Twitter rampage, demanding that the NFL players stand during the anthem, demanding the team owners and coaches fire them if they didn’t, and promising dire actions otherwise. Both Jack and I were getting slammed left and right, me for not complaining about the football players’ protests and Jack for not doing more. He was also bitching about Puerto Rico, primary elections, and fake news. No wonder he wasn’t doing his job - he was spending...
2024 Sunday, I helped Jack get home. He had chartered a plane to fly from California to Matucket (“ Can you imagine flying commercial through Atlanta with a wheelchair?”) so I simply drove over to their house Sunday morning and helped him out of the house and down to his rental. None of our homes had ramps and I asked whether we should build some for their next visit. “Grim, I’m not sure you should bother. I don’t think I’ll be coming back here any time soon.” “Jack...” “Grim, I just...
I never really passed out, but I wasn’t in a mood to keep talking. The immediate threat was contained, and since I was trapped under a tree and wounded, I wasn’t going to wander around the battlefield. After a few minutes I began to hear sirens, both police and fire department; I wouldn’t be alone for long. I twisted my head to the left but couldn’t see to the end of the driveway out on Lakeside Drive. I did see flashing lights approaching, and the sirens went silent. Moments later I heard a...
Grandpa was right about some of what he had said. I googled ‘medal of honor procedure’ later and it turned out there was a huge process involved in giving the Medal of Honor. Once the recommendation worked its way up from Battalion to Brigade and then to Division, it landed at the Pentagon. At least two boards in the Human Resources Command had to approve it, and then it went before the Chief of Staff, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of...
Thursday morning was an exercise in controlled chaos. I had time to do a nice breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon, which could be a bit of a luxury. I tried to cook a nice family breakfast on weekends but shift work with the MPD meant I frequently missed weekends. At least three of us ate well. Seamus only ate Froot Loops; he was almost three and was still a knucklehead in the Terrible Twos. After breakfast Kelly put Riley and me to work cleaning the house. Seamus, on the other...
Roxanne and I were invited to a barbecue at Wilson's home. A group of about ten to twelve of us usually show up. It was the height of summer, and being they had a pool, a reminder "to bring your swimsuits" was recommended. I liked most of the folks that went but lately, a few seemed persistent in talking about sex. One couple could not say a sentence without 'fuck' being somewhere in the middle of it."Roxanne, you up for going to the barbecue with all the sex chatter?"I was surprised at how she...
CheatingIntroduction: I have never felt anything like that before. Since the weather was getting warmer my parents decided it was a good time for a barbecue. They invited the neighbours on both sides of us and a few others from across the street. One of our neighbours was an older man in his mid forties who is unmarried. As everyone came over, my dad started up the barbecue. I was running in and out of the house setting things up. I walked by our neighbour Bill and bent over to put a salad on the...
A Saturday morning with sun never disappoints, specially in Dover. The sun is at it’s high, the heat burning and there’s not a single person that’s not sweating. Well... except us. I have been blessed with a group of friends that every single one of us has a pool, so yeah, our summer is being pretty great. But today is more special, after all, the youngest of us is turning 18 and he’s hosting a barbecue for us, so free food, free drinks, pool and chicks in bikinis all day. I’m definitely in...
Introduction: Youre gonna be my little fuck toy from now on Since it was the summer, I was off from school and my parents were still working. They told me they would like me to make some money for myself but I was having trouble finding a job. Then one day while having another barbecue with the neighbours, Bill suggested to my parents that I could work for him during the day. I was never really sure what Bill did for work but my parents agreed to it since they knew him and trusted him. I,...
She is naked on the bed next to me. I have been scratching her lightly freckled bare back and smacking her lily white and firm buttocks – she relishes that – and now I have her left arm held firmly behind her head, her long, curly and chestnut hair flowing onto the pillows. My right hand moves to her groin whilst I bring my mouth close to her and begin to whisper in her ear…"You are at the barbecue… the barbecue we are holding for our friends… but it is also just before a quarter to four… and...
Do not be deceived by appearances. I am a fairly normal, petite brunette. In most situations I am shy and reserved. You will not see me drawing the attention of crowds to feed my ego. Quiet conversation and close friends are my comfort blankets. There are times this part of me disappears and I almost forget who I am. Blame my husband for that. The only way I can describe it is that I have a foreign life within me. Two, actually. They reside in my tits. Calvin was the reason behind them. For...
ExhibitionismI idly fanned the flames over the grill, making sure the gusts that came by every so often didn't leave me with a half-lit charcoal pit. "You see the Warriors game, Elliot?" Evan. I'm technically his boss, but we do equal work. I've just been on the team longer. He's gonna be promoted soon. He was sitting in a lawn chair watching me work my barbecue magic. "What, are you kidding me?" I answered, "They killed the #1 Mavs. Had to be the biggest upset in Playoff history. You think...
The day of the party all started out very innocent, and when I finally got there, there were already a bunch of people talking and drinking, so I dove right in, trying to socialize with some friends on the back porch, quickly trying to polish off a couple beers. I really wasn’t expecting anything to happen but when I suddenly found myself in a conversation with Anna, the daughter of one of my other friends, as her parents stepped away, I instantly became very nervous seeing how attractive...
Captain Crowley simply congratulated me on making it through SWAT and then told me that I needed to call CBS in New York. He gave me a phone number and told me to let him know what was going on. For my mind, I was basically done with publicity. The Army had mustered me out a second time, so they couldn’t order me back to New York, and if 60 Minutes wanted to do something on the MPD, they had to come to us in any case. The call went smoothly. Now that I was home from the Academy, CBS felt...
Mom went back to work down in the ER the next morning, which I found a blessing. I mean, I loved my mother, but she was driving me completely nuts hanging around the room with me. She still dropped in at lunchtime, but I could handle that. Otherwise, I had her bring in a few books from home that I could read holding up with my left hand. Kelly came over after school on Tuesday. She had worked out an arrangement to take a different bus over to the hospital, and then either Mom would take her...
Friday started out like most other days. We got Riley off to school on the bus, and Kelly loaded Seamus in the Sienna to take to day care at Matucket State. The big difference was that we dug out all the luggage. While she was at class, I packed all my formal stuff in a hanging bag, with the rest in a suitcase. As soon as Kelly and Seamus came home, she grabbed her stuff out of the closet and told me to start packing, while she packed everything for the kids. It became a mad rush, since I...
Friday, February 16, 2001 School had just started again after the winter break. I was hanging out after lunch with some friends near the south stairwell lockers, with Tilly next to me, when Terry Watson muttered, “Holy shit!” as he looked at something behind me. I turned around and didn’t see anything unusual, at least not at first. What I did see looked like a bunch of girls hugging. Then I saw one of the girls turn around and come over towards us. She was slim, about my height, with...