Wedded Bliss
- 4 years ago
- 26
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Saturday, June 21, 2008
I continued riding with Hank Jenkins for two weeks, and he signed off on turning me loose on the public on my own. During our time he taught me about the night and graveyard shifts, much like Jerry had taught me about the day shift and general police work. We also brought in a number of bad guys on various warrants, taking criminals off the street and otherwise making Matucket safer for all. It seemed like every shift would start with Hank handing me a stack of warrants and photos of individuals who it was deemed would be better suited in the custody of the MPD, and we would try to collect them, all the while continuing with our regular patrol duties. It sure kept us busy!
That first Friday after I went back on duty, I took Kelly over to the Cherokee Grill for a burger and a beer before we went to a movie. It was my first time in the place since the shooting. My ‘Dream Team’ put me on lockdown until the mess was resolved. As Cavenaugh had said, “The last thing we need is for some photographer to take pictures of you coming out of a rowdy drunken cop bar following a celebration of your murdering a group of poor immigrants who were just traveling through. That will be on the Internet before you even get home!” I had grimaced at the description but couldn’t deny her logic.
Several people turned towards me when Kelly and I entered, but most simply smiled or nodded. Mack Waterhouse was standing behind the bar, and he welcomed us. “Grim, get over here.”
“Hey, Mack, you remember Kelly. I’ve brought her in before.”
“Sure, she’s the brains and you’re the brawn,” he said, smiling.
Kelly laughed. “His mother and I have been saying that for years!”
“What am I, the walking punch line for my family? How’s it going, Mack?”
“It’s good. Listen, I just wanted to tell you, you did good that day. You’ve been away for a bit.”
I nodded. “My lawyer told me to keep a low profile. I couldn’t go out or anything. Part of the time I went over to Athens and stayed with Kelly. No restaurants, no parties, no bars, no nothing.”
“Figures. You doing okay, with the shooting, I mean?”
“I’m okay, Mack.”
He reached down and pulled out a couple of shot glasses and poured some Jim Beam in them. He pushed them across the bar. “What about you?” I asked.
He shook his head. “I’m on the wagon. I have been since Margie cleaned me up. Doesn’t mean I can’t congratulate you on getting through that and back on the force.”
I sipped my shot, smiled, and then finished it. Kelly, however, just sort of wrinkled up her nose and passed it over to me. Mack looked at her funny, and I said, “Just get her something with a funny color and one of those silly umbrellas, she’ll be good to go.”
“You got it!”
“Thanks.” I picked up her shot glass and carried it to a table in the corner. A couple of minutes later Tim Hungerford and Denise Kevorkian came in. We waved them over and they sat down with us.
“Welcome back!” said Tim. “We were wondering when you’d be back.”
I explained the lockdown routine again. “Now that I’m back, I can get out again.”
“Wolinski said pretty much the same thing. He was in that first evening, Monday. He came in with his wife.”
“How’s Jerry doing?” asked Kelly.
“Seemed okay to me. He said he had been a bit rocky after the shooting, but he’s been talking to a few people, and he’ll be good.” He looked at me curiously. “You saw him afterwards. How did he seem to you?”
“Jerry will be all right. He was a little shook up, but that’s normal. Listen, when that sort of thing happens, you need to talk to people about it. If you just swallow it and keep it inside, it will eat you from the inside out.” I smiled. “I ought to know, right? I’ve probably got more bullet holes than the rest of you guys combined! He’ll be fine. I’ll ride with him any time he asks. I ought to give him a call, get him over here some night.”
“I saw him in the hospital, and then again about a week later, after he got out. He seemed to be getting better.”
Denise giggled at that, and we all looked at her. “I think I know the reason for that.”
“What?” asked Tim.
“I saw Sarah in the Pig a few days ago. After Jerry was released, she dumped the twins with her mother and packed Jerry off to Chattanooga for the rest of the week. She told me she spent a lot of time nursing him back to health. At least that’s what she called it.” She giggled some more.
I snorted. “As far as I recall, that wasn’t what was shot!”
“Still, I bet that would improve my morale! I’m feeling kind of poorly, darling!” Tim told Denise.
“Fine. Go get shot!” she responded.
Kelly looked at me and said, “Forget it! You’re already too healthy!” After that we ordered another round of drinks and dinner, and then Kelly and I went to the movies.
Eventually it was time to turn me loose and let me solo. I already knew that I would be on either the night shift or graveyard shift. Your choice of shift was mostly controlled by seniority. The day shift, 0800 to 1800, was the most desirable shift, and you needed the most seniority to work days. The least desirable shift was the graveyard shift, which ran from 0000 to 1000. Surprisingly, though, I would probably only be on that shift to fill in for guys on vacation. Graveyard was also the shift with the least amount of action and almost no command staff around, and it had the fewest patrol officers. Some surprisingly senior guys were on the graveyard shift, simply because they didn’t have to put up with a lot of horseshit at that time.
That left me starting on the night shift, 1600 to 0200, like I had just spent training with Hank Jenkins. I had done my week on nights with Hank Monday to Thursday, and the second week Tuesday to Friday. That made my first solo four-day week Wednesday, June 11, to Saturday June 14. The following week was going to be a short week since I was going on vacation to get married. The plan was that I would work several days the following week, ignoring the four-on/ four-off rule, taking Friday off to rest and do whatever I needed to do before getting married on Saturday, June 21. Kelly and I then would spend the night and Sunday at the apartment and fly to the Bahamas on Monday morning. We had a week booked at Sandals Resort in Nassau, Bahamas. We would fly there Monday morning and fly home the following Sunday afternoon, June 29. Afterwards my ass belonged to the MPD.
Since I didn’t have any vacation time built with the MPD, I wasn’t getting paid for that week. Likewise, Kelly’s paycheck and stipend wouldn’t begin until the beginning of the semester in August. That meant our honeymoon was going to cost us a fortune out of pocket. On the plus side, it was our last major out-of-pocket cost for the near future. I still had a big, big chunk of my savings from when I had been in the Army, and our apartment was free (aside from slave labor for Grandma and no tickets when Grandpa was speeding.) Our preliminary estimates going into the fall had us saving a fair bit from our combined paychecks. Kelly was doing some back-of-the-envelope calculations that had us thinking we could probably buy a house by the springtime. I would use a big chunk of the savings and that would provide a nice down payment.
The only other major project we had in the works was that once the fall rolled around, I wanted to start part-time in college again. I had no good reason not to get a degree. I didn’t want to waste the credits from Jefferson, and they would transfer to either M-Triple-C or Matucket State. I still wasn’t completely sure what to get a degree in, but if I wanted to make it higher than Patrolman in the MPD, I was going to need a degree of some sort. Kelly and I would review the curriculums when we got back. The crazy part? College wouldn’t cost me anything! I could use my VA benefits, but the MPD had a nice benefits package that would cover my college costs, and if I went to Matucket State, Kelly’s benefits would cover my costs!
I got about seven days of shifts during that time, all on nights, between when I started solo and the Thursday I finished prior to the honeymoon. Once I got back from the honeymoon, God only knew what I’d be doing. One of the downsides to the schedule was that I didn’t get a bachelor party. Prior to my being cleared from the shooting, I had been under orders to keep a very low profile, and Jack’s suggestion of an Atlanta strip club was not low profile. Afterwards, I just didn’t have the time, and the Friday and Saturday nights before the wedding, I was working. In a way I was relieved. Who would be at a theoretical stag party? My buddies on the MPD and my buddies in the IAVA and West Georgia Vets, along with a few guys from back in my high school days. The one thing they all had in common was a complete lack of any semblance of taste and morality! I could just imagine being handcuffed to a chair while skanks gave me lap dances, all while my buddies took pictures with their cell phones! No, I did not need a stag party!
My seven nights’ solo were relatively average. I didn’t have to shoot anybody. I didn’t even have to draw my weapon. I did get called to a couple of bars on Friday and Saturday to break up fights, because an overload of beer and opinionated assholes doesn’t mix well. Why does anybody care who the greatest hockey player is? We don’t play hockey in Georgia anyway! ’Knock it off, go home, and sleep it off, or come with me and sleep it off in the tank.’ Friday, they went home; Saturday, they went to the tank. What a bunch of idiots! Bar owners should be required to run a computer with Google and Wikipedia just to settle bar bets! I also had a couple of fender-benders in the parking lot of the Piggly Wiggly, and a couple of high-speed accidents on the south side of I-20 on the Matucket Expressway, the high-speed extension of Matucket Drive. One of the accidents was minor, even though it happened at sixty-five miles an hour. The other was major, in that the emergency squad needed to cut the second car apart with the Jaws of Life, and a LifeFlight helo had to come in to carry the victim to Grady Memorial Hospital. I wasn’t the only officer to respond to that one, and we simply had to control traffic and supervise the tow trucks afterwards. One quiet night I had a call from one of the guys in TRT to act as a backup while he served up a few warrants. Hank Jenkins must have given me a favorable review.
One of the things I did every night was make an arrest for drunk driving. The year before, over forty-thousand people had died in auto accidents in the United States, and forty percent of those deaths were alcohol-related. That didn’t mean that sixteen thousand people were killed driving around drunk. Probably only a quarter of them were drunk, but they each managed to kill three other people when they killed themselves. It was easy, too. Even though traffic fatalities had been dropping every year, it was mostly because cars were getting safer. People were as drunk as ever. I could nab one every night, and not by staking out bars, but just by driving around and looking for suspicious drivers.
There were a lot of signs that somebody was driving around drunk. Maybe he was straddling lanes, or was weaving, or screwing up his signaling or turning. One surprising sign was that somebody might be driving perfectly - but too slow! Perfect driving at thirty miles an hour in a fifty-five zone was a pretty good indication somebody was loaded. You had to be careful with these idiots, too. While they usually would pull over when I hit the lights, one guy floored it and drove into a row of parked cars. That one ended up a real clusterfuck of car owners needing police reports.
Whatever you do, don’t bitch to me when I pull you over for drinking and driving and throw you in jail. I’m the bastard who must tell Mister and Mrs. Smith that Little Suzie won’t be going to Harvard in the fall, because she got killed after her high school graduation party by some asshole lit up like a Christmas tree. I get to tell Little Billy that his father won’t be coming home that night because his father had a couple too many down at Clancy’s and then plowed into a bus. I get to tell Mrs. Jones that the father of her unborn baby is in the hospital and is paralyzed from the neck down while the asshole who was drinking and driving got away without a scratch. Worst of all, I’m the guy that has to explain to his wife why he feels like shit and is sorry he is treating her the same way. There’s a reason cops have a lot of divorces, and it’s not because of the danger. It’s because we shut down emotionally. I was going to have to be careful about that.
I think the best one that I pulled over, though, wasn’t a drunk driver. A car was weaving a bit erratically and slowly, heading north on Cherokee, as I pulled up behind it. I could see only the driver, right until I hit the lights, at which point a second head popped into view! After calling it in to Dispatch and stepping out, I walked up to the car. The driver was sober, the lady with him not so much. She was giggling and trying to do up her blouse and had nothing on below the waist. The driver looked like he wanted to just die. I let them go with a warning and a suggestion they wait until they got home.
While I didn’t get a bachelor party, the weekend before the wedding, Kelly had a bachelorette party. She packed a couple of bags and left the apartment to go visit Megan at her new place in Atlanta. The word I got was that they were planning to go to a male strip club for the party. I asked Kelly if Megs was trying to learn some new moves, which got me a punch in the arm, followed by a giggle. Kelly was still teasing me about the wedding. She refused to tell me whether Megs was going to wear a traditional bridesmaid’s dress, or a traditional best man’s tuxedo! I wouldn’t put that past either of them. Her bachelorette party was two Fridays before the wedding, Friday the 13th. I teased her about the significance.
Oddly enough, that was the last I saw of her for a few days. The bachelorette party was in Atlanta, so Kelly was staying in Atlanta with Megan. Not too surprisingly, Kelly called the next morning, sounding truly sick and hung over, and said she was staying there until she felt better. I laughed and wished her luck, but otherwise wasn’t too worried. I only had a couple of days off and then was filling in for a couple of guys for a few days. Monday I was back on the night shift.
That tended to screw with my sense of night and day. There was a reason everybody wanted to work day shift. You went to work in the morning and came home in time for a late dinner. You could still kiss the kids good-night, and then watch some television with your wife before heading to bed for some late-night fun and games. Nights and graveyards were different. Night shift you might not get home until half-past two or maybe three, and the wife and kiddies were long gone to bed. They’d also probably be gone to school and work by the time you woke up. Graveyard was just as bad; by the time you got home, your wife was at work and your kids were at school. Then, when they get home, the odds were that they would wake you up early and leave you grumpy. The only good thing was that the four-days-on/four-days-off schedule gave you several days home in a row. The bad thing was that several of the days were during the week, when you were the only one home.
I managed to stay busy with work and the wedding that week. What was odd was that I didn’t see Kelly all week. She called me Monday saying that she was staying in Atlanta for another day. Tuesday, she told me she was going to see another friend in Savannah for a couple of days. Thursday there was another excuse. I wouldn’t see her again until the rehearsal Friday afternoon. I wanted to get her over to the apartment to do some more honeymoon practice, but she told me that it was bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding. She was staying at her parents’ house for the night, and I would see her in the morning when she was walking down the aisle to become my wife.
“You are up to something!” I told her.
“Grim, I have no idea what you are talking about. I’ve just been seeing a few friends and getting a few things behind me. I’ll explain it later.”
“Uh, huh.”
“Whatever. I’ll see you at fifteen-hundred hours Friday,” I told her.
She laughed. “No, Grim, I’ll see you at three o’clock in the afternoon!” She hung up still laughing.
The rehearsal went well, but as soon as it was over, Kelly and her bridesmaids headed out. I didn’t get a lot of sleep Friday night. It was almost impossible for me to believe that it was happening. I was going to marry Kelly O’Connor. I had known her since I was nine and been dating her since I was fifteen. Now I was twenty-three and I was finally going to make her mine officially. At that I smiled, since I was sure that Kelly would simply claim that she was finally making me hers. She had been the one to chase me around way back when, after all.
Jack showed up at the apartment at the crack of dawn that Saturday morning. He pounded on the door until I got up and let him in. “What the fuck are you doing?” I asked. I was feeling kind of tired and bleary.
The bastard smiled and said, “Making sure you’re awake.” He was in a disgustingly cheery mood.
I looked into the kitchenette and saw the clock on the microwave. “It’s 0610!” I complained.
“We’re in America now, not the Army, Grim. Besides, I promised Mom I would make sure you got to the church on time. Now, where’s the coffee maker? You need to get cleaned up and dressed.”
“You can go screw yourself!” I replied. “I’m going back to bed.”
“No, no, no! Go grab a shower. I’ll have coffee ready by the time you are out.”
It took me several minutes to clear the cobwebs from my head. Okay, so I had drunk a couple of beers more than I should have last night. I was missing my fiancée and hadn’t been laid in a week! Sue me! When I got out of the shower, Jack had coffee and a bottle of Advils waiting for me. I inhaled both. I still muttered something nasty to my brother.
“Now get dressed,” he told me. I went to grab my tux, but he said, “Not that, you idiot. You can dress later. First things first. You need some breakfast. Pack the car. We’ll get ready over at the house.”
“You’re a real pain in the ass, you know?”
“Teresa says the same thing.”
I left the door to the bedroom open while I went in and got dressed. “So, what’s going on with you two? Just how serious is that? Are we doing this with you sometime soon?”
Jack came to the door and leaned against the jamb. “Maybe. I don’t know, Grim. I’ve never felt like this before. You, you’ve been in love with Kelly since you two were born, or maybe before! Me, it was never like that.”
I snorted in laughter at him. “So?”
“So, it was just different with me. Once I figured out what girls liked and what I liked, it was just ... I don’t know. Teresa is the first girl who won’t put up with my shit, you know?”
“And, I don’t know. It’s different with her.”
I laughed at my younger brother. “Jack, you’re a real fucking idiot. Do what I do, and just let Teresa run your life like Kelly runs mine. She’s going to do it anyway, and that will make it so much simpler.”
He flipped me the bird and directed me in packing a bag; my tuxedo was in its own bag and I had tried it on a few days ago to make sure it fit. I would be going with Jack to breakfast over at Shoney’s and then we would head over to the house to change. The nice thing about our schedule was that Kelly and I didn’t have to rush anywhere after the wedding. We didn’t have to be at the airport that night or early the next day. We could take our time and relax, go back to the apartment and pack without going crazy. If one of us had a little, or a lot, more to drink than we should at the reception, we would have a chance to sleep it off.
The wedding was to be at eleven at St. Steven’s Episcopal Church in East Matucket. After breakfast we headed over to the house, to find Dad relatively calm and Mom a complete disaster. Jack and I just shook our heads, changed, and took off again. It was better to hang around the church than to hang around Mom! I thought Bobbie Joe would be stuck with her, but he got lucky, too. He had the keys to Mom’s minivan, so he bugged out early to go pick up Jamie Hughes. He was already in his tux and would meet us at the church.
Once we got to St. Steven’s, Jack and I found our way to a room behind the choir where we could hide. From there on it was entirely up to Kelly and everybody else to get there. It was out of my hands. I quizzed Jack whether he had the rings, and he showed them to me; he was keeping them in a pocket of his vest. After much discussion, Kelly and I had foregone both the ring bearer and the flower girl in the ceremony, for the simple reason that nobody in the family was young enough to play either role. All our cousins were in their teens or beyond.
By some standards we were having a simple wedding. We each had four people on the side. Megs was the Maid of Honor, and the three bridesmaids were Sara Thompson and Samantha Powderman from Matucket High, and a girl named Lee Olivier from UGA. Their opposites were my brother Jack as Best Man, and my brother Bobbie Joe and my cousins Dave and Jerry as groomsmen. Once they all got there, they filtered in to see me, and then headed back to the entrance to walk guests in. Other than Bobbie Joe, the other three were all in college. Dave and Jerry were in some sort of engineering program at Georgia State, and Jack’s program was sports management, a cover for the fact that in Division I football he was essentially an unpaid employee of the college. It was a bullshit degree, but if he made it through another year in good shape, he would have a very good chance at a sweet paycheck in the NFL.
Dad came in around 10:30 or so to let me know that he and Mom were there, and that Kelly and her family were right behind them. Unless my fiancée got cold feet coming down the aisle, I wasn’t facing a runaway-bride situation.
“How’s Mom?” I asked.
“Nervous. She’s fidgeting over everything! I’ve stashed her in the room near the entrance with the bridesmaids and the other women. They’re spending half the time crying and half the time fixing their makeup!”
“It could have been worse, Dad. You could have had girls,” commented Jack.
“Spare me!”
I laughed. “Hey, he had two!”
Jack turned on me. “You want your ass-kicking now or later?”
“Later. Then I’ll be married, and you’ll have to fight your way through Kelly first. Don’t ever mess with a redhead!”
My brother laughed. “No kidding. There was this one girl from Georgia State...”
“I don’t want to know,” interrupted our father. “I’m going back to make sure your mother hasn’t had a nervous breakdown yet.”
After Dad left, Jack finished his story about an athletic and adventurous redhead with a fiery temper and a preference for bedroom sports that should have never been discussed in a church. Sounded fascinating, though. A few minutes later Pastor Hufnagle came through and checked to see if I had run screaming out the back door. He found me still there and said we might as well get into place.
Jack looked at me. “Last chance. You doing this, bro?”
“Too late to back out now.”
“Remember the magic words I and do. They will be the last two words Kelly will ever hear from you.”
“Like you would know! Come on, let’s go.” I led the way out and around the choir loft, and we got into position.
We had joked a lot during the rehearsal. Mister O’Connor had brought Kelly down the aisle and said, ‘She’s your problem now!’, and then when we got to the vows, Kelly said, ‘Let me get back to you on the sickness, poorer, and worse parts of the contract.’ Today we didn’t fool around. It was for real, and neither of us wanted to jinx it.
Kelly was simply breathtaking. I figured out that part of what she had been doing for the last week was getting a spray-on tan. She had that classic Irish pale complexion with freckles that complemented her red hair and green eyes, but that also meant she barely tanned, but burned bright red if she wasn’t careful. Not that day. Her wedding dress was off-the-shoulder, and dipped pleasantly low in the front and back, exposing light golden skin and no hint of tan lines. She must have gone to a tanning salon, and probably not the average one down the block, either. My heart stopped as she approached, and only Jack’s quietly muttered, “Holy shit!” got it started again.
Seamus O’Connor shook my hand and gave me Kelly’s, then lifted her veil and kissed her cheek. Then we turned towards the altar. I only had two words to say, and I got those right. When we got to kiss, she melted as we embraced. “All my life I have waited to hear you say I do!” she whispered to me. “All my life!” I just hugged her tightly, not daring to say anything myself.
The reception was at 1300, one in the afternoon as my new wife would say. It was in the banquet hall behind the Rochester, and we had tried for a later time, but the evening had been booked by the time we made our reservation. We had settled on a morning wedding and an early reception. As long as we were out of there by five, everything would be fine. They could clean up and reset things for the eight o’clock evening reception. The bridal party stayed at St. Steven’s while pictures were taken, and then we went outside to climb into the limo for the ten-minute ride over to the Rochester. Even the Matucket Police Department got into the action. The wedding procession was led by the Cougar, with lights flashing and the occasional yelp on the siren; Barry Franklin, one of the TRT guys on duty, drove it over and led the way. He had offered to use it as the limo, but we had declined, and were simply in a big Cadillac, with the rest of the bridal party in a stretch limo behind us. I was going to owe Barry a drink or two when it was all over.
As for the reception, it was simply a very nice and large party. Kelly and I didn’t go crazy. We didn’t have ice sculptures or champagne fountains or flights of doves or anything ridiculous. It was a very nice buffet, with lots of canapés and appetizers ahead of time, and an open bar. We skipped the ten-piece orchestra and had a local DJ handle the music. A very highly recommended local photographer did the wedding pictures; we didn’t import anybody from London or Paris. We simply had a very good time!
Kelly had several friends from UGA and Athens there. Two of her guests were Hollis Winfield and his wife, and I managed to introduce Hollis to a few of the guys I had invited, like Bart Simmons and Wojo Wojohowitz. We probably had about a half-dozen vets there. We also had about the same number of cops. Creighton and Tim were there with their significant others, along with Jerry Wolinski and Hank Jenkins and their wives; I couldn’t invite one of my FTOs without inviting the other. Captain Crowley managed to come, and another couple of guys promised to come over after they got off a partial shift, even if they couldn’t change out of their uniforms.
Brax Hughes and Bo Effner came. Brax came stag and tried to hit on Hannah, who laughed and put her arm around Megs’ waist. Brax simply remarked that he was game if they were but got laughed away. It was good to see him, though, and he, Bo, and I talked over the old days. Bo had gone to Princeton as a political science major and was now at Harvard Law. He had dated Samantha off and on all through high school, and after graduation neither had been happy with their dating scene. They had hooked up again their college senior year and were trying to make a long-distance relationship work. Samantha was a nurse at Matucket WellCare. Considering the dress she was wearing and her build, she should have been working in Maternity!
Megs and Hannah were amusing. Hannah had worn a gorgeous low-cut dress which really highlighted her figure, and Brax wasn’t the only guy to hit on her. Grandma wanted to know who she had come with, and when Mom explained, her face turning red as she did so, Grandma’s eyes popped open wide. “Oh my!” she said several times. Kelly and I both had to bite our lips to keep from laughing. We really had to bite our lips when Megs and Hannah danced later, and Grandma and Grandpa brushed against them, which spooked Grandma. West Georgia was not quite as liberal as some parts of the country.
Most of my family was there, but not all. Nana was out of it these days, even though she was still living at home. Papa had arranged for a nurse to take care of her for the day, and he had driven down for the wedding and reception. From what Mom was telling us, Nana only recognized people maybe half the time, and that included her daughter. Mom always came home crying after that.
By four-thirty people were starting to drift out and the hall was beginning to thin out. By five it was just the immediate family and the bridal party, and we all took off. Most of the guys offered to help me with my marital duties just in case I had had too much to drink. I thanked them and sent them packing. The limo took Kelly and me back to the apartment to begin our life of married bliss, or at least as close an approximation as we could come to.
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Monday, Kelly told me that she was going with me to the lawyer’s office, and the way she said it indicated I had better not argue. I still wasn’t sure what Brockport could do for me that Stillwell couldn’t. Everything I had heard from the guys the other day showed that no matter how I got out of this, the County Attorney and the County Council would still demand they get rid of a killer, and I was still probationary. “Grim, just listen to what he has to say. Daddy says the guy is a magician....
Sunday & Monday, February 18 & 19, 2001 I came to slowly. I was surprised that I didn’t hurt as much as I thought I would, but I couldn’t really move all that well, and things seemed weird. It was warmer than I remembered it being, and brighter, and my sweatshirt and windbreaker were missing. I groaned and tried to move some more. That did hurt, quite a bit, and I tried to find a position it didn’t hurt, and I realized I hurt all over. I blinked my eyes, but only my left eye was...
Tuesday, July 21, 2015 I got out of bed at 0600, but I hadn’t been asleep. I had slept fitfully at best all night, and I just gave in and got up. I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, so the water would warm up, and then started brushing my teeth. “Can’t sleep?” asked Kelly, from our bed. “I need to get to the station early,” I told her. Any further discussion was ended when we heard a cry from the hallway. Kelly groaned and got out of bed. I smiled and shook my head and...
Things got very strange from that point on. It wasn’t like I could just fly off to Washington so the President could slap on the Medal of Honor. Everything had to be coordinated. I was informed of the Medal of Honor on May 24, which was a Monday. My keepers, which is what the two light birds turned out to be, returned on Tuesday, June 1, to let me know the latest. The Army, by that time, had publicly confirmed that I was to receive the Medal of Honor, but that the ceremony was to be held at...
Friday, September 5, 2008 I had to do a lot of yard work at that resort. Kelly was very insistent that the lawn needed to be mowed as often as possible. I also had to ‘clear the weeds’, ‘trim the shrubs’, ‘edge the lawn’, and perform every other possible type of yard maintenance. On the other hand, I considered it critical to provide the best customer service possible. It’s just the kind of guy I am. Still, we did have to get out of the room on occasion, if simply to gas up the mower....
I told my family to stay there, and I would get my gear and catch up to them. Kelly offered to follow me, but I had to explain that women were not allowed in the barracks, no way, no how! Luckily there was a parking lot near the barracks that would allow me to load my gear up. Dad had driven down in the F-150, so we could toss my stuff in the back and then ride home. The ride home was mostly taken up with my parents and Kelly asking me about the Army and my training. What did I do, what did...
December 21, 2007 The rest of the year I simply prepped for the academy, worked at the police station, and ‘assisted’ Kelly with wedding planning. Assistance basically consisted of doing whatever I was told I was doing, regardless of my personal opinions. White and rose orchids? Whatever you say, babe, they look wonderful! The fact that I couldn’t tell an orchid from a dandelion meant nothing. White cake, yellow cake, or chocolate cake? They all tasted delicious, but even if they tasted like...
That was pretty much it for grand romance for a few weeks. School was ending the following Thursday, and Saturday Kelly and her mom were flying out of Atlanta to London. Neither set of parental units were allowing us to date on school nights, not even during the last week of school. We were able to go out on Friday night, and we got in some quality time then, but that was it. She was going to be gone the last week of May and the first two weeks of June. She got sort of tearful and clingy and...
Jim Talbot called me the next afternoon and told me that there was a lively discussion after I left, but that they hadn’t blown me off. I was still being considered by most of the council. He also told me that one of the other candidates had dropped out, citing the council’s inability to get its shit together. That cut it down to me and one other candidate. Sometime next week would be another interview, though that one would be in a smaller setting. What that meant wasn’t specified, but I...
June-- July 1824. Château Blanchard Nr Valencienne. Flanders We had suggested that our wedding guests arrive some days prior to the wedding, and Chloe and Armand, with their son Marcel and his wet-nurse, arrived a week before the ceremony. Mimi and Chloe exchanged a long loving embrace when they met. I confess I had been somewhat uneasy at a meeting between them after hearing Mimi’s disdain that Chloe was not breast feeding her son but employed a wet-nurse for the task. When I mentioned to...
Monday, May 24, 2010 I busted my ass that winter getting back into shape. As the doctors had told me, my problems mostly related to muscle and tissue damage, but my joints were in good shape. My biggest problems were in stretching and rebuilding the muscles in my left arm and side. I spent a lot of time in rehab and therapy, and then even more time in the gym rebuilding myself. Kelly and I didn’t have a gym in the house, but it was another one of those benefits of being a cop. The MPD had an...
Thursday proved to be about as hectic as I expected it to be. By the time the detectives came to see me, I would be the last guy they would be talking to. By that time, they would have already interviewed everybody except the three dead guys, and they would have been autopsied. The crime scene crew would have been all over the last car they had been in, as well as all over the Quiki-Stop. The security videos from the Quiki-Stop would have been obtained, as well as any from any of the...
They were right, of course, I was beat. I stayed awake through dinner and then fell asleep. I woke up Saturday morning stiff and creaky. As the saying goes, it’s just like cars; it’s not the years but the mileage. At thirty-three I had the mileage for one-hundred-thirty-three. Saturday was all about family. My parents arrived right after breakfast, and after Mom violated the rule about not treating a relative by checking my records, they gave me the latest info. Jack was flying in from San...
Kelly and I watched the news Monday night for about an hour, but it was getting repetitious, and we turned it off. By then Kelly was beginning to get some emails and tweets from people she was friends with, mostly asking what was going on. Most seemed confused, but several were rather vile. A few people wanted me to immediately fly to California and butcher my brother on the fifty-yard line, followed by ritually committing suicide. We went to bed, where Kelly tried to take my mind off...
I called Kelly as soon as I had finished a couple of slices. It was a Thursday, so she promised to come home that night and spend a long weekend with me. I told her I was heading over to the apartment and to find me there. It would be late when she got there, but that didn’t matter much to me. I went back to the kitchen, grabbed another slice of pizza and a beer, and sat down in the family room. Bobbie Joe returned my keys. When I was finished, I kissed Mom on the cheek and headed out. The...
Tuesday, January 7, 2019 The rest of the semester was a bitch, a stone-cold cast-iron bitch. I don’t know what I had been expecting, but it was just unrelenting work. Maybe it was because I had taken a lot of time on the two consulting jobs or maybe it was because of the time taken up with Tolley’s book project. More likely it was because I didn’t know what the hell I was doing trying to get a doctorate in history. I mean, I knew there was a lot of reading that was going to be involved....
Seamus fell asleep in his car seat before Kelly got home. That made him extra fussy when we got there, and he was handed to me after she got him out of the car. For the next hour we kept putting him to bed and he kept waking up and fussing. Kelly and I talked about my father’s condition. “So, what happens next?” I asked. “This ever happen to your father?” “Not that I’ve ever heard. Maybe he doesn’t exercise as vigorously as your father does.” I had to laugh at that. “There are some things...
I knew Maggie was pissed. She spent a lot of time putting together all her wedding plans, as most brides do. But now she found herself mostly through her own reception, and her new groom was hammered in the first degree. Not only was he wasted, he was overtly giving attention to anything with tits who stopped to wish him well. She shouldn't have been totally shocked. That's how Clint always was. He was a young doctor who graduated from all the degree fields early, incredibly brilliant, and...
Wife LoversJune 2005-March 2006 The next morning, we were back to the Army in earnest. Most everybody had filtered back, and we began with PT, physical training, including calisthenics and a four-mile conditioning run. I was hurting as bad as any of the other troops. Leave had left me soft. It didn’t matter, since I knew I would be back in shape in a few weeks, tops. Montoya and Gonzalez, the fuzzies just out of Benning, were in decent shape. Riley was coming off leave and was in about the same...
Nothing job-related came to my attention by Friday afternoon. I speculated what the perfect job ad would look like - “Wanted! Matucket Firearms Corporation has an immediate opening for product design and testing in their Machine Gun Division! Iraqi war veterans with PTSD desired! Call now, operators are standing by!” I remembered that the AK-47 was invented by a busted-up Russian sergeant during World War II. Too bad there really wasn’t a Matucket Firearms Corporation, either with or without...
Monday, September 26, 2022 Monday was a busy day. I bundled the kids off to school and then called Matucket State. While I didn’t go into details, I had to let her Department Vice-Chair know she was going to be away from work for a week or two. I didn’t know who to call at DARPA or the NSA, but Kelly didn’t talk to them daily anyway; she could handle that chore. Then I drove over to the hospital. By all accounts, I would be able to bring her home that day. First, though, she needed to be...
Monday, March 19, 2018 “Dispatch to One-Six-Three.” “One-Six-Three to Dispatch, go ahead.” Dispatch to One-Six-Three, say location.” I was curious as to why Dispatch wanted to know where I was, since they had sent me to supervise an accident at Pinetree and Glen Aubrey. There was a three-car pileup on Glen Aubrey after the first car, a silver Nissan sedan had suddenly braked for a squirrel. The next car, a red Ford Fusion had slammed into the Nissan from behind and had then been...
Hank called me later that evening, laughing about the three chuckleheads, as he called them, and told me that he had told them some more stories. Of course, he kept their glasses full, so it was a profitable conversation for him. He told me that he had told a bunch of war stories about ‘the old days’ and how we did things ‘back then.’ I laughed and invited him and his wife over some night, and to just call me or Kelly to schedule it. Over the weekend Kelly and I goofed off while driving the...
Chief Crowley called the meeting to an end. He told Captain Abernathy to light a fire under the detectives and see if anybody had seen any African-American strangers recently. At best we had maybe a day or two before something might happen. Captain Bullfinch and Lieutenant Roscoe were told to give whatever support possible, including moving watch schedules around. Hank was told to assist me and dial up TRT. As far as I was concerned, Priority One was taking care of my family. What was even...
"What's she got up her sleeve this month," Darren wondered as he played with the envelope she gave him when he walked out the door this morning. Things had been a little weird around the house for the last two weeks. Cassie seemed to be over almost every day when he got home from work. Something was definitely up. Ever since the big blow up two weeks ago, Stephanie had been the model wife. Dinner was always ready when he got home. After the kids were in bed, she would curl up next to him...
Fall 2023 The summer progressed nicely. I spent a fair bit of time down in Sullivan County and the nearby environs, first analyzing what they had and then developing the options everybody needed to consider. One thing I stressed with them was that by standardizing on similar doctrine, training, and hardware, the SWAT teams created would be suitable for any eventual regional coordination. How the politics would work out was questionable, but it would be easier if the local units had similar...
April 2005 - May 2005 A few days later I had to leave. I was due back at Fort Drum on Thursday, so Tuesday Kelly and I loaded up the back of the Outback with all my stuff. This time we added all my personal stuff that I had shipped home when I first deployed to Iraq in 2003. Jack was none too amused when I took the television set with me, since he had set it up in the bedroom, but I wasn’t impressed. “You want to keep it? Fine with me. Just buy me a new one,” I told him. “I don’t have the...
June to August 2002 The following week we had finals, and that was it. Seniors had to go through graduation, but the rest of us were out for a couple of months for the summer. For me that meant I had about a week of goof-off time before I had to go back to the mill full time. That would take me through all of June and into July, at which time it was back to practice for the football season, running twice-a-days and sweating off about ten pounds under the July sun. Somewhere during that...
January 2007 Mom was very upset that I wasn’t going to come home on my leave. She just wasn’t buying my explanation about losing my squad. She wanted me to come home, squad or no squad. I think Dad understood, and he told me that his father understood, but Mom was very unhappy. I had been in the Army now for four Christmases, and three had been spent in Iraq. I didn’t even bother telling her about the incident at Yankee North. One of her latest kicks was, “Are you the only soldier in Iraq?...
Summer 2023 The job in Sullivan Springs was a larger project than most of those I had already worked on. The spreadsheets were smoking by the time I got through with them. When I contacted Ballantine in two weeks, it was only to tell him I was still working the project. Unlike some of my other jobs, in this one I didn’t have a single answer already packaged. In my other jobs the chief or sheriff already knew what he wanted to do and simply needed an outsider to give him a third-party...
It seemed late when we finished dinner. There was a Welcome Aboard talk in the ship’s theater and after that we did a bit more exploring. There were all sorts of stuff on the boat, including a shopping center with incredibly overpriced stuff, a casino, and a bunch more bars, restaurants, and lounges. We walked around the deck and then went back to our cabin, where we discovered it had been made up, the bed turned down, and an odd animal formed out of some folded towels. Kelly decided she...
I was able to get in to see Captain Crowley on Thursday morning. Another young officer, African-American this time, was the one who escorted me in, and this time Crowley had some paperwork on his desk. I got the impression that after this meeting it would be time to shit or get off the pot. Crowley outlined the procedure to apply, and then reviewed the pay and benefits. “Grim, as an Administrative Assistant you make a bit more than minimum wage, but it’s a full-time job and it qualifies you...
Dad didn’t say anything to me the next day, so we must have covered our tracks. At least the back seat in the SuperCrew was wide enough for us to lay semi-flat on. We still drove around in the cold air with the windows down. Monday at school I saw Coach Summers and gave him the news. I was out for a week, and would be reevaluated afterwards, so I might be able to play if we won next week and went to State. “I won’t let you back on the field until you bring me a release from the doctor,” he...
June 2004 - August 2004 Word came down from Battalion that the rest of Second Brigade would be deploying to Iraq soon. It was expected that they would show up sometime in July, but no dates were available. What they would do then was not known, or at least not known to us down at Camp Custer. Where exactly they would be positioned wasn’t known or might change before they got here. However, one interesting tidbit came out. Fourth of the Fourth was going to get some leave. Over the next few...
For the last few days President Trump had been on a Twitter rampage, demanding that the NFL players stand during the anthem, demanding the team owners and coaches fire them if they didn’t, and promising dire actions otherwise. Both Jack and I were getting slammed left and right, me for not complaining about the football players’ protests and Jack for not doing more. He was also bitching about Puerto Rico, primary elections, and fake news. No wonder he wasn’t doing his job - he was spending...
2024 Sunday, I helped Jack get home. He had chartered a plane to fly from California to Matucket (“ Can you imagine flying commercial through Atlanta with a wheelchair?”) so I simply drove over to their house Sunday morning and helped him out of the house and down to his rental. None of our homes had ramps and I asked whether we should build some for their next visit. “Grim, I’m not sure you should bother. I don’t think I’ll be coming back here any time soon.” “Jack...” “Grim, I just...
I never really passed out, but I wasn’t in a mood to keep talking. The immediate threat was contained, and since I was trapped under a tree and wounded, I wasn’t going to wander around the battlefield. After a few minutes I began to hear sirens, both police and fire department; I wouldn’t be alone for long. I twisted my head to the left but couldn’t see to the end of the driveway out on Lakeside Drive. I did see flashing lights approaching, and the sirens went silent. Moments later I heard a...
Grandpa was right about some of what he had said. I googled ‘medal of honor procedure’ later and it turned out there was a huge process involved in giving the Medal of Honor. Once the recommendation worked its way up from Battalion to Brigade and then to Division, it landed at the Pentagon. At least two boards in the Human Resources Command had to approve it, and then it went before the Chief of Staff, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of...
Thursday morning was an exercise in controlled chaos. I had time to do a nice breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon, which could be a bit of a luxury. I tried to cook a nice family breakfast on weekends but shift work with the MPD meant I frequently missed weekends. At least three of us ate well. Seamus only ate Froot Loops; he was almost three and was still a knucklehead in the Terrible Twos. After breakfast Kelly put Riley and me to work cleaning the house. Seamus, on the other...
Captain Crowley simply congratulated me on making it through SWAT and then told me that I needed to call CBS in New York. He gave me a phone number and told me to let him know what was going on. For my mind, I was basically done with publicity. The Army had mustered me out a second time, so they couldn’t order me back to New York, and if 60 Minutes wanted to do something on the MPD, they had to come to us in any case. The call went smoothly. Now that I was home from the Academy, CBS felt...
Mom went back to work down in the ER the next morning, which I found a blessing. I mean, I loved my mother, but she was driving me completely nuts hanging around the room with me. She still dropped in at lunchtime, but I could handle that. Otherwise, I had her bring in a few books from home that I could read holding up with my left hand. Kelly came over after school on Tuesday. She had worked out an arrangement to take a different bus over to the hospital, and then either Mom would take her...
Friday started out like most other days. We got Riley off to school on the bus, and Kelly loaded Seamus in the Sienna to take to day care at Matucket State. The big difference was that we dug out all the luggage. While she was at class, I packed all my formal stuff in a hanging bag, with the rest in a suitcase. As soon as Kelly and Seamus came home, she grabbed her stuff out of the closet and told me to start packing, while she packed everything for the kids. It became a mad rush, since I...
Friday, February 16, 2001 School had just started again after the winter break. I was hanging out after lunch with some friends near the south stairwell lockers, with Tilly next to me, when Terry Watson muttered, “Holy shit!” as he looked at something behind me. I turned around and didn’t see anything unusual, at least not at first. What I did see looked like a bunch of girls hugging. Then I saw one of the girls turn around and come over towards us. She was slim, about my height, with...
Jack managed to finagle a ride home with a couple of cheerleaders who were juniors. I have no idea if he got anything more from them than a lift home, and I didn’t want to know. One of these days my brother’s love life was going to bite him in the ass. Some girl was going to find him with another girl, and there would be hell to pay. Hopefully she wouldn’t be carrying a weapon when that happened. The Sports Section headline Saturday morning was “UNDERDOG PIONEERS CRUSH WARRIORS!” I had no...
I knew what the citation said; whether I believed it was a different question. It didn’t matter much. I stood there, kept my mouth shut, and looked straight ahead. The President put the ribbon around my neck, and everybody saluted and applauded. He gave me a whispered, ‘At ease.’, and I was able to break position and shake his hand in thanks. That was the end of the official ceremony, and it was time for a meet-and-greet. Mister and Mrs. Obama escorted me down off the stage and over to where...
Police work was vastly different from military life. One of the biggest differences was that the U.S. Army was quite monolithic, in the sense that everybody trained and fought the same way. Every infantryman trained at Fort Benning. Every helicopter crewman trained at Fort Rucker. Every medic trained at Fort Sam Houston. You get the idea. The same could be said at any camp or fort in the country. Everybody did things the same. There’s a reason they called it the ‘big green machine.’ It made...
Saturday, October 24, 2009 My schedule that week was the night shift, Tuesday to Friday, and then I would have off, Saturday to Tuesday. That worked out well, since Saturday was my parents’ anniversary, and both Kelly and I would have the day off. I would be able to sleep late and then we could go over to the house later. Since it was their Silver Anniversary, the plan was for Bobbie Joe, Kelly, and me to take the parental units out to a nice dinner. Jack and Teresa couldn’t be there, of...
That was basically the end of the craziness. From Chicago we flew home for a long weekend. Monday, we flew back to New York, and I went on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, which proved interesting. Stewart was on the liberal side of the spectrum, but he always showed a lot of respect to the soldiers even as he crucified the politicians who got us into Iraq and Afghanistan. Most of the interview was the standard questions, but at the end he asked me something nobody else had asked. Stewart:...
It looked like almost the entire platoon had arrived, led by Lieutenant Southerland. They rolled up to the front gate, actually driving over various body parts as they did so and stopped. The crashed Apache blocked the way in. The first guys to come inside the compound simply stood there and stared at the carnage, though a couple of guys tossed their cookies. Eventually somebody noticed I was standing there and Southerland and another couple of guys ran over to me. “Sergeant Reaper! Sergeant...
Wedded to Slavery Part 1IIt was her wedding day. How different it would be from when as a young girl she had first begun to imagine what that special occasion would be like. While the day would bear little resemblance to those early imaginings, back then when she and her girlfriends would share such thoughts on the school grounds, she’d had no idea of the desires she would come to feel as a teenager and young adult. That she would do as she would today, freely and willingly before the eyes of...
Our first game of the season was at the end of the month, the last Friday of August, the 30th. It was a home game with North Cobb High, from up in Kennesaw. They were from a wealthy suburb of Atlanta, and North Cobb was a big school, certainly bigger than us. That was important in high school football, since the more students you had, the more likely you’ll be able to find better players. I commented on that to Kelly once, and she said something about Gaussian distributions and standard...
Things moved along through the summer. At times it seemed as if for every step we took forward we were taking two steps back. Still, some good things happened. Our new Auto Theft Division made a major arrest mid-June. They grabbed a few cars out of the impound yard and fitted them with GPS trackers and allowed them to be stolen. That generated enough information to get warrants on a pair of ‘chop shops’, garages where stolen cars could be taken and stripped for parts. Lieutenant Dupree of...