Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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Things got very strange from that point on. It wasn’t like I could just fly off to Washington so the President could slap on the Medal of Honor. Everything had to be coordinated. I was informed of the Medal of Honor on May 24, which was a Monday. My keepers, which is what the two light birds turned out to be, returned on Tuesday, June 1, to let me know the latest.
The Army, by that time, had publicly confirmed that I was to receive the Medal of Honor, but that the ceremony was to be held at the White House. Until that time, I was not to give any interviews no matter what. That first weekend in early June, Atheringdon and Fong met with all of us Saturday night at our house on the lake. In addition to Kelly and me, both sets of our parents were there, three of my grandparents (Nana was in a home by that point), and Jack, Teresa, and Bobbie Joe. Even Aunt Laurie and Uncle Dave were there. The whole thing was a big fucking deal, and everybody needed to be on the same page.
Then it got stranger, as if it hadn’t already moved into the bizarre territory. As we sat there in the living room, Lieutenant Colonel Fong’s cell phone rang. He put it to his ear and spoke quietly, and then motioned for everyone to be quiet. We all stared but quieted down. He put the phone on speaker and said, “We’re on speaker.”
“Thank you. The President will be with you in just a moment. Please hold.”
I stared at Fong, and then turned towards my wife. She looked as astonished as I did. They couldn’t possibly mean...
“Sergeant Reaper, are you there? This is Barack Obama.”
Fong was smiling at us, and he motioned for me to speak. I just kept staring, and President Obama repeated, “Sergeant Reaper? Are you there?”
Kelly nudged me, so I replied, “Yes, sir, I’m here.”
“Sergeant Reaper, I just wanted to call and let you know that the final paperwork is complete, and I have the great privilege of informing you that you will be receiving the Medal of Honor for your service in Iraq.”
It was definitely his voice. I might not have voted for him, but I knew. He was the President of the United States! It was true! “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.”
“All we need to do now, Sergeant, is to get you and your family to Washington so we can do this properly.”
“Yes, sir. Thank you.”
“Sergeant, I read all the reports about what happened in Iraq, and I also understood you’ve had some problems since then. Let me tell you right now, on behalf of the United States of America, you fully deserve this honor. I hope to meet you in the near future,” he said.
“Thank you, sir. I’d like that.”
“No, thank you, Sergeant. I look forward to meeting you.”
“Yes, sir.”
With that it was over. He said good-bye and hung up. As soon as the connection broke, everybody in the room began talking, loudly! I just stared at my wife in disbelief, and I could see that same disbelief mirrored in her face.
With that, Atheringdon and Fong explained what was about to happen. The two lieutenant colonels were going to be attached at my hip for the foreseeable future. Anywhere I went in public, I needed to be in my dress uniform, and at least one, if not both, of them had to be present. Everybody else had to be ‘presentable’ if cameras were anywhere near, and when Jack made a joke about that, the Army was not laughing! Dad was, as usual, the designated family spokesman, and was provided stock answers in case anybody tried to ask him anything.
A rough schedule was provided. I was to receive the Medal of Honor from the President at the White House on Wednesday, July 14, probably in a late morning ceremony. It would be broadcast live, but more people would see it on the evening news. For the ceremony itself, I could invite quite a few people. It would be held either in the Rose Garden or in the East Room, which was supposed to be big. Other than my family, all of whom I invited, the only other people I could imagine inviting were the four other survivors of Whiskey - Jose and Bob and the two pilots Riley and I rescued. We were also informed that they were going to try and locate other members of Third Platoon if I wanted them to come. I thought that might be a bit much, but I did invite Lieutenant Southerland, Captain Vernier, and Lieutenant Colonel Barstow.
Atheringdon said, “I just want to make clear what will happen at the White House. We will fly everybody in on the 13th and put you up in some hotels in Washington. Nobody is going to spend the night in the Lincoln Bedroom. The next morning everybody will be taken over to the White House, but it will be in two groups. Most of your guests and family will be taken to where the ceremony will be held, but Sergeant and Mrs. Reaper will meet the President and the First Lady in the Oval Office. For this to become official, the President has to sign the commendation, which he will do with you present. Then he will escort you to the ceremony, where you will receive the Medal of Honor. There is a ceremony for this, and we will review it at that time. After the ceremony, figure only a few minutes more, and then we are out of there. You can leave the tuxedos at home. There won’t be an official state dinner or anything like that.”
Fong added, “Don’t take this the wrong way. President Obama will not be snubbing you. It’s just that he gets scheduled for about twenty-five hours of things for every twenty-four-hour day. It’s the nature of the beast. Us lesser breeds will probably have more fun. For instance, while you aren’t dining at the White House, there will be a very nice dinner that will be hosted by the Army. I don’t have all the details yet, but it will more than make up for the White House. The next day, the 15th, we’ll fly everybody home.”
Most of us just looked at each other and shrugged. Grandma beamed, however. “So, I’ll get to meet President Obama? Excellent! I voted for him!”
Grandpa groaned at that but was rebuked by Aunt Laurie. “You can behave, Dad! I voted for him too, Mom. I’m with you!”
“Same here!” admitted my mother.
Fong looked over at me and said, “Do not get involved in anything political, nothing, never! Medal or not, consider that an order!”
“Hey, I’m cool with that! My lips are sealed!” I promised. “Matucket County politics are bad enough!” My father, grandfather, and Uncle Dave all laughed at that.
Atheringdon added, “You will undoubtedly be meeting lots of very powerful people, politicians and others, throughout all this. Most of those people will have an agenda, and your feelings or principles or thoughts are the last thing they will be worried about. For most of them it is simply a chance to get photographed with a hero, but some will have other agendas. We will try to keep you covered, but you can’t get drawn into any of their games. It’s not as bad as that might sound, but you do have to be aware that not everybody will have your best interests at heart.”
“Like you two,” commented my father.
“Fair enough. Like us. We are certainly going to try and present the United States Army in the best possible light. On the other hand, we aren’t going to be doing anything more than that, and neither of us has any secret agenda. The best way to do that is simply to take the best care we can of Sergeant and Mrs. Reaper,” he responded.
“So, what happens after Grim gets the medal?” asked Mom.
“Well, like I said, we’ll leave the White House and go back to the hotel. Later there will be a dinner, and the next morning most of you will simply come home. The Sergeant and Mrs. Reaper, however, will be doing a lot of talk shows and television shows and interviews,” answered Fong. “As soon as we can work up a schedule, we will get it to them.”
“There’s a lot of Mrs. Reapers in this family. You might want to call this one Doctor Reaper,” I said, laughing.
Both officers looked at Kelly. “You’re a doctor?” asked Atheringdon.
“Of mathematics. I teach computer science over at Matucket State,” she answered.
“We’ll make note of that.” He looked over at me and smiled. “That’s an unusual combination, isn’t it?”
“Tell me about it!” Everybody in the family, both sides, laughed at that.
One very interesting part of the conversation was when Seamus O’Connor asked, “Aside from the medal itself, does Grim get anything else?” There was a murmur of interest at that.
“Actually, quite a bit,” said Atheringdon. “The big thing is that you get a pension. In 2002, the value of the pension was increased to $1,000 per month, and it was indexed to the government cost of living adjustment. This year it is $1,194 a month.”
“Yeah, but I’m not retired. Besides, I never served long enough. Don’t you need to be in for twenty years?” I asked.
“Sergeant, you get that now.”
That created quite a stir! Kelly gasped and took my arm. “Grim, that’s more than our mortgage!”
“Holy crap!” I replied.
Around us, the rest of the family all were talking about my sudden pay raise, and my brothers both announced plans to help me spend it.
Fong waited for things to settle down. “There’re quite a few other items, some of which don’t apply or might not be very important to you. You get a supplemental uniform allowance, which might be useful for getting some more dress uniforms. You’re allowed to wear your uniform without worrying about Army regs. You get priority on space-available military flights, though again, that might not be a big deal. You get privileges at any Army PX, but the nearest is probably at Fort Benning. You can be buried at Arlington, even if they’re full and they have to dig somebody up and put you in the hole. You get a special flag, but I must have missed the flagpole. There’re a few more little things like that. I’ll give you some information.”
Atheringdon added, “Here’s something which might be useful. Any children who qualify are automatically accepted at one of the service academies. Regardless of what you might think, if they are interested and can cut it, it’s a great education and it’s free.”
I blinked at that. While I prayed that my children would never have to go through what I did, kids don’t always do what their parents want them to. I was living proof of that. “Give me about twenty years and I’ll let you know on that one,” I answered.
“Understood, Sergeant. Understood!” he answered, grinning.
Grandpa said, “I’m pretty sure you can get a special license plate, too, Grim.”
I just shook my head. “I don’t see myself getting a license plate or flying a flag, Grandpa. Once this is over, I am just going back to Officer Reaper.” I turned back to the light birds. “I’m a pretty simple guy. I’ll keep the money, though! Thanks! Maybe I can buy a boat to go fishing with!”
Kelly groaned at that, but then gave me a hug. “That we can go fishing with!”
“Let’s talk about that later,” I agreed, waggling my eyebrows at her.
Later, after the family had left, I admitted to the two officers that I didn’t have any uniforms any longer, and that I had even sent my medals back to the Army, though they had been returned to me. I think that was when they really understood my issues relating to what had gone on at Whiskey. Even more than my panic attack when they first met me at the station, this really drove it home. “Sergeant, are you really going to be all right with this?” asked Fong.
“Yes, I should be good. I think I told you I met with both of my guys who survived, and they really helped, really, a lot. I just don’t have any uniforms at all. ACUs will be easy enough, but if you want me wearing some Class As, I just don’t have any. I’m not even sure I have the right shoes. For sure I’ll need to get some of the ribbons and stuff.”
He nodded. “Let’s make this very simple. I will find the best place to get uniforms in a hurry. Your next day off belongs to me. We will go wherever we have to go and get you some uniforms! We’ll also figure out the ribbons from your records.” Fong turned to Kelly. “Mrs ... Doctor Reaper, I don’t wish to sound rude, but do you have some outfits suitable for interviews and television? Will you be at all offended if I have somebody from our command visit you?”
I started laughing at that, and Kelly reached out and swatted me. “That will be just fine,” she said.
I kept laughing. “Colonel, my wife having nice and suitable clothing is going to be the least of your problems! Next spring we’ll use the pension money to build an addition to the back of the house; it will be one gigantic closet!”
Kelly smacked me a second time. “Grim! I’m not that bad!”
“Hey, as long as we’re talking about it, can you dig up my grandfather’s records. If we have enough time, I’d like to get him a ribbon rack for his own stuff. You might not realize it, but he has almost as many awards and decorations as I have, from Vietnam,” I asked.
“Really? That would be very appropriate if he wore a suit, which I certainly would suggest for the White House,” replied Fong.
“Don’t worry about that. He might play the local yokel, but he cleans up just fine, and Grandma is the one who rules that roost! If she is meeting the President, Grandpa will be dressed in a suit and on a very short leash!” Kelly laughed and agreed with me. I gave them his name and birthdate and they said they would start digging.
My next day off, Atheringdon showed up with a cute lady named Major Margaret Posey. Major Posey was being added to the circus as Kelly’s keeper. The idea of the lady math professor and the tough-guy enlisted soldier was considered a winner publicity-wise. I just shook my head in disbelief. Kelly took it in perfect stride, and when I left for Atlanta with Lieutenant Colonel Atheringdon, Kelly stayed home with ‘Maggie’.
I asked Atheringdon where the well-dressed Medal of Honor recipient went to find dress uniforms on short notice. From what I had gathered, I needed to get more than one, because it was guaranteed that I would spill coffee on it five minutes before the cameras started rolling. Dress uniforms were basically Army suits, and cost what real suits cost, which was a lot. Thankfully I didn’t need to wear suits in my regular job, just on the occasions I went to church.
“Brooks Brothers is probably the closest place, and they are in Atlanta. We could probably find a place in Columbus, but that’s quite a bit further. Besides, Brooks Brothers will probably have the best quality, for when you’re on television,” he answered.
“Brooks Brothers? That is going to cost a fortune! Do they even make uniforms?” I asked.
“They’ll make anything if you pay them enough. Sure, they can do uniforms. You won’t be the first, not by a long shot. As for the money, spend it. You’ve got a special uniform allowance, remember, and some of this is coming out of Public Affairs. My understanding is that we want you to look like a hero, not somebody from West Georgia!” He said that while grinning.
I gave him a one-fingered salute and got a laugh in return.
We ended up with a tailor at Brooks Brothers, in addition to the salesman. The sales job was very simple, since you didn’t have to worry about whether one color looked better than another color. Uniforms were very ... uniform. They pretty much just needed to measure me and get my sizes, and then order three of everything. I spent more time trying on shoes. I was told I would have to make another visit in about a week to do a fitting and check sizes.
June 19, a Saturday, Jack and Teresa got married in Miami. Because of all the nonsense, Kelly and I cancelled our planned vacation in Miami after Jack and Teresa’s wedding. I didn’t have the time to take off a week right before I went on a two-month leave of absence. I simply rescheduled my regular shifts so I could take a long weekend. After we got back, things got very hectic with the Army.
By then I had managed to convince my handlers that I wasn’t nuts. I also convinced them Kelly and I wouldn’t be embarrassing. We both had to be vetted, a phrase I had heard about politicians but had never considered for normal people. “Grim, we have to ask, what kind of sins are going to be found if somebody starts investigating you?” asked Fong once.
“None! Like what?”
“Like drugs. Like you’re a secret boozer. Like you have a computer full of kiddie porn. Like whatever!”
“Like none of the above!” I protested. “Jesus! I’m a cop for Christ’s sake! I had to pass a background check just to get on the job!”
“If we don’t ask, somebody else certainly will,” he finished.
“Listen, the crazy one in the family isn’t me, but my brother Jack. You want skeletons in the closet, go chase him around. Until he met Teresa, he was the head of the cheerleader-of-the-week club! I guarantee he’s got some baggage!”
On Friday, June 25, I received official orders recalling me to active duty for a period of at least one month but not to exceed two months, to take effect Thursday, July 1. I gave the department a copy and was sent on my merry way. July and August, I would be on military leave of absence. By then, everybody around the station knew what was happening, and I had answered an awful lot of crazy questions. Not everybody was amused, mind you. There was still a small group of older guys centered on Senior Patrolman Randy Briggsby who considered me a fucking nut job and wanted nothing more to do with me, including being anywhere near me if there was a problem. Briggsby was also kind of pissed that I had made Senior Patrolman a shitload faster than he had, and he considered me a jumped-up pissant, and wasn’t afraid to tell me so. I ignored him. If he didn’t back me up, I was probably safer than if he did.
The first stop in the potential disaster was Washington, D.C. When Atheringdon and Fong said they would fly us to Washington, they meant it! We received instructions that everybody who was going, a total of eleven (Mom and Dad, me and Kelly, Jack and Teresa, Bobbie Joe, Mister and Mrs. O’Connor, and Grandma and Grandpa) were going. Aunt Laurie was terrified of flying, so she and Uncle Dave stayed behind, though they said they were very happy and proud for me. The instructions were a little strange, though. We were all told to be at the Matucket Municipal Airport at ten in the morning on July 13, which was unusual. The Matucket airport was about one step above a grass strip and was mostly used by private planes and the occasional corporate jet. When I quizzed them about that, Fong smiled and said, “We’re going to fly you all there in a C-20.”
“What’s a C-20?”
“It’s a Gulfstream G-IV, a business jet. The Air Force has a number of them for VIP travel. Trust me, it will be a lot nicer and faster than schlepping everybody through Hartsfield.”
“God knows that’s bad enough. Works for me,” I replied.
The 13th was also my first official ‘dress-up’ day. Even though I had been recalled as of July 1st, most of the last couple of weeks had been hanging around the house and making sure I was ready to go. We had bags packed with my uniforms and more bags packed with Kelly’s gear. Major Posey had gone over everything with my wife and had been pleasantly surprised with the number of perfectly suitable outfits Kelly had. I just remarked, drily, that it was all the Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes for when we came in from the farm. My requirements were a lot simpler, since they simply consisted of about three sets of every possible uniform. I offered to spend my time in ACUs but was told that wasn’t likely in Washington.
In any case, on the morning of the 13th, Kelly and I and our handlers drove from the house over to the airport. It felt very strange to put on my Class As for real, and not just for a fitting. When I put on the beret, it seemed like I was crossing over to a life I had given up. It was a different person looking back in the mirror. Some of the ribbons I had never even worn before. Kelly was wearing a pair of skinny-jeans and a bright green tunic top for travel, along with a pair of medium heels. She looked a hell of a lot cuter than a beat-up soldier! She took one look at me in my uniform and came up to me. “You might not realize it, but there is a reason girls like guys in uniform. Grim, you look wonderful.”
“I feel strange,” I admitted.
“Grim, are you going to be alright? I don’t care about the medal or anything. I only care about you. We can cancel everything if you want.”
I took her hand. “I’ll be fine. It’s just ... strange. I never considered myself a hero, not once. I just did what I had to do.”
“I know that.” Then she lowered her voice. “Listen, just in case, I made sure to pack your pills, you know, in case.”
I nodded, not wanting our keepers to hear us. “I haven’t needed them since that weekend we saw Givens and Montoya. I’m not saying something might not happen, but I think I’m okay.”
“Just tell me, alright?” she asked, squeezing my hand. “Grab your bag and let’s go!” she said, in a louder voice.
We met the rest of the family at the terminal of the airport, though terminal sounded a lot nicer than pole-barn-with-delusions-of-grandeur. The rest of my family was traveling in what could be considered upscale casual, no shorts and t-shirts, but no suits and ties, either. Only our handlers and I were in uniform. “You have to wear your uniform, Grim?” asked Kelly’s mother.
“I think from now until they kick me out again, I’ll be in some sort of uniform,” I replied. “I’m back in the Army.”
The strangest moment of the morning was when the two Air Force pilots came up to us. Through a plate glass window, I could see a business jet, gleaming white with some very discreet American flag markings. The pilots came up to me and saluted, which I just stared at. Since when did officers salute sergeants? After a bit, Lieutenant Colonel Atheringdon grinned and said, “Sergeant, you’d better get used to this. You need to return the salute, or they’ll freeze in position like that.”
My eyes popped open at that, and I quickly returned the salute, which caused the two pilots, a pair of Captains, to break out in smiles. “First time, sir?” asked one of them.
“I don’t think I will ever get used to that. Thank you. I think it’s premature, though. That doesn’t happen until tomorrow,” I answered.
“I’ll chance the court martial, Sergeant. Believe me, this is our pleasure. I’m Captain Gomez and I’m the pilot. This is Captain Hungnam and he’s the co-pilot. If you and your party can come this way, we’ll get you all loaded.”
Captain Hungnam added, “You are going to love this. No security lines, no baggage carousels, no tickets and check-in. As soon as we get everybody on board, we’re out of here. Next stop is Andrews. We’ll be there well before lunch.”
I glanced at my wife, who was a much more experienced traveler than me, and she seemed impressed. I smiled and said, “Then let’s go!”
Other than the two pilots, the only other crew member was an Air Force sergeant, who loaded our luggage and then told us to go inside and sit wherever we wanted. It was pretty informal, without any silly lectures on how to use seat belts or where the bathrooms and exits were. Once a nose count confirmed we were all onboard, the door was pulled shut. Seconds later we heard the scream of the engines starting up, and a few minutes later the pilot spoke over the intercom, and said we were cleared to taxi and depart. I think we were airborne about a minute later; they didn’t even pause at the end of the runway but just floored it! As soon as the nose came up, that bird just started rocketing upwards. I looked around and had to smile; Grandma was holding her armrests in a death grip, but Grandpa had the biggest grin on his face!
The pilots were true to their word, too. We touched down at Andrews Air Force Base in about an hour-fifteen. At one point I got up to use the lavatory and talked to Seamus O’Connor. “You must do this a lot,” I commented.
“Some, sure. It beats flying commercial. If we had to go through Atlanta, we’d still be trying to check our bags in.”
“Are all private jets like this?” I was impressed, since I could stretch my legs out and the seats reclined and were wide enough for my big butt. It beat the economy section of a 737, that was for sure!
He shrugged at that. “This one is pretty plain, but that’s kind of what you’d expect from the government. The taxpayers aren’t going to appreciate the marble-and-gold touch, you know.”
“You’re kidding me, right?”
“The private ones usually have a lot cuter stewardesses, too,” he laughed.
“I don’t know, Seamus. For one thing, the correct term is flight attendant, and I think ours is cute,” answered Kelly’s mom.
I heard a laugh behind me, as our ‘flight attendant’, Technical Sergeant Holcomb, the sergeant who had loaded us on the plane, came up the aisle. “Here you go, ma’am, an extra bag of peanuts for you. This fellow here loses his,” he said, pointing to my father-in-law.
“Serves him right, too!” she agreed. Seamus looked properly contrite, and Mrs. O’Connor passed over the peanuts.
“You like flying around in these little planes?” I asked the sergeant.
“It beats the hell out of Bagram!” he answered. “It was either become a stewardess or do a second tour in Afghanistan, so I very quickly shaved my legs, put on a short skirt, and slapped a smile on my face!”
“I’d have taken that option, too!” I agreed, laughing.
“I am secure in my masculinity, as long as nobody is shooting at me,” he finished.
Then he got serious. “My first tour, I used to fly C-17s back and forth through Dover, you know? I’m really glad I was able to meet you this way, Sergeant.”
“Thank you,” I answered. Dover was where they brought the coffins back. That had to be a crappy job.
About an hour after we took off, the pilot told us all to buckle up and hide the booze and the dancing girls; we would be landing shortly. Fifteen minutes later we greased into a very smooth landing. We taxied up to a much larger building than the terminal in Matucket and stopped. A minute later the engines spooled down, and the sergeant opened the door and lowered the steps. Then he looked around and smiled. “Captain, we got the brass here.”
“Nothing we weren’t expecting, Sarge,” commented Captain Gomez from the cockpit. He came back and said, “If everybody’s ready, we can leave now. Transportation has been arranged. Please just stay together. It’s been a pleasure flying you.” With that he led the way off the plane, and Sergeant Holcomb followed us all out.
Waiting for us was a full colonel, who saluted me and welcomed us all to Andrews Air Base. I missed his name, but he said he was the Wing Commander of the 89th Airlift Wing. I didn’t know enough about the Air Force to know what that was, but if a colonel was in charge, it had to rank around the equivalent of at least a battalion or brigade. Likewise, the enlisted ranks were kind of strange. Even though the Air Force was originally part of the Army, my rank, an E-5 Sergeant, was the equivalent of a Staff Sergeant in the Air Force. In the Army, a Staff Sergeant was an E-6, and an E-6 in the Air Force was called a Technical Sergeant, a rank that had disappeared from the Army decades ago! Very odd!
“I hope your flight was comfortable,” he said.
“Yes, sir, very,” I answered. “I was telling my father-in-law that it certainly beats six-across seating at the tail end of a 737. Thank you.”
He laughed at that. “I hate to fly commercial,” he agreed. “Sergeant, I simply want to welcome you to Joint Base Andrews and to Washington. I know you won’t be staying with us long, but when you’re here, if there’s anything we can do, please let us know.”
“Colonel, I can’t imagine what that would be, but I appreciate it. Thank you.”
“Sergeant, let me be the first here on the base to thank you for your service.”
“Thank you, sir.”
With that, he saluted me, as did everybody else around, and then we were all loaded into a large bus, and not just a school bus in camouflage. No, it was a deluxe motor coach, and after our luggage was loaded, we left Andrews and drove into Washington. I was mightily surprised when we pulled up in front of a very nice looking hotel, and then looked out the window in the opposite direction. “Is that what I think it is?” I asked.
“If you think that’s the White House, you’re right,” answered Lieutenant Colonel Fong. “We’re staying at the Hay-Adams. Their motto is that nothing is overlooked but the White House.”
“Well, I guess we won’t have to walk very far,” I commented.
“No, not hardly. Are you at all familiar with Washington?”
I shook my head. “Not really. I visited on a school trip in high school, but we mostly spent our time in a couple of museums and trying to figure out a way to escape our teachers, you know. The next time was when I was at Walter Reed. After I got better, I spent a couple of days down on the Mall but that was it.”
“Well, if we have any free time, we can do some sightseeing. You never know when something might open,” he answered.
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Chapter 1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Joey's Background +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ January 8, 1980 Joey wanted nothing more in this world then to be a rock star, but the odds were against him. He did not know how to play any instrument, nor was his singing ability anything special. It hurt him even more that he did not know anyone within the industry. Still, he wanted to be a rock star. Unfortunately for Joey, he was also lazy and undisciplined. He was just a few...
By the end of the season, a very enterprising sophomore got her father, who owned a t-shirt printing company in Matucket, to make some special t-shirts. They were in purple, just like our Pioneer uniforms, and on the front side they said GOON SQUAD in big gray letters. The back had the same motto as our breakaway sign, with S*IT on them. At first just the football team was wearing them, but within days it seemed like the entire school had them. I had to wonder if Mindy Hampton was getting a...
It was to be the greatest display of wanton sexuality and utter perversion in the history of mass media, and thanks to the 24-hour news cycle and Hollywood's cult of celebrity, it was streamed live over the internet and into every household in America, even across the world! People would remember it for years afterwards, keeping it alive through blogs and word of mouth. And yet, for all of its spectacle, it began on a relatively quiet day, not unlike any other... That morning, Nadya...
May 2004 That was the high point of the early spring. Gary Halston transferred over to Second Platoon, over in the Alamo, as a fire team leader. They had taken a few hits earlier on and needed a replacement for a buck sergeant who was sent home after getting shot up. The rule was that if you were promoted from Specialist to Corporal or Sergeant, or from Corporal to Sergeant, you had to transfer to a different platoon. Anything higher than that and you had to transfer to a different company....
Kelly screamed! “DADDY!” “JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH!” “OH, SHIT!” was my contribution to the growing nightmare. Mister O’Connor looked like he was going to kill me, so I ran down the hall to Kelly’s room, with her barely in front of me, our towels fluttering to the floor behind us. I heard him trip over one and sprawl on the floor, and that was the only thing that saved us. I slammed the door behind us, and Kelly grabbed for the door knob an instant before the door rattled and boomed as...
Monday, Kelly told me that she was going with me to the lawyer’s office, and the way she said it indicated I had better not argue. I still wasn’t sure what Brockport could do for me that Stillwell couldn’t. Everything I had heard from the guys the other day showed that no matter how I got out of this, the County Attorney and the County Council would still demand they get rid of a killer, and I was still probationary. “Grim, just listen to what he has to say. Daddy says the guy is a magician....
Sunday & Monday, February 18 & 19, 2001 I came to slowly. I was surprised that I didn’t hurt as much as I thought I would, but I couldn’t really move all that well, and things seemed weird. It was warmer than I remembered it being, and brighter, and my sweatshirt and windbreaker were missing. I groaned and tried to move some more. That did hurt, quite a bit, and I tried to find a position it didn’t hurt, and I realized I hurt all over. I blinked my eyes, but only my left eye was...
Jim Talbot called me the next afternoon and told me that there was a lively discussion after I left, but that they hadn’t blown me off. I was still being considered by most of the council. He also told me that one of the other candidates had dropped out, citing the council’s inability to get its shit together. That cut it down to me and one other candidate. Sometime next week would be another interview, though that one would be in a smaller setting. What that meant wasn’t specified, but I...
Tuesday, July 21, 2015 I got out of bed at 0600, but I hadn’t been asleep. I had slept fitfully at best all night, and I just gave in and got up. I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, so the water would warm up, and then started brushing my teeth. “Can’t sleep?” asked Kelly, from our bed. “I need to get to the station early,” I told her. Any further discussion was ended when we heard a cry from the hallway. Kelly groaned and got out of bed. I smiled and shook my head and...
Friday, September 5, 2008 I had to do a lot of yard work at that resort. Kelly was very insistent that the lawn needed to be mowed as often as possible. I also had to ‘clear the weeds’, ‘trim the shrubs’, ‘edge the lawn’, and perform every other possible type of yard maintenance. On the other hand, I considered it critical to provide the best customer service possible. It’s just the kind of guy I am. Still, we did have to get out of the room on occasion, if simply to gas up the mower....
I told my family to stay there, and I would get my gear and catch up to them. Kelly offered to follow me, but I had to explain that women were not allowed in the barracks, no way, no how! Luckily there was a parking lot near the barracks that would allow me to load my gear up. Dad had driven down in the F-150, so we could toss my stuff in the back and then ride home. The ride home was mostly taken up with my parents and Kelly asking me about the Army and my training. What did I do, what did...
December 21, 2007 The rest of the year I simply prepped for the academy, worked at the police station, and ‘assisted’ Kelly with wedding planning. Assistance basically consisted of doing whatever I was told I was doing, regardless of my personal opinions. White and rose orchids? Whatever you say, babe, they look wonderful! The fact that I couldn’t tell an orchid from a dandelion meant nothing. White cake, yellow cake, or chocolate cake? They all tasted delicious, but even if they tasted like...
That was pretty much it for grand romance for a few weeks. School was ending the following Thursday, and Saturday Kelly and her mom were flying out of Atlanta to London. Neither set of parental units were allowing us to date on school nights, not even during the last week of school. We were able to go out on Friday night, and we got in some quality time then, but that was it. She was going to be gone the last week of May and the first two weeks of June. She got sort of tearful and clingy and...
Thursday proved to be about as hectic as I expected it to be. By the time the detectives came to see me, I would be the last guy they would be talking to. By that time, they would have already interviewed everybody except the three dead guys, and they would have been autopsied. The crime scene crew would have been all over the last car they had been in, as well as all over the Quiki-Stop. The security videos from the Quiki-Stop would have been obtained, as well as any from any of the...
They were right, of course, I was beat. I stayed awake through dinner and then fell asleep. I woke up Saturday morning stiff and creaky. As the saying goes, it’s just like cars; it’s not the years but the mileage. At thirty-three I had the mileage for one-hundred-thirty-three. Saturday was all about family. My parents arrived right after breakfast, and after Mom violated the rule about not treating a relative by checking my records, they gave me the latest info. Jack was flying in from San...
Kelly and I watched the news Monday night for about an hour, but it was getting repetitious, and we turned it off. By then Kelly was beginning to get some emails and tweets from people she was friends with, mostly asking what was going on. Most seemed confused, but several were rather vile. A few people wanted me to immediately fly to California and butcher my brother on the fifty-yard line, followed by ritually committing suicide. We went to bed, where Kelly tried to take my mind off...
I called Kelly as soon as I had finished a couple of slices. It was a Thursday, so she promised to come home that night and spend a long weekend with me. I told her I was heading over to the apartment and to find me there. It would be late when she got there, but that didn’t matter much to me. I went back to the kitchen, grabbed another slice of pizza and a beer, and sat down in the family room. Bobbie Joe returned my keys. When I was finished, I kissed Mom on the cheek and headed out. The...
Tuesday, January 7, 2019 The rest of the semester was a bitch, a stone-cold cast-iron bitch. I don’t know what I had been expecting, but it was just unrelenting work. Maybe it was because I had taken a lot of time on the two consulting jobs or maybe it was because of the time taken up with Tolley’s book project. More likely it was because I didn’t know what the hell I was doing trying to get a doctorate in history. I mean, I knew there was a lot of reading that was going to be involved....
Seamus fell asleep in his car seat before Kelly got home. That made him extra fussy when we got there, and he was handed to me after she got him out of the car. For the next hour we kept putting him to bed and he kept waking up and fussing. Kelly and I talked about my father’s condition. “So, what happens next?” I asked. “This ever happen to your father?” “Not that I’ve ever heard. Maybe he doesn’t exercise as vigorously as your father does.” I had to laugh at that. “There are some things...
This story will be new to most of you. I envy those reading it for the first time. Raven is sadly missed. He's one of the great writers in Fictionmania and TG fiction. His 'Thirteen' in my opinion is arguably one of he best five stories on FM. This first part of this tale has been published at various times and lengths on different sites. A few years ago Raven did a contest on the TG list for stories that complete some of his unfinished stories. I did one, which he was kind enough...
June 2005-March 2006 The next morning, we were back to the Army in earnest. Most everybody had filtered back, and we began with PT, physical training, including calisthenics and a four-mile conditioning run. I was hurting as bad as any of the other troops. Leave had left me soft. It didn’t matter, since I knew I would be back in shape in a few weeks, tops. Montoya and Gonzalez, the fuzzies just out of Benning, were in decent shape. Riley was coming off leave and was in about the same...
Nothing job-related came to my attention by Friday afternoon. I speculated what the perfect job ad would look like - “Wanted! Matucket Firearms Corporation has an immediate opening for product design and testing in their Machine Gun Division! Iraqi war veterans with PTSD desired! Call now, operators are standing by!” I remembered that the AK-47 was invented by a busted-up Russian sergeant during World War II. Too bad there really wasn’t a Matucket Firearms Corporation, either with or without...
Monday, September 26, 2022 Monday was a busy day. I bundled the kids off to school and then called Matucket State. While I didn’t go into details, I had to let her Department Vice-Chair know she was going to be away from work for a week or two. I didn’t know who to call at DARPA or the NSA, but Kelly didn’t talk to them daily anyway; she could handle that chore. Then I drove over to the hospital. By all accounts, I would be able to bring her home that day. First, though, she needed to be...
Monday, March 19, 2018 “Dispatch to One-Six-Three.” “One-Six-Three to Dispatch, go ahead.” Dispatch to One-Six-Three, say location.” I was curious as to why Dispatch wanted to know where I was, since they had sent me to supervise an accident at Pinetree and Glen Aubrey. There was a three-car pileup on Glen Aubrey after the first car, a silver Nissan sedan had suddenly braked for a squirrel. The next car, a red Ford Fusion had slammed into the Nissan from behind and had then been...
Hank called me later that evening, laughing about the three chuckleheads, as he called them, and told me that he had told them some more stories. Of course, he kept their glasses full, so it was a profitable conversation for him. He told me that he had told a bunch of war stories about ‘the old days’ and how we did things ‘back then.’ I laughed and invited him and his wife over some night, and to just call me or Kelly to schedule it. Over the weekend Kelly and I goofed off while driving the...
Chief Crowley called the meeting to an end. He told Captain Abernathy to light a fire under the detectives and see if anybody had seen any African-American strangers recently. At best we had maybe a day or two before something might happen. Captain Bullfinch and Lieutenant Roscoe were told to give whatever support possible, including moving watch schedules around. Hank was told to assist me and dial up TRT. As far as I was concerned, Priority One was taking care of my family. What was even...
Saturday, June 21, 2008 I continued riding with Hank Jenkins for two weeks, and he signed off on turning me loose on the public on my own. During our time he taught me about the night and graveyard shifts, much like Jerry had taught me about the day shift and general police work. We also brought in a number of bad guys on various warrants, taking criminals off the street and otherwise making Matucket safer for all. It seemed like every shift would start with Hank handing me a stack of...
Fall 2023 The summer progressed nicely. I spent a fair bit of time down in Sullivan County and the nearby environs, first analyzing what they had and then developing the options everybody needed to consider. One thing I stressed with them was that by standardizing on similar doctrine, training, and hardware, the SWAT teams created would be suitable for any eventual regional coordination. How the politics would work out was questionable, but it would be easier if the local units had similar...
April 2005 - May 2005 A few days later I had to leave. I was due back at Fort Drum on Thursday, so Tuesday Kelly and I loaded up the back of the Outback with all my stuff. This time we added all my personal stuff that I had shipped home when I first deployed to Iraq in 2003. Jack was none too amused when I took the television set with me, since he had set it up in the bedroom, but I wasn’t impressed. “You want to keep it? Fine with me. Just buy me a new one,” I told him. “I don’t have the...
June to August 2002 The following week we had finals, and that was it. Seniors had to go through graduation, but the rest of us were out for a couple of months for the summer. For me that meant I had about a week of goof-off time before I had to go back to the mill full time. That would take me through all of June and into July, at which time it was back to practice for the football season, running twice-a-days and sweating off about ten pounds under the July sun. Somewhere during that...
Summer 2023 The job in Sullivan Springs was a larger project than most of those I had already worked on. The spreadsheets were smoking by the time I got through with them. When I contacted Ballantine in two weeks, it was only to tell him I was still working the project. Unlike some of my other jobs, in this one I didn’t have a single answer already packaged. In my other jobs the chief or sheriff already knew what he wanted to do and simply needed an outsider to give him a third-party...
January 2007 Mom was very upset that I wasn’t going to come home on my leave. She just wasn’t buying my explanation about losing my squad. She wanted me to come home, squad or no squad. I think Dad understood, and he told me that his father understood, but Mom was very unhappy. I had been in the Army now for four Christmases, and three had been spent in Iraq. I didn’t even bother telling her about the incident at Yankee North. One of her latest kicks was, “Are you the only soldier in Iraq?...
It seemed late when we finished dinner. There was a Welcome Aboard talk in the ship’s theater and after that we did a bit more exploring. There were all sorts of stuff on the boat, including a shopping center with incredibly overpriced stuff, a casino, and a bunch more bars, restaurants, and lounges. We walked around the deck and then went back to our cabin, where we discovered it had been made up, the bed turned down, and an odd animal formed out of some folded towels. Kelly decided she...
I was able to get in to see Captain Crowley on Thursday morning. Another young officer, African-American this time, was the one who escorted me in, and this time Crowley had some paperwork on his desk. I got the impression that after this meeting it would be time to shit or get off the pot. Crowley outlined the procedure to apply, and then reviewed the pay and benefits. “Grim, as an Administrative Assistant you make a bit more than minimum wage, but it’s a full-time job and it qualifies you...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
Dad didn’t say anything to me the next day, so we must have covered our tracks. At least the back seat in the SuperCrew was wide enough for us to lay semi-flat on. We still drove around in the cold air with the windows down. Monday at school I saw Coach Summers and gave him the news. I was out for a week, and would be reevaluated afterwards, so I might be able to play if we won next week and went to State. “I won’t let you back on the field until you bring me a release from the doctor,” he...
June 2004 - August 2004 Word came down from Battalion that the rest of Second Brigade would be deploying to Iraq soon. It was expected that they would show up sometime in July, but no dates were available. What they would do then was not known, or at least not known to us down at Camp Custer. Where exactly they would be positioned wasn’t known or might change before they got here. However, one interesting tidbit came out. Fourth of the Fourth was going to get some leave. Over the next few...
For the last few days President Trump had been on a Twitter rampage, demanding that the NFL players stand during the anthem, demanding the team owners and coaches fire them if they didn’t, and promising dire actions otherwise. Both Jack and I were getting slammed left and right, me for not complaining about the football players’ protests and Jack for not doing more. He was also bitching about Puerto Rico, primary elections, and fake news. No wonder he wasn’t doing his job - he was spending...
2024 Sunday, I helped Jack get home. He had chartered a plane to fly from California to Matucket (“ Can you imagine flying commercial through Atlanta with a wheelchair?”) so I simply drove over to their house Sunday morning and helped him out of the house and down to his rental. None of our homes had ramps and I asked whether we should build some for their next visit. “Grim, I’m not sure you should bother. I don’t think I’ll be coming back here any time soon.” “Jack...” “Grim, I just...
I never really passed out, but I wasn’t in a mood to keep talking. The immediate threat was contained, and since I was trapped under a tree and wounded, I wasn’t going to wander around the battlefield. After a few minutes I began to hear sirens, both police and fire department; I wouldn’t be alone for long. I twisted my head to the left but couldn’t see to the end of the driveway out on Lakeside Drive. I did see flashing lights approaching, and the sirens went silent. Moments later I heard a...
Grandpa was right about some of what he had said. I googled ‘medal of honor procedure’ later and it turned out there was a huge process involved in giving the Medal of Honor. Once the recommendation worked its way up from Battalion to Brigade and then to Division, it landed at the Pentagon. At least two boards in the Human Resources Command had to approve it, and then it went before the Chief of Staff, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of...
Thursday morning was an exercise in controlled chaos. I had time to do a nice breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon, which could be a bit of a luxury. I tried to cook a nice family breakfast on weekends but shift work with the MPD meant I frequently missed weekends. At least three of us ate well. Seamus only ate Froot Loops; he was almost three and was still a knucklehead in the Terrible Twos. After breakfast Kelly put Riley and me to work cleaning the house. Seamus, on the other...
Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
Captain Crowley simply congratulated me on making it through SWAT and then told me that I needed to call CBS in New York. He gave me a phone number and told me to let him know what was going on. For my mind, I was basically done with publicity. The Army had mustered me out a second time, so they couldn’t order me back to New York, and if 60 Minutes wanted to do something on the MPD, they had to come to us in any case. The call went smoothly. Now that I was home from the Academy, CBS felt...
Mom went back to work down in the ER the next morning, which I found a blessing. I mean, I loved my mother, but she was driving me completely nuts hanging around the room with me. She still dropped in at lunchtime, but I could handle that. Otherwise, I had her bring in a few books from home that I could read holding up with my left hand. Kelly came over after school on Tuesday. She had worked out an arrangement to take a different bus over to the hospital, and then either Mom would take her...
Friday started out like most other days. We got Riley off to school on the bus, and Kelly loaded Seamus in the Sienna to take to day care at Matucket State. The big difference was that we dug out all the luggage. While she was at class, I packed all my formal stuff in a hanging bag, with the rest in a suitcase. As soon as Kelly and Seamus came home, she grabbed her stuff out of the closet and told me to start packing, while she packed everything for the kids. It became a mad rush, since I...
Friday, February 16, 2001 School had just started again after the winter break. I was hanging out after lunch with some friends near the south stairwell lockers, with Tilly next to me, when Terry Watson muttered, “Holy shit!” as he looked at something behind me. I turned around and didn’t see anything unusual, at least not at first. What I did see looked like a bunch of girls hugging. Then I saw one of the girls turn around and come over towards us. She was slim, about my height, with...
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...
Catherine and Alexander by: Bruce Leach Although the children never knew it times had been rough in the castle. Their father, the Duke of Beaufort, had in recent days made a number of unfortunate alliances that put not only his fortune but his entire properties and even his own life in jeopardy. In these days after the king's death the wrong friends could mean accusations of treachery and the Duke had made all the wrong friends. Things looked bleak until he had an...