- 2 years ago
- 26
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Edited by Barney R. Final edit and spelling and grammar checked by Grammarly
Tweaked by me all errors are on me.
Author’s Note; All military training and action references are totally made up I have no sniper experience, and I was not a supply clerk. I was a maintenance man in a hospital unit. This is fiction after all.
This is a longer than normal story for me.
She showed me the home pregnancy kit it had turned blue. I was not happy.
Dramatis personae
Sidney Greenleaf (Me)
John Greenleaf (Dad)
Susan Greenleaf (Mom)
George Callagan (Mom’s brother, my uncle)
Roger Graystone (Sally’s Dad)
Jane Graystone (Sally’s mom)
Sally Greenleaf (nee Graystone, my wife)
Sandy Graystone (Sally’s younger sister)
(gang of four bullies.)
Robert (Boo) Carpenter
Gerald (Jerry) Davis
Garry Evans
Frank Thomas
My name is Sidney Greenleaf, I was 32 when the world I know was changed for the worse. I finally came out the other side with a wonderful life.
Sally Graystone was 14 when I first met her. I was 17, full of myself and a real pain in the ass. I also was a pretty big guy. At the time I was 6’ 1” and 215 lbs of farm work muscle. My uppers arms were as big around as my thighs from moving bales of alfalfa and timothy hay. My hands were and still are callused and rock hard from the same things. I could run for three miles without tiring, and I was trained by my Uncle George in the Krav Maga style of unarmed fighting.
Our town and the surrounding country are mostly a farming community. It has a small, consolidated high school (meaning that grades 7 through 12 all are in the same building) that has about 400 students. As with all schools, there are social groups that the kids separate into. I did not align with any of the groups but seemed to get along with all but the bullies and the few druggies we had. Even the ‘social outcasts’, nerds, and the ‘townies’ found out that I would talk to them and help if needed.
I was in the habit of riding my bike to and from school for more exercise; it was only three miles. On a Wednesday, shortly after my senior year started, I was riding my bicycle back from school toward home when I heard a scream of pain coming from a little copse of trees. I dropped the bike in the dirt and went toward the scream.
As I came up to where the scream came from, I found four bullies from my senior class surrounding two younger girls. One of the girls had a torn blouse and a red handprint on her cheek. The other girl was OK but obviously scared. They were side by side with their backs to a big tree.
I gave a yell and the guys turned around. The apparent leader, Boo (Robert) Carpenter, moved toward me shouting; “Stay out of this needle dick; this is none of your business.” Then he did an incredibly stupid but scary thing; he pulled a switchblade from his pocket.
Well, that knife made me even angrier, so after closing with him, I gave him a ‘knife-hand strike’ (similar to a karate chop) to the forearm of his knife hand and then a ‘palm strike’ to his breast bone. The strike to the forearm broke it, causing him to drop the knife, and the palm strike made him search for oxygen for about 90 seconds.
Two of the other three, Jerry (Gerald) Davis and Garry Evans, decided that I needed to be taught a lesson for injuring their leader, and for interrupting their planned ‘fun.’ They both tried to charge me. Jerry went down with a simple trip, and the other took a ‘forearm clothesline tackle’ to put down. After those two got up that the entire group left with great haste. All I saw was elbows and shoe soles.
When I turned to the girls. They ran up to me and grabbed my arms and started crying. I finally got them calmed down enough to get their names. They were Sally and Sandy Graystone. Sally said she was 14, and Sandy said she was 12. They told me that they had just started at their new school today, and missed there assigned bus so they were trying to walk home. The four boys were from their school, and chased them into the woods saying they were going to take turns fucking them as a ‘welcome to the neighborhood present.’
As I was on my bike, there was no way I could ride them both to their home so I walked with them. None of us had a cell phone with us, so I could not call for a ride.
Luckily, their house was only about 1/2 mile down the road from the trees they ran into. When I was sure they were safe, and on the porch of their house, I hopped my bike and rode home. I caught a little hell for being 45 minutes late, but not too much. Mom was angry because she was worried, so I let it slide. I didn’t mention the events of the day. I just wanted it to all disappear.
No such luck; about 6:30, the phone rang and my father answered. I didn’t pay any attention to him talking until I heard; “How many were there?” Then I knew the jig was up.
Dad got off the phone and came into the living looked at me and said; “Do you want to explain to me what happened in the woods today?”
Being the smart ass that I always had been since I was old enough to know what it meant. With a smirk, I said; “No.”
Mom looked at Dad, and then at me; “Did I miss something, or is one of you going to explain?”
Dad, being just as much as a smart ass as I am, and I answered at the same time; “Nope.”
That got me a couch pillow to the face, and dad got an elbow to the stomach (granted a very light one). Finally, after the laughing stopped, dad got serious. “If what I was told in that call is true, I am proud of you.” He then said; “Please tell your mother and me how you saw this incident.”
I thought about it for a few seconds. “I guess I should. I was riding home from school today near the woods by the old Dawkins farm when I heard a scream. I knew that there should not have been anyone in the woods. I just went to investigate. When I got there, I saw four of the class bullies my age had cornered two girls about 14 or so. One had a torn blouse and a handprint on her cheek and was shielding the other.
“I hollered to get the guys’ attention. When they turned toward me the ‘leader’ tried to warn me off and then pulled a knife. I disarmed him and took him out of the fight. Two of the other assholes ... sorry ... guys started to come after me. I tripped one and clotheslined the other. That ended the fight, the fourth guy never got into anything with me. I then walked with the girls to their house and made sure they were safe.”
Then I added, “Mom that’s why I was so late coming home. Sorry, I didn’t tell you, but I just did not think it was a big deal.”
“Not a big deal? I would say it was a big deal. I know we taught you to care about others, but that was very brave, and I am very, very proud of you.” Mom said and then gave me a hug.
The next day at school, the girl’s parents were waiting to go into the principal’s office. Sally and Sandy were sitting in the hallway. Sally’s face was swollen and turning black and blue at the injury site. They both smiled at me as I walked by. I smiled back.
About 15 minutes later I was paged over the intercom to report to the principal’s office. As I was going there, I heard the names of the four jerks also called. When I arrived, I was asked to call my parents.
There was a female police officer and the principal waiting. The school secretary informed the principal that two of the four boys were not in school that day. It seems that Robert Carpenter had a small accident and had a broken arm and a bruised sternum, and Garry Evans had a broken collarbone and a damaged voice box. The secretary told us they said were hurt when they were ‘playing WWE’ and overdid it.
The other two showed up as the secretary got done with her explanation. Jerry had his hands bandaged, and Frank just looked ashamed and scared.
The boys were asked if they would call one of their parents, as there was a legal matter that needed to be discussed. Jerry looked daggers at me, and Frank started to cry. They knew they were in trouble.
The principal and the police officer took Sally, Sandy, and her parents into the office closed the door.
About five minutes later my mother and father came in and sat down with me. A few minutes after that my parents and I were asked to come into the conference room, as the principal’s office was too small.
The police officer asked my parents if they could ask me about the attack on the girls. They said as long as they were with me, yes, but they cautioned the officer that if there was even an accusatory hint in any questions, the interview would be over and an attorney would be called.
The officer agreed and asked me to describe the incident and my actions. I went through the entire sequence from the time I heard the scream until I left the girls at their porch.
The officer thanked me and said that I did a brave but foolish thing in taking on four guys by myself. Then she said we could go. Sally and Sandy both came over to me and hugged me and said thanks again. Sally’s parents came over too, and a handshake, a hug, and two more thank yous, and I was allowed to go back to class.
I next saw Sally a couple of days later in the cafeteria when she came over and asked if I would sit with her. I said sure. I looked at her and saw the fading bruise, but a slight smile. I gently touched the bruise and looked in her eyes and saw the embarrassment. I told her she had done nothing to be embarrassed about; the jerks who physically hurt her did not defeat her. I got a single tear on her face that I wiped off with my thumb. Then the smile got bigger.
I walked with her to an empty table and pulled out her chair and when she sat, I took the chair next to her.
Her smile was huge now, and she said. “I know that I have already said thank you before, so just understand, that you are my hero.”
“I just did what I thought was right. I am not a hero, just someone who hates bullies.” I continued; “Bullies are scum. They’re generally cowards who go after and try to hurt people who are weaker or vulnerable. They will back down or run away when the odds go against them. I just evened the odds.”
Sally let it go and started talking about the school. Her family had bought the farm from the Dawkins estate when none of the kids wanted it. She told me that they had worked their Grandfather’s farm before her father decided to strike out on his own.
She mentioned that she was having trouble finding any friends at the new school. She had been able to talk to several of the girls in her class, but she wasn’t asked to do many things with them.
I told her. “Sally, you should understand, this small school community is made up of townies and country kids. These kids have known each other for many years. Mostly the country kids don’t want to talk to the townies, and vice-versa. You need to find someone to hang out with. Not necessarily join either group, but just one person who will help you become part of the ‘school scene.’” I added; “I don’t follow any of the groups, but I have an after school class in town, and I help my dad on our farm. I seem to get along with nearly everyone. Except for the druggies and the bullies.”
“If it will help, just come in the lunchroom and sit at the table, I am at. You will be the only 8th grader there, but there are froshs, sophs, juniors and seniors there, there will also be farmers and townies, so you won’t stick out.” I added; “I will introduce you to them all. That will at least let them know that I’m your friend. I am your friend, ain’t I?”
Sally giggled, “Friend and hero, yes you are.” Then she continued as we walked out of the cafeteria; “I will take you up on your generous offer, and thank you for being my friend. Sandy told me you were ‘dreamy,’ and I think you are a gentleman first class.”
I blushed, and as she headed for her next class, I gave her hand a little squeeze.
That earned me another smile and a wave. I notice a couple of freshman girls walked up to Sally. She turned and winked and then went on they all walked away towards there next classes.
Sally got acclimated, developed several friends among both 8th grade and freshman girls. She still sat with me at lunchtime, and we really did become very good friends.
As school went on, there were several different dances. Because of the size of our school, all of the dances except the Junior and Senior proms allowed all grades to attend. I found myself escorting Sally to all of the dances, and because I did not have a lot of spare cash, I did not go to the Senior Prom.
When graduation came around, I had four tickets I was allowed to give, so of course, I gave my parents two, my Uncle George one, and Sally one. I was an OK student and graduated in the fourth position of my class. Of course, we only had 36 graduates. So I didn’t even make the top 10%. (LOL)
When all of the parties and other festivities were over, I went into the nearby city and joined the army. My folks would not have the money for college for me, and I had no great desire to go into massive debt for a college degree. The military seemed like a good option, as I really wanted to learn something of the outside world. I was told to report to Fort Knox, Ky., on the 10th of July.
The day before I had to leave Mom had a small dinner with just our family and Sally. After dinner, Sally and I walked the fields and talked. She took my hand as we walked.
I told her that I would miss her, but I did not want her to miss out on any of the activities she would have. I said, “As soon as you can date, find a good boy to date and have some normal high school fun. I will be gone for four years and will only be able to get home occasionally. I have feelings for you, more than friends, more than brother and sister. I guess if I thought enough about it, I would say I love you. I just don’t think either one of us is ready for a commitment like that. I will write to you as often as I can. I will call and Skype when I can. If you ever need anything, contact me. I will miss your sweet smile.”
Sally took my other hand, turned me so I was facing her and kissed me. It was a kiss of passion, a kiss of promises, and a kiss of love. Then she hugged me and ran across the field toward her house.
When I got to Ft. Knox, I took the ASVAB tests, and when they came back they showed I had a mechanical aptitude, so after basic, they sent me to army supply school to learn to be a supply clerk. (LOL) I did learn the computer systems that essentially run the military system.
After my training, some of which had nothing to do with supply school, I was sent to a military base less than 100 miles from the family farm. After signing into my cadre on a Monday morning, I was released and given a 6-day pass and told to go home.
As I drove in the driveway to my folk’s house, Sally, Sandy, Mom, Dad and Uncle George were all waiting for me. Sally ran to me as I was getting out of the car and gave me another one of those kisses and I had to push myself off the car where she had knocked me. When Sally let go, Sandy hugged me and kissed my cheek. Then Mom hugged me and Dad and Uncle George shook my hand and offered me a beer.
I turned the beer down; I discovered in basic training that alcohol made me sick if I had any. I could not even use alcohol-based cough syrup or mouthwash. I asked for some of mom’s iced tea.
We had another family dinner, this time with Sandy also. After dinner, Sally took one hand and Sandy took the other and we went into the fields for a walk.
Sandy began with an exciting account of going to the big high school. She was now a 7th grader. She went on about all of her friends and about her first high school dance. She told me all about the farm and their last harvest, and how she got to drive one of the tractors in the field. She finally wound down.
Sally was very quiet. She had an almost fearful look and was holding my hand in a death grip.
I looked at her, kissed the top of her head and said; “Sally my sweet friend, what are you afraid of? There is nothing that I can think of you could do to make me hate you. There are only a couple of mean or nasty things you could do that would make me stop liking you. Talk to me.”
She started to get tears running down her face, and after I wiped them off with my BDU sleeve, she said; “I can’t talk about it now. I have to tell you when we are alone together.”
With that, she composed herself, and we walked back to the house. The girl’s parents were there, and I was asked to tell everyone about my army training. They all laughed when I told them of the tests and my assignment. I talked about basic training and marching and weapons training. I also explained that the headquarters company my supply cadre was part of was a part of a combat battalion and they had just rotated back from Europe. Then I sort of dampened the party when I said that the battalion was scheduled to rotate to the Middle East after the New Year, and if I was ordered to go with them, I would be gone for 13 months.
I tried to soften that news by explaining that I was a supply clerk, and most likely would be stationed at a permanent base, and not be part of any convoys to forward operations. (This was a complete lie; I knew I would be either with some of the convoys or when promoted, in charge of them or else some of the details for which I had gotten the special training.) I told them that the vast sums of money the army spent on training me to run their computer systems would be wasted in a Humvee.
After things calmed down, Sally’s parents, Sandy, and Uncle George went to their homes. Sally had asked me to take her for a drive before I took her home.
Sally and I drove around the area until we came to the woods near her home. She asked me to stop. When I did, she got out and asked me to walk with her. We went into the woods where I stopped the jerks from hurting her and Sandy.
She started to tear up again; “Sid, I love you, but I am going to start dating a really nice guy I met this year in class. You might not know him; he is a sophomore like me. We will only be going on dates with other kids, not one on one. I don’t want to hurt you, but you said you wanted me to enjoy my school time. I don’t love him, and he will not be getting into my pants or anything like that. That is for you when we get married. I’ll say it again, Sidney Greenleaf, I love you.”
I was surprised, and a little hurt. I had already told her of my wishes. I had told her of my feelings but I was surprised at her expressions of love. I did not recognize that she felt that way.
She then said; “I promise you this Mr. Greenleaf, when you are out of the army, and I graduate from high school, we will be together forever.” Then she gave me another kiss and asked me to take her home.
When I did, she let me walk her to the door. Then she gave me another shocking surprise when she said; “Please write to me often, but don’t come see me anymore this time. When you go back to base, I may change my mind, but right now it hurts to be with you when I know you are going away.”
Then she kissed me again and went into the house.
Well crap; I had come home mostly to spend time with her.
The next morning, I called Uncle George and asked him to come to the farm tonight for a family talk. Then I asked mom and dad if they would sit with me tonight for the talk.
That night after dinner, I explained to my parents and Uncle George that someone in my training group discovered that I had a lot of martial arts training. It was also noted that I was a fitness junkie and that I had an almost record score on all phases of my weapons training. That led to the training company commander asking me to take some special training.
When I agreed, I was sent to Fort Bragg for a quick sniper training course. I was to be a designated backup for any sniper unit that needed a replacement. I explained to my family that I did not tell Sally because she did not need to know.
I then told them of Sally’s request that I not see her anymore while I am home this time.
I told them I would be returning to the base the next morning because as much as I loved them, I had wanted to spend as much time as I could with Sally.
I left to go back to base three days early. While driving, my cell phone rang four times. I never answer while driving, so when I got to my company area, I looked at my voice mail and saw that all the calls were from Sally.
I called her back, and she started screaming at me about my going back early. I hung up. I called her parent’s house number and asked her dad if he would give Sally a message as all she would say to me when I called was screaming and I could not understand her.
He said sure he would take the message. I asked him to write it down exactly as I say it to him. He agreed.
“Ok,” I said; “Here it is:
‘Sally, I came home to visit with my folks and spend my time with you. You specifically asked me not to see you anymore while I was home. I did not like it. It hurt, but I agreed. Now you’re mad because I went back to my base before I had to. There was no reason for me to stay the extra three days when you did not want to spend them with me. I will write when I can. Have fun with your new boyfriend. Goodbye.’
“Please give that to her and tell her I am hurt but not angry. Thank you Mr. Graystone. I am sorry I have to ask you to be the go-between, but I don’t need to be screamed at when I’m doing what I am asked to do by the person I care about the most.”
I ended the call. Then I sat down and wrote Sally a letter.
Your father has by now given you the message that I do not appreciate the screaming at me I got for doing what you asked me to do.
I told you when I was leaving for basic that I loved you. I told you the other day that there wasn’t much you could do to make me dislike you. Well, you did one. Your screaming at me for doing what you asked was punishing me for doing what you wanted.
I still love you, but right now I don’t like you very much.
What was I supposed to do? Cry, rant, get mad? All I got was hurt and screamed at.
Please consider this a ‘Dear Jane’ letter. If you are the type of person that wants something and then gets it and gets mad because she gets it, I don’t need that.
I love you, and maybe I am overreacting, but you have destroyed my desire to come and see you. I ask that when I am visiting my parents on my weekend passes, that you don’t come and see me. At least until I get a satisfactory and believable apology from you.
Hurt, but still loving you
Pvt 1/C Sid Greenleaf
About three weekends later, after I had been home twice, no Sally and no letter, I was home sitting in the living room on Saturday afternoon when the Graystone’s car pulled in the driveway. Sally’s dad came to the house and asked to talk to me.
I said sure and took him into the den to be by ourselves.
Roger said; “I don’t know if you want to hear it or not, but I gave your message to Sally. That and the letter you wrote has sent her into a serious ‘blue funk.’ She is not eating, not studying, and hardly talking to anyone in the family.
“Sandy is getting ignored just about as bad, her big sister won’t talk to her.”
Then he continued; “I found out what she told you, and when she cried for you doing just that, I told her to grow up. That probably did not help. Please, if I can get her to call you, will you talk?”
“Mr. Graystone; I never said I would not talk to her or write to her. What I said is I will not be punished for fulfilling her wishes. If she didn’t want me to leave early from my first pass, why did she ask me not to see her? If she says she loves me, why does she scream at me when I do what she wants? If she wants to talk, all I ask is a sincere apology for the screaming. I will not come to your place, and I will leave if she comes here if I don’t get at least that.”
I continued; “Roger, I have to leave here tomorrow by 5 PM because I don’t like to drive in the dark. If Sally wants to call me, she has my cell number. It’s the same number that she has not used to call to apologize for the past three weeks. I was asked to not see or contact her went I am home from duty. I am still honoring that request. If I don’t hear from her before the time I pull out of the driveway tomorrow, please let her know that I will consider my last letter our final contact. I don’t need the hurt!“
Then I apologized for yelling and asked that since he delivered the message if I could get him a beer.
He said no, he had just come over to talk to me. He said he would give Sally my message. He said he understood, but he was worried about his daughter.
Then he left.
Sunday I left to drive back to base. No call had come. I figured that she decided that she did not need to apologize.
I stayed at that duty station for about two months when the brigade was notified that we were going to be stop lossed because of pending overseas deployment. Our equipment was being prepared for shipment.
The company commander came to me with a request. He asked that I go to battalion supply and draw a sniper field kit. It seems the backup sniper team shooter had his appendix burst, and was in the hospital, and would be for a while. He also developed a severe infection at the surgical site.
I got the gear, packed it up, and ready for our deployment. The day before we were scheduled to ship out I decided to write Sandy a letter. I had always thought of her as my sister from another mother, and I felt bad about how her life had been screwed up because of what I did to her sister.
I hope you are well.
I wanted to let you know that I am sorry that what has happened between your sister and me has caused you some pain. I apologize for not writing earlier.
We are shipping out sometime in the next few days, and I will not be able to write or call often. Please tell your folks that I will try to keep in contact.
If you can, please love your sister. She may be upset with me, but don’t let her stay upset with you. I know my feelings for her are damaged, but I wish someday to try and at becoming a friend to her again.
I have no way of knowing when I will be able to come home again, but I would love to see you when I do.
Be Safe Little Sister
We shipped out a week before Christmas and landed in Kuwait City the next day. The headquarters company was transshipped to Afghanistan, but I was left behind to get some additional sniper training. After two weeks the spotter and I were a good team. Then we were shipped out to join our company. I was reassigned to the sniper platoon for the duration of our deployment.
I was writing to Sandy about once a week, mostly bitching about the cold and the dust. I asked about Sally in every letter, but when Sandy wrote me she never mentioned her sister once.
Three months later my spotter and I were on a hilltop looking down into the tribal provinces of Pakistan. Intelligence had discovered that a major insurgent leader was meeting a tribal chief in one of the mountain villages on the border with Afghanistan.
I had my binoculars trained on the village when a Range Rover drove up and my target got out. He went into the head man’s house, and his guards roamed around the village.
I radioed in and was told a drone strike would arrive in 30 minutes. We were told to hold our position until the target was verified as being eliminated.
Our job now was to laser paint the target when the drone was overhead. A missile would be launched from the drone to destroy the house.
We waited. No drone. An hour later the target exited the building and I took the shot. It was about 750 yards and a clean kill. Then all hell broke loose. The doors of most of the village house erupted with armed men coming in our direction.
We unassed the area, split, left, got the hell out of Dodge. I had called in the successful completion of the mission, and that we needed recovery ASAP. We managed to stay away from our pursuers for three days. We were very cold, very tired, very dirty, and very hungry. I had some mild frostbite on my nose and the tips of my fingers. I called back to support for a pick-up and was asked for my location. When I told them of my GPS coordinates, they said 15 minutes.
The sweetest sight I had seen in months was that helicopter and the ground support aircraft. The warthogs (A-10s) scanned the area and started tearing up the ground about 1.5 klicks away from us. We did not know our pursuit was that close.
We made it back to base, got fed washed and allowed twelve hours of sleep. When that was over, we were escorted to the debriefing area.
When we were shown into the office, we were arrested and told that we were being charged with war crimes. We both said we would not answer any questions until we had JAG lawyers to represent us.
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"Man, I wanna fuck your sister so bad!" I said with a sigh. "Shut-up," Brandon sighed too. "My brain hurts." "Lightweight!" I grinned at him in the darkness of his bedroom. "Are we spinning or is it just everything else?" he asked with a giggle. "Fuck!" "Don't puke!" "I'm okay," he promised, but I wasn't so sure and I eyed his indistinct form suspiciously. We were only sixteen and Brandon was kind of a small guy compared to me, so maybe that's why he always got drunk...
She walked through a throng of bodies, people were everywhere, pushing and shoving, dancing and gyrating. She tried to push through; she didn’t know where she was going but, something told her to get to the other side of the room as soon as possible. For a split second the crowd split and she could see the far door. Just as she was about to turn the knob and walk through, a ringing filled the air. She looked everywhere, covering her ears; it reverberated through her head and her body. Where the...
LesbianIntroduction: Jessica is tricked into takeing her former friends place on the spit at her family barbeque. Deception Story: #31 Copyright 2005 Written: May 15 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** RING Jessica picked up the phone, Jessica was surprised to find it was Stacey on the other end of the call, Jessica hadnt spoken to Stacey in over two...
I am writing this for Jezzi and the other who have worked hard posting their work on TG caps and TG Comics. This is based on 'Vain Girls' 1406. Jezzi asked for a story explaining what happened. So here it is. The Deception By Eric My sister Chloe was 2 years older than me and I had - unfortunately - got into the habit of doing what she told me. She was still a little mad at me as she resented it 2 years ago when Grandfather left me all his money and cut her off saying girls...
Deception By Cassandra Morgan I held them up to gaze at them in the morning. They were soft. They were smooth. They were a pair of yellow panties with a small bow on the front. They were so light, so slinky. So out of bounds. A pair of Katie's, no doubt, lying in the folds of the bedspread. I looked at them, and I felt that long-ago memory gnaw at me. I exhaled. I thought the feeling had passed, to be honest. This wasn't me. Not anymore. I took the...
JosieThe first time I saw Tony Rizzi, I thought I would die. He was the best-looking guy I had ever seen with black slightly curly hair and deep brown eyes set in an angular face. He wore jeans and a white T-shirt. His arms and chest looked strong and he had a smile on his face like he didn’t care about anything or anyone. Let the world be his, seemed to be his motto.We were lined up outside the residence when the social worker brought him over. I stood in the middle with Kelly to my right. She...
Oral SexThe couple had been married for over 25 years. Their two c***dren had recently left to start their own lives and the house seemed so much bigger and emptier. Although their sex life was good, something was lacking. The husband didn't want to have an affair as he feared it would destroy their marriage. He didn't want to pay for services as he feared contraction of deadly diseases. After researching for an alternative for months, he came upon a possible solution: a long-term INTERRACIAL WIFE...
Tittiefuck looked up from her long, purple-painted nails to greet the latest client. As usual, it was an angry woman with a flier. "Hi, I'm Tittiefuck! Welcome to Bimbotech Inc.!" she said, smiling wide. The woman stopped and stared. They often did. Tittiefuck was so pretty since they fixed her! Her titties were so big and round now, her ass so full and firm! The company had taught her how to spray her hair and blow it big and wild. They had given her new clothes like this shiny purple...
-Mr. Kong I remember the day of the occurrence very clearly, as if it happened recently, even though it happened earlier today. It was a hot, Wednesday in the amazon forest. I know it was wensday because it was casual Wednesday down at the office. The humid air forced us to shove cool bananas up our asses to beat the heat. I was traveling with my four comrades, V.G. otherwise known as Vanilla Gorilla, The Jackson Brothers Tyrone and Shantwan, and Kelvin the retarded ass gorilla. It was...
Prologue She intrigued me before I even opened her mind—she was at least 40, gorgeous, and dressed to pick up. None of this is uncommon in itself, but (without my influence) it's odd to see women that blatantly dressed, rarer still when they're that age, and unprecedented to see someone that attractive trying so hard. I sat down beside her. Her hand was on my crotch before I'd even placed a drink order, and her tongue down my ear before it arrived. It wasn't until the cab ride home—her...
It was mid-September. The blinding heat of summer days was gone, leaving the soft warmth of fall in the air. The three friends walked slowly along the river shore. They had been a threesome since Ninth Grade, when all three showed up at their new school.She was no cheerleader type. They were not athletic. That left them out of the social life of the school. Common interests in art, music, politics and good books gave them all they had needed to weather the storms of high school.Now, tonight was...
First TimeOlder lady makes the first move [email protected] aka PatrickHope you enjoy. Out of Town Travel always lead me to something either another guy or a female. I was in my mid to late forties back then... She actually made the first move. She was the receptionist at in the office of one of the companies I had as a client. She was a real looker, I would have guessed no older than maybe 50 - 55 (she was 64).... She was an exercise junkie, and it sure as hell showed. I had been to that place...
AffairStory: #31 Copyright ©2005 Written: May 15 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** "RING" Jessica picked up the phone, Jessica was surprised to find it was Stacey on the other end of the call; Jessica hadn't spoken to Stacey in over two years since they had that big fight over Jason the most popular guy in school at the time....
My name is Mike and I’m a retired Air Force officer with 23 years of service. I served in Iraq for three tours of duty as well as numerous other posts, retiring after reaching the rank of Major. I was an only child, raised in a midsized New England city, where my mother was an English teacher and my father an Attorney. I grew up with privileges many of the children I attended school with only dreamed of. Other than school, I never had much interaction with others my age. I usually went to...
Straight Sex"Goodnight Roger, goodnight Jenny, thanks for coming," I tiredly bade farewell to the last two guests. Laura held my left hand in her right even though there was no longer any need. I didn't object - it felt nice. "Goodnight Miguel and Laura, it was a great party," said the two departees. "Drive safely now," said Laura. "It's okay, we've called a cab," said Jenny, the sensible one of the two. With a sigh of relief I closed the door of my apartment. "Thanks Laura. I can't...
"I'm not even sure he loves me anymore," Jennifer said with just a hint of moisture building in her eyes. Vicki's long time friend sat across the coffee table from her with cup in hand. Small ripples disturbed the milky java as Jennifer's hand shook slightly with emotion. Vicki felt so helpless. She knew darn well her best friend's husband loved her, he was just so damn busy all the time he just forgot how to show it, that's all. "Shit Vicki," she continued, "remember a few years...
Carol looked briefly up from the cock she was gently sucking, and was shocked again at the sight that greeted her. Somehow, for no explicable reason, it brought all back the carefully suppressed memories. She had not had a very happy childhood, not because she was mistreated, or anything like that, but because she had, to a certain extent, been ignored. Her brother Ben, older than her by nearly three years, had had Multiple Sclerosis, diagnosed when he was just three months old. Their parents...
Around the mid of the year, I came back from Germany and was thinking between staying in PG, vs. Roommates or single, I landed up in a hotel. Pretty famous and on MG Road. I landed up early morning walked to the booking counter and introduced myself. While the guy was checking the booking, a girl may be of age 23 or so appeared from the service room (back side of the booking counter). Smiled at me as normally they do at hotels. Since the booking was done by the guys I dint get a chance to talk...
The new neighbor had moved in a month ago. Her three bedroom apartment was directly accross the hall from my two bedroom. We had met only briefly when she was first moving in. That was enough though for me to want to see more of her. There was something about her that drew me in. Something that made me want to see her happy. I didn't know then that it was a desire to please her. The only thing that held me back that kept me from aproaching her, other than my amazing shyness, was...
I was a typical teenage boy. I liked all of the things most typical boys my age were into, girls, games, girls, sports, girls, cars, girls, movies, and did i mention girls! I had dated several girls since freshman year, and i had fooled around with plenty of them, but i had not had sex with any of them. I wanted to have sex as much as the next guy, but i wasn’t interested in a “one night stand.” i wanted a relationship. It wasn’t until my sophomore year that i found a girl that i really liked...
Gay MaleShe was home waiting for her Master's arrival. She had done as his email had instructed and was sitting on her chair at the computer desk naked, with her head down and her hands folded in her lap. With her eyes cast down, she could only listen for her Master's voice to know when he had arrived. She had her web cam up and running with the headset volume turned up so she wouldn't miss him as he instructed her. Amy had found Master through a BDSM message board on an adult website that specialized...
BDSMShe was home waiting for her Master’s arrival. She had done as his email had instructed and was sitting on her chair at the computer desk naked, with her head down and her hands folded in her lap. With her eyes cast down, she could only listen for her Master’s voice to know when he had arrived. She had her web cam up and running with the headset volume turned up so she wouldn’t miss him as he instructed her. Amy had found Master through a BDSM message board on an adult website that specialized...
She was nervous beyond belief, she wasn’t the type to do this kind of thing. Hell, if she hadn’t decided to ask her best friend about it, she wouldn’t be here right now. She checked behind her as she kept walking. ‘It’s too damn cold for this…I should’ve picked a warmer day.’ A few joggers ran past her down the sidewalk, under the metro station, people were carrying briefcases filled with work back to their houses, locking their bikes against the railings… And I’m here doing this…this…oh...
Only a half year later, everything had changed. The nearest plantations to the mountain range had been overrun, burned to the ground. With the mountains to the West and the canyon to the North, the rebellious slaves had become too numerous and organized to be recaptured and controlled by the few remaining slavers in the region. The army, for its efforts, has lost too many good men for the profits of others, and for a cause that was losing support in other parts of the Commonwealth. ...
Time had passed. It was a year later. The Wrights were again going on vacation. And again they were glad when I suggested that I stay in their home to watch over their daughter, Susie. Becky would not be there. She had turned 18 and had gone off on a cross-country tour with some friends on their bikes. That left 17 year old Susie alone in the house, which would not do. Cal and Samantha knew their daughter, Susie, was a virgin. She had only started dating last year and always in groups of...
SeductionI knew from experience that fourteen year old young ladies can be skittish about penetration into one's anus. I was experienced performing anal sex with at least twenty different women who were sixteen or younger. My repertoire included one woman who turned thirteen years only seventeen days before I received the pleasure of merging my cock into her ass. She actually was one of my more enjoyable experiences because she enjoyed it so much herself. From my extensive firsthand knowledge, I knew...
The two sexy women stared at each other with hate in their eyes. The first woman, Natalie was five feet seven inches, waist of 26in, 36D cup, long black hair that enhanced the beauty of her eyes and a soft, tight, smooth body to match. The other woman, Linda was five foot six inches, her long, brown hair accentuated her golden body. Her nipples poked through her spaghetti strapped top as her rippled, hard flat stomach on her 25in waist moaned to be sucked. Kirk sat on the couch, caught red...
EroticThis story tells of someone who discovers they possess abilities akin to videogames. Originally I was going to have you follow one character, Jacob Jenkins, but then I got to creating Olivia Olsen and found that she worked just as well as a main character so I decided to have you select between multiple characters. All characters are at least 18 years old.
I was the first to get to the house up in the mountain, my 2010 Toyota Camry had a tough time climbing the steep roads, but the area hadn’t seen too much snow this season so I managed alright. As I found the driveway and rolled up to the fairly large log cabin where we would be spending the next week the DJ on the radio warned that there was going to be a massive storm in the next few days. I was glad that I wasn’t going to be driving in that, he made it sound pretty miserable with high winds,...
?As usual, you don?t have any idea what you?re talking about,? my sixteen-year-old cousin Jamie told me. ?Women are discriminated against routinely. You?re just too stupid and sexist to notice!? ?Discrimination is all in their minds,? I laughed. ?Girls at school get all kinds of breaks, plus they never have to worry about the humiliation of being turned down for a date. They do the humiliating!? ?Maybe if you looked more like a guy, you?d get more dates,? she teased. ?I?ll...
Paige Owens stands at the door of her bedroom, knocking on it and trying to get her mother to let them out. They’re hungry! Also, they need to go to the bathroom! The mother points out that Paige has her OWN bathroom, and refuses to let them out since she and her friends are grounded. Frustrated, Paige returns to her bedroom, where her two friends, Adria Rae and Jill Kassidy are waiting. They’re not pleased that Paige’s mother has grounded them ALL — can she even do...
xmoviesforyou"Detroit!" Jacquie exclaimed as she looked up from the tour itinerary she'd been reading. "That's where our next gig's gonna be. I've always wanted to go there." "Home of the MC5 and Iggy Pop," remarked Judy Dildo. "And much more importantly," I said. "The home of Techno." "It'll be good to see Juan Atkins or Derrick May on the decks," said Jane. "I absolutely love that Nude Photo album." "You're irrepressible!" giggled Philippa who excitedly gripped Jane's...
By : Sandeep1986 This story is a real and happened almost a decade back. I was 18 at that time. I am resident of Delhi and live in a farm house in the adjoining areas. I still clearly remember the day, it was summer. It was Saturday and I was in school for my cricket practice. Usually I use to leave at 6 in the morning for practice and use to return by 5 or 6 in the evening, after hanging out with friends. It was one of those days that I was not feeling well and I returned home within couple...
IncestThis particular story is graphic so be warned!! All disclaimers apply so it is up to the reader to decide what is real and what is false. Names as well as regions and topographical locations have been changed to suit the story. This is told in first person and UN EDITED. I was sitting in the Captains office watching as the orderlies poured our coffee. The Captain hadn't said a word since the runner had brought me in. I was beginning to wonder what was going on since the Captain had always...
I didn't bring any flowers that night. It felt awkward, standing on Angie's porch, having nothing in my hands. But Tamara had told me that if I made a habit of bringing flowers, they would stop being special. I had offered to bring a bottle of wine, but Angie had declined. She wanted to do the whole meal for me, she said. I'd agreed, though now I was nervous. There was nothing for me to do. I realized I was tugging on my sleeves again. I forced myself to take a deep breath and relax a...
When he got back to Betty's there was a note on the refrigerator saying she had gone over to Martha's to borrow something and would "be back soon." He thought back to a place they had driven by on the way home. It wasn't too far. He'd just walk up there and see what he could do about having his own car. He left Betty a note saying he'd gone on his own errand and might have a surprise for her when he got back. The place he'd seen was the car lot in Circleton owned by "Rascal Rick",...
Gracie May Green and Kinsley Anne think they are being slick, sneaking in the house after a raucous night out on the town. But their stepbrother is too sharp for them. He lets their dad know what they have been up to and is given the authority to punish them however he sees fit. He sits them down next to each other and tells them that they have to spank each other as the first part of the punishment. They slap each others asses raw, but it is still not enough. He gets into the act, shoving his...
xmoviesforyouChapter 15 Candice pressed the doorbell and rolled her eyes as she contemplated the sight that was her. She was naked except for the G-string and her shoes. She wanted to laugh and cry at the circumstances she was in. Her body was calmer now that she was being forced to wait for someone to free her from prying eyes. Granted she didn’t see any other houses and doubted that there were neighbors close by either. But she also didn’t like the idea of some delivery boy sliding up in his truck...
Chapter 3 – Thomas Makes It Home Stacey pulled the small piece of paper from her pocket and walked back to Thomas with the credit card receipt. Understanding the situation she informed Thomas his tip would determine if he was given the paper or if she lost it. The beer and gorgeous woman’s interest almost gave him enough confidence to try and grab the paper held so close. His ultimate fantasy was unfolding but now this bitch was playing games. Stacey saw him tense up and knew she had to...
I knew I was dreaming. Cien stood by my pallet and watched me with those beautiful eyes, his hair falling slightly forward, and I knew I was dreaming. To the future? He didn’t know I was from the future, so this HAD to be a dream. Right? ‘The future.’ I said. ‘Aye, 2007.’ That made me sit up quickly. ‘How do you know about 2007?’ Cien shifted uncomfortably, glancing around him. It was like I’d asked him what was in the secret sauce, and he was going to tell me, he just didn’t feel right...
“Can’t you understand Doc, it’s not a mental thing ... well it’s physical, you know,” whined Gina Sillitoe, staring at her hands interwoven in her lap. Doctor Henrik Roscoe peered at her over his specs perched perilously close to falling off his red, bulbous, pock marked nose. The attractive blonde was one of his favourite patients, one of the few bright spots of his otherwise unexciting rounds of dreary and depressing women in trauma. Her family wealth, local standing and prestige businesses...
Before I begin chapter 2, I thought I make some changes to the first chapter. The changes are somewhat noticeable, but I thought they were needed. Don?t worry, chapter 2 will come soon, but until then, enjoy. At The Stroke Of 8PM By Jill Shaw Bret Mitchell is a real ladies man. Whenever he sees an attractive woman, he swoops in and starts hitting on her. It is at this point that women fall at his feet. The women just find him irresistible. Bret, of course, has everything to back...
When we started operations again it was obvious that all hell was breaking loose on the front. There was no plan we could follow; all we had were targets of opportunity, and they were few and far between. The Sov's were running like school children. There were only a few units still trying to fight, and on those we reverted to our roots and just jammed the fuck out of them with raw power and kept the commanders from getting in touch with the troops. The main part of the battle was over. I...
In the days of old, when lords and knights went off on spectacular, yet often long winded campaigns, the deserted ladies were left with three choices. Some, due to the nature of arranged marriages, would spend their time in the arms of some miscreant nobleman who, fearful or faithless, remained behind. Others who, with a less hot blooded yearning, were content with their chosen husbands would remain chaste until their men came home. A third choice made was by women whose soul was hued with both...
?? He stood naked in front of me. A perfect specimen of a young male pig animal. Nineteen years old. His body muscular and smooth from years of high school athletics and working out at the gym. His eyes were blurry from the drugs he had taken to get his courage up for our "Male Model Photo Shoot." He was in trouble with the law and needed money and someplace to hide.? ?? ? "Can you just stand with your feet a little wider apart so your big fat dick and balls hang a little looser. Can you reach...
Laden with shopping bags, Simon and Mandy walked to her favourite coffee shop. Stepping inside, the warmth and aroma of coffee beans and gingerbread filled the air, along with the delicious smell of baked bread.Simon’s stomach grumbled as he followed Mandy to the back of the shop. Putting down the bags, he sat at the table and picked up a menu.‘I’m having gingerbread latte and a turkey and cranberry baguette,’ said Mandy. ‘They’re both absolutely gorgeous.’Simon shut the menu. ‘I’ll have the...
MILFIt was a rainy summer, a long time ago, and it was my birthday on that day, so we decided to party in my place, and entertain my buddies, and have a good time. As I was there in my apartment, guests began to arrive, unhurried, though. Perhaps this would be a good gathering, until last guest arrived. She was my girl friend named Blanca Guerrero, a Spanish, dressed elegantly in black tight pants and a blouse with horizontal stripes on it. She looked stunningly gorgeous like this! I wished I...
FetishThe Continuing Pleasures of the Mistress *at the humble bequest of ?slave2isis?* The Mistress smiled lay on her luxurious bed as she had myriad slaves parade her new wardrobe before it was to be organized by her personal suite staff. Of course the robust healthy white males kept their eyes downcast and their penises flaccid. The ready whips of her personal bodyguards were eager to touch their tender skin in punishment. The slaves were performing against a losing battle as the Mistress had a...
I’ve had a fetish about white jockey briefs since I was 16. I like the way the double layer of cotton feels so smooth when I rub my balls and right round to my bum hole. One day I got caught doing this by my mother. She told me to stop doing it because I might end up all queer. I knew what she meant but in those days didn’t exactly know what people who were “all queer” got up to, just that it was forbidden.Every Tuesday at high school we went swimming at the school pool straight after lunch....
Chapter 11. I woke up with an urge to pee. I went to the bathroom and stood in front of the toilet! I lifted the toilet lid and seat and then looked for my penis. I couldn't find it! 'Wait a second! Where is it!? Oh Shit!'. Then I remembered. Perforce, I put down the toilet's seat and sat and peed! While washing my face, I saw myself inside the nightie Cindy gave me last night. It felt very wrong and embarrassing. Immediately, I removed the nightie and also my panty. I would...
As I began high school, my sister Stella began junior high, being two years younger than me. By the time baseball/softball season had begun, I was now fifteen, Stella now thirteen. Our dad had worked long and hard all his life, but he just didn't have the resources to pay for our college tuitions, even if we went to state college. His plan was to show the two of us as many sports as we could master, hoping we would excel in one or more of them and become candidates for scholarships. I held...