Inception free porn video

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I was trapped in the hell of my wife's dreams for so long I didn't know who I was when I finally woke up. It took recording my story to finally come to peace with the fact that I was only dreaming, that this was my reality. You see, the movie Inception wasn't just a movie. The act of highjacking your dreams is real, and the affects, as you will read, if I succeed in remembering exactly what happened are both fantastic and horrific. I am writing this both to help me understand and serve as a means of treating the others that were affected by what I have done as a result. It happened mostly because I was an ass. The problem was mostly that my wife married her best friend rather than a lover. She tried, it wasn't her fault, but the result for me was a marriage that didn't provide me what I needed. There was no passion, no romance. We made love every now and again, but it was always out of a sense of duty. There was no aggressiveness on her part. Sure she got horny and wanted sex, but she wanted sex, not me, and it took its toll. As strange as it sounds, I loved her so I didn't want to leave her. The end result as you might imagine is that I started having affairs with women on the road. I was an attractive man with money, so it wasn't too hard. I found that there are women that want sex as much as men do, something that my wife almost had me convinced wasn't true. There are women that love all kinds of kinky sex. Some women that just love sucking dick, some that actually ask you to fuck their ass, even had one woman that wasn't happy until you slapped her and came on her face. My wife found out because she flew into LA when I was there for a conference to surprise me. She didn't call; she didn't knock. She got a key at the desk and walked in to find me 8 inches in a 19 year olds ass. She didn't say anything at first. I don't know how long she stood there and watched, but it was enough to see that I had found a freakishly modified rich girl that was try to fuck for the attention daddy never gave her. I had never had a thing for huge breasts, but she was willing, and I was horny. The breasts were just an indication to me that she would be an easy lay. I learned later that my wife didn't understand that. When it happened my entire world flashed before my eyes. There was a fear that overtook me, but I didn't have time to address the problem. She stood there and cleared her throat, twice. I didn't hear the first noise over the sounds coming from the bimbo I was banging, but when she raised the volume a bit, there was no mistaking what was taking place. Remarkably, the girl knew that it was time to leave. Once she gathered her clothes, I starred at my wife. She had always been shy, quiet, but looked in total command of the situation at the moment. "I'm so disappointed. I didn't think you would..." Her words trailed off, she turned around and walked out of the room. I expected her to turn around, to come back and get angry, yell, throw something, but it didn't happen. My erection had faded, and it seemed, so had my marriage. The rest of the trip was a blur. I couldn't concentrate. I really don't remember much. All I could think about was that moment when I walked through the door and found what awaited me. I started getting nervous on my way to the airport. I had to have a drink before I ever got on the plane and when I sat down on the plane I took full advantage of first class. When I actually disembarked I was truly drunk. I was ready to bring the fight to her, lash out at her for making me cheat, for depriving me of the love and affection that I deserved as her husband, essentially do what every shitty male has ever done: blame the victim for their indiscretion. It might not work, but at least I would go out fighting rather than with my tail between my legs. When the cab pulled up to my door, I paid him and stumbled in the door looking for a battle, but there was none to find. When I walked in the door, there she was, in the kitchen working on something for dinner. She saw me and smiled, told me to go ahead in the living room and that she would be there in a minute. So that was where she wanted to fight. I sat on the edge of the couch, waiting. She came into the living room holding a drink. "I thought you might need this." I took the drink, confused. She could sense my confusion and all she did was smile. She stepped back from me, taking possession of the middle of the room. There was no way I expected what happened next. She reached down the hem of her dress, lifted it up and pulled it over her head, discarded it on the floor at my feet and turned around slowly. She stood in a black thong and bra in front of me looking sexier than I had ever seen her. "I am excited to start a new chapter in our lives. I know I haven't been the best wife, that you needed things I couldn't give you, but I hope after tonight, you will have those things everyday for a long long time." She walked toward me and stopped, looked down at me seated on the couch, and got on her knees. She unzipped my pants and then unbuttoned them. She reached in my pants and took my soft cock in her hand. In my marriage she had only gone down on me twice. I was shocked. She licked my cock and looked at me and smiled. "Go ahead and finished your drink. I'm going to work on finishing your cock." I chugged the drink and set it down on the end table. She normally would have gone behind me and put my glass on a coaster, but instead she looked at the glass and then me and smiled. She wasn't very good at sucking dick. She simply didn't have the experience, but I wasn't about to complain. The reality was that I simply didn't care. My head was tingling from her effort. She pulled my dick from her mouth and stoked me. "Warn me before you cum." "Ok." I was a bit disappointed. "I want to know when I'm about to get that load in the back of my mouth." I didn't say anything. She put my cock back on my now raging hard on, and I put my hands on the back of her head. She didn't push them away like she normally would. When I got close she stopped and kissed my thighs, massaged my balls. I was so hard that I started getting dizzy. I needed to cum so bad. It started as the worst blowjob of my life but now was out of this world. Something was wrong. I could barely move my arms. I felt confused and disoriented. I barely had enough energy to move my head, and I looked at the glass. It was that moment that I knew I had been drugged. She didn't see me look at the glass. She was back working on my cock furiously, but I couldn't feel it anymore. It was only like a slight pressure on my lower body when she pushed it into her mouth. She grabbed my hand and lifted it and released it. I couldn't hold it up. "You only have another minute or so until your out completely, so I wanted you to know whats going on before you became confused or completely gone. Your going to get your blow jobs and anal sex and group fuck sessions. You'll get to see cum all over breasts, do everything you always wanted to do. Sorry babe, you did this to yourself. It won't be me doing it to you, it will be you that's performing." And then everything went black. I woke up almost instantly, chained to a chair in a room with seemingly no walls. The floor was white tile and other than the light on me, in every direction there was blackness. I had a raging erection that seemed to not want to go away. I heard heels from behind me, and then a red dress pass. She turned around, and I saw the face of my wife. She pulled a chair out from seemingly nowhere and sat down. "Steven my dear, you won't be able to accept what I am about to tell you, but you need to start accepting the situation you find yourself in. You are in my dream." "Wait..." She cut me off. "Don't talk." There was suddenly a ball gag in my mouth. "You are actually still in that chair at home, asleep. I am on the couch, asleep as well. You are hooked up to me and you are operating as if this was reality. I have constructed this world around you in order to make it easier for you to understand, but also because we are going multiple levels into sleep, and I wanted a safe place. With each level we get more and more time. You've seen that movie Inception. You made me go see it. If we stay asleep for a few hours, at the third level of sleep, you will be here for a decade. We go deeper than that and well, you might be here for eons." I tried to talk. She came over and pulled the gag out of my mouth. "I'm confused." "This is your punishment, your penance. You did something wrong, something I don't think I can ever forget. You did something that both betrayed me, but more than that, you left the woman you said you loved for a person that would do an act that you neither understand nor empathize with. You don't understand what women go through, what they have to deal with, how degrading it is to serve you men. You simply don't understand what it is like to be a woman. Now you will. I've made sure you will become the woman you have always wanted." "What?" "You will become the woman you have always wanted to be with. Absurd in body and horny all the time. That's why I made sure to get you nice and hard as you fell asleep." I don't know why I believed her but I did. The ball gag, the strange place, they told me something was wrong. Spending a decade as a woman, now that was a bit off the rocker, but clearly something was wrong. She came toward me and stuck something in my arm, then put ear phones on me. "Wait, how will we wake up?" "Let me take care of the details. You learn what you can. You'll have time." She laid down and then I blacked out again. ************* It was cold outside. The snow was blowing hard into the covered porch. I couldn't remember coming out to the porch or figure out why in the world I wouldn't have put on something more than a tee shirt and panties. Everything was familiar and made sense as my home, but I couldn't really place in my head anything more than I was here. My nipples hurt they were so hard and I had goose bumps on top of goose bumps. I stood up and tried to open the door. It was locked, but when I gave a slight knock, the door opened, and a man opened the door. He put his arms around me and his embrace warmed me. I looked up at him and saw how beautiful he was. He was wearing only boxers. He was hairless and muscular, and I couldn't take my eyes off his stomach and crotch. He looked down at me, and pushed me away for a second and pricked my arm. "This is what you really want, remember that." "Of course I do." And then I passed out. ************** I opened my eyes and felt immediately awake. It was one of those sleeps that left you completely relaxed and rested. My body felt alive, although I couldn't place anything about my life. It wasn't like I was consciously wondering who I was, but there was a void there. I wasn't thinking "what's my name" or "who is this man next to me" because the entire situation felt right, but I did feel in a fog. I wanted to get up, but didn't exactly know where my clothes would be or where the bathroom was. I got out of bed trying not to wake him up, and being naked, held my breasts against my chest tightly both to keep them from bouncing as well as keep them as warm as I could. I went straight to the bathroom and sat on the toilet, leaned down and pressed against my knees in an attempt to stay warm and peed. I reached back and dried myself and then almost ran back into the bedroom. I dove back under the covers freezing and cuddled up next to him seeking his body heat. My entrance into the bed had woken him, and he grabbed my with his arms and kissed me on the forehead and I turned over to back into him as closely as I could, trying to get him to envelop me with his arms. I snuggled back against him as much as I could, and curled up in the fetal position, my ass against his crotch, the back of my legs against his thighs, his chest encasing my back, and his arms draped over me holding my arms as I held them close to my chest. His warmth comforted me and protected me. The feel of his hard body against made me feel feminine, and the way his hands began roaming and his cock began to stiffen against my ass made me feel wanted. He began his exploration by gently parting my arms that were guarding my breasts and started lightly circling my the nipple of my left breast, but as the heat of his touch spread throughout my body, I moved my arm completely inviting more of his hand to touch what it wanted. When I did, his light outlining of my flesh transformed into a cupping of as much of my breasts as he could, and pulling it into my body, squeezing it and pulling away letting his grasp slip away and concentrate on my engorged nipple. He couldn't take my entire breast in his hand as large as it was, but where he failed to take all in one grasp, he succeeded in touching every inch of it as his hand moved around with greater and greater force and speed. As the pace and pressure of his hand increased, his cock got larger and harder. He slid is other arm under me and grabbed my neglected breast, my body now resting on the inside of his right arm. He moved his left hand between my legs and knowing what he sought, I lifted my leg so my left foot was now on my right calf, my knee pointing to the air. He knew exactly where to put his fingers. His middle finger went up and down my pussy, parting my lips, and forcing my eyes closed with the pleasure. He settled on my clit where he made round circles with his moistened fingers causing my body to jerk and buck slightly. He switched back and forth between my clit and in inserting his fingers into my cunt, every time causing my body to jerk and my pussy to become wetter. The craving came before the words, and my hand started searching for his cock before I started begging for it. As I reached back for it, he didn't give me a chance to grab it. He rolled over to his left, my body being forced onto my stomach as his arm lifted me, and in one movement, his moved his arms to grab my hips and pushed his cock into my waiting vagina. As he pulled me back against him, my ass being pulled into the air and my chest off the bed, his entire cock buried itself inside me and I thought I would die. I let out a loud moan and instinctively my right hand went to my crotch seeking to rub the cock that was inside me or find how far into my body his cock had gone. He didn't start fucking, but pulled me upright by my elbows, my tits flopping around with the movement, only to be grabbed by his hands and squeezed to the point of pain. His cock shifted positions inside me as he pulled me up and his tight grasp of my tits made the sensations rush throughout my body. There was a mixture of pleasure and pain, but as he released my tits and pushed me back down to the bed, grabbing my hips and pulling his dick from me, the blood rushed back into my chest and pleasure raced to my head. I braced myself with my arms and he pushed into me completely again, this time the force causing my entire body to shift forward only to be caught by his hands on my hips. He pulled out and then pulled my hips back, forcing his dick back into my depths. My tits began their pendulous action in complete opposition to his fucking. As he brought his body against mine, my tits slapped against my stomach. As he pulled out, my tits swayed in front of my face, my hardened nipples dragging against the sheet during the journey. They snapped back as he pulled me back to him and the process repeated itself. It was clear he wasn't trying to get me off, but the whole body feeling of that fucking sent my mind and body racing. I began to feel the build up of pressure about the time his grasp became tighter and his pace increased. My body contracted before I knew what was happening and then all of a sudden with a scream and collapsing onto the bed, my body let go of the pressure and my orgasm took over my body. After I cried out and my body had surrendered to the movement, the first wave of pleasure shooting through my body, I felt the release directly from my cunt, the first surge of my fluid onto the bed. With the next thrust, he tried to pick me up and he began fucking harder, the next wave of my orgasm taking hold and the surge of my fluid harder and longer. I couldn't speak, only grunts and inaudible yells. I felt opened, allowing all of this pleasure to shoot from my body. My pussy which was there but closed was now wide open and housing an amazing cock. I felt his body inside mine, his hands forcing my body to do his bidding. I was being used by him for his pleasure and that alone made me feel sexy and amazing. My cum stopped before my orgasm did, and he didn't allow me to completely finish the ride of my life before he withdrew his cock and forced me on my back. He raced to straddle my stomach and spitting between my tits, he used the head of his cock to move his saliva around and then with his hands he pushed them together engulfing his dick. He fucked my tits for just a moment, and then commanded me to take over. Without his hands on my tits, he could sit more upright forcing his dick to try and pull up, but with my hands pushing my nipples together, I moved them back and forth keeping his dick surrounded by my breasts. In no time he pulled his dick away from my breasts and used his right hand to jack off. With his left he grabbed my right breast seemingly as hard as he could, squeezing it so much that I let out a yelp, only to have him let go of my breasts and grab my nipple, lifting my breast from my body only by it and swaying it back and forth, causing a different kind of pain. All of that was interrupted with the first stream of his cum that launched from the tip of his cock up my cheek and forehead and into my hair and beyond. He grunted as the second spattered against my forehead, and when the third shot came, by far the largest, its force only took it to my chin and neck. He continued jacking off with his cum only leaking from his tip, moving his dick from breast to breast in an attempt, it seemed, to cover my breasts with his cum. He slapped my unabused tit and crawled off me. "Take a shit and then shower. Let me know when your done. Hurry, your client will be here in 45 minutes, and you have to prep for him." Things were moving too fast to question, something I would later wonder about. Why was I just going along with the program when I didn't really understand who I was or what I was doing. I didn't understand the dynamics of the relationships going on, not to mention who the other people in my life were. I did as he said and went to the bathroom, showered quickly, and called him once I was wrapped in a towel with one around my head. "Alright, bend over." "Got another go in ya do ya?" I was turned on. I could still feel the vacancy he left inside me, and I would have loved to have him back inside me. He wasn't large by any stretch of the imagination, but I felt the loss of his cock. He didn't say anything, he merely pushed my back forward and I complied and rested my arms on the counter and put my head on them, forcing my towel to fall open and my tits to dangle in the cold air. I tried to stand up and catch my towel, but he help me in place more forcefully. I couldn't see what he was doing, but as soon as I tried to turn around and see, I felt it. He had something against my asshole. It was large cold and plastic, and before I even had a chance to say anything, he was pushing it inside me. My ass naturally resisted at first, but then he pushed past it and I thought my ass was going to rip in two. There was an intense pain at the entrance to my ass, but the feeling inside me wasn't pain, it was simple discomfort. The pressure was very intense and at first I couldn't move. "Don't squeeze. Relax." I couldn't imagine anyone relaxing with that inside them. Amazingly that was my only thought, not 'who the fuck is this that is putting this in my ass,' or 'why is he putting this in my ass.' After a few minutes, the pain did go away, and as I relaxed, the filling feeling did not go away, but it was less and less uncomfortable. "You ok?" "Yeah. Just strange." "You'll thank me later. Let's get you dressed." I walked, or should I say waddled into the bedroom and saw that he had changed the sheets, cleaned, and laid out what was obviously what he was going to have me wear. I looked at it and started laughing. "You think I'm going to wear that? There is no way I can fit in that let alone cover anything with it." He looked at me and smiled, then slapped me across the face. It wasn't hard enough for me to fall down or leave a bruise, but I knew he meant business. "Now put it on and stop with the back talk. Hurry, you have to dry that hair and get makeup on." I did as he said. I pulled the panties on first, the thong held back by the large anal plug I had in me, but hugged my pussy tight. I then looked at the top and wondered how I was going to get it on. It was stretchy fabric, but it did have underwire for support which I was thankful for, but there was no way I could get it over my breasts. I stepped into it and pulled it up onto my torso. I got my arms through and pulled each breast up and into place. Amazingly, the top supported the weight of my chest, although you could tell the straps were doing all they could. It was clearly not my size. I hadn't looked, but my breasts spilled out of the top and the underwire was pushed away from my body because of my size. He came back in the room. "Beautiful. Now dry your hair and put on that robe. I will let you know when he is here. Light some candles, you know the routine." I dried my hair and combed it straight. I put in some volumizer to give it some shape, and then looked in the mirror. I was something to behold. My skin was a bit too pale in my mind, but against my blond hair, it wasn't so bad. I wasn't red-head white, but it was getting close. I lifted the top from my belly and looked at my flat stomach and then turned to study my generous ass and wondered how in the world I got so lucky. I knew many women that would have died for my ass or stomach and I had them both. My boobs on the other hand were a different issue. I lifted them and let them bounce in my hands. I needed a reduction. They were just too big, but they were also part of me. This was always the problem. Clothes don't fit. Back hurts. Bras have letters in the size that are too far down the alphabet. There was a light knock on the door and then it opened slightly and he announced that he was there. I quickly lit the candles around the room and hit the lights, then lay down on the bed facing the door. The lights provided just enough light to see, but enough darkness to hide in the moment. For some reason I didn't question what was happening. I didn't ask myself what was going to happen, because it seemed that even questioning what was going to happen was something I couldn't do. I didn't exactly know what was going to happen, but then again these weren't thoughts that were going through my mind at the time. All I thought about was that exact moment. Even the idea that they door would open in a few minutes didn't really enter my brain. I knew I had to be in that outfit and on that bed at that moment and that was all there was. When the door opened and a large man walked in the room, I knew that was a situation that I had to deal with. He walked toward the bed without a pause. "Hey baby. Good to see you again. Those titties looking good as always." He was large. Very large. He had to have been at least 6'6." He looked like a football linebacker. Next to me he was enormous. He was clearly a foot taller than me, and his hands were big enough to cover my entire face. His broad shoulders and heavy chest were the epidome of masculinity. He started undoing his tie before I made a move, and as he slowed his movements, I took it I should go to him and help him finish the process. I got up on my knees and walked on them to the edge of the bed. He came to the edge and I took his tie from his hands and pulled it apart and then pulled it from his shirt. I threw it to the chair beside the bed and then went back to his shirt, undoing the first two buttons and then looking at him. I didn't say anything, but did smile. I took him all in. He was sexy, very sexy. His head was shaved and his dark skin was an extreme contrast to my pale skin. He grabbed my hand with his and we could both see the difference in size, his looking like an adult's next to a child's. He brought it to his mouth and kissed it, and then put it back on the buttons. I undid one after the other, and half way down, he put his hands out and touched my breasts. He wasn't violent, nor did he squeeze. He simply tried to cover their entire surface with his hands. Failing to do so in one touch, he moved them around, causing my nipples to tighten, my eyes to shut, and my hands to hold onto his shirt rather than continue undressing him. "You want me to stop?" I saw him looking at me as I opened my eyes to his question. I released his shirt and pulled my arms through the shoulder straps and then pulled each breast out of their respective cups. "No please don't." I wasn't doing that to play a part or as part of a job. I was doing it because at that moment all I could think about was his hands on my body. At that moment all I wanted was for him to use my body anyway he wanted. What I wanted more than anything in the world was his cock, his body to invade mine. As I released my breasts to get his shirt undone, his hands found them, and with gentle squeezes and tracing the outline of my nipples, I could feel my pussy getting wet. He released them only to let me pull his shirt off and raised his arms to let me pull his shirt over his head. I pulled it out of his pants, but had to stand on the bed to get it high enough to make it over his head. He waited till I had it just at his hands before he leaned in and put his mouth around my left breast and sucked on my nipple. My knees went week and I jerked the shirt off and pulled my breast from his mouth as I fell onto the bed. It seemed any touch sent my body crazy. I pulled my legs around and sat on the edge of the bed. I pushed him back a bit and pulled his belt off and then, more quickly than I had his shirt, undid his pants, unzipped them and let them fall. I was excited. I couldn't wait to see what was in his pants. He stepped out of his pants and stepped close to me. My chin was at his belly button and he pulled my chin up to meet his eyes. "Baby your sexy as hell. I wanna see those big lips around my cock." He had a deep voice, soothing and sexy, and the command along with the gentle touch was beyond a turn on. I thought for a second about pulling his cock through his boxers or pulling them down, but then knew I had to see him completely naked. As I pulled them down, his cock revealed itself. It was large and still flaccid. It hung, thick and black, inviting and challenging me at the same time. I didn't even get his boxers past his thighs because I was so mesmerized by it. I didn't think about his size or the challenge it might bring. I only wondered what the best position to put my body in to suck him more comfortably. I decided I had to get on the floor, so I pushed him back a step by gripping his muscular thighs and sat on my knees in front of him. I grabbed his dick with my left hand, unable to get my hand around his soft cock, lifted him and put his head in my mouth. I didn't put him all the way in my mouth at first. I sucked on his head to tease him, circled the soft skin under his crown with my tongue. I pushed him deep in my mouth and was just able to get all of his soft cock in my mouth, my jaw pushed to its limit, then squeezed it with my lips, sucked down hard on it and withdrew it slowly from my mouth until my lips caught on the crown of his cock. I kept it there and gently massaged the hole at the tip with my tongue as I looked up at him. His head was back and his hand was rested on the back of my head. I could see his muscular chest moving with greater speed than usual, and between his "oh baby" and "that's some good shit" there were grunts and moans. His cock swelled as I repeated my taking of his whole cock, and by the third time I tried to get my lips to the base of his cock, there was no way I could reach my destination. He swelled as well as got longer, and I struggled just to reach my hand that had taken its place wrapped around the base of his cock. "Suck my balls." I immediately acted on his command. I pushed his dick against his stomach that was no longer than my hand, and licked his balls. With no hair, swollen, they easily fit in my mouth one at a time. I licked them while they were in my mouth, played with them as I jacked his massive cock. Eventually he pushed me away. "Suck my cock one more time before I fuck the hell out of you bitch." I let his dick go and tried my best to go down on him. He grabbed the back of my head and tried to force it into my throat, but it simply wouldn't go. I didn't choke, but when he withdrew his dick, a long stream of saliva fell from the tip of his dick and from my lips onto my breasts and the floor. He pulled me up by my shoulders with without saying a word, he pulled my top down and then my panties and told me to sit on the bed. I sat down right in front of him and he grabbed both my tits giggled them and smacked them against each other and then pushed me onto my back. "I wanna hear you when I fuck you and see them titties fly." With little to no warning he grabbed under my knees and lifted my legs in the air while at the same time pulling me to where my ass was barely on the bed. He didn't try to get me wet; there was no need. I was soaked. He ran the head of his hard dick up my slit once, found the opening and with the weight of his body pushed his massive cock deep inside me. The grunt that I let out was in three stages. His first penetration spread me wide and far beyond comfortable, which caused me to vocalize the discomfort. Mid way through my grunt, as the depth of his entry grew, the pressure inside me felt enormous, as if he was pushing something inside my body even deeper, and finally, as his cock hit bottom, pushing against my cervix, I literally yelled out an "oh god," which interrupted my grunt. My breath was labored and my vagina was on fire. He was massive. I felt like someone's arm was inside me, and a soreness had already started with the sudden penetration pushing me apart. I could feel the plug in my ass more both with the weight of his body against me forcing it deeper into my ass as well as the pressure of his cock inside me. "Just stay there for a second baby," I uttered as well as I could through the panting and shaking. He stood more up right, allowing my request, keeping his cock buried hilt deep in me, but even his slight shift in body caused his dick to pull up more rubbing deep inside me causing my body to have fast shakes originating from my abdomen. With his left hand he reached down and grabbed my right breast, now pancaked and floating on my body. By squeezing it at the base, it pushed up through the opening of his hand, and with his tight grip and shaking, causing my other breast to swim back and forth. With his other hand, it pushed down on my stomach, resting his thumb on my clit and began to rub my clit in small circles. That put me over the edge. I couldn't handle him still inside me as he rubbed me. My body jerked as he pushed against my clit. I had to have him move, the frustration of him still was just too much, but as I pushed against him and he pulled back I thought I was going to die. The void he left as he pulled away was very evident, and it was as if my body was calling out for it to be filled again. His right hand left my clit and found my other breast grabbing it as he had the other. With his thumbs under my breast and his fingers on the top of my breast, squeezing them and pulling them toward him, he began to use my breasts as handles for fucking. He didn't let his dick leave my pussy, stopping when the head of his dick was almost out and then pushed into me all the way. He pushed hard into me, but slow. I grunted and sought to grab him for stability. He pulled out and pushed into me, this time hard and with more speed, "Fuck." I searched for his arms to brace myself. His speed increased as well as his force, every time causing my yells of "fuck to get louder. He released my tits and grabbed my thighs, now resting against his shoulder, and pulled his dick all the way out of me. I looked at him with judgment. At first I didn't think it would fit in me, now I had to have him back inside me. With no notice, he slammed his dick all the way inside me. I grunted and tried to grab him. The force pushed my body back and when he withdrew quickly it made my tits rush back towards my face. He slammed back into me so hard I thought I might split in two. "Oh shit." I struggled to find his body to hold on to. Again he slammed into me, "Oh fuck, oh shit." I was yelling it. My tits were now in a cycle of pulling towards him and flying free and pushing to my face. I tried to grab on the sheets for support. He pulled out, but did not withdraw all the way. He started fucking fast and not as hard, but it did not lack the feeling. I let go of the sheets and grabbed my tits to keep them from moving. I gave into the lack of control of my body movement and closed my eyes and concentrated on the feelings that were spreading throughout my body. I could feel the frustration building. I could feel the pressure. I squeezed my chest harder, trying to control and hold on to that pressure, feel out that frustration, but finally it was too much. I let go of my chest and slammed my arms on the bed grabbing what I could. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck..." I couldn't stop yelling. The orgasm was building and he knew it. When it hit, I screamed. My back arched until it cracked. As I screamed he slammed his cock all the way inside me and held there, put his thumb back on my clit and rubbed hard. I shot against him as the frustration released. As I squirted against his stomach, it felt like all the pressure inside me was gone, but as he started fucking me again through my orgasm, it returned suddenly, only to exit with another shot of my juices. I squirted once more, this time only a trickle and less of a release as my orgasm subsided. "Baby, let me suck you for a minute." As he pulled out of me, I felt the cold air in my opening. It felt like I was still gapping. I turned over and rotated around so I was facing him and he presented his dick against my lips. I took it in my mouth and tasted my juices. His cock was hotter and thicker than it was earlier, and nearly impossible to get much of any of it in my mouth. "Damn baby, you getting ready for my meat in your ass." He had seen the plug in my ass. "Turn over, I wanna get in that throat." He turned me over more than I turned myself over, and he caught my breasts in his hands preventing them from flopping. With my chest in his hands he helped pull me up so my head was over the side of the bed, and not wasting a moment he put his cock in my mouth. He didn't try to go too deep at first. I had no control over his movement, so I simply kept my lips around him and my hands grabbing firmly on his ass to guide his movements. He massaged my boobs in every direction. Having a better angle to play with them now that he was standing over my face, crouching down with his cock in my mouth, he could move them around slowly, inspect every inch with his fingers. Sway them and control their movements. As the moments went by, his actions got more aggressive, his attention span, even with breasts as big as mine, grew shorter. He grabbed them harder, pinched them more. He lifted them but taking my nipples in his hand and jerked them back and forth. It was pleasure and pain, and he was finding the perfect medium with my chest. He obviously liked to see them move, but even that he grew tired of. Eventually he grabbed them tightly and pushed his cock as far as he could into my mouth. His cock pressed against the opening of my throat and met resistance. I didn't gag, but there was the feeling of needing to get something out of your mouth, until he grabbed harder on my tits, to the point of pain and pulled me against him as well as pushed forward. There was almost a "pop" as the head of his cock pushed past the ridge at the back of my throat, and I thought I would choke. I loved sucking cock. There was something wonderful about the feel of a dick in your mouth, but this wasn't sucking. This was getting your face fucked. He knew he couldn't stay in my throat and pulled back almost as quickly as he had entered and I very nearly threw up as he exited my mouth. Even so, a massive about of thick saliva went all in my hair, dripping off his cock, as he pulled it from my mouth. "Damn bitch. I got that thing in their, but we ain't doin' that no more. Shit hurt. Bend over and let me get in that ass." I wasn't looking forward to getting that dick in my ass, but compared to what just happened, I figured it couldn't be worse. I had gone from so turned on I could barely contain the frustration of my body to being completely turned off with him trying to fuck my face, so I figured, going into my ass getting fucked, that I would be the good partner and let him finish and get done. As I turned over, he went to the bedside table and grabbed the lube that I didn't know was there until that very moment. When he returned I looked over my shoulder and watched as he pulled the plug from my ass. It left with no problem, not even the slightest discomfort, and if my vagina had felt open before, I felt as if there was a void so large in my ass that you could have filled it with a two liter bottle of soda. He dropped it on the bed beside me and squirted a large amount of lube into my open asshole. He then put his left hand under his dick and with his right hand squirted almost the remaining contents of the lube onto his dick and his open palm. He rubbed it around his dick until I could clearly see he was covered. So much so that it dripped everywhere, and in what seemed like an attempt to not loose a drop of the lube, lined his cock against my ass and with surprisingly little resistance pushed his dick into my ass. It felt amazing until he got about half way in, and then there was a pressure that was beyond overwhelming. He could fell it too, so he stopped, but after only a few seconds it lessened and he pushed forward again. He continued in that fashion until his entire dick was inside me and he rested his body against my ass. I was close to panting. I thought I would feel like my ass was going to rip, that had been my fear, but instead the overwhelming feeling that was hard to deal with was just the amount of pressure I felt inside me. To his credit he stayed still. He must have felt me loosen because about when it became bearable, he started to move. As he started to fuck my ass, there was something I never imagined that began to happen: I started to feel like I was close to cumming. This discomfort gave way to a growing pressure that I could not control. The pressure brought about an itch inside me, something I had to get him to get to. Every time he withdrew I had to have him hit it, and every time he hit it, I wanted it more. When I pushed back against him, the pleasure of him hitting that spot increased. I felt the size of him spreading me, the force of his fucking cause my whole body to violently shake as his body pounded against my ass. Unlike when he was fucking my pussy, I felt his entire size rather than just the pressure of his pounding. I didn't know how my ass couldn't accommodate him, but it did more than that; it welcomed him. When the orgasm came, it was ten times more intense than vaginally. My body shook, and I could no longer hold myself up. When I collapsed, he grabbed my by the hips and held me in place while he pounded. I wanted him to stop, not because of pain, but because of pleasure. It was hard to handle the feelings that were flowing through my body. A frustration grew with my orgasm that turned into a constant low pulse of pleasure that caused my body to buck and spasm. My arms had no strength; my skin was on fire. Finally he let me go, and pulled his dick from my ass. The void was something I can't explain. It was like I still felt him inside me, but my ass felt the openness of his absence. He didn't ask, he just grabbed my hip and threw me over on my back. He then straddled my stomach and slapped his dick against my breasts. He pushed his dick between my breasts and then with his hands on the outside of my breasts he squeezed them together so it surrounded his cock and started fucking my breasts. He was large, but he still was barely visible as I looked down at the mountain of flesh surrounding his cock. With every thrust the head of his cock poked through, but after only a minute or so he let go of my chest, raised of his calves, and started jacking his cock. Just as my breasts settled, falling to my arms, he released. Rope after rope of his cum shot from the head of his cock. It hit my face and chin, hit my mouth and nose. His cum ran down my cheeks and pooled at the base of my neck. As the shots became pulses, the thick white goo was directed to my tits, specifically my nipples. When he was done, he got off me and stood at the side of the bed. "Now eat that shit bitch." I complied with his order. I used my fingers to push his cum from my face to his mouth and I tasted the bitter saltiness of his semen. As I scooped the cum from my chest and neck, he slapped his softening dick on my forehead and pushed the cum that remained around my face. He didn't make me suck his cock, but as I ate his cum it was all I wanted to do. I didn't have the chance. He pulled back from me and walked to the bedside table and used a tee shirt of mine to wipe himself off and began to get dressed. He didn't speak to me the whole time. When he was ready he turned to me from the door and looked me up and down. "Damn bitch, you are one great fuck. I'm gonna bring my boys next time and we'll really take care of that ass." Then he was gone. I just lay there in a post fucked haze. My body was completely relaxed, completely at peace. I couldn't believe how great that was and inside me I felt the urge to have more. Before the thought could leave my mind, the door opened and my sleeping partner walked back through the door. I searched my memory for his name but for some reason I couldn't think of it. "You got about thirty minutes. Use the injector in the bathtub to clean yourself out and then come back, and I'll have your outfit for you." I obeyed and went to the bathroom, struggling at first to find the strength in my legs. When I got there, I saw there as a sort of seat in the bathtub. It was sort of like a saddle, but on it were what appeared to be two small dildos. The seat had small holes on it, and when I turned on the water, water began to shoot out from the seat and dildos. I understood. I stood in the shower, adjusted the water so it was the right temperature, and then lowered myself on the seat and allowed both to enter me. The water pushed into my bowels, into my vaginal cavity while at the same time water shot from the seat cleaning me. It only took a minute or so before the pressure inside me was immense, so I raised up and felt the water exit me. I cleaned the rest of my body and face, and left for the bedroom once again. I put on the bra and panties on the bed and laid back down on the freshly made bed. My sleeping partner didn't come back in again, not till the end of the day. He didn't have to tell me to wash after each client, or to change into the outfits that magically appeared on the bed each time I washed. He didn't see me after the next three guys came in and I sucked them dry, the two men that came together and fucked me in every possible situation together, the man that came in and pounded away at my ass for nearly an hour, but at the end of the day, after the six men that came in and simply jacked off all over me, he came in just as they were leaving. I lay there on the bed, cum running from my face and chest. Thick globs of cum clung to my chin. My hair was matted with cum. Pools of cum collected in my belly button and the base of my neck. He pulled a chair up next the bed and watched me for a minute as I scooped cum from my body and put it in my mouth. The taste of the cum was amazing. The pleasure from feeling it on my tongue cause my eyes to shut it was so good. All he did was watch me and smile. He started speaking just as I had put two finger in my mouth to remove the cum I had scooped from my belly button, moaning with the feel and taste of it. "Do you remember how you got here?" "What do you mean? Of course, I woke up." "No before today. Do you remember anything?" I searched my memory. I couldn't remember anything. I knew I was me. I knew this all seemed right, but when I thought about it hard, nothing came." "Do you know who I am?" "Of course," I struggled. "Your, um." "You don't know who you are, where you were before today, or who I am. Doesn't that seem strange?" "Well, wait, I'm lost." "Just sit there in that mess and listen very close to me. Don't interrupt. You'll begin to remember as I tell you. You're my husband," "Your husband?" I laughed. "Yes, you're my husband, now be quiet." He paused and waited to see if I would say anything. "You're my husband, and I am your wife. You are inside my dream as we speak, actually inside three of my dreams. I brought you further and further, deeper and deeper into sleep so I could manipulate your body and mind, give you an experience you want every woman to have. You see, you are a man. That body is the body I gave you. Its absurd. Those breasts of yours, no woman in the world would want those things. No woman would have the type of cravings you have. Think about it, you know its true." She looked at me. Studied my face. I thought hard about it and there were things that started to come back. "Alice? Remember? Your Ben? Anything coming back?" Those names sounded familiar. I could make out who those people were but they were strangers. "All I have to do is start bringing your conscious mind back into your present reality and you will remember everything. Remember LA? Remember that little bimbo you were fucking in front of me?" More images started coming back to me. "Remember our wedding day, our wedding night? How you thought on our wedding night it would be appropriate to spank me and stick your dick in my ass? I should have known then." It hit me like a ton of bricks, and she saw it. "See I knew it would come back. Now here is the deal. You are who you are now, and you can't change it. You are in my dream, and I can control everything, and you will be here for a very long time. There is no way out. If you kill yourself trying to get out of the dream, you'll go deeper into limbo and go insane. The only way out is forward, and there will be a time when its over. I will decide that. I plan on having a good life in my dream, finding peace and a partner that will love me completely, because after all, I can make that person." "What have you done? Why this?" I grabbed my breasts in horror. I couldn't believe I was inside this body. I couldn't believe what I had done. How did I not know who I was. "So who you are is now becoming evident to you. That's one hell of a body. How you like carrying those things around?" "You can't do this. How did you make me do..." "Do what sweety? Take that huge black cock in your ass and love every minute or it? You should have seen your face. When those two guys used you as a human pin cushion and had one in your ass and pussy? Or what, maybe your talking about the massive amount of cum you swallowed, had all over your body, or that you scooped up with those lovely manicured fingers of yours and put in your mouth?" The taste of cum was still heavy on my mouth but my thoughts about it had no changed. I was so disgusted by the idea of what I had done, by the taste that lingered in my mouth. "This is what is going to happen now. You are going to remain in that body. You'll be able to go about a normal life, but you will do it as a prostitute. Don't worry, you're a high end hooker. With those tits and that ass and your insatiable desire for dick in your ass and cum in your mouth make you a highly valuable asset. That's what guys want right?" I tried to speak but I couldn't I was trying to come to grips with the situation "You'll stay in this life until you allow yourself to fall in love and then I will let you live a life as a woman, a normal woman." "I don't want to love a man. I loved you. I want our life back. We can work on things." I began angry; I ended by pleading. "Its too late for that and you most certainly didn't love me. If you did, you wouldn't have cheated on me. 'We' are through. Never again will there be a 'We' so don't fight that, and don't try and fight the life that I had given you." "I just won't do it." "Sure you will. See, I made sure that you will be so horny your entire life. Remember how hard you are right now asleep on the couch?" I thought long and hard and vaguely remembered my wife sucking on my dick. "You were put under at the height of a turned on state meaning that the entire time in the dream you are feeling that rush of hormones. It will wane as time goes on, as your erection in real time goes away, but that might be a while. I gave you some magic pills I your drink. What do they say? After four hours contact a physician? Well the alarm won't go off for ten hours, so I'd say you have about half your life time as a woman as a total outright nympho, and I figure we got decades in these bodies. By the time your hormones slow down you'll be so addicted to it, you probably won't be able to stop then though." "I'll just resist. I won't do it." "You won't be able to not do it. Trust me. I made your body remember? Your going to always be turned on and your body craves it. You'll do it, and even if you could resist the urges to do it on your own; I have ways to make you do it that you don't want to see." She paused. "Don't worry. Each client will be different every time. Bad news is that I get to make them, and I'll have fun everyday picking 5-6 johns for you to entertain. I'll be nice and give you Sunday off, and what the hell, since you loved you some big black cock, I'll let you have that 11 incher twice a week. How's that? "So what's next?" I was defeated. "Well sweetie, rest up. Clean that dirty ass vagina. Tomorrows a new day, and lets start your new life, or should I say the first day you understand your new life out with a bang. How 'bout eight or nine gang bangers with massive cocks to come over and play train?" "You can't do that to me." "But baby, I can, and I am. Oh, and you might want to get some lube today. I simply can't stop thinking about Louisville slugger."

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Fourteen and Confused

Brenden was gorgeous in a punk rock way. He had tattoos, shaggy dark hair, and amazing green eyes. He was thin, but had great arms that I would kill to have on me. One day, after school, me and my best friend Kayla went back to her house, which was several blocks away from mine. "Morgan! Did you grab my history book?" Kayla asked me. I shook my head slowly, knowing that after school, by her locker, she asked me to grab her history book because she had an exam after the weekend. She...

2 years ago
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LongshotChapter 17

“You are homo liberas. You will never grow sick, never wither or fade.” Repeating the words taught to us over the thunder of the falls, I raised a wooden bowl filled with ringriver water above Ananya’s head. While Zuri and I had retained Mother’s observances and celebrations, we’d remade many of her rituals. There were no death-defying plunges for our daughters, no endurance marches naked in the cold. Waking the children just before dawn, it had taken just half an hour of walking before...

4 years ago
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In My Mind

This was written by a friend of mine who is a Genetic girl. She wrote it long ago and to her, it had no TG significance at all. It's only since we met that she showed this poem to me and _I_ commented that it seemed very poignant and very expressive of the way _I_ feel as a gal trapped in a male body. I have her permission to post this, and I claim NO ownership of it. Cathy_t IN MY MIND By Jessica Morton. In my mind I'm totally free to live my life and dream my dreams. I can be...

1 year ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos Bukkake

Emma had just stepped out of the shower. She was getting ready for a date with a new man. Well, not completely new. She went out with him a week ago and had ended up giving him a hand job! He was a pig though, because he didn’t help her to get off! This would be his second and last chance to make a good impression. He better perform well tonight!She was impressed with his average seven-inch-long and quite thick cock! Even better was the amount of semen he sprayed on her face! He completely...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 8 What I Did on My Summer Vacation

Mid-June to mid-September, 2004 Summer vacation was fun. With both Mom and Dad having jobs that didn't permit them to take three months vacation, we kids spent a lot of unsupervised time doing whatever we wanted. Carol and Donna had their own social circles, and I socialized mostly with Brent as he lived just up the street from me. We were the same age and had some of the same interests, so that was good enough. We both had plenty of time to kill. I had a summer job working in a warehouse...

3 years ago
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What Would Shakespeare Choose

Having been out of work for over a year now I was becoming a little frantic. I had done everything I had been advised to do by all of the organizations out there attempting to help stem the joblessness in our economy. I had joined self-help groups, resume writing seminars, you name it. No one was hiring a city planner right now, or in the near future. The ones with jobs were not leaving unless they had a job in hand. The ones without were in the same boat as I. It seemed to be a true blessing...

1 year ago
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The Mortal and the Magic Wand Chapter 01 Monday

Hello and salutations. Or whatever it is you people say to one-another. I’ve always found you an odd bunch, always coming up with new words to describe your mundane existence with. I say mundane because of course you don’t have access to magic. Well, most of you, but we’ll get to that. I was about to say that by “you” I was referring to humans, but I suppose technically I’m human too. In the loosest possible sense. You see, I’m a wizard. A natural-born wizard, that is. You see, the ability...

3 years ago
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Lilly Downstairs 3

It had been a wild ride with Lori and Lilly, now she had mentioned her niece coming to visit for a few days. What was the niece coming in for? Two days later Lilly called and said she wanted me to meet Cindy, her niece. I went downstairs and Lilly introduced Cindy to me. Lori was there too. Thankfully there wasn’t any baby talk. Cindy was tall and slim and pretty with full breasts and long blonde hair that fell halfway down her back. Her slim legs seemed to go on forever “Hi Sam,” Cindy...

1 year ago
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The Hidden Chamber

He had arrived at the resort apartment, the stress of his work routine far behind him. The relaxation had immediately stirred his sexual feelings and he had fantasised about every air hostess and smartly dressed female airport worker as they had strutted primly about their duty; the clack of the one woman's spikey heels on the marble floor; her tight fitting skirt and blouse accentuating her blissful authoritative form, the woman in her 40s gave him a sweet smile as she passed – he thought of...

1 year ago
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Disgraceful soft sex with my cousin

This is not exaggeration, this is based on my story of 1993. I feelashamed, cause she my cousin sister. I shouldn't have done this toher. I am from South Tamil Nadu.It was in my semester vacation of my first year, and she was studyingNinth Std. It all started from this point, in the night before mysister's marriage, she looked as if an angel. She is a mediumcomplexion, but...but really beautiful mean it. She was wearing silkblow and the bottom (pattu pavadai). I was instructed to look afterthe...

1 year ago
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WatchingMyDaughterGoBlack Alice Pink 03282021

Alice has a Dad who is a lousy Criminal and is always getting caught. This time a Policeman comes to arrest Alice’s Dad because he used fake credit cards. He’s about to slap the cuffs on him and he tells his Daughter to do “Something” and help him get out of this. Alice who eyes the cop hungrily says “Oh I’m definitely going to do something, but it’s not calling a lawyer. You know OFFICER I would do anything if you let my dad go, I mean ANYTHING,...

1 year ago
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My Condom Drinking Fantasy

Hello all,my name is jack (name changed) I am 24 years and a student of engineering, I am 5’7 weight is 85kgs health muscular body I am bi-sexual I have girlfriend and I also like male cock but I have fantasy I love to eat cum (male sperm) and specially from a used condom, so here is story which I would love to share with you guys. Lets make it little interesting by describing it in hindi, but basically I am a gujju guy. Ye sab tab ki bat hai jab me padhai karne ke liye baroda gaya tha, mere...

1 year ago
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Wild Sex With My Big Boobs Cousin Sister

Hello everyone, I am Deep (name changed). I am a tall, dark, handsome and horny guy. I always find a way to touch my cousin and flirt with her a lot. And because of how good I am at flirting, any girl will fall for me and loves to have sex! Without wasting time, now let’s move to the story. This story happened after the death of my cousin sister’s husband. Before the death of my jiju, my cousin sister and jiju were a happy couple. They have had lots of sex and fulfilled their hot fantasies...

2 years ago
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Friends With Benefits 2

Me and my best friend Mitch were pretty new to this thing we had going on. Some of it is fuzzy, but I do remember shortly after our first sexual experience that I asked him over to hang out. It was night time and we were kind of just trying to be normal, but how are you going to be normal laying in bed with someone who was balls deep in you just a few days ago? So we were laying there in my bed talking,then we started to touch each other again. I do have to say though I love his penis. He’s...

3 years ago
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Me and my cousin

Introduction: Hi, this is just a little fantasy that Ive had that I really wanted to share, and really wanted to know what people think about it. This story involves me (Age-17) and my cousin (Age-16). Sorry but Im not using our real names in case someone in my family reads it somehow. Characters-Calvin (me) Mick (my cousin) Brent (Micks bro) I was over at my Michaels house and we were playing Wii together. We were playing Super Smash. Bros. Brawl. My brothers didnt come with me to Micks...

1 year ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 43 Family Stories and Pride Part 2

We were in the basement playing with the girls when the first of my brother’s kids arrived. The moms had finished nursing their babies so no one was going to have to deal with Erin’s massive breasts on display. I don’t care how good a Christian you are, big tits are big tits! We’d brought in all of the Scrabble boards that we brought with us in the bus and we were divided up with three on each of the three boards. The sound of footsteps on the stairs to the basement alerted us that someone...

4 years ago
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A Masters Creed ndash Author Unknown

As it is often important and often even necessary for one human being to have certainty and a clear understanding of the intentions, desires, motivations, and needs of another, I offer this testimony in trust and sincerity. I am a dominant man. I am just that. I am not dominant because of any superiority on my part. Not because I feel more intelligent or wiser. I am not dominant because of the strength or the mass of my body. I am not, nor would I want to be dominant with all women. ...

1 year ago
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Ayad Prima puntata

Quando incontrai Ayad per la prima volta, per anni mi ero identificat* come un uomo gay, vagamente effeminat*, esclusivamente passiv* su un piano sessuale. Adoravo succhiare un buon cazzo e essere penetrat* da maschioni virili e assatanati di culo. Su questo piano, avevo una sintonia particolare con gli uomini arabi, che impazzivano al pensiero di poter penetrare la mia "vagina posteriore", come la chiamavo io. Ayad non era da meno da questo punto di vista. Iracheno ma emigrato...

2 years ago
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The Anomaly Volume Three Into the UnknowableChapter 20 Intrepid 3756 CE

Although Captain Kerensky thought otherwise, the one person on the Intrepid who more than any other was a mere spectator since the Intrepid entered the Anomaly was Beatrice. And she was also imprisoned within an invisible force field where she was unable to communicate with either human or robot. Beatrice witnessed the same Apparitions as everyone else, but they meant little to her. A charging buffalo stormed towards the villa churning up the lawn as it did so. And then it vanished. A small...

3 years ago
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A Day With Rohini

Hello everyone this Banner, 24yr old. Fun, caring and full of naughtiness and madness. ????   My queen here is Rohini (name changed). First I would like to ask her to forgive me, please, and also to you people if there is any mistake in the story!   About her… she is marvelous, awesome, true goddess and beautiful. She is the true seductive….I still crave for her. She is really good at teasing. She had a massive figure to worth die for…   Coming to story, this day was something which I can’t...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Kianna Dior Busty Cum Slut 9 Sc 9

Poolside, bodacious, buxom MILF Kianna Dior shows off her lusciously big tits in a string bikini. The long-haired Asian-American temptress oils up her massive knockers and masturbates her horny snatch. Supremely hung stud Damion Dayski feeds his big Black cock to Kianna for a drool-drenched blowjob. Moving inside, he rails her cunt doggie-style on the white, vinyl couch. Damion thrusts his 12-incher into Kianna’s ample cleavage for a wild titty fuck captured POV-style. He fucks her twat...

1 year ago
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Story of My Unfortunate Life Chapter 9 Part 2

"You're crazy Sero! You know that, right?" Ulrich shouted to Sero. Ulrich was angry because he is unable to help the group with his katana. "Let him have some fun, he doesn't get an opportunity like this often." Aelita said, watching Sero as he slowly thinned down the swarm. Odd was having some fun, taking potshots at the giant mass surrounding the Way tower. Moments later, the remaining Hornets fled, puzzling the group. "Where did they go?" Sero said, landing near the tower. After...

2 years ago
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Sweet Melissa and Sour SarahChapter 28

Using Melissa's spoken directions, Sophie steered through Des Moines. They ended up in an area full of large industrial and warehouse buildings. A moderately sized stand alone building on a corner surrounded by asphalt for parking gave its name on a sign over the main entrance: "Q Tease—A Gentleman's Club." "I had a suspicion," Sophie sighed. "A suspicion?" asked Melissa. "Worst fears confirmed?" Sophie gathered herself to go. "Wait." "What for?" "Just wait here. I'll be...

3 years ago
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Behind Iron Curtains 8211 Part I

Hello readers After a long long time i am back after a lot family affairs and separating from my hubby At this time i am not writing my own story but i got an mailed story by (MOHINI) name changed so her story in her own words ,,Readers can give me feedback at my mail address and lz only females send me there stories Sorry to males my E.Mail address is… Hi..i am Mohini 21 from Mumbai this story i am going to write is about 2 years back when i was married I am the only daughter of my parents...

2 years ago
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Tale of a Morooka

It was absolute torture. A magnitude of which eclipsed even childbirth. My Jaw clenched in pain, holding back the shrieks of death. Woe is I, Woe is me. "And that is why fiber is really important for staying regular," said Mr. Morooka. I couldn't take this anymore. "Are you making faces Jin," screamed my uncle, "Detention is the least of your worries. I'll have you sleeping outside in a tent. Don't think that you being the new kid gives you any privileges." His giant teeth glared , nearly...

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Filthy Family

FilthyFamily porn! There’s just something about forbidden sex that makes it a little more exciting than the regular action. You know what I’m talking about: sneaking a fuck out in a public, banging the neighbor’s wife, popping an innocent teen’s cherry. If you’re not supposed to be doing it, depraved perverts are going to want a piece. I’m looking at you, Porn Dude readers. Today we’re going to take a dirty peek at Filthy Family, a site specializing in the forbidden fruit known as incest...

Premium Incest Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 22

For Ser Gregor Clegane, The Mountain That Rides, also known simply as the Mountain, things had definitely gone downhill for him. He was alone for a good while, except for Ashlyh, who didn’t particularly enjoy what he did to her whenever he took her to bed. She grunted and winced in pain even now, taking that monstrous cock up her bum. He oiled her bottom before going in, but that was his only courtesy to her while buggering the young maid. She bit her lower lip in her agony, trying to endure...

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Black family and White Slut

Introduction: chapter (4) About noon, I called James. I was still reeling from the night before. Hello James?, I asked. Yes, he answered. This is Dottie, can you talk freely?, I asked him. Sure! he shot back quickly. I wanted to tell you that all the guys cant wait for another session with you, he told me. Thank you, I said. Thats sort of why I am calling you, I told the boy. Really! he said. Yes, I have been thinking of your beautiful black cock, fucking my ass. My cunt is wet now just...

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A never forgotten experience

Planning the trip was not easy. We had to travel to Canada from Malta. Quite a long trip for us. I did know at my father had tting with his friend from there, but little did i know that there was more to it than simple chatting. A week prior to the trip I managed to get my hands on some very curious photos. I knew that his friend is a co-worker and that work was the primary objective of this trip. These curious photos as you may have imagined showed a curvy women with a stunning body. The face...

1 year ago
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Nora The Second Chapter

I would suggest you read the first chapter of Nora, to fully enjoy this one. He woke when he felt her hand slide down his belly to his morning wood. His cock jumped and grew more as her long fingers wrapped around him and began stroking. Oh no, he thought, it was going to be his way on their last morning together. Phillip rolled Nora onto her back, forcing her to release her hold on his cock. His mouth sought hers hungrily, pushing his tongue in to dance with hers. She answered his kiss with an...

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Our Night On The Town Part 1

Over the last year or two my wife has become friends with a very pretty young woman. They've known each other for years but it's only been the last couple that they've started hanging out, etc. Her new friend has "shaped" my wife. She's taught her a bunch about hair care, make-up, fashion, etc. My wife use to look alright (nice body) but had a conservative librarian-type look. Not anymore! She's fricken' hot! Well, around the time of her newfound self she also started listening to her friend's...

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Vandal Hearts Ch 05

Rhine Bridge A LIGHT EASTERLY BREEZE BLOWS in and hits the old wooden bridge causing it to sway slightly. It creaks a little from the movement and the sound can be heard just over the soft gurgling of the steady flow of the river below. ‘These kinds of bridges just aren’t safe,’ Huxley the priest complains as the group approaches the wooden bridge. ‘C’mon,’ Diego waves passing the old man. ‘I’m going anyway.’ ‘I’m not so sure about that,’ Clint says raising a finger toward the opposite end...

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