Unknown WarChapter 5 free porn video

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“Boss! Boss!” A guard ran in breathing hard.

I was leading the harem plus three guards in some advanced training.

“Boss, we got trouble!”

That had everyone’s attention. I looked around, “Back to work!”

I pulled the guard aside, and was getting ready to ask when I noticed one of the harem girls paying close attention.

I turned and looked at her. “If you don’t want to train, go fill up the water skins.”

Dutifully scolded, she grabbed the water skins and left.

I looked at the guard. “Well?”

“Bunch guys on horses headed here.” He stood up straight, proud, message delivered.

“How many is a bunch?”

Now the guard looked nervous. “I don’t know numbers sir. Sorry sir.”

I looked at him. “Make sure you find someone to teach you numbers and writing in your off time, I don’t like my people being dumb.”

“Yes sir”

“Tell whoever is at the barrier, that I said for them to keep the horses between the barriers. And invite the people inside, up here.” waiting a few seconds, “Repeat the message back to me.”

“Tell whoever is at the barrier to keep the horses between the barriers, and invite them inside.”

“Good. Go.”

He took off at a run.

I got the group’s attention. “Clean up a little bit, but don’t go far. I want you here and sitting around relaxing, when our guests arrive. Harem, I want you looking like a harem. You three guards I want standing at the back there. Go! Hurry up!”

I dare not call the man a tailor, maybe leather worker is good. Anyway, the man did a good job with my outfit, and I had him do ones for my shadow as well. You could tell they were meant to be multicolored, and not shirts and pants made with scraps, because all the patterns were the same. It wasn’t the greatest camouflage pattern, but it was damn good for what he had to work with. I mentioned to him that I would like the patrols to start wearing similar, but that it was up to them. I hoped them seeing me wear it, they would want to emulate me.

I was sitting on my throne looking at the different harem girls, they may have gone too far. A couple of them were eye fucking me while playing with their pussies, and I was starting to get hard. I was about to admonish them, really I was, when our guest arrived. A quick scowl at them would have to do.

Six men walked around the corner into the room, escorted by two guards. My normal two guards moved in the room, either side of the door and went to parade rest, while the escort left. I recognized Will, from the meeting with the spies. They all had weapons in their belts, but weren’t carrying anything large. They were paying close attention to my harem sitting around. A quick glance told me they had at least covered up some and stopped masturbating, but their sweaty bodies from working out, left them shiny and attractive.

I waited at my throne for them to make their way to the middle. I interrupted their ogling. “Will! I didn’t expect to see you so soon. Has it been a little over a month?”

Will looked uncomfortable. “Ben, glad you are well.” He gestured to his left at one of the men still checking out the girls. “This is Thomas. He speaks for our chief.”

Thomas was a younger man, a good build and a charming smile as he looked at the girls. His clothes had no salt stains on them, like Will and the other four.

When he looked away from my girls, his demeanor changed, all business. He looked at Will. “This him?”

Will nodded, “Let me introd-”

Thomas cut him off. “I heard you, the slave’s name is Ben, and I assume” He looked at me “he thinks he is now Chief of Flo’rence.”

My three guards started moving forward, but I held up a hand holding them back. Thomas smiled watching me.

I smiled, and pointed at the girl he had been looking at. “Harriet, come here sweetie.”

Thomas smiled again, closely watching her approach.

“Harriet, kill this man slowly, I want to hear him beg for mercy.”

Thomas laughed out loud, a big laugh. Will took a few steps back, directing the others to do so as well.

Harriet just smiled and did a curtsy and bow mixture thing, that had me looking at her tits.

She turned and kicked him in the balls, which brought his head down to shoulder height for her. She just started wailing on the side of his head with open palm strikes, so many it was a blur. His legs went out and he collapsed.

I got her attention. “Harriet, he can’t beg if he is unconscious.”

Harriet looked torn. “Sorry sir” she replied in her sweet feminine voice.

Thomas was recovering and managed to stand, he looked pissed. He pulled his knife and started forward.

I couldn’t see Harriet’s face, but I could hear it in her voice. She did something with her top, showing her tits I assume. She spoke in a sweet sexy voice. “You wouldn’t stab me would you?” Her arms were continuing to move, maybe playing with her tits? “I like it a little rough sure, but you wouldn’t hurt me right?”

Thomas’ face went from angry to blank as he stared at her tits.

When she got close enough walking up to him, she kicked out at his knife hand disarming him, that snapped him out of it. He grabbed her with the other hand, she took the grab, locked up his arm, hip threw him over her, but maintained the arm, it was twisted pretty good. She stepped over his arm with one leg and sat down, hyper-extending his elbow. Thomas screamed.

“You shouldn’t grab a woman unless she invites you to, that is what you get.” Harriet was topless, but talking like a mother to a child. She walked towards his legs and started crossing them. She stepped into them, and with a shift of her hips, he was on his back screaming again. She was using his own leg to hyper-extend his other leg. She looked at me and nodded.

I walked over looking down at Thomas. His head was beet red from strain and pain, and one side had a more pinkish tone where he had gotten hit so many times. I squatted down over his head. He would scream every time Harriet moved or applied a little pressure.

I didn’t see it, but there was a brief scuffle and a thump behind me. I turned to see Blossom standing over an obviously dead man.

Looking at Thomas, “Thomas? Can you hear me?”

His eyes popped open, filled with rage. He went to grab me with his one working hand and arm, so I put it in a wrist lock, and broke his first finger. After his screaming died down, I broke the next one.

“Thomas? All you have to do is beg for mercy, and I will stop.” I broke another finger.

He started crying, balling really. “Please stop. Please, please stop.”

“Thomas, use my name when you beg. Thomas? Use my name.” I broke his last finger on that hand, and grabbed his thumb.

Still crying. “Please Ben, please Ben, please stop Ben.”

I looked at Harriet and nodded, she released him, and so did I, standing up.

He curled up on his side continuing to cry like a baby.

“Thomas, you stay there until the grown men are done talking. You hear me?”

I heard a blubbery yes, between sobs.

I looked at the door guards and called one over. “If he tries to get up, stick your spear through his neck.”

He was white as a ghost, but he nodded.

I sighed. Turned and walked back to my throne, sitting down. I looked at Will. “Will, talk to me.” I added a tone of warning. “When we last spoke, I thought we had an understanding.”

Will was calm, and stepped closer within easy speaking range. His remaining guards didn’t move. “I am sorry Ben. I tried to warn them, but they didn’t listen. I told them you had a good head, and your people were the toughest I ever seen, but they didn’t listen. I-”

“Just a second Will.” I looked at Harriet. “Harriet? You did a wonderful job.” She smiled. “You are very beautiful Harriet.” She smiled bigger and started to blush as everyone turned her way. “Harriet, please put your top back on? You are very distracting.” That got a few laughs.

I looked at Will. “What was he talking about, what don’t I know?”

He looked conflicted, and was looking down organizing his thoughts. When he looked up I could tell he had made a decision. “We had an agreement with the previous chief here. He was to provide slaves to us twice a year, and in return, we would let him rule. Our chief sent us here to make the same deal with you, or bring back twenty slaves.”

Interesting. “By telling me this, I assume you don’t want your men to die?”

He nodded. “Yes”

“Will, you are in a dilemma then. If your Chief won’t listen to you, what makes you think he will listen to me? If you go back without slaves, are you going to tell him you made a deal?”

“Then it is possible I can go back with slaves?”

“No, the question is if you go back without slaves, or you don’t go back.”

He looked defeated. “I don’t know then.”

I sat thinking for a few minutes. I don’t really want a war to both my north and south. It seems like it is unavoidable though. I will have to deal with Cincinnati first.

“Will, I have to admit, I am tempted to take fifty of my men and just go wipe you out.” One of his guards started to react, but I held up my hand. “But I am willing to give your Chief one more chance to be cordial with me. If you want to live through the next year, you and your families, I recommend you act like Thomas, and beg him crying on the floor, until he listens.”

I stood up. “Listen up! My borders are now closed to you, and I will be watching. Any that come over, as soon as they step off that bridge they will die. Any I have to kill, I am going to send my sneak squad over and kill that many again. So if you send ten men, I am going to kill those men, then sneak across, and kill ten more. Do you understand that my borders are closed?”

Will swallowed, but nodded.

I continued. “If one of you wants to speak to me, come halfway across the bridge and wait half a day. My people will approach, and bring me back a message. I will do the same. You have any questions for me?”

Will shook his head. “No Ben. I think you are being reasonable and fair.”

“Good, because I want two horses. I think my people will have a small feast tonight.” I said in a warning tone.

Will just nodded.

“Will, have your men take care of the trash, and then walk with me.”

He nodded again, then turned giving orders. Once they left with Thomas and the dead guard, he turned to me.

I just looked around. “Alright, no more slacking off, get back to work!” I grabbed Will and headed out.

Once outside the door, I started. “Will, I like you, you have integrity. You told me the truth, knowing what it could mean. I would never ask you to betray your people, but I will be honest. I think you have a better head than your Chief, and if you want the job, I will help you get it. My sneak squad is very good. I only have one stipulation for my help.” I stopped and waited for him to stop. “If I help you become Chief, and you ever have a problem with me, you promise to come talk to me before doing anything violent. Can you live with that?”

“Ben I can live with that, but I will never want to be Chief.”

I nodded. “You say that now, but wait until your Chief does something stupid, like come after me. He will put your family, and your men at risk, for no good reason.”

I walked out with Will, and grabbed a cook when I went by the dining hall. Out by the barrier there was a small concentration of guards, just watching what was going on. Will’s people were a little nervous, but mine were very calm, mostly because they were clueless. Two of the horses were separated from the others, and I just grabbed their reins and handed them to the cook. The rest of his men lead their horses outside the outer barrier, mounted up and left.

The cook was looking at me like I was crazy.

I looked back at him and smiled. “Tell Marv we are having a feast tonight, fresh horse.” I turned and walked away.

Jimmy caught up with me, with a questioning look. “Get the leaders in my office, and I will tell you all at once.” He just nodded and left.

The meeting didn’t take long. We needed to close down one LPOP and move it closer to a bridge, then add another. I also wanted local patrols to find and remove any scouts, and keep patrolling until the LPOP’s were set up. I also wanted a patrol from Hector to go east along the river, and keep track of how many bridges were still up.

That night laying in bed, I turned to Blossom. “What you did today was perfect, exactly what I wanted.” She just squeezed me in the dark. “Sometimes when you kill a person, later you feel guilty about it. That feeling will never really go away, but you learn to rationalize it better as time goes on.” I put my arm around her and pulled her tight. “You protected me, and you saved the lives of all those men, you should be proud of yourself.” I let it drop, this is something she will probably have to figure out on her own, just like I did. No amount of training can prepare you for it.

The next week was pretty boring, well not exciting I should say. My only real respite was my three days a week training. I could really lose myself training, and a whole day would go by in moments it seemed.

Sitting at dinner one night, I had a bit of a shocker. Well two shockers, not really, just one. Edna and Paul sat next to me like they do most nights. Edna is shy when you first meet her, but once she gets comfortable around you, she opens up. By opening up, I mean she doesn’t stop talking. I had to actually watch her one night, because I didn’t believe she actually ate at dinner, she talked that much. I had learned her speech patterns well enough, that I didn’t actually need to listen anymore. I could tell by the pattern of speech and inflections she used, when and what I needed to say to keep her happy. So I could go about my night eating in peace, just saying the appropriate “yeah” or “unbelievable” and she stayed happy. Paul noticed what I was doing, and was very impressed. He told me later, that he tried it at home once, and got the snot knocked out of him for it. So she might just let me do it, because I am the Boss-man.

I was sitting there ignoring her like usual, when she grabbed my arm. She usually doesn’t touch me, even Paul noticed. I looked at her.

“Ben, I said Merdy and Jeffrey are getting along really well.”

I played back her monologue in my head, and that sounded familiar. I just nodded. “That’s good Edna.” I went back to eating.

She still had my arm, but now she squeezed it and pulled it towards her. “Ben pay attention to me for once.”

I stopped eating, and turned my body towards her. “Is something wrong Edna?”

“No. Nothing is wrong Ben, listen to me. Merdy and Jeffrey are really getting along. All during sign class today they stuck together sneaking smiles at one another.”

I nodded and smiled. “That is good Edna, I would rather them get along than not.” I went back to my food.

“Ben!” She hit me! All the tables near us went silent.

I stopped eating again, and turned towards her. “Edna?”

She was blushing big time, since she had half the room looking at her. “I’m sorry, but you need to listen to me.”

I forced a smile. “I’m all ears Edna, what would you like to tell me.”

She leaned real close and whispered, “Merdy and Jeffrey are really really really getting along together.”

I grabbed Edna’s head and kissed her on the forehead. “Edna, I am happy for them. Can I finish eating now?”

“But! What if they...” Her blush actually got darker.

“Have sex Edna?”

“Shhh, Yes!” she whispered.

I smiled, and leaned in real close, and whispered. “Then I hope he does a good job!”

I laughed as she punched my arm. I could see her thinking about it, then she hit me again.

I had started eating again, when she pulled my arm again. “Ben, what if she gets pregnant.”

That was it. That was the shocker that ruined my night. I didn’t care if Merdy got pregnant, didn’t care in the least, but what she said, turned my brain back on, and it was a shock. I looked around, and sure enough, there were two pregnant women in the room with us. It had completely slipped my mind. We have had birth control since before I was born, then pills became super popular in the 80s. The pills only improved, then they had the yearly things. Then my wife went through menopause, and it never touched my brain again. How many women have I blown my load in since I got here? How many times have I blown a load in one of my shadow.

Edna must have seen some of the emotions that crossed my face, because she looked like she wished she hadn’t told me. I patted her leg and told her, “I am sure their children will be healthy and beautiful Edna, will you excuse me?” I got up and left.

In my room, I sat on the bed, and pointed at the floor in front of me. All three of them went to their knees, sitting on their haunches. Just RIP the band-aid off! “Are any of you pregnant?” I asked and held my breath.

The three of them looked at each other and then at me, they all shook their heads.

“Are any of the harem pregnant?”

They shook their heads again.

I exhaled. Wait, none of them? Am I shooting blanks now? That doesn’t make sense, unless ... I have never gotten a girl pregnant to my knowledge. What if I have always shot blanks? Why did this never cross my mind before now? I collapsed backwards onto the bed. What a mind fuck!

I lifted my head up and looked at the girls. “Get up here and make me feel loved.”

They wore me out, making me forget my problems. In fact I almost felt used, which made me smile. Then Buttercup had to go and ruin it.

She had cuddled up to me, and was drawing doodles on my chest I think. “Do you want us to get pregnant?”

I think I could feel three sets of eyes boring into me at that moment. “I don’t know. I have been alive over sixty years, and I have never had a kid of my blood.” Which made me think of something else. “Are you girls doing anything to stop yourselves from getting pregnant?”

Three no’s was my answer.

“In that case, I am not sure I can have kids. If it happens, it happens. I can’t stop it anyway, unless I stop fucking you three, and that aint happening.”

Bubbles spoke up. “I hope you make me pregnant, I want to carry your child.”

“Bubbles, if you still want a kid after ten years, I will make sure you get pregnant. If not by me, then I will find you a good man to be a father. Now lets get some sleep.”

I have no idea why, but all three of them were extra randy the next day.

Our smithy was up and running, well sorta. No one came forward with knowledge how to work with metal. The only thing I really know is that different metals require different amounts of heat. We had three come forward wanting to learn, and two of those quit on the first day after dealing with the heat. The last guy I sat down and gave him every bit of knowledge I thought might be helpful. Then I gave him some tasks, goals really, and let him go play. Making charcoal for it was nearly a full time job, so I gave him the deadline of the first snow to make something useful. The first week or so he played, he would come to me asking for clarification on this or that, usually I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about. Eventually he stopped asking, thank god.

The next week I was getting cabin fever again, and decided it was time to go check on the LPOPs. I also wanted to go look at the airport, Hector said there wasn’t much useful there, I found that hard to believe. The girls kept mentioning Merdy, for this and that, and I kept shutting them down. In my mind I was doing enough for her, and didn’t need to do more. That was all the way up until we were getting ready to walk out the barrier, and Merdy was there in tears. Why couldn’t I have been my normal hardass that one time, I will never know.

I gave the leaders my usual spiel before heading out, with contingencies and battle plans. Larz had made a turn around in the asshole department, and a few of the guards transferred to the prison on a regular basis, one of which could read and write. Larz was dragging his feet for a couple weeks after our heart to heart, so I brought him up on an advanced training day to just watch, I think it made all the difference.

We started out south first on our trek, mostly because I was more worried about Lextown than anything. I had a general idea where the LPOPs were, but had never been there. I wanted to check on them, but I also didn’t want to give their position away in case anyone was around. I guess we’ll just have to see how hidden they are.

Since I liked to travel slow and stealthy, it took us almost two days to even get to the right area for the first one. We found it early the next day, because we happened to spot one of the guards go take a shit. The hide itself was pretty well hidden, and we probably wouldn’t have spotted it otherwise. I watched them for a few more hours, then started towards the next one.

I was always pretty good at land navigation, but even pretty good, without a map and compass, it is easy to get turned around. Pretty sure I had found the right landmarks, I started doing concentric circles, just to be sure. I found the second southern LPOP not because it wasn’t hidden well, but because they were screaming at each other.

“ ... are a couple faggots!”

“That isn’t our job! We don’t take prisoners!”

“I don’t give a fuck, no one will know!”

“I will know! How many times I got to tell you, it ain’t going to happen!”

“Fuck you, how many times I got to tell YOU, that you aint in charge!”

I was able to sneak close enough to be able to tell who was saying what. I had a good feeling that the dickhead here, was our fourth rapist guard that hasn’t left yet.

“I am too! I am the team lead!”

“You are a team faggot if you don’t want pussy!”

I almost wanted to send one of my girls down and back up to see if she would get caught. Who would get caught though, these two screaming at each other. I was literally sitting on top of the LPOP when the one that kept his mouth shut, left the hole. He saw me and froze, while the other two just continued to yell. I just motioned him over, and told him to head back to the village at a run, I wanted a new team here now. When he was gone, I dropped into the hole.

The team lead just stared at me, while the pussy hound just kept screaming. Eventually he noticed he wasn’t being argued with, then noticed the team lead was stock still and staring behind him. When he finally turned to see me, he jumped away from me putting his back against the wall.

I pointed at the team lead. “You know how you fucked up right?”

“He wouldn’t do what I told him too!”

I held up my hand. “First, lower you goddamn voice.” I looked at him hard. “The first thing you did wrong, was not send your runner back for another team the first time he didn’t do as you told. The second thing you did wrong is argue with him, you should have beat his ass. The last thing you did wrong, is raise your voice.”

I looked at the other guy. “You are a dumbass, and need your balls cut off so you don’t have any kids.”

Looking back at the team lead again. “The way I see it, you are either stupid, a coward, or both. I want you to think long and hard on that. When I get back to the village, I want to hear your answer. Now get out of my LPOP and make your way back to the village.”

Once he was gone, it was just me and dumbass. “You still want to go take a woman prisoner, so you can get you some pussy? Because I have four with me.”

He scowled at me. “No, that was just talk. He had been pestering me since we came out here, and I was just talking to get him riled.”

I nodded. “Sure. You will be coming with me and my group, once the new team gets here. We will be heading mostly north, towards the bridges that cross the big river. You follow instructions, and when we get back to Florence, you will have another chance to prove yourself not an idiot. We clear?”

He nodded. “That was just talk, I didn’t really -”

“Save it, I really don’t care. Besides, I am more upset about how loud you talked than what you said.” I turned and walked out. I looked at Buttercup and Blossom, and nodded towards the hole, then kept walking.

About 300 meters from the hole, and into the woods, I found Bubbles and Merdy talking up a storm. Strangely the signing abruptly stopped as I neared. I told Merdy this was a bad man, and to kill him if he touched her. She got a scowl and looked at dumbass, he wasn’t oblivious.

“Hey, what did you tell her?” he asked in a whining tone.

I looked at him. “I told her you were coming with us, so she won’t be able to traipse around naked anymore.” I shrugged.

He got concerned “I don’t mind-”

I held up my hand and pointed at the ground near a tree. After he sat down I squatted in front of him. “Listen to me closely. When we move out tomorrow, we move silently. That means no talking, no stepping on sticks, no dragging your feet through leaves. We communicate with each other with signs, like how I just did with her. You won’t be able to understand until you pick it up. If I think you need to know something, either myself or one of the girls will come to you and whisper it to you. It isn’t up for discussion, or argument. You do as you are told. You understand me so far?”

He nodded.

“Good, you are learning. Now I want you to take this to heart, because it is very important. If you give away our position, knowingly or unknowingly, and get someone killed, you will die next. So if I was you, I would be extremely careful to open your mouth. We will take breaks often to rest and eat, so don’t worry about falling behind. The key is silence, not speed. Am I being clear with you?”

He nodded again.

“Relax around here, stay in the tree line if you need to move around. It will be at least a day until the new team gets here.”

It took almost two days before the new team showed up. In that time dumbass tried to talk to all of my girls. I didn’t really care, if they were receptive to him, then they weren’t mine to begin with.

Two of my shadow rotated out duties in the LPOP, while the rest of us stayed out of site in the tree line. I was bored out of my mind, climbed a few trees, did some short patrols trying to find something interesting to stalk. Blossom spent a fair amount of time trying to teach dumbass how to walk, we will see how successful she was.

My plans for him weren’t set, I had mixed feelings. I kinda wanted him to fuckup, so I would have an excuse to be done with him. I didn’t want to kill him straight out, as technically he hadn’t broken any rules. At the same time though, in this day and age, I didn’t need an excuse to kill him. He could have been telling the truth, talking shit just to rile up his team lead, but I just didn’t believe it. I wish I had sent one of my girls like I had planned, to see what he did.

We set out in the late afternoon, heading east. My plan was to go east and find the Licking river, then follow that north. Without very many landmarks, I was confident I would get lost. If I just stuck to my two general directions though, worst case scenario I would find my way back in less than two weeks. The only real problem is there are a ton of small streams and creeks, and a few larger streams this direction. Being able to discern which one was the Licking river, could be difficult. If I can’t figure it out in two days, we might have to back track.

Now that nature had taken back over the cities, the untouched woods didn’t have the same pull it used too. It was still nice, and gorgeous in a few spots, to the natives though it probably just looked like a slow death. I led us around the worst of it, but we did have to cross a few streams. I found a natural fish trap, with a few big old catfish eating everything washed downstream, they were tasty. Dumbass got an eye full that day, as the girls decided it was time to bath. Since the shadow had told me about Merdy’s desires, it was obvious to see her blatant display of charms. If she caught me at just the right time, in the heat of passion with my girls, I would fuck her silly. I wasn’t going to pursue it clear headed though, just didn’t seem right.

Food on our treks was mostly gathered as we walked. I knew a few things we could eat, but they knew many more than I did. We would take a critter, or add some fish to the diet every couple days, but mostly we ate roots, berries, and the occasional nuts.

So long as you aren’t alone, you don’t really have to worry about predators, they are smart enough to look for an easier kill. Sick animals, and mothers, should be steered clear of, they didn’t act rationally. A few animals are territorial, I mean if you get too close, they get aggressive. If you paid attention though, they are easy to go around, as they are generally not being quiet. The biggest worry out here has to be packs of dogs or wolves, they get ballsy when they are together and on the hunt. Kill a few though, and they will usually wisen up. I would love to get a good dog, I might have to track a pack down and take a few pups.

Same as Unknown War
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Unknown Amir Aunty Ko Diya Sukh

You can call me hunter mail id aur mai ahmedabad ka rehne wala hun agar koi lady gal ya aunty ko mei company chaiye ho to can mail me too to yeh incident tabka hai jab mai ek raat sg highway Ahmadabad par ek raat aise hi tehel raha tha to maine dekha waha kafi cars ake mere age slow hojati and koi mirror se jhank k chala jati.To mai wahi khada hogya and achanak se ek black sedan car mere age ake khadi hogyi. By the way I forgot to tell I look.Handsome as I height of 6ft fair skin and muscular...

4 years ago
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Unknown Waifish Model On Page 53

Unknown Waifish Model on Page Fifty-three Chapter 1 Copyright 2003 by Couture We lay curled up to one another in the hotel bed, Sandra and I. I looked forward to the day we'd no longer have to make do with hotel beds and the occasional foray to my apartment. Yes, one day soon, she would leave her bastard of a husband and move in with me. God, she was beautiful. Her blonde hair was mussed up, as she lay on the pillow. Her face had the tranquil look that only comes during sleep. She...

4 years ago
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Unknown Aunty Ki New Year K Din Chudai Ki

I am Raunit 23 years old from delhi. I am in Businessman and this is my first story in this site. I am reading this sex stories site from last 2 years but today I will like to share my own experience as it was New Year party that was held in delhi. I was dancing with my friends Chalo aapka jyada time na lete hue kahani pe aata hu.ye baat 31st night ki hai hun saare friends ek club me gaye the new year celebrate karne Vaha Bahut bheed thi aur there was many beautiful Aunties and girls. Me jab...

2 years ago
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Unknown Aunty In Train

Hi Friends, I want to share my latest exprience with u happened in train with an unknown AUNTY. Mai sabse pahle apne app ko introduced kr du … Dosto meri age 20 hai aur mai Ahmedabad ka rahne wala hu and Mumbai ke ek college se Engg. kar raha hu. Meri height 6.0 hai meti body ek athletic person type hai .. Mera lund 7 inch itna lamba hai jo ki kisi bhi lady ko aasani se stisfy kar sakta hai. Abb mai apni story pai ata hu.. Dosta bat ajj se 4 din pahlr ki hai 9th november ki mai mumbai se apne...

3 years ago
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Unknown Aunty Make Me Fuck Her

Pranaam, hi hot ladkiyon, sexy bhabhiyon or mere doston. Mera naam ekluvya hai main Mumbai kaa rehaneywaalaa hun mujhe bye chance God ne bohot Luck ke saath bhejja hai kyunki schul or college k friends group k har ladkee ko mainey chodaa hai lekin main aaj ek aisee story share kar raha hun jiss k liya mujhe bahut struggle kar naa padaa that is an angle of my village a perfect Pamela Anderson looking and woman. First, I will describe myself I’m 5.8 inches long with normal body and with huge...

2 years ago
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Unknown father of my daughter

Dear iss readers, i am a housewife leaving with my husband and my three years old daughter in a city of kerala. I am very new to this site but enjoyed many of the stories together with my husband. I am an average looking keralian housewife having brownish skin with large breasts and big round ass. My hubby is a tall man of dark complexion with a great appetite for sex. Recently we read two consecutive postings by one bengali housewife about how her husband allowed a milkman to have sex with her...

4 years ago
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4 years later........ This case has been the toughest on all of us. No leads, no witnesses it just seems like they vanished into thin air! The police chief took a deep breath and continued, "As always there have been false leads, maybe to throw us off their trail or maybe it's just people looking for the reward money. We may never know in fact we may never......" A knock penetrated the room. The chief yells at his secretary for letting people into the building when it was supposed to be...

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After I have finished my morning routine, put on a clean sleep shirt, and I’m done in about an hour. I’m downstairs and there is some light cleaning needed to be done from the gathering he had here last night. Sometimes he allows me to join, sometimes he keeps my locked upstairs. Last night I was kept locked in my room. There are moments after he has sent everyone else home he will come up and spend time playing with me, other times I am left alone listening as the door creaks shut. ...

3 years ago
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Waitressing was my job that I had had since I turn sixteen. My first job and only job. Now at the age of twenty-one I was still waitressing. College had never been an interest for me no matter what anyone told me. I didn't have many friends to tell me anyway. Just one. We were still friends til this day. Triss. I had been a shy and reclusive young girl and Triss had been quite the oposite. She has a boyfriend, and she's living with him right now. I have my one room, one bathroom,...

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Unknown Desire

Neville worked at the Mill and came home at 9pm one evening. He walked through the door and closed it, he never step forward, he just let himself fall against the door and slide onto his bottom. Mary heard the door and walked to the door, to her surprise she found her dad on the floor. "Dad!" she yelled and ran to him, he quickly woke and looked at her in shock. "I'm just tired love. I'm fine." he said and woke up slowly while exhaling heavily. He went and sat in the lounge. Mary...

5 years ago
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Unknown Beginnings

Note-the entire work is not erotic, so if you are simply looking for the sex scene, scroll to chapter two. Thank you for reading! Chapter 1 It was another cold night in Greenwood Vale. While the snow was yet to arrive, everyone could feel it's presence clutching the breeze of the late-autumn air. Lanterns were lit bright in most households, and hearths were ablaze in an attempt to shut out the bitter draft. An impossible task, however. Greenwood Vale is a small village built beside...

4 years ago
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Unknown Knight

This story starts with a birth of a boy who has strange features at birth, He is born with two red eyes and green skin. Yes he is born a Orc, Later in life he grows to be about 7ft 8inches and he is considered to be a strong orc, With a Muscular body and weighing 450pounds, He also a 6 pack and to all the women Orc he is perfect candidate to birth children for them. He has no Mother as she died during child birth his father is gone as in he is missing, He was adopted by another family as a baby...

3 years ago
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Unknown partners

One night while I was stationed in Germany. I was traveling back to the barracks by train. It was late and the train stopped and they told everyone to get off. I was like what the hell is going on, come to find out the trains stop running at night. I was stuck in a train station in a town that I didn't know. It was really cold so I got inside of a phone booth. I was warming up when the local police told me that I had to leave. I was like dam and started walking around outside to stay warm. I...

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Unknown Email Aur Chudai

To baat isi week ki hai jab meri desi hot sex story post huye 1 din nikle the aur mujhe kafi saare mail aaye. Unme se ek mail mere hi seher se kuch hi dur se aaya tha. Yani k dekha jaye to bagal me chora aur sehar me dhindhora. Khair uska naam anju(name changed) hai. Usne mujhe friendship offer ki nd maine ha kar di. Fir kuch der humne mails k jariye hi baat ki.Nd mujhe pata chala ki she is married nd living alone with her old mother.Nd she was divorced from last 2 years.Fir yu hi idhar udhar...

4 years ago
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Unknown Lady Ko Choda

Hey guys Mera nam abhay hai , mujhe story read krna pasand hai , so socha ki apna experience bhi share kru aap sb ke saath , ye meri 1 story hai . Mujhe ladki aur aunty aur bhahbi ko chodne me bhot maja aata hai , me 20 saal ka hu B.Com last year me hoon abhi . Agar koi bhi ladki bhabhi aunty mere sath sex chat karna chahti h ya sex karna chahti h wo log mujhe kariye main apko bahut maja dunga aur apki full privacy ki guarantee . . Meri story kesi lagi uska feedback mujhe meri I’d pe jarur...

2 years ago
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Unknown Lady Ki Sexy Armpits Ne Pagal Kiya

Hey friend this is rounak again …From delhi..And thx all of you kafi likes kiya mere last sorty ko..   So ye story 6th march ki hai…Main metro se utar k apne fat me ja raha tha ..Karib dpoeher k 1 baj rahe honge…Garmi thodi jyada thi main aise hi khada tha stand k pass   Tabhi meri najar wanha khadi ek ladies pe padi jo ki minimum 38 year age ki thi..But fit thi..Height 5.5 and size 36-32-38 thi..Meri dekh k hi halat kharab hone lagi…   Then tabhi ek city bus aayi…Wo ladies us bus me chad...

2 years ago
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Unknown visitor

I was waking from a deep slumber from a nice sensation. Not completely concious yet, almost as if still in a dream. The sensation was amazing, like a blowjob almost, a warm wet tightly wrapped around circle. I kept my eyes closed, hoping not to lose this if it happened to be a very nice trick by my subconcious. It was so real i could even hear the slurping noise. I decided to enjoy it to the fullest so I let my hands go down and push the head down. Feel the throat tighten around my cock as it...

4 years ago
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Unknown Call Se Chut Tak Ka Safar

Hi friends, mere Indian sex stories pe yeh pehle real story h agr koi galti ho jaye toh maaf karma dosto me apne baare m bata du meri height 6″ feet h aur lund 6 inch ka aur dikhne m average hu agr koi ladki mumbai se sex chat ya private sex karna chati h toh mail kare Ab apko borr na karte hue story p aata hu baat baarish k dino ke h mere no. p ek miss call aya mene jb call back kiya toh waha se ek ladki ke sexy awaaj aayi uska naam tha payal name changed fir aise karte hue hamari dosti hui...

4 years ago
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Unknown Threesome Experience With Girls At Night

Hi everyone, im back after a long gap, for those people who don’t know me, I am Praveen 26 years from Bangalore. Readers if you wish read all my previous stories, please visit this link below So lets get started. This is such an saga took over around 2 years back, her name was ramya, she was a friend of my cousin, I had met her in one of my relative function, bubbly girl with little extra curves. After the function got over we cousins of same group had plan to go for a booze party that’s was...

3 years ago
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Unknown Aunty Made Me Escort Boy From Bus

Hello hi, this is Imran 21 years old from kurnool. I am very big fan of iss and I read stories every time this is a time to share my own experience I want to say it true. My cock is medium 6 inch. I don’t want to tell lie in this thing. I have completed graduation and was enjoying holidays.Coming to story this relationship between me and one aunty who met me in the bus.Do comment or reply me in my mail Onces I went to hyderabad and very next day I completed my work and have to return kurnool...

2 years ago
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Unknown Secrets About Anu

Thank you so much guys for your valuable feedback and awesome comment, hope you continue the same in reading all my personal life story at various junction of time. If you what even more adventure while reading this content, reply me by you in this place by imagination, I am 100% sure you will long for those moment in your future good luck. I have already banged anu (name changed) during her birthday party which leaded our way to satisfy her dreams with me while having a chit chat with her,...

2 years ago
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Unknown Waifish Model Chapter 2

Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. (c) 2003 Couture *********** I blinked away the tears welling in my eyes and looked at the cute brunette in front of me critically. She wore white. White heels, white stockings, white g- string panties, white lace corset. The corset was tight and gave her an exaggerated hour-glass figure. Her breasts were pushed up by the corset. Hair that was short and dark, with bangs...

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Unknown Waifish Model Chapter 3

Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. (c) 2003 Couture Waifish Model on Page Fifty-three Chapter 3 by Couture email: [email protected] (TG, MM, MC) When we got back home, the honeymoon was over. He even told me so. He had come home from work and by the look in his eyes, he was furious. "Okay little girl," he said, walking toward me, a looped leather belt swinging menacingly from his hand. "The...

2 years ago
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Unknown housewife ki chudai

Hi myself Abhi aaj mai aapko ek aapni story batane ja raha hun pahle mai apne bare mai kuch bata du koi ldki ya bhabhi ya aunty sex me interested h to muje msg kr. Mera rang gira hai aur dekhne mai thik thak hu body bhi average hai height 5.10in hai and age 36 years aur mera Priya kaam sex hai mujhe sex mai new experiment kafi aachha lagta hai oral sex ko jayada value deta hu mera manana hai sex ka maja jab tak oral karo tab tak jayada hai ek baar lund daal di chut mai to 10 se 15 ya 20 min ke...

3 years ago
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Unknown Lady Ko Family Member Banaya

Hello friends rekha here, apne mere bete rohan arora ki stories to padi hee hogi ki kaise usne puri family ko chudak bana diya ek dusre ke laude ka aur iss baar usne mujhe incist kiya ki aap ye stoty likho jisme aapne apni bra panty ki shop kholi or mujhe kesi nayi chuto ko chodne ke liye mila… To baat kuch esi hain hum log jaab malaysia se ghumke wapas aaye jaab tak barish ka season aa gaya tha or phir aab tak to hum log roz hee sex karte hai…Mein aapko pehle ye bata duu ki mein raand nhi...

4 years ago
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Unknown Aunty In Bombay Mail Train

Hi friends this is Rocky and I want to share my first sex experience happened on 22nd may 2012 in train Bombay Mail. Hua yu ki mai apne family ke sath chuttiya bita ke apne gao se aa raha tha aur hamara reservation allahabad se igatpuri tak tha AC-2 mai. Hum allahabad station pai train ke time se toda pahle pahoch gaye tab maine station pai ek aunty ko dekha jinki age lagbhag 27-28 ke ass pass hogi wo apne baccho aur Shayd apni bahen ke sath thi and ek admi bhi tha unke sath jo uska husband...

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Unknown Intention8217s Of My Bhabhi

Hello everybody I am roan from Ahmadabad .actually this is my first story and I am 18 years old with a fair complexion and good physic.so coming to the story and this is the story of me and my bhabhi having sex in her bedroom and so it’s started last year after my brothers marriage after his marriage he want abroad for his job and bhabhi leave with us in Ahemdabad. Till my brother was there my bhabhi’s behaviour was very friendly to me but after my brother left I did not talk much with bhabhi...

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Unknown Virgin Girl

Hello readers.. Here is Remo, m from Indore mp I am 22 yrs. Old I do job in a Mnc. I m 5.7 tall have 8.5 inch cock. So let’s go to the story. It happens 2 weeks ago that was a Sunday and I was travelling by bus from Nagpur to Jabalpur. As the bus was full of rush I didn’t got set and have to stand. As the bus was ready to go a girl(Versha) came and enter in bus. She was all stunning; she was just 21 yrs. Old virgin girl. Her figure was 34 26 34 which later I came to know. She was wearing a...

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Unknown CoPasenger

This incident happened about five years back. I am working in a private farm. I have to move frequently to different places due to my nature of work. I am well built, 5’ 7’’ of height. One day my boss sent me to Bokakhat from Guwahati around 3 P.M. I hurriedly caught a bus. Half of the bus was full. I took a side window seat to the back side some two rows away from the next passenger. Bus started to move. At the last stoppage of Guwahati, a beautiful young girl got up on the bus. She was...

3 years ago
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Unknown cock

Sometimes having a strange cock is the only way to go. I am good at fucking my own ass with a 7 inch dildo, in fact I love it, but I'm getting tired and want the real thing. So I figured the best way to get what I want is to have it with a stranger.I'm happily married and my wife knows nothing about my other life, it's difficult but working for me. It's Friday night and its time to go clubbing with two of our friends a guy and girl, both hot and extremely fuckable. Before we left home to go...

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Unknown Cock part 2

Well that was the most fun I had at a club in a long time, especially the strange cock that just got done fucking my pussy in the mens room, by possibly my friend who was at the club with me and my wife that night. So we parted ways for the night and went home, when we got there my wife said I'm so horny and dropped to her knees and started sucking my cock. Wow this was good but all I could do was imagine my guy friend on his knees sucking my cock and then on to fucking right there on the...

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Unknown Heir

I never knew my father and my mother was a high class whore. Her clients were the rich and powerful. They were merchants and nobles and ambassadors from many governments. All I knew about my father was he was very powerful. From a very early age I began classes in martial arts and weapons and that was before all the other classes like law and business. I have had good schools and tutors but since my mother was a whore I suffered a lot of ridicule and disdain. I also got into a lot of fights...

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Unknown WarChapter 3

“Gentlemen, let’s get started.” I sat down at my desk, with five chairs on the other side. “Proceeding into the future, this is the format of our meetings. You will each give me a summary explanation of how your world is, related to your leadership positions. In turn, I will provide feedback, to help boost your ideas. Once the sharing session is over, I will go over existing projects, and maybe add new projects. Lastly, I will open the floor for you to discuss anything that pops into your...

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Unknown WarChapter 4

Training continued at a fairly hefty pace, my sense of exposure was slowly diminishing. I cut our training to three days a week, but added the training of the rest of the guard, to the other three days. On guard training days it was broken into three two hour shifts, just after each meal. I made sure one of the three guards in advanced training was available at each shift, and included at least one of the harem girls too. Most times I was present, not for training the guards, but for training...

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Wife Caught Me with a SheMale

It all started out one day I was sitting around in my apartment watching adult porno on the computer. My wife had just left for work. I was horny and my cock was hard so I started jacking off. I was lying on my back pumping my cock hard when I started to cum it had been a week or so since I had any pussy and the cum shot out of my prick like a loaded gun.Some of it hit me in the face and some of it landed on my lips I stuck my tongue out and licked it off my upper lip. It tasted a little salty...

2 years ago
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Jan. 11, 2000Here begins the mission journal of Samuel French. I'm a 19-year oldcollege freshman - well, I'm taking a semester off for this. I'm about togo on a missionary trip into Brazil! I never really expected it, butabout four months ago, a missionary on tour in the US came and spoke inour church, and I really felt a calling - no, a Calling - to gomyself. Nothing like that had happened to me before.When I talked to the church's missions board about it, they were reallyexcited, because...

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Gambling My Wife and Black Business Partner chapter 4

Gambling My wife and Black Business Partner chapter 4 CJ has my lovely young wife Diane in his arms they are both laying on their side on the bridal suite bed he not only has his arms around her he also has his enormous black cock still stuck in her! What has happened to her is quite interesting in that she has gone from a fairly tight pussy to ever so more able to easily except his big black cock! It is starting to become a more normal thing for both, even though she has fallen asleep mostly...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend K Sath Khet Me Sex Kiya

Hello guys myself shanu .. I m 21 years old from Nagpur . mai ek student hu or mai part time job b karta hu . recently I’ve completed my graduation and now I m doing my higher levels education In MCA . so aap logo ka zyada time waste na karte hue mai direct story par aata hu but uske pehle mai apne baare me kuch bata du . I belongs to a middle class family so I can’t afford the expenses regard hotel staying and all. So Maine Jo b kiya apni Gf k sath sab achche mauko ka fayda uthakar he kiya...

4 years ago
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RSOBChapter 12

I awoke to a mouth on my cock and a tongue licking my balls. It was light out, but I had no idea what time it was. I looked down and Sally had my cock secured in her mouth and Bridget was doing a wonderful job of licking my balls and gently sucking on them. Once they realized I was awake, Bridget came up and straddled my face and I began to lick and suck on her juicy pussy. I held on to her waist and began tweaking her nipples as she rode my tongue. As she got close, I brought my hands down...

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Moonlight Family Fun

Kelly is four years younger than me, which of course means nothing in adult life, but it probably made a big difference to the way we saw the world when we were kids. Of course, real life doesn’t always work out like our childhood fantasies. When Kelly was nineteen years old and barely out of high school, she met a guy called Brock. He worked in construction and he came from Perth, but he was working in Sydney on a new high-rise apartment complex, and coming up on the weekends to party with...

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Hitching A Ride With A Trucker

Ann and Will have been together for a couple of years and one evening when he was getting ready to go back on the road he started to tease her about leaving her behind and picking up some strange pussy on the road. Suddenly Ann got this look in her eyes that told Will she was plotting something exciting and devious that involved sex. Both were open-minded when it came to sex and their sex life was anything but dull.“I see you have that look in your eyes, Ann, but do I dare ask what your devious...

Straight Sex
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MIdLife Crisis

When the phone rang it was as if a fire alarm went off. Bolting upright he remembered where he was and why he had slept only such a short time. Ordinarily getting up at 5:30 every morning Pete didn’t ask for wake-up calls. But when he got back to his room after three in the morning he left the message at the front desk. “Jesus,” he said, “what a fucking night.” He didn’t have to pinch himself to see if it were really true; his throbbing balls and chafed penis were doing an adequate job of...

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How we want a BBC Chapter 4

After we had our first meeting with D, my wife was glowing and horny all the time. We fucked more than we usually did. She would set my alarm 30 mins ahead in the morning just so she could wake up and crawl on for a ride before work. She would surprise me at lunch and show up to take me out to lunch - just so she could suck me off. She would wait for me to get home from work and would be lying on the bed with her big fat dildo just pounding away at her swollen pussy. We would spend most of the...

2 years ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Lauren Phillips Fourth Appearance

Lauren Phillips is a Doctor putting on a Mouth to Mouth and First Aid class with three handsome Students. She starts the class off by reminding them what they learned last week. Then she says for Jon Jon to come up and show the class how to give Mouth to Mouth. He tries to put the Mouth to Mouth sanitary cover over her to breath into it but Lauren says “Sometimes it doesn’t work. You have to learn to think on your feet when your equipment breaks – I always prefer to put my...

3 years ago
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A repair man at home First Chapert

Victor was going to fly away from town for a few days. I drove him to the airport and, when returning back home, I found the washing machine was not working anymore. So I called a repair man to come around and fix it.One hour later the doorbell rang and I found a muscled black guy, very tall, young, but not so handsome as I could wish…I showed him our small laundry room and, just less than an hour, the washing machine was working fine again.During the whole time, I had been there chatting with...

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The Night after I Broke up With You

dear Matthewhere is a little story of what i am doing now that you are gone.So me and my Gf from work meet up at the cabo - after work. About 11:30 - I went out to my car and changed into something more appropriate. My black skirt and a nice silky tank top, and my black boots. When i got to the bar, my friend was already drinking - so I asked my bartender guy friend I've been wanting to fuck, for a drink. One two three drinks down, and i was feeling quite buzzed. then to my left I saw two...

1 year ago
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First time sex on a yacht

“Hold the rail – I want to explore you.” he said. I held onto the rail at the front of the boat - I was totally naked, bent over with my pussy on show to the world and I didn’t care – I felt incredible. Invincible. Sexy. And alive. We’d been together a couple of months when Rob suggested a weekend away on his yacht – just the two of us. “The weather looks great Beck. Just bring casual clothes, swimmers and lots of sun-screen. We don’t want any exposed parts of you to burn.” he added with a...

First Time
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Dharma WheelChapter 4

After Zhenzhen and I finished the as usual delicious dinner, both angels and mortals came to welcome me back to the world, so to speak, after my second coma in as many days, this one a pointed attack by Simon. Naomi, accompanied by Tash, seemed to be the last. I didn't think it had to do with coldness, which she could be, or reluctance that she delayed her welcome. I wanted her to be last, and she did too. "Why," I asked her, after inviting the two to sit with us, "besides having Nick...

2 years ago
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Witch Chronicles Christmas Intermission

Here's that Christmas Story I mentioned. Actually I had two other ideas for Christmas stories, but thinking about it, I determined that the story ideas would work better as more fully fleshed out stories, non-seasonally oriented. I was almost going to skip it and move right into Witch Chronicles 12, but this idea popped into my head. There's a lot going on in the Witch Chronicles world not directly revealed in those stories. So I took an idea from the first story and wrote this,...

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Just a SecChapter 32

“That was a rough one!” said Brad Pittman as he and Tina returned to the hotel at the end of the day. They had been in Buffalo for two days of negotiating with a new supplier for molded and cast aluminum beams and blocks being shipped there by barge from Toledo along the length of Lake Erie. The other company’s team had been trying to gouge as much out of J.A.M. as they could. Twice, Brad had almost called things off and left town. But, Tina’s presence in her role for this trip as his...

1 year ago
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Have you ever heard about OnlyFans? Well, if you have not, your world is about to become a whole lot hotter. OnlyFans is a platform designed for creators to earn money by providing content for their “fans”. Now, the content that they choose to provide is 90% of the time… the adult kind! And usually, you get to find some of the cutest and hottest babes from known streaming platforms, such as Twitch or YouTube.Anyway, I am not here to talk only about OnlyFans, as the content on that website is...

Reddit NSFW List
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Friend Turned Sex Partner

Hi, guys and gals, this is Ansh and I come back with an experience which I had with a friend of mine. I am Delhi guy, 26 years old with average looks. Whatever I lack in looks is compensated with my wild thoughts and sex drive I guess. I am reachable on for any females for fun time and for feedback for the story as well. Coming back to the story, I have a friend Niyati(name changed) who’s about 28 and we have been friends for about 2 years now. She’s a bit on the heavier side and is dusky but...

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My First Visit to the Sex Shop

Well finally the day has comeI am so excited, nervous and tremblingI have had a shower and used some of my wife’s less obtrusive perfumeThen get dressedI have purchased some white stay up stockings to go with my panties and camiAfter putting my cage back on after drying my clit I slip on my satin and lace pantiesI sat on the bed I roll on my stockings and adjust them to the correct heightI then slipped into my cami before putting on a pair of trousers and slip on shoesThen my chain was adjusted...

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