Unknown Waifish Model Chapter 2 free porn video

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Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. (c) 2003 Couture *********** I blinked away the tears welling in my eyes and looked at the cute brunette in front of me critically. She wore white. White heels, white stockings, white g- string panties, white lace corset. The corset was tight and gave her an exaggerated hour-glass figure. Her breasts were pushed up by the corset. Hair that was short and dark, with bangs so long they had to be constantly tucked behind her ears to keep them out of her eyes. The sight of her made my heart speed in my chest. I couldn't help but want her. A woman that looked the way she did had to know what men thought about when they looked at her. A woman like that would should have given me a hard on like you wouldn't believe. Why was I crying? Because, the woman I was watching wasn't in front of me at all. I was looking at a mirror. The woman was me. The erection I should be having? The thought made me cry even harder. My cock was collared and wouldn't get erect even if I stopped taking the pills that bastard Phil was feeding me daily. Phil, the bastard, he had caught me with his wife and sought revenge. Instead of punching me out like a real man, he had somehow got inside my head and made me do things - things that transformed me into the feminine creature I now was. Then he offered me a deal. Be his wife for a year. A year and then I was free. I agreed. What choice did I have? And tonight? Tonight was our wedding night and I was the blushing bride. Phil decided to save money, so he cut out the whole wedding ceremony. (Not that I minded in the least.) We went straight to Vegas for the honeymoon. Oh yeah, and I was the blushing bride. And why was I blushing? I was the bride sans dress. "They cost too much and it ain't like you can wear it again," Phil had said. He was impossible to argue with. His powers over me were like a God. "Yes, daddy," I replied. I looked back in the mirror. Shit, my bangs had fallen in my face again. I hated them. I hated looking so cute. I tucked the stray hair behind my ear and then I tried to smooth down my nipples. I didn't want Phil thinking I was turned on. I wasn't. I was only scared, and though Vegas was hot, the room was cold. There was a knock on the door that made me start. Thankfully, it wasn't on the bathroom door. It would probably be room service. Anyway, Phil was in the room, I hoped he would get it instead of embarrassing me further. My hands were shaking and time was running out. I tried to think of someway to get out of my situation, but it was useless. He had me. And tonight - tonight I had a feeling Phil would want more than the blowjobs I had been giving him since he took me from the clinic. There was a knock on the bathroom door. My heart pounded and wouldn't stop. "Just a minute more Daddy," I said, voice trembling. "I'm not quite finished." "It's time Chrissie," he said. "Get your hot little ass out here." He could get inside my head and make me open the door if he wanted. I wouldn't let that happen again if I could help it; the sadistic bastard always punished me when he did. Rather, he made me do the punishing. If I was going to do it, I was going to do it walking like a man . . . in heels that is. "Yes, daddy," I said meekly as I exited. I gasped when I saw the bellboy standing there, eyes gaping, staring at my chest. Breasts. . . my breasts! I kept forgetting. My hands flew up to cover my nakedness. Phil took my wrist and easily forced my hand down. "Don't you start being modest now, you were the one who wanted to get married in your undies," he laughed. The liar! He was the one who had sent me into the bathroom with nothing but panties, stockings, garters, and heels. He shrugged his shoulders at the bellhop. "Women. . ." he said conspiratorially. "Come on, let's do it on the balcony." Phil slid open the glass door and led me out onto the balcony. My heart was racing. I felt like I was out of breath. What did he want to do on the balcony? Why was the bellhop there? Out on the balcony, Phil pulled me close and whispered. "You better smile and act the part or you're gonna find yourself giving blowjobs to every salesmen at the bar." It would be preferable to blowing you, asshole. But, I dared not utter those words. If he wanted, not only would I blow them, I would blow him as well, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. "Yes, daddy," I said, and shivered from the night air or perhaps his chilling words. I hated calling him that, but that was one of the few rules he had given me. Rules I had learned to obey by painful example. "Okay, let's do this," he said to the bellboy, handing him a piece of paper, a camera, and two twenties. The bellboy pocketed the cash and looked at the paper. "Do you Chrissie take Phil Barnes as your husband, to love honor and obey?" The bellboy looked at me with a smirk. He was staring at my breasts. I was a size 32A. Not the size to inspire awe, only enough to be rewarded with a knowing smirk. Phil grinned a shit-eaten grin, leering at me, surely knowing what must be going through my mind. "I do," I replied meekly. "And do you Phil, promise to ahh . . ." The bellboy looked down at the paper and narrowed his eyes, just to be sure he was reading it properly. "To ah- *take* Chrissie?" Phil chuckled. The bastard. "You bet." "You may now kiss the bride." Phil grabbed me and kissed me deeply before I even knew what was going on. I didn't even have time to think about it as I kissed a man for the first time. He put his hand down my panties and groped my ass. I saw the flash of the camera through my closed eyelids. Phil pulled away. "Lock the door behind you," he told the bellboy. "And leave the camera on the dresser." I heard the glass doors slide shut. My knees were weak. I wasn't ready for this. I don't think I would ever be ready. "Please Phil. Please don't make me do this." He spun me around and pushed me against the balcony. I looked down seven stories and the world began to spin. I was afraid of heights. "What did you call me?" he hissed, pushing my torso over the balcony. Shit I had called him Phil. I had broken a rule. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry Daddy." I begged. "Oh God, please Daddy, don't hurt me, I'm scared." "Wedding jitters, huh? Well, just be a good girl and there's nothing to be afraid of." He pushed my legs apart. I felt a finger sneak into my panties and prod my hole. There was nothing I could do. With the ground three stories below and Phil behind me, I was caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. Owww! Jesus the friction from his callused finger burned like mad. "Ouch." I tried to pull away, but couldn't. "Does it hurt?" He kept poking. "Yes." "Then be a good little wifie and say, please Sweetie, be gentle with my cherry." His finger was like sandpaper and he knew it. He was trying to humiliate me. A few people by the pool were now openly staring at me. Luckily, only my head was visible. "Please Sweetie, please be gentle with my cherry," I whispered. "I didn't hear you." He pushed his finger in and twisted. "Ouch!" I winced, my pride rapidly dwindling. "Please Sweetie, be gentle with my cherry." I shuddered, knowing the people below must have heard me. "That's real good. Uh-huh, and it looks like you are starting to attract a crowd." He tapped my arsehole again. Not hurting it, just letting me know he could if he wanted to. "What was this again?" "My cherry." I said it loudly enough to be overheard again. Thankfully, the finger was removed, but it soon returned. This time it was cold and slick. It slipped past my tight defenses, and pressed inside me. "There," Phil said, moving his finger in and out, fucking me with it. "That's not so bad is it?" "Please Phil," I whispered. "Don't make me do this. I'm not gay." "Of course not," he said, causing my heart to leap with new hope, only to dash it away. "You're a married woman. It's okay for us to fuck now." "But - ugh-" I grunted as his finger burrowed in me to the knuckle. "I don't want to." "God, you're tight," Phil said, as he removed his finger. "I can't wait to feel you around my fucking cock." His hands grasped my hips and I felt the head of his cock nestled between the cheeks of my bottom. Involuntarily clenching my arse, I moved closer to the railing. "Please. . . ," I begged. "Please don't." "Kinky slut," he said, prodding me with his dick, pushing me forward even more. "Gonna give them all a show huh?" Several people pointed at me and I realized my breasts were uncovered. I tried to cover them with my hands, but that gave me no leverage to keep from being pushed further toward the rail. I could feel his dick penetrating me and there was nothing I could do about it. I could barely stand and the high heel shoes I was wearing didn't help a bit. I hated this part of my transformation the most- being so weak. "Please Phil, I'm going to fall," I whined. Tears welled in my eyes. "Then grab the fucking rail." "But my breasts . . ." "Those aren't breasts, just little bee-stings. Somebody tell me why did it have to be page fifty- eight?" My face flushed with embarrassment. I hated my breasts too. As strange as it sounds, I wanted them bigger. Phil's one big rule was to never let anyone discover I was a man or I'd find myself working as a whore, strung out on drugs. I could forget about the year's service, it would be that way for *life*. Anyway, small breasts attract the wrong sort of attention when you are someone like me. "Maybe you should ask me to cover them for you," Phil whispered. At last a good idea and while he went to get a top for me or at least a bra, I could get off the balcony and collect my thoughts, maybe even persuade him not to do this. "Please Sweetie," I gasped. "Would you get me something to cover my breasts with?" His hands moved from my hips, along my sides, and grabbed my wrists. I struggled briefly as he sought to pull my hands away from my breasts, but he was stronger. Down below, everyone stared at my lewd display. Phil placed my hands on the rail and used his on to cover my breasts. Not quite what I had in mind, but at least I was covered. "Here it comes baby," he said, and pushed his hips forward. Christ, his penis hurt! It opened me, it kept penetrating me and there was nothing I could do about it. I grimaced in pain, giving a long and drawn out, "Owww fuck. . ." The people watched below. To them I was a girl being fucked - a virgin being taken on her honeymoon. But inside, I was a heterosexual male; my body feminized and chastised, taken from behind by another man. Ugh- Oh God, a large man. A large sadistic black man. "Just relax and go with it," he whispered thickly in my ear. But it was impossible. With something that big invading your ass, the body's reaction is to clench. I couldn't overcome it and each time I clenched, it hurt even more. But he never stopped. Monster! In fact, he lurched faster and faster. His fingers played with my nipples, tugging and tweaking the hardened nubs. They hurt and my ass burned with pain. "Play with your clit," he said. "It will help." At that point, I would do anything to lessen the pain, even play with myself for this bastard. I reached my hand down and attempted to tug on my collared cock. "Ouch!" I cried, as he viciously tweaked my nipples. "Girls don't tug," he said. "Girls finger. Up and down and around and around in little circles." Evil bastard. He got off on robbing me of every last strip of my masculinity. But, hell I gave up, I starting stroking myself. Anything to take my mind off the pain. I followed orders and did my best to imitate what I remembered from watching women pleasure themselves. While I couldn't get an erection, I found that I could still feel pleasure and soon the pleasure grew, emanating from my groin and moving to my newly acquired sensitive nipples and even to my ass. I tried my best to resist, but my body betrayed me by pushing back against him, gasping and grunting as he took me. The bell attached to the ring on my cock jingled faster and faster. There I was on the balcony of a large hotel in Vegas in broad daylight, moaning and groaning while a large black man was taking my ass while clutching my breasts. To anyone looking, I was a thin blonde girl, clearly enjoying what was happening to her on her wedding night. Not just enjoying it, but getting ready to orgasm. Little did they know how much I desired *not* to orgasm. Not like this. And certainly not for *him*. Oh, but no matter what I desired, my body had other ideas. It wanted it. It needed it. "I feel you getting tighter baby girl," he laughed. "You're loving this, aren't you?" "No," I grunted. But, the truth was, it did feel good in some sick way. "You're lying," he said, grabbing my hand, pulling it away from my collared cock, and forcing it back to the handrail. "But anyway, let's talk about something for a minute." God, there I was, penetrated from the rear, nearly naked and on display to the people watching from the pool. How could he want to talk at a time like this? My cheeks burned with humiliation. "Please," I begged. "You want some more of this, don't you?" he asked. "Yes," I admitted, with tears flowing from my eyes. I didn't want to be fucked; I only wanted to go back inside. I only wanted my life back. "You're doing a pretty good job of keeping up with your marriage vows so far," he said. "At least the obey part. But what about the honor part? Huh?" "I don't know." I just wanted back in to the bedroom. "What do you want me to do?" "You're trying to obey again. To honor, you have to think for yourself. Now, I'm gonna finish fucking your tight little puss, but if you want to cum to, you need to think of a way to honor me." And he started fucking me again and as much as I wanted to just let him finish using me, deep inside, I knew I needed to cum too. It had been weeks and by now I was desperate. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction, but I could feel his cock grow longer and harder. Oh, that black bastard, he was going to cum regardless. My resistance and pride crumbled. "Daddy," I grunted, whispering as he fucked me. "I do honor you. Please let me cum." "So you are proud of me? Of your marriage? Of getting your cherry busted? You don't act proud to me. Stuck up bitch. You act ashamed." I was ashamed. Deeply ashamed. I wasn't a girl, but a guy. I wasn't supposed to be the one getting fucked. I looked down at the people below. They were still staring, wondering what was going on up here, wondering who was fucking me, wondering what kind of girl would let someone do this to her. My cheeks and ears burned with the fire of humiliation. I couldn't bear to do it, but I did it anyway. I honored him the only way I knew how. "Oh yes, Daddy," I cried. "That's it. Pop my cherry. Make me your wife." I was dirt. No, I was lower than dirt. I was an earthworm that lived beneath a pig's sty. "That's it bitch, honor me," he said. "Go ahead and ugh - ugh -play with your clit, but you better hurry. I'm ah- ready to cum. Fuck if I ain't ready." He didn't have to tell me twice. My hand flew down. It was a blur as I fingered my cock through my panties, making quick circles. His hands left my breasts and grabbed my hips, as he pounded into me. I wanted to cover them from the leering gaze of the onlookers below, at least my tender nips, but all I could do was hold on tight to the rail and absorb the force of his body colliding with my own. The sound of our bodies slapping together was so loud that it drowned out the ringing bell that was mounted to my collared cock. There was no way the people staring didn't know what was happening. Suddenly, I felt a wrenching surge of pleasure and the pressure in my cock grew as I struggled to cum against the ring that bound me. My cock glowed with pleasure. I came but not like I used to. Instead of my passion peeking in spurts, it just sort of flowed from me. I cried out as my ass spasmed. Cried so loud that the people down at the pool started pointing, mothers hustled their children back inside, hand over their young eyes. But at the moment I didn't care. I had experienced release - glorious sweet release. I felt the cock in my ass swell and then, he must have cum too because it was sliding quite easily now. He thrust hard several more times and then he finally slowed. "Ah . . ." Phil sighed, letting go of my hips. I slid down to my knees on the concrete floor of the balcony. "Shit, you a good lay," Phil said, as he grabbed my nose and pulled me face first toward his filthy cock. What the fuck was he doing? Surely he didn't expect. . . Oh God no! He continued pulling my nose, relentlessly moving me closer to his cock. A cock made dirty by my ass and his congealing filthy juice. "Stop," I said through clenched teeth. "You're dirty." "Think of it as a reminder to keep your self clean for me," he said dryly. "Now do it, or you'll be down at the bar hustling your ass to convention goers." "Plea-mmphh" I tried to beg, but he ignored me, thrusting into my mouth. It was horrible. I wanted to retch, but I somehow managed to finish. "Good girl," he smiled down at me and tussled my hair. "Why don't you make yourself pretty for me? Be sure to use some mouthwash, and then maybe we can go down and do some gambling." At that point, anything would be better than what had just happened to me. I gladly went downstairs to the casino with him. I never got to gamble. Just blow on his dice. In three days, he took me countless times, in more ways than I could have imagined. And that is the story of how I spent my honeymoon with my enemy, my kidnapper, the black bastard who was now . . . my husband. To be continued. . . ******* If you enjoyed this work, take a moment to email the author. Your comments are their only payment. Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyrighted with all rights reserved by its author unless explicitly indicated.

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Glamour Model part 1

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1 year ago
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Slu The Model Returns Part 1

Slut: The Model Returns. Part 1.About twelve years ago, I was heavily involved with an older married guy, who did some amateur photography. He turned this young girls head with aspirations of life as a glamour model. Needless to say I was his model and would pose for him, innocently at first, then as the weeks went by the posing became more and more provocative. I was only eighteen when the relationship started, so I did not possess an abundance of sexy lingerie, Corsets, Basques, Waspies or...

2 years ago
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My Mum the model part four

We were home. It had been a long, and hard ten days. Mum, or rather Linda had been working almost non stop for all of that time. And yesterday I’d fucked her. It had been inevitable We’d both known that at some point we’d fuck. The guy in the shoot couldn’t get it up, so I was picked by the director to step up. Mum had always said we should protect the secret. Secret and lies. My cock had never been harder, her cunt never so wet, her arse so tight. I’d fucked her hard, sadly I was sharing her,...

4 years ago
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A Model for CCs

(This is a standalone story based in the universe of "Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy" reading that first might be advised.) Intro Victor was just a regular guy down on his luck. A month ago he still had it all, a beautiful girlfriend, a nice apartment and a decent paying job working for an accounting firm. The company he had worked for wasn't doing so well though and as a result they needed to let some people go. He ended up being one of them. It was a small disaster since him and...

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The Hairstyling Model II

This is a first-person account of an involuntary feminization, which is fiction The Hairstyling Model II By I. R. Nixon We left the room. Uncomfortable as I was dressed like this, I knew it would be hard to detect my real gender. We approached the elevator and Sharon instructed be to go back and get her notepad off the dresser in the room. When I returned to the room I discovered the maids rolling on the beds in laughter. It was now obvious why Sharon had sent me back to the...

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5 Mrs Wild Jo The ExModel

Jo was an ex-model, forty-eight years old, tall, maybe five-foot-eight and slim. The way she walked, you could tell she was an ex-model.From the investigation she had carried out, Jo was married, with a couple of teenage children. Her husband worked in construction, was of a similar age and was well built; he spent a lot of his spare time at the gym.Despite ageing, from the photos you could tell she still thought she was a someone. The way she walked around that office, from the camera footage,...

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Preface. Some of this story is true. Other bits aren't. I won't say which! The story to date has been written for the past two months and I hoped to finish it off before now. However, due to pressures of work and other stories I have under development I decided to post the first part here - there is a long way to go yet. Please let me know if you like this, or dislike it. You may inspire me to finish it yet! Thanks, Paula Model ...

2 years ago
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Goth Girl Model

Goth Girl Model: How had I got myself in this situation? Here I stood with my favourite black wig on my head trying to look commanding. My eyebrows had been plucked and new eyebrows penciled in. I was wearing my mascara and false lashes and my "fuck me" crimson lipstick. There was a thin line of eyeliner just next to the lashes on each eyelid. Vampire fangs had been stuck on to my teeth. My arms were encased in my black PVC opera gloves down to just below my elbows but my...

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Life model Wife

My name is Kim and this is my story. I am a 35 year old happily married woman of 10 years and we have 3 Children. I am a Housewife while my Husband works his fingers to the bone in a Factory making Car parts. Our Children are aged 4, 6 and 8 so I find I have a lot more time on my hands during the day now our youngest goes to Nursery. To earn some extra pocket money for myself I decided I would try my hand at being a Life model at our Local Adult College. My Husband was a bit strange with the...

Group Sex
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Show model

Synopsis: A high school student, Leena is trying to open an online clothing shop. However she doesn't look that good as a model, and thus asking her classmate Aubrey to model for her. Surprisingly, Aubrey looks good as a model and something changing is happening. ===== "Uhh, it simply won't work," says Leena. Curious with what's Leena's frustrating over, Aubrey approaches. "What are you grunting about? Does your white hair appear again?" "Thanks for your concern, I'm not a...

2 years ago
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My First female model

I had discovered how much i loved photography. Sine i love the female form it was not very long until i began taking photos of my wife Linda. She always was willing to pose and followed my directions so well. This was fine for several years and we took 1000s of photos and had lots of great sex during and after. But our schedules conficted due to her working days and myself nights. Which only left weekends and we were busy a lot and i did not get to do photos like i wanted to do. So i decided...

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The Model 2

The Model by Alyssa Davis At last! Summer vacation...At 16 years old, I'm finally working on my first real job earning my own money. OK, so I'm only working for my aunt who owns a small dressmaker shop. But, it is a full time job, for the summer, and I'll probably continue part-time after that. I had spent a lot of time here playing when I was younger; now she's given me the opportunity of earning some spending money. She's taken care of me since I was born...said I was...

3 years ago
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Evil Magic World 4 The Fall of a Model

Evil Magic World 4 - The Fall of a Model Jenny was a cute teenager. At 17, she was a student to become a model, a formation that was given only to the most attractive women. She had been selected two years ago, and had already gone successfully through two selections. In two other years she would become a top model, and would be affected to the greatest creators. She would be famous and enjoy a comfortable life, with a rich husband and a few children. But this future would be hers only...

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The Sketch Artists Model

Several years ago, when I was a poor college student, I was looking for ways to earn a little money with a side job. I had a part time job in a warehouse, but I was having trouble making ends meet. One day at school I saw an advertisement for models for an art class on campus. At first glance I figured they were looking for women only, but on closer inspection I found that they were looking for adults of any gender. I thought, “Why not? It’s on campus so it’s reputable and it pays quite a bit...

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Model Section 2

Model: Section 2 By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 4: Learning The Part There was a little less than four days until the Clothes Circle commercial auditions and Tanya's plan was simple - when verbalized - but far less simple in execution, "Don't just act like a woman, be a woman. Think of it," she explained, "as method acting. You have to do it to understand, fully." I stopped walking in circles around the room and sat down, my ability to navigate on very high heels was...

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Episodes From My Nudist Life 03 The Live Model

Episodes From My Nudist Life 03: The Live Model When I was a student in Jerusalem in the mid seventies, I was sharing an apartment with Etty. She was studying ceramic arts and I was going through my life science studies. She had to take complementary courses, one of which was photography. I also liked taking photos. It was my most serious hobby. It was different then. No digital cameras were existing. SLR was the norm, with mostly black and white films. It was expensive to shoot a lot of...

2 years ago
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Episodes From My Nudist Life 03 The Live Model

Episodes From My Nudist Life 03:The Live ModelWhen I was a student in Jerusalem in the mid seventies, I was sharing an apartment with Etty. She was studying ceramic arts and I was going through my life science studies. She had to take complementary courses, one of which was photography. I also liked taking photos. It was my most serious hobby. It was different then. No digital cameras were existing. SLR was the norm, with mostly black and white films. It was expensive to shoot a lot of photos,...

4 years ago
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Model wife

I got into photography many years ago when we went on holiday together and borrowed a decent camera as I couldn’t afford one. As years passed and we got financially more comfortable, I bought one and started to learn how to use it properly. One thing I wanted to try was studio photography and I learned through a friend of a new place that was opening up nearby and I joined one of the clubs that the owner was setting up which allowed us to use the studio together and thus save on costs....

2 years ago
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Falling in Love with My Model

Suzy was so gorgeous, sexy, and photogenic. I had to have her!I’m a freelance photographer specializing in still life photos such as fruits and vegetables, flowers, etc. I love my work and I’m good at it, but I wasn’t able to make a living at it. Oh, I sold a few photos to National Geographic, but they didn’t pay much.One day I was surfing the web and noticed how many photos there were of gorgeous women in various stages of undress. That did it for me. I was going to change directions and start...

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My nude art model

"Hey sis, can I ask you a weird question?" I asked as I came in the living room. "No 'Hey Wendy, what's going on?', 'How's life treating you?' or anything like that first?" Wendy asked. "OK what's up sis?" I asked as I sat next to her. "Just chilling here, giving you shit," Wendy replied. "I heard, smart ass," I said as I sat on the couch. Then we sat in silence for a few seconds. "So, do you have any friends that would be interested in being a nude...

4 years ago
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My Blind Date With a Super Model

My name is Derek. My last name is not important. I am a sort of nameless clog in the system that plays by all the rules and seldom if ever takes any risks that would expose me to danger or ridicule. At least that was true until I had my date with a "World Famous" super model. It was that long awaited day of the anticipated date and I was on my customary journey back home from my 9 to 5 job in the City. I reached up to the luggage rack to remove my backpack and I felt the sudden little...

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My Mum the model part two

It was two days later, when Mark called up the stairs. “Mum, are you up there?”He walked through the open bedroom door, as I sat painting my nails, wearing just a silk dressing gown. I crossed my legs, and the silk fell away reveal my thigh.“Gerry rang. He wants to know if Linda wants to do some more modelling?”I said nothing for a few moments, but noticed that I was no longer Mum, but was again the model. Linda.“He wants to do some more? Wow, I thought it was a one off.”“You must be joking,...

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Becoming a Model

Becoming a ModelBySemiater ([email protected])Chapter One        ?But Daddy? Candi whined into the phone, her father wouldn’t relent and she was getting more and more desperate with every moment.         ?All my sorority sisters’ are going, I need to go, pleaaassseeeee.  We can afford it.?         ?No sugar, I can afford it, but you’ve got to learn some responsibility and how to do things for yourself.?        ?But Daddy!!!!?         ?No Candi, I will not pay for a spring break trip for...

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A Model for CCs Pt3

Chapter 3 Seeing the 'Closed' sign at the door Victor was just about to give Linda a call, terrified that he would have shown up at the wrong address and as a result be too late at what he considered his absolute last chance to get his old life back. He was just dialling when a young pretty redhaired girl showed up at the other side of the glass door. Her hair was pretty much the same colour as Linda's, she wore a similar outfit as well apart from the fact that her skirt was shorter...

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Poor Girl transforms to International Model

A poor girl married to a middle class man meets a diamond merchant and recognizes as international model for ornaments, married the diamond merchant. Hello readers I am Reena, today. I am sitting at CDG airport, Paris waiting for my flight to Mumbai. While waiting for boarding call and during my flight to Mumbai my mind ran back to the past 6 years. Yes, I was not Reena always. The boarding card reminded me that I was born as ‘Rama’ born and brought up in a small place in Indore district of...

2 years ago
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Model Perfect

In college I had studied hard but my dream was to be a photographer. My mom and dad had not been very supportive and encouraged me to become a teacher. So I studied business and became a teacher. So with a degree in business education and the desire to be a photographer, I got a job and started my family. After my girls got out of diapers I told Sherry, my wife, that I wanted to try and be a photographer. Sherry encouraged me and soon I was taking pictures semi-professionally. I still worked at...

Straight Sex
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The Photographers Model

The Photographer's Model: As I stood there with my arms chained above my head I tried to take back control of this ridiculous situation I now found myself in. The starting point was not to be a victim. The problem was that nearly all my life I had been a victim. How could I take back control? Ok. Firstly I could not think of the fact that I was standing here with a black wig on my head as being something Andrea had done to me. She, Andrea, my wife, had put the wig on my...

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MODEL FOR HIRE Prelude        Young, better then good looking, much better, tired of being made to abide by the rules that applies with any normal family, wanting to be on her own, she decides just weeks before her eighteenth birthday to leave home again, with no serious concerns of the consequences.  Streetwise to a degree, finding her way to Florida, hooked up with some friends of friends, she’s been shacking up at one of their apartments for awhile.  Lying back after spending a day at the...

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How I Met Abby My Nude Model

I often arrive at my life class quite early. By doing this it is possible to set up my easel and reserve one of my favourite positions in the studio by fastening my paper to the drawing board. Frequently there is till time to go next door into the cafeteria to buy a coffee and perhaps chat with some of the other students. On the day in question, I was alone and just sitting down to drink my coffee when the door into the cafeteria opened. At first I could see no one; then the head of a young...

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Unknown Presence The Vessel

Introduction: She was the perfect girl but had this one problem, nightmares, nightmares that were so real to her that she felt everything in real life that happened to her in her dreams. Unknown Presence – The Vessel. Leeann Hamilton had always been a normal twenty something girl with the IQ of a genius and looks that could stop people dead in their tracks. She was a dead heat in a Zeppelin race. Her gorgeous ivory skin glowed in the sunlight with a delicate scattering of freckles, untamable...

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The Book Model

by Lubrican Julie Stanton was bored. Her husband was gone again. He was always gone since he'd gone to that special school. He was a Lieutenant in the Army and since taking anti-terrorism classes he was usually off somewhere in the world where she couldn't go. It wouldn't have been so bad except that she'd only been married for a little over a year. She'd wanted to start having children right away, but that's hard to do when you don't get any sperm in you. And with Roger gone all...

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Episodes From My Nudist Life 03 The Live Model

When I was a student in Jerusalem in the mid seventies, I was sharing an apartment with Etty. She was studying ceramic arts and I was going through my life science studies. She had to take complementary courses, one of which was photography. I also liked taking photos. It was my most serious hobby. It was different then. No digital cameras were existing. SLR was the norm, with mostly black and white films. It was expensive to shoot a lot of photos, so each one shot, had to be planned carefully,...

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The Model

The ModelThis story began with a recent photo shoot, followed by a night out. It was a night I wasn’t going to forget about anytime soon, so let me start at the beginning. I’m a 32 year old photographer and I love my job. A few weeks ago I was asked to shoot a model for an advertising agency. I took the commission, and on the day of the shoot, the model turned up and we got started. Damn that model was terrible. No pose, no game.She was obviously gorgeous, as nearly all models are. She was...

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