The Heir
- 3 years ago
- 30
- 0
I never knew my father and my mother was a high class whore. Her clients were the rich and powerful. They were merchants and nobles and ambassadors from many governments. All I knew about my father was he was very powerful. From a very early age I began classes in martial arts and weapons and that was before all the other classes like law and business.
I have had good schools and tutors but since my mother was a whore I suffered a lot of ridicule and disdain. I also got into a lot of fights and won more than I lost. My mother was a temptress that would even flirt and temp me if she was bored. Long before I turned sixteen I knew I would fuck my mother if she let me ... I never got the chance.
I checked the fancy suit for the twentieth time and glanced across the busy ballroom floor. This was the imperial residence which did not mean the emperor or any of his family were here. The people that were here were nobles from a dozen governments and ambassadors as well as rich merchants.
With the rich and powerful were courtesans and escorts. There were also those that fawned over them and assistants. There were bodyguards and interpreters and the ballroom was filled with babbling noise. I turned and looked out the front window and did not understand why my mother had brought me.
I shifted and frowned when I saw the muzzle flashes before the faint sound registered. Men in uniforms were rushing around and the night came alive with a hundred more weapons firing. I spun and started down the room while people continued to babble. My mother was almost at the other end and I was moving along the wall.
The entrance was a open double door and just as I reached it four men stepped in. They were not wearing uniforms but they did have new weapon harnesses as well as assault rifles. I was using long strides and stepped into the one on their left. My right hand snapped out to grab the rear stock while my left struck the receiver.
The weapon spun until it was pointed at the other three and the man reacted by squeezing the trigger. The rifle was on auto and began spraying the head of two men before I shifted and the head of the last seemed to explode. The man jerked as he let go of the weapon and I spun around to my left.
I extended my left arm with it cocked and slammed the back of my elbow into his head. He flew back and down as I moved after him and brought the side and heel of my shoe down in a strike to crush the throat. I spun as I looked at the silent ballroom and knelt to strip the weapon harness off the man and put it on.
I took the rifle and the pistol in a thigh holster before moving to one of the other men. Four bodyguards had moved and were stripping the others as I tucked a second pistol under the belt in the small of my back. I stood and moved back into the ballroom and started towards the end where I had last seen my mother.
The whole room had become small groups of guards with one or two people in the center. I shoved a guard out of my way when I saw my mother. He growled but I ignored him as I knelt and pulled my mother to her feet, "mom?"
She hugged me tight, "Nick!"
I hugged her as I looked towards the kitchen door, "time to go mom."
I held her in my left arm as I started for the door and shifted so I held the rifle in my right hand. We were almost there when it burst open and three men rushed out. They were not in uniforms and were pointing rifles so I acted. I lifted the rifle I was carrying and flicked the selector to auto and sprayed them.
They went down without shooting but mom pulled away. I shifted and started to move after her when the world ended. An explosion ripped the whole front of the building off and shredded almost everyone in the ballroom. Those not hit and torn apart died from the concussion or when they were crushed against the back wall.
I was still in front of the kitchen door and was sent flying through it and into the kitchen where I crashed into stacked boxes. Fire alarms screamed and mixed with the few people still alive. Smoke and dust filled the air and debris was still falling from the ceiling. I struggled out of the boxes that had saved my life and staggered to the door.
I found my mother's body under a pile of debris and held her and rocked as I tried to understand. My ears were still ringing and I had blood coming out of my eyes, ears and nose. I slowly lifted her in my arms and turned to carry her into and through the kitchen. When I stepped out the back door soldiers were everywhere.
I ignored them as I continued to walk and one appeared to stop me. I looked up from my mother and growled and he shifted to one side, "put her down on the edge of the parking area sir."
With the damage to my ears I could not hear what he said. I started moving and when I reached the grass I stopped and slowly knelt. I could not put her down and just held her and rocked. I do not know how long it was before someone knelt beside me and slowly worked her out of my arms and onto the grass.
All I could do was look at her battered body and a medic pulled until he got me to my feet. I do not remember much after that as even more soldiers appeared and rescue teams and constables. I woke in a hospital bed with thick bandages on my head. My whole body ached and felt as if it had been run over.
I groaned as I shifted and a man stepped up beside the bed. He was in a constable uniform and cleared his throat, "can you hear me Mr Golden?"
I nodded as I slowly reached up to touch the bandages. He did not smile as he gestured, "they had to completely replace your inner ear and..."
He shook his head, "I will let the doctors explain about that. I need to know what happened inside the imperial residence."
I tried to sit up and he waited before I took a breath as memories returned. As I talked he listened and took notes and then he began asking questions. Why did I and what happened and where was and a lot of questions I could not answer. When he stopped I looked at him, "why and who did it?"
I knew I was going to go after whoever was responsible. He shook his head, "the bodies we have recovered were mercenaries. We are still following the few leads we have. At least the duke was late and not one of the dead. We have people from three dozen governments and at least six other duchies that want in on our investigation."
He looked at me and bit his lip, "the emperor has sent special agents and judges on a courier ship. He wants the ones responsible."
He looked at the door as a man in uniform stepped in. He looked at me, "your mother's body was buried this morning."
I stiffened, "what?"
He sighed, "you have been unconscious for five days. Besides the ears and cuts and contusions you had a severe concussion."
He nodded to me and set a card on the bed, "if you need to talk."
He left and the soldier stood aside, "we need to move you sir."
I blinked, "what?"
He cleared his throat, "the duke wants you."
I did not understand and thought it was for more questions and looked around, "my clothes..."
I remembered the bloody tatters I had been wearing but he gestured and another soldier walked in with a bag. It was not easy or fast but I managed to dress myself. I hesitated when I was done, "I had weapons."
He returned my look and I growled, "I want them back."
He smiled, "to kill the bastards?"
I stood slowly, "yes."
He gestured, "I will find or replace them if I do not."
The doctors and nurses protested but the soldiers, (two dozen) escorted me out. I sat back in the vehicle as a whole convoy streaked through the city. My mind kept returning to my mother and when I glanced up it was to see a huge walled estate. It was at least as large as the imperial residence but from what I saw it was better protected.
The manor was just as huge and when I walked into the study the man behind the desk stood. He gestured and the half dozen people in the room left. I looked at the door as it was closed and then I looked at the duke. He walked around the desk and gestured to a chair, "sit before you fall down."
I moved to the chair and slowly sat and he leaned back against the desk, "I am your father Nick."
I froze and then looked at him carefully. Everyone knew the duke did not have a wife or children. He smiled, "your mother was..."
I stood, "a whore and now she is dead."
He straightened, "she was a lady and my friend. You will not speak of her as if..."
I growled as I moved towards him, "and who the fuck do you think you are to tell me what to think? You were never her friend. She was just the whore you used."
He clenched his fists and started to reach for me before he stopped. He turned and walked toward a huge armored window, "there are reasons."
I snorted as I spun and started for the door, "no there are excuses."
He turned, "where do you think you are going?"
I looked at him from the door, "home."
He shook his head, "you are home. All your things have been brought."
He gestured to the chair, "sit."
I shook my head, "you think because you are my father..."
He sighed, "sit Nicholas. There are things you need to know."
I growled as I moved towards him, "the only thing I want to know is who killed my mother. When I find out they are dead."
He straightened and then smiled, "now that I can live with."
He walked around the desk and sat, "as you know the empire of Ren is not that large. Mist is the only system with three habitual planets. That makes me the strongest duke in the empire. I have no family or living relatives that will inherit."
He leaned forward as I sat, "except you. No one except me and your mother knew you were my son. One of three men were responsible for the attack on the imperial residence. The earl of Dragon, the earl of Griffin or the earl of Angel. One of them paid the mercenaries in a hope they would kill me."
He turned the chair and looked out the window, "now that they missed they are either going to try to hide or move openly. Since the emperor is now involved I seriously doubt they are going to move openly."
He turned to look at me, "in either case you are now in the center of the light. I have acknowledged you publicly so they know about you."
I turned to look at the window as I thought and then looked at him, "they will insist on a public bio scan to prove I am your son."
My father nodded and I stood and walked to the window, "one or all of them will bring their own scanner."
He leaned back, "there will also be barons."
I snorted and turned to look around the room, "some of the barons will be pawns but it is the earls that will try to push. They will all be there to look at me."
I looked at him, "they are not going to like what happens."
He sat up, "what are you planning?"
I headed for the door, "letting them know I am taking the head and patent of whoever killed my mother."
I stopped at the door and looked back, "I will tell them that when I become duke I will toss their family into the street so they will have to act."
He stood, "they will try to kill..."
I growled, "I hope so because that will leave tracks I can follow."
I pulled the door open and walked out and glanced at the four guards that started to follow and sighed, "where are my things?"
One gestured and I followed his directions to a set of double doors. It was on the second floor and on the other side of the building from the study. I looked around after I walked in and a girl turned quickly. Her eyes were huge as she looked at me and then at the guards closing the doors. I smiled as I crossed to look into the other room, "that is a huge bed."
The girl giggled, "you can have lots of fun on it."
I glanced back, "have you checked it to see how soft it is?"
She shook her head, "no."
She blushed, "I wanted to see you and..."
I looked at her, "me? Why?"
She looked at the doors and then back at me, "you were on the news vids and killed those terrorist and walked out of the imperial residence after they blew it up."
I frowned as I walked to her, "what vids?"
She turned and moved to the huge wall holo and switched it on and did a search and then I was looking down at myself as I fought the mercenary and used his rifle to shoot the other three. I moved to it and shut it off, "there was more to it."
Like the fact that I could not get my mother out and ... The girl touched my arm, "I am sorry about your mother."
I took a breath, "I am Nick."
She smiled, "Cassy."
I liked her and turned, "soo ... what do you do here?"
She blushed, "well my mom is a comforter and..."
I looked at her and smiled, "my mother was in the same line."
She smiled, "she is always flirting and flaunting."
I snorted, "my mother did too. It was like she was tempting me. I would have fuc ... bedded her if I had the chance."
Cassy giggled, "you would have fucked her you mean."
I blushed but nodded and looked at the open bedroom door. She followed my look and then grinned, "want to fuck me?"
I reached for her hand, "feel and taste and then fuck many times."
She laughed as I pulled her after me, "okay."
I turned her at the huge bed and started to take her clothes off, "you can be my comforter until I get you pregnant."
She sucked in her breath, "only..."
I kissed her, "if we get along and I get you pregnant I will put a ring on you and make it legal and permanent."
She grinned, "okay. Do you like to fuck? I ask because I do and..."
I touched her lips, "relax."
She smiled and I helped her into the bed before I stripped and stalked after her, "now we can feel each other."
I laid on my side and reached out to caress her and feel her soft skin. She hesitated before reaching straight for my cock and wrapping her hand around it. She squeezed gently and then gave it a long stroke, "your cock is amazing."
I had shivered as I pushed her onto her back and her legs opened. I felt her mound and then her pussy and slipped a finger through her slit. She shivered and lifted her hips, "that feels good."
I grinned as I bent and sucked on one of her nipples. She shuddered and gasped as she held my head, "ooohhhh!"
She was humping as I ran a finger over her clit and through her pussy and began pushing it into her. Her pussy was warm, almost hot and it was not long before it was slippery. A couple of minutes and she jerked and spasmed, "aaahhhh!"
Her pussy had clenched and squeezed my finger and I grinned and moved over her. I gave her a kiss and started to move down but she clutched me and pulled me up. I looked at her as one of her hands desperately guided my cock and she pulled on me. I pushed and then had to do it harder to force my cock into her extremely tight pussy.
She grunted and spread her legs wide as she tilted her hips. I buried my cock and settled on her and began to press into her while kissing her. She wiggled and squirmed as she hugged me and kissed me back. It was a couple of minutes before I had to move and started to fuck her. She gasped and clutched me as I buried my cock back into her, "yyyeeessss!"
I kept fucking her slowly but she just felt so good I had to do it a little harder. Soon I was using firm thrusts and planting my cock as deep as I could. Cassy struggled and shook while still lifting her hips. It was only a few minutes before I grunted as I shoved into her. I held her as I suddenly spewed huge spurts of sperm.
She jerked and twisted and spasmed when she felt the warm cum pumping into her, "YES!"
Even before I was done I pulled back and started to fuck her again. She shuddered and then giggled as her slimy pussy squeezed. She kissed me and hugged me tight while I kept fucking her. I think we did it for a couple of hours before stopping. I lay holding her while we talked and I caressed and fingered her slimy pussy.
I finally pulled her out of bed and found the fresher and the shower. After that I had to hunt for my clothes and took her hand and let her lead me through the building to a kitchen. I ignored the guards as I smiled at the cook and his helpers, "any chance we can get something to eat?"
The cook was a gnarled old man who pointed to the kitchen table, "sit."
I pulled Cassy after me and to the table, "thank you sir."
He snorted and then smiled, "no problem lad."
Ten minutes and we were eating lunch and after we were done Cassy had to go for her school classes. I kissed her and watched her walk away before I looked at the guards, "has anyone found the weapons I had?"
The one in charge smiled, "we have a new set waiting for you in the armory."
I gestured and followed him as the others closed in around me. I spent a half hour being fitted with a concealed holster and then thirty more on the underground range. When I headed back to my set of rooms one of the guards cleared his throat. I glanced at him and he gestured, "the public bio scan has been moved up."
I had been hoping to soak in hot water but nodded, "if there is a doctor or medic would you ask them for something to reduce the swelling of the bruises."
He nodded, "and a pain..."
I shook my head, "the one responsible for my mother's death will be there."
A new suit and bottle of pills was waiting on my bed when I got out of the hot shower. I dressed and slipped the pistol into the holster and headed for the door. The ride off the estate was spent across from my father who looked out the window. The huge assembly was crowded when we got there and a army of guards led us in.
The duke moved to the front and a podium while I followed after him. He introduced me and the huge hall rang with questions and demands. I stepped up beside him with a visible winch of pain and looked around at the nobles and their guards and servants. I waited and waited and my father looked at me and then smiled.
Finally they became silent and I looked around, "there will only be one bio scan..."
They yelled and shouted and demanded and I stood waiting. Finally they went silent again and I continued, "I will select three doctors from the city and they will do the bio scan..."
Again they yelled and I pulled the pistol and held it up and everyone shut up. I growled as I looked at them, "one of you is responsible for the death of my mother and all the other people."
They started talking and I fired into the roof. They went silent and I glared, "shut the hell up and pay attention! I came here for one reason. I will find the one that killed my mother and when I do I will take his patent and his life. I will take everything they have and leave their family in the street."
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After I have finished my morning routine, put on a clean sleep shirt, and I’m done in about an hour. I’m downstairs and there is some light cleaning needed to be done from the gathering he had here last night. Sometimes he allows me to join, sometimes he keeps my locked upstairs. Last night I was kept locked in my room. There are moments after he has sent everyone else home he will come up and spend time playing with me, other times I am left alone listening as the door creaks shut. ...
Waitressing was my job that I had had since I turn sixteen. My first job and only job. Now at the age of twenty-one I was still waitressing. College had never been an interest for me no matter what anyone told me. I didn't have many friends to tell me anyway. Just one. We were still friends til this day. Triss. I had been a shy and reclusive young girl and Triss had been quite the oposite. She has a boyfriend, and she's living with him right now. I have my one room, one bathroom,...
Mark König: "Ja Schatz, morgen Vormittag sitze ich schon im Flieger nach Berlin" sagte Mark möglichst normal ins Hotel-Telefon. "Das freut mich" hauchte die zarte Stimme seiner Ehefrau zurück "Ich vermisse dich so" Markus Johann König war glücklich verheiratet. Er liebte seine Frau Maria die gerade mit seinem zweiten gemeinsamen Kind schwanger war, doch war er ein Mann von großem Appetit der noch nie der Versuchung fremder Schlafzimmer widerstehen konnte. So auch jetzt als sich die vollen...
INHERITANCE PROLOGUE: This is a story about a life found and another saved. Jeff Anderson had just returned from the lawyers reading of his late sisters will. Michael, his sisters son had not attended, which for now Jeff was thankful. Entering the mansion, Jeff greeted the staff cordially and invited all of them to a staff meeting in the formal bar and advised those responsible to have the coolers well stocked. He asked Winston the butler where young Michael was and the...
Hi.. I am 29yrs old single guy from delhi… I hv lots of cpls friend in delhi… Amar and sheela one of them… We done so many time group sex like threesome… I m shareing amar story with u gus… If u like then mail me at Here is story of amar in amars words… My name is amar. My wife sheela is quite good-looking, very fair, and sensuous and a buxom woman – the kind, who will always get a second glance when she walks on the street. She is about 5′ 8″ in height, very fair, a figure of 37 – 27 – 38....
IncestSometimes I wonder how he could even be my son. Stu, god I hate that name and although I’m happy to be rid of his mother who insisted on naming him, every day I am reminded of the silly cow and the years of frustration and water treading I wasted with her. I am alone now, happily single and thriving, thank you very much. I own my own business, nothing large, mind you, but I employ several workers and sales people, to get my little invention onto the store shelves of hardware stores nationwide....
Sometimes I wonder how he could even be my son. Stu, god I hate that name and although I'm happy to be rid of his mother who insisted on naming him, every day I am reminded of the silly cow and the years of frustration and water treading I wasted with her. I am alone now, happily single and thriving, thank you very much. I own my own business, nothing large, mind you, but I employ several workers and sales people, to get my little invention onto the store shelves of hardware stores...
This story contains no graphic sex scenes. Constructive comments are solicited and welcome. If you like or even dislike my effort here please comment on it and/or send an email to me. Your comments, votes/ratings, and emails help me to grow as a writer. I want to thank my wife for her help in keeping me somewhat in the realm of reality while writing this story. Thanks for taking the time to read my work and for taking the extra effort to comment and vote. I appreciate your interest. ...
HEIRLOOM: "Something of special value handed on from one generation or person to another generation or person." The name is John Theodore Chance and I'm the baby of the family. My older brother is Ethan Edward and my older sister is Mary Kate. My father is William; his favorite movie star is John Wayne so he decided to name us after characters from three of the "Duke's" movies. Shame on you if you don't recognize the names and don't know which movies the characters were in; your...
Devon McKensie glared balefully at the blank word processor page on the screen for a moment; then took her black, wire-rimmed glasses off and threw them on her desk in disgust. The blank computer screen looked better slightly fuzzy - the cursor didn't mock her by blinking quite as much when she had to squint to see it do so. She sighed heavily, then leaned back in her computer chair and ran her hands through her long red tresses. "What am I doing wrong?" She asked herself despairingly....
Thanks to Steve Z for editing Through time and Space with the Medallion 4/4 The Heiress By Eric London 1774 In the most fashionable corset shop in London the beautiful Lady Cynthia Westfold sighed. The corset was dreadfully tight. From his peep hole, apprentice corset maker Tom stared at the dark haired woman. She was so beautiful. "Take it off!" she commanded the maid. "It is dreadfully uncomfortable! Have it fixed so it doesn't pinch me so!" The maid hurried to obey....
The Heiress "Four million dollars, in two years." Joyce's face was white. I had never seen my wife so distressed. "We absolutely have to have it." "That's ridiculous," I said. "You know we don't have anything like that kind of money. What on earth do we need four million dollars for?" "It's Burt. He's in the prison hospital. That son-of-a-bitch gangster Fontina had his legs broken." I wasn't about to say it, but I was neither very surprised nor altogether sympathetic to Joyce's...
Neville worked at the Mill and came home at 9pm one evening. He walked through the door and closed it, he never step forward, he just let himself fall against the door and slide onto his bottom. Mary heard the door and walked to the door, to her surprise she found her dad on the floor. "Dad!" she yelled and ran to him, he quickly woke and looked at her in shock. "I'm just tired love. I'm fine." he said and woke up slowly while exhaling heavily. He went and sat in the lounge. Mary...
Note-the entire work is not erotic, so if you are simply looking for the sex scene, scroll to chapter two. Thank you for reading! Chapter 1 It was another cold night in Greenwood Vale. While the snow was yet to arrive, everyone could feel it's presence clutching the breeze of the late-autumn air. Lanterns were lit bright in most households, and hearths were ablaze in an attempt to shut out the bitter draft. An impossible task, however. Greenwood Vale is a small village built beside...
This story starts with a birth of a boy who has strange features at birth, He is born with two red eyes and green skin. Yes he is born a Orc, Later in life he grows to be about 7ft 8inches and he is considered to be a strong orc, With a Muscular body and weighing 450pounds, He also a 6 pack and to all the women Orc he is perfect candidate to birth children for them. He has no Mother as she died during child birth his father is gone as in he is missing, He was adopted by another family as a baby...
FantasyOne night while I was stationed in Germany. I was traveling back to the barracks by train. It was late and the train stopped and they told everyone to get off. I was like what the hell is going on, come to find out the trains stop running at night. I was stuck in a train station in a town that I didn't know. It was really cold so I got inside of a phone booth. I was warming up when the local police told me that I had to leave. I was like dam and started walking around outside to stay warm. I...
To baat isi week ki hai jab meri desi hot sex story post huye 1 din nikle the aur mujhe kafi saare mail aaye. Unme se ek mail mere hi seher se kuch hi dur se aaya tha. Yani k dekha jaye to bagal me chora aur sehar me dhindhora. Khair uska naam anju(name changed) hai. Usne mujhe friendship offer ki nd maine ha kar di. Fir kuch der humne mails k jariye hi baat ki.Nd mujhe pata chala ki she is married nd living alone with her old mother.Nd she was divorced from last 2 years.Fir yu hi idhar udhar...
Hey guys Mera nam abhay hai , mujhe story read krna pasand hai , so socha ki apna experience bhi share kru aap sb ke saath , ye meri 1 story hai . Mujhe ladki aur aunty aur bhahbi ko chodne me bhot maja aata hai , me 20 saal ka hu B.Com last year me hoon abhi . Agar koi bhi ladki bhabhi aunty mere sath sex chat karna chahti h ya sex karna chahti h wo log mujhe kariye main apko bahut maja dunga aur apki full privacy ki guarantee . . Meri story kesi lagi uska feedback mujhe meri I’d pe jarur...
Hey friend this is rounak again …From delhi..And thx all of you kafi likes kiya mere last sorty ko.. So ye story 6th march ki hai…Main metro se utar k apne fat me ja raha tha ..Karib dpoeher k 1 baj rahe honge…Garmi thodi jyada thi main aise hi khada tha stand k pass Tabhi meri najar wanha khadi ek ladies pe padi jo ki minimum 38 year age ki thi..But fit thi..Height 5.5 and size 36-32-38 thi..Meri dekh k hi halat kharab hone lagi… Then tabhi ek city bus aayi…Wo ladies us bus me chad...
I was waking from a deep slumber from a nice sensation. Not completely concious yet, almost as if still in a dream. The sensation was amazing, like a blowjob almost, a warm wet tightly wrapped around circle. I kept my eyes closed, hoping not to lose this if it happened to be a very nice trick by my subconcious. It was so real i could even hear the slurping noise. I decided to enjoy it to the fullest so I let my hands go down and push the head down. Feel the throat tighten around my cock as it...
Hi friends, mere Indian sex stories pe yeh pehle real story h agr koi galti ho jaye toh maaf karma dosto me apne baare m bata du meri height 6″ feet h aur lund 6 inch ka aur dikhne m average hu agr koi ladki mumbai se sex chat ya private sex karna chati h toh mail kare Ab apko borr na karte hue story p aata hu baat baarish k dino ke h mere no. p ek miss call aya mene jb call back kiya toh waha se ek ladki ke sexy awaaj aayi uska naam tha payal name changed fir aise karte hue hamari dosti hui...
Hi everyone, im back after a long gap, for those people who don’t know me, I am Praveen 26 years from Bangalore. Readers if you wish read all my previous stories, please visit this link below So lets get started. This is such an saga took over around 2 years back, her name was ramya, she was a friend of my cousin, I had met her in one of my relative function, bubbly girl with little extra curves. After the function got over we cousins of same group had plan to go for a booze party that’s was...
Hello hi, this is Imran 21 years old from kurnool. I am very big fan of iss and I read stories every time this is a time to share my own experience I want to say it true. My cock is medium 6 inch. I don’t want to tell lie in this thing. I have completed graduation and was enjoying holidays.Coming to story this relationship between me and one aunty who met me in the bus.Do comment or reply me in my mail Onces I went to hyderabad and very next day I completed my work and have to return kurnool...
Thank you so much guys for your valuable feedback and awesome comment, hope you continue the same in reading all my personal life story at various junction of time. If you what even more adventure while reading this content, reply me by you in this place by imagination, I am 100% sure you will long for those moment in your future good luck. I have already banged anu (name changed) during her birthday party which leaded our way to satisfy her dreams with me while having a chit chat with her,...
IncestPlease do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. (c) 2003 Couture *********** I blinked away the tears welling in my eyes and looked at the cute brunette in front of me critically. She wore white. White heels, white stockings, white g- string panties, white lace corset. The corset was tight and gave her an exaggerated hour-glass figure. Her breasts were pushed up by the corset. Hair that was short and dark, with bangs...
Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. (c) 2003 Couture Waifish Model on Page Fifty-three Chapter 3 by Couture email: [email protected] (TG, MM, MC) When we got back home, the honeymoon was over. He even told me so. He had come home from work and by the look in his eyes, he was furious. "Okay little girl," he said, walking toward me, a looped leather belt swinging menacingly from his hand. "The...
Hi myself Abhi aaj mai aapko ek aapni story batane ja raha hun pahle mai apne bare mai kuch bata du koi ldki ya bhabhi ya aunty sex me interested h to muje msg kr. Mera rang gira hai aur dekhne mai thik thak hu body bhi average hai height 5.10in hai and age 36 years aur mera Priya kaam sex hai mujhe sex mai new experiment kafi aachha lagta hai oral sex ko jayada value deta hu mera manana hai sex ka maja jab tak oral karo tab tak jayada hai ek baar lund daal di chut mai to 10 se 15 ya 20 min ke...
Hello friends rekha here, apne mere bete rohan arora ki stories to padi hee hogi ki kaise usne puri family ko chudak bana diya ek dusre ke laude ka aur iss baar usne mujhe incist kiya ki aap ye stoty likho jisme aapne apni bra panty ki shop kholi or mujhe kesi nayi chuto ko chodne ke liye mila… To baat kuch esi hain hum log jaab malaysia se ghumke wapas aaye jaab tak barish ka season aa gaya tha or phir aab tak to hum log roz hee sex karte hai…Mein aapko pehle ye bata duu ki mein raand nhi...
Hi friends this is Rocky and I want to share my first sex experience happened on 22nd may 2012 in train Bombay Mail. Hua yu ki mai apne family ke sath chuttiya bita ke apne gao se aa raha tha aur hamara reservation allahabad se igatpuri tak tha AC-2 mai. Hum allahabad station pai train ke time se toda pahle pahoch gaye tab maine station pai ek aunty ko dekha jinki age lagbhag 27-28 ke ass pass hogi wo apne baccho aur Shayd apni bahen ke sath thi and ek admi bhi tha unke sath jo uska husband...