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Devon McKensie glared balefully at the blank word processor page on the screen for a moment; then took her black, wire-rimmed glasses off and threw them on her desk in disgust. The blank computer screen looked better slightly fuzzy - the cursor didn't mock her by blinking quite as much when she had to squint to see it do so.

She sighed heavily, then leaned back in her computer chair and ran her hands through her long red tresses. "What am I doing wrong?" She asked herself despairingly. "Why can't I write any more?" She stopped her hands halfway through her hair and tugged on what she had gathered, hoping that the slight pain from the pulling would help her organize her thoughts. They seemed to be increasingly difficult to gather lately, and utterly impossible to put on paper. Or the computer screen that she normally preferred. She'd tried both lately.

In fact, she'd tried just about anything she could think of to rid herself of the terrible case of writer's block she seemed to have suddenly acquired in the past six weeks. She'd tried to put all of her unfinished projects out of sight and out of mind in hope that inspiration would suddenly strike and she would want to write again. She'd tried searching for inspiration in other places and things by listening to various kinds of music and going for long walks to watch the activities of people around her. She'd tried furiously pacing the floor, in the hopes that the mindless activity would spark her brain into overdrive when it came to words and ideas. She'd tried typing a steady stream of drivel on her keyboard to kick-start her creativity. She'd even tried to meditate and calm herself to the point where the ideas would just come to her.

But none of it worked. Not one, single, ridiculous thing worked and Devon hadn't written anything worth allowing others to read in six solid weeks. Forty-two days, six hours, 21 minutes, 17 seconds, and counting. In all that time, she hadn't produced one iota of printable work. Hell, she hadn't even done anything worth printing out on her own printer and giving to the neighbor, who was housebreaking a puppy and in constant need of something other than the carpet for the puppy to piddle on.

Taken all together, Devon was at her wits' end. Her publisher was expecting the next book in her fantasy series soon, and it was currently only 3/4ths finished with no end in sight. Devon's fertile imagination, lacking as it had been lately in the writing department, had no problems in coming up with what would happen when she went to her publisher without a finished novel. Her publisher would likely drop her in favor of more prolific clients who could make them money; she'd become destitute; have to sell her small, but perfect, house; find an apartment; a job unrelated to writing, that probably involved Wal-Mart or a grocery store; and to top it all off, the apartment she'd be forced into wouldn't allow cats and she'd have to give up her beloved Fiona to some nasty shelter that would probably euthanize the poor thing.

Faced with such daunting and unpleasant prospects, Devon resorted to doing what she had always done as a young girl - she ran to her grandmother, her Mamó, for comfort and advice. Since Mamó currently lived a good three hours away by train, (having retired to run a little shop in Livingston, New Jersey) picking up the phone and calling her was the next best thing. Not to mention more immediately gratifying.

Lifting the cordless phone from its base on her desk, Devon pushed the 1 and waited for the speed dial to kick in and connect her to her beloved Mamó. It rang once, twice, three times... and then, just as Devon started to worry, she heard a cheerful, if slightly breathless, voice say, "Dia duit!"

"Oh, Mamó," Devon sighed mournfully, not even bothering to respond politely to her grandmother's hello. "I don't know what to do anymore!"

"Tell your Mamó what's wrong, cailín, and I'll do what I can to ease your troubles," her grandmother replied calmly.

Devon smiled at the warmth that seemed to flow over the phone lines on her grandmother's voice. She always liked the way that Mamó called her girl in Irish. The slight Irish lilt was always present in her tone, even though she'd spent all 73 years of her life on American soil. She'd stubbornly refused to let go of her Gaelic, and continually peppered her speech with little Irish words, as if she was likely to forget them after seven decades of near-continuous use.

"I can't write anymore, Mamó," Devon began explaining. "I've tried everything I can think of and nothing helps at all! I'm almost ready to give up on the whole thing all together and begin life anew as some dull drudge in a boring office. I still have my excellent typing skills, after all. But when I try to create, I just can't! I sit and stare at the screen and nothing comes to me. It's horrible Mamó. Help me?" Devon's voice ended on a broken plea, upset beyond words at her inability to do something that used to be so simple and brought such joy to her life. She had always been happy to write before, that now her inability to do so was making her utterly miserable.

"There, there, cailín," her grandmother soothed, "Let Mamó cure your troubles. And haven't I always done just that? Now... You say there's no reason for your writer's block? None at all?"

Devon could practically feel her grandmother's gaze through the telephone; the one that urged her to think and carefully tell her the truth. That was the look that had always had Devon confessing to any sin she'd recently committed, including the ones Devon hadn't thought were wrong. Even now that she'd reached the advanced age of 26, she was still cowed by that look, even imagined rather than in person. So she thought carefully before responding, "No, there really isn't any rational reason I can see for my writer's block, Mamó. I was writing at my usual pace and then, suddenly, I just couldn't write a single word further on anything I had unfinished."

There was a long pause on the other end of the line. Finally, Mamó said, "I hate to tell you this, cailín, but I think you've got yourself a Leanan Sidhe."

"I've got a what?!?" Devon's tone was unabashedly skeptic, with a hint of astonished curiosity. "What would one of the Fair Folk want with me? And what kind of fae is a Leanan Sidhe, exactly? I've never heard of that one before."

"A Leanan Sidhe is bad news, cailín. Typically, they're female, although they can also be male. They're vampiric fae who like to steal the creativity from artistic types - poets, painters, writers, and the like - because they've none of their own. They're nasty little things, they are. And they look just like regular people to you or me, save for the fact that they can't stand the touch of cold iron upon their skin."

Devon removed the phone from her ear and stared at it as if she could broadcast her incredulous stare through the receiver, if only she looked hard enough at it. After a moment, she snapped out of it, knowing that there wasn't much chance of it working to begin with and said, "Okay, Mamó. Say I believe you. What would I have to do to find it, get my creativity back, and be rid of the nasty fae for good?" At this point she was willing to try anything - even searching for faeries she didn't really believe in, if it would help her start writing again.

"Well, after you figure out which one of your friends is fae, you'll have to trick them into revealing that they've stolen your talent from you. Once you have, they are obligated by Fae custom to return what they have stolen and trouble you no more."

"Okay," agreed Devon, "That sounds good. But how do I test my friends to see if they're really a faery in disguise? They're going to look at me like I'm crazy if I just come out and ask them. And the one who's really the one to blame would just lie and then leave. Then I'd never see that friend again, or get my creativity back."

"Getting them to leave should be fairly easy, cailín. When you trick the Sidhe into revealing that they have stolen your writing talent, it will be obliged to return what it has taken and leave you in peace. As for a test... hmm..." Mamó thought for a moment. "I bet I know what would work. Do ya have that gilded spike your mother gave you on your 18th birthday?"

"Yes, I use it as a paperweight usually because it's fairly heavy and reminds me of my family. Why do you ask, Mamó?"

"'Tis made of pure iron, it is, 'though it looks bronze. My da took it from when he was working on the last of the transcontinental railroads. In early 1893, he was working in Washington, where the final spike completing the Great Northern Railway was driven. To honor his time spent working to connect this huge country together, your great-grandda pilfered an iron spike. He was a bit of a scamp in his younger days, my da was, and he was a mere lad of 18 at the time. Later, when he could afford it, he had the spike protected by a thin layer of another metal, to preserve it for all time. You know how it came to be yours, of course. Anyway, enough of the nattering of an old woman. The important thing is, it's iron enough to burn any fae that touches it, so get your friends to pick it up. Whoever drops it again right quick is your fae. Then you trick them into revealing that they've stolen your gift, and all will be right in your world once more."

Devon nodded, then realized her grandmother couldn't see her doing so, and said, "Okay," into the phone. She did know the story of how it had come to be in her possession. Jack Driscol had two wives in his lifetime. Of the offspring he had created with his second wife, only her Mamó had survived. So it was, that on her 18th birthday, that Fiona Driscol had received the one thing that had meant the most to Jack - the bronzed iron spike that was a tangible symbol of the pride and hard work that had went into his adopted country. Fiona had continued the tradition: her youngest daughter Maureen had received the spike on her 18th birthday, and Devon had in turn taken possession of the spike eight years ago when she reached adulthood.

A question prodded its way into Devon's conscious mind, drawing her away from thoughts of family history and back into the conversation she had been neglecting with her grandmother. "But Mamó, you didn't tell me how to trick the Sidhe into revealing that they'd stolen my ability to write," Devon protested.

"Now cailín," Mamó chided. "What kind o' grandmother would I be if I did everything for you? It's your ability and if you want it back, you'll figure out a way to do that yourself. I know that if you put your mind to it, you can make that fae prove that they stole your gift. Put your mind to it, cailín, and you'd best be hurrying. Leanan Sidhe, like most of the Fair Folk, tend to get bored easily and move on to other prey fairly quickly. Once that's happened, there's no way you'll ever get your talent back then. Now give us a kiss over the phone and tell me that you'll come for a wee visit after you've your gift back again."

Devon dutifully did as she was told, adding a tiny disclaimer of, "But just a short one Mamó. I'll have a lot of catching up to do in order to make my book deadline on time," and hanging up.

Returning the phone to its charger, Devon stared thoughtfully at the war zone that doubled as her desk. The desk was a fairly wide expanse of wood that took up a large portion of the room that doubled as both living room and office. Devon needed all of the space that her large desk provided, however, given the amount of computer equipment, papers, and books that covered every inch of its surface. In fact, she really needed more room than she actually had, because the papers and books had escaped the desk's confines and were making a run on the available floor space.

All in all, it was a large mess. But Devon more or less knew where everything was, and could find the stuff that she considered really important when she needed to. A tiny space around her computer was kept clear of clutter so that she could type, see the monitor, and consume her current beverage of choice. The phone, whose ringer she occasionally turned off if she didn't want the interruption, she was always careful to place back onto its base, to make sure that it didn't get lost in the sea of paper. And there, in the corner, on top of a stack of paper to prevent a small white avalanche from occurring, sat her great-grandfather's spike.

It didn't look like the one instrument she could easily lay her hands on that would be able to reveal the fae amongst her human friends. In fact, it didn't look like it was made of iron at all any more. The bronze had darkened over the years to a dark, rich brown that gleamed dully in the light. It had been carefully polished over the years, and the thin layers of wax had prevented the spike from acquiring any of that awful green patina that many bronzes eventually did. But this object was the one thing that could give her her writing back if Mamó was right.

She twirled the spike idly in her hands as she thought about her current dilemma and what she had to do in order to resolve things. First, she needed to make a list of all the friends she'd come into contact with regularly over the past six weeks. Devon thought it would be best to write down her newest friends, and then work her way back to her oldest friends. The Leanan Sidhe had probably only been in her life for a little while longer than she'd been afflicted with writer's block. Devon was estimating that the fae had known her for a week or two in order to get an estimation of Devon's talent and what ever sort of other things fae do while stalking their chosen prey.

So Devon made a list on a clean piece of paper she'd snagged from the printer tray. She put those she'd befriended most recently at the top of the list and worked her way down to her oldest friend in the world, just in case the fae were more patient than she'd originally thought and they stalked their prey for years before going in for the steal. That done, she next gave some thought to how she was going to get these people somewhere near her office to touch the spike and then how she was going to trick them into admitting they'd stolen her creativity. It might take some time, because she'd need to arrange for all of them to come separately. She'd look crazy if she tried to get one of her friends to admit that they were really a faery while other people were around.

Devon gazed at the list, glad for once that her list of friends wasn't very long. She only had seven people on her list of friends. Devon had always been a firm believer in quality over quantity, but if one of her friends was really an evil fae, she'd obviously have to rethink her position. Quality over quantity was a fine theory, but only if you had the ability to definitively judge quality, something Devon was beginning to doubt she could do.

Tapping her pen on the paper, she contemplated the first name on the list: Alexandros Dounias. Alex was a struggling graduate student at NYU's Film School. His parents, who were suspicious of their son's chosen career, were Greek immigrants. Devon had met Alex a little less than two months ago, when the coffee shop she had habitually frequented closed and she'd been obliged to find another place to fulfill her people-watching and coffee habits. After trying several places nearby, she had settled on Agathos Kafes, a small coffee house with a distinctly Mediterranean feel to it. The ambiance was slightly exotic, the music was pleasing, the windows to the street outside were large, the baklava was delicious, and the coffee was strong, even if Devon wished the cups it came in were bigger.

It was there that Devon met Alex. His parents owned the small store and he frequently worked there to help both his parents and to aid in defraying his expenses a little. As Devon was very fond of the food there, in addition to the people and the caffeine, she saw Alex frequently. During slow periods, he would come over to her table and they would chat a little. Over time, this habit had inexplicably turned into friendship and now they occasionally saw each other outside of his workplace.

Devon checked her watch, then picked up the phone. Alex should be at work now, and she could probably catch him there. Dialing the number, familiar from many nights of ordering carryout, she waited impatiently for someone to answer.

"Agathos Kafes, how may I help you?" asked a heavily accented female voice when the ringing stopped.

"Hi, Mrs. Dounias," Devon greeted, "Is Alex there?"

"Nai, I get him. Hold please," was her reply.

The phone on the other end of the line was set down with a loud and obvious thunk, and Devon was left to listen to the background noise as she hastily tried to concoct a script for her incipient conversation with Alex; something she realized she didn't have only about two seconds after being put on hold by Mrs. Dounias. She quietly panicked and her mind raced frantically in circles until her mind was brought crashing to a halt by a smooth voice saying, "Hello?"

"Um... hi, Alex? It's Devon." Devon was never the best phone conversationalist. "I was wondering if you wanted to catch a movie tonight. There's a new indie film playing that I wanted to see and thought you might like." This was true. Devon had taken to providing herself with distractions lately, in hopes that some external adventure would rekindle the internal spark she needed to write. It hadn't worked so far, but that hadn't stopped Devon from trying. She'd noted the opening in the paper yesterday, and really had intended on asking Alex about the film, but she hadn't intended on going and seeing it so soon. However, it was as good an excuse as any to explain why she was calling. The planned outing would also allow her to lure him into the house to determine whether or not he was, in fact, a fae masquerading as human.

"Anyway," Devon continued, "I was wondering if you wanted to catch it tonight. They're showing the film at 7:00 and 9:45. I'll even let you pick which time you want to see it. What do you think?"

"Hmm," Alex was silent as he thought a moment, mentally running plans and errands through his mind. "I've got work until seven tonight, so I definitely can't make the first showing. I can do the other one though. What time do you want to meet and where?"

Devon quietly heaved a huge sigh of relief. Setting this up was going so much more smoothly than she had imagined. "Why don't you swing by my place and we'll go to the theater from there," she suggested. "Say, about nine-ish? That should give us more than enough time to get down there before the opening previews."

"Okay," agreed Alex. "Sounds good. Nine it is. Look, I really need to get back to work here; there's a rush starting. See you tonight," he said, hanging up the phone without allowing Devon the opportunity to say so much as a simple goodbye.

Devon set the phone down, happy that her first attempt at subterfuge and fae-hunting had gone so well. Now the only question was: What was she going to do with the hours remaining between now and nine p.m.?

Devon glanced at the clock and frowned. She had a lot of time to get very nervous in, if she didn't keep herself occupied. Even taking into account the fact that she needed to shower, eat, and dress up a little before Alex arrived, she still had way too much time on her hands.

After chewing on her lip as she stared into space for a moment, Devon decided she needed to be more proactive about the whole thing. It would be best if she could set up at least one more meeting with one of the friends on her list. She didn't want to be too cautious about the whole thing; Mamó had said that the fae might be moving on soon, and if the fae did that, then her talent would be forever gone. She certainly didn't want that to happen!

So she turned to the next name on her list: Holly O'Conall. Devon had known Holly for three... no, nearly four months now. Holly was a willowy brunette whom she had met at the library while doing research. It had come as a considerable surprised to Devon when, a few days later, she had met Holly again, this time at a formal party given by her publisher. Holly was the newest proofreader on the staff. To the best of Devon's knowledge, Holly hadn't done any proofing of her novels, but she still had to be put on the list. Holly had even frequented Devon's previous coffee shop for a while, keeping her company on her days off. She hadn't liked the atmosphere of Agathos Kafes, so she hadn't joined her for coffee recently. They still got together for lunch every so often, however. It was this habit of their friendship which would provide Devon with the excuse she needed to get Holly in her house for a minute.

Devon picked up the phone for the third time that day with a sigh. She wasn't very good at dissembling under normal circumstances, and trying to carry on a normal conversation before she achieved her goal of securing a lunch date the next day was extremely taxing on her nerves. She persevered, however, and after 18 minutes of excruciatingly mundane conversation, she had her desired appointment. Devon had made the casual excuse of not knowing what she'd feel like eating tomorrow to Holly, and suggested she simply drop by around 11:30. They could then decide what type of cuisine they had a craving for. Devon felt that it was very lucky that Holly hadn't questioned her motives too much. She had been deathly afraid that something in her voice or the way she asked the question would give away the whole thing. But Holly hadn't seemed to notice anything unusual, something Devon was extremely thankful for.

After two such stressful conversations, Devon desperately needed to relax. So she did what she normally did when she wanted to unwind - she took a bath. The hot water and jasmine-scented bubble bath were just what she needed. As an added bonus, she did some of her best thinking while soaking in the tub. While she was there, she thought of a way to trick the fae into admitting that they had stolen her talent. It was a kind of rough idea at the moment, but it should suffice if Alex proved to be the fae. If it turned out that Alex wasn't the fae she was looking for, then Devon would have that much longer to refine and improve upon her plan for tricking the talent-stealing fae.

More than an hour later, Devon emerged from the bathroom, relaxed and refreshed. She felt a thousand times better and had a much firmer grasp on how she wanted to handle the confrontation she was sure was fairly imminent. Devon had never been terribly good at confrontation, but for these particular stakes, she was going to give it her best shot. The ability to write was the most important talent Devon had; it allowed her the opportunity to connect with and touch people in ways she had never dreamed possible before being published. The (hopefully temporary) loss of her writing skills had nagged at Devon like an open wound that was painfully raked open and laid bare to the elements on a regular basis. Devon knew that, should her block become permanent, she would forever mourn her loss. It would be worse than losing Mamó, worse than losing a child, worse than losing a limb. It would be like losing a part of her soul, and Devon didn't want to contemplate how she could live her life without it.

Devon traversed the hall from bath to bedroom to find some clothes. Since she was already clean, she decided that she might as well get dressed for the evening while she was at it and save some time later. She dressed simply, casually, and warmly for the chilly December weather in a pair of black slacks and a blue-gray sweater she was particularly fond of. It was nice without being too dressy, which was exactly the look she wanted.

Seeing that she still had plenty of time, Devon carefully pulled out and organized the papers she'd need if/when Alex, or someone else on the list, proved to be the leanan sidhe. After she had arranged things to her satisfaction, she played games on the internet awhile, knowing that writing was a lost cause for the time being.

Then, after looking at the time display in the right-hand corner of the computer for perhaps the fiftieth time that afternoon, she moved to the kitchen for a leisurely, but simple, meal. It needed to be done slowly in order to keep her nerves calm, and it needed to be simple because she was afraid her anxiety would make it impossible to eat very much safely.

By the time she had finished her meal and the dishes, it was a little after 8:30. She only had another half hour to wait. Finally, Devon thought with a sense of relief, it's almost time.

Lacking anything else important or soothing to do, Devon turned back to the games on her computer for solace. The door to her house opened into the living room where the computer was anyway, so she'd be sure to hear when Alex came to the door. She occupied herself playing a variation of solitaire that was so simple it was almost impossible to lose. It provided mindless entertainment that didn't further frustrate or agitate her already strained nerves by being impossible to win.

The game was so mindless, in fact, that she was actually startled when nine o'clock arrived and the chiming of the doorbell resounded throughout the small abode. The noise caused her to jump in her chair, and then made her jump out of her chair in her rush to open the door. She didn't want to keep Alex waiting any longer than necessary. Even so, she paused, with her hand on the doorknob, to take a deep breath and calm herself. This might very well be the most important night of her life and she didn't want to ruin it.

Outwardly calm, she unlocked the deadbolt and opened the door. She smiled at the sight of Alex, who normally managed to brighten her day, but it was a forced smile because she knew that was what he expected to see from her. She was too concerned about the possibility of their whole friendship being based upon such a deceitful and treacherous foundation as her relationship apparently was with the fae. So she smiled rather wanly, tried to appear cheerful, and unleashed a torrent of words to cover it all. "Hi Alex! Come on in. I'm just about ready to go, I think. I just need to grab a few things and then we can leave. Go ahead, sit down! This shouldn't take too long, but there's no reason why you can't be comfortable while you wait. Just take the chair in front of the computer, it's probably the most comfortable one in the house.

"How was work?" Devon's voice floated back to Alex as she moved further into the house to find an appropriate pair of shoes and gather the items she needed to leave the house.

"It was good," Alex's slightly raised voice replied. "No nasty, unpleasant, or upset customers, which was a nice surprise. But the tips weren't that great, so it could have been better." Alex racked his brains a bit, searching for something else to say, but came up empty. He'd always been a fairly quiet person, and lousy at talking to girls. Just because he was now friends with a few didn't make it any easier, unfortunately. So he fell silent and looked around for something to keep occupied with as he waited.

Devon considered dawdling a bit in her search for shoes, but nixed the idea almost as soon as she thought of it. It wouldn't really help at all to draw this out any longer than necessary. She'd only get more nervous the longer she spent in suspense. With the intention of finally having her question answered definitively for at least one of her friends in mind, Devon hurriedly searched through the shoes in her closet, looking for the pair of black ankle boots she knew she wanted to wear.

When she'd found them, she put them on and moved back down the hall. The hall closet contained the winter coat she needed, and her purse hung from that closet's doorknob. She checked to make sure that her keys were in her purse, then headed back to the living room and Alex. He'd been awfully quiet since responding to her question, and Devon felt a brief tinge of worry.

Devon came to an abrupt halt and gasped in surprise upon her first sight of what Alex was doing in the living room. He was picking up the spike! Devon couldn't believe it. She hadn't even mentioned it yet, and he was already answering her question for her, without any conniving or subterfuge on her part. She wasn't sure if she felt relieved or disappointed that this was happening so easily for her. Ultimately, it didn't matter and she held her breath as she waited to see if Alex would have an adverse reaction to her family's heirloom.

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Werewolf women of the ss part 4

As Diana was leaving the head doctors office she turned and was going to ask why those side affects were so pronounced but the head doctor cut her off and said 'all in good time now go lunch is about ready' she said with a smirk and closed her door. Diana was puzzled and walked to the cafeteria where the others were standing in line and Diana could smell something delicious as she looked ahed she could see steak like meat on everyones trays but it was still bloody and veggies, she wondered what...

1 year ago
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CorruptionChapter 5 Memories

Caleb was aware. He just didn't know where he was. He couldn't feel his body either, but he was aware. "How did you get here?" Al asked in surprise, appearing in front of Caleb as a wraith-like reflection of himself. "I don't know," Caleb answered. "I was talking to Kim, and suddenly my head hurt, and then I was here. You tell me! You're supposed to be the brains behind this partnership. Why do you look like me?" Al's attention shifted, and Caleb could see that he was studying...

3 years ago
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The Affair 8211 Part II

Hi All! This is Jc, this is the 2nd part of “The Affair”, and new readers read my previous story and then read this, so that you will be able to understand the characters. This is going to be a little dirty with a toilet scene so if you want see shit go away now. So now let’s go into the story as I reached her main door I could see Fatima facing the door and watching TV and she was resting her legs on a teapoy. So that her heels was on the edge of the furniture and her knees were raised above...

2 years ago
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EdChapter 8

On Monday morning Ed went into a computer store and purchased a computer just exactly like the one he had in his basement office. They didn't have the same type of printer but he found one that would be simple to operate. Ed thought he would wait two weeks before seeing Sally again, but decided he didn't have any reason not to go north this weekend. Ed burst out laughing when Bill came into his office on Wednesday and asked Ed what he should wear. "I don't want to be overdressed and I...

1 year ago
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A new Life

A New Life By Stats It makes no sense at all. I had been sitting with Helen in Gino's having dinner and our usual husband wife conversation when it happened. It couldn't have lasted for more than a second or two when my wife says "Jim you look awful pale. Are you O.K., honey?" I excused myself, told her I desperately needed to use the restroom and made a dash in that direction. Luckily, there was no one in there. In a flash I was on the john inside a closed stall staring...

3 years ago
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massaging my sister in law

Introduction: story #1 My wife & myself went over to my wifes sisters. We helped her clean up around the house. At the end of the day we all got cleaned up and had dinner. After dinner Sherry(sisterinlaw) was having back pain, she poured us all a glass of wine to unwind and she asked me If I would mind giving her a massage, I asked my wife if she mined (since my occupation is a massage therapist) Kerry said she didnt mind so I started massaging her, my wife Kerry was sitting on the couch...

3 years ago
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Interstate 95

I was feeling it pretty heavy and saw a sign for a huge sex shop and my balls told my mouth to speak up cause we need to see something sexy now! "You wanna stop at that store?" I said pointing at the billboard. "Sure." my girl said. She was not the best at the sexy talk or the buildup. Now don't get me wrong, she is the best I have ever had, but she just doesn't know how to talk about it. She will go from doing something boring on the laptop to me asking if she wanted sex, and just...

3 years ago
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How my family joined as one Part 10

My eye open and I realize I am in bed as I come out of my sleepy fog. I prop my self up on my arms and look around the room trying to get a hold of reality. When I fully come to I throw my house shoes on and head to the kitchen for breakfast. There I am met by my lovely wife and daughter. My wife’s name is Kim she is 36 with amazing red hair and blue eyes. She’s a slim women but an amazing ass and chest. My daughter she’s something else her name is Tara and she is 18. She has her mother...

4 years ago
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Irenes photoshoot

It all started with a mail: “Hi Irene, I’ve seen your pictures on Flickr and I love them. I know you have been out only once but I also know that you are craving to do it again. So here’s the deal: I offer you a private photo shoot, I’ll dictate the poses and the outfit and I’ll pay you 1000 Euro’s for it.” Oh my god, she had been waiting for an excuse to go outside in Irene-mode again and this sounded like an offer not to be refused. She felt her hands were shaking while she responded, “Mmmm,...

1 year ago
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Just Passing ThroughChapter 5

Back in his room, Errol was mentally kicking his own butt. He'd overreacted. Sure, there might be some small chance a cop or somebody else from that Ohio city might recognize him from a newspaper photo, but it was highly unlikely. He could hardly imagine a copy of the Register traveling that far. He knew now that his reaction to the photo op would create some concern in Jennie's mind, making her wonder why he was so averse to having his picture taken. But what's done is done. If she...

2 years ago
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My Holi In Mumbai With Sister

Hi, myself Ramya. It was a real incident happened in my life. I was 18 at that time with a size of 32 28 32. My sister Archana was married to my brother in law and both got settled in Mumbai. She gave birth to a kid and at the time he was just 4 months old. She is 36 32 38. Full of milk in her both breasts. Tight soft and rubber container she has. Mom asked to go to visit sister house as she is little suffering with the kid. So they booked flight tickets and I reached Mumbai safely. It was Holi...

1 year ago
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Cw I Take My Chances

Ralph — I pulled away slowly from the shadows where I'd been parked. I was sad beyond human endurance. My breath caught in my throat. I was wishing I was dead. First my wife had turned into a slut, now she had succeeded in turning my fiancée into a whore. The radio was playing the refrain of a Mary Chapin Carpenter song, I Take My Chances. Now I can cry until I laugh and laugh until I cry So cut the deck right in half, I'll play from either side I take my chances, I pay my dollar and I...

2 years ago
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My buddy banged my wife while i watched on helplessly

Dave now wanted Sarah badly. He Dave and I had been best friends since our days back in college. We had what I call a very competitive friendship. We were extremely competitive on everything we did from playing sports to getting girls. The big problem was that Dave would just about beat me in almost everything. He had a physical presence that I couldn’t match. This helps him greatly with playing sports and with the girls. I just could never equal him in anything. It had been a few years after...

4 years ago
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New Relations Part One

"Hey I'm home" shouted my mother on returning from work as I heard the door downstairs close. Quickly I stopped masturbating, got off my laptop and went to greet her.Let me describe her: 5'5 (170cm), 110 pounds (50kg), natural tone skin and is a brunette with shoulder length hair.As I went down the stairs,I played with my boner until it was barely visible and proceeded to go to hug her as usual.It was like sort of a custom since I was young and after the death of my father a few years ago,...

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“So one day, I and my wife were busy fucking …” It wasn’t strictly true, we weren’t quite actually fucking, but we were teasing each other, and I jokingly asked her if she ever fantasized about having two cocks to play with at the same time. She grinned and said, “Well, duh! Who doesn’t?” Well, I don’t, for one, but the thought of my sweet Jennifer sinking her pussy onto a new cock … I found myself curiously turned on. Jennifer was too, as I discovered once I pushed her down on the bed...

4 years ago
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Taking Annas Virginity

Winter mornings here in Houston had been excellent running weather: light breeze, mid to low 50’s, low humidity. Other than feeling exceptionally horny that morning, that particular morning in mid January was no different. At least the early part of the morning wasn’t. It was uneventful, I had finished my run and gone into my home gym to work on some weights and stretching. It felt good to loosen up the old body. After a pretty intense workout, I stood in front of the mirror. A lingering look...

2 years ago
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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9Chapter 4 Dispersed

“No I don’t, but I gave everyone shore leave including Cateria.” While I said I had a strange feeling about that and tapped my PDD.”SHIP, do you know where Ensign Jolaj might have gone?” “Yes, Captain. She was summoned, along with Dusty to the Personnel office of this base.” I got up, tugged at my sleeves and said to Har-Hi.”I don’t like this. Why would they be summoned while neither Cateria nor I were informed.?” Har-Hi got up as well.”Let us go to that Personnel office then and find...

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Genderwave The Uninformed

I am writing an open universe story for the Genderwave series. I hope I make a good contribution. This story is meant to show what having a lack of information during the event could cause, as well as try to show the cultural problems it would cause in the conservative United States South-East. The question was raised on how a person would handle the situation with the global network of information. I ask the question of how a person who normally would have this information would handle...

4 years ago
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A trip to a party

John would have preferred another quiet night in with his Aunt Stella, but he was content to go with her to Gamma’s party. Gamma was the daughter of his aunt's friends, and he had met them a few years earlier on a visit with his parents to his Aunt Stella and Uncle Tony (his aunt and uncle had since divorced). He had got on quite well with her, and he felt it would be nice to see her again. Besides, there would still be opportunity for more sex with his forty-seven year-old aunt when they got...

3 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 20 Lingerie Shopping

"Come with me," Penny said, as she led us down a side street, entering through another entrance, to a set of elevators next to the loading docks. "What's going on?" I thought as we quickly walked. "The press are all over the lobby and that gossip columnist is in Catherine's office. She sent me to head you off," she thought back. "The press? Why?" Adriana asked. "Michael's sort of hot news right now. Especially after the party Saturday night!" Penny supplied. "Later," I...

2 years ago
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PterisChapter 5 Sealing The Deal

Upon her declaration of pregnancy, Moira began feeling discomfort, but she stomped her foot and declared loudly, “Knock it off already! You’ll hurt the baby, and I’ve already told you that I’m not going back to Cassandra until after the baby is born. Abuse it, and you lose it!” The queasy feeling departed as quickly as it had started. She looked at her three lovers, and seeing them beginning to wilt, she continued forcefully, “And you bullies leave my Loves alone. They are going as soon as...

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Normal Times

There is still one thing that gets me. It is always hard to see my wife depart to do vanilla stuff with her guys. Even worse when it is a holiday deal. Or some special occasion. Friend’s Wedding: First part of last month The Woman Who Married me and HER Real Man went to a wedding. It was HIS friend’s wedding in Jamaica. There had to be a big cover story and the fact that SHE was taking a ten days trip made it interesting. It was an all-inclusive with the wedding for the first Friday afternoon,...

1 year ago
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An American War HeroChapter 12

David checked his watch. 05:00. He yawned and pulled his greatcoat around him more tightly. It was windy out here on the street in front of Victoria Station. With no bombing raids through the night, people were now negotiating their way through the debris strewn streets of London. The wind brought with it a hint of rain and David stepped back closer to the wall. 05:07 — Still no sign of Julia. As he glanced around, he noticed a small crowd gathering near the taxi stand. Not that there were...

2 years ago
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Used like a Submissive Slut Gay

You've heard the line before: "I'm married to a beautiful woman and am mostly straight, but every once in a while I'm overcome by that craving and I simply must suck cock." That's pretty much been the story of my life ever since I discovered my first glory hole at an ABS, when I was 18. It wasn't until recently though, maybe in the last year, that my cravings started to change. For the past few months I've become increasingly obsessed with the idea of being a slut. The more I thought about it,...

1 year ago
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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XXVI

Chapter XXVI – Finally, Alone (based on Secrets of Love and Marriage No. 8, Charlton, June 1958)What’s the best moment in the wedding day for you? I know there can be multiple answers and every moment is important, but one moment is the key for a perfect relationship: when you and your wife are finally alone, nobody to complain, to talk or anything to disrupt your night. Just you, her and all the climate for you to consumate the relationship.Truth be told, me and Kimberley had a string of...

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Lisa Plays at the Team Party

Lisa Gager pulled her car into the field next to the Washington house where she saw all the other cars parked. Just what I need, she thought, chaperone a party for the senior members of the high school football team. Even though they graduated, this was the first chance Coach Allen had to throw the party for them. She climbed out of the car and straightened her sexy white dress. It was backless down to her waist with a zipper starting there and ending below her butt at the back of her thighs....

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Pegged by Helena

Friday evening I came back home from my office, finding my sweet Ana waiting for me with an early dinner.“Tonight I have a date, but you are not allowed to stay at home…” Anita told me as we were having a coffee after the meal.I asked her who would be the lucky one this time; but my sexy wife looked at me serious and told me it was not my business…So, before ten o`clock I grabbed my laptop and kissed goodbye Ana, telling her I would be at my office again until she would call me to come back.I...

3 years ago
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Muscle encounters 9 Debra D Andrea

Muscle encounter 8 - Debra D AndreaBy lilguy [email protected] house sits for a strong womanInspired byhttp://www.debradandrea.com/Dynamite.htmBilly was a young black man who recently called in classified ads for someonelooking to housesit. The woman that he was housing sitting was Debra D Andrea.She was a sexy bodybuilder with black hair who weight 160 pounds. All it waspure muscle and breast. Her six packs were hard and you could pack a coin offit. Her legs were strong as an Ox, and...

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Fantasy for you

I then take the phone line, and unhook it, using it to tie both of your hands up, to the bed.. Leaving your feet unhooked, as long as your arms are tied up..ur stayin there... I take off my shirt, and then my bra, and climb on top of, sitting on your, thighs.. my pussy, by your dick, close to where i can feel it getting hard..but i still have clothes on.. I lean down, and give you a long passionate kiss, as i pull away, i bite your bottom lip, kissing your chin, then neck, collarbone, your...

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Die Hoffnung ist eine Fata Morgana German

Wir fuhren gen Norden. Wie ?blich zu dieser herbstlichen Jahreszeit Ende September am Nachmittag, die Sonne ging bereits unter, war es ungem?tlich und windig. Seit zwei Stunden, wir passierten gerade die D?nische Grenze bei Flensburg, sa?en wir nun schon im Auto und seit knapp einer halben Stunde ohne Unterhaltung. Davor tauschten wir Oberfl?chlichkeiten und Belangloses aus. Nur ich kannte das Ziel der Reise und den Zweck. Es war f?r uns beide eine Reise ins Ungewisse.Geplant war ein langes Woch...

3 years ago
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Ill Follow the Sun

Jim Fox marveled at how quickly situations could change. That very morning, he felt pretty miserable when he woke up. He had suffered through a troubled sleep the previous evening as he considered the best way to tell his daughter, Emily, that he had seen her boyfriend with one of her so-called girlfriends at the mall the previous afternoon. That alone wouldn't have been a problem, but the two had been seriously making out near the entrance of the mall. Jim was quite sure that he knew his...

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Full Metal ProphylacticChapter 16

I woke up the next day, not much the worse for wear ... but weary, in every bone, muscle, fiber and wing part. We, all of us, were camped together in what looked like to be the gardens of the old island castle. Although everything here was mostly dead and given away to ruin, they were restful. Even the strewn rocks had sort of a Japanese Zen garden sort of gentle appeal. Somewhat relieved, I took a short follow-on nap for another few hours until I was gently awakened for dinner. It was...

2 years ago
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Tales From a Far CountryChapter 6 Newspeak

BRINKMANSHIP Neena Alexandrovna to Svetlana Nikitechna Electronic AudioMemo: Re: Vyera: Language Tuition, Stage 1 I began Vyera's language tuition today. First, I plan to teach her to read Cyrillic characters and to give her a range of commands and responses in Russian which are suitable for a slave. This will confine her within a linguistic prison and maintain her in the role we intend for her. Her prison can be 'extended' by adding new vocabulary as her training progresses and she is...

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The Bus Ride In

For Laura, sex began before she even got to the office. It began on thebus ride in.Every day I saw those deep hazel eyes turn their gaze on me. Eyes thatseemed to see beneath the layers of clothing that I wore down to my lacethong and my size DD demi-cup bra.Last Friday, my gaze snapped away from those beautiful eyes as the bustook off and I found myself grabbing on to the bar above me to keep fromfalling. Just three weeks ago my company started an incentive programwhich paid for half of our...

1 year ago
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The House A Slave Training and Auction Chapter 1 22

A Slave Training and Auction Welcome to The House most of you have been brought here to be trained and sold as pleasure slaves. For some of you it will be painful others it will be pleasurable. I am your Mistress you will not speak unless you are asked to and you will answer with yes Mistress or No Mistress. My team and I will train you to enjoy, want, and even crave the things that will be done to you. Chapter One New Arrivals: Molly- White 17 Blonde hair blue eyes breast 36 D no longer...

2 years ago
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Spied And Seduced My Aunt

Hey, guys, this is Akash ( name changed). This is a story how I spied on my aunt and how I seduced and fucked her. I live in Bangalore and I have a cousin named Koushik. We live in different houses but he’s my cousin uncles son and his parents (my aunt and uncle) had got divorced when he was 10. One day I was going to the college. I was about to ride away he called me from his house and asked me to wait. He came running and said that he needed to exchange bikes for a day. I said I’m ok with it...

1 year ago
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Threesome anal with my girlfriend and neighbor

Janice, my girlfriend was arriving today and I had made some preparations. I missed her a lot while she was away on a work trip for 10 months. I was also missing the sex, quite obviously and often found myself thinking of our neighbor. I also had a craze for threesome anal and soon it was going to happen. Brad was a lean and fit gym instructor, whom I often ogled at discreetly. And today, he was standing at my door, asking to wait as the handyman repaired his leaking roof. I don’t remember how...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Francesca Le Braylin Bailey Next Gen 3Way Girl

Cute, blonde Braylin Bailey looks adorable in slinky lingerie, teasing and stripping to kick off a hot scene. The young doll bends over to show off her sweet booty; she flaunts perky breasts and blows a kiss to the camera. Braylin introduces herself to co-director and kinky MILF Francesca Le, eagerly awaiting a hard cunt fuck from Francesca’s husband, pornographer Mark Wood. The cheeky girl poses and spreads her tight sphincter, and then Mark’s big cock enters view. Braylin gives a...

3 years ago
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Holley Learns to Finish

Before she became a habitué of Mayhem Crossing, Holley was an innocent eighteen-year-old high school drop out. She was sheltered as a child. Home schooled by her mother. Until she left home, she never talked to boys. Never knew much about them. Now having been on her own for several months, she had become curious about this stuff called sex. It seemed to be the thing to do but Holley was scared.All the girls at Wal-Mart where she worked seemed to talk about boys and sex all the time. She was...

Oral Sex
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Highacre Dragon Breeders 3 Impregnation

A month had passed since Mimi had first joined the Highacre dragon stables and she had completed her basic lessons and training. She was now a junior stable hand under the direction of Arryn, one of the senior stable hands. Mimi spent her evenings with Viktoria discussing the need for the breeding program they ran and began her more advanced lessons in dragonology and stable management. Viktoria had told her she wanted to train her to be her replacement when she retired. Mimi was both...

2 years ago
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Pansexual Prophecy

Pansexual Prophecy What Sexual Equality May Augur for the Future By Cal Y. Pygia Because women are physically weaker than men, they are subject to men; to gain a measure of equality, they must act through men; to act through men, they must control men. They control men through men's desire for sex. Sex is a means of controlling another (or others), especially for those who otherwise lack strength or power. For men, sex is often an end unto itself, whereas, for women, sex...

4 years ago
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Skylar at the Beach

When I happened to go over to the beach, I decided to take my yellow lab with me, and was I ever glad I did. Any way, as I walked through the dune access, there happened to a family set up just off the beach entrance, and as I walked past the family, an older lady stepped out of the “Easy up” sun shade and remarked, “She looks like a good dog.” I simply acknowledged her by smiling and saying thanks as I moved down past where they were to set up. After quickly setting up my umbrella, a beach...

2 years ago
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Carrol and Lynn episode 14

The morning after Lyn and Carol were both feeling the pain of a hard night of drinking...and fucking. And what a fucking it was! Without Lyn's knowledge, Carol had been out on the balcony getting head from Dot. It dawned on Lyn that the party was turning into an orgy and wanted very much to leave probably not because she didn't want to get laid that night but becuse of her recent escapade with her coworkers she might actually enjoy herself. Although she was not ready to admit it the thought...

Wife Lovers
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Captured In Love Ch 01

A/N. So normally I would do more research while writing a story but since this is online and I’m not writing it as a midterm (smiles), I’ve been more lax. I apologize in advance if something is way off base or inaccurate. The prologue is a backdrop with not much dialogue. It picks up though. I promise. ***** Light Heart ‘Yes mother,’ Light Heart repeated again for what felt like the fifth time just that morning to her mothers interrogation before her usual walk into town. She knew her...

4 years ago
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Now she and I alike were both fully naked, she standing up me laying back on the bed as she came and sat down first then lay back along with me and propped herself up on her right arm on her chin and cheek, leaned over me looking again right into my own face and eyes. Just laying there like that looking me directly in the eyes she said; “Jackie how do you feel?” I replied to her I felt so utterly fantastic. Good that’s super good Jackie she replied to me. Then she said; “Jackie are you...

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Wife at Convention 3 Cuckhold Fantasy

I awoke on Sunday morning. Anxious. Should I be mad, worried? I had just watched my wife fuck a group of men. I didn’t know if I should feel hurt… or if my erection should guide my thoughts.Judy was due home after the convention by dinner time. Nervously, I waited all day.Around 6pm I heard her return home. I was thrilled! My beautiful size 2 redhead wife took me in her arms when she came in. “I missed you so!” she exclaimed, pressing he body into mine.We kissed and broke apart. Should I...

2 years ago
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Business Trip

01. House of Pleasure: The House of Pleasure is one of the many brothels in Bangkok and has a nightly entertainment performance for its private investors. Unsuspecting business men are abducted and brought to the House of Pleasure's theater located in its lower level. The House gets its information about travelers from their contacts inside selected hotels and with the help of paid taxi drivers, they are brought to the theater. Allen, a single, twenty seven year old program manager, is in...

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